#Specialty light bulbs
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Lighting plays a very important role in advancing the atmosphere of any space, and specialty lighting take it to the next stage. From fascinating chandeliers to energetic LED installations, specialty lighting has the energy to renovate normal spaces into astonishing ones.  The specialty lighting market is experiencing growth and is projected to reach USD 8,746.1 million by 2030. What Is…
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jbk405 · 2 years
Let there be LIGHT!
I replaced the lightbulb in my living room lamp!
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Summary: Spencer is a criminology professor, and Reader is a French professor. Separate focuses managed to get tangled together once, which makes Reader even more suspicious when he stops by her office on Valentine’s Day.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Light flangst
Content warnings: Slap
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: a little last-minute Valentine scenario
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The bulb in your desk lamp flickered, as if it was begging for you to call it a night. You've been working late nights at the office recently, not only to help your students before midterms but also to keep your mind at bay from the lingering anguish.
There’s nothing wrong with being alone on Valentine’s Day. It’s been the case for you for years now. Solitude has been your most consistent and prosperous state. It’s how you earned your place as tenure after just five years at Marbury University (Go Cardinals). A job for life. Many people aren’t lucky to have that like you are. So you can’t stop now and get comfortable. Your students love you, and over the years have advocated this position for you. Stopping now would be nothing but a disservice to them.
If only you hadn’t been so stupid your fourth year here (and the first half of your fifth), then the feelings you get when in Jefferson Hall might be less painful. You were stupid enough to believe that the number one workplace rule didn’t apply to you.
Don’t fuck your coworkers.
Perhaps you thought your achievements from back to back earned you a place of immunity in that pool. Well, Dr. Spencer Reid was happy to prove you wrong there. Things like that can always risk being casual, unrequited, awkward. And you were stupid enough to go back more than once, and sully the place and position you rightfully earned.
Spencer first noticed you speaking to some of your students outside the hall. When approaching, he spoke in French, assuming you were a foreign exchange student. But when you turned to face him, he saw your staff badge, and put the pieces together quickly. It’s not too far off of an assumption, as most people think you’re French when they see how easily the language and history flows from you. You applauded his French (both pronunciation and accent) regardless.
That meeting turned into a coffee date. Coffee turned to grabbing lunch, then grading papers together, moral support to keep one another going. That quickly trickled into a friendship as you learned about Spencer’s specialties, multiple degrees, and current employment at the BAU in Quantico. You’ve both been to France for pleasure and to study. One was coincidentally in the same year as each other, where you both visited the city of Orléans. The rich architecture and vast history as far back as the Merovingian era made you both agree you prefer it over Paris any day.
Those days were during your fourth year. And it was just over a year of friendship where you made the mistake of agreeing to a drink after work.
The bulb flickers, as if to mock those memories or distract you from going too deep. Does it really matter? Spencer made it clear it was a mistake. None of it was meant to happen — the kiss, the confession, the sex. And with your shared brilliance mixed with two vodka sodas, you both unraveled what used to be a genuine friendship, a trusting relationship among coworkers. You cut your desk lamp off with a click, muttering to yourself as you collect your bag and some books. It’s a good enough sign to call it a night and head home. At the very least, you could spoil yourself with a nice bath and some wine. You question if you should grab a bottle on the way home or use what you’ve got stashed.
Your keys rattle in the door as you lock up your office, and you jerk on the doorknob for the sake of double checking. Spencer told you most break-ins occur because people fail to check the locks in their homes or cars before leaving. You don’t know how many of your students or fellow professors in the Language Department would be eager to bust into your office, unless they need some spicy ancient French poetry or books on Rococo architecture. No issues of the sort have arisen yet.
That is until you spot him at the end of the hall, drenched in fluorescent lighting and paused as if you caught him in the act. Of what, you didn’t know. It’s not like Spencer was short on French books or books in French. You hesitated to speak, questioning if it was even worth speaking a word to him. Regardless of the fact that you have to go his direction to get to your car.
Of course you caved. “Spencer.” You tried to not make your gulp so audible.
He just stood there awkwardly, like this wasn’t as much his fault as it was yours. Like you were in his way.
You scoff. Seeing him there, just feet away, it’s a cruel feeling blooming in your chest. The idea that maybe it isn’t too late. Maybe he’s here to confess what he really feels. On Valentine’s Day, no less. A bit of a cliché, but you’re not in a position to be too picky about how you might make up. If that’s even what’s happening.
With reluctance, you walk toward him. “I’m heading home for the night,” you say. “Are you parked out front too?” It pains to ask as if this is all casual. It feels like your heart’s about to burst or crush because he’s not saying a word as you approach him. Not until you actually approach him.
“Hi,” he meekly says. He looks pale. He looks sick with worry. If you were more concerned, you would feel inclined to ask about it.
You try to avoid sighing too loudly. You need the air. Since the bar (and everything after that), you two haven't been this close. “Do you want to walk out to the parking lot?”
Spencer shakes his head. “I, uh, I got you something.” He digs around in his satchel and pulls out a frame delicately. Like it was an old piece of art. Spencer hands it to you.
It’s not an old piece of art. It’s an old piece of poetry. Two of them in a single frame.
“They’re not the originals. But I have a friend in Germany who knows a guy in France who could exchange some pretty old copies.”
You stared at the pieces. Gawked is likely the more accurate word. They were definitely old copies. It was all handwritten and translated to Middle English.
You looked up at Spencer. “Charles d’Orléans?”
Spencer nodded, lips pressed together in a boyish, nervous smile.
You were so stunned by the decoration of the parchment, the distinct age of the pieces (well before the revolution), you almost forgot to ask, “Why are you giving this to me?”
“Had some spares around the apartment. Figured you’d appreciate them more than me.” He chuckled.
You turned your head and narrowed your eyes.
And you saw Spencer’s audible gulp. Much more audible than yours earlier (yes!). “Read it.”
You scan over the parchment, translating in your head:
Let men and women on Love’s party
Choose their St. Valentine this year!
I remain alone, comfort stole from me
On the hard bed of painful thought.
As he is well this day has caught
A Valentine that loves him, as I guess,
Whereas this comfort me here alone
Upon my bed so hard of painful thought.
You looked back up at Spencer, hoping this time he’ll put some more context behind the words instead of leaving you to fill in the blanks (again). You waited.
“I’m sorry about what I said. Or I guess… the way I said it. Maybe both. Both is probably the safer option to go with. The point is that I’m genuinely sorry. I didn’t mean what I said.”
You didn’t know what to do with the poems. It is instinct to keep them close to your chest like a book, but (like with you and Spencer) you’re afraid of ruining them. Somehow cracking it or damaging them. Firmly held in your hands, you are hyper-aware of its value. You also try not to let your emotions take a grip for the sake of your pieces. “You said it was a mistake.”
“It was a mistake that we went that far in one night. That’s… not who I am.”
You quirked a brow.
“That’s not who I usually am. I went too far in every way, and I’m sorry.”
You clamped your lips closed, looking around like students were present, ready to eavesdrop and gossip later. If your favorites were here, they would beg you to dish it all out over lunch. But no one was here. It was just you and Spencer (and Charles, kind of). “But what if my feelings were genuine?”
“I-I assumed they were. And I hurt them, and I’m sorry. I understand if I blew it and you may want to forget those feelings now, which is completely understandable. I destroyed it all in one night. And I can’t hold your hands right now, but I want to, and just say that you’re very important to me. And I miss you being around. And, uh, whatever context that might be, I hope we can be around each other again. A-at some point in the future.”
You sighed. It was heavy but concentrated. You needed a fresh breath of air. Spencer had the look of a sad puppy. It’s the way he looked whenever he was worried. How could you kick a sad puppy when he’s already down?
Well, you didn’t. You slapped him.
And he instantly reached for his cheek, already burning red.
“That’s for hurting me.”
Spencer nodded, not objecting to that part.
You then took that same cheek and pulled him closer, locking his lips with yours. And you both inhale deeply upon recognizing the contact. You’re hesitant about getting closer, given Charles is between you. “That’s me forgiving you.”
