#So I'm choosing to wear a hat today.
chirsu · 1 month
Cleaned the front room and put some laundry away... I can lay on my bed again :)
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soaringwide · 2 months
PAC: How to enhance your personal allure and beauty? • Glamour Reading
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This reading is meant to dive into your own personal glamour and find ways to magnify the way you appear to others, privately or publicly.
Beauty is about weaving illusions in some ways, but the best lies contain a part of truth. How to weave lies and truths to enhance your expression of beauty is what I'm going to try to uncover today, which is why we're going to look both at your natural abilities and untapped potential.
It's something I've wanted to do for a long time since it's a subject that fascinates me, and wanted to test it out in a tarot spread, so a pick a pile readings seems like a good starting point.
If you'd like a personal reading, I'm in the process of opening my website but in the meantime I'm available through DMs.
As always, this is a general reading meant for multiple people so it might not apply 100% to you. Take what resonates and leave out the rest.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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Cards: The Hanged Man, Death, The Chariot, Knight of Cups, The Fool, 7 of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, 10 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles
First, let's look into your natural beauty and talents, if you will. This is easy to tap into and you might already do it to some extent, and is what people perceive from you at first glance.
I see someone with a strong, magnetic presence that might be intimidating to some people, giving the vibe of someone who is confident and knows what impression they want to give off. You have a very deliberate style and strong personal allure that might lean into darker types of aesthetic, but it would definitely be ornate, romantic (in the true, dramatic sense of the word) and as far away from minimalism as possible. I see you choosing little elements that others might not notice but that are full of meaning and symbolism for you, like a piece of jewellery, or swapping the color of your shoelace or socks to fit into a vision you have in your head. Wearing hats or headpieces might also be something significant for you. You see your clothes and other visual upgrades as some type of armor you wear to feel stronger, more confident, and make a great impression on people around you. You like being noticed and want people to find you beautiful or stylish, but at the same time have very little regard for established rules and like to bring a twist of change in the way you appear to others. It's like you're already practicing glamour naturally, funnily enough, because I see you magnifying your natural talents already and you definitely are shrouded in some type of glamourized, attractive mystery.
When it comes to your ideal archetypal beauty, what you can draw inspiration from to push yourself even further, i see you as someone who embodies the characteristics of going against expectations when it comes to style and appearances. I get the idea of playing around with gender expression (might not apply to all or be applicable to varying degrees), going against what's commonly assumed to be fitting for your perceived gender to create something unique and different, but it could also simply be about going against common taste. It's about carving out your own path, inspired by yourself and your unique perspective on life, and by extension, on your style and appearance. This is not someone who follows trends and style guides mindlessly, but someone who is not afraid of calling everything into question, in order to incorporate what they choose and add their own unique flair to it. Taste is subjective and it's something you can learn to lean even more into.
Now, for the untapped qualities, or raw power you can learn to incorporate, I see strong Uranus influence, which was already highlighted in your ideal archetypal influence.
There is an elements to finding joy and pleasure in shocking others a little bit. Letting yourself be completely free with your style expression, but keeping personal enjoyment in mind. The goal is not to shock for the sake of being an obnoxious eccentric, but going to the core of what makes you feel empowered and free and fining the graceful pleasure in it. There is also the idea of weaving some type of illusion so that people can never guess what you're going to do next. I think you have an untapped natural talent for manipulating how others see you a little bit. Right now you focus on your personal magnetism, but you could push that even further and endow yourself in whatever illusion you see fit for the time or situation. I see you being able to work on your appearance like a beautiful work of art, following the vision you have in mind.
For how you can magnify everything I mentioned, here is what I see.
First of all, it seems that despite all the great things I said about you, deep down, you feel quite inadequate and vulnerable, which is perhaps why you put so much effort into your ''armor''. I've got to tell you that these doubts are only in your mind and that the powers I describe are felt very strongly by others, they might just never say it or only give you a light compliment, which you don't even take into account. You seem to keep these worry very private and assume everyone can sense that when it's not the case. So yeah I definitely see you are already doing sooo much but it's just in your mind you don't see it, which is the first thing you need to focus on. Because I think that these doubts might influence your stylistic choices to some extent, which would be self-sabotaging your natural and ideal strengths. Therefore, you first need to clear out these thoughts and hurts in order to see yourself as others see you, in your highest potential.
Secondly and once you've done that, you definitely are advised to invest further in your appearance, and by that it could be money but also time, effort and energy. I feel like there is a new direction that is available to you, perhaps to switch things up a little or express some things more intensely. In both cases, the very strong message is to be deliberate in your vision and keep your eyes on this. I think you already do it to some extent, but here we're talking about Glamour, glamour, like, it's not enough to pick a pair of earrings or the color of your top, you need to focus on what it is the impact you want to have on others is, and how to best achieve that, keeping in mind the strong Uranian influences about being your own Icon and breaking boundaries along the way. Really, the next step involves planning and deliberate steps. Don't just throw whatever in your cart but be mindful of what story it's telling and if it aligns with your vision.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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Cards: Queen of Cups, 8 of Swords, The Star, The World, The Lovers, The High Priestess, Knight of Cups, The Hanged Man, Ace of Wands, 9 of Cups
First, let's look into your natural beauty and talents, if you will. This is easy to tap into and you might already do it to some extent, and is what people perceive from you at first glance.
What's actually really interesting is that there seem to be an opposition between constriction vs liberation, as embodied by Saturn in Aquarius qualities. It seems being in touch with your imagination and ideals is natural to you, you appear dreamy but in a melancholic way, a loner that people don't approach easily. People might get the sense that you are lost in your thoughts and that something else is taking your attention. You don't project a strong sun-like charisma, but rather, charm people when they get close to you and get a feel for your rich inner world. You are very authentic in the way you approach your appearance, as in, you don't seek to appear as someone you are not, up to a fault I'd say. Like, if you don't hold a high opinion of yourself that might stop you from dressing how you like because it doesn't feel true in some way. It's also like you feel constricted when you have to follow a dress code and would rather be able to wear whatever puts you at ease in the given situation, but then again it's a problem is you feel weak or stuck because it influences your choices. On top of that, I'm again getting strong ideals, so I would not be surprised if your social or political ideals influence the way your present yourself. Perhaps you have an inclination towards sustainable fashion or cruelty free beauty and it helps you feel more aligned with your inner world.
When it comes to your ideal archetypal beauty, what you can draw inspiration from revolves around the idea to let your idealistic and creative nature run free, like the waves on the ocean's shore. This hints at a poetic approach to your style and appearance, with the desire to evoke gentle feelings. Your archetypal beauty is one of a siren, enchanting and mysterious. You might benefit from beautifully ornate jewelry, nacre, pearls and shells come to mind, and I'm also getting renaissance inspired aesthetic like cherubs imagery and dramatic silhouettes, rosy cheeks and braided hairstyles. The ocean is wide and mysterious, fascinating and unknowable, and that's definitely an allure you can harness at your highest potential. Even in that configuration, you're still highly focused on your inner world but it appears on the outside as well.
Now, for the untapped qualities, or raw power you can learn to incorporate, I see a few messages.
The thing is that, despite the saturnine influences, you do have raw potential for a more radiant and inviting, shall we say, energy to you. With the Lovers which is connected to Gemini, you can really learn to actually express your rich inner world and come across as communicative and adaptable regardless of the social situation. Balancing out the coldness with warmth and being more inviting if you will. Someone people can't stop looking at, which implies you actually have to get out of your comfort zone and accept being seen by others.
Paired with you natural characteristics, this has the potential to increase your magnetism and make you mysteriously seductive because people will tap into both layers, sensing an inviting and charming first impression but also getting a feel of your deep inner world. There is also the potential to truly express your emotions through your clothes and appearance and thus sticking true to your desire for authenticity. Don't shy away from being creative and even artistic with your appearance. You have a natural inclination toward romantic styles and flowyness (sheer fabrics or silk-like textures) which can make you stand out in a crowd. Approach your style like a dream, something that is felt intensely and that you can get lost in. Play around with color combinations, and I would suggest having fun creating color palettes that evoke specific feelings rather than being minimal because you want to blend in. You can really project a striking vibe with your newfound confidence, with the help of your clothes and beauty care.
For how you can magnify everything I mentioned, here is what I see.
First of all there is a need to change you ways drastically. As we saw, there seem to be an opposition with how people currently see you vs what your potential is. Don't get me wrong, everything is present within you but it's like it's dormant. I sense you being somewhat stuck in your routine and stylistic habits and reluctant to change anything. You are being called to step up and take actions toward change. Dare to wear what makes you feel like your creative and dreamy self. You know yourself well but if you truly want to change the way people see you you have to take deliberate actions towards that. Not by wearing what you think people want but by going to the highest vision you have of yourself.
You would also benefit greatly from a more optimistic outlook on yourself and learn to communicate happiness, ease and expansion. Be more generous with your energy, which means that you don't have to hold everything in in fear of being judged or disliked, but rather learning to stand strong in your individuality and communicate it to others. Not everyone will like it obviously but those who do will be enchanted by your presence.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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Cards: Ace of Cups, The Magician, 3 of Pentacles, The Hermit, 9 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles, King of Cups rx, the Fool, 7 of Cups, 3 of Swords
First, let's look into your natural beauty and talents, if you will. This is easy to tap into and you might already do it to some extent, and is what people perceive from you at first glance.
I get strong Mercury qualities when it comes to how you naturally appear to others. You manage to seduce others with your quick wit and knowledge on many different subjects. It's like, there is nothing you don't have a smart or funny opinion on and people love that about you. You are highly intellectual and I think you like mirroring that in your appearance, favoring established aesthetics and proven formulas, relaying more on your personality than your clothes so to speak. And if clothes you chooses to put the accent on, I see a more traditional and refined approach. Modest and put together. You are meticulous in your choices and don't like appearing messy. Nothing comes in excess, you pay attention to color and texture harmony and like a balanced, classic look. As a result you appear serious and put together to others.
When it comes to your ideal archetypal beauty, what you could embody when pushed to your highest degree, with the Ace of Cups, it is quite abstract than a given aesthetic. I see you having the power to initiate strong positive emotions towards others. Perhaps they admire you or have fond feelings for you, or they may fall in love or become friends with you easily. You make them feel easily connected to you by you presence and allure, you energy having that color that drives people in. It's like, a very friendly and gently type of charisma.
Now, for the untapped qualities, or raw power you can learn to incorporate, I'm not sure why but I feel a strong rag to riches vibe here. As in, it is possible that you have experienced mental and financial hardship in the past, a situation might have improved to some extent, but that probably isn't fixed completely yet. That left you scarred and you try your best to hide it, which is why it's in the raw power position. I see the potential to use that as a strength to add depth to your character. With the King of Cups reversed, you feel inadequate and undeserving. I'm getting the sense that when it comes to glamour, you can fake it till you make it so to speak. Don't forget we are talking about magnifying your allure and I think there's definitely an air of like, you know who you are and you are aware of your situation, but you don't want to appear that way to others. It's strange because for all pile I got strong impression and aesthetics here, but for you it looks more like something that's dragging you down, which means there's a potential to turn it into a strength in some way. You got the Ace of Cups as ideal archetype and the King of Cups is nothing but the Lord of this Ace, so if you manage to flip it you can embody its quality and empathetic, abundant authority and trigger positive feelings in others. There is also this idea that, even when you make that shift, you won't forget where you come from and will keep being highly empathetic and kind, and that will be part of your charm.
For how you can magnify everything I mentioned, I notice a strong idea of starting fresh and stepping away from the heartache that plagues you. There is a youthful carelessness to it as well, the idea of opening yourself to the world and see the richness you have within with your larger than life personality. You would benefit from letting that aspect of you loose a bit. You are a bit chaotic at heart and this is so so endearing to many.
Furthermore, don't get too focused on glimmers, as all that shines is not gold. I think you may have a tendency to seek material things to counter or hide your difficulties with money, but here it's all about character expression when it comes to charm people. But be mindful of how you interact with others as to not to appear aloof or unapproachable.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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stargirl-int3rlud3 · 8 months
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤.
straw hat crew x fem! reader
🗯 ! swearing, flirting, slight suggestive language !
synopsis; how i interpret opla characters would react to having a hyper feminine lover. — ♡ ᵎᵎ
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LUFFY; Personally, Luffy doesn't really care too much what you wear. He thinks you look great in whatever you choose to wear. However, he is your biggest supporter and hype man. Constant compliments left and right about how gorgeous you are and how he's so lucky to have you. Luffy would definitely be one to treat you like a princess. I'm talking carries you around in his arms and puts a jacket done on wet puddles. He highly believes in chivalry and is the biggest gentleman.
You had just recently gotten a new, cute, pink skirt and today was the day you planned on wearing it. When you walk out of Luffy's cabin in the new clothing piece his eyes suddenly fall upon you. "Woah!! Is that new?" Luffy approaches you staring at the piece. "It is, you like?" You ask, spinning for Luffy, so that he gets a full view of the skirt. "Like it? I love it!!" He exclaims, lightly placing his hands on your hips to feel the texture of the skirt. Not too long after, Luffy is running left and right carrying you around in his arms. Some low-life, pirate was trying to attack Luffy and now here you were, tightly nestled against his chest as he tried his very hardest not to let a single stain of mud or any other substance onto your pretty little skirt that he now deemed one of his favorites.
ZORO; He LOVES him some hyper feminine girlies (and hyper feminine girlies love him). The constant slaps to your ass prove just how much he loves the way you dress. He loves admiring how great you look and the jealous looks he gets when men walk by you to see that such a pretty girl is situated on his lap. It boosts his confidence which can be both and good and bad thing. I like to think that Zoro is quite the possessive man and doesn't like sharing, which is why he feeds into your pink obsession. He loves watching your doe eyes beg for him to buy you a new cute pink outfit, he always seems to cave in.
You stare at Zoro through your beautiful lashes with a sweet, sincere smile on your face. Zoro caresses your face sweetly, before moving your head to the side to place even sweeter kisses along your neck until his lips brush up against your. "..I suppose you can get it, since you want it so badly"He smirks at you, staring deep into your doll-like eyes. You wrap your arms around Zoro's neck, "Eeeek!! Thank you so much Zoro, you're the bestest boyfriend ever!!" He watches as you race to the cash register with loving eyes. After shopping, Zoro convinced you to let him take you out for a nice dinner. Now that you're here you think part of it was because Zoro wanted to flaunt you off to anyone that would dare look your way. His smirk got wider and wider by the hour as men would make their way towards you just to quickly turn around at the sight of you so nicely sat in Zoro's lap. While you did find it cute that he wanted to flaunt you to the world you also found his overconfidence to be slightly...annoying at times as he would talk about a random guy's face drop rapidly at the sight of Zoro.
NAMI; Similarly to Luffy, she doesn't really care what you wear as long as you're comfy in what you're wearing. That doesn't mean she dislikes the way pink fits you so well. Nami could never really see herself wearing pink, so to see her lover wearing it so beautifully, she's awestruck to say the least. Due to Nami's sarcastic nature, she constantly is making princess jokes to you.
"Hey Princess, you need help getting down" Nami jokes as you're about to step off the ship. You roll your eyes playfully, following along, "Why yes I would, my knight" She smiles at you before laughs bubble from her throat and out of her perfect lips. You reach your hand out towards her, grazing your hand over her lips. She notices quickly, arching one of her eyebrows at the gesture. Retreating your hand back, you turn away from her with a slight pink across your face. Suddenly, you're dipped and met with a smirking Nami who delicately places her lips upon yours. Your palms meet her face as you pull her even closer than before. " Hey lovebirds, let's get our asses moving!" Zoro scolds you two with a slight look of disgust which leaves you and Nami giggling. "Sorry, Zoro, my princess needed her knight" She jokes nudging you softly.
SANJI; This man loves any woman who will give him the light of day. So the fact that you, a pretty hyper feminine girl, chose HIM. Oh, he fantasizes and daydreams about you like a schoolgirl with a crush. When you show off a new outfit to him, he is all ears and eyes and will tell you how every piece fits together so well to create a masterpiece fit so perfectly for you. I can see Sanji adding natural pink food coloring to your foods just to watch your face light up at the sight of it. Seeing you in cute pink crop tops and skirts as well as many other categories of clothing, makes Sanji want to get on his knees for you (not in that way- okay, maybe a little bit in that way). He is such a simp at heart and will do anything for you.
"Sanji? How is this outfit for lunch?" You ask posing for the blonde man who admired you greatly. "Anything you wear is utmost stunning as it is already being worn by a masterpiece" He explains his reasoning to you with a cute smile that you adore. You skip your way over to Sanji as he leads you to the dining area by your hand that is intertwined with his. He sweetly pushes you into your chair once you've sat down. Sanji sits close to you watching for your reaction as you take of the silver covering over your food. When the food is finally on display your eyes sparkle and you emit a sound of joy as you turn to see a lovesick Sanji. You grab his face placing lipgloss stained kisses all over his face and it's like he's in heaven with how lovesick he is. "You gotta bit of something like...all over your face" Nami points out to Sanji as he takes a quick peek in a mirror, only to fall to the floor with his eyes filled with hearts.
USOPP; We already know based off of the whole Kaya thing that this man is a nervous wreck when it comes to women which is surprising because I feel as though he has a quite a list of girls that would date him. Anyways! He, much like Luffy, is your biggest supporter with his constant stuttery compliments. He worships the very ground you walk on (literally), but he's just a bit nervous at times is all. He is also a big simp, but tries to hide it by being "calm and cool".
"Please Nami!!" You beg for the girl to let you decorate her hair. "For the last time, no" Nami told you sternly, leaving you pouting. You just wanted someone to do girly things with sometimes,but Nami never wanted to do the things you wanted to. What you didn't know was that Usopp was currently watch your sad, distressed face as you walk away from Nami. He hurries towards you stopping in front of you with a big grin on his features. You're somewhat startled by your lovers suddenly appearance, "Oh? Hi, Usopp!!" "What are you so sad for?" He asks, examining your face. "Oh...I wanted to do Nami's hair all pretty, but she seems to be annoyed with my asks" You inform the boy of the situation. "You could do mine, if you'd like" Usopp suggests. Your eyes shine brighter than a thousand suns as you jump into Usopp's arms, leaving a red hue on his face. "You would do that for me, Uso?" "Y-yeah, I don't see why not" He rubs his hand on the back of his neck, not being able to look you in the eyes. You kiss his cheek and drag him to your cabin.
☆ | this was SOOOOOO fun to write, i feel like i captured them pretty well :D
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restinslices · 5 months
Ahhhh after some thought I’ll choose the earthrealm men with a lovey dovey s/o 👉🏻👈🏻
back to requests a mere 6 days after saying I was gonna take a break. Was that post a little unnecessary? Yes, but I didn’t want anyone to get mad at me for not posting everyday and not getting to requests immediately. ANYWAY, back like the flu.
Johnny Cage
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Johnny “Loves Attention” Cage is having the best time 
Do y'all remember how much of a cornball this man was in the game? He has no shame 
So a significant other who also has no shame? He's getting on one knee as soon as possible 
He tries to out cornball you 
He loves it all. The stupid nicknames, the cuddling, the gifts, the giggling, all the adoration, he's just in love
Definitely returns the favor. If you buy him smth, he's buying you smth (let's ignore that debt), you give him a nickname so he gives you one. It goes on and on
All this lovey dovey shit might exhaust some people. Johnny is not some people. 
The nicknames are probably his favorite part. He makes the most atrocious nicknames up because you won't be upset 
Some real dumb shit like Oogy Boogy Sweetie Weetie Cutie Patootie Kissy Face- yeah all that shit is one nickname. Why? Because it's funny to him and you'll laugh 
The type to get y'all dumbass matching shirts 
“If found return to stupid” “I'm stupid” 
Those type of shirts 
Everyone hates you because it becomes a competition of who can be the most corny. It's tortuous for anyone near you 
Cannot express enough how much this man enjoys the attention you give him. If one day you decided to ignore him as a joke, he'd actually be so sad and notice immediately 
He just adores having a corny lovey dovey partner. The best thing to happen to him. 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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He doesn't hate it but he definitely needs a breather sometimes 
Having a lovey dovey partner isn't terrible to him. All the touching and nicknames and being spoiled is definitely cute to him, but being lovey dovey also means you're on him a lot. Kenshi doesn't give me huge extrovert vibes so I think because you're so extreme(?) that there's times when he needs a break 
He thinks it's adorable though. He likes feeling wanted so he likes how outwardly you are with your love 
Idk if he likes all the nicknames though. I can see him easily cringing if you go overboard 
Idk how he'd feel about you spoiling him. He doesn't hate it but he feels like everytime you give him a gift, he has to give you one and he ain't got that shit on him. His own thoughts are running him dry 
When his social battery is recharged I think he'd like how physical and sweet you are
He enjoys how loved you make him feel. He's just not sure how to respond sometimes. I can see you saying something really corny and although he thinks it's cute, his brain doesn't move fast enough and he ends up just staring at you 
He rolls his eyes a lot too so it can give the appearance that he's annoyed by you but it's definitely not that 
You want some corny shit he'll definitely like? Matching jewelry. He'll eat it up like it's a cookie 
Also draw over his tattoos. He loves it 
Loves the corny shit his brain just legit shuts off sometimes 
Kung Lao
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Like Johnny, he enjoys the attention 
Idk if he necessarily enjoys all the corny things. I don't get a strong feeling from him. Maybe it depends on the day 
Likes the attention and spoiling but all the corny nicknames and shirts and just being a total sap makes him a little uncomfortable at times 
Once again, it depends on the day. Sometimes he's all for it and sometimes he's like “let's calm down for today”
Gets you a matching hat but without all the sharp shit because he doesn't trust you with sharp objects 
He's a mix of Johnny and Kenshi tbh
He refuses to wear those corny matching shirts. You'll have to kill him 
That applies to other things too
Those corny nicknames Johnny would make up? He'd prefer a beating from a serious Spiderman 
“Aw my Snookie Wookie-” “I'm gonna shoot myself right here right now. Please stop”
It's cute and he acknowledges that it's how you show love but certain things just ain't gonna work with him
Especially in public certain things just won't work with him because he has an ego and thinks certain things will make him look weird. It's giving insecure teen 
Don't doubt his love for you though. He loves his little sap. Just take it a bit slow 
At some point a switch would flip and he'd go from being embarrassed to thinking “wow, I'm so great my partner is willing to look silly in front of others!”
