#So Molly would think she was helping out but she was also lightly aware that Frida was just doing this to keep her around to watch after he
apersonwholikeslotus · 2 months
cursing Molly with a human best friend who will eventually die
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So @liiilyevans and I were talking this morning about if Percy/Audrey or George/Angelina had “later in life” pregnancies and all that would involve 😂
George & Angelina:
So Freddie is about 13/14 and is quite happy being an only child
Angelina thinks that she’s just caught a flu/cold/sickness that comes around when the Hogwarts kids all come home
George isn’t worried at all
Then Angelina finds out she’s pregnant
It’s such a shock that she honestly doesn’t know how to tell her boys, she knows that they’ll be happy but she’s also nervous about having a newborn around
The big issue is, Angelina is simply miserable while pregnant, any side effect she has it, especially morning sickness
George knows there’s something up right away, even if Angelina isn’t saying anything, and Freddie is also aware that something isn’t right
They team up together and Angelina relents, telling them that she’s pregnant
Freddie starts to spend a lot more time around Angelina that summer, a weird amount that he won’t explain to anyone
Freddie has never been a writer, but he’s sending home letters nearly every two days and it’s driving his cousins crazy
George and Angelina tell the family while Freddie tells the cousins
He doesn’t know what it means to be an older brother and he’s not exactly sure James or Al’s lead should be followed
George waits on Angelina hand and foot for anything and everything she may need
Roxanne is born in early March, two weeks before Freddie’s birthday and a week before the Easter holidays start
Freddie skips the week of classes to be with his family, especially his new baby sister
She’s perfect, and he can’t imagine a world without her
Even as he grows older and he starts dating and his life changes, he makes the space for Roxanne
He is both her greatest protector and best friend
She’s 4 and he’s 18 when he graduates Hogwarts, but Freddie just sees it as more time to spend with his baby sister
He works at the joke shop and lives in the flat above the shop, but he makes sure that he’s the one to pick her up from preschool and they get to spend a few hours everyday together
He’s an amazing big brother and he’s her favorite person in the world!!
Percy & Audrey:
So Molly is 16 going on 17, basically in her sixth year when she comes home for the Christmas holidays
Molly is a popular girl, she’s a fun and easy going Hufflepuff with an eye for fashion like Audrey. She’s very sweet and kind and gets on well with her cousins and most anyone. Does she resent being an only child? Not really
But when Audrey sits her and Percy down and tells them that she’s pregnant, you would not believe the look of pure terror in their eyes
While Molly is more like Audrey in nearly every way, she does NOT like surprises (much like Percy)
There is a lot of spiraling and anger and just generally brattiness from Molly, Percy just can’t believe that they are about to start all over with a newborn again
Molly escapes to the Burrow for Christmas and then her boyfriend’s for the remainder of the holidays
Percy takes a day to be overwhelmed and then quickly comes to his senses
He is and will always be super supportive for Audrey, and this is so much for her to go through
They worry about Molly, sure that she will eventually come around
Molly stays distant from her parents for weeks after she receives the news, sending back unopened letters and ignoring everyone that tells her she’s being over dramatic
Being Percy’s daughter she does not take that lightly
She comes home for the Easter holidays, only to go to the beach house with the cousins and her boyfriend
Audrey does have a complication with her pregnancy, and Percy rushes her to St. Mungo’s, Molly shows up when the news gets to her
She comes just in time to see her baby sister on the ultrasound screen for the first time, and it breaks her in a way no one ever expected
Molly starts coming home on Saturdays, flooing from her head of house’s office to visit and help with the nursery
She’s so sorry with how she acted and uses all the time she can to spend time with Audrey and help
She makes Lucy’s first outfit, the little onesie and cap she’ll wear when they bring her home
Lucy is born in early June, just right before exams start, but Molly doesn’t care as long as she can she her baby sister
That summer is so wild for the three of them, but so wonderful too
Lucy is a daddy’s girl and adores Percy
She also becomes the youngest of the family, knocking Lily and Roxanne out of the running
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
Bullpen Chatter
Pairing: Hailey Upton x Kim Burgess x Best Friend! reader (plus Jay Halstead x reader)
Summary: Y/N and Jay have been seeing each other in secret for months, and after noticing Y/N's change in behavior, Hailey and Kim want to find out who the mystery guy is
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: slight swearing
Word Count: 1,698 Words
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"Hey. Where are you going?" Jay asked me sleepily as he noticed me getting ready.
"I've got to get home and shower and stuff," I reply and continue throwing my clothes on.
"I have a shower, and you have clothes here," Jay pointed out.
"I know, but my landlord is on my ass for never being there. Something about me wasting the space," I murmur.
"So then move in with me," Jay spoke. I froze in place for a few seconds, my mind running a mile a minute. I then turned around to face my boyfriend, who was still laying in bed.
"Really?" I question.
Jay nodded, a small smile lighting up his face. "I mean, if you want to. We've been dating for almost 8 months now, and I don't see my feelings for you changing any time soon."
I grinned widely and climbed back onto the bed so that I was laying on top of Jay, and leaned down to press a kiss to his lips. "I would love to move in with you. But you do know that because we're moving in together, we're gonna have to tell the unit that we're dating, right?"
"Give me a few days to prepare, and then we can tell them," Jay said.
"Okay. Now, I really do have to go if I'm going to make it to work on time. See you later," I tell him and peck his lips one last time before taking off. At my apartment, I took a quick shower and threw on some new clothes, barely making it out of the door in time to get to the district. After parking my car, I walked into the station and up the stairs, putting my hair into a ponytail as I did. When I got to the bullpen, I was surprised to see only Hailey and Kim sitting at their desks. "Morning, guys," I greet the two women. "Where are the guys?"
"I think I heard Adam say something about a donut run," Kim mentioned.
"Gotcha," I chirp and make my way over to my desk. Kim and Hailey both glanced at each other, confusion settling onto their faces. "What?"
"The past few months, you've been acting different. A good different, but different," Hailey noted.
"Yeah. You're always so cheerful in the mornings when the rest of us are miserable. So spill it. Who's the guy?" Kim quizzed.
I choked on the water I was drinking and coughed a few times to clear my throat, glancing up at my two co-workers. "What do you mean?"
"A girl only acts like you do when there's an amazing guy in her life," Kim answered. "So tell us who it is?"
"I never said...how'd you...shut up," I stammer, a slight blush rising to my cheeks.
"So there is a guy," Hailey stated. "When do we get to find out who it is?"
"Uh, give me a few days to get back to you on that," I confess and turn my attention back to the paperwork spread across my desk. At that moment, Adam, Jay, and Kevin walked up the stairs, their arms all filled with goodies and drinks.
"Hey guys. What's going on up here?" Kevin asked as he set down a box of donuts.
"We were just trying to get Y/N to tell us who see's seeing," Kim responded. My eyes darted to Jay, and I could tell that he was trying not to smile as he passed out coffees.
"Hold up," Adam interjected. "Y/N's got a boyfriend? Why am I just hearing about this now? Who is it?"
I groaned and set down my pen. "We're not talking about this right now. And I know you've all got paperwork to finish up, so you better get it done before Voight gets here in 10 minutes." The conversation stopped after that, but I knew the issue would eventually come back up, and at one point I'd have to talk about it. It just wouldn't be today
Time-skip Two Days
I was sitting in the interrogation room with files spread out all over the table, my hands occasionally moving the files around so that I could get a better view of certain ones. Lets just say that I was behind on paperwork, and I needed to get everything done before the end of shift. And being in here gave me more space than my desk did. I was just a little over a quarter of the way done when Kim and Hailey entered the room, taking up the two seats across from me.
"Uh, can I help you guys?" I question and sign another piece of paper, sticking it into a file to signify that it was completed.
"We'll be asking the questions here," Hailey cut in and folded her hands in front of her.
"Yeah. This is an official interrogation," Kim added.
I huffed. "Guys, if you couldn't tell, I've got a lot on my plate right now. And just because we're in the interrogation room does not make this an official interrogation. I could walk out of here right now if I wanted to."
"Who's the mystery man? Just tell us," Hailey pleaded.
"Hailey, Kim, I love you both. You're like sisters to me. But this," I exclaim and gesture to what was going on, "is insane."
"Y/N," Kim groaned and reached over to grab onto my arm. "Just tell us who the guy is! We want to know who's making you happy!"
I sighed and set down my pen. "So if I give you both some answers, you'll stop bugging me?"
"Yes," Hailey and Kim answered at the same time.
"Okay then. I won't tell you his name, but I will let you both ask some questions. But be aware that I'm only going to answer vaguely," I warn.
"Yes!" Kim cheered. "Okay. How long have the two of you been together?"
"8 months," I reply. "We're actually thinking about moving in together."
Hailey smiled. "That's amazing. Where does this mystery man work?"
"He's also a first responder," I respond.
"Wait a minute. Do we know him?" Kim quizzed.
"Maybe," I say and stand up, gathering my files as I did. "That's all for questions. Talk to you guys later!" And with that, I sped out of the interrogation room to get away from my two best friends. That night, back at Jay's apartment, the two of us were sitting in the living room eating pizza, a movie playing on the TV.
"Hey. You ever get that paperwork done today?" Jay asked and took a bite of pizza.
I shook my head. "Kim and Hailey wouldn't stop bugging me about the mystery man I was seeing."
Jay chuckled softly. "Well, I'm ready to tell everyone whenever you are."
"Right. Whenever I'm ready," I murmur.
Three Nights Later...
Our case was finally over, and all I wanted was a night off. So, everyone decided to go to Molly's to celebrate and let loose for a bit. Hailey, Kim, and I were sitting at the bar, drinks in front of all of us. I was sipping my beer lightly, waiting for Jay to arrive. I had told Kim and Hailey that my mystery man would be at Molly's tonight, so both of them were on the edge of their seats.
"Would you both settle down? He'll be here shortly," I tell him and take another sip of beer.
"We're just excited," Kim spoke. "You've been dating this guy for 8 months and haven't said a word, so he must be one hell of a guy."
"Oh, believe me, he is," I declare. Just then, the door to Molly's opened, and Jay stepped into the bar, immediately making eye contact with me.
"Jay! Over here!" Hailey called out and waved him over to the three of us. Jay made his way through the crowd to get to us, and as soon as he was close enough, I hopped off of my bar stool, grabbed him by the shirt, and brought his lips down to mine. I could feel Jay smile against my lips as he kissed back, his hands automatically gravitating to my waist. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but as soon as we pulled apart, I saw the shock etched onto my friends' faces. "Hold on a minute. My partner, the guy I've been working with for like 2 years now, is the mysterious man you've been dating for 8 months?"
"Surprise," I chirp and lean back against Jay's chest.
"I don't even know what to say," Kim confessed. "How did we not know the two of you were together?"
"We're just great at hiding it," Jay answered and gave my hand a small squeeze. "I'm gonna find the guys, okay? It's only fair that they know now too."
"Okay. We'll be over there in a few minutes," I say. Jay nodded and pecked my lips quickly before heading off to find Kevin and Adam amongst the crowd.
"So? What do you guys think?" I ask.
Hailey smiled. "You guys seem happy together, so I'm happy for you. Even if you did hide this from us for months.
"Yeah," Kim agreed. "We're just glad that you're happy."
"You guys are the best," I exclaim and finish the rest of my beer. "All right, next drinks are on me. It's the least I can do for making you two wait this long to find out who my boyfriend is. But, Hailey, I think the real question here is, 'What's going on between Kim and Adam?'"
Kim's face flushed a deep shade of red, and she gulped down the last of her beer. "Herrmann, we need some more drinks over here!"
"Oh, you're not getting away that easy. Y/N and I will hound you until you tell us everything," Hailey claimed. "But you're lucky that we just found out about Y/N and Jay, because right now, that's all I want to hear about. So Y/N, tell us everything."
I let out a mix between a sigh and a groan. "Okay. I guess we'll start out with our first kiss."
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13​ @dreamingmanip @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @nevertoofarfromivar @anotherfan07 @giagma @mrspeacem1nusone​ @i-like-sparkly-things​
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hereforhalstead · 3 years
Prove it
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested: Yes.
“I’d feel a lot better if you let me walk you home/ If i asked you to stay, would you?”
• Warnings: swearing/ mention of drugs
• Summary: Jay insists on walking you home after a night in Molly’s but after seeing you with Adam he decides to tell you how he feels.
• Words: 2893.
• A/N :  Hope you enjoyed! Thanks so much for the request, I’m feeling motivated to get writing again due to all of the lovely messages and chats I’ve had over the past few days. Please feel free to send across any requests or prompts that you would and as always my inbox is always open :)
 “Cheers to no one getting injured on a drug bust for the first time” Adam announces as you all raise your glasses in amusement “Not even you Halstead, gotta be a first. Right?” he adds but Jay rolls his eyes and takes another sip of his drink “Listen, It’s not me you should be congratulating. Y/N is always the one who does something without thinking and gets herself hurt, you should be directing this at her” he tips his glass towards you and you give him a menacing look “Talk about beat around the bush” you mumble but Jay’s chuckle is enough to break your facade as you mirror his grin “Just saying” he shrugs and winks.
The team had just finished up on what felt like a month long operation, in reality you had been planning it a week or so but the observations and scoping out the area made it feel so much longer.  You managed to get the guy you were after and as Adam said, miraculously all of you had avoided injury which was definitely a first. His speech was clearly aimed towards you and Jay out of anyone, Jay was known for getting far too attached and close to cases which often blinded his awareness of danger. You were very similar in that if you saw an opportunity to help someone out you would take it, not weighing up the situation and resulting in you taking risks you probably shouldn’t. 
Because of this, you and Jay had each others backs. Of course everyone had everyones back but not in this way. You’d seemed to have grown a close bond due to you both being very similar in the way you work and think, often knowing what the other is going to do before they even think it. As much of this being a good thing, it has often not panned out as the other will take the first step to try and protect the other and things going south, you’d probably put yourself in more danger trying to prevent Jay getting hurt rather than a result of your own misjudgment. Jay was the same, not thinking about himself and would rather put himself in a compromising position instead of you - sounds twisted but that’s just the way your partnership worked. 
By this point, you’d had a few drinks but was cutting yourself off. You had an early shift in the morning and the thought of the pile of paperwork on your desk reminded you it was not something you wanted to tackle with a hangover. No one else seemed to think the same way, this was soon proved as Hailey made her way back from the bar with another tray of shots. “Oh none for me, I’m having a quiet one tonight” you excused yourself and carried on sipping the remainder of your drink.
“Yeah, I’m also out. Don’t want to be feeling rough with all that paperwork tomorrow” Jay winced and you laughed to yourself at how similar your thoughts always were. “Something you two aren’t telling us?” Hailey downs one of the shots and you almost choke on your drink “Are you being serious?” you question and she shrugs her shoulders with a click of her tounge “I don’t think it’s just me that thinks it, I overheard Kev and Adam gossiping the other day” you dart your attention over to a stunned Kevin who simply purses his lips and turns to Adam for him to defend “I-I.. Don’t know what she’s talking about” he stutters out “You couldn’t come up with something better?” Kevin mumbles under his breath and you shake your head “Nothing to report, right Jay?” you hand over to Jay who was quietly sipping on his nearly finished drink “What? Oh.. right” 
You smile back at Hailey but she doesn’t seem satisfied “I’m just saying, I don’t think he would run into a burning building for much but if you were on the top floor he would be sprinting up them stairs” Kim widens her eyes at Hailey who seems so casual about everything she is saying but you weren’t taking it as lightly and were now feeling slightly uncomfortable “Well on that note, I think I’m gonna head out” you place your empty glass back on the bar and hear them continue to bicker being you “Good one” Adam curses at Hailey who again doesn’t seem fazed “I’m just saying what we’re all thinking. You can’t tell me they’re both so oblivious to it as well”. Adam runs his hand along his jawline and stands to pick your jacket up which had fallen on the floor, you hear him mutter a soft ‘sorry’ which you acknowledge with a forced smile “I’ll see you tomorrow”. 
You shrug your jacket on and head for the door, slightly underestimating how cold Chicago can be and regretting not picking up a thicker coat. You start the traitorous walk down the road but feel your phone buzz in your pocket 
‘Stop walking and wait for me’
You squint to see who it was from and your heart slightly picks up speed when you say Jay’s name at the top of the screen, you come to a stop and turn to look over your shoulder. Not seeing anyone there you carry on walking but keep your phone in your grasp when it vibrates again
‘What did I just say Y/N..’
 You chuckle at the message and take another look behind you but this time seeing Jay a few steps away “you really don’t listen for shit do you” he greets and you scoff “Well, nice to see you too”. You carry on walking and Jay jogs to catch up and walks closely alongside you “Early night for you as well then?” you break the silence and he just nods with his hands stuffed in his pockets “Not as good when you’re partners not there” he remains with his eyes pinned to the path ahead and you feel the heat rise to your cheeks and are suddenly grateful for the darkness so he can’t see. You come to a stop and Jay turns back to look at you confused “You don’t live this way? In fact that way” you point in the opposite direction you’re walking and his eyes quickly dart back to you “You think I’d let you walk home alone?” he almost chuckles to himself but you don’t match his amusement “Jay, it’s not even 8pm and I’ve only had a few drinks. Thank you but I’m fine” you pat him on the shoulder and continue walking, you barely get a step away when he’s back by your side.
“I get that, but  I’d feel better if you let me walk you home “. You’re reminded that you still have your phone in your hand when you feel it vibrate, you look down to see Adam’s name flash up on the screen. You show Jay the screen and you can’t help but notice the way he seems to straighten up when he reads the name, you ignore this and answer the phone “Hey Adam” you chime and Jay vaguely hears him respond on the other end “Hold on a minute” you put the phone to your shoulder to muffle the speaker and so Adam can’t hear “Look, if I stay on the phone with Adam and walk home alone. Will that make you feel better?” you whisper to Jay who clears his throat and nods “Do whatever you want” he responds in a harsh but quiet tone before heading back towards the bar. “Sorry, as you were saying..” you turn your attention back to the phone call and carry on your journey home. 
The phone call only last a few minutes after Jay left but you made a note to tell Jay it was the full length of your journey home if he ever asks.. You step in the elevator to your apartment block and click the button for your floor, you grasp at the hand rail behind you and lean your head back on the mirror, you were shattered and just ready for bed. The elevator chimes and the doors open, as you exit and head for your apartment you find yourself rummaging around your pockets to find your key, you turn the corner and nearly jump out of your skin as you see Jay stood outside your door, leaning on the wall with his knee bent and foot resting below him. 
He sees your reaction and turns to face you walking towards him “sorry I didn’t mean to make you jump” he softly whispers as you turn the key in the lock “Maybe don’t wait outside my front door when I’m not expecting anyone to be there smart ass” you hit back, still not sure on his attitude when he left you earlier. 
You walk in the apartment and hang your jacket on the hook but turn back to see Jay still hadn’t moved “You coming in or did you come all this way to stand in the hall?” you question but head further in, leaving the door open. You pour yourself a glass of water and hear the door close and the floorboards creak as Jay walks over to join you “What’s going on Jay?” you ask as he leans on the doorframe and therefore making it difficult for you to get past “What did Adam want?” he tilts his head to question but you can tell he isn’t feeling as confident as he wants you to think. You exhale in a laugh and take a step towards him, you expect him to move but he stands his ground and remains in his spot. This forces you to step sideways out of the door, your body glides closely with his. So much so that if you had looked up as you passed him your faces would’ve been inches apart as he looked down at you. You huff and place your glass of water on the side and begin to take your shoes off by the sofa “Just wanted to apologize again for Hailey, I don’t know I wasn’t really listening” you trail off as you find your attention is now more on Jay’s actions and what he’s doing. 
It takes him a minute to turn from where he is standing and face you, you walk in front of him and lean the back of your legs on the sofa to examine him, his eyes flick up and down your body and you reach for your drink to try and act like you didn’t notice “So you’d rather have him keep you company on your walk home than me, I see” he confidentially takes a stride towards you and folds his arms across his chest. You can’t help but notice the way his arms bulge through the tightness of his shirt and struggle to keep your eyes on him and not roaming to admire them “Grow up Jay” you scoff but see him take another step towards you “what are you even doing here anyway?” you add but he remains silent. 
“If you’re just gonna stand and not say anything I’m gonna leave you here and go to bed” you stand from your spot and step away from him and towards your room. You’re stopped in your tracks when his arm latches onto your wrist to stop you “Hailey was right you know” he keeps his grasp on you tight, not in a way that it hurts but almost as if he was worried that otherwise you would walk off.
You open your mouth to speak but he soon cuts you off “I mean not about the fact there isn’t much I would run into a burning building for, as we know from past experiences that isn’t true” you laugh at the memory from when he darted back into an old house that had just caught alight because he had left his phone on the side but he seems to regain your attention “You know what, It’s late I should probably go” he releases his hold on you and you can’t ignore the emptiness you feel from loosing the tiniest bit of contact from him “You can’t be serious Jay. You can’t say that and then leave?” you both fall silent as you wait for the other to speak but you weren’t going to crack first.
