usedpidemo · 3 days
Too many nights ((G)I-dle Yuqi)
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The way you see it, even if the signs were right in front of you all along—written in bright, colorful signposts with the largest text imaginable—you’d still be hurling yourself off that cliff. 
Yuqi knows this too—you think she does.
At the very least, she looks convincing enough that she feigns innocence on the matter, and she is. It's mainly a you problem. She doesn’t know you much other than being the sweet, quiet guy who was her roommate in college and nothing else.
And that’s probably the reason why she’s standing in front of your newly minted apartment on a random Monday.
You’re waiting for her to pick her bags off the floor and leave. You told her to leave three times. Threaten to call security on her. She doesn’t budge. Instead, she stares. Stubborn, obstinate, unyielding.
“Please, give me one opportunity. Please let me explain myself.” Yuqi finally breaks her silence, eyes wide, glinting with tears, pleading.
She looks down, unable to see you eye to eye, her hands running through the pockets of her skirt. “You’re right. I’ve taken your kindness for granted, and I’m sorry. I really am.” 
Pausing, you’ve never heard her sound this quiet, this personal. “I never truly appreciated you till I was home with my parents. I should have focused more on studying than going out and having fun. Now look. They’re pissed that I’m being a bum at home instead of working, so they kicked me out.”
She proves your theory to be true. She has no reason to be here unless you bail her out of trouble again.
“But I can’t find one job that I like. Working a 9-5 or any regular cashier job seems so boring, you know what I mean? Doesn’t feel like my type of thing to do,” she continues, lightly kicking the suitcases with her feet. “My friends are all busy, so I had no one to lean on. Then I remembered you! So here I am.”
At least it was nice seeing Yuqi act mature for at least three minutes before reverting to her usual spry, childlike personality. 
“Okay? Well that’s on you for being lazy, and I can’t help with that. Sorry to hear you got kicked out, but I have nothing to offer you. It was great seeing you, though. Good luck with that job.” 
You try closing the door, but she stops it with her foot. Peeking through the narrow space, you find Yuqi persistent, unrelenting. “Wait. Hear me out for a second, I said I didn’t wanna be your roommate.”
“No, Yuqi. Just go—”
“I really need you right now. I’ve already applied to like five different companies on public wifi, it’s so fucking slow and I doubt they even got my email. I just need a place to stay for like a month. Trust me, I’ll get a job and when I get paid, I’ll spend it on finding my own apartment! Just give me this one time.”
You swear you’ve never heard Yuqi this desperate, this loud. Your neighbors are probably ringing up security right now, maybe the owner too.
“Okay, okay. Just calm down for a minute, will you? Our neighbors are listening.” You open the door lightly and Yuqi’s eyes light up. You didn’t even say yes, but it might as well be a confirmation to her.
“You promise? You’re actually working on a job application?” you ask, doubtful about her claim.
“Of course.” Yuqi shows her phone, presents pdf files of multiple application letters to the very places she doesn’t want to work. Some fastfood chains, at convenience stores, and mall outlets. “None of them have replied back, so—I’m still trying to apply to more places, but I’m almost out of data on my plan and I don’t wanna spend another night inside my car. Just give me this one thing? Okay?”
Seeing the evidence firsthand, you can’t help but be impressed. If you had any spine, you’d contemplate the proposal more, give it some time to mellow out, maybe let her elaborate some terms of agreement. But in a moment of weakness, you yield right away. What’s one month of Yuqi gonna do to you?
“All right, fine. I’ll let you stay—”
“I owe you one, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Yuqi doesn’t even let you finish your sentence when she brings her suitcases into your apartment at record speed. She gives you a peck on the cheek in appreciation twice, one for each pair of suitcases she shuffles in.
You can only sigh in response before closing the door.
Before Yuqi gets comfortable in her new place, you sit her down on the living room couch to discuss house rules. This isn’t like college, where you share a dorm together, split the bill and have personal spaces. While you don’t own the apartment, you make one thing very clear: she’s bound to you and whatever rules you impose on her.
“Let’s make one thing and one thing clear: you break any of my rules, you’re outta here. I don’t care if you explain yourself, you’re gone. Understood?”
“Right.” Yuqi’s trembling with excitement and impatience, nodding erratically, kicking her legs up, goading you into rushing through everything so she can lay on an actual bed. 
You take a moment to analyze her suitcases in the middle of the room. Facing her, you ask cautiously, “Tell me you didn’t bring your—”
“Yep!” She responds almost immediately, thrilled to answer your question, as if it were muscle memory. “It’s exactly what you think it is.”
And there goes your supposed rule one. Of course she brought her entire dorm room decor along. Knowing her, they’re likely encompassing two of her suitcases.
“Yeah, no. My landlord is quite strict about decor, so you can’t put them up,” you tell her bluntly; there’s no getting around his rule, even if your roles were swapped.
She frowns, visibly devastated, probably more hurt than being kicked out by her family. It’s the end of the world, but she won’t give in. If there’s even a slight possibility she can have her way, she will force herself through. “Please? Even just my room—”
“Not a chance. It’s just a general rule here, sorry.” You make sure to shut her down immediately. “I didn’t make that rule, anyway. Blame the owner.”
Yuqi acquiesces. She groans with displeasure, crossing her arms, acting bratty. No act can convince you to change your mind.
“Right. Now actual ground rules. This isn’t a dorm so you can’t just freeload as much as you want. Now I understand you're still working on that job application, so all I’m asking is just for you not to be completely messy, got it? So don’t eat my leftovers without asking, don’t go out to clubs and ask me to drive you home when you’re drunk, none of that. If you’re drunk, sleep outside the room. I don’t want to clean up vomit on the carpets.”
Surprisingly, Yuqi agrees without complaint. You’re unsure whether she’s nodding so she can settle in, or if she actually understood every single word.
“I seriously hope you’re working on that job—”
“Don’t worry! Just give me the wifi password and I’ll be set.” Yuqi can’t help but interrupt you every single time, and to her credit, it’s effective. She does seem dead set on taking this opportunity to redeem herself, and it’s a convincing act. As insufferable as she can be at times, you want to see her succeed. You want to see her win.
You jot down the wifi password on an extremely thin sheet of paper and place it on the table before her. Before walking away, you ask her, “You need me to help with your belongings? I’ll get the guest room ready while you make yourself comfort—”
“Nah, it’s fine!” Yuqi’s typing on her phone, not even shooting you a look in your direction. “I’ll get it sorted out, don’t worry! Just pretend I’m not here.”
To her credit, she does get her belongings sorted out. By evening, she moves into a cleared out storage room that’s now her designated bedroom. Words are hardly exchanged other than simple pleasantries and greetings. You ask her if she had dinner, she says yes. She doesn’t take anything from the fridge other than some water. There’s a knock on the door; she answers and comes back with a package of chinese food. She offers to share some, but you modestly decline.
You never ate together when you shared a dorm in college. She would eat her inside her bedroom or after you already cleaned up. At times, she’d come back to the dorm late and you wouldn’t see her till the following day. You share the same space but you have vastly different lives. The feeling is familiar, but the setting is new: having dinner under the low light, uncertain about your futures. 
This feels like your first day together all over again.
The first night with Yuqi is a quiet affair. There’s hardly any commotion. An unusual scene. She finishes her food ahead of you then retreats into her bedroom without uttering a single word. 
When you wake up the next morning, Yuqi is already at the dining table. Browsing her laptop, coffee in hand, seemingly focused on that next job application. She doesn’t even greet you or acknowledge your existence; she’s in her own world, but in a good way. 
“Morning,” you quietly say, trying to grab her attention, but it falls on deaf ears. 
“You off to work?” she asks, preceded by a mouse click while you pour onto your mug. Her attention remains glued to the screen, paying you no heed.
“Kind of?” You take a seat opposite Yuqi’s side on the table. “I work here. Or should I say: this is my workplace.” 
“Wow. I wish I could work from home. Would be nice,” she replies between mouse clicks and keyboard taps.
You take a light sip of your coffee. “What course did you take again?” 
“Umm—” Yuqi slumps back in her chair, “I think it was medicine? I wanted to become a guitarist and have my own band, but my parents wanted me to become a doctor. And I don’t wanna ruin my handwriting, so—” 
“Don’t you have a band with your friends? The one with—”
“Yeah that dream died two years ago.” Yuqi’s eyes squint, brows furrowing, running through every word slightly faster than normal. “And I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Not even a little—”
“No.” She faces you with a surprisingly cold glare, a sight you’ve never seen before. “They can just fuck off—those goddamn bitches.” 
You find yourself unable to move the conversation forward after her abrupt turn. It’s probably for the best; you hardly paid any attention to Yuqi’s life to be entitled to a substantial explanation. 
The rest of the hour goes by in deafening, awkward silence. Here’s Yuqi, this ball of energy whose life primarily revolves around partying and getting rowdy, calmly clicking on the touchpad and typing a few words every now and then in search of a way to fund her addiction. You can tell from her sullen expression just how deprived she is of that high—how incomplete she feels without the rush of adrenaline, ecstasy, and alcohol flowing through her veins. It’s impressive how it takes someone to hit rock bottom to turn their life around, how all this could have been avoided with a few decisions.
Still, it’s never too late for someone like her, and as long as she holds up her end of the deal, i.e. leave you for good after this, you’ll actively root for her success.
“Fucking hell, dude,” sighs Yuqi, slamming the panel of her laptop hard, her fist narrowing missing the edge of the table. While you’ve made yourself comfortable at your usual workplace, a spacious office desk on the other side of the living room, you’re preoccupied scanning through numerous documents and emails your boss sent you. A look at the bottom right of the screen tells you it’s half past lunch. Then your stomach grumbles, as if the clock wasn’t enough of a reminder.
“Gonna make lunch,” you say to a vexed Yuqi, who’s stretching her legs against the table and her arms to the ceiling, body likely aching from her hunched position. “You good?”
“Yep.” Her tone perfectly toes the line between sincerity and sarcasm. “Got three rejections—no, four, actually. The last one was sent minutes ago.”
You’re not sure how to respond.
You couldn’t relate to her even if you tried. Of the two applications you sent, your current job is the one that gave you the freedom and flexibility to work from home, even if it paid less than the other. That was six months ago; finding job opportunities has become way harder, or so you’ve heard from your other unemployed peers from college.
“Finding a job sucks,” says Yuqi, stating the obvious. She finally gets up from her chair, brings her laptop back into her bedroom to charge before reemerging with a hairpin wrapped around her knuckles, tying it around her loose red hair. “So, what’s for lunch?”
“Meatloaf and eggs,” you reply, firing up the stove as you grab pans from beneath the sink. “Not sure if you’ll like it, though.”
She lifts her eyebrows, intrigued, but mostly unbothered. She’ll eat anything as long as it isn’t fast food or from the convenience store, and she doesn’t have the gall to complain, anyway, as your roommate. 
“So, how’s the job hunting going?” you ask her right as the sun descends over your apartment windows. You have your schedule down to a science, finishing all intended projects and goals when neighboring buildings’ lights open. Weekdays can’t be anymore mundane and monotonous, but you get the job done, you’re paid handsomely, and you have time for your other hobbies.
Meanwhile, Yuqi looks like she doesn’t want to stare at a computer screen for a week, maybe a month. She looks worse off than she did in the morning. It’s evident in her clothes, her hair, her face: frazzled and messy. A perfect representation of her state.
“What do you think?” she replies, never sounding so heated, so frustrated. A look at her screen shows a new rejection letter, piled between several others, already read. Each one with different reasons, different ways to hurt, but with the same intent: we appreciate your interest, but we have chosen a different candidate from a very competitive pool—we don’t think you fulfill our qualifications—we’re looking for someone with more experience—we wish you the best in your future endeavors. You’ve noticed she tends to click back and forth between each letter, as if to torture herself further.
“I think you should put that laptop away. Try again tomorrow,” you tell her, closing the panel while she’s scrolling, stealing her attention. She readjusts her glasses, blinking rapidly, annoyed at your little intervention. “I’m going for a walk. You should join me.”
“And what if I don’t?” she asks, threatening to pull her laptop away from your fingers. 
“Good luck going out when I have the room key then.”
“I don’t have my running shoes,” she replies, and she’s telling the truth; she only brought one pair of slippers with her, the rest being colorful sets of boots and expensive high heels.
“Then grab some from my closet and wash up. You’ll look stupid if you go out in those silly boots.”
At first, you believe she had declined the offer; you had already left the building when Yuqi caught up to you moments later, huffing and puffing from exhaustion. Hey, maybe she could have been a great track and field athlete if she put her mind to it.
You can’t help but make a little comment. “Thought you weren’t going to go out.”
That was for all the times she’d make similar remarks to you back in college. They never really bothered you; you were never a man of high morals and upstanding, but at least you had your priorities sorted out, unlike Yuqi. 
Yuqi playfully counters your rib, shooting you a disparaging stare. “Dude. I’m doing you a favor by doing this.”
“Elaborate.” You laugh.
“You never went out whenever I asked you. You always said no to parties.”
“And for good reason. Look at us now.” 
If you wanted to, you’d be harsher. You have years of dirty laundry and grievances to air out, but this is as concise and as restrained as you can express them without getting accused of attempted murder. Besides, you can’t keep a straight face the longer you look at her. She clearly stands out in a rather dreary and dull crowd, and it isn’t the red hair as bright as the sun, it's her look—or lack thereof. Your oversized hoodie, your running shoes mixed with her pajamas, the lack of bra—it’s obvious she only did the bare minimum to look decent in a public setting, and yet she fits in all of them like a glove.
“Where are we going, anyway? Can it be a bar? I hope it’s a bar.” 
The first thing she wants to look for once outside is a place to drink. Of course. It’s hardly a surprise to you or anyone at this point.
“Where’s your car anyway?” you question back. 
“I dunno. Could be in the carpark, could have been impounded. I don’t remember, and I don’t really care. It smells like dogshit, anyway, cause I’ve been living in it for the past three weeks.” 
Yuqi talks with a fine blend of fast and sardonic, evidently scarred from all her ordeals with that car. She’s never experienced living outside her glass castle until now, and it shows. She’s dragging her feet with every step following you close behind, trying to soak in the scenery around her. Street lights, joggers, buskers, friends, and partners of every sort, people that you actually know and recognize. It’s all foreign in her eyes. All she knows are strobe lights, loud music, drinks, and rowdy crowds. 
“So, like, do you just go on a walk every single day or you only do this because I’m your roommate?” she wonders, her gaze lingering at a passing woman jogger that catches her eye. Jumping to conclusions, she adds, “Are you telling me to touch grass? As if I hadn’t been doing that for weeks?”
You turn around and notice her distant stare, still fixated on that woman, ruminating the prospect of leaving you for her instead. “I don’t think getting blacked out drunk and vomiting in your car counts as touching grass.”
“How do you even know that?” Yuqi faces you, provoked by your comment, pouting. “You hardly attend parties, even when I invited you. You always turned them down.”
“Word gets around fast. I thought you already knew that.” 
If she could, she’d grab you by the throat and strangle you to death or rip you in half. It stings. She questions whether your blunt, matter-of-fact delivery makes the statement ten times more scathing. Then she wonders if she made a mistake, dressing up and going after you, when you’ll just be making her regret her life decisions like her parents did. You hardly cared back then, so why now?
“Can we just go to a bar? You’re being annoying.” Yuqi stares into the distance, intentionally averting her gaze away from you.
“If you have the money, then sure, let’s go for it.” You know she has no leverage or power; she can only afford fast food and a month’s worth of groceries and daily necessities. It pains her to make a willing decision to pass on alcohol and avoid bars and parties. She’s down horrendously, but she won’t directly confess her own fatal flaw. 
It takes everything within her not to slap you square in the face. 
And you can play this game all night long until she folds. You can stand there, argue, and debate with Yuqi till she runs out of excuses and complaints. Four years of pent up material to unload onto her, make a scene in public and turn her into an example about not wasting one’s life away. You can go further, you promise. 
Instead, you both settle down in a cafe on the other side of the park as a compromise.
The place is more suited to Yuqi’s style: lively crowd, comfortable ambience, all the caffeine and sugar as a proxy to her raging alcohol addiction. Most importantly, she won’t pay for shit. You don’t even end up drinking your own order; she does it on your behalf. You settle for a tiny cup of tap water instead. In a way, she’s acting like a needy dog, desperate for attention without concern for anything else that doesn’t involve her.
“Fucking hell, I never knew I needed this,” she echoes, sipping up the last quarter of your coffee, glancing at the menu over the counter, itching for another. She’s keen on paying from her pocket this time; she recognizes you won’t give her another freebie. “This shit tastes so good.”
You can only shake your head, not even remotely trying to hide your frustration toward her. Her obliviousness is kind of cute in a way, making her look a bit sympathetic. 
“Maybe I should just work here,” she says, her eyes moving in every direction, her attention taken by something shiny every five seconds. Plenty of action happens at night: groups entering and exiting, the pervasive scent of fresh coffee brewing in real time, and plenty of girls to ogle at. In particular, there’s a waitress with a cherry tattoo on her neck that’s captured her interest. She can’t help but point her out to you, grinning widely at her. “See that waitress? She’s kinda cute.”
“Uh-huh.” You’re not really paying attention; you’re there mainly for the free wifi and a snack, not to flirt. Luckily for you both, the waitress is preoccupied with meeting high customer demands to notice. “Good idea, maybe you should apply here.”
The longer you stay inside the cafe premises, the more Yuqi becomes less inclined to leave. You end up having dinner, a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches from the snack menu. On her end, four cups of coffee strewn on the table, all drank by her. If this was some ploy to make you pay for free drinks, it worked to a tee. Anything to avoid engaging you in a serious conversation.
The opportunity never presents itself. Soon, the cafe becomes dimmer and muted. Staff are closing off sections, clearing trays, and cleaning up empty tables. Since you entered the cafe, she has not made a move on the waitress at all, even when you’ve tried pushing her over the cliff numerous times. Her shift is close to done, ready to check out for the day. One more opening. Still, Yuqi watches her intently, but can’t find the strength to stand, let alone pull the trigger.
“Well? I thought you were gonna ask her out or something.” You take a look around and come to a grim realization: that you’re the only two customers left.
“I—I don’t think I wanna do it now.” Yuqi turns around, playfully grinning, but rushing through her words. “Maybe when I get the job here. Maybe.”
You can only react in quiet disbelief to how this was all just a huge waste of time—and money.
“Fucking—” you sputter before masking the rest of your response, groaning as you rise from your seat, leaving.
After two days, your main observation is that Yuqi hasn’t changed much. If at all.
The rest of the week follows a similar structure. It’s comforting; it’s the kind of monotony you’ve acquainted yourself in ever since having your own apartment. Yuqi’s always up before you, an hour in advance, she’ll tell you. At her usual spot around the dining table, on her laptop, coffee in hand. You stop asking for updates after the third day; you’re certain she’ll figure things out. Your mindfulness and curiosity get the better of you, peeking through the screen on occasion, only to find the same thing. One rejection after another, mixed in with a new application letter in between. From the outside looking in, it’s as if some divine force doesn’t want her to get that job.
In the evenings, you go for your usual walks. Yuqi joins you out of the apartment building, but instead of following, she separates and heads the other way. She’s wearing her own earphones and your hoodie, something she’ll end up keeping. The few times you run across each other, she's holding some drink in her hand, usually the coffee from the cafe you spent time with her in, her hoodie pooling with sweat all over. No pleasantries, you mind your own business till you return home.
It isn’t until two weeks after she’s moved in that you extend an invitation: a visit to a newly opened lounge on the other side of town. You preface the invite saying you only knew about the place because it had opened a month ago, and had mostly forgotten about it until you remembered her. She’s doing well for herself, so you might as well reward her for her efforts, even if it hasn’t gone anywhere. And it isn’t Yuqi without asking for some kind of favor; in this case, taking a ride in your car because hers has been impounded by the police. You’re not even surprised that she’s too lazy to reclaim it herself.
Your friend says the lounge is newly opened, but once inside, you’re uncertain about her claim. Whether it's by design or her being a complete liar, grimy, poorly lit, in the vein of all those underground clubs you had seen in action movies where a shootout or police raid occurs. Simply put, there isn’t anywhere pretty to look at, and you feel icky just by being here.
To Yuqi, it’s a fantasyland: it’s where she’s meant to be all along. She’s so overjoyed to be there. 
“It’s you!” calls a familiar voice; you turn and find a friendly face over the counter waving to you. You quietly leave Yuqi to herself and approach the bartender, who just so happens to be the owner. “I never thought you’d come and visit! It’s great to see you.”
“Only doing this for a friend, Minnie,” you silently tell her, pointing your finger at your invited guest, the sole reason you’d ever be here. She recognizes her immediately and understands.
“Yuqi, huh?” She looks intrigued, her gaze lingering at the girl. A subtle grin is forming on her face. “Never thought the two of you would be an item like that, considering she’s a party animal and you’re—”
“No—no—don’t get it twisted,” you interrupt, frantically trying to clear up any presumption. There’s no chance in hell you will ever find yourself attached to Yuqi romantically, not even a little. “It’s—a long story.”
“Do tell.” Minnie smirks, teasing, alluring. She looks the part of a bar owner, all right; dark eyelashes and shadowy lipstick matching her pitch black hair. Not to mention her slim dress perfectly hugging her tight frame, showing enough cleavage to draw attention. As a friendly gesture, she gives you a wine glass and pours a drink on it. “We’ve got all the time in the world and all the drinks you need. All in house since you’re a friend.”
So you oblige yourself to a tiny sip. The place is surprisingly quiet and empty, even though it’s the weekend, with lo-fi music playing through the speakers as the only form of background noise. Minnie doesn’t have much on her plate. She can lean on the desk and listen to you all night long.
“So, two weeks ago, Yuqi moved into my place trying to look for a job,” you tell Minnie before taking another sip. Both of you take quick glances at Yuqi, seemingly having the time of her life, scaring off the sole patron by the billiards table. “And I was wondering if you can get her a job here. She’s been rejected from every company she applied for. I know she doesn’t want to work a nine-to-five, and I suddenly remembered this place.”
Minnie raises a curious eyebrow, brushing small strands of hair covering her ear. “I see.” Looking past you, she notices Yuqi, now at the karaoke, amused by her voice and energy. You follow along and watch too, wincing at her talent, caught completely by surprise. You can feel the passion and emotion from her rather honeyed, deep singing voice, as well as her natural charisma while performing. 
“Damn. She sounds really good. Borderline natural at it.” Minnie’s in awe of Yuqi’s abilities, the sort of reaction that pushes buttons, steals the show. “Wasn’t she in a band? I know she played guitar.”
“She said it doesn’t exist anymore, won’t tell me what happened.” 
Even in the midst of conversation, Yuqi’s voice manages to snatch away your focus. She’s an extremely powerful singer—a natural, as Minnie said. Her voice is overpowering the background music with little difficulty. There’s little need to watch when her vocals can easily capture your attention all the same. 