Now he feeds into your corny bullshit
A win is a win
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I fully believe him and Liu Kang are romantics, therefore he loves it 
He gets flustered easily so tons of affection makes his face go red and all that cute shit 
His brain also short circuits like Kenshi's. He's so bad at pretending he's not flustered 
“Are you blushing?” “...” “...” “...” “Raiden?” “Of course not”
Likes the consistent physical contact 
Spoiling him also makes him short circuit. He's trying to think of how to thank you but all that comes out is “oh!”
Adores you just as much as you adore him 
He likes gift giving. And idk mean just jewelry, I mean “you got me all these gifts so I'm gonna bring you a bunch of produce and hey, maybe we can cook later”
We saw him collecting cabbages like Cabbage Man from ATLA in the beginning of the game, he gotta still have the hook up
Loves receiving cheek kisses 
Man is so weak in the knees. Kung Lao can yell “STAND UP!” all he wants. That shit is not happening 
Play with his hair. Once again, weak in the knees 
He's having a great time. Sure he's easily embarrassed but it's not like “omg, you're being weird. Stop”. It's more of a “I love this but I feel like everyone's looking”
You two are super lovey dovey but not as obnoxious as you and Johnny. Johnny is like “you can't out corny me” and Raiden is just tryna vibe and love on you since you love on him 
All the embarrassment he feels is so worth it to him 
Liu Kang
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A romantic so all that lovey dovey shit? Heaven to him 
Liu Kang has so much love to give and he's never allowed to share it because his life is ass in every timeline 
So a partner that adores him and shows him how much they adore him? Did the Elder Gods hand craft you for him?
He's honestly a mix of everyone. He wants to love you all the time like Johnny, he loves how much you love him like Kenshi, he loves how much you outwardly adore him like Kung Lao and he's a huge romantic that loves how much time you spend together like Raiden
He's so love deprived so he loves everything you wanna do 
Matching shirts, jewelry, socks, whatever the fuck? Absolutely. 
Spoiling him with random shit? He'll take it all
Telling him how much you love him all the time? Yes. 
Giving him the dumbest and corniest nicknames? He'll take that too 
He's also lovey dovey so the feeling is very much mutual 
Enjoys quality time so you wanting to be on his hip is very much welcomed 
You're a breath of fresh air since you're so kind and loving to him. Remember he has all the memories of the past timeline, then this timeline gets fucked up. He's used to constant smoke and destruction so someone being so nice and sweet to him and relaxing with him is heavenly to him
Doesn't matter how corny it is. It's all he wants 
Real quick, two things. Firstly I wanna make more MK1 intros so y’all should give me ideas. Secondly I think it would be fun if we as a unit made an MK1 oc. I’d make polls, you’d vote on certain things and then we use the same results but tinker it to our individual liking. For example maybe we know they’re Edenian but their gender is up to you. It’d be like a bunch of variants. A Multiverse of Madness if you will.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 22 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You love how excited Bradley and Everett are for the Tiny Eagles' final game, and you can't wait to show Bradley the surprise you have planned for him. With an undefeated season and the title of Coaches of the Year on the line, you and Molly cheer for the boys with everything you have. 
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst and swearing
Length: 5200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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On Saturday morning, before the sun was even up, Bradley was kissing your forehead and whispering, "I'll see you at the game, Kitten." He had been spending more nights at your house than his own apartment, and every time he had to go back to his place to get fresh clothes or do laundry, he kind of hated it. 
As he climbed out of your bed and put on yesterday's clothing, you reached for him, and he gave you a proper kiss. "See you in a few hours," you mumbled before rolling over and going back to sleep. Ten weeks. He had only known you and Everett for ten weeks, but he was so in love with you and your son and your little house and everything about you. 
With a sigh, he grabbed his hat and his wallet and headed outside, locking up behind himself as he went. He had been doing the sneaking in late and sneaking back out early routine on occasion, not wanting Everett to feel like Bradley was taking over his house. But every time he was there, he felt like he belonged with the two of you. 
The school year was wrapping up for Everett, but Bradley had enjoyed working on math and reading homework at the kitchen island. He enjoyed tossing a baseball around your front yard. Every time he left, he wanted to go back.
He ran a load of his laundry while he ate breakfast in his sparse kitchen. Today was the last tee ball game, and he couldn't believe it was less than three months ago that Bob had been practically begging Bradley to help him with the Tiny Eagles in the first place. What if he had said no? He didn't even want to think about that. And as of right now, his team was undefeated, thanks in large part to you and Everett and how much fun Bradley had been having. 
As he pulled on his coach's jersey and grabbed his blue hat and whistle, he silently hoped his team would win their last game, because he knew how happy that would make Everett. And if he and Bob won coaches of the year, he'd give his trophy to Everett to add to the collection of baseball items in his bedroom. 
When Bradley parked at the field a little bit early, nobody else was there yet, not even Bob. He had noticed that Bob had been cutting it a little close the past few games and practices, showing up barely on time, looking a little disheveled with a smiling Molly in tow. It took all of Bradley's willpower not to rib Bob too hard about it, because his fellow aviator turned crimson every time. But Molly could take the trash talk like a pro, which Bradley already appreciated about your sister. 
And ever since Bradley had gotten a glimpse of the diamond rings that the jeweler had on display, he couldn't help but think that things with you were moving too fast and still too slow at the same time. So he fought the urge to max out his credit card, but he was still thinking about what kind of ring you would like.
"Coach Bradley!" 
He looked up to see Sandra and Henry rushing toward him with two gigantic gift baskets. She was wearing practically no clothing, and he was agitated that she had been able to corner him. "Hey, Henry! Sandra." He patted Henry on his shoulder, and then Sandra was in his personal space, handing him one of the baskets that was filled with so much random shit. "Thanks," he mumbled, trying to sidestep her hand as it found his arm. 
"You're so welcome. This season has been fantastic, all thanks to you and Bob," she purred. "I'm just hoping I can get Henry on your team for the fall league. And I'm hoping you'll choose me to be Team Mom next time."
Bradley rubbed his mustache. He'd been thinking about coaching again, even going so far as to considering becoming a head coach. He and Bob could have teams that went against each other, and Bradley thought that might be a lot of fun. "Thanks, Sandra. And you know what, that's a great idea. Since I'm dating our Team Mom now, it would probably be a conflict of interest if I chose her again in the fall."
The sour look on her face as Bradley noticed Bob's truck pull into the parking lot followed by your car had him smiling a little bit as he waved back to Everett who was waving wildly through the open window. "Excuse me," he mumbled as he headed for your car. Hadn't he just seen you a few hours ago? Been in your bed with your arms around his neck, felt your soft breaths on his cheek?
"Fuck," he gasped, jogging up the hill with his gift basket, antsy to get to you. When you climbed out of your car, he set the basket on your roof and kissed you hard. 
"Ew!" Molly gasped as she climbed out of Bob's truck. 
But you just smiled and said, "I like it when you wear your hat backwards."
"Why do you think I keep doing it?" he asked softly, and you bit your lip as you glanced back at the gift basket.
"Something to remember Sandra by?" you asked with an eye roll. "I'll give you a better thank you gift later, Coach."
"Oh, I can't wait," he mumbled, kissing your forehead as Ev climbed out of your backseat. "Hey, Kiddo! Last game. Are you excited?" 
"Yes!" he said, jumping up to high five Bradley before running over to Bob as well. "If we win today, then that means our team is the best one!" Bradley watched Everett bounce around between Bob and Molly as you chucked the gift from Sandra onto your passenger seat.
"Hey, careful, Kitten. There might be something good in there."
You rolled your eyes and closed your door, and Bradley laced his fingers through yours. "Yeah, I saw a Starbucks gift card. It's mine now."
"Whatever you want," he whispered, running his thumb along your ring finger. The kids were starting to warm up with Bob, and Molly had secured a good spot on the bleachers. "I'll see you after the Tiny Eagles go undefeated for a perfect season." 
You kissed him hard and then, when Bradley turned toward the other coaches, he felt you slap his ass. "You can do it, Coach Bradley! You're the best!" Then you turned innocently toward the bleachers and brightly said, "Hello, Sandra!" before continuing toward your sister.
"It's the tight, white pants that made me do it," you whispered to Molly as she shook with laughter. "I was helpless to control myself." 
"God, you're right," Molly sighed. "It's like... I never knew how badly I needed a man in a uniform. And I'm talking the flight suit, the khakis, and the tee ball getup."
You looked at Bob for a beat. "It's the glasses, Mo."
"The fucking glasses," she whined softly. She was going to move in with Bob next weekend after Everett's birthday baseball game. 
You wanted to warn your sister that she was moving really quickly, especially for her, but you just couldn't. You thought she and Bob made a lot of sense, and you were happy for her. Bob was the perfect departure from the bad boys she usually went for. He kept turning to look at Molly as the game started, just like Bradley did with you. 
"How did this happen?" she asked.
"I honestly don't know," you replied. 
"I'm fully addicted to the pizza nights now, I hope you know that," she told you with a grin. "We can win any argument when Natasha is with us. It's literally perfect."
You loved the pizza nights, too. You loved the way Everett was always welcome on someone's lap. You loved how Bradley cut the pizza slices smaller for him. You loved how comfortable you felt. "It is perfect."
Molly cleared her throat just as Everett went up to bat. "Not to dampen the mood, but what did your lawyer say?"
You took a deep breath, but you found that it actually wasn't so hard to talk about. "I'm going to meet with them in person, but getting Danny's name off of Everett's birth certificate is going to be challenging. Would be easier if I were remarried and looking to have my spouse adopt him. But they are going to do some research about child support based on Danny's shitty income which I'm sure will make him rage at me again."
Molly hugged you tight. "I'm sorry this is happening."
You nodded, but you found that you didn't want to cry about it anymore. "Me too. But we'll continue to be better off without him, even if they can't make him pay."
Then you both jumped to your feet. "Go Ev!" Molly cheered as he hit the ball ridiculously far. He ran the bases as Bradley and Bob cheered him on. And the look of pure elation on Bradley's face as Everett crossed home plate and ran into his arms was going to stay with you forever. 
"We're leading by one run now!" Molly was bouncing up and down.
Then it really hit you. "They're going to be undefeated, aren't they?" You felt kind of silly. It was just tee ball. But it had actually become really important to you and everyone around you. 
"I think so!" Molly gushed as you both sat down and held hands through the final inning. And when the Tiny Condors were not able to tie the game, you felt tears in your eyes for a different reason as you smiled and ran down the bleachers toward Everett. 
You scooped him up into your arms and squeezed him tight. "You're so good, Ev! I'm so proud of you!"
"Mommy! Aunt Molly! We won every game!"
"You sure did!" Molly told him, kissing his cheek before heading toward Bob. She made no secret of them being together as a moment later, you saw her hand slide up the front of his jersey as she kissed him. 
Bradley was left to converse with the umpires, but his smile was huge when he finally turned your way. He high fived and hugged all of the Tiny Eagles, but he knelt in front of Everett and hugged him for a long time. And when they started to have a quiet conversation, you gave them a little space.
You hoped this meant that Bradley and Bob would both win awards at the league picnic tomorrow afternoon. You already had a treat planned for your boyfriend just in case, but you thought you could use it either way. 
After Bradley kissed Everett's forehead, he stood and kissed yours as well. "Thanks for not pulling Ev from the team after I fucked up, Kitten."
You smiled up at him. "I didn't have the heart to do it. I'm glad I didn't."
"I love you. Let me buy you both some ice cream."
After Bradley offered to buy you and Everett a treat from the snack bar, you told him to take Everett to the bench and wait. You insisted you wanted to buy it. So Bradley gave him a piggyback ride over to the same bench where you and he had flirted relentlessly on your 'first date'. Bradley smiled just thinking about how he had answered your phone when Frank kept calling you nonstop. 
Everett jumped down onto the bench, and Bradley sat next to him while you waved from the line. "Hey, kiddo?" he asked Everett after you blew him a kiss. 
"Yeah, Coach?"
Bradley chuckled and looked at his excited face. "You can call me Bradley now. All the time. Tee ball is over."
"Okay," he replied, still all smiles from winning the final game. 
Bradley cleared his throat and made sure you weren't on your way over yet. "Can you keep a secret from your mom? It's nothing bad or scary, I promise."
"Okay," he said again, nodding this time.
"What kind of ring did your mom used to wear? When she was married to your dad?"
Everett's little brow scrunched up as he gave Bradley a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"
"Her wedding ring," Bradley told him quietly. "What did it look like?"
"Oh," he said, plopping down next to Bradley now. "She didn't have one."
Bradley cocked his head to the side. "She never wore one?"
"Huh." Surely you must have had a wedding ring? Did Danny really not buy you a ring? "Ev, she never wore any rings? Not even a plain one?"
Bradley settled back against the bench, and stared off into space. He'd been thinking about it a bit, and he really wanted to make sure he didn't get you a ring that was similar to something you had worn from Danny. But if you never had one at all...
"Take it before it melts!" you said, laughing as you jolted Bradley from his thoughts. He grabbed one of the ice creams from your hands and quickly licked the sides before he helped Everett with his.
"Thanks, Kitten," Bradley told you as you went to sit on the other side of your son. "Are you excited for the picnic tomorrow?" he asked Everett.
"Yep! I'm going to get a trophy!"
"I think Bradley might be getting a trophy, too!" you added, licking your ice cream and winking at Bradley. He watched you eat with narrowed eyes as his own snack melted. 
Bradley grunted. "Well, the most important thing is that I'm going to get you ready for real baseball in the fall. And the fact that San Diego has nice weather year round means that you'll probably get so good from practicing all the time that you'll be able to get a scholarship someday."
"What's a scholarship?" Everett asked as his ice cream dripped on Bradley's shoe.
"Ev," you mumbled and went to clean it up. But Bradley took your hand and guided you back to the bench with a shake of his head.
"It's fine, Kitten. It's just my shoe," he told you. And then he turned Everett's ice cream so it wouldn't keep dripping everywhere. "A scholarship is money that colleges sometimes give to athletes so they will come play sports for the school. Your mom would probably be delighted if you got one."
You laughed as you bit into your cone. "Would be nice. Lawyers are expensive," you muttered, leaning in to kiss Everett's cheek. 
"You need to keep me in the loop when you do things like that," he told you, shooting you a no nonsense look. 
"Okay," you whispered. 
Once Everett had finished his ice cream and washed his hands, Bradley walked both of you back to your car. "Want me to pick you both up for the picnic tomorrow?"
"Yes!" Everett cheered. "Your car is fun!" 
But once he was buckled in his booster seat, you pulled Bradley close and whispered, "I have something special for you, Coach." And Bradley audibly groaned as your hand came to rest on his cock, stroking him through his snug baseball pants. "Stay over tomorrow night?"
"Of course," he grunted next to your ear as you squeezed him gently. "Fuck."
You just giggled and said, "I think you'll love your surprise."
Then you backed out of the parking spot while Bradley stood next to his Bronco with a semi and waved like an idiot. He wasn't sure what kind of surprise you had in store for him, but he loved everything you did. And then he drove off in the opposite direction, back to the jewelry shop to pick up your necklace which the jeweler had needed to keep longer than anticipated. And he could also look at the rings some more. 
"Where's Aunt Molly?" Everett whined as you sat with him on your lap on the crowded bleachers. All of the tee ball teams had been invited today, and there were so many people at the picnic. 
"She's on her way from work, Ev. She should be here soon."
"What if she misses my trophy?"
"Then we'll have to show it to her when she gets here."
"What if she misses Coach Bob's trophy?"
You kissed his cheek and held him tighter. He was beyond excited that his coaches had been nominated for awards. "Then she can see Coach Bob's trophy later." 
You laughed at the inadvertent dirty joke you just told, and then you saw your sister walking down from her car right as the ceremony started. She found a spot to stand off the side and waved at you. "Look, Aunt Molly's here. You feel better now?"
"Yep!" Everett told you as he waved to her as well.
You watched the third and second place teams get their medals, and when they called the Tiny Eagles up to collect their trophies, Everett ran up alongside Bradley and Bob. You took some pictures while you cheered. You were struck with a pang of sadness over the fact that Danny didn't want to be part of this. But then you saw Bradley pull Everett into a big hug as soon as he had his trophy in his hand.
Your son was happy all the time when he was around Bradley. He always seemed to provide Everett with love, attention, and comfort. And that was in addition to all of the fun they seemed to have together. You took another picture of them hugging, and then it was Bradley's turn for his award.
Bob looked so shy and hesitant as he thanked everyone for a great season, but when it was Bradley's turn, you couldn't stop smiling. 
He gave all of the kids on the team a special shout out, and then he thanked the league for trusting that he and Bob could handle a team like this on their first try. And then you had to suppress your giggles as Bradley found where you were sitting on the bleachers and said, "And a big thank you to our Team Mom. None of this would have happened without her."
You waved down to them, and Everett, Bradley and Bob all waved back. Then Bradley was awarded his trophy and promptly handed it to Everett. "Seriously," Molly called out to you. "He's so much better than Danny."
"I know," you agreed, taking in the enormous smile on Everett's face as he ran to Molly. And then you were heading down the bleachers and into Bradley's arms. 
"Hey, Kitten," he whispered, kissing your cheek as you laughed. 
"Remember that day when you silently bullied me into agreeing to be the Team Mom?" you asked, looking up at him.
His grin and his backward hat looked exactly like they had that day as he said, "I sure do. God, I was so into you. I thought you must have been married though."
You buried your face against his chest and laughed. "The hot coach wanted me to be Team Mom? No way I wasn't raising my hand."
He kissed the top of your head and led you over to the picnic area where Everett was sitting with Molly, his grip on both trophies unrelenting. "Thanks for letting him hold that," you told Bradley.
But he just shrugged. "He can have it. I think he was more excited about me winning it than I was," he said with a laugh. "And I think I'm going to coach another tee ball team in the fall. I loved this."
Your heart swelled with love for him. "You should. You're good at it."
"Deployments will be hard to get around though," he whispered, kissing you on the head again. "Gonna be hard for us, too."
"Ev and I aren't going anywhere."
After the picnic, Bradley drove you both back to your house and helped a very sleepy Everett get a quick shower and get ready for bed. "Go relax, Kitten. I got this," he promised as Everett changed into pajamas and brushed his teeth. 
You bit your lip and kissed Everett goodnight. Then you whispered, "Come find me when you're done," before you walked into your bedroom and closed the door, glancing at him over your shoulder. 
He grunted, wondering if he was going to get the surprise you promised him. His mind was filled with dirty blowjobs and kitten costumes, and he had to take a deep breath as Everett crossed the hallway back to his bedroom in his baseball pajamas and climbed up into his bed.
"Have you thought about moving into the extra bedroom?" he asked with a yawn, and Bradley smiled as he pulled the covers up over him.
"Honestly, Kiddo? I think about it all the time."
"We should talk to my mom about it," Everett muttered as he rolled onto his side, already half asleep. 
"Yeah," Bradley whispered, "we should." Then he straightened both trophies on Everett's dresser and turned off the lamp before leaving the room. But he thought that another level of commitment was definitely going to be necessary before he could move in here. He'd been thinking about it though.
But all thoughts simply vanished from his brain as he opened your bedroom door and saw you standing there next to your bed. A strangled sound escaped from the back of his throat as his jaw dropped open. 
"You okay, Coach?" you asked teasingly, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, hands planted on your hips. 
"Kitten," he gasped, eyes going wider. "Baby."
You were wearing a tiny, skimpy red and white cheerleading uniform and holding red pom poms at your hips. The little pleated skirt barely hid anything from his view, and he could see your peaked nipples poking against the top.
"Mmhmm," you hummed. "I heard you won Coach of the year. I'm so proud of you." You took a step closer to him, and he wasn't sure if his cock could actually get any harder than it was. You'd put on some red lipstick and some extra eye makeup, and you looked fucking hot. He was having a hard time speaking as he reached for you.
"This is for me?" he managed to ask as he pulled you against him and ran his hands along the little skirt. But you spun in his arms, and he felt all of the blood in his body rush to his groin as you rubbed your ass against him.
"For you." You looked back at him over your shoulder as he ran his hands down along your bare thighs.
"You look like one of the Phillies cheerleaders," he whispered in your ear.
"That's what I was going for," you gasped with a smile.
"My first crush was on the entire 1995 Phillies cheerleading roster."
"Why am I not surprised?" Your soft laughter had him bucking against your backside. He was completely ready to go. 
"You like dressing up for me," he muttered as you spun to face him again.
You nodded and shook your pom poms as you shimmied for him. "Yeah, I do. I think you like it, too."
"That would be an understatement," he growled as your tits nearly bounced out of that tiny top. When he pulled you closer by your hips, you dropped the pom poms to the floor and reached for the fly of his pants, and Bradley leaned down to kiss you softly. "I love this."
You kissed him all over his lips and mustache and cheeks, and he was sure he had your lipstick everywhere, and he was so fucking turned on. And then you were in front of him on your knees, and his baseball pants and underwear were around his thighs. He quickly pulled his jersey and undershirt off as you wrapped your pretty lips around his cock and looked up at him as you took him inch by inch until he met the back of your throat. 
"Yeah," he groaned. "Just like this. I'd jerk off thinking about those cheerleaders sucking my cock."
You moaned so loudly with him against the back of your throat that he had to bite his tongue against the urge to blow his load already. 
"But you're so much better. My god." He was already panting as you withdrew him from your mouth. Your lipstick was on his cock now, but he barely had time to process anything before you were sucking on him again. He watched you, his actual fantasy come to life, as you gave him excellent head. When he ran his thumb along your cheek, he could feel his cock inside your mouth. He needed to stop you, because he desperately wanted to fuck you, but this felt too perfect.
But when you started running your fingernails along his balls, he pulled you up to your feet. You let out a startled laugh before he pressed his lips to yours. "I wanna fuck you," he managed between sloppy kisses as he grabbed at your bare backside with both hands. 
You were moaning against his lips as his dick was poking into your belly. "Anything you want," you gasped, running your hands along his shoulders and pecs. 