“I didn’t plan on coming here Y/N. I didn’t think I would be standing here saying this to you but you were on the phone to Adam and instead of me heading home I found myself coming here to make sure you got home safe. I wish I didn’t care if you were on the phone to him when you walked home, but I do Y/N. I care that it’s me that you choose to keep you company and I’m the one to make sure you’re safe because quite frankly I don’t trust anyone else and especially you to make sure that you are. You’re the most caring person I know and honestly it terrifies me because I know you won’t stop at anything to make sure everyone around you is fine, even if it means that you aren’t and I’m sorry but it’s true”. The way his chest is quickly rising and falling from his outburst stuns you, you’d seen him loose control of his emotions before but not like this. He always struggles to hide his true feelings and shows alot of emotion, but in more actions than words and you never thought you’d see him act this way towards you. 
“That’s great Jay, just great. Here you are turning up at my door because you don’t trust me to keep myself safe. You’re my partner Jay you’re supposed to trust me an-” you begin to retaliate but yet again he is there to cut you off “I do trust you Y/N. I trust you with my life and I trust you a fuck tonne more than anyone else I know but I know you won’t stop at anything to make sure everyone else is okay, so is it so bad that I wanted to make sure you got home safe?” you find him now stood inches from you and you had absentmindedly mirrored his actions but tensely hanging your arms by your side, so rigid that you can’t bring yourself to move them “So what, if I asked you to stay. Would you?” you half heartedly laugh as you almost expect him to shrug if off and give you some funny look.
“Of course I would Y/N. Are you not listening to me? I would stay tonight, I would stay tomorrow. I would stay every god damn day if I could. I don’t wait you on the phone to another guy when it should be me, I should be the one making you feel safe and not anyone else” his tone and volume picks up again just when he seemed to be calming down and you curse yourself for making him react this way again. You take another step towards him as he tries to say something else, you raise your finger to his lip to stop him. His eyes flicker between your fingertip and then back to you in confusion but he doesn’t say another word. The desperation in his eyes as he scans your face makes your heart ache and you feel it alight something within you “Just don’t say another word” you bring your face towards him and place a quick kiss onto his skin “Take your anger out on me”. You run your fingertip along his jawline run your thumb along his bottom lip to place another kiss to the side of his neck “Y/N” he warns, his voice now in a low and much more serious tone.
“I mean it Jay, everything you just said. Prove it to me” you continue to trail light pecks along his skin and leading up the the corner of his mouth “Don’t start something you don’t want to finish” the way he grips at your hips makes you edge them towards him, earning a low moan to escape from his lips “Prove it to me Jay, prove why it should be you and no one else” you taunt as he locks his eyes with yours, he nudges at your legs which are positioned together so his knee slips between them “you have no idea what you’ve just let yourself in for”.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
You Know What They Say About Weddings // R.W. (celebration fic)
Request: Omg congratulations!!!! Could you do a Ron x Reader with the "theres only one bed" trope and fluff prompts 11 and 1? Thank you so much and congrats again!! - @mischi3f-manag3d
Fluff 1: “I think I’m in love with you.”
Fluff 11: “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
A/N: Just me that's ridiculously attracted to the photo below? Anyway! Here is your request, I hope you like!! 
Pairing: Ron Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: I don’t think there are any - just a load of fluff really.
Word count: 1.6k
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The band hired by Molly Weasley upon the recommendation of an old friend played in the corner of the marquee. The Weasley family and their friends all crowded there; happy to watch the eldest Weasley child, Bill, marry the love of his life, Fleur.
It had been a wonderful ceremony; very few left the service with dry eyes.
You found it hard to keep your emotions in check through it all; wanting so desperately to turn to the youngest Weasley son beside you and ask if he felt the same way as you – if he loved you just as much as you have loved him since Fifth Year.
You think back to this morning; when you had arrived at the Burrow in time to watch the marquee be raised. Your eyes had landed on Ron, and they hadn’t left him. Your eyes ran over his body; drinking in the sight of him in a suit – sleeves rolled up due to the already warm day. Not wanting to be caught, you turned away and rid your mind of the thoughts running through it at warp speed.
With a laugh at the memory, you drag Ron onto the dancefloor. Awkwardness radiates from him, but he dutifully places his hand on your waist and takes your hand in his as your other hand places itself on his shoulder. You laugh together as you try to follow the beat of the song; the dance lessons given by McGonagall doing nothing for either of your left feet. You step on his toes repeatedly, but he doesn’t complain once; he just changes tact – instead of trying to attempt the waltz, he simply changes the hold of his arms and decides to have fun instead.
Spinning around the dancefloor; you can’t help but let yourself imagine. You can’t help but let yourself think of the future you so desperately desired with the very redhead holding you so gently in his arms.
You know what they say about weddings.
Fred leans down to Harry’s ear, pointing towards Ron and you on the dancefloor, “When do you think they’ll pull their finger out?”
Harry laughs, “Worried about the bet, Fred?”
Fred snorts, “Hardly.”
Harry watches his best friend twirl you around on the dancefloor before pulling you back in as you laugh. Harry swivels to face Fred, “You know what they say about weddings.”
You throw off your heels; groaning at the feel of your blood rushing back to your feet. At this height, Ron can easily throw an arm over your shoulder, “Better?”
You nod, “Much.”
Following Ron upstairs, you stifle yawn after yawn. The reception had been one of the best nights of your life; dancing, drinking, laughing – it was a truly happy night. You had danced with Ron for a lot of night; dragging him to the dancefloor for one dance but then staying with him for three more. He eventually left to get drinks whilst you danced with Hermione, Ginny, and Luna – a wide smile across your face.
You hadn’t missed the looks exchanged by the girls when Ron came back to steal your attention. You also hadn’t missed the conversation between Ron’s family and your friends as they watched you continue to the dance with the red-haired man.
You shake your head as you remember that moment; you were aware of the bet they had going. Hermione unable to keep a secret from you had blabbed it to you less than a month after it was made. She felt awful for keeping it from you, but you assured her you didn’t mind too much – curious as to who had what date.
“You don’t mind sharing my room with me?” Ron checks.
You shake your head, smiling at him sleepily, “I don’t mind.”
Ron relaxes somewhat, but he still remains tense, “There’s only one bed.”
You roll your eyes, “How many nights did I sneak into the hospital to stay with you after you hurt your leg?”
Ron blushes, “You’re right. I’ll let you get changed first… just knock when you’re done.”
In that moment, he looks so helpless that you lift yourself onto your tiptoe to press a kiss to his cheek. The last thing you see before closing his bedroom door is Ron pressing a hand to his cheek with a wide smile.
You knock lightly on the door when you’re done changing. Ron enters the room with a light blush dusting his cheeks; his eyes running over body quickly. He turns to his dresser, pulling out his pyjamas.
“I’ll wait outside for you to finish changing.”
Ron shakes his head, “Don’t worry about it; just turn around.”
“If you’re sure?”
“I’m sure,” He laughs.
You turn to face the singular window; the moon is high in the sky and the sky is so clear that you can see the stars. Looking into the garden, you see Bill and Fleur still dancing – alone, no longer surrounded by family and friends. They have no idea they have an audience; they just remain in each other’s arms, finally happy to have a private moment between them. You shift your gaze when Bill dips his heads to kiss his wife.
You think to yourself; there’s just something about weddings.
Ron coughs; bringing you out of your reverie. Turning around, you find him dressed in some old sweatpants and an old shirt. Your heart softens at the sight of him; his hands flex at his side – his nervous tick
His bed is just big enough for two; you lie side by side on your back, hands laid out by your sides. It would take less than a millimetre of space; less than a second of time to reach out and take his hand in yours, to tangle your fingers together.
But you don’t. You lie next to him; mind racing just as fast as your heart – any sense of tiredness hanging over you chased away the moment you laid down next to the boy you’ve loved since Fifth Year.
“Did you have fun today?” Ron asks in the dark; filling the silence.
“I did. It was nice to see everyone before we go back to school. Harry and Ginny looked particularly close.”
Ron frowns, “My sister and my best friend.”
You giggle, turning onto your side, “Don’t act like you don’t approve.”
Ron sighs with a smile,  “You’ve caught me out,” He furrows his brows, “Did you see them all whispering when we were dancing?”
Nodding, you bite your lip, “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
Ron snorts, reaching for your hand in the dark, “I know. Harry told me about it tonight.”
You sit up in bed; not letting go of his hand, “How long has it been going on? Hermione told me about it but she never said when it started.”
“Since last year. Harry only brought it up because if we get together by Saturday, he wins the bet.”
You laugh, “I can’t believe them.”
“Absolute gits,” Ron laughs.
You play with your fingers, dropping his hand to do so, “What do you think of the bet?”
Ron sits up, “Why?”
“It doesn’t annoy you?” You question; risking a peek at his face in the limited light of the moon.
“Not particularly. It’s a harmless bet.”
You nod your head; trying not to think too much of it.
“Why? What do you think of the bet?”
You sigh heavily; wondering how best to phrase what you’ve wanted to say to him all day, deciding that the truth is the best way to go. “I think I’m in love with you,” You state; bluntly, honestly.
Ron’s mouth drops open and you start talking without giving him a chance to say anything, “You don’t need to feel the same; really, you don’t,” You grab a pillow, “I’ll go sleep on the couch, I’ll see you in the morning.”
You make to leave but Ron’s hand grips your wrist, “Sit back down. At least give me a chance to reply.”
You sit back down on the bed slowly; your hand still grips the pillow in case you need to sleep downstairs. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Ron asks.
Shrugging your shoulders, you say, “I’m not sure. I wanted to, I really did but then you were with Lavender and I didn’t feel like talking to you a lot and then, and then, and then, I guess I didn’t want to ruin the friendship.”
“I wondered why you pulled away through Lavender; I barely saw you.”
You sigh; crushing the pillow to your chest, “It hurt too much to look at you.”
Ron shuffles on the bed, “If I had known-”
“You’d have what?” You interrupt, “You’d have broken up with her?”
Ron shakes his head, “I’d have never dated her.”
“I’d have never dated her,” He repeats, “I’d have asked you out.”
“Oh,” You state.
“Yeah,” Ron mumbles, looking down.
“We’ve mucked this up haven’t we?”
“Nah, we haven’t,” Ron laughs, “We just delayed their bet.”
You giggle, “The bet. Who do we want to win?”
“Who’s the closest to tonight?”
You think for a moment; remembering the piece of paper that Hermione explained was the bet. “I think you were right earlier,” You say, “Harry is the closest by Saturday.”
“What do you think? Shall we let Harry win?”
You smile softly, leaning closer to Ron, “I think I’m okay with Harry winning.”
“Thank Merlin,” Ron whispers before pulling you in for a kiss.
His hand caresses your cheek, and he smiles into the kiss. You soon begin to laugh at the absurdity of it all; having to pull away from the redhead and assure him that it isn’t him you’re laughing at. Your jealousy over Lavender never spurred you to confess your feelings, neither did the Department of Mysteries, but a bet and a wedding has you falling into Ron’s arms.
Well, you know what they say about weddings.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrypotter289 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @the-hufflefluffwriter @figlia--della--luna @bforbroadway @idont-knowrn @summer-writes @big-galaxy-chaos @black-lake-confessions @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @mytreec @haphazardhufflepuff @teheharrypotter @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @msmimimerton @izzytheninja @slytherinprincess03​ @acciotwinz​ @kashishwrites​
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accioprozac · 4 years
Prank : Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary: Y/N and the Weasley twins despise each other, but when one of Fred and George’s pranks land you in the hospital wing, Fred decides to skip class to keep you company. He offers you a chance to get “even,” but some things are sweeter than revenge..
Author’s note: Requests are open! Please interact!
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Fred and George Weasley were the most infuriating people ever. Ever since 3rd year, the twins, Fred especially, had made it their mission to annoy and inconvenience you whenever possible.
They’ve dyed your hair, spelled your textbooks closed, replaced your quill with one that writes in disappearing ink, but every prank they’ve pulled had been harmless, up until now, when they decided to toss you in the Black Lake.
So here you were, soaking wet and shivering while you stared reproachfully at the Weasley twins. Your teeth were chattering uncontrollably, “I’m going to kill you two.”
Fred and George both had a decency to look guilty, “We didn’t think it would be that cold,” Fred says defensively.
“It’s the middle of winter, you morons!”
“We also didn’t think you’d lose your wand,” George interjects.
“And that’s my fault?” You shout, enraged.
After the twins had all but thrown you into the Black lake as a “prank,” your wand had escaped your grasp and was carried away by the dark currents.
Fred and George had pulled you out fairly quickly, sputtering and coughing up water. They had meant to get you back for the 24 hour lip lock jinx you had cast on them the previous week.
When you realized you wand was missing, you had insisted that you needed to find it. Neither boy was keen on the idea and Fred had offered to buy you a new wand, which you doubted he could afford.
You ended up diving back into the lake, Fred’s wand in hand, to look for your own. Equipped with a bubblehead charm, a weak warming charm and a detection spell, you located your wand within minutes. The problem was retrieving it from the grindylows that had appeared to have take a great interest to the wand. You shot a few stupefy spells and they scattered, leaving behind the wand which you grabbed quickly, before propelling yourself up back to the surface.
You crawled out of the Black Lake with as much dignity as you could muster under the circumstances, which was not a lot. You could see the boys trying to hold back their laughter at the sight of you.
All but throwing Fred’s wand at him, you storm back to the castle, shivering. The warming charm had long worn off and you didn’t have the energy to cast another. You could hear the boys frantically calling your name and they were soon on either side of you, blocking you from the icy wind.
“Look, Y/N,” George starts uncomfortably, “We’re really sorry.”
“We didn’t mean for you to be in the water that long,” Fred adds, “What if we go down to the kitchens and get you some hot chocolate?”
“Don’t. talk. to. me.” you growl, so you all walked back to the castle in silence. You could basically feel Fred and George’s guilt radiating off of them in waves.
George attempts to discreetly cast a warming charm but quickly put his wand away at your glare.
When you reached the Gryffindor Common Rooms, Hermione quickly spots you and moves out of armchair she was curled up in, setting her book on the table. She stalks toward you, glaring at the twins. “What have you three done?” She demands, gesturing to your sopping wet appearance.
“They,” you gestured to the twins, “Threw me in the lake.”
“That was completely idiotic of you two,” Hermione scolded, smacking both boys with her book. They winced but didn’t dare say anything. “She could have gotten hurt. Hermione glared at the twins with a stare so fierce it could rival Molly Weasley’s.
The next day, you woke up soaked in sweat, legs tangled in your blanket. Hermione sighs and mutters “I told you so,” but helps you to the Hospital Wing and when you arrive, leaving heavily on Hermione, Madame Pomfrey sends you straight to an unoccupied bed.
“Ridiculous,” she mutters when you told her what had happened, “You should have came to me straight away! A spoonful of Pepper Up and you would have been good as new.”
“Never mind,” she continues, “Drink this, you’ll feel better.” She hands you the potion and you swallow it miserably, wincing at the taste.
Madame Pomfrey leaves, and head pounding, you close your eyes and slip into a deep sleep.
You wake up to the sound of commotion. Sitting up in your bed, you can see Fred Weasley being ushered into the bed next to you. His forehead is marred with a large bruise.
“Fred?” You swing your legs off the bed and immediately look at him in concern, ignoring the flair of pain that goes through your head. “What happened?”
He shrugs, “I fainted in Potions. Reckon it might have been Snape’s smell, the man doesn’t know the meaning of soap.”
You let out a snort despite yourself, and Madame Pomfrey gives you both a disapproving look.
When she turns away to grab a potion, you give him a suspicious look and he grins. “Skeeving Snackbox,” he mouths, looking proud of himself as he slowly hands you a wrapper with Fainting Fancies printed on it.
Just as he’s placing it in the palm of your hand, Madame Pomfrey turns around, a potion in hand. She looks between you and Fred suspiciously, “What are you two up to?”
“We’re just,” you pause, “Holding hands.”
Fred grabs your hand, discretely hiding the wrapper in your entwined finger. “Comforting each other in our time of need,” Fred is desperately trying to bite back a laugh and barely succeeding.
Madame Pomfrey pursed her lips before sighing, “Don’t get up to any mischief or I’ll send you back to class,” she warns.
Fred gives her an angelic smile in response.
“What are you doing here?” You ask when Madame Pomfrey leaves.
“Potions was boring,” Fred pause, “And I missed seeing my best girl.”
“Best girl huh?” you ask sarcastically, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. “You threw me in a lake.”
Fred frowned, “I’m really sorry about that, you can throw me in the lake later if you want.”
You almost laugh at his earnest expression, “I’m not going to throw you in the lake.”
“Why?” a crease formed between his eyebrows, “Are you scared?” His voice was teasing.
“Fine Weasley,” you snark back, “Have it your way. Let’s go right now.”
He looked apprehensive, “Right now?”
You smirk, “Have somewhere better to be?”You’re expecting him to back down, but he just sighs dramatically and stands, pulling you up with him.
You realize your hands are still connected, and both of your faces start to burn. You drop his hand like it’s a hot coal and look away, missing the hurt that flashes across his face.
“What are you two doing up?” Madame Pomfrey scolds and Fred grabs your wrist, mouthing “run.”
When you get outside, you’re both breathless and laughing.
“Ready?” you ask when you reach the lake.
Fred gulps but nods, he starts to pull off his sweater.
“What are you doing?” you can feel your face growing hot as you try to look anywhere but his lean abs, and his toned quidditch arms, and the freckles that dapple his chest like stars in the night sky and.. oh fuck...
“Mum would kill me if I ruined my sweater,” he said, handing it to you to hold. You hugged it to your chest and resisted the urge to bury your face in it and inhale.
Fred prepared to jump in and at the last moment, you pull him away, laughing. He gives you a confused look. “I’m not actually going to make you jump in Fred,” you say, between giggles.
You stumble slightly, feet sliding against the ice, and Fred grabs you. You’re suddenly aware of your close proximity.
You can feel his warm breath fanning across your face, and you’re pressed flush against his chest. His arms encircle you protectively.
You look up at him to find him looking at you as well. A light blush paints his cheeks.
You bite your lip and his eyes flicker to your mouth. “Can I kiss you?” he asks, his voice is barely above a whisper. There’s a certain vulnerability on his face you’ve never seen before.
“Yes,” you breath, and he tilts your chin up with his fingers. He leans in and your lips brush. The kiss is painfully soft and you tremble in his arms, although you can’t tell if it’s from the cold or from the emotions coursing through you.
He pulls away, watching you carefully and trying to gauge your reaction. Standing on your tip toes, you kiss him again. He kisses back, his hands going to hold your waist and yours delving in his hair.
You let out a contented sigh and you can feel him smile against your mouth. The sweater had been dropped sometime during the kiss and was balled up, forgotten on the ground.
Still smiling, you shove him lightly and he falls off the deck and into the lake. When he resurfaces, his hair is plastered to his face, “I thought you weren’t going to throw me in the lake,” he whined.
“Sorry,” you giggle, “I changed my mind.”
You reach out a hand to help him and yelp in surprise when he yanks you into the lake. You tumble into the cold water and Fred helps you upright, brushing a wet strand of hair from your face.
When you kiss, you feel nothing but warm, despite the icy water surrounding you.
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kim-ruzek · 3 years
Girl Code Duty
Summary: Fix-it for 3x20. Sylvie stops Kim making the bad decision to sleep with Roman.
Warnings: Sean Roman bashing.
Word Count: 3.4k
Read on AO3
Notes: This is the quickest I've wrote a fic in so long and I loved every second of it. This was basically just written as an excuse to Roman bash, and I like fixing things so that Kim never slept with him. I'm just sad I had to acknowledge that my girl Sylvie also had.
Also, a thank you to @justanoffalygirl because one) this fic idea was created when talking to them, and two) for letting me steal a line from their fic.
Sylvie sits at the counter at Molly’s by herself, quietly drinking her beer. It’s one of those nights at the bar, where it’s full—not full-full, that it was loud and overwhelming, but enough that you could sit alone in the crowd peacefully unnoticed—but not that much by fifty-one, or really with their friends from the twenty-first or Chicago med.
It had been a quiet few days. Her shift—which ended that morning—was an uneventful one, nothing too straining happening the whole shift. Those shifts can be hit and miss, for Sylvie. On one hand, they’re a breath of fresh air, a welcome break from the chaos that comes with her work, but in the other hand, they tire her in a whole different way to a chaotic shift.
Sylvie’s born to be a paramedic, and she truly thrives in the situations the profession demands of her, and the days where she does nothing but sit around itches her feet, tiring her with boredom.
And of course she’s still mentally exhausted by all the drama that went down with Chilli.
Sylvie had a rather uneventful day even after the shift. A day spent watching home renovation shows, which though entertaining, just made her even more itchy to do something. And all that did was make Sylvie realise she’s gotten herself into a really boring rut recently.
So in the evening, she found herself at Molly’s.
She had gone thinking at least she’ll get some excitement hanging with her co-workers and friends. Otis isn’t on shift today, but Gabby and Herrmann are and it’s always exciting around them. But the punters are keeping them rather occupied, and the rest of the bar is rather empty of friends.he had gone thinking at least she’ll get some excitement hanging with her co-workers and friends. Otis isn’t on shift today, but Gabby and Herrmann are and it’s always exciting around them. But the punters are keeping them rather occupied, and the rest of the bar is rather empty of friends.
