godhasheardtruthfully · 7 months
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Stay Light
Gouache & water color on paper
Sam-Amina Bailey 1445 /’23
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aminatvdemon666 · 1 month
I drew Jack in my own style:)
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traeumenvonbuechern · 8 months
🏴‍☠️ Books To Read If You Love "Our Flag Means Death" 🏴‍☠️
Can't get enough of Our Flag Means Death? Read these books!
Also, check out my list of trans books for OFMD fans here: Trans Books To Read If You Love "Our Flag Means Death"! 🏳️‍⚧️
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Book titles:
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty
Tell No Tales by Sam Maggs and Kendra Wells
The Dawnhounds by Sascha Stronach
The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton
The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian
In Deeper Waters by F.T. Lukens
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh
Til Death Do Us Bard by Rose Black (comes out November 21, 2023)
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the-delta-42 · 2 years
Upper Decks
Upper Decks
Beckett Mariner glared down at the screen of the padd on her desk, 25 years after meeting Tendi aboard the USS Cerritos, she had risen through the ranks, whether she had wanted to or not, and was given the command of the USS Shran, a light escort that was based upon the Magee Class. They were scheduled to meet the USS Cerritos above Galorn III, namely, to pick up the Shran’s Chief Engineer and Chief Medical Officer.
Beckett had not spoken to her mother, the Captain of the Cerritos, in twenty years, after she forced Beckett to transfer after she caught her with Commander Ransom. She shouldn’t dwell on the past, not when the Federation was at War with the Klingons. J’mpok withdrew the Empire from the Khitomer Accords because the Federation refused to fight the Undine with them.
Beckett was broken from her musings when the ship shook, jumping to her feet, she exited her ready room.
“Report.” Barked Mariner, her eyes going to her first officer.
“Four Klingon raiders just dropped out of warp, Captain.” Said Commander Pera, a Vulcan female.
“Just four?” Asked Mariner, before she turned and faced the view screen, “What are they planning?”
“Sir, the first Bird-of-Prey is coming about.” Said the Helmsman.
“Raise shields, red alert.” Said Mariner, sitting in the captain’s chair, “Full power to phasers and arm torpedoes.”
“Phasers locked and torpedoes armed, Captain.” Said the Tactical Officer.
“Fire.” Said Mariner, frowning as the raider exploded.
The other three raiders didn’t turn around, or even acknowledge the loss of one of their number.
“Well, that’s not suspicious at all.” Said Mariner, getting to her feet, “Track their trajectory.”
“They appear to be heading P’Jem, Captain.” Said the Helmsman, “Should I lay in a pursuit course?”
Mariner was silent, before looking at her first officer.
“A Vulcan Ambassador is going to P’Jem, isn’t he?” Asked Mariner, making Pera frown.
“Ambassador Sokkath is going to P’Jem,” Responded Pera, “But he did not give a reason why.”
“He was collected by a Starfleet Vessel, correct?” Questioned Mariner, folding her arms.
“Yes, Captain,” Said Pera, “The USS Dragon.”
“Well, the Dragon’s crew have faced enemies of the Federation lately,” Said Mariner, sitting down in her chair, “I’m sure they’ll be able to deal with a few raiders. Stand down Red Alert. Resume course to the Cerritos.”
“Aye, Captain.” Said the Helmsman, “Course laid in, we are ready to go to warp.”
Mariner hummed, before saying, “Engage at warp 3.”
Beckett leaned back in her chair, the Shran wasn’t her first Command, and she’d be damned if it would be her last.
Captain Freeman stood on the bridge of the USS Cerritos, awaiting the USS Shran’s arrival.
“You’d think her fifth Command would mean she’d turn up on time.” Muttered Lieutenant Commander Boimler, as he glared at his console.
“I’m sure Captain Mariner,” Said Freeman, making Boimler scowl, “has a good reason for being late.”
“Captain, the USS Shran has just dropped out of warp,” Said the Operations Officer, “They’re hailing us.”
“On screen.” Said Freeman, before the image of the Shran’s bridge was shown to everyone.
“Sorry, I’m late.” Said Mariner, her tone showing she was in a bad mood, “We’ve been encountering several Klingon Raiding Parties on our way here.”
“Raiding Parties?” Asked Freeman, frowning, “This deep in Federation space?”
Mariner sighed, “We’ve already dealt with as many as we could, and we’ve forwarded the message to ESD. They’re sending other ships to deal with them.”
“So, you’ve been giving the Shran a test run.” Said Freeman, folding her arms.
Mariner nodded, before looking Freeman in the eye, “As much as this conversation is enjoyable, I need my CMO and Chief Engineer, the sooner, the better.”
Freeman nodded, “Lieutenant Commander Tendi and Commander Rutherford are already in the shuttle bay. We’ll clear them for departure.”
Mariner nodded, before jerking her head at her Security Chief, who ended the transmission.
“Well,” Said Billups, leaning forwards, “She’s certainly changed.”
“She lost her previous command last month,” Said Freeman, turning to face her crew, “She’d been on the front lines for the past, what? Five years?”
“Well,” Said Boimler, looking upwards, “it’s 2409 now and the war with the Klingons started in 2405, so yeah, almost five years.”
“The Bakersfield was lost during an Undine attack a few months before the war,” Recounted Freeman, “then she Captained the Gallant, which was lost at the start of the war with the Klingons, then there was the Irwin was decommissioned after Klingons gutted the inside of it, the USS Destiny was destroyed at the Battle of Pahvo two years ago. Now, She’s had been given command of the USS Shran.”
“Didn’t she lose her first Officer in that battle?” Asked T’Ana, when the Operation Console pinged.
“Rutherford and Tendi are on the Shran, Captain.” Said the Operation Officer, before doing a double take, “Ma’am, Seven Klingon Battlecruisers are decloaking.”
“Shields up, Red Alert.” Ordered Freeman, unknowingly being copied by Mariner, as the Shran fell into position with the Cerritos.
“Arm Quantum Torpedo bays, power phasers.” Said Mariner, scowling, “Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!”
The Klingon’s fired at the two Starfleet vessels, hitting the Cerritos before she could raise her shields fully.
“Captain, we have a hull breach on deck five.” Said Boimler, as the ship shook.
“We’ve taken heavy damage to our port nacelle.” Said the Operation’s Officer, before her console overloaded and sent her flying, her neck breaking as soon as she hit the wall.
“We’ve lost power to weapons, Captain.” Said the Security Officer, as Billups transferred Operations to a backup console.
“Our shields are buckling.” Said Billups, as the ship shook again.
On the Shran, Mariner was commanding her crew to take the offensive, having the ship weave around and in between the Klingon ships, making them unwittingly fire on each other.
“Increase power to weapons,” Said Beckett, as the Shran dodged a torpedo, “Let’s make them forget about the Cerritos.”
“The Cerritos has sent out a distress signal, Captain,” Said Pera, looking down at her display, “They can’t go to warp.”
“They’re a sitting target.” Growled Mariner, before getting to her feet, “Helm, get us between the Klingons and the Cerritos.”
“Aye, Captain.” Said the helmsman, as the Shran rocked under another torpedo.
“Hull breaches on decks three through six.” Reported Billups, while Boimler held onto his console as the ship shook.
“The entire Engineering deck has just depressurised.” Said Billups, shock colouring his words, “They-they’re gone.”
There was a second’s silence, before Boimler’s console pinged at him.
“Captain, there are five more warp signatures inbound,” Reported Boimler, tapping his display, “It’s Starfleet.”
“Captain,” Said Mariner’s Operations Officer, “Star ships Challenger, Kirk, Rideout, Terev and Texas have all dropped out of Warp.”
“Give them a brief,” Ordered Mariner, turning in her chair, “keep it short, keep it clear.”
“Aye, Captain.” The Lieutenant responded.
“The Klingons are breaking off.” Said Boimler, as the last of the Birds-of-Prey went to Warp.
“Good,” Said Freeman, getting to her feet, “I want a full damage and casualty report.”
