enyter · 9 months
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Ok I tried it out. And it is not so bad for my first try as I imagined😂
But there is clearly plenty things to improve...
Bonus creature:
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Roseh was my sacrifice for this art project
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enyter-ocs · 2 years
Here we go: My main ocs Roseh and Lily, and there is Kimor😅😊
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silver-heller · 4 months
In your AU, will Rose be married and if so to whom?
I do think Rose had a child, but I think something happened to the husband, so Rose is unattached as of right now. I believe the child is a baby currently. I think I might go ahead and end up pairing Rose with Zulie because that ship just feels too perfect now that Tomodachi Life has pointed it out to me not to lol. It also fits a lot with the themes of the AU.
A lot of the sequel is about complicated family melding because the polycule has different members with their own families they're trying to bring together. Serafine just has Nico (though Wick is terrified of them both lol), but Mordecai has his sisters he's just reunited with he has to try to coax into accepting his very different life now, Silver is still adjusting to his mother figure, Mitzi, dating Wick who is trying to be a good father figure to Silver, and the fact Silver might have feelings for Mitzi's ex only complicates things, and Viktor starts dating Tawny which is a whole can of worms in and of itself. Then Freckle is now dating Ivy who is now also pulled into the fray (who knows, when Ivy's dad shows up in a short or whatever he might end up meeting the complicated family as well lol, but I'd like to know more about him before writing him).
So there will definitely be some one shots in the sequel about trying to make this complicated family unite work. But of course, a part of Mordecai introducing his sisters to said family is introducing them to the complicated inner circles they're a part of, and to add to the strange relationships, it just makes sense for Rose to end up falling in love with the one woman Mordecai has a very complicated relationship with for understandable reasons.
It's a test for Mordecai to question why he's so oppossed to his sister doing basically the same thing he did, and having to actively battle against his inner Atlas that wants to control the situation without putting Rose's happiness first out of fear. It'll also be interesting to see that, in extension of Zulie being great friends with Serafine, Rose and Serafine have the opportunity to be really great friends too, something that would have originally terrified Mordecai but he has to remind himself he trusts Serafine as a partner now and everything will be okay.
I've also kind of been thinking of a place to put Zulie in the sequel. She was always lingering in the background of the main series, with Serafine referencing Zulie's crush on Mordecai and Zulie helping in the big finale. It would feel wrong to keep her sidelined, especially with the relationship I headcanon she has with Serafine and her being an important figure in Serafine's life. I think it would make sense if Zulie gets more involved because she's dating Rose.
I want to see Zulie and Mordecai, I really do but I just can't. With my version of Mordecai, I can't feel that much chemistry between them, and Zulie is a bit too forward to really be the type of any of the others in the polycule except maybe Viktor and Silver. Plus, I like Zulie and Serafine as very close friends that always have each other's backs more than I like them as girlfriends. I feel like if Serafine had that interest in Zulie during the AU, she would have gone for Zulie after Mordecai rejected her.
I think I'd enjoy Zulie more as the chaotic girlfriend of Mordecai's sister that Mordecai has to learn to deal with, or he'll risk hurting Rose's feelings. It also makes sense, Rose is such a kind and open person, Zulie wouldn't scare her at all and, if anything, Rose would be delighted to get to know her more while the others, besides Serafine, seem to keep Zulie at a distance.
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blurrymango · 2 years
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Drew, speaking: "I'm going to ffuck him."
Rose, thinking: "I'm going to have sex with him."
First time drawing Hal, it's sloppy because it's at the edge of the page. But I gave him a crop top so.
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bloomingdarkgarden · 4 months
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For Him the Bellflower Tolls Confessions in the Rain
Rated M | Angst, Emotional Confessions, Language | 4,8k A Valentines treat for you beauties and @sjmromanceweek Read on AO3
There were more scars on Elain’s slender, elegant hands than stars in the night sky. But nobody seemed to notice. Those elegant hands fidgeted with the dusty pink skirts of her gown as she stood near the townhouse’s great wide windows- admiring her morning efforts in the rosebeds down below. Gardening was a far bloodier business than warfare. A battle of hope and life and loss and grief, only death was far quieter in the end. So nobody seemed to notice. “Remind me again why I’ve agreed to this?” Elain hummed to Feyre, who stood at her back, tidying the loose curtain of curls which now nearly reached her waist.
“Because it’s been ages since Nesta did anything outside of Illyrian leathers and I need a night out.”
Elain couldn’t find it within herself to argue. It had been ages since the three of them even shared a meal together without any of the males hovering about, let alone had a night on the town. Feyre noted her silence and stilled her hands. "I know it's been a difficult week for you, Elain," she said gently. An understatement of the year. "If you'd rather be alone, Nesta and I both understand." Elain waved a hand, dismissing the entire subject she was alluding to. “Rita’s is just rather-” Elain chewed her cheek, “- loud, isn’t it?” Elain wanted nothing to do with Rita’s. But both of her tremendously busy sisters did, and in the end, the need to see them smile won out over most things in the world. “Nothing is loud compared to an Illyrian infant,” Feyre muttered darkly. Elain chuckled beneath her breath. Yes, this sort of night was in order. The High Lady of Night clicked her tongue with satisfaction as she surveyed her handiwork and Elain turned from the window to face her sister fully. Feyre shook her head appreciatively. “Stars above, Elain, little to no effort and you could bring any male in this kingdom to his knees.” Elain ducked her head, batting away the compliment. “I’d rather keep them on their feet, I should think.” It was a lie. There was one male she’d much rather have on his knees than anywhere else. But nobody seemed to notice.