It’s okay, though, she finds herself thinking, enjoying the beer and the peacefulness of just among the crowd. The perks of drinking at a bar, with none of the anxious worries of perverts or being in danger; not with this being a firefighter run bar.
“Herrmann! Another beer, please?” Sylvie’s attention is drawn to where Kim Burgess sits, at a table not too far away from the bar. Her voice is a few octaves louder than it normally is, and Sylvie wonders how many beers she’s had. Having gotten drunk with Kim before, Sylvie would think at least a few.
Kim had been Molly’s when she had came in herself, and Sylvie had not been surprised having heard from Gabby the events that pd and med was focused on today. No one could say they didn’t have a quiet day.
Sylvie briefly had considered going over, but Kim had been sitting with Sean Roman and Natalie Manning, the three looking as if they were processing the day’s events together. Knowing how important those decompressing moments are in their line of work, especially decompressing with those you were ‘in the trenches’ with, as it were, Sylvie had decided against it.
And up until now, Sylvie had forgotten all about them.
In the time between Sylvie getting here, and this moment, Natalie had left, just leaving Kim and Sean remaining, and there is a couple of empty beer bottles on the table.
Sylvie watches them for a few minutes. She’s aware that it’s rude to stare—her mother’s words to her when she was a young girl echoing in her mind—and that she should either look away or go over to them, but something, right at the back of her head, niggles at her, telling her to watch. And as a trained paramedic, Sylvie has learnt to listen to those feelings.
Kim is drunk, that Sylvie could see. Not so much that Herrmann should cut her off, but definitely slightly more than her usual preferred tipsy. Sean is also buzzed, which makes sense depending the case they had. They’re sitting very close to each other, very much in each other’s space, and they’re clearly having a good time as they’re laughing. Kim’s hand keeps touching Sean’s shoulder, a touch he’s very much returning at every given moment.
Yet again, this makes sense; Kim gets super affectionate the more drunk she gets.
But at the same time, Sylvie understands that isn’t Kim’s usual affectionate touch and it dawns on Sylvie why her friend senses have been activated. Sylvie isn’t watching her friend get drunk after a tough day: she’s watching her friend considering making a very stupid, drunken mistake.
Kim is considering sleeping with Sean.
Or, she should say, Kim’s considering letting Sean fuck her, quickly, because Sylvie’s own experience very much told her that there’s no way that man knows the woman is also meant to be satisfied. And what a glow down that would be for her, as from what Kim’s told her drunkenly before, Adam is very good in that area.
No, Sylvie thinks to herself. There’s no way her girl code can allow Kim to have such disappointing dick. It’s a bad decision for Kim to have her post-engagement rebound like this anyway, and even if that wasn’t enough for Sylvie to interfere, she couldn’t in good consciousness subject her friend to that.
Every time Sylvie looks at Sean and remembers that night, all she can think is how she wished someone was able to do that for her.
Sylvie jumps off her stool, walking towards Kim and Sean now stand. It looks like this is their last beer before they’re going to leave, and Sylvie’s glad she spotted them when she did.
“Hello, you two,” Sylvie greets them, inserting herself between the two of them. Cock-blocking her friends to stop them making bad decisions is something she’s rather good at—she’s not just an amazing paramedic who saves people on duty, medically.
A look of irritation passes across Sean’s face, but Kim’s far from annoyed at her sudden presence, evident by how she throws her arms around Sylvie the moment she gets there. Kim hugs her tight, her drunkenness making her squeeze maybe a little too hard.
“Sylvie! Hi.” Kim grins widely at her. “We saw a baby survive today. It was, Sylvie, it was incredible! And amazing! Medicine is truly incredible,”
Sylvie smiles at her friend’s excited amazement. Kim then gasps.
“But I don’t need to tell you that, do I? That’s basically what you do every day. Like a blonde, pretty superhero.” Kim squeezes her again.
“Oh, I don’t know if—” Sylvie begins to protest, but Kim cuts her off.
“Yes. You’re a superhero.” She nods with enthusiasm, certain in her belief. A smile appears on Sylvie’s lips again.
“Okay. I’m a superhero.” She concedes, before adding, “but if I am, you definitely are. You’re a kickass cop!”
“Hm. But you save lives. Like actual lives, people call you when they’re dying. I’m like the sidekick to your superhero. Like you’re the boss, the one people go to. I just help,” Kim rambles on. Sylvie’s got an urge to point out to that technically, paramedics generally turn up to assist cops, not the other way around, but she pushes it down, knowing drunkenness knows no reason or logic.
“Okay, then, sidekick. Let’s get you home,” Sylvie says, thinking that it’s not only best if she stops Kim from leaving with him, but ensuring that even after she leaves the bar that she doesn’t make the bad decision.
“Oh. Brett, actually, Kim and I, uh, we were getting a taxi together,” Sean speaks up then, reminding them of his presence. At the use of her last name, Sylvie almost rolls her eyes. It’s almost as if he was trying to pretend he hadn’t seen her naked, that they hadn’t also “got a taxi together”.
Sylvie must’ve drank more of her beer than she thought as she’s tempted to remind him of such—and how Sylvie had left alone in another taxi only fifty-two minutes later.
“Well, I’m here now,” Sylvie dismisses him, acting as if his meaning of getting a taxi together had gone over her head. She links her arm with Kim’s, keeping her attached to her side. Kim looks between the two of them, as if trying to decide which one to go with. (Like Sylvie would be giving her a choice).
“No, uh—” Sean continues to protest, but Sylvie sticks to doing her friend duty, interrupting him by talking over him.
“Come on, Kim. I’ve had a boring day today, I can use some girl time,” Sylvie tells her friend. At her words, Kim pouts sympathetically at her, and Sylvie knows she’s successfully diverted her friend’s attention away from Roman. Kim then looks at Sean, giving him an apologetic look.
“Sorry, Sean, she needs girl time.” Kim tells him and Sylvie would be lying if she didn’t get some satisfaction in how disappointed Sean looks.
Annoyance is also wrapped up in his expression, but Sylvie can see he’s trying to hide it, presumably so to ensure Kim wouldn’t dismiss whatever was going to happen from happening another day. Sylvie makes a mental note to make sure, when her friend is sober, that this was a one off, that Kim shouldn’t ever consider going there again.
With that settled, Sylvie lightly tugs at Kim, to get them moving towards the door. Sometimes, leading drunken friends can feel very much like herding farm animals, but Kim moves with little encouragement, barely taking the time to say (well, yell rather loudly) a goodbye to Sean before she heads to the exit with Sylvie.
“Can we go to yours instead?” Kim asks, yet again her voice louder than usual, as soon as they get into Sylvie’s car. “You know, for girl time? I really don’t want to be at mine,” she adds on.
“Sure, that’s fine,” Sylvie nods. She understands Kim’s unwillingness to go back to her apartment; just a few weeks ago, she was thinking it would soon not be her home, that she’d be building a life in another apartment with Adam.
After Kim asks her that, she stares out the window for a minute or so, a troubled and sombre expression on her face. All Sylvie does, all she knows Kim needs from her at that moment, is reach over and lightly squeeze her hand.
Then, whatever dark thoughts were swirling around in Kim’s mind passes, and Kim’s her animated drunken self, rambling on about the baby again for the rest of the journey to Sylvie’s apartment.
“So what do you want to do?” Kim asks her when they enter Sylvie’s place. Before Sylvie can answer, Kim gasps, spinning around to face her.
“We could put on some music? I’ve missed dancing. I love Molly’s and all, but it’s not always the best place to just let loose. Or do you want to watch a movie? Oh! Let’s watch one we can make a drinking game to play while watching. Or do you just want to drink and talk? Or a game? But what game would be fun just the two of us? Maybe we should call others. Gabby’s working isn’t she? But maybe—” Kim talks a million miles a minute, her mind jumping all over the place.
“Kim. Kim.” Sylvie grabs her attention, interrupting her friend. “How about we don’t drink, and you go to sleep?”
“But what about you? You wanted girl time.” Kim tilts her head, her drunken confusion amusing Sylvie. Sometimes Sylvie thinks there’s nothing funnier than being sober, or more sober at least, than your drunk friend.
“I’m fine. But you need to sleep. This has already been enough excitement to make up for my boring day,” Sylvie reassures her, expertly leading Kim to get bedroom while she talks.
“Oh. Okay.” Kim accepts. “But do I have to sleep? I’m not tired,”
“That’s because you’re drunk, Kim. You’re buzzed. But you’ll thank me tomorrow, so come on. Get off your shoes. You can borrow some of my clothes to sleep in if you want?” Sylvie offers as Kim sits down on her bed, doing as she said and taking off her shoes. Kim shakes her head.
“’s alright. I can just sleep in this.” She responds. Sylvie can see that she’s starting to loose her buzz, her eyes getting tired.
“You sure?” Sylvie double checks.
“Yeah. But I don’t feel right sleeping here. This is your bed, I’ll take the sofa,” At Kim’s words, Sylvie shakes her head.
“No, I want you to sleep here. It’ll help your hangover to get some good rest. And I’m not on shift tomorrow, so I can sleep the whole day if I want, so it’s fine.” Sylvie reassures her, holding up a hand as Kim goes to protest.
“Kim. I’m a paramedic, remember? You should listen to me.” That stops her, and so Sylvie nudges her, moving onto the next part—actually getting her in the bed. Because it has been a while since Kim’s last drink now, and her buzz is going, leaving a sleepy drunk Kim in it’s wake, that is a relatively easy task.
“You’re such a good friend,” Kim tells her, her voice sleepy, after Sylvie’s gotten her into her bed. Sylvie smiles at the brunette. “An amazing kickass, sweet wonderful friend,”
“You want to know something?” Sylvie asks softly as Kim snuggles down into the sheets, settling. “You’re an amazing kickass, sweet wonderful friend too,”
“No, I’m not.” Kim protests. Her voice is quiet, full of sleep still, but Sylvie can also hear the pain, the hurt, that’s in it. “I’m an idiot. Why did I think I’d get to be happy, that I’d get my happy ever after? And now I never will. Who’ll want to be with me, when they find out I’ve had a failed engagement? I never wanted this, I only ever wanted to be engaged once, and now. I’ll probably never be again.”
Sylvie sits on her bed, next to where Kim lies. Kim’s looking at her with such pain and hurt in her eyes, a pain and hurt that Sylvie has known herself, and she’s glad she intervened because this Kim, this drunken hurt Kim, is most definitely not ready for a rebound.
“Kim. That’s not true. You will find love again, I mean, you’re a catch! And who cares if you’ve had a failed engagement—so have I, remember? It doesn’t define you or stop you from getting dates. Yeah, it’s a little bit more than this, but it’s still essentially just another break-up.” Sylvie strokes some of Kim’s hair, in the way her mother did to her when she was a little girl.
“And you are many things, Kim Burgess, but an idiot is not one of them. You deserve happiness, and you will get it. I promise. And if anyone ever tells you otherwise, give me their names and I’ll kick their ass. And that includes you, yourself. You’re a wonderful person, and you should recognise that.” Sylvie reassures her friend, her voice firm, showing how serious she is.
Kim gives her a small smile, her eyes having become watery at Sylvie’s words. Sylvie can still see the pain in her, but she can also see that her words has had an affect on Kim, in a positive way. From her own experience, Sylvie knows Kim is far off from being totally okay, but she knows that a small part of her has been healed ever so slightly. And that is a win, for both of them.
It’s not long after that Kim falls asleep. Sylvie turns off her bedroom light, after putting a glass of water and paracetamol in her bedside table for when Kim wakes up in the morning.
Sylvie’s already awake, sitting at her kitchen table with a cup of coffee, pancakes and a newspaper when Kim sleepily stumbles out of her bedroom rubbing her eyes.
“Good Morning,” Sylvie smiles at her in greeting. Kim blinks at her for a few seconds before returning the smile.
“Morning,” Kim’s voice is still groggy from sleep. Sylvie pushes her plate towards her.
“Here. Eat.” Sylvie tells her. Kim opens her mouth, and sensing protestions, she holds up her hand. “You look like you could do with it, and I can always make more.”
Sylvie watches as Kim sits down at the table, obediently beginning to eat. She rises, heading for her fridge. “I’ve got some bacon you can eat with that, if you want? It’ll help you with your energy. Also, I can make you some coffee,”
At that, Kim’s head lifts up. “Coffee,”
Sylvie laughs at that reaction, and how Kim’s voice sounds so desperate and she realises offering the coffee should’ve been her first move.
“Please,” Kim then adds, as if realising that she could be coming off rude. She isn’t, of course. Sylvie recognises she’s just sleepy and hungover, but Kim is always so conscious of being polite. “Thank you. And could I have some of that bacon, please? It sounds like such a good option right now,”
Sylvie places the freshly made cup of coffee in front of Kim before working on the bacon. It’s silent in the apartment, as Sylvie cooks and Kim eats, and she finds herself thinking that if she hadn’t been at Molly’s, Kim would’ve been having a very different, awkward morning instead.
“Sylvie?” Kim says as she eats the bacon. Sylvie looks up from her newspaper. “Thanks. For what you said last night. I, I needed to hear that.” Kim smiles at her and Sylvie returns it.
“No problem. Really, Kim. I’ve been there, remember? And at least I didn’t have to see my ex-fiancé every day at work.” Sylvie affectionately squeezes Kim’s hand. “Anytime you need to talk, especially to someone who understands, I’m here. Even if you just want to get drunk and talk about anything else,” Kim smiles appreciatively at her words.
After Kim’s finished her coffee and food, she tells Sylvie that she’s going to go, needing to go back to hers and shower and get dressed before work. Sylvie offers to drive her, but Kim shakes her off, saying she’ll get a taxi. Sylvie wants to protest, insist, but she can tell that Kim isn’t just wanting a taxi because of not wanting to a burden, but because she needs the time alone, so Sylvie drops the matter.
“Thank you. Really.” Kim says to her as she goes to leave. She hugs Sylvie tightly, appreciatively, a hug Sylvie happily returns. “And not just for this, breakfast and letting me sleep here, or even not just for what you said but for the whole night. I, I was feeling very emotional and that combined with the alcohol... I wasn’t in the right frame of mind for making decisions,” Sylvie nods, getting exactly what Kim meant.
“It’s fine. My duty, really, as your friend.” Sylvie replies, continuing.
“I mean not just because I’ve been there, and because you were drunk, but because honestly? As your friend, it’s my duty to save you from disappointing dick,” Sylvie pulls a face, remembering her encounter with Roman.
A laugh splutters out of Kim, and she leans forward towards Sylvie. “Really? He’s no good? I mean...I get that vibe, but really?”
“Kim. I was out of his apartment fifty-two minutes later. He’s not just disappointing, he’s quick and awful. Very in-out, selfish kind of man.” Sylvie grimaces as she remembers. Kim laughs again, and Sylvie’s happy at least something good came out of that night.
“Oh god. Really, then. Thank you. I mean, I get the vibe, but you seriously left that soon after?” Kim shakes her head. “I’m sorry you had to go through that,”
“Trust me, so am I. So, please, Kim, never ever consider that again, no matter how drunk. It will not be worth it.” Sylvie shivers at the memory. Kim pulls her in for another hug.
“Don’t worry, I won’t. I don’t even know why I even considered it. Maybe because I know how much Adam hates him, so I was kind of being a bit destructive? I don’t know. But whatever the reason, it has passed. If I’m going to make a bad decision, I better be getting satisfaction from it,” she reassures her. Sylvie grins.
“Good. My job here is done, then.” Sylvie pauses. “And Kim, for what it’s worth? If I was you, I’d probably spend some time thinking about that reason why—maybe your relationship with Adam isn’t as failed as you think. But I know I don’t know the ins and outs, so maybe don’t give my opinion much thought. Now, you should get a move on! You’ve got work.”
Kim gives Sylvie a thoughtful look, before nodding. “Yeah, I should go. Bye, and uh, thanks again,” she says, before heading out of the door.
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randers198 · 3 years
For the 6th day of the @upsteadofficial Christmas word prompt--Mistletoe. (Rated T)
Note: Started this for the Presents prompt but didn’t finish it in time so used it for part of the 6th day instead. Hopefully it’s not too clunky.
“Upton. This has gotta stop.” Trudy Platt all but stomped over to Hailey’s desk. She unceremoniously dropped a small package on her desk. “See this?” She pivoted a bit to show her shoulder badge to Hailey. “Does this say ‘Postal Service’? No. It doesn’t. So stop having these delivered here.”
“Sorry, Sarge.” Hailey replied. Again she offered no explanation. The season would be over in another day and then this would all be over.  She slid the package to the far side of her desk without looking at it and got back to work as Trudy moved in to Hank’s office.
“You serious?” Jay asked over his computer.  “That’s like the fourth one. Who’s sending them?” He got up to round the corner to her desk but Hailey was faster. Barely looking, she palmed the package and slid it inside her desk drawer.
“It’s nothing, Jay. Really.” She tried for a smile but knew it fell flat. Just one more day. “It’s not important.”
“C’mon, you’re not even a little bit curious?” His brow furrowed. God knows he was. First came flowers. He’d made note of her face as she read the card, (It wasn’t a happy one) and later when he’d gone in to the break room for a bottle of water he saw them crammed in to the small trash can back by the couch. The next day there was a package. She’d checked the return address and slid it in to her bag underneath her desk. If Jay hadn’t been coming from the hallway after finishing up an interview with a suspect he wouldn’t have seen it happen. The next day there had been another package and now today.
“You have a secret admirer?” He asked, half teasing. For the first time since knowing Hailey he’d gotten her a gift. He hadn’t meant to, he told himself. He’d been with Will, killing time while he shopped for Hannah before they went for dinner and drinks, when he saw it. A simple necklace. A leather band with a small gold circle. He’d had it embossed with her initial and did his best to ignore his brother’s smirk as he joined him to pay. Now the thought that maybe there was someone else in her life, someone he wasn’t aware of, crossed his mind for the first time. He tried to tell himself that it was fine, she wasn’t his. But the only thing that gave him any solace was remembering her face at reading the card that came with the flowers. No eye roll—but a deep sigh and a scowl. If there was someone, it wasn’t someone she felt anything good for. That kept him going. Though he still wanted to know what was going on.
“You have a secret admirer?” He’d asked the question and she wasn’t sure how to take it. Was there some jealousy in that question? Concern? She shook it off on the inside. She’d rather not think about it let alone answer it.
“I wish,” she’d joked back and purposely got back to work.
Jay watched her for a moment. She was avoiding the question…and him. Rather than push him away, it only made him more curious, more prone to dig in and find out what was going on with her. He only wanted to help. She should have known better.
The next day brought no new case and one new package. Another slide in to the drawer as Hailey smiled in apology at Platt’s latest delivery. Hailey hoped that the gift card to her favorite coffee spot would soften her up a bit. She traded the envelope for the package and Hailey watched as Trudy peeked inside the card to see what was inside. “Well…” was all she offered before she walked away. But Hailey took it as a win and smiled at her back. She was still grinning as she turned back to her computer.
“Ah, there it is.” Adam clapped once and pointed at her. “Smile’s back, people!”
She rolled her eyes before looking up to see Jay watching her.
“It is nice to see again.”
She could feel the blush creeping up her cheeks so she ducked her head and tried to get back to focusing on finishing the paperwork she swore to herself she’d have done before clocking out for the night. Before she could just have the next 4 days to not think about the worst that Chicago had to offer, the innocent victims, the scenes she was called upon to see how the two factions met. She wanted to block it all out and just ‘be’ at home. Bad tv, sleeping in , a few late nights, these were the things she was looking forward to.
She didn’t mean to be a hard-ass lately but she knew she had been. This time of year, for as much as she enjoyed the majority of it, it was also a time that she dreaded. Knew the push that always came and this year had been no different.
“So tomorrow’s Christmas Eve.” Jay’s voice filtered through her thoughts as it always could. She looked up to him. “Got any plans?”
“Nope.” Her answer was cavalier as she closed a file.  “You?”
“Well,” he rubbed at his chin, not nearly as invested as she was in finishing his paperwork before their shift ended.  “Will’s working and…..no.” He smiled. “Soooo, would it totally kill your holiday vibe if I stopped over for a drink?”
“My holiday vibe?” she laughed. “Come over anytime, Jay. I’ll be home.”
He grinned and for the first time in a few years, realized he was actually looking forward to the holiday.
The next afternoon found Jay at Hailey’s door.  When she answered he found himself having to remember to breathe. She looked like herself, casual and relaxed, but at home that version was so much more her and it took his breath away for just a moment. It was happening to him more often and no matter how he tried to talk himself out of it, give justification to it, he knew he was simply lost in her. He’d finally realized his feelings but couldn’t quite figure out what to do about them.
“You okay?” She was staring at him, running their dynamic over in her head for the millionth time. There were times she thought they were both in sync, that he wanted what she did, to try and take the next step, to see if they could have something good past partners and friends. And then there were others where she was left feeling insecure and wrong and like she was spinning her wheels. She’d had offers of drinks, dinners…..of more, from other men. But none of the guys were Jay. None of them left her feeling like he did when he looked at her like he was right now.
“Yeah….yeah. Merry Christmas.” He offered a half smile as he walked in.
“You too.”
She’d already started on the tequila and had thrown some beers in the fridge. She offered him his choice, and they settled in her living room, and sipped their drinks in an easy silence.
