#Quit smoking support groups
onefite · 4 months
Effective Strategies to Quit Smoking for Good
Effective Strategies to Quit Smoking for Good Introduction to Quitting Smoking Quitting smoking is a journey that leads to a healthier life. It’s not always easy, but with the right strategies, it’s definitely achievable. Smoking can harm nearly every organ in the body, and finding the motivation to quit is the first step towards a smoke-free life. The harmful effects of smoking on…
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zoofzoofxx · 21 days
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Pairing - Joost Klein x Fem!reader
Summary - As you and your little sister walk home, you notice a commotion near a car where a group of people is shouting excitedly. Your sister catches the name of a famous singer and eagerly wants his autograph. However, Joost seems more intrigued by you and proposes a compromise.
Genre - Fluff
"Thank you very much,” I heard my sister express while embracing me. We were presently walking home; the evening was approaching, and we still had quite a lengthy distance to my flat. Several months back, I turned 22 and purchased a lovely apartment and moved out from my parents. My sister recently turned 16, so I invited her to my flat for the weekend, to go shopping, and then enjoy a delightful dinner as a gift. We were discussing the time my sister prefers to depart tomorrow because the journey to my parents' home is rather lengthy. Suddenly, we heard a cluster of individuals shouting and congregating near a rather luxurious car.
"What is happening back there?" my sister asked, wanting to go and see, but I grabbed her arm. "Let’s just go," I said while pulling her.
"Wait, was that Joost Klein?!" In a matter of seconds, my sister was by the car, fangirling like the rest of the group.
"Lorelei, let's just head back, I'm exhausted," I expressed, pulling on her jumper. The surroundings began to darken, and I had forgotten to bring a coat or a hoodie, assuming we'd return home early, but the chill was intensifying by the minute. I started to rub my hands together to generate some warmth. Lorelei continued to call out for the Dutch man who was sitting in his car, disregarding my words. I let out a sigh and decided to wait for her to meet Joost before we could head home. As time passed, the crowd dwindled, with many leaving, yet a few lingered. Eventually, it was Lorelei's turn, and she seized my wrist, pulling me along for moral support.
"HI JOOST, I’M SUCH A BIG FAN!" my little sister exclaimed. Joost chuckled at her excitement until his friend nudged him and pointed directly at me.
“Ey zij is echt mooi! (Ey she’s really beautiful!)” His friend grinned at me. I felt puzzled, so I returned the smile. Joost gazed at me, and we locked eyes for a moment before he looked away.
“Inderdaad. (Indeed.)” Joost said while nodding to his friend and then turning back to me.
"Feeling chilly?" the blond guy inquired, swinging open his car door and walking towards me. As he towered over me, he took a cigarette from his pocket and ignited it. He took a drag, glanced away, removed the cigarette from his lips, and exhaled the smoke. Then, he locked eyes with me, placed the cigarette back between his lips, and waited for a reply. I was at a loss for words. In the background, I caught my sister's amused chuckle, and I noticed a few onlookers capturing this moment on film.
“I’m not cold.” I say looking away. Joost didn’t hesitate to grab my hand.
"False. Your nose is pink and your hands are chilly. And I saw you rubbing your hands and attempting to heat yourself up," the blond man remarked as his strong Dutch accent was evident. He chuckled, unzipping and removing his coat, then passing it to me.
"I-I can't accept that," I stammered, motioning for him to put his jacket back on, but he remained still. My sister gently nudged me, signaling to take the jacket. I glanced at her, seeing her thumbs up, and suddenly, it felt like I was back in high school chatting with my crush and getting support from my best friend. Joost nodded for me to accept his jacket. After a moment of hesitation, I finally took it. He blew the smoke in another direction, placed the cigarette back between his lips, and helped me zip up my jacket. The scent of his expensive cologne filled my lungs. He turned to my sister with a smile clapping his hands together.
“Sooo… You wanted a picture and an autograph?”He inquired of her, and she enthusiastically nodded. He strolled back to his vehicle while his friends chuckled. He retrieved a sheet of paper and a pen, passing them to my sister.
“Can you write your sister her phone number?” He said gazing at me, giving me a wink as I averted my gaze sensing that my face would blush a light shade of pink. My sibling didn't even pause. She penned down the phone digits and aimed to pass it over but halted him.
"I want a hug too," she utters, and he chuckles.
"Let’s compromise, will you write her name and surname for a hug?" He said pointing at me, as I could hear his friends laugh, and I buried my face in my hands due to embarrassment. I could also sense the excitement among Joost's supporters who were laughing heartily.
"Of course! Her name is Y/n!" She mentioned writing something down and passing the paper and pen to him without any delay to offer her a significant, extended embrace. I caught her whispering something, and he burst into loud laughter. I simply grinned, relishing the sight of my sister's joy. Joost murmured something in return, and Lorelei stepped back and approached me. She began to quietly murmur something in my ear.
“No way-.” I said backing away and furrowing my brows.
"Please for my birthday!" She pleads, casting me those adorable puppy eyes.
"No Lorelei, that's an excessive request," I utter firmly, feeling utterly exhausted.
"Please." Joost emerged alongside my sister, giving me pleading eyes. I turned my head and exhaled deeply.
"What will you receive in exchange?" I inquire, exhaling and turning towards my sister.
"A meet and greet for an hour after his concert," she says, pleading with me and giving me those puppy eyes. I sigh and walk over to Joost, who's already lowering himself to my height. I glance at my sister, who's holding her phone out, waiting for the perfect photo opportunity. I just shake my head no, and she pouts. Looking at Joost, I notice he's smiling, his cigarette is gone. As I get a closer look, I realize he's actually really handsome. He gives me one last look and winks. I give him a light peck on his cheek, leaving a faint pink mark. The people around us go wild, especially his friends in the car. I glance at my sister, who's snapping a picture. I furrow my brows and turn back to Joost. His expression is gentle, and he's blushing, as am I.
"You smell pleasant." He chuckled, and I playfully hit his shoulder.
"Lorelei, go get the autograph and the image, and let's head back." I express, glancing at Lorelei as if nothing has happened. My sibling nodded, and a short while later, she bid her final farewell. Joost walked towards me, coming closer with outstretched arms for an embrace. I embraced him, then stepped back and started unzipping the coat Joost had given me.
"What are you up to?" He inquires as I glance up at him.
"Returning your coat. I'm warm, and it belongs to you," I mention, but he took my hand halfway and zips it back up.
"Take it, please, I insist." He casts those pleading puppy eyes once more. I exhaled in surrender, feeling weary and not in the mood for a conversation with anyone at the moment.
“Jij bent echt schattig. (You are really cute)” he said and I tilted my head to the side in confusion and he grinned. Embracing me once more and walking back into his car.
“Ik hou van jou! (I love you!)” Lorelei mentions, and Joost chuckles while glancing at the paper my sister handed him earlier.
“Ik hou van Y/n. (I love Y/n.)” He speaks, and my sister shrieks and pinched my arm while I remain confused. I simply grasp my sister's shoulder, and we depart. Glancing back one last time, I notice Joost Klein still gazing at me with a smile. He winks, offers a small wave, and raises his phone, indicating that I should check mine. I acknowledge with a nod, thumbs up, and a wave as we turn the corner..
After a few minutes of silence I heard a phone notification coming from my phone.
“Send me a message once you arrive home safely with your little sister.”
I passed my phone to my little sister so she could check the message, and she burst into screams of excitement once more. After what seemed like an eternity, we arrived at my place. Then, I heard yet another notification, this time from Instagram.
“@joostklein ✓ started following you.”
As we stepped into my apartment, the initial thing Lorelei did was play the track "Buurman Uit Berlijn" by Joost Klein and MCR-T. I strolled into my room and overheard my sister say:
"Y/n, remember to reply to Joost!" I just sighed and took my phone, sending him a brief message saying: "we got back home alright, appreciate the autograph and photo with my sister."
In less than 10 seconds, Joost replied, saying: "I have a lipstick mark on my cheek, thanks for that and the hug. You smell really good. If I were you, I'd check the jackets right pocket. I left a little surprise." With my toothbrush in my mouth, I headed to the living room, picked up the neatly folded jacket, and looked through the pockets. It was a letter that said ‘Y/n’ I opened it and inside were 2 passes for the Eurovision Song Contest… I almost chocked on my toothbrush, quickly grabbed my phone, and messaged Joost: “When did you slip those in!?” I hit send quickly and immediately got a reply: “When we embraced. Give one pass to your sister. I'll cover the flight and hotel, unless you'd like to stay with me in the same hotel room ;)” I knitted my brows in confusion. I hastily texted him: “I'm truly grateful. Goodnight.” And received a swift response: “Slaapzacht schat. (Sleep tight darling.)” I just left him on read going into sleep thinking about the kiss with Joost.
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renthony · 1 year
Tobacco users aren't dirty or stupid, and some of y'all are deeply poisoned by DARE-style propaganda.
Even from people who are supposedly "supportive" of addicts and users, I see so much hateful vitriol toward smokers, as if nicotine addiction is somehow The Worst Kind, and it's okay to target them as Terrible Monsters, even from people who should know better.
"But I have TRAUMA--" Trauma doesn't give you the right to be cruel to every single smoker in the world. It does not give you the right to assume the worst of every single smoker you meet.
"But they pollute my air--" Designated smoking spots in public areas have been a thing for decades now, and I have never met a single smoker who wasn't perfectly willing to move to another location to smoke, as long as they are asked respectfully and not treated like criminals or monsters just for smoking. If you approach a smoker and treat them like a criminal and act like they're intentionally trying to poison you, they have every right to get annoyed at you. And if an individual smoker is a dick about it? That's still the individual, not smokers as a whole.
"But it sets off my asthma--" This is what is known as a "competing access need." Smokers deserve space to smoke, because drug withdrawal is severe and is a legitimate medical issue. Non-smokers and those with respiratory issues deserve smoke-free air. Two things can be true at once, and the answer is not, "so we dehumanize smokers!" Also, y'all may be shocked to learn this, but there are asthmatic smokers. I know several. Using asthmatics as a gotcha against smokers is not productive or kind to either group.
"But tobacco companies--" Are not the individual smokers, and are not responsible for tobacco companies' actions. Blaming Joe Schmoe Smoker for the actions of Big Tobacco is the exact same as blaming someone for climate change because they bought a pack of Walmart-brand hamburgers. Not only is it not effective, it doesn't target the core issue, and it's a douchebag thing to do.
"But it's bad for you--" Suicide and self-harm are worse, and cigarettes are the only thing keeping some people alive. Blame the system, not the individual.
"But vaping is obnoxious and bad for kids--" Vaping originated as a way to help people stop smoking, and it is not the fault of individuals that vaping became another predatory industry. Removing access to vapes, which are commonly still used as a tool for addicts to help quit, is not the fucking answer.
Stop being cruel to smokers and pretending you're progressive for it. Unlearn the DARE propaganda, kill the cop in your head, and recognize that someone's humanity is not dependent on their drug habits.
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ot8archivesblog · 4 months
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꒰ ͜͡➸ Pairing: Minho x Female Reader
꒰ ͜͡➸ Genre: College AU, Smut
꒰ ͜͡➸ Warnings: (Obviously) NSFW content, alcohol, mentions of drugs, cigarettes, smoking, drinking, explicit content, overstimulation, fingering, pet names, praise (like good girl)
꒰ ͜͡➸ w/c: 3,5k
꒰ ͜͡➸Masterlist
So I read this request a day ago and thought of it as really interesting because I'm currently writing a story which is similar to that, so I wanted to give this specific scenario a go.
You haven't mentioned which Gender the Reader should have, so because of the roommate being female (and as far as I know there are no mixed rooms) I will assume that the Reader is female as well.
This is actually my first attempt to write NSFW so I hope it'll be good and let me know how you think of it.
Have fun <3
(Not proof read because it's 1 am and I was too lazy so please excuse any mistakes <3)
Request by @the-unknown-daisy
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Your bag hit the ground the moment you finally closed the door to your dorm room.
Your best friend was currently sitting on her bed, painting her nails, while you let yourself fall onto your bed.