A cool spring breeze rustled Azriel’s dark hair as he landed on a bustling Velaris street with Nesta Archeron in tow. As soon his boots hit the stones, the grey-eyed Archeron stiffened to a stance and glanced across the square. Nesta then paced towards a nearby cobbled lane, yanking him along in the process.
“Is that really necessary?” Azriel asked, voice clipped with annoyance. A shadow attempted to loosen her grasp on his wrist a moment later. “Yes,” she snapped back, not bothering to turn behind. “I was to spend tonight at Roseh-” “Brood to your brothers about it, you’ll see them momentarily,” Nesta waved a dismissive hand, marching on, leading him by the wrist. She turned east, leading them both down a long alleyway laden with twinkling strings of golden faelights. He was scowling now, unabashedly. Nesta halted before a dark wooden door with an iron latch. She turned to face Azriel, rolling her eyes at his silent disdain for being ever so slightly manhandled. Her brows wrinkled as she studied him head to toe like an equation with no solution. After a moment she straightened the collar on his shirt- a simple dark silk piece he wore once a year or so to nicer family dinners. “This was a good choice,” she said, approval tracing her sharp features. “For what occasion?” Azriel’s face remained cold, untrusting and unreadable as ever. Nesta saw through it all, of course. Nesta said nothing, but her steel-grey eyes glittered triumphantly as pulled the iron latch aside. Azriel studied the open doorway acutely. His shadows stilled from their usual idle swirling as if to taste the air. “Cassian and Rhys are not in this building,” he noted darkly, that scowl returning. “No they are not,” Nesta replied, and shoved the shadowsinger over the threshold. The rare, fleeting moment of clumsiness that followed had Azriel’s silent temper flaring as he stumbled into an unfamiliar room. He straightened, correcting his wings with a feline sort of grace and shot Nesta a glare that would send most people fleeing for their lives. Nesta merely shot him the very same look back. “Hurt her again and I will cut off your fingers and wear them as a necklace,” the eldest Archeron hissed, and slammed the door in his face.
Fairies began lighting lanterns and streetlights as dusk whispered across the Night Court skies. The air was damp with the scent of hopeful spring rain. Elain and Feyre strolled down a quiet street, arm in arm. The latter was admiring a beautiful painting on display in a nearby window when Nesta rounded a corner and nearly plowed them over. Elain grinned at her sister in greeting. Nesta smiled serpentine back, murmuring a quick “Shall we?” to Feyre before linking arms with her. The trio chatted as they continued down the lane towards Rita’s, but instead just before reaching the tavern’s wood-carved sign at the end of the street, Nesta made a hard right into an alleyway beyond. “Nesta, Rita’s is-”
“Oh, we’re not going to Rita’s.” Feyre remarked, pulling Elain’s arm just a little bit closer. Her sisters both quickened their pace, giving her no choice but to keep up. “We’re not?”
“Well we are,” Nesta chimed in, stopping before a tall, wooden door. “But you most certainly are not.” A moment later both sisters were hauling Elain over the threshold, and locking the door behind her. Squabbling ensued in the alley in which the words insufferable Illyrian baby could be distinguished. Elain had the distinct feeling that her nephew was not the source of those words. “Oh goodness,” Elain said softly, surveying the dark space around her.
A long, winding stone staircase spiraled up behind her. The steps were lined with candles and dusky primrose petals. Elain swallowed, realizing her two choices in this room consisted of causing a scene or following this mystery to its end. The civilized thing to do won out in the end, as it usually did. Up, up, up she went, soft skirts sighing against the dark stone. Elain reached the final step where another wooden door awaited- this one already wide open to a rooftop beckoning beyond. A warm night-kissed breeze wafted across her skin in greeting. Her breath caught in her lungs as she took it all in. A sea of flower petals blanketed the rooftop- faded primrose, lilac, and gardenia petals fluttering in the wind. A small, candlelit table in the center of the space held two plates full of food, and wine.
And there, leaning against the far balcony, stood a tall, lean, Illyrian warrior. A shadow-wreathed male looking longingly at the oncoming night as if he could hear every song dancing in the dusk-swirled sky. Elain’s heart grew very still and very quiet. Because nobody ever seemed to notice- that he could.
Flower petals stirred in the wake of each hushed footfall.
One foot in front of the other, Elain told herself.
An ebbing dark tide of shame still welled within her from the last time she had found herself alone with the shadowsinger.
This was a mistake.