Boimler nodded, as the Captain left the bridge.
“Captain, the Challenger is hailing us.” Said the Operations Officer, looking at Mariner.
“On screen.” Said Mariner, placing her hands behind her back.
“This is starting to become a habit, Captain.” Said La Forge, leaning back in his chair, “I thought we’d all put saving your ass behind us.”
Mariner laughed, “To be honest, I was more concerned about the Cerritos.”
“From what my engineer tells me,” Said La Forge, “The damage is mainly superficial, although, she may not want to go to warp any time soon.”
Mariner frowned, before Pera leaned over, “Captain, Commander Rutherford has completed his analysis of the Cerritos: if they attempt to go to warp before repairs are complete, the warp core will detonate.”
“Which is the last thing we need.” Said Mariner, before looking at La Forge, “Captain, my chief just completed his report.”
“If the Cerritos goes to warp, she’ll explode.” Said La Forge, grimly, “I’m already having an engineering team head over, your presence is needed elsewhere.”
Mariner nodded, before looking at the helmsman, “Set a course for the Zibal System, Warp 5.”
“Aye, Captain.” Said the Helmsman, before the Shran jumped to warp.
“Commander, you have the Conn.” Said Beckett, heading for her ready room.
“Yes, Captain.” Said Pera, taking the Captain’s chair.
Beckett dumped herself in her desk chair, letting out a low groan. The computer beeped, alerting her of a new message. Beckett smirked, weakly, before straightening up.
“Captain Ramsey,” Purred Beckett, rest her chin on her fist, “to what, do I owe the pleasure?”
“Sarah’s gotten into a fight.” Said Amina, making Beckett’s face fall, “Again.”
“What kicked it off this time?” Asked Beckett, leaning back in her chair.
“I don’t know,” Said Amina, running her hand over her face and pinching the bridge of her nose, “she won’t tell me anything, except that she was provoked.”
“Well,” Said Beckett, leaning forwards, “I’ll be home soon, hopefully I’ll manage to drag something out.”
Amina smiled and leaned towards the camera, “I hear you’re going to the Zibal system.”
“A couple raiding parties have been spotted there.” Said Beckett, resting her chin on her fist again, “Should be a slap and dash operation.”
“Here’s hoping.” Said Amina, before she looked away from the computer, “Sarah, how long have you been standing there?”
Beckett saw a 15-year-old girl walk into view, Sarah sported a black eye and a cut lip.
“Sarah,” Said Beckett, her tone flat, “What happened?”
Sarah shrugged, resolutely looking at the ground. Beckett sighed through her nose, “We’ll be having this conversation when I get back, young lady.”
Beckett said her goodbyes and hung up, before she looked at the pile of PADDs on her desk. The door chimed, making her look up.
“Enter.” Said Beckett, looking over the PADDs.
“Department evaluations, Captain.” Said Lt. Cmdr. DeSoto, carefully placing the PADD on Mariner’s desk.
“Thank you, Commander.” Said Beckett, silently dismissing him.
DeSoto remained in front of Mariner’s desk, looking at her expectantly, making Mariner sigh again.
“What is it, Commander?” Asked Beckett, leaning back in her chair.
“Some members of the crew have been… ‘discussing’ about the nature of Lieutenant Commander Tendi’s assignment here, especially considering her background…” DeSoto trailed off, as Backett got to her feet.
“Sixteen years ago, I was impaled with a poisonous stalagmite on an away mission, Tendi is the reason I’m still here today,” Said Beckett, looking out a window, “She’s also been exiled from her home because she’s sided with the Federation and not the Klingon Empire.”
DeSoto was looking at his feet.
“Dismissed.” Said Beckett, running a hand down her face.
DeSoto quietly left her ready room, as Beckett groaned.
Rutherford fiddled with his implants, his bionic eye flickering over the warp core, vaguely aware of someone approaching him from behind.
“Commander.” Said Captain Mariner, getting a smile from Rutherford.
“Captain.” Retorted Rutherford, turning to face her, “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah,” Confirmed Mariner, folding her arms, “it’s like the Argentina or Puerto Rico all over again.”
“Nah, things aren’t going to be that bad again.” Said Rutherford, wincing slightly when Beckett brought up the incidents during the Dominion War.
Beckett looked at the warp core, “Tendi settling in, okay?”
“You could ask her yourself.” Was Rutherford’s response.
“She’s locked herself in sick bay, saying something about familiarising herself with the crew’s medical records.” Said Mariner, watching the gasses in the warp core swirl.
“I’ve just finished.” Said Tendi, making both Mariner and Rutherford jump.
“We seriously need to put a fucking bell on you.” Gasped Mariner, her hand on her chest.
“Tried that, Rutherford got in trouble for bringing the bedroom into work.” Said Tendi, as Rutherford went red.
“Aw, Sammy’s grown up.” Teased Mariner, smirking at Rutherford.
Commander Boimler looked down his nose at the Ensign in front of him. She reminded him of Beckett in far too many ways.
She was acting all high and mighty and seriously needed to be knocked down a peg. Boimler looked at the PADD, “Ensign, you disobeyed standard protocols during an away mission.”
“Only because you decided completely ignore their constant pleas for help.” Retorted the Ensign, folding her arms.
“Ensign Ramsey, I am not the one under investigation,” Snapped Boimler, glaring at her, “you deliberately disobeyed orders, you deliberately gave the natives unnecessary equipment, and you got an Officer wounded because of it.”
“You received a minor scrape to your knee.” Said the Ensign, making Boimler go red.
“Well, I hope you enjoy your time in the brig.” Snarled Boimler, prompting two security officers to grabbed Ensign Ramsey’s arms and all but dragged her out of the room.
Boimler glared around his office, it was Ransom’s, before the former First Officer had been killed in a fight with the Klingons. Boimler understood that Ransom had been placed on probation because command found out that he and Mariner were having a sexual relationship, which prompted Mariner’s transfer to the Bakersfield. Boimler had heard how Mariner has risen through the ranks on the Bakersfield, eventually becoming the captain of the ship, before it was lost during an Undine attack, then she Captained the Gallant, which was lost at the start of the war with the Klingons, then there was the Irwin, decommissioned after Klingons gutted the inside of it, then the Destiny came into the picture, destroyed at the Battle of Pahvo, when the Klingons tried to take the system two years ago. Now, Mariner had been given command of the USS Shran, an experimental escort that could change the tide of the war.
Boimler thought that Mariner was too reckless to be placed in command of such a powerful ship, however his concerns had been ignored. Tendi and Rutherford had requested transfers to the Shran, leaving Boimler alone on the Cerritos. It didn’t help that Boimler was only the acting first officer, until Starfleet supplied another one.
Boimler wanted to see his friends again and to meet the woman who’d all but replaced Beckett.
The Shran rocked as a torpedo struck the hull of the saucer.
“Minor hull damage Captain,” Reported Pera, looking at the screen, “The Encarta has lost their port nacelle and the Tripoli is losing anti-matter containment.”
Beckett gripped the arms of the Captain’s chair, before scowling and standing up, “Ready the graviton displacer.”
The bridge crew stiffened as Mariner said that.
“But, Captain,” Said Pera, looking up at Mariner, “It’s untested and potentially dangerous.”
“Commander,” Began Mariner, “I think this situation, where our intel was horribly wrong and the Klingons are cutting through us like a knife through warm butter, justifies it’s use.”
Pera frowned, but nodded, “Aye, Captain.”
Beckett turned back to the view screen, just in time to see the Oakland explode. Beckett swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, “Fire.”
All the Klingon ships suddenly all congregated in a small area, allowing Starfleet to all focus on that little area and watch as one ship severely damaged another. It lasted the length of a minute, before all Klingon ships had been destroyed.
“Set course for Earth, Maximum Warp,” Said Mariner, before heading to her ready room, “Commander you have the Conn.”
“Aye, Captain.” Said Pera, as Beckett left the bridge.