"Everything okay?" She turned her head to you for a second, taking in the little ball you had curled into, before she went back to concentrating on the task ahead.
She knew you had been like this for a few weeks now and she didn't know what was bothering you.
You normally always talked with her about stuff like that, but this time you decided against it. Exam stress was getting to you and you felt as if you weren't doing enough, but it felt stupid to voice it like that.
You knew she would understand and support you, but you still didn't confide in her.
She had been so happy these past few weeks, always meeting up with Changbin and spending time with him, that you didn't want to spoil her mood with yours.
Changbin is a really nice guy and he was making her so happy, sometimes you envied her.
Of course you wished them nothing but happiness, but it often happened, that when you saw them interact, you wished to be able to have someone like that in your life too.
You weren't lucky with boys though. All your relationships had ended on a bad note and you were just annoyed by it at this point.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you getting ready for something?" Stupid question. It's Friday. There would obviously be a campus party somewhere.
Students could barely contain their desire to drink and party all week, of course no one would miss the weekend parties.
Normally you would go as well, not as often as your best friend, but also quite often. However you didn't really feel like it the past few weeks and you didn't want to drag anyone down with you.
"Yep, the party is at Changbin's dorm this time. I would have either spend the night with him or at a party anyway so it's pretty convenient." Your best friend answered, while she finally closed the bottle of nail polish.
"You're coming with me, by the way." She nonchalantly added, as she blew on her nails.
"Wait, what? When did I say yes to this plan of yours?" You tilted your head, confusion taking over your features.
Had you promised to go?
"Well you didn't. But I told Changbin I would bring you along. You've been quite down these past few weeks and I wanna cheer you up." She got up from her bed and went over to yours, sitting down next to you.
"Plus you know Changbin's roommate?" Of course you did. Who didn't know him.
"You mean Lee Minho?" Her face lit up at that.
"Exactly! Isn't that enough reason to come? He'll be hanging out with Changbin, I'll be hanging out with Changbin and you'll be hanging out with me." She beamed at you and you could only sigh.
Of course, like everyone, you thought that Minho was very attractive. Hell, their entire group of friends was. But you still felt rather down and meeting someone like him in this condition, wasn't going to get you any plus points with him.
You turned to your friend to tell her that you didn't want to come, when you noticed her smiling down at her phone.
"I'm Telling Changbin you're coming! He missed having you around too." At that point you couldn't say no any longer.
She was being so happy over the fact that you could spend the night together, that you didn't want to let her down again.
"Fine, I'll come."
The last few hours had been spend with getting ready and by now, you were already tired.
You didn't know how you'd get through the night, but your best friend was convinced that if you looked hot, you would certainly feel hot and she wasn't wrong.
You did actually feel better, if you didn't think about the tiredness seeping into your bones. An energy drink would fix that.
Your best friend was wearing a pretty white top, that stopped right above her belly-button and a short pinks skirt with high heels.
Her makeup was close to that, but not too much pink.
While you were wearing tight black jeans and a black top that had only one sleeve and also stopped right above your belly-button. However it was also V-formed, showing more of your cleavage than your besties top did.
The dorm wasn't too far so you made your way over there, slowly strolling through the night, which was immediately illuminated by the party lights.
The music was already at full power and you could nearly hear it on the entire campus.
Professors thankfully never minded, so they could keep doing their little parties.
You followed your friend, never letting go of her hand as she lead you inside the dorm, finally meeting up with Changbin.
"Hey baby, you're here." He pulled her closer by her waist and planted a soft kiss onto her lips, which probably would have turned more passionate if you hadn't been standing next to them.
"Hey there little one, I missed you." The taller male greeted you by ruffling your hair up.
"Missed you too." You replied while your eyes scanned the room.
It was already extremely full and it was only 11 pm. You didn't want to know how full it could get.
You had been to quite a few parties but you were always amazed how many people actually fit into these dorms.
They weren't small but they weren't exactly big either.
Changbin had been playing beer pong with some guys until we had interrupted him. So he resumed in doing so, while one of his arms was securely wrapped around your friends waist.
"Binnie." Your best friend whined and he chuckled.
"Sorry guys, finish without me." He turned to her and kissed her, before leading you two away.
"Minho just wrote me telling me he's on his way back with Chan." Changbin commented as he made his way through the crowd and into the kitchen, offering us something to drink.
"Where did they go?"
"They went to get the others. Jeongin was at his parents for a few hours and Chan and Minho went to get him." The older answered, while giving us two glasses.
Not even seconds after he had given them to us, the crowd outside got louder.
"Seems like they're back." Changbin chuckled and went to meet up with them. We followed him closely.
"Hey, look who is finally out of her prison." Chan joked as he side-hugged you.
You had become friends with most of them after your best friend started dating Changbin so this was pretty normal behaviour.
"Sorry, sorry, didn't know I was missed so much." You chuckled as you leaned into Chan's side, when your eyes found Minho's.
You never knew what he was thinking. Could never figure him out. He was a mystery to you and many others.
Chan left first, going to greet some friends while Changbin, Minho, your friend and you made your way to the terrace to get some air.
A lot of people were out here as well but you all sat down on the couch.
"Let's play a game." Someone suggested and everyone agreed on truth or dare. The typical party game that everyone loved to participate in when their brains were non-functional.
You were sipping on your drink while the game commenced.
Till now you had been playing it safe, mostly taking truth, as you knew not many would pick up on it due to being drunk. However someone did pick up on it.
"Three time in a row. You have to pick dare." Minho said as he leaned back on the couch, his eyes fixed on you.
It had been Changbin who had spun the bottle, so why was he interfering?
You said but complied, picking dare this time, which made Changbin grin.
"Kiss Minho."
You were left speechless for a moment. Of course you knew how the game worked, but you hadn't expected this from Changbin. He always went easy on you, which is why you hadn't really been worried when the bottle picked you.
"What, never kissed anyone? I won't bite unless you want me to." Minho commented, a smirk finding its way onto his lips.
You got up from your place, walking over to Minho.
People were sitting next to him so you couldn't do so to kiss him. While you were still contemplating what to do, his hand found your waist and pulled you onto his lap.
"Not so shy." How could you not be, when you were about to kiss the Lee Minho?
Your thighs were on either side of him, as his hands still kept a steady grip on your waist. You leaned in closer, stopping right before your lips could touch his.
At this point both of your eyes were fixed on the others lips and you could feel his smirk on yours.
"What are you waiting for, Princess?"
That's all it took for you to connect your lips.
The kiss was slow at first. Your lips still finding the perfect rhythm to move against each other. However, it didn't take long before the kiss got more heated. He bit your lower lip, asking for entrance which you immediately complied with.
His tongue found its way into your space, exploring your mouth while you tilted your head to deepen the kiss.
It didn't take long for his tongue to find yours, his hands moving up and down your waist at this point while you could feel that you were sitting atop his member, as he got hard.
Your hands found their way into his hair, holding onto him as you moved your hips for a second, making him bite your tongue at the movement which made you gasp in return.
You both parted from each other, a delicate string of saliva still connecting your lips to each other, as you tried to breathe in as much air as possible. This being the only reason you parted in the first place.
The game had commenced while you two had been shamelessly making out and you finally realised that you two weren't alone.
You immediately got off his lap and went back to your place, however your lips were still burning with the feeling of his on them.
The game got boring soon and most disappeared back inside, including Changbin and your friend, while you were now sitting next to Minho, still outside.
He was smoking a cigarette right now, accompanying it with a glass of vodka.
You never really smiled but at this point and the level of drunk you currently were at, you were curious.
"Let me try."
Minho turned his eyes to you, the cigarette still on his lips. He seemed to contemplate it for a moment, until a smirk formed on his lips.
"Sure, but allow me to try something." You didn't really mind. He is Changbin's friend so you trusted him as well.
He took a deep drag of his cigarette, before his long fingers found their way onto your chin, pulling you closer without a word. They put slight pressure on your chin, which made you part your lips and you immediately understood, parting them a little more.
He came closer to you, your nose nearly touching his as he leaned his head to the side, to blow the smoke inside of your mouth. You inhaled, but he didn't give you a lot of time to think as his lips smashed onto your again.
The smoke not being the only thing that went into your mouth as his tongue followed suit. You held onto his shirt, returning the kiss while his hands found their way to your ass, squeezing them for a second before he lifted you onto his lap by your waist.
You immediately adjusted to the situation, sitting up slightly. Your hands finding his neck as you returned the kiss. Your tongue finding his, the fight for dominance not taking long as Minho immediately won it.
You both parted again, out of breathe. It was way too hot between you two. And you both wanted nothing more than to taste the other.
Without a word he picked you up, your legs wrapping around his torso as he carried you to his room.
His room was a no-go zone at parties like these. Everyone knew that. The moment he entered you noticed that the room was empty. He closed the door behind you two, locking it before he resumed his way to his bed, letting you fall on it.
Minho didn't wait for another second, his lips were on your neck this time, as his hands found your waist again. His lips were leaving butterfly kisses all over your neck before he finally found a spot he was satisfied with.
His lips latched onto the soft skin and he sucked on it. Gaining a sweet moan from your lips. He grinned, finally letting go of the skin, admiring the dark hickey that was forming.
"You're okay with this, right?" He asked, just to be completely sure, before you two went any further.
Your nod was more than clear, however that wasn't enough for Minho.
"I need your words, Princess." Those words went straight to your core and it needed a lot of self-control to not cum untouched.
"Yes, please." You didn't need to tell him twice. He removed your shirt from you, his hands immediately unclasping your bra as well as his lips found their way onto your chest.
Soft butterfly kisses littered it at first, before his mouth found one of your nipples catching them between his teeth. At first he softly licked it, watching goosebumps erupt all over your skin before he softly bit it, again pulling a moan out of your throat.
Your sweet sounds were going straight to his member but he tried to control his desires, wanting to prep you enough for him.
You could feel yourself getting wet and it only got worse the more he continued. You needed to feel him inside of you, but you could barely form thoughts, let alone words. Everything felt so good for your touch starved body. And it didn't help that Minho was so perfect at everything he did.
He stopped torturing your breasts, continuing his journey down, a soft kiss on your belly-button and you felt his teeth on the hem of your pants. His hands skilfully opened them before he pulled them down and threw them away.
Just as he had done with your shirt and bra.
"Already so wet for me. What a good little, Kitten." A whimper escaped your lips the moment you felt his hand on your inner thigh, moving closer to your heated core.
"Minho." You managed to moan but the boy only smirked as he moved your drenched panties aside to let one finger graze your folds. He was only rubbing them slowly, but this was enough for you to arch your back already. His fingers felt so good, you could barely wait for them to finally enter you.
"You want me so bad?" He looked up at you as you nodded as much as you could. "I will need your words, Princess."
"Yes, please Minho-..." A moan escaped your lips as his finger entered you. Your hands found the blanket behind you, as you had nothing else to hold onto.
He moved his finger slowly at first but the moment he felt you losing your mind his pace picked up, hitting all the right places.
You were so close to your release when you felt a second finger entering you. You pushed your head into the mattress, trying to ground your thoughts but everything felt so hot. You could barely wait any longer.
"I'm so close." You whined which only made him pick up his pace.
"The cum for me, Princess." Seconds passed after his sentence before your orgasm came crashing down on you. He helped you ride it out until he pulled out his fingers, licking them clean.
"you taste so good." He chuckled.
"You made such a mess, only because of my fingers?" You blushed. "Let's see what a mess you'll make for more." He knew he prepped her enough so he finally got rid of his clothes as well, letting his member finally out of its confinement and you understood why he had to prep you so good.
His member was a sight to behold and you could feel yourself getting wet again only at the sight of it.
He got on top of you, pulling a condom out of his drawer before you stopped him.
"It's fine, I'm on birth control." You needed to feel him inside of you, without a condom.
"Are you sure?" He asked, wanting to be completely sure that you were okay with this.
He threw the pack of condoms away, not wanting to waste another second on them before he connected his lips with yours again.
The kiss was as messy as the first ones but this time you could feel him positioning himself at your entrance.
He broke the kiss, his eyes finding yours. Analysing if there was any doubt before he pushed the tip in slowly.