Spencer’s eyes crinkled as he held your face, but he didn’t initiate a kiss. The nerves in his fingers show he was hesitant to touch you so suddenly. He wasn’t messing this up again. “Can I walk you to your car?”
This time, it’s you who doesn’t hesitate. You hold the frame in one arm, cradling it like a baby. And you reach for Spencer’s hand as you walk out of Jefferson Hall.
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howhow326 · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug: season 4 Alya sugar fic (based on the Alya exposes Lila's secrets prompt that I made)
Alya pov
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"... Anansi has been rigging her wrestling matches! It's the only reason why she's made it as far as she has." was the only thing Alya needed to hear to send off alarm bells throughout her whole body. Why would Lila say something that wasn't true? Alya tried to correct her friend, thinking it had to be some type of mistake. At first, Lila was surpised her latest gossip target had a sister, but held fast to the truthfulness of her 'sources'. Alya tried to correct her again, and Lila got defensive over her friend 'attacking' her. Alya tried to fact check Lila one last time, then the green eyed monster finnally retaliated. All she had to claim was Alya harassing her and Kim, Nino, and Ms. Bustier swiftly came to her defence.
Within the blink of an eye, Alya landed in detention. Alone in her punishment, but togather with Marinette who had been a recent victim of the lying new girl. As her real friend comforted her, Alya finnaly realized her real mistake... how could Lila be friends with Maribug if she met her the same time as me? Alya finnaly gleaned the truth that Marinette had been warnning her for so long, and despite Marinette's affirmations of her being guiltless, Alya couldn't help but feel that this whole mess was her fault. What kind of journalist am I to be fooled by a school girl...
That's when a Light bulb appeared above her head. Alya is exactly the kind of journalist to solve this mess, and she will if it's the last thing she does. As soon as she got home, Alya began scowering the internet for every and any truth of Lila's claims. As she took more and more notes, she began to learn Lila's real specialty: half truths. All the photos she wowed the class of her meeting with Jagged Stone and traveling the world were real, but the "special connections" she claimed to have were all as fake as her hair. That was the real reason why Lila asked everyone to keep some of the things she said between classmates, it stopped anyone from reaching the truth. As Alya started getting ready for bed, Trixx whispered a devious plan into her ear. Normally, Alya would never agree to using the miraculous to spread a falsehood, but this mirage might be just what she needs to reveal the truth...
The next day at school was much the same; Ms. Bustier was forcing the class to write an eassy analyzing the theme of love in the popular children's book series, Hubert Porter, written by JC Bowling. Because of some of the research Alya did last night, she knew that Bustier and Bowling were the same person. She gussed that it isn't a crime to teach a class based on a book you wrote, but it was starting to get suspicious when Bustier did it three times in a row and ended each class by giving extra credit to the students who donated to the charity of her choice, a conservative group located in Florida of U.S.A.
"... and just the other day, Jagged Stone asked me to come with him on his latest tour! He got so sad when I had to tell him no!" Lila lied. Alya was almost impressed with how good the Italian was at doing it; Jagged went on tour just three days ago, but Alya was sure that he never asked Lila to come with him. Now's the time, Alya thought to herself. She go out of her seat and confronted Lila.
"Do you have any proof that Jagged Stone asked you to come with him on his tour" Alya flatly asked. Marinette got up to reel her back, but Alya gave her a look that said she has everything under control. Of course, Lila pulled her usual: she claimed that Alya was bullying her and that she just wanted to be friends. Kim jumped to her defence, as Lila filled the void that Chloe left when she went on extended vacation with her grandmother. That void being "evil chick that he can make googoo eyes at". Nino, who had started to hang out with Lila more then he was around Alya by the day, also jumped to the Italian's defense. He lectured Alya on all the ways he was "disappointed in her" and the like. Just as Ms. Bustier was about to send Alya to detention, she pulled out her trump card. "Lila's lying, and she admitted to it here!" Alta pulled out a voice recorder and pressed play. "If course I'm lying, and you can't do anything about it!" Lila's voice vindictively said.
And just like that, the class erupted into chaos. Nino got re-akumatized into Rocketear and targeted Lila for "breaking my heart". When it was over, the class all sang their swan songs to Marinette and Alya for believing some new girl over them. Except Nino, who seemed to think he was entitled to his girlfriend's forgiveness. Yeah no, their relationship is on hold and Alya is going to be too busy to come to the phone rifht now, but Nino was welcomed to leave a message. And he did. Like a lot. Alya regretted even making that suggestion. As usual, Ms. Bustier was the last person to get the hint and tried to punish Alya for (???) but this time Marinette came prepared. She discovered their lovesick teacher had fled Britain from a little too many taxes, and that was all that was needed to get her fired. After Alya learned that her choice of charity was a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist organization, she considered it good riddance.
And as for Lila, she quitely disappeared like she usually did with no sign of coming back. Good, Alya thought to herself, no one messes with my friends and gets away with it. To make sure no one forgot, Alya posted her experience onto the Ladyblog, where the truth would be known for years to come.
I challenged myself to use less dialogue in this fic and I hope you enjoy it!
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themidlibrary · 6 months
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𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ❝ alice in borderland ❞
TW: manga and series spoilers, read at your own risk
They wake up in a strange and empty version of what they know, in which they must compete in dangerous games to survive, whose type and difficulty are determined by the card game. After surviving the first game, players receive "visas", which extend the longer they participate; if visas expire, individuals are executed. There are four game types in this world: SPADES are games of physical endurance, strength, and agility. DIAMONDS are games of intelligence, strategy and wits. HEARTS are games of psychology, trust, and betrayal. CLUBS are games that balance all three concepts with an element of teamwork.
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RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS is a diamond game player
— Housewarden of Heartslabyul can be known for his strictness and hot temper, but he is also known for being a dedicated student, games that are won by logic, rationality and strategy would be his specialty, he would know how to handle and solve these games with certainty.
A game he would win would be: FOUR OF DIAMONDS, also called LIGHT BULB, consists of players figuring out which switch turns on the light in a slowly flooding room, it's CLEAR GAME for the players to correctly figure out which switch turns on the light and it's GAME OVER for the players if the water reaches the wires above them or one of the players touches the wires. Riddle would have the strategy of testing the switches, as the lamps are hot when turned on, it would be enough to test the switches and touch the lamp to feel its temperature, if it is hot, it means that the lamp was on and is the answer correct.
A game he would lose would be: SIX OF DIAMONDS consists of an elimination game of BlackJack, all participating players have a rope around their neck and players receive tokens equal to the number of hours left on their visa, when the chip count reaches zero, it's gamer over for the player and the only way a player can get clear play is to be the lone survivor. Riddle has a strong commitment to the rules, regardless of what those rules are, he would follow them into this game without hesitation. The other players could cheat to gain an advantage and therefore get closer to victory, something he would not tolerate and would not do under any circumstances, therefore he would have a disadvantage. By following the rules strictly, he would be at a disadvantage that would lead to him receiving a GAME OVER.
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itsuki-minamy · 1 year
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Anno
"Kirinoichi" is found, as the name suggests, in the night mist. He could dimly see the stalls with straw mats spread out on the floor, a rarity these days, and people milling around them under the bare hanging light bulbs. The voices that came and went swayed, disconcerting the visitors with an ambiguous sense of distance, as near or far.
In such a city, in a plaza that could be the inner part or the edge, the "Kagirohigumi" and the "Fourth Legal Affairs Office" divided into several groups, surrounding a pot placed on a charcoal brazier. Everyone was dipping their chopsticks into the town's self-proclaimed specialty, "Nan-yara-nabe" (short for "What's on it?"), to replenish their mental and physical fatigue with nabe.
Ootono was in one of these relaxation circles.
Or rather, they were mixed.
The attitude of the people surrounding the pot was completely transparent.
"I became the "King" right after the defeat, when I finished taking care of the remaining business of the General Staff Headquarters. When I was having breakfast, I said to Chika-san who was sitting across from me: "As promised. I survived the war. Let's get married."
Not to mention Nazumi, who talks bluntly as if he's giving a sermon.
"What are you talking about, stupid?"
