#Roman Godfrey one shot
i don’t ever wanna see you with him ~ roman godfrey;hemlock grove
word count: 2551
request?: no
description: after he gets jealous of her best male friend, she decides to put him in his place
pairing: roman godfrey x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Roman Godfrey was spoiled and entitled. Everyone in Hemlock Grove knew that. He was the heir to the massive empire in their small town, so it wasn’t a surprise that he had a sense of entitlement. That entitlement tended to extend to his romantic relationships, too. Roman was often very possessive and jealous over his girlfriends. Most of them liked that, most of them viewed it as hot and endearing.
(Y/N) was not one of those girls.
She and Roman had met through (Y/N)’s best friend, Peter. He was enamored with her the minute he laid his eyes on her, and, secretly, (Y/N) had felt the same way. Not that she would ever tell him that. She had been warned about Roman before she met him. She wasn’t about to give into him so easily; she made him work for it - for her. And he really did put in the work until (Y/N) trusted his commitment to her and agreed to date him.
There was one issue about Roman, though, and that was his jealousy towards (Y/N) and Peter’s friendship. He thought he kept it lowkey, but both Peter and (Y/N) knew. They both knew Roman better than he thought they did. They could see when his eyes darkened whenever he looked at them. They could see his jaw tighten whenever (Y/N) laughed at something Peter said. They could see the way Roman always needed to be touching (Y/N) whenever the three of them were hanging out.
It wasn’t that Roman didn’t like Peter. When it was just the two of them, they were the best of friends. It was Peter with (Y/N) that Roman didn’t like. And that was what pissed (Y/N) off. Peter had been her friend long before he was Roman’s, and long before Roman and (Y/N) started dating. And that’s all they were - friends. There had never been any sort of romantic feelings between them, and there never would be.
That’s why (Y/N) was walking up to Peter’s trailer on her own on a sunny afternoon. He was laying in a hammock, his eyes closed as he soaked up the sun. Upon hearing her footsteps, he opened one eye and peered over at her.
“Where’s your shadow?” he asked.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “He’s not that attached to me.”
“He may as well be a wart on your ass, (Y/N). Especially when it comes to me.”
“He’s certainly a pain in my ass,” (Y/N) muttered. “Move over, I want some hammock.”
Peter chuckled and shuffled over slightly. (Y/N) got into the hammock, laying with her feet towards Peter’s head and her head towards his feet. The hammock swayed with the motions before it settled again.
“He doesn’t know I’m here,” (Y/N) said as her body relaxed into the swaying fabric.
“What?” Peter asked.
“Roman. I didn’t tell him I was coming.”
“Is that healthy? Like, for your relationship.”
“I didn’t lie to him or anything. He’s busy with some family shit, so I haven’t even heard from him yet today. If he were to ask, I’d tell him I’m here.”
“And then he’d show up and kick my ass.”
(Y/N) sighed and rested her head back against the hammock. “Do you think he’ll ever stop being so...”
“So Roman?” Peter finished. (Y/N) nodded. “It’s hard to tell. His entire life he’s been surrounded by enablers, or he’s been under the control of his insane mother. I think we’re the first people to treat him like an actual person and not like he owns the world. So either we could help him, or he’ll annoy us both to a point where we can’t deal with him anymore.”
The latter option was what worried (Y/N) the most. She loved Roman, other than his jealousy he was an amazing boyfriend who loved and cared for her so deeply. She didn’t want to lose him, but she knew Peter had a point about if Roman couldn’t control that jealousy. She couldn’t live the rest of her life wondering how Roman was going to react to every guy she interacted with, whether it was friends, co-workers, or just random guys she ran into on the street. And she definitely was not going to be made to choose between Roman and Peter when she had known and been friends with Peter the longest.
She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to. Peter knew what she was thinking. It wasn’t the first time they had this conversation.
They fell into a comfortable silence. There really didn’t need to be any conversation. This was the first time in quite some time that the two were able to spend time together and actually enjoy it. So that’s what they were doing: enjoying their time.
The enjoyment didn’t last too long, though, as they heard a car pulling up in front of Peter’s place. Peter’s mom’s car was already in the driveway, so there was only one person it could be. That suspicion was confirmed by a car door slamming and Peter rolling his eyes when he saw whoever it was approaching. (Y/N) huffed out a sigh as she prepared herself for the argument that was undoubtably coming.
“You two look comfy,” Roman commented.
“We are,” Peter responded. “Wanna join? you can lay across us.”
Roman glared at him before turning to (Y/N). “I was trying to call you. Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”
She looked down at her purse where her phone was, which she had left on the ground when she climbed into the hammock. She gestured to it. “It’s too far away for me to reach. And my phone is on vibrate, as it always is, and you know that.”
His jaw clenched. (Y/N) felt her frustration reaching its peak.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming here?” Roman asked.
“Well, for one, you haven’t responded to my texts at all today, so it’s not like I’ve even been talking to you today,” (Y/N) retorted. “And two, you don’t own me, Roman. I’m not required to tell you every single thing I’m doing or where I’m going.”
“You do if you’re hanging out with other guys by yourself.”