Your warm walls immediately welcoming him.
"Fuck, you're so tight." He moaned as he slowly kept pushing his member deeper. You were holding onto him, your nails surely leaving marks on his back as your back softly arched. You needed him inside of you, all of him.
He finally bottomed in, giving you a moment to adjust to his size before he pulled out nearly completely only to push it inside a little more forcefully this time.
His groan and your moan mixed as he kept a fixed pace. Your back arched as his member hit your sweet spot every time he pushed it back inside of you. His hands holding your hips so that he could burry himself as deep as possible.
You felt so good around him, your pussy clenching around him as you felt yourself getting closer.
One of his hands moved to your clit, softly rubbing it as he thrust into you, making you scream his name out in pleasure.
You were happy it was so nosy outside, or everyone would have probably heard you two. It was impossible to contain your moans.
"I'm close." He notified, hid hold on your waist tightening.
"Please come inside." You moaned, wanting to feel the warmth of his cum inside of you, to fill you up with it.
"You you want me to fill you up with my cum?" You didn't have to look at him to see the grin.
"Such a needy, whiny brat. If I had known this we would have done this earlier. So good for me. You better take it all. Every drop." He chuckled as his thrusts got sloppier and harder.
You were close, your pussy clenching around his member which made him groan.
"Clenching so good around me, such a good girl."
This only threw you over the edge, your pussy clenching around him as you arched your back, your orgasm hitting you like a truck for the second time.
He helped you ride it out, his thrusts not faltering as his pace only picked up, indicating that he was getting closer to his release.
You felt overstimulated, your pussy was burning as you tried to match him but there was no need, as he came only a few moments after you had.
His hot cum filling your walls as he held your hips still to push his member as deep inside of you as he could.
His back was arched as he threw his head back, your pussy so tight around him that it felt as if it was squeezing every drop out of his members.
"So greedy." He chuckled as he pulled out, admiring the mess you two had made.
"I told you to take it all, Princess."
He teased as he noticed some of his cum sliding out of your hole, only to push int inside with his finger again, making you moan in the process.
Your clit was extremely sensitive and every touch felt burning hot.
"Min, mhh." His eyes focused back on your fucked out state and he grinned, pulling his finger out of you and in front of your lips.
"Taste our mess." You immediately parted your lips taking his fingers into your mouth and licking them clean.
"What an obedient Kitten."
You were exhausted at this point, hoping that he wouldn't make you leave now, but it seemed as if he had no intention to do so.
He pulled you closer to him, covering you both with a blanket.
"Rest for now, let's clean this mess up later." A soft kiss was placed onto the back of your neck as you back was pressed to his chest, his hands secured around your torso.
It didn't take long for your eyes to shut and for you to fall asleep next to him.
No one had ever made you feel as good as Minho had, and you were certainly hoping this wasn't the first and last time you did this.
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Dirty Work 4
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: Itcha gurl, back at it again.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The doctor checks the chart then glances at the machine with your father’s vitals. Today, you’re father’s awake. He has been for a few days but today he’s alert. You know because he told you the jello was disgusting. Those are the first and only words he’s said to you in more than two weeks.
“You’re very lucky to have a daughter who knows what she’s doing,” Dr. Shearer remarks.
Your father grumbles, scowling as he doesn’t offer much else to the doctor.
“You must be happy to have her around,” Shearer continues, “it is time to start considering your discharge. You’re stable, breathing on your own again, your heartbeat is within a normal range.” You watch your father as he stares past the doctor. It’s as if he refuses to acknowledge that this is real. “You’ll have a few new meds to add to your day but with normal check-ups I think we can be optimistic.”
A grunt. You fold your hands and stand up, “thank you, doctor. Erm, could someone explain the new medicines to me?”
“Yes, of course. That’ll be in the discharge paperwork but I’ll have a Nurse Practitioner come to discuss with both of you,” he assures, “and some resources on quitting. The cigarettes can’t continue.”
“I’ll smoke if I goddamn want,” your dad snarls, breaking his shield of indifference.
The doctor gives him a sharp look but doesn’t argue, “I’m only here to diagnose and give me treatment suggestions. But you keep smoking, sir, and next time, you won’t make it to the hospital.”
“Good,” your dad sneers defiantly.
The doctor nods and his mouth seals grimly. He turns back to you, “let us know if you need anything else. We have some support groups and resources, I’ll make sure that info is also sent off with you.”
“Thanks so much, Doctor,” you squeeze your hands tighter. You want to apologise for your father but you know he’ll only get worse if you do.
“It’s alright,” Shearer says as if reading your mind, “these things are stressful. For everyone. Couple more days and he’ll be free to go.”
You try to smile but your cheeks can only tremble. The doctor leaves you with your father and you peek over at him. He grimaces at the ceiling.
“That’s good news, dad,” you say as you near the foot of his bed.
“Is it? You shoulda left me to die,” he barks.
You flinch, not once, twice. A chirp in your pocket further jars you as it shrilly erupts in the buzzing silence. You reach into the pocket of your hoodie and clutch your flip phone as it bings even louder. The little digital display shows the agency’s number.
“Sorry,” you apologise and flip it open, turning away to scurry out and answer, “hello?”
You hold your breath. Why are they calling? You didn’t have a job today and you only really get emails regarding clients. It must be very serious.
“It’s Clara,” your boss begins in her terse way. “Have you seen my email?”
She sighs, “you should be checking daily. Got a job today. You want it?”
You blink. This is the first time you’ve been asked to come in for an extra shift. You could use the money desperately. When your dad is discharged, he’ll be sent off with another invoice.
“Yes,” you accept without hesitation, “I’ll take it.”
“Great. Check your email. Details are there,” she sniffs.
“Alright, tha-nks,” your voice cracks as she hangs up in the middle of your last word. She must be busy, surely more busy than you, the lowest rung on the ladder she has to keep from falling over.
You close the phone and put it back in your pocket. You shuffle back into the room and find your father with his eyes closed. The machine continues to beep in time with his pulse.
“I gotta work,” you say, “that was my boss–”
“Then leave me alone,” he snaps without opening his eyes, “can’t you see I’m tryna sleep?”
“Sorry, I–”
“Go and don’t come back,” he growls, “I don’t need you crowding this shit hole.”
“Um, dad, I–”
He coughs and hacks and waves you off, swallowing thickly, “I said go.”
You dip your head down. You can’t imagine being in his position. Stuck in a hospital bed on the other side of near-death. You might not be very nice yourself.
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I don’t care,” he turns his head and wiggles his shoulders as he tries to get comfortable.
You swallow down the hurt. You didn’t expect him to thank you for what you did. Not for anything. That’s just what you do for someone you love. Yet, you hoped he might have woken up a little bit nicer than before.
“Love you, Dad,” you murmur.
He grumbles. That’s all you get. You suck in a breath and hold it in, trying to keep from crumbling long enough to get out of that room.
At first, you’re not certain the information in the email is correct. You’re to return to Mr. Laufeyson’s house for the second time that week, but it’s a Friday night. In your days at the hospital, the calendar lines skewed between the alarms you kept in your phone for sanity. The return to reality is just as disjointing as the descent away from it.
You go home and change into your typical cleaning attire. All black. Plain. Clothes meant for getting dirty. Not that any of your wardrobe is particularly spectacular.
You grab your kit and your water bottle and rush out to catch the bus. You’re not used to being on transit near-dark. The prospect of getting home comes to mind as you cling to a pole amidst the crowded vehicle. It makes you nervous but you’re certain it will be okay. Mr. Laufeyson lives in a nice neighbourhood.
You get off the bus and bring your phone out. As you approach the house, it is lively with bodies milling in and out. You let yourself through the gate and peer over at the two cube vans near the front entrance. A white jacket, pristine uniforms, you can only assume they are some sort of catering company. The type you’ve seen on TV in those reality shows with women drinking wine.
You watch them for a moment. They are orderly and determined. What’s more, they work together in perfect harmony, words passing quietly and easily, trays moving smoothly between hands and set onto carts. It’s a shining contrast to your dim and lonely work.
You make yourself turn away and continue around the back of the house. You stop short of the rear corner and a gasp bubbles up. You watch a hummingbird buzzing over the bed of flowers. It’s so small and green and cute. You wince as it flits up towards the window, your cheeks bulbing to the smile as your gaze follows it. 
In a moment, it wings away, shyly retreating from your admiration. Your eyes fall to the window as you sense a shift on the other side. Just between the edges of the half-drawn drapes you meet a pair of green eyes over a long and cynical nose. Your smile dissolves as you recognise Mr. Laufeyson and his stony observation. You touch your fingertips to your mouth in self-reproach and tuck your chin down, turning back onto the path.
You go to the back door but it’s already unlocked. You let the handle go and linger outside. You noticed the email is shorter than usual. This isn’t your typical rote with Mr. Laufeyson.
‘Cleaner to be at standby for guests and cook…’
You glance down the paragraph. You’re to stay until after the ‘event’ so that you may tidy up. Your curiosity sparks but quickly fizzles. It’s best not to be too concerned. Just focus on what you need to do.
You let yourself in but forego the shoe covers and gloves as specified in the email. You hang your hoodie in the closet along with your kit. As you hook the strap of your water bottle over your head, a glimmer passes down the end of the hall and the lighting shifts. You look up as Mr. Laufeyson approaches.
He always dresses finely but he looks particularly put together. His hair is tidy and neat and he wears a velvet jacket in a deep shade of violet over a black collared shirt and matching trousers. His tie is narrow and blends into the fabric of his shirt. He keeps his hands behind him as he holds his chin up.
“I trust you understand your assignment,” he prompts as he stops a foot away, cornering you in the back hallway.
You nod. He tilts his head but his veneer does not break.
“Not that,” he points to the water bottle, “you may ask one of the cook’s assistants for a glass should you require it, but be rid of that ugly thing.”
“Oh–” you gulp back your voice and bow your head again. 
You untangle the trap from your torso and open the closet, tucking it away with your sweater and bag. You shut the door and find him closer than before, his hand on the door frame as he looms over you. His other wanders down the trim of his jacket.
“You are to keep yourself unseen. You tend to messes and that’s it. The rules remain. Are we understood?” He asks.
You look at him and nod. He sighs and stands straight, a deep breath rising in his chest. 
“You may answer aloud so I know we are clear,” he says.
“I understand, Mr. Laufeyson,” you eke out.
“Mmm,” his gaze lingers on you in unreadable consideration. Dressed in plain cotton, you feel wholly insignificant before him. “Go on, you will keep your vigil in the kitchen. They would require most of your assistance.” He backs away and buttons the front of his jacket, “you will not disturb my guests. Not a look, not a word.”
You know your turn to talk is over. You merely nod and he seems pleased by your deference. Not openly, he shows a hint of a smile nor does he praise you. But he is not unhappy and you know that is a feat.
The cook’s name is Corissa. She has spiraled red hair and pretty gold-green eyes. As you enter, she introduces herself and asks your name.
“I’m just here to clean,” you explain. “So if you need me–”
“Oh, hon, no need ta be shy,” she says in her wolfish voice, “we’re all in this togetha.”
You smile and stand against the wall, waiting to be told what to do next. She gives you a lingering glance but doesn’t comment. You see a question woven in her brow. She begins her work, directing her assistants at saucepan and cutting board alike, all while falling into a raucous rapport.
“Theo say ‘ma, did ya have ta tell that story?’” She cackles midway through a tale you lost track of, her hands moving expertly at her work, “and I say, ‘the gal deserves ta know, ‘specially if ya mean to burden her’.”
You bite into your lower lip. It’s like there’s an invisible wall in front of you. It’s been there your whole life. That one that separates you from others. You’re always on the outside watching. Just like in the schoolyard when the girls wouldn’t let you play with them. Or when your dad has his buddies over and told you to ‘piss off to your room’.
The first course is served on sleek black trays. As you watch the servers carry them out, Corissa calls your name. She makes you lurch in surprise as you’d be convinced you blend right into the plaster.
“Come have a taste,” she insists, “this one’s a bit mussed up.”
“Um, er, it’s okay, I’m not hungry–”
“Bah, come on, have some. I hate ta toss it in the bin.”