"Don't tell me that," he growled, picking you up as you squealed and getting you on your knees at the edge of the bed. "God damn. I want everything." You looked too good on your hands and knees, glancing back at him while your glistening pussy and ass were bare for him. He ran his fingers through your slick until you were moaning his name, and then he knelt and put his mouth on you as he used his hand to coat himself with your wetness.
"Coach!" you cried out as Bradley licked your pussy and kissed the backs of your thigh. 
"You gotta be quiet, Kitten," he grunted, pushing your knees a little further apart as he lapped at you until you were bouncing back to meet his tongue. But you just got louder and louder, and when Bradley stood behind you and slid his cock inside, you nearly screamed.
"Shh." He tried his best to coax you to be quiet, but it didn't work until he clamped his left hand over your lips. "Baby, you can be as loud as you want when we're actually alone," he rasped, fucking you a little harder now. That little pleated red and white skirt brushed along your ass with each thrust, and Bradley wrapped his right hand around your waist, fucking you with deeper strokes. 
Your muffled cries had him close now as he moved his hand to palm your ass. He'd have to consider buying you a gag of some sort, and that had him actually cumming inside your tight pussy. 
"Fuck!" he grunted, letting go of your mouth and squeezing both of your ass cheeks as he fucked you until he was seeing stars. You just whimpered pathetically as you clenched around his softening cock. When Bradley pulled you up so your back was pressed against his chest, he ran his hands up under your skirt and teased your clit, really making sure you felt good.
"Coach!" you gasped, still fluttering around his cock as he pressed his lips to your neck. When you moved his fingers from your pussy up to your lips, he nibbled along your bare shoulder. You sucked on each of his fingers before you asked, "Did you like this as much as the kitten costume?"
He groaned so loudly, you giggled. "Yes, this was just as good as the kitten. Don't make me choose one." 
"You can have both," you promised, turning to kiss him as he withdrew his cock from your pussy and helped you to your feet. 
He watched his cum drip down and coat your thighs as he whimpered for you. And then he remembered what was tucked inside his pants pocket. Carefully he pulled out your repaired necklace and held it out to you. 
"Oh!" you gasped, reaching for it right away. "You fixed it!"
"Yeah," he whispered, kissing your parted lips. "Of course I did."
Once you had further examined it, you stared up at him with a look of awe. "It's better now," you told him, turning it over in your hand to inspect the engraving. One side of the paw print said Bradley and the other said Everett. He carefully clasped it around your neck before you wrapped your arms around his waist, and he just couldn't stop thinking about being here with you forever.
On Thursday, you were desperately trying to finish up for the day when another project got dumped on your desk. It was Everett's birthday, and you were hoping you'd be able to sneak out early and stop home to change before the Padres game. You started working on the new project before you decided to just say fuck it.
You turned your computer off an hour early and locked up your desk. You'd have time to change and meet everyone else at the ballpark since Everett was spending the day at the zoo with Molly. So you strolled to the elevator and then out to your car without a care in the world. 
And that's when your phone rang. It was your lawyer. You stumbled to a stop in the parking lot as you accepted the call. 
"A judge is not going to allow Daniel to sign away his rights. Not unless adoption becomes an option for your son. However, even when you acquire sole custody, which is basically a done deal, he'd still be required to pay you the child support he owes you, plus continue to pay in the future. Your ex husband would have one hundred and twenty days to try to dispute it. Would you like us to serve him with papers?"
Your heart was pounding as you played with the charm on your chain. You were beginning to feel like you had on your bathroom floor, short of breath and nauseous. "Can I think about it?" you asked softly. You didn't want to have to chase Danny for money. He would just make this as difficult for you as he could, and you didn't want to have to deal with him anymore at all. 
"Of course. Take your time."
You ended the call and climbed in your car. Bradley had implored you to keep him updated with the information your lawyer was giving you. But there was just no way you'd be able to tell him all of this. It would be mortifying, admitting to your boyfriend that more than anything, you wanted to know if he'd ever marry you and adopt your child. 
A pathetic sounding laugh bubbled out of you. No. You would just keep that information to yourself and decide if it was worth going after Danny at all. Because all you really wanted at the moment was your own name solely attached to Everett as his legal guardian. But that wasn't something you could have yet if at all.
Undefeated! Everett's birthday party is up next! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
Time to check out The Curveball for more of Molly and Bob!
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lostfirefly · 2 months
I need you here till the very end, so stay here with me
Hey, hey, guys! Sorry, I decided to take a short break and was finishing up the last things at work. A short and sweet fic. I'm sure many writers have had this kind of story, but I wanted to dedicate this fluffiness to you, my reader :) Pain leads me to art :) English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Buggy and Fem.Reader - Masterlist is here.
Description: Buggy had a hard day. You comb his hair and wash off his makeup.
WC: 1501
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots
The title is taken from “My Escape” by Ravenscode.
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You were sitting on the bed with a book when you heard the door to the cabin open with a creak and the sound of heavy footsteps reached you. A couple of minutes later, there was a heavy sigh.
“My love, is that you?” You asked, getting out of bed.
In response, you heard another sigh. You followed the sounds and saw Buggy standing with his back pressed against the door, his eyes closed.
“Good evening, Captain!” You smiled and grabbed his hand.
“Uh-huh.” He muttered without opening his eyes.
“Hard day?” You asked softly.
You silently pulled his hand towards the bedroom. Buggy tried to resist (but you knew perfectly well that he was faking), but in the end he trailed after you. You took off his coat and hung it on the chair. You took his hand again and sat him down on the bed.
“Love of my life, do you want anything?” You asked, taking off his captain's hat and bandana.
“Drink up.” He answered dryly. “Sometimes it seems to me that this is not a crew, this’s a bunch of idiots.”
“Do not say that.” You kissed the top of his head and walked towards the small bar. “What happened?”
“Everyone is poorly performing their duties, Y/N. That's what happened.” He barked. 
“I'm sure everything will be fine, Buggy. You are the heart of this beautiful ship, and you couldn't have it any other way.” You twisted the bottles slightly, choosing which one could lift his mood today. “Oh, this will be good!”
You picked up a large bottle of rum that you had recently bought especially for him when the ship docked on the island for a couple of days to replenish supplies. “I can't find a glass for rum. Can I pour it into a glass for whiskey or beer?” You looked over your shoulder at him.
“My jelly bean, did you hear what I said? A bunch of idiots. The glass won’t help me. Bring the whole bottle.” Buggy placed his hands on his knees and rested his face in his hands.
“Wow, you're clearly very upset today. Ok.” You took the bottle and walked back to the bed. “Here you go, old grump.” You handed him it.
Buggy raised his head. “I'm not old!” He reached out, took the rum and sipped from the neck of the bottle. “That's better now. Thank you!”
He took your hand and pulled you onto his lap. “Well, what have you been doing all day, Y/N?” Buggy wrapped one hand around your waist. 
“Oh, I read the book, tidied up a little and mended your socks.” You started stroking his cheek. 
“Socks?” He took a sip of rum, looked at you and began stroking your back with his hand.
“Your socks are all full of holes, Buggy. A ship's captain shouldn't wear socks with holes.” You kissed his cheek and stroked his hair. “I'd like to comb you. Your hair is tangled.” You whispered.
“Nah, I'm fine, my gumdrop.” He took another sip and pecked your lips.
“God! At least wipe your mouth after drinking rum before you kiss me, Buggy.” You laughed and wiped your lips with your palm. “How can you drink this shit?” You stroked his hair again. “No, I’ll comb you. It’s impossible.” You got up from his lap and was about to go to the night table to get a comb when you felt him dragging you back.
“Get your ass back to where it was a second ago. I'm fine!” He pulled you towards him.
“A couple more days and you’ll be like a stray kitten, covered in tangles.” You pulled your hand away and went for a comb.
“Kittens are usually adorable.” He answered laughing.
“I’ll comb you, period. What if you decided to take over the island tomorrow? Will you run around scaring the residents in holey socks and with mats on your head? Sorry, honey, but that’s not how I imagine a scary captain.” You returned and sat behind him on the bed. “Sit still.”
“Oh my god. Why do you like brushing me so much, Y/N?” Buggy rolled his eyes, trying to remove your hands from his head.
“You'll be surprised, but I love your hair as much as I love you. Sit still!” You began to carefully run the comb through his long blue hair, listening to his endless grumbling. You took small strands of hair in your hands, trying to unravel the tangles as gently as possible.
“Ouch, it hurts!” Buggy grumbled when he felt the comb get stuck on one of the tangles.
“Sorry, my love. This is a real tumbleweed here. You know, I think I'll do this every evening. You can resist as much as you like, but you won’t convince me.” You ran the comb through your hair two more times. “Here! I did it! You’re grumbling at me in vain.”
Gently running your hands through his hair, you felt him instinctively adapt to your movements.
“You like this?” You asked, pecking him on the cheek again. There was no answer, but you noticed a slight smile on his face. “I knew it!”
You continued to comb his hair, listening to his quiet snoring. It seemed that he had fallen into a light nirvana.
“Well, I'm done.” You ran your fingers through his long hair. “Excellent!” You looked over his shoulder and looked at his face. Buggy sat with his eyes closed with a smile on his face. You gently ran your fingertip across his cheek. “I think now I need to take off your makeup.”
Buggy suddenly opened his eyes and looked at you with his green eyes. “Y/N! No!”
“I said no!”
“Stop arguing with me. You haven't taken off your makeup for three days. You just put on new makeup every morning on top of the old one. No! Today, I'm declaring a spa day for Captain Buggy.” You crawled on your knees to the bedside table and pulled out a huge bag with various tonics from the drawer. “Holy God! So many things.” You were sorting through the bottles. “Oh. This one with chamomile will be good!” You rose from the bed and stood in front of him, applying lotion to a cotton pad.
“No, jelly bean, please!” Buggy looked at you with pleading eyes. 
“Nah, I'm not listening to you.” You gently took his chin with your hand and pecked him on the lips. “Don’t be afraid, my love. I won’t tell anyone that I see you without makeup.”
Buggy sighed sadly, realizing that he could not win in this verbal struggle, and closed his eyes. You pecked him on the lips again, on his red nose, and ran the cotton pad over his face.
“See how great you are.” You soaked a new cotton pad in lotion and gently ran it over his cheeks again, washing away the blue and white layers of his makeup. “Okay. Now the lips.”
“I know another way we can get rid of my lipstick. If you know what I mean.” He chuckled idiotically without opening his eyes.
“I understand perfectly what you mean. I washed this method of yours from myself in the shower yesterday.” You took out a new lotion from your makeup bag. “Sit still, Buggy.”
You ran the pad over his lips, also removing the red marks of lipstick around his mouth. “And here you are, my love!” You carefully examined his face. “You are so handsome.” You put the discs and lotions aside.
Buggy blushed the color of his nose. “Don’t say that. I'm not handsome.”
“I’m telling the truth.” You sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Have I ever lied to you? No! I think you're handsome from the moment we first met. Remember? You stood up for me at the bar when some fat slug was hitting on me. And you came up and punched him in the face.” You kissed his cheek. 
“Because no one dares to molest my woman!” Buggy kissed you in your lips. 
“To my woman.” You chuckled. “We hadn't even met at that moment.”
“What difference does it make?” Buggy shrugged his shoulders. “I immediately decided that you would be mine. This is the captain’s word and I never break it.”
You gazed into his eyes, stroking his hair. “I love you.”
“Well, what can I say? I love you too.”
“Will you always love me?” You narrowed your eyes playfully. 
“Of course always. The captain's word.” Buggy kissed your neck and then your lips. “And since you bullied me today, it's time to pay back.” He abruptly threw you onto the bed and lay down on top of you. “Gotcha!” 
“Wait! I thought we were gonna take a shower!” You wrapped your arms and legs around him. 
“The shower will wait.” He smiled mysteriously and began to run his finger along your neck.
“Oh, shit! Buggy!!!”
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mschoiyuki · 1 month
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Sweet Nothing
Trafalgar Law x f!reader
tw : Self indulgent. Established relationship. Fluff. SFW
wc : 2.7k
a/n : Birthday fic for myself because why not. Gotta give some love for ourselves. Happy belated and early birthday to whoever read this fic 💛
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If your muscles can screams, they definitely screaming right now asking for a rest. Warm bath and soft bed sounds really good right now. The urge to finish all this task and dips into the hot bath and sleep make you move quickly arranging all the medical supplies.
As soon as you're done you quickly walk to your shared bedroom with Law, finding the room is empty. Well, Law is a person that always coming to bed until late at night. But right now all you want just hot bath and sleep after a long day.
Slowly peeling off your clothes and throw it to the laundry basket, you start filling up the tub with hot water. You rinse your body first before dipping in.
You groan when the hot water hits your feet, slowly dips in until your chest, you let out a long relief sigh. Your left hand massage your right shoulder and tilts your head to the side.
You dip deeper until your nose, blowing bubbles through it. The hot water makes your eyes become heavy and the sleepiness comes again, and you lean your head back to the bathtub and doze off.
You choke on the water that comes into your nose, you gasp and shot your eyes open and coughing. Drowning at the bathtub is a crazy way to die. You shake your head and step out from the bathtub, picking up the plug to drain the water. You wrap your body with the towel and walk to the wardrobe, lazy to choose what to wear you decide to wear one of Law’s loose shirt.
You stretch your limbs and plop down to the bed, the smell of Law still lingers on his pillow. You hug his pillow and breathe in his smell.
Law decided to docked on the island yesterday so today some of the crew and you can goes to the island to buy food and medicine supplies hence you haven’t meet him from morning. Sometimes you just want to be clingy with him, but sometimes you need to restrain yourself to not burden him with your neediest.
Your eyes grow heavy again and you slowly drift off to sleep while hugging to Law’s pillow and snuggling to it.
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The knocks on Law’s office door breaks his concentration, “Come in.”
“Captain, everything is prepared according to the plan.” Penguin popped his head in.
“Great. Thanks.” Law peer from his books.
“Aye aye, Captain.” Penguin gives his salute then disappears to the hallway.
Law groan as he feels his neck sore from the bending to read the books all day. He looks at the clock on the wall, 23.50. He usually can stay until dawn if you didn't come and get him to bed. But today is different, it's time to go to the bed.
He hasn’t see you today and you even didn’t come to his office to greet him or bringing his lunch or just be there. Well, today you go to the island with the others to buy supplies and need to arrange all of it again after coming back to Polar Tang. He really miss you, he really need to see you and hug you now.
Law tidy up his book and get up, walking back to his bedroom. As he open the door, he smiles as he sees you sleeping soundly while hugging his pillow.
Law take off his shoes and place his hat on the nightstand, he then sit right next to you, he brush your hair and tuck it to your ear so he can see your face more clearly, "Hey, sweetheart." His voice above whisper trying to wake you up.
"Hmm..?" You answer with a hum and open your eye to see Law smiling at you.
"Happy birthday, love." Law leans in and kiss your forehead.
You chuckles and reach your hand to Law, "Thanks, honey. What time is it?"
Law glance at the clock and hold your hand and rubbing the back of it, "It's 00.06, doll." Law then take his pillow from you and he lays down with you, slither his arms around your body and bringing you closer to him, "I haven't see you all day, you know. I miss you." Law kiss the top of your head.
"Hm. I miss you too, Law. Been busy and I'm so tired that I almost drown at the tub." You let out a small laugh and nuzzle to his chest, hugging him more tightly.
Law moves away to look at you and furrow his eyebrows, "What the hell? You can call me to help you for bath. Don't laugh at it. You know how dangerous it is?"
You try to stay awake and open your heavy lidded eyes, "I know... It's fine now. Come back here, I want to sleep. So tired." You tug his shirt to bring him back to your embrace so you can nuzzle to his chest again.
Law sighs, "You will hear my nagging first thing in the morning later." He tuck his chin on top of your head and wrap his hands around your delicate body and entangled his feet with yours.
"Hm. Love you." You murmur as you tighten your grip on his back.
Law can feel your smile as you said the words that can always make him soft, "Love you too, sweetheart." He plant a kiss on top of your head and drift off to sleep with you safely in his arms.
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You stir awake and reach for Law's bedside and find it empty but it's still warm. You must be really tired that you even don't know Law is not on bed anymore. You sit up to get ready for the day, then the bedroom door creaking open and you find Law coming in with a tray in his hand. The smell of coffee waft into the bedroom and you smile with his romantic gesture.
"Morning, sleeping beauty." Law put the tray on the nightstand and leans in to kiss you but you block your mouth with your hand and whine, "Hmmph. No. I haven't brush my teeth. Morning breath."
Law let out a chuckles and take your hand away from your mouth, "Don't care. Since when do you care about it? You always give me morning kiss in my mouth. And sometimes we even goes deeper." Law gives his signature smirk and gives your lips a quick kiss.
You grumble and glare at him, "I think I remember that someone said he will nags me first thing in the morning?"
"I'll let it slide this time, but no next time. You should call me if you need help. Be more selfish with me, baby." Law caress your cheek. You hum and lean in his touch. Law sighs and pinch your cheek, "Happy birthday once again, sweetheart."
"You always do that you know? Always saying it when it hits midnight and when I woke up." You chuckles and take Law's hand tugging it to sit right next to you.
"Because I want to be the one who said it first to you." He plop down and hide his face with the brim of his hat.
You bite your bottom lip to hold your smile, “Thank you, Law. I never thought that you’re a romantic man.”
“Don’t laugh. This is just the bare minimum. Here, I got strawberry shortcake, your favorite.” Law glare at you and take the plate with a piece of cake, he put the a candle at the middle and lit it up, "Make your wish, baby." Law takes the plate in front of you waiting for you to make a wish and blow the candle.
"Wow. Fancy of you to remember my favorite cake." You smile and clasp your hand, closing your eyes and making the wishes silently. You open your eyes and blow the candle, then you lean in to kiss Law's cheek, "Thank you, love. You’re the best." You give Law a toothy smile. Your heart feels so full with the so bare minimum like he said, but for you it’s everything. You take the plate from him and start eating the cake.
“I really like it when you wear my clothes, you know.” Law reach the hem of his shirt that you wear, making you choke on the cake, “You like it better than my nightgown?” You smirk and can’t help but to tease him. Law tug the shirt, “So.. How about we go for a date today?”
You lick the spoon clean and stare at Law, “You don’t have works today?”
“Today is special day, so no work for me. It's been a while we didn't have a date, right?”
"Okay. Let me take a shower first." You get up and leave a kiss on Law's cheek and stride to the bathroom to get ready for the date. You choose to wear a soft yellow sundress with a daisies pattern on it and a pair of wedges for easy walk for the date.
As you walk out to the deck, Law already waiting for you and he's talking to Penguin and Sachi. Law wear a yellow shirt and his blue cloak which he knows that you like this shirt a lot, especially when he rolled the sleeves. When he sees you approaching him, he dismiss Penguin and Sachi, "You look beautiful, baby. Ready?" Law glance his surroundings make sure there’s no one and he press a kiss on your temple. Law offer his hand and you take it, he then shambles both of you to the island.
The date is just simply strolling at the island, making stops at bookstores to buy some medical books for Law and novels for you and of course looking for a new series of Sora, then to the antique shops looking for some commemorative coins, after that taking a break at some random coffee shop. “I’m sorry if the date not fancy, baby.”
You let out a chuckle and grab Law’s hand, “It’s okay. I’m happy as long as I can spend my time with you, honey.”
Law intertwine his hand with yours, "Should we go back now? The sun is setting." You nod and getting ready to take the shopping bag but Law already take it, you giggle and put your hand on his elbow walking back to Polar Tang.
As soon as both of you reach the deck, you find the sub is quite, "Why is it so quite?" Law glance at you, "Maybe they already gone to the bar."
"It's too early to hit the bar." You squint your eyes scanning around the deck.
"Maybe they need more free times." Law then leads you to the kitchen. "Why are we going to the kitchen?" You sound confused.
When both of you turn into the kitchen suddenly all the lights up and the crews pop up the confetti and shouts, "SURPRISEE!! Happy birthday Y/N!!" You jolt with the sudden surprise and laugh with the kitchen being filled with balloons and the other decorations, "Thank you guys. When did you guys plan all of this?"
"Yesterday. When you already goes back to rest. Captain's order." Penguin brings out a cake with candles surrounding it.
"No I'm not. They just want to throw you a surprise and I just give my OK to them." Law rolls his eyes and put the shopping bag at the nearest chair.
"Come on, Y/N! Blow the candles so we can start the party!" Sachi already holding the knife to cut the cake. And with that you blow the candles, "Thank you everyone. I really love it." You wipe the corner of your eyes, and Ikkaku give you a bear hug followed with the whole crews resulting it as a whole group hug. Law cast his shambles and switching you with a piece of confetti that he hold, saving you from the group hug, "Just start the feast, I know all of you can't wait to eat." With the Captain's order, all the crews start the feast.
Law take the shopping bag and hold your wrist, walking back to his room. When the door clicks close, Law turn around and sees your face still smiling so bright that he swears it can lit up his room and making his heart clench, “You like the surprise, honey?”
“Yeah. I love it. Thank you for today, my love.” You walk towards Law, reaching for his collar and tug him to kiss him. Law slither his hand around your waist pressing your body with him, feeling the warmth of your body and the sweetness of your lips on his.
As Law pulls away from the kiss, your smile still etched on your face and it’s make him smile too. He takes your hand and lead you to sit on the bed, “Now, for your present.” He takes out a black square box with a yellow ribbon on it from the drawer on the nightstand.
You gasp and take the box from Law, you unwrap the ribbon carefully and open it. There’s a beautiful necklace with a heart pendant made from yellow sapphire. “When did you get this, Law?” You slowly take out the necklace and admire the beauty of it.
“Yesterday. I told Penguin and Sachi to pick it up at the store. Let me put it on you, sweetheart.” You hand over it to Law and turn your back on him, twisting your hair up and revealing your bare neck to him. Law unclasp the chain and sling his hands around to your front, placing the necklace on your neck and clasp it securely. And he plant a kiss on the back of your neck and shoulder.
You turn around to face Law again with a smile adorning your face, "How is it?" Your fingers fidgeting the heart pendant. "Looks perfect on you, my love." Law cups your cheek and leans in close until his lips grazing with yours, "That necklace feels like a collar don't you think, baby?" You can feel his smirk forming on your lips and you try to move back to protest but Law hold you firmly on your neck and capture your lips in a heated kiss, not giving you any chance to protest.