Beckett dropped herself into her desk chair and buried her face in her hands. Amina had been on the Oakland, after Beckett sent a request to Starfleet command. Sarah was back on Earth Space Dock, waiting for both her mothers to come home, as far as Beckett knew, Claire was still at her post on the Cerritos. Beckett sighed and let the tears fall.
Sarah’s leg bounced as she watched the Cerritos and the remains of Battle group Epsilon enter Earth Space Dock. She noticed that the Oakland wasn’t with the fleet, she watched the bulkheads that led to open space, waiting for the other California-Class star ship to appear. The bulkheads closed, leaving Sarah to stare at the remaining ships. The Shran looked as if it’d been dragged through a supernova. The Cerritos had lost power to her nacelles, although that could be because they had cut power to the engines.
“USS Shran now docking at air lock six.” Came the automated voice over the intercom of ESD. Sarah got up and started walking to the airlock to greet her mother, “USS Cerritos now docking at airlock twelve.”
Sarah stood in front of the airlock door, waiting for it to slide open.
Beckett watched her crew disembark the Shran, opting to help Security with removing the dead from the ship. They’d lost seventeen crew members during the battle with the Klingons, seventeen people who wouldn’t be going home to their families.
“The last of them have been bagged up.” Said Tendi, making Beckett look at her.
“I couldn’t name them.” Said Beckett, returning to watch the rest of the drew, “I can’t name anyone on this ship beyond my senior staff.”
“It’s not your job to know everyone who dies, Beckett.” Consoled Tendi, standing next to her captain.
“No, but it makes me feel a little better.” Retorted Beckett, before running her hands down her face, “God, where have the years gone? I could’ve sworn it was just yesterday you’d first stepped onto the Cerritos.”
“I wish.” Smirked Tendi, as Beckett spotted Pera. Her first officer was smirking at something. Beckett frowned, Pera was a Vulcan and she’d never known her to disregard what she’d learnt before Starfleet.
“Mariner to Earth Space Dock.” Said Beckett, tapping her commbadge, “I’m going to need all members of my crew to be screened for Undine DNA, ASAP.”
“Beckett?” Asked Tendi, looking at her friend.
“A Vulcan doesn’t smirk.” Stated Beckett, stalking towards the turbolift, “Grab a Phaser, I think we’ll need them.”
Tendi stiffened, before quickly nodding. She discreetly fetched two Phasers from a wall compartment and handed one to Beckett. Mariner holstered hers on her hip and approached Pera, just as a group of security officers arrived.
“Pera,” Said Beckett, slowly, “Why are you smirking?”
Pera froze, before scowling, “How careless of me. I suppose I have overstayed my welcome.”
Before anyone could react, Pera beamed out and escaped. ESD suddenly shook as if a ship blew up next to the station.
“What the hell was that?!” Demanded Mariner, after steadying herself.
“An Undine Bio-Ship blowing up.”
Mariner and Tendi turned to look at the source of the voice and Mariner’s breath caught in her throat.
“I suppose this is a bad time to tell you I’m your new Tactical Officer.” Said Jennifer Sh’reyan, tilting back on her heels.
“I would say welcome aboard, but I’ve literally got half a functional ship.” Said Mariner, looking at the spot the Undine vanished from.
“That’s the second one in three days.” Said Jennifer, “The crew of the Dragon encountered an Undine and Bio-Ship in the Pjem system.”
Mariner frowned, before stalking towards the air lock, “Might as well get the debriefing out of the way before seeing to the ship.”
“Is she usually in such a bad mood?” Jennifer asked Tendi.
“No, she’s just lost her spouse.” Responded Tendi, “and she has to break that to their daughter.”
Mariner sat in her ready room; Sarah had been settled into a guest quarter. She had told her, and it hadn’t gone down well. Leading to an argument, which led to Mariner looking through various Starfleet profiles in a search for a new first officer.
Mariner dismissed Jet, Fletcher, Castro and Casey. Jet was already assigned to Deep Space 3, and Fletcher and Casey were so full of their own bullshit that they would pose a danger to the crew. Castro, while looking fine of paper, was currently undergoing treatment after a Klingon surprise attack killed the majority of the crew she’d been placed in command of.
Mariner winced; she knew that feeling all too well. Her door chimed.
“Enter.” Said Mariner, focusing on the PADDs in front of her.
“The CMO sent me up to check on you.” Said Jennifer, dropping some food on Mariner’s desk, “I’ve also completed the Tactical and Security review. The Graviton Pulse is still operational, but it’s now fused to the ship. Phasers and torpedoes are at 90% capacity and the shield grid is optimal.”
“Captain, I know it’s not my place to say,” Said Jennifer, making Mariner look up at her, “but Commander Boimler is up for transfer, since the Cerritos is being decommissioned.”
“I’ll take that suggestion for consideration.” Said Mariner, “until a First Officer is appointed, you, as Second Officer, will perform their duties. Understood?”
Jennifer snapped into a salute, “Ma’am.”
“You didn’t need to salute.” Said Mariner, after a second, “Dismissed.”
Jennifer nodded and quickly left the ready room. Beckett groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose, twenty years sober. Romulan Ale never felt more tempting.
Boimler frowned as he read the message on his PADD, he’d been requested as the first officer on the Shran. He absently felt the shuttle exit warp.
“We’re almost at the Shran, sir.” Said an Ensign, checking the controls.
A ping alerted them to the Europa, Gagarin and Earhart dropping out of warp around the shuttle. Another ping alerted them to the Shran arriving at the rendezvous point.
“Shuttle Amadeus, we’re ready and wait your arrival.” Said the Shran’s communications officer.
“Acknowledged Shran,” Said the Ensign, “making entry now.”
Boimler sighed, before folding his arms. The shuttle shuddered as it entered the Shran’s shuttle bay, before touching down on the deck. Boimler exited the shuttle, stopping at the sight of Jennifer.
“Lt. Cmdr. Sh’reyan, it’s good to see you.” Greeted Boimler, stopping in front of her.
“Like-wise, Commander.” Responded Jennifer, gesturing for Boimler to follow her, “Come on, the captain’s waiting.”
On the bridge, Mariner frowned and looked at the PADD in her hand, “Helm, fall into formation with the strike force, be ready to head to warp as soon as the Buran arrives with the Clarke.”
Mariner watched at the Edison, Somerville and Shenzhou fell in line with the Shran.
“Captain, the Glenn’s suffered a malfunction in one of their nacelles,” Said the comm officer, “they’ll be delayed for at least a couple of hours.”
Boimler and Jennifer arrived on the bridge, as Mariner got to her feet, “Acknowledge the Glenn and alert the Buran that we’re waiting on their orders.”
“Aye, Captain.”
Mariner turned around and looked at Boimler, “Commander.”
“Captain.” Responded Boimler, “May I ask about the mission?”
“We’re waiting on a signal from the Imaga system.” Said Mariner, gesturing for Boimler and Jennifer to follow her into her ready room. As soon as the doors were shut and sealed, she spoke, “The Klingons have somehow managed to get their hands on, and harness, a doomsday machine. The grew of the Dragon are infiltrating a Klingon Base, in the hopes of finding some weakness that we can exploit.”
Boimler frowned, before nodding, “So, we go in guns blazing and try and destroy an indestructible, planet killing device.”
“No, we’re to engage any and all Klingon ships.” Corrected Mariner, “If this goes well, we may be a step close to ending the war.”
“Captain, the Glenn has arrived with the Buran and the Clarke.”
“Acknowledged, we’re joining you now.” Said Mariner, heading towards the door.
“Set a course for the Imaga system, warp seven.” Ordered Boimler, sitting in the chair next to Mariner.
“Course laid in, sir.”
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Face claims for CT:OS characters
Exciting news: I’ve commissioned the awesome, super amazing @dumplingcatho​ to do my CT:OS character art, but here are some face claims in the meantime!