Facing you again, Minnie replies, clasping her hands together, “How about she perform by herself?” she suggests. 
You meet her eye to eye at the drop of the notion, curious.
“What do you mean?” You take another sip.
“We have an open mic night next weekend, and we could use talent to liven up the place. She sounds perfect for that kind of gig. Who knows? Maybe she can be a resident singer if the cards are right.” Minnie smiles through every word, recognizing Yuqi’s talent and the untapped potential she has. All she needs is a platform to showcase her skill properly. And taking another glance at her, you see that too. She has the passion and the vocals to croon a live audience.
“I’ll tell her,” you say, turning to Minnie again. Yuqi has finished performing and is on her way over to the bar. Your conversation breaks off as the two women greet each other with an exchange of kisses on the cheek. 
“Great place you got here girl,” Yuqi tells Minnie, beaming from ear to ear. “I’ll be popping by often if you don’t mind.”
“Thanks. I could use some company on the weekdays, if I’m being honest.” Minnie hands Yuqi her own wine-filled glass, as well as a complimentary bottle. She makes sure not to “Take it, it’s on the house.”
“God, this is why I love you so fucking much.” Yuqi drinks up the whole glass in one swig, and immediately pours some from the complimentary bottle. Minnie can’t help but shake her head with a little smile, knowing this is still the same Yuqi she’s acquainted with since college. A rose-tinted view of days gone by. 
The two women spend the rest of the time catching up. With how much they talk, it would be a safe assumption to think that these are two long lost friends who haven’t spoken in years. Then the conversation goes on and on, revealing more details than you should probably know: exchanged  private messages as recent as last night, Yuqi’s intentions to visit the lounge sooner before present circumstances got in the way, and how she ended up in your apartment. As a listener and side character in her story, it’s a part you quite frankly never wanted, let alone be involved in under any capacity. You make sure to add your point of view in the narrative and clear every question. Whenever you chime in, they laugh heartily. It’s a mess, and they’re unapologetically quirky, never failing to make fun of you at times.
Despite everything, the topic is never brought up: the upcoming open mic night, her performance, her natural talent. You were planning to shoehorn the idea, but one too many drinks later, the conversation and opportunity eventually slips away. Again. 
Yuqi can hardly stand on her own two feet when she finally decides it's time to leave. It’s two in the morning when you guide her back to your car, with her drunk out of her mind and slipping into unconsciousness. Minnie assists you, making it even more embarrassing. Even when she’s so inebriated that she can barely move a muscle, she says she wants another round, slipping back into her old ways.
You escort Yuqi back to your apartment, setting her down on her bed and promising yourself that you’ll tell her about Minnie’s offer when she’s sober in the morning. 
Except it’s the one fucking day in the month where your job calls you into an actual office for a meeting. Despite that, Yuqi is not at her usual spot in the living room the next morning (unsurprisingly), so you leave food on the table for when she eventually wakes up.
Returning late in the afternoon, you find a note from Yuqi on the outside door of your apartment, stamped by strawberry lipstick, simply reading:
> Not gonna be around till tomorrow. Have something urgent to attend to - XOXO, song yuqi
Sure enough, one brief tour of the apartment and Yuqi is nowhere to be seen. Her room remains untouched: the same, colorful space it’s always been, with most of her clothes and belongings still strewn everywhere on the floor. You don’t even mind the stickers and posters plastered all over the walls; she was gonna break that rule regardless. Typical, but expected. At least you know she hasn’t completely left yet.
Deep down, it’s the first time in a while that your apartment feels a lot smaller—and lonelier. It’s not that you have any sentimental attachment to Yuqi—not in the slightest—but her presence clearly livens up the place. The difference without her around is night and day. Even when your interactions are limited to a minimum, the brief moments you interact make living by yourself a bit more tolerable. 
So you preoccupy your mind with your usual schedule: a walk in the park, then dinner by yourself. But these intrusive thoughts grow worse and worse. You’re not in your pajamas at the usual hour, her absence is keeping you up at night, and waiting for her to walk through that door is about as brutal as federal punishment.
You end up driving to Minnie’s bar, inquiring about Yuqi’s whereabouts. She says she hasn’t been around, and she hasn’t exchanged messages with her since last night. Then she asks about open mic night; you tell her about the inconvenience, about the note on your door, which is why you’re there. Good effort, but she ultimately gives you nothing.
“You should stay here a while, who knows? I can message Yuqi you’ve been looking for her,” says Minnie, her smile as welcoming as it’s ever been. “Why not have a drink in the meantime?”
“Hmm.” You entertain the thought, but she promised to return tomorrow, and perhaps you’re overthinking it; you just have to let it play out. “No thanks.” As a distraction you’re watching another girl at the karaoke machine. She has distinctively pink hair, has similar energy and passion for singing, except her voice is much higher, more nasally. All she does is remind you of Yuqi, but she’s nowhere close—in appearance and in ability. “She promised to be back tomorrow. Maybe I should take her word for it and go home.”
A pour of wine on the glass is followed by her siren-like whisper. With her hand caressing your shoulder, she mutters, “So—you like her. You like Song Yuqi.”
You raise an eyebrow, taken aback by her statement. Facing Minnie, you reply, “What? No way. I don’t like Yuqi at all. I’m just concerned she might have disappeared, that’s all.”
“Cap.” Minnie smirks, murmurs to your other ear. “You like her. Actually, you love her. You just won’t admit it.”
“And what makes you say that?” 
“The fact you look so distressed wondering where she is. I mean—just look at you.” Her voice is slow, delicate, each word delivered with profound emphasis. She flickers a lighter, then directs the cigarette in her mouth for a puff. “Would someone who doesn’t like her worry like this?”
“I mean—I’m just trying to help her get back on her feet,” you tell her, and Minnie can only chuckle in response. Puff more smoke. In her eyes, you’re not doing yourself any favors. Your words have no weight to them. It’s the same old same old most women like her hear dozens of times. I’m not into her, says the guy who’s showing an alarming level of concern towards said girl. Something she’s all too familiar with. “You know? Just looking out for a friend, that kinda thing.”
Minnie wishes she can hold up a mirror against you now to prove her point. In a place meant for everyone to relax and ease themselves, you look tumid, on the verge of a historical crash out. She smirks into her next smoke, shaking her head, scrolling through her phone. “Sure. I believe you,” she remarks, and there’s no effort made to hide the sarcasm in any capacity.
That piece of cigar looks quite appealing right now. She sells smoking like she sells the off shoulder dress draping her defined figure: exceptionally well, like she’s meant for it.
Later in the night—you’re unsure whether it’s still today or tomorrow—Minnie suddenly approaches you with a shift in enthusiasm, as seen through her grin: “You should probably head home. Unless you want to stay the night waiting for someone who won’t be here in the morning.”
“She’s back already?” You manage to decipher the hint right away.
She nods, can’t help herself from beaming continuously. No effort to lie or maintain the mystery further. “I guess you’re not as stupid as I thought you’d be.”
Running up the stairs in a hurry, you respond to her little jab with a shout, “And you owe me one for that. Actually—no, I owe you one!” 
Unknowingly, Yuqi’s little mannerisms are starting to reflect in you, too.
Sure enough, you’re home within a matter of minutes. Empty streets, dead nightlife on a weekday, the loudest thing heard for miles is the roar of your car’s engine and the elevator headed up to your apartment floor. Any other time you’d burst through that door like an officer with an arrest warrant, but it’s almost three in the morning, and the last thing you want to be is apprehended yourself after a noise complaint. 
The place remains as unchanged as you had left it: completely dark, save for one light over the kitchen. It’s quiet, eerily silent—until you hear airy, soft noises in the distance. Room by room, you carefully inspect where the sound is coming from, only to find nothing at all. 
There’s only one place left to check, and it happens to be the Yuqi’s bedroom. A room you remember being empty. As you approach the sole unopened door, you notice the faint sound growing in pitch. Hushed words from a familiar tone.
“Fuck—oh fuck—”
You press an ear against the door frame. She sounds clearer.  Way more explicit. Vivid.
“So—so—good—fuck yes—”
There’s a subtle creaking sound that accompanies her singsong tone almost perfectly. Nothing is left open for interpretation; Yuqi is feeling herself. Feeling a satisfaction that only comes from something slick, something rough, something good. 
As much as you want to respect her space, her moment in the dark, you can’t help yourself. She sounds so good, so gratifying to the ears, it’s making you a little hot and flustered, much to your own guilt and shame. You don’t care about the consequences; you’ll allow yourself one little look then pretend it never happened. At best, she’s too preoccupied with her own bliss to notice, and at worst, it’ll be one awkward conversation starter in the morning.
“Oh, oh God—you feel really good baby—just like that—”
It’s as if she’s reading your mind, understanding your intentions. The way she moans your name like an invitation—something you never thought you would hear or even consider—how it’s naturally delivered from her sweet, intoxicating voice. You’re doing yourself a disservice by listening through the door.
There’s no better opportunity than now.
With your heart racing against your chest, every nerve in your muscles tense up as it desperately opens the door, slowly and as quietly as humanly possible. Miraculously, you go completely unnoticed. Even as light from the living room slowly penetrates through Yuqi’s bedroom, it fails to cover what really matters: the bed and Yuqi herself. 
Nevertheless, the sight that welcomes you is one to behold, one worth looking at with complete awe.
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Yuqi’s body is splayed out on the bed. Her legs are spread wide, a couple of her fingers aggressively rubbing against her exposed clit, and there’s a glossy sheen coating the sheets before her soaking wet core. Her clothes are, unsurprisingly, scattered all over the floor, along with a pair of consumed alcohol bottles. She’s completely bare for your eyes to see. Nothing is left to your imagination. More importantly, she looks so fucking hot. Your heart is racing like never before, and the scene has your pants in a twist.
Her other hand runs up and down her lithe frame, then squeezes her own breast. She lets out this sharp mewl, grinding her hips against air. Her jaw slacks wide. Her eyes shut tight. Her back arches. Waves of self-induced pleasure send shockwaves through every fiber of her being, her moans growing more and more erratic.
“Fucking give it to me—I love this cock so fucking much—”
It’s about as pornographic and explicit as it gets. It riles you up in an uncomfortable way; you end up unzipping your pants to free your growing erection, but nothing happens beyond that. It feels wrong. It is wrong, but you can’t muster up the strength to look away, let alone walk away. You want to see how it ends. How she cums.
She wraps a hand around her own throat, while her knees are planted upright with her feet firmly gripped on the sheets. There's a noticeable tone change in her whines, as if simulating the act. Yet, the words flow from her lips seamlessly. “I’m so close—so, so close—”
The cackle she makes after is mortifying. Here’s this girl, who you had zero attraction prior to tonight, shamelessly declaring how she’s going to cum, how good your cock feels inside her—without either of the two even happening to begin with. The fact she likes you is the least shocking revelation in itself. A reminder: you only had three meaningful conversations with her since she moved in—two if you consider how blackout drunk she was the night before, and even if you go all the way back to your college days, you can count them with your fingers alone.
“Fucking—cumming—oh my God—”
Yuqi strains her knees and loosens her grip on the sheets as she lets the pleasure wash over. Clear liquid gushes past her throbbing, relentless fingers and spills onto the linen. A guttural, deep moan fills the bedroom as she slumps her body flat on the mattress, her energy completely depleted, her thoughts filled with nothing but orgasmic bliss. Her coated hands rest on her bare waist, her tummy, leaving viscous sheen on her creamy pale skin.
When she isn’t screaming your name or touching herself to the thought of you, Yuqi, at her barest, looks so gorgeous like this. Flaws and all.
Albeit brief, it’s quite the show to more than satisfy your thirst for her. You remember your uninvited presence in this room and where you stand in this relationship. That she’s only a tenant—an acquaintance at best—and nothing more. Any other person and situation would already send you damning to hell. 
So you quietly leave, gather your bearings, hoping her haze doesn’t clear before she is made aware of your presence, but you hear a faint whisper right as you close the door, clearer than any whine of pleasure:
Part of you wants to ignore her, pretend this is all a huge misunderstanding and feign ignorance. Then you hear her soft, alluring voice calling your name and it’s what ultimately folds you:
“W-what time is it?”
Again, you consider the choice of entertaining her question or leaving her dry. She’ll probably fall asleep shortly after and forget these few moments. You tell her it’s three in the morning, hoping she dozes off.
She doesn’t.
“Shit. Can you come inside? I mean—come in.”
She’s still thinking about you, and it’s admittedly cute. You love how unabashedly blunt—and lewd—she is when she’s drunk. You give her the benefit of the doubt and reenter the room.
Yuqi realizes the messy state she and her bedroom are in when you turn on the lights. Cheeks puffed and red from embarrassment, she tries to hop off the mattress, only to stumble to the floor on her fours. 
“I’m so, so, sorry. I didn’t think you’d—” 
“Hey hey, it’s fine.” You grab her off the floor and sit her on the bed. “Don’t apologize. I’ll get some water; stay here and rest.”
Your eyes are meeting, hers twinkling. In those few, crucial moments, right when you’re about to leave, you feel an irresistible tug pulling you closer to each other.
Suddenly, Yuqi pulls you in by the shirt for a deep, passionate kiss. Her lips taste like actual whisky and vodka, indicating what she drank earlier that night. Yet they feel so lush, so sweet, filled with so much passion. You don’t bother trying; you fold to your lust, submit to her desire. You sink onto the bed together, never breaking apart, even for a second. Next thing you know, her hands are all over your body, roaming your chest, coiled around your neck, removing the shirt over your head to be tossed aside and completely forgotten.
Yet there’s still some resistance. Despite making the first move, she pulls back, and you do so in return. You’re hovering on top of her—an unexpected but welcome position to be in. 
“I didn’t know what got me there. I’m sorry. I just felt this sudden need to kiss you and—”
You shut her up by diving in and kissing her again, pinning Yuqi down to the mattress—the very thing that got you into this position to begin with. With you all over her, she’s able to shed the rest of your clothes: first the slacks, followed by your boxers. She mewls at the sensation of your hard cock pressed against her slit, and it’s beyond what her imagination can describe. It’s electrifying. And God, you know you’re no better than her, but you just want to fuck her right then and there, give her everything she wants without a second thought. 
Grabbing you by the scalp, she rips your lips off her chin as you’re making your way down her neck. “Not yet. Nuh uh.” She pulls you into yet another kiss, as if you’re oxygen—and in a way, it’s appropriate: you’re breathing new life into her. “Did I ever tell you that you were a good kisser?”
“Not at all,” you tell her, gently shaking your head. “You’re not half bad yourself.”
“Half bad?” Yuqi raises a sharp eyebrow, seemingly offended by your backhanded compliment. A dangerous smirk forms on her lips. “Says the one who was watching me the entire time—”
“You knew?” There’s a heightened sense of panic in your voice. “I thought  you were—”
“Shhh.” She kisses you, pulls you into a warm cuddle atop her. Slender legs wrapped around your hips, she follows: “Less talk, more lovemaking.”
And more lovemaking you do. You grow more easily acquainted with her lips than with her personality, and you barely know them: it’s only been a few minutes. Even though it’s a Thursday, the weekend feels like a lifetime away. You should be up five hours from now; you have the alarm preset and everything. But Yuqi’s getting in your way again, as she always has, and this won’t certainly be the last. She’s so hypnotic, so alluring, you find yourself unable to slip away, no matter how hard you try.
You find that it’s easier to give in than to struggle aimlessly. 
It’s effortless to get your fingers pressed inside her sopping core, brushing along sensitive, wet ridges of skin, where thoughts of you manifested into thin, delicate strokes. Her moans ring against your ears in varying pitches, each with a distinct, pulsing plea of satisfaction. Keep going, she tells you, and you follow without complaint. All this while you leave a soft path of bite marks down her neck and collarbones, until you reach her petite chest.
And fuck, you just go down on Yuqi. Sucking on her breasts like you’re in the middle of an oasis in the desert. She goes wild. Tossing, turning, trembling. You can feel her body close on you, wanting to take you in and suffocate you. The bed is creaking, growing strikingly more intense, turbulent. All this spurring you on, making you more reckless, more daring with her. 
“Mmmmm—fuck!” She lets out a hum of desperation, her hot, shaky breath fogging on your skin. You become an intertwined labyrinth of limbs that fit together, where you have no idea where it begins and where it ends. Your fingers vanish between her legs, still working tirelessly, perfectly snug around her pussy even when crushed between the weight of her thighs.
Eventually, you find yourself staring aimlessly at Yuqi. She’s so beautiful, and you’re punching yourself mentally, wondering why it took so long to come to this conclusion. Even when she’s not rocking the trendy hair color of the week and her face is a canvas for every conceivable makeup and filter, she’s naturally pretty. Especially now, completely bare—and with nothing but an exasperated, satisfied look of inebriated, lust filled bliss.
You find the light peeking from the living room, casting a shadow between your tangled legs. She’s dripping at her core, showering your fingers with a fresh flow of sheen, messing up the sheets even further if that’s even possible. They’re beyond saving at this point, and so are you. 
Rolling to her side, Yuqi wraps her arm around you, as if enticing you to stay. You shouldn’t have done this, but it’s too late: there’s no going back. You’re too lazy to close the door, and you have the girl you previously never gave a second look rubbing lazy circles on your stomach with her coated nails. Her hair draped all over your arm and shoulder, her eyes looking up at yours, acting all soft and innocent—
Until she starts talking again. “It wouldn’t be complete unless you cum inside me, wouldn’t it?”
The difference between her body language and her lips is night and day. Right then and there, you immediately recognize that there’s no other way this night will end. How your body moves at her will, how you immediately roll on top of her, as if it’s programmed to follow her every command. You have her legs pressed up and spread wide, her knees bent, lining your aching cock against the wet slit of her cunt. All while her features twist into a sickening, slimy grin in the slim shape of a lip bite. The fire, the desire—it’s still as bright as ever. 
And to make sure you aren’t second guessing the idea, her arms are coiled around your neck, her hands grabbing at your hair, pressing on your nape. Yuqi wants you—needs you—to fuck her silly; it’s the only way she can be satiated.
You watch Yuqi’s expression contort from anxious to messy, and the feeling is mutual. You slip in, slow and delicate, going against her instruction, and you almost lose it at the first stroke. The deep, guttural moan you make echoes throughout the entire apartment, while her firm walls pulse against your cock. It’s hot, it’s tense, it’s suffocating. 
“Shit, shit, shit—” you mutter, gently trying to pull back, but the fiery sensation burns, scratches away at your psyche, at your loins. “So—fucking—tight—Yuqi—fuck.”
“C’mon. Fuck me. Fuck me now.” She kisses your ear, her legs pounding against your hips, demanding you to move. There’s some serious intent behind her tone, a seamless blend of demand and impatience. “Use that big cock—mmm!”
You can only groan in response as you thrust back in deep, her grip on your body tighter than ever. And it’s more than just her cunt; she’s clinging onto you for dear life.
It hardly matters when you’re leaving sore, red marks on her skin or ripping through the blankets. It hardly matters when Yuqi can barely breathe. It hardly matters when you’re so loud that everyone can hear you. What’s important is you’re fucking her—and you’re fucking her hard. You both love the filthiness to it. There’s no rhythm, no pace, no flow; it’s one slow deep thrust, followed by a fast pump into her tight, inviting cunt. You become comfortable; you take her like she’s meant to be used.
And Yuqi takes your cock so fucking well. Bounces against every stroke with ease, as if the feeling is second nature to her. Knowing her, she’s probably been in this position more than you’d want to know or hear. You don’t really care about that for now. Even after what seems to be an endless cascade of orgasms, she’s still keening, still needy, still soaking wet that it’s alarming. Her back arches, melts deep into the cushion. She still wants more.
The only noise you need is the mesh of your flesh slapping against hers, bouncing against her sharp cries of pain and pleasure. Reaching into the deepest, most sensitive parts of her pussy with your cock, this violent shudder rocks both you and Yuqi to your core. With each drag, more of her slick coats your shaft, and the easier you get access to her smothering heat. You can’t find the will to stop, not that you ever want to; she feels so warm, so inviting, so sloppy sounding to the ears that it’s driving you just as crazy as her.
It’s also driving you wild why it took you this long to fuck her—use her—like this. If you had known, you would have cared sooner. You’d have some leverage when it came to negotiations. A body like hers is too good not to have on speed dial.
Right now, it’s the least of your concerns. Not when you’re pounding a tight body like Yuqi’s so freely, hearing her demand to fuck her harder, like your life’s depending on it. Better late than never.
And it’s for the best that the moment happens later rather than sooner. She cums. Cums again. Eventually you’ve stopped counting, because there’s no point. The mere thought of you restarts the cycle, and your touch accelerates the process. The clutch of her cunt is too overwhelming to avoid at this point; it’s all but directly telling you to fill her, to unload all that pent up tension and need into her. The thought never bubbled up in your head even once; the idea of you and Yuqi with a child together. You never really questioned it. She goes out often, probably gets fucked multiple times in one night if she’s with willing company. She probably knew you’d walk in on her; hell, she’s probably got this whole thing planned out and Minnie is one of her accomplices. Maybe the entire time, she’s been yearning for you, because you’ve never heard her this passionate, this loud, this filthy in your life, even at her most inebriated.
“Inside me. Please cum inside me. I’m safe, don’t worry,” she whispers, as if she’s reading through your mind, reassuring you from your doubts. Her hand is palming your back, as if to line you straight so your cock directly hits her sweet spot. She sounds so pretty, it’s almost impossible to resist.
“Gonna cum,” you tell her, voice going hoarse, rasp, and she nods immediately in return, reinforcing the notion. She’s focused her effort on holding on, her legs tightly wrapped around your waist, her arms coiled around your neck, subtly pushing you against her hips. 
“This—pussy—so—fucking—God,” you mindlessly utter, averting her doe eyed gaze, desperate to cling to the last of your resolve as it quickly dissolves with each thrust. You’re on borrowed time and it’s quickly slipping away. Yuqi is tilting your face down to her, to her airy breaths, to her fluttering eyelids, to her passionate expression as you fuck her, pushing you over the edge. “Holy fuck, Yuqi—”
Yuqi’s lips part like a flower in bloom, and it’s a pretty sight. Yet it’s not enough of a distraction to keep everything from falling into place.
And God, it fucking burns. 
You swallow hard, but are unable to keep that groan suppressed. Your hips meet her halfway, your cock comfortably buried deep in her heat, and that’s where you come undone. Yuqi digs deep into your skin as it fills her—your cum—and she goes frozen at that moment. It’s a quiet, tense flash of silence. Afterward, she finally breaks. Cries out this deafening whine, her grip all over you loosening, time eventually catching up to her. 