(Y/N) swung her legs over the side of the hammock and stood up so quickly that Peter nearly flipped out of it. She approached Roman with such ferocity that Roman took a step back before she reached him.
“Let me tell you one thing, Roman Godfrey: I’m done with this jealousy bullshit. I am not your property, I am your girlfriend. You do not control where I go or who I’m friends with. Especially when the person in question is my best friend who I’ve known way before I met you. This dark, entitled rich boy bullshit might work on other girls in this town, but it’s not working on me. If you want someone to put up with that, then you may as well find someone else to be your girlfriend, cause I can’t do this anymore.”
She picked up her purse and put it over her shoulder.
“Where are you going?” Roman asked as she started walking away.
“Anywhere that’s away from you!” she hissed. Over her shoulder she added, “I’ll talk to you later, Peter.”
(Y/N) was home by herself that night. Her parents had gone out to some kind of function, and had asked if she wanted to tag along, but she told them to go on without her. She felt like she needed some time alone to come to terms with what had happened that day.
Peter had texted her asking if she was okay, but she hadn’t responded. She wasn’t upset with him by any means, as he didn’t even do anything wrong, but she just felt like she didn’t want to talk just yet. When she did respond, it was going to be to tell him she wanted to forget everything that had happened that day and to move on as if everything was normal, minus the fact that she and Roman were no longer together.
Roman hadn’t texted or called at all. She wasn’t sure if it hurt more that he hadn’t, or if it had hurt less.
She was sat in the living room, half paying attention to some movie that was playing on TV, when a knock came at the door. The sudden sound startled (Y/N). She wasn’t expecting anyone, and she knew her parents weren’t either as they weren’t even home. She figured it might be a door to door salesman, or someone trying to talk to her about the Lord, although it seemed too late at night for any of that. Either way, she stood from the couch and went to answer the door.
Standing there, leaning against her doorway, was Roman Godfrey.
“What are you doing here?” she asked him.
“Can I come in?” he asked in return.
“Not until you answer my question.”
“I came to talk to you.”
“You have a phone, which I know you know how to use because you were blowing mine up before you came to attack me and Peter.”
“I wanted to come talk to you in person. You’d be more likely to answer the door if you didn’t know I was coming than to answer your phone if you knew it was me calling.”
Okay, he has a point.
(Y/N) reluctantly stepped aside and gestured for Roman to come in. She closed the door behind him and led him towards the living room. She had been sat with all the lights off before Roman knocked and hadn’t realized just how dark the room had become. She switched on a small table lamp and muted the movie before sitting back in her spot on the couch.
“Your parents aren’t home?” Roman asked.
“No, they’re gone to some gala for dad’s work,” she responded. “Don’t get any funny ideas. We’re not together anymore, remember?”
Roman winced, as if her words had physically harmed him. “Yeah, I know. That’s what I came to talk about.”
He sat down next to her on the couch, but left a respectable distance between them. She appreciated that it seemed like he wasn’t trying to be too pushy towards her or anything, at least not yet.
“Go on then,” she said, waving her hand at him. “Start talking. What was so important that you had to come down from your castle to speak to the commoner?”
Roman scowled at her. “You know you’re not a commoner.”
“Compared to you and your wealth I am. But that’s not the conversation we’re having right now. Whatever it is you wanted to say, say it, and then I’ll decide whether or not I want you to leave immediately.”
Roman sighed and ran his hands through his hair. (Y/N) quickly glanced at the dark brown strands that were between his fingers. His hair was always incredibly soft. (Y/N) always loved to run her hands through his hair and seized every opportunity to do so. She had to look away just as quickly and shove down those painful memories. She couldn’t let herself break and go back to him just because of something so trivial.
“I’m sorry.”
The words shocked (Y/N) so much that she almost physically jumped when he said them. They were words she had very rarely ever heard said with such sincerity coming from Roman’s mouth. She had heard it in sarcastic mutters under his breath whenever his mother chastised him for something stupid, or said to defuse a situation that was getting a little too heated, but this wasn’t in either of those ways. This time, he actually meant it.
“Can you say that again?” (Y/N) asked.
Roman chuckled and rolled his eyes. “I said I’m sorry.”
“One more time.”
“(Y/N), I do have more to say.”
“Yeah, but this is what I want to hear.”
Roman shook his head at her, a smile threatening to break out across his face. “Look, what you said earlier, at Peter’s, you were right. You are my girlfriend, not my property. I shouldn’t have been so possessive and attempting to control your friendship with Peter. I just...every time you two are together, I’m reminded about the fact that you and Peter are close, and that you’ve been close for a very long time. I know that Peter isn’t as much of a prick as I am, some would say he’s an actual nice guy I guess. I know there’s nothing between the two of you, but there’s always been this fear in the back of my mind that maybe...maybe that could change. That you would want Peter more than you want me.”
There was hurt in his big green eyes. His confession surprised her because Roman always seemed so confident in himself. It was one of the first things she had ever heard about him, about how cocky he was.
“Why did you never tell me before?” she asked.
Roman shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t want to seem like a crazy, possessive boyfriend. I didn’t realize I had already been acting like that. I actually thought I was hiding it well.”