But seeing him here, a creature of shadow and ruin in a vigil of forgotten flowers- somehow whisked it all away.
Elain knew all about beautiful things.
She had spent an entire lifetime growing, nurturing, and tending them- a thousand breathtaking roses, lilacs, blossoms of gardenia.
But Azriel put all the beautiful things of the world to shame.
Haunting hazel eyes that glimmered like a forge when they beheld her, and her alone.
Why did he always look at her that way?
His mussed ebony hair curled softly against the nape of his neck as it so often did when rain was on the horizon. Shadows whispering things she would never know, drifting in the wake of his beautiful wings.
One look from him and she ached like never before.
“Whatever is a fearsome warrior of night doing in a place like this?” Elain asked softly, stepping closer.
Azriel turned, long, dark lashes blinking at her in rapid succession before he lowered his head in greeting, a golden stain blushing his high cheek.
“I’m not entirely sure,” he said quietly.
Elain swallowed, smoothing her skirts and stepping towards the balcony. “You’re not alone in that regard.” She chose not to look at him.
Propriety came first, embarrassment second, anyway. Two pillars of her life that seemed to go hand in hand. She really ought to offer him a way out of this ridiculous situation. “You can leave- if you like.”
Azriel ran a hand nervously through his sable curls, shadows darkening for the briefest of moments.
“I can leave if that is what you prefer.”
But there was no point turning away from the truth, now that they were left alone with it in a grave full of flowers, so Elain clarified before he could continue.
“I’d prefer you stay, actually. However foolish that makes me.”
It was a long, long moment before Azriel said anything at all. He stared over the dark horizon- at the shades of violet and blue weaving in the cooling twilight.
“There is only one fool standing on this rooftop, Elain, and it isn’t you.”
The words, gentle and shameful, settled something within her. The smallest acknowledgement of the atrocity that had happened on Solstice. A few months ago now, but somehow the rawness of it all made it feel like only yesterday.
But more than that- there was her name.
How long had it been since she heard her own name on his lips?
Far too long A spring wind whispered.
“It’s been some time,” Elain said quietly, tucking an errant curl behind her ear. “Since we last spoke.”
Azriel swallowed thickly. “Eighty six days.”
He looked as if he hadn’t slept a single one.
“Has it been?”
Azriel’s eyes sought her out and some unseen agony swam there- haunting that silent hazel sea.
“I haven’t slept either, you know,” she admitted.
He scanned her pale face, the loneliness carved in the hollow of her cheeks. “I know.”
A curious shadow began leaking down his shoulder towards her. Azriel seemed to yank it back momentarily, a hint of a scowl on his brow, but the shadow only leaked out again a moment later.
“Hello little darling,” Elain leaned on an elbow, cooing a soft breath towards his shadow, which flickered with delight.
Azriel swallowed thickly and seemed incapable of moving.
“I miss watching them flutter through the garden,” Elain murmured. “I used to wonder if they might watch over me in the darkest hours of the night.”
Azriel’s wing twitched as he registered her words.
“Would that-” his throat bobbed as he searched for the words. “- comfort you?”
The question was tender, disbelieving, as if he could not fathom a world where his shadows could be considered comforting rather than terrifying. He looked like the answer could wreck him for the rest of his life.
Elain smiled softly, staring over the city. “It might have, some time ago.” Her hands trailed the pale petals of moonflower blooming in a basket on the balcony. “I might have wondered where they go when you dream.”
She could sense him edging closer. As if the ache was deep within him too. As if it ran too deep to do anything but draw him closer.
“I rarely dream,” Azriel said quietly. “But when I do, your hair is unbound.”
Elain’s heartbeat began beating like a wardrum in her chest. She slowly rose her chestnut eyes to him.
Damn the forgotten gods, he was tragically beautiful this way.
Star-soft wind filtering that ebony hair into his eyes. The top button of his shirt was unbuttoned, and the breeze shimmered through the dark silk, whispering over the muscles of his chest in a way that made her ache inside and out.
She blushed, thoroughly, and allowed him to watch her through it. Allowed him to see that he was responsible for that color rising in her cheeks. That thrum humming in her blood.
“I might make use of that wine bottle if you are going to keep saying things like that to me, Azriel.”
Azriel stepped closer, shadows twirling in the wake of his footstep. “Forgive me,” he said softly, but there was no remorse in his gaze- only unyielding determination and soft, whispering hunger.
Five minutes alone with him and she was already imagining things she absolutely shouldn’t. But it had always been that way.
It would still always be that way.
“I know it wasn’t your intention, or mine,” he paused, “but might I share this evening with you, miss Archeron?”
The gods were particularly tormentful for making him such a gentleman.
Elain swallowed, hating the flicker of bitterness that coursed through her. “Should I expect any sudden departures?”
But Azriel had that look in his eye- that look of unbent will. That look that sent him charging into Hybern’s hell to rescue her without a second thought. That look that told her he needed to right this wrong, or die trying.
“There is nothing that could keep me from sharing this night with you,” he said softly, “aside from your command.”