She lays beneath you, completely limp, but her body remains trembling, shaking, seizing. You don’t find the strength to drag your cock from her heat; the feeling lingers. Endless ropes of cum gushing into her womb, emptying yourself, just as she wanted. Then you pull out, agonizingly slow, and more viscous slick gushes from her core. 
You feel guilty for that poor patch of soaked linen between her legs. It’s about as ruined as a collapsed power plant.
There’s little need for Yuqi to beg you to stay. The climax saps whatever energy you had left. You end up slumping flat on your belly beside her, both of you bathed in the afterglow of sex, exhausted from an already long day, too worn out to make another sound. And when you’re tired, any bed, no matter how messy it may be, is a comfortable bed.
You already expected the scene at the breakfast table to be awkward.
And it was.
It isn’t until Yuqi calls you out standing at the doorway of her room that you realize you’ve been shooting a thousand yard stare the whole time. She waves at you, her cheeks red, flustered, chuckling. “Good morning to you, I guess. Put something on. I don’t wanna drink coffee while looking at someone’s dick. It’s gross.”
This time you’re the one unbecoming, completely in the nude while she got herself into some pajamas. Despite that, you hardly feel any guilt or shame, like this is a normal occurrence in the household. So you scramble to your room and get appropriately dressed. A look at the time and it’s already 15 past ten in the morning, an hour later than when you normally start work. Even more unusual is the absence of the laptop. It’s just Yuqi and her coffee.
Sitting opposite Yuqi, today seems a bit more tense than normal, and you can guess the reason why. She knows it, too. Neither of you are willing to break the ice, only shooting occasional glares at each other while sipping on coffee and scrolling through your phones.
“So, Yuqi.”
The words slip from your mouth, accidental, nearly silent. They follow the mild screech of the chair she sits on. When you meet eye to eye, she asks what’s up. What's on your mind? There’s a sudden barrier in your throat. You have a vague idea of what to say, but not the power to speak them. 
“About last night—”
Her lack of response is unnerving. The visible curiosity, the probable apathy. You and her possibly sharing the same sentiment: a feeling of regret. 
“I—I just wanted to say sorry. For last night. I should have just—”
“Sorry for what?”
You suddenly stop. This is not the expected reaction; it’s the complete opposite. A moment where you face the consequences of your actions.
Yuqi stands up and walks over to your side, beaming from ear to ear. “What we did last night was—fucking amazing. Don’t feel bad. If anything, I should feel bad because I didn’t tip you off sooner. We could have done so much more.”
You don’t pick up on the implication right away. It’s all strange, uncharted territory. Your previous flings were simple one-and-dones: a night of reckless, frivolous fun. Short, but fun nonetheless. They would disappear in the morning, never to be seen again.
“I didn’t think you’d walk through that door, especially since it was three in the morning,” says Yuqi, casual, running her fingers through your hair. “I got a bit too silly, as usual, but there’s a good reason for it.”
“And that is?”
“I got a job!” Yuqi’s gripping to your shoulder, the only thing keeping her from jumping for joy. “I got a job at the cafe with the pretty lady. I start on Monday.”
It’s certainly a cause for celebration. You can’t help but root and smile for her, caressing her hands. “Well, damn. Congratulations.”
“Yeah!” Yuqi’s wrapped you in a rather heartwarming embrace that you willingly fold into. “I had the interview yesterday, so I needed to lock in. Needed to be alone. Then I got accepted after, so I went and bought some drinks to celebrate.”
That doesn’t surprise you one bit. You’re just thrilled that she’s finally getting somewhere.
“So—does that mean I can kick you out once you get your first paycheck?” you ask her.
“I guess so. But—” Yuqi pauses, tilts your chin on an incline. She’s warm, radiant, pretty. She doesn’t care that you’ve worded yourself poorly and you’re taking it back; she’s still riding off the high from yesterday. You’re already counting the days before she leaves, and admittedly, you’ll miss that sight. “I’m gonna miss staying with you. Thanks for having my back when I needed it. I honestly don’t know how I will ever repay you.”
She tops it up with a quick peck on your lips. It’s all over your face, etched completely in red. The devilish grin. 
“I think I know exactly how.”
And that’s all that needed to be said.
Before you know it, you’re right back at square one: clothes scattered everywhere on the floor, her body pressed on the mattress, flat on her belly, your cock stretching her pussy out as you fuck her mindlessly from behind. This time in the comfort of your own bedroom.
All the more reason for you two to stay together.
(A/N: fucksorryforgoingonanotherhiatusfuckfuckfuck—)
(Okay, but I really do wanna apologize for going on yet another unannounced hiatus. Final weeks of the semester were hell, then I was on vacation the week I promised this fic would be released (I'm basically the LeBron James of K-smut when it comes to lying at this point), not to mention a health scare courtesy of my mother. Some very hard times have hit me lately, so my mind wasn't 100%. Nevertheless, I am still standing (shoutout Elton John). Lots of free time throughout June and July, so hopefully nothing bad happens ISTG lemme have some peace for once and let me fucking write goddammit—)
(In non-personal news, Yuqi's solo was very fun and she's getting on that Yena level of bias where she's the perfect blend of cute and hot. Then she went pink recently and that made me :pphurt: Sort of a feel out fic before I *finally* finish these commissions over the coming weeks, thank you for reading!)
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puck-luck · 3 days
give him six | trevor zegras
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warnings: extreme domination. EXTREME domination. daddy kink because i do what i want. edging. spanking. cockwarming. at the same time. don’t worry about it. i do what i want. HINTS of anal play but they don’t actually do it. derogatory language (name calling…). crying during sex. sorry! spit kink. had to be done. subspace! ugh need a man to put me in that BAD bad pairing: trevor zegras x fem!reader summary/request: “thinking about trevor zegras needing to fuck his gf roughly after a tough game to let out his frustration bc i can sooooo see him being into that. but he’d always be looking out for u too, saying to tell him if it hurts and checking in to ask if she’s ok, but as soon as she assures him she is he’s just going absolutely nuts not holding back 🫠” wc: 4109
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You don’t have to look at Trevor to see how angry he is. He lost a few weeks of hockey due to his broken ankle and now he was back– but he couldn’t make a fucking goal in a shootout to get the win for his team? The worst part was that his shot was denied not by the goalie, but by the post. By the fucking post. 
Trevor loves to flaunt his accuracy in the backyard, in the practice rink, even when tossing trash into the garbage bin, but the one time he doesn’t mean to hit the post, the puck does? It’s idiocracy. It’s humiliating. He’s better than this. He knows it, you know it, the whole world knows it. But St. Louis got to celebrate tonight, and maybe if he hadn’t hit the damn post, then he’d be celebrating with his teammates instead of stewing in your bed. 
His arms are crossed over his chest and the TV isn’t even on– you join him and want to laugh at the image of your pouty boyfriend wallowing in silence. You climb under the covers with Trevor. 
“You did really well, Trev,” you compliment, settling into the mattress.
“We should’ve won,” he replies.
You sigh. “You can’t win them all.”
Trevor scoffs. “Yeah, well, we could’ve won this one,” he snaps.
You stare at him for a moment while his tone really sets in. “You don’t have to talk to me like that,” you say, your voice growing cold. “I wasn’t out on the ice with you.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” He, at least, sounds the part. He covers his face with his hands, the heels of his palms pressed against his eyes. “I just– I’m so mad.”
You take a deep breath. You don’t have to be at work until 9 and it’s about five minutes away if you leave on time. You have to do the laundry tomorrow afternoon anyway. Trevor would feel better if you did this. You really wanted to sleep after the game tonight, but it would be a lie if you said you didn’t want to make him feel better. Another deep breath.
“Why don’t you take it out on me?” You ask.
Trevor looks over at you, surprise written all over his features. “Really?” He asks, like a child who was just told that he could have another candy before bed. “Like last time?”
Last time. You practically start salivating, thinking about how Trevor brought you to the edge and ripped you away from the cliff time after time, until you were sobbing and screaming and begging for a release. 
“Yeah, like last time,” you agree, already a little absent. Trevor notices, of course he does, he’s more in tune with your body than you are at this rate.
A smile tugs on the corner of Trevor’s lips, but he ignores it.
“Hands and knees,” Trevor says. “Right in front of me.”
You position yourself accordingly.
Trevor smooths a hand over your behind, your shirt riding up and exposing your skin due to the position you’re in. You hadn’t worn anything else to bed– why would you? You and Trevor had been together for ages and you weren’t exactly new to his… post-loss coping mechanisms. 
“Elbows,” Trevor corrects. His cock twitches when you immediately drop to your elbows, no hesitation in your movements. You’re silent, like he wants when you play like this, and you’ll do anything he says. You’re gorgeous like this, all spread out and listening to him with your head forward like a good girl, waiting for your next instruction.
You hear his voice over the thumping of your heart, although you’re not sure how. You’re always finding Trevor in the mess of everything. 
“Bite the sheets,” Trevor commands, shimmying out of his boxers. You can hear him moving and you take the bedsheets in your mouth, the fabric almost immediately saturating with your saliva. “Close your eyes.” You slide your eyes shut and wait, your shaky breath filling the room and heating your face.
Something warm probes at your entrance and for a moment, you can’t tell if it’s Trevor’s fingers or his cock. The answer comes to you via a sharp spank on your left cheek, with Trevor’s left hand. He always fingers you with his left hand so that he can keep his right around your neck– the hand that’s currently kneading your other cheek. 
He pushes his cock into you slowly, the movement more like he’s pulling you back than pushing you forward. 
“Six shots,” Trevor muses, watching his cock disappear into you. “Six shots, and I didn’t make one.”
You bite back the reassurance, swallowing it. Trevor doesn’t want to hear it.
“Do you know how that feels?”
You don’t answer. He still doesn’t want to hear it.
“I’ll show you,” Trevor promises, his voice deceptively soft. His hand rests against your skin, heavy and present. 
You get lost in the feeling easily, your mouth full of the comforter and your fingers twisted in the top sheet. Your eyes stay closed, the red-tinged darkness grounding you. 
“Yeah, I’ll show you,” he repeats, his voice darker this time. “You’re going to understand exactly what it feels like to come so close six times, just for all of that to be taken away from you.”
Your eyes open at his words and you pale. You spit the covers out and break your silence. “Six times?” You ask, incredulous. “Trev.”
“Daddy,” Trevor corrects with a spank. “Unless that’s… not what we’re doing tonight?”
You clench down on his length at the contact and the name, your eyes rolling into the back of your head at the sound of his voice. Trevor is playing with you, teasing you. His fingers are walking all over you– the small of your back, your cheeks, down your crack all the way to where he’s buried inside of you… and it’s distracting.
You find yourself nodding. “It is.”
“Good,” Trevor says. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll make the second and third ones quick, okay?”
His voice is full of condescension, like he knows you’re going to lose track of everything as soon as he starts hitting you. He’s right, but that’s neither here nor there.
For as long as you’d been dating Trevor, you’d never seen him tap into the mindset that he has on the ice off the ice. However, when he’s bringing his hand down on your ass, he gets pretty damn close.
His spanks are precise and powerful. He’s leaving pink handprints all over your skin, from the fleshy parts of your ass to the top of your thighs, even a few falls over the hole that he’s not occupying. Each flash of his hand leaves your skin burning and your hips inching upwards, begging for more. All of this, and he’s still inside you– the torture of the spanking is that he isn’t moving, and you’re not supposed to.
You lose track of the count, feeling your stomach flip with each slap. What starts as stinging pain turns into aching pleasure, and the sensations aren’t lost on Trevor.
He feels you jolt each time he brings his hand down on your skin, the clench of your pussy around his cock, the pounding of your pulse from inside of you. Trevor smirks and shifts his hips forward as he brings his hand down, his hand making contact with your asshole just as his tip nudges against your g-spot.
You wail, lurching under Trevor’s watchful eye. You fuck back on his cock once, only managing the movement one measly time, before Trevor stills you with a hand and slides out of you.
“No,” you breathe out, voice muffled by your makeshift gag. 
“Yes,” Trevor replies, smug. “Isn’t it frustrating?”
You glare at him, turning so he can see the look on your face.
All it does is make him laugh. “Well, now I have to really punish you, don’t I?” He asks. “I can’t have my baby making angry faces at me.”
Trevor taps your hip, wordlessly telling you to move. You resume your original position next to him, expecting Trevor to tell you to put your “pretty little hand” on his cock and jerk him until he comes all over your freshly manicured fingers. 
You don’t expect him to slide under the covers and hike up your shirt until your breasts are exposed. Trevor hooks a leg around yours, his mouth exhaling warm air onto your nipple. His fingers tap at your skin, one hand on your side and the other on your mound, making its way south. 
“We’re going to do four like this,” Trevor tells you. His voice is merely a whisper, crawling over in your skin and raising goosebumps in its wake. “Just like this. I’m gonna take one,” he breathes, catching your nipple between his teeth for a split second before continuing. “Right here. Gimme one, baby, just from me licking your tits. I know you can.”
He dives in, tongue first. Your jaw drops as Trevor’s eyes close, the same way you know they do when you kiss him. It’s surreal, seeing him kiss and lick over your skin the way he normally does over your lips. His eyelashes flutter, the long, dark pieces of hair stealing your train of thought. 
Trevor surprises you with how quickly he brings you to the edge again. He promised that the second and third would be quick, but you didn’t know just how quick he meant.
You let out a strangled gasp and your hand flies to Trevor’s hair when he opens his eyes and lets his adoring gaze fix on your face. You pull him off your chest, heaving breaths filling your lungs. 
Trevor smirks, but it never quite reaches his eyes. The same look burns you, makes you shy under his gaze. You blush and look away, one of your hands covering the redness on your cheeks.
“Good,” Trevor remarks, a mere observation. “You got close, didn’t you, baby?”
You nod, still breathing heavily.
Trevor waits, expectant. He tilts his head down and blinks.
“Yes, Daddy,” you concede. “I was close.”
“Honest girl,” Trevor praises. His fingers dance over your slit. “Love you.”
“Love you,” you parrot back to him. 
Trevor rewards you by pushing one finger into your heat, pumping it in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace. 
Your breath stays shaky, your eyes never leaving Trevor’s. His finger drags along your walls, petting the inside of you with its pad, and you swear you can feel the ridges of his fingerprint inside of you if you focus enough. 
It’s hard to focus on that when Trevor’s got his scrutinizing eyes on yours, though.
“What finger is it?” Trevor asks.
“What?” You stammer, finally blinking and breaking the trance. 
Trevor’s other hand flies up to steady your chin before you can look down and ruin his game. “Which finger–” Trevor asks, curling it inside you. “–am I fucking you with?”
Your brain stalls. It’s a no-brainer, really, you should know each of Trevor’s fingers by feel alone with how often they make their way inside of you. However, you’ve been denied two orgasms already and Trevor is close to taking a third from you with just his smug stare.
“Come on,” Trevor goads. “You know which finger this is, baby. The faster you tell me, the faster I get you to your orgasm.”
“Yeah, the faster you take it away,” you reply. 
Trevor’s eyes cloud over and he jams his finger inside you, increasing his pace. “Don’t be a bitch.”
You open your mouth to retort, but Trevor twists his finger inside of you.
“Unless you want me to fuck you like one,” he teases. 
You clench down on Trevor’s finger, his middle finger you realize, when he utters those words.
“You like that?” Trevor asks, unnecessarily. He can feel how you feel about it. “You like the idea of me getting my cock in you and fucking you like a damn animal? What is it, baby? Is it the primal instinct of it all or just the fact that I’m disciplining you like you’re worth less than I am?”
You moan at his words, logical responses and formed sentences too far from you to grasp.
“Tell me.” Trevor nudges your g-spot and you arch your back, your hips grinding against his finger… just for him to draw it out of you. “Not so fast. We’ve still got three more to go.”
“I was close,” you complain.
“So was I,” Trevor counters. “Hurts, doesn’t it? When things don’t work out the way you want them to?” 
“Trevor!” You frown, put off by his game.
“Well, now you’ve really done it,” Trevor growls, shoving two fingers inside of you and resting his thumb on your clit. “You know better than to call me by my name.”
You’re drenched in sweat and slick, so Trevor’s movements aren’t hindered in the slightest, not even when you squeeze your thighs shut. All Trevor does is push them open, trap your thigh under his bony knee. Somehow, even though you just had your legs spread, Trevor seems to push in further and rub your clit faster, hitting every right spot in alternating movements: clit, then g-spot, clit, then g-spot again. And over and over.
You don’t warn him this time, you don’t pull away. You try not to clench down, you try not to rock your hips, you try anything that might get you real relief from a real orgasm without Trevor noticing.
But it’s also a futile effort because your boyfriend knows you that well.
He withdraws his fingers just as your legs, the traitors, begin to tremble.
“Oh, baby, you didn’t think you’d get away with that, did you?” Trevor teases.
“Please,” you beg. “Please, Daddy.”
Trevor’s eyes flash with approval and he teases your entrance again, this time with a third finger. “Don’t worry,” he coos. “We’ve only got two more. Then I’ll let you come.”
You choke on your own spit when Trevor buries his three fingers inside of you, all in one motion. He doesn’t dawdle or stall for time. He doesn’t take advantage of the situation at hand– that you were already shaking for him and a pump of his fingers would give you away to the pleasure just on the other side of your approaching peak.
No, he doesn’t pump his fingers. He just wiggles them as deep as he can get them and smirks before dropping a kiss on your lips. He lowers himself then and blows cool air on your clit, spreading your folds with his other hand so the full bundle of nerves is revealed to him. He leans in and captures it with his tongue, lightly sucking on the bundle. It’s not the most friction he’s ever given you, but it’s consistent. He builds you up on his tongue, slowly, so slowly. 
And when your thighs close around his head, he stops. You’re aching for a release, tears building along your waterline. Your refractory period is shrinking with each near-orgasm, your babbles begging for Trevor to do something.
“I need it,” you beg, but the words feel more like a scream with how heavy they sit on your chest. 
“Oh, I know you need it,” Trevor replies, tone mocking. “You need it so bad, you’re acting up. Talking back, not using my name, not answering my questions, trying to trick me so that you can get an orgasm. I ought to leave you like this, really show you what it’s like to be left frustrated after a disappointing performance.”
“No,” you whimper. “No, Trevor, that’s too much.”
It’s not your word, it’s not a cry of pain, but it still gives Trevor pause. 
“Need me to be sweet to you?” Trevor asks, his eyes genuine and his hair wild from your wandering grasp.
You whine, arching your back. Trevor smiles fondly, but bats you away. When your back makes contact with the mattress again, Trevor’s deft fingers pinch your nipple and cause you to arch up a second time. He pushes you back down.
“Slut,” Trevor chastises. “Think you can distract me with your tits? This isn’t amateur hour, baby. I’ve still got to steal one orgasm from you.”
You blanch at that, your eyes wide. You take in every detail of his face, panting. There isn’t anything you could say that could stop him, except your word, but you’d rather curl into a ball and die than stop this right now. The words don’t come to you to tell him to continue, though.
“I’m going to get you so close,” Trevor whispers, his face close to yours. He leans down and kisses your neck. You arch into him, your once-useless hands finding his sides. You feel over the muscle there, his lean waist and strong chest. “You’re going to be right there, baby, and then I’m going to take it all away.”
“Please,” you repeat, but it’s indecipherable whether you’re begging Trevor to let you come or begging Trevor to leave you wanting more.
“Yeah,” Trevor agrees, sliding his three fingers back into your wet cunt. 
You moan sharply at the intrusion, pumping deep into you this time and dragging along your walls in a torturous way. It feels so good, it has you seeing white specks when you manage to open your eyes and look at Trevor. His eyes are trained on your cunt, watching your wetness seep all over his fingers. When you push his hair out of his face, his eyes lift to meet yours. 
His pupils are blown wide with lust and he’s got a snarl rumbling from deep in his chest. It is primal, you realize, the way he’s bullying his fingers into your cunt without a thought about what you can or can’t handle. He’s taking you, the way that you’ll only ever allow him to do.
“Gonna come?” Trevor asks, the evil smirk overtaking his face again.
“Please,” you beg again.
“‘Please,’” Trevor mocks. “Is that the only word you know?”
He pulses his hand, his fingers bouncing off your walls and causing you to jolt and scramble to find something to hold onto. That something ends up being Trevor’s hair and the pillow to your side. Your chest is heaving again, your nipples taut and pointed and begging to be touched. 
As Trevor’s eyes trail down your body at a snail’s pace, you can feel your orgasm approaching. You yank his hair and he winces, bringing his hand to your neck and squeezing in retaliation.
“Daddy,” you wheeze, the edge of your vision growing fuzzy and dark. It’s the only warning you can give Trevor as the cliff starts to crumble below you, as you start to fall away into the orgasm that was denied from you for so long.
And when Trevor pulls his fingers out of you, he yanks you back onto solid ground.
And, unsurprisingly, you start to cry.
It’s not pretty, either. It’s not a tear here and there when you’re deepthroating your boyfriend, or the beautiful running of mascara as he fucks your face at some hockey event. No, this is full-on sobbing, gut-wrenching cries that have Trevor taking inventory of all the things he did to you, wondering if he pushed you too far. He rubs your thighs with both of his hands in a soothing motion, ignoring the glistening precum that he’s inadvertently rubbing into your skin. 
“Baby,” Trevor murmurs. 
You sob and raise your arms, needing him to hold you. Trevor’s face softens immediately and he pulls you into his chest, turning so he’s sitting with his back against the headboard and you’re awkwardly dangling half on his lap, half off. You keen into his neck, burying your face in his soft, tan skin.
“My girl,” Trevor whispers, rubbing your arms now and pulling you closer to him, comforting you with his warmth. “You’re perfect.”
“Daddy,” you whisper into his neck. “Please.”
Trevor tilts your head back and looks into your eyes. His gaze looks sad, meeting your own, red and puffy. “Please what, baby?”
“I need your cock,” You plead, petting over his stomach with a hand that feels like its made of static. “I need you to make me come, Daddy.”
Trevor groans, sounding pained. He twitches beneath you. “Like this?” He asks.
You nod, losing your words again. It’s a timid but vehement nod, needing Trevor to press inside you more than anything, but not knowing if you could handle another ruined orgasm.
“Please, let me come this time,” you say, trying to look as pathetic and needy as you can. With big doe eyes like this, Trevor has always been bad at denying you the things you want. 
“Yeah, I think I’ve tortured you enough,” Trevor agrees, reaching under you and pressing his cockhead against your entrance. “Give me a bounce, baby. Wanna see your tits jump in front of my face, yeah?”
Trevor snakes his hands around to grab your bottom, his fingers tight against the skin. He uses his leverage to bounce you for him, knowing that you don’t have control over your movements as fucked out as you are, and he’d hate to see you cry more because you’re mad at yourself for not moving the way he wanted you to.