<See the character descriptions here>
We picked these out together in a chaotic brainstorming session, and tried to get as close to the character's 'essence', and usually we went with actors/actresses (sometimes sportspeople) with the same nationality where possible. It's not always perfect, and Rayyan in particular was a little hard to nail down, so take these with a pinch of salt, but it was fun, and I hope this helps put some faces to the characters!
M!Tobin—Eli Goree
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F!Tobin—Jordan Thompson (volleyball player)
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M!Sam—Iain de Caestecker* *With more unruly hair—example bottom right, from some random hairstyle website
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F!Sam—Rose Leslie + Sadie Sink + some version of Brittany Snow's wavy bob(?)
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Guillaume—Gaspard Uliel
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Geneviève—Noémie Merlant
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M!Rayyan—Mena Massoud (top)* + Ahmad Magdy (bottom right)**
*I know he recently tweeted something sus about The Little Mermaid. **Before he got so rugged.
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F!Rayyan—This one was really tough. Spirit of Egyptian squash player Nouran Gohar (top) + Caroline Azmi (left, middle row) + Amina Khalil (the rest) but less feminine (by several notches).
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Official LWD Bracket!
And here’s the final bracket! Round One will go live tomorrow, 4/23 at 10 am EST!
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Full List:
Round One:
Left Side:
Lt. Commander Andy Billups vs. Admiral Les Buenamigo: poll here
Captain Carol Freeman vs. Lieutenant Barbara Brinson: poll here
Admiral Alonzo Freeman vs. Lieutenant Shaxs: poll here
Lieutenant Durga vs. The Dog: poll here
Ensign Jet Manhaver vs. Victoria Nuze: poll here
Peanut Hamper vs. Ensign Brad Boimler: poll here
Rawda of Areore vs. T’Lyn: poll here
Ensign Jennifer Sh’reyan vs. Migleemo: poll here
Right Side:
Badgey vs. Dr. T’Ana: poll here
AGIMUS vs. Toz: poll here
Ensign Sam Rutherford vs. Ensign Barnes: poll here
Ensign Beckett Mariner vs. Shuri yn Yem: poll here
Lieutenant Steve Stevens vs. Captain Amina Ramsey: poll here
Lieutenant William Boimler vs. Commander Jack Ransom: poll here
Buddy the Vulcan vs. Ensign D’Vana Tendi: poll here
Lieutenant Kayshon vs. Chief Carlton Dennis: poll here
Round Two:
Left Side:
Lt. Cmdr. Andy Billups vs. Captain Carol Freeman: poll here
Lt. Shaxs vs. The Dog: poll here
Ensign Jet Manhaver vs. Ensign Brad Boimler: poll here
T’Lyn vs. Ensign Jennifer Sh’reyan: poll here
Right Side:
Dr. T’Ana vs. AGIMUS: poll here
Ensign Sam Rutherford vs. Ensign Beckett Mariner: poll here
Captain Amina Ramsey vs. Lt. William Boimler: poll here
Ensign D’Vana Tendi vs. Lt. Kayshon: poll here
Left Side:
Captain Carol Freeman vs. Lt. Shaxs: poll here
Ensign Brad Boimler vs. T’Lyn: poll here
Right Side:
Dr. T’Ana vs. Ensign Beckett Mariner: poll here
Lt. William Boimler vs. Ensign D’Vana Tendi: poll here
Lt. Shaxs vs. Ensign Brad Boimler: poll here
Ensign Beckett Mariner vs. Ensign D’Vana Tendi: poll here
Ensign Brad Boimler vs. Ensign Beckett Mariner: poll here
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thekilda · 1 year
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Just a few days left to vote in the Audio Verse Awards! We have so many wonderful people up for awards, and everyone involved in every production has worked so hard! Please consider voting if you haven’t already!
Image 1:  The background is a blue-washed photo of the island of Hirta. Text reads ‘audio verse award finalists.’ At the centre of the image is the St Kilda logo. The left column of text reads ‘Best cover art of a new production, Scott McCartney. Best writing of a new production, Naomi Clarke. Best environment and action sound design of a new production, Michael Ireland, Tracy Barnett.’ The right column of text reads ‘Best composition and musical direction of a new production, Shane Rutherfoord-Jones. Best vocal direction of a new production, Michael Ireland. Best new audio play production.’
Image 2:  The background is a blue-washed photo of the island of Hirta. Text reads ‘audio verse award finalists, best guest performer in a new production.’ At the centre of the image is the St Kilda logo, and surrounding it are circular, black and white cast headshots and names underneath. From top to bottom, left to right, they are: Kirsty Woolven, Marguerite Kenner, Sasha Sienna, Sally Walker-Taylor, Andrew Gorman.
Image 3:  The background is a blue-washed photo of the island of Hirta. Text reads ‘audio verse award finalists, best performer in a new production.’ At the centre of the image is the St Kilda logo, and surrounding it are circular, black and white cast headshots and names underneath. From top to bottom, left to right, they are: Alan Burgon, Meabh de Brun, Ben Meredith, Shogo Miyakita, Sam Yeow, Alasdair Stuart, Michelle Kelly, Marie Anello, Danilo Battistini, Amina Koroma, Erika Sanderson, Rhys Lawton, Sarah Golding, Axandre Oge, and Dean J Smith. End ID.
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crossroadsofchaos · 7 days
Non-exhaustive list of OCs, with short summaries of each:
(present day)
Yevgeny "Zhenya" Tsaritsyn (he/him, she/her, it/its; 🇷🇺): Got kicked out of home for being queer; was adopted by Lev; chaotic himbo; has a prosthetic arm.
Pavlo Holub (he/him; 🇺🇦): Studying to become a professional cook; also likes to dance; friend of Zhenya.
Levan "Lev" Rotshtern (he/him; 🇬🇪🇧🇾🇷🇺): Magic user; WWII veteran; former Soviet supersoldier and critic of the state; was frozen for 50 years; adoptive father of Zhenya.
Augustus "Gus" Wang (he/him; 🇨🇳): Magic user; historian with a focus on 20th century China and Russia/USSR; co-owns a library; friend of Lev.
Zacarias "Zac" Solntsev (he/him; 🇷🇺🇦🇷): Engineering/tech guy; has a passion for green energy, particularly solar panels; boyfriend of Luna.
Luna Rosado (they/them, she/her; 🇩🇴): Magic user; astronomy nerd; also likes flowers; artist; girlfriend of Zac.
Miguel Rosado (he/him; 🇩🇴): Father of Luna; ex-husband of Beatriz; attentive and gentle.
Beatriz "Bea" Espinosa-Swift (she/her; 🇩🇴): Mother of Luna; ex-wife of Miguel and current wife of Ginger; loves travel and photography.
Ginger Espinosa-Swift (she/her; 🇦🇺): Wife of Beatriz; younger sister of Rufus; historian with a focus on Russia and the USSR.
Samantha "Sam" Espinosa-Swift (she/her, they/them; 🇩🇴🇦🇺): Elder twin daughter of Beatriz and Ginger; playfully competitive.
Viviana "Viv" Espinosa-Swift (she/her; 🇩🇴🇦🇺): Younger twin daughter of Beatriz and Ginger; lover of nature, particularly frogs.
Rufus Swift (he/him; 🇦🇺): Older brother of Ginger; husband of Steven; bartender at a cafe; sometimes does drag; shapeshifter.
Steven E. Burns (he/him; 🇯🇲): Husband of Rufus; P.E. teacher; loves sports.
Kimberly "Kimmy" Swift-Burns (she/her; 🇯🇲🇦🇺): Daughter of Rufus and Steven; history and anthropology nerd.
Howard "Howie" Swift-Burns (he/him; 🇯🇲🇦🇺): Son of Rufus and Steven; engineering/tech nerd; likes working out.
Angelo Garrido (he/him; 🇻🇪🇵🇪): Model for a local clothing brand; friend and classmate of Howie.
Melissa "Missy" Ito (they/them; 🇯🇵🇺🇸): Journalist for a left-wing outlet; partner of Amina.