“Yeah, because showing up to Peter’s place because I didn’t answer my phone is totally not a crazy, jealous boyfriend move.”
He chuckled. “Okay, touché. That was not one of my better moments.”
“None of how you were acting was one of your better moments,” (Y/N) said. “I would’ve much preferred you to have told me how you were feeling instead of bottling them up and allowing yourself to treat your best friend like garbage whenever we were hanging out.”
Roman cringed. “I did treat Peter pretty terribly, didn’t I? God, he probably hates me.”
“You’re definitely not his favorite person right now, but I’m sure you can get back in his good graces by acting like an actual person and not like a jealous piece of shit.”
“What about your good graces?”
(Y/N) thought to herself for a moment. He had come to apologize in person. He knew the way he had acted was wrong, he actually apologized for it, and it seemed like he was willing to make a change. That’s what she wanted, wasn’t it? For him to work on the jealousy and actually change it.
“I think you can get back there,” she said. “You’ll just have to work for it again.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes.”
(Y/N) smiled. She moved closer towards him and unmuted the movie. “You can start by cuddling me and finishing this bullshit movie with me.”
He smiled back at her and put his arm around her shoulder. “I can do that. But why are we finishing the movie if it’s bullshit?”
“Because I’m invested in the bullshit.”
Roman chuckled and pulled (Y/N) towards him. She rested her head against his shoulder and he put his head on hers. He tested the waters by placing a kiss on the top of her head. (Y/N) didn’t argue. Instead, she turned her head to kiss his cheek before settling against him again.
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psychwxrdd · 5 months
wellcome to my blog!
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requests are closed for now, this is a side blog so i'm not allowed to follow but my dm is always open so feel free to talk or vent about anything <3
masterlist 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
donnie darko 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
dark! donnie headcannons -
spanking session with donnie darko -
perv! step bro
corruption kink
perv! step bro pt2
shy neighbour (dark! donnie)
holden worther 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
if you love me hardcore, then don't walk away
rafe cameron 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
cat and mouse - you end things with dark! rafe due to his obsessive and controlling behaviour
you - rafe loses his shit when he finds out you're dating jj.
he just loves to eat you out
drug dealer! rafe is a love sick puppy
the collector (1965) series
fake chat
i just wanted to hear the sound of your voice
jake gyllenhaal 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
34 + 35
louis bloom 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
prey hcs
detective loki 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
nothing else matters
tattoo artist
roman godfrey 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
yandere! roman
tag, you're it
roman's spoiled girlfriend
happiness is a butterfly
jj maybank 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
you know where to find me, and i know where to look
always there for you
jj x asian girlfriend
yeonjun (txt) 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
vampire empire
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dyingcatgirl · 9 months
Hello oOoOO!!!
I'm eny and well, I've decided to write blurbs, HC, one shots, smuts everything
For who I'm going to be writting ( you can ask for a request with everyone you would prefer too)
Roman Godfrey
Kevin khatchadourian
Draco Malfoy
Edward cullen
Kylo Ren/ Ben solo
Sally face
Feel free to ask for a request !! :)
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inklore · 1 year
I took this concept from your inpso tag and adapted it but:
Roman Godfrey + choking you and whispering "you're mine." in your ear as he pounds you into the mattress. bonus points if there's blood.
playful poison
— roman godfrey x (f)reader
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word count: 628
warnings: eighteen+ content, rough-ish p in v, choking, jealousy, dirty talk, mentions of creampie and blood.
note: me writing roman godfrey smut in 2023? embarrassing but hello i cannot be responsible for my actions when men are as beautiful as him ok.
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Maybe it was childish of you to love the thrill of the game. No matter how one sided and deliberately rigged it was. The threat of the outcome ending in something gruesome or with your lungs burning from a fight that you started the minute you decided to bat your eyes at some sorry sucker at the bar. The thrill that shot through you when Roman’s eyes would scan the room with neutrality, his entire body growing stiff, an undeniable tick in his jaw, when his eyes fell upon you.
Upon the little scheme you had devised. 
A scheme he knew all too well—a game he only allowed you to play on nights when he was in a good mood. 
And thankfully for you, he was in a good mood tonight. A giving mood. 
A mood that wouldn’t end in a screaming match but rather the reason you kept the game going. The outcome of a move you already had planned and hoped for even before your chess pieces had been put on the table. 
“You’re mine.” His teeth graze your ear as he whispers the words with harsh restraint. The hot breath from his mouth heats your already hot body to something sweltering. Something that has you gripping his sides harder. “You know that, right? Your constant need for a reminder has my patience wearing thin,” he whispers, barely holding the bite meant to be within them. His thumb rubs the skin on your neck before he tightens his grip around your throat. 
A gasp pulls from your lungs before he closes them completely. His hips languid and slow as he fucks you. As he takes his time to drive his cock into your aching pussy. 
His teeth nip into your neck, “do I need to repeat myself?” Your body arches into his when you feel the light nick of a fang. “Do I need to drain you of everything until you’re begging for the life only I can give you? Do you need that reminder?” The swivel of your head is barely able to make the same impact as the whimper you let out does. “You do look so fucking pretty covered in your own blood, though,” he grunts. 
