#So many games I’m like damn I’d kill to work on that game but they are not made in my country lol
cerealmonster15 · 11 months
I get SO many ads for honkai star rail and genshin impact lol. Like I already play genshinnnnnn leave me ALONE I’m already HERE!!!!!! Tbh I want to play honkai also but like genshin already hogs so much space on my computer idk if I can OUGH maybe someday lol
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flippedorbit · 6 months
do you want me to fucking go off on you? do you truly fucking want that mother?
#“oh you and your sister never listen to me and blah blah blah” we fucking do (or at the very least i do)#“you guys never help out” does me doing the litter and taking out the trash and on occasion hand washing the dishes mean#fucking nothing to you? does me sweeping the floor every once in a while because you chose to keep us in an area that is ALL SAND/DIRT ROAD#for whatever stupid ass reason also meaningless? does me doing my damn best to help out mean fucking nothing?#do you want me to kill my self. do you want to lose your eldest child to something YOU could have fucking prevented all because you can’t#stop being a bitch to him all the time? do you really fucking want that mom? because at this rate i am once again on the road to fucking#attempting it. i’m so god damn sick of how you treat me. the only time i can do anything i want is at night. i stay up super late playing#games with my friends because its the only time in the day when you aren’t bitching and whining for me to do something you don’t want to do#for the past several days i’ve been up until five in the damn morning just to do something that makes me happy.#you misgender me. you deadname me. you refuse to accept any aspect of my identity. you don’t treat me like a god damn person.#i have so many different ways i can consider attempting if i truly wanted to. the only thing keeping me alive is my friends. because they a#least show that they fucking care and actively want to do things with me. like group drawing or playing video games.#YOU on the other hand; mother; yell and get mad at me over the stupidest shit and never fucking apologize.#i cannot recall a singular time you’ve apologized for being a complete bitch to me over something so fucking unimportant.#and yet i’m expected to be completely fucking fine and happy all because you provide me with the bare fucking minimum.#”i clothe and feed and provide a place for you to live” THAT IS THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM. sure you could argue over the fact i’m 18 and#should be out working somewhere. but you give me so few opportunities for going places and even considering getting a job or finally gettin#my driver’s license. plus i would rather fucking die than work any food service or customer service job. because i’d be going somewhere#where i’d mostly get talked down to or yelled and then come home and have the same shit done after working for hours and getting minimal#pay. i’d rather work on my own fucking terms with commissions than go into any job where i have to interact with others in public for any#reason. where i’d be treated just the same as at home. like someone who isn’t a person and doesn’t deserve anyone to be nice to them.#i constantly so desperately wish that maybe one day soon i’d find someone to be with romantically and that i could maybe live with them and#get out of this hell hole that i’m supposed to call home. to go somewhere and have my efforts appreciated. to go somewhere where i’d#actually fucking be loved. i shouldn’t have to wish so god damn hard for a better life all because my mother can’t fucking treat me like a#person with hopes and dreams and thoughts and feelings.#i’m ending this rant here before i get too angry and upset. see you all in maybe an hour.#suicide mention#ask to tag
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theladyofdeath · 11 months
Better or Worse {19}
Nessian. Angst. Modern AU.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
A/N: Two more chapters! Thank you all for sticking along for the journey. Enjoy!
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The weeks have passed by quickly and in less than twenty four hours I’ll be standing at the altar with my husband, renewing our vows.
Throwing a ceremony together so quickly has been exhausting, especially considering my book released last week, but I’ve actually enjoyed the chaos. My sisters have helped tremendously, even in the moments that I’ve insisted that I didn’t need their help. Nonetheless, tomorrow's success will go to them. We’ve all worked hard as hell, which is why the three of us are currently dressed in our finest and sitting on the rooftop of one of Velaris’ most prestigious restaurants. 
While Cassian, Azriel, and Rhysand are surely at some shithole bar, the three of us decided on a little class in celebration of tomorrow.
As the server fills our glasses and leaves the remainder of the bottle of wine in an ice-filled chiller, Feyre raises her glass in a salute. “I know toasts usually come at the end of the night, but we’ve never been the most conventional bunch. Nes, you and Cassian have been the pillar of strength for our group for so long. When shit gets hard, the two of you are the ones to step up and handle it. Your marriage is no different. Things may have gotten rough for a bit—” I roll my eyes at her understatement, but can’t pull the smile from my lips if I try. “But you didn’t let that break the two of you, you didn’t let that tear you apart like so many others would have. You never gave up on your love, on each other, and I’m so glad we get to celebrate that tomorrow.”
I clear my throat to push away the flood of emotion and we clink our glasses together. “Thank you. But the real toast should be for the two of you because if I had to plan this damn thing alone, I would have died.”
They laugh but it’s no joke.
I think it may have killed me.
Although tonight is supposed to be all fun and games, we go over our checklist one last time. We’ll have to get to the venue early tomorrow and finish decorating, but it shouldn’t be too bad.
“Is it weird that I’m nervous?” I ask, fiddling with the stem of my wine glass. “I mean, we’re already married, but this feels different.”
“I don’t think it's weird,” Elain says, cheeks already pink from the wine. “I think it’s nice. It just means that it means a lot to you.”
“I bet Cass is just as nervous,” Feyre says, chiming in. “And just wait until he sees you in your dress. I’ve never seen anything so sexy and elegant in my life.”
I grin. I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t been dreaming about Cassian's reaction when he sees the dress I bought. “Having to make it through the entire ceremony and reception is going to be torture for him, and I can’t wait.”
“Sadist,” Feyre mumbles, and Elain chokes on her last drop of wine.
She’s not wrong. The sheath of lace fits me like a second skin, the only ornamentation the occasional pattern of intricate beading and the sweetheart neckline dips just low enough to be alluring without being obscene. The lingerie I’ll be wearing beneath it is another story entirely.
Reaching for the bottle, I refill each of our glasses, setting it down at the edge of the table when it’s empty. “Listen, if he isn’t feral by the time we get home, something has gone horribly wrong.”
Home, because we aren’t going on a second honeymoon. We aren’t taking a trip or going anywhere, that’s not what this renewal was about. Sure, we’re having the ceremony and the party afterwards, but it’s to celebrate us.
Home, because there’s nowhere else we’d rather go and no one else we’d rather be with.
The food is earth shattering. By the time we’re done eating, I’m so full that I can hardly move. Cassian will be jealous that I ate so luxuriously without him, but it was too delicious for me to care. I feel a slight buzz from the wine, but nothing too daunting. I feel carefree and completely excited. 
With our empty plates in front of us, Elain asks, “Any news on the adoption front? You haven’t mentioned it in a couple of weeks.”
“We have a meeting with an agency set up for next week, actually,” I say, almost hesitantly, which earns two sets of worried glances in my direction. I shake my head. “I just kinda wanted to see how it went before mentioning it, I guess. I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.”
Mine included. I have learned through my struggles with infertility that nothing is to be expected.
Elain reaches over and squeezes my hand. “We only want to be there for you. We’re here with you both on this journey, Nesta.”
Knowing that was the point of telling our family about our past struggles, I nod. “I know, and we've been talking a lot about it for the last couple of weeks, Cass and I. I’m getting…excited.”
The agency we’ve been in touch with works mostly with young, unwed mothers in Velaris who aren’t ready for a child. They know that there are loving families, like us, who would do anything to find that missing piece and they help connect the mothers and families. There’s no guarantee we’d meet the mother, as some women opt for closed adoptions, but we don’t care either way.
We haven’t even been approved to work with the agency yet, so I try not to get ahead of myself.
“We’re meeting with them at their office and if that goes well, we’ll have a home visit a few days after that.”
“A home visit?” Feyre asks, eyebrows rising. “That seems a bit quick.”
“Oh, I’m sure it won’t be,” I reply, swirling the wine in my glass. “This is to see if we even get accepted into the program. I’m sure there are going to be plenty of things we run into in this process that are frustrating, but it’s all going to be worth it in the end.”
“I think it’s beautiful that you want to adopt,” Elain says, eyes misty once again from those mom-of-infant hormones. 
We leave soon after and take a walk around the city before I’m back in my car, driving home. I love spending time with my sisters and I’m thankful for all that they’ve done, but I can’t wait to get home, can’t wait to get in bed. The sooner I’m home, the sooner I’m asleep, the sooner tomorrow will be here. 
Once I’m home, the house is dark and quiet. Greg is sprawled out on the couch and hardly stirs as I pass him to head upstairs. I’m not sure what time Cassian will be home but hopefully it isn’t too late. If he’s drinking, which I have no doubt he is, he needs time to sleep it off before the morning.
We’re not twenty-one anymore.
I sneak a peek in my office where my dress is hanging on full display so that the wrinkles are all out. Cass has been banned from this room and he’s done very good at avoiding it like the plague. He won’t be seeing me in this beauty until tomorrow. 
After I shower, I throw on one of my favorite t-shirts, one of Cassian’s, and brush my teeth and hair before sinking into bed. I just open my newest read when the front door opens and closes. It’s not long after when I hear a bang, clatter, Greg’s pissed off noise, and Cassian’s string of filthiest curses.
Maybe I should’ve left a light on.
I hear noises from the kitchen, noises that sound suspiciously like pots and pans being pulled out. I wait, listening, my book open on my lap, waiting for him to come to bed. Then I hear the microwave open and close.
Sighing, I throw the blankets back and head downstairs, making sure he hears me as I descend into the living room.
I hear a cabinet slam followed by another barked curse. Entering the kitchen, I lean a hip against the table and cross my arms, taking in the carnage around me.
The perks of having a chef for a husband: he makes delicious food for every anniversary, birthday, party, you name it.
The cons of having a chef for a husband: he makes questionable food when he’s drunk.
There’s a pot on the stove, pasta boiling away, while a pan filled with an unknown brown sauce simmers nearby. His trusty colander is already in the sink, waiting to be used, while he’s on his hands and knees, digging through the cabinets, looking for something. The microwave beeps, letting us know its contents are ready to be removed. He doesn’t even hear it.
I cross my arms and wait, thinking he’ll realize I’m here eventually. After another minute, listening to the microwave beep as it reminds us it’s done, I ask, “What are you looking for?”
A loud thump carries through the kitchen as Cassian bangs his head on the underside of the shelf he was searching through. He scrambles backward, which is honestly comical, before getting to his feet and facing me.
He freezes as his eyes rove over my body, taking in the t-shirt and the fact that I’m wearing nothing underneath it. “Mother’s tits, you’re so fucking hot. I’m the luckiest bastard on the planet.”
I smirk, welcoming the praise, but just then the microwave beeps again and he gasps. “Cheese toast.”
Blinking, I wait, making sure I heard him right.
Sure enough, he pulls a plate out of the microwave, consisting of two pieces of sandwich bread with cheese melted over it.
“Hungry?” I ask, chuckling as he tears into the cheese toast.
“Carbs,” he replies around a mouth full of cheese and bread, pointing a flailing arm at the pasta boiling on the stove, as if that explains it all. “Need carbs so I’m not hungover tomorrow.”
“You know another way not to be hungover?” I tease, sauntering over to him. “Don't drink your weight in liquor.”
“Baby, if I drank my weight in liquor I’d be dead,” he says, shoving the rest of the toast that’s not really toast in his mouth. “Have you seen me? I’m gigantic.” 