He lifts you up and down, snapping his hips up to meet yours when they fall. His eyes flicker between your boobs and your face, the teartracks drying over your cheeks as you allow yourself to be consumed by ecstasy. One of Trevor’s hands flies upward, tracing over your skin until he threads it between the strands of your hair. Once his whole hand is enveloped in your roots, he tugs and your mouth falls open.
Trevor leans forward and directs a glob of spit down your throat, his forceful hawk causing his spit to find the back of your throat. 
You convulse on top of him, trembling under his watchful gaze and his warm cock. “Daddy,” you pant, feeling like you’re burning and drowning in your desire for him. Trevor slips his thumb into your mouth as you come and you suck on it like a child, grinding against him through your aftershocks.
You’re floating on air by the time your aftershocks cease and Trevor pulls out of you gently, grasping his cock in his fist. He’s watching you and you’re watching him. Never breaking eye contact, you open your mouth and stick your tongue out.
Trevor presses his tip to your tongue and strokes his cock, squeezing on the downstroke and groaning curses with each turn of his hand. He comes just seconds later, his white ropes of come gracing your tastebuds. He pulls away after only a few drops intersect with your tongue, continuing to come in spurts over your cheeks, lips, and nose. A bit of come drips down the tip of your nose and you poke your tongue out again to try and catch it, which makes Trevor laugh.
Still lost in your post-orgasm haze, you barely notice when Trevor leaves the bed and comes back with a moist towel. He wipes your face, then your thighs and pussy, dropping a kiss on your lower belly after he’s finished. You let out a breath at that, not knowing that you were holding it, astounded by the fragility and intimacy of the moment.
“Daddy,” you say out loud, mostly just to yourself. Mostly just to feel the word on your tongue, feel it take its shape in your mouth. It sounds like awe.
Trevor deposits the towel in the hamper across the room with a toss, proving yet again that his precision and accuracy are off the charts most of the time. He crowds your space, tracing your features with his delicate pinky. “Did Daddy make you feel good, baby?” Trevor asks. “You made Daddy feel good.”
You whine at that and almost want to cry again at the praise. All the time you spent wondering if you were good enough, if you’d ever get a boyfriend who loved you and stayed with you was worth it when you found Trevor. He always said the right things, made you feel things you’d never felt before. 
“I love you,” you say.
Trevor slips his thumb into your mouth, watching your eyes close in bliss as he presses it against your tongue. You can still taste where he was rubbing your pussy with this digit.
“I love you,” he replies, voice soft. His voice sounds like awe, too.
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note: small town girl chapter 1 next! (hopefully)
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nor-4 · 2 days
Formula 1 Incorrect Quotes with reader
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Y/n: You have issues Charles: Omg you noticed🥹❤️
Max: How tall are you? Yuki: Extremely. Thank you for asking
Lando, apologizing: . . .—-. - / … —.-. .-. -.- Y/n: What’s that? Lando: remorse code Y/n: I’m even angrier now
Lance: So girl what that mouth do Y/n: complain
Christian: Nice ass, sorry about the mental illness Toto: Thank you king
Y/n in drive to survive: If you’re ever losing an argument hit them with the “you just want me.” Max: I’m just saying you are in the wrong and you are yet still stubborn Y/n: you just want me Max: I do and now i need you to listen to me
Carlos: *wearing a turtle neck* Y/n: I heard in the internet that men who wear turtle neck are most likely to be a whore.
Y/n: Wtf people actually tell their crushes they like them???? Fernando: What the hell do you do? Y/n: i die? Lmao what kinda question…
Lewis: Bro. I am on my way
Lewis: Sorry for calling you bro you are my girlfriend and i love you
Y/n: I love you too brah
Daniel comforting max: Always here for you bro 🌹🌹🌹
Daniel: Those were flowers btw
Daniel: For our bromance
Y/n: Anyways see you in court
Lance: I get to see youu😍
Oscar: You're a reoccurring guest in my sleep
Y/n: are you in love with me
Oscar: i just see you when i sleep often
Y/n: because you are in love with me
Y/n: i am not normal about this man
Sebastian: You are not normal in general
Y/n: I need a relationship advice
Kimi: break up
Y/n: listen to me first
Y/n: You know you can open up to me anytime
Charles: Okay fine
Charles: Idrk how to explain it it's just i wish i was dead *Y/n liked this message*
Charles: Why the fuck did you like the message
Sebastian: Dinner is ready. Come down and eat.
Sebastian: bring down your lady friend
Y/n: ?? It's my friend charles. He's a boy
Sebastian: Gay. Christian thought it was a chick.
Y/n: well he has pretty face
Sebastian: Gay
Sebastian: Both of you come eat.
Lando: You heard a joke about gas lighter?
Carlos: no
Landos: yes you have
Carlos: No i haven't
Lando: You've literally heard it already
Lando: You're crazy
Y/n in drive to survive: Playing among us with a gay is really hard
Charles: Give me the code bitch
Y/n: Waitt
George: Omg what happened
Logan: You are really cute
Y/n: Thank youu, you too
Logan: So what do you like?
Y/n: murder
Y/n: Wait you like me??
Y/n: for my personality??
Yuki: i know I'm surprised too
Oscar: You are so annoying
Y/n: But you like me
Oscar: Doesn't make you less annoying
Y/n: So can we talk?
Lando: talk about what?
Y/n: about us
Lando: Why would you want to talk about United State
Lewis: that's it?
Lewis: You done bitching?
Y/n: That was just a warm up
George: Like hot guys
Lance: How come you are abnormally nice to me lately
Y/n: what do you mean
Lance: You seem nicer than usual
Y/n: I'll punch you in the face if you want
Logan: What's up?
Y/n: about to have mental breakdown hbu?
Logan: in the middle of mental break down
Y/n: Why do we fight over stupid shit
Max: cause you say stupid shit
Y/n: baby are you flirting with me?
Logan: yes I'm trying
Logan: i dont even have an idea on what am i doing
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cobaltperun · 2 days
OOOH ive been waiting for this one. can we get some soft bottom!sam smut with a top!reader (gn or fem, both is okay) where sam is insecure and isnt used to not being in control, but r shows her its okay and takes good care of her 🤭
for a backstory (if you want to make it longer with more depth and don't have any ideas for the backstory) r and sam have been together since tara and sam moved to new york & r saved her and tara, but got hurt in the process.
obviously you dont have to take this request if youre uncomfortable! either way, i still love your content and hope you stick around this hellhole of a site :)
You're Safe
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Bottom Sam Carpenter x Top Female Reader (Request) (Smut - minors do not interact)
Word count: 2.7k
You finally managed to get inside the old theatre by breaking one of the windows. You heard gunshots and while you weren’t all that familiar with Ghostface, you just weren’t all that into horror, though you did hear about Woodsboro killings. Even when you met Sam you wanted to give her a chance to open up to you at her own pace instead of searching for details on the internet. But even you knew Ghostface wasn’t known for using guns.
Your adrenaline skyrocketed, and your sense of self-preservation apparently vanished, because you were running in the direction the gunshots came from. You didn’t even know if Sam or Tara were alive, and you hoped both of them were because if something happened to Tara, and Sam survived she would never forgive herself.
“Come on Sam, you better be okay,” you should have went in with her, if you were already going to break in, you should have tried harder to convince her. Another gunshot made you run faster and you barged into the huge open area filled with glass cases and the big stage with Ghostface figures on it. There was a movie playing, but none of that mattered, Sam was holding Tara over the fence as some guy swung his knife beneath Tara’s feet.
You rushed forward, tackling the man at the cost of getting the knife deep inside your guts as Sam shouted your name and then it all became hectic.
You grunted, the smell of medicine hit you like a truck, you always hated that smell. Yet, here you were, in the hospital, recovering from three stab wounds to your guts. “Damn, I’m so happy Tara killed that fucker,” you grunted as you tried to sit up.
“Hey, easy, don’t move so suddenly,” you heard Sam rushing to your side and helping you sit up as you finally opened your eyes and looked at her in utter shock.
“Sam? Why are you here?” you asked and her face fell at your question. Shit, that sounded so wrong. You smacked your forehead. “I meant here instead of with Tara, not here as in I don’t want you here. It’s just that you should be with Tara,” you fumbled over your own words desperately trying to fix your mistake.
It seemed to work as Sam looked at you, a soft smile sneaking onto her face. “You don’t hate me?” she asked fearfully, and you hated hearing her like that. Sam was strong, she feared nothing except losing Tara, and hearing her afraid right now, over something like this made you wish to hold her close and never let her go, never allow anything to hurt her again.
“Sam, hey,” you opened your arms and encouraged her to come closer, and though reluctantly she hugged you, her head resting on your chest as she listened to your heartbeat. “I could never hate you, none of what happened is your fault,” you kissed the top of her head as you held her closer and softly combed your fingers through her hair.
“You saved Tara from a serious injury,” her voice wavered. “She’s with Mindy, visiting Chad, by the way,” she told you.
“She saved me as well,” you remembered trying to stop the knife from reaching your throat when Tara came in and kicked the man, Ethan, away from you and slit his throat. By the time she helped you up to your feet because it still wasn’t over Sam and Bailey fell down and you and Tara rushed to Sam.
Sam opened her mouth to speak, but before she could the doors of your hospital room opened and you both looked back, startled, at Tara and Mindy standing there.
“Well, well, well, Sammy can’t resist her cute girl,” Tara teased with the biggest shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen on her face.
Sam blushed and jerked away from you, hitting you stomach by accident. “Shit, Y/N!” she exclaimed when you winced and clutched at the still recovering wound.
“Damn it, Sam, we were teasing, don’t kill her to hide the evidence, poor girl,” Mindy scolded your girlfriend and you somehow managed to raise a thumbs up.
“Still alive and kicking,” you grunted just happy that Sam didn’t reopen the wound. “It takes me back actually,” you nudged Sam with your elbow and found some satisfaction in her face getting even redder.
“I’ll see you later!” she stormed out, and though it hurt, you had to laugh at how embarrassed she got. “Tara, Mindy, come on!” she demanded before the two girls could interrogate you on what you meant.
You just waved at the three of them and lay back on your bed when the doors closed.
You’ve been living in New York for two years now, and you’ve been in your current apartment since about a year ago when the guy living there moved away for a better job. You didn’t think that would lead you to eventually meeting Sam. A bit over half a year ago you were just coming back from work when you saw a beautiful, tall woman going down the stairs. She just drew you in, right from the start. Eventually you started talking and while it began about as casually as it could you and Sam managed to build something solid despite sneaking around and acting like a couple of teenagers.
It didn’t stop you from falling for her, for her fierce protectiveness over her sister and friends, for her kindness hidden behind the walls that needed to be studied, even though they were completely understandable given everything that happened to her. And well, she did flip you over once when you made the mistake of trying to sneak up on her once. In your defense, you had no idea about her involvement in Woodsboro at that point, it was still very early in your relationship and you didn’t think she would just go and throw you down and twist your shoulder. She apologized profusely for that and told you bits and pieces about her life. There were still things you didn’t know, but you pieced enough things together to get the more or less nearly full picture.
And damn, that was the day you discovered you had a thing for a woman that could kick your ass into next week and that what you had was actually really serious.
About a month since Bailey and his family tried to kill Sam you were lazing around in your living room, just listening to music and chilling with a warm cup of tea next to you. There was a knock on your doors and you damn near wanted to pretend you weren’t home, because you were cozy and didn’t feel like leaving your blanket behind, but maybe it was something important so you groaned, decided to act like a responsible twenty-eight years old woman and got up.
And you were glad you did because you found an annoyed Sam in front of your doors. “Tara and the twins want an apartment to themselves. I, apparently, worry too much that they’ll get a cold by studying on the floor,” she grumbled.
“Well, come on in,” you grinned, pulling her inside and kissing her on the lips. She moaned, her hands gripping your shirt as you pushed her against the now closed doors. Sam opened her mouth as you slid your tongue over her soft lips. You missed this so much, you wanted to get her on your lap, to kiss her, make out with her, to make her moan, but she wanted to make sure you were completely fine, even though your wounds were healed for a few weeks now.
Judging by the way her tongue pushed against your own, and how she was pressing her body against yours you figured it was no longer an issue. Until your phone buzzed in your pocket. You tried to ignore it, separating from Sam’s lips and leaving kisses down her chin and jaw, all the way to the side of her neck as your phone kept buzzing.
“You should see who it is,” she knew how it felt to worry about someone not answering her texts or calls and while she really wanted to keep kissing you she didn’t want anyone to be worried about you like she so often used to be worried about Tara. “Please do, actually. I’m not leaving anytime soon. They won’t let me back in,” she reminded you when you reluctantly took your phone from your pocket.
She watched your eyes widen and then a mischievous grin appeared on your face as you tucked the phone away and lifted her up.
Now, Sam was stronger than you, but you could carry her if needed, and right now you somehow decided you needed to do that. “Y/N?” she laughed, trusting you but still wanting to know what this was for.
“They threw you out, hm?” you teased taking her to the living room and grinning as her face turned completely red. “I got a text from Tara, and I quote: Sam is lying, she just missed you and she might also be horny. One word per text, hence all that buzzing,” the look on her face told you Tara was telling the truth.
“So, any chance we can go straight to the bedroom?” Sam asked sheepishly as she wrapped her arms around your shoulders.
“Of course,” you pecked her on the lips and made your way through your apartment to the bedroom. “Let me take care of you tonight,” you gently lowered her onto your bed and lifted the hem of her shirt a bit. You looked her in her eyes, seeking permission as she bit her lower lip.
“You don’t have to,” she said, she trusted you, she really did, but she struggled to relax and let you take control. It wasn’t about you; it was the very act itself that made her feel vulnerable. Yet, as you looked at her so softly, as you wrapped your arms around her waist and showed her nothing but patience and love, she found herself gradually lowering her guard.
“I’ll pause or completely stop whenever you want me to,” you reassured her, you understood it completely, her needs, her worries, everything. “I love you,” those three words pushed the feeling of guilt away and her gaze lingered on your eyes, on your lips, on the clear message: ‘Take as long as you need, I’ll be here, I’ll never hurt you.’
So, she pushed against your shoulders until you were beneath her and she was straddling your lap. She swallowed hard, grinding slightly against your thigh. “I love you too,” she confessed as you began kissing. She shivered as your hands gripped her hips, firm and steady, as she rocked her hips against you. Your lips felt like fire against her own, especially when you paid extra attention to switch between softly brushing against her lips, just teasing her until she had to deepen the kiss and hot, lip biting, tongues deep inside either of your mouths kisses she couldn’t get enough of.
“Sam,” you sighed, your left hand ghosting over her back. She tilted her head back as you began kissing her neck. Your teeth grazed her skin, biting softly and soothing the skin with your kisses. Sam swallowed her, breathing deeply as her hands lifted your shirt up over your head. Her fingers slid over your skin, your back, your arms, your still covered breasts and stomach. She needed the softness, the gentle way you loved her, and she needed it even more when her thumb caressed the scars you got because you got involved with her.
“We survived, Sam,” you whispered in her ear, moaning softly when she started grinding on you faster. “You’re okay, I got you,” you wouldn’t betray her, ever, she was sure of that and her guard crumbled as she let out a small moan escape past her lips.
Your heart soared when you heard Sam’s moan, it was a rare occasion, she usually only became vocal when she was close, and this was nowhere near enough to get her there. You took her shirt and bra off. “I need you so much,” you sighed against her neck and squeezed her breast, your thumb circled around her nipple as it hardened.
“I need you too,” she said, completely giving up control as you flipped the two of you around once more and lied down next to her so she wouldn’t feel caged in by you.
You pulled her jeans and panties down, getting her naked and just taking the sight in. Her toned body, her abs, biceps, the fact that she was this strong, physically and mentally, yet she still trusted you enough to take control drove you mad.
You invaded all of her senses. Your warm palm teasing her thighs as you left kisses on her shoulders and breasts, and the feel of your hair between her fingers as she spread her legs for you. And the scent, your own scent mixing with the spreading scent of her arousal as she progressively got wetter. The sound of your lips releasing her nipple with a pop and your tongue sliding across her breast to her neck, all the way to her ear. The look of pure lust and desire and all the love you felt for her in your eyes, and the taste of your kiss still lingering on her lips. You were all she could feel, and she couldn’t stop the whimper leaving her parted lips as you finally, finally, touched her pussy lips.
You were slow, methodical, each of your strokes bringing you closer to your goal, each time bringing you closer and closer to her opening, and with each stroke you felt Sam clinging to you harder than before. Her hands dropped to your back, nails digging into your shoulderblades just hard enough for you to feel them, but nowhere nearly hard enough to pierce through the skin. She moaned, louder, without restriction as you parted her lips and dipped your finger into her warm, wet hole. “I got you,” you assured her, feeling her shuddering as you moved the wet finger from her opening to her clit and gently massaged it.
“You got me,” Sam rasped, making sure you knew she felt safe, this exposed and vulnerable with you. She moaned as you kissed down her stomach. She looked down as you gave her a small smirk and flicked her clit with your mouth before pulling it between your lips and sucking on it. “Oh, fuck!” she hissed, breathing harder as you inserted two fingers into her, slowly stretching her out until you found her G spot.
Sam cried out, needing you closer, needing your lips on hers. “Y/N,” she gripped your shoulder, trying to tug you closer as the steady, gentle rhythm of your fingers pushed her closer and closer to the edge.
You understood her needs, you understood the grip on your shoulder and moved up, capturing her lips into a deep, sensual kiss as she hugged you, anchoring herself to you.
“I’m-“ she gasped, separating from your lips and arching her back as her pussy squeezed around your fingers. Her entire body quivered as a deep, guttural moan ripped through her throat. “Y/N!” she cried out, the sensations you’ve been building up fully pushing her over the edge.
You kissed her cheek and she turned to look at you, out of breath as you slipped your fingers out of her and just held her closer. “Thank you,” you whispered as Sam cradled your cheek and kissed you on the lips.
“You’re too good to me,” she sighed, her voice still slightly shaky as she spoke. She still leaned closer to you, letting you caress and massage her to help her as she got down from her high.
“Hush now, you deserve all the love,” you leaned down and flicked her still hard nipple. “Can you go on?” you asked, after all, you had her just for yourself for the whole night. Sam smiled and nodded and damn, you were going to love her all night long.
A/N: There you go Anon! I hope you'll like this 😁😁
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lovermase · 3 days
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Word Count: 4.9k words
Notes: this is a repost bc it got lost in the tags and I had to back a check the mistakes 🩷
He sipped lighty on the beer bottle that was perched in his hands. The taste of the cold alcoholic beverage chisels down his throat, warming his body up. His eyes wander mindlessly around the loitered room watching as everyone avidly conversed amongst themselves. His eyes narrowed in on you when he saw you standing by the refreshment table.
You’re talking to someone; a colleague he presumed from the familiarity of their presence around each other while they engaged in their conversation. You’re doing most of the talking, like you always does and he’s standing there attentively listening. You had that certain way of demanding everyone’s attention whenever you spoke or walked inside of a room. You was unsure of this effect or power but Mason was well aware of it.
It was effortless the way your beauty captured people’s attention, the authoritative way you walked in the room, your smile, wide and comforting. Eyes; beady and alluring. You were one of the most gorgeous women he’s ever laid eyes on.
You worked for Premier League itself and they had an event for end of season and you were busy talking to colleagues to busy to even notice Mason was here. In truthfulness you wouldn’t have thought he would’ve been here tonight but your suspicions were wrong.
The colleague you’re currently talking to must’ve obtained the same thoughts as Mason. As they were talking, his attention diverted from your eyes and seemingly began to linger lower, he stepped forward hovering his body over you. Y/N’s too busy talking to notice - it must’ve been important because Mason knows you would’ve kicked him in the groin had you known that he was currently ogling at you in a very inappropriate manner.
Bringing the bottle up to his lips, Mason chugs down the remainder of his drink then sets the bottle aside leaving it forgotten on the bar counter. He stands to his feet, sliding his hands inside the front pockets as he begins to walk over to the refreshment.
Y/N’s still talking away, while this guy seems to be inching closer in your surrounding, his hand now resting on your forearm. This causes you to pause momentarily in confusion, your eyes flicker down to where his hand was resting. You had parted your mouth to question him, intending on asking why he felt comfortable enough to touch you like this especially without you permission but Mason sliding behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pecking a simple kiss against the skin of your neck before you could even speak.
‘Sorry, the line in the bathroom took forever.’ He murmurs apologetically against your ear but still loud enough for you and the colleague to hear. He lifts his head, arm still wrapped around your waist. He narrows his gaze on the guy, giving him a condescending smile.
‘Hi. Don’t believe we met before. I’m Mason. And you are?’ This guy looked dumbfounded as he stood there, his eyes assessing Mason’s protective side coming out, the way he held onto you so intimately, the way you seemed to relax at his touch. It doesn’t take long for the realisation to finally occur to him.
‘Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t know she had -‘ He swallows nervously as Mason stares back at him, waiting with a raised challenging eyebrow.
The guy was coughing awkwardly as he rubbed a hand against the back of his neck. He turned to face Y/N. ‘I’m sorry.’ He muttered in a quick apology then hastily scurried away.
When he’s out of the view and somewhere on the otyou side of the room, Y/N whips around to face Mason. You shoves his hand off of you, folding your arms across your chest. ‘I don’t need you to defend me.’ You retort.
Mason chuckled wryly, shaking his head. ‘A simple thank you would’ve been enough, little one.’
You’re right, both of them know that you could’ve easily taken that guy down in a quick move had he done or said something inappropriate to you. Your agility and combating skills had seemingly approved thanks to the self defence course you had begun taking. But as always Mason only did it to rile you up and get under your skin. The way he knows he only does, especially when he calls you by that nickname.
‘I told you not to call me that. Only my friends get to call me that and we-‘ You gesture a hand between them. ‘Aren’t that.’
Your friends started to call you ‘little one’ as a joke because you were the shortest one out of all of them and that nickname just stuck til this day and you knew Mason only called you that to rile you up and he succeeded everytime he called you by that nickname.
Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth and tilting a curious head at you, Mason hums in amusement. ‘We aren’t friends but we are something much more intimate than that. Aren’t we sweetheart?’ He teases, the tone of his voice is flirtatious and that makes your stomach tighten and your toes curl.
His eyes pay attention to you, you shift under his smothering warmth of his scrutiny, cheeks flushing a rosy blush. You hope that he doesn’t notice how hot he’s gotten you. How hot you got just by the sight of his face. He looked good; clad in an all black suit with his hair freshly cut that was for the FA cup that happened a few days ago.
He looked handsome.
But you wouldn’t ever tell him that. You wouldn’t tell him that your breath hitched a bit when he slipped behind you, pulling your body against his when he hugged you from behind. You wouldn’t tell him that you felt him pressing up against you bum and that a breathy moan threatened to slip from you mouth when you felt the rigid outline of his erection prodding through the light material of his trousers.