When Law pulls away and sees your blushing face, he let out a low chuckles and kiss your forehead, "Should we go back to the kitchen and join the others or should we stay at here, my love?"
You hide your blushing face with your hands and mumbling, "Let's go back to the kitchen, at least we should show our faces to them, right? But five more minutes, okay?" You fan your face with your hand hopeful that the redness on your face can go away.
Law laughs and takes both of your hands, pressing his forehead to yours, "Anything for you, princess. So, will you tell me about your wishes?" You just smile and lean in a little to kiss him, “Secret. Or it won’t come true.”
Both Law and you walk to the kitchen hand in hand, secretly sitting at the corner watching the crews having fun with Law still hold your hand tightly. You glance at Law while he sips the beer, you leans and kiss his cheek, “Thank you, baby. I love you.”
Law put down the mug and takes the base of his cloak to hide both of you from the audience and kiss you gently on your lips, with a smile that you can feel on your lips. You can see Law’s loving eyes staring at you when he pulls away, “I love you more, sweetheart.”
Both of you smiling to each other behind Law’s cloak until Sachi shouts, “Oho! What are you two doing behind that cloak?!” Law lower his cloak and pick up the mug again as if nothing happened, “None of your business.”
“Oho! Stop doing something lovey dovey in front of the singles!” Penguin point at Law with a chicken drumstick adding the fuel to Sachi teasing.
“I want a girlfriend too!” Bepo raised both of his arms. Making the other crews booing and teasing him.
You laugh with the uproar on your birthday party. Best birthday, best family, and of course with your best boyfriend. And now you have to think how to celebrate Law birthday, making it more special for him and you.
Your wishes? All you want just to stay like this forever, a bright future with Law and the others, always under protection from the Gods to stay safe wherever all of you are.
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dividers by : @saradika-graphics
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mirai-e-jump · 6 months
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Duet January 2024 Issue ft. Ikeda Masashi Mini Interview (translation below)
Publication: December 7, 2023
Trust your intuition! Searching for fashionable Winter items -Let's go find your "Individuality"-
Ikeda: I want to go shopping for used clothes for the Winter!
"At the request of Ikeda Masashi-kun, we went to Shimokitazawa, where many secondhand clothing stores are located. He went looking for fashionable items that can be used this Winter."
Ikeda: Fall and Winter are especially enjoyable seasons because you can wear layers, allowing for all sorts of fashion variations. I like secondhand clothing and often go shopping for them, but I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to go, so I'm looking forward to today~
"He said, as he entered a secondhand clothing store with an excited look on his face."
Ikeda: Uwah~ It's a treasure trove!
"The first thing he picked up was a parka."
Ikeda: Today, I want a top and a hat. I like to combine various colors in my own style, so I have clothes in a variety of colors, from brights to monochrome. My favorite color is white, but for some reason, I tend to pick reds…maybe I actually like them (laughs).
"Ikeda-kun said. He also seems to wear flashy coordinated clothes."
Ikeda: My parents used to say to me, "What are you wearing?" (laughs). But, I believe in my own sense of style, and I'll wear things without being discouraged.
"He said, with a shy smile. One after another, he picked up clothes, including a leather jacket, a knit cardigan, and more."
Ikeda: I guess I'm not particular about the genre of fashion. Alternative fashion, casual styles, whatever, I like them. Color matching and the shape are very important though, and I'll buy pants in a variety of shapes, wide and thin, even if they're the same color. For tops, I often play with flashy patterns and colors, and choose simple ones for the pants.
"While picking things out, he said,"
Ikeda: This! It's interesting!
"He found a nylon track jacket in the shape of a vest."
Ikeda: When I buy something, I always trust my intuition to tell me "it's good," and I'm drawn to shapes that I've never seen before. However, it's difficult to match them, so I often end up content after wearing them a single time (laughs). Because of that, my room is full of clothes. While I trust my intuition, I also try to think about if I already have something similar.
"While keeping the track jacket, he heads towards the hat corner!"
Ikeda: I like caps because they have unique logos.
"He said, picking up some and trying them on. In the end, he got a simple black knit hat and a denim cap with a distinctive logo! After walking around the store a few times, he also got the vest track jacket mentioned earlier."
Ikeda: As I thought, this is still the cutest.
"And so, he decides to buy it."
Ikeda: I got some wonderful items~ This Winter, I'm going to use them to try out different coordinations!
"Ikeda-kun reported with a sparkling smile. It's been a long time since he went shopping, and he was very satisfied with the results!"
-Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger- Insider Info
Ikeda: Episode 38 was the episode where one of the Royal Sentai members, Rita Kaniska, became an idol, however, the other Royal Sentai members were mixed in with the audience at the front row of the stage (laughs). It was my first time waving and cheering with a penlight, and I had alot of fun~ We wear disguises including fluffy hairpieces and sunglasses, so please be sure to look out for that!
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paranormalworm · 4 months
Hi idk if you’re taking request. But if you are, can you do a Sturniolo x sis!reader where they go with Sam and Colby to the hotel. And Sam or Colby follows her YouTube channel and has a massive crush on her and she does to. Basically just them sharing shy and cute moments before a confession when one of them get really scared/ maybe one of the ghost keep messing with reader. The triplets ship with whichever boy you choose. If it’s not asking too much, this would be awesome.
AUTHOR NOTES: Hey anon!! Yes i do take requests and i'm so glad you asked. I hope it’ll be good, just know that English is not my first language. (I also changed some details from the video so it’s more interesting) <3
I actually don’t really like what i wrote but the request was so funny i wanted to try.it is actually really different from what i usually write so i hope it's not bad. (I also gave a name to the O/C because i usually do)
𝐶𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑛𝑜𝑡 • 𝐶.𝐵.
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SUMMARY: You're the triplets sister (a year younger)you have your own ytb channel but you are also on the boys videos so when Sam and Colby invinted them for a Collab they also asked if you wanted to be there as well.
PAIRING: Colby Brock X Fem reader
WARNING: ghosts,haunted location,paranormal stuff happening to you, named O/C and bad words?
It is finally the day. 2 months ago Sam and Colby dmed The triplets to do the collab the fans been waiting for. And since Nick and I are obsesed with their videos he asked them if I could be there and Colby almost immediatly answerd saying that when they asked them for the collab i was obviously in the deal. I actually think the boys got more excited about the message than me since they know I got a crush on Colby.
Nick: "Ana! wear emo clothes, Colby is emo he would love it. " I laugh at is comment but ignore him, I really hope none of them will make comments like that tonight or it will be so embarrassing.
We just arrived at the hotel and we were welcomed by Sam and Colby who were both waiting for us, We walk to them and as i was talking with Matt he cuts me mid-sentence to say that Colby was starring at me, a comment that I couldn't answer to because of them standing in front of us. the boys shakes each others hand while I kinda stand there awardly.
Matt: "Ana say hello they don't bite. "
Colby. "Unless you ask, I actually don't. " We all laugh at his comment as i quickly apologize and walk to Sam and hug him quickly, i then do the same with Colby awkwardly. We all talk for a bit and they explain how they are organizing the night.
"What's up guys its Sam and Colby"
"today is finally the day, the Collab with the Sturniolo is here".
They turn the cam to us and try to figure out and explain who is who. And that’s when i step in to try to explain myself.
"its simple, Nick is the one with the nose piercing and the while shirts, Chris is the one with the hat on, and Matt is the other one. "
Matt looks at me acting chocked that I have nothing more to say about him and Colby turned the camera to me when I started talking and followed my explanation with the boys. Showing each boy once there name were pronounced.
Sam: "it's simple for you they're you're brother! " Chris then walked to me and huged me like a baby like he always does. "don't talk to my baby like that young man.” he said trying to acts serious when was actually laughing. And Matt started to argue playfully with him "Chris stop that how do you want her to get a boyfriend if you act like a crazy possessive older brother
we all laugh at their little argument and the tour guide starts the explanation, she explains that the most active spirit is at years old little girl named Samantha and she actually tickle people or just touch them. Funny, a little girl again, sam just have a thing with little girls, not in the weird way the
"Sam is leaving this place with a Brand new little girl in his ass.” I said laughing along with them as Matt and Chris were looking at me weirdly with a eyebrow raised sam points then the camera to me. Sam: "huge fan of the channel aren't you?” He was smirking like a creep but i just buster out laughing at his face.
"She's obsesed with your vids man. "And here it goes Nick started to say crazy things like that and now it's embarassing. I naturally turn my head to Colby to see what his face was letting out and he was already looking at me with a slight smile. Tour guide: "Ana you may stop laughing after knowing that Samantha is mostly active with woman so you may experience more things than them." my eyes opens widely and i actually starts to get scared. Colby seems to notice it because he puts his arm around my shoulder and ask, "but no evil spirit here right? "
"none of them are evil no. Samantha is playful but in the Maximillian room there is Empress Carlota and she may get jealous because she'll think you went in the room to seduce and steal her husband". Everyone look to me while I don't know what to say. We are now in front of a painting of a little girl, the painting actually looks greenish but I don't even have the time to ask why because the tour guide talks about it first explaining that they keep getting it cleaned it just go back to green every time.
While the tour guide talks about the story of Samantha i keep feeling like people are watching us so I turn around every few minutes and its when I turn back to the guide that footsteps are heard behind us, like someone is running around. We are all freaked out and suddenly I feel like someone is tugging my sleeve.
"Matt stop that right now this is not funny at all” he looks at me like I'm crazy and i explain what just happened. Colby who was standing next to me puts an arm around my shoulder and pull me closer to him “i'm here don’t worry”.
We finally finished the tour and even the tour by itself was scary. We are starting the investigation by the maximillion room with all of the mirrors. And also the room where i apparently might get targeted.
"Okay guys so we are back in the maximillian room,” Colby starts his intro while Sam is holding the camera and my brothers and i are standing next to him. "This room is apparently haunted by Empress Carlota who lost her husband but also get very jealous of woman that enters this room because she's scared they want to steal her husband.” I smile at the camera to not seem mean and laugh a little when Matt starts saying that it is a good thing that they have a sister.
We then starts the investigation by standing in front of a mirror and we are just supposed to stare at ourselves for a few minutes nothings happens but later i see my face getting sad? like i was about to cry. I don't know if i can talk while doing this so i don't say anything and keep looking. after a few more seconds it's like some tears are rolling down my cheeks. And that's when a woman appears looking angry she watch me from a far before walking slowly to me appearing angrier with each step.
When she only some inches "behind me" i close my eyes and face away from the mirror. Nick who was standing next to me with Sam immediatly turn his head to me "Ana is everything alright? What did you see? "Nick ask as he hug me "I'm fine it surprised me” i say leaving his arms and walking to a bench. They all sit with me either on the bench or on the floor. Sam ask if he can record while i explain what i saw, i accept so i starts explaining everything.
Once i explained everything they all seem surprised but also worried I'll be okay after our little pause Sam and Colby install a rope who has multiple led on it while i continue to talk with my brothers.
Colby POV:
I knew something would happen and I couldn't even be near to reassure her. The tug in front of the painting and now that? I'm starting to get scared for the rest of thenight. We're installing the light rope and we are gonna use the ovulus which is super scary with what just happened
(Ana's POV)
they just finished explaining what we are about to do and it scares me a little knowing the person i saw in the mirror might be here and talk to us. As soon as Sam turned the ovulus on we heard a word. Which apparently is pretty rare to work this fast.
"What about girls? "asked Colby. "the fact that Carlota is just jealous of you when i could try to seduce her husband to.” We all look at Nick before laughing at his comment.
must..... leave.
"Who must leave? " Matt asked. “Me. It said girls and then must leave. "
"No, you're not going anywhere. They are not the one in charge here” we all turned our heads to Colby when he started to talk. We were all surprised by how annoyed he looked.
it's when a new word appeared that we stopped staring at him. "What are they talking about? "Sam looked at Chris who just said the comment. "Christopher are you stupid? Theythinks Ana and Colby are dating.” I look at Nick amused While he is arguing with Chris. I was about to deny their statement when Colby talked "Yes we are.” Colby said pulling me closer to him. I turn my head to him confused. We're not dating? Why did he said yes? My brothers looks at me even more surprised that I was after that the ovulus didn't spelled any more words and the light rope didn't lighted up at all.
We decided to leave the room after 30 min of asking question and not receiving any answers. During those 30 min Colby acted like he was my boyfriend
while I was kind of lost. Once the door was closed behind us i let go of his hand
that was holding mine. "Why did you said that you guys were dating? "asked his best friends with a smirk we could all see. I obviously to the concerned one to listen to his answer. "I thought that Carlota or whatever her name is, she won't do anything to Ana since she was in a "relationship"». He replied naturally by mimicking inverted commas with his fingers. I smiled to thank him.
We then walked back too the room where we went earlier when it smelled terrible. On the way there I was walking with Nick and Matt who mere joking about how kind Colby was to me. Once all the camera were installed they pressed the rec button and started filming. We are going to do the famous Estes method.
it is actually something that look easy beet in reality is pretty hard because you have to concentrate a lot on what you ear in the headphone and trust the peoples in the room with you. Nick and Chris wanted to starts and since Matt and I wanted to do it to we are going to do Ir right after but in the bathroom since it is actually pretty active.
Nick and Chris are now sat on a couch blind folded with headphones on and a spirit box each in there hand «hi» said Chris and Nick almost talk at the same time saying «hello» we greeted whoever was there and before we could ask for a name Chris said «gorgeous».
So Matt who was sat next to me asked «who is gorgeous?» and Nick answered «the girl» Sam, Colby and Matt turned there head to me waiting to see what would say «well thank you very much, who are we talking to right now?» the two bestfriends turned back there camera to the two siblings at the right time because they answer almost at the same time «its not important» and «you don't need to know»
This answer confused all of us how many person are in the room beside the 6 of us right now?» asked the tall emo looking guy. Nick answered «3» before Chris talked saying «mine» we were even more confused sosam asked « what do you mean mine? What is yours?» Nick then said « I heard like it growled? Like when you are annoyed? » all the boys looked at each others while I couldn't take me eyes of my brothers waiting for an answer.
«It said "she's mine” in a fucking deep voice it scared the shit out of me » I wanted to laugh but was still confused by who it was talking about. «Maybe it's Carlotta since you guys kept complimenting her earlier? Maybe it's her husband? » I said trying to explain what was happening.« can you confirm that? Are you talking about empires carlota?» asked the blond ghost hunter.
Nick quickly take the headphones off and slowly get rid of the blindfold. «What's wrong Nick?» Matt ask worried. «I heard like a malefic laugh freaking psychotic laugh » we all frown confused and Chris not knowing what just happened continue «no, not carlota...» Chris then freeze and don't continue the sentence he just started,he also take off the blind fold and the headphones and just stares at me almost like he is scared, he then look at everyone «it said "Ana, silly." like not Carlotta , Ana »
We were all getting scared so we decided to take a little pause outside. I was talking with Sam and wick a little afar from the rest of the group talking about life and our respective Chanel « Colby actually love what you post on social media,he always ask if saw your last post» he said laughing, Nick looked at me with big eyes before speaking «Ana and I are obsessed with your channel that we even made up a rule that we cannot watch the newest video without each other.obviously Ana is the one that came up with that rule ».
I slapped his chest my hand laughing « don't act so annoyed with this rule because the only timed broke that rule I had to do your chores for an entire week.»
I walk to the other little group and as i was walking away i heard nick asking « is he in love with her by any chance? » this is so embarrassing.
After 20 min of talking to take a little break we went back in the hotel room and Sam and Colby started to record again and explained to the viewers that Matt and I are going to do the Estes method in the bathroom. Matt sits on the toilets while i sits on a chair we took from the bedroom. Nick and Chris are sitting on the floor Sam is standing in front of us and Colby is standing behind me in the shower.
Matt and I put the blindfold and the headphones on. The static sound in my ears is slowly getting louder as I concentrate on what could hear.
Colby POV:
Matt and Ana are listening to the spirit box and it's time to ask some questions «Matt , Ana can you hear us?» I ask and none of them answer. « behind her» Matt says. They are all confused while I am scared it the same spirit from the bedroom who was being weird. « behind who?» asked my best friend behind the camera. « it said my name guys» Ana, who looks terrified that it said her name again.
« I thinks it's the same person from the bedroom » said one of her older brother, Ana's leg was shaking from the stress but she quickly stoped and putted her own hand on her knee smiling. «are you talking about Colby? The person behind Ana » Nick asked and almost immediately the two sibling answered « yeah.» everyone looked at me. « what about me?» I asked. I'm sure it is the same spirit from earlier. «You're not welcomed here » and «leave» came out of their mouth
« hell no. I'm not going any where. Why should I leave?» I was getting annoyed as time went by. I knew why they wanted me away it's simply because they could get to Ana way easier. And as we thought no one answered that question. After a few seconds of silence Chris came out with a great question. « why are you still here?» we looked at the two sibling waiting for an answer. « are you stuck here or can you go to multiple places?» we wait again for an answer and Ana is the one breaking the silence « great here».
«So you stay here because you like it here?» I asked « maybe they stay here because they like it but could go anywhere if they wanted to?» Sam said and after a few seconds Matt started giggling « it said "you got it blond boy" in a very happy way, almost celebrating ». We all laughed a bit but we stopped when Ana started to rub her arm like crazy like she was freezing we were all getting concerned «I'm in love.» Ana said. « who are you in love with?» I asked. « it keep saying Ana's name like "ana.ana.ana.ana" it's getting weird » Matt is right it is really getting weird « Colby could you not press yourself on my shoulder like that please».
We all looked at her and started to really get scared, since I was really close behind her took a step back my back was know against the wall.« tell her it's not Colby.». Matt took the headphones and blindfold off just like his brothers did earlier and as he was about to speak Ana did. « it whispered "it's just us now" what the fuck»
Matt looked at us surprised while we were all used to the crazy thing it keep saying « I took mine off because it screamed in my ears. It scared the fuck out of me» I listened to him but I then remembered what Ana said as soon as Matt took of the headphones « it's not only the two of you we are still here. »
I said and Ana quickly answered « wow! I heard like an annoyed growl and then it said shut it!» they all smiled surprised « did dit really told you to shut it? That's crazy » Matt said. « it been super rude to Colby the whole time,do you think the spirit is in love with Ana?»Nick asked. «I mean they could but they have to remember that Ana is 19 and as sadly as it sounds they are dead so... » we all laugh and Ana said « you'll be dead too soon » this is getting really dark, I exchange a glance with Sam that confirm my thought.
« someday she'll be mine » the three brothers looked really worried « isn't this going too dark guys?» Nick asked I obviously agree and tap on Ana's shoulder so she know we've done and when she takes off the head phones we all hear in a deep voice « I'll stay with her » which freaks us all out. « oh, hell no. Packs your shit we're leaving » I said as I rushed out of the bathroom holding Ana's hand.
Ana's POV
Colby and I left the hotel room he was holding my hand, we were in the hallway when I stopped walking forcing him to stop with me. « stop! Stop! What the hell happened? Why did we leave like that? » I asked loudly really scared « what about my brothers? And Sam?» «i was getting out of hand! It was dangerous for you Ana!»
« so it is for them, let's get-» Colby cut me off « Ana, Ana stop calm down. Sam know what to do. it was getting dangerous for you. Not for Matt not for Chris for you. The spirit wanted you.»
I was shocked, I had no idea why he was saying that but I started to remember some things that I repeated earlier during the Estes method « I'm in love » or even when it said « it's just us now »
« I have to protect you,I am the one that know that stuff. So let's get you out of here and clean you » we starts to walk toward the exit of the hotel again « look I know this seem crazy but it's very serious. » we are now in front of the hotel I just texted Matt saying we're walking a little bit.«…so that's basically it. we think their was a spirit that fell in love with you and was maybe a little too obsessive »
« do you have a name for that spirit?» I asked curiously « why? Are you interested?» he asked with a little smile, I laugh looking at him « no, not really » I said still laughing a little. « why not? Are you already seeing somebody else?» but now it was not a smile anymore more like a smirk. « no I'm not, but... Let's say I like someone» there is no way I just said that I like someone to the someone I'm talking about. I kept looking at him, I wanted to see his reaction he looked surprised? « on yeah? Some guy you know?».
No don't ask I don't wanna say that. Not to you.« well…It's something like that i guess?» thank god we're outside in the night because I know i am blushing.« what do you mean something like that? Who is it? » and here it is. He asked. « well...» I don't know how I'm supposed to say that I've been having the biggest crush on him for some month now.« if I tell you my crush would you tell me yours?» I nod to him thinking that if he say someone else I'll invent a random guy.
His hand find my cheeks to caress it gently, smiling. He gets closer to me « you. You're my crush » I look at him smiling widely more than happy, he was still staring at me, well it looked like he was more staring at my lips. I was also looking at his and after a few seconds he leaned in and our lips finally connected.« you're my crush too » was all I said before kissing him again.
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The art model
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Nude model!reader x art student!Zoro.
Modern AU. My very first Zoro fic! This fic is dedicated to @star-yawnznn!
There is probably going to be a part two (and maybe even a part three!) to this...
You had started having second thoughts on the very day you had asked Luffy to tell his teacher, Shanks, about you (or rather, you had allowed him to do so, after your friend had begged you for weeks), the anxiety mounting inside you progressively as the day of the first class drew near, and this morning, when a moment after waking up you looked at the calendar hanging from the wall and realized you were expected at the art school in just twelve hours, you felt the urge to scream loud enough for the whole building to hear.
How could you be so stupid to accept your friend's proposal? Yes, you were (and still are, barely two weeks later) in dire need of money, since you haven't been able to secure a scholarship or a loan to fund your education and your job at the bar doesn't pay enough. Yes, the classes are in the evenings and on Saturday morning, which is perfect because it allows you to attend your own lessons in the morning, spend your afternoons at the Partys', waiting tables and preparing drinks with your aunt Makino, and spend your Sundays in a coma, sleeping as much as you can to recuperate at the end of yet another hectic week. What's more, from what Luffy had told you the job is relatively easy, which certainly beat spending hours restocking shelves in a supermarket or cycling around to make deliveries for a restaurant.
