#Residents massacre
j0vialmoon · 5 months
I have a small Roblox themed head-canon
Jim from Jim's computer and Sam from Egg Kevin's house, know each other and were pen pals. Then when Jim died Sam was affected by it and when Sam eventually died in the fire they met up and now they torment Billy and Kevin because they caused Sam's death.
(In my au Sam is knocked down the stairs by Billy rendering him unconscious so he's definitely dead due to being severely burned and to top it off his legs were severed by the collapsing building)
Somewhere along the line they met John from the Adventures of John and Mark, and became good friends. And then he introduced them to Larry from Residents massacre.
They meet up for lunch every 14th
And THEN Sam (who at this point is a vengeful fire spirit) meets the kid from Need more heat who's just went through the ' fatal ending ' and their interaction went like this:
"so you set things on fire, just so that you don't have to go to school?"
"And you went partly insane while doing that?"
"I'm taking you with me."
Here’s the some drawings of Sam, Jim, and John
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doomh3ad · 3 months
if he wanted to (brutally murder me as an act of love and passion) he would
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hugs-and-stabbies · 1 year
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Mini shop announcement!
The redesigned mini slasher stickers are in! ^^ Plus the Leon stickers are finally restocked for those waiting too 🛐
I am currently going through a financial rut and all orders no matter how small are very deeply appreciated! 💝
thank you so much for reading/sharing!!
🔗Link to Etsy 🔗
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applecat8 · 6 months
It’s possible my hyperfixation has started to shift again, chucky might be the one in charge
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Ignore the toilet
Also I found 0.5mm graphite this is a good thing because my lines won’t be as thick as most of these drawings have been
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crimescrimson · 2 months
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Ada Wong & Leon S. Kennedy: The History [ Resident Evil 4 (2023) ]
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staincastle · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀★ rina's message is here! random headers
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simianfangs · 9 months
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Residence Massacre x Jim's Computer Roblox Crossover!!!
Left is Resident (from RM) and right is Jim (from JC)
The two do their best to survive against the creature that their careless Robloxian government won't protect them from.
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klovercrown · 4 days
Nothing like a wholesome family dinner 🤗❤️
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spookychiptune · 9 months
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Beach day for Big Man!!!! 🏖️☀️
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lace-coffin · 6 months
✨About me!✨
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Find my masterlist here
Hi! My names Bunii! (23, they/it) I’ve never written headcanons or X Reader content before but if I don’t get my ideas out I’m gonna explode autistically : 3 hopefully people will enjoy these!
Reader can be any orientation/gender just let me know what you’d like and I’ll note at the top of the post if It’s gendered or fem/masc/genderless reader <3
Requests are closed!
I’m autistic and queer so that will probably transfer to my writing lol
✨Who I write for✨
🦇💜Slashers💜 🦇
Bubba sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Asa Emory (The collecter)
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas)
Jason Vorhees (Friday The 13th)
Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)
Michael Myers (OG Halloween or Rob zombie)
Yautja (Predator) (female or male)
🎀Resident Evil🎀
Alcina Dimitrescu (Lady Dimitrescu)
Albert Wesker
(Send a request if you want anyone else from resident evil and I’ll try my best <3)
💕Five Nights At Freddy’s💕
Daycare Attendants ( Sun/Moon)
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf (very open to writing Roxy x chica🎀)
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Freddy
(Basically anyone from security breach and most of fnaf, just drop a request from any game in the series)
What I will write
General headcanons (about character or x reader. Pls give me headcanons to build from! Your own or prompts)
I prefer to write queer stuff (so gay/lesbian or non cis) but I will write straight stuff!