You wouldn’t ever tell him any of that. Especially how he looked so damn hot and beddable right now and that you want to rip off his clothes and have him take you right here right now.
You know what he’s doing; trying to get under your skin. You wouldn’t allow him the satisfaction of achieving that tonight. It was more fun to see him beg and chase after you.
Licking your lips and curling your lips into a roguish smirk, you raise your eyebrows when you see his eyes quickly flick down to the outline of your lips then make their way back up to your face.
You’ve got him right where you want him.
‘You’re just someone I go to when I need to relieve my stress, nothing more.’ You answer with a shrug. It’s kinda harsh but you know that’s the only way to get him all riled up and angry.
Truthfully, he was just more than sex. As time progressed you found yourself actually liking Mason’s presence around you for more than your sexual desires. You chided yourself for developing feelings for him. This thing between us was supposed to be strictly sex only no feelings whatsoever. That’s what you initially intended when you first seeked him. Somewhere down the line however you found yourself falling for him.
You hated it.
Not because he was a bad person or anything. You were upset with yourself because falling for Mason Mount was simply not apart of the plan.
If Mason was offended by your simple trivialization of their relationship, he showed no indication of it. Instead he chuckled lowly and nodded his head. He stared at you for a brief moment as if he was contemplating on making a snarky response to your comment.
He decided against it because he only brushed past you, leaning down slightly to whisper ‘You look beautiful tonight.’ in your ear. You don’t miss the way your body shivers when you feel the warmth of his breath tickling your skin. He smirks as he walks off, disappearing into the crowd.
You could pretend that he didn’t have an affect of you but you would be blatantly lying to yourself. Damn him and his sexy face. You inwardly huffs, turning around to see that he’s perched himself back into his position in a stool at the bar.
His fingers tapped against the countertop as he waited for the bartender to finish with you current customer. He glances over his shoulder to see that Y/N was still staring at him. He grins at you, that signature boyish smirk spreads upward on his lips as he brings his hand up mid air and waves at you.
You hastily turns away, deciding to distract yourself with another glass of alcohol as you attempt to resist the urge of succumbing to your sexual thoughts with him.
He’s leaning against the wall outside in the hallway, mindlessly standing there with his hands slacked in his pockets when he hears the clinking sound of heels connecting against the hardwood floor.
He feels himself smiling when the familiarising smell of a citrusy perfume lingers in his nostrils. He’s smelled that same scent hundreds of times; especially when his face is nestled against your neck.
‘Missed me?’ He quips teasingly as he pushed himself off of the wall. He could see the outlines of your silhouette as you approached closer.
‘Don’t flatter yourself, Mount. I’m looking for the bathroom.’ You inform him, rolling your eyes at his arrogance. Your footsteps however stop and your standing directly in front of him.
‘Why are you out here anyway?’ You questioned.
‘Why did you stop here when you were supposed to be looking for the bathroom?’ He quips in a quick wit ignoring your question and causing another blush to colour your cheeks.
If he wanted to play this game, so could you.
‘Why did you even come tonight? You weren’t even invited.’ Truthfully, he had been invited along with the rest of the team.
‘Why do you keep talking to me when you claim not to like me?’
At this brash inquiry, You relent. Your taken slightly aback but you know the real reasoning behind your continued back and forth bantering with him and why you felt yourself being reeled back to him every time he was around you. You thought that your facade had been convincing enough to where he wouldn’t be able to tell that you indeed had harboured feelings for him.
But the weight of that inquiry, the innuendo blatant and apparent in his tone made you suddenly think otherwise.
Shit. Shit. Shit. You needed to think of a comeback. Great, he was looking at you now. His gaze was smothering you again, making it hard for you to form coherent thoughts. He had you right where he wanted you again.
Mason slowly walked up to you. He’s looking at you again; in that hungry way like he wanted to ravenously devour you. The thought of it makes you throb.
‘You know, little one,’ your nickname name rolls off of his tongue in a way so sexy that you didn’t even have time to berate him for using it again. He’s standing in front of you; the smell of his cologne fills in the air around you. His body towering slightly over yours a few inches. ‘I’m starting to think that you care about me more then you let on.’
He takes another step towards you. Eyes breathing you in again.
‘In your dreams.’ You say, but the comeback is so pathetic neither one of them actually believes it. He hums in amusement, reaching up to twirl one of your loose curls around his finger. You hold in a shaky breath you weren’t even aware that you were holding.
His eyes flick down to meet yours again. His hands leave your hand in favour of resting steady on your hips. He begins to descend his hand lower, the material of your dress is smooth under the palm of his hands.
‘Tell me to stop and I’ll stop.’ He murmurs huskily, his own breath hitching as his hand proceeds lower. A shudder rolls down your spine when he reaches the edge of your dress, hand now grazing along your skin as it peeks from underneath the large thigh slit on your dress.
His tongue swiped across his lips, wetting the plump skin. He hovered just at your inner thigh, tentatively, cautiously waiting to see if you wanted him to stop.
You nod your head, giving him approval and consent to proceed.
His hand is warm against your bare skin; goosebumps prickle all over your arms. His fingers brush lightly against your thigh as they continue their sinuous path upward and underneath the material of your dress.
Your knees nearly give in beneath you when you feel his fingers tug at the ends of your underwear.
You wanted this so damn bad but— you place a hand over his, stopping his movement. You breathe heavily, licking your lips. ‘Not out here.’
They were still in the hallway after all and the way your body was nearly thrumming in excitement just thinking about what they were about to do; you wanted to have the privacy of as loud as you wanted to be.
You latched your hand onto his forearm and pulled him down the hallway along with you. They searched down the long corridor, twisting door handles to see which rooms were unlocked.
You push him into a room at the end of the hall; spacious and unlocked. It was nearly vacant save for a large wooden desk and a single office chair followed by a plethora of boxes surrounding it. Y/N closed and locked the door behind them. You barely had time to turn around before Mason grabs ahold of your waist and is pushing you up against the wall.
His lips hungrily after yours, pampering against your mouth in a ravenous vigour. Your back pressed against the door, leg hitching up and tossing over his waist as he placed a knee between your legs. You moan filthily in his mouth at the contact.
Needing more, Mason crouches down a bit so that he grabs ahold of your other leg. He’s effortless as he slides it around his waist and pulls your body closer so that their pelvic bones are now brushing against each other’s.
Your lips are swollen, sodden from his dewy kisses. The wisped air between them is hot and rugged as he presses his tongue against yours, ravishing in the taste of your glossed lips.
Mason softly gnaws on your lower lip, teasingly tugging at the plush skin as the tone of your breathy moans were in the air. ‘Mase,’ Y/N murmurs against his lips, your whimpers becoming the death of him.
He responded by rolling his hips against yours in a dry rut. You gasp, squeezing your thighs together as you reciprocate the gesture, giving your own grinding thrust against his now hard erection that was prodding against your centre.
Mason groans gutturally in response, pressing his wet mouth against yours with a vigorous, caressing the milky skin on you waist as he hikes your dress up a bit. You cup his face within your hands and fluctuate with him with slow, sensual kisses that make the grip he held around your waist suddenly tightens.
The way you were grinding against his erection, teasing his mouth with these feverish kisses nearly caused Mason to tumble over. Needing to balance himself and you better, he holds onto your thighs as he carries you towards the office desk, absentmindedly kicking the boxes aside that were in his path.
He sat you down onto the coldness of the office desk, slotting himself in between your legs again.
He pries his lips away from yours momentarily to gaze in your heavy eyes. You bite softly on your bottom lip, nodding your head as you feel his fingers hesitantly hovering over the waistband of your underwear. Mason spreads your legs open as he moves the fabric of your black laced underwear aside. You inhale a shuddered breath, gazing down as you watch Mason insert a finger inside of you.
‘Oh,’ your mouth is agape, eyes flutter as he moves his finger along your sticky warmth. Your hips move in tandem along to the messy movements of his fingers, you grind down on them, biting at his shoulder as you chase your orgasm. Mason’s laboured breath is hot against your ear.
You find his lips again, capturing them within the grasp of yours. The sound of your leaked slickness nearly draws Mason to his orgasm. He feels you quiver against his fingers. The erratic movements become more precise as he is determined to feel you drenched milky wetness against his fingers.
‘Mason!’ You repeat his name repeatedly, feeling the wave of your orgasm suddenly swallowing your whole. It spews out of you, right onto his fingers. Your face is nuzzled against the crook of his neck, you feel a sudden warmth pooling on your cheeks. When you breathing halts from its rugged labouring, you glance shyly up at him, feeling the creases of your lips curl upward.
‘You gettin’ shy on me, Y/N?’ He asks, licking his fingers clean.
‘You wish.’ You murmur, grabbing him by the collars of his shirt and pulling him in for a deep kiss.
Mason’s lips pecked your lips thrice, moving lower, soft kisses against your collarbone and below your ear before eventually moving lower to suck and nibble on the exposed flesh of your neck. His puffed breath is hot against your skin, low and rugged. You feel him smirk against your neck, a throaty chuckle as he pulls back, just enough to glare up at you.
His lips are a pretty pink colour, plumped and completely kiss-swollen. His hair is tousled, from where your hands were tugging and pulling lightly. His face was flushed, cheeks were a faint pink colour, and the side of his neck was marked up with love bites.
You moan softly, your curly eyelashes flutter in content as he firms a grip on your bum and roughly squeezes each of your cheeks, bringing you against him and teasingly thrusting his hips forward, allowing you to feel the swollen erection that was hotly pressed against his thigh.
A broken moan fell from your lips again, hitching just in the apex of your throat. Your clit quivers at the contact, desperate to feel it again. ‘Please,’ you rasp; your throat heavy, voice too breathy to form any coherent words at the moment.
He hums, nodding his head as he leaned forward and nestled his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your familiarising scent. ‘I know,’ He says, now kissing your neck with fervour, fingers still splayed on your bum.
He understands your need, because he feels it too. His cock was straining against his boxers, wetness leaked from the flushed tip.
Their shaky hands worked together in tandem as he unzipped his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. They pooled around his ankles as his cock sprang free from his pants; erect and leaking with precum.
Mason’s hungrily slotting his insistent mouth along yours, dragging his tongue against your lips, parting your mouth open. His wet tongue intertwined within yours as they wrestled for dominance. In dire need of skin to skin contact, he pulls at your underwear sliding them down yours thighs. Mason lifts your hips in assistance. He tugs the tightness of your dress up until it’s bunched around your hips.
He could feel his lips going numb, lungs burning desperately, begging them to part for air. But, he ignored it and continued to kiss you perfectly succulent lips, nipping and tugging at the plush skin as you let a few of moans rang out of you. Mason glides his hands down your body, his palm slides over the torso of your stomach and recedes lower until he reaches you waist.
‘Condom?’ You pant heavily against his mouth, tongue gliding over your swollen lips.
‘Were you planning on getting lucky tonight?’ You tease, tilting a head at him.
He shrugs, smirking as he rips it open. ‘Always gotta be prepared right?’ And you only hum in response. He slides the latex material over his cock, it snugs fittingly around him. He leans forward, placing one hand on the desktop while the other wrapped around your waist pulling you closer.
You kiss him again. Slowly. Softly. Unhurriedly. You scoot to the edge of the desk and spread your legs open further enough for him to settle in between. He grabs hold of his cock and aligns it at you centre.
Fuck. You hiss, eyes rolling to the back of your head, stomach tightening in recoil when his tip spreads your slicked lips open. He prodded slowly, disappearing inside of you inch by inch.
Shit. He murmurs in a curse, looking down as he watches himself. You’re so tight and warm around him that it nearly makes him cum at the feeling of you enveloping him whole. His breathing’s rugged as he shifted his hips downward a bit so that their pelvis are aligned.
‘Yeah?’ He inquired, wanting to know if you were ready. You don’t respond verbally, only incites a grinding hip thrust forward that catches him by surprise.
He swallows, he reciprocates the hips thrust, emphasising the rotation of his hips as he retracted and filled you in a steady pace.
Y/N wants to cry at how good he feels around you, how his cock curled inside of you like it was made just for you. You’ve never had someone make you feel like this; so good and sexy while also making you feel cared for. You could practically feel his emotions through every hip rut as his pelvis chafed against yours.
Mason balances his weight on the balls of his feet as he filled you deeply, he groans as his forehead falls to your shoulder. Because holy fuck; you’re so perfect. So beautiful. And he wants to tell you that he wants more, a real relationship with you. But he wasn’t good with words. Nor with relationships. And he didn’t want to risk the possibility of ruining this; not the sex, the time he spent with you.
It would make you run away if you knew how he truly felt. He would rather be around you, secretly pining after you than for you to know of his feelings and not want to be around him anymore.
He knew the rules of their situation when they first agreed to this. No relationship, no emotions. Though he fails greatly at the latter, he would continue to be used as something to help you fulfil your needs when you need a release.
‘Getting tired up there?’ You quip playfully, your voice soft against his ear.
Mason fucks hard into you, causing you to yelp loudly. ‘Does that answer your question?’ He smirks, fingers digging into the skin on your ass cheeks.
The desk creaks beneath them, the hinges becoming wobbly with each pounding thrust he gives.
You ran your fingers through his sweaty hair, pulling his head up. ‘My ass hurts on this. Get on the chair.’ He obliged without any retort because one, his feet were starting to hurt from standing too long and two, he loved the idea of Y/N riding him.
Pulling out of you sticky warmth, Mason eases into the spinning desk chair. He opens his legs widely, cock slaps against his stomach. Y/N hops off of the desk and approaches him. You hiked your dress up around your hips as Mason grabs ahold of himself.
You sit down on his thighs. You shifts your hips, dragging your milky wetness along his thighs as you straddle him. ‘Oh, fuck.’ He breathes. You lifts your hips, steadying your hands on his shoulders as you ever so slowly eased down onto his hard length.
You whimper at the same time he slurs a drowsy, ‘Y/N.’
Their chests heaved heavily, bodies shivered at the delicious feeling of his cock being nestled deeply inside of your clit again. His eyes narrowed, a line of sweat beads his brow, hands slightly trembled as he glanced down and enthralled at the sight of his cock inside of you, easing ever so gently inside of you.
‘Oh my god,’ you whimper, your head tossing backwards, mouth falling open.
Y/N swirled your hips forward, slowly, teasingly. Mason whimpered and his shaking hands instantly formed a hard grip on you waist. He recited his own thrust, lurching his hips forward with a shallow rut and lingered against you.
You make a breathy sound of pleasure again and he makes a mental note of it, keeping it in the back of his mind for the next time they have sex. ‘So good, Y/N. So beautiful.’ He mutters, his eyes now heavily focused on the sight of his cock extracting and reentering you, as you shifts your hips and bottomed him out completely until the tip of him prodded against your clit again.
You roll your hips in a whine and pressed your pelvic bone down onto his. You rise and lower on top of him, slowly, languidly.
You hike your legs up further, pulling them up until they rested around his waist. This elicited a sharper and deeper change in his stroke, You dug your fingers into his shoulders to steady yourself. You could feel your thighs clenching, your insides clamping around him.
He pulled his mouth to yours and you tongue into the wetness of his hungry mouth. You bite down on his lips when you feel your toes curl. He thrusts into you, grabbing your ass, pulling you already working hips closer to tousle him, pushing himself deeper.
You pause; chest heaving heavily when they hear the sounds of voices coming near. You wait to see if they would pass by, but the sounds kept getting closer.
It was no telling how long they would be out there but damn it, Y/N was almost finished and you could no longer wait. You reached down and picked up your underwear, stuffing them inside of Mason’s mouth. ‘Don’t make a sound.’ You whispered in caution, he answered with a head nod.
The chair, just like the desk, creaked, complains, beneath them and you know that you should care, but that caring, like everything else, has flown out of your head. Everything but the slickness of his cock filling you, the pressure against your clit every time he rolls his hips just so. The muscles in your leg stretch, right on the precipice of pain.
Their heavy breaths mingle and you choke back a sob once you feel your orgasm creeping up on you. Mason grunts as he thrusted shallowly inside of you. Your orgasm spills from inside of you and coats his condom covered penis.
Mason continued to thrust inside of you as he rode you through your orgasm, milking you completely dry. His hips jerk and it’s not soon before he’s filling you up with his own warmth, the evidence of their body fluids flowing down their legs.
Mason's face is flushed and sweaty, and his breathing is laboured. Mason's chest heaves as you come down from your ecstatic high.
You remove the bunched up underwear from his mouth. Mason kisses your shoulder, playful, and nips at your collarbone.
‘You okay?’
You can muster only a wordless noise of satisfaction as you sweep fingers through his hair.
‘Are you okay? You’re the one that looks worn out.’ You tease. Your legs burned and your body was completely spent. You knew that he too had been exhausted from their late night hookup.
His light chuckle is only the slightest bit smug. He shrugs a shoulder, hands reaching up to rub soothing circles against your back.
Something about it seemed so intimate. They didn’t do that. They didn’t cuddle after their hookups. They talked and made jokes but never cuddled. The fondness of it scared you.
As much as you did like Mason you couldn’t afford to get entangled with him or be in a relationship. You didn’t need distractions. You were at the height of your growing career, you didn’t want anything interfering with that.
‘I should get going.’ You announce amid the silence that hovered between them. You tap his thigh, nonverbally asking him to release the grip he had on you so that you could get up.
Easing his soft penis out of you, Mason watched as you slipped your pair of underwear that had been used as a restraint in his mouth no longer than a few minutes ago, back over your hips. You slid your dress back down smoothing a hand over it.
‘Hey, is everything cool? You’re acting weird.’ He’s worried standing to his feet as he pulls his own clothing back on. His usual teasing tone was absent and replaced with one of worry.
He pulled his pants on and zipped them up.
‘Yeah. I’m fine. I just need to get back before someone comes looking for me.’ You avoided his eyes, your movements were becoming more hurried. He frowns at the noticeable change in your demeanour.
‘I have to go. But we’ll catch up next time, maybe. I-bye!’ With that you hurriedly made yourself egress from the room, leaving Mason standing there dumbfounded.
Maybe he misread all of their flirtatious quips. Maybe you did just think of him as a meaningless hookup.
Are you making a mistake?
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itsscromp · 3 days
Going to the beach with the 141?
Beach day
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And just in time for summer too :D Word count:1.5K
With summer now finally here and the weather starting to warm up, Laswell has awarded all of you two months off for your hard work. But what should you all do ?? Y/n may have just the idea for everyone.
"Hey you guys know how we have two months right ??"
"Why ??" Simon was curious.
"Yes, I remember it very clearly y/n" Price said.
"Well, maybe I thought we could rent out a cabin for a month and head down to the beach or something" You said enthusiastically.
"Walk into the sun... On purpose ??" Simon did not like the sun whatsoever, yes he said his skin was impeccable bronze, but that's just around the eyelids.
"That's the point I guess ??"
"Well that's a nice idea Y/n, That would be good for us to get out" He immediately got out his phone and looked through some BnB's
"See Simon, Price agrees"
"I still don't get why you'd want to be outside of your own free will"
"Well one it's healthy and two it gives you fresh air" You snickered.
"Did I hear a beach day in here ??" Johnny heard as he walked in, as someone mentioned beach, golden retriever mode is now activated.
"Yeah, I suggested we rented a cabin for the month near there" You caught him up.
"Oooo !!! Price you should listen to them" He gave an enthusiastic smile. "That's a good idea, Have ya heard ?? Are we going captain ??" He was so damn ready and the thing wasn't even organised.
He then found the perfect BnB for all of you to stay in and it was within the price range. "Then it's settled, We're heading to the beach" He looked at you all smiling.
"What's going on here ??" Gaz walked in, hearing soap's cheering and excitement.
"We're going to the beach !!!"
"Nice, sounds like fun !!" He smiled a little.
But Simon was not budging, he didn't want to go outside and feel the sun, risking more tan on his skin among other things. "I'll stay behind"
"Aw come on, It'll be fun" You tried to convince him.
"I'll watch the base for price, Who's going to take care of-"
"Simon, No, your coming with us" Price affirmed him in a loving dad way.
"Pleaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeee" You and Johnny tried.
"You can't convince me" He eyed both of you.
"Yes I can"
"No you can't"
"Oh yeah ?? What if I told you there was an open bar on the beach ??" Johnny tried to add.
"Well... Do you think I'm just an alcoholic ??" But you could tell it was working, Time to sweeten the deal.
"Or you can toss soap in the water with the sharks or trap him in a pile of sand so he has to walk back with sand in his ass"
"Well, That does sound pretty enticing" He showed crows feet on one eye, indicating a smirk.
"GHOST !!!" Offended scotsman bestie noises.
"Alright you sold me" He finally agreed.
'Hell yeah !!" You fist bumped the air.
"I thought we were bros...." He was hurt, like a kicked puppy. "I'll get you both back, just you wait !!"
"Sure Johnny sure" You both snickered.
"Alright, I got the place booked, Go get packed then, we leave tomorrow morning. Giant children the lot of you" Price clicked his tongue.
Soon the morning of the trip arrived and you began double-checking the items you had packed. "Ok, shirt's check, pants check"
"I got my stuff" Gaz slung his duffle bag over his shoulder.
Johnny was in tow behind him with a big backpack "Ready !!"
You were a little baffled by how much he had in his backpack "Johnny what did you pack, Your entire room ??"
"No... I only brought my good clothes, comic books, drawing pad, journal, several pencils and a picture of my mom"
"Soooooo Your entire room" You smirked
"Well, Like 70% of my room, I can't fit the furniture" He joked. Simon walked down the hall with his duffle bag, ready to go as well.
"We're all packed captain" Gaz said
"Alright then, shall we head out ??"
"Onwards !!" Johnny bolted for the doors.
Everyone sorted out the car situation to figure out who was going with who, Johnny was a little saddened how he wasn't going with you and Simon. "Awww why can't I go with you guys"
"Cause the last time we did a road trip together, I had to clean out your car sickness the whole day, and the smell was still there for 3 days" You shuddered.
He pouted a little before obliging, the cars now on the road and off to the BnB, You and Simon chatting along the way. Finding a very old house that had tree's growing outside of it, something like out of the last of us.
"Wow, that's so freaking cool"
"Yeah... It's crazy what nature can do" He smiled a little, he liked car rides with you, it was one of the many peaceful times with you.
His phone dinged with a text from Price. "Price is at the next gas station, something about Johnny eating too many cheese curds and is currently throwing up"
"Tried to warn him" You chuckled.
"Poor Johnny, He's stupid though for eating those cheese curds"
"Oh I can Imagine" You shuddered
Soon the two of you arrived at the destination, Y/n finding the keys and heading inside. "Wow, this place is so cool in person"
"It is, check out the TV" Simon walked in and saw how big it was. He pulled out his phone and saw another text from Price. "They're on the road again. Johnny is still feeling a little uneasy, but he isn't throwing up anymore"
"Thank god for that, He's taking a shower as soon as he get's here"
Soon the others arrived and Johnny went for the shower, After which it was a rest afternoon for everyone, tomorrow It was the beach day.