Jay ran a finger around the rim of his glass and looked over to her. “Not too Christmasy around here.” He glanced around the room.
She huffed out a small chuckled and smiled in agreement. “Not usually around.”  At his look she explained. “I may have been known to pick up an extra shift here or there if the OT was available….or if not,” she smiled and inhaled deeply. “rent a place in Indiana or Michigan…some place on a lake. Quiet. Remote.” She shrugged a bit.
He looked at her nearly incredulous. “I really don’t know you at all, do I?” He meant it as a joke but shook his head at the information.
“You know me better than anyone Jay.” It had slipped out, immediate, quiet and earnest.
He nodded at her, solemn, quiet. Pleased at the comment.
“Okay then,” he breathed out. “Then what was the deal with those packages?”
He didn’t miss the small lip twitch, the flash of a dark look cross her face. When she didn’t respond, he tried again. “Hailey?”
Finally she spoke. She shrugged lightly. “I thought maybe…when I moved to this place….but my mom is smart.” She chuckled. “No address to send them to so she sent them to the district. They’re just…she never stops trying.”
“What do you do with them?” He probed.
“Donate them.”
“Do you know what they are? What they send?”
“Nope.” She shifted on the couch. “It’s easier not to.”
Jay nodded, trying to understand. “Sooo, nothing to open for Christmas then?”
She smiled a bit. “I don’t need presents, Jay.”
“Okay, that’s a lie.” He teased, reaching for his jacket and rummaging in a pocket. He pulled a small square box, neatly wrapped from it and passed it over to her.
Hailey swallowed hard. “Jay,” she whispered. “You didn’t have to….I didn’t…..”
“No, no, no. It’s not a big deal.” He chuckled and tried to play it down, now questioning his decision to give it.
“Can I…?” She glanced at the package.
“Yeah, of course. Go ahead.”
Hailey deftly unwrapped the paper neatly and Jay saw her eyes widen as she took the white top off the box.The dark band lay against the white cotton bed, the small gold circle shining in the living room light.
Jay found it necessary to start talking. “I just….you used to wear one like it and I saw it and just thought….”
“It’s beautiful.” She whispered, looking from it to him. “Thank you so much.” Her old one had broken off, she assumed, during a scuffle with an offender as she’d tackled him. When she’d gotten back to the district that day she’d noticed it was gone.
Hailey put the necklace on and Jay smiled, proud of being the reason she looked so happy in this moment. They sat and drank a bit for a while before Jay voiced an idea.
“Okay, so we’ve gotta get some Christmas spirit going.” He put down his glass and rubbed his hands together.
Hailey laughed. “I’m not getting a tree on Christmas Eve,” she laughed lightly. “so what are you thinking?”
“Molly’s. It looks like Christmas threw up in there. Like it should.” He grabbed for his jacket. “Whaddya say?”
The bar was packed. Locals having a few beers before going home to be with families, a few cops and fire fighters having a drink between ending shift and heading home, and a bunch of college kids home for break getting together with friends before being held captive by well-meaning family members wanting to know how school was and if they’ve met anybody special.
One of those kids stopped on his way back from the bathroom to do a double take at Jay and Hailey—and ogle Hailey.
“Bruh, you see where you are?” the kid asked. Jay didn’t and gave a mild one shoulder shrug, hoping if he ignored him he’d just move on. But he didn’t. “Better make your move dude, or I’m happy to step.in. Won’t have to tell me twice…though she may want to.” He smirked and grabbed suggestively and crudely at the front of his jeans.
Hailey grabbed Jay’s arm as he went to step up. The kid just smirked again and moved on.
“Let it go, Jay. He’s stupid and drunk.”
He was breathing heavier than normal with the adrenaline that pushed through his veins.  “Asshole,” he muttered, looking down the bar to where the kid had joined his friends.
He tried to focus back on Hailey and took a sip of his beer, calming down very little by very little. He took a deep breath and offered Hailey an apologetic smile that she returned with a ‘don’t worry about it’ one of her own. He was feeling better and glanced around the bar again, tipping his head up a bit as he drained the last of his beer. He choked.
“Shit….Jay, you okay?” Hailey was up off her stool and standing close to him, patting him on the back instinctively.
“Yeah….yeah,” he rasped. ”Just went down the wrong way.” He wiped at his mouth, and made a decision, quickly reaching for her hand. Feeling the warm skin and surprising softness of her hand under his, he dragged a quick thumb over her wrist. Hailey froze. She’d been about to sit back down when he’d touched her. She didn’t know what to do or say so waited him out, holding her breath.
He gestured upward, calling Hailey’s attention to the ceiling. When she saw it, she rolled her eyes with a grin and groaned lightly. But she didn’t move.
“Ohhh,  you gotta be kidding me.” Her laugh and smile faded as she caught Jay’s eye. His own had faded before hers and now he was just looking at her. Looking at her in that way that she never could name but that sent shivers down her spine nonetheless.
“Jay?” She whispered it softly.
“It’s tradition Hailey.” His voice was low.
She nodded slowly.  “Yeah. It is.”
Jay was still seated. He parted his knees a bit and took hold of Hailey’s waist, pulling her gently toward him. Her eyes never left his as she shuffled forward.
He pulled a hand from her waist to the back of her neck and she placed hers on his shoulders.
“We doing this?”
“I think it’s about time. So—yeah.” He huffed out a sly smile, genuinely happy.  She leaned in to him just as he gave her neck a gentle pull. The first kiss was soft, quick, and tentative. The second and third were soft and meaningful. Purposeful. The fourth was leading toward hungry.
When Jay pulled back slightly it was to find Hailey looking at him, her eyes bright as he thumbed circles at her waist. Neither said anything with both just enjoying the moment.
“Merry Christmas, Jay.” She smiled.
He chuckled lowly. “Merry Christmas, Hailey.”
She was knocked a bit closer to him by the group moving from down the bar past them, as they headed toward the exit.
Jay held on to Hailey tight as she was jostled in to him. The drunk kid from earlier threw them a look and Jay took advantage of it. “Hey bruh…..thanks!” Jay grinned before sliding a hand to Hailey’s jaw and pulling her in for another kiss under the mistletoe.
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be11atrixthestrange · 4 years
Step 7: Saying ‘I Love You’
From 12 Fail-Safe Ways To Charm Hermione Granger
Step 7: Saying 'I Love You'
If there's any defining moment to a relationship, it would be the first utterance of the words 'I Love You'. Do not fear saying those words if they are true. But keep in mind that Love is more than just a feeling, it is also an action, and a responsibility. In this sense, the first 'I Love You' is a promise, and one that should not be taken lightly.
Ron ran his fingers over the words "I Love You." They were pretty big words, but at this point, Ron said those three words so frequently, it was just routine.
A lot of things that seemed big at first had become routine. If he wasn't anxious about tomorrow, he'd have gone to bed with Hermione, casually muttering "I love you," before sliding his arms around her and drifting off to sleep. He'd wake up in the morning and again, mindlessly say "I love you," and since it was a weekend, he'd stumble to the kitchen to make tea and start breakfast. Many things could happen that day— they might get into an argument over something dumb, they might make love, or they might not interact much at all, content to do their own activities, and none of it would break normal.
It's funny how those three words used to feel so foreign, but at this point, they were interchangeable with hello and goodbye. They'd slip out at work, when they passed each other in the hallways, as a reassurance after a bad day, or for no reason, to fill the silence in the room. It was difficult to remember the early days, and how much Ron had stressed over saying them.
Just because I love you was easy to say, didn't mean that it was easy to show. Ron blamed this on their routine. Hermione had a regular schedule, every day from 8am to 5pm. As an auror, Ron's varied widely, but he usually wasn't awake when Hermione left, so the first time they'd see each other was in the evening. If Ron had a late shift, they'd miss each other completely.
Sometimes they felt like roommates on completely opposite work and sleep schedules. The words 'I love you' didn't carry nearly as much meaning as the actions behind them, and they could go days without seeing each other, which left little room for those actions.
Nowadays, they scheduled time to break the routine. They scheduled date nights- twice a month they would try a new restaurant, or explore a new part of town, or even take one of those wine and painting classes that muggles were so fond of. Some days they wouldn't go anywhere, but stay in and try cooking a new muggle recipe, and rent a movie to watch from the sofa.
It took effort to maintain their relationship with friends. When their work routines invaded their daily lives, they could go months without seeing Harry and Ginny. Harry and Ron saw each other enough at work- but that was as coworkers, not best friends. So they scheduled it- again, twice a month they'd have them over for dinner, or a movie, or if Harry and Hermione had final say, a muggle board game. A younger Ron might scoff at the normalcy of double dates with Harry and Ginny, but today's Ron cherished those days as much as his date nights with Hermione.
That same younger Ron probably would have thought of the need to schedule time together as a warning sign, but he would have been wrong. Today's Ron thought of his willingness to schedule that time as the action behind 'I Love You', finally giving those words the meaning they deserved.
After a teary goodbye, Ron and Hermione took a portkey back to London to return to "their normal lives", as if they existed. Mr. and Mrs. Granger weren't aware of the full extent of the trio's misadventures during the war, and they still maintained the impression that there was some routine for them to return to. But as they discovered upon their return, life at the Burrow was as chaotic as ever.
Ron and Harry had both decided not to return to Hogwarts, and instead take Kingsley up on his offer to begin auror training in the fall. Hermione and Ginny would be returning to school, which meant that Ron and Hermione had exactly one month to enjoy each other's company until they had to separate.
In a perfect world, that whole month would have been spent alone together, preferably in a bed, picking up where they left off in that hotel shower, but the life at the bustling Burrow required more from them. Instead, they spent their days with family, answering questions about their trip, helping Molly and Arthur around the house, and reconnecting with Harry and Ginny.
Although her house was just as full and lively as before, Mrs. Weasley was still deep enough in her grief to let certain things go unnoticed, most notably everyone's sleeping arrangements. It was Hermione who first informed Ron of the new plan, soon after she put her things back in Ginny's room.
They were outside by the garden, watching Mrs. Weasley play with Teddy down by the pond. Harry and Ginny were nowhere to be found, but that didn't bother Ron until he learned they'd been getting away with sharing a room.
"So, you're coming up to my room tonight?' he asked her as he leaned back in his chair, letting the late afternoon sunlight streak across his face.
Hermione nodded. "That's the plan."
"What about Harry?"
Hermione shrugged. "What about him?"
"We can't have much fun with that git sleeping next to us."
"He won't be," she said casually, as she took another sip of her lemonade.
Ron narrowed his eyes. "No, he can't sleep in Ginny's room."
"Where do you think he's been sleeping since I've been gone?"
Ron groaned, trying to wipe the image from his mind. "Tell Ginny it's not going to work out and to keep it in her pants."
"Ron!" said Hermione exasperatedly. "I can't. It wasn't exactly a question, more of a statement."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean," said Hermione, turning to make eye contact. "She simply informed me of the new sleeping arrangements."
"And you didn't argue?"
"I didn't want to argue," she replied.
"Well, that's a first."
Hermione scowled at him, briefly, before a smile formed on her face, and she laughed. "Hold on, are we having an argument?"
"Yes," said Ron.
"It's our first!" said Hermione excitedly.
"It most definitely is not our first argument," said Ron, confused.
"Yes, it is! Unless you count right after the battle, but I don't. That was just you being upset, justifiably. This," she said, gesturing between them as if trying to describe their entire relationship, "is our first time bickering as a couple."
"And that's a good thing?" asked Ron.
"Yes!" she exclaimed. "It means that we're legitimately together."
"I can think of a few times in that hotel room that could count as legitimately together," he said snarkily, only to receive an eye-roll from Hermione.
"You know what I mean," she said, playfully swatting him on the arm.
"I know you're mental," he replied, before setting his face back in the sun, enjoying the mild British rays. The truth was, he knew exactly what she meant. Although the last few weeks had been fantastic, something about being at the Burrow, bickering, and not needing to touch each other every five seconds (although he happily would), made being Hermione's boyfriend feel normal. It was definitely a rhythm that he missed, and one he felt solidified their relationship.
He didn't win the sleeping arrangements argument, but that was ok. Only half of him wanted to win that one, anyway. Turns out Hermione was right, Mrs. Weasley was too caught up in her emotions to notice the change. Hermione and Harry would simply switch places in the evening, and switch back at dawn before Mrs. Weasley woke up, and it soon became their routine.
Harry and Ron didn't talk about it. When Harry returned every morning, they had the exact same conversation.
"Did you have a good night?"
"Yeah. You?"
And then they'd talk about something else. Anything else, while Ron pretended that Harry's definition of "a good night" was much, much different than his.
Once he pushed any thoughts of Harry and Ginny out of his mind, being with Hermione was quite effortless. They quickly fell back into the rhythm of being best friends. They bickered and argued so much that they frequently earned looks of exasperation from Harry and Ginny. They probably overdid their bickering that summer, because as it turned out, making up was a lot more fun as somebody's boyfriend.
In many ways, being Hermione's best friend made being her boyfriend much easier. Thanks to seven years of friendship, he was already used to her constant presence. There was no sudden change in his social circle or leisure activities because there was nothing new about the existence of their relationship, just the definition of it. Because he was her best friend, they could sit on the couch in the living room for hours, and not say one word to each other the entire time. He wouldn't feel pressure either, because they'd already grown accustomed to comfortable silences after years of reading in the common room together, or dining in the great hall, or studying in the library.
By contrast, it was also their seven years of friendship that fueled endless conversation. On multiple occasions, they stayed up from dusk to dawn, just talking. On one particular night, he learned that the first time she remembered doing accidental magic was when she was five, and she made a piece of broccoli explode because she was so upset about having to eat it. On that same night, he told her that his intense fear of spiders started when Fred and George turned his teddy bear into one, and he used to make up songs with Ginny and perform them for his parents. He even promised to sing one to her at some point, hoping she'd forget the offer.
That was one of many nights they just lied in bed together, learned as many obscure things about each other as they could, made each other laugh, and completely forgot to snog. It wasn't that he didn't love snogging, it just happened to be one of many things he loved about her.
Unfortunately, not all conversations were so effortless. Although he could tell Hermione embarrassing stories about himself all day, and he had no issue cursing wildly even though it made her adorably annoyed, there were three tiny words that got stuck in his throat every time he tried to say them. He had no doubt he loved her, but that tiny voice in the back of his head kept reminding him it was too soon, and that he'd scare her away, or worse, that she couldn't possibly love him back.
He wanted the moment to be perfect, so at first, he planned it out. There was one night that started and ended in the backyard treehouse. Like Hermione had after the funeral, Ron brought blankets and pillows, a bottle of firewhiskey, and cast a cushioning charm. It truly was a perfect night. There was talking, there was snogging, and there was comfortable silence as they stared up at the stars, arms around one another.
They woke up in stillness the next morning, completely unconcerned that someone might find their beds empty. He almost said it then, because what could be more romantic than the morning after a night of stargazing? He kissed her, preparing for the moment, but then caught a mischievous glint in her eye. The romance of the moment was broken when she smiled coyly and slipped her hand into his pants, and he definitely couldn't say it now, but he wasn't an idiot about to complain about a treehouse handjob.
He wanted to tell her again on a particularly memorable night in his room. They had spent the entire night in bed together, wearing minimal clothing, and exchanging even fewer words. As much as he enjoyed loving her nonverbally, those three words taunted him all night, just begging to be said. But his opportunity to tell her passed when for the first time, she let him dip his head under the blankets, and drag his lips from her neck to her breasts, to her warm, wet knickers. When he trailed kisses up her inner thigh and slipped his tongue between her legs, it became painfully obvious how much more he wanted her, and he didn't want to risk her sensing an ulterior motive in those words. So instead, he kept his mouth on her, writing them with his tongue, until he was thankful he had cast a silencing charm.
Instead of trying to create the perfect moment, he started looking for pre-existing opportunities. There was one by the pond a few days later. She was reading on the dock while Ron swam, doing his best to convince him to join her. He'd pull himself up on the dock like a determined sea lion only to jump in right beside her so she had to dodge her book out of the way.
"Ron!" she groaned, before drying her book with her wand.
He ducked under the dock to surface on the other side as quietly as he could, before pulling himself up to lay next to her. She tried to push him away, but he slipped his arm around her and pulled her to him. She shrieked at his cold touch before conceding and relaxing into his arm. "Swim with me?" he asked?
He rolled off the dock and fell back into the water. He heard a splash behind him before felt her arms snake around his neck as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
"I hate you, though," she said playfully.
He pressed a kiss to her lips. "That's too bad because I-"
The words seemed to be stuck in his throat. What if she wasn't expecting them? Would it ruin the moment? He looked around him, they were alone in the pond, bodies pressed together, hidden from the prying eyes of the burrow. Everything about this moment was perfect.
He finished his thought with another kiss.
They may have snogged in the pond for just a few seconds, or it could have been a few minutes. It could even have been hours and Ron wouldn't know. Time seemed to stop when he was with Hermione. They were eventually interrupted by a pair of splashes on either side of them.
"Get a room brother," came Ginny's voice as he and Hermione broke apart.
"We were alone…" said Ron.
"Well now you're not," piped Harry, and Ginny playful splashed them both before they swam deeper into the pond.
"What were you saying?" asked Hermione.
"Before we got distracted. It sounded like you were about to say something."
"Oh," said Ron, his ears heating up. "It was nothing." The moment had passed.
"Ok," said Hermione, shrugging, and the pair swam ahead to follow Harry and Ginny.
Then the perfect moment presented itself a few days later, while they were lying on the sofa on the porch. He was sprawled with his legs on her lap, dipping out in and out of a nap, while she read her book. She was mindlessly moving her hand up and down her calf, and he'd realized that he'd been taking all seven years of her platonic touch for granted. Maybe those three words would mean more, now that they were alone and fully clothed.
At one point she realized he wasn't sleeping. "What are you looking at?" she asked.
"You," he said. He reached for her hand and laced his fingers into hers.
"Why?" She pressed her free hand to her book, marking its place when it swung shut, and turned slightly to face him.
This was the moment, he thought. If only he could just… say it. What was he afraid of?
He couldn't understand exactly why he struggled to say them. It wouldn't have been the first time, he told her he loved her. He let it slip in their sixth year, late at night in the common room. He was still dating Lavender back then, so she interpreted it as a friendly 'I love you', but that wasn't how he meant it. Back then he thought that letting it slip so early, before they were even together, would make it easier to say it later. He has already formed the words and she has already heard them, but he was wrong. Saying it again felt as inevitable, and impossible as their second kiss.
"Ron?" she asked, pulling him out of his thoughts. He was suddenly nervous that his hesitation would diminish his sincerity if he said those words now.
"No reason," is what he settled with, before using her hand to pull himself up to a seat, and planting a quick kiss on her lips.
Just like their second kiss, those words eventually came about at a perfectly unplanned moment. The night before she was due to leave for Hogwarts, Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny spent most of the night awake, soaking up each other's' company. After a celebratory dinner, most of the Weasley's continued celebrating the start of Hermione and Ginny's final year of schooling the only way they knew how- with a bonfire and butterbeer.
They sat around the fire, sipping at their drinks, and telling stories of their time at Hogwarts. Ron and Harry wondered aloud what Hermione would do for fun, now that they were gone. Ginny promised to make her relax and remind her to eat when she was too stressed. George gifted them some new prank items, and told them to "use them wisely." Hermione surprised everyone by pocketing them and thanking him, and promised to report back. Mrs. Weasley spent most of the night in tears, with her arms around either Ginny or Hermione, and Mr. Weasley offered his very best effort to convince McGonagall to set up a direct floo line from Hogwarts to the Burrow, but they all knew that was a long shot.
Eventually, it was just the four of them left. They knew it was time to call it a night, but none of them wanted to. When Hermione started shivering, instead of retreating to the warmth of the burrow, she gently turned to Ron and tugged at his jumper with a pleading look on her face. "Are you cold?"
"No," he said, sliding out of his jumper. She put it on, snaking her arms almost all the way through it, before wrapping them around herself. He chuckled and shifted in his chair, opening his arms in invitation. "Come here," he said.
She obliged, crawling into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his shoulder. Harry and Ginny took that as their opportunity to sneak away, strolling down toward the pond hand in hand. Ron did his best to block any thoughts about what they might get up to down there, and turned his full attention to Hermione.
He was feeling the effects of his butterbeer. It might just be what he needed to conjure up enough Gryffindor courage to tell her how he felt. He wrapped his arms tighter around her and buried his face in her hair.
"Hermione, I'm really going to miss you."
He could feel her nodding against his chest. She was still shivering slightly, so he ran his hands up and down her arms, to warm her up. She lifted her head from his chest and looked right at him, her eyes shiny with potential tears. Now was the moment, and he didn't let himself pause and second guess it.
"I love you, Hermione," he said, as clearly and firmly as he could muster. "I love you so much."
And he waited, for what seemed like an eternity, for her to say something. It was probably only a few seconds, but enough time for him to convince himself that even if she didn't feel the same way, she still deserved to know.
"Do you really mean that?" she asked earnestly, as a tear escaped down her cheek.
He ignored the pang of anxiety he felt, as he wiped the tear from her face. "Of course I do."
She narrowed her eyes. "How many drinks have you had?"