The heat of his other palm grips the back of your thigh as he pulls your leg further up his body, driving his cock deeper into you. The head of his cock pushing against that part of your walls that makes you cry out until your throat is hoarse and you’re not sure if it’s pain or pleasure—or the lack of air getting to your lungs from the hand around your throat—that has you spineless and weak beneath him. 
If there are two things you know for certain about Roman, it’s that he uses fucking as a tactic to get what he wants and to punish. 
And with the harsh rut of his pelvis, the relentless pounding, you know that he’s getting off on your pain. Of your oversensitivity, of the need that he’s giving on the same stroke he withholds from touching and hitting the spots that would have you coming on his cock. 
You haven’t earned it yet. 
You know he’s thinking. That he’s testing you. That he’s playing a game with your pleasure, the same game you played with him earlier. The same game both of you are used to, but your body still has yet to not ache and mewl from the torment of it all. 
“I can feel your cunt gripping my dick. You know what to say to get what you want. Or should we keep playing games, and I fill your hole and leave it dripping, and wanting for something you don’t deserve because you don’t know how to behave?” 
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delicateflowerss · 15 days
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All of my writing is 18+ and includes dark content. Please read the warnings before you continue reading.
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One Shots
After Dark - When you start to have strange nightmares that result in waking up with bruises, you worry something sinister is going on. Could it have anything to do with your charming new next-door neighbor, Roman Godfrey?
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lady-phasma · 2 months
What is hemlock groove all about!?
Hi anon! As most of my followers know, I'm old. (This is relevant I promise.) I've had Netflix since 2004. When streaming started around 2013 one of the first Netflix Original Series was Hemlock Grove (I think it was the third but didn't fact check that).
It was unhinged even then! A vampire, werewolf, medical experiments, soap opera. It's not the best series ever and by the third/final season it went off the rails. But it was the first time many of us had ever seen Bill Skarsgård.
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Vampire fanatics, like myself, already knew about his big brother Alexander playing Eric Northman in True Blood. Then Bill shows up as this weird, psycho, spoiled rich kid, Roman Godfrey, in a show where the vampires (called "upir") can walk in daylight and he's just out here being as sexy as big bro.
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The vampire rules are a little different in Hemlock Grove and it gets very weird very quickly. Season 1 is a whodunnit, trying to find a rogue werewolf killing girls in the small town. Surrounding that plot is the most ridiculous and satisfying melodrama (even a coma!) so think Days of Our Lives (any soap opera your grandmother watched) only with more sex, violence, and cursing.
For those viewers who prefer short and hairy there is the werewolf counterpart. But better than imo is the casting of the mothers! Lili Taylor and Famke Janssen. Here's some gifs so you don't have to google it.
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The werewolf, Peter
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Lili Taylor as Peter's mom
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And the divine Famke as Roman's mom
I've seen this series about 4 times, but haven't rewatched it in about 3 years. Netflix took it down sometime in 2022 and now it's on Tubi for free (in the US), which is weird but I'm glad it's available.
It's a self-indulgent, melodramatic, sexy good time with supernatural creatures and one damn fine Bill Skarsgård. If you decide to give it a shot, don't say I didn't warn you: it's not high art or the best series you will ever watch. It's just a lot of fun.
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cchickki · 7 months
My Fanfic Masterlist
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My fanfics through the years from both ao3 and fanfiction.net
thinking about opening requests for some one shots soon! i also have more ideas for some shorter fics, but i want to try and catch up on what i'm already working on first
complete - story is finished
in progress - story is among my wips/currently being worked on
incomplete - not sure if i'll ever finish this story
Image credits for headers: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Thank you all for the support <3
Spiderverse / Marvel
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Tomorrow Never Came - Miguel O'Hara x fem reader ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 15/? | rating: M | status: in progress Say Yes to Heaven, Say Yes To Me - Miguel O'Hara x fem reader ao3 | tumblr | chapters: 1/1 | rating: M | status: complete Surprise! - Miguel O'Hara x fem reader ao3 | tumblr | chapters: 2/2 | rating: G | status: complete
HBO War / Band of Brothers
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A Woman At War - Donald Malarkey x OC / Floyd Talbert x OC ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 65/65 | rating: T/M | status: complete A Woman At War (Rewritten) - Donald Malarkey x OC / Floyd Talbert x OC ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 12/? | rating: T | status: in progress A Miracle In Bastogne - Eugene Roe / Renee LeMaire ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 6/6 | rating: T | status: complete Embedded - Nate Fick x OC (Generation Kill) ao3 |ff.net | chapters: 3/? | rating: M | status: incomplete
Uncharted (video game series)
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Crossing Paths - Sam Drake x OC ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 21/21 | rating: T/M | status: complete Crossing Paths Part II - Sam Drake x OC / Nadine Ross x Chloe Frazer ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 2/? | rating: T/M | status: in progress Crossing Paths AU Libertalia - Sam Drake x OC / Rafe Adler x OC ao3 | chapters: 1/? | rating: T | status: in progress
Mass Effect
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Beyond the Deep - Kaidan Alenko x (Custom) Fem Shep ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 11/? | rating: M | status: in progress
More Stories (misc)
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Serenity - Shu Lien x Mu Bai (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 1/1 | rating: G/K | status: complete Wounds - Furiosa x Praetorian Jack (Mad Max) ao3 | chapters: 1/1 | rating: T | status: complete
Video Games
Rage Against the Dying of the Light - Astarion x Tav (BG3) ao3 | chapters: 3/7 | rating: M | status: in progress The Ugly Truth - Ellie Williams (The Last of Us) ff.net | chapters: 1/1 | rating: M | status: complete A Grim Prognosis - Genji Shimada x Angela "Mercy" Ziegler (Overwatch) ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 3/? | rating: T | status: incomplete
Television Shows
Hallelujah - Charlotte "Charly" Weiss x Wilhelm Winter (Generation War/ Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter) ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 4/? | rating: T | status: incomplete Run, Girl, Run - Roman Godfrey x OC (Hemlock Grove) ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 3/? | rating: T | status: incomplete Joanne - John Shelby x OC (Peaky Blinders) ao3 | ff.net | chapters: 8/? | rating: T | status: in progress?