So the next morning once everyone was rested and Johnny recovered, You all filled up on breakfast and got ready, Simon pulling you aside to slap a huge fuck ton of sunscreen on you.
"Hey hey easy" You chuckled as he slapped some on your back.
"Not on my watch" He was not letting melanoma get to his bestie !! Not now not ever.
Soon everyone began to walk to the beach as it was within walking distance, normally the beach was a little busy, but thankfully it wasn't today, so you guys technically had the beach all to yourselves, you set the shade up and the chairs, Johnny and Gaz immediately rushing for the water. Having water guns in the ready.
Price had his book ready to go as he sat down and kept his eyes on you 4 as well. You and Simon began to draw sketches into the sand.
"Ok, what's this ??" You pointed out your sand sketch
"Hmmmm........ A dragon ??" He tilted his head.
"Yeah, there we go !!" You smiled "Ok your turn"
Simon began to draw his sketch in the sand, It was a very complex drawing leaving you baffled.
"Ok.... Is it..... A dog ??"
After a little bit of guessing, Johnny called you over to take some photos of him to send to his wife, You snickered every time he flexed for the camera, eager to impress her. "Looking good supermodel" You snickered.
"Hey, it's for my one and only, she gets only the best" He smiled proudly.
"Ok I sent you the photos"
"Why don't you two come in the water ??" Gaz offered.
"No thanks, You three have fun" Simon said as he headed back for the shade to dump more sunscreen on him.
So you three began to wrestle in the water, Having the time of your lives, not a care in the world, Just you guys. Simon watched on as he sat in the shade, Price knowing him too well, sat up. "Why don't you join them ??"
"I don't know..." He still didn't want to get tanned. But another thing is he didn't know how to relax, He was so used to routine and planning so all of this was a little off-putting to him.
'I know it's a little hard son, But when do we be able to get to do something like this. Besides, Y/n is on the losing side from what I can see, I'm sure they can use your help" He chuckled softly before going back to his book.
He looked out into the water, Yes it looked like you were in a little trouble, So he sighed a little and got up, slipping his shirt off and heading to the water.
You looked and smiled. "Yeah Simon, Let's go !!"
Johnny and Gaz gulped as he rolled his shoulders and lightly flexed his chest. Soon the match began and how the tables turned, Ultimately by the end you and Simon being declared the winners.
"Well done" He smiled softly, raising his hand for a high five from you, To which you happily returned.
The sun began to set, A very fun-filled day for everyone, But Johnny sadly being the victim with sunburn and sand up his ass, But all in all a very fun day.
A/N: I'm so sorry for the lack of content as of lightly, I hope to try and be a bit more consistent.
Taglist: @callofdudes @cumikering
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but its warmer in my arms- chris sturniolo
baby its cold outside part 2
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summary- you and chris have a talk about why he is the way he is.
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I open my eyes to see Chris, only to find his side of the air mattress was empty. His words from last night immediately come to mind.
"I could never hate you, angel, not in a million years. I'm sorry"
A thousand new question sprung up in my head. Is he telling the truth and if he is then why was he always so mean to me? But most importantly, why am I giving into him so easily?
After the way he's treated me for the past years, he shouldn't be able to hold me, hell, he shouldn't even be able to touch me. So why did I let him? And then it dawned on me. I'm in love with Chris.
That's why I hang on to every word he says. That's why his actions make or break my day. It's why his stare heats up my body, and why I enjoyed being in his arms last night.
"I'm in love with Chris." I say it out loud in complete disbelief.
"You talking to yourself dumbass?" Chris says while barging into the tent. I jump and turn around to face him. I look at him carefully to see if he heard what I said, but his nonchalant attitude says otherwise.
Anddd he's back to normal. I roll my eyes and ignore his question. "Where were you this morning?"
"What, you miss me?" he says while looking me up and down in a teasing way with a stupid smirk on his face. Fine, two can play at that game. If he wants to fake flirt, he can be my guest.
"Maybe I did" I say while impersonating his smirk.
He chuckles in disbelief at my comment and then sits down next to me on the air mattress. "Well, I'm right here now." he says. Somehow I can't find a way to respond to him, so I stay quiet. For a while, we just sit in silence and listen to the birds outside. For once, it was peaceful. But the whole time my mind was wandering, begging to ask questions.
"Did you mean what you said last night? That you don't hate me?" I whisper not wanting to break the delicate moment.
He smiles and lets out a breath. "I think we both know I don't hate you, Y/n."
While it's true that most people don't sleep next to the people they hate, it doesn't explain the other things. The picking me apart, leaving me out, or simply pretending I don't exist. Those things all seemed a lot like hate. So why does he think it should be obvious he doesn't hate me?
" I mean yeah we cuddled sure-" he cuts me off, like he always does. His intrusive thoughts getting the better of him. " Ew, don't call it that. That word is so weird. "cuddles" "
"Oh, grow up. that's what we did." I deadpan before continuing on. " Anyway, we cuddled, and it was nice. But that doesn't explain all the other shit you've done to me." I say exasperatedly.
"If you don't hate me, then why do you have to act like it" I say turning my whole body to him and looking into his eyes. He looks down to his lap in shame.
"I don't know." he whispers, eyebrows raising slightly. I laugh out loud. "Oh, you don't know, well that's just awesome." I wait and see if he's going to say anything else but he's still just avoiding my gaze. Annoyance bubbles in my chest.
"So you just pretended to hate me for no reason, got it" . I'm starting to get pissed off, so I get up to leave but Chris stops me. He grabs my wrist in a firm but gentle grasp.
"Wait" he looks up at me from where he was on the mattress. "Don't go. " he mutters, his eyes desperate.
"Then explain" I reply stubbornly. I go to sit down and he drops my wrist. He looks back down at his lap, his hair shielding his face again.
"When I first met you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen." he says quietly. My eyes widen in shock. He made me feel so inferior that day. "But you basically said I was ug-"
"I know what I said Y/n" he cuts me off but then pauses before he continues. "I say a lot of things I don't mean. But you already knew that." he says and then lifts his head up to meet my eyes again. Remorse and intensity were in them.
" I didn't want you to see how I really felt, so I pretended I didn't want anything to do with you.", he breathes out. His eyes travel my face looking for a reaction before landing on my lips. My heart beat quickens and I unconsciously lean in. Is he trying to say, what I think he's trying to say
"And how did you feel?" you whisper with your faces nearly inches apart. He smiles softly before attaching his lips to mine. His lips are soft and he's kissing me gently. My hands immediately travel up his shoulders into his hair and he deepens the kiss. I feel the passion and the want in all his kisses, confirming his confession. Tears start to stream down my cheeks. This is all I've ever wanted
Chris pulls away and cups my cheeks while whipping away my tears. "Did that answer your question?"
And then I laugh. A real, genuine one. "Yeah I think so. But I want to hear you say it." He smiles and then leans in again. Our foreheads connect, and I can feel his lips brush against mine as he says it.
"I love you. More than you'll ever know"
My eyes start to water again and I swallow. " I love you too, Chris" .
And with that he indulges in another kiss. This time he grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap. Who knew all this could happen in one camping trip??
Part 2, I hope you guys liked it. I just started writing, so if you read any of my fics I would love to hear feedback!! I want to get better at writing so I can use all the advice I can get. Love you guysss
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whalesforhands · 2 days
what’s yours is mine (5/?)
previous masterlist next
pairing: geto suguru x reader x gojo satoru
You don’t know a lot of things, and you readily admit that. What you do know, is that the friends you’ve made aren’t something you will ever regret. Until your physical body weakens and becomes nothing, you’re more than happy to give your all until you wither away.
What’s yours can be theirs, too. They’re your friends, after-all. (Omegaverse AU)
Oh. That’s bad. That’s really, really bad. You don’t need even Mama to tell you that, don’t need her to say anything more when all your nose can pick up on was the overwhelming stench of sour milk and rotting fruit.
Yet, you ask anyway. Just to confirm. Just to see, to test the waters. You know lying is bad, but you’re not exactly averse to actually doing it.
Maybe you just aren’t that good of a kid.
“Does that mean that it’s bad?”
She snaps out of it, eyes losing their glossed over fear and realization dawning on her face as she immediately slaps a hand over her mouth, a look of evident shock and restrained worry making you stare on.
You haven’t seen her so… Panicked. Not that you remember any moments that she had been, anyway.
(Do you not watch her enough?)
“Sorry… I’m sorry…” Her hand shifts up, trailing her face until she was holding her forehead and releasing the breath that she was holding, voice trembling on a note so deep-seated in terror that you just can’t ignore it. You see her shoulders slumping and her eyes darting towards the new carpet on the floor, to the creaky old table as her body shook with just that tiniest uncertainty all along— Before her pretty, shifty eyes finally landed on you.
You can hear a sigh of relief.
“I-It’s not bad at all. No. Not at all. It’s just what some people say.” It was like she was assuring the both of you with staggered sentences that struggled to complete themselves.
Like she was jumbling, voicing words together just as they form in her head. Like she was just saying whatever was racing through her head as you catch the glimmer of sweat on her skin.
You’re pretty sure it wasn’t that hot in here… You helped her adjust the heater just now.
“You shouldn’t listen to them. Never,” She has to steady her shaking words, steady her stumbling, clumsy way of speech as the tension in the space finally lifts when she scrunches her eyes close, able to breathe easy again as she whispers those words to you. “Never listen to anyone who speaks that way.”
You blink.
“Not even you, Mama?” A tilt of your head as you’ve long gotten off of your chair, Pokemon printed socks padding towards her until your fingers lightly tapping her lap as a way to signal that you wanted to get on.
You think she really needs a hug. It always helped when you were on the verge of tears yourself.
“No…” She finally lifts her head, her hands reaching down and patting your hair as your eyes follow the trembling pen she still clutched so desperately. “Not even me, darling.”
You can see her twitch, watch as that same pen she had been clasping onto all this time finally fall out of her hands and tumble onto the recently bought, recently cleaned— And much softer carpet.
You were waiting for that to happen.
So you chase after it, crouching down to be able to pick it up, before running back into her arms under her watchful gaze and crawling onto her lap the next.
“Thank you.” A kiss to your hair and a pat of your head as you wrap your arms around her waist, face falling into contentment at the feel of being able to bury your face into your Mama’s softness. You can feel the way her sweatshirt feels warm and fluffy against your cheek, a fuzziness in your chest making you yearn for more pats and to hear her soft voice lull you into a sweeter comfort.
Though, your curiosity never sates.
“So is it not nice to be an omega?” You’re not exactly careful, not exactly getting the memo that it wasn’t something you should pry too much on even after that reaction. “Mama, do you hate being one?”
You’re just a kid, after all.
“It’s fine to be one,” A stroke of your head as her tone finally returns to that soft, gentle coo that you liked hearing so much. Albeit just that tiniest bit shaky. “Omegas are rare. You won’t see many around.”
“So…” Your eyes blink up at her, a small bit of an excited smile playing on your face when you realise your Mama was— Is special. “You’re like finding a Gold Machinedramon in a pack of Digimon cards?”
Now she is the one blinking at you, eyebrows furrowing momentarily with brief, apparent confusion as her hand stopped stroking your hair.
“Yes… Exactly like that, sweetie.”
You knew it. Satoru showed off his to you recently, your eyes glimmering at the way he had held that precious card up to the shining sun as Suguru could only sigh in the background.
“But being an Omega isn’t all that good.” You can feel her lean a cheek against your head, tenderly hugging her arms around you tighter as she speaks. “And some people might… Only love someone else just because they are an Omega.” She clears her throat.
“Or an Alpha.”
“Mn…?” What does that even mean? How can you love someone simply based on just that? But to be fair, you’ve seen cartoon characters get married because they kissed a frog.
“You shouldn’t befriend people like that— Or let them love you, okay?”
Huh? You don’t exactly get it, but it does sound like she’s right.
You feel her chest vibrate with a chuckle. “You’ll know a lot more when you’re older.” You can feel her pinch your cheek as you pout. “You should be worrying about what you want to eat for dinner later.”
When you’re an adult, huh? You don’t really like being told that, not even by your pretty Mama. Yet her last sentence still tugs a little too hard on your thoughts, pulling you into a state of worry and reassurance.
Because Mama doesn’t need to be anything more than your Mama for you to love her.
“I’ll love you even if you’re not an Omega, Mama.” It’s real, and your promise to her as you take another breath in at her scent, still wafting with the remnant aftermath of soured milk, yet slowly calming into waves of the sweet honey you love.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Her fingers comb through your hair as you hum contentedly. Afternoons after school might become your second favourite part of the day after walking to school with Suguru in the morning.
“So which one should I be, Mama?” It’s your final, whispered question. You don’t know if she heard it, don’t know if it was even audible from how muffled you were as your face is pressed directly into her chest.
Her mindless, aimless petting of your head stops as you feel her lean back to be staring down at you. It’s hard to discern, hard to tell what emotion was in her eyes. Yet, it was evident, despite how small it was, or how insignificant it would be to another person.
Her eyes were definitely wet.
“It doesn’t matter. I’ll love you no matter which one you end up being.”
(“Oh, and I want cheese hamburg for dinner today!”
A soft giggle.
You’re still stuck on it, though. Even as your eyes are narrowed at the ground and Suguru’s scarf is wrapped tight around your neck... All whilst you’re poking at the concrete walkway with a stick you picked up from the ground, as cold as it might be.
Ambiguity. Maybe you should make that your new enemy. Your sworn foe who you can vow to defeat in the final battle. It fits all the marks needed to be one too, right? A cool name, hard to spell… And the fact that you don’t quite like it for terrorizing you right now with the unfamiliar and the uncertain.
Even the cold spring air isn’t enough to make you forget. This season was ambiguous too, you think. The moments right after winter when the trees are still bare and there just wasn’t enough flowers blooming to call it spring just yet.
You can’t even call it winter either. There’s no snow, the air isn’t as cold, your breath can’t be seen— You don’t like ambiguity. Not one bit. So you hope that either Satoru or Suguru are already waiting at the—
“Gah, goddamn midget fuckin’ sized playgrou—“
That’s not a child. Or even anyone you recognize as a matter of fact. A stranger. A stranger had made his way into the playground that Satoru claimed nobody else was allowed into.
(Though to be fair, you did also trespass.)
He’s big. That’s probably the second thing you notice about him when your smaller feet are trotting up towards him. Maybe he’s too big for both your and the playground’s liking, that’s why his butt won’t fit comfortably on the seat.
You will speak for the things that don’t have the will to speak for themselves! That’s… What the magical girl said on that anime yesterday. You think.
“…it’s cause you’re too big, mister.” Mama would scold you for approaching a stranger like this. But you’re more intrigued by the fact someone had actually defied everything Satoru had told you about this sacred space, had dared to bully your beloved play area!
(With the power invested in you, you will…! Probably try to get him to stop kicking the slide with his dirty shoe.)
He broke all the rules. You’re sure most adults can read, right? Did he not see the big sign and really, really long letter of notice that you can’t quite read well yet?
Maybe he has trouble reading too. It is pretty hard.
You hope that’s not insulting to say, though. You’ll apologize later… But first you wanna know why this stranger’s all bruised and patched up with seemingly hundreds of bandaids as he grunts and scowls at inanimate playground infrastructure before locking his eyes onto you.
His hair is really dark.
“The hell? The fuck you doing in ‘ere—“
“You say a lot of bad words too.” You’re blinking up at him with a blank look as you continue, curiosity whirling through your head. Is this an adult too? “Your Mama would be sad if she heard you say that.”
Your eyes catch a glimpse of the small little tag on the leather bag so casually hanging off of his too big arm. You can’t exactly catch his name, but you recognize that it definitely… Probably was from this area? You’re not really sure. Nor have you walked anywhere past the playground, the market with your Mama… Or school.
But you do know that he looks pretty old. Mama did mention once that there’s a lot more older kids here than ones your age. He’s definitely one of those.
So… He’s an older kid that looks like an adult? How ambiguous, now that you think about it. An ambiguous ‘adult that’s not really an adult’ who looked like he doesn’t know how to react to you as his eyebrows furrow and his nose twitches, eyes glaring down at you before it suddenly clicks in his head at the way you had so fearlessly stepped inside.
“Tell ya what,” He doesn’t lean down, doesn’t squat to be at your height as he crosses the bruised skin of his slightly roughed up arms. He’s quite scary, if you think about it. “I won’t tell that Gojo kid you let me trespass if ya don’t tell anybody ‘bout me. Especially if you see some piss ugly punks who look like they got beaten up real bad ‘round here.”
You blink. Did you just get… Scammed? Is this really your fault? Were you at fault for not chasing him out? But to be fair he has a point. You don’t exactly know what Satoru would do if he did find out this very big man stepped more than ‘one of his dirty toes!’ into his playground.
And honestly? You don’t think neither you nor Suguru would be able to talk your stubborn friend out of demanding capital punishment for this stranger. You would definitely need more than the 13 cookies you watched him gobble up only a couple days ago.
Take the deal. It’s for the greater good, you think. Whatever that means. Heroes say it all the time, no?
(You’re a hero now.)
And that’s how you ended up sitting on the swing seat next to him. Don’t get yourself wrong, he’s definitely scary, definitely looks like he could throw you around with one pinky finger.
And kind of reminds you of those delinquent characters you saw in the movie at Suguru’s house when his Papa had left it on accidentally.
Maybe you can ask if he’s a villain? Or if he’s a gangster. Would he have cool tattoos like in that movie? Maybe he’s got a metal bat stored away in that old bag of his.
“Mister, are you an Omega?” Yet, that’s all that you end of asking, all that passes your thoughts once more. The talk of these types of things within your home, within your school, on newspapers and on TV… It’s the best question that would best cure you of the knowledge itch.
Cause older kids like him should know more than you, right?
“This what kids talk ‘bout these days?” He sounds… So monotonously unfazed. “Don’tcha got better things to rattle on about?”
Honestly? You do. But your horoscope said that today was a day that you shouldn’t leave things unanswered, for they could bring about ‘unfortunate circuses’ or something like that.
So you ask anyway. You don’t know if you’ll really like a circus. Especially if it’s a bad one.
“No.” Your sandals kick up the sand below you, outsole making trenches on ground. “Don’t you have better things to do than get injured?”
Silence. A crow caws in the background as he narrows his eyes at you.
“Annoying brat, ain’t cha?” A huff out his nose as his words become as dry as the air, his head leaning back to look up at the darkening sky. Maybe it’s just you, but you also don’t like how the orange glow disappears all too quickly when you’re too wrapped up in your head to appreciate it.
At least it makes the shadow you casted on the ground longer and longer— Yet not quite as big compared to his.
“I’m an Alpha.”
Woahhhh. You don’t think you know any other Alphas past Geto-mama. Maybe that’s why he was so big. Geto-mama was definitely really tall. Though, you don’t think you’ve ever even seen an Alpha go to a playground for children.
“Is it fun?” It sure doesn’t look like it for him. You thought he’d be happy to be what was seemingly the strongest willed one. The one Mama talked about first.
(He could definitely find a Gold Machinedramon way faster than you, right?)
“Heh. Ain’t no way, kid.” The scar on his lip looks kind of cool, you think. He leans back, those scruffy bangs of his finally moving out of the way enough for you to be able to catch the shimmering green of his eyes.
He really did have a big shadow.
“Alphas are some of the biggest losers out there.” The way he speaks has too much spite, as if he sounded defeated as you watch his hand pat his thigh as if in search of something— All for naught.
“Ah, fuck. I’m out.”
A softer swear under his breath that you would have caught had it not been for how distraught you were at his words.
“But when I get bigger—“
“You won’t like most of ‘em when ya get bigger either, kid. They’re assholes. Every single last one of them rat bastards.”
That’s quite the revelation. But at the same time, you feel something akin to a lump in your chest, an unsteadiness to your heart. You know it’s not tears that were threatening to spill, know it’s not panic-stricken fear that will leave you shaking like a leaf. In fact, you recognize it the best nowadays.
Uncertainty. A knowing doubt. Ambiguity. Your worst enemy.
“That’s not true, mister.” Your feet lift off the ground as you start to lightly swing again. “Alphas can be nice people too.”
You would know. Geto-mama was different, was not anything like he had just described. You like her— Love her, actually. She’s been nothing but good to you in the few years you’ve met her.
A kind lady. Your Mama says it’s hard to get Geto-mama to stop talking sometimes, though.
(You should ask for her astrology sign later. Just in case the news says she’s gonna have a bad day. It’s good to have someone warn you if they’re unlucky that day.)
“That so, huh?” He’s looking at you now, letting his lips stretch out into another smug grin with an uncharacteristic softness in his eye. “Then I hope to see how that shitty mindset of yours holds up when ya get older, kid.”
He’s kinda cool. He would probably make a really good drawing for someone. But—
“You said another bad word.”
“…you been keepin’ track?”
The sunlight finally fades when he sighs, the heels of his beaten loafers digging into the sand below as the metal of the chains squeak, finally free of his added weight. He stretches, arms behind his head as he yawns at the fading orange of the night.
“Remember our deal, kid.” His back faces you, only to turn his head only slightly, letting you see the scarred lip that you admired so much upon a grin. "And don't stay out too late out 'ere."
He wasn’t a bad Alpha either, you decide.
“Tch! That old man down the street’s a scammer!” Gojo Satoru is pouting, chubby cheeks puffed up with narrowed eyes and stained lips as he pokes at the supposed, promised ‘strawberry’ flavoured ice. “There’s no difference in this one either!”
“He only made them different colours. The melon one tastes the same too.” Geto Suguru is pulling away once he’s had a bite of all three, a hand dabbing away at the remnant sweetness on his lips.
“Was he too lazy to make more because it’s still cold? Mmm... Maybe we should've asked Kimiko-san to bring your shaved ice machine instead."
“No way! She would’ve said that I couldn’t eat it with any syruppppp!”
“That’s cause y’er meant to be on a sweets ban, Satoru. Didya manage to even get it lifted even a little bit?”
“So you didn’t.”
And there you were, sat upon the playground’s deck, hidden from the sunlight and protected by the shade as you poked at the supposed ‘blue hawaii’ flavoured shaved ice treat.
It doesn’t really taste ‘blue’ or very ‘hawaii’. Not that you know what either of those taste like. Though, you’re not quite bothered by the fact that it tastes oddly similar to Suguru’s green coloured ‘melon’ one as Satoru pokes your mouth with a spoonful of his own ‘strawberry’.
“Heyyyyyyyy! Pay attention to us! Ya can’t daze off when we’re discussing important stuff!”
You’re still bothered by it. Even as your mouth parts to allow the spoon to be shoved not so gently into your mouth, even as you chew in thought as a head lays upon your shoulder and Suguru wiping your mouth with a handkerchief already pretty stained in blue, green and red.