Amina Rashid (she/her; 🇸🇾): Photographer; girlfriend of Missy; older sister of Zain.
Zain Rashid (he/him; 🇸🇾): Weapons nerd; younger brother of Amina; friend and roommate of Harley.
Harley Fisher (they/them, ze/zir; 🇨🇦): Small live streamer with a bunny aesthetic; friend and roommate of Zain.
Andreas Marinos (he/him; 🇬🇷): Son of a human and a mermaid; has water powers, magical singing and a mermaid form; singer and theater performer; boyfriend of Lorenzo and Ozan.
Lorenzo D'Amore (he/him; 🇮🇹🇺🇸): Singer and theater performer; boyfriend of Andreas and Ozan.
Ozan Yilmaz (he/him; 🇹🇷): DJ, sound engineer, sometimes singer and occasional theater performer; boyfriend of Andreas and Lorenzo.
Bridget O'Carroll (she/her; 🇬🇧): Surgeon with healing powers; close friend and roommate of Darya.
Darya Anisimova (she/her; 🇷🇺): Pharmacist, works with developing and producing medication; close friend and roommate of Bridget.
(distant past)
Evelina Rotshtern (she/her; 🇧🇾): Mother of Lev; wife of Fyodor; communist revolutionary.
Fyodor Abramishvili (he/him; 🇬🇪): Father of Lev; husband of Evelina; communist revolutionary.
Aleksi Rukhadze (he/him; 🇬🇪): Closest friend of Fyodor and Evelina; uncle figure to Lev, helped him retain critical thinking in the face of indoctrination; medical doctor.
0 notes
historyhermann · 6 months
Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Spoiler-Filled Review
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Star Trek: Lower Decks is a mature animation which combines elements of the adventure, comedy, and sci-fi genres. Series creator Mike McMahan is known as a co-creator of Solar Opposites, a producer on Rick and Morty and as a consulting producer on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. This is the ninth series in the Star Trek franchise and second Star Trek animated series after Star Trek: The Animated Series ended in 1974.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs and Wayback Machine. This was the fifty-sixth article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on November 30, 2023. PCM editor Jean Henegan she said she added some content "since I'm a massive Trek nerd/fan, I added a bit of context around some of the things you pointed out...and cleaned up a couple of things that weren't quite accurate...Nice piece, overall." I have incorporated those additions here. Most of the text is the same as what I submitted on November 28th.
This animated series, which has aired for three seasons, takes a different tact than previous Star Trek series. It focuses on lower-ranked officers who engage in menial labor, known as lower deckers. Others are supporting characters. Star Trek: Lower Decks focuses on Starfleet, the military and exploration division of the United Federation of Planets, in the 24th century. It is tasked with establishing contact with races across the galaxy using a ship no one cares about: the USS Cerritos.
Four lower deckers are protagonists: Beckett Mariner, Brad Boimler, D’Vana Tendi, and Sam Rutherford. They are voiced by Tawny Newsome, Jack Quaid, Noël Wells, and Eugene Cordero. Four others are recurring characters: captain of the Cerritos (Carol Freeman), first officer Jack Ransom, tactical officer Shaxs, and head medical doctor T’Ana. Dawnn Lewis, Jerry O’Connell, Fred Tatasciore, and Gillian Vigman voice these characters. All are well-known voice actors.
This series stands out because of its animation style, comedy, plot, and characters. Mariner is a big part of this. Her romantic relationships became a big part of the series, especially in the third season, when she is dating Jennifer Sh'reyan (voiced by Lauren Lapkus). Like actual relationships, they don't stay together, partially because Jennifer does not stand by her. She abandons Mariner when many on the Cerritos incorrectly think she is a traitor. Mariner is bisexual or pansexual. Previously, she dated Steve Levy. She tells Tendi, in a season two episode, that she dated "bad boys, bad girls, bad gender non-binary babes, [and] ruthless alien masterminds." She dated Amina Ramsey (voiced by Toks Olagundoye) while at Starfleet Academy. McMahan stated that "every Starfleet officer is probably at the baseline bisexual" and that there was no intention for "anybody to be strictly heteronormative or straight or cis."
Unfortunately, this is rarely explored in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4. There are some romantic vibes between Mariner and T’Lyn (voiced by Gabrielle Ruiz), a fellow crewmember on the Cerritos (who also happens to be Vulcan), in the fourth episode. They care for each other (as much as a Vulcan can care, with their repressed emotions), especially after knives keep stabbing Mariner during the episode. In the episode after, T’Lyn calms down Mariner’s emotions after her fever causes everyone’s emotions on the Cerritos to go out of control. In another episode, Mariner enjoys being kissed by a guy. Otherwise, her development during the season revolves around her promotion to a higher rank and ramifications of that decision. Although she is still part of “lower decks,” she is now a junior grade lieutenant, which makes her uneasy.
Boimler and Rutherford get closer, especially after the fourth episode. They even solve a disagreement by dressing up as Mark Twain and talking on a simulated steamboat. Both struggle with their promotions, although in different ways than Mariner. For instance, Boimler gets his first mission as commander and attempts to do everything himself. With some prodding from T’Lyn, he ends up sacrificing himself to save everyone and is later brought back to life. Rutherford also tries to find his place on the ship following his promotion. The closeness between Boimler and Rutherford has led some to ship them together. After all, in the eighth episode, Boimler doesn’t mind taking off his pants when Rutherford asks. Presently, there are less than 20 fics shipping them. Comparably, there’s over 120 fics for the Marinler ship (Mariner and Boimler). The latter has a small chance of canonization as compared to the Rutherford/Boimler ship.
Otherwise, there are wild plotlines, whether about Betazoid “diplomats” (actually undercover intelligence officers) with a hidden agenda who almost bring the Cerritos into the neutral zone where Romulans await battle, a fake marriage between Tendi and Rutherford, or megalomaniacal A.I. – known as Badgey – trying to get revenge. In the case of the latter, the A.I. comes out of the Daystrom Institute on Earth, returning following its initial appearance in season two. In the time between the seasons, it was imprisoned in a penitentiary holding other A.I. of a similar nature.  His plans are foiled when he realizes that ultimate power is too much. The plans of two A.I., Peanut Hamper and Aegus, also fail after they realize that killing others isn’t worth it. Both commit to reforming their selves, so they aren’t evil anymore.
The depiction of A.I. in Star Trek: Lower Decks is somewhat similar to the rogue A.I. in Futurama's Season 8 Part One, or near-planet-destroyer Light Hope in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. It differs from the mixed representation in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur and Cleopatra in Space, or more positive depictions in My Dad the Bounty Hunter, Kizuna no Allele, and Supa Team 4. This matters considering social media rumblings that some actors will not vote for the recent contract between SAG-AFTRA and the Hollywood studios due to reportedly subpar A.I. provisions [Note: The previous line was removed from the PCM version.]
Throuhgout the season, there are also scenes with spoken poetry, a bar fight (started by Mariner, naturally), and an instance of Boimler getting addicted to a Ferengi television series. There’s even a funny episode where everyone recounts their experiences about being stuck in a cave with different Starfleet officers. However, it’s the journey that Mariner takes over the course of the season that truly hits home as the season comes to a close. Following her promotion Mariner struggles to be a leader, desperate to keep bucking command. How can you be rebellious against the command structure when you are part of it? She asks herself this question, trying to determine what her purpose within Starfleet is. It isn’t until the close of the season that she truly understands who she is and why she is so hesitant to take on more responsibility.
In that episode, Captain Freeman is worried about Mariner. She’s unsure why Mariner is taking risks and trying to get herself killed. She orders Mariner’s friends to distract her. This backfires. Mariner, along with T’Lyn, Tendi, and Boimler, all teleport to a planet surface before their ship is destroyed. When they admit they are worried about her, and reveal the Captain’s order, she is unhappy. She agrees to stay with them until she slips out during the night. In the process, she bonds with a Klingon, who tells her what no one has stated directly: she’s at war with herself.