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prpfs · 22 days
Hello, I'm Kat, I'm 30. Discord only writer.
This is going to be a major shot in the dark, but I have WANTS lol
Looking for long term writing partners 22+ ( under 22 please DNI ), semi lazy literate ( can write multiple paras, sometimes only one is needed ), friendly ooc ( I like talking with the people I write with ), frequent replies ( but understanding on ALL sides that life is busy or  shitty and we don't always have to oomph), hyped for character and world building. Be excited! I love gushing about our ships and plot, making pinterest boards, sharing songs and memes, etc. ( I like to be friends ooc as well! ) 
Dark themes are a guarantee, nsfw themes are as well. ( + heavy sexual/romantic themes but roleplay must have storyline, details + dialogue ) 🖤 🕊️ 
My main focus right now is RARE PAIRS. I like to have a server with multiple ships/threads going on. Use of the Tupperbot to keep things organized. Writing side characters within threads. 
SHIPS I'M LOOKING FOR   ( bold is the muse I'm looking for, if neither is I could write either )
Hemlock Grove — Letha Godfrey x Roman Godfrey ( iykyk ) 
Scooby Doo — Shaggy Rogers x Daphne Blake 
Avatar the Last Airbender — Azula x Sokka  /  Zuko & Mai
Charmed ( next gen ) — PJ Halliwell x A Demon 
Winx ( fate saga ) — Beatrix x Riven
DC — Jason Todd x Harley Quinn
Greek Mytho — Aphrodite x Ares  /  Persephone x Hades
The 100 — John Murphy x Octavia Blake
Some of these come with plot ideas, some do not! ~ I’m also down to do some oc x cc things if the pairing/plot is right! I have an extensive list of canon and oc muses. 
If interested please send me a DM here and we can see if we're a good fit before moving to Discord! 
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authorred · 2 years
Hell's Gate (Part 5) (Hemlock Grove) (Roman Godfrey x Fem!Reader)
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Preface: After striking a deal with Olivia, you run off to go save Peter, and find Roman
Warning(s): Cursing, blood
Part 1 here Part 2 here Part 3 here Part 4 here
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With a tired sigh, you drove the truck over to the old Godfrey Mill at speeds that definitely weren't legal. Haphazardly parking outside of the broken chain link fence, you didn't even turn the truck off before you took off on the grounds.
Through the wet concrete and dirt, you could smell three people. Roman, whose scent was faint, Peter, and another woman. When you entered deeper into the run-down mill, you navigated through the deep puddles and came across a truck inside. Standing in front of it was a small-statured woman. One you recognized.
In the back of the truck, chained inside of a cage, was Peter's werewolf form. More than likely sedated if he wasn't trying to tear her throat out.
You stayed back a bit, wondering how the hell Peter managed to get himself captured, and why Roman wasn't there to defend him. When the woman took out a serrated knife and started to pray out loud, your eyes narrowed.
"--in all my tribulations, necessities, and sufferings." Flipping the knife in her hand, she went to go slice Peter's throat.
"That's not wise." You popped out from behind a pillar, taking a few steps forward. Clementine moved away from Peter and stared at you in surprise. "Whatever it is you're trying to do, do feel free to fill me in. I've been out of commission for a bit."
Clementine slowly put the knife down before reaching for her gun. She took it out, cocked it, and aimed it towards you. "Miss Y/n, I'm giving you one opportunity to turn around. If you take a step towards me, I will kill you."
"You remember me," you said in slight surprise. "We've only met once, briefly. That's kind of impressive." You began to take languid steps towards her.
She took a step back, but still aimed at you.
You took a moment to look at her, up and down her body. "Your Order," you began. "The Dragon. You hunt supernaturals. Werewolves, upirs, witches . . . unspecified."
Confusion flashed across her face.
You continued to step towards her. "You see, I have a problem. A predicament, if you will. I'm constantly being trailed by this annoying . . . Shadow, who's constantly whispering in my ear about 'blood for blood', 'life for a life'." You look over your shoulder for a brief moment. "I've already got Mrs. Godfrey under my thumb, but that's not enough for It. So, do me a favor."