“Mhmm.” I’m close enough to him now that I brush his hair out of his face. “Where did those idiots take you?”
“The bar.”
I laugh, quietly. “I can tell that much. Which one?”
“Rita’s,” he croons. “They told her I’m renewing my vows tomorrow, and she gave us a free round of shots…multiple…multiple free rounds of shots.”
“Explains the whiskey on your breath,” I chuckle. “Well, I’m glad you had fun. Eat your noodles and come to bed.”
“You’re not staying?” He frowns. “Stay. Eat.”
I roll my eyes. “It’s after midnight. I’m old. I’m tired.”
“You’re not old, you’re…sexy in my shirt.” He grabs the old, thinned fabric and pulls me back towards him, but before he can make his move, the water boils over on the stove.
The words that come out of this man…I married a sailor. 
Despite being three sheets to the wind, Cassian is able to clean up quickly and salvage his meal. He plates his pasta and pours his sauce over it, which is a mix of barbecue sauce, honey, and orange marmalade, and smells much better than it has a right to. Just as I’m about to head upstairs, I pause to drop a kiss to the top of his head, telling him to hurry up, but his arms snake around my waist, pulling me down into his lap.
“Stay with me,” he grumbles, pressing his lips to my neck. “Please?”
“Eight o’clock is going to come super early,” I grumble, leaning back into his embrace.
With his free arm, he twirls the pasta on a fork and takes a big bite. “Sure as fuck is.”
We stay like that until he finishes eating, clearing his plate. I stand to take it to the sink, but as soon as I’m on my feet, he’s sweeping me into his arms.
It’s romantic, but with how much he’s had to drink, likely ill-advised.
“You better not fall down the stairs while you’re carrying me,” I threaten as he heads up to our room.
For a moment, he wavers, but just as I gasp he starts to laugh and straightens himself.
“Just kidding.”
I smack him on the arm which only seems to bring him more joy as he reaches the second floor landing and pads down the hall and into our room. He doesn’t drop me on the bed but brings me into the bathroom with him instead. He sets me on the vanity before pulling his shirt over his head and taking off his belt, giving me one hell of a show.
He knows I’m watching and he loves it, both of us shameless. 
After brushing his teeth and washing up, he kicks off the remainder of his jeans and scoops me up, yet again.
“Your hair is still a mess,” I grumble, my lips pressing against his shoulder.
“Sexy mess or disgusting mess?” He asks, and now that the alcohol is beginning to wear off, I can tell he’s exhausted. 
“Somewhere in the middle,” I say, and he chuckles as he lays me down in bed and crawls up behind me, wrapping me in his arms.
His body is warm, safe, my own personal haven. I don’t even think he realizes it, don’t even think he knows the magnitude of what his arms around me brings. I melt into him and close my eyes, sighing contentedly.
“Remember the night before our wedding?” He whispers into the darkness.
Laughing softly, I nod. “Yes, but I’m surprised you do.”
If I thought Cassian was drunk now, it was nothing compared to the state he was in when showed up on my doorstep at three in the morning. More specifically, the doorstep of my father’s house, where I was staying with my sisters that night. Feyre and Elain were both still in high school and I was never the best at making friends, so rather than going out and getting drunk the night before I got married, I hung out at home with my sisters.
Cassian, on the other hand, hung out with his brothers in our brand new apartment off campus and got trashed, thanks to one of the older guys in his fraternity buying them whatever they wanted as a wedding gift.
Rhys and Az had passed out in the living room and Cass decided it would be a good idea to come see me. So he called a cab and then he was there, drunk and stumbling and making so much noise that I’m sure my father heard him sneaking in. We fell asleep, just like this, in each other’s arms, just like we did every night. We didn’t care about any old wives tales about staying apart the night before. We wanted to be together, so that's what we did.
My father was not thrilled the next morning when he woke up and found Cassian sitting at the breakfast table.
“Dad was pissed.” I can’t help but laugh. “I knew without a doubt at that moment that I was making the right decision, marrying you.”
He hums. “Were you doubting it before my drunken escapade?”
“No,” I say, and run my fingers across the arm that’s slung around my waist. “But that just proved my feelings right. Validation.” 
He kisses the back of my neck. “I didn’t think I could love you more than I did back then. Didn’t think it was possible. But I do. I love you more now than I did then, and I’ll love you more tomorrow than I do today.”
I swallow as my eyes line with tears. “Save it for your vows.”
He huffs a laugh. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. My vows are way more romantic than that.”
I can’t wait to hear them, can’t wait to stand with him hand in hand and celebrate our marriage after all that we have overcome. As I drift off into a deep sleep, I once again know, without a doubt, that Cassian is my one and only, the other half of my soul, my lifelong partner and my best friend. 
I don’t know what I did to be this damn lucky.
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Double the Popcorn - a Malevolent fic (Intermezzo spoilers)
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You think there’s anyone I haven’t seen? Fucked around with? Followed? You think there isn’t a version of you I haven’t tweaked to be the very d-d-darkest you could be, with flesh in your fingernails and blood in your cheeks like a really fucked-up squirrel?
I. Have tried. Them all. And pal… they don’t fucking work. 
Look, I tried them all, okay? 
You think there’s anyone I haven’t seen? Fucked around with? Followed? You think there isn’t a version of you I haven’t tweaked to be the very d-d-darkest you could be, with flesh in your fingernails and blood in your cheeks like a really fucked-up squirrel?
You think there’s a Larson I haven’t used, to see if all that ambition could overcome his natural predilection toward excreting mucus? You think there’s a Butcher I haven’t used, bulldozing his way through everything like a gods-damned rhino and singing like an entire chorus while he did?
I. Have tried. Them all. And pal… they don’t fucking work. 
I suppose the disappointment is my own fault. Could’ve stayed in my lane, lived one life, stuck with time as-is and boring, but-but-but why? What would be the point? And of course, after I started leaping from string to string to string to fucking hammer, you had to know that wouldn’t last.
Did nipping through time make me a little crazy? Crazier? Probably! Who fucking cares?
I tried them all. That’s what I’m saying. And the only one who has ever consistently gotten me close to my fucking goal is the combination of John the Yellow King and his Court Jester, Arthur.
Which I say tongue-in-cheek, because we all know who’s topping in that relationship, and it ain’t the god.
Look. Look. I’ll do you a solid, since you asked. You get to leave! But first you have to understand why. Why you can’t trade places with him. Why you can’t help him out with all your widdle might. 
Because I already tried you, you chowder-eating cunt, and you never get close. Never. Not even insane! Not even blind! Not even inhabited!
Just him. It’s just him, and fuck if I know why. Hyperbole aside, that really is driving me crazy.
Crazier. Craziest!
I should know everything. I should because I’ve played this game too many times! Found all the Easter eggs. Unlocked all the puzzles. Blown all the doors right through the far wall to crush the children’s beds and ooze around their splintered edges like strawberry jam. I even know how to skip unskippable cutscenes!
So why Arthur? And why, for fucking hell, does it have to be Arthur with John?
Arthur alone doesn’t work. John alone doesn’t work. Arthur with any other god-piece doesn’t work. John in any other human doesn’t work. Why? Why these two? They’re fuck-ups!
They’re amazing fuck-ups, don’t get me wrong. They have personally doubled my popcorn budget, but that’s not what I’m saying.
It’s them. Just them. So no, twinkle-toes, you cannot take his place. You cannot help. You are in the way. So! I’m going to send you back because I’m nice (ha, no, it’s just because I’m in a good mood, I love a good zombie flick), and you are going to stay there this time. They think you’re in Spain. You’re staying in Spain. Come back again, and I’ll kill you.
Mmkay? We clear? Too-bad-have-a-nice-life-bye.
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Fucking Lester. Always Lestering people. Who the fuck is showing up next in his corner, I’d like to know. Eh, who am I kidding, I already do.
It’s just Arthur’s next choice I don’t know. 
Time to get some snacks.
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safety-writes-noms · 8 months
holding out my idea of wolfwalkers type shit but with dragons. im jsutbtrghgrhgbrjrghrgjngrughibkjfggfhbjgrfihdkjh SMASHING MY HANDS ON MY DESK. PLEASE.
just imagining big angry dragon miguel with gold accents trying his damn hardest not to snap as hes got a bunch of smaller dragons clambering on him and excitedly talking while waiting to be told what to do. being dragons and all they go around and make sure theres peace between kingdoms and stuff ....
sobbing into my hands. i need to see more dragon content im GGGGHR AAHHHHHH
YES OMG PMG I LOVE DRAGON AU’S (so sorry this is kinda late 🙏 school seriously beat me up this week. Also YOUR ART IS SO SO SO COOL!)
(Also also I’m so sorry but I’m not familiar with the wolf walkers series and never got the chance to watch it :(( but I absolutely love the animation style and premise from the ads I’ve seen)
I can just imagine miguel grumpily walking around with all of the spider kids either nestled on his back or chattering somewhere in the cave, waiting to get assigned their missions. I am in LOVE with the idea of Miguel sending them out to keep the peace between humans since sometimes humans can be very… not wise. Idk actually, maybe the some of the spider kids are humans and that’s how they meet Miguel or peter and Jess (bc I’d love to see them as dragons theyre so cool)
imagine a human Hobie just confidently walking around a dragon’s cave/network society and just casually arguing with a giant dragon Miguel. I’m feel like he’d get in the dumbest arguments with him just for the giggles. I can see him also baby sitting a hatchling mayday, keeping her fully entertained while Peter goes off to finish missions too dangerous to bring her along. Their little interactions in atsv were adorable especially the little salute he gave her.
or the fight between miles and Miguel ☹️ even tho I love him (Miguel) and understand why he did that and his motives, I’ll always feel so bad for miles. I feel like it would even be worse because instead of having a 6’9 roughly judged 310 pounds of muscle man chasing after you and pinning you down, there’s a ten ton dragon hellbent on having your dad die for the sake of the canon, claws, wings, VENOM/FIREBREATHING. It’s pretty much game over at that point. Ofc miles is a resourceful amazing wonderful intelligent human so I think he’d be able to reason with him. Besides, even then I kinda doubt Miguel would want to kill a kid, even if they’re a human. Nurturing instincts don’t go away after ur daughter dies 😋! Actually Miguel might even nom miles in an effort to keep him from messing up the canon :( can you imagine being so so terrified of this huge creature and getting nommed and you don’t know you’re safe and you’re panicking and —
The hurt and comfort is strong here :o. And the guilt. So much guilt. Once they work out their issues (there are so so so many poor dudes) I’m sure they’ll be besties. But that’s for human miles au
dragon miles would definitely get the short end of the stick. Even if he’s a hatchling (kind of, he’s in that odd stage between adult and adolescent but on the younger side) he’s still a whole lot more durable than if he’s a human. Which means that Miguel won’t be nearly as cautious handling him physically. Ouch. Miguel genuinely wants to protect miles in the movie but does it in the worst way possible. That would probably transfer over to this universe too.