Most kinks - BDSM - Power Dynamics- Pet Play-CNC- Daddy/Mommy Kink -I’m pretty open to a lot of kinks so just drop me a message and I’ll let you know 💖 (check what I won’t write for the exclusions)
Age regression (obviously non sexual and not kink)
NSFW Headcanons
What I won’t write
Non consensual
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neonxxxxxx · 4 months
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Some drawings/doodles my friend wanted me to make 👍 (Except for poggers pinhead but yk)
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crusaderguy · 8 months
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You know what? Fine. Fine, fine. I'll just bring Jason back later.
Oh and one more thing.
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i totally forgot this remake was coming out!! 
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macabremuscle · 2 years
Slashers (& Friends) Taking Care of Sick S/O
Yeah guess who's ill. It's me... I'm a big baby when I get sick and I get really emotional and just wanna be cuddled so this is comfort for me.
Warnings: Mentions of being sick, otherwise none just fluff. Besides slashers who are their own warnings
Jesse Cromeans:
Doctor. Now. He wastes no time in getting his private physician to come examine you. Doesn't matter what time of the day or night it is
If it's something mild like a cold or flu he'll take over caring for you. Sure he could have some gourmet chicken noodle soup brought up to your room but no. He's doing it himself
If he can, he's postponing all work until you're better. He won't let you out of his sight. He's waiting until you wake up from your nap to offer you some water. He's not scared of getting sick either so if you want him to cuddle you in bed, he's doing it. Anything for you
Corey Cunningham:
Poor thing is worried sick (lol). He'll ask you multiple times if you want to see a doctor and if you do he'll take you pronto. If not he'll worry but you just have to remind him it's just a cold and you're not gonna die
He knows he's gonna get in trouble for it but he's calling in sick to work until you're better. His mom is gonna be shrieking about him spending so much time away from home but he doesn't care. He's your bedside nurse. He'll spoon-feed you even if you're perfectly capable of doing it yourself
You don't even have to ask. He's burrowed under the mountain of blankets with you. Here, have the remote. You can watch anything you want. He'll just be here in case you need him. Please need him. Taking Care of you makes him so happy even if he hates to see you feeling miserable
Erik Destler:
Is kind of oblivious at first. Won't really pick up any coughing or sniffling to start with. Once you start visibly looking ill and your symptoms worsen, then he gets nervous. He doesn't get sick too often himself so he doesn't know what to do
Will offer to find a doctor for you if it's serious, otherwise he'll need your guidance on what to do. He's got the basics down of fetching you a glass of water and food but that's kind of it. But just ask, once you ask for something he's more than happy to get it
Sadly he's got things to do throughout the day and frankly, he doesn't want to catch whatever you have. Can't make music if you're busy puking. So he won't be glued to your side. But he's attentive in nursing you back to health and if you plead and hit him with the puppy eyes, hell snuggle you at bedtime
Asa Emory:
Not at all concerned. At least not outwardly if he is at all. Takes you to the doctor if you need it. Otherwise that's about the extent of it. Or so you'd think
Surprisingly shows a bit of a heart during your illness. He's not going to be doting by any means, but he's on point with your care. Meds are offered on the clock. Hearty meals and your glass never gets below half full. He'll ask about your symptoms to gage your improvement
Sadly no, no cuddles for you. He's a professor and he can't really afford to get sick and miss work. You can't be sure- maybe it was just the fever- but you could have sworn you felt soft lips on your forehead before you fell asleep
Brahms Heelshire:
Panic time. He doesn't know what to do. He's baby. People take care of him when he's sick not the other way around
You gotta help him if you want any assistance. He's more than willing to do it, much to your surprise, but he's absolutely clueless if you don't specify what you need
Will absolutely stay in bed and cuddle you the whole time. He'll do what you need him to do like bring food but he's not doing house chores. He ends up sick from being in such close proximity to you for so long so now you both feel like shit
Karl Heisenberg:
Tries to hide his concern. Fails miserably. He'll say things like "oh you're fine. Just take some herbal tea you'll be ok tomorrow." Then when you either get angry at his insensitivity or try to power through it and it's painfully obvious how sick you are, he changes his tune