“I’ll love you no matter which one you end up being.”
Ah, your old enemy. Ambiguity. You find it quite troublesome to be you right now, your eyes closed in focused thought and a hand on your chin to sell the look. You can’t just suddenly be okay with any one of them just because Mama said she didn’t have a preference.
It’s not because you think one is superior to another, not because you dislike all of them. Or worse; prefer one over another.
You just need to at least pick one to work towards being.
"Which one would you guys wanna be?" It’s sudden, very out of topic from the Digimon debate your friends were having as they practically hung off of you, tossing your hair about or lying on your shoulder… But you think they understand regardless. They always did, no matter how strange or irrelevant the situation may be.
(You’re starting to think they’re mind readers.)
“…is this because of what Tachibana said?” Ah. You’ve been seen through in a blink of an eye. Were you that obvious? Or was it just because Suguru had always been the type to notice this type of thing?
“You shouldn’t care too much about what someone like him says, (name)-chan.”
Satoru pouts beside you, a hand lightly smacking your shoulder as retribution as you feel him grab your face, pinching lightly at your cheeks as you finally look at him.
“Why’re ya even thinkin’ about other kids?” He squeezes your face for good measure. “We’re here, aren’t we?”
You blink, feeling mushed and very much squished. “Sorry.” You should’ve known they wouldn’t have liked this type of thing either. Maybe you should’ve read the air better.
“There ya go apologizin’ and not telling us what you think again.” A cross of fingers and a sudden flick to your forehead as you recoil back slightly, the only support being Suguru’s hands pushing you back up as your hands go up to be rubbing your reddening cheeks instead. “Don’tcha get tired?”
It’s an honest question on his part, his snappy way of talking and his huffy mumbling about how you need to stop that annoying habit of yours.
But you’re trying, you really are.
“I’ll give ya ice later if it still hurts.” That’s how he is. Geto Suguru who was kind and soft and always tried to soften the blows Satoru lands upon you.
Though, your black haired friend still tuts at him. “You shouldn’t hit her, Satoru.” He stops to really think about it for a moment, slow realisation in his words. “Save ‘em for others who deserve it.”
Their conversation is lost on you once again, your eyes only the slightest bit teary when you open them, blinking up at the both of them before you’re practically smooshed once again by the way they’ve decided to close their faces in on you, their own cheeks pressed against each other from how closely squished all three of you were.
“You cryin’?”
“Did Satoru squeeze you too hard?” Suguru’s brows are scrunched in worry, knitted together in anxiousness as he elbows the white-haired counterpart.
“O-Oi! I didn’t use that much strength—!”
It’s nice to have people worry about you, you think. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside as you feel them tap lightly against your face, pressing the cups of the chilly shaved ice against your cheeks as you simply… Slump forward and let it happen.
Friends are nice to have.
You’re finally 7 when you’re using a leg to push open the creaky metal gate, dragging a rather large basket of food behind you and grunting with each step. Mama did pack an uncharacteristically huge amount of food for all of you upon your mention of the mini picnic at the playground.
(But to be fair, you think all three of you do eat quite a bit combined.)
You’re excited. Not just for the food, but for how fun it would be, especially in spring amongst the pretty flowers that just started to bloom. A slight breeze passes by you, flowers blooming and scattering onto the crown of your head as petals fluttered down from the bright pink of cherry blossom blooms.
It’s pretty. So pretty. They blot and cover the plainness of the grey concrete beneath you, creating a path of blushing rosiness with every step you took.
You noticed that even the sunlight was gentle as it spots down from in between those bunched up leaves, so careful as they shine onto the ground. It makes your trek all the more delightful as you hum the tune to the morning news channel.
Ito Saya was quite the pretty news anchor… Even if she only mostly did the weather reports.
Though, you’re hoping that you won’t be too late, considering the fact that you’re the one lugging the rather large basket of treats there. Ah, whatever.
You just hope you don’t miss anything important.
And your eyes don’t deceive you when you witness the chill of spring become tangible in the form of a cute peck to the sakura petal stuck upon the winter child’s cheek.
You watch how the petals fall, how you think you’re forgetting to breathe properly as it hitches in your throat. Were you even blinking anymore? Your feet seemed rooted to the dirt beneath to admire them all the more.
“Is that enough yet?” Geto Suguru is grimacing at his friend, blushing just as pink as the flowers that had flittered onto his hair, petals dancing as they descend onto the hastily smoothed out picnic blanket.
“Mmm…” He had his eyes closed, arms crossed across his chest as the smugness doesn’t cease to stop. “One more would do!”
“Aren’t you being too greedy now?!”
“You’re the one who hit me! So ya have to kiss my boo boos!”
Ah. The pretty moment is ruined, so you can’t help but giggle as you watch from afar. Your friends are the sweetest.
“(nameeeeeee)!” Your snowy-haired Satoru is immediately on his feet, his sandals long kicked off to the side as he waves an arm at you. “Suguru kicked my face!!!!!”
It comes out as a whine, a complaint. Even if he had made the poor boy make up to him and console his pain.
“I didn’t even kick that hard!”
“Ya you did! Gimme all your cake if you really wanna say sorry!”
Your friends are truly the sweetest, you think. When Suguru is the first one dragging Satoru over to help you with your basket, when you’re watching as the blue-eyed boy pouts about the sting on his face, and even when you’re giving Suguru his hug in greeting first, letting him smile into your shoulder as you hold him tight.
“(nameeeeee)! Gimme mine next!”
Your friends are truly sweet— Especially when you mimic the shy kiss Suguru had given to the apple-cheeked boy that had shied away the moment you smiled so brightly at him.
You couldn’t ask for more.
“I’d wanna be a beta with you, you know?” Suguru’s talking through a mouthful of sandwich, cheeks stuffed to the capacity as he tries to push even more in.
Manners are mostly forgotten when not in the vicinity of an adult. And even more so if it was to answer a question you had asked a week ago.
“But… I think Beta would be good, right? It’s in between and has the most balance.” Balance in the sense that— You haven’t heard anything negative about it yet.
“Maybe I should settle on that?”
“Ya both think too little!” There’s a shift, bare feet stepping against the plush softness of the rather well made blanket when Gojo Satoru stand up tall on his own two feet, the shine of his eyes behind fluttering white lashes making you stare a little too hard.
He’s so cute.
“I’m gonna be an Alpha and make both of you my servants!” He has a triumphant huff to his tone, an all too confident posture in his stance as he points a demanding finger at the both of you.
“He’s got some imagination.”
“Mama says it’s cute when we act like babies.”
“Hey! Are ya both listenin’ to me?!”
But their replies have you stopping to think for a bit. How would you know what you would end up as anyway? Is there a way to tell? Would astrology have anything to do with it?
Maybe you need to watch the news a bit more.
“Huh? (name)-chan. It’s smell, isn’t it? That's how you tell.” Suguru’s tilting his head to the side as he watches your eyes blink back into focus, waving a hand in front of your face in efforts to bring you back.
They’re really good at reading minds.
“No, ya dummy. Y’er talkin’ out loud.”
It’s better to believe in magic. The mystical is definitely more fun, and you definitely wanna be a fairy someday. It’s gonna be—
“Satoru.” Your nose twitches when he leans over you to reach for the cream puffs he had Kimiko-san prepare. “You smell like sunlight.”
Maybe different people had different smells.
“Is there anything?” You’re sat on your knees with your arms stretched out to the sides in front of them, barely audible but just enough so for the wind to whisper your voice into their ears, watching as Suguru’s bangs sway with the branches of that familiar tree you were all sat under.
"Can't really make out anything on you, actually." Suguru's face is pressed into your hair from behind, his nose taking decisive whiffs to help answer your question. "All I can smell is that shampoo you and your mama use... Satoru, any luck?"
“Mmm…” His nose is nudging against the side of your neck, taking a deep whiff of the skin before he pulls back. “S’ not that there’s anything actually—“ He dives in for another, his soft face against your own as you hold his shoulder to steady him.
You can feel how the strands of Suguru's hair was brushing against your nape, his palm now resting on your shoulder as his free hand brushes through your hair.
You see crystal blue peek up at you, before leaning back to hold his chin to scrutinize a bit more.
“Hmm… Water, maybe?” His eyes are closed in stark thought as white hair is caressed by another swirl of spring wind. “Can’t really get anything past that, though.”
Oh. You had no smell then. Nothing.
"It's okay. It's enough that you smell nice to us."
You hear him— Suguru say that pretty often, actually. Words that keep affirming you that it’s enough because it’s them, that you don’t need to go any further than that.
“Isn’t it enough that it’s for us?” He taps against the neatly wrapped plastic that held the cookies that Mama had helped you to bake in advance in attempts to make new friends within the classroom.
“Why’d you need it for the other kids?”
You want to have people who like you at the very least, even if you can’t make friends with them. That’s why.
“Hmm… Don’t you think Satoru would be mad?”
Maybe Geto Suguru was just that type of friend. Almost as clingy as your Satoru— Yet not quite letting you see what he truly was thinking. He’s always been quite polite; with you and the others around him.
Yet, you can’t help but feel like there’s something else behind his words, his actions— And his demeanour. You just can’t quite place an ascertain finger on it even when he smiles at you and blows a petal off of your hair.
So gentle. So pretty. He kind of reminds you of your Mama, if you think about it.
And he looks content with your reply, his arms hugging around you briefly before they pulled away.
He’s really warm.
“Well? Ya have your answers now?” Satoru’s tilting his head at you before he drinks directly from the bottle of juice Suguru had brought, downing the apple juice and completely disregarding the cups Kimiko-san had so graciously prepared.
Maybe? Probably. You don’t really know for sure when you’re curling your fingers into a fist and back into a splayed hand.
It’s enough for now.
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romanestuffsposts · 2 days
Hi hi!
Sorry to bother you, its been a rough week at work for me. And I'm in desperate need of comfort lolz, if you don't mind. Would you be able to write some baby space comfort from the daddies?
You don't have too<3 have a good day!
Hi there love! 💜
I’m sorry you felt that sweetie I really hope you feel better now but if not, i hope this will help 🎀
Take care of you my love ☀️
Warnings : sleepy little reader, bottle, paci, pet names, comfort for being tired, nap
Pairings : daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you got up way too early and are still tired
Your Daddies were already up, they were in the kitchen doing their morning coffee while waiting for you to coming back in the real world after a beautiful dream.
The baby monitor was right beside them and they were listening to your sweet breathing while doing their business. As soon as they heard you waking up your Daddy went upstairs to you while your Papa was already preparing your bottle.
When he sees your beautiful but tired eyes he immediately smiles ‘’hi my baby girl’’ he gently says.
You stroke your eyes and stretch making him chuckle ‘’how did you slept my love ?’’ He asks while lifting you up from your little bed. You cuddle him, your arms between your chest and his and rest your temple against his shoulder ‘’still sleepy ?’’
You nod and close your eyes, he smiles and kisses your forehead before heading downstairs, his fingers gently stroke your legs.
When you reach the kitchen your Papa welcome you with a warm smile ‘’hi princess’’ he kisses your cheek ‘’how did you sleep my girl ?’’ Since you have your paci you simply nod your head in answer which make him chuckle ‘’here baby’’ he hands you your bottle but instead of taking it you simply open your mouth letting your paci fall.
Your Papa hold the bottle for you while your Daddy swings you a little. Once the bottle is empty you rest your head back against your daddy’s shoulder and close your eyes. Your Papa tilts his head and strokes your cheek with the back of his hand ‘’you didn’t slept well baby ?’’
You nod your head but hide your face in your Daddy’s neck making them chuckle ‘’not sure you’re saying the truth here’’ your Papa says stroking your hair ‘’why don’t we go upstairs to try to sleep a little more ?’’ You nod your head and feel your Daddy moving.
Your Papa is close behind you and take a hold of your foot so you can feel that he’s here. ‘’Our bed ?’’ Your Daddy asks. He feels you smiling against his neck and nod your head. Your Papa of course saw it and laughs, of course you would say yes.
They lie you down under the cover and join you quickly after, you’re sandwiched between them and sigh in contentment. Each one of them give you a kiss and watch you falling back asleep.
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arisewanekosuki · 3 days
TLH -Extra-: A Little Maid!
Today you and Aether decided to take a small break and just rest in Teapot. After breakfast, Keaya invited you to play TCG but... To make it more interesting the loser will have to do something for the winner. You didn't mind that, confident that you would win, you agreed. But it didn't go as planned, Kaeya had a new deck with new cards you didn't have. To your disappointment you lost quickly. -"So... what do you want me to do?" you asked. Kaeya smirked.  -"Give me a moment." He got up from the table and went to another room. After a while he brought...a maid outfit.  -"...A-are you serious?" you asked, already embarrassed. The blue haired male shrugged. -"Why not? It will be fun! If you win next time you can dress me however you want~" he said with a smile.  You took the maid outfit and went towards another room to change. -"Ah, I forgot about one thing... you have to wear it for one day and call everyone here 'Master'~"
In the kitchen Thoma and Mika were cleaning the dishes after breakfast, normally Noelle would be here to help them but today she promised to help some citizens of her city in the morning. You wanted to take some drink, but after entering and seeing only both of them cleaning all plates you decided to help. -"Tho-...Ahem... Master Thoma, Master Mika. Please let me help you." The boys turned around and almost both of them let go of plates they were holding. -"(Y-Y/n)? Wha...why are you wearing...this?" Mika asked, blush covering his cheeks. You sighed. -"I lost in TCG and the loser had to do something for the winner so... yeah." You felt your face getting warmer. -”I hope it’s not Master Ayato’s idea…” Thoma said, wondering if the head of Kamisato really ‘forced’ you into this maid outfit. -”No, it was Kaeya.” you sighed. “Next time I’ll make him wear something funny…” you grumped, crossing your arms. “So… may I help you both?” -”Ah it’s okay! We are almost finished!” Mika said, turning away from you. His heart beating faster just by looking at your adorable self. Thoma smiled but if you pay more attention you could see small blush on his cheeks too. -”Like Mika said, there’s not too much left so we’ll finish soon!” -”Oh okay…” after taking the drink with you, you left the kitchen. … Both boys sighed. They didn’t expect to see you like this and even more to call them ‘Master’. “This is not good for my heart…” Both of them thought.
 You came back to the room where you played TCG with Kaeya but to your surprise he is not there anymore. -”Hm? Where did he go?” you mumbled to yourself, looking around the room. You heard the door opening behind you, when you turned around you saw Cyno and Kaveh. Both guys stopped in their tracks looking at you, Kaveh looking more surprised than Cyno. -”A..Um… Good Morning Master Cyno and Master Kaveh!” You awkwardly smiled at them. -”What! No, wait! Why are you-!? Did someone force you to be a maid?!” Kaveh was first to respond. -”I lost a game in TCG and the loser had to do something for the winner.” you scratched your head. -”Don’t tell me…are you someone’s maid now?!” Kaveh said, worried that you have to listen to someone’s orders.You hummed. -”Not really? I was told to just wear it for one day and call everyone in the house ‘Master’. But ah I wish the skirt would be a bit longer…” The skirt wasn’t too short, but if you remember correctly it is a bit shorter than the maids’ ones in Dawn Winery. Cyno didn’t say anything, too deep in his own thoughts. -”I look weird in it right?” you asked, scratching your cheek. -”Of course not!” both of the boys said in unison. Kaveh coughed into his fist. -”Ahem… I think you look…good in it.” he said, looking somewhere else, with blush on his cheeks. -”I won’t lie, this outfit looks like it was MAID for you.” -”… “ After a moment of silence you snorted. -”Oh Master Cyno…” you said with a small smile on your face. For Cyno it was a win for today. “Did you guys see Ka…. Master Kaeya?” -”That guy with patch on eye? After breakfast I didn’t see him.” -”Me neither. Do you need something from him?” Cyno asked. -”Well he was playing TCG with me so I thought we’ll play some more rounds…” -”If you want you can join us!” Kaveh said with excitement! And you end up playing some rounds against Cyno and Kaveh. You won all the matches against a blonde haired guy who seemed to be distracted by something. While the white haired one was serious like always and yet you did win some rounds against him.
The day was passing slowly. Knowing that there are some people training behind the house you decided to bring them something to drink. While approaching the training ground, one Fatui Harbinger noticed your presence. -”Oh? Didn’t expect you to wear something like this just to bring us drinks.” He smirked, already coming closer to you. -”Well Master Ajax-” He snorted. -”O-oi! D-don’t laugh! I lost the game and I have to wear it till the end of the day!” -”Hmm? Is that so? Whose idea was this?” -”Master Kaeya…” -“I have to remember to thank him for this… maybe I’ll bring him Fire-Water as a present…” -”Okay okay! Take the drink! I need to give it to other-” -”Hey (Y/n)... how much?” You looked confused at him. -” How much what?” -”How much mora do you want to become my personal maid?~” he smiled innocently. -”AJAX!” and the guy started to laugh at your reaction. After being teased talking with Childe, you gave drinks to other people who were training, both some guys and girls told you that you look cute in maid outfit and thanked you for drinks. What you didn’t notice is that the guys couldn’t concentrate on training after seeing you like this.
Not everyone joined today's dinner, many being busy with their everyday life. Maybe it was good for you. At least not everyone had to see you like this. When it comes to boys, some enjoyed seeing you walk in maid outfit and call them ‘Master’ and you end up being teased by them, some weren’t happy that others can see you like this and some… missed the chance to see you like this, much to their disappointment when they found out about it later.
When the moon appeared in the sky, you came back to your room. -“Finally I can take this off…” but before you could do that you heard a knock on your door. “Come in!” The door opened revealing Diluc. “Oh hello Di… Master Diluc do you need anything?” The red haired guy looked at you a bit taken aback, then he sighed and rubbed temples. -“I was hoping it was just a joke but it seems they were serious… I heard that Kaeya borrowed one maid outfit from Dawn Winery, I was wondering what he is up to but… I didn’t expect that…” -“Oh! Don’t worry, I'll wash it and give it back tomorrow!” -“It’s alright. I hope he didn’t force you to wear this.” -“No, no! I lost the game of TCG and the loser had to do something for the winner. Kaeya is not that type to force friends into something they don’t want to, so please don’t be angry at him.” Diluc only sighed again. -“Alright, but I still need to talk to him.” -“Ah Aether now took him for a talk.” -“Then I’ll join them. Goodnight, sleep well.” -“Goodnight!” and with that the Master of Dawn Winery left your room, you finally took off the maid outfit and wore pajamas. “Poor Kaeya… I hope they won’t talk his ear off for too long…” .
---- Thank you for reading till the end! And sorry for mistakes! This one is shorter, tbh I was hoping I would finish it for Maid's Day but oh well....
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subfootboii · 3 days
Tumblr media
[Phone call]
"Hey Luke, how are you doing today buddy?"
"I'm fine... a bit disappointed after yesterday's interview. Thought I'll find a job at your company."
"That's what I'm calling you for buddy. While you don't qualify to any open position at my company, I noticed something yesterday maybe come over today... I think can create a special position for my best friend."
"Thank you so much. What would this position be?"
"We'll discuss that in my office. Don't be late."
"On my way."
You've lost your job a while back and you couldn't find any place to work at, so Alex - you're best friend- decided to help you out but you didn't qualify to any position and now that he called you back you went as fast as you can.
You reached his company and made you way to his office. His secretary looked like she was expecting you and told you to go in. You went in to his big luxurious office and he was smirking as he stood up to give you a hug.
"Thank you so much for doing this Alex."
"Least I can do to my best friend. Please have a seat."
You sat down and he looked at you for a while before speaking.
"I'm a bit tired today... would you mind if I propped my feet up? You know I'm so busy all the time I just need some rest."
"Sure not. Please be as comfortable as you like."
He smirked and propped his feet up on the desk with his shoes facing you.
"Maybe it's the shoes? Would you mind taking it off Luke? Something feels uncomfortable. I just need to air my feet."
"Sure I'll take them off."
"I know you will."
He smirked again while you removed his shoes. A stinky manly aura hit your nose making you let out a quiet moan.
"While you're at it would you mind taking the socks off to?"
"Anything to make you comfortable."
"Such an amazing friend. I knew I can always count on you."
You took his socks off and the smell became more intense. You looked at him to see him look straight at you smirking again.
"So about that position Alex..."
"Enjoying it? Looks like it suits you well."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh come on Luke. I've noticed how you look at my huge feet. Never thought much about it until yesterday. You spent most of the interview taking peaks at them from under the desk. You don't have a job, I'm offering the best one you could find. 'Office foot boy'. Take it or leave it."
"What? I... I'm not sure what to say."
"You don't have to say anything. It's not a part of your job. Besides your tongue will be busy licking my feet."
"Listen it's well payed but you have to work hard. You kike feet so this shouldn't be a problem. Massages, kisses, and licks. That's all I need from you. I need an answer fast. Preferably not a verbal one."
You were nervous and surprised. You certainly didn't see this coming but you needed a job and you actually loved his feet. They're big and smelly and you've wanted to have your tongue all over them for years. You sat there for a minute and then approached his feet and planted a quick kiss at his soles.
"Good boy. See I knew you'd take it. Wait give me second I'll cancel my meeting for today to train and welcome you into my company."
He called his secretary and informed her to delay all his meeting for another day. He pointed at his feet and told you to start licking. At some point he took his short off and started reading a book.
"Switch to massage mode now foot boy. Two hours and your first day is over. Good job so far."
(Story suggestion by: @276stix)
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the-kr8tor · 3 days
Hie hie I love love your Hobie stories I was wondering if you could please could write something cute . So it’s about the twins asking their parents for a pet and they like seven but age is up to you and Hobie’s being all cheeky asking them if they would be good pet owners typical parent behaviour so they give them babydoll eyes to reader who can’t resist them and I guess the rest is up to you if that’s ok don’t wanna offend you in any way I love your work but if you can’t it’s no the end of the world thanks 😊
You didn't offend me dw dw! Thank you for requesting! ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, Mom! Reader, Dad! Hobie, Twin AU, Dad AU, Billie and Ramona AU, FLUFF.
The girls gasp simultaneously, a cute reaction that would have you smiling sweetly and cooing at them but when you followed their line of sight, you almost audibly groaned.
In each hand you have their tiny palms in yours, Ramona jumps excitedly, eyes sparkling at the luminescent fishes on display in the window of the pet shop. While Billie screeches unabashedly, the sound gets the attention of the nearby people who are coming out of the grocery store. Her hands tugs you towards the store. You swear that they've gotten stronger even though they're only five years old.
“Mummy!” Billie yells at the top of her lungs, pink trainers scrapping on the rough pavement. “They have a puppy!”
“Okay, okay, don't drag mommy around like your doll.”
Hobie chuckles behind you, hands full of groceries. You stare at him with a pout, wordlessly calling for help. He raises both hands, plastic bags crinkling, shrugging.