Without a second's hesitation, Clementine shot.
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B̷̠̱̖͝ĺ̴͔o̷̬̼̪̾͒o̶͎̫͛̈́͝ḓ̶̡̗̐͛ ̸͔̽͝f̸̧̡͇̀̏ö̴͖̹͙́r̵̜̐̃̈́ ̴͚̒b̷̰̮̄̉ḻ̸̥́̇͆o̴̗̥̕o̵̘̻̓d̷͎͉̱͑.̶͎͔͐̀͋͜ ̵̨̛͂L̴̲͓̈́̀ḭ̴̱̅f̸̗̽ẹ̷̡̈́ ̵̤̣͛̑f̷̪̖̾͝o̶̙̬̔r̴̨͍͇̆̃̋ ̸̝̭̏̑͛ḷ̶̡̳̏i̶͖̰͖̾͌f̸̼̮̅̎e̵̻̩̓͐͗
"Yeah, I know," you sighed, wiping your hands on your pants. "It's done. You have half of Olivia, and all of her. That good enough?" You point to the pile of bone and tissue.
It slithered over to the pile of Clementine, caressing the flesh with its tendrils. It let out low hums that vibrated in your chest, like it was hollowing it out into an empty cavity.
Ḑ̷̝̩̈e̷̛͎̝̽b̶̙͎͚͌̿̐t̶̾̄͐ͅ ̸̛̺̰͔̋r̷̡̗͊̆e̷̢͛́ṕ̵̡͝a̶͎̪̺̚͝i̷̡͙͔̊͆͝d̵͖͇̋́͋
"Good." You looked over to Clementine's truck. "Have a field day with her body. I'm leaving."
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fangirlblogger · 1 month
Roman Godfrey BDSM One-Shot - Hemlock Grove
Cumming out of the Woods - A Michael Myers Fan-fiction.
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darkrpfinder · 22 days
Hello, I'm Kat, I'm 30. Discord only writer.
This is going to be a major shot in the dark, but I have WANTS lol
Looking for long term writing partners 22+ ( under 22 please DNI ), semi lazy literate ( can write multiple paras, sometimes only one is needed ), friendly ooc ( I like talking with the people I write with ), frequent replies ( but understanding on ALL sides that life is busy or  shitty and we don't always have to oomph), hyped for character and world building. Be excited! I love gushing about our ships and plot, making pinterest boards, sharing songs and memes, etc. ( I like to be friends ooc as well! ) 
Dark themes are a guarantee, nsfw themes are as well. ( + heavy sexual/romantic themes but roleplay must have storyline, details + dialogue ) 🖤 🕊️ 
My main focus right now is RARE PAIRS. I like to have a server with multiple ships/threads going on. Use of the Tupperbot to keep things organized. Writing side characters within threads. 
SHIPS I'M LOOKING FOR   ( bold is the muse I'm looking for, if neither is I could write either )
Hemlock Grove — Letha Godfrey x Roman Godfrey ( iykyk ) 
Scooby Doo — Shaggy Rogers x Daphne Blake 
Avatar the Last Airbender — Azula x Sokka  /  Zuko & Mai
Charmed ( next gen ) — PJ Halliwell x A Demon 
Winx ( fate saga ) — Beatrix x Riven
DC — Jason Todd x Harley Quinn
Greek Mytho — Aphrodite x Ares  /  Persephone x Hades
The 100 — John Murphy x Octavia Blake
Some of these come with plot ideas, some do not! ~ I’m also down to do some oc x cc things if the pairing/plot is right! I have an extensive list of canon and oc muses. 
If interested please send me a DM here and we can see if we're a good fit before moving to Discord! 
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archieimagines · 2 years
Discontinued Fandoms Masterlist
This is a compilation of all the works we’ve posted for fandoms we no longer write for. The writing itself will always be kept here for you to enjoy!
Check our main masterlist here!
American Horror Story
Cordelia Foxx | Imagine becoming the new Supreme
Big Bang Theory
One Shots:
Sheldon Cooper | Prove the Theory
Sheldon and Leonard | Sheldon’s little sister sharing the apartment
Black Sails
Charles Vane | Imagine Charles Vane promising you a future by his side
The Breakfast Club
John Bender | Imagine Bender helping you find the library for detention
DC Universe
One Shot:
Hal Jordan | Get Your Own Jello
How they cuddle  |  Part 2 
Will | Imagine Will teaching you martial arts
Doctor Who
10th Doctor | Imagine being with the 10th Doctor in Paris
12th Doctor | Imagine being in a band with the 12th Doctor
Downton Abbey
One Shots:
Thomas Barrow | Such A Charmer
The Flash
Barry Allen | Dating Barry would include
Joey Tribbiani | Imagine having a crush on Joey
All | Having a night out with the group would include
Noah ‘Puck’ Puckerman | Imagine Puck getting jealous over you
Grey’s Anatomy
One Shots:
George O’ Malley | 007
Owen Hunt | Major Owen Hunt | My Choice
Corny Collins | Imagine Corny telling you “Hey baby, looks like you could use a stiff one.”