He won't take the whole day to dote on you but he does what he can. Actually pops by fairly frequently to check up on you. He'll surprise you by bringing you some treats, if you can stomach it. He'll also make a trip to the Duke for medicine
You'll wake up later on in the day to him having already crawled into bed with you, his head laying on your chest or shoulder. He does care about you but he's just weird about showing it. Please get better he misses you hanging out with him during his experiments
Thomas Hewitt:
The whole Hewitt house is in a tizzy because of him. He's frantically trying to explain to his momma what's wrong. And if you're anything beyond some allergy sneezes, your ass is staying in bed. Tommy will absolutely throw down if Hoyt tries to bother you about doing chores
He's doing double duty now because you're sick. And he's more than happy to cover for you! But it does mean he's more busy so he can't take care of you like he'd prefer to. He'll sneak off every 30 minutes to come check on you and see if you need anything
You can be sure however that once the days over he's all but diving headfirst into bed to snuggle up with you. He's not at all worried about germs. He's giving you all the hugs and kisses
Pyramid Head:
Clueless. So clueless. What's a germ? Why do you look like you're about to pass out? He doesn't know how humans work at all. He won't know what's wrong with you until you tell him and even then, he's not going to fully understand
He does understand, however, that you're weak and in need of care and that's going to make him super protective of you. Other monsters would swoop in to grab you in a second if he wasn't careful. He won't let anything get near you and he's more than happy to cradle you to his chest and carry you around if he must
Won't know how to help you much beyond protection. You'll have to ask him for food and water and... Well.. Silent Hill is lacking in the good food department. It's probably what made you sick in the first place. He'll scrounge around trying to find whatever he can for you tho
Michael Myers:
This bitch. He knows you're sick and he doesn't really care too much. Not unless it's serious. Then he's going to carry you to the ER and dump you right outside the doors so you'll get some medical care but otherwise? He's useless
He'll watch you and when he finally sees just how under the weather you are, that small almost hidden human side of him will try to help. Soup from a can that's been microwaved to lukewarm is about all he can manage
He's very observant so he'll see all your symptoms. But he'll just grab literally all the bottles of medicine and dump them on your lap for you to pick out the ones you need. He'll be surprisingly willing to let you cuddle him while you're sick tho. Gross sick things don't faze him in the slightest
Bo Sinclair:
Germaphobe. The instant you have a nasty cough, sneeze one too many times, or tell him you're sick, he's taking a good two paces away from you. You can keep your nasty germs away from him thank you
On the bright side, you actually get some peace and quiet so you're able to rest. He feels a little guilty about being mean so he will check up on you everyone once in a while, ask if you need anything. Don't be surprised if he makes one of his brothers take it to you tho
He'll try to refuse to to start with but if he sees that's upsetting you he eventually gets over himself and holds you tight. Will absolutely bitch and moan if you get him sick
Lester Sinclair:
I think this man's a walking petri dish so you probably got it from him. He'll be pretty level headed about it really. If not slightly upset cuz he's worried about you not feeling well but he won't lose his head unless it's serious
You're getting the finest dishes he can muster up. Are they good for a sour stomach? Probably not. But it's comfort food and he's worked so hard on it. He'll bring you all your favorite snacks
He'll take you into town to see a doctor if he has to. Bo won't like it but he's willing to face Bo's wrath for you. Or he'll go get medicine and bring it back. He's more than happy to pamper you throughout everything. Constantly holding you and pecking your face with kisses and saying "hope you feel better soon darlin"
Vincent Sinclair:
Doctor Vincent is in the house. Instantly asks you to list all your symptoms and gets to work trying to make you well again. Which sounds sweet and it is but he will force you to drink the nasty cough syrup no matter how much you protest
Keeps you in the basement with him so he can keep an eye on you and be within earshot if you call for him. He won't smother you but the instant you groan out his name he's there, ready to help
Will fix up dishes specifically for you and not share with his brothers. Bo's pissed cuz he wanted some of that delicious smelling gumbo. Vincent will happily put down anything he's working on to come sit or lay beside you. Whatever you need, he's got it covered
Jason Voorhees:
