#Sensory Stuff
wolfislost · 1 year
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Does anyone else notice specific people in their lives having a specific scent? Or being able to identify people's belongings based on who they smell like? Is this a thing that others experience or not?
For example my gran has a sweet, rich scent like dates or figs - and her stuff smells like that too. But my best friend has a much more subdued kind of sweetness, closer to something floral and overall lighter.
Is this a common experience?
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marisashorror · 3 months
I mean this in like a, complimentary and sensory way..
But I feel like I can smell your ballpoint ink drawings. 🙃
They definitely do have an inky smell. It's not bad! On the topic of sensory stuff, they make a zippy, corduroy sound when you run your nail over them 😂
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(purchased from Sensorypets on Etsy!)
they are making my creature brain happy just looking at them, i’m so glad crinkle material could be added to the eggy :]
autism creature has been activated… me when i can’t wait but i WILL WAIT because post workers deserve peace and happiness and healthy break times
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actual-goblinking · 7 months
Four things that have a smell even though a lot of people claim they don’t:
• snow (when it’s about to snow and right when it stops snowing)
• freezers and refrigerators
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keylineanon · 1 year
What's your favorite headcannon for Rise of the TMNT?
Ooooh okay this is tricky.
I'd probably have to say that for Donnie, moving lights/colors are a stim for him. In my experience, especially bright colors are super cool to look at. They can be overstimulating very easily, but they're still enjoyable in certain doses.
I would think that he really likes neon lights, color changing LEDs and such. Building off that, I think purple is almost a comfort color for him. It grounds him because it is familiar and now entertwined with his identity.
Thank you for the ask!!
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padded-daydreams · 1 year
Bath toys are a severely underrated sensory experience.
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 9 months
Sometimes the hard floor just feels good to lay on, ok?
I like the floor texture, that's why I'm laying there, I am comfortable, stop asking questions :<
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shittycgihamster · 8 months
I'm looking for a heavy pendulum that is sturdy enough that I can swing it around a decent bit. Any recommendations?
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elizabethplaid · 3 months
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A taste of bravery - March 12, 2024
My friend drinks this ginger peach turmeric tea as part of a downtime ritual. I wanted to try it, but we were too busy talking during his visit. I'm feeling fatigued today (from the antibiotics), so I decided to try the tea now.
What was the phrase I used?
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Then the turmeric (I'm assuming) started to burn, like black pepper, on the back of my tongue and my soft palette. Thought to add honey to sweeten it, though I probably didn't use enough to make a difference. (Also, the best-by date is 2015, oops.)
Got halfway through the cup, realized I didn't need to endure my folly, and made myself some hot chocolate. Even now, I still feel that burn at the base of my tongue, going down my throat. But I was brave and wanted to try something new, which is usually tough for me.
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the-gamling-dog · 5 months
i love you noise-cancelling headphones
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hedonists · 4 months
When your body is absolutely useless at telling you if you're feeling hot or cold or both
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Had a panic attack cause a trained 'doctor' (who works at a boarding school) didn't realise that saying to my face that I was going to die if I didn't have my inhaler with me. My asthma doesn't affect me, and I was a tiny bit out of breath after a race, and she completely disregards that I was crying, and unable to breath properly from panic, not asthma, and no one even called her out for it, even the 'nice teacher' who was there through all of it.
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Smudge— who’s a baby still, who doesn’t really talk, who communicates that he’s hungry or bored by putting stuff in his mouth (especially cardboard boxes and wires, like earbuds or phone chargers)— has recently learned how to cuddle. That that’s a Thing that, as people and cats in this house, We Do.
He seems to like it when he chooses to cuddle, and affectionately even purrs a little bit sometimes. He also is trying to give Mewspresso kisses on her head somewhat regularly, which she seems to put up with and be okay with.
The problem is: I have, for lack of better words, Sensory Issues™️. Somehow Mewspresso was given a tongue that is not too scratchy, but Smudge’s tongue is so scratchy. The sandpaper tongue you hear about cats having.
What this means: when my baby one-year-old cat is trying to be gentle and give me kisses, almost all of the time, I want to deck him and get him far away from me because it feels painful to my skin. A lot of the time when we cuddle, I have as much blanket on me as possible, and am trying not to wince.
Also. He sure does have Big Paws, seems to not care where he puts them, and loves putting my medical bracelet in his teeth.
Poor guy. He really is trying, and I also am trying.
N agrees that his tongue is very scratchy and his big paws put a lot of pressure on whatever area of skin he’s on, but neither of these things are a deterrent for them to cuddle with him.
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littleteacupdragon · 4 months
I know sensory stuff is different for everybody but I always hear people taking about soft materials etc and that's all fine that's all nice, soft shirts all the way, but.
A little bit of a harsher towel. I hate the feeling of the soft ones, and I don't feel like they're drying anything properly, but a bit of a harder towel? That's good. That's nice. They're always much better at drying as well
I can't be the only one
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that-gay-jedi · 1 year
Handy list of spoon sizes and their meanings:
Comically tiny spoon: the highest of compliments. This food is delicious and I want to slowly savour it. I am around people who are trustworthy enough to know I have strong opinions on silverware.
Small spoon: a normal day. Everything is cool. I like and trust this spoon.
Normal sized spoon: something ain't right. No small spoons clean and/or lunch break too short and/or eating somewhere other than home etc
Slightly bigger than average spoon: I have given up and have lost control of my life and sunken into a despair so complete it mimics serenity. If you look out the window over my shoulder you'll see the city crumbling apart in a cataclysm but I have no tears.
Large spoon: put me on suicide watch.
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callmemanatee · 5 months
Possibly unpopular opinion:
Can we please bring back teaching children to use their indoor voices?
I don't mean that kids should be silent, and I understand that emotional regulation can be really hard for some kids.
But a store, library, or restaurant really aren't places to let your child scream for the fun of it.
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