Hawaii 5-0
One Shots:
Chin Ho Kelly | Mistakes
Danno Williams | Save Me
Hemlock Grove
Roman Godfrey | Imagine Roman missing your hints that he’s an upir
James ‘Sawyer’ Ford | Imagine Sawyer not wanting to give your bag back James ‘Sawyer’ Ford | Imagine Sawyer not realising he’s stolen your medication James ‘Sawyer’ Ford | Imagine having your first time with Sawyer James ‘Sawyer’ Ford | Imagine Sawyer noticing that Jack is your ex
Kate Austen | Imagine Kate comforting you when you lose a precious necklace
Sayid Jarrah | Imagine falling asleep on Sayid Sayid Jarrah | Imagine being selectively mute and only speaking to Sayid Sayid Jarrah | Imagine Sayid saving you Sayid Jarrah | Imagine Sayid scaring you when he turns ‘bad’ Sayid Jarrah | Imagine finding a pool with Sayid Sayid Jarrah | Imagine finding out Sayid is touch-starved
Shannon Rutherford | Imagine lending Shannon your inhaler
One Shots:
James ‘Sawyer’ Ford | Sandbox  |  Part 2
First Kiss
Night At The Museum
Kahmunrah | Imagine Kahmunrah falling in love with you
The Maze Runner
Gally | Imagine Gally falling in love with you Gally | Imagine trying to come up with a plan to be with Gally
Leroy Jethro Gibbs | Imagine Gibbs reluctantly cuddling with you
One Shots:
Leroy Jethro Gibbs | His Closest Friend
Park And Rec
Ben Wyatt | Imagine comforting Ben after the Ice Town incident
One Shots: 
Andy Dwyer | “Holy shit, you know Santa!”
Ben Wyatt | Happy Secrets
Peaky Blinders
One Shots:
Tommy Shelby | Eavesdrop
Cassidy | Imagine being in a relationship with Cassidy Cassidy | Imagine getting up to mischief with Cassidy
Pushing Daisies
Emerson Cod | Imagine Emerson knitting you a sweater for Christmas Emerson Cod | Imagine being Emerson’s assistant
Ned the Piemaker | Imagine Ned falling in love with you when you become a regular Ned the Piemaker | “You’re covered in flour.” Ned the Piemaker | Imagine Ned baking you a pie
One Shots:
Sebastian ‘Bash’ de Poitiers | Real France  |  Part 2
Archie Andrews | Imagine everyone noticing you and Archie like each other Archie Andrews | Imagine being a Serpent that Archie falls for
Jughead Jones | Imagine editing Jughead’s manuscript Jughead Jones | Imagine becoming Jughead’s friend
Reggie Mantle | Imagine Reggie liking you
Sweet Pea | “Open your present!”
Veronica Lodge | I dressed down in this catwoman outfit for you and my party boob keeps escaping
One Shots:
Archie Andrews | Worry
Jughead Jones | Misery Loves Company
Sweet Pea | Blood, Tears, and... Corn?
Jace Wayland | Imagine Clary trying to go for Jace when he’s already dating you
Teen Wolf
Lydia Martin | Imagine Lydia helping you figure out which supernatural creature you are
Stiles Stilinski | Imagine helping Stiles through his night terrors Stiles Stilinski | Imagine being Scott’s little sister and having a crush on Stiles | Part 2  Stiles Stilinski | Imagine Stiles reacting to you getting terrible anonymous messages Stiles Stilinski | “Fine, you can put the topper on the tree.” Stiles Stilinski | “My gingerbread house is prettier than yours.”
One Shots:
Brett Talbot | His Angel
Stiles Stilinski | Unsteady Stiles Stilinski | Not Anymore Stiles Stilinski | Jealousy
Theo Raeken | In the Neighbourhood (kinda NSFW)
Stiles Stilinski | Dating Stiles would include Stiles Stilinski | How Stiles reacts to you breaking up with him Stiles Stilinski | Taking Stiles to meet your parents would include
Theo Raeken | Dating Theo would include
Erik ‘Magneto’ Lehnsherr | Imagine Erik trying to help with dinner by using his powers Erik ‘Magneto’ Lehnsherr | “You’ve never had a New Year’s kiss?”
Charles ‘Professor X’ Xavier | “Why does the house smell like a cinnamon roll threw up?”
Charles and Erik | Imagine being recruited into the X-Men by Charles and Erik
Wolverine / Logan | Imagine stealing Logan’s motorbike to get his attention after having a crush on him for so long
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sanguinesinners · 1 year
Something small for @lebutterfly-effect
"Okay...Go on, big man"
The ink littered man taunted from across the table from his friend - Who seemed to be having a petty arm wrestling match within a small local pub. It was usually quiet around here, but these two men made it all chaotic once they had arrived - With one of them being the CEO of the large tower in the centre of town, and the other being an renown writer from London, they weren't really provoking anyone to try to stop them.
"This is bullshit. Who even fucking does this anymore..." Godfrey had growled through gritted teeth, although he could easily beat Kaleb in this game due to his hidden abilities, he didn't want his friend to think any differently, not now...probably not ever.