But still because I absolutely LIVE for found family, I want to imagine they work through their problems in a long and very very non linear path that has setbacks and leaps forward and minor changes and everything because I love all of these characters sm and without depth they don’t feel like people. Plus imagining sleepy spider kids/dragons stumbling into Miguel’s section of the cave system/lair and deciding to take a quick nap there because it feels safe and waking up with Miguel curled loosely around them, wing slightly shielding them from the chilly drafts and hsjskskdjskj they have my heart. (Miguel will deny it later.)
or peter b taking the human kids out flying to let them feel at least a little what it’s like to taste the sky while Miguel lurks in the background anxiously, crimson eyes tense just in case peter accidentally drops one of them. Not that he would, he may be goofy but he’s most definitely not stupid.
I can imagine Miguel trying his hardest to stop some of the kids from doing things that he thinks is wayyy too dangerous for them and just giving up and tucking them away in his brooding pouch. If they won’t listen to his very very valid concerns then he’ll just have to make sure they don’t go anywhere >:(. Plus it’s warm and safe and even though Miguel will never admit it, he feels calmer if they’re there, protected completely bc he’ll never let anything hurt them. At least not while they’re nestled in one of the literal safest places in the world. I can’t imagine anyone would have an easy time getting to them when there’s a very protective and vengeful dragon guarding his precious brood.
and I haven’t even really gotten into the other characters either :( especially exploring the relationship between Jess and Gwen or Hobie and miles/gwen and pav but I feel like I’m writing too much so I’ll end it here. If you or anyone else wants to continue this thread/au PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME AN ASK! I LOVE THIS AU SM 😭😭
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
Jin Guangyao and Qin Su: A Lesson in Gaslighting
So this is one of my favorite scenes in the book on account of how absolutely unhinged it is. Jin Guangyao is someone who will go above and beyond in his commitment to the bit, using any and all means to maintain his web of lies. But his greatest weapon, by far, is his ability to gaslight via his expression and words. Upon his introduction as a character and not just conversation topic in the book, we are quickly given a confrontation between Jin Guangyao and his previously blissfully content wife, Qin Su in Chapt. 47 (exr). However, as the confrontation escalates, Jin Guangyao puts his gaslighting skills in action. When Qin Su confronts him about marrying her while knowing they are siblings, this is said:
Qin Su bursted out crying, “You’re lying! Things are already like this and you’re still lying to me—well I don’t believe it!”
Jin GuangYao sighed, “A-Su, you were the one who told me to say so. Now that I’ve said so, you refuse to believe me. This is indeed quite troubling.”
She’s made the villain by saying she doesn’t believe him. He is making her the villain by saying that he’s only telling her what “she wants” to hear, making her not believing him not because he is a career liar but because of some fault of hers. When she continues to disbelieve his lies, he pivots to telling her that her being upset is only a mind game, and that since they’ve lived so long “as husband and wife” there’s obviously no issue with the incest except what her mind makes of it, like incest isn’t a big fucking deal breaker????
Watching the ashes fall to the ground bit by bit, he spoke in a somewhat dejected tone, “A-Su, we’ve been husband and wife for so many years. We’ve always respected each other in peaceful harmony. As a husband, I’d like to think that I treat you well. The fact that you’re acting like this really hurts my feelings.”...
...Jin GuangYao, “A-Su, before you knew of it, didn’t we live perfectly fine? You only felt uncomfortable and began to vomit today, now that you know. We can see that this isn’t anything at all. It won’t be able to do any physical harm to you. Your mind is the only thing doing all this.”
And when that doesn’t work, he tries to appeal to her reputation:
Jin GuangYao, “If the person could tell you, then they can also tell other people. If they could write one letter, then they can also write a second, a third, a countless number of letters. What do you intend on doing? Allow such a thing to be leaked? A-Su, I’m begging you. Please, no matter for which feelings that have existed between us, tell me where the people mentioned in the letter are. Who was the one that told you to come back and read the letter?”
Notice that he is still attempting to appeal to her using their affection as spouses. He is refusing to acknowledge the truth of them being biological siblings so that he still has plausible deniability in case he can still convince Qin Su to believe his words over her secret informant. But this all hinges on whether or not he can weed out the informant to kill before the information becomes public, hence him subtly reminding her that if his reputation is damned for the information, hers will be too. But denying it doesn’t work, convincing her to overlook it doesn’t work, appealing to her former affections of him doesn’t work, so what’s next? Making himself the victim, of course!
A mourning warmth filled the eyes that Jin GuangYao looked at her with, “A-Su, back then, I really didn’t have another path to walk. I wanted to keep you in the dark for your whole life. I didn’t want you to know about this. Now, though, it’s been entirely ruined by the one who told you. You think that I’m dirty. You think that I’m disgusting. All of these are fine, but you’re my wife. How would others see you? How would they talk of you?”
And then we end back at a more direct appeal to reputation: “well if I’m disgusting, what will others think about you?” In an almost non-sequitur, Jin Guangyao returns to the topic of Jin Rusong, saying that the child “had to die” and subtly admitting that he likely–but always with plausible deniability–had something to do with his son-nephew’s death, causing Qin Su to slap him. Jin Guangyao immediately shuts down the conversation.
Jin GuangYao, “What are you talking about? You must be feeling quite unwell. Your father has already gone to journey and cultivate. I’ll send you off sometime soon as well, and you can enjoy being in your father’s company. Let’s finish this quickly. There’s still quite a number of guests outside. There’s still the Discussion Conference tomorrow.”
Deny, deflect, pretend that it is the other person who has lost their grip on reality, never directly admit to any accusation so that you have an out, and always, always maintain that genial smile. Poor Qin Su never stood a chance.
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imtherain · 1 year
Be Holding Me
Hey there
Today was lame and my stomach was a POS as it is wont to do, so I threw up about it. Didn’t feel great after (surprise surprise) so I wrote an incredible indulgent fanfic which is 100% a self insert and if you have a problem with that you can fuck right off.
But, yeah, not feeling good, wanted some cuddles, currently in love with Ghost, so here we are.
Warnings: talk about getting sick/losing one’s lunch, very slight mention of blood, Ghost being a chair. No pancakes. idk man I just work here
I get sick a lot.
I always say it's my ungrateful stomach, or my useless meat suit. Some days, no matter how nice I am to them, they rebel and I lose my lunch. Or dinner. Or breakfast. It was never fun, but after so many years of this nonsense, I’d grown, unfortunately, used to it.
Today was no different. Something random set me off, a smell maybe. I’d been set off by something as mundane as the air freshener before, even though it was the same one I had always used. It didn’t really matter the why though, only that it happened, and now I was woozy, annoyed with my lot in life, and needing some positive attention.
So I went looking for Ghost.
Anyone else who knew Ghost would think he would be the last person you’d look to for comfort. He was big, intimidating… glared a lot. But under all that big badass energy, he was secretly a softie. Well, maybe not for everyone, but he definitely was for me.
He was on the couch, watching the sports channel when I found him. He glanced up at me, but didn’t say anything. He knew that usually I didn’t want to talk about it, sometimes I didn’t even want to acknowledge it.
I went right up to him and crawled into his lap. He shook his head a little, but adjusted so that there was room for the both of us, and tucked my head under his chin. I hummed, content to be held for a bit.
“I hope you didn’t have to hear all that,” I said.
“Want me to lie to you?” Ghost said.
“Sorry,” I was always embarrassed when someone had to hear the tragedy that was my insides. I knew it wasn’t fun for anyone involved.
“Nothing to be sorry for,” He said. “Need anything?”
“Just this for now,” I told him, nuzzling myself into his neck. I felt him chuckle as his arms held me a little tighter for a moment. If anyone accused Ghost of being nice, he’d call them a liar. 
“Did you drink some water?” He asked. I grunted at him.
“I brushed my teeth,” I offered instead.
“Not the same,” He shifted so he could reach down next to the couch and handed me his water bottle. “Drink,”
“Boo,” I complained but I drank some before resettling against his chest. One of his hands began rubbing up and down my back and I hummed again, closing my eyes. He was warm and everywhere and it was nice.
I could tell he had gone back to watching his game because he started cursing under his breath about a bad call. I smiled though because it was so damn domestic.
“How we feeling?” Ghost’s voice pulled me from the slight doze I’d found myself in. If he wasn’t so comfortable, it wouldn’t have been such a problem to stay awake.
“Like shit,” I told him.
“What can I do about it?” He asked.
“Kill me?” I offered hopefully.
“Why not?”
“Too much of a mess,” I snorted at him.
“You’re no fun,” 
“Never said I was,” But he moved to press his forehead into my hair. I always joked that he was like a cat that gave head bonks instead of using his words. I didn’t mind, sometimes words didn’t help anyway.
I bonked him back and I could feel him smile through his balaklava.
“I could always try to fuck you better,” He offered with a smirk even his mask couldn’t hide.
“I don’t know that that’d make me feel any better,” But I was smiling.
“Always makes me feel better,” Another gentle knock of his forehead against me. 
“That’s cuz you’re a slut, Simon,” I shifted slightly to press a kiss to his cloth covered cheek. There was a time that was the closest I got to skin. He moved to pull his mask up to his nose.
“Like I’m going to let you get away with that,” But he was grinning. He held me tighter so I couldn’t escape him as he kissed my face. I laughed and tried to push him away, but he was far stronger than me, and really, I didn’t want to be anywhere else. “Kiss me,” He commanded softly. I rolled my eyes at him.
“I just got sick, you don’t want to be near my mouth,” 
“You’ve kissed me when there’s been blood on my face, and you at least brushed your teeth,” He reminded me. I snorted at him again.
“That was a very different situation,” I said.
“Don’t care,” This time he took matters into his own hands, and by matters, I mean my face. He tipped my head back and covered my mouth with his. For a long moment, there was nothing else in the whole world but his lips on mine. No school or work or groceries to get. No rent or bills or stress. No ungrateful stomach, no useless meatsuit. Just Simon.
And that was more than enough.
[More Ghost]
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
AITA for letting my coworker die? Or, rather, caring about this fact more than success?
I’ll say ‘coworker’ for now as to not raise suspicion, but I’ll elaborate later on. Most will likely skip past as a result of the boring title, I’d think, so my chances of remaining anonymous are higher.
This is a… rather unique situation, I’ll admit. There’s some factors about it that, well… they’re different than previous times this has happened. I have good reason to believe that it’s clouding my better judgement, but it’s eating me from the inside nonetheless.
I (classified, M) work for a… spy organization. It’s part of my job to stay anonymous and in the shadows, but this one is a rather… well-known story, so I’ll hopefully do my best.
My job specifically is to guide our agents as they work through jobs. Alas, I myself can’t be an agent in the field anymore, but at least I can do this.
I’ve been assigned many an agent before, and it is in part of my job description to not get attached to them. These agents will inevitably die, it’s simply the nature of the job. I could count myself lucky that they didn’t want to let me go after an injury and pulled me from the field. Otherwise, I have no doubt I would have been killed, just like every other agent. It’s the expectation.
But… I don’t exactly know how to explain it. This agent was different, and I curse myself every damned day for thinking that. This is the fact that’s giving me doubts.
This agent in particular (classified, NB) had a knack for cheating death. I don’t know how they did it, but they managed to pull it off every damn time.
…Most of the time, at least.
You see, on our… last mission together, I suppose, they’d needed to find a source of backup power for the elevator they were in. They can’t— they couldn’t walk, you see, at least not well, so stairs were out of the question. But they were an absolutely brilliant agent despite it all, and they figured out clever solutions for everything. This one in particular had involved a car battery that they’d nicked from a lower floor, and it was supplying the elevator with power.