Ron sighed. He didn't know what he expected from her reaction, but it wasn't this. "Enough to finally say it," he pulled her forehead to his lips and kissed her. He let his lips linger there when he continued. "Not enough to lie about loving you, if that's what you're worried about-"
"Well, I love you too," she interrupted, her voice cracking slightly. She moved her hands from his neck to his head and shifted his lips down to meet hers, kissing him deeply. He snaked his arms around her waist and responded in kind. Many moments flashed through his mind, the first time they shared a bed, their first kiss, their first shower together, but none of them could compare to the way hearing those three words in her voice made him feel.
Turns out saying "I love you," was a lot like kissing. Once he got the first and second instances out of the way, the third, fourth, and fifth came with ease. He didn't miss any more opportunities to say those words. They were the last words he said before they fell asleep that night, and the first when he woke up the next morning. He only had a few hours to make the words feel familiar and natural, so he said them as much as he could, hoping they didn't sound too much like a lovesick lunatic, and that she would never tire of hearing them.
The morning passed too quickly, and before he knew it, they were on platform 9 ¾. They stood there teary-eyed, embraced each other, and exchanged those words for what would be the last time in months. All the hesitations he had about saying them suddenly felt silly, because they didn't even begin to fully describe how he truly felt. He told her he loved her, but he wanted to say so much more, and he wasn't even sure if strong enough words existed.
He'd have to settle for I love you, and hope he had the rest of his life to show her what he meant.
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whenihaveyouromione · 4 years
When I Have You - Chapter 1
This can also be read on ffn.net and ao3
A/N: This story will follow the lives of Ron and Hermione from the end of DH, to the epilogue and then beyond. This places all of my head canon in one story, along with tidbits of canon provided by JKR throughout. I like to stick mostly to canon post war, so I've followed the books to a T, and mostly everything post war is canon or canon-compliant. There will be the odd change, most barely noticeable.
Also, standard message that this in no way follows the Cursed Child plot at all, and I ignore it completely. This includes Hermione becoming Minister for Magic (which I know is something people like to include), as it makes no sense in comparison to the other canon JKR has provided. Plus, I hate Cursed Child, so… yeah.
Also, prior to reading this, please be aware that this story is intended to be LONG, it is intended to be an extremely slow burn. The chapter length is currently unknown, but I am predicting well over 200 chapters by the end. This is also not action packed, nor is it filled with unpredictability. This is a story where I go into excruciating detail about their lives after the war, but the intention is to be no surprises. Everything you think will happen, WILL happen. Please be mindful of that before going into this. I don't want anyone to be left disappointed. The idea is to detail their lives, not to have you on the edge of your seat with anticipation! If that's what you're after, this story is not for you.
This story also will contain implied sex. Sex scenes resemble 90's sitcoms — you have the before, you have the after, but none of the in between. They also talk a bit (not a lot, because it's not my focus) about sex. I am writing about their relationship, so it's obviously going to exist, but it's not going to be detailed, just implied.
Also, last but not least, this story has an Instagram account. As it's so long and detailed, I've decided to add some hopefully additional entertainment to it. The handle is (with no spaces) 'whenihaveyou . romione' on IG. Please feel free to follow. If for some reason you can't see it on here, feel free to PM me for it. I'll be posting small sneak peaks, responses to questions, etc on there. I'm even throwing my hand up to attempt some fanart on my own story, but I promise that writing is more my thing lol.
And now, to the story (I swear the future a/n's won't be this long). I hope you enjoy, and as usual, your thoughts, comments, questions, are all appreciated!
Chapter 1
Ron brushed a stray strand of hair away from Hermione's face, which lit up at his touch. A smile graced her lips, but her eyes remained closed for a few moments longer. It was their favourite way to spend their afternoons; lying on his Chudley Cannons spread, arms around each other, sometimes dozing or sometimes talking. After long days of preparing for the coming funerals and Flooing to Hogwarts to help with repairs, it was always nice to come back and not think about the devastation that had befallen the wizarding world. While everyone grieved, these few moments together were a welcomed solace.
When laying beside her, Ron allowed himself a few moments of happiness. Because that's what she made him feel: happy. When she'd thrown her arms around him and kissed him in the middle of the war, he thought he'd loved her then. Now, ten days later, he realised how mistaken he'd been. This was love. Spending almost every moment, day and night, with her; holding her, kissing her, had made him fall helplessly in love, and for the first time ever, he was almost certain that she felt the same way.
He kissed her lightly on the lips, running fingers through her thick hair. She smiled against him, her eyes finally opening.
"We should go down and help the others with dinner," he murmured. "Before Mum comes looking for us."
As was to be expected, Molly had been a mess since the end of the war. Fred's death had impacted all of them, but no one more than his mother. For the first few days, they'd not seen her as she kept herself locked away in her bedroom, Arthur bringing her every meal. On the third day, she'd ventured out for a few moments before taking one look at everyone and bursting into tears. She'd spent another two days locked away after that.
She was out and about now, but out of respect for her feelings, Ron felt it best to keep his sudden relationship with Hermione secret. He did not think his mother would take kindly to one of her sons finding happiness in such a dark time.
They'd intended to keep it secret from everyone apart from Harry and Ginny, but word had gradually gotten out amongst the rest of the Weasleys. Bill had stumbled upon Ron placing a kiss on her forehead one evening before going to bed. Charlie had caught them holding hands in the Burrow's garden another night. Percy seemed to just know, and Arthur had awkwardly found them in a passionate embrace one morning in a Hogwarts' corridor.
No one spoke of it after, though. Everyone seemed to know better than to mention anything in front of Molly, so meal times resulted in limiting their affection to smiles across the table. That made these moments alone even more special.
Hermione sat up, resting her back against the headboard and yawning. Today had been especially difficult; after days of being hounded by the press as they demanded answers and spat out ridiculous theories (at Hogwarts, of all places), Harry had Disapparated to who knew where and hadn't returned. If he had any sense, he would have gone somewhere no one would find him. Ron suspected he had gone to Grimmauld Place.
"You think Harry's alright?" Hermione asked, rubbing her eyes.
"No, not really," Ron said. "But I can't blame him. The media have been unforgiving. It's easier for us to brush them aside, because they don't care as much about us. Can't imagine what it's like for him."
"How long should we give him?" Hermione asked.
"A few days." Ron shrugged, feeling his mood darken. "Fred's funeral is in three days. Lupin and Tonks' the day after that. I can't imagine him missing them."
Hermione looked less convinced. She looked at Ron, clearly worried. Ron placed an arm around her shoulder and drew her to him so that her head was on his shoulder. "He'll be alright," he assured her. "He just needs some time."
There was a moment's silence, and then, "Ron?" Hermione's voice cracked as she spoke his name.
Silence again. Ron squeezed her tighter as he felt hot tears against his shirt. It wasn't unusual for these moments to end in tears, for one reason or another. They'd both had their fair share of crying over the past week and a half. He'd lost count of the number of times she'd been there for him, especially after the first few days when the memories of Fred haunted him most clearly. They still did, but he'd managed to get them under control for the most part. Though, he was dreading the funeral.
Hermione lifted her head at the sudden voice appearing at Ron's bedroom door. It was Bill, looking at them both with defeat. "You two better come down soon, otherwise Mum'll send a search party. She wants to start dinner, and Dad is fighting her…"
"Mum wants to cook?" Ron asked.
Bill nodded. "She's insisting. Ginny is really giving it to her, but she's refusing to listen." He smiled slightly. "I guess it's good to see some of the old fight back, eh?"
Hermione pulled away, wiping the tears from her face. "We should go and help," she sniffed.
Ron nodded, and they both climbed off his bed. Hermione left ahead of them, walking past Bill as if slightly embarrassed that he'd seen her cry. Ron went to follow, but Bill stopped him by clasping a hand on his shoulder.
"You alright? Dad mentioned what happened with Harry today."
Ron nodded. "Yeah. I think a part of me knew it was coming. He's been one moment away from an explosion all week. We've just got to give him some time."
Bill nodded, squeezing his shoulder. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Thanks," Ron said.
Bill let Ron go past, following him down the stairs without speaking. Everyone was in the kitchen, Ginny arguing with Molly.
"We told you, Mum! You're not doing anything. The rest of us have got this. Look —" she threw a hand in Ron's direction, "— Ron's here now. An extra pair of hands, an extra wand! We'll have dinner ready in no time."
"Come on, Mum," Bill said, gently placing his hands on Molly's shaking shoulders. "Let's go and sit down." He slowly guided her from the kitchen and into the living room.
After she was gone, Ginny rounded on Ron. "Your appearance a little earlier might have been beneficial, you know." Her eyes flickered to Hermione, softening when they saw her tear-stained face. She looked away. "Sorry," she mumbled.
"It's alright," Ron said. "We're here now. Where do you want us to start?"
It had become the norm for all the children to prepare the meals each night, with some help from Arthur occasionally. It was the least they could do to make things easier, but since their mother had decided to venture from her room, insisting that they could handle it had become increasingly harder. Ron suspected she wished to busy herself by cooking for her large, yet broken family.
Tonight's preparation was sullen. Even the occasional laughter that had occurred other nights was gone. Ginny's mood was dark, her hurt at Harry's disappearance obvious. Like Ron and Hermione, she'd chosen not to share her relationship with Harry to her mother. If that was what it even was. Harry had pushed most of them away, including Ginny, and had snapped at all of them more than once in the last few days.
Dinner was even quieter, with no one speaking apart from asking someone else to pass a bowl over. Ginny, who had been the most cheerful of the bunch, said nothing at all and barely touched her food. Molly watched her with concern, but said nothing, perhaps understanding why her daughter was so upset. There was an emptiness around the table, one that could only be filled by Harry's reappearance — and, Ron thought, George's. Both were as much part of the family as the other, but neither wished to see anyone.
Hermione helped Bill and Charlie clear the dishes and do the washing up, while everyone else moved into the living room. Ron sat on a conjured two-seater couch that really needed a good clean, saving the second spot for Hermione when she returned.
A small chatter started around the fireplace, with Percy talking of how the Ministry was looking to get things back to normal in the coming weeks.
"Something needs to be done," he said to Ron. "In this time, people need leadership and we currently have none." He then lowered his voice so that only Ron would hear the next part. "Between you and me, the talk is that Kingsley Shacklebolt will be appointed the next Minister for Magic."
This surprised Ron, and yet, it didn't at the same time. He looked at his brother. Percy had become somewhat more enjoyable to be around since the end of the war. Ron didn't think they'd be best friends any time soon, but at least he didn't get the urge to roll his eyes everytime Percy opened his mouth any more. He was Ron's brother, after all, and finally, Ron was able to see him as such.
"That's a good choice, don't you think?" he said.
Percy gave a curt nod. "Yes, I think so."
Hermione, Bill, and Charlie came in after that, and Ron shuffled over so that Hermione could sit next to him. Instinctively, he reached for her hand, but she jolted it away and nodded her head in his mother's direction.
He flushed, his face turning even redder when he saw that his mother was watching the two of them, her eyes narrowed.
"Great," Ron muttered to Hermione, "now she probably thinks you're rejecting my advances, or something."
"Wouldn't that please her?" Hermione asked.
"I don't think either way would please her."
Slowly but surely, people began drifting off to bed. Bill left via Floo for his home — as he did every night — while Charlie and Percy headed upstairs to their respective bedrooms.
When Ginny announced she was going to bed fifteen minutes later, Molly's eyes flashed to Hermione. "I suppose you'll be wanting to go to bed too, dear, so as not to wake Ginny?"
Hermione jumped, her cheeks reddening from the brashness of Molly's voice.
"It's fine, Mum," Ginny said. "I'll be fine."
"But, you don't want to wake her, do you Hermione, dear?"
Hermione had not spent a single night in Ginny's room since being there, just like Harry hadn't spent any in Ron's — an arrangement all four had been happy with. Ron had a sneaking suspicion that something had finally clicked with his mum, because she was now watching Ron as if waiting for him to react.
"Right," Hermione said. "I-I'll go, too. Goodnight, Mr and Mrs Weasley. Ron."
"Er, night, Hermione," Ron said. "See you in the morning."
After Hermione and Ginny had disappeared, a silence fell over the living room. Ron could only stand it for a few moments before he jumped to his feet and said goodnight, too.
Taking the stairs two at a time, he was disappointed to find Hermione not waiting for him in his room. He knew it had only been ten days, but the thought of falling asleep without her suddenly made him feel lonely. He'd become accustomed to her presence, her smell, sleeping with his arms around her, and waking to find her cuddled up against him in the mornings. It was a feeling he had hoped would last longer; forever, if he dared think it.
Unable to help but feel angry with his mother, he changed into his pyjamas and climbed under the covers. It was cold, and he had far too much space in his magically extended bed.
He tossed and turned for what felt like hours, and just as he was finally drifting off to sleep, he was woken by soft, warm lips against his cheek.
"Hermione?" he mumbled, making out her figure in the dark.
"Who else would it be?" Hermione asked, pulling back the covers and falling in beside him. "Ginny figured your mum would come and check to make sure I really was there — I think she suspects I've not been sleeping in the spare bed — so we had to wait."
"Did she?" Ron asked, rolling over and wrapping her in his arms. Instant warmth washed over him, and he buried his face into her hair.
"I'm glad you're here now." He kissed her shoulder and held her even tighter.
"What I wanted to say before, when I… couldn't…"
Ron loosened his hold on her, and she rolled over so she was facing him. He reached for his wand and lit it. He'd not realised she'd wanted to say anything before. "What is it?" he asked.
Under the wandlight, he saw her smile. "I wanted to say that I… love you."
The wand slipped from Ron's hand. He scrambled to find it from within the tangle of covers and relit it. "You… do?" In the mess that was the aftermath of war, it only occurred to Ron now that despite his intense feelings and love for her, he'd not actually said those words out loud. He'd thought them — every moment of every day — but he supposed his brain had been so convinced that she knew how he felt, that he had just assumed it was something they'd said to one another.
"Yes," Hermione said, her face practically glowing in the dim light.
"Oh, geez, I didn't even realise —"
"It's okay, Ron. I don't mean to rush you. I just wanted to tell you." She sounded so calm, so pleased with herself.
"What? Rush me? Oh, God, Hermione, I love you a ridiculous amount it's not even funny. I thought I told you that? Why have I never told you that?"
"Preoccupied?" Hermione suggested heartfully. "With a war, with losing our friends…"
Ron kissed her hard on the mouth, to which she responded enthusiastically. He felt her heart beating furiously against his chest, she was that close to him. The kiss deepened — by her, not him — and Ron became suddenly aware of every part of her. Her hands, in particular, had become rather adventurous, running along his arms, his chest, trailing further down... (Merlin, she was enthusiastic)... and then it hit him. He understood. And his bloody nerves got the better of him.
He pulled away, staring at her, the wand still in his hand. She stared back, her cheeks flushed, her breathing heavy, clearly determined to not feel embarrassed by her advancement.
Ron, however, didn't know what to do. Like forgetting to actually tell Hermione how he felt, anything other than holding her at night had not been a priority for him. He loved her deeply, he sought her comfort, but the grief still lingered and he'd not even contemplated taking their relationship further. Well, it had crossed his mind, but not as a serious thought. Not until after the funerals…
But now that it had been presented to him, even if she hadn't said the words directly, it seemed highly appealing.
"Have you, er, been thinking about this?" he asked, pulling completely away from her and sitting up in the bed.
"It's not something that spontaneously popped into my mind, if that's what you mean," Hermione said. For the first time, her voice sounded flat. "Sorry if I scared you. I just thought… I should probably have asked. Do you want to?"
"Yes!" Ron said, a little too quickly. He blushed, but then noticing the smile on her face he added, "Merlin, yes. I love you. I want to. You just caught me completely by surprise. That's all."
"Sorry." Hermione also sat up, facing him. "Perhaps I was a little too forward."
"No, no," Ron said. "I liked that." He grinned, albeit awkwardly. It didn't stop his body from tingling all over, though. A seed had firmly been planted in his mind now, and it was a good seed. A fantastic one.
"Just not tonight?" Hermione guessed.
Truthfully, as much as the idea thrilled him, it terrified him just the same. He was more than happy to kiss her, to hold her hand, but the concept of sex was something different. The insecurities he felt about being so intimate washed over him, just like they had done when Lavender had asked the same of him all those months ago.
The only difference this time was that he genuinely liked Hermione a whole lot more...
Taking his silence for hesitation, Hermione said, "I'm sorry, Ron. I didn't mean to —"
"Don't be," Ron said, reaching out and running a hand along her exposed arm. "You just made me start thinking."
He watched her, his heart beating rapidly as he did. She was just incredible. Amazing. She was perfect, and there she was, scarred as much as him from the war, but wanting him. Ron. She loved him.
"Not tonight," he said, shaking his head. "But tomorrow? As nice as it was, you throwing yourself at me isn't exactly how I imagined it to go… not for the first time."
She smiled and nodded. "Okay," she said, and she crawled slightly forward on the bed and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her, now realising how much he wanted her back, how much he wanted to be with her. Now, he had to exercise a whole lot of control because her touch set his skin on fire.
"Hm," he chuckled, pushing her away.
"What?" Hermione asked.
"Maybe we should… take a break," he said, uncomfortably.
"Why? Oh," Hermione flushed, seeing Ron's own red cheeks. She climbed off him. "Right. Sorry." She laid back down on the bed with Ron beside her, though he dared not touch her again just yet.
As he drifted off to sleep, his mind trailed to tomorrow night, and despite his heart pounding in his chest, and his sudden sweaty palms, it couldn't come quick enough.
His last thought before falling asleep was of Hermione, and how he simply could not control just how much he loved her.
And there is the first chapter of who knows how many! I hope you enjoyed, and remember, if you'd like some extra content, or just to interact, please follow the Insta (no spaces) 'whenihaveyou . romione'
This will also be published on ao3 (under FireTheCanon) and Tumblr (handle is 'whenihaveyouromione').
A MAJOR, HUGE, MASSIVE thank you to Autumn (insertcleverandwittytitlehere) who has graciously offered to beta this for me. Your feedback and help has already been AMAZING, along with your encouragement. THANK YOU.
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Were You Jealous? (C. R.)
Tumblr media
Words: 2,667 words
Warnings: Nope
Request: Can you do a fluffy Connor Rhodes x reader where Connor gets jealous?
A/N: Hi!!! I’m sorry it took me so long but it’s finally here! I hope it is kinda like what you have in mind and I did justice to your request. 
Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.
Thanks for reading
To say you were nervous was an understatement, this was the first time you would present your boyfriend Connor to your family, the Intelligence Unit. Technically they had already met him before in any of the several occasions any of you had ended up at the hospital or you had gone there because of a case but now it was official, they were going to met Connor as your boyfriend, not as the cardiothoracic surgeon of the Med. 
You had planned everything, hosting a little reunion at your place for them to get to know eachother better taking the opportunity to make sure every little detail was  perfectly executed.
It was saturday night and everything was almost ready, the guys were bringing all the ingredients necessary for the barbeque and your fridge was stock with beer enough for a small town, a playlist with your favorite songs was playing on the background and the backyard was ready to welcome your guests, the grill, table, chairs and fairy lights all in position.
You were about to start biting at your nails when the doorbell stopped you, making you release the breath you were holding on.
When you opened the door you saw all your friend there at the door, Kevin, Jay and Adam carrying some heavy looking groceries bags with the girls and Hank trailing behind them. You welcomed each with a kiss on the cheek and a hug happy to spend some time with them all outside the precinct.
“I’m so glad you see you guys” you said leading them to the backyard to start prepping dinner.
“You just saw us yesterday, needy” laughed Adam putting his left arm over your shoulders once he had settled the bags at the table. He was your partner and your best friend, making you feel comfortable in the unit since the first minute you were a part of the team.
“I know but this is different, we get to spend time together without worrying about gang members or being shot or eating crappy food at stake outs”
“She has a point, Ruzek” said Hank starting the fire to prepare the steaks, Kim and Hailey already taking charge of the salad and Jay and Kevin coming from the inside of the house with beers enough for everyone, making you feel like Voight had given them their tasks before they all arrived, not much different from how it worked in the unit.
“Hey, make yourself at home guys, my beer is your beer” you said with a little of sarcasm, laughing at Jay and his childish reaction, him giving you a beer and showing you his tongue before going to stand next to Hank to hand him one too.
You had joined the unit around a year ago, you were new in Chicago and didn’t have anyone, your family had died in a car accident when you were young, so when you entered the precinct the first time and got to know them soon they became your family, always there for you through thick and thin, no matter what.
That was the main reason why this was so important to you, you had fallen in love with Connor and the only thing that could make it all perfect was having him getting along with your family.
The conversation was light and funny, Adam making you laugh until your cheeks and belly hurt when suddenly the doorbell rang.
“Ohhhhh, he’s here” Adam said throwing Jay a look of mischief.
“Adam, behave…” you warned him before going to open the door.
“Ready to scare him a little bit?” asked Adam to the rest of the guys once you were out of earshot.
“I’m so in” said Jay crossing his arms over his chest to make the muscles pop, all the guys wanting to look threatening, you were like their little sister after all and whoever was dating you had to be approved by them first.
“Hey beautiful” said Connor once you opened up the door handing you some flowers and kissing you on the lips lightly, the detail making you blush, all being like those cliché romantic movies when the main character brings flowers and scotch for her girl’s parents.