Letting Kaleb win - Roman had chuckled and shook his head "You're such an asshole" he spoke, before scanning large greens around the room. Kaleb however was too distracted with flexing his hand, trying to get the sensation back before downing his shot of whiskey.
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Godfrey's hues fixated towards a beautiful girl cornered further within the room - Nothing escaped his plump lips before his friend had disturbed the silence around them.
"How about taking a fucking picture Roman..."
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inklore · 2 years
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❥ — smut | ✶ — dark content
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one shots
of the essence (2.9k) ❥
working alongside tangerine to retrieve something as minuscule as a briefcase should be easy, or would have been easy if there wasn’t complicated history between the two of you.
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one shots
love lies (1.7k) ❥
the love you have for your fiancé is a farce that you’ve perfected for three years that has gone unnoticed by everyone, except her.
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roman godfrey.
playful poison ❥
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john wick.
undo me ❥
the relationship between you and john is anything but soft, normal, domestic. it's deeper and more complicated than that. the pleasure and relief of desire that the two of you bring each other the only things clear cut.
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lestat de lioncourt.
crucified ✶
when his fingers slip between your open thighs you know there’s no other god you’d give yourself over to. no other god who can feed you, starve you, with such a loving hand.
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artemiseamoon · 1 year
Roman Godfrey & Modern! Ivar & Jade (Ofc)
✨A one shot series | hiatus✨
More Roman & Ivar combo
Read in full on A03, previews only on tumblr | at this time my A03 is users only (a03- Artemiseamoon)
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Playlist 🎶 (multi genre, includes classical, rock, r&b and will grow as I continue the story. Won’t suit all tastes cause it catered to me)
✋🏾Warnings: A kinda dark fic with dark themes! I keep things light here but I do write darker fics too. General themes listed below. Don’t like don’t read. Not condoning any of them or praising em.
Themes: adult 18+, kidnapping, held hostage, sexual situations, being dragged, vampirism (blood, biting, killing), criminal activity and deaths. Further warnings added as I go.
1. The Basement | tumblr preview
2. Tba
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davidlynch · 2 years
Hi I hope it's okay with me asking but what are your top 5 favorite old hollywood films in color or black and white? I need something new to watch but feel like I've watched just about everything. I hope you're having a great close to the Summer <3
Of course it’s okay, thanks for asking! 🥰 Going to list a bunch that I love/enjoy, bold my faves, and put a ⭐️ next to my top 5-6 
Old Hollywood Color 💖
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Rope (1948)
Singin’ in the Rain (1952) ⭐️
Niagara (1953)
Rear Window (1954) ⭐️
Johnny Guitar (1954) ⭐️
Dial M for Murder (1954)
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
Vertigo (1958) ⭐️
Charade (1963)
Irma la Douce (1963)
The Birds (1963)
Old Hollywood Black & White 🖤
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)
Frankenstein (1931)
City Lights (1931)
Baby Face (1933)
It Happened One Night (1934) 
After the Thin Man (1936)
Born to Dance (1936)
My Man Godfrey (1936)
The Awful Truth (1937)
Easy Living (1937)
The Bride Wore Red (1937)
You Can’t Take It with You (1938)
The Lady Vanishes (1938)
Vivacious Lady (1938)
The Women (1939)
The Philadelphia Story (1940) ⭐️
The Letter (1940)
Rebecca (1940) ⭐️
His Girl Friday (1940)
The Shop Around the Corner (1940)
Remember the Night (1940)
The Wolf Man (1941)
Ball of Fire (1941)
A Woman’s Face (1941)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1941)
The Lady Eve (1941)
Now, Voyager (1942)
To Be or Not to Be (1942)
Casablanca (1942)
Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
Stormy Weather (1943)
Laura (1944) 
Double Indemnity (1944)
Gaslight (1944)
Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
The Lost Weekend (1945)
Mildred Pierce (1945) 
It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) ⭐️
The Big Sleep (1946) 
Notorious (1946)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)
Gilda (1946)
Out of the Past (1947) 
Red River (1948)
They Live by Night (1948)
Holiday Affair (1949)
The Heiress (1949)
The Third Man (1949) ⭐️
Criss Cross (1949)
Born Yesterday (1950)
Harvey (1950)
All About Eve (1950) 
Sunset Boulevard (1950) ⭐️
Night and the City (1950)
In a Lonely Place (1950) 
Gun Crazy (1950)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Strangers on a Train (1951)
The Prowler (1951)
The Lusty Men (1952)
Roman Holiday (1953) ⭐️
Pickup on South Street (1953)
Sabrina (1954) 
On the Waterfront (1954)
The Night of the Hunter (1955) 
Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
12 Angry Men (1957) 
Funny Face (1957)
Anatomy of a Murder (1959) 
North by Northwest (1959)
Some Like It Hot (1959) 
The Apartment (1960) ⭐️
Psycho (1960) 
The Children’s Hour (1961)
The Hustler (1961)
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
Days of Wine and Roses (1962)
Fail Safe (1964)
making the cut off 1964
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