Elain grinned, casting her eyes downwards.
“A shadowsinger at my command?” she hummed, turning to the night-kissed sky once again. “Whatever will I do with such power?”
“Whatever you wish,” he said, and the promise in his voice made her knees weak. “But you might start letting him pour you some wine.”
Elain cursed the stars above and the seas below for allowing such beautiful, bedroom-eyed, well-mannered males to walk the earth at the same time as herself.
“Very well,” she submitted, turning towards the candlelit table before he could catch sight of her face going up in flames at how perfectly wonderful it all was.
The smallest hint of a smile graced his lips- and gods, the promise of it blooming full before the end of the night was holy.
“I haven’t forgiven you,” Elain said quietly.
“You don’t have to,” Azriel replied, holding her gaze. “Just let me-
Let me watch you Let me want you Let me fix what was lost. “- let me look after you tonight.”
Elain decided there was nothing so lovely in the world as a rosemary-dusted honey fig tart. She wasn’t entirely sure what sort of witchcraft was at work here- but each time she or Azriel finished a course, the next magically appeared. There were perks to having the High Lady as a sister, she supposed. For years now, Elain had lived in the Night Court. But the wonders north of the wall, no matter how small, were still not entirely lost on her. She caught Azriel watching her more than once. Tracking her amusement with the magic, her appreciative noises as she ate. He watched her like it fed something within him far more than the decadent food on the table did. The pair did their best to make polite conversation about a variety of things that had happened in the absence that followed last Solstice. An absence at most family dinners that Elain had distinctly marked for weeks on end. They weren’t addressing that elephant in the room, at any rate. The meal wound to an end eventually and Elain found herself swirling the wine in her glass carefully as she eyed a note Feyre had left on the table. You are both so serious it is dull. Live a little. Damn the consequences. - F+N + Everyone else including His Majesty The last line was scratched in Nesta’s distinct handwriting. Elain wasn’t entirely sure what the quip about Rhysand was about. But she had noticed Azriel’s jaw ticking when he himself read the note. “I can’t believe Nesta did this,” Elain muttered, spilling a splash of wine down her throat. Azriel rubbed his temple gently. “I can.” The veiled, tired look on his face Elain everything she needed to know- that Nesta was giving Azriel hell as often as she saw fit. And despite herself, Elain smiled at her sister’s unbent fierceness. The shadowsinger deserved a little hell, anyway, after walking out on her those weeks ago, little did Nesta know. “How has training been?” Elain asked, studying the shadowsinger over her glass. “With Nesta and the others?” “Grueling. The Valkyrie have more determination than Cass and I did when we began training. With twice as much retribution in their blood.” Elain murmured an agreement and looked over the lights of the city, glowing below them. “I’ve stopped by a few times to pick up some books- the priestesses wish me to join. To train with you all.” Azriel’s fork stilled on the last bite of his lamb. She studied him curiously, sipping her wine. “Does that bother you?” The shadowsinger remained silent. “Anyway it’s a farce- I’ll never do such a thing. I doubt anyone would ever find me frightening anyway, even if I were to wield the sharpest blade in Prythian.” A trace of bitterness in her tone again. Born from a life of being consistently underestimated. Elain knew that softness was a far more formidable weapon than steel. She wore that truth daily as armor. But nobody seemed to notice. “You are frightening,” Azriel said quietly. “Far more so than anyone I’ve met with a blade.” Elain rose her eyes to his. The wine was warming her blood, stoking the flame of her courage. “Whatever makes you say that?” “I should think it’s rather obvious,” he said tenderly. And she saw it all in his eyes- the longing, the need- the hunger. “I wouldn’t mind hearing the words.” A challenge. She knew he would rise to the occasion. “Ask any male who looks upon you and he will give you the same answer,” Azriel murmured. Elain drained her wine to the dregs, resting the empty glass in the space between them. She rose to her feet and held his gaze before turning to the balcony again. “I’m asking the only male I want for the answer.”