Unno with a face of chewing bitter bugs that were not in the ingredients of the pot.
"So, did you get it!?"
"Yes, because I promised. It was the best condition for us to survive."
Suwako, who lashed out at the conversation, and Chika, who responded calmly.
"If you don't want to fight, you might eat as well."
Okuma, who calmly handed over the bowl, paid no attention to the appearance of Ootono, who was covered in bandages. Only Colt received the bowl as it was given to him, it may because he was so depressed that he couldn't even afford to do like as everybody...
(After seeing such a monster, maybe I'm not a big deal.)
Even he looked down on himself, they were all so natural.
Nazumi continued.
"Yes, that kind of consent..."
"It was always exactly the same "yes"."
Chika's correction followed.
"The moment I got permission, I came into contact with that "Slate"."
Unno vomited in a bad mood.
"So what are you talking about? You want me to call you a lucky bastard?"
He looked at Ootono as if he was asking for his consent.
Nazumi also ignored Unno.
"The good is the good... I think that the "explosion of desire to build a new time" that I sustained caused the "Slate" to react. It is also said that the other "Kings" are the reason for his mental image."
He looked at Ootono as if asking for an answer.
Ootono himself did not react to any of them. Or rather, he didn't know how to react and remained silent. Originally, he had no intention of being this close to them, nor did he intend to have a complicated conversation.
Right after he helped them to escape from that "nothing".
Before he knew it, he was able to use the mysterious mist, guiding the group to where "Kirinoichi" was, which he had established nearby.
He would hide them in that hiding place until he was sure the "nothing" that was crawling around was gone. But he had nothing else to do with it.
With that thought in mind, he sat with his back against the city gate post (it was just a wooden stake left in the vacant lot), playing the accordion with a casual look on his face.
"Oh, Ni-san. Thank you for letting our boys escape."
"You are the "King" of the Gray Sword. Nice to meet you."
Ootono, who did not want to reveal his true identity, was shocked, but his legs did not have the strength to immediately escape. All he could do was remain seated and replied with a confused manner.
"Oh, why do you know?"
"Well, somehow."
"That's because everyone is a "King"."
The group that was supposed to let them pass also stopped around the three of them, so he had no choice but to lead them. It was out of desperation that he decided to spend the time waiting around the hot pot together.
As the townspeople prepared the pot, he received an explanation from Nazumi, and learned that he was apparently the "Grey King" Benji Ootono.
However, the impression...
(It's also quite pretentious.)
That's what it meant.
Regardless of the facts, Ootono thought that his capacity (what he could do, what he wanted to do, what he could hold, and what he wanted to retain) was "very small."
Even if he knew it was just a title, it was terrifying. He couldn't even think it was a joke to stand shoulder to shoulder with youngsters who could boast of themselves as "Kings", let alone fight against anything.
For him, the mist was not a weapon of war. All he needed was a modest fence to protect the people who connected their days here in "Kirinoichi".
The young people treated Ootono as something normal.
"What about that "mental image"? It's a story that neither I nor this Ni-san knew about."
"That's not enough, so I'm going to explain. I hope you don't break the story."
He rushed into the refereeing of the gaze.
"Ok, ok, you two."
It wasn't his style at all.
After thinking about it, Ootono rethought:
(Is that so?)
Suddenly, he remembered the old days when his voice and his body bounced, and he felt a pain in his chest.
Instead of a bitter smile, he asked with twitching cheeks.
"I have something to do with it too, you say?"
"Yeah, I wouldn't say it's irrelevant. That monster called "Black Cloak" is based on the same laws as us... it's one of the 'Kings' who was born according to some kind of mental image."
Hearing Nazumi's words, the movement of the chopsticks around the pot stopped for a moment.
Unno snorted and stuck his chopsticks into the pot, and the piece of carrot got caught.
"Eh, is that the same as me? What kind of joke is that?"
Nazumi dipped his chopsticks into the pot and found a piece of corned beef.
"You should also "somehow" understand that your power was absorbed. Judging by the passion in his voice, he also has a will. That... is someone..."
Okuma, who picked up a mochi-like object, and Suwako, who filled her mouth with potatoes, looked at the chief with a grim expression.
"A monster that eats people, is it a person?"
"It's scary that I couldn't put my fists through it."
"Don't worry, I'll beat you next time."
Groundlessly, but firmly, Unno promised.
Next to him, Colt was muttering to himself as he held a bowl that had piled up unnoticed (everyone was pushing stuff they didn't want to eat into the pot) in his hand.
"What we've dabbled in... how far away is the "King"... isn't it beyond human control?"
Chika, who bit into takuan, asked her husband with a sense of crisis.
"In other words, someone started targeting not only Hagure, but also the "King"... Do you have any plans to counter it?"
"No, nothing."
Nazumi reluctantly gave in to his wife, but it's not like there wasn't a plan.
"However, I believe that by exploring the mental image I mentioned earlier, we will be able to identify the characteristics of the "Black Cloak" monster and how to deal with it. So..."Grey King" Benji Ootono."
His gaze turned and he caught Ootono head on.
That force made Benji's big body cringe.
"You were able to lead our retreat. In other words, capture the movement of the "Black Cloak", right? If you don't mind, I'd like you to tell me the reason."
Nazumi took off his cap and bowed his head.
"What? After all you depend on Ni-san for that measures?"
Ootono gently accepted Unno's sarcasm.
"I don't care that much."
Saying that, Nazumi took a calm listening stance.
Although he didn't want to follow his example, Unno's sheer interest silenced him.
Everyone's attention was focused on the circle of the pot.
Ootono flinched, his lips cramping as he prefaced.
"Because I'm like this... I can't speak fluently."
This time Chika bowed her head next to Nazumi.
"Take your time."
Even with such courtesy, Ootono began to speak.
"...This mist is like a part of me. It seems to be a convenient thing that I can sense the movement of the person who entered and confuse them."
Seeing is believing, the mist gathered on the bandaged palm, forming a ball of pure white.
In the air of astonishment, Nazumi analyzed the phenomenon.
"I see... So, the power of the "Grey King" is detection and disturbance?"
"Well, I wonder if that's what it is."
Nodding, Ootono literally scattered the ball in his hand.
"However, it must have been around autumn, on the edge of the mist... ''Musikui'' began to appear. It eats my mist as it passes, leaving holes in it."
"If it's like our "power", it'll eat anything..."
Unno remembered the feeling of being sucked in and clenched his fist.
Ootono nodded again.
"Every time I get bitten on the edge, I run away in a hurry, but... ''Musikui'' writhes all over Tokyo like a snake, so it's really scary to find it again and again."
Then he looked at the two young men.
"But tonight, I felt like a huge mass with great force was flowing into... I think it also felt the two of them collided."
"It tried swallowing us in a big chunk?"
"The first event, that happened today, was a clash between "Kings"...  the time when you woke up as a "King" but no sword appearance was seen, because that was nighttime?"
He slowly nodded three times.
"That's all I can say... Did I help you?"
Nazumi and Chika once again expressed their gratitude with a beautiful bow.
"More than enough information. Thank you for your cooperation."
"Thank you for taking the risk and helping us."
Ootono couldn't take it straight.
"Kindness, no."
He lowered his eyes as if he regretted it.
"What would happen to him if he ate a power as big as you two? I got scared, so I came to check on him. That's all."
Then, Unno spoke with a warm voice of goodwill.
"If that's all, don't bother saying "Come here, run away"."
He raised Ootono's line of sight.
His eyes were a little more stern than his voice, but he was still smiling. If the other person hadn't been hurt, he could have hit their back.
Both Suwako and Okuma smiled, bowed their thick bodies, and thanked him.
"Well, actually, I was saved... Thank you."
"Don't forget your kindness."
Finally, after confirming the appearance of his subordinates, including "Ebisu no Kunizo", who seemed to be uncomfortable with other circles, Colt murmured something into his mouth.
Ootono, who couldn't stand the things that sprouted anymore, decided to separate.
"We are fine now... it seems to be gone."
"That's right, Gosso-san!"
"PAHN", making a sound and join his palms together, Unno stood up neatly without regretting any remnants.