“Hey babe” you said, a big goofy smile on your face, he made you feel like a teenager sometimes. “You didn’t have to bother” you added receiving the flowers and taking his hand to lead him to the kitchen looking for a vessel.
“It wasn’t” he mentioned making you stop and taking your face in his hands leaning down to kiss you for a moment. You didn’t want to step back but your breathing was going faster and you were well aware of the people on your backyard that was waiting for you to come back so you quickly turn around to put the flowers in some water and led him to the backyard. 
“Hey, everything will be alright, don’t be nervous” he added a couple steps before reaching the door and gave your hand a light squeeze.
“Hey guys, Connor is here” you said not letting go of his hand.
"So, Connor…" Adam started taking a step forward, all very serious suddenly "First of all I think you need to answer some questions, like what are your intentions with (Y/N)?" 
"Adam, leave him alone"
"I'm just asking" he said raising his hands faking innocence "I mean, if he wants to last as your boyfriend he kinda needs our approval" he added earning a nod from all the guys.
"Adam… cut it out" you warned him. 
For a moment everyone just stood their ground making you feel really uncomfortable, the silence deafening and the tension so thick you could almost cut it with a knife. 
"Alright, that's enough guys" finally Hailey said taking a step forward and shaking hands with Connor "It’s good to see you, Connor, and, by the way, don't let the guys scare you, you have nothing to worry about"
"Sure, except for the fact that all of them go around town carrying a gun" Connor joked making the mood so much lighter.  "Also, just so you know, I'm here for the long run, not planning on ruin it" he finished showing them his award winning smile, the one that made you fall for him in the first place. 
"Well, with that being said, welcome Connor, we’re already prepping the barbecue" Hank said shaking his hand too, the rest of the team following him. 
"We'll still be watching you though" Jay said when it was his turn, winking at you before stepping back so Kevin could take his place. 
After that everything just felt natural, Connor was so charming and he got along well with everyone almost immediately, having already talked with them a few times at Molly’s after work sometimes. 
“I told you to behave” you said to Adam after half an hour once you were alone, him going with you to get some more beer for everyone outside. 
“Yeah… I’m not sure that’s what you said” he replied taking a moment to pretend he was thinking about it “I remember it all different”
“Aha, of course you do, I told you this is important, that he is important" it took Adam a second to realize you weren't playing with him anymore and your mood had change but when he did realized it he put the beer down over the counter and wrapped you in his arms sweetly. 
"Hey, it's okay, I was just messing with you but I'll stop"
"It's just…" you started, wrapping your arms around him too and taking in the comfort he provide you, his scent so familiar that helped you to voice your worries. "I'm afraid this will be too much for him, that I'll be too much for him, you know? That one day he's going to wake up and realize that me, my crazy life and my very dangerous job it's too much for him and he is tired of it all or he’s just not made for it"
"Hey, look at me" he said taking your chin and gently lifting your face to look you in the eyes to make sure you would listen to him "If he ever does that then he's not as smart as you say he is because there is no way a smart man would ever let you go, (Y/N) you are an amazing woman, pretty, smart, funny, you have it all and if he is blind to it then he doesn't deserves you. You are like our little sister, just say the words and we can take care of him" he added trying to make you laugh, it worked. 
"Thanks, Adam, for everything. I don't know what I would do without"
"Crash and burn, baby, crash and burn" he said letting you go and shrugging, a big smile on his face, he really knew you well and knew how to reassure you, your mood lighting and making you go back to your happy nature. 
"You wish" you said turning around and sending him a wink over your shoulder, your playful relationship showing "And by the way, don't think I didn't hear you earlier, trying to tell Connor that time I slip in the van when we were in surveillance and I poured my drink all over me, stop embarrassing me because I'll deny it all"
“We’ll see about that”
What neither of you saw was the look on Connor’s face when he entered with the intention to ask you for some plates and found you that close in the kitchen, jealousy pumping through his veins immediately.
He knew you were partners but that didn’t change the fact that he knew of Adam’s reputation and his various relationships with his coworkers, Kim and Hailey being a proof of that, and it was something that made him feel slightly uncomfortable but he never dared to told you.
Trying to stay calm he retreated back to the backyard hoping the fresh air would help.
"Man, I think you forgot something?"
"What?" Connor said distracted to Kevin. 
"The plates?"
"Oh, right, sorry, I'll go for them" he said finally remembering why he was going inside in the first place just as you and Adam stood outside. 
"Hey babe, everything's fine?" you said laughing a little bit, your hand resting on his arm as you looked at his lost expression. 
"Yes, I just forgot the plates" he said before grabbing your waist and kiss you, it was intense and full of emotion but it ended way to fast for your liking, Connor going back inside for the plates ignoring the whistles and jokes from the guys.
The rest of the day seemed to go okay to everyone but you, everything had been going fine until that kiss he gave you but after that you realized Connor was avoiding you, barely spending any time with you and always going to talk with someone else whenever you came close to him, trying to avoid your touch as if you were toxic or something like that. 
You were seriously frustrated and a little bit hurt, what was his problem? You hadn't done anything but tried to make him feel welcome and part of your world and all he had ever done was make you feel confused and dizzy, kissing you one second and then ignoring you for the day. 
You really wanted to talk to him but also you didn't want to let anyone else know what was happening, that was only between the two of you. 
Deciding to let it slip until everyone was gone you tried to genuinely have a good time with your friends and enjoy all the food, even participating in a nerf gun fight with Adam against Kevin and Kim, which you will always say it ended up in a tie. 
Finally, after couple more hours Adam and Jay were the last ones leaving, both giving you a big hug before heading toward their respective cars parked across the street, leaving you alone with Connor, who was already putting all the trash in big black bag. 
"That's it, they're all gone" you said casually pouring the leftover salad in a tupperware. 
"Yeah, had a nice day, they're all great" he added without looking at you. 
"Okay, just…" you started letting a sigh escape your lips "what's going on with you today? You've been distant all day, you don't even look me in the eye and every time I've tried to touch you just pushed me away which makes no sense since you were the one who got all intense and kissed me"
You could see the doubt and a ray of various emotions going through his features, debating whether to tell you or not the truth until he couldn't keep up his façade anymore and put everything down to sit in a chair, visibly tired now. 
"You're right. sorry… it's stupid really but it has been bothering me the whole day and it’s not even your fault" he said looking at his hands, shame and guilt in his expression.
"Hey, if something it's bothering you it's definitely not stupid" you said standing in front of him and taking one of his hands, your other hand resting in his cheek to make sure he was  looking at you. “Whatever it is, we can work it out but you need to talk to me, babe, I can’t read your mind”
“Okay, you’re probably going to laugh at me already so I’ll just tell you” he said running a hand through his hair “Earlier when I came inside to get the plates I saw you with Adam…”
You looked at him, furrowing your brows in confusion waiting for him to continue but he didn’t, he just stayed there looking at you.
“And you were hugging and standing really close”
“Yeah, so?” you said still confused, your brain going like crazy trying to find the connection between everything until finally a second later a smile appeared on your face and everything turned crystal clear. “Wait, were you - were you jealous, Connor? Of Adam?” you tried to hold it back but a little laugh did came out from your mouth.
“I guess I was, a little bit. It’s just I’m the one suppose to hold you like that, not him and also I’ve heard all about his reputation, he really does have a special liking for his coworkers”
“Babe…” you said now relax, this wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought “I promise you, Adam and I, that will never happen, he’s just my partner”
“That isn’t entirely truth besides you are all the time together, I just can’t help it”
“Ok, maybe you’re right, I do love him but only as an annoying brother, the same way I love Kevin and Jay and it’s not much different from the way I love Kim and Hailey either, you know they’re my family”
“I know but seeing you so happy with him and smiling and playing and hugging just annoyed me, I want all those things for you but I want you to do them with me”
“I already do them with you and I intend to keep doing them until we’re old and gray, I think I already told you this before but I’m going to repeat it so you won’t forget it, you’re stuck with me, I’m not planning on going anywhere if is not with you”
“Did I already told you that I love you?”
“Hmmm… maybe once or twice” you said faking to think about it
“Well I do, a lot” he said standing up and wrapping his arms around your middle “and I’d be lost without you, always making me feel better and supporting me”
And for the second time that day he kissed you passionately, your arms going to his neck this time and pushing yourself against him, not leaving any space between you two.
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musicprincess1990 · 4 years
Hi! Are you still doing the trope duo list? 'coz I just found it this morning, and was hopping to make a request. I was going to ask for 41 and 43, then I thought, no... too obvious... then my head automatically goes to 1 and 2, but that's an easy one, so I end up with 1 and 11, would you take it? 😊
SHIT, HOW DID I MISS THIS??? I am soooo sorry for the wait, @rabbit-in-blue! Allow me to make it up to you with some Victorian!lock. I hope it will suffice!
1: Arranged Marriage; 11: Drunk!lock.  Taken from my trope duo prompt list.  As much fun as it’s been, I will not be accepting any more duo prompts at this time.  I have one more overlooked prompt in my inbox that I will fill soon, then prompts will be closed for a while.  Thanks everyone!
Alone No More
Molly awoke to the sound of a nearby thud and frowned into the darkness.  Damned cat, she thought grumpily to herself, thinking Toby had gotten himself into some mischief or other.  However, in the same moment that she realized Toby was, in fact, curled up against her leg, she heard another thud, followed by a colorful string of words spoken in a deep, very recognizable voice.
With a sigh, Molly slid from the warmth and comfort of her bed, pulling a thick tartan dressing gown on over her nightdress, before emerging into the sitting room and lighting the nearest lamp.  Indeed, there was Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective, proper genius, and her husband, sprawled out on the floor like a sea star.  Before she could verbalize her annoyance (or quiet amusement), she noticed a slow stream of blood making its way along his temple, beginning at his eyebrow.  In addition, his eyes were shut, and he almost looked as though he might be unconscious.  Molly sighed again, quickly turning back to retrieve a bowl of water, and the bandages she knew he kept in one of the kitchen cabinets for this very purpose.
As she knelt beside him, his eyes opened and shot to her so abruptly she gave a small start.  He stared at her, his expression one of utter bewilderment.  “You are bleeding,” she supplied an explanation, though he had not asked for one.
“That explains the headache,” he drawled.
She nearly smiled at him, the corners of her mouth twitching as she fought it.  She could not explain it, but somehow, she felt if she laughed now, at this moment, it would suggest she approved of the situation—which she most certainly did not.  Particularly now that she was close enough to smell the alcohol on his breath.
“It will be worse in the morning,” she pointed out sharply.  “I didn’t think you liked to drink.”
Mr. Holmes scowled up at her.  “I am not drunk.  I had one—no, two—maybe three...” he trailed off, his brow crinkling as he tried to remember.
Molly raised an eyebrow.  “If it is that difficult to recall, I’d wager you’ve had more than enough.”  He rolled his eyes, then winced and hissed at the pain caused by the action.  Part of her took a bit of petty satisfaction at this, knowing he had brought it upon himself, but she quickly silenced that part of herself.  Deserved or not, he was injured and in pain, and he needed her help.  Molly doused a bit of cloth in the water, wrung out the excess, and dabbed at the wound.  He hissed again, but remained still.  When the silence between them became strained, she asked, “How exactly did this happen?”
“Watson,” he muttered, and his eyes slid shut.
She frowned at him.  “Watson… you mean your friend, Dr. Watson?”
He scoffed, and Molly grimaced at the more concentrated scent that wafted up to her nose.  “I don’t have friends,” he slurred.  “I have enemies and colleagues, and that is all it will ever be.”  He laughed suddenly, but there was no humor in his voice.  “According to Watson, I push everyone away, including my own wife!”
Molly stilled, a quiet gasp falling from her lips.  She watched his face carefully, waiting for it to dawn on him that he was speaking of the very woman who was at this moment tending to his wound.  When he gave no such indication, she returned to the task at hand, hoping to ignore the subject.
“He doesn’t understand,” her husband spoke again, his voice pitched low and rumbling.  “Alone is what I have.  Alone protects me.”
She paid no mind to the single tear that escaped from the corner of her eye and focused on applying the bandage.  Molly had been under no illusions upon entering her marriage.  Sherlock Holmes made his position on love abundantly clear from the moment they first met.  The only reason they were married at all was because of their mothers.  She knew not what threats Mrs. Holmes had imposed upon him, but they must have been dire indeed for him to have agreed to the union.
For Molly’s part, she had been aware of her family’s dwindling finances since her father died, leaving his widow and seventeen-year-old daughter with barely enough to survive. They had sold their home, and everything in it, save a recent portrait of the family of three, and a single suitcase full of her father’s favorite books.  With that money, they bought a small, seaside cottage in Sussex, near Brighton, large enough only for the two of them.  Molly and her mother learned to cook, clean, sew, light fires, and tend their small garden.  She had also learned how to manage their finances, ensuring that they had enough to get by.  And she learned they did not have sufficient funds to support themselves for long.  Even with careful scrimping and saving, they would run out within a few short years.
The solution, her mother had told her, was clear: she would have to marry into money.  Fortunately (or not so fortunate, depending on one’s viewpoint), Mrs. Hooper still maintained a steady friendship with one Violet Holmes, who was eager to see her younger son married and settled.  His inheritance was certainly less than what his elder brother, Mycroft, would receive, but the wealth of the Holmes family was quite substantial, and her marriage to the younger son would secure her well-being, and her mother’s, for many years to come.  In any case, the elder Mr. Holmes had married the previous year, and was therefore not an option.  Thus, she was promised, and duly married, to Sherlock Holmes.
Had she known what it would be like… had she suspected she would fall in love with the man…
No, she shook her head.  That knowledge would not have swayed her decision.  To refuse would be unforgivably selfish, as it was not merely her own situation under threat.  Though her unrequited feelings weighed on her heart, she could never have done such a thing to her mother.  A heavy heart was a struggle, but one she could bear.  Would bear.  No matter how infuriating her husband could be.
As if he knew her thoughts had strayed to him, Mr. Holmes opened his eyes again, his gaze landing upon her face.  Something in those eyes made her pause, her fingers still resting against his forehead, and found herself quite unable to move.  The air grew thick with mounting tension, and Molly knew… something was about to change.
“Why do you stay?” he breathed.
Molly blinked, frowning in confusion.  “Your wound needs tending”
“No,” he shook his head.  Slowly, he shifted into an upright position, his eyes never straying from hers for a moment.  Her throat grew dry as he leaned forward, inspecting her as though she were the most fascinating, bewildering puzzle.  “Why do you stay with me?”
Her heart thundered in her chest, and she drew a trembling breath through her lips.  “You are my husband.”
“Mycroft sees his wife twice each year—on Christmas Day, and on our mother’s birthday—and the remainder of the year, they live in separate homes, corresponding through the occasional letter.  Husband and wife are under no true obligations to one another, except those the law dictates.”  His eyes narrowed at her.  “Why.  Do.  You.  Stay?”
His meaning became clear to her then; he did not want her.  He wished for her to leave.  Another tear made its presence known, and she turned her head to hide its descent.  “If that is the sort of marriage you wish for,” she breathed, heart crumbling even as she spoke, “I will make arrangements to leave tomorrow.”
Molly moved away from him, unable to stomach the inevitable look of relief that would undoubtedly be written across his handsome face.  She was stopped, however, by a large, warm hand lightly encircling her wrist.  She looked down at it, then swallowed as she turned her eyes to the owner of the hand, and was astonished to find not relief, but fear.  Wild and furious panic blazed in his ice-colored eyes, the muscles in his jaw twitching.
“Mr. Holmes—” she began, but she was unable to finish her sentence as his free hand reached out, and the pads of his fingers lightly traced the contours of her face.  Molly drew a trembling breath, stunned by the contact.
He had not touched her since their wedding day, and one could hardly consider the quick, perfunctory pressing of his lips to hers as a real kiss.  At the time, she had thought nothing of it, having no more desire for his touch than he had desire to give it.  Her love for him had built slowly, so gradually that she could not determine a precise beginning.  Indeed, she had no notion of the change of her feelings, until the truth of them washed over her like the waves of the sea—sudden, bracing, overpowering. And despite his indifference toward her, it only served to grow over time.
And now, almost a year later, he was touching her, and she had to fight to keep her wits about her.
“Can it be…?” he whispered, leaning closer still.  “Is it possible, after all this time, all that you have endured, that you might… choose to be here?”
Molly heard the true question hidden behind his words, and her breath caught.  She searched his eyes, still wide and panicked, looking for any sign of indifference in him, and found none whatsoever.  He was afraid, yes, but in those crystalline eyes, fear mingled with desperate hope, the same hope she now felt bubbling up inside of her.
It was neither a declaration, nor a grand romantic gesture, but such things were not in his nature.  This, however, the look in his eyes, the warmth of his touch… was more than enough.
“Yes,” she answered him finally, baring her heart to him with a single word, and praying he would not trample it with his usual cutting words.
Mercifully, he seemed to have no intention of doing so.  The hopeful embers dancing in his gaze were fanned into a blaze, and in a move as fast as lightning, his hand cradled the back of her head and guided her lips to his.  The fire transferred into her through the contact, warming every inch of her, burning ever hotter with his continued touch.  Her hands moved of their own accord to his chest, relishing the feel of his racing heart beneath the tips of her fingers.  Not so indifferent, she thought with a smile.
Sherlock felt her smile and drew his head back to look at her. “Something amusing?”
Feeling emboldened, Molly inched closer, settling herself into his lap.  Her hands slid up around his neck and into the soft curls at the back of his head.  He sucked in a breath, eyes darkening with unmistakable lust.  She stopped just shy of kissing him, her lips hovering teasingly over his.  “I believe,” she murmured, “you like me, Mr. Holmes.”
His answering grin was decidedly wolfish as he wrapped his arms around her.  “An excellent deduction, Mrs. Holmes,” he replied, and moved to kiss her again, grunting in frustration when she leaned away
“Even though ‘alone is what you have’?” she quoted with a wry smile. “‘Alone protects you’?”
“Oh, sod what I said,” he grumbled, yanking her back towards him until her chest was flush against his, and the wall that had stood between them crumbled into dust and rubble.  “I’ve pushed you away long enough.  No more.”
Molly was moved to tears once again, though these were a much happier sort.  “Thank God,” she breathed, and his mouth captured hers once again.  He tasted of brandy and cigars and Sherlock, and she had never tasted anything so mouth-wateringly delicious.  His hands roamed her back, her sides, her neck, while hers buried themselves in his hair.  When she experimentally curled her fingers and lightly scraped his scalp with her nails, he groaned his approval into her mouth.  Then, in one astonishingly deft movement, he was on his feet, sweeping her up into his arms.
“I hope you don’t mind, Molly,” he said in a low growl, “but I’d very much like to take you to bed.”
Giggling softly, she pressed a fervent kiss to his lips.  “Get on with it, then.”
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cadence-talle · 4 years
Teach The Torches To Burn Bright
Pairing: Fitz Vacker/Dex Dizznee
Wordcount: 2,212
Summary: “You’re a coward.”
“Correct,” Fitz responded. His sister fixed him with a determined look.
“You’re a coward, but you’re also my brother and I want you to be happy.” She leaned forward, sucking the dregs of her milkshake with a loud slurp. “So we’re gonna get you a date with that boy. Come hell or high water.”
(Or, a theater AU, feat fake understudies, many milkshakes, and fundamentally misunderstanding Romeo & Juliet.) 
Other notes: for @molly-sencen! I’m sorry this took so long and I love you so much, Molly. 
Taglist: @everyonehasthoughts, @clearlykeefitz, @loverofallthingssmart, @a-lonely-tatertot, @enbies-and-felonies, @molly-sencen, @lemontarto, @appalyneinstitute1, @ruewen-and-rising, @silver-snow, @linhamon-roll, @hyperlollypop, @never-ever-too-many-fandoms, @keeper-of-the-lost-queers, @impostertamsong, @vibing-in-the-void, @yeetersofthelostcities, @mistythegirlfluxmess, @diamond-dreamerr, @we-have-no-bananas-today
“Look, I’m just saying, Romeo and Juliet is overrated.”
“Romeo and Juliet is one of the greatest plays of all time. Just because you hated your eighth-grade English teacher doesn’t mean it’s bad.”
“They’re absolute idiots. Who falls in love in a single night? How do you do that? Who pretends they’re dead without making sure the other person knows it’s all fake? Death is a stupid solution.”
“Okay, I don’t understand them either, but-”
“Not to mention it’s literally a love story between a fourteen-year-old and a sixteen-year-old in which they meet, fall in ‘love’, and then get married in the span of three days. Tell me that sounds like a healthy relationship.”
Fitz sighs, pushing open the auditorium doors as he glares at his sister. “It’s not supposed to be a healthy relationship. It’s supposed to show the folly of falling in love too fast and how there needs to be a delicate balance between love and hate.”
Biana arches an eyebrow at him. “Did you really just use the word folly unironically? In the twenty-first century?”
Fitz picks up his pace, walking faster down towards the stage. “Shut up.”
“No, no! Tell me more about the follies in Shakespeare’s writings!” Biana calls behind him, smirk evident in her voice. Giving a small groan- she’s never letting him live this one down- Fitz turns to move up the stairs on either side of the stage and runs straight into someone. 