The truth laid bare between them. Elain reached the stoned edge and inhaled before resting her back against the abyss of starlight, observing him openly. Azriel drained his wine as well before rising from his seat and stepping towards her on the balcony. “There is a certain sort of beauty that haunts an Illyrian heart,” the dark timbre of his voice danced down her spine as he stepped closer. “The song of the wind, which calls to our wings. The blood hymn of a battle on a long winter night.” The hazel of his eyes burned like a golden beacon in the darkest night. “The divine taste of honey between a female’s legs.” She was unraveling now, her knees weakening with the heat of his words. “Azriel,” Elain said softly. His eyes lowered to the swell of her lips. “And the more we yearn for such things, the more we live in fear of losing them.” He rested his palms on either side of her, caging her in. “In fact what frightens me far more than how beautiful you are,” he paused, voice lowering. “Is what I might do,” heat seared through his gaze “- to earn the right to cherish you.” The words shimmered with the truth of their reality. The mention of that infernal tie to another male she never asked for. Elain  watched as the reminder of that truth darkened his gaze not only with jealousy, but with sorrow. She wanted to chase away every last wisp of it that she could. “Can you show me?” Elain whispered. Azriel’s gaze flickered in response. “Can you show me the song of the wind?” His mouth curled upwards at the notion, yet he didn’t tear his eyes from her. “It might rain,” he said softly. “I don’t care.” A playful glint in his eye now and she would die a thousand deaths before watching it fade away. “You might regret asking me this,” he muttered dryly. Elain held his gaze, not allowing her will to falter. “I don’t care,” she said again, sinking a hand into that nest of curls at the back of his head. She savored the silken strands beneath her fingers and his shadows wrapped around her, murmuring cool breaths over her fingers. Azriel then slowly, carefully, snaked an arm beneath the back of her knees, cradling her to him and gods- it ruined her all over again. She looked up to him. He looked down to her. Elain traced the swell of his sensual lips with a delicate finger as Azriel carried her to the center of the rooftop. His eyes remained locked with hers, and they were both lost to time in a gentle trance. She was aching again with how beautiful he was. “Show me the song of the wind, Azriel,” she said softly. Azriel spread his great, dark wings wide, stirring flower petals and shadows in their wake. “As my lady commands,” he answered, kissing her fingertips ever so gently. Primrose, lilac and moonlilly swirled skyward with each beat of those mighty wings, as Azriel took flight. The blooms drifted back to the earth a moment later, littering the streets below with forgotten flower petals. Elain Archeron’s heart soared into the atmosphere along with the wings of an Illyrian warrior. But nobody seemed to notice.
It was a song. It was a song unlike anything she had ever heard before. It was wild and free and plummeting. It was dancing in the last hushed violet light of dusk. It was basking in the promise of rain waiting to fall from the clouds. It was tasting the gaps between the stars like night-rich wine. It was him. It was her. It was symphony. Azriel flew through the heavens like he never had before with her in his arms. He glided and twirled and dove through the atmosphere, each echo of laughter leaking from her lips chasing him higher. It did start to rain. But Elain was so taken with the light in Azriel’s eyes that she didn’t care.
Drops of rain fell like fallen stars onto the glassy surface of the Sidra as Azriel gently landed on the riverbank.
Bellflower bloomed along the verge- soft blue petals dancing in the wind of the shadowsinger’s wings.
The nearby boulevard was bustling with revelers of the night. Her family, undoubtedly, was somewhere among them. But Elain couldn’t tear her eyes away from the shadowsinger long enough to care as she slipped from his arms to her feet.
The quiet which followed the rush of the flight was deafening.
He was looking at her that way again, as if he might raise cities to the ground if she asked him to. And it was then that Elain realized she needed to know that it was all real.
That it had always been real.
“Why?” Elain whispered, her voice trembling. “Why did you say those words to me on Solstice when you knew it wasn’t true?” This was a mistake.
Azriel’s throat bobbed. He seemed for a moment as if he might avoid the question entirely. But the pleading in her eyes had him speaking instead.
“Because someone told me that being with you was wrong.”
Elain flinched as the words registered. A tangled web of questions coursed through her. The only one that mattered was the one she asked.
“And you believed it?”
Rain was falling, well and truly now. Azriel’s hands remained at her waist, a world of raw emotion swimming in his gaze.
“I wanted to believe it,” he said quietly. “I wanted to believe it the same way I want to believe I am unworthy of most beautiful things.”
Elain drew in a shaking breath, trying to fight back tears that were inevitably gathering.
Azriel brushed a raindrop from her cheek with a gentle thumb. “But one look at you makes me want to believe otherwise.”
Elain raised trembling hands to cup the shadowsinger’s face and willed every ounce of truth she could muster into her gaze.
“You are good, Azriel.”
His eyes shuttered darkly, raindrops clinging to his endlessly long lashes.
“If I ever had goodness within me, it died long ago.”
He began pulling away, that tide of self-hatred drowning out the hazel. But Elain couldn’t stand the thought of his absence now or ever again.
“You found me,” she whispered, turning his cheek to her. “You found me when I was drifting alone in that dark, empty sea.”
A seer. The Cauldron made you a seer.
“You found me,” Elain said again, her voice breaking on the words. “And I will live a thousand years without forgetting what it felt like when you carried me to shore.”
“Elain,”  Azriel breathed, covering her hand with his own.
“There’s something,” she said with a shaking whisper, “Azriel, there’s something I need to-”
Azriel searched her eyes in question and found no answer there.
Elain only skirted the heavy weight of her hair over one shoulder, baring her long, pale neck to him. She then gently pulled him down. Down, down, down, until she could feel his breath against her throat.
A moment passed. And then another, as Azriel softly inhaled the scent of her.
She could feel the blood still in his veins.
A shudder ran down his back, through his wings, scattering silver drops of rain to the grass below.
Azriel’s breathing grew shallow and then his hands were in her hair, carefully careening her head back, so that he might scent her truly.
A staggering breath escaped him and his grip on her waist tightened for the briefest moment. He pulled back to search her face, pupils blown wide.