I feel as if I’m at fault here because I didn’t do my job well enough. I should’ve kept their preservation in mind, should’ve told them to find another source of power, or… or something like that. But I foolishly didn’t see the need, didn’t think they’d need another.
The plot that we were thwarting was one of our most important yet. If this agent in particular couldn’t do it, then nobody could. They were the very best of the best.
And… you… may have seen the news recently, of the universal broadcast about the nuclear weaponry. About how they were going to launch it, and it was going to have catastrophic consequences. And also, how the launch was aborted.
That was my agent. They did a brilliant job in disarming the codes, but the briefcase required a secondary source of power, and—
Well. If I’d just told them to grab another power source earlier, or if I’d thought of a better solution before they—
…I can’t help but believe this is my fault. Yes, the world was saved, and thank god for that, but I… well, the agent was… unfortunately, they were lost in the process. It was an unnecessary act of self-sacrifice that surely could’ve been avoided if I’d just thought faster.
I can’t help but feel that I’m the one to blame here. I’m supposed to be the one who guides them through the mission! I’m supposed to give them instructions, and that involves safeguards in case something else fails!
Of course I’m glad that the nukes weren’t launched, but just… Hm. The loss of this agent feels… very large to me. If I’m the one to blame for it, then so be it, but I don’t know if my mind is playing games with me.
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hinahaikyuu · 2 years
adult sleepover. pt 2
many asked, and you shall receive. here is part two, it just goes into a little more detail of the flashbacks and the conversation. part three will be one part for each character, the reveal and then a timeskip. 
read pt 1 here
tags: @the-moons-raes @kuroosdarling @sakefishwrites @hoperenae @moonlit-mizukage @onibee13​ you all said to tag you or you showed interest and I thought you’d appriciate :) ♥
all works owned by @hinahaikyuu​— please do not plagiarize, copy or modify my works.  
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“I have no idea who it could be.” Kuroo leaned back, starting to forget that you were there and present when he dived into his thoughts. 
“Didn’t you just say he got a love letter from her, Yaku.” Lev asked, kicking his feet out from under himself to get comfortable for the seemingly long thought process. 
“I was messing with you, dumbass. She never gave any of us one of her letters. They were therapeutic, not romantic.” he gave a softer kick than he had in the past to Lev’s thigh. “If I had to take a guess, I’d say Inuoka.”
“Why me, Yakkun?” So looked confused, taking a bite of a pastry. “I’d say you over all of us.”
“It’s the way you always knew she was down, and when she needed a hug vs when she needed her space. You were like a little emotional support puppy, and I know she liked kind guys like that. Especially the way she holds onto you.” Yaku took a drink of his can, “Why me?”
“You were the first to get her kisses.” Inuoka answered. “You were, well are, always confident and logical. Until you got that first kiss anyway.” 
“Oh yeah, I remember.” He smirked. 
“You’re fucking face that day was golden, dude.” Kuroo started laughing hard at the memory, soon the rest of the boys did as well. 
“It was that game against Nohebi for the represented spot.” Yaku looked out the window into the night sky fondly. “After I got hurt, and after we won. The excitement, the adrenaline, I can still remember that first kiss. It was so soft.”
“You think about it a lot?” You asked from the kitchen table, he turned to you with a smile, and a simple nod. 
“So then it’s Yaku?” Lev turned to you with a curious gaze, pouting when you raised your eyebrow at took a drink. 
“Nah, even if I was the first to get her kisses, I wasn’t the only one. Kenma was after me.” Yaku turned to his former setter. 
“Don’t drag me into this.”
“You just asked her for confirmation that it was one of us!” Kuroo teased. 
“It could be you, you know.” 
“What do you mean?”
“You’re always the first person she calls when she needs something, any time or day and you’re always there within minutes to her rescue.” Kenma picked up his game, “after Yaku left for Russia anyway.”
“I agree that it could be you though Kenma,” Kuroo started, looking at his friend for a reaction. “You were the first person to start staying over when she got her apartment, and the first person to get to sleepover after a chat stream with her.”
“Does anyone think it could be Lev? or Yamamoto?” You chimed in, looking to get there gears running. 
“Oh.. you two did have that dance in the rain. That was kind of romantic.” Inuoka turned to Lev. 
“I forgot about that, in our third year.” 
“How do you forget something like that you damn idiot.” Yaku spat, kicking Lev, “I’d kill for a memory like that.”
“It was super dorky and awkward, no you don’t.” Inuoka started, “she was in the area after visiting her parents and it started pouring, Lev held the umbrella but it broke and started panicking. He fell over onto her in a puddle!” He was cackling. Yaku ready to kill Lev for his stupidity. “He stood up, apologizing profusely when she just took his hand and tossed him into the puddle too. When they stood they started laughing, and she just grabbed his hands and started swinging in circles.” 
Yamamoto started cackling, he had never heard this story before.
“If I’m being honest, I don’t think it’s Yamamoto.” Kuroo turned, “Sorry to say, but you did treat her differently than anyone else.”
“That’s exactly why it could be him.” Kenma pointed out, “He didn’t freak out with her all the time the way he did with Karasuno’s managers. He was a little more respectful, even if he was still a handful.”
“Of course I was. She was our manager and I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.” he took a second to think, “I remember how sad she was when I asked her why she seemed so upset one time, after I did freak out a little over how attractive Karasuno was. That was when I learned about her insecurities and tried to be better.” 
“That’s... very mature and didn’t think of it that way.” Kuroo smiled, “Touché.” 
“There are more memories, but these seem to be our core memories hmm? What leaves us to think she fell in love with each other?” Inuoka looked at his feet in the distance. “I really have no idea. All of us have some good memories together, and alone.”
“That may have been her point.” Kenma looked over at you, “You didn’t want to seem like you were playing favorites did you?” You shook your head, agreeing with his statement. 
“I’m glad you came to this outcome yourselves.” You smiled, grabbing a handful of letters from the box after digging through them. Slowly you walked over to each boy and handed them the little folded piece of paper. They read through there letters pretty quickly, and once they were done, you sat down in front of the group of boys. 
“So.... who is it?” ah, the present tense. All five boys looked at each other their letters in there hands, whoever it was. It is still is.
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
morning writing drafts
I should be working on sleepless in la. 
Big SHOULD there. 
Instead, I think i’ve come up with a name for a 911/mass effect mashup.  And been graphic editing because who wants to finish their rom com that should have been done already?  
Title: The First Spectre (aka previously known as untitled 911/Mass Effect space opera slowburn) chapter 1 vs prologue
Fandom: 911, Mass Effect Trilogy
Pairing: endgame Buddie (MShenko equivalent).  Assume anything else is fair game until we hit ME3 territory because i’m totally making Taylor into Miranda and Abby is going to be Liara. 
Tags/warnings: i’m still not committing to writing this monster length fic(and I do mean monster length if I go for it—like 600k of the slowest of slow burns).  In the meantime i’m evidently writing a beginning, a divorce-era horizon disaster, and can clearly picture the catalyst firing/’don’t leave me behind’ scene in all its angsty goodness. Author may be in deep trouble.  First draft.  Assume Eddie=Kaidan Alenko and Buck=MShep.  Chimney is totally Joker.  Use of military terms that may confuse some audiences and be completely inappropriate as author does not have a military background and just reads too many generation kill fics. 
Tagging because they asked @shortsighted-owl​.  If you would like to be tagged for any updates or snippets from this one please let me know. 
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Lieutenant Edmundo Diaz—known to his family as Eddie or everyone else as Lt Diaz or just Diaz—sat in the copilot’s chair on the bridge listening to Flight Lieutenant Han, aka Chimney, grumble about their newest mission orders.  Eddie thought that the grumbling was mostly for show—being assigned to work under Captain Robert Nash was a coveted position and good for your career.  The Normandy (known also by it’s engineering designation as SR-118) was a new type of freighter that was a joint project between the Alliance and the alien council races. There was no ship faster or with better handling anywhere in the fleet. 
Chimney really should be happier he was getting the privilege of flying the equivalent of the most luxurious, high tech interplanetary transport ever made.  Instead, he was grumbling about scuttlebutt that he’d heard while getting his clearance physical from Dr. Wilson. 
“Did you hear who you’ll be working with?” Chimney asked Eddie, implying that Eddie should be unhappy about his new CO.  
“I heard I’d be working with Commander Buckley and there’s nothing to say.  He’s a good soldier.”
“A good soldier?!?  You heard what happened on Akuze right?  That he’s the only one who survived?”
“It means he’s capable and smart,” Eddie argued, trying to put an end to Chimney’s rant that had been going on for over a half hour.  “That’s good to have in a team CO.”
Chimney scoffed. “His entire team died except him. You going to be happy with him hanging you out to dry while he hightails it to safety?”
Eddie was beginning to think that the intel folder that had been sitting in his inbox wasn’t common knowledge as there’d just been a string of nonsensical numbers and letters as the sender’s contact information.  He’d been sent the extended—and highly classified—report on the Akuze Incident as well as the redacted official report that had been released to the press along with his official orders and a copy of Commander Buckley’s jacket. Eddie thought that Commander Buckley was lucky to have survived the first contact the Alliance had ever had with a thresher maw that had literally devoured an entire colony and then the rest of his naval special warfare unit that had been sent to investigate why the colony had gone dark.
Thresher maws were basically giant, hungry space worms with teeth the size of a small shuttle and spat acidic venom up to 3 clicks with eerie accuracy that would melt through shields and armor in less than two minutes.  If you didn’t die from the acid then you had to worry with either being eaten or crushed to death.  The damned things also hunted by noise and vibration so there was no escaping them other than getting off planet in a hurry. 
Eddie might have nightmares about incidents like Akuze.  Commander Buckley had his respect for surviving one. The fact that the commander wasn’t out of his brain and stashed in some head doctor’s padded room drooling from being drugged to the gills spoke to his mental strength and resiliency.  The rest of his military jacket was even more impressive with the noted list of assignments and commendations including that he’d graduated from the Interplanetary Combatives Training (ICT) program and was one of the rare N7s. 
Eddie’s only question was who had sent him the file—he was to be the XO for the ground team but it was highly unusual for him to have gotten this much intel up front…so who had given it to him?  It could be Captain Andersen since his name was also all over Commander Buckley’s file which suggested a mentor-mentee relationship but it could also have been the Commander himself or a third party who wanted to somehow prejudice Eddie in some way. 
He was inclined to give his new CO the benefit of the doubt and see how things went.  Paperwork often omitted some truths and as a biotic Eddie had experienced his fair share of off-the-books blowbacks and prejudices. 
Chimney, however, wasn’t.  The man was an inveterate gossip and had his ear tuned to get all the latest scuttlebutt.  Eddie had only known him for a few weeks but he knew if he needed to know anything about anybody on the ship then Chimney was the person to see. 