Still... it is embarrassing. Absurd. A little ambiguous, also, even though you are confident Luffy would not drag you in something shady or of dubious morality; he has assured you the job is perfectly safe and even fun, but on the other had your friend's idea of amusement or security is different from that of most other people...
Even though you do need a job, part of you hoped Shanks would decide to hire someone else, given your complete lack of experience in the field, or that in the following weeks some problem would arose that forced him to look for another employee. He didn't, and (and for this you have to blame no one but yourself) since you didn't have the courage to disappoint both your friend and his teacher, you never called Shanks to tell him you had changed your mind.
Today is your first day of work as a nude model for the East Blue Art School, and you have no idea whatsoever what awaits you.
Luffy assured you that you didn't need to smarten yourself (you would be tempted to say to undress up) since what is required of a nude model is a natural look, but today, after returning home from your shift at the bar, you make sure to shave and wash your hair, and pay special attention to your make-up; the people you will pose for are students, not famous fashion photographer, but you want to look your best. You also spend a few minutes in front of your wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear, before realizing how utterly pointless the whole matter is, since you are going to pose in your birthday suit.
In the end, you decide you might as well choose something which you feel comfortable in; you have just put on your favourite shirt and a pair of new jeans when an energic, like everything he does and is, ringing of the door-bell heralds Luffy's arrival.
"(name)! Are you ready?" he asks, as enthusiastic as if he were going to escort you to the altar on your wedding day, rather than to a new workplace; as usual, he's wearing his beloved straw hat, a gift from Shanks himself on the first day of art school when he was seven, a bag with his drawing supplies hanging from his shoulder "I'm so happy you're going to pose for us! I can't wait to introduce you to the others!"
He doesn't seem the slightest bit embarrassed at the prospect of an old and dear friend, with whom he has always had a purely platonic relationship, getting naked in front of him, and having to carefully observe her body to reproduce it on paper. Well, all the better for you, you think as you invite him to come in while you finish getting ready; Luffy is one of your dearest friends and you'd hate for shame or embarrassment to cause a rift between you.
"Just a minute, I need to put my shoes on."
"Take your time, we still have half an hour before class starts. You have anything good from your mom?"
You have no talent whatsoever in the kitchen, let alone the time and energy required to prepare something good to share with your friends or to reward yourself at the end of a long day of study and work, but you have the fortune to be the daughter of a capable baker, and your mother often gifts you the fruit of her labour - what is left of it when the bakery closes, that is: brownies, cookies, bread rolls and other delicacies, that Luffy appreciates as much as you do.
You tell him your mom brought you some gingerbread last night, when she stopped by to wish you good luck for your new job, and Luffy quickly finds it in the pantry. "I'm sure you'll do great today." he says as he happily munches gingerbread as if it were the last day of his life. He once asked you if your mother could hire him part time at the bakery, but you gently pointed out that in that case the shop would have nothing left to sell, since he would have eaten everything.
"I hope so!" you comment as you join him in the kitchen, shoes donned and bag under your elbow "I don't want to disappoint you, or your teacher. I mean, everything I have to do is simply sit there, right?"
"I guess so. Just make sure not to fall asleep. Our previous model, Buggy, did it, one day he had to stay a bit longer than usual. He fell off a stool and broke his nose."
"Oh, poor guy..." you comment, snickering despite yourself "Anyway, I drank a double espresso ten minutes ago, so I should be fine."
You leave the apartment together, walking unhurriedly towards the art school, which is only ten minutes away, in a quiet neighbourhood. "I can't wait for you to meet the others!" Luffy exclaims, almost skipping along the sidewalk; besides you, your friend is particularly close to a small group of classmates, who together with him have studied at the East Blue since they were children "I'm sure you'll love them, and they you."
"I hope so." you murmur, suddenly tense once more; Luffy's company and natural cheerfulness have momentarily distracted you from the anxiety filling your body at the prospect of having to take your clothes off in front of a group of strangers, but now that very uneasiness has returned, in addition to the worry of not making a good impression on Luffy's dearest friends. Why didn't I accept that job with the cleaning agency? I'm allergic to dust, but apart from that, it would have been perfect....
Unfortunately it is too late to change your mind, and even to turn on your heels and return home, leaving Luffy and his class in trouble, because your destination is just a minute away: a spacious, well-kept building, in which students of all ages take courses in drawing, painting, sculpture and photography. Despite the hour there are many people about, pupils, including many old enough to be your parents, walking to their classes, discussing their projects, and carrying art supplies of all types; a joyous, exciting chatter fills the air, the sounds of a place full of energy, of teaching and learning, where knowledge is cultivated and freely shared. The East Blue Art Academy is a well-reputed institute, and any candidate has to pass a rigorous exam in order to be accepted to the courses; you have no idea why Luffy's teacher has decided to hire a first-time model, but your friend has assured you Shanks can't wait to meet you.
Crossing the large double door, you find yourself in a large hall with floor-to-ceiling windows from which, Luffy tells you, it is possible to reach all the four main departments, where classes take place from early morning to late evening; a separate wing is being built to host a music school, and in the back there is also a small botanical garden, where some classes also take place, since any artist worthy of the name must learn to observe and reproduce nature.
It wouldn't be polite to keep Shanks waiting, especially not on your first day, but you linger for a minute, contemplating the decorated ceiling of the hall, the fresco representing a white-sailed ship with a figurehead carved in the shape of a sheep, sailing through the waves.
"We made this, you know." your friend proudly announces "My friends and I."
"You are kidding!"
"I'm not. The hall was renovated two years ago, and students were invited to submit their projects, individually or in group. Me and four other from my class, you'll meet them soon, won, and the rest is history; the guys from the painting department helped, but the idea is ours."
"I can't believe it, it's lovely..."
The ship sailing under the clear blue sky is a really beautiful scene, it evokes a sensation of freedom and joy that even you, who can't draw or paint to save your life and has no interest whatsoever in the field, can't help appreciating. Who knows where the small but sturdy vessel is going, and what adventures it is carrying its crew towards...
You are so focused on admiring the fresco, full of admiration for the talent of Luffy and his friends, you don't notice a young man literally burst in the room from another corridor and then, as if his life depended on it, run in the same direction you and your friend had started towards. He crosses the room at full speed, unaware of Luffy who waves at him, but he notices you, as you take a step back to admire the frescoed ceiling from a better perspective... and find yourself on the man's trajectory, who doesn't have the time to stop or dodge you.
Fortunately you don't hit your head, but the man falls right on you, his knee pressing on your stomach, making it impossible for you to breath for a minute. You hear Luffy emit a cry of surprise, and then he hurries to help the man to his feet, lifting him off you. "(name), are you all right? Zoro?"
"I'm fine." you both answer at the same time; the man bends to pick up the sketchbook and pencils that fell from his bag, checking they haven't been damaged, while you cautiously massage the area above your belly-button, already sure than Luffy and his classmates will have to draw a large bruise.
"You haven't been taught not to run inside, especially if there are so many people around?" you asks, as soon as you catch your breath; normally you would simply forget it, annoyed but still willing to let the incident slide to avoid an argument, but that guy could have seriously hurt you, on the first day of your new job!, not to mention how stressed you have felt all day "This is a school, not a running track!"
He looks at you, as clearly annoyed as you feel. "Nothing would have happened if you hadn't gotten in the way." he argues; he is tall, attractive, with bright green hair, a bandana tied around his arm and not one, but three scabbards, clearly not empty, hanging from a sash at his waist, an unexpected sight that makes you momentarily forget your argument "I know that ceiling looks nice, but why don't you look where you're going?"
"I wasn't going anywhere, I was practically standing still...!"
"Guys... guys, come on! There's no need to fight." Luffy intervenes, stepping between you and the green-haired man as if fearing you would soon come to blows "You're both all right. (name), this is Zoro, he's in the same class as me; Zoro, (name) is a good friend of mine, she's our new model."
You sigh, recognizing Zoro's name as one of those Luffy has mentioned most frequently when telling you about his classmates; from what you have heard, they are very good friends. Also, since this guy is apparently a student in the class you are going to pose for, you don't want him to complain about you with Shanks. Consequently...
"I see. Well, sorry if I made you stumble; I didn't mean to." you apologize, making an affort to sound more remorseful than you actually are; you slowly offer an hand, ready to pull it back the moment you perceive your peace offer is going to be refused, but Zoro must have reached the same decision as you, because he takes your hand and shakes it firmly.
"It's no problem; I'm sorry if I hurt you. So, uhm, you've already posed before?"
"No, it's my first time." you admit "I hope I won't be a disappointment for you guys and for Shanks."
Zoro shrugs, as if minimizing your fears - not with the intent to insult you, though. "Ah, don't worry; if you can stay still for a while you'll be ok. If that idiot Buggy could do it, anyone can."
You find yourself smiling, your resentment towards your friend's friend already forgotten; after all, you don't need any more negativity in your life. "I hope you're right."
"Well!" Luffy intervenes, happy to see peace return between the two of you, as he rests one hand on your shoulder and the other on Zoro's "Why don't we go to class? (name) has to meet Shanks before we begin."
You and Zoro follow him along a corridor, as Luffy, who has an almost preternatural ability to make friends wherever he goes, exchange greetings and smiles with most of the people whose path he crosses. According to your watch, your first day as a model will begin in less than fifteen minutes; you are still nervous, but you find yourself glancing at Zoro, still beside you. Why on earth has he carried three swords to a drawing class? Since nor Luffy nor the other students seem alarmed by it, it must be an habit of his; perhaps they are to be the subject of a drawing? Are they props? Will Shanks ask you to hold them as you pose for Luffy and the others?
You could ask him; still, there is something you are even more curious about. "Where were you going in such a hurry?" you inquire "It is still early for your class."
"Well..." Zoro rubs the back of his head, as if embarrassed by what he is going to reveal "I was afraid I would be late to class. Again."
"Oh. You got struck in traffic? Or were late after work?"
"No, I... couldn't find my way to class."
"... you moved to the school recently?"
"... no. I've been studying here since I was eight."
You are left reflecting on those words (he had lost his way to the classroom? Inside the school? After maybe ten years?!) as you glance inside some of the rooms, their doors left ajar, in which other classes are taking place; in one, a group of children are painting a vase of flowers the teacher has placed on a stool (even though most of the paint seems to have ended up on their faces!) while in another two older men are arranging what looks like a set for a photo shooting, with a large camera sitting on a tripod, umbrellas for controlling and diffusing the light, and a red collapsible backdrop. Posing for pictures, this is something you have already done, you reflect, even though in less formal contexts, during a birthday party or on holiday; of course, during those moments you always wore clothes...
"Here we are!" Luffy announces in the end; he bows at the waist next to the door of the classroom, jokingly inviting you to go in first "Shanks, this is (name)!"
The only man present in the room, busy organizing a large quantity of pencils and other drawing tools on a desk, turns to greet you all with a smile. Shanks is a tall man in his late thirties, with bright red hair. He offers you his right hand to shake; he has no choice, since his left arm is missing.
"It is very nice to meet you, sir." you politely greet him; Luffy had never mentioned his beloved teacher was an amputee, but after all, one does not need two hands to draw, does he? "Thank you for this opportunity, I hope you'll be satisfied."
Shanks invites you to call him by his name, like his students do. "I should be the one thanking you; you have no idea how hard it is to find a model."
"(name) is a bit embarrassed she has to pose naked." Luffy interjects while he and Zoro place their bags next to two of the stools.
"That's not true!" you protest, not wanting Shanks to doubt your motivation, or willingness to do what you are asked "I mean, it is just... the first time I take my clothes off... for a situation like this, I mean..."
Zoro, busy retrieving a large sketchbook from his bag five steps from you, grunts. "You know, we're not going to jump your bones as soon as you take your panties off." he points out. His tone, more brusque than what you would have expected from a person who has known you for ten minutes, doesn't give the impression he wants to insult or ridicule you, but you resent it all the same; wouldn't he be embarrassed to present himself to a group of strangers completely naked?
Maybe not; after all he is very fit, strong arms and (Zoro is now bending to retrieve a pencil from his bag) a firm backside. Who knows, you reflect as you quickly avert your gaze, perhaps for some people showing off their body is actually pleasant...
"It is perfectly normal to feel a bit of awkwardness in taking off your clothes." Shanks assures you kindly "What you have to remember, though, is that there is nothing immoral, or inappropriate, in posing. This is a perfectly respectable occupation, and as long as you are here, you'll be perfectly safe, and believe me, these students are all old and experienced enough to see you like any other subject; in the end, there is not much difference between a nude model and a bowl of fruit, they are simply something to reproduce on paper. No one will focus on your weight or your... intimate parts, if this is what you are worried about."
It is indeed, and Shanks' words do reassure you. Luffy, already perched on his stool, winks at you.
The classroom is sparsely furnished, with a desk covered with paper and drawing utensils, a few painting easels in a corner and twelve stools placed in a semi-circle all around an higher one, that you guess will be your work station; many books of all sizes are lined up on the shelves on the wall facing the door. A folding screen creates a corner with a chair and a small wall-mounted sink in which you can leave your things, undress in complete privacy... and wash away your make-up, like Shanks has asked you to do.
The students arrive while you prepare behind the screen, their chatting filling the room as they find their places; in the end you come out the screen, barefoot and wearing the dressing-gown you have brought with you.
"Guys and girls, this is (name); she'll be our model from now on." Shanks introduces you, and all the students smile and wave while you reach your stool, look at your feet as you disrobe, and sit. Shanks helps you strike a pose, with your knees apart, an hand resting on your lap and the other raised, and your face in profile; and after that, all you have to do is to remain still, which is at the same time the easiest thing ever and more than a little uncomfortable, especially considering the class is supposed to last for a whole hour.
Fortunately, Shanks was right in saying you had no reason to feel ill at ease. The students are clearly used to a naked model, since you perceive no embarrassment nor, even worse, any special interest in your body, and they are simply focused on faithfully reproducing your form on their sketchbooks; a pink-haired student whose name you don't catch mentions you have remarkably symmetrical thighs, while his friend, with long blonde hair, asks Shanks' help in deciding whether he drew your breast smaller than he should have.
None of the students moves for the first thirty minutes, the silence in the room only broken by the soft noise of the pencils rushing on the paper; even the sounds of the city outside, traffic and people arguing and the barking of a dog, sound muffled to your ears. Shanks walks among them, offering praises and gentle corrections, and inviting them to pay attention to the shape of (name)'s calf, look at the curve of it...
Luffy sits surrounded by his dearest friends, like a captain with his crew: you've heard him talk about them so many times it is as if you had already met them. There are Sanji, Usopp and Nami, and Zoro, who given the direction Shanks has asked you to look towards is right in front of you, so that you find yourself looking directly at him - for a whole hour. He is really attractive, you decide, perhaps more than most other men you know; with his athletic physique, and the elegant features of his face, he could be an excellent model, not necessarily an art one...
It is right then, while you are busy idly observing the little you can see from his body and decide that yes, he must be either an athlete or a gym fanatic, because no one who sits on his ass all day can have shoulders like those, let alone such well-defined biceps, that suddenly Zoro, who has been so focused on his drawing he seems to have forgotten the rest of the world, suddenly and quickly lifts his gaze, his dark eyes boring into you. You start, for a moment sure he has perceived your vaguely inappropriate thoughts, and with a mounting sense of panic you feel yourself going red in the face, as it often happens when you are embarrassed. What has gotten into you?, you chide yourself; and you were embarrassed the others would look at you?!
"Is everything all right, (name)?" Shanks asks, making you jump again.
"Yes! I mean... I'm fine." you stutter; a few of the students glance at you from above their sketchbooks.
"Good. Can you please left your hand a little more?"
You comply, making an effort not to look directly at Zoro even though your face is turned exactly in his direction, silently apologizing to him.
After a while, Luffy lifts his hand. "Shanks, can I approach her?"
"All right; as usual, you have ten minutes. (name), Luffy will now approach you."
"'k." you answer, making an effort to speak without moving your lips, and to remain as still as a statue, even though your left arm has started hurting.
Your friend stands from his stool and comes to kneel in front of you, his sketchbook balanced on his thigh; the pretext is to observe your face up close, but Luffy takes the opportunity to meet your eyes and smile at you, before raising an eyebrow questioningly; all good?, he's silently asking you, perhaps feeling secretly responsible since he was the one who begged you to come pose for them. You make sure Shanks is busy helping another student, and wink at him. All good, don't worry.
Luffy, who knows you well enough he could easily draw your face from memory, remains at your feet for a few minutes, after which a few of the other students also ask Shanks permission to approach one by one. Zoro is the last, and he looks... disgruntled, brows furrowed as he observes you, intent as if he had to solve a complex mathematical equation; he looks down at his drawing, that you can't see, then back at you, and he grimaces, clearly unsatisfied. You force yourself not to squirm, unsure of the reason for his discontent but sure it is somehow your fault.
In the end, you are almost caught off-guard when Shanks announces only five minutes are left before the end of the class; you had completely lost track of time. The students hurry to polish their drawings while they have you there in front of them, even though they will have another hour to work on them, and after that you'll have to assume another pose for the next two classes.
"You were great!" Luffy exclaims in the end as he helps you stand from the stool, your legs stiff after the innatural position you kept them in for an hour; you smile, as usually amused and touched at the same time by your friend's enthusiasm, while the other students start gathering their things.
"Thank you, but after all it was you guys who did all the work; I just had to sit there and look... still." you point out as you retrieve your night gown and put it back on.
"Well, you did it very well. You want to see my drawing?"
You actually couldn't wait to, and most of the other students gladly let you see theirs as well. They are all very good, you decide as you examine the sketchbooks one by one, obviously different in style but all quite life-like; Nami's is probably the best, even though Luffy's is the one you like the most. You look at them, those portrait the young artists have drawn without masking the imperfections and the parts of your body you are embarrassed of, but striving to do justice to it all the same. You don't consider yourself a vain person, a self-centered one even less, but you wish you could hang all of them in your apartment and keep them close forever, because for some reason you feel as if each of those young men and women, most of which you don't even know, now are in possession of a small part of you...
Zoro is the sole who, seeing his classmates offer you their sketchbooks and ask for your opinion, is quick to shove his in his bag; your eyes meet, and he quickly looks away, as if he had something to hide. What a weird guy! Handsome... but weird.
"So, how did it go?" Shanks asks as the students say goodbye and unhurriedly line to leave; you smile at him, much more enthusiastic than an hour before.
"I must admit, I had fun; I'm sorry if you had to correct my position."
"That's all right, you are not a statue after all, and you did very well. So..." the teacher smiles, as if already knowing what you are going to answer "You want to do it again?"
You absolutely do, and Shanks shows you the schedule for his classes, both group ones and private; you'll be busy five evenings a week, for one or two hours at a time, which works just fine for you.
"Me and the guys are going to grab a drink in a place down the road." Luffy tells you "Wanna come?"
"Are you sure? I mean, if you'd rather be among you..."
Luffy looks at you strangely, as if he didn't understand the reasoning behind your indecision. "You are my friend, and now theirs as well." he points out "Why wouldn't we want you there?"
Reassured, you tell him that you'll be happy to come; the truth is you had a long day (your own classes in the morning, a long shift at the Party's in the afternoon, and now an hour of posing after which you feel more than a little sore) and are consequently pretty tired, but you feel well and want to know Luffy's school friends better. He tells you they'll wait for you outside, since Sanji needs a smoke, and you promise you'll make it quick.
Shanks leaves as well, needing to talk to another teacher, so that you are soon alone in the classroom, getting dressed and then retrieving your bag and nightgown. You are really in a good mood: your new job promises to be interesting and even fun, and who knows, perhaps you will even meet some new friends...
At least you think you are alone, but you stand corrected when, coming out from behind the screen, you find yourself face to face with a person, leaning against the wall close to the classroom's door, arms folded, clearly waiting... for you.
"Hi again." you say, a little uncertain; you doubt he waited to accompany you out... unless he is the one who needs to be guided, since apparently he gets lost easily "I'm sorry if I kept you guys waiting..."
Zoro shakes his head; his hand is now resting on the handle of one of his words, a casual gesture clearly dictated by habit. "I'm not coming tonight. I wish I could, but my... father is waiting for me."
"I see. So, uhm, you wanted to tell me something...?"
"Actually... I know we just met, but I have a favour to ask you."
Zoro bites his lip (something you have always found attractive in a man, which makes you smile for a moment), as if embarrassed of having to bother a person he barely knows... or perhaps of the favour itself.
"Go ahead."
"Well... I need you to pose for me."
Zoro tells you that figure drawing (that is, drawing the human form, either by observation of a live model or otherwise) has always been hard for him, much more than drawing a still life, buildings or any sort of scenes; he is usually at the same level of, or even better than, his classmates, but when he has to draw an human body, either that of a model or copying from a book or even simply relying on his imagination, he somehow suddenly forgets how to hold a pencil, not to mention everything he knows about proportions and perspective. He does his best, really, he practices and practices, he has a whole stack of sketchbooks filled from cover to cover with drawings, studies and portraits, but he is still unsatisfied - and behind what is expected from a person who has been an art student since he was six. Even kind, encouraging and less-strict-than-most-teachers Shanks had to admit his life drawings are of a much lower quality than the rest of his works.
What do you draw exactly, stick figures?, you are about to ask, and maybe you would if you were talking to Luffy or someone you know well. "I'm sorry to hear that; it must be very frustrating."
"It is; so I was wondering... well, if you'd be ok with posing for me, to practice." he goes on, shifting his weight from one leg to the other; asking another person for help, and consequently having to admit his shortcomings, seems almost physically painful for him "I do marginally better with a model, but two classes a week are not enough."
"Haven't you asked Luffy or one of the others?" you wonder, imagining that his friends would be happy to help, especially being artists themselves "Well, maybe not Luffy, he'd never be able to stay still for ten minutes, let alone a whole hour..."
"He really couldn't. And I tried, but I get distracted if I know the other person. I know you are busy with school and your other job, but would you be available? I would pay you, of course."
You tell him you could never accept money from one of Luffy's friends, especially not from a student like you. "I have yet to learn how to teleport or how to be in two places at the same time, but if we can find a moment we are both free, I'll be happy to help you."
"Are you sure?" Zoro asks; he seems taken aback, as if he expected you to refuse, or to have to beg you "You don't mind...?"