“Is this-”
The words wouldn’t come. A heartbeat passed. Maybe two.
His voice was a rasp when he spoke again.
Elain’s gaze tightened at the disbelief etched in his features.
“Yes,” she breathed, “Azriel, it is real.”
She was shaking now, all over, uncontrollably. “It wasn’t easy,” she whispered, her voice a rasp. “But it is done. He is more relieved than I am.”
Azriel stared at her. He stared and stared and stared and looked as though he was on the verge of collapse.
“I’ve told myself- all this time, the way you felt under my hands when I touched you,” he said softly, “was real.” His hands were shaking too now, tracing her cheeks, her jaw, her throat. “That the song I heard when I first saw your face,” he drew closer, “was real.”
Elain’s heart was fracturing within her chest.
“That all those nights spent staring at the stars thinking about you so long that I woke up bruised within,” he rasped, “were real.” Elain couldn’t breathe.
“It should have been you,” she whispered. Because nothing had ever been so precious, so right, so beautiful as the words leaving his lips. And Cauldron be damned for not giving her the choice. “It should have been you.”
The confession broke something in Azriel and those long abandoned instincts ripped free from their cage.
“Yes it fucking should have.”
And then his lips, his hands, his heart- were all upon her.
Elain parted on instinct and that first, holy taste of him had every piece of her burning alive. Azriel kissed her like he was starving and she kissed him like she needed to be savagely devoured.
His tongue was tender, savoring every taste of her he was allowed, claiming her mouth for his own. Those scarred hands were everywhere, clutching, stroking, pulling her into him, wrapping her in his scent like she belonged to him and gods she was going to die from this.
It was starfire and shadow and void and song.
It was symphony.
Elain loosened a breathless sob at the perfection of it all, tears mixing with the raindrops on her cheeks. But Azriel was there a moment later, kissing them all away.
She repaid him in kind for that, claiming him with her mouth so vehemently that she nearly knocked him over. Crowds of partygoers were stopping on the street to watch amusedly as Elain kissed Azriel like she was burning alive from the inside out. The promise of the wild, untamed night had strangers clapping, cheering her on and Cassian was whooping with delight somewhere far off.
But none of it mattered because Azriel was laughing under the fervency of her lips and fuck, if that wasn’t the most beautiful thing she had ever tasted.
It was symphony.
The rain was a lullaby as it struck the earth. The wind was singing as it blew through the grass on the riverbank. The bellflower tolled a lover’s knell that rang out into the night.
And Elain kissed the most beautiful male in Prythian like she could damn the stars with the kiss.
For once, everyone seemed to notice.
But as Elain Archeron claimed Azriel’s lips before all the world-
she didn’t particularly give a damn.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 4 months
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Elenda, the Dusk Rose
Her centuries-long search is ended.
Artist: Chris Rahn TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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celxt4rrz · 1 year
Not you making me cry about yuu leaving twisted wonderland 😭 can there be a happy ending or a plot twist were after yuu left they were sucked in their world only to find out yuu is rich asf and their parents owns a CEO 😍
a/n : i love your idea!!
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back home
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'welp... they're gone..'
my friends, my teachers, the ghost i befriended in ramshackle, and of course...
twisted wonderland
oh how i miss it so much, but there's nothing i can do...
what can i expect? im magicless, i also don't have a magic mirror to bring me wherever i want.
speaking of a magic mirror..
why tf is my mirror glowing?!
giving me deja vu.. am i also meeting mickey here? in my original world?
that ain't mickey bruh...
all i see is a hand reaching out for me(?) well it feels like it's reaching out for me yet it also looked like "it's" looking something to grab on..
i followed my instincts and grabbed "it's" hand, pulling it, revealing...
then one by one every housewarden is in my room.
" h-how? " it felt so unreal... are they really...
" AHHHH YUU-SAN WE MISSED YOUU!! " shouted the housewarden of scarabia as he run towards you and hugged you on spot. " lower your voice down kalim, we do not wish to disturb more people. " said by a handsome man. " indeed, our only main goal here is to greet yuu-san after all, it will be a hassle if we disturb more people. " the red haired guy who we called 'riddle' earlier.
" how.. "
" hmm?? " all the housewardens looked at you, tilting their head. " HOW DID YALL GET HERE?? " yuu shouted at them.
" it's summer break, crowley also allowed us to meet you since he knows the way to your world " a guy with horns said. " yawn.. can we just go straight to the point already? " this time a man with lion ears asked. " ye-yeah.. i.. i think.. the chocolate are about to me-melt.. " what a cute guy.. oh! the man with a cool fire haired said.
literally 'did you get deja vu, huh?' reference...
" uwahh, this room is huge!! it also had a comfy bed! look look! " kalim pointed at this bed. " hmm, i didn't know you were this rich yuu-san, by just looking at the room design and expensive items here- you sure are rich. " vil said as he looked into your makeup products.
" hide!! " i whisper-shouted at them to hide, they looked at me and exactly knew what to do.
unfortunately we run out of time.. my parents found them..