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lif3isstrange · 10 months
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Ask gameeeeeee 🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖 (for research purposes this emoji needed to be used 🧐)
1. 14 and it sucked because of all the stigma around autism. People make it seem like this awful thing and that you’re just a fancy word for dumb, then I moved on but got upset because I felt like I was being a burden on everyone with my picky eating and sensory meltdowns but my psychiatrist said ‘don’t be angry at yourself for the way you are, be angry with the world, it’s the worlds fault for not fitting with you, not the other way around’. I was like damn she’s worth the money 🥳
2. I am in the people I live with so they all just think I bring up autism as an excuse and I’m really just a ‘spoiled brat’ 😍 my mum refuses to learn anything about autism at all and my sister said stimming was disgusting and sounded ‘sexual’ ?! My dads quite sus tho with the autism symptoms but doesn’t know how to deal with it🤨
3. I have adhd aswell so they both love to conflict 🥰, my autism thrives in routine but my adhd loves chaos, my autism wants to be quiet and focused and my adhd wants to look at how the tree kinda looks like that one from two years ago and loudly blab about something uninteresting to others 😟 it’s a lot to handle but I wouldn’t be as cool without em both so 😎
4. Yes but extremely confused and can’t be bothered to figure it out 🤩
5. That it isn’t our fault and we don’t do destructive things on purpose, we do it to try and display our feelings because we can’t really be verbal and calmly talk about them when we’re focused on how bright the lights are and how horrible and itchy our clothes start to feel. We need more time to adjust with change and so people need patience etc. many people even parents fail to understand what asd is like 🫡
6. Yes but only with another autistic so they got the sensory meltdowns but they were a bad person and liked their computer a lot more than me 💀 I love relationships as I am a very loving person and feel the need to share it but relationships are hard and extremely emotionally challenging plus I don’t trust men much anymore 😵‍💫
7. The adhd tends to come in clutch so I think it’s more my town lacks personality than me. I have a very analytical way where I will find something we are both passionate about and then ramble on about it with them then keep trying to find other things in common and go on etc. I basically treat befriending like a fun cia operation 🥸
8. My special interests aren’t as strong as other peoples but I love the game outlast 2 and the lore of it. There was so much work put into the game and theories how the speakers throughout the game were put a certain hz to brainwash the citizens into the religious insanity and the story behind the entire thing is just chefs kiss 🤌
9. Idk if this counts but probably Jacqueline Wilson books 😭 I bought and read every single book she wrote (my favourite was rose rivers) some of those books were so insane to read but I was such a bookworm. I bought every magazine she put out aswell and collected all the free gifts in them 🤭
10. Kill ur father and don’t listen to anyone bc they’re all evil 😭 I let everyone treat me like garbage and was such a sensitive little baby 😖 if I could go back I’d tell her to set everyone straight and not let anyone mess with me plus to stop being a weirdo 🤓
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wickedlyqueer · 2 years
Is there anything that you actually like about the Wicked movie? I’m thrilled Erivo has played a queer lead before and I can see the movie leaning into the queer aspect of the books (let’s face it, the stage musical totally dropped the ball on that). And I’d much rather have twice the Wicked onscreen, so I’m down for two movies.
oh damn have i been that negative about the wicked movie? Anon, I call the book and musical trash fires and garbage all day long. :') The movies are and will not be exempt. I expect things I'll fucking hate (like I do in the books and musical) but will still find so much to love.
I'm at the point where I see Wicked (in all its adaptations) as a big sandbox I get to play around in and build my own things. it's what I've done for years and will continue to do once the movie(s) come out. But to your question:
Things I'm Looking Forward To In The Wicked Movies:
I, too, am excited about Cynthia Erivo. Not only has she played a queer lead before, a quick wiki search tells me she actually identifies as queer and bisexual. A bisexual queen portraying a bisexual icon? Let's go!
Ariana Grande. Yes, I know, quite the controversial opinion, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Most criticism I've seen is that they think Ariana is just gonna play... Ariana Grande in the movie. Not Glinda. And it speaks to how much and how well of a Personality™ she has crafted over the years. Like, did you know her hair is naturally curly? She deliberately does not wear it in public, because that's a very personal and private thing. Always opting for the stylized high ponytail instead. Why am I bringing this up? Because unless you know Ariana Grande personally, all you know about her, is a public image. Remind you of someone? Right. Glinda. If she can tap into that part of herself, the public vs. private self, and use that to portray Gilnda. Hot damn are we gonna get a juicy second act!
("but she's not a full soprano!! and whistle notes don't count! >:(") she has a four octaves range and is literally one of the most popular and talented singers of our time. stop pretending your local fav and classically musical trained actress with no screen experience whatsoever would be able to do a better job.
("but when she performed at A Very Wicked Halloween she wasn't all that good!") Yeah, that came to my mind too, but I did a bit of a google and it turns out she nearly dropped out of the performance due to anxiety from a recent break-up, but also, oh you know, the goddamn Manchester Arena bombing, that killed 23 people, injured over a 1000 and left so many with PTSD and trauma, including Ariana. Just. Imagine singing. Doing your job. And as people leave your concert. They get killed and injured. Yeah, you know what? She gets a pass for not being "at her best" when it seems a lot of personal shit was happening at the time.
Which brings me to my final point about Ariana: she loves Wicked. I've said it in the first ever post I made after the casting announcement and I'll say it again: Ariana Grande doesn't need to go up for acting roles. She's at the top of her game career wise. If anything, doing a bad job as Glinda could leave a dent. So she wouldn't have gone up for the role, if she didn't want to fully commit to it. In my google search I also found out she's currently not working on new music so she can focus on Glinda. So. Literally pushing away the most successful part of her career to do a goddamn movie. That's commitment. She won't half-ass this. She's committed to the role. And I wish both her and Cynthia the best and that they can fully embody those meaty roles.
In that same vein, I'm quite happy to see Ariana and Cynthia bonding prior to shooting. I don't have much fate that the movies will strengthen the queer subtext (we can always hope, but i prefer not to set myself up for disappointment) but they very much understand that Glinda and Elphaba's relationship are at the core of the show. If I got some delicious subtext to chew on, I'm good.
The director Jon M. Chu gives me hope as well! I haven't seen his whole filmography but it seems he had several directing gigs and is used to mixing it with musical elements. I have seen Crazy Rich Asians (albeit a few years ago) but I remember it being campy but also heartfelt at the right moments and being able to switch between the two. Hey. That's similar to Wicked's tone! Honestly, watch Crazy Rich Asians and see how much it vibes with Wicked's tone of voice. I think you'd be surprised and pretty hopeful he can pull that balance off with Wicked too!
I obviously can't speak much about the actual movies, the plot, the storytelling, the cinematography, the acting, the costumes, the set design, the singing, and... pretty much everything that makes a movie. And I'm not really into speculating on the movie. I'll wait until the final product is here and pick and choice from there what I like. Getting new content for a fandom that hasn't really gotten anything new since at least a decade, is exciting on its own!
Bringing me to the one thing I unequivocally look forward to the most:
The movies will draw in new fans! Listen, I love tiny fandoms. I love our tiny fandom. But it's also, at times, a bit of a wasteland. Even if the movies become everything we fear, so many people will (re)discover Wicked!
And even if all of us elderly fans will be grumpy and mad that the movie isn't our 2D animated dream version we've all collectively embraced as the Better Movie... a real movie can never beat the fantasy version perfectly tailored to all the wishes in your own head. But that's where the fandom part kicks in. We can have our own fun!
So yeah, I'm exciting to all the people who will become curious about Wicked once the movies come out. Yes, even the people who only watch the movie bc Ariana is in it. Yes, even if they don't ship the ship I ship. Yes, even if I hate the movies with my entire being but they absolutely love it.
A bit of fresh perspective can really revive this fandom, but we have to let it. And I for one, cannot wait to see the new perspectives the movies and new fans will bring to us!
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ultraericthered · 2 years
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Sephiroth & Ganondorf, two video game villains who got big in the 90s and left legacies that endured for the rest of their franchises, and for whatever reason, I associate both of them with this time of year.
They’ve made many appearances in different games (and one movie in Sephiroth’s case), so I went and graded them all to rank them on a Top 13 list, which I’m laying out here. Ranked from best to worst.
1. Final Fantasy VII (1997): 10/10. A super compelling, powerful, terrifying, and unforgettable bad ass villain, never to be topped. 2. Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (2007). 9/10. The hardest any other official FFVII work went to nail Sephiroth as a character, though he is sadly still saddled with lots of baggage whether it be backstory with two dull angel wing friends or a shit rendition of One Winged Angel! 3. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (2005). 8/10. For what his role is, he plays it very well, and he actually manages to be legit intimidating again. But it’s literally all he’s there for - he has to fight Cloud and get his ass killed by him AGAIN purely out of obligation. 4. Dissidia: Final Fantasy series. 8/10. Again works very well for what he is. Once you've accepted that this is not the OG Sephiroth, he's actually really cool as his own character on his own merits. 5. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. 8/10. A glorious return to form for Sephiroth after...certain other incidents earlier on in 2020. 6. Mobius Final Fantasy. 7/10. He just does the generic and typical Sephiroth shtick but hey, at least he does it with some nice style!
7. Itadaki Street. 7/10. It's Sephiroth, along with Golbez, Gilgamesh, and Kefka, living in a mundane town and playing party games with Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest characters. That is hilarious! 8. Kingdom Hearts (2002). 6/10. A great bonus boss with a great look, but not much of a true villain since he’s playing by the rules, and both "One Winged Angel" and his voice... have sounded better. 9. Ehrgeiz: God Bless The Ring (1998). 5/10. A guest fighter who nowadays looks young and foolish compared to what we later got in the Dissidia games and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! 10. Kingdom Hearts II (2005). 4/10. He straight up did not need to be in this game if THIS was the material (and to clarify, I’d much prefer he be in the game since hearing Donald and Goofy say his name should not be passed up!) 11. Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020). 3/10. Why is he in THIS game in any point of it before the finale? Why couple such cool visuals with such bad writing!? Why was Tyler Hochlin's delivery so wooden?!? 12. Before Crisis & Last Order: Final Fantasy VII (2004). 2/10. Worst Sephiroth ever, he looks and acts like a pansy ass bitch! 13. World of Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts UX (2015/16) 1/10, total cameo appearances, doesn't even get to say a single thing! (Side Note: Shout out to Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged Series. Sephiroth is prone to many parody versions of him, so how is it that this abridged parody series somehow produced a PERFECTLY accurate replication of the horror of OG Sephiroth who is also the most dark, twisted, and reprehensibly evil take on the character ever seen in anything FFVII-related? It just boggles the mind, I tell you!) GANON 1. Hyrule Warriors series. 10/10. Best looking, best characterized, and most formidable and powerful take on Ganon to date. 2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998). 10/10. All things considered, he was just the perfect villain in this game. 3. Super Smash Bros. series. 9/10. Not always one of the best combatants but certainly never bad and always badass to use. 4. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2002) 8/10. Whenever he's actually on-screen, he's great. Shame we didn't get all that much of him compared to his showing in Ocarina of Time. 5. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006). 7/10. He’s mostly Zant's master who is unseen for most of the game until hijacking him as the final boss at the very end. But he’s a damn good final boss. 6. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (1992). 7/10. He’s mostly Agahnim's master who is unseen for most of the game until he's the final boss at the very end, but again, he’s a damn good final boss. 7. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure (2004). 6/10. A less effective Hijacking By Ganon to be the final boss at the very end. His backstory isn’t very remarkable and his design looks kinda dumb. 8. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Seasons (2001). 5/10. His designs are great but one of them didn't even get used and for the big final boss battle, he's reduced to a mindless, dumb beast! 9. The Legend of Zelda (1986) & The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017). 4/10. In both of these games Ganon is just incredibly underwhelming, and in the latter it's not even Ganondorf anymore!