"I just discovered I actually like posing, and Luffy's friends are mine." you easily answer "Shall I come to your place? Do you live nearby?"
You quickly discover you live a couple of blocks away from each other, close enough you can easily walk from home, or from the Partys', to the house Zoro lives in with his adoptive father. You decide to meet on Sunday afternoon, which will allow you to sleep very late and still do something constructive during the day, especially if you bring a book or your notes with you to review as you pose.
Finally, Zoro smiles, relieved and happy; he has a lovely smile, you notice, as well as a lovely face, which makes you wonder if he ever tried drawing himself... "Thank you. (name), really... I owe you big time."
"One day maybe you can buy me a pizza or something." you easily answer, not meaning anything specific by it (namely, not a date) but simply thinking back at that time Luffy helped you move to your new flat and you bought him dinner to thank him (and almost went bankrupt) "Do you mind if we walk as we talk? I think Luffy and the others are waiting for me."
Zoro opens the door for you and then follows you towards the school's hall; despite the late hour, many classes are still in session. For you this is a job, something that as much as you enjoy it you need to pay for your bills and food, but these people, the students of all ages who spend their evenings here instead that at home or enjoying their free time after a day of school or work, choose to do it and pay for the courses themselves. They do it for passion, hoping to turn an hobby in a job, to improve their skills with the pencil (or the brush, or the camera...) or simply to spend time doing what they love, without concern for the future or retribution.
It is nice, you decide, feeling strangely wistful for a moment; who knows if you'll ever find something to be so passionate about...
"Luffy says you're studying to become an accountant." Zoro says after a while, as you walk next to him, your muscles still a bit sore after an hour of stillness.
"I do; there is absolutely nothing artistic about it." you laugh.
"But you like it?"
"Many people think it is the most boring and arid profession in the world, but I like it a lot, actually."
"There you go then." he considers in a tone of approval "Who cares about what other people think?"
You smile back, and that sudden, pleasant confidentiality pushes you to ask a question of your own. "If I may... what do you carry those around for?"
"You mean my swords?"
"Yes. I have seen some original fashion accessories, but a weapon, never."
Zoro grins, openly amused, as he gently grabs the hilt of one of the swords, pure white, in a protective gesture... or maybe to show you how ready he is to draw it on a moment's notice "I use them; I'm a swordsman, I have been training since I was five." he proudly explains.
"And you use three of them?!"
"Exactly. One in each hand, the third in my mouth."
You can barely imagine a scene like the one he is describing (seriously, how can he use a sword holding it like that? Does he have a prehensile tongue?) but Zoro is clearly serious, which fills you with admiration. "So you are an artist and a sportsman!" you exclaim; it is strange, but somehow fitting as well, to imagine a person's hands having the strength to handle a weapon, and at the same time being delicate enough to use a pencil... two opposite, but equally beautiful, ways to channel his energy "Talk about the total package! I knew you were an athlete..."
"What do you mean?"
"... nothing. Err, do you attend a fencing school as well?"
By the time Zoro has finished telling you about his adoptive father, who has been his fencing instructor since he was old enough to hold a practice sword and who then adopted him when he was fourteen, you have reached Luffy and the others, waiting on or around a bench in the school's parking lot.
"Speaking about my father..."
Zoro stops, forcing you to do the same. "I wouldn't normally do it, but Luffy says I can trust you." he says, looking at you right in the eyes as if warning you against disappointing your friend's trust in you, as well as his "My adoptive father... he doesn't know I study here. He wants me to focus on fencing, so when I was fourteen and I went to love with him, he asked me to leave the school; I told him I had but..."
"... you obviously didn't." you finish for him "And he doesn't know you come here, three times a week? And you had for years?"
He tells you it is not always easy to hide he spends many of his evenings at the schools, but fortunately he's old enough his father doesn't feel the need to keep track of his movements, and his friends and employer (his friend Kuina's father) cover for him. "It has been easier since I came of age, since now I can at least use the money my biological parents have left me to pay for the school. Before that I was a step away from selling my... well..."
"I see." you say, sincerely touched; poor Zoro, forced to hide something he loves doing because he fears disappointing his father, or being forced to abandon it. Isn't he old enough to decide what to do with his life? "What's your father's name?"
"Dracule Mihawk."
"I don't think I've ever met him, but if this is what worries you, I'll keep your secret; I promise I won't tell anyone. If you want, you can come to my place to draw; I don't mind, and you can simply tell your father you're visiting a friend."
"Are you sure?" Zoro asks; he seems... taken aback, as if he didn't expect such support from a person he has just met and who has refused to be paid for her trouble. But, not to sound presumptuous, helping people who pursue their dreams and passions comes natural to you; you wouldn't be Luffy's friend otherwise "That... would be perfect actually. My father usually comes home late in the evening, so we would be more or less safe at my place, but..."
"Why risk getting caught, if we can avoid it?" you reasonably point out "I... can come pick you up, if you want; to show you the way."
You quickly exchange contacts, and you find yourself smiling; becoming an accountant is still your first ambition, but the prospect of beginning a new career as a model is exciting. Even though the thought of taking your clothes off in front of someone you just met is still weird... especially if your public will be composed of a single man, in the more intimate context of your apartment...
Technically speaking, you have invited a man to your home to look as you get naked; the thought makes you blush again, even though you felt perfectly at ease as you posed for the students. Pull yourself together, (name)! After all, he wouldn't be the first, would he? Even though, it has been a long time since...
"So... we have a deal?"
"We have. I can't wait to pose for you - I mean, I'm happy to help you."
"I'll try not to waste your time then." Zoro promises with a new smile, happy and relieved, and you think he should do it more often, because he looks even more lovely when he does it... "Thank you, (name); really, I appreciate it."
You tell him not to mention it, and by now you have reached Luffy and the others, who have attentively listened to your conversation.
"Sorry I kept you guys waiting."
"No problem. You sure you can't come, Zoro?" Luffy asks, clearly disappointed he cannot have all his friends with him; he shakes his head, apologetic and sorry in the reserved, vaguely introverted attitude you have already learnt to know.
"Sorry, next time, I promise."
He grins at you. "See you soon."
"See you on Sunday, Zoro."
You wink at him, and he waves as he looks at you walking to Luffy and your new friends.
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toomanyrobins2 · 3 months
Our Manhattan
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Summary: An orphan all her life, Y/N is simply too old to remain at The Bowery Home any longer. That is where an anonymous patron has swooped in to send her off to college and all he requires…a monthly letter of her academic progress.
Based off the book and musical ���Daddy Long Legs”
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
last part // series masterlist // next part
Notes: I'm finally getting around to updating this fic! If you would like to catch up and get more consistent updates to this story and others I would go to by AO3!
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24th March, maybe the 25th
Dear Batman,
I don't believe I can be going to Heaven—I am getting such a lot of good things here; it wouldn't be fair to get them hereafter too. Listen to what has happened.
Y/N Abbott has won the short-story contest (a twenty-five dollar prize) that the Monthly holds every year. And she's a Sophomore! The contestants are mostly Seniors. When I saw my name posted, I couldn't quite believe it was true. Maybe I am going to be an author after all. I wish Mrs. Lippett hadn't given me such a silly name—it sounds like an author-ess, doesn't it?
Also I have been chosen for the spring dramatics—As You Like It out of doors. I am going to be Celia, own cousin to Rosalind.
And lastly: Harriet and Barbara and I are going to New York next Friday to do some spring shopping and stay all night and go to the theatre the next day with 'Master Brucie.' He invited us. Harriet is going to stay at home with her family, but Barbara and I are going to stop at the Martha Washington Hotel. Did you ever hear of anything so exciting? I've never been in a hotel in my life, nor in a theatre; except once when the Catholic Church had a festival and invited the orphans, but that wasn't a real play and it doesn't count.
And what do you think we're going to see? Hamlet. Think of that! We studied it for four weeks in Shakespeare class and I know it by heart.
I am so excited over all these prospects that I can scarcely sleep.
Goodbye, Bats.
This is a very entertaining world.
Yours ever,
PS. I've just looked at the calendar. It's the 28th.
Another postscript.
I saw a street car conductor today with one brown eye and one blue. Wouldn't he make a nice villain for a detective story?
7th April
Dear Batman,
Mercy! Isn't New York big? Worcester is nothing to it. Do you mean to tell me that you actually lived in all that confusion? I don't believe that I shall recover for months from the bewildering effect of two days of it. I can't begin to tell you all the amazing things I've seen; I suppose you know, though, since you live there yourself.
But aren't the streets entertaining? And the people? And the shops? I never saw such lovely things as there are in the windows. It makes you want to devote your life to wearing clothes.
Barbara and Harriet and I went shopping together Saturday morning. Harriet went into the very most gorgeous place I ever saw, white and gold walls and blue carpets and blue silk curtains and gilt chairs. A perfectly beautiful lady with yellow hair and a long black silk trailing gown came to meet us with a welcoming smile. I thought we were paying a social call, and started to shake hands, but it seems we were only buying hats—at least Harriet was. She sat down in “front of a mirror and tried on a dozen, each lovelier than the last, and bought the two loveliest of all.
I can't imagine any joy in life greater than sitting down in front of a mirror and buying any hat you choose without having first to consider the price! There's no doubt about it, Bats; New York would rapidly undermine this fine stoical character which the Bowery Home so patiently built up.
And after we'd finished our shopping, we met Master Bruce at Sherry's. I suppose you've been in Sherry's? Picture that, then picture the dining room of the Bowery Home with its oilcloth-covered tables, and white crockery that you can't break, and wooden-handled knives and forks; and fancy the way I felt!
I ate my fish with the wrong fork, but the waiter very kindly gave me another so that nobody noticed.
And after luncheon we went to the theatre—it was dazzling, marvellous, unbelievable—I dream about it every night.
Isn't Shakespeare wonderful?
Hamlet is so much better on the stage than when we analyze it in class; I “appreciated it before, but now, dear me!
I think, if you don't mind, that I'd rather be an actress than a writer. Wouldn't you like me to leave college and go into a dramatic school? And then I'll send you a box for all my performances, and smile at you across the footlights. Only wear a red rose in your buttonhole, please, so I'll surely smile at the right man. It would be an awfully embarrassing mistake if I picked out the wrong one.
We came back Saturday night and had our dinner in the train, at little tables with pink lamps. I never heard of meals being served in trains before, and I inadvertently said so.
'Where on earth were you brought up?' said Harriet to me.
'In a village,' said I meekly, to Harriet.
'But didn't you ever travel?' said she to me.
'Not till I came to college, and then it was only a hundred and sixty miles and we didn't eat,' said I to her.
She's getting quite interested in me, because I say such funny things. I try hard not to, but they do pop out when I'm surprised—and I'm surprised most “of the time. It's a dizzying experience, to pass eighteen years in the Bowery Home, and then suddenly to be plunged into the WORLD.
But I'm getting acclimated. I don't make such awful mistakes as I did; and I don't feel uncomfortable anymore with the other girls. I used to squirm whenever people looked at me. I felt as though they saw right through my sham new clothes to the checked ginghams underneath. But I'm not letting the ginghams bother me anymore. Sufficient unto yesterday is the evil thereof.
I forgot to tell you about our flowers. Master Bruce gave us each a big bunch of violets and lilies-of-the-valley. Wasn't that sweet of him? I never used to care much for men—judging by Trustees—but I'm changing my mind.
Yours always,
10th April
Dear Mr. Rich-Man,
Here's your cheque for fifty dollars. Thank you very much, but I do not feel that I can keep it. My allowance is sufficient to afford all of the hats that I need. I am sorry that I wrote all that silly stuff about the millinery shop; it's just that I had never seen anything like it before.
However, I wasn't begging! And I would rather not accept any more charity than I have to.
Sincerely yours,
Y/N Abbott
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Bruce stared down at the check. He had barely thought about it when they had been out in the city and once Y/n had sent the letter, he’d dispatched the check without a second thought. 
Clark Kent, who had been present during the discussion about Y/N's shopping woes, entered the study with a knowing expression. "Having trouble with the whole 'helping' thing?" Clark quipped, a  smile playing on his lips.
Bruce sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just wanted to make things a bit easier for her. She didn't have to return the check."
Clark leaned against the desk, crossing his arms. "Bruce, you know Y/N at this point. She's independent and proud. Accepting help might not come naturally to her, especially from someone like you."
Bruce frowned, the frustration evident in his eyes. "But I want to help. She shouldn't have to feel lesser than her peers."
Clark nodded, understanding Bruce's genuine concern. "Maybe it's not about the help itself, but how it's offered. Try sending her a letter with a short note explaining why you sent the check. Make it personal. Sometimes, a few carefully chosen words can make a big difference."
Bruce considered Clark's suggestion, recognizing the wisdom in his friend's advice. "You think that might work?"
"Y/N's a writer, Bruce. Words matter to her. A thoughtful note can make the gesture feel less like charity and more like a friend looking out for another," Clark explained.
Taking a deep breath, Bruce reached for a pen and paper. 
Miss Abbott, I go against my rules by penning this letter but I find myself unable to let this matter go. This check is not charity but a gift from a friend who wishes to see you excel in all matters. I wish you to be able to experience all that your peers are able to. I have never sponsored a woman before and I confess that I lack the knowledge to ensure that you are equal to your peers.  I kindly request that you keep this cheque as an apology for my own failings as your patron.  Mr. Smith
As Bruce sealed the letter, he handed it to Alfred, who was passing by. "Alfred, make sure this gets to Miss Abbott. And let's hope this time, she accepts it."
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telekinetictrait · 10 months
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"I will dip my pen in my own blood if I choose!" (Vendetta; or, the Story of One Forgotten – Marie Corelli, 1886)
i'm not going to lie to you all. this is my least favorite decade of the 1800s... lets get this over with.
also, yes, i know that i used @vintagesimstress's 1799 winter wear, but it reminded me a lot of this tea dress dated from the 1880s, and i wanted to use it! also also, yeah this is the second post today. i haven't burned out on this project yet but lord knows.
so, the 1880s. you see bustles a lot in this decade, as well as a lot of hats over updos. hair was typically pulled into an updo due to the prevalence of high necklines. not fun fact: many bird species became endangered in the 1880s and 1890s due to the demand for feathers for hats. sleeves stayed close to the arms, but would begin to puff as the decade went on. the bustle hit it's peak in the middle of the decade, much like hoops did in the 1860s. as the bustle shrunk, the hemline of the skirt began to widen into the bell shape that is most associated with the late victorian years.
1800-1809 / 1810-1819 / 1820-1829 / 1830-1839 / 1840-1849 / 1850-1859 / 1860-1869 / 1870-1879
cc links under the cut!
see my resources page for genetics
ianthe : linzlu's fancy bonnet / sylvanes' satin and lace bustle dress (tsr download)
ibis : stephanine-sims' sapphire hair / marysims' ida blouse / simverses' aas bustle skirt conversion / zouyou's parasol
idalia : simverses' lily hat conversion / buzzardly28's 1880s hair #2 / lollaleeloosstuff's bustle dress / dancemachinetrait's lavinia gloves
ihintza : the-melancholy-maiden's middle part 19th century snood / chere-indolente's la cueillette des pommes blouse + skirt
ilse : vintagesimstress's 1799 winter wear / dancemachinetrait's lavinia gloves
imogen : kismet-sims' oh cecilia updo / elfdor's patricia ballgown + gloves
irene : elfdor's lady hat v2 (simsfinds download) / hiddenmoonsims4things' victorian town dress
isidore : chere-indolente's la cueillette des pommes cap / saurusness's ruby hair / linzlu's 1880s dress (download here)
ivette : blogsimplesimmer's maria updo / chere-indolente's la mousme blouse + skirt
izolda : the-melancholy-maiden's late victorian hair + hat / emythegamer's charlotte dress
thank you to @linzlu @stephanine-sims @ms-marysims @simverses @buzzardly28 @dancemachinetrait @the-melancholy-maiden @chere-indolente @vintagesimstress @kismet-sims @elfdor @hiddenmoonsims4things @saurusness @blogsimplesimmer and @emy-the-gamer
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stobinesque · 1 year
let me be the void you fill, pt. 1
@steddie-week day 4: familiar | ~2k words | Teen and up title from "I / Me / Myself" by Will Wood
On his way up the path to the small hut he’d gotten Dustin to draw a crude map to, Steve was stopped in his tracks by a lanky black cat that appeared out of nowhere—and then promptly proceeded to wind her way between his legs.
"Well hello there," he said, bending down to extend his hand towards her nose. 
The cat gave his fingers one short, decisive sniff, before bumping her head against them, and resuming her circuitous turn betwixt his ankles.
Steve laughed. "So you mean to hold me hostage, then, is that it?" 
The cat paused to look up at him, features set into what Steve guessed would be a look of utter disdain on a human.
"Okay, okay, bad joke, huh?" The cat slipped out from under his feet just long enough for Steve to crouch all the way down and present his palm to her again. The cat purred this time, and nudged her head up against his palm more firmly, staying still long enough to allow him to pet the top of her head, and scratch behind her ears. "I'm Steve," he offered. "And what's your name, pretty girl?"
"Miriam? Miriam! Where did you run off—oh."
Steve startled at the sudden sound, and glanced up from where the cat was now enthusiastically petting herself against him, to find a witch of about his own height rushing out the hut’s front door. They sported a head full of riotous brown curls, atop which sat a stout, felted witch's hat. In spite of the unseasonable heat, the theurgist was dressed in heavy, ruffled black skirts, and colorfully patched stockings. That had to be why their cheeks were flushed such a pretty shade of pink, right?
Steve pulled himself back up to a standing position, shaking his head as though to clear it of cobwebs. He snapped his mouth shut when he realized it had dropped open of its own accord, and glanced back down at the cat, now rubbing herself up against one leg. "So your name is Miriam?" he asked her.
The cat let out a small merp in reply, as her owner—companion?—continued to stand and stare at Steve from a few steps up the path.
Eddie's day had begun with a series of inauspicious events.
To start with, she had forgotten to leave fir curtains parted in just the right way before bed the night before. So instead of gradually rising with the sun as it crept in on hazy bands of light, fee'd been slapped in the face by the full force of its rays at entirely too early an hour.
And then, when she'd gone out to fetch the laundry, it was to find every single article of clothing still damp—or worse—in spite of the unusually dry heat they’d been having. That left fir with only a pair of (thankfully) threadbare, but (unfortunately) black woolen stockings, a black linen smock, and a set ruffled skirts—of which the relative breeze allowed by its shortened length at the front, was offset by the sheer quantity of its layers—to wear for the day. (The stockings, he supposed, could have been forgotten. But Eddie found themself wandering through thistle paths far too often, and unexpectedly, to not wear something on her legs every day.)
To make matters worse, the moment Miriam’d heard Eddie knocking about, she'd gone ahead and toppled over one of the cauldrons, in a way that signified today was to be a potion-making day. 
Great, so I'm going to be a puddle by midday.
Most days, Eddie could choose the direction of fir practice. But sometimes, for one reason or another—a particular rhyme of the chimes hanging in zir window, the moon hanging low and large and bloody in the night sky, a particular scent in the air—the animus of the world nudged her in a particular direction.
Those days, invariably, sucked.
But still, Eddie bustled around the small cottage—grabbing roots, and herbs, and carefully preserved insect matter—preparing for the day's task. The draught that Eddie felt fumself pushed to brew today was technically complicated, time consuming, and required the assistance of another set of hands. 
Which would be fine. If his familiar hadn't scampered off moments after knocking over the cauldron that morning.
Eddie searched high and low, and into every nook and cranny of the cramped hut—which did not want for hiding places, despite its small footprint—for his erstwhile familiar. Eventually, he had to admit defeat, and determined that she must have gone for a laze about the garden beds—even though she knew full well that they were off limits.
"Miriam?" Eddie called out as he pushed his way outside. Usually the one call was enough to have her trotting back home immediately, shame-faced and caught out. But in keeping with the day’s pattern, nothing was to be so easy. "Miriam!" Eddie called again, growing a touch frustrated. "Where did you run off t—oh." 
Eddie came to an abrupt halt just a few steps up the path from their hut, shocked still by the sight of Miriam letting someone other than themself touch her. And it wasn't just any someone. It was perhaps the most gorgeous someone Eddie had ever laid eyes on: soft brown hair that glinted gold in the sunlight, pretty pink lips rounded into a perfectly round 'O' that just begged to have something shoved between them, and…and Eddie really needed to reign in the excesses of hir thoughts. 
The honey-haired visitor straightened to a standing position and looked down at Miriam with a sweet smile on their face. "So your name is Miriam?" he asked, receiving a soft chirp of confirmation from Miriam in reply. It brought Eddie up short—most strangers didn’t address Miriam directly. Who was this person? Eddie shook his head, honing in on the most mysterious part of the tableau in front of him.
"She's letting you pet her," he marveled. "I think the last person who tried nearly got his arm chewed off for the trouble." Eddie tilted her head and looked the stranger up and down in a way that he knew would be taken for the blatant assessment it was. "She must like you." And Eddie knew that if Miriam trusted someone, then if nothing else, he should trust her—but, well: see above, re: day of inauspicious beginnings. "So what's your name, stranger?" He added just a touch of suspicion to his tone.
"Steve," came the swift reply, immediately followed with an outstretched hand, in spite of the several paces of distance still separating the two of them. "Of the town of Haring," Steve continued. As he spoke, Miriam came slinking back towards Eddie, and settled into a seated position between his feet, gaze fixed intensely at Steve.
"Okay, Steve of Haring." Eddie propped a hand on one hip, still trying to figure out what to make of this visitor. Everything about his day up ‘til now suggested there was something more going on here than met the eye. Even Miriam seemed to think so, if the way she was staring fixedly at Steve’s chest was anything to go by. But Miriam was also clearly fond of this stranger, after only moments of interaction. So there was probably nothing to fear from Steve themself, and, oh, he really needed to confirm how he should be constructing his internal narration regarding this creature— "So how else do you like to be referred to, Steve?"
"Huh?" Steve’s brow furrowed in confusion.
"Well, I can't very well keep going around calling you 'the stranger' in my head now, can I?"
Steve shrugged. "You could just think of me as ‘Steve,’" Steve said with an adorable little head tilt. 