“Oh, sorry,” he says, stumbling back. “I didn’t see you-”
It’s Dex Dizznee. Of course it’s Dex Dizznee. Fitz should have known he’d be in the theater today; he’s been halfway stalking the guy for a month. 
(“Just ask him out already,” Biana had said, chewing on her milkshake straw. “You’re, like, the most popular person in school.”
“I can’t do that!” Fitz protested. Biana frowned. 
“What’s stopping you?”
Fitz laid his head on the cold metal of the ice cream shop table. “He’s too pretty,” he said mournfully. Biana rolled her eyes and kicked him. 
“You’re a coward.”
“Correct,” Fitz responded. His sister fixed him with a determined look. 
“You’re a coward, but you’re also my brother and I want you to be happy.” She leaned forward, sucking the dregs of her milkshake with a loud slurp. “So we’re gonna get you a date with that boy. Come hell or high water.”) 
Now that he thinks about it, Biana probably orchestrated this. He wouldn’t put it past her. 
“Sorry,” Fitz says again. Dex grins, waving a hand in the air. 
“Not a problem,” he responds. “I was probably in the way, actually. We’re trying to get these new speakers set up,” he gestures to the huge speaker at his feet, tangled in a pile of electrical wires, “and it’s… harder than it looks.”
“I’ll bet.” Fitz nods, pretending he knows anything about technology or what it takes to install a speaker. “Well, we’ll get out of your way. I’m just here to grab an extra script-”
“Actually,” Biana says, appearing next to him. “I think now would be a great time for you to try on that tunic I restitched last week. We need to make sure it fits.” She smiles at him. Fitz glares back. 
“Sure,” he says through gritted teeth, moving up the stage stairs. Dex smiles, touching Fitz’s shoulder lightly as he passes. 
“See you later.”
“Uh.” Fitz says. “Yeah, you too, Deck.”
He staggers backstage and falls face-first onto a prop couch. Biana makes a noise of agreement. 
“Deck?” Fitz says, his voice muffled by the couch cushions. “Deck?”
“I’m sure he didn’t notice,” Biana pats his head. “You do need to try on the tunic, though. We have like ten more costumes to get through and the show’s in a week and a half.”
“That sounds like bad planning on your part,” Fitz observes, taking the offered shirt and pulling it on. “How does it look?”
Biana considers him, head tilted to one side. She smiles. “You’re going to be the best-dressed Romeo on this side of Eternalia. Sophie’ll love it.”
“Sophie is gay,” Fitz points out, “and has a girlfriend. You should know that- you got them together in the first place.”
“Mmm,” Biana agrees, “The great Sopherella Caper. Those were the days.”
“’Those days’ were last month.”
Biana waves a hand in the air. “Irrelevant. Okay, take the tunic off and I’ll make the final adjustments.”
“Great. See you at home?” Fitz scoops his bag up off of the floor as Biana nods, heading out towards the theater doors again. Dex holds up a hand in a little half-wave. 
“Have a good day, Ditz.” he calls. 
Suddenly, Fitz thinks he understands Romeo and Juliet’s ‘poison’ idea a little bit better. 
“You know, I think this is good, actually.” Biana says the next day. The five of them- Fitz, Biana, Linh, Tam and Keefe- are crammed into a booth at the ice cream shop, sipping milkshakes. (It’s far too early in the day for ice cream, but Fitz isn’t going to argue. The mint chocolate chip ones here are to die for.) 
“Explain,” Fitz responds. He doesn’t see how any of this- the fiasco with Dex, being brought to the ice cream shop in what he’s pretty sure is some sort of intervention, the fact that his milkshake has notably less mint in it than usual- is good. Biana shrugs. 
“Well, from what you said, it sounds more like he was teasing you than actually being mean. And teasing is good. It’s very close to flirting.”
“And if he was flirting with you,” Linh adds, “then that’s great!”
“And if he wasn’t?” Fitz asks, because he’s pessimistic like that. Tam raises an eyebrow, setting his milkshake on the table with a thunk. 
“Then you’ve completely embarrassed yourself and you can never talk to him again,” he deadpans. Fitz nods slowly. 
“I’m sure that won’t happen, though,” Linh says hurriedly, shooting her twin an annoyed look. Tam gives her an angelic smile. 
“Seriously, dude,” Keefe says, turning to Fitz. “You’re the only one here who’s still single. I wanna go couple’s bowling!”
Fitz holds up two fingers, ticking them off as he speaks. “One, ‘couple’s bowling’? Not a thing. Two, aren’t you single?”
Keefe stares at him. “What?”
“You do realize we’ve been dating for four months now,” Tam says. Fitz blinks. 
“I… did not realize that, no.”
“Wait, really?” Biana interjects, giving Fitz a puzzled look. “You were there when Keefe did his promposal.” 
“I thought it was a joke! Who orders goats for an actual promposal?”
Keefe frowns, looking vaguely insulted. “I do. Anyone who wants to do a promposal right orders goats.”
“Forget about the goats,” Linh interrupts, “forget about Keefe and Tam. We’re here to help you.”
All four heads turn towards him in eerie unison. Fitz swallows and Biana smiles sharply, pulling out her planner and flipping to May 13th. 
“Okay. We don’t know when Dex will be in the theater- he keeps really weird hours. What we do know, though, is that he’ll be here next Friday. Opening night.”
“So after the show, we shove Fitz in the soundbooth until he asks Dex out,” Keefe says, nodding. Linh shakes her head. 
“Let’s call that a Plan B. Fitz would actually murder us.”
“You guys do realize I’m sitting here, right?” Fitz asks. They ignore him, instead gathering around Biana and her schedule. Silently, Fitz slips from the booth and moves towards the shop door.
This show is going to be a disaster. 
The theater is packed, people whispering and chatting in the dim light. Fitz should be backstage, getting the last parts of his costume on, but instead he’s in the near-empty hall alongside the auditorium. 
He always does this before a show- takes a moment to catch his breath, lean against the cold blue tile of the wall. A moment of peace before the craziness that is a Foxfire High theater production. 
Or, relative peace. There’s a banging coming from somewhere behind him- one of the doors that line the hallway. Fitz is pretty sure the one the noise is emitting from is a janitor’s closet.
He approaches the door, wary of whatever’s inside. Once, a junior found a raccoon in her locker. Fitz really doesn’t want a repeat of that. 
Instead of a raccoon, though, Sophie falls out when he opens the door. Fitz stares as she stumbles, almost falling, before getting her balance. 
“Why were you locked in the janitor’s closet?” Fitz asks. Sophie rolls her eyes as they head towards the backstage entrance. She’s in costume already, thank goodness. 
“Ask Keefe and Linh,” she grunts. “They’re the ones who stuck me in there.”
Fitz steps through the door, almost running into Dex for the second time in as many weeks. The taller boy has a confused expression on his face.
“Do you know why Biana was just trying to convince me I was the Juliet understudy?” He inquires. “I told her I can’t act, but she didn’t appear to want to listen.” 
Fitz sighs, aware of the flush creeping up his cheeks. “I might have some idea,” he admits. “I’ll talk to you after the show?”
“Sure. I need to get to the sound booth anyway.” Dex gives him a thumbs up and moves away. “See you, Fitz.”
He knows my name. 
Sophie has a dangerous smirk on her face when Fitz turns back in her direction, and he immediately glares at her. 
“I’m not doing anything,” She hums. “Just… I’m glad you’re happy, ‘kay?”
Fitz smiles at her. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” Sophie punches his arm lightly. “Now come on, Romeo. We’ve got a show to steal.” 
The curtain has just closed, and everyone is screaming. 
To be fair, the show did go well- no one messed up their lines, and the kiss scene (which was, in rehearsal, simply nicknamed Awkward™) actually didn’t crash and burn. 
So Fitz supposes he can’t blame them for screaming, despite the damage it’s doing to his eardrums. (Someone is also playing Let It Go at an obscene volume. Fitz will never understand the theater kid obsession with Let It Go.) 
Biana and Linh come up behind him, hugging him from both sides as they shout. Fitz can’t quite hear them, but he hugs back. 
“I’m going to go talk to Dex,” he shouts, pointing towards the soundbooth. Biana and Linh give him matching grins and Linh yells something that might be go get it! and might be turn away and slam the door. Fitz can’t tell. 
He makes his way through the crowds and up the steps to the back of the theater, keeping his head down so no one will recognize him. The attention can be nice, but he doesn’t exactly fancy getting stuck signing autographs right now.
“Hey!” Dex says as Fitz moves into the sound booth, leaning against the door. They’re the only two still here; whoever was operating the lighting board must have gone home. Now is probably the perfect time to talk to him.
Fitz opens his mouth to say something- even he’s not sure what- when he hears an ominous clicking noise in the door behind him. He spins, trying the handle. Locked.
Sophie’s words echo in his head. Ask Keefe and Linh. They’re the ones who stuck me in there.
“Did someone… lock the door from the outside?” Dex asks, coming over and crouching down next to the lock. “That’s weird.”
Fitz sighs, shaking his head. “Not for my friends.”
“Your friends did this? Why?”
Studiously, Fitz stares at the floor. Then the ceiling. Then the soundboard. Anything but Dex, really.
“Do you remember,” he says slowly, “when I called you Deck?”
Dex raises an eyebrow. “Yep,” he answers, popping the ‘p’. “Not the worst thing I’ve been called, honestly.”
“I- I wasn’t trying to insult you,” Fitz manages. “I just- well. I got nervous.”
Dex wrinkles his nose. It’s kind of adorable. “Nervous? Why?”
Fitz shrugs one shoulder.
“I don’t know. You’re just… you’re pretty.”
“Pretty,” Dex echoes. Fitz nods, taking a deep breath. He’s in too deep to back out now.
“Yeah. And smart, and cool, and…” he trails off. “You’re amazing. And I was- I am- kind of in awe of you.”
“Oh.” Dex steps forward, reaching out. Blinking, Fitz takes his hand. “Well, what if I told you that the first time I saw you on stage, I almost fainted?”
Fitz’s throat goes dry. “You did?”
“Uh-huh. And whenever you were rehearsing and I was doing lighting, I couldn’t stop looking at you.” Dex smiles sheepishly, his cheeks tinged pink. “Because you were awesome, and beautiful, and I really, really liked you.”
“I- I like you too,” Fitz squeaks out. Dex grins, stepping a tiny bit closer. 
“Can I…”
They stay there for a while, trading kisses back and forth, and something Biana had said a few weeks before floats into Fitz’s head. 
“Who falls in love in a single night? How do you do that?”
Like this, Fitz thinks. Like this.
He’s not in love, not yet, but Fitz still feels closer to Romeo and Juliet than he ever has before. 
(Hopefully without the death part, though. In that case, they really are idiots.)
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tiredcowpoke · 4 years
TITLE: Blank Spots [2] PAIRING: (Somewhat pre-established) Arthur Morgan/Fem!Reader, could be seen as an OC.  REQUEST: Unprompted. BLURB: After waking up at the base of a steep incline and nearly freezing to death, you stumble upon a group of strangers who swear up and down that they know you.  WARNINGS: Some creative license for amnesia. Mentions of hypothermia/exposure, head injury. NOTE: Here is the second part to this! Thank you all for the warm response to this, I’m personally having a lot of fun writing this. I feel this chapter is a little slow but hopefully it holds up to expectations. 
“She’s delirious.” 
Susan’s voice was firm, edging along the line of dismissive, as you had left your words hanging in the air before placing your head back down and promptly passing out. She stood to her feet from where she had been crouched next to your body, turning to glance toward Hosea who met her gaze with a questioning look, his brow tight. However, neither of them looked as confused as Arthur did, who remained where he had crouched down in front of you, almost staring holes into the floor beside your head. 
“Trekkin’ through all that snow and that nasty bump on her head? She’s probably just confused,” she continued, pausing to let out a slow sigh that escaped in a light mist from her mouth. This wasn’t the best place to nurse you back to health from almost freezing to death, it was a task alone making sure John didn’t meet the same fate on top of his injuries. 
“Micah’d swore she fell off some cliff edge that night Dutch rode out with us lookin’ for supplies,” Arthur commented, rising up from his place on the floor, “Said there was no way she survived that. Now I’m thinkin’ the bastard didn’t even bother to check.” 
“It was a terrible storm,” Hosea commented around a sigh, “Still is. Might’ve been no way to check, unfortunate as it is that she had to drag herself back here like she did.” 
“If she even knows where she is, who she’s with…” Arthur muttered, Hosea placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s been a long day,” Susan returned, “Let her rest and get warm, I’m sure she’ll be fine by mornin’ and won’t be talkin’ such nonsense.” 
“Sure.” He didn’t sound too convinced. 
“I think you should go back and get some rest, Arthur,” Hosea said, patting the shoulder he had his hand on before dropping it back to his side, “Nothin’ we can do for her now but let her sleep next to the fire.”
“I’ll keep an eye on her tonight,” Susan said with a nod, crossing her arms. Arthur really wasn’t too keen on leaving you alone, not after thinking you dead for a day. Not after this, and what you had just said. There was also the genuine confusion that had sat in your expression as you stated that you had no idea who any of them were, along with that wound on your forehead. It didn’t bode well. However, they were still stuck up in the snow and he already knew what Dutch would have to say in light of this. 
“Thank you,” Arthur muttered, giving her a soft nod before he turned to walk with Hosea back outside toward the building he was staying in with him, Dutch, and Molly. 
You felt like you were in and out for quite some time. Things would pop into existence in your otherwise dreamless sleep, bits of conversation that you weren’t sure were dreams or actually part of what was going on around you. Some movement, too, being carried, which had switched into a memory of your uncle carrying you back to the house as a kid at some point. It felt like it was faded around the edges, lacking in detail. There were a couple lucid thoughts that came into everything, remembering staring up at that vast white sky. Though, eventually, things started to be more solid, less fleeting, as you could feel the comforting warmth of the blankets around you. However, with that eventually came the starts of the aches and pains. It started in your legs and back, dull aches that kept pulling you further away from the comforting embrace of sleep. 
It was that pain moving toward your head, breaking out above your left eye and blossoming across your forehead and down into your jaw. It felt like someone was squeezing the sides of your head until eventually you woke with a low groan, taking in a small breath before your eyes cracked open. The room was bright from what you could see through the fabric of the blanket that had been secured around your head, and you could slowly start to feel that your stomach was very empty, making you a little queasy. It was hard to tell where you were for a few moments, though the memory of that fireplace and dirty floor seemed to come back into focus. The concerned faces. 
What the hell was happening? 
Slowly, you managed to shift your limbs, legs stiff and the motion of shifting one over the cot had you gritting your teeth slightly. The room seemed to sway lightly as you sat up, hands gripping into the fabric of the blanket around your shoulders. The room you were sleeping in was...bad, to say the least. You could feel the cold air from outside leaking in around your legs and feet from the holes in the walls, the floor itself littered with debris. The place itself seemed quiet, outside of some light creaking. You could see a broken bedside drawer, and another empty cot with the worn blanket and pillow. 
Though, a chair with a small pile of clothing caught your eye. It took a moment before you could recognize the outfit from when you had last woke, remembering the stiff and frozen gloves that sat on top of it all. Gingerly, you shifted a hand down to rest against your stomach, now just very much aware that you had been stripped down to your undergarments. 
“What in the hell…?” you whispered, letting out a soft grunt as you stood up on slightly wobbling legs from the lack of use and the quick coil of panic that was sitting in your gut. “Where the hell am I?” 
You shut your eyes tightly a moment, despite the throbbing in your head, as you tried to calm yourself and figure out what to do. Last night...the day before...you had woken up in the cold and had...wandered your way into a camp. That had to be where you were, but who were the people who found you? Why did they take your clothes off? 
Some stirring from outside caused your eyes to snap back open, a quick greeting and voice outside causing you to take a couple steps back into the room as you looked around yourself for something to defend yourself with. Unless you were looking to give the owner of the approaching footfalls some splinters, there wasn’t much. So, you took a breath in, feeling your expression tighten as you saw the door to the room pushed open. 
An older woman poked her head in, her own eyes widening as she noticed you standing between the two beds. 
“Well, it’s good to see you’re able to stand…” she commented, “How are you feelin’, miss?” 
“...W-Why am I undressed?” Great first question to start with. 
“I had to take your clothes off,” she remarked, “As the snow started to melt, they were gettin’ wet and Mr. Smith pointed out that it could make things all the worse with how cold things have been ‘round here. There’s no need for alarm.” 
“I...I see,” you muttered, shifting a bit on your feet as you blinked heavily, “I...I’m sorry, thank you for your help. What’s your name?” 
The woman blinked almost owlishly at you for a moment before she let out a soft huff. 
“Susan Grimshaw,” she stated, “Are you still leanin’ into all that?” 
“Into what?” 
“Not rememberin’ us.” 
You let out a humorless huff. “No offense, Miss Grimshaw, but I have no idea who you are.”
There was a moment where she seemed like she might scold you like this was some game you were playing, yet as she stood there and met your serious gaze, her brow seemed to furrow some. With a slow exhale, she shifted to place a hand against your clothing in the chair. 
“...Well, regardless, you’re awake. These are your clothes, we let them dry by a fire so you could wear them once you were done restin’. Dutch and Hosea are outside, so I would get dressed and go talk to them.” 
Dutch and Hosea, like I have any idea who those two are…
You gave her a soft nod before she was stepping out, closing the door behind her. A slow breath escaped your lungs after a moment, your mind racing and stomach twisting. Even with some interaction, you still had more questions than answers. You dropped the blanket back on the cot you had been sleeping on, the cold air immediately pulling a shiver from you. You knew from the pain in your limbs that you were probably bruised to hell in places, but you didn’t want to look in the moment, pulling the clothes back on. They were a little cool to the touch from the air in the room, but they weren’t the frozen pieces of fabric you could remember wearing before you had apparently passed out on that floor. As you finished shouldering on your jacket, the belt shifted and fell onto the floor with a dull thud. There was a gun resting in the holster, a frown crossing your face. 
“This mine…?” you muttered to yourself, bending down to pick it up. You weren’t a stranger to guns, your uncle had been keen to make sure you knew how to use one but you couldn’t remember really getting one of your own. Still, it was with the pile of clothes. You set it back down on the chair, pausing a moment to press your hand against your forehead. You felt some fabric under your fingers, causing you to pause as you tugged on it lightly. 
Bandages? Well, at least some makeshift form of them. 
“Christ…” you whispered, rubbing the sore side of your jaw. With some hesitation, you eventually approached the door and pushed it open to step outside. The building opened up to an equally as run down main area where a couple tables littered with debris and cabinets sat. There were two chairs in front of a fireplace, two men talking among themselves before you had stepped out into the open. You could recognize one of them from the other night, the older man who had been pointing a gun at you before helping you walk into one of the other buildings. 
...Mr. Matthews. Right. 
“Well, our own camp’s sleeping beauty finally woke up,” the unfamiliar man stated, raising from his chair with a small grin tossed your way. His tone was somewhat light, almost teasing, but you didn’t know what reason he had to be so familiar. 
“How long have I been sleeping?” you asked, your brow furrowing. 
“A day,” Mr. Matthews stated, “Are...Do you remember what happened?” 
“Somewhat,” you returned, pausing as the other man approached you, “I’m just...really confused on what is happening.” 
“We are trying to survive and escape his frozen hell, that’s what we’re doin’.” You felt the other man place a hand between your shoulder blades, leading you over toward the fireplace where they were sitting. “Now I’m thinkin’ you was doin’ just that as well.”
“Do you remember what happened to you?” Mr. Matthews asked as you were led toward the vacant chair, welcoming the chance to sit as you gave your still tired legs a rest. 
“Yeah, a bit,” you stated with a soft nod, “Where am I?” 
“An abandoned minin’ town in the mountains,” he replied, “You don’t remember comin’ up here?” 
“Not at all.” 
“You have no idea who any of us are?” the other man asked, crossing his arms. 
“No, I-I’ve been trying to say that all along here…” you returned with some frustration leaking into your own. You watched as Mr. Matthews rubbed at his face, the other man looking over your face a moment before letting out a quick breath. 
“Well this is somethin’, ain’t it?” he muttered. 
“What do you remember?” Mr. Matthews asked, glancing back toward you. 
“I…” you blinked, letting out a sigh through your nose as you tried to keep yourself calm, “I remember...standing outside of my uncle’s home. We were...arguing about something, but I don’t know what. It was hot, dusty. I know I grew up in Tumbleweed, I remember that pretty well. Outside of that...I just woke up at the base of a cliff edge out here, freezing, until I stumbled across this place…” 
“You don’t remember anythin’ about ridin’ with us?” the other man asked, letting his arms fall to his side as he looked at you with a tight expression. 
“No, I...I didn’t even know I did.” 
“That wound on her head, I mean…” Mr. Matthews started, turning to look up at the other man as he ran a hand over his face a moment, brushing his mustache in thought. 
“Can…” you started, feeling the tightness in your gut, “Can somebody just...please tell me what’s going on?” 
In that moment, the door to the building opened, causing you to jump as attention was pulled away from you as another man stepped in. He was clad in a heavy blue coat, black hat resting on his head as he blew into his gloved hands. Though, his eyebrows rose some upon glancing toward where you were sitting. He was that man from the other night, the one who had been crouched down in front of you, looking at you with that concerned expression. Arthur, his name was? 