With a quick glare, he changes course from the teasing. “Listen to mum, Bee. Mon, your shoes are untied, you're gonna trip.”
“‘m okay!” Mona says, ribbons falling off her pigtails from all the jumping. “Can we see the fishes?” You crouch down to tie her shoes, an impossible feat while Billie tries to coax you into going inside the store.
Billie's voice triumphs over Mona's. “The dogs, mum!”
You inhale, wrangling the twins in your arms. “We'll go inside, only if you promise me to behave. And what did dad tell you last time?”
“Don't put your fingers inside the cages.” They both speak at the same time with the same flat cadence.
“And?” Hobie continues for you.
“Don't tap at the aquariums.” They simultaneously say, “can we go now?” Now their twin telepathy has you giggling and almost creeped if not for their cute faces staring at you, waiting for a response.
You decide to tease, hands holding onto their overalls. “Hmm, what do you think, dad?”
Hobie fakes a huff. “Dunno, love, these bags are heavy.”
“Dad!” Billie exclaims, stomping her little foot.
“Please, daddy?” Mona has a different plan, she pouts at Hobie, eyes all big, staring up and pleading with him.
The second Hobie nodded, you're sure that you won't be able to say no to a pet this time. You're already running out of excuses as to why they can't have one. The girls run off, leaving you in the dust.
“I'll just bring these to the car—” Hobie starts.
“Nuh uh” you grab him by his sleeve. “I need backup, I know they're gonna ask again. ‘sides, you can handle the bags, right?” Hobie scrunches his face, a resemblance of both girls when you ask them to eat their veggies. “You're my big strong spider—”
“Fine!” He says before you could finish your teasing. “I am strong.” He murmurs, pecking your cheek before following the girls inside.
“You are so strong!” Ragging him on, you race after him, quickly reciprocating the kiss by smooching his cheek with a resounding smack.
Hobie's lips curl into a sly smile, eyes roaming around the shop for his gremlins. You loop your arm around his own, carefully not adding to the weight. Hand kneading softly at his skin. He grins wider from how you lovingly hold him close.
“Ooh!” Billie's voice acts as a beacon for you and Hobie to follow. You see them both crouched down, eyes big and curious at the lonesome angel fish swimming in the tank.
“She's so pretty!” Mona adds, you're wishing that you brought your camera with you to capture the moment.
Sure enough, when you peek at the aquarium, the cobalt scales of the angelfish has you mesmerized too. “She is gorgeous.”
Both girls turn towards you simultaneously, smile all toothy with a few missing teeth in between their milk teeth. You already know what they're about to ask.
“Please?” Mona starts.
“We'll take good care of her!” Billie finishes with the perfect puppy dog eyes that you know the girls got from Hobie.
“Angelfish is a bit hard to take care of for a first pet. Maybe we should start off with a goldfish?” Hobie joins in unexpectedly, smile identical to the twins. You sometimes think it's unfair that you carried them for nine grueling months only for the girls to end up looking almost exactly like their father. This day is one of those days, because you know you cannot say no to that face. You've even joked about it to Hobie, to which he always replies with a ‘maybe the next one will look like you more.’ When you're too flabbergasted to reply, Hobie brings the other bag of groceries to his other hand to hold yours and then to bring your knuckles to his lips. You've lost, again. “Ain't that right, love?”
You sigh, surrendering to the whims of your adorable yet menace of a family. “Only if they promise to take good care of the fish.” The girls gasp, Billie even embraces Mona like they've won the war. “And it has to be a goldfish, okay?”
The girls can't hold their excitement any longer, they shriek happily, bounding over towards the goldfish section. Hobie kisses your hand again, this time longer, you can feel his smug grin through it. You shake your head with a groan, but you still peck his hand back.
“Wait, girls!” Hobie suddenly calls for them back. They both come hopping over to you. Billie and Mona getting what they want has turned them more obedient. Or they're just biased because their dad finally convinced you to agree. They look up at you sweetly, they know the effect of their cuteness, probably because of uncle Ned who gives them whatever they want if they just look at him all adorable like. “What do you say? Especially to mum?”
“Thank you, mummy!” Mona hugs your leg, while Billie joins in a second later.
Billie looks up, “kiss?” She asks, pouting her lips. No DNA test needed, definitely Hobie's kid, like there was any doubt.
“Of course, baby.” With a quick smooch, she smiles gratefully.
“Thank you, mummy, love you.” She murmurs into the denim of your pants, she's bringing out her big guns for this fish.
“I love you too!” Ramona joins in, puckering her lips too. You give her the same amount of smooch. “Thank you, love you.”
“And I love you both.”
“Okay, stop hounding mum, go pick out your fish.” Hobie pats them both on their curly heads, then both girls give him a not so sly thumbs up.
Mona gestures for her dad to lean down, Hobie obliges. She whispers in his ear but she still doesn't understand the concept of whispering so her tone is as loud as her usual one. “A doggy next time, daddy.”
Billie pipes up, of course hearing the entire thing. “Or a kitten!” You can see from Hobie's face that he wants the monitor lizard in the corner to eat him up.
Your family has played you like a fiddle.
They walk away giggling, talking about what name they should give their fish. Hobie looks back at a glaring you. “I love you so much—”
“You’re cleaning the tank.”
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sssammich · 3 days
🖤 supercorp
because something something tender angst
🖤 kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation
lmao well when you give me a gun, then it feels like you want me to choose violence.
i'll do you one better and let you know that this is a snippet from a fic i'm already writing. i was feverishly writing it and then i had to lay down so.
ask meme
“and now?” 
kara meets lena in the eyes when she says, “now, you’re happy. and i couldn’t ask for more than that.” 
lena smiles and they continue to eat lunch. it had been this simple before. and she’d changed that. she doesn’t languish at the thought, her heart only ebbing with regret she won’t ever fully shake. but this is enough. this second chance is enough. 
when they’re done, lena’s assistant reminds her that she has an upcoming two o’clock to get ready for. 
“i’ll be in berlin for the next two weeks about a european launch,” lena explains. 
“okay.” she waits to see, to listen.  
“but maybe when i get back, we can do this again?” 
the tentativeness, the bravery, it’s written all over lena’s face. kara can’t help but love her all the more for it.
“i would love that. just text me. i’ll be here.” kara means it. means that she will be there for lena in however way she needs, in the friend that she deserved before now.
because what they have now, it’s never going to ever be what it was before. and what could have been will always be a thing of the past, an exercise in pushing past regrets and what ifs.
lena stares at her for a long moment, studies her features even, and so kara gives the woman in front of her her best smile. in front of her is her friend, her friend she has missed for six, almost seven years. her friend who has let kara back in because her reservoir for love is big. and kara, she is so, so fortunate. 
what they have now, for all that it’s worth, is more than anything kara could have ever imagined. and it’s enough. more than enough. 
it’s kara who dares when she opens her arms, and it’s kara who smiles when lena walks into her arms, like before. she closes her eyes, because this is the first hug in six, almost seven years that she’s received from lena. and so she will take it because they are as good as she remembers. 
when she draws back, she is slow to relinquish her hold. it seems that lena is moving the same. kara holds her breath when lena tilts her head and moves to the side of kara’s face, a soft press of her cool lips against the heat of kara’s cheek. just outside of her mouth. 
the moment is there, and then it’s gone. 
lena’s hands squeeze her shoulders before they slide down her arms, their hands naturally clasping onto one another. kara grips them in return, appreciates the feel of lena’s hand in hers. 
“have a good trip, lena. feel free to send me pictures of germany whenever you feel like it.” 
“i’ll consider it.” 
she releases their hands. she lets lena go. and she smiles.
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rocksibblingsau · 1 day
What would branch being captured by the v's look like in the classical branch au
would trollzart and the others have to find his brothers or like how would they react to branch's brothers acting so undignified(by classical troll stantards) especially compared to branch who is literally The etiquette person(having written books and being a etiquette teacher, etc)
- :D
If Classical Branch was captured by Velvet and Veneer, I like to think the two actually have no idea if they actually caught Bitty B.
"Are we sure this is Bitty B?" "The name is 'Branch', my good sir." "Who cares if it is, we'll just lie and tell BroZone we have Bitty B."
John Dory gets the letter and goes to confirm himself, finding Classical Branch. He actually can't tell that Classical Branch is Branch, and Branch doesn't know that John Dory doesn't know.
JD: Hello? Hey! Hey are you okay? Branch: Johnathon Dory? JD: Uh just John Dory. Branch: My apologies. I'm relatively unharmed, though most indisposed. You best leave now, before Madam Velvet and Sir Veneer return. JD: I should get you out- WAIT! Do they have any other trolls here? Branch: No, just myself, thankfully. Though some company would help see me through the nights...
Branch tells JD to find his father, Trollzart, and even gives him directions to both Pop Village/Trollstopia and Symphonyville. JD plans to first stop by Pop Village to find his brothers and then he'll get "this Trollzart dude", as he still believes they are the best shot at the family harmony.
JD interrupts the wedding to ask about Branch like normal, now that the letter was a bust. Poppy tells him Branch just left a bit ago to return home to Symphonyville. JD, at this point, doesn't actually know what Symphonyville is or that it implies Branch is living with a whole other type of Trolls. So he just goes "GREAT! That's where the fancy dude I found also lives. Maybe Branch knows him!" He explains a bit more to Poppy and she has to tell him that WAS Branch he found.
JD insists she's mistaken ("No you didn't see this guy, he was a real fancypants nerd type and Bitty's just a baby") but Branch's friends all confirm that that's what Branch is like now. He still doubts it as he was told to find his 'father' and it's not possible for Branch to mean THEIR dad. Meeting the Classical Trolls he's even more confused because what is UP with these dudes?
Trollzart's instantly worried to hear Branch has been kidnapped, as well as upset with John Dory. "You just LEFT him there? Ah well I suppose the notion isn't foreign to you." But he's willing to do whatever it takes to save his darling boy.
The trip to find Bruce is tense as John Dory had been the patriarch of the family, and now some fancy dressed baby man who talks like he swallowed a dictionary (JD's words, not mine) is trying to claim he's Branch's dad?
When they get to the island, Bruce doesn't want to even listen to John Dory until Trollzart yells out "For heaven's sake, isn't there a single one of you who cares about dearest Branch?!" That gets Bruce's attention and he demands to know what's up. He wants to help but he's still a bit confused on Trollzart's role in this.
Since Branch isn't there, it's slightly thanks to Trollzart they find Clay. Bruce and John Dory are arguing back and forth and Trollzart remarks to Poppy that despite the glass he can "Smell the stench of those foul undergarments just as well as he could from a mile away". Poppy gets the idea to use them for Rhonda and they arrive at the Hole N Fun.
Clay initially is pretty cool with Trollzart, as he's "hardcore serious" but when it's clear that Trollzart has a grudge he gets defensive.
The brothers have no clue how to find Floyd but thankfully they don't need to. Floyd also received the letter and he meets up with them outside of Mount Rageous.
The group attempts to practice, resulting in their fighting. Floyd attempts to break it up, cue the line about going their separate ways. It's Trollzart who gets upset this time. "Ah what a displeasure it is to see the four of you reprising your star roles. Though it is my first time seeing it, my beloved son has described that dreaded day that I myself am experiencing deja vu witnessing this. Truly if the world is a stage you are most befitting of the villainous role. One must wonder what it must be like to care so little about anyone other than oneself, it must surely be quite liberating to not feel the least bit of sorrow at the thought of the infant you left behind."
Trollzart joins the fight, telling the brothers about what a joy Branch is to have as a son and doesn't reveal Branch's trauma but does imply Branch HAS trauma and its their fault. Trollzart tells them they don't deserve the option of a second chance and he leaves and tells Poppy he'll attempt this 'perfect family harmony' his own way.
Trollzart and Branch duet for the perfect family harmony, with Brozone playing more of a supporting role. I'm thinking it'd be sort of a broadway type of song. Kinda like 'Not While I'm Around' from Sweeney Todd or 'Dear Theodosia' from Hamilton, a little bit 'Slipping Through My Fingers' from Mamma Mia, even. If Classical Branch was an actual Trolls movie I'd probably make them hire that Lin Manual guy that @dialga64bitz keeps sending me pictures of in my submissions box to write the song.
And uh, yeah. That's about how it'd go I imagine.
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suplicyy · 3 days
[Prompt Series pt.3]
You sharing a dessert with Goshiki
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Summary — Goshiki and you are on a date and you share your dessert with him.
— Fluff
— Gn!Reader
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It had only been a short time since you entered into a relationship with Shiratorizawa's future ace, Goshiki, and since then, everything has been amazing for you two. And today would be an amazing time too, since you were going on a date!
And this would definitely be a perfect day, everything would definitely work out, right?
That thought was completely burned by the flames of hell when Goshiki reached into his pocket and couldn't find his wallet. At that moment the poor boy felt his soul leaving his body.
And he couldn't even go back to his house and get it back, he was already too far from his house for that.
He was already waiting for you at the meeting point you agreed on, and you hadn't arrived yet. The only thing he was thinking at the moment was: How would he explain the situation to you?
Since the beginning of your relationship, Goshiki has always liked to spoil you, give you your favorite snacks, take you for a walk somewhere you like, and even buy you gifts, even though they weren't those fancy and expensive gifts, you always loved the affection that he has to remember the things you like.
And since he is now without his money, how could he make you happy!?
His desperate thoughts stopped the moment he felt a small poke on his shoulder.
"Tsu, are you okay? I was calling you but you didn't listen..."
The cute nickname you gave him a while ago made his heart race, but it still wasn't enough to get him out of the despair he was feeling about the whole situation.
"N-No- I mean yes!! Everything is fine! Heh..." he says nervously. You thought he was just shy because of the date, since he always has the same reaction when he sees you, so you didn't mind too much and held his hand, guiding him to your destination.
"I saw that a really cute coffee shop opened here recently! What do you think about going there?" you say in an excited tone. "Well... O-Of course! Let's go!!"
Goshiki cursed himself internally, for not having the courage to tell you about the situation. He was generally known for being a very ambitious and courageous boy, after all he even told his team's great Ace to his face that one day he would surpass him. But whenever it came to you, it seemed like his world destabilized, he really likes you and wants to do everything he can to impress you and get what you deserve, so if something he does for you goes wrong, he can get really upset with himself.
He only realized he arrived at the coffee shop when he heard the door bell being rung as you entered the cozy space. The fragrance of coffee beans being ground and sweet breads coming out of the oven reached his nostrils, which made him sad, knowing that he couldn't buy what you wanted at that moment.
"Didn't I tell you it was super cute?? I never make mistakes in my recommendations, right?" You say with a smile on your face, which soon disappears when you feel a squeeze on your hand. "I-I'm sorry [name]..." He looks at the ground with an sad expression, in a way of not making eye contact with you.
"Goshiki what happened?" You reach out with both of your hands to cup them on either side of his face, lifting him up so you can see him better. "You know you can always tell me everything, don't you? I won't be mad at you." Goshiki stops for a moment, but then he lets out a sigh and finally tells you what's bothering him. "It's just... I forgot my wallet..."
There was silence after that. At that time he was convinced that you would fight with him, or even worse, leave him. But all of that went away when he heard your little laugh, that laugh that always made his day better.
"Tsu, is that what you were worried about? You know I have money too, right?" "B-But... then I won't be able to make you happy...!" You gave him a sweet smile, and then planted a soft kiss on his lips, an action that made him blush furiously in the same second.
"You fool, just having you here with me makes me happy! Don't worry about it anymore, okay?" you hold his hand again and guide him to the dessert display, pointing to a delicious slice of cake. "How about this one? I think I only have enough money for one piece... but it should be enough for a drink too!" Before he can protest, you walk straight to the register, heading to place your order.
After you pay, you sit at a table near the window, with a slice of cake and a mocha.
"Y-You didn't have to do that..." Goshiki says in a worried tone. "Well... it's just that you always buy things for me, so I want to spoil you too!" You take a piece of cake with your spoon and bring it to his mouth. "Whether with sweets or other things you like, I want to make you happy, like you do to me every day!"
At that moment, the boy felt his heart warm with your gesture of love for him.
"I-I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" he shouts excitedly, opening his mouth to eat the piece of cake you offered him. Some people glared at him for shouting in a space that was supposed to be relaxing, but you didn't care at all.
On this pleasant afternoon, you two shared a dessert that you would definitely eat again, but the dessert wasn't as sweet as Goshiki's love for you.
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A/N — HELLO FRIENDS!! This weekend I was super busy doing school work that I left at short notice, so it took a while for this one to come out.😭😭
And this week will probably be a bit hectic for me, as my exams start next week, so don't worry if I don't post anything here!
Prompt used for this post — Person A and Person B sharing ice cream/cake/a dessert.
[Prompt Series Masterlist]
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gtanddragons · 2 days
[ISAT G/t] Aftermath
Contains spoilers for the almost-end of Act 5, after the first boss battle.
This was part of a shifter!Siffrin AU I was rolling around in my brain for a while, largely inspired by @miniature-knight's banger ideas and really cool art, and also something something I'm just legally obligated to make an emotion-based shifting AU for everything I touch lmao
You hadn’t thought it was real.
Waking so suddenly from the hellish nightmare you’d been trapped in, seeing your family standing before your face, facing down the King— looking positively minuscule compared to the King, compared to you, and yet—
The sound of a mirror breaking— of Mirabelle deflecting the King’s attack completely— almost actually manages to snap you out of it.
The King wails about your country. About your home. The details are fuzzy in your mind already even as he utters them, but something in the back of your mind fills with yearning as he sees what no one else can— and perhaps, what no one else will ever see again— of your country.
And then, he is frozen in time.
And then, he is suddenly just as small as the rest of your family.
And you
Are left
To stare, incredulously. Wondering how he was able to do that. Did you do that, too, when you were frozen in time? Shrink back down to what you think was your height before—? It feels so long ago, you can’t even seem to remember a time when you were smaller than all of them…
You notice that they’re cheering. You’d… automatically tuned it out. You’d heard it before, heard the cheering when you’d killed the King before, but this time is… different.
Isabeau suddenly turns to face you, a scowl on his face.
You blink, as he points a finger directly at your face.
“Now, you—”
Mirabelle interrupts by brushing past Isabeau, marching up to your face and balling her hands into fists at her side.
“How could you say all those horrible things to us, Siffrin?!”
You wince. There it is. 
“Yeah! That wasn’t cool,” Bonnie adds. “Not cool at all!”
They’re lecturing you for what you said, for coming here alone, but you can only stare. This is new. All of this is new— you don’t know how to respond. 
Your brows furrow. Your head feels fuzzy.
“Um… Sif?” Isabeau asks, his frown almost immediately shifting into a concerned look. 
Bonnie comes up and stands directly in front of your eye. So close, that they seem blurry… wait. They all seem a little blurry, don’t they?
You slowly blink.
“Frin, are you listening?” Bonnie asks. “Hey Dile, is it normal for the black thing in their eye to be so big???”
Odile slowly approaches behind Bonnie, an unreadable expression on her face.
You wish they wouldn’t stand so close. It’s hard to see them properly like this.
“Siffrin?” She asks, her voice… unusually soft. So quiet. Almost too quiet to hear. “Anyone there?”
You… can’t lift your head.
You can barely move. You can barely muster the energy to breathe.
Are so
…When was the last time you’d slept? You can’t remember. You don’t think you’ve been able to even fit in a bed for… for a long time. Only in that stupid, blinding clearing… 
Your eye
Starts to close.
A nap… you just want a nap…
“What’s wrong, do you feel sick?”
You can hear their worried voices around your face, can feel small hands touching your cheek. You don’t flinch. You don’t think you’d have the strength to do that even if you wanted to.
“…skin feels so warm, there’s something wrong—”
“…burning up…”
“…even with Loop’s help, it was hard getting here…”
…Loop? You manage to crack your eye open, giving your family a questioning look. They’d met Loop…?
Odile notices first, and she (correctly) guesses what you want to ask. “Oh, your friend Loop— I think you two know each other, somehow.”
“We met them earlier!” Bonnie pipes up. “We were looking for you so we could talk to you, but we couldn’t find you anywhere, and we even asked all the townspeople, but they hadn’t seen you, which is crazy because you’re like the size of Godzilla! So we wound up going to the Favor Tree, and Za asked it to help us find you, and then this weird star showed up, and they told us they were a star, which is why they were spiky and glowy—”
Odile rests a hand on Bonnie’s shoulder, seemingly taking pity on your attempt to process Bonnie’s rapidfire spiel.
“They helped us find you,” she says simply. “We couldn’t have made it here without their help.”
They start explaining how Loop helped to guide them through the House, and you feel a wave of gratitude wash over you. Loop had guided them, in your stead. Made sure they didn’t get crushed by the first trap, made sure they knew where to go, when you had been wandering blind for what felt like an eternity through the warped, distorted version of the House. Blinded by rage, blinded by your desperation to kill the King… to escape…
You listen intently, and you think that’s why they keep talking. Because you’re trying to stay awake for that much, because this is all still so new. You don’t know the lines they’re saying. You don’t know your lines you should be responding with.
But, inevitably, your eye starts to flutter closed once more. You can barely lift your head.
“…The Head Housemaiden should be up ahead, yes?” Odile asks, and you hear Mirabelle respond with an affirmative.
You hear them argue over how they might be able to get you to her, or maybe one of them can run ahead and bring the Housemaiden back to you so she can help. 
You sharply exhale. Your family hasn’t split up before, when going through the House. They shouldn’t split up. You need to… get to the Head Housemaiden, but you know you can’t walk, can’t even drag yourself along, but you have to get to her— 
…A sense of familiarity washes over you. There is one way your friends can help you get there, isn’t there? You remember a little.
Your body shifts, and suddenly, your stomach drops, like you’re falling, falling, falling…
You open your eye, even as you continue to fall. Your family members are no longer beneath your gaze, but standing above it, standing over you, but…
…Oh. Oh you’re still falling. Still getting smaller, because it felt like exhaling and you may have held it a little too long because you’re so tired, and now they’re all looming over you and—
Oh stars you think you’re going to faint
You see a blurry figure kneel down, the fabric of a long jacket’s sleeves billowing, swallowing up your vision, feel something moving around you, touching your entire body, moving you—
A whimper escapes your lips.
The movement pauses, and you feel something gently touch your back. 
“Shh… it’s alright, Siffrin,” you can hear Odile’s voice washing over you, all around you, so close and so massive and—
—you’re starting to realize why they had all looked at you with such fear, earlier. When you’d berated all of them, loomed over them, acted like a monster.
And yet, Odile is holding you so gently. She’s looming over you, but you feel… safe, even as she starts to march her way towards the Head Housemaiden, as the towering figures that are the rest of your family members surround her on the way, nervously twittering about the unfamiliar shade outside the windows, as they block her sight from the long way down.
You close your eye again.
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