Seeing that, the "Kagirohigumi" also left their seats.
In response, Chika said, "Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau.".
The Colt team also secretly tried not to stand out.
Finally, Nazumi stood up and handed over a business card.
"With your power, you should be able to deal with it, but if you have any problems, contact the "Fourth Legal Affairs Office" here. If you want, we can put you in public protection, along with the people who live here. Honestly, in a time when that is lurking, it is more dangerous to stay away."
Ootono received the business card, but did not stand up.
"Thank you."
While he was sitting, he slowly shook his head.
"But I... will protect these people who can only stay here."
No one denied the way of life of the "Grey King" there.
The mist melted in the morning sun.
They were released in an unknown open space.
As if waking up from a dream, or having passed through their throats, "Kagirohigumi" and the "Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau", who grasped the situation, immediately faced each other as if they were breathing. The "Red King" and the "Blue King" standing in front of each other also collided with each other's gazes.
But it did not lead to a confrontation.
It was a big problem for both sides to lose their tempers in the fog, but in this case, it was because there were people physically getting in the way between the two camps.
It was the Colt group sent from Nanakamado.
The tense tension lasted only a few seconds.
"Give up, don't."
"Ebisu no Kunizo" was the first to raise his voice and sit down.
Then the other people sat down one after another.
"I quit too."
"Oh, that's enough."
"Not worth it."
Some took off their characteristic coats before sitting down, others sat upright as if waiting for an intervention, and others went out into the open. All of them had lost their composure from the night before and have reverted to their original form, the bodyguards who run tricks on the outskirts of the city.
Among them, there was a person who was stunned.
The American who led them was Thomas Colt. The deep, wrinkled smile that still floated on his head gave him the impression that it was just that kind of shape, and he could tell at a glance that it was painful bravado.
Nazumi stepped away from the formation and stepped forward to speak.
"So, I'll take care of you here, ok?"
Colt was facing the day after tomorrow.
"Go ahead, as you wish. The losses due to the inability to counter the "King's" strength are within the assumptions of the plan. Nanakamado will switch to another option."
As he spoke fluently, he shrugged. His expression, particularly stern, was still distorted by the gloomy tone of his voice.
Nazumi guessed, but he didn't say anything and kept talking.
"Do you want me to send you back... to the commander who caused the disturbance, to the intelligence agency?"
"It would be troublesome if I, an American, were detained, right? Nanakamado is now politically cornered and has lost his composure... The "King" that they have been so afraid of for so long that they did not touch him..."
Colt looked at Unno.
"It's completely reckless, to the point of ramming him. On top of that, if they found out that I was also detained by the "Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau", it would be a nuisance to everyone and they would pull a lot of desperate tricks."
Unno, who received the gaze from him, caught the gist of the indirect conversation.
Colt wasn't threatening to escape alone.
Rather the opposite...
Thinking about it, Unno took a step closer to the person he was impressed with.
"Even if you go home, you won't be fine, Colt-san."
"Still, I can't help but go home."
His fake smile was mixed with a touch of genuine emotion.
“If someone who faced the situation had to report it in detail and make an appeal… as expected, we shouldn't interfere with the "King". And, above all, the danger of that "Seventh King"."
Seeing how determined he was, Unno smiled at the other person with the same level of depth, but with genuine emotion. He puffed out his chest and said proudly.
"Yes, then do your best."
"Thank you."
Colt put on his dirty floppy hat and gave a little bow.
Nazumi let out a breath.
"I wish you wouldn't decide for the two of us."
Unno looked at the rude person.
"Are you saying that you are against it?"
"No, Nanakamado is more likely to listen to Colt-san's explanation than a warning from us, a hostile organization."
"Then don't be stupid and useless."
"No matter what you do, confirmation is necessary."
Among them, Colt, who had a wry smile on his face, began to walk slowly.
"I'm sorry I wasted your time."
He sent his repentance through his back.
"I return to Nanakamado because, as an American who has awakened to power, I have nowhere to go. Because I work as an intelligence agent there, I am exempt from being mobilized for a spy war against the communist bloc...all my actions are of self-protection."
However, Unno does not tolerate condescension.
He patted his back as he left with a sonorous voice.
"You have a life in front of you to regret or burn it, you can do what you want."
Colt stopped for a moment.
However, he walked out into the morning sun without looking back.
Lastly, he lightly waved his hand in embarrassment.
I will become a crocodile.
My mother told me and my brothers.
Crocodiles usually hide in the dark and deep bottom of the water.
Shut up and do nothing.
When it goes down, it floats to the surface and eats things around it.
Anything you can get your hands on.
When it is full, it sinks back to the bottom of the water and sleeps.
Shut up and do nothing.
Don't piss me off
Do not hurt me.
When he gets angry, he rages at the bottom of the water and summons a storm.
They're all screwed.
Due to his tenacity, when he suffers, he goes after the person who hurt him.
From sea to land, anywhere.
Don't piss me off
Do not hurt me.
That's why everyone is afraid to get close.
So I'll turn into a crocodile.
Silently, do nothing, eat your fill.
Additional poem info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wani_(dragon)
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Ginsei (BLST) - 2023 Birthday
Pairing: you/Hime (female reader) x Ginsei
Warnings: fluff, suggestive ( just in case, MDNI)
Word count: 786
A/N: Happy birthday Ginsei!!!! Here is my gift for you!!! You didn't come home on your bday banner but that's okay. Ilysm <3
And 'coincidences' keep happening. When I tell y'all that gin belongs to P I know I'm not crazy hahaha. P's new song is great and they released it like one day before gin's birthday. It's destiny ^^
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"Girls, are you sure you don't need help?"
"Everything is under control, brother. You don't need to worry about a thing, okay? We know what we are doing!"
"Right... So I'll keep watching TV I guess..."
"Yeah, love, we'll finish this asap. I promise. Oh, by the way, before you leave, come here and taste this sauce please."
"Hmm... It's good! I didn't know you knew how to make curry!"
"Hehe, that's the power of love for you."
"Eh... I think someone is blushing."
"No, I'm not, sister. The curry is a bit spicy, that's probably it. I'll watch TV now."
"Hahaha, I can't believe that after years together he's still that shy around you."
"Haha, I know right, but I love that about him. He is so clumsy and awkward even though he is such an ikemen."
"Please stop drooling. I know my brother is hot but you don't need to remind me of that, thank you very much."
"Ooops, sorry. Let's go back to our curry then."
While you and Ginsei's older sister are cooking to celebrate his birthday, the starless boy is wondering what you two are gossiping about him.
"I hope my sister is not telling anything embarrassed. I mean, I know Hime is used to my personality by now, but still... I don't wanna lose her. I thought maybe she would like to do something different on my birthday, but apparently, she is just fine cooking for me."
"Does Hime think I'm boring..."
Lost in his thoughts, Ginsei tries to focus on the TV show he is watching, waiting patiently for dinner.
After two hours of a lot of gossip and minor mistakes making the curry, dinner is ready.
"So good..."
"Did you like the tonkatsu, brother? I made it by myself!"
"Yep, everything is so good. Thank you, girls."
"Yay, I'm glad you like it. Not gonna lie that curry is not actually my specialty, so I'm glad it's edible hahah."
"Of course it is, Hime! Everything you do is always perfect!"
"Geez, brother, you are so shy but sometimes you say some really romantic stuff out of the blue. How is that even possible?"
*blushing* "Ahh... I was just being honest though."
"Aww that's so adorable, Gin! Thank you, my starless boy. I won't say no to your praises. I love when you get excited about something I did just when you just read a new script for a new play."
*speaks almost whispering* "You're way more important than any script though."
"What did you say, Gin?"
"Oh... nothing. Nothing. I think we should get going soon. My sister needs to wake up early tomorrow."
"Oh yeah, that's true. I'll do the dishes real quick."
"I can help you, Hime."
"Nooo way, it's still your birthday. Why don't you go chat with your sister, while I finish here? We already washed a lot of utensils while we were making dinner anyway."
"If you wanna work so bad, you could replace a few burned-out light bulbs in my room, brother. I wouldn't mind hehe."
"Sure, I'll help you."