" rememberwhenitoldyouthatiteleportedtoanotherworld,ididn'ttoldyouthatitwasanallboysschoolsoyouwouldntgetoverproctiveofmetoomuch, ALSO THEY'RE MY FRIENDS MOM. "
" see hun, i told you they were our child's friend. " dad said trying to calm down mom.
" i literally thought, we're gonna get robbed... if we did what will happen to our precious child's future.. " mom kept mumbling nonsense right after.
" you can meet your other friends outside yuu, they are all waiting for you. " dad and mom went out of my room. i looked at the housewardens signaling to go down with me.
" now i get why mom thought we're getting robbed. " i saw grim, ace, and deuce climbing into a tree that is just right beside my bedroom window, epel and jack looked like they're some kind of bodyguards, sebek and ortho were holding a safety placemats underneath ace and deuce incase if one of them fell.
the leech twins and azul giving some weird typa potion to one of our maids to distract them, welp... advance condolences.
the remaining second and third years were setting up the table with decorations and food..
what a weird robbers.
but all i can do is smile and laugh, i really really miss them.. it feels like im in twisted wonderland once again.
" im back home.. everyone.. "
" welcome back home yuu-san!! "
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a/n : im so sorry if this doesn't fit your imagination but this is all i can think of :') i hope you liked it
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lowcallyfruity · 1 month
4th proof :We Can write Ace Trapolla with the OB gang's name
Riddle Rosehe A rt
Leona Kingsh C olar
Azul Ashr E ngro T to
Jamil Vipe R
M A lleus draconia
Jamil Vi P er
Vil Sch O enheit
Ma LL eus
Idi A
😱😱😱😱 bro is cooking with this omg look at this secret message
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blurbry · 10 months
Queer/Gay/Lesbian(etc, you catch my drift) relationships are Obscure in Tomodachi life, I bet a lot of people are wondering how I did get a lot of the links, such as Blue and Green together.
Here’s the List of all the miis (with credits to who I got them from) the game the character originated from (some of them may actually be quiiiite familiar and obvious) And their Genders to show you how these bizarre Relationships are happening.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ _________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ _________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Animal Crossing:
*Ankha  Creator: Roseh, Gender: Female
* Celest  Creator: Casey(OhMyKawaii) Gender: Female
* Isabelle  Creator: Thomas, Gender: Female
Sailor Moon:
*Ami Mizuno -Sailor Mercury-  This Mii was Created by “mermaid”, Gender: Female
*Haruka Tenou -Sailor Uranus-  Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
* Hotaru Tomoe -Sailor Saturn-  Creator: Mermaid, Gender: Female
* Makoto Kino -Sailor Jupiter-  Creator: Mermaid, Gender; Female
* Mamoru Chiba -Tuxedo Mask-  Creator: Mermaid, Gender: Male
* Michiru Kaiou -Sailor Neptune-  Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
* Minako Aino -Sailor Venus- Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
*Rei Hino -Sailor Mars- Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
*Setsuna Meiou -Sailor Pluto- Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
*Usagi Tsukino -Sailor Moon- Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
* Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity -Chibiusa- Creator: Mermaid Gender: Female
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords (Manga By Akira Himekawa)
 * Artura Creator: Me it more pertained to Kaeniths Headcanon of whom they think the four knights would fit! Gender: Male
*Blue Link Creator: Me Gender: Male
*Erune  Creator: Me, Gender; Female
* Green Link  Green is my “look alike” mii, the first mii i ever created and the first me to ever move into the apartment complex, Gender: Female. I did this gender choice so I COULD cause relationship drama, I didn’t expect one of my favorite ships to actually enact hahaah.
* Link’s Dad  : Creator: Me Gender; Male
*Red Creator: Me Gender: Female
*Shadow Creator: Me Gender; Male
*Valenzuala Creator: Me Gender: Female (Was trying to get Rare pair: Artura x Val, I’m pretty sure it failed I don’t remember)
*Vio Creator: Me Gender: Male
*Purple Knight (Aka the one who held earth key and the one with the spikey mullet)(I Named him Kurin) Creator: Me Gender: Male
*Dotty -Princess Zelda- Creator: Me Gender: Female
The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
  *Vaati Creator: Me Gender: Male (I’d put him under the FS cat, however, I made him based of his Minish cap appearance)
The Legend of Zelda: OOT
*Shiek Creator: Me Gender: Male
  *Forever Alone (Forever Alone Meme) According to the Creator name, this one was made by Stu, but it also showed its face in OhMyKawaii’s Tomodachi Life Videos Three Years ago!, Gender: Male  
*Bob Ross (Gonna put a happy lil tree here.) Creator: Celery Gender: Male
* Gordon Ramsay (ITS FUCKING RAW) Creator: Casey(ohmykawaii)
* Aryn.....(ME IRL) Creator: Me Gender: Male, This was so i could hopefully pair with my girlfriend’s mii, unfortunately I ended up marrying sailor Mars....