10. BS Legend Of Zelda & Cadence of Hyrule. 4/10. These games are non-canon to the main series timelines and it really shows in Ganon. In the former they took that evil caped pig shilouette Zelda II’s Game Over screen too literally, and in the latter he’s a major Adaptational Wimp who seems almost more like a parody of Ganon!
11. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2013). 3/10. Yuga, the Lorule counterpart to Ganon, is an excellent villain, but his whole thing relies on Ganon being made a chump to get hijacked by him! 12. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (1993). 2/10. He was just a nightmare, so grab your fuzzy TEDDY BEAR! 13. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (1987). 1/10, GAME OVER, RETURN OF GANON. That's literally it.
(Side Note: OK, to address the elephant pig in the room, the Ganon from the ever notorious Zelda CDI games would get a 0/10 for not just non-canonical status and lack of faithfulness, but being just atrocious in general. Atrocious design, atrocious animation, atrocious dialogue, atrocious fights and defeats, literally the only thing he has going for him is Mark Berry’s surprisingly dedicated voice acting!)
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Beyond the Blood Tie - Chapter Eight.
So guys, THIS is the chapter that I’ve been excitedly waiting to give to you, the first of a couple to come that I can barely wait for you to read! Here, we will see the first shift between Edie and Angel, and I’m going to shut up now and let you have at it. 
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Previous Chapters - One  Two, Part One Part Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven
Words - 6,363
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
Edie's POV
I shouldn't have come into work today. I should have taken a day out of my annual vacation time and decided that dealing with this day, as well as a vampire who is so intrigued over it, would upset my balance more. I should have stayed at home, because right now, for the first time since it happened, I feel as weak and insignificant as I did at fifteen years old, when I found my mother on the kitchen floor surrounded by liquor and pill bottles, with a note telling me it was all my fault, that she'd decided to kill herself.  
The vampire has picked and picked at it, ripping the scab right off the wound with everything he's discovered, everything he's been right over, too, much to my annoyance. What further pisses me off is the fact he's well and truly got under my skin. He's correct when he says I want to trust him, because there is something about him that screams to me that I can, some of that old wisdom about him which I find comforting. I don't hate him any longer, and that's what I dislike most, the fact that a detainee has given me a bit of a softer spot for him. 
I just can't trust him, though. I want to, but I know I can't. I've never had a detainee throw me through as many loops as he has, and I still have three weeks and five days left with him. I can't get over how vile he was to me, and how he kept playing mind games with me. Why would he give all of that up? Why would he see something within me that interests him? Why? Why me?
He says he respects me, but I don't believe that either. I want to, but... I just can't. Even though he's actually being pleasant to me and genuinely wants to know what it is that I've hardened myself to, I just can't allow myself to trust him. He's throwing me through such a conundrum. Conundrum, my word of the day two days ago. I don’t really feel triumph over finding a usage for it, though. Not at all, thanks to Angel and his damned picking at me, relentlessly trying to get the truth out of me over my childhood.
It took me a long time to even tell Vic what happened to me, and none of my friends knew until years after I'd first met them. What makes this vampire so fucking special that he can wheedle all this information out of me? What is it about him that makes me cave? Is it his complete steadfast refusal to stop bugging me? No, I don't think it is.
I think it's the fact I know I like him, and I think he likes me too in some small way, and I can't let that happen. I'm not far from giving in on this, from just marching into Tyrell's office and telling him I want to swap. This isn't like me, I don't give up. Vic taught me better than to just give up. I'm so confused, though. I don't know what his gain is in wanting me to confess all to him. He says I'll feel better for it. Maybe I will, maybe that’s the wisdom in him, perhaps I should trust him, but he's a...
"A fucking detainee, Edie! Get that through your thick head." I fume out loud to myself, so angry right now, I could smack myself for being so stupid, for allowing the vampire to creep inside my head and pull my strings like a damn puppet, all for his amusement. The way he's acting now though, is it the real him? Was everything else just a charade to try to intimidate me, and he really has given up now that he sees that he can't? I guess if that wasn't true, he'd still be trying, but this could be an attempt mess with me, still.  
Why should I believe him all of a sudden, that this is in any way sincere? I suppose there's the added draw that it feels nice, to have someone that bothered about what upsets me, someone that powerful as well, no less. I just don't know if he genuinely gives a shit. What drives me even crazier is the fact I think I want him to.
"You're in this way, way over your head." I mutter, lying on my back up here on the roof, watching the stars twinkle as I chain smoke. I am in this way over my head, because I don't know what to do. If I give up and ask to be taken off the job, he's won. If I don't, then I know he's going to keep picking until I explode. If only I was a little more intelligent, I might have more of a chance in working him out. Realising that sitting up here will do me no good, that I'm not finding any answers to my questions, but am a little calmer than I was when I came up here twenty minutes ago, I head back downstairs.
"You okay now?" Max asks me as soon as I enter my chamber.
"Fine, I thought I was going to spew, but I'm alright." I reply, watching him nod and press a hand to my shoulder as he walks by and then exits, leaving just me and my source of torment, alone once more.
"I'm sorry if I've upset you with my questioning, Edie," the vampire tells me.
"I don't care if you're sorry or not any longer, I really don't. I don't have the strength to keep on trying to work out your game, so there, you fucking win. I give up," I lament, honestly all out of any strength left to verbally fight him. These vampires, they really wear you down.
"This isn't about me winning, though. It’s about you, facing up to whatever your mother has left within you that continues to make you so damned angry. You know you need to tell someone. Just tell me, someone who doesn't know you well and someone who won't judge you for it. We vampires, we're not judgemental at all, you know.”  
"Stop it," I sob, feeling myself come undone, tears actually prickling my eyes, not able to stop the memories of her from coming, and coming. When he closes his eyes and doesn't speak for a while, I know he's trying to see them, my memories.
"If you don't want to tell me, just think it. Let me see it through your mind, while I still have some strength," he offers, while I feel like I'm rapidly running out of options. And so, with a deep breath, and a lack of caution I could later come to regret, I do it. I take the biggest, most uncertain leap of faith I ever, ever have, and I picture the note I read in my mind clearly, with the last words she left for me right there for him to see, too.
'You made my marriage and my life too unbearable to want to live any longer. I curse the day you were ever born, Edie.'
Looking up at him, drying my eyes, I see a very different vampire looking back at me. “Edie, don't you dare cry one fucking tear over that bitch of a mother of yours. The only person who pushed her to suicide was herself. How can a child do that? Ask yourself, how could you have possibly been the cause?" he states strongly, after seeing it through my mind clearly enough to know, obviously. He speaks in the gentlest tone I've ever heard him use, too.
"I was born, that was enough apparently from her fucked up point of view," I tremor, not able to stop the tears he said I shouldn't cry from falling again.
"It was her choice to have you, you didn't ask to be born. This isn't your fault. You had an abusive, alcoholic mom, who took the cowards way out and left you alone with nothing other than the burden that her suicide was caused by you. It wasn't. Stop crying, Edie. She doesn't deserve your tears, and I'm sorry my questioning made you cry. Do you feel better now though, for telling someone?" he then asks me. I have to admit it to him.
"Yes, I do. A little," I confess, drying my eyes and trying not to cry any more. I feel embarrassed enough as it is.
"You look like you need a hug," he observes.
"I do," I reply in a small voice. I hate being this weak in front of him, but I just don't care any longer.
"Then come here and unchain me, and you'll get one," he offers, actually smiling at me, a real and beautiful smile for the first time. God, he’s so gorgeous when he smiles like that.
"I'd get into massive amounts of trouble, and how am I to know you won't attack me again?" I ask, knowing it could well be a ploy, a trick to free him. A part of me, it wants to trust him so much, though.
"Well, other than everything else I've said to you that you should believe, I suppose you don't. You just have to let yourself trust me, and see that in this instance, not everyone is going to fuck you over. So, give me a chance. I can be nice sometimes. I want now to be one of them. Trust me, Edie. I won't let you down.” With my emotions stirred heavily, I find myself slowly walking over to him. 'You're out of your fucking mind, you're going to get fired or attacked again, you stupid girl!' I tell myself in my head as I approach, reaching out and one by one, unfastening each of the bindings on his wrists, until the chains swing free. This is it. This is the test. Was he lying? I realise he wasn't when I feel two strong, stone-cold arms fold around me, hugging me tightly to him.
"Told you so." he whispers, before he says no more for the moment, and neither do I. I just wrap my arms around him, resting my forehead against his shoulder, finally feeling a little bit of peace inside with regards to my mom. For the first time since she died, and since I kept the secret of her suicide note with much shame, I feel soothed here in the cold, dead arms of a vampire who I thought hated me truly. Fuck, the dude gives great hugs. I think it’s because he’s so big. Tall, well-built guys do tend to blanket you in their embrace.
"You're really not that bad underneath the scary exterior, are you?" I state, feeling his hand gently stroking my back.
"No, I'm not. Granted, I'm still a vampire and far from human, but there's much more to my nature than spite and aggression.”
“A giver of awesome hugs is definitely in there.”
He snorts softly. “You should see what else I’m awesome at.” Oh, that suggestion in his voice, he’s so bad.
Rolling my eyes, I smack him between the shoulder blades. “Angel!”
He shrugs, laughing softly. “What? I’m just being honest.”
“Stop!” I exclaim, shaking my head.
“Sorry. Can’t help it, you’re too cute.” Hearing that makes my heart skip a beat, and he feels it, his arms tightening around me. The peaceful, serene moment we share is sadly interrupted by Aileen, screaming through my walkie-talkie.
"Edie, tie him the fuck back up, now! Have you lost your damn mind, girl?" I hear from behind me, where the device is clipped onto my belt.
"Aileen, it's fine. He isn't going to hurt me," I state, after the vampire has removed it from my belt and handed it to me, placing his arms around me properly again. I've only let him go with one of mine, not wanting to lose the contact. His cool skin feels so nice against mine. I thought he'd feel horrible, but he doesn't. He feels lovely. He isn’t what I thought he was either. He’s capable of much more than what I’ve seen, and this, this is what I can feel myself becoming lost in.  
"Get him chained up, right now!" she then continues to fume. I don't even reply, shutting off the device before clipping it back onto my belt, resting my cheek against the cool surface of the vam… Angel's broad chest. He's cold and completely odourless, and I can feel the nothing within him strongly, yet it doesn't make me nervous, being this close to it, to him. The stillness within him is so peaceful. It’s like, the chaos and upset my mom left me with is the storm, and Angel is the eye of it, the calm, the quiet. He’s wrapped me up in it, in him. It can’t get to me here, in the dead stillness that is him. God, he feels so soothing. I now know what Sasha meant when she told me vampires are enchanting.  
I really, really don’t want to let him go. It would seem the feeling is entirely mutual as well, Angel moving his head, turning mine to view him. “Don’t cry about your mom. She was a cunt, and you’re not, you hear me?”  
I nod, feeling his thumb drying my tears. “I’ll try.” We fall silent again then, just the oddity that is the vampire and his punisher, holding one another tightly, wrapped up in something that truly has no place within a chamber of the CD, but which neither of us are in a rush to stop.  