Moments later...
"There, that's the last one."
"Thank you, brother. You're a lifesaver!"
"That's nothing. Don't worry."
"Hey, before you go, can I ask you something?"
"You are planning to thank your Hime later, right? She really made a huge effort to organize this little party."
"Of course I will. I just don't know how yet."
"Just be you, that one is such a simp. She'll like anything you do."
"Hime likes me that much, huh..."
"Yeah, Ginsei, she does. Be more confident, would you?"
"Mhm... Okay."
At Ginsei's place...
"Eh... It's sure late. I'm sorry you'll have to stay in my place, Hime. I hope you won't get late for work tomorrow. I'll definitely escort you to work."
"Hehe, no worries. It's always nice to spend the night at your place after your birthday."
"So... I was thinking on our way home... I want to thank you so... Would you like a massage? You worked all day and still managed to cook for me."
"A massage? Ohh... That's not bad. I'll accept your offer, Gin."
Ginsei then proceeds to massage you as a reward for your hard work. As you start to relax to his touch, you can't help but moan a bit when he exerts a bit more pressure on your sore shoulders. Then...
"Gin... why did you stop? It's something the matter?"
"Hime... I just can't keep going... I'm sorry, I..."
He turns your head in his direction, kissing you roughly. His tongue eagerly searching yours, desperate to taste more of you. That's now the easiest way for him to show what he usually is too shy to say out loud.
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Chapter 6
With your eyes still stunned by the light of teleporting, your ears pick up grunts, thuds, and quiet chanting. But once your eyes adjust, you find yourself standing in is a massive arena-like area. The walls are tall and made of grey, unfinished granite. The ridiculously high celling casts the room in bright light and yet you can’t seem to find any lighting structures – no lamps, bulbs, or wires. It’s as if the celling itself is glowing. You figure it probably is. The stark white floor seems to reflect the light from above, sharply contrasting the gray walls.
You note that most of the walls dividing certain areas appear to be glass so you’re able to see what rooms are occupied. To your left is a lap pool, a room with a few people stretching or holding yoga poses, and what you can assume to be individual practice rooms. Most are empty.
Surrounded by a blue track in the middle of the room is a large enclosed hexagonal space, once again with walls appearing glass-like. Beside the strange space is a set of bleachers facing it. You figure it must be something like a fighting arena.
Directly behind the presumed arena is a gym housing all sorts of equipment and next to it is what appears to be a dojo. Continuing to your right in the far corner is a shooting range. There’s another set of  rooms made of the same granite as the walls, with toilet symbols.
The right corner on the side with the door you came through there appears to be a lounge. Beside it, nearest you is another granite room. The door directly to your right reads “Equipment Room.”
You have the urge to open it and have a peek inside. Perhaps it’s filled with magical tools or something. Maybe it’s merely cleaning supplies.
You’re startled out of your curiosity by a deep voice beside you. “You new? Haven’t seen you before.” The man beside you is built. Awkwardly you nod at him.
“I’m uh. . .I’m looking for Jongho. Do you know where he is?” The man’s eyes widen a fraction before turning and glancing to the right of the room. 
“He’s at the range right now. Come with me.” You nod again and follow him across the gym. “So, what’s your name? Your casting style? I’m Kei, an Earth-caster.”
You blink at him for a moment. “I’m Y/N. As for my casting type, I’m a seeker. . ?” It comes out as more of a question than an actual answer. You’re still pretty new to the idea of even being a spellcaster.
“Oh? A seeker, huh? That’s super cool, totally rare!”
Laughing awkwardly praying that he doesn’t ask anymore questions. Kei side eyes you as you try to keep pace. He clears his throat before speaking again.
“How uh. . .how do you know Jongho?”
You contemplate a moment, wondering how much you should tell the stranger.
“He uh, helped me out the other night. I guess you could say he’s sort of my mentor?”
“I see. Well, good luck. Oi, Jongho, you’ve got a guest.” Kei winks at you before walking away.
With knives in hand, Jongho looks mildly irritated at being interrupted. His red hair is damp with sweat, clinging to his forehead. “Oh, Y/N. What are you doing here?” Setting the knives in a holster on the wall, he gives you his full attention.
“Something about controlling my magic. I was having a very complex magical history lesson where I apparently failed to learn anything - according to Seonghwa - when he suddenly decided he needed to talk to Hongjoong and Yeosang and sent me here instead. Seemed like he had a pretty important big-brain-realization moment.”
“Ah. Well, I guess the first thing we’ll need to do is figure out your elemental base. C’mon.” You follow him away from the range and to a corner of the training room where there appears to be a lounge. Inside, you find comfy looking chairs, a few tables, and a kitchenette. You make your way to the far back corner where a single cherry wood table stands alone. Atop sits a dark red velvet bag next to an ornate silver rectangular pillar.
“Speaking of elemental base, what’s yours? And do you have a uh. . .specialty. . ?”
“Hmm? Why don’t you guess?” You blink at him.
“Uh, well. . .maybe earth? You kind of remind me of a rock.” He cocks an eyebrow at you. “I-I mean you’re very solid. Wait no, um, you’re uh. . .ha. . .I’ll stop before I make it worse.” His snort lets you know that he’s not upset by your odd comment.
“And my specialization?”
“. . .Attack?” He stares at you. “Because you use knives?”
He smiles, “Your guesses are right, but your reasonings are. . .less right. Can you tell me what my general type is since you’ve specified I’m an attack specialist?”
“I think you’re an Orbital. Orbitals fall into either the defense or attack category. And I that also means you have a grasp of all four elements despite being an earth affinity. Or at least I think that’s what Seonghwa said.”
“See, you are learning.” There’s a warmth that comes from him, seemingly proud. “Now then as for guessing my elemental base, you can actually feel it within you. Even if you don’t actively realize it, your subconscious knows.” You look at him quizzically.
“I’m sure Hongjoong or Seonghwa explained it, but when we bonded together, we essential swapped magic, right?” You nod. “Well, each type of magic and each person has their own sort of. . .let’s say ‘wavelength.’ If you focus on one, and study it, you will be able to tell which person you’re sensing as well as their primary element.” He must be able to tell you’re trying to figure out how to do that since he laughs and explains that you’ll get to that later in the training. “First things first: we’ve got to figure out what your primary element is.” Turning to the table, he picks up the velvet bag. “You’re going to stick your hand in here and a stone will manifest in your hand. The stone drawn corresponds to your element. Make sense?”
“Sure, I guess. But how come you can’t sense what my element is since we’re bonded?”
“Well, your magic, for lack of a better descriptor, is a mess. It’s too unrefined for us to decipher yet, which is why you’re here with me. Magic tools don’t lie and are inherently more sensitive to magic in general when interacted with. Ready?” He holds the bag out and open for you.
As you slide your hand into it, you find that it really is empty and oddly cold. After a moment of nothing happening you look up at Jongho. “I think it’s broken.”
“Give it a minute, I doubt this has been used for a long time.” Just then your hand goes hot, though not painfully so, and you can feel a solid mass against your palm. Closing your fist around it, you pull your hand out and open it.
“Yep, definitely broken.” In your palm sit four different colored stones. “I thought I was only supposed to get one.”
“Strange. Drop the stones in the bag and try again.” And so you do; with the same result.
“Soooo. . .what does four different stones mean?”
“That you have an affinity for all the elements. It exceedingly rare, but not unheard of.”
“. . .What stone corresponds to what element?”
“Ah, good question. Malachite is an earth affinity, moonstone is water, Sunstone is fire, and Labradorite is an air affinity.”
You stare at the multicolored rocks in your hand. “What should I do with them? Should I drop them back in the bag again?”
“No, you can keep them. If you want, Joong can turn them into jewelry for you to wear.” He turns and set the bag back on the table. “While it is exceedingly unlikely that this tool has become defective, it’s not impossible. There is one more method we can try if you want to be absolutely sure.”
“I don’t see why not.”
He picks up the silver rectangular box. It kind of reminds you of a much larger Korean name stamp and as he brings it closer to you, you can clearly make out its design. While it no longer holds a mirror finish, the engravings depict the four elements: one on each of the long sides. The metal dips and curves in elegant swirls. On the top part, rests an onyx stone.