This is only part of Mariner’s attempted self-examination. It is akin to Yor Forger asking herself why she is an assassin in episode 33 of Spy x Family, lingering doubts of Teru Momijiyama / Shy in Shy about her reasons for being a hero, or Sora Harewata-ru / Cure Sky wondering why she hesitates to fight the Undergu empire in episode 42 of Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure. Mariner reveals she is partially in Starfleet to honor Sito, a friend from her time at Starfleet Academy who died a senseless death several years earlier, which makes her continue to question Starfleet’s mission. She admits that while she doesn’t hate Starfleet, she tried to get out of a promotion. She believes Starfleet should solve the puzzles of life, not start wars (which could violate the Prime Directive). As she tells the Klingon, she doesn’t want to send her friends off to die. She wants to be an ensign and nothing more.
Ma’ah (voiced by Jon Curry), the Klingon, suggests that she honor her friend, slay her enemies, and study to be better. In response, she hugs him, rather than fighting him, and says they should work together. The episode hints at her future leadership, possibly in Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5. She rallies everyone together in a rousing speech. Unfortunately, she is kidnapped by “Nicholas” Nick Locarno (who, like Sito, previously appeared in live action in Star Trek: The Next Generation and were once again portrayed – in voice over – by their live action actors Robert Duncan McNeil – who also starred on Star Trek: Voyager – and Shannon Fill), who beams her up into a mysterious ship – a ship that has been “destroying” various species’ ships throughout the season. Thanks to her efforts, Boimler, T’Lyn, and Tendi, along with new allies, destroy a Klingon warbird. They are disappointed that Mariner isn’t aboard.
The Season 4 finale ends with a bang, as it turns out that ships “destroyed” across the galaxy have joined the renegade Nova Fleet/Squadron. It resembles the rag-tag rebel fleet in Star Wars Rebels. There’s a major difference: Nick is willing to engage in terrorism, i.e., threat or use of violence to cause panic or intimidate, especially as a method to affect political conduct, as defined in the Third Pocket Edition of Black’s Law Dictionary. Mariner easily stops this. She calls out Nick as selfish and brainless, then steals a genesis device, which can destroy planets.
Captain Freeman shows her dedication to her daughter, and to the well-being of her crew. She goes to extreme lengths to rescue Mariner. After a failed contest on her homeworld of Orion, Tendi agrees to work for her pirate sister, D’Erika (voiced by Ariel Winter), so they can get a battleship. They use the decrepit warship to smash through the barrier. It creates a hole big enough for the captain’s yacht to enter. In the process, they save Mariner. Nick is left on her ship after he tries to kill her and activates the genesis device. In a moment of clever dark humor, Nick is destroyed by the device since he can’t pay the money needed to deactivate it (since it is a Ferengi model, of course).
The episode ends with Captain Freeman not court-martialed, T’Lyn refusing to return to her previous ship, and the four protagonists come together for a party in the mess hall. While they party for a short bit, this soon ends, as Tendi feels obligated to fulfill her end of the bargain she made with D’Erika: she must return to a life of piracy alongside D’Erika. Although this depresses Rutherford, neither he, Boimler nor Mariner, stop her from leaving. Tendi prepares herself for what comes next. Undoubtedly, her story will be expanded in Star Trek: Lower Decks fifth season, which was in production as of March.
As noted earlier, queer representation was lacking in this season, as opposed to previous ones. In the past, I’ve written that the ship engineer, Andy Billups (voiced by Paul Scheer), was possibly asexual. A recent post on treksphere makes the same claims. It argues that Tendi is aromantic, Billups is an asexual icon, and points to possible asexual vibes from Spock, Data, and Odo in the Star Trek franchise – although all three characters have relationships with women at various points in their stories. Such claims are only headcanons, similar to those who believed that Page in Tron: Uprising was asexual. There are no asexual characters in the Star Trek universe, to my knowledge. As such, having a canon asexual character in Star Trek: Lower Decks, outward in their identity like Todd Chavez in Bojack Horseman, would be great.
Asexual representation in animation, and in popular culture, is slim. While Alastor in Hazbin Hotel, Lilith Clawthorne in The Owl House, Peridot in Steven Universe, or Perry the Platypus in Phineas and Ferb, are asexual, they were confirmed off-screen. The same is the case for Spongebob Squarepants and Percival "Percy" King in Epithet Erased. Some have stated that Seiji Maki in Bloom Into You and Shōko Tanimoto in The Case Files of Jeweler Richard are asexual. In a previous review, I noted this was the case for Hime Shiraki in Yuri is My Job!. I've seen social media chatter about the manga which comes to a similar conclusion.
Hopefully, Star Trek: Lower Decks fifth season expands on Mariner‘s personal relationships and her identity, and that of the other protagonists. Undoubtedly, it will retain its mature comedy and quirkiness. All the while the characters will be thrown into conflict-prone situations, a breeding ground for trauma. This is not unique. There are multiple series airing this fall featuring characters in tense and stressful situations, sometimes involving murder of human beings. This includes certain The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess and Spy x Family episodes.
Otherwise, people anonymously described their conditions at Titmouse in a largely-circulated spreadsheet about animation studios. In the spreadsheet, which has 11 entries for the aforementioned animation studio, people praise Titmouse for good pay, flexible and healthy working hours, opportunities for rapid advancement, and good management. Others criticize Titmouse for disorganization, overwork, low pay, and say it is only good for those entering the industry. Clearly, it’s a mixed bag. There are different experiences, depending on each production, if I’m understanding these entries correctly.
In my previous review of Star Trek: Lower Decks, I noted that LGBTQ+ representation is at the heart of the show. I pointed to myriad examples of such representation (and in the franchise), and note that many fan fictions for Mariner are skewed toward men. As such, I still see the interactions between Mariner and Boimler as platonic rather than romantic. I understand how people see them as the latter, shipping them as Marinler, but I see them as good friends, rather than good lovers.
In the past, this series had some of best queer representation in mature animation. Other examples include RWBY, Disenchantment, Final Space, Bojack Horseman, and Harley Quinn. In season 4 of Star Trek: Lower Decks, this was less emphasized. Even so, the series is still moving in an inclusive direction. It isn't like Star Wars: The Bad Batch. That series had "four White men and one person of color, in the main cast," as I wrote in January.
This direction is clear from the cast and crew. Tawny Newsome and Dawnn Lewis, who voice Mariner and Captain Freeman, are both Black women, like their characters. Noël Wells (voice of Tendi) is of Tunisian and Mexican descent. Eugene Cordero (voice of Rutherford) is of Filipino descent. Gabrielle Ruiz is of Mexican descent. Carlos Alazraqui is Latine. Black men such as Marcus Henderson, Phil LaMarr, and Carl Tart also voice characters. There are some White male voice actors, such as Jack Quaid, Jack McBrayer, Jerry O'Connell, Fred Tatasciore, Paul Scheer, and Paul F. Tompkins. White women like Gillian Vigman, Lauren Lapkus, Georgia King, and Jessica McKenna voice characters too. Although, they are not the majority of the main cast, they comprise much of the recurring cast.
Many of these names were familiar. For one, Newsome voiced Jessica Williams in Craig of the Creek, Quaid voiced Clark Kent / Superman in My Adventures with Superman, and Cordero voiced Jamie in Steven Universe. Lewis voiced LaBarbara Conrad in Futurama, Professor Klabrax V in Cleopatra in Space, The Chief/Tamara Fraser in Carmen Sandiego, and Fannie Granger in Spirit Riding Free. LaMarr is best known for voicing Hermes Conrad in Futurama, Virgil Hawkins / Static in Static Shock, and John Stewart / Green Lantern in Justice League, along with Sky Gunderson in Disenchantment.