"I think you're about to get in a whole lot of trouble. Aileen is on her way, so you need to chain me up again," he laments, slowly removing his arms from around me and holding them up by where the chains dangle. I nod and smile a little sadly, knowing that of course, I do have a job to do. If I still have a job, that is.
"Thank you, by the way. For being persistent enough to get that out of me, because you're right, I do feel better. I at least feel better for hearing someone tell me it wasn't my fault. I know it wasn't, but it was the fact she said it at all. It was more than embarrassing and shameful," I sigh, Angel nodding with a wink.
"I understand, and you're welcome," he smiles, just as Aileen comes bursting in.
"Get your ass over here right now, lady. I mean it, Edie. Come away from the dead guy and come with me," she speaks, calmly but firmly as she motions with her hand. I look at Angel and smile, seeing him return the same before I head on over to her. She grabs my hand and then marches me out of the chamber, not saying a word to me as we head up to the control room, with her flinging me at a seat and then going back to slam the door shut before coming over to the table to pound her hand off it.
"You're damn lucky Miss Botts is out right now procuring her nightly feed and I was the only one in here to see that shit! Look, I even covered your ass and messed up the monitor screen just in case anyone came in while I was busy dragging you out of there. Have you gone completely insane, Edie Bailey? You unchained a vampire who it took six grown men to haul in, even though he was silvered, the vampire who attacked you, and who has been playing mind games with you ever since? Really, what in the absolute fucking hell were you thinking?" she yells at me irately, pointing at a fuzzy monitor screen that usually projects the images from my chamber. I can't say I blame her; it was a very risky move on my part, but it paid off. He told me I could trust him, and I could.
"I know I've crossed the line, I know that only too well,” I begin in my defence, holding my hands up. “It's hard to explain, though, because I know you're not going to believe me, but he isn't the same vampire he was when he came in. That's not all there is to him. As you can see, he didn't attack me, he put his arms around me and was nothing but gentle. He's been picking up on the fact that I think of my situation with my mother when I'm working, and he confessed he was curious as to know who she was. He concentrated hard and saw flashes of her face when I was thinking about her, and he just picked and picked at it. I'm glad he did, too, because he finally got something out of me that perhaps I should have said to someone years ago," I further explain, pausing to light a cigarette.
"And just what was so easy for you to tell him that you couldn't tell us?" she cries, making me feel bad in an instant, because she sounds a little hurt. She always tells me if I have a problem, I can go to her with it.
"It wasn't easy, he really put the pressure on and wheedled it out of me. Today he won because today is the thirteenth anniversary of her death, so it was on my mind. When she died, she blamed me in her suicide note, and to say I've been pissed off and feeling ashamed of it ever since is an understatement. He got it out of me purely because of the blood tie, persistence and damn good guesswork. No human could have done the same.” Watching her mouth fall open a little when I mention the part about what my bitch of a mother left me with as her last words, her eyes are full of sympathy as she views me.
"She said that? Oh, hon," she begins, actually being very un-Aileen like and getting up to walk over and put her arm around me as she bends to my level, hugging me tightly. After that, she does something very Aileen-like, though. She swiftly slaps me around the face. "That's to bring you to your senses over two things. Firstly, you will not blame yourself for what that awful excuse for a mother left in the wake of her own pitiful snubbing out of her own pitiful life. The second is for being stupid and letting yourself be so pulled in by a damned vampire. I was right, you're interested in him. When he's released, you two can go fuck each other into the middle of next year if you so choose, but he's a detainee, and your time is over with him, because you're right. A line has been crossed here," she tells me, nothing short of efficiently. I think I needed that slap.
"I have to go and finish my job with him, though," I state, but then suddenly feel something unpleasant run through me. Can I go back in there and punish him fully, or will the fact I now view him very differently after that little moment make me unable to fulfil my duties to their full extent? I know I have to; I need to because I know I really shouldn't have untied him. At the same time though, I'm glad I did.
"Nope, you're not going back in there again, or rather you're going to tell Tyrell you don't want to carry on with it and we’ll send him to Ahmed or Max, and you get one of their guys in return. Now, I know I ain't got the weight to make that happen, but if you go back in there, I take the tape and what I know to Tyrell and your ass gets fired. You crossed a line, you've shown to me at least you can't be trusted around him, no matter how much you trust him. Also, I don't think you'll do your job properly, I don't think you'll be able to punish him, to hurt him. What he got out of you, well maybe it is better out in the open rather than stuck inside, upsetting you like it obviously has been. But still, buba, that line was crossed, and you better be thankful I look out for you as much as I do. I always say I got my eye on you, Edie. Be thankful I'm giving you a choice.”  
She’s right, of course she is, Aileen lighting a cigarette and filling the air with a thick plume of smoke as she takes a seat again. Well, I can't argue here. I suppose this is probably the best thing to do, and at least she's giving me the choice. I can't do my job around him, because punishers don't exchange embraces with the people they're punishing, that absolutely is not part of it at all. I fucked up, and for that, I don't get a chance to do the same again.  
Maybe, it’s also a good thing because I don't want him to get any closer that he already has. He knows something very personal about me, anything more intimate would put him in the realms of something I don't want him to be to me. Or do I? I'm unsure what I want from him, if he will be anything once he's released, who knows? Will his interest in me fade as soon as I'm absent? I need to be away from him to see if mine will, at least.
"Okay, I'll go to Tyrell now and ask to be switched with someone else," I sigh, watching her nod.
"It's for the best. Go and tell him you ain't feeling well either, Max and I will be able to back up that you needed a break earlier. You need to go home, and not be in the same building as him. Also, being away from him physically will make that blood tie weaker. Being around each other makes it last longer before it wears off, and it’ll do so quicker if he isn't in the same room as you. Maybe then you can look at things with a clear head, because no matter what was said down there, no matter what you think, you're not clear headed right now. Go home and get some sleep, kid." She nods with an air of finality, before turning back to the monitors.
I thank her for the talk before leaving, pausing by the stairs, looking down. I sigh, wishing I could go and say goodbye to him. Yep, that definitely proves that I should not be the one in charge of his punishment any longer. I walk slowly up to Tyrell's office, relaying to him exactly what Aileen said I should. He asks me why, and I tell him I simply don't feel comfortable around a vampire any longer. My decision is accepted, and my desire to leave early granted, Tyrell telling me to come back at one hundred percent tomorrow. With that, I go and collect my stuff and then head out of the CD at just gone 1am. There's only one place I'm heading upon my arrival home, treating myself to a cab to save time. Twenty minutes after exiting the foreboding albatross of a building, I’m in the bath with a large whiskey in my hand.
Feeling fresher after shaving my legs and giving my face a good scrub with some cleanser, I lie back and sip at my drink, while the warm water soothes me and the fan I rested on the linen basket keeps me cool, too. Nevada is hot in September, very damned hot. Although I feel bad about letting my professional demeanour slip so far, I feel glad that it did, for what came out. It's scary, how much he can pick up on. Even though he did me a favour in the end, I look forward to this blood tie fading. I think that's why I'm not really feeling myself of late. This is what I need most at the moment, to just feel like me again after everything bad and good the vampire named Angel has put me through. In three weeks and a few days, he won't even be in the same building as me any longer, and I have to be honest, here. I'm unsure whether I like that or not.
Angel's POV
"One dark grey vest, one leather wallet and two large chains, one belt, four pewter rings, one black beaded rosary, one pewter pendant with skull and dagger, one cell phone, one pair of black cotton socks, a pair of military boots and one discharge sheet I need you to sign your name to." Finally, the day I've been waiting for since I was hauled in has come. I'm free. I'm standing in the office of Tyrell Cleaves, the one in charge here at the Correctional Department, pulling the items of clothing I had to surrender before being taken down to a chamber back on, before happily signing my name on the sheet of paper in front of me upon the desk.
"May I ask one thing before I leave? I'd like to say goodbye to Edie.” He makes a slightly amused face at my request, shaking his head.
"She's working. If you want to interact with my staff in any way, you do it when they're on their own time, not mine. Besides, since she asked to be taken off your job three weeks ago, I doubt very much she'd want to see you again. Goodbye, Mr Reyes. I hope to not see you here again.” With that, I turn and leave, heading out of his office and walking right out of the door, winking at one of the guards I bit in the face while I was being dragged in. I bet he’s glad to see the back of me.
With the warmth of the Vegas heat hitting me when I exit onto the street, all the familiar sounds of the outside world fill my ears. I never thought I'd be so happy to hear gaggles of women squealing in mirth and angry drivers blasting their horns while stuck in traffic. Right, I need to feed, and then I need to get back to my family. I can feel the joy building in Ursula, I've felt it since the sun went down about an hour ago. I know exactly where to head to first to find someone to feed off, too.
"My brother from another mother!” Sal roars from behind the counter when I walk into my tattoo shop. I say mine, because while all three of us own it, I have the majority share, so technically I’m the boss.
"Hey man, ‘sup?” I shout back, while I see him moving at speed to come and greet me. It’s obvious here that we're pleased to see each other, as we vampires never shout to communicate with one another. With our bionic hearing, we have no need to.
"You look like shit, my friend," he exclaims, patting my back and laughing.
"I bet I do. I haven't been near a mirror since I was locked up. Fuck, you're right. I look an extra shade or three of dead," I snort, turning to look at my reflection in one of the large mirrors we have here at the shop. It's a total myth that we have no reflection. "So, how've things been since I left?" I then ask, moving at speed to the back where my office is, him walking in with a human girl a couple of moments later.
"This is Melanie, and she's happy to let you feed from her.” Ahh, vampire groupies. God fucking bless them, a nice, easy access to food, or a quick fuck, unless you’re murderous at the point of orgasm, like me.
"Neck or wrist?" I feel it polite to ask, as some humans don’t like being bitten on the neck.
"Wrist, if you wouldn't mind," she replies, offering it to me. I take it and bite down into the vein within a moment, feeding from her happily the next. Oh, sweet free flowing blood. How I've missed it. I take a little more than I'd usually need for a normal feed, but I’m careful not to drink too much, which will lead to my donor dinner becoming lightheaded. Once I'm fed and feeling much better, the human girl leaves and Sal begins to tell me what has been happening at the shop.
"All has been good. We've been busy, but we took on a human who doesn't mind the late hours to pick up the slack, and she's good at what she does too. She's just taking a coffee break, but if you wait around a while, you'll meet her. I did try looking for someone of our kind, but none of them were good enough with a tattoo machine, so the lesser had to do," he tells me while I nod. I feel good to be here in familiar surroundings, the smell of ink in the air, my office just as I left it with the many mountains of colourful, melted candles bordering the desk, dripping onto the various ornaments I have dotted around, and the large, Colombian vampire with the tattooed face and shaved head telling me all that I've missed.
"If it's all the same, I'll decline. I want to go home, a place I intend to stay for a few days before coming back to work. I need to rest properly, I haven't slept at all in two months," I reveal, watching his eyes widen a little. Just a little though. We vampires are not particularly expressive. “And I need to spend about a day emptying my balls in someone. Fuck.”
He snorts with laughter, nodding understandingly. "In that case, let me keep you no longer. See you when I see you." he replies with a nod as we both get up and exit my office.
"Not bad at all," I tell my other business partner Eric as he sits tattooing a man with long, dirty blonde dreadlocks that near enough match those upon his own head.