"This is true, but it does get repetitive after a while. Which, of course, is alright, if that’s what you prefer. But I usually find that a pronoun or two often helps things along."
"Oh!" Steve snapped their fingers and pointed at Eddie with excitement at their sudden understanding. "You can use ‘he’ and ‘him’ and stuff to think and talk about me. That's what everyone else does."
"And…is that what you want everyone else to do?"
Steve shrugged. "I don't really care, I suppose. It's just…easier this way."
Eddie frowned. "And you don't think that's boring? Why limit yourself to the confines of expectation if it doesn't make you happy?"
Steve blew a gust of air between his lips and ran a hand through his hair. "I guess you could say that's part of why I'm here, really."
Eddie raised a brow. "Oh?"
Steve waved a hand as though to bat the matter away as unimportant. "Yeah, but we're getting ahead of ourselves." Steve crossed his arms over his chest and regarded Eddie with an interest all his own. "How should I be thinking about you?"
Eddie flipped a lock of hair over one shoulder, and tossed zir sauciest smile Steve's way. "You can think of me any way you like, handsome."
The bright pink flush that swept across Steve's face—and the awkward stammering that followed—were truly the highlight of Eddie's day thus far. (Unfortunately, that was an embarrassingly low bar to clear—but, on the other hand, Steve's blush-and-stammer combo had just set it at a lifetime high. Ah, Life and Her various vagaries.)
"That's not what I meant "
"Oh I know, stranger. But that is the answer to what you did mean, anyhow, so it didn't seem prudent to pass up such a delicious opportunity to be a shameless flirt."
Steve wrinkled his nose. "Charming."
"Why yes, that is one of the things you could call me," Eddie shot back with an impish grin. 
Steve laughed. "You're a bit of an asshole, aren't you?"
"I've been called worse," fee replied with a small shrug. "...and a lot better," she added with an exaggerated wink.
"Okay, but, really, how should I—? What should I—?"
Eddie waved a dismissive hand of their own. "Think of—and refer to—me however you like: he, them, hers, zir," Eddie shrugged. "It's all the same to me. Though I must confess I've grown partial to ‘fee, fi, fo, fum’."
The bright, bursting bubble of a giggle this provoked could have fueled Eddie's strongest cheering charm. "You can't be serious!"
"Deadly so, I'm afraid. Although in practice it’s more like ‘fee, fum, fir, fos’."  
"Hmmm, okay. I like it." Steve reached up to tuck his hair back behind both ears at once. "What about your name?"
"What of it, pretty boy?" Eddie asked, just to see the rosy blush spread across the apples of Steve's cheeks again.
"Could I have it?"
"Could you have it? What, to keep? Are you a faerie, Steve? If you're a faerie you have to tell me, or else it's entrapment."
"No, I'm not a faerie. But I'm also pretty sure that's not how any of that works."
"That sounds exactly like something a faerie would say," Eddie shot back, jabbing an accusatory finger Steve’s way.
Steve shook his head, but there was a delighted grin on his face and a soft chuckle rising from his throat. "I just want to stop having to cycle through various iterations of 'hot witch,' in my own thoughts," he admitted.
"Oooh, well now I'm curious—how dirty and creative did you get there?"
Steve's smile shifted into something more like a smirk. "Mmm…'beddable horror specks'?"  
Eddie threw his head back in a wild laugh that sent fir hat flying. "I think you mean haruspex—which isn't accurate, anyway; I prefer not to go around reading rabbit entrails—but that was good!"
"And?" Steve asked with a wheedling-but-cheery, sort of tone. "Could I get a name in reward? Something to call you by, in the heat of the moment?"
"Well, I must confess that now I'm even more curious about what you’d come up with if left to your own devices—but I suppose if you must have something to scream into the rafters while I ravish you: Eddie, son and/or daughter and/or corrupted offspring of the Moon, at your service." Hat no longer on her head to tip in Steve direction, Eddie instead swept down into a low bow, one arm extended out toward Steve in invitation.
stay tuned for part two tomorrow!
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bitchinfawkseh · 2 months
Heaven Knows Your Name, I've Been Praying: Chapter 16
Summary: Cheryl and Dean find themselves at a frat party on Halloween in hunt for a ghost.
W.C: 5742
Warnings: N/A
[A/N] this chapter was so fun to write!!! Cheryl's Halloween costume is a reference to the movie Bandidas that Salma Hayek stared in
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They'd been tracking this ghost in California for a couple of days now, it had killed the previous couple that resided in an old home. A poltergeist, a quick salt and burn, nothing to worry about. The poltergeist had a schedule it liked to stick to. It came around every year on October thirty-first, Halloween, which was today, and it killed whoever resided in the home. But, the house was now owned by a fraternity, and luckily for them, they were throwing a Halloween party that gave them the perfect chance to end the ghost for good. 
Cheryl set a beige cowboy hat on her head and adjusted her hair. She had claimed the bathroom, she was a woman, and she got first dibs anyway. She wanted something practical but sexy to wear for this case, so obviously she had to choose the cowgirl costume. It showed off plenty of cleavage but had a proper pair of pants so she could still move around. Cheryl pouted her lips together and swiped some lip gloss along her bottom lip. She felt good about herself – desirable – maybe Dean would finally kiss her. He was a man, it was his job to make the first move. It was a little old-fashioned, but it was what she liked in romantic relationships. She liked to be treated like a princess – within reason.
“Cher, you ready?” Dean's voice sounded from outside the door. He was a little buzzed, she could tell because he slurred her name a little. But, she found Dean worked better when he was a little buzzed – plus, it was a frat party they were going to. They had to blend in. Cheryl tucked her clear lip gloss into one of the pockets on the sides of her jeans and fluffed up her hair one final time. “Yeah! Just a second.” She called back. She didn't tell Dean what she decided to dress as, she decided to keep it a surprise. It made him a little ticked off at first – because she bought him and Sam matching costumes as well. Mario and Luigi. But, he was excited to see what she chose. Maybe a sexy nurse, or cop, or a devil! The choices were endless. 
The door clicked open and Dean's eyes widened when Cheryl stepped out of the bathroom looking gorgeous as ever. A cowgirl… He flushed and tugged at the collar of his shirt, he only decided to wear the hat from his Mario costume, the other stuff was too small. “C–Cher.” He stammered, cringing when his voice cracked. Cheryl only smiled and did a small twirl for him, flaunting her backside to him which only made his butterflies worse. “You like?” She asked. 
“Yeah!” He answered quickly. Dean swiped his tongue across his bottom lip as he focused on her ass in those jeans. They were high-waisted, tight around the butt but the legs were wide and flared with plenty of pockets and cow print accents. She looked great. “You look…” 
“Beautiful.” He corrected. Cheryl blushed and tucked her hair behind her ears. She couldn't help but smile, being called beautiful made her feel beautiful. “Gracias.” She whispered.
Her arms awkwardly dropped to her sides and she bit her lower lip. “Where's the rest of your costume?” She asked. 
“Didn't fit.” He answered, tucking his hands into his pockets. Cheryl frowned and looked everywhere but at Dean, she was a little shy after his compliment. “Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't sure what would fit.” 
“It's okay,” He smiled, “Sammy and Carlos are waiting for us outside, let's go.” 
Cheryl nodded, “Okay, you know – today is the Day of the Dead? It's a Mexican holiday.” 
“Oh yeah, I've heard of that. What do you do on the Day of the Dead?” He asked. 
“We honour the family members that are no longer with us, visit their plots and decorate them with sugar skulls and flowers. My Mother and Rosità and I used to wear costumes that we made together and baked all day before we got together with family.” Cheryl explained. She glanced up at him, smiling when she saw that he was listening to her every word intently. “You'd like it, I think.” 
Dean smiled gently, “It sounds nice.” 
“You'd also like what we do for Christmas, we have parades – parties, we even set off fireworks. It's a big deal.” She raved. Dean cocked a brow and took his hands out of his pockets. “Yeah? Do you miss it? Mexico I mean.” 
“Sometimes… not really though.” 
“Why not?” 
“Bad memories.” She answered simply. Silently telling him that she didn't want to talk about Mexico anymore. 
Dean paced towards the door and grasped the door handle. He held the door open for Cheryl before walking out himself, he had to be chivalrous. He has to court her.
 Cheryl quickly thanked him before jogging over to Carlos. He had on a pirate's hat with a skull and crossbones on the front. She was a little disappointed that his costume was so boring. “Hey,” She whispered, “did you get the stuff?” She asked. Carlos nodded and glanced around before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small tin. He handed it to her and she cracked open the tin, grinning when she saw half a dozen pre-rolled joints. “Sweet, it's safe, right?” 
“Of course, it is. Alejandro sent it, it's medical stuff.” He replied with a scoff. Cheryl pursed her lips together and nodded, it's been a while since she smoked weed, but she was excited to try it again. She glanced back up at Carlos, “Can I take one now?” 
“I mean, if you want. I'd save it for later though.” He said. 
Cheryl sighed, “Yeah… you're right.” She closed the lid and made sure it clicked shut before passing it back to Carlos. Hunting while high was a bad idea. 
She tucked her hands into her back pockets and tilted her head, “Is Sam gonna ride with you?” She questioned. Carlos nodded and looked back at the motel, “Yeah, he decided to change out of his costume when he learned that Dean was just gonna wear the hat.” He turned to look back down at her and grinned knowingly. “You and Dean are gonna ride together… alone… huh?” 
She blushed, “Guess so… it's probably gonna be awkward though.” 
“Oh, no it won't. Don't be dramatic. You know what you should ask him – ask him why he's such a bitch.” 
Cheryl glanced over at Dean and her lips thinned, they'd been silent for the majority of the car ride, and things were getting awkward now. She glanced down at her thighs and sucked in a breath, trying to think of a conversation starter. She swallowed hard and pursed her lips together. “A–are you excited for the party?” She asked. 
“Yeah, never been to a frat party.” He grinned. 
“Seriously? I would've thought that you totally have gone to one before.” 
“Never went to college, remember?” Dean chuckled. He set one of his hands on his thigh and tapped his fingers against his jeans. “Are you excited?” 
“Sorta, it's mostly a job for us.” 
They fell into another spell of silence, but this time it was a little less awkward. They were almost at the frat house, just a couple more minutes and they were fine. Carlos and Sam were good buffers – they made things less awkward. She and Dean were good friends – great friends – before she caught feelings, and now things were weird. Things were mostly fine when they were drunk together – but they couldn't be drunk all of the time. Cheryl glanced up at him, suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling of anxiety. Did he know that she liked him? Was he trying to tell her that he wasn't interested? Was he mad at her? Cheryl shyly looked down at her feet, “Are you mad at me?” She asked quietly. 
Dean's eyes widened and his heart dropped, why did she think that he was mad at her? “I– no, no I'm not mad at you, Cher. Why the hell do you think I'm mad at you?” 
“I dunno… we just… we don't talk like we used to. Everything is so awkward now – and it's like… ugh, I don't know.” 
“Things are just complicated right now, it's nothing you did.” He muttered. He crept down the street in the Impala, looking for an empty parking spot. The streets were lined with cars, probably for the frat party. Cheryl sighed, “Oh… well, if there's anything that I can do for you, let me know.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks.” 
Cheryl knew that the complicated thing was likely about the deal that he made. She didn't know why he made the deal, only that he had a year left. To be honest, she was waiting for him to tell her on his own time, but it was taking a lot longer than she hoped. All she knew was that he had a year left because of a demon deal, and she wanted to make the most of that year. She wanted to be with him if he'd still have her after everything. 
“Okay, I got the salt, lighter and gasoline,” Sam said as he checked through the backpack he was going to carry around the party. Cheryl nodded and crossed her arms square against her chest, they knew which house it was – lights were flashing from inside the house and music was blaring. It seemed the neighbours were either at the party or didn't care. “Do we know where the body is?” She asked. Sam and Carlos both shook their heads, all they knew was that Margaret May's remains were somewhere in the house. “Our best guess is the attic or the walls.” 
Dean's eyebrows raised, “The walls?” 
“Margaret May was a schizophrenic woman in the mid eighteen hundreds, husband's of mentally ill wives often kept them in hidden rooms behind the walls,” Carlos replied. 
Cheryl frowned, “That's so sad…” 
“Yeah, if you were still my wife I would have stuffed you in the walls a long time ago.” Carlos snorted. Cheryl rolled her eyes and ignored his comment, “Okay, anyway. So our best bet is a secret room behind the walls?” 
“Yup,” Sam said. He swung the backpack over so he could loop his arm through the last strap. “We should split up, cover more ground in the house. It's huge and busy.” Sam added. Carlos nodded in agreement and glanced down at Cheryl and Dean. He and Sam discussed on the way over a perfect plan to get them to talk to each other and work together. It was fool-proof, nothing could go wrong. “Sam and I will check out the first floor and the basement, you guys check upstairs.” He smirked. Dean cocked a brow, seemingly not noticing that Cheryl flushed and was glaring at Carlos. “You guys are gettin’ pretty close, huh?” He asked, his eyes landing on Sam who only shrugged. 
“Yeah, Carlos is cool.” 
“Yeah,” Carlos jutted his thumb towards Sam, “and he's better than you.” 
Dean's lips thinned, “Yeah, all right.” 
“Carlos, stop being rude to Dean. He has done nothing to you, so quit it.” Cheryl hissed. She has had it with Carlos being mean to Dean, it wasn't funny anymore. He sighed, “Okay, I'm sorry, Dean.” 
“Uh, thanks.” He replied. Carlos gestured towards Cheryl and pursed his lips together. “I'm doing you a favour anyway, she can see ghosts and all.” He said nonchalantly, assuming that they already knew. Sam and Dean's jaws went slack and their eyes widened. Cheryl could see ghosts? “She can do what–” Dean started. 
Cheryl raised her hands quickly, “Barely – it's just a little clairvoyance. All of the women in my family have the gift, some stronger than others.” She explained. “I'm more in tune with energies than seeing the actual ghosts.” 
“What the fuck?” Dean squinted. A chick who could sense ghosts – a hunter who could sense ghosts, was hot. Cheryl just became even sexier to him somehow. 
“So you can sense energies?” Sam asked. “Does it make the job easier for you?” 
“Sometimes, most of the time I clue in too late, don't realize or it isn't useful.” She explained. Cheryl let her arms fall to rest at her side and exhaled heavily. “But enough about me, we should head inside, the faster we get rid of this thing, the sooner we can party.” She said giddily. 
“I like the way you think,” Dean smirked. He glanced at Sam and Carlos, “You heard her, let's get going.” 
They walked up the front steps to the house, all excited for their own reasons. A very drunk young man with bleached yellow hair and ski goggles sat perched on a stool by the open front door. He belched, “Hey! No entry if you ain't got anything good.” They could give them the weed that they have… but Cheryl did not want to do that. She glanced around and pouted her lips together before taking a step forward. She lifted the hem of her shirt along with her bra, flashing the frat bro for a couple of seconds before lowering her shirt again. He seemed starstruck for a couple of seconds, his mouth hung open and his eyes were still settled on her chest. Quickly, the frat bro shook his head and grinned. “Go on in.” He said. 
Cheryl smiled wide and turned on her heel to face the three boys. “Come on.” She chirped before strolling into the house. Dean and Sam were a little starstruck themselves, Carlos on the other hand was used to her antics. Sam looked over at Dean and snorted, “Hey, maybe you'll get your turn soon.” He joked. 
“Shut the hell up.” Dean huffed. 
Neon lights flashed and EDM music blared through the house, it felt as if it were shaking the floorboards. Cheryl wrinkled her nose and stepped over a puddle of chunky vomit. They could just barely hear some sexual moaning over the music – which was to be expected. People had sex at parties. “God, this was never my scene.” She muttered. 
“What?!” Dean yelled. He raised his finger to his ear and yelled again: “I can't hear you!” 
“I said this was never my scene!”
“Oh!” He sucked in a breath and squinted down at her, this music was really loud. “I still can't hear you!” He said. Cheryl sighed and rolled her eyes, she looked around for any room that didn't have sex sounds coming from it. Without another thought, Cheryl took his hand and pulled him into an empty closet across the hall. 
Thankfully, it was a little spacious, given the fact that it was a walk-in – but with all of the useless crap on the shelves, it sort of squished them together. Cheryl panted and bit her lip, “Oh geez…” She whispered. Dean let out a little groan and backed as far away from her as he could. It didn't do much, but at least he wasn't touching her anymore. “Right, what were you saying so we can get outta here?” He asked hoarsely. He could barely see her, except for when little flashes of blue and green lights would shine from the crack under the door. Those would illuminate her face and make her lips gleam. “Oh… I was just saying that this isn't really my scene.” She replied. Cheryl tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “And we've searched most of the upstairs, except for some of the rooms… and you know why. I don't think the secret room is up here.” 
He sighed, “Maybe… we should go find Sam and Carlos. Maybe they found the room.” 
Dean grasped the doorknob and attempted to twist it, but it wouldn't budge. His brows furrowed and he pulled on it hard, “What the fuck – this thing is locked.” He growled. 
“What? No, it's not.” Cheryl took a turn trying to get the door open but to no avail. Her lips parted and she flicked her eyes up to meet his, and in unison, they both said: “Shit.” 
Sam aimed the flashlight down either end of the dimly lit basement littered with Halloween decorations. “What do you think they're doing?” He asked. Carlos let out a laugh and peeked under the stairs, there were many things that they could be doing. “Probably fucking.” He answered. 
Sam wrinkled his nose, “Ew.” 
“Hey, you know it's likely.” 
“I mean, yeah. But it's gross thinking about it. That's my brother and friend.” 
“Oh, yeah. I know.” He snorted. “But hey, if it makes ‘em happy.” He said. Sam nodded in agreement, if Cheryl and Dean were happy together (finally), he was happy for them. He'd seen them act like weird teenagers with crushes for way too long. 
“Who do you think is gonna kiss who first?” Sam asked. Carlos pursed his lips together and shrugged, it could be either of them. “Cheryl, surprisingly.” 
“Really? I think Dean will.” 
“Wanna bet on it?” 
“How much?” 
“An even twenty.” He shrugged. Carlos outstretched his hand for them to “shake on it,” a common thing he did when making bets. Sam took his hand and squeezed it as he shook it, “Deal.” 
Dean and Cheryl sat side-by-side, which was the last thing that either of them wanted. She had butterflies in her stomach and goosebumps on her skin, and his ears were tinged red and his heart was beating a million miles an hour. They tried getting out, yelling for help, and calling Sam and Carlos numerous times, but nothing. The music was too loud, and they were stuck in here for the time being. At least when they were stuck in the basement with Casey, they had room to roam. “So, um…” Cheryl started. She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth and nibbled on it, focusing on the lights under the crack under the door. “Have you ever thought about going to a concert? Like Metallica or something?” 
“Uh, nah,” Dean answered. 
“Really? Why?” 
“Dunno, nobody I liked happened to be playing at the same time I was there.” 
“Oh,” Cheryl whispered. 
“I'd like to go to a concert, maybe for Bon Jovi or Def Leppard.” She said. Cheryl reluctantly glanced up at him and smiled faintly. Dean cocked a brow and grinned, “Def Leppard is good… Pour Some Sugar On Me… Woman… Hysteria… Love Bites…” He trailed off. 
“You like Def Leppard?” 
“Wouldn't be my first choice, but yeah.” 
“Your first choice is probably Led Zeppelin, huh?” Cheryl smiled. 
“You remembered that?” 
“Yup, it's all you ever play in the Impala most of the time. Hard to forget.” 
Dean chuckled, “Guess so…” He inhaled deeply and glanced around the cramped closet. “So, uh,” He looked back at her, “how's your Mom?” 
“Oh, she's good. She finally got a phone so we talk a lot now.” 
“She didn't have a phone before?” 
“Had to sell it for some of Rosità's funeral costs.” 
Cheryl picked at the chipped nail polish on her fingernails and chewed on her bottom lip. She had gotten so used to not being around or hearing from her Mom all the time, she forgot that she missed her until they started talking over the phone weekly. “You know, she keeps asking about you.” She said. 
Dean's brows shot up, “Oh yeah? What does she say?” He asked. 
“Mostly asks how you are, if you're eating good ‘n stuff… she also asks if we're dating.” Dean was silent for a moment, it was nice that Maria cared to ask how he was, but what got him was her thinking that they were together. To be honest, he liked that she thought that. “...Do you want to be?” He asked hoarsely. Her breath caught and her eyes widened, she couldn't believe her ears. “What?” 
“Do you wanna… you know. Date?” Dean repeated. He felt like a loser asking a girl out like this, this wasn't flirty or sexy. Hell – it was so bad that he'd understand if she said no. 
Cheryl's eyes flickered up to his face, searching it for any sign of deceit, but when she saw nothing but sincerity, her heart soared. Her tongue swiped across her bottom lip and she slowly nodded. “Si… I do.” She whispered finally. Dean leaned closer to her as if he were a moth to a flame, completely enamoured by her. “Yeah?” He breathed. His breath fanned across her lips and she nodded again. Instead of tensing, she relaxed. “Si, and I promise you I won't leave this time. It's my fault we never got to go on that date, ojos de angel…” She purred softly. He grinned gently, his gaze still stuck on her face. He's wanted to hear that for so long, that promise. A promise that she wouldn't leave. “What does that mean? Ojos de angel?” He asked. Cheryl crept closer to his face, “Guess.”
“Sweetheart?” Dean whispered. 
She smiled softly, “No…” 
He could feel the warmth coming from her mouth now, she was so close, yet so far from where he wanted. Dean swallowed, “Darling?” 
“No…” Cheryl stared up at him through her lashes, “It means angel eyes.” She said. And at last, she gently pressed her lips against his, and he could have sworn that the Earth had stopped spinning on its axis. 
Sam jumped when an animatronic clown suddenly came to life and crackled beside him. “Holy shit–” He stammered, stumbling back into a laughing Carlos. Sam hates clowns, and he hates them even more when they jump out at him. Carlos wheezed and slapped his stomach, “Oh fuck! That was glorious.” 
“It was not!” Sam said, exasperated. 
“Chicken shit scared of clowns!” He snorted. Carlos shook his head and ran his fingers through the ends of his tightly curly hair. “Oh man, phew. That was funny.” He sighed. 