You don’t want to argue. That would be rude. So you come forward and accept the crumbly pastry with an ugly tear in the top, the filling bulging out.
“Lobster croquette,” she explains, “you’re not allergic, are ya?”
You shake your head and thank her as you back up to the wall again. You cup your hand under the misshapen ball as you bite into it. You could hum at the taste. It’s delicious and rich and savoury. You’ve never had anything like it. You’ve never even tasted lobster before.
“You like it?” She asks as you swallow your mouthful. You nod. “Quiet one, you.” She points at you.
You don’t answer. What can you say? You are quiet. You finish the croquette and go to dust the crumbs off your hand over the bin. You slide your foot off the pedal and let the lid drop. You take the cloth from your waistband and near the counter, going to work at tidying up the remnants of her work.
“Eh, look at you, busy little bee,” she chuckles, “I was gettin’ ta tha.”
“My job,” you insist.
“Maid,” a snap of the fingers draws your head up as Corissa sprinkles seasoning into a new pan.
Mr. Laufeyson offers only a curled finger. Your eyes round and cross to him, tucking the cloth into your pants again. He’s already striding away as you get to the door. You trail him, uncertain at what he needs. 
He leads you to the dining room, the garble of voices and clinking of glasses preceding your arrival. He enters ahead of you and claims the seat at the head of the table. The serves pass you with empty trays and you gape around in confusion.
“Oh my, look at me,” a woman giggles as she uses a cloth napkin to pat along her collarbone. Thin straps cling to her delicate shoulders as her skin glistens beneath the golden chain strung around her throat, “making a scene already.”
You see the wine glass on its side and hear the contents dripping onto the floor. You put your head down and hurry over. The dinner guests laugh and are quickly onto their next topic, about some coast they plan to vacation at once the summer comes. You try not to eavesdrop as you sop up the puddle of wine on the table and get down to wipe clean the floor.
As you do, you feel a tickle on the back of your neck. You don’t let it stop you. It must be an accident. You’re so cramped between the woman’s seat and the next that you must be in the way. The fingertips remain and brush more firmly as you hear a low, gritty exhale. 
You ball up the damped cloth and stand, daring a glance at the man as he draws his hand back into his lap. His broad shoulders make the back of the tall chair seem small and his blonde hair is twisted into a low tight bun. He guffaws loudly at the table, seemingly unfazed by his own wandering touch. It must’ve been an accident.
You back up and peer towards the head of the table. Laufeyson’s eyes are slits as he stares in your direction. Surely, he’s not watching you. You’re supposed to be unseen. Get out of there.
You retreat quickly, the din thundering louder and louder at your back, rumbling behind you into the hall. You wring the cloth, now stained and stinking of wine. You hope you didn’t upset Mr. Laufeyson, you only did as you were told.
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cherryobx · 2 years
𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 || 𝐉.𝐌.
requested?: yep
summary: you go camping with the pogues and share a tent with JJ
warnings: language, kinda creepy forest idk, kissing, fluff and bantering
wc: 2.3k (longest fic i've ever written hell ye)
gif is not mine, creds to the owner!!
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“Are you sure you’re okay sharing a tent with JJ?” Kie asked as she handed her bags to Pope who placed them neatly in the back of the van.
You all had collectively made plans to go camping for the weekend although you didn’t really enjoy it. But you had decided to cast your dislike for camping aside and at least try to have fun instead. You and JJ were the only people in the group that we're not dating anyone. John B and Sarah were sharing one and so were Kie and Pope. So you were left with the blonde tan surfer who was too cocky for his own good.
“Why wouldn’t she be? I’m amazing. I’ll even sing you a lullaby, Y/N.” JJ shouted from the front seat. He had called shotgun before Sarah could so now the girl couldn’t sit next to her boyfriend and she was definitely pissed.
“On second thought, no. I think I’ll pass. I’m sure I can find a nice tree to sleep under,” you joked as you handed your stuff to Pope as well and then climbed into John B’s van, sitting next to Sarah who was shooting angry glances at JJ.
“No to sharing a tent with me or the lullaby? You gotta choose.” 
“Please, for the love of God, shut up.”
“Someone’s mad,” he mumbled but not so quietly. 
“Yeah, dipshit, she’s not the only one,” Sarah chimed in.
Soon everything was packed and ready to go. John B turned on the car and drove in the direction of the campsite you had chosen. It was away from the town, quite private and perfect for a few teens to have fun and let loose.
Once you arrived, John B and JJ started gathering wood to make a fire and the rest of you started setting up the tents and everything you needed for sleeping.
“Okay but seriously if JJ starts to get too annoying you can always come and join us in our tent.” 
“He’s always too annoying.”
“I heard that!” JJ yelled from somewhere in the woods making you roll your eyes but chuckle.
You actually didn’t mind sharing a tent with him. And the reason was quite simple really. You liked him, had a crush on him or whatever you want to call it. 
You finally acknowledged your feelings for him a couple of years ago when he came back from surfing camp and you realised just how much you had missed him. Plus he had gotten a lot taller over the summer which made you swoon even harder. 
But you had known him since literally forever. You couldn't remember a time when he wasn’t in your life. He had always been there. Always supporting you, always cheering you on. If you looked up the definition of “Y/N’s best friend” on the internet pictures of JJ would show up. You were thick as thieves. Partners in crime. The bickering and annoying was your love language, your way of telling each other you cared.
“But don’t worry, I’ll manage. I’ll make sure he smokes a lot so he'll fall asleep as soon as he lays down.”
Your friends laughed and continued the task at hand.
“I think a deadly bug just bit me!” JJ yelled as he ran over to you, dropping all of the gathered wood in the process. John B sighed in the distance as he started picking up after him.
“Show me.” You held out your hand and he placed his in yours, vaguely pointing at the bite. He had his head turned away, not looking at the bite himself.
“How bad is it? How long do I have left? I love you guys.”
“JJ, that’s a mosquito bite.” 
He whipped his head around, finally looking at the bite and then you. Everyone laughed at him.
“So I’m not gonna die?”
You shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. Only time will tell.”
He gave you a look. “You think you’re so funny, huh?”
You giggled. “I do.”
He rolled his eyes and walked over to where John B had started setting up the fireplace while JJ was being dramatic over a mosquito bite. How had this boy made it so far in life was a thing you wondered a lot about.
Finally the tents were set up and everything was ready for the night. Everyone sat around the cozy fire, drinks in hand. 
The sky was getting darker by the minute and due to the sun setting the temperature was dropping as well. You didn’t even notice how cold it had gotten until Sarah offered to bring everyone blankets from the van.
“It’s okay, I think we’re gonna go to sleep anyways,” Kie said, Pope nodding in agreement. 
Sarah then looked at her boyfriend, you and JJ, eyebrows raised in question. 
“I’m good, I’ve got Y/N keeping me warm.” JJ leaned closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder. You ignored the way your heart jumped and pushed him away gently.
“He’s just too embarrassed to say that he wants a blanket. I’ll take one though.”
“If by embarrassed you mean that I’m so hot I don’t even need a blanket then you’re absolutely right.” 
“Bring him one,” you said to Sarah who then went to retrieve the said blankets for the 4 of you.
“I don’t want one though.”
“You need one.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Can you guys stop whatever this is and shut up for just a minute?” John B interrupted. “I’m so tired of you two.”
“He’s cranky,” JJ said under his breath for only the two of you to hear. It made you giggle and due to that John B gave you a warning glare.
“Okay, here are your blankets.” Sarah handed you yours but threw JJ’s into his face.
“Hey! What was that for?” 
“For annoying the shit out of us.” She sat next to John be and he helped her wrap a blanket around the both of them.
JJ gasped dramatically, clutching his chest. “How dare you!? Y/N tell me she’s lying.”
“I have to agree with her on this one. You are kind of annoying.”
“I can’t believe this. My own friends hurting me like this.” 
You shoved a stick and a marshmallow into his hands. “Stop being dramatic and roast this marshmallow for me, please.”
“And now I’m your slave. You’re unbelievable,” he said but still put the marshmallow on the stick and started roasting it for you.
“Your hands are longer than mine. Plus why should I do it when you can do it for me.”
Sarah agreed. “She makes a fair point.”
JJ handed you your marshmallow which was roasted just how you liked it. But before you could take a bite he leaned over and bit half of the marshmallow off the stick. 
You looked at him in disbelief. “Hey!” 
He smiled at you sheepishly, mouth full of the candy and lips covered with it. “That’s what you get for bullying me.”
“I hate you so much right now.”
He munched on the candy but you could still see the smirk on his face. “You love me.”
“You ate half of my marshmallow, I’ve never hated you more.”
In the corner of your eye you saw Sarah whisper something in John B’s ear and then they stood up, blanket still tightly wrapped around them.
“We’re going to our tent as well. Good night!” 
“Good night!”
“I can’t believe these idiots are all going to sleep so early. Relationships turn you into old people, I guess.” 
“It’s almost midnight, JJ.”
“So? That should be like 6 pm for us.”
You fell into comfortable silence as you roasted some more marshmallows on the dying fire which would soon turn into a smoking pile of ashes. 
Suddenly you heard a noise in the woods. It was like a stick had snapped in half. It startled you to say the least. Your head snapped in the direction of where you thought you heard the sound coming from.
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“That sound.”
“What sound?”
You slapped your hand over his mouth as another snap came from somewhere. “This is exactly why I didn’t want to come in the first place,” you whispered.
He licked the inside of your hand which made you pull it away from his mouth in disgust. “Ew, JJ.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I mean like spending the night in the woods. It’s scary as hell. Someone’s out there right now, just looking at us, taunting us. It could be a murderer or some creep, you know.”
“Or a squirrel.”
“Or a bear.”
“Or a rat.”
“I don’t honestly know which would be worse right now.”
“Rat, obviously. Those little shits ruin everything. But seriously, it’s probably nothing. Just the forest doing its own thing.” JJ said and placed his warm hand on your blanket-covered thigh. It was supposed to be a comforting gesture but you couldn’t help but wonder if it could mean something more.
“I don’t wanna be out here and find out what that thing is though.” 
As hard as it was, you stood up, his hand falling from your thigh back to his own lap, and pulled the blanket around yourself as tight as possible. You got chills from the slight fear you had but also the cold that was crawling under your skin making you shiver.
JJ threw some water into the fire pit to make sure the fire had completely died out. He then stood up too and followed you to your shared tent where you were already waiting for him.
“Hurry up. I don’t wanna be out here any longer.”
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, trust me. The scariest thing here is that ugly t-shirt you’re wearing.”
He zipped open the tent and let you enter it first but followed you close behind, careful not to let any bugs in.
“What’s wrong with my shirt?” you furrowed your brows in confusion.
“It’s ugly.”
“Fine, if it’s bothering you too much, I’ll take it off.” You grabbed the end of your shirt and pulled it over your head, revealing the bikini top you were wearing underneath. 
You couldn’t see much in the dark tent but just enough to see JJ’s eyes linger on your figure a second too long.
He cleared his throat before he asked if you wouldn’t be too cold now. 
“I have all these blankets,” you pointed at the pile next to you, “I think I’ll be fine.”
You were in fact not fine as the time passed. It had gotten so cold that you couldn’t feel your fingers or your toes anymore. And you were pretty sure that your lips had turned blue.
“I can hear your teeth clattering all the way to here.”
“Why aren’t you asleep already?”
“How am I supposed to fall asleep in a tent with a fucking woodchuck?”
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just call me a woodchuck and try to get some sleep.”
You turned your back to him and curled yourself into a little ball to keep warm as much as possible. 
A few minutes later you felt the pile of blankets on top of you lift and then JJ joining you under them.
“What are you doing?”
“Keeping you warm. I do not want to be taking care of you when you get sick.” You turned around under the blankets to face him. He pulled you closer to him. Your feet automatically intertwining with his.
“Jesus, woman! Your toes are cold as ice.”
You giggled at his reaction. “You should feel my hands.”
And so he did. “How the fuck are you this cold?” 
“I don’t know.”
You snuggled closer even closer to him, inhaling his scent. “You smell good.” You didn’t even mean to say it but it just slipped out before you could stop yourself.
“And you were worried about there being creeps in the woods while the biggest creep of them all is right here beside me.”
“It’s not creepy, JJ.” 
“Says the creep herself.”
You smacked his bare chest lightly as you chuckled. 
“Please, keep those ice cubes away from me, Elsa,” he said, which made you place both of your hands flat onto his chest. He hissed at the contact of your cold hands.
“Why do you enjoy torturing me?”
“It’s fun.”
“I think you just enjoy torturing people in general.”
“Nope, just you.” Your voice got just a tiny bit quieter but he could tell. He could always see the slightest  changes in your behaviour and appearance.
And he was slowly piecing everything together.
“Okay then, we’ll see if you enjoy this.” He hoped to God he was right about this.
You were about to ask him what he meant but you were cut off by his lips crashing into yours. You were caught off-guard for a second because, well, he kissed you. JJ Maybank kissed you. You had been waiting for this for so long that your brain just short-circuited. But luckily you composed yourself quickly and kissed him back. 
Your hands flew into his hair and you pulled him flush against you, chest to chest. There was no room left between you two. 
You had imagined about this many times before but none of the fantasies were as good as the real deal. He was kissing you with so much passion and emotion that there was no way that he thought of you as just his best friend. You were sure of it.
When you finally broke the kiss so you could breathe again, he rested his forehead against yours. A small gesture but it made your heart skip a beat.
“I very much enjoyed that.”
“Good. Did you enjoy that?”
“I did.”
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taglist: [email protected] @angelshiba @gillybear17 @bjrmaybank
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villainbun · 17 days
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Give him control
Vox x Fem!reader
Tw: yandere Vox, toxic relationship, power imbalance, jealousy(?), sexual harassment (not from Vox), mentions of blowjob and cockwarming
ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ
It was just another night working as a server at Club Hell 666. You were lucky that your intimate connection to the most hypnotic member of the Vees landed you this job. Vox, on the other hand, was absolutely irritated that Val agreed to it before even consulting with him first, not to mention how exposed you were in that uniform. It was barely covering your ass and your breasts. He did enjoy you walking around in skimpy dresses if it was for his eyes only. He would rather have you warm his bed every night instead of you being gawked by others.
When you came home a few months ago, you walked up to him with spring in your step. You told him ecstatically about your new job. Seeing how excited you were, he didn’t want to spoil that happiness for you.
He couldn’t help but think about how idiotic he was back then. He should’ve never been so lenient with you. His blood boiled as he watched you from afar. You were serving a group of intoxicated men who were undressing you with their eyes and trying to flirt while slurring their words. As soon as you left to grab more drinks, one of them loudly made crude comments about how you would look better walking around naked to attend to customers and flaunting that slutty body. Another one replied saying how your holes were probably all stretched out and no longer pleasurable if you were working at Valentino’s club instead of being in the studio. Vox overheard those bastards, not like they were being super discreet about spewing disgusting nonsense about his partner.
“Don’t they know you fucking belong to him?” he thought while his red eyes shot daggers at them. A few minutes later, you passed through his booth and winked at him hoping he would be happy to see you even if it was for a bit instead you were met with an angry Vox. He pulled you in by the arm and demanded that you stayed seated next to him for the rest of the night. You glanced at your boss wondering if it was okay, but fortunately he was too busy blowing red smoke into the people in his arms and recruiting them to even care. As soon as you complied and sat next to your overlord boyfriend, you could feel how tense he was. He kept you close to him as if he was worried you were going to run away.
Even with you tightly held against him, Vox couldn’t satiate his anger. He couldn’t wrap his head around why you wanted to waste your time working at the club. If you wanted to work that much, he would get you a job as one of his assistants, so he could keep a closer eye on you and be in control of what you wear. Maybe he would put you in short pencil skirts since you don’t have a problem with your current indecent uniform. If you get him hot and bothered enough, he’ll make you go under the table and suck him off. Better yet, he might just keep you on his lap and make you cockwarm him while he focuses on making money for both of you.
That’s it. He has decided no more freedom for you. Tomorrow, he’ll have a word with Val about you quitting your job, not that you will ever be aware of it. All you need to know is that you were fired by your boss for being too incompetent. Then, you will have no choice but to lean on Vox for his support and to depend on him for everything.
ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ
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badaleesbish · 1 month
I want to see something where Bada gets idol!reader pregnant and their relationship is public. I dont have a plot just want to see something cute. Maybe throw in some drama cause why not
Down bad bada is a must
What A Life. | Bada Lee x Reader
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"𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎."
"𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚗."
"𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎."
"𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐."
"𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎."
~ 𝙹𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝙰𝚒𝚔𝚘 - 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 (𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎)
𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝚐!𝚙 𝚋𝚊𝚍𝚊, 𝚝𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚢, 𝚝𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚏𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎 (𝚛. & 𝚋𝚊𝚍𝚊), 𝙳𝙸𝙳 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙾𝙵 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳‼️ 𝚂𝙾𝚁𝚁𝚈 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂‼️
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There is a lot to being an idol. From having some sort of talent, just simply being a pretty face to look at to strict diets and contracts, hectic overloaded schedules, and toxic groups and companies, but there is something that is expected of you is an idol. Can you guess what it is...
Being the only one for your fans, a parasocial relationship if you will. You are supposed to stay pure and innocent for your fans, no sex, no relationship, no children, no drinking or smoking, no potty mouth. You are supposed to keep your fans as happy as possible, whether it makes you uncomfortable or not. Just do it with a smile, they say. Well, so much for not "breaking" the "idol rules."
You may have screwed up a few months into your solo career as an idol. Your relationship with your choreographer, Bada Lee, was exposed by fucking sasaengs and then was quickly picked up by Dispatch, fucking snitch. There was some hate with comments on your social media like,
"Unnie, you are not ashamed for abandoning us like this?"
"Well... there goes her career."
"Noona, a woman, seriously?!?!? Maybe you should get a real MAN?!?!"
"Wow, so we fuck our choreographers now."
But despite the hate, you and Bada decided to go public with your relationship, which gained quite a bit of support with comments from both your fanbases,
"Come on, guys, just admit it. They are cute as fuck."
"Love it!!!"
"Both of my worlds are colliding. What the actual fuck?!?!?."
"My parents are so cute!!!"
"Made for each other fr."
"Look at how they look at each other."
You both were happy. Your careers were skyrocketing, and you two still had somewhat of a supportive fanbase together and solo. Your company were somewhat supportive but still made you apologize to fans to regain their trust again.
"So what you are telling me is that I have to apologize for falling in love?" You scoffed as you sat across from your manager and a couple of members of your staff. "Are you hearing yourself right now?"
"Well, ma'am, you signed a contract that states everything regarding the dating ban as well as the consequences that may follow if broken." Your manager said, pushing the contract towards you as well as pen and paper to follow. "It's there in black and white, ma'am."
"So what's next? Are you gonna make me apologize for getting married and starting a family, too? You said as you began to write your heartfelt apology to your fans.
"Well, let's just hope that doesn't happen, right?" Your manager said as he leaned back in his seat with a smirk on his face. "You are our money maker, sweetheart, so we kind of need you. Tell your bitch to wrap that shit up, okay?"
"Yeah, whatever." You scoffed as you pushed the pan and paper back towards him, standing from your seat as you made your way to the door. "Also, if I were you, I'd watch what the fuck I say since ya know, I am your money maker."
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"So what do we do with it?"
"Bada, you don't have to do anything. I have to handle this."
"It should be fairly easy, right?"
Bada was quite confused about the whole situation. It's like, at one moment, you were perfectly fine and then you end up sick at the simple scent or taste of a food. At first you both thought it was your menstrual cycle until you realized you were a whole two weeks late. It can't be, right? There's no way... Is there?
"Okay, I'll just read the instructions and just go for it. What's the worst that could happen?" You grabbed the bag of pregnancy test and made your way to the bathroom with Bada hot on your heels. "Baby, just let me take the test, okay? Alone, please?"
"Yeah, of course. If you need me, just call." Bada said, kissing your forehead before backing up allowing you to walk into the bathroom. "I'll be right here, okay?"
You nodded as you closed the door behind you. Nerves began to rush over your body as you pulled the test from the bag and began to read the instructions.
"Okay, step one, remove the plastic cap and use immediately. Step two, hold the absorbent tip in urine stream for five seconds. Step three, replace cap and lay test flat. Step four, wait 1 to 3 minutes for results." You read, taking deep breath after the mouth full. "Alright, seems simple."
After five tests, constant hand washing and the struggle of just trying to pee on the stick, you were finally done and now is the even more nerve-wracking part, waiting for the results. The three minutes seemed like hours, but it was time, and to be honest, you were scared shit less. If these tests come out positive, what will this mean for both of your careers?
"Bada..." You called out for your girlfriend on the other side of the door. "Come in here now."
"What does it say? Baby, why are you crying?" Bada said as she rushed into the bathroom to see you sitting on the floor with a test in your hands as tears stream down your cheeks.
Bada looked over to the other tests on the counter. Her hands flew over her mouth as she let out gasp. "Positive... it's positive."
Bada sat next to you, wrapping her arms around your body as you sob into her shirt, still gripping to test in your hand. You are pregnant, and there's no going back now. It's not that you don't want children, you do, but not this early and not like this. You wanted to getting married and be settled, no more idol life just you, Bada and your baby living somewhere discreet and outside the public eye.
"What are we gonna do, Bada? What about my career? What about your career? The fans? The company?" You began to play out everything in your head of what would happen if the public found out. All the backlash and more negative comments. "I'm scared, Bada."
"Hey, it's you and I, okay? Don't worry about all of that. If this was not meant to be, then it would have never happened." Bada lifted your head as she wiped your falling tears, gently caressing your cheeks. "It's okay to be scared, baby. This is new for both of us. We're gonna take it one step at a time. Together."
You smiled weakly as you leaned into her touch, nodding in agreeance. "I love you."
"I love you too." Bada said, pulling you into a kiss. "We got this."
"We got this."
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Ummm... I really hope you enjoy this, and I am sorry for the VERY late response. Enjoy, tho!!! 💙
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welovelouisandbucky · 3 months
hello!! i loved your Matty and Theo headcanons, do you think you could do them for Enzo as well? :)🫶🏻
A/n: hellooooo!!!! I'm so sorry it took me this long to reply, I honestly forgot I have saved this into my draft. But I hope you like it! (I tried my best😭) have a nice day!!!!
T/w: none honestly, well of course, except for my writing 💀✋🏼
Lorenzo Berkshire headcanon
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Enzo who is the biggest sweetheart you have ever met.
Enzo who no matter what is always there for you.
Enzo who always brings a smile to your face.
Enzo who calls you sweet names and makes you blush.
Enzo who is soft and kind and everything nice.
Though, everyone has their bad days, even him but you're always there for him as he is for you. It doesn't matter what the situation is, if it's him being frustrated with his studies, or having a problem with his family or anything you always make sure to be there for him.
Enzo who always has his hand intertwined with yours, in classes, The Great Hall, hallways or Common rooms etc. He is always touching, though earlier when you guys have just started dating and whenever he'd hold your hand he'd have this rosy tint to his cheeks.
Was actually super shy around you after he realized he has a crush on you, and I mean shy.
Enzo who whenever you guys fight (which is almost never but there's always those rare days) would instantly cradle you into his arms the moment he sees tears building up in your eyes because if there's one thing he hates the most is seeing you cry and even worse if he's the one who caused you to cry.
Enzo who always calls you pretty even if you look like you have been dragged through the pits of hell and back, because in his eyes you're the most beautiful human being ever.
Enzo who thinks you look absolutely adorable when you study because you have this look of concentration with a slight pout on your lips.
Enzo who is lazy, like lazy lazy. You'll have to drag him to classes sometimes, literally.
Doesn't play Quidditch but loves watching and is always there to support his friends.
Is okay-ish in DADA but loves Charms, and is Professor Flitwick's favorite. And also enjoys Herbology, tho that might be because you are there too.
Is honestly scared of Snape, and tries to avoid him best as he could considering he's in Slytherin.
Is not afraid to do something sketchy if it comes to you and his friends, because you guys are his family and he'd do anything for you guys and vice versa.
Clumsy. Like this one time you guys were studying in the library when he accidentally knocked over the ink bottle, ruining both of your works, but thankfully you guys were able to restore it because... ✨magic✨
Once he got comfortable in relationship, he became super flirty, like Mattheo who?
Youngest of the group, and everyone's favorite.
Has probably scolded threatened Theodore many times to quit smoking, but he just shrugs him off. ( Tho secretly, he did listen to him and stopped smoking as much as he did before, now he only smokes when's he's super frustrated or angry)
Is sneaky little shit.
Head over heels for you.
Has many Hufflepuff friends.
Hermione and him get along pretty well actually.
Super super romantic!!!!
Did I tell you, he's a simp for you?
Would definitely match outfits with you, without any hesitation.
Never takes off the bracelet you made for him, he absolutely adores it.
Definitely wants to spend rest of his life with you! ✨
Thank you so much for reading! Reblogs and replies are appreciated, as well as positive criticism! Please don't hate, this is a safe place for everyone!!!!
Have a nice day!! ✨✨
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steddieas-shegoes · 26 days
First! Congrats on 3k!!!!!
For the ask game “If you asked me to, I’d give you the moon.”
Love your stuff!!
Thank you my dear! It's been a wild ride so far! Hope you like what I threw together for ya!
Eddie watched. He observed. That's how he kept himself safe for years, kept himself from getting into physical altercations throughout middle and high school. That's how he managed to survive the city streets between gay bars, alone, trying to find a place he belonged. That's how he found himself in this group of young adults and children, friendship- family- forged from fire and blood.
That's how he recognized what Steve was doing.
He was always in the middle of things, but never the center of attention. Always put himself right on the cusp of being involved, but hung back enough to go unnoticed. He protected, but he stepped away the moment his safety was no longer needed.
He didn't think anyone else seemed to notice.
Steve was just there.
Present and accounted for, but not an active participant in anything.
Like today, this pool party, celebrating Max finally being done with her physical therapy and El finally being able to come out of hiding officially. It was Steve's house, Steve's pool, Steve's food, but Steve wasn't in the pool, or eating the food. He stood by the sliding door to the kitchen, watching with a fond smile.
Eddie walked over to him, poking his shoulder playfully. "You comin' in? I put on this bathing suit for you, least you could do is swim with me."
Steve tried to hide the red flush taking over his cheeks and neck, bowing his head and avoiding eye contact.
"Don't think I'm up for it today, sorry," he said quietly.
The kids yelling, the music blaring, and Robin and Nancy arguing over who had to blow up the float bounced around the large outdoor patio.
"You didn't feel up to it last month either," Eddie tried to get Steve to talk, to be involved in the conversation. "You wanna talk about it?"
Steve shook his head.
"Is it Upside Down related?" Eddie pushed.
Steve nodded once, looking away from everything.
Eddie didn't need to know more, not now or ever if Steve didn't feel like sharing, but he wanted Steve to know he could share.
"If you ever wanna face your fears, you could trust me."
Steve's head shot back towards him. "What do you mean?"
"If you wanted to talk about it. Or if you wanted to try getting in the pool sometime. I can be moral support either way," Eddie laced his fingers with Steve's, ignoring the pull in his stomach that was telling him to either let go or lean in further to kiss him.
"You'd-" Steve flexed his hand, squeezing Eddie's in his. "You would do that? For me?"
"Stevie, if you asked me to, I'd give you the moon," Eddie huffed a small laugh. "Moral support for what's clearly been pretty traumatic for you is kinda the bare minimum."
Eddie was met with silence, but he didn't feel nervous.
He was observant. He knew how Steve felt, even if Steve didn't realize it quite yet himself.
Okay, and maybe Robin had nudged him to make a move, saying there was no way Steve would react poorly. He trusted Robin to know what she was talking about when it came to Steve.
"The kids aren't staying tonight, just the adults. If you wanted to...I dunno. Maybe I could stick my feet in later if you wanted to smoke a bit out here with me?" Steve finally replied.
"Anything, Stevie." Eddie squeezed his hand. "I mean it."
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strawbby-shortcake · 4 months
✯ Showing Fight Club Characters Memes ✯[all gn! reader]
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❀ Marla ❀ You and Marla were sitting inside the laundry mat waiting for some careless person to leave their clothes behind. The two of you rarely hung out or spoke, but when you did, it was to steal jeans and sell them. Marla used the money for cigarettes and you used it for snacks. It was sort of like "bonding time" between you and her. Not that Marla would admit that- or you.
She was getting restless waiting, and she didn't have any cigarettes on her, so she needed a distraction.
"Hey, show me something funny," Marla said, resting her head on your shoulder.
You glanced at her messy hairdo and chuckled.
"Sure," you replied.
You got out your phone and starting scrolling through your gallery. A meme that you made of Jack sleeping popped up. Marla's eyes widened and she started to laugh. She laughed for a while until she had a coughing fit.
"Maybe you should quit smoking," murmured.
"Over my dead body."
✭ Jack ✭
Jack was dozing off in his office cubicle, as usual. You were his co-worker and thought he could use a funny photo to look at while attempting to stay awake.
"Excuse me?" you whispered, gently nudging him.
"Wha-! Huh?" Jack jerked awake and looked around frantically.
"Woah, take it easy. It's just me."
Jack looked at you wearily and rolled his eyes. He was always in such a terrible mood. To be honest, he looked like he hadn't slept at all. Maybe that's why he's irritable.
You showed him a cat meme on your phone, "Here, I thought you could use a nice laugh today!"
He stared at the photo blankly, but didn't give you a response.
"Uhm... okay then, see you tomorrow," you said, quickly exiting his area.
✦ Robert "Bob" Paulson ✦ It was another full house at the testicular cancer support groups. You didn't understand why you were there. Maybe you were curious. A big man with an even bigger chest made his way towards you. His name tag said "BOB" in bold letters.
As soon as he got within two feet of you, he enveloped you in a bear hug. He smelled oddly of a mixture of sweat, perfume, and wood. You were being crushed, but patted him on the back since he was sobbing. Maybe because of his testicular cancer, or he got it removed. Either way, he was in dire need of cheering up.
"Hey, do you want to see something funny?" you asked.
Bob looked at you with teary eyes and nodded.
You showed him a meme from your gallery and he laughed slightly. You were about to put you phone away when he suddenly starting swiping from over your shoulder. Personal pictures, tax documents, the whole sha-bang. Bob saw it all. Did he care? Probably not. He just wanted to scroll.
⍟ Angel Face ⍟
You and Angel Face met at Lou's Tavern one evening. He was a simple-minded guy, seemed to be the highlight of everyone's night, and was easy-going. You two had run out of things to talk about, so you decided to show him a meme from your gallery.
"Oh, what's this?" he questioned.
"It's just a silly picture I saved."
He snatched your phone from your hands and looked at it closely. You tried to grab it back but he jumped away from you.
"What's your deal, man?" you fumed, "that's my phone."
"I'm just trying to get a better look at it!" Angel Face whined.
You sighed and shook your head, there was no use in trying to get it back at this point.
✴ Tyler Durden ✴
Tyler was working on his famous pink soap- the "yardstick of civilization," as he would call it. Lots of high end stores bought from him. He never told you the secret ingredient though.
He'd been silent for quite some time, only humming once in a while or whistling. You decided, like any good friend should, to interact with him and show him some memes.
"Tyler, hey man, wanna see something funny?" you asked.
You poked him in the shoulder a few times before he pushed your hand off.
He took his cigarette from his mouth and paused his soap making.
"What do you want?"
"I was trying to show you something, jerk face," you replied.
Tyler didn't even bothering looking up, he just continued to fiddle with glycerin. You guess that his reaction was to be suspected since he never really listened to you in the first place.
You sighed, "Whatever."
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deathmetalangel · 1 year
hi if your taking requests I’d like to request a mid 90s forth-grade x fem skater reader. I could be whatever tbh but she’s like really soft and nice. Idk you could do what ever you think is best <33
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warnings: stevie has mommy issues, mentions of drinking, mentions of smoking, sad stevie, nothing else really it’s mostly fluff
“from the day you arrived, i’ve remained, by your side, in chains, entombed”
ahhh i just really love fourth grade. i might’ve went overboard a slight bit.
Their friend group was strange, anyone could see that. They varied in ages, most being juniors and seniors with two exceptions. And they drastically varied in personalities. Ray was the oldest and looked out for his friends like siblings, they were all he had. Fuckshit was rowdy and always down for a party to distract himself and stay entertained. Fourth Grade was more aloof, the others called it stupid, but Y/n preferred observant.
Y/n herself was the sweetest person you’ll ever meet, a heart made of gold that shone brightly wherever she went. Ruben was almost condescending at times, he always felt the need to prove himself to Ray and Fuckshit. And Stevie, he spiraled down a dark path for a long time. Until now, he finally returned to the sweet boy they met at first. So eager and just happy to have friends.
They had their squabbles sure, but nothing they’d ever let separate them. The closest out of everyone was easily Y/n and Fourth Grade. She was a senior, about a year older than he was. Yet they’d known each other for years. She’d lived on the nicer side of town, but their dads had been really good friends. Both worked at the DMV, but it’s where their moms worked that changed their living situations. Mrs. L/n was, to be quite honest a spoilt brat of a woman. She was heinous and cruel. Only supported by her husband and her trust fund. Which she spent most of pretty quickly during her college years. But it still kept the family going strong.
Y/n had a surprisingly good work ethic. She didn’t work at Motor like Fuckshit and Ray, but she did work with her uncle at his mechanic shop. It helps to fund her “passion project”. Which is just an old 67’ Mustang Shelby.
Said girl currently sits on the couch in the back of the skate shop, her feet propped up on Fourth Grade’s lap with a book placed in hers. Her beanie is slightly slipping from her head, but she doesn’t seem to notice. “College applications are stupid. They’re all the counselors at school talk about now. I get that they’re important, but I don’t even know If I wanna go to college.” She sighs before shutting the textbook.
Fourth Grade turns to look at her, his usual far off look replaced. She always has his full attention. It doesn’t matter what she’s talking about. He’s gonna listen if she’s the one saying it. “I dunno. You’re smart. College might be good.” Ruben looks at them from the other couch. He was more interested in them than what Fuckshit was rambling about next to him. He liked the way Fourth Grade looked at her. It was, for lack of better words, full of devotion. He never sees that at home.
“Yeah, but where would I even go? All of these colleges are expensive and far away. I wouldn’t wanna leave you or the guys.” Mostly him. “I think I wanna be a mechanic. Sounds stupid huh?” She brushes off her own words.
Fourth Grade shakes his head. “I don’t think it’s stupid.” He mumbles off handedly. Like his words held no weight, what did they mean coming from someone as dumb as him? “I’ve seen your car, you’re good. You should do it.”
Yet his words meant the most to her. “You want to be a director right? You can go to college for that you know. A few colleges with fine arts programs reached out to me too. I think you’d do good.” He never really expected her to remember anything about what he wanted to do. Most of the guys assumed he just didn’t know or was too stupid to care. He pauses, they both think about the cost of it all. “I mean there’s scholarships and stuff. Next year I can help you look into it?”
“You’d do that?”
“Of course.”
She smiles at him, sweet and genuine. Ruben liked the way she looked at him too. There was no doubt with her, she loved him. Fourth Grade feels himself growing flustered. Y/n tended to do that to him. It was like he was in middle school all over again. She was the one who taught him how to skate. Y/n was so patient and understanding, she still is.
Everyone’s attention is caught by the bell to the front door. It chimes letting them know someone is walking in. The someone was Stevie, the only one missing from the current hang out besides Ray who was helping his mom. He’s a mamas boy, but y/n won’t tell anyone where he’s at. The guys tend to tease. Stevie walks in the shop clearly aggravated. She hadn’t seen him this agitated since last summer.
“Hey Fuckshit can you and Ruben go get some Arizonas and snacks? It’s on me just take this twenty. I don’t feel like going.” She holds out the cash she grabbed from her pocket.
Fuckshit looks up at her and takes the cash. “Hm yeah sure. Only cause you treating ma. I’ll get some different flavors n shit. Come on Ruben let’s bounce.” He clearly didn’t see her true intentions as he walks past Stevie on his way out. Y/n sits up straight as Stevie finally comes over to them on the couch.
“Hey Stevie you okay? It’s just us,” He knew what she meant. Just her and Fourth Grade so he could say whatever he wanted judgment free. He bites down on his lip to stop it from quivering. His nose twitches, she picks up on his tells. Y/n places a gentle hand on Stevie’s arm. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. Just sit down, we can talk when you’re ready.”
Fourth Grade watches her tentatively. She was so gentle. Stevie sits down in between the teens before he places his head onto her lap. Y/n looks at Fourth Grade who was watching Stevie carefully. The boy had been through a lot in the time they were friends. He’d grown to care about him a lot. Y/n softly caresses the boys hair. Her best attempt at soothing him.
“My mom she just doesn’t get it anymore. She doesn’t get me anymore. She’s always with some guy, Ian says she used to be like that before I was born. But I thought she’d be better. She’s so preoccupied I never see her. And then she just bugs about stupid shit. I hate her sometimes.” He vents to the pair who don’t pity him, they are just there to console him.
Y/n sighs. “I get it. My moms flighty. Always in her own world. I’ve met your mom, and both times weren’t exactly pleasant or under great circumstances. But, I do think she cares. She loves you, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to feel this way. She isn’t right to put more focus on someone other than you especially when you’re so young. However, she is still entitled to a love life Stevie.” He liked talking to her. She never judged him. Or scolded him. Just let him talk, and would advise him as best she could.
Y/n looks at Fourth Grade, her eyes flicking down to Stevie as if to tell him to say something. He can get that hint at least. “It’s hard for a mom to have a son. My moms weird with me sometimes, it’s different than her having a girl. Ya know? She’s probably just nervous because you’re getting big and growing up.” She smiles at him, his thoughtful answer was more than adequate. He blushes at her smile. She always did encourage him to be smarter than everyone thought he was.
“You and y/n aren’t weird with me. So why is she?” Y/n blushes slightly at the implications of what he was saying. “Y/n you don’t ignore me for Fourth Grade. And you’ve been like in love forever. So why does she ignore me for those guys she’s known for a few months?” Both teens almost were too embarrassed to answer.
Y/n tries to recover as best she can. “We’re a lot closer in age to you than she is Stevie. We know what it’s like to be your age. She doesn’t remember it quite as well. And me and Fourth Grade, we’re not- um. New relationships take more work. There’s a lot more of getting to know each other Stevie. That’s probably why.” She can’t even make eye contact with Fourth Grade who kind of just sits there trying to figure out what she’s saying.
They weren’t dating, but why didn’t she finish her sentence. Was he reading too much into her words? “Can I stay at your house tonight? And maybe Fourth Grade stay over too?”
Y/n smiles softly. She could never say no to Stevie. She gently wipes away a few stray tears from the boys face before responding. “Of course you can stay with me. I’d rather you stay over than be god knows where. And you’d have to ask Fourth Grade if he wants to have a little sleepover.”
Stevie looks up towards Fourth Grade who’s caught slightly off guard. “Can you come too? I like when you’re hanging out with us.”
“Sure kid.” They were really the only ones who actually treated Stevie like a kid. He wasn’t Sunburn the cool skater, he was Stevie the twelve year old. They didn’t infantilize him or belittle him, he was still an equal. But they made sure to remember he was still growing up. He didn’t have to be cool and drink or smoke. He was dorky and that was fine.
Stevie smiles before laying down on Y/n’s lap again. Her fingers gently play with his hair as he starts to fall asleep. Y/n hums a soft lullaby as he does. “He’s a good kid. It’s funny you act more like a mom than a friend to him sometimes.” Fourth Grade whispers while he watches the boy nap.
“I guess it’s just my big sister instincts. And what about you? I swear sometimes he comes to you with his problems more than me or Ray. Fourth Grade I like this girl what do I do? Fourth Grade I need help with a video project for school. Fourth Grade I’m mad at my friend again.” She laughs softly before looking back down at Stevie.
Fourth Grade laughs as well. He did often get tasked with helping Stevie, it was mostly with stuff he didn’t want to ask Y/n about. He cared a lot about what she thought of him. “He’s a bit confused, but he’s only got his mom and his brother. And his brother doesn’t seem like the brotherly type. We’re really the closest he’s got to older siblings. And only three of us are decent influences.” Fuckshit and Ruben were most definitely not good influences. In fact Y/n almost has a heart attack when she finds out Stevie is hanging out with only them.
“You parent him a lot Y/n. And you always manage to get me roped into it.” Fourth Grade chuckles softly. “No wonder he thinks we’re dating.” He mumbles the end. Afraid of the weight of his words.
Y/n pauses. “I mean, we do kind of act coupley. I wouldn’t be surprised if more people thought we were dating. I don’t really care. I’m comfortable around you.” This was her way of putting the ball in his court. Fourth Grade pauses. He looks at her and just thinks. Jesus she had him whipped. Ever since he met her he’s been following her around like a puppy.
Yet, he really didn’t want it any other way. He liked being around her. Y/n was kind, but not ignorant in the slightest. She was intelligent and so fucking sweet. He fell more in love with her little by little, he was entombed by her very being. “You scare off any girls I might get, you know that right?”
She giggles. He wasn’t serious, but he wasn’t lying either. “Like you don’t scare off guys. ‘Don’t talk to her she’s with that tall lanky guy’. I hear pretty well you know.” Fourth Grade smiles.
“I mean if we’re ruining each others chances of ever dating someone, why don’t we just actually date?” Her eyes widen. She hadn’t actually expected him to be so up front. Fourth Grade never said anything this forward. He usually stuttered and rethought his words mid sentence.
She looks into his eyes. She could tell he was being genuine, perhaps that was what compelled his bluntness. “Are you asking me out Fourth Grade?”
He scratches the back of his neck almost awkwardly. “Uh-yeah. I mean. If you wanna.” And there was the Fourth Grade she knew. Y/n smiles before gently kissing his cheek.
“I’d love to.” She smiles before placing her head on his shoulder. Leaning onto him while Stevie napped comfortably in her lap. “I love you, you know. I have since we were kids.”
His face was almost bright red. Fourth Grade swallows hard. “Y-yeah? If I’m being honest you’ve had me since we met. Especially after you taught me to Ollie.”
She smiles at the memory. “I don’t think Fuckshit is coming back with my money.”
Fourth Grade wants to laugh, he quiets himself into a soft chuckle. “Yeah. I don’t think so either. It’s okay though. We can just relax. Just us.”
Y/n mumbles something before slowly dozing off with her head still resting on his shoulder. Fourth Grade looks down at her, still in awe of the girl before him. He’d do anything for her. And he knew she’d do the same. That’s just how she was, the kind of person she was. The person he was so irreparably in love with. And by her side he’d remain.
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Clementina pt2
A/n: thank you for the support in the likes and comments on pt1, it means so much to me.it looks like this series will have three or four parts. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR YOU TO REPOST THIS ON OTHER WEBSITES AND TRANSLATION OF THIS FIC.
Pt1: pt3: pt4
T.W: violence, blood, details of child abuse, nun being misogynistic.
Summery: The Shelby family are in for a shock when they find out they have a sister hiding in plain sight.
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Word count: 1,567
The sound of two cars racing up the makeshift road that leads to St Hilda’s orphanage catches the attention of a group of older girls, ordered by the mother superior to get the milk that was left by the milkman, who delivers twenty boxes of milk to the orphanage weekly. The youngest girl in the group watched as the two black cars swerve around the corner, the grounds keeper barely having enough time to open the gates for the speeding cars.
The elderly grounds keepers eyes widen as he watches the cars pass by him “Bloody hell, it's Thomas Shelby” he states, his fragile legs beginning to run in the opposite direction. He knew that wherever Tommy Shelby goes, there is trouble.
The cars park outside of the double doors of the orphanage, the girls still stood there holding some of the boxes of milk, watching the man in a long black coat and a peaked cap step out of the first car with an older woman wearing a long red coat and a black hat climbing out after him. The oldest out of the girls gasp quietly “ it’s the peaky blinders” she whispers, the other girls look towards her then back at Tommy and Polly “ sister Wilson” the girls call out as they rush into the building. Leaving most of the boxes of milk outside.
Tommy grabs a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it, looking up at the building, blowing out some smoke before Polly starts to talk “ there are children around Thomas, be mindful” she warns. The sound of a car door slamming shut ,Arthur getting out of the other car, makes Tommy glance at Arthur then back towards the double doors , not answering Polly back but starts to walk towards the doors.
Just before Tommy could knock on the old oak doors, a youngish nun opens it quickly. She looks up at Tommy and her eyes immediately take on a haunted look “ Mr Shelby” she gulps “ we weren’t expecting another meeting quite so soon” she fretted.
“ nor was I, but you and your mother superior kept something from us” he answered, his eyebrows raising slightly as he spoke.
Polly hums beside Tommy “ may we come in?” She asked, her voice indicating that it was more of a demand than a question.
The young nun nods “ of course, how rude of me” her hands shake as she slides open the door wider to let them in “ mother superior is in her office, I’ll go inform her that you are here” the nun announced before tilting her head down and quickly walking away, turning the corner to the corridor that presumably holds the offices of the nuns.
Polly looks around at the foyer of the orphanage, a large stair case to the left of them most likely leads to the school rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms of the children that live here “ your sister lives in a fuckin shithole” she grumbles. Before anyone could reply, mother superior walks around the corner, she stops for a second as she glances between the three people she least wanted to see today.
“ Mr Shelby, Mrs Gray” she greets them, smiling slightly and wipes her hands on her black habit “ what may we do for you..again” she asks, her voice laced with annoyance.
Tommy casually blows a cloud of smoke from his mouth into the nuns face, causing her to cough slightly and waft the smoke away with her hand “ you have a secret and I would like to know why you kept it to yourself ” he retorted, Arthur walks around the foyer, looking around to make sure that nothing seemed suspicious.
Mother superior glances at Arthur before she continues to speak “ everyone has secrets Mr Shelby, i don't see why it is of importance for you to disturb breakfast hour” she bespoke, her shoulders raising slightly as she lets out a quiet huff.
Tommy was getting more irritated the more the nun spoke, he rubs his eyes with his thumb and index finger. he looks up at the ceiling then back at the nurse “this secret that i speak of has the name clementina” Tommy declares, his eyes turning ice cold as the nun immediately tenses. He throws his half smoked cigarette onto the floor and squashed it with his foot.
Arthur had disappeared down the hall that had no candles light and looked the most unused, his hand in his pocket holding his gun in case someone ambushes him, back at the foyer Polly began to argue with the nun.
“ why would you keep a child away from her family, unless you are a cruel hag that enjoys the pain and emotional torture of children” Polly squawked, her hands and arms moved as she argued.
“ her mother was a whore, Mr Shelby paid good money to keep her here in secret, she does not deserve to be in the world, she is born a bastard who disobeys my every word and goes against god, she is a sinner just like how her mother was” she snaps, finally showing her true colours. Polly slaps her, the sound of skin hitting skin penetrates the atmosphere.
Before Polly or Tommy could say anything more to mother superior, Arthurs' bellowing voice reacts them “ Tommy, you better get here”.
Tommy points at mother superior “we are not finished here” he warns, turning around and stalks down the corridor, in the direction of where Arthur disappeared too, as Tommy and Polly got closer to Arthur the sounds of a little girl crying and the sound of something sharp hitting her could be heard from the room at the end of the hallway.
Polly immediately performs the sign of the cross, praying that the child is okay. Tommy stands in front of the door and holds the door handle whilst getting his gun from his holster with his other hand. Tommy signals towards Arthur that he'll open the door on the count of three, Polly steps back, grabbing her rosemary from around her neck and kisses the cross as the sound of the child crying and screaming for help gets louder.
After the count of three, Tommy opens the door and points the gun at the nun that was standing behind the girl who was kneeling on the floor and bent over a chair, her undergarment shirt pulled up so her back was on display. the nun looks towards the door, her eyebrows rise in shock as her arm holds a leather whip in the air as she was in the middle of whipping the girl.
“ drop the whip now” Tommy bawled, his eyes filling with a murderous rage, Polly pushes past Tommy and rushes over to the young girl as the nun drops the whip and holds her hands up. her hands shaking from the mixture of adrenaline and fear as she looks towards Tommy.
“ its unlawful to hurt a nun Mr Shelby, we are the property of the lord” she states, trying to sound confident but failing as her voice wobbles.
“and it is unlawful to hurt the innocent, but you do, you fucking do” Polly interrupts, kneeling beside the quivering girl, who curled herself up onto the floor in the fetal position.
Arthur stops mother superior as she rushes down the corridor, pointing his gun at her face, the barrel pointing between her eyes. Tommy kicks the whip away from the nun so she was unable to pick it up again.
“ you made a big mistake prioress” Tommy used his index finger to turn off the safety on the gun, the clicking noise making the nun flinch.
“ it was an order, from mother superior, the lord told us to punish her to clean her of her sins” the nun defends her actions, which only made Tommy more angry.
“ she is an innocent girl, unluckily for you she is a Shelby” Tommy proclaimed, not breaking eye contact with the nun. “ i demand you, to leave this building and go as far as possible” Tommy begins to declare, moving out of the door frame “ if i find you, and i promise i will, you will have a bullet with you name on” he threatens, nudging his gun towards the door “ now” he suddenly yells.
the nun runs out of the room, mother superior following. just as the nuns ran to collect their items, the arranged collection for the other orphan girls began to arrive. Tommy got someone to get into contact with esme, to arrange for the lees to allow them to use their carriages for the groups of girls going to be placed together.
Tommy puts his gun back into his holster, adjusting his cap on his head, pulling out a cigarette then gives it to Tommy, he was about to light another cigarette for himself when the sound of pollys panicked voice grabs his attention.
“ Tommy, she needs a doctor” she declares as she holds her scalf against clementina's wounds, it seemed this wasn't the first time the young girl was whipped, as the old scars had reopened, causing deep lacerations on her back.
“ Arthur, get the car ready” Tommy demands as he takes his coat off to wrap around the girl.
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whoslaurapalmer · 29 days
twin peaks but it happens in 2010. laura palmer have iphone etc etc
this ask has been haunting me since i saw it last night oh my god okay okay so
i wanted to lead with laura being an influencer but no one was quite influencing in 2010 yet. but the point here being that i think she posts a lot online and cultivates her online image very carefully (very soft, carefree, excited teenager) and has a LOT of followers on everything and always gets a ton of likes. bc it's laura, she's so beautiful and special and popular, of course everyone is following her, of course everyone is liking all her posts to get a piece of her
she has a twitter (laurapalmer93) where she posts a lot of pictures with little captions like.......'morning donuts at the diner!!' with a picture of the donuts and a milkshake or a Coffee To Be An Adult, 'can you believe this guy? <3' with a picture of bobby making a face (or even.........dare i say it...........doing the dougie), a picture of donna and james with '<33333333' (modern emojis were just getting really big then but i myself was not a big emoji user in 2010 yet, so neither is laura), 'don't tell ;)' with a picture of her holding a cigarette (of course everyone still smokes in the high school bathrooms).
one time she gets away with posting the lyrics to if i die young by the band perry (IF I DIE YOUNG! BURY ME IN SATIN! LAY ME DOWN ON A BED OF ROSES!) (FUNNY WHEN YOU'RE DEAD HOW PEOPLE START LISTENING!) bc it's a popular song. it raises a few eyebrows but it's a song and it's laura. how seriously do you take teen angst, even among your friends? that's just what laura does. what's there to really worry about, huh? (the song was released in may 2010 but let's say the lead up to her death is in 2010)
on facebook she posts a lot of volunteer stuff. school dance photos, which she helps organize. buy some cookies to support the french club!! she's very involved with student council, and she organizes the group halloween costume. her facebook is filled with photos of her with other people, but not really any of just her. she doesn't post a lot of statuses, but they're usually about homework or tests or 'feels like summer!' towards the end of the school year. she's friends with her parents. she definitely takes ap classes.
she has a private vent twitter (lostinthewoods) with zero followers that she uses as a diary bc she thinks it'll be safer than having it physically written down. her childhood lisa frank diary with the tiny lock and glitter gel pens that she kept in her bed post went missing, after all. her vent twitter is filled with sooooooo many tweets bc this was still the 160 character limit days and she would just post and post and post especially late at night. (she definitely has string lights in her room.) she is a MASTER of using her phone with no one seeing -- she has the layout absolutely memorized. she was only caught texting in class once and of course the teacher let it go.
bob/leland finds her passwords and breaks into the vent twitter and leaves her horrifying tweets she sees later, instead of the back and forth they have in the diary and leland ripping the pages out.
i think she has a third twitter, for sex, but i'm not sure if that tracks for the time period? (snapchat wasn't a thing until fall 2011.) or like a forum sort of thing? i think it's still super easy for laura to sneak out, even in an increased security camera world. there's still a lot of stress on the, yknow, ~secret unexposed underbelly of the world especially in a time of more eyes on everything~ in the 2010s.
meanwhile, james posts music a lot on facebook, and also acoustic covers of songs. like. yknow. HEY SOUL SISTER. donna loves the original pusheen stickers. they record the picnic video on her flip video camera. mike loves icanhascheezburger, and he jailbreaks his phone. audrey gets really into audrey hepburn quote posting, Aesthetic France, black and white photos, berets, has a photography phase and carries and actual camera bc it's Vintage. she's an early tumblr user. no one else in school has a tumblr yet, so she feels very cool but also very lonely about it.
harry has very little understanding of social media, however cooper is very into all social media, he finds it delightful. he enjoys a good cat video. he looks through all of laura's photos, her tweets, facebook videos, and i think there's, honestly even more of a feeling of tragedy bc of how much more physical evidence there is available of laura's life, lingering fingerprints, last tweets, last posts, passwords to put in and information to see, cold blue computer light, the even worse voyeurism in people expecting so much of your life to be online, in watching it play out online, in the image laura created for herself online to be the person people expected
donna rereads laura's twitter in the dead of night, just over and over again. goes back through their texts. so much of grief has become so much more public with social media and using it as a teenager, and there's this back and forth in donna of not posting anything and then posting the most miserable statuses about losing her best friend.
i know i should get deeper into the investigation but i keep thinking instead of how laura definitely gets a 20/20 special. it's probably definitely called 'the secret life of the american teenager.' (bc there was that show on at the time with the same name) elizabeth vargas visits twin peaks, is appropriately grim, there's a lot of b roll of the town and the woods but without the grace of twin peaks' cinematography. they play up the creation of a narrative big, as they always do on 20/20. the revelation of her 'double life' is at the halfway mark and simultaneously not discussed enough and overestimated. 'laura palmer was your average, everyday teenager -- she liked horses. cats. she got good grades, was homecoming queen, had a boyfriend on the football team. she volunteered on weekends. she had her whole life ahead of her. or was there more to the story than anyone knew? was there a dark side to the all-american girl?' oh, it's agonizing. the trailers play up a lot of potential spooky woods stuff that isn't followed through on in the actual episode.
now 20/20 prides itself on getting the story right, so i feel like it's.........i feel like they have to say it's leland at the end (and they definitely never get into anything about bob). but i also think, for some reason, it could easily have a 'we never found the killer' ending. especially re: s3........the thing is, i feel like laura's death particularly is the kind of thing that shows up on 20/20, but the rest of the circumstances would've ended up on like the unsolved mysteries website (the last revival ended in 2010, before the netflix reboot in 2019) (especially with WELL OUR FBI AGENT WENT MISSING). and there's so much online to put together in a website about it, there's so much for people online to dig into who have never even been to twin peaks, to think they know a town and the people in it and the girl who died even if it's just literally THE MOST DISGUSTING VOYEURISM IN THE WHOLE WORLD i just think there's such a. horror in that. people have the most, just, enraging takes when they get involved in a Murder That Happened Somewhere Else. people thinking they alone can figure out a mystery they've never seen, they can of course see something no one else has. and it's different than the people in the town ignoring it -- i think a lot of the secrets in twin peaks stay the same, no matter the time period, so of course it's still, a terrible dying town killing the people in it, maybe even quieter than it is in the original, some new infrastructure but old buildings, not all of them occupied anymore, ANYWAY -- like of course yes people in the town ignore the same amount they did in the original, all small towns bury things. but just bc the town itself isn't paying attention doesn't mean that some rando online is going to know more, no matter how much they think they will. there's like an entitlement to details of a murder, an I Must Be The Hero, The Savior, bc i'm on a fucking reddit thread about it
now i have zero (0) idea of how medical science and forensics work, but i have to assume there have been some advancements in the field between 1989/1990 and 2010/2011. the town still rushes the funeral, but would albert have been able to find anything else sooner? what is it he would have found to point to leland sooner? oh........dna testing, maybe? would he be able to find out about leland right away? there's more of a sense of urgency, maybe less of a slowness between events, even more of a shattering horror. maybe leland goes missing in an attempt to cover things up. hmmmmmm.
final note -- cooper gets called mulder as a nickname bc the x files happened as a show in this universe.
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humanbug · 1 year
Okay idea.Reader who is in a famous band and is kinda known as the womaniser or slut of the group talks about being a munch in an interview but then follows it up with how no guy or girl she’s ever been with has ate her out and then Ellie watching the interview and making it her mission to be the first.Your fics are always groundbreaking btw 😘
AHHGHDGFGT this literally is such a good idea WHAT!!! i HAD to make a lil mood board for it because it was such a creative idea like!! obv a mood board was needed. this was so much longer than intended but i just kept writing. enjoy!!!! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
| NSFW 18+ MDNI |
warning(s): SMUT, oral!reader receiving, mention of alcohol/drinking, mention of weed/smoking, these bitches gay
This is the kind of music I envisioned the band singing ♫꒰・◡・๑꒱ Left Hand Free by alt-J Don’t Hate Me by Lola Young Christmas Kids by Roar Night Shift by Lucy Dacus (Reader) Breezeblocks by alt-J Sex, Drugs, Etc. by Beach Weather All These Things That I’ve Done by The Killers
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You would never get quite used to the brightness of a studio during an interview. There were an excessive amount of lights facing you guys and they all seemed to radiate heat. You could feel the sweat dripping down your back as you tried your best to focus on the questions being asked. You were being interviewed by some magazine and so far the questions were not revolutionary.
Your lead singer, Oliver, was currently answering a question about how your band came together. The answer is not anything crazy, you had all met in college and realized you all had a passion for music. And about two years later you had released two albums and were currently planning to go on tour. You glance down at your nails realizing you desperately needed to get them done, the gel polish chipping. Your head whips up at the interviewer saying your name.
“So we’ve heard that you have a bit of a reputation with your fans. Now I don’t know if you’re one to kiss and tell but we’ve gotta ask the question everybody’s been dying to know. Is it true you’ve…spent quality time with several of your fans?”, she asks with a knowing smile. Everyone in the band laughs at her question, all knowing the reputation that you had. 
You laugh with an upside-down smile and shake your head at her bold question, “Well…quality time is sure one way to put it. I like to show my fans how much I appreciate their support! Sure, maybe there’s a specific way I show that appreciation, but I haven’t had any complaints yet!”
The interviewer chuckles at your sugar-coated response, “I see and your fans show their appreciation back?”. This interviewer is ballsy! Well…she asked! You might as well tell!
“This kind of appreciation is more of a…one-way street kind of thing.”, you laugh with a shy smile, “You know! They see our shows and buy our merch and I…deal with the bruises on my knees as a show of my appreciation!”. Fuck it! Ask a ballsy question, and get a ballsy answer!
Noah, your drummer, finds your response hysterical and throws his head back in laughter. The interviewer blushes and nods her head while laughing and says something along the lines of, “Well, I did ask!”, she moves on to her next question which is directed at Bea, who plays the keyboard. You daydream the rest of the interview, nodding every so often but you mostly let your mind wander.
“God Ellie! Another?”
“What!