Another one who panics. Is it serious? What is he supposed to do? He only has limited supplies and he's not really in a position to get you to a medical professional. Are you going to die?? Please calm him down before he combusts
Every other second he's standing beside you, wanting you to tell him what you need. He'll make anything you want to eat. Might not be the best but... It's edible so there's that. Bless his heart. He'll even find an old teddy bear to tuck under your arm so you don't get too lonely while he's away in the kitchen
Not that it matters because he's instantly right back and not leaving your side. You want to cuddle? Absolutely he's right on it. Take a nap, he'll be right here when you wake up
Harry Warden: 
Surprisingly sane as long as it's mild. He'll get worried if you need to go to the doctor because he can't be there with you so he'd really rather avoid that if possible. But otherwise he's calm about it
He'll have you lay down and get you anything you need. He makes sure you're alright and ready for nap before he leaves again. He doesn't see much need to stick around and hover over you when you're just snoozing so he'll be back later to check up on you
Beauty of the gas mask is he doesn't have to worry about germs. But honestly he'd be unconcerned about it anyway. He asks how you're feeling and when you answer him he's kissing your forehead. He says it's to check your temperature but the soft touch of his hands on your cheek reveal he's caring about you
Totally unbothered. Any illness you have is probably non-transferable to him anyway. And on top of that, his people's medicine is so advanced even a serious illness is nothing to worry about. He'll offer to have you seen by a physician but if you refuse and simply want to fight it off naturally he respects it
He doesn't really know what sick humans need so please tell him. He'll make a special trip all the way back to earth to get your favorite snack if that's what you want
He'll let you sleep when you want it but he's happy to entertain you by your bedside. He loves reading to you in his native tongue. You don't understand it of course but you like the sounds of all the clicks and find it soothing. In fact if you tell him about how earth cat purring has healing properties, he's scooping you up and nesting in the bed with you, purring up a storm. You don't know if it actually helps fight your illness but you both enjoy it regardless
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labcampkill · 1 month
How do they each feel about hugs?
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Brad is a pretty good hugger, but he doesn't initiate a lot cause he doesn't want to bother people.
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Dwight is touch starved so if you hug him ever you've opened a door that you might not be able to close. He love hugs and cuddles and all that.
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Exy likes touch in general he's become obsessed with touch ever since he's made a shell. So you might get a surprise hug if you deal with him.
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Hugs embarrass James, he's shy, but he doesn't hate the touch. More he wants stuff like that to be in private.
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Nancy was the only person to ever hug him when he was younger, the rest of the family touching was never good. And after a certain point Nancy even stopped giving him hugs she said he needed to grow up... If given a genuine hug it would probably shock him. That's not to say he's against touch but he tends to use touch in a more seductive weaponized way.
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Leslie would probably be surprised if you hugged him. He's been so focused on his calling in life that kind of thing just never really occurred to him. I think he'd probably enjoy it, but also he'd become obsessed with it like he does everything else.
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I get the feeling that he wasn't given a lot of physical attention when he was younger, it's one of the reasons that explains why Maureen shutting him out drove him over the edge. So he's very very touchy when he's with someone he likes. I've already established that he's kind of a hoe. He wants to feel loved and wanted and important and needed. I'm not sure how genuine he is... Like it's a sensation thing rather than a love thing. It feels good so why not do it.
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He gives great hugs cause he's Steve Harrington at least that's what he thinks. Steve does a lot casual hugging, very bro hey lets hug it out stuff. Also if your his signifigant other, you better be prepared to have him glom onto you whenever. ------------------------------
You could always send hugs to the boys and find out what happens.
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generalcloudhopper · 8 months
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I love insane people with chainsaws
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