Alazraquiprominently voiced Puff in The Proud Family (in the reboot/revival) and Skylar in Elena of Avalor. Winter voiced Princess Sofia Cordova for the entire Sofia the First series, in the Elena of Avalor series finale, and in Elena and the Secret of Avalor, a backdoor pilot for Elena of Avalor. Wells, O'Connell, Tataiscore, Scheer, McKenna, McBrayer, Lapkus, Tart, and Tompkins, had assorted voice roles, as well. However, this isn't counting anyone in the guest cast.
In terms of the show's music, the opening and closing themes were good, and it fits with the action. I don't recall any tracks there were necessarily memorable (apart from the opening and closing tracks). So, I'm downgrading the music score for this review. Even so, Chris Westlake did an excellent job as the series composer. The music echoes Star Trek scores in other parts of the franchise. Those who directed, wrote, storyboarded, and animated each episode, including some well-known names like Jamie Loftus, McMahan, and Grace Parra Janney, deserve plaudits for their hard work as well.
I look forward to the fifth season of Star Trek: Lower Decks. I hope that the personal identities of the main cast are explored more in the next season. I'm optimistic that Paramount executives realize the series' value. It would be devastating to have the series cancelled unceremoniously like Star Trek: Prodigy. Netflix recently nabbed that series as part of the streaming wars.
Star Trek: Lower Decks is currently streaming on Paramount+ or for purchase on PrimeVideo.
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© 2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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puzzlebean · 1 year
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Welcome to my, puzzlebean's, blog. It is a pleasure to have you here. This is a multifandom blog. My fandoms are listed below. I try to tag everything but I may forget to tag sometimes or forget what I tagged something as. Feel free to ask me to tag something specific!
I have many blorbos but Steve Rogers owns my heart and soul. I like art, puzzles, SCI-Fi, comics, movies, books, music, mysteries, racing, and more.
Please don't ask me, or have people ask me, why you are blocked. I block very liberally so I can curate my own space.
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This is a list of the fandoms I like and engage with (on different levels).
Marvel Comics • Marvel Cinematic Universe • DC • Star Wars • Star Trek • Murder Most Unladylike • A Series of Unfortunate Events • Death in Paradise • Murder She Wrote • The Old Guard • Doctor Who • Shadowhunters • Lulli • Ghosted • Taylor Swift • Lightyear • Warrior Nun • Merlin • Barbie • Winx Club • Arctic Monkeys • Knives Out • Wednesday • Ted Lasso • Chris Evans • Stranger Things • Nancy Drew • Formula 1 (I like many drivers and several teams but Max is my #1)
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This is just a fraction of the things I ship, though I would say these are some of my current main ships. I have a ship list I am working on (I shall link it when it's finally completed). I have ships that are my big loves and ships I find interesting to write. Listed here are some of my loves.
Steve/Bucky • Kirk/Spock • Yelena/Kate • Wednesday/Enid • Ava/Beatrice • Sam/Steve • Alisha/Kiko • Vanessa/Elena • Carol/Maria • Steve/Darcy • Wanda/Vision • Sharon/Natasha • Bruce/Clark • Bruce/Clark/Diana • Tim/Bernard • Rey/Poe/Finn • Joe/Nicky • Gwen/Morgana • Merlin/Arthur • Merlin/Arthur/Gwen • Sharon/Sarah • Bloom/Stella • Amina/Daisy • Hazel/Daisy • Constance/Sophia • Han/Leia • Han/Luke • Jason/Stephanie • Stephanie/Cass • Harley/Ivy • Alex/Miles • Roy/Jamie/Keeley • Ted/Trent • Wanda/Darcy • Steve/Scott • Max/Charles • Max/Lando • Nancy/Robin • Eddie/Chrissy • Steve/Jonathan • Bucky/Tony • Max/Lewis
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You can also find me in other places. Like my ao3 account (puzzlebean/hulkling616) where I post all my writing.
I also have a couple of sideblogs (which I occasionally reblog from and to). Including (but not limited to) @marvelfemslashweek, @puzzlebeanart, @marvel-women-events, @puzzlebeanficrecs and @jewishstuckyrecs.
Last updated: October 25th, 2023
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godhasheardtruthfully · 6 months
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Still life: A Women’s Mushaf Agape
by Sam-Amina Bailey Jmd. II 1445 / 12-23
Gouache & watercolor on paper.
Inspired by Vincent Van Gogh. 12in x 9 in.
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aminatvdemon666 · 21 days
Eclipse and Earth are friends:D💖✨
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40 notes · View notes
vlastiti-stranac · 2 years
Kad svi skrenu pogled
i započnu sasvim novu priču,
ti nemoj,
ne ponavljaj njihove riječi,
naslušala sam se
i previše puta
''Amina, ušuti više.. ''
dok mi se riječi petljaju
jer mi je anksioznost sažvakala jezik.
Nemoj i ti
biti jedan od onih ljudi
pred kojima se bojim biti svoja,
poljubi mi ruke svaki put
kad polete u vazduh kako bi ti
dočarale nešto,
fiksiraj me pogledom,
učini da se osjećam viđenom
i u tvojoj blizini sigurnom.
Samo nemoj
dopustiti da utihnem
kao pred većinom njih,
učini da mi
riječi kad sam s tobom teku poput rijeke.
Budi ono moje nešto
k čemu uvijek težim,
čije oči u gomili vidim
i zagrljaj kom uvijek bježim.
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x-i-l-verify · 2 years
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「 Dream SMP Daemon AU 」 
Allard’s anemonefish, also called the two-banded clown, are a hardy, bold species of clownfish, which tends to roam further from their anemone than many clownfish do. They often attack other fish that get close to their anemone, fiercely defending their home and eggs from predators. They will also lure fish to their anemone in order to feed the anemone, as these fish are not immune to the anemone’s stings like the anemonefish. 
While the Allard’s anemonefish may roam further from their anemone than most species of clownfish, they still crave familiarity and their comfort zone at the end of the day, as they stay with the same anemone for life and depend on it entirely for their survival. If a smaller, weaker, more passive fish joins their anemone after them, they may bully them, though they will deign to coexist with other semi-aggressive fish. 
All clownfish are hierarchical, territorial, and competitive to some degree, and have strict dominance hierarchies in their anemones. They usually live with a partner or small group in their anemones, but they can be quite aggressive towards anemonefish of different species. The non-breeding clownfish in an anemone do not help the breeding pair tend to their eggs, as they are always looking for opportunities to oust the main breeding pair and take over the anemone themselves. The main breeding pair, however, works tirelessly to tend to their eggs until they hatch, fanning them to make sure they get the right amount of oxygen and eating bad eggs to make sure they don’t infect other healthy eggs. These clownfish are also monogamous, pairing for life.
Sam is dependable, diligent, and protective. Ami is ambitious, obsessive, and possessive.
NAME MEANING ”Amina” is the feminine form of Arabic Amin, meaning "honest, trustworthy," and it's also a Hebrew name meaning "faithful, trusted."