“This box is one of six in existence and is considered one of the most advanced magic tools to have been created. Similarly to the bag, once you put your hand in it, it reads your magical makeup and tells you what your base element is. . .by burning it into your wrist, like a magical tattoo. It’s permanent and final, unlike using the stones which can be done repeatedly.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Presumably that’s why the bag method was invented.”
“I take it this method is not used anymore?”
“Then why is it here?”
“I have no idea. I suppose for the rare case such as yourself?”
“Why isn’t it in a more secure location if it’s so special?”
“Again, no clue, but this room has a barrier so you can’t actually remove it without explicit permission.”
“Alright, then, let’s do this.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“Not at all.” You say while stick your arm out to him. Jongho presses the onyx and you hear a click from within. He carefully pulls open the top and tilts the opening towards you. Taking a deep breath, you insert your hand. The box reaches about halfway up your forearm. It feels as though something cold is gripping you.
Without warning, there’s a searing pain on the under part of your wrist. It’s somehow far worse than when you accidentally touch a hot skillet. You yell out, trying to pull away but you find yourself stuck. Tears threaten to spill from your eyes. Then just as soon as it started, it burning is gone and you yank your arm from the box.
Jongho looks at you, concerned as you cradle your wrist. Four small black triangle outlines form a line across it in a pattern of upright, inverted, upright, inverted. The two in the middle are also bisected horizontally towards the points, reminding you vaguely of the pyramid and eye depicted on the back of a dollar bill.
“Four signs, four elements. . .”
“I guess that confirms it then. I’m sorry that it hurt so much.”
You shake your head, “No, I needed to know for sure.” He sighs, closing the lid and setting the box on the table once more. “So, what do we do now?” you ask.
“Now, I train you. Today, I will teach you about earth since it’s my base element. I recommend you ask the other members for help as well when I’m not available. They’ll be eager to share their knowledge with you as well.” He motions for you to follow as he wanders back through the lounge and into the main room.
Your curiosity about the equipment room is satisfied as Jongho opens the door, a light automatically lighting up the once dark room. Stepping in behind him, you find shelves stacked with boxes, uniforms, various books and strange object you can only assume to be magic tools of sorts. Squatting down, Jongho pulls two pots with soil already in them from a bottom shelf. As he stands, he pulls a small leather bag off a hook before motioning for you two leave the room.
As the door begins to close, you catch the light flickering off. Looking at the pots stacked in his arms, you send him a questioning look. He merely shrugs you off while walking in the direction of the individual practice rooms. A few are occupied in the far back corner, but a majority of them stood empty. Turning into the first hallway, Jongho leads you to a middle room before opening the door, allowing you to enter first. The first thing you notice is how quiet it is inside and you realize that the room is soundproofed both ways.
With a soft grunt, Jongho seats himself on the ground in the center of the room, patting the space across from him.
“Come sit. I’ll explain what we’ll be doing.” He set one pot in front of himself and the other in front of where you plop down. Crossing your legs, you watch as he opens the small bag and dumps out a small pile of tiny brown shapes.
“Mulberry.” He pokes a finger into the soil in both puts before dropping a few seeds into each hole. Carefully, he moves the soil around, gently burying them. “Your job is to make the seeds sprout.”
“Gee, thanks.” He smiles slightly at your sarcasm.
“Reach out with your mind and feel the flow of magic in the air. Magic imbued with earth will feel like the grass and soil beneath your feet; the sensation of a smooth stone in your hand. You should be able to feel the smell of a forest or an open field.”
“How do you feel a smell?” You squint at him judgingly.
“You’ll understand once you experience it. When you can feel the magic around you, you then need to relax and feel it flow through you – remember we are all connected to the world through magic, but only a select few can use it. Focus on the seeds in the pot, visualize a spout and channel the magic into the soil. Will your thoughts into existence.”
“Oh, yeah, super easy. No worries, teach. Care to demonstrate?”
He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. The air feels staticky in the enclosed space and for a moment you swear you see the air around Jongho glimmer before you turn your attention down to the pot in front of him. Small green sprouts poke their way through the dark soil before stopping as seedlings.  
“Wow. . .that’s cool. My turn?” He nods in response.
Taking a deep breath like he did you close your eyes and try to feel something, anything. You focus on the sound of your breathing, the faint scent of earth coming from the pots. You feel tingly and imagine what you just saw, willing the same to happen in your pot. As you open your eyes, you see that nothing changed.
“Did you feel the magic in the air and flowing through you?”
“Well, I felt tingly. Is that magic?”
“It’s a good start.”
“So, no.”
“Yeah, not quite. You were able to sense it, but not truly feel it. Remember, you should feel like you are nature.” You huff out a sigh before stretching a bit.
“Ok, let’s try this again.”
Closing your eyes once more, you focus on your breathing, taking your time to feel your surroundings. The air is cool and slightly staticky, and you turn your attention to the tingly sensation. Slowly, your body temperature rises, and you begin to feel hot. It’s the same heat you feel when you lose your temper; you’re anything but angry now, though. You imagine the heat within you is the heat of the sun, that the cool air in the room is actually an autumn breeze. You think of your time as a child, running barefoot through the grass and suddenly, you’re standing in vast field.
Wildflowers span across the green, all different shades and hues forming a fragrant rainbow, waving you farther into the expanse. A single tree stands tall in front of you, its pale blossoms gently falling around you in the breeze. You carefully lay a hand on its sturdy trunk looking up into its many branches, the sun filtering through to grace your face with a soft warmth. A wave of calm rushes over you and close your eyes, simply listening – the breeze rustling the leaves and carrying petals and blossoms away, the babbling of a river somewhere out of sight, birds singing as the flitter around, the hum of bees pollinating the thousands of flowers. You find yourself imagining the mulberry seeds in the pot becoming strong and full of berries, like this tree in the field is with blossoms.
Your eyes fly open as a series of cracks echo in your ears. You blink at the scene before you trying to process it. You’re back in the training room with Jongho on his back and a massive mulberry tree made of several bushes twisted together is squashed against the ceiling and walls. Berries and leaves fall to the floor where shards of pottery strewn. Roots circle around you and along the floor.
You point at the mess before you, “Did I do that?”
“What happened to sprouts? You grew me a tree.”
“Um. . .I don’t know. At first, I was here and then I wasn’t and when I came back, this.” You gesture wildly around the room.
“Wait, what do you mean you ‘weren’t here’?”
“I was focusing really hard on that tingly sensation I told you about earlier and started thinking about, I don’t know, nature stuff and then I suddenly I was in a field of flowers with a tree, and I could sense everything. While I was there, I started to think about the seeds again and how they would grow to be strong and fruitful like that flowering tree. What brought me back here was the crashing of the mulberry plants against the walls. . .” You trail off, unsure of what to say. Thinking about it, you must sound crazy, but then again, so was the concept of magic being real.
“Holy shit. . .you actually went to an alternate plane of existence. An alternate plane in an alternate plane, incredible. On top of that, you must have gone to the earth element’s plane! That’s such a rare phenomenon, I’ve only read stories about it.” You blink at him.
“I’m sorry, what?
“You know about the concept of alternate planes of existence, yes?” You nod. “Well, we exist on the physical plane – the planet, our cities, humans and other creatures of true flesh and blood. Then there’s the astral plane, also referred to as the plane of spirits. Ley lines connect the physical plane to the astral plane and we casters can tap into the power of the ley lines to access existing spaces or create new spaces within the astral plane as well as link permanent doorways to these said spaces; this training room in one of them. Somehow–”
“Pause! What are ley lines?”
“Ah, they’re condensed streams of magic that run through the physical plane. Experienced casters are able to identify locations in the physical plane with more condensed flows and often build their bases and doorways there, like our café.”  
“Thanks, please continue.”
“Right, so you managed to tap into another ley line while being in the astral plane. Even if it was an accident, that’s impressive. Ley lines blend together in this plane, it’s near impossible to differentiate them let alone enter a secondary astral plane.’
“So, what I’m hearing is that I’m awesome?”