"It kicks the shit out of your Geisha girls." He replies with a smile, as I frown at him and snarl slightly. “Good to have you back, man.” he chuckles quietly, before going back to the tattoo he's working on. I then leave and move at speed through the streets of Vegas, until coming to a stop at the bottom of the path of my own home, having my beloved creator and two wolves come running from the front door immediately.
"My precious boy, oh I have missed you so!" Ursula cries, bloody tears slipping from her eyes as she throws her arms around me.
"Hey, mom. I missed you, too," I whisper affectionately, kissing her cheek as I hold her tight. "I missed you two just as much." I then add, before I have to let her go to give the two huge wolves who are both leaping around like excited cubs some attention. I run my hands through their long fur, petting them while they lick my face and yap excitedly.
"Have you fed? I must say, you look quite well. Not your usual self, but as well as a vampire who has just been tortured for two months is going to look," she tells me as we head inside, her taking my hand and hugging my arm as we walk. She isn't usually this affectionate, but those two months were the first time we've ever been parted. I suppose it’s to be expected.
"I have, I stopped by at the shop to use one of Sal's little groupies," I tell her, making her laugh a little.
"Salvatore and his throng of human admirers," she comments, while shaking her head. He's very much like EZ in that respect. He has human women who come and go in rotation for him to either feed or fuck, and yes, I'm jealous because I can only have them for one of those things.  
When we enter the house, I have another member of my family there waiting for me, Charles, who stands in the entrance to his sitting room.
"Welcome home, Angel," he greets me with warmly, nodding to me and smiling widely.
"Thanks, Charles. It's good to see you.”
"I'm afraid I am actually on my way out; I have a meeting I must attend. I shall see you tomorrow evening, as I will not return until just before sunrise this morning." he replies, before moving past me to kiss Ursula and then leave. My creator and I move through to her sitting room, and I feel very glad to lie on her large couch and stretch out, my wolves lying down close by while Ursula takes her usual spot in her massive armchair.
"I have picked up on so much from you over these last eight weeks, and I almost fear to ask you over your time at the Correctional Department, but you realise I must," she begins.
"I do, and I shall of course share it with you. It was tedious, boring and excruciatingly painful. My punisher was very good at her job, that's for sure," I reveal, remembering Edie with a faint smile.
"A female punisher, well there's a thing! I must try and get my old head up to date with the fact young ladies do seek out a more physically exerting career in this day and age. So, tell me more about your time there with her, then.”
Honestly, I don’t feel like talking about it, but honour her request all the same. "Well, it was definitely something I won’t forget, but more because of my punisher than the actual punishments, even though the memories of such pain will not leave me easily.”
"Of course not, my child, you did suffer greatly," she interjects with.
"She was definitely what you would call an exceptional human. Very, very strong both mentally and physically," I continue, before going into the details of my time there, but respectfully leaving out the part about Edie's mother. Ursula doesn't need to know her secrets. I tell her everything else though, how I tried to bend her to my will, mentally break her down and suchlike, but was unsuccessful for the most part, and through her tenacity and then her all out bravery in inviting a human detainee to fight her one on one, how she eventually gained my respect.
"She does sound an exceptional young woman, one whom I feel has made a lasting impression upon you. I can feel your emotions towards her as well, and they all feel nothing but pleasant to me. I am proud of you. Having any kind of real and actual respect for a human is something I felt you left here without the capability to do. Meeting this Edie girl has done you good, and perhaps, as strange as it sounds, given the circumstances over how you met, keeping her in your life as a friend of sorts might continue to do you good. It might help you with your humanity and to settle more, which is so imperative," she explains.
"We'll see about that." Leaving her to it, I head up to my room for the evening, Ursula bidding me goodnight, Thor and Icarus following. I'm just as pleased to see them as they are me. When I enter, the first thing I do after removing my boots and the same jeans and boxers I've been wearing for two months is to head through into my en suite bathroom and shower, which I feel better for, being that I'm still covered in dried blood. Since we don't sweat, we’re never smelly, but I do feel fresher for being clean of caked on blood. After I'm done, I dry off and then go out and get into bed, not wanting to do anything more now other than rest. I need it.
Taking my cell and noting the time before I switch it off, I see that it's coming up to midnight. Edie will be just getting ready to take her break about now. It’s through time now that I have to guess what she's doing, not by feeling it through her blood as our tie has now faded to nothing. I knew it would in being away from her, as when blood senses the body it came from, the tie will last for longer. Not being around her over the last three weeks is what made it weaker, and I have to confess, I feel a little empty, not being able to feel her.  
I miss her company, this much is true and I suppose I do want our paths to cross again. I would like her to become some kind of fixture in my life, get to know her better and work out what else it is within her that I feel drawn to. The only reason I said 'we'll see' to Ursula is because I don’t know yet if Edie feels the same. I felt through her blood when I was moved from her chamber to Max's that she missed me, but I don't know how that stands now. I never saw her again after Aileen took her away and then I was told Edie didn't want to deal with me any longer, that I was being moved in with Max.  
There's something within me that tells me Edie didn't want to do what she did, that not wanting to deal with me any longer was not the reason she called to be moved off the job, but I suppose until I see her again, and I will, I can only make guesses over whether that truly is the case or not.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 11 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag game
Aw, @plantsarepeopletoo, I think you are the first person to tag me on here, thanks for that! Also, I adore your name.
Favorites are a tricky thing for me, I tend to love a lot of things, and am not big into ranking...so these answers might change depending on the day.
Favorite Thai QL: Until We Meet Again was one of the first I watched, and it hit me deeply. There is something about the beginning with Dean & Pharm, and how they know they’re connected, but unsure why. Total chills. I know some people find it slow, but I never felt like that. Just really good storytelling. And I also have to say Not Me. It’s just so unique in terms of BL. I love a good secret twin story, but also the incredible acting and social commentary really took a hold of my heart.
Favorite Pairing: I’m someone who doesn’t really like fanservice or people being trapped into one pairing (I love First & Khaotung together, but they have too much charisma with literally everyone to be permanently a pair). That being said, gotta give it to MaxTul. And I am a little bummed we won’t get just one more series from them.
Most underrated actor: Ooh, this is a tough one. I can’t think of anyone I feel is really underrated, but I do wish actors were given more of a chance to break free of some of their typecast roles. I feel like some of them are underestimated in what they could do if offered the right material. Like everyone knows Fluke Natouch and Earth Katsamonnat are incredible actors, but I’d love to see them do something where they get to play more confident and assertive, not to mention morally dubious. In real life Earth is always looking so fierce! I want him to be sassy and fashionable in a show.
Favorite Character: Yok, from Not Me. I can’t explain fully why, just love that man so damn much.
Favorite Side Character: Nam, Chon’s mom from Tonhon Chontalee. I didn’t really like the show, but I love and her fire so much. May we all have someone in our lives who would love us and fight for us so fiercely.
Favorite scene in a QL: Oof...there are so many good ones! The Pride flag scene in Not Me is an amazing one. I like the rooftop scenes in both Bad Buddy & Why R U. I’m sure I could come up with more, but we’ll stick with that for now.
Favorite line in a QL: I’m terrible at remembering to write down lines I enjoy. I’ll add if I think of one later!
Most Anticipated QL (& why): I really like Perth Tanapon, so I’m interested to see what he does with Dangerous Romance. Honestly, I’m just happy we’re starting to see more BLs that are playing around with genres like historical or thriller. Give us all the types of BL!
Healthiest relationship in a QL: This is tricky, because of how many couples have that random miscommunication that should be solved in 5 minutes, but has to take that extra episode. Maybe Le Jian and Amber from DNA Says Love You? I don’t remember perfectly, but they were very sweet. Also, I think I gotta say Phayu & Rain from LITA are pretty strong. I know not everyone vibes with their dynamic, but they’re both good at understanding what the other needs from them.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: Oh, that one from Love by Chance, with Techno...and that other guy I can’t remember. Gross & creepy.
Guilty pleasure series: The first half of Love in the Air, and History 1: Obsessed. Obsessed has so many tropes I should hate, but it somehow works in a “I know how this is supposed to go in another universe and I’m losing my mind here because I know I got you killed with my stupidity” kind of way.
Most Underrated Series: I think I have to go with Ghost Host, Ghost House. I almost never see people mention it, but I flipping adored it. 
Apologies that I have no idea who hasn’t done this yet... but if you want to jump on, consider yourself tagged!
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mass effect replay thoughts, episode 10
episode 1 / episode 2 / episode 3 / episode 4 / episode 5 / episode 6 / episode 7 / episode 8 / episode 9
it’s sad picnic time on illium!
“we’re trying to call it ‘indentured servitude’ rather than slavery, but honestly humans are just prejudiced. it’s people’s own choice to enter slavery! i mean, indentured servitude.”
and then NO-ONE you talk to actually bothers calling it by its euphemistic term. it’s just “that quarian slave” this, “that quarian slave” that. in the end, shepard can throw her weight around a little and talk the synthetic insights rep into buying the contract and letting the quarian – whose name we do not even learn – go, but that’s barely a bandaid on a chasm of a wound. it’s a twig thrown across the abyss. no-one else is going to cross on the back of shepard’s interference. the player gets to feel good about this one thing, but the game is quick to remind you that there’s more where that came from, and short of sicing gianna parasini on the entire illium leadership, there’s nothing shep can do.
but. but. wasn’t it that someone who saves one life, saves the world entire? if mass effect is about working to save as many as possible, then saving one is still worthwhile. and it’s a damn sight better than looking away.
I LOVE AETHYTA SO MUCH. she truly is her father’s daughter – right down to the asari on thessia laughing “the blue off my ass” for warning them that spending their wild maiden years shaking their tits in some bar isn’t going to help prevent wars
it hadn’t occurred to me before playing this again, but man, i wish i could send ereba, the asari being courted by the soft-hearted krogan charr, to aethyta for advice. aethyta had a krogan dad, and i’m sure she’d have some, uh, wise and colourful words for ereba. alas, all shepard can do is tell her to listen to her heart.
also, i don’t think charr’s poetry is bad???? maybe because my standard for untenable lyrics is that one vogon poetry slam i went to, but dude.
samara. ma’am. ma’am, pls.
thane once again HOGGING ALL THE LENS FLARE (like, for real)
thaaaaaane – we’re going to romance him in this playthrough, for maximum tragedy. can’t wait to have my heart ripped out several months from now
it will tickle dishonored fans to hear that one viewer correctly cold-read zaeed and called there being an alternative armour skin for him in red – he’s space daud, sorry about it.
thane believes that his body and his spirit are separate — only his body kills, therefore his spirit is “clean.” that’s why thane can’t be daud, even though he’s named the assassin. if anyone’s daud, it’s zaeed. he’s who he represents himself to be, and you can hate him or love him, but he knows exactly who he is. right down to blowing up a slaughterhouse refinery, if it comes to it.
hunt for red october reference! i’d love to see joker pull a crazy ivan lmao. he could probably do it! and everyone would go a little pale around the nose
BIOTIC GOD. i had jack and zaeed with me, so we didn’t get the line, but my fave is when zaeed asks shep if she wants him to “kneecap this guy so he won’t follow you around”
for all that he’s dead, kaidan sure is haunting me
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