A ghastly-looking woman descended the stairs in a white nightgown. She had frazzled hair sunken eyes, and deep laceration marks and rashes around her wrists. Her cracked blue lips parted as she glanced around the room. A ghost haunting a fraternity house, how humorous. 
A man with skull face paint smeared all over his face looked the woman up and down before giving her a thumbs up. “Sick costume!” He exclaimed. The woman tilted her head and squinted at him, he looked real enough, but the facepaint was what confused her. “I am not ill.” She echoed. The frat bros brows knitted together and he nodded slowly. “Uh, okay…” He muttered. As the man walked away, she raised her chin before fading away into nothing, as if she were never there. It was time for the hunt: the hunt of those residing in the house. It was her house, her home, and there were strangers in it. She had to protect her home. 
Unfortunately for Sam and Carlos, they didn't notice the ghost's appearance. It was a Halloween party, with tons of people, it'd be impressive if they did notice her. 
Cheryl straddled Dean's lap, her lips working over his fervently and with such passion that Dean thought it may be a dream. He threaded his hands through her hair and urged her closer to him, desperate to feel every inch of her soft skin. “Cher…” He murmured. Cheryl cupped his cheek and stroked it sweetly as she pulled back briefly. “You okay?” She asked gently. Even though she doubted that he wanted to stop, she still wanted to make sure. His comfort meant everything to her. Dean grinned and nodded, “Oh yeah, I'm perfect.” He said before leaning in to kiss her again. His hands settled on her hips and he started to get a little too excited when she pressed her hands square against his chest and pinned him to the shelves. 
Dean panted against her lips and his brows furrowed when a weird sphere object dug into his lower back. At first, he tried to ignore it, but it was getting pretty annoying. He pecked her lips one last time and reluctantly pulled back, “Hold on,” He grumbled. 
“What's wrong?” Cheryl asked. He reached behind him and felt at the little knob. “Something's digging into my back,” Dean muttered. He twisted it and the wall behind him gave out unexpectedly. Dean fell back and smoked his head and fingers off of the shelf when he ducked Cheryl's head down to his chest so she wouldn't get hurt. “Holy fuck.” Dean groaned. Cheryl gasped and her eyes widened, she had lost her hat during their makeout session and fall, but that was the least of her worries.
 “Oh shit, are you okay?” Cheryl asked. He blinked hard and glanced up at her, “Think so.” He muttered. Now that he confirmed he was okay, she was hyper-aware of the fact that she was completely on top of him. Her knees were on either side of his hips, her chest pressed against him, and their noses centimetres apart from each other. Sure, they had just shared their first kiss, but they were far from where being on top of one another would happen. Cheryl flushed deeply, “Sorry.” Dean only smirked, “Nah, I like a woman on top. It's… hot.” 
“Dean, we are not having sex in here.” 
“Hey, you mentioned it. Not me.” He raised his hands in defence. Cheryl rolled her eyes and looked up to the wall that seemingly just caved in. “Wait…” She whispered. Cheryl slid off of him and army crawled towards the small dark opening. “I think this is the secret room!” 
She crawled through the door and climbed to her feet, feeling around the ripped wallpaper to try and find a light switch. “Dean!” Cheryl whisper-shouted. Suddenly, his hot breath fanned down her neck, “What?” He whispered back. Cheryl flinched and clenched her jaw, “Don't do that. You scared me.” 
“Sorry.” He snorted. He reached into his pocket and flicked open his lighter. The tiny flame illuminated a small portion of the room, they could see the vague outlines of furniture. Cheryl glanced around and rubbed her dust-covered hands on her pants. She felt around the dresser in the corner of the room and let out a relieved sigh when she grasped a candle stick. “Here, I found a candle. Light me up.” She outstretched her hands towards Dean and he quickly flicked the flame from the lighter over the candle wick which caught fire almost immediately. 
“Gracias.” Cheryl smiled faintly. Dean sent her a nod and brushed past her, continuing to search the room. “So, why do you think Marge is killing all these folks who buy the house?” He asked in an attempt to make conversation. 
“Her name is Margaret, and she was a mentally ill woman whose husband abused her and kept her locked up in this room… she probably thinks people are trying to hurt her.” Dean was silent for a moment, a little taken aback by the empathy she had for the ghost. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and nodded slowly. “Yeah, maybe. But hey, at least she'll be at rest when we salt and burn her bones, right?” 
When Cheryl didn't reply, he spun around to look at her. His brows raised when he noticed that she stood over a small bed in the corner. In the bed lay brittle bones draped in the nightgown that Margaret died in. She had leather cuffs looped around her wrists that were attached to the bed. Margaret May, the schizophrenic woman who was terribly mistreated by the man who was supposed to love and protect her. Margaret May, starved to death after her husband strapped her down and abandoned the home. Cheryl's lips thinned and she set the candlestick into a candle holder on the nightstand. “Help me move the bed away from the wall, don't want the house to catch fire.” She sighed. Dean flipped the lighter shut and tucked it into his pocket before moving to the headboard of the bed. “You get the footboard.” He said, jutting his chin forward. 
Cheryl crouched down and tucked her fingers under the base of the bed and Dean did the same. They counted to three before both lifting at the same time and shimmying back to set the bed down in the middle of the room. Cheryl swallowed hard and crossed her arms against her chest, “Do you mind if I say a prayer for her?” She asked quietly. 
“No, uh, go ahead…” He murmured. Cheryl nodded and took a hesitant step forward, crossing herself and then the remains of Margaret. She whispered in Spanish a Catholic prayer, a way of showing respect for Margaret. 
The candle on the nightstand flickered and the creaking of the rocking chair facing the back wall started to sound. Cheryl's eyes widened and she slowly turned, the apparition of Margaret sat in the rocking chair. Her fluffy hair poked through the bars of the chair and all she did was hum. Dean gulped and shot Cheryl a look, Margaret was a bit unpredictable as a human, even more so now. “My love, my love, my love…” Margaret hummed. She stopped rocking in the chair and stopped humming. “Where is my husband? I miss him.” She croaked. She looked over her shoulder at Cheryl and Dean and blinked slowly. “There are people in my home, I am scared. I need my husband.” 
Cheryl straightened her posture, “Your husband? He went to work, Margaret, he'll be home soon.” She soothed. Margaret beamed and rose out of her spot, padding towards Cheryl carefully. “Really? Oh… I best go to bed then. He will be home when I wake up and he will send our guests away.” 
Without another word, Margaret climbed into bed and became one with her remains. The candle stopped flickering almost immediately, and the eerie vibe was no longer in the room. Dean opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly the bed erupted into flames. He jumped back, his eyes blown wide. A ghost had never taken care of its remains before, this was a first. Cheryl exhaled sharply and squinted at the flames. “She wanted to go…” She whispered, slightly shocked. Dean's lips parted and he swallowed, “I haven't ever seen a ghost do that before, have you?” 
“No… I haven't.” 
Dean's phone buzzed in his pocket and he hastily fished it out, not even bothering to look at who was calling before picking up. “Sam?!” 
“Oof, wrong.” Carlos chuckled. Dean's face fell and his lips thinned into a straight line. Carlos sighed, “Where the hell are you guys?” 
“Found the room upstairs, burned the old gals bones. The door we came in through is locked though so can ya come let us out?” 
“Sure thing, buddy.” 
None of them were in the mood to stick around for the rest of the party, so they decided to go back to the motel and turn in early. Sam and Carlos went to grab food after changing, leaving Cheryl and Dean alone yet again. 
Cheryl set a pink rose in front of a small oval photo frame with a portrait of a beaming young woman with eyes full of life. Carefully, she lit the small tea light and set it beside the photograph and clasped her hands in her lap before smiling softly. The shower squeaked as the water stopped running, but she wasn't worried about Dean finding her like this. Honouring her sister's memory. 
“Rosità… I miss you.” She started hoarsely. Cheryl tucked her hair behind her ear and stared into her dark eyes in the photograph. “Mom does too. I'm sure she lit a candle for you today.” She added. The bathroom door swung open and Dean emerged, rubbing his head with a towel aggressively to dry his short hair. He glanced up, and when he noticed the small altar that Cheryl was sitting in front of, he stopped. “Hey… what's that?” He asked. 
“A memorial. For Rosità.” Cheryl answered with a soft smile. Dean pursed his lips together and nodded slowly before coming to park next to her on the edge of the bed. He'd never seen a picture of Rosità before, she looked quite like Cheryl. Just… happier. 
She inhaled deeply and leaned forward to rest her elbows on her knees. She changed into something more comfortable while Dean was showering – an oversized t-shirt (courtesy to Carlos) and sweats. “I have an extra candle… if you wanna light one for your Dad.” Cheryl offered. Dean scoffed and shook his head before tossing the wet towel onto an empty chair. “Nah, thanks though.” He answered. 
They fell into a spell of silence, but this time it wasn't as awkward. Cheryl swiped her tongue across her bottom lip before biting it. “So, we kissed.” She whispered. He nodded and pursed his lips together, “We did…” 
Silence again. 
“I liked it.” Cheryl confessed. She glanced up at him, meeting his eyes and showing nothing but sincerity. “I like you.” She added. Dean swallowed hard and his heart started to race, he felt the same… it was just hard to say. So, all he said was: “Me too.” Dean averted his eyes to his feet and set a hand on his knee. “It wasn't just the closet talkin’. I wanna… you know, date you.” He said finally. 
“Can I ask what that means?” 
“Like… is it open… are you gonna hook up with other girls – because I'm not for that.” 
“Fuck no!” He blurted. Dean's lips thinned and his brows furrowed, he didn't want to be seeing anyone else. He didn't want to hook up with other girls anymore. “I'd like to be exclusive…” 
“Like boyfriend and girlfriend?” 
“If you want labels… yeah. I guess boyfriend and girlfriend.” He grinned a little. Cheryl smiled and lifted her hand to set it on his thigh. “Yes, I'd like that.” 
He dipped down and peered into her eyes, a soft smile on his face. “So…” He trailed off. 
“So?” Cheryl beamed. 
“Can I kiss you this time?” Dean asked. Somehow, her elated grin widened and she nodded excitedly. “Si… you may,” Cheryl whispered against his lips. Without wasting another second, he pressed his lips against hers and cupped her face in his hands, holding her as if she were porcelain. And for the first time in a while, Dean felt alive. 
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bugzzzzx · 6 months
~ଘ The Day ଘ~ (Spinner fic p.2)
Link to the fic on wattpad! :
And link to p.1 aswell! : https://www.tumblr.com/bugzzzzx/735139734431694848
TW: Strong lang, Some fluff ?? ( '・ω・)
Apologies for slow uploads writers block.
It had officially became the next day, you managed to get some sleep that night although being overwhelmed by the conversation you had with Spinner the previous night.
Kurogiri usually wakes up before everyone in the house second to him being you, then Mr. Compress, Dabi & Spinner, Toga, Twice, and lastly Shigaraki.
You'd think the leader of the l.o.v would be the first to be up and preping things for the day but that was rather the opposite of the case.
You wake up to the sound of your alarm going off at an early time of 6:00Am you get out of bed and shut it off, stretching as you walk over to your closet to get ready for today.
A pair of black cargo shorts and a tank top is what you end up choosing, comfortable enough to train in but it still looks good.
*You finish getting dressed and put back your hair so it's out of your face while training*
As you walk out of your room quietly down the hallway you spot Kurogiri at the bar with a hot cup of coffee making lists for Shigaraki to not follow as he never listened to Kurogiri's advice.
*You sit down at the bar, bouncing your leg slightly*
"Morning.. "
"Good morning" Kurogiri says politely
"Would you care for coffee this morning"
He gestures to the coffee maker.
"Sure, I need something to keep me up"
As Kurogiri makes your coffee you then hear Mr. Compress coming down the hallway. He was dressed in a button up shirt and black pants with a sleek brown belt and of course his hat.
"Gooood morning!"
He announced a little louder than need be. He was always in a loud and bright mood in the mornings.
"Good morning"
You and Kurogiri responded back.
Mr. Compress was always in a rush to be somewhere in the morning as well, where that was you didn't know.
"Your coffees done"
Kurogiri placed your coffee down gently on the counter next to you.
"Thank you sir"
As you pick up your coffee blowing on it
Mr. Compress is already heading out of the door.
Dabi now entering the room without you even taking a notice due to how quiet he was, takes a seat at the bar.
"Would you like anything" Kurogiri asks.
"No I'm fine" He replied as he lite a cigarette.
"I already tried waking up Toga, she didn't budge"
He looked up a Kurogiri.
"That's fine let her rest then"
Kurogiri assured while wiping down a tall glass.
Dabi may not have spoke much to the rest of the league but he did have a tendency to treat Toga as if she were his little sister.
Waking her up on time and buying her treats when the league was out on a mission.
You hear a doorknob turn and Spinner appears in your sight as you turn around to see who it is, he gave you a slight wave and sat down a chair from you at the bar.
He was wearing a loose tank top and some black sweat pants with his hair tied back with a strand of cloth similar to the one he wore in his costume.
"Morning guys" He glances at you and smiles.
"Good morning" You replied smiling back as you sipped your coffee.
"Ready for training?"
*You give him a small nod and finish up the rest of your coffee*
You and Spinner head out of the building and walk some ways to an empty parking lot about a block down from where the l.o.v's base was..
"Finally were here, damn" Spinner says a bit out of breath as he decided to jog as well down the way.
"you that tired already?" You tease him a bit..
"Oh shut it you barely ran" he rolls his eyes jokingly
"Sureee, well let's get started. What'd you have in mind?"
"Well just sparing first and then maybe quirk training, if your up for it of course" He smiles
"Ok sounds good to me"
*You both square up and get into your preferred positions*
As some time passes you and Spinner become rather tired out from the training, the sun now setting.
(I am not abt to try and write out a fight seen sorry 😭)
"Fuck.." Spinner huffs out sweating and trying to gather his words.
"Your fucking strong" Spinner stands up from bending down on his knees looking at you.
"Thanks... same to you" You say leaning your weight onto one leg catching your breath.
"You ready to head back yet?" He asks implying a bit of self want as well.
"Yeah I'm tired" You respond truthfully taking a sip of water from your cup.
"This time no running though" You say teasing as you smile at him.
"I don't think I could run if I tired" He replied still catching his breath as he let out a small laugh.
You both exchange a smile and head back to the base. As your walking you happen to bump into him not paying close attention to where your placing your steps.
"Oh, sorry..!" You apologize not making eye contact with him.
"It's fine" He gives you a nudge on the forarm.
"Hey, Um..would you maybe wanna do this again or.. Go out like this another time?"
He asks you looking the other direction as he fixes his hair.
You cover your mouth in shock..he actually wants to hang out again?! You think to yourself whilst trying to come up with a seemingly normal response that's not to eager.
"I would love to, thanks" You mutter out your face growing a slight shade redder than before from training.
"Sounds good, we're almost home"
As you both arrive up to the door step he stops you grabbing your arm for a moment.
"Um by the way.. I was wondering if we could, maybe go out for reasons other than training.. i-if it's okay with you of course!.."
He asks almost in a jittery nervous way...
"Oh.. Yes I would like that actually" You reply looking down at your feet, as your heart races.
"Ok cool!..." He opens up the door holding it open for you.
As you both step in you find Toga and Dabi at the bar exchanging words and Mr. Compress and Twice playing Uno this time around, of course Shigaraki no where in sight.
"Oh! Welcome back you two~!" Toga says as she turns around glaring at you playfully.
"I was wondering where you two have been aaalll day, Kurogiri said you had left early this morning with Spinner" She was obviously teasing at you.
"You would have known we went for training if you weren't sleeping" You respond to her rolling your eyes.
"Enough Toga"
Dabi looks at you from acrosses the room helping you out a bit with her persistent nagging.
Spinner and you both take a seat at one of the tables in the room...
"So.. Uh you wanna discuss the plans for us going out again?"
*You look up at him attempting to break the ice of silence*
"Um yeah, it's just.. Could we maybe discuss it in private if you don't mind. You know how Toga is"
*He gestures over to her rolling his eyes playfully*
"Yeah sure" You let out a small laugh
"My room?" You ask him
He nods as you both begin to get up, you making sure Toga doesn't notice you both going into your room.
*You walk into your room sitting down on your bed*
"Sit where ever you'd like" You smile at him patting the bed a little.
He nods and takes a seat beside you...
"So um I was thinking I could take you out to get coffee.. Maybe"
He explains looking anywhere but at you directly.
"That sounds nice, I love early morning coffee, and you?"
"Oh I could go for tea in the morning I'm not big on coffee"
He says softly not trying to avoid the interest.
"I see.. "
The silence grows louder as you both ran out of kind words to say, Spinner re-adjusted his hair and shifted on the bed.
"I have something to tell you.. " Spinner breaks the silence with some what worrying words.
What could it be?? Was he going to call off the coffee "date" or maybe tell you it was a joke. Of course not though... Right? He's the one who exchanged it in the first place...
Your mind ran through every bad possibility rather than anything good waiting for his response, your heart pounding.
"I... Like you.." Spinner said quietly his hand placed on the bridge of his nose, his face redder than ever while not making eye contact.
"Sorry if this is a lot.. But I've admired you for quite some time now.. "
He muttered out softly but still speaking in a clear and direct manner to avoid any confusion.
"I.. I like you to Spinner, as more than a friend or league member" You say turning to him, your face becoming a light shade of velvet red.
You both look at each other in awe at the words that were exchanged. Spinner looks like he has something to say but can't find the words for it, he then leans in slightly up to your ear.
"May I... kiss you" He asks, his breath right in your ear causing shivers down your spine.
"Yes..you may"
You give him consent to do so as he leans in placing a hand on your waist kissing you gently.
.... *A few minutes pass by*
This went on for a while until you both had your fill and broke the kiss.
"Damn.. Your good at that" Spinner said now on top of you.
"I could say the same" You tease him, He was actually quite a good kisser.
"So... Now what?" Spinner asks you in a calm but exhausted manner.
"I think we should both get some rest" You say more or less as a suggestion rather than an order trying not to ruin the mood, although you were tired.
"Sounds good to me"
*He goes to get off the bed but you stop him pulling him back down*
"whah-... What's this about" He asks you smiling.
His head was lying in your lap with him looking up at you confused a bit but still happy to look at you from such an angel.
"You could always sleep here y,know"
You suggested playing with his hair but not making direct eye contact.
"I suppose"
*He smiles at you and crawls into bed along side you*
You both ended up cuddling through the cold night air~ ᰔᩚ
❀ An: Lmk if you have any questions & sorry if the last parts a bit sloppy I hadn't slept well!!
Word count: 1.8k (●'ω`●)ゞ
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canirove · 1 year
I've been wanting to write something related to golf for ages since they all are obsessed with playing, and the moment I saw this photo, inspiration came to me and I took advantage of Real Madrid's game last night being too boring to write a little something for today 😁
Despite the photo being with a girl and a boy, there are no pronouns. Hope you like it, and thank you for reading! 💜
Declan Rice Imagine | four
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"Remind me again why I said yes to this?"
"Because I let you eat my desert and yours the other day when we went out for dinner. You said that, in return, I could choose what to do for our next two dates, that it could be anything. And this is what I want to do" Declan says, hitting the tiny ball and sending it far away.
"But playing golf is so boring" I complain.
"It isn't. Give it a go."
"I already tried and I just made a hole on the grass."
"Then try again" he says with a smile. One I can't say not to.
"Fine" I reply, rolling my eyes. "Why are you laughing?"
"Because your posture is so bad" he chuckles. "Let me help you."
"That won't turn me into... I don't know the name of any golfer."
"Sergio García? Jon Ram?" Declan says next my ear, making me feel goosebumps all over my arms.
"Ok, your hips..." he says, putting his hands on them. "Here. Stick your butt out a bit more. Perfect."
"I look stupid" I say, feeling him against me.
"Do I look stupid when I play, then?"
"Yes. But your bum looks really good, so it makes up for it."
"Yours looks really good too" he says, kissing my neck.
"Declan, are we playing golf or flirting?"
"Both?" he chuckles against my skin, my cheeks starting to burn.
"Ok, ok. Hips here, butt out. And the hands" he says, putting his on top of mine and slowly moving them over the golf club.
"Can you move my hands in a non sexual way?"
"I'm just moving my hands" he laughs. "You are the one thinking things."
"I'm not!"
"If you say so..."
"Just shut up and let's do this."
"Ok" he laughs again. "Hands there. Perfect. Now hit it" he says, taking a step back and making me miss his warmth against my body.
"Now hit it" I say, making fun of him. As if it was that easy.
I take a deep breath, focus on the tiny ball, lift my golf club, and when I'm about to hit it...
"Careful!" Declan says behind me, trying to stop me from falling to the floor but only managing to fall with me. "What the fuck did you do?" he laughs.
"I have no idea" I say, also laughing. "I think the golf club got tangled between my legs."
"And how did you manage to do that?"
"I wish I knew!"
"You are lucky I was there to catch you."
"The luckiest" I smile. "We should stay like this and forget about the golf. You are such a comfortable pillow" I say, resting my head on his chest.
"You also feel very nice" he says, moving his hands to my butt and giving it a little squeeze. "But there is a rock stabbing me in the back, I need to move."
"And are we going back to playing golf?"
"After what you just did, I fear for your life, so I think it's time we go home."
"To cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie?" I ask, lifting my head.
"I was thinking about doing some other things, but if that's what you are in the mood for" he says, trying to shrug.
"What other things?"
"You know... The things you were thinking while I was moving your hands."
"Oh..." he repeats with a mischievous smile.
"Ok, let's go" I say, stealing his hat and quickly getting up.
"Hey, that's mine."
"It is mine now" I say with a teasing smile while putting it on backwards like he always wears it. "How do I look?"
"Gorgeous. But that is my hat."
"Not anymore."
"Are you gonna make me take it from you?" Declan asks, arching a brow.
"You'll have to catch me first!" I say, starting to run.
"Fucking hell" he mutters.
"C'mon, Deccy bear! Move your ass!" I laugh.
He quickly gets up and starts to run after me, making me scream and laugh at the same time, the other golfers definitely looking at us. At the two crazy idiots screaming, laughing... And kissing once Declan manages to catch me, taking off his hat from my head.
"That's mine" he whispers against my lips.
"And you..." I say, kissing his nose. "You are mine."
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