Jongho snorts, “Sure, if having zero control counts as ‘awesome.’ But I will admit, you must have an immense amount of power to reach the earth element’s astral plane from inside the astral plane.”
“Is it rare to reach the elemental planes?”
“Yup. It takes a lot of power and focus to pull it off. You also have to have a deep connection to the element whose plane you’re trying to reach. Even Hongjoong and I struggle to do so. And you did it by accident.”
“Wow. I am awesome.” You smirk at his poorly concealed eye roll.
“Hmm. We should get this cleaned up.” With a quick wave of his hand, the tree-bush begins to un-grow and revert back into saplings that fall into the pile of soil strewn across the floor.
Carefully you begin to pick up the shattered pottery and attempt to sweep the fallen leaves and berries into a pile with the spilled soil with your hands. It’s a shame you just got here and are already breaking stuff, but at least it was only a pot and not the glass. . .or a person. It’s probably a good thing that you started with trying to grow a plant instead of attempting to conjure fireballs or something. You sigh as your thoughts continue to wander all while sweeping and crawling around on the floor.
Noticing your drop in attitude, Jongho gently places a hand on your shoulder, crouching in front of you.
“What’s up? You were just praising yourself and now you look like you dropped your ice cream into the dirt.”
“Nothing really. I guess I just was thinking about what you said.” He cocks an eyebrow waiting for you to elaborate. “Both you and Hongjoong said that I have a lot of power. . .but you clearly pointed out that I have zero control over what I’m doing. Today was just an overgrown plant but what if. . .what if it’s a fire and I burn everyone to a crisp or a flood and I drown people? What if I accidentally suck all the oxygen out of the air and suffocate someone?! I-“
Before you can send yourself into hysterics over hypotheticals, Jongho sets a hand you your head, rubbing gently in an attempt to calm you.
“That’s why we’re training you, so something like that doesn’t happen. We’re professionals, a simple ball of fire or a rainstorm won’t kill us. And removing all the oxygen from the air is extremely difficult.””
You sniff, “You said that about going to the element’s plane. . .”
He laughs loudly at your comment, “Touché. But if you do manage that somehow, we’ll just hold our breath.”
“Promise.” You glance at his outstretched pinky before gently entwining it with yours. “Now then, how about we finish cleaning up and head home?”
Home. . .Wonderland Café.
“That sounds nice. But only if a get a chai latte on the house.”
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light-supplies · 1 year
Create a Festive Wonderland with Our Christmas Light Supplies
As the holiday season approaches, it's time to start thinking about decorating your home with Christmas lights. Whether you want to create a warm and inviting atmosphere or go all-out with a festive display, Lightingandsupplies has you covered with a wide variety of Christmas light supplies.
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North America Is Dominating Specialty Lighting Market 
The specialty lighting market value will reach USD 8,746.1 million by 2030 from USD 5,590.2 million in 2022, at a 5.8% CAGR. This development can be attributed to the growing need for advanced lighting solutions throughout the medical, entertainment, and other industries, for special drives. For example, UV lights are majorly utilized for the disinfection of air, surface, and…
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eoieopda · 1 year
ok i saw you did the specialty tag and here i am 🫡
i've said this a million times now, but i don't have nearly enough vocabulary in english to fully express how much i love your writing, so i'll say it again: your specialty is being *creative*.
but now just creative in a sense of coming up with good prompts (don't get me wrong tho, you're amazing at that too), but mostly in the way you chose to create life through your sentences. when i was studying short stories at uni, we saw poe's short story theory, in which he says everything in literature should be chosen precisely and acutely for the unity of effect: every story aims to cause a certain effect, and the building of said effect has to start within the first sentence and be fulfilled in “less than an hour”. and god, if poe wouldn't be IN LOVE with your drabbles 😭
you create short — the shortest — stories that encapsulate lifetimes, and draw in your readers with such efficiency that when i'm done i always feel a bit lost and confused of my *actual* surroundings lol, and the ways 👏🏽 through 👏🏽 which 👏🏽 you 👏🏽 do 👏🏽 that!
the first time i read something of your was the dad!jk drabble, with the light bulb and all, and i was SO MESMERIZED by how you translated their love story, their passion, their characters and their struggles within 2k words?? i read that drabble at least once a week 😭 but that's the case with all of your work (although i still have to read your series 👀)
anyway... said a lot lol. but yeah. your specialty is making me speechless but go on to write a whole speech in an ask lol, i just cant shut up about you bc i'm still trying to find the best way to praise and rightfully value and describe you
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oh my god. i don’t even know where to begin 😩 this is quite possibly the most incredibly kind thing anyone has said about my writing?! 😭 you’re an angel, full stop. and let me tell you — i’ve read snow flower thrice now because YOU ❕ are the real architect here 💕🫶🏻
tell me on anon what my writing specialty is
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orowyrm · 2 years
Hi so, your caladium! Please feel free to ignore this, I’m just a bit fixated on plants and I go into golden retriever mode (which is good because my job is, uh, selling plants).
Windows decrease the sun strength really dramatically - the general rule of thumb is that it’s reduced by 50% a few inches from the glass. Also, most windows are designed to block UVB rays, which can have an effect depending on the plant (all windows reduce UVA a bit, some specialty stuff like windshields actually do block a significant portion). It looks like your caladium is up against a window with colored glass, so that’s actually going to be much less light than outdoor-shade levels.
Caladiums are also really finicky about humidity levels, which is the main reason they’re considered difficult to grow inside. They generally want 50-70% relative humidity, and if it’s not high enough, the leaves will curl and brown on the tips. A lot of people use pebble trays, though I tend to just drop my high-humidity plants into a big tub together (old aquariums are great) and mist them occasionally.
Caladiums can sometimes be forced to flower by stressing the plant (increases the chance of producing seeds before it dies), which might be why yours is flowering even though it only has one leaf. Some people say to cut the flowers off if the plant is stressed because blooming requires a lot of resources, but that only applies before the bud is actually formed. By the time it opens the flower, it’s already used the vast majority of energy so there’s no harm in letting it keep going!
Anyway, major props for keeping a caladium alive indoors. I have a ton of weird plants, but I would absolutely not have the wherewithal and it would be dead immediately.
no worries at all, this is a lot of really cool information!!! she started putting up the flower not long after i relocated her to the windowsill, so im thinking the move might have caused some of the stress 🤔 she does have supplemental grow lights in addition to the windows though, although i dont know WHY shes so light crazy for a shade plant???? baby hungry i guess. at least shes not withering, ill take it
if id caught the bud sooner i probably wouldve snipped it to make sure she focused more on her leaves, but viewing it from the back it sorta looked like a new leaf sheath from the start and then shit got chaotic for me so i wasnt paying much attention until i looked over a couple days ago and saw a whole ass flower lmfao...