“Everythin’ okay?” he asked, stepping further into the room once the door had been shut behind him. 
“We was just talkin’,” Mr. Matthews started, “Seems like all she’s said the other night is still true.”
There was some tightening of the expression on Arthur’s face, a deep set frown as he seemed to be looking you over intently. You could feel the bubble of panic you had shoved down in the room before starting to surface again. There was a tightness to your gut, your head starting to pound a little more at the sensation. 
“Please,” you snapped, “Please, can somebody just...tell me what the hell is going on here?” 
“...We don’t rightly know,” Mr. Matthews started, causing you to let out another slow breath through your nose as you blinked heavily against the pain in your head, “You...Well, we thought you had died during that snowstorm. Least...that’s what we were told.” 
“You...all seem to know me,” you said, more of a statement than a question, “It’s just...the strangest damn thing.” 
“Well, you did run with us,” the man nearest to you stated, “My name’s Dutch van der Linde, you have no recollection of that?” 
“No. No...Dutch, I don’t.” 
“I’m Hosea Matthews.” Hosea shifted, gesturing a hand toward Arthur. “That there’s Arthur Morgan, you two was...romantically involved. You remember any of that?” 
“I...no. I…” you let out a soft huff, “I’ve never met any of you before in my life.” 
It was almost laughable, in a terrible way. 
You, somehow, seemed to have some rather detailed past with these people, yet you couldn’t even remember their faces or names. It was distressing--how much did you really know? It had you curling your hands in your lap, heart pounding away in your chest. You had been riding with them? You had no memory of that happening. You were involved with Arthur? You had no memory of how you met, when you decided to get into that with him. A part of you almost wanted to accuse them all of playing some sort of game with you, to knock it off. Yet, they all seemed as serious about knowing you as you were about not knowing them. 
“This...is a chance,” Dutch stated, moving about slightly to come to stand between the three of you, “The fact that you survived at all is damn near a miracle. That you made it back to us.” 
“I think you’ll have to forgive her and Arthur for not feeling the same way,” Hosea spoke up, his tone tight. 
“...My head is killing me,” you muttered, your voice smaller than you were expecting, “I just...don’t think I can handle this right now.”
“You should rest,” Hosea stated, “Maybe you’ll be able to remember things a little clearer after you’ve been able to fully heal. You can keep sleeping in Arthur’s room here.” 
Great. Still, you just offered a small nod before gathering yourself back up to a stand to pass by them to wander back into the room. Much as you were confused out of your mind about everything you had just learned, there was a part of you that felt bad more so for Arthur. You weren’t too sure what your relationship with him was, what was involved in it, but a part of you did want to apologize. It wasn’t hard to see the hurt that touched his expression at you stating you had no idea who he was, but it was an apology you really didn’t have the words for. 
There was the light prickling of tears in your eyes once the door to the room was shut behind you, your body aching and there was still the ever present feeling of exhaustion. Yet, whatever strength you had managed to gather had brought more confusion in light of it, and you couldn’t help but wish you had just remained asleep. 
You let out a soft sigh as you sat yourself down on the cot, shutting your eyes a moment. You could hear Dutch and Arthur’s voices somewhat through the door. 
“We need this train, and I need you strong and focused, son.”
“‘Course, Dutch…”
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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Jorja Smith has unveiled a standout new video for latest track ‘By Any Means’. The powerful video (directed by Otis Dominique and Ellington Hammond) shines a spotlight on communities across the UK, complimenting the track’s vital message around social issues and the civil rights movement. As noted by Jorja about the track: "The inspiration behind 'By Any Means' really came from going to the Black Lives Matter protest and leaving thinking, what can I do to keep this conversation going? It’s not just a post on social media, it's life.” ‘By Any Means’ is the first track to be unveiled from a new project titled ‘Reprise’, curated by the team at Roc Nation with the sole aim of bringing awareness to social justice issues. A portion of proceeds will go to funding organisations that support victims of police brutality, hate crimes, and other violations of civil rights. [via Dork]
Madison, WI-bred and Chicago-based band Slow Pulp recently announced Moveys, their self-produced debut album, and shared its first single 'Idaho.' Now the band shares another song off of the forthcoming record, entitled 'Falling Apart.' The track, featuring Alex G collaborator Molly Gemer on violin, is accompanied by a fantastical music video about feeling lost in a familiar landscape. Director Jake Lazovick, places Emily in a transient world, surrounded by flying objects and missing pieces. The clip features nostalgic animations, body doubles for social distancing purposes, and an homage to Massey's background as a ballet dancer. Read more about the song from Massey below: "As we were finishing up writing the album my parents got into a serious car accident and I came back home to help take care of them. A couple of weeks later COVID-19 started getting worse in the US, and quarantine began. Life felt completely surreal, everything had drastically changed and at such a rapid pace. It was especially strange because everyone was experiencing the same thing at the same time, but couldn’t be physically with each other to support each other. I felt like I couldn’t process any emotions I had about the whole ordeal because I had to keep it together to take care of my family. It became easier to stay numb, and create a facade that I was doing ok, than it was to release any type of healthy emotion for a long time. Luckily I did allow myself to have a full on breakdown induced by a stubbed toe and confusion over taxes, sometimes it’s the littlest things that finally get you."
Soap Detox met a party, and somehow their friendship sustained during the lengthy hangover that followed. A frisky Swedish three-piece with a lust for melody and good times, their raucous garage-pop is already making waves in their homeland. A full EP is incoming, with Soap Detox trailing this with their irresistible new single 'Give Me Gore'. A three minute fuzz pop wonder, it's a clanking, cheeky, subversive statement from a group who thrive on such things. The video features their shorn-headed lead singer in full form, accompanied by her band mates. Directed by Evelyn Del Carmen and Ebba Sylvan, you can check it out above. [via Clash]
It’s been a decade since we’ve heard from multi-hyphenate musician and producer The Angel, who last made a splash as a musician in 2009 with her single 'Ultra Light,' which featured the singer/producer Jhelisa on vocals. Focusing more on her career in film/TV composition and music production in recent years, she’s planning to return to recording her own music later this year with a new LP entitled Xtra Sensory Goodness. Now we’re getting the first taste of this project, which is yet another collaboration with the vocalist Jhelisa. “Jhelisa and I have become close friends over the years,” she explains. “There’s a lot of sisterly love and mutual respect between us, so Jhelisa already understood the mournful weight of the track before I asked to feature her. I’m always grateful that she’s willing to experiment with me because it’s not something she does lightly. Jhelisa beautifully channels the essence of whatever emotion needs to come through in the most evocative and visceral way.”  The song arrives beautifully packaged with an entrancing video directed by none other than Mark Pellington (along with co-directors Sergio Pinheiro and Sweeten), known for his concert docs for Pearl Jam, INXS, and The Flaming Lips, as well as an extensive music-videography including iconic visuals for Public Enemy, Nine Inch Nails, and plenty more artists. “I wanted the song to sound like a memory, like you’ve entered someone else’s dream space,” The Angel continues, noting how the video perfectly syncs to the song’s mood. “The emotion is contained, very internal, so I juxtaposed a vocal vulnerability against a driving, incessant rhythm, where you can feel the underlying tension at the same time as experiencing the gentle plea, ‘Where’s my shelter…?’” [via Flood]
A few weeks ago, Ciara gave birth to her son Win. Last night, she shared a video that she evidently recorded while she was very, very pregnant. Ciara’s new song 'Rooted' is a statement of Black pride, a clear statement of solidarity with the protest movement that’s swept across America and the rest of the world these past few months. It’s a hard, kinetic track with vocals from the songwriter Esther Dean. But the song, at least right now, feels more like a vehicle for the video. Like a lot of Ciara videos, the 'Rooted'” clip is built around bodies dancing. In this one, though, one of those bodies belongs to Ciara, who dances with her belly exposed and who looks like she’s about to give birth any second. To watch someone dance this hard while that pregnant is an actual marvel, a near-superhuman feat. The 'Rooted' video is full of Black iconography, and it features the faces of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. All throughout, Ciara presents an image of motherly strength. Annie Bercy directs. [via Stereogum]
Hazel English releases the new video for her single ‘Five And Dime’ taken from her debut album Wake UP! which is out now on Marathon Artists. ‘Five and Dime’ is a woozy, idyllic view into Hazel’s world, which is built on timeless-sounding melodies, retro-tinged soundscapes and a knack for resonant lyrics. The mid-tempo number is reminiscent of the playful love songs of ’60s pop, as Hazel frustratedly muses on a love interest who is consuming her thoughts and detracting from her focus, “Gotta get away cause you’re taking up all of my time / You know I need my space so I’m heading to the Five and Dime.” Speaking about the new video, Hazel says: “'Five and Dime' is about longing for escape and freedom so I thought it would be fun to create an idyllic beach vacation, constructed from a set with cardboard cut out waves and fake palm trees. The idea behind it is that while I'm fantasizing about escaping to a tropical place, it's clear I'm just kind of stuck in this pretend version of it. I wanted to evoke the nostalgia of Hollywood musicals from the '50s and '60s, complete with dance choreography and bright colourful costumes.”
Katy Perry has released her second video for 'Smile,' featuring the pop star playing a video game version of herself as she battles giant spiders, circus trapeze acts and more while dressed as a clown. Much of the video is in CGI, with a live-action Perry playing the video game in her house (while also dressed as a clown). [via Rolling Stone]
Global superstar, Miley Cyrus has unveiled 'Midnight Sky,' a track that showcases a new direction for the always evolving artist.  The song, which was inspired by the past year of her life, is accompanied by a video that Miley self-directed.  In creating the song and video, Miley drew from strong female musical icons, like Stevie Nicks, Joan Jett, and Debbie Harry, who have always been so generous, and have been her greatest allies and inspiration.  The video showcases Miley as her true self: unapologetic, diverse, sexy, confident, experimental, and strong. The video takes viewers through Miley’s creative vision which displays her complete control of the narrative often told through the mouths of the media. Miley is at peace with who she is and has nothing to prove. As a musician she continues to push boundaries and experiment with her sound and look. Miley has proven to be many things, but boring is not one of them.
Chelsea Collins is nonconformist pop singer with a vision. For the captivating new 'Water Run Dry,' a collaboration with rapper, singer and fellow Bay Area-native 24kGoldn, Collins's infectious pop melodies glide over a hypnotic beat. Relatable lyrics about a faltering relationship reveal a depth of experience for the 21-year-old, with a wistful chorus lamenting, "there's no good in goodbye." The Roxana Baldovin-directed visuals for the track are an eyeful — Collins and 24kGoldn play house in an oversized, colorful California dollhouse, interspersed with images of a little girl playing with literal Barbies. The message? "I wanted this song and video to execute the world that's inside of my head — somewhat similar to a weird vintage rom com where at first the drama of love is so toxic, passionate and thrilling but eventually my lover and I have a happy ending," Collins tells NYLON. "Unfortunately reality isn't as fun and it kinda feels like some cranky dude is controlling your path, who's lowkey salty whenever something feels too amazing," she continues. "My intuition will tell me to run, but I'm notorious for acting like a Stepford wife, trying to recreate my past feelings yet they're all super robotic. Maybe one day I'll get lucky and love won't have to be so bittersweet, but until then I'll learn to smile even when things blow up in my face." [via NYLON]
Kali Uchis shared the visuals for her latest single 'Aquí Yo Mando' on Monday. Featuring a verse in Spanglish by Rico Nasty, the single is Kali's first release since her TO FEEL ALIVE EP from earlier this year. The Phillipa Price-directed clip finds the pair on a weapons-filled rampage, dropping bodies in underground parking lots and filming each other along the way. With co-production by reggaeton hitmaker Tainy, the booming track sees Uchis assertively laying some ground rules over trappy 808s. "Haces todo lo que diga (You do everything that I say)," she raps. “Si estás conmigo solo mando yo (If you’re with me, only I call the shots).” [via The FADER]
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missbiddle · 5 years
So... I needed to write a fic after all the Beaujester content from episode 84. Here you go! Spoilers for those who haven’t seen the latest episode. @nightinngales I did it!
Beau sat awkwardly at the end of her new bed. Her blue sash hung from the bedpost in a knot that Jester had tied. The tiefling was currently in the adjacent washroom and Beau could hear her singing what she suspected was the Ruby of the Sea. A small, sad smile broke across her lips at the sound but fell away just as fast. The rest of the Mighty Nein had found other lodgings as Beau’s expositor room only had the one bed. Jester had insisted on staying with Beau, despite the monk offering to pay for a room so Jester could remain with the rest of the group. Beau glanced up as Jester entered the room; her hair hung damp to her shoulders, and she still wore Beau’s sash around her chest. The fresh tattoo glinted in the light of the candles, almost illuminating her face as she smiled gently at Beau.
‘Do you want your sash back, Beau?’ She asked, climbing into the bed with a sigh and snuggling into her pillow. She prodded Beau’s lower back with her toe. Beau grit her teeth for a moment and forced a smile, turning to face the tiefling. She felt a blush creeping up her neck at the sight of Jester in her sash, splayed on the bed. It was a similar sight to what normally greeted her almost every night but tonight felt different.
‘It’s fine. You can borrow it until your tattoo heals.’ Beau said gruffly and got up. Jester pouted slightly behind Beau’s back, aware of the tone in her voice. She had noticed that the monk had been acting strangely all afternoon; somewhat distant and sad.
‘Beau? Are you going to come to bed soon?’ Jester asked softly. Beau froze for a moment before stiffly removing her gloves and boots and stripping to her usual night garments. Jester bit her lip at the sight of the monks back muscles tensing and the jade tattoo glinting in the dim light. ‘Your tattoo looks so incredible Beau. I think you’re amazing for dedicating it to Molly.’ She offered, sitting up with a gentle smile. Beau glanced back and lifted her hand to her neck.
‘Well, I wanted to become wiser, so why not take a leaf out of his book.’ She muttered, her face slightly red. ‘Besides, I feel like it’s what he would have wanted.’ Jester nodded, her face falling slightly. Beau walked around to her side of the bed and climbed in, grunting in pain when her back touched the pillow. ‘Fuck.’ She yelped and aggressively rolled over onto her stomach.
‘Are you okay Beau?’ Jester asked and reached forward to touch the exposed small of Beau’s back but quickly withdrew her hand when the monk turned to face her.
‘I’m fine. Are you okay? Did you sort out everything with Fjord?’ Beau asked, trying to change the subject. Her stomach hurt, and she knew she didn’t want Jester to talk about Fjord, but she realised lies and falsities were the only option. Jester went quiet for a moment.
‘Yeah, I’m okay. We just talked a bit about some future plans.’ She said, fiddling with the bed sheet as she shimmied down to get comfortable. Beau felt the words hit and felt a pain almost akin to getting the tattoo. Future plans with Fjord. Confiding. Maybe Nott was right. Maybe she had been blind thinking that Jester actually felt something for Beau. Maybe being herself just wasn’t enough.
‘That’s good. Goodnight Jes.’ Beau mumbled into her pillow before rolling onto her side away from Jester who frowned and glanced over at the monk’s glowing tattoo. She longed to reach over and touch Beau’s back but resisted. She didn’t want to make Beau uncomfortable; she had barely noticed any of Jester’s other flirting or advances.
‘Night Beau.’ She whispered and sighed, closing her eyes to try and sleep.
Beau struggled to sleep; her back itched, and her head and stomach ached. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Jester and Fjord walking away together. She grunted in discomfort before sitting up and swinging her legs over the side of the bed and tried to reach up to feel her tattoo. Her fingers brushed over the slightly raised skin and gritted her teeth as the itch increased.
‘Can’t sleep either?’ Beau started slightly at Jester’s sleepy voice, her shoulders falling slightly. ‘My chest is really itchy too.’ The monk turned to glance at Jester who yawned and sat up. The white moonlight coming through the window beside the bed illuminated her white tattoo, casting an ethereal glow upon the tieflings blue face.
‘Yeah. It’s such an awkward position too.’ Beau mumbled. Jester smiled and grabbed a small pot that was sitting beside her on the bedside table.
‘Here, I’ve been using this cream that Caduceus made. It really helps!’ She said, crawling over the bed to sit behind Beau. ‘Let me put it on you.’ Beau tensed up slightly at the close contact and swallowed slowly.
‘It’s okay you don’t have to-‘ She started but her words cut with a slight gasp as Jester’s fingers began lightly tracing over her itching neck. The cream was cold and soothing against the raised and inflamed skin, but Jester’s fingers were warm, and Beau felt goosebumps erupt over her entire body. 
‘See? It’s so soothing!’ Jester said, barely hiding the nervous shake in her voice as her fingers spread out over the monk’s back. She was tense, and her heart raced. She had given Beau a massage before, and they had wrestled and held each other previously, but this felt so different. It was intimate. She could feel Beau’s muscles moving beneath her fingers as if the monk was trying not to react.
‘Jester, why Fjord?’ Beau’s voice was barely a whisper and cracked slightly on Fjord’s name. Jester stopped for a moment, her hands resting just below the bottom of the tattoo at the back of Beau’s ribs. She could feel Beau breathing heavily.
‘What do you mean?’ She asked quietly, her heart racing.
‘You confided in him today. Is it because you like him?’ Beau said, staring straight forward. ‘I hope you know you can confide in me about anything. About your worries, or the future…’ She trailed off, clenching her fist against her thighs. Jester remained silent for a moment, worrying at her bottom lip, her hands still resting on Beau.
‘Of course, I like him. He’s my friend.’ She said with a small laugh.
‘I’m your friend too.’ Beau stated harshly. Jester’s laugh stopped. Beau grimaced. ‘Sorry, that came out harsher than I expected.’
‘I know you are my friend, Beau.’ Jester said and took a deep breath. Her hands slid down slightly. ‘I don’t know why I went to Fjord.’ She admitted quietly. ‘I just thought, because you’re an expositor now, and with all the shitty stuff that’s happening at the moment, you might not want to know about my problems.’
‘Oh Jes, of course I want to know!’ Beau said, turning quickly to face Jester whose face was downcast. She hesitated for a moment, before lifting Jester’s chin with a finger to catch her eyes and dropped her hand back to her lap. ‘You’re the most important thing to me, regardless of all the other shit happening.’ She said with a small smile. Jester stared at her for a moment, biting her lip. Her heart was racing; their bodies almost touching with how close they sat. She could simply lean forward and… Jester felt her lips touch Beau’s before the thought had finished crossing her mind. Her hand rested on the monk’s chest, and she could feel Beau’s heart racing. Jester moved her other hand to wrap around Beau’s neck, forgetting about the tattoo as she pulled Beau’s mouth closer to deepen the kiss. Beau sat stunned for a moment, her mouth open but covered by Jester’s lips before responding and allowing the tiefling to deepen the kiss. The pain from the back of her head was dull to the roar of blood in her ears and the racing of her heart. She grabbed Jester’s hips and pulled her closer so that the tiefling was straddling her before breaking the kiss and leaning her forehead against Jester’s. Both panted slightly with their eyes closed.
‘Jester. What – why?’ Beau gasped out before Jester pulled their mouths together again. She cupped the tieflings cheek and threaded her fingers through the still slightly damp hair before pulling away again. Jester opened her eyes, hooded with desire.
‘I saw you looking at me today Beau.’ She gasped, resting her forehead against Beau’s again. ‘I’ve been trying to show you how much I care for you, but you just didn’t respond.’
‘But Fjord –‘ Beau said quickly, and Jester sighed exasperatedly.
‘He’s just a friend.’ She interrupted and felt Beau frown and pulled back slightly.
‘But Nott said that you like each other.’ Beau said, her eyes shooting between Jester’s eyes and her mouth. Jester groaned in frustration.
‘She thinks I’m still into Fjord. I keep meaning to tell her to stop, but there’s never the right time.’ She said, rolling her eyes. Beau felt a grin light up her face, and a giddy feeling worked its way into her stomach.  
‘How long?’ She asked and leant forward, leaving a series of chaste kisses on Jester's collarbone, just above where the tattoo sat.
‘What?’ Jester said breathlessly, her hands tangling into Beau’s bun.
‘How long have you felt this way?’ Beau continued, working up Jester’s neck, and kissing along her jawline.
‘I don’t know. I think when you first talked to me on the Balleater.’ Jester gasped, smiling involuntarily at the name of their ship and leant in to catch Beau’s lips in a kiss. ‘You noticed me. You were the only one that did.’ She whispered, kissing the monk again, and deepened it with a sigh of contented pleasure. Beau smiled into the kiss before breaking it again.
‘I’ve always noticed you, Jes.’ She whispered before kissing Jester again. She gripped the tieflings hips and led her back on the bed to lie her down. Jester moved her hand down to get a better grip; her nails scraping against Beau’s fresh tattoo, causing the monk to let out a loud yelp of pain and sit up abruptly.
‘Sorry, Beau!’ Jester shouted, also sitting up quickly. Beau rubbed her neck with a grimace before letting out a small laugh, that Jester soon joined in.
‘Maybe we should wait until we are a bit more healed up.’ Beau said, still grimacing slightly. Jester nodded with a smile.
‘We have plenty of time!’ She said, leaving a quick kiss on Beau’s cheek, whose smile faltered slightly.
‘Of course we do.’ Beau lied.    
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