* Haru Arcadia (Magnolia Valley) Magnolia valley is a Private story me, my girlfriend, and a few friends have thought up together, Gender; female, I did this hoping to pair haru with Rui: their husband in the AU however, Im scared that might not happen juding by how crazy things have been relationships wise on my island.
* Hatsune Miku (Hatsune Miku) Creator: Casey (OhMyKawaii) Gender: Female
* Hello Kitty (hello Kitty) Creator: Casey(OhMyKawaii) Gender: Female
* Jesus Christ (._.) No creator listed but I’m pretty sure I got him from Casey as well. I have him here for the memes. Gender; male
*Reggie Fils-aime (Nintendo) Creator: Unknown Gender: Male
*Rinichu (IRL) Creator: Me Gender: Female My girlfriend <3
*Rui Altare (Magnolia Valley) Creator: Me Gender; Male
*Seren Atlantis (Magnolia Valley) Creator: Me Gender: Male
*Tarter Sauce -Grumpy Cat- (Grumpy Cat meme, Rip tartar sauce <3) Creator: Unknown, Gender: Female
*Two Faced Creator: Stated to be unknown but I remember seeing her in Vinesauce’s tomodachi life: Gender: Female
Battle Angel Alita: 
*Gally (Battle Angel Alita Manga By Yukito Kishiro) I Created Gally, one of my co-workers gave me the full manga set to read (two manga books a week) It was pretty interesting! And so I put her on the island, Couldn’t just leave her behind now could i! Gender: Female
* Luigi Creator: Rachel Gender: Male
* Mario Creator: Rachel Gender: Male
*Peach Creator: Jennifer Gender: Female
*Daisy Creator: ~CTG~ Gender: Female
*Rosalina Creator: Unknown Gender: Female
*Toad Creator: Rachel Gender: Male
*Waluigi Creator: Unknown (Again i think another vinesauce one) Gender: Male
*Yoshi Creator: Rachel Gender; Male
      *Toy Bonnie (FNAF 2) Creator: Gina, Gender: Male, Everyone wants to date him, I don’t know why. He rejects them all with the most straight face known to man, he’s gone through three love confessions
*  Chica  Creator: Pichu ✩ ♪ ™ Gender: Female, Im not too sure if this is toy chica or not, She has a mouth like how toy chica has when beak is removed, but it could just be a design choice due to the fact that the Mii lips look weird.
*    Foxy (Fnaf 1) Creator: ҽιιxʋҽɳƚυʂ Gender: Male
* Mangle (Fnaf 2) Creator: Gina, Gender: Female (I headcanon them nonbinary but that obviously can’t happen in the nature of this game)
  *  Freddy (Fnaf1) Creator: Sean Gender: Male
 * Coraline (Coraline) Creator: Casey(OhMyKawaii) Gender: Female, This Design has hollow black eyes, so im sure this is Doll coraline
Genshin Impact: 
  *Nahida -Buer God of Wisdom- Creator: Me, Gender; Female
Stranger Things:
  *Steve Harrington Creator: Casey(ohmykawaii) Gender: Male
Spirited Away: 
  *Troubled Spirit -No Face- Creator: Zach Z. Gender; Male
Scooby Doo: 
  *Velma Creator: Casey (OhMyKawaii) Gender Female
Obviously not everyone from a fandom is included, I plan to add more if I can either Find more QR codes or figure out how to make em myself, but for now this is the list, Again, It may be updated in the future.
I’m so sorry for how many tags this post is going to clutter, but it has to be tagged respectfully v-v. 
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enyter · 11 months
Preparing for Artfight my people >:D
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He is my oc Roseh ^^ A silly dragon, who is ready for revenge >:]
Feel free to attack me here
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enyter-ocs · 2 years
Lily and Roseh on summer break
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silver-heller · 4 months
Rose's Wonderland Outfit
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toneophealth · 5 months
5 Secret Rosehip Oil Benefits for Winter Skin
Facial oils have gained immense popularity due to their incredible benefits for the skin. While coconut oil, argan oil, and jojoba oil often steal the spotlight, there’s one gem worth exploring: rosehip oil, also known as rosehip seed oil. Extracted from the seeds of the Rosa canina rose bush primarily found in Chile, this naturally derived oil is a powerhouse of skin-loving properties.
You’ll discover rosehip oil infused in various skincare products like moisturizers, serums, and oils, reflecting its rising fame owing to the remarkable advantages it offers to the skin. Unveiling the secrets within, this blog delves into the five hidden treasures of rosehip oil benefits that promise to elevate your winter skincare routine, leaving your skin radiant, supple, and resilient in the face of the chilly season.
Read More: 
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daaberlicious · 6 months
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Ardo Tries Out Rose
He tried asking his mom if it was okay first. A very sketchy sequel to this one! It's been a while since I've drawn Rose. (September!) She's had a redesign since the linked picture in particular. I still love my fluffmonster all the same. ^^
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trynafindbarbiee · 1 year
ilysm 🌸✨
how was your day ?
Hey Roseh! ilyt ♡
Actually just got back from a trip , How was yours ?
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the-rose-me · 2 years
In my Ultraviolence era again
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