im really surprised to see her doing so well honestly, when i planted the tuber i wasnt 100% sure it'd even grow-- ive had bad luck with more demanding plants like caladiums and alocasia and calathea in the past (not sure why - ive got carnivores absolutely thriving on my grow shelf but the big leafy 'low maintenance' houseplants are the ones that give me trouble -_- drama queens) but she's just really truckin along. no clue how and why she got so big, every other bulb my dad grew from the batch is teeny tiny and has little baby leaves so shes just an overachiever i guess
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i feel like the problem with the rapid advancement of technology isn't the high learning curve, or the chance that it'll eventually replace us, it's the the abandonment of seemingly obsolete forms of technology and the slow phasing out of older technology ,those two might seem counterintuitive but they're really not
older technology is being relied on, there are several small businesses and specialty shops that rely on older technology of which no new parts are being made, making them slowly phase out as they're no longer capable of being repaired since supply of parts is dwindling, i saw a video of a company that used an old weaving machine that was at least 80 years old cause no new machines do the same, while constantly competing with modern technology that makes the same product only of lesser quality due to an increase in production
at the same time while better technology is available, older machines and techniques stick around, the biggest being coal generators, this is one because of investment and money in the original generators, but also because the in between is scrutinized by both users of the old as well as the new, again generators, coal is still used very often, and while green energy is indeed very much ready to be implemented, they take up much more space than old generators, and yet nuclear energy the in between is shunned by both parties, seemingly for no reason
instead of trying to improve everything, we should first phase out older technology that is known for being obsolete, things like coal powered generators, older light bulbs, older high voltage cable, and so on, like yes they're no longer being made, but that doesn't stop them from existing, they will continue seeing use until they're actively replaced, and while we do that we should improve older technology that still has it uses but are no longer produced, like vintage car parts, very specific old industrial equipment, old sewing machines, and so on, things that communities rely that are slowly facing destruction even though they work just as well, or even better that modern counterparts in certain situation
and fuck planned obsolescence, stop trying to make people buy more shit by making old shit fail after so many years, look at apple them phones don't change a damn thing each generation, but people still buy em, people will always want shit, whether it breaks or not, stop actively creating waste when you know damn well your consumers are gullible enough to buy the new stuff cause you slapped a sticker on it
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myomaustralia · 17 days
Lighten Your Load (and Your Bills!): Free LED Light Replacements with MYOM Australia (NSW Government Initiative)
Living in New South Wales (NSW) offers a vibrant lifestyle and stunning scenery. But did you know the NSW government also offers initiatives to help residents save money? One such program focuses on energy efficiency, and here at MYOM Australia, we're proud to be accredited providers for the free LED light replacement government NSW initiative. Let's explore how you can benefit from this program and upgrade your home to a brighter, more energy-saving future.
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Beyond the Bulb: Unveiling the Benefits of LED Lighting
LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting offers a multitude of advantages over traditional incandescent bulbs:
Energy Efficiency: LED lights use significantly less energy than incandescent bulbs, leading to substantial savings on your electricity bills.
Longevity: LED lights boast a much longer lifespan than traditional bulbs, minimizing the need for frequent replacements.
Environmental Impact: Reduced energy consumption translates to a smaller carbon footprint, making LED lights an eco-friendly choice.
Brighter Light: LEDs provide a brighter and more vibrant light quality compared to traditional bulbs.
Reduced Heat Emission: LED lights emit minimal heat, making them a cooler and safer alternative.
MYOM Australia: Your Partner in Free LED Light Replacements
As an accredited provider for the NSW government's free LED light replacement program, MYOM Australia makes upgrading your home lighting effortless. Here's what sets us apart:
Smooth and Streamlined Process: We handle the entire process, from eligibility verification to installation. Simply contact us, and we'll guide you through the steps.
Commitment to Quality: We use only high-quality LED lights that meet government standards for efficiency and performance.
Expert Service: Our experienced technicians will efficiently install your new LED lights, ensuring a seamless transition.
Free Consultation: We offer a free consultation to determine your eligibility and recommend the best LED lighting options for your home.
Government-Supported Savings with MYOM Australia
The free LED light replacement government NSW initiative, facilitated by MYOM Australia, offers a multitude of benefits:
Reduced Electricity Bills: Enjoy significant savings on your electricity bills thanks to the energy efficiency of LED lights.
Environmentally Friendly: Minimize your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.
Improved Home Value: Upgrading to LED lighting can enhance the overall value of your property.
Government Support: Take advantage of this government-funded initiative to upgrade your home at no cost.
Beyond the Basics: Explore MYOM Australia's Full LED Lighting Upgrades
While the free program offers a fantastic starting point, MYOM Australia understands your lighting needs may extend beyond the initial replacement. We offer comprehensive LED lighting upgrade plans that include:
Downlights: Upgrade your tired old downlights to energy-efficient and stylish LED options.
Batons: Replace your outdated fluorescent batons with sleek LED alternatives.
Panels: Enjoy the benefits of bright, even light distribution with LED panel upgrades.
Specialty Fixtures: We offer solutions for a variety of specialty lighting needs, from under-cabinet lighting to pendants.
Embrace a Brighter, More Sustainable Future
The free LED light replacement government NSW initiative, through MYOM Australia, offers a unique opportunity to upgrade your home lighting, save money, and contribute to a greener future. Contact MYOM Australia today to learn more about your eligibility, discuss your lighting needs, and embark on a brighter journey with free LED lighting! Let's work together to illuminate your home with energy efficiency and sustainability.
Contact- Web - https://myomaustralia.com.au/free-led-replacement-nsw/ Mail - [email protected] Ph - 03 9017 5799 Address - Level 19, 60 Albert Rd, South Melbourne, VIC, 3205, Australia
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aggerdunn54 · 1 month
There is much more to gardening than just having something pretty to look at. It is not reserved for just a few select green thumbs. It can bring you tranquility, peace, and a great appreciation for life. Once you develop some skill, you can make a profound effect.
If you are planting vegetables, choose varieties that don't require processing in order to keep. For example, sweet potatoes and onions will keep for months as long as they are kept cool and dry, without any additional work on your part. This reduces the amount of time you have to spend after harvesting. Make use of rain buckets and barrels around your home. You can later use this collected rainwater on your garden to grow healthier plants, while saving the planet. This method also reduces your water bill, as you can't be charged for using the water that runs off your roof! When uprooting a perennial plant, you should start digging at its drip line. Dig a trench around the plant, and cut any roots that extend beyond that trench. You can tie stems together to avoid damaging the plant during the process. Once all the roots are severed lift the plant carefully by its main stem. Before settling on your garden space, visit it at multiple times throughout the day. You need to understand what type of light the spot gets on an hourly basis, as it can have ramifications on the plants you can grow and your ability to grow anything at all! If thông cầu nghẹt receives no direct sunlight, reconsider your options. Create a record journal for your garden. Keep track of when you planted your seeds, when they germinated, how many grow to full size, the yield, etc. You will have more knowledge about your plants and a good idea of how successful your methods are. Use this information for your next grow cycles. Use water efficiently as possible. One of the most precious resources in the world today is fresh water. It just cannot be wasted, so the use of mulch and soaker hoses are an efficient way to minimize the impact of the garden on the water supply. Consider having a rain barrel near the garden to capture and save rainwater for a minimal impact garden. Grow crops that have a high value to you. Planting flowers that are attractive can be great. However, planting fruits and vegetables that you consume on a regular basis will save you money and allow you to eat healthier. It can be anything from tomatoes and carrots for your salads to herbs for seasoning. Make a profit off of the garden by selling micro crops. There is a huge demand for micro crops from restaurants and organic markets who are willing to pay a premium for these fresh vegetables. Specialty mushrooms, baby corn, rare herbs and other micro crops are in very high demand, and can earn a gardener upwards of fifty dollars a pound or more. To make sure you don't accidentally dig up bulbs in the following year, mark them with twigs. They should stay in place over the winter, and will be an easy reminder when you're planting new things in the spring. This is especially nice because you don't have to buy anything beforehand. Just grab some nearby twigs and put them in place. Tie strips of mylar balloons to the branches of your fruit trees just before harvest time. These flapping, shiny straps will frighten away birds and small mammals, protecting your fruit. Just be sure to remove them after the harvest, because if they blow loose, animals may eat them and become ill. When you are planning where to put your garden, choose a location that allows it to get plenty of sun. If you place it in the shade, you will be restricting the types of plants that you are able to grow. For example, tomatoes need a lot of sunshine to thrive and a shaded area just won't work for them. Use the tips you just read to revitalize your garden with your new found green thumb. Once your garden is back to its blooming glory, you will feel gratified and renewed yourself. Gardening can help change your way of life, only if you will allow it.
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suryaoshni · 1 month
Best Branded Lighting Manufacturer
Surya Roshni Ltd stands as a best branded lighting manufacturer, boasting over four decades of unmatched expertise. Renowned for its unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and reliability, Surya Roshni Ltd offers a diverse range of lighting solutions tailored to meet every need. From residential to industrial applications, their products encompass LED bulbs, luminaires, streetlights, and specialty fixtures, showcasing a blend of versatility and functionality. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, Surya Roshni Ltd integrates smart features, IoT connectivity, and energy-efficient designs into their offerings, setting new standards for performance and sustainability. With a global presence and acclaim, Surya Roshni Ltd illuminates spaces worldwide, illuminating the path towards a brighter future.
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