SOURCES https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23748 https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23411
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filminah · 1 year
coming of age movies (because i'm 17)
Saturday 29th April 2023 - 12:17pm we're back at it again with another movie list! given the title of this post i should've posted it about two weeks ago but lifes gone down so i just haven't had the time. so without further ado... the way way back (comedy-drama, 2013) directed by Nat Faxon and Jim Rash - Duncan, with his mother, her boyfriend, and his daughter take a vacation at his potential step-dads beachhouse. Annoyed, he wanders off and meets Owen who offers him a job at Water Wizz and opens up his world. one of my favourite movies of all time, it's so so so underrated, it's one of those movies where it feels like a sneak peak into someone's life, it doesn't have that distinct movie separated-from-reality feeling to it. this movie introduced me to the phenomenal Sam Rockwell (who, by the way, is also my favourite actor ever!) and urged me to watch many movies he has appeared in. this film is close to my heart and out of all the ones on this list, i sincerely encourage you to watch The Way Way Back the most.
me, earl and the dying girl (comedy-drama, 2015) directed by Alfonso Gomez-Rejon - in which Greg Gaines, a socially awkward teenage boy, along with his "co-worker" Earl (who he makes short, parody films with) become friends with Rachel, a dying girl with cancer. Greg spends more and more time with Rachel and neglects school, all the while making a film just for her. despite being a little bit cliche, the film holds up rather well. although i wasn't the biggest fan of the original book (written by Jesse Andrews and of the same name). Greg is so relatable as a person, though his internal monologue isn't as true to the source material it still translates quite well from written word to film portrayal. *minor spoilers* if i had to pick a part, i love the ending of the movie where it shows Greg and Earls film, i love the scene as Rachel tells a silent story set in the walls of her room and her wishes for Greg. i think i could recite every word and direction of the script for that scene word for word the black phone (supernatural-horror, 2021) directed by Scott Derrickson - Set in the 1970s, 13 year old Finney Blake, a shy but clever boy is kidnapped by "The Grabber" a serial child abductor who keeps him held in the basement of his home, an almost completely empty room with the exception of an old black phone on the wall with it's wires cut. when Finney begins to lose hope of escape, the phone rings. when the first teaser came out for this movie back in 2020 i was so so so stoked for its release. this movie isn't gory or anything, but there is a fair bit of blood and violence involving children. it's not coming-of-age as you'd typically see it which i quite like. it gave me slight IT vibes and nostalgia from the IT era of 2017. I love how Finney develops through the story, that it's not completely ***MAJOR SPOILERS*** up to the ghosts to help him and that he does have to figure things out on his own, i like how he gives up and Robin is the last one there, i wish some more depth was added as to the background of The Grabber and the story of the phone. **END** however if you're going to watch The Black Phone, i heavily recommend NOT watching the main trailers as they essentially give the entire plot away.
i hope you liked this post! i might make this into a series as coming-of-age movies are my favourite genre that's all for now!
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hpnewgen · 2 years
HP NEW GEN Parental Masterlist
Sooooo, I’m beginning to realize seeing the same style headcanons constantly might get a bit boring for some after a while, so I’ve decided to branch out and provide you with something new and exciting (although I will still be posting those headcanons).
When reading the headcanons about my OCs, some of you may wonder who these kid’s parents are. While I give context in the posts themselves, I thought it would be a fun idea to create a masterlist of who’s the child of who, just so I can say this blog has some variety to it.
This list will only include the parents of my OCs, as everyone already knows who the canon character’s parents are anyway. Also, the pairings on this list are - for the most part - very random. In addition, I’ve made the executive decision to cross this universe over with that of Roald Dahl’s “Matilda” because there’s no way she would not have gone to Hogwarts with the Potter-Gen crew. All this to say, this list might get a little crazy. You have been warned.
One more thing, and this one’s pretty straightforward: This post is going to be rather long, as I’m still trying to find a happy medium between short little headcanons and thirty page essays content wise. I apologize in advance.
Thus, without further adieu:
Harry Potter: New Generation - The Parental Masterlist
*Links will be provided for the non-OC parents who are very - very - obscure*
Jack, Jake, Jason and Maisie: Gregory Goyle and Pansy Parkinson
Liam and Lavender: Seamus Finnigan and Matilda Wormwood (Although if I didn’t already have Caleb and Seamus Thomas lined up, I totally would’ve paired him with Dean.)
Trey and Milani: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Candice Blake
Simon: Dave Burnham and Melissa Wayne
Jasmine: Theodore Nott and Millicent Bulstrode
Abby: Dennis Creevey and Gabrielle Delacour
Mariah: Oliver Wood and Alicia Spinnet
Kyra and Astoria: Anthony Goldstein and Daphne Greengrass
Evelyn: Isaac Owens and Robin Derricks
Amina: Stephen Umbridge and Leslie Willard (Estranged great niece of Dolores Umbridge - nothing alike, I promise.)
Caleb and Seamus: Dean Thomas and Susan Bones (Once again, would’ve paired him with Seamus if Liam and Lavender weren’t already a thing.)
Brett and Ana: Cormac McLaggen and Parvati Patil
Clare: Victor Marerro and Cloe Ryder
Raina and Norah: Vinh Webber and Kim Mac
Cody: David Kowalski and Mary Pressley (Great-grandson of Jacob Kowalski)
Annabelle: Emmanuel DeCleure and Olivie Beringer
Nathaniel and Diamond: Blaise Zabini and Zoe Accrington
Sam: Clement Sweeney and Nikki Ross
Jaxon and Daisy: Dudley Dursley and Lucille Robertson
Summer: Marcus Belby and Marietta Edgecombe
Andrew: Mick Hornby and Grace Nutley
Gavin, Gabby and Noah: Edgar Mason and Cho Chang (Noah was adopted when he was two.)
Emily: Lee Jordan and Katie Bell (I originally had Katie with Oliver Wood, but that aGE GAP-)
Aries: Dominic Alderton and Mandy Brocklehurst (Descendant of Arkie Alderton.)
Ophilia: Rodger Davies and Patricia Stimpson
Linus: Alfred Cattermole and Jaida Adams
Anzhelo and Apostol: Viktor Krum and Elisaveta Bonev
Lindsay: Mikey Wormwood (Matilda Wormwood’s brother) and Viola Audley
Christopher: Jasper Warble and Monica Carver (Descendant of Irving Warble)
Nico: Jake Farley (Let’s just assume he and his relatives were found) and Stacey Arrington
Gemma: Bethany Dawn and Rowena Shelby (Via adoption)
Jerry and Ojas: Michael Corner and Padma Patil
Lucas and Natalie: Marcus Flint and Selina Moore
Victoria and Everett: Ernie Macmillan and Suzette Wilbur
Belle and Sophie: Calvin Tucker and Jennifer Harvey
Desmond, Tiffany, David and Amy: Terry Boot and Romilda Vane
Joyce: James Spencer and Nadia Bryant
Andre: Levi Brent and Clara Archer
Julianna: Trevor Gill and Jonathan Awkwright (Via surrogate)
Romaine: Florent Denis and Georgie Mathieu
Aileen: Terence Higgs and Penelope Clearwater
Riley and Michael: Kevin Entwhistle and Sally-Anne Perks
Sean: Ryan Walker and Dylan Franklin (Via adoption)
Alexia: Chase Aubrey and Megan Jones (niece of Bertram Aubrey)
Jane: Stephen Cornfoot and Sophie Roper
Aidan: Eddie Carmichael and Sue Li
Nick and Evan: Zacharias Smith and Vanessa Richardson
Morgan: Wayne Hopkins and Kellah Summers
John: Charles Bayless and Whitney Ethans
Will: Arnie Clayton and Jaiden Audley
Melinda: Derek Abbott and Natalie McDonald
Xavier: August Jones and Sylvia Mercer
Alana: Graham Pritchard and Orla Quirke
Danielle: Blaine Howard and Elanor Branstone
Emma: Conrad Wheeler and Angela Watkins
Erin: Orson Dearborn and Bonita Barton (Granddaughter of Caradoc Dearborn)
Tiana Porter: Benjamin Porter and Alice Power
Lexi: Jimmy Peakes and Laura Madley
Madison: Adrian Pucey and Lenore Payton
Connor: Cecil Reynolds and Olivia Hayes
Jared: Norris Ridley and Patricia Abram
Elodie: Ignace Lestrange and Josiane Girard (Distantly related to Rodolphus Lestrange)
Elle: Bernard Atkins and Jacqueline Dorsey
Ida: Ryder Burke and Lola Lucas
Peggie: Elias Norman and Marilyn Fleming
Camilla: Randall Abel and Angelita Barboza
Rebecca: Sullivan Fawley and Esther Lyndon
Zinnia: Timothy Pierce and Hadley Madison (Via adoption)
Alvin: Alger Levitt and Lucinda Cornell
Carley: Geoffrey Barlow and Alyssa York
Fiona: Joseph Chapman and Leana Ford (Younger sister to Polly Chapman)
Maggie and Liza: Lewis Drew and Alicia Lockwood
Felix: Lorenzo Berkshire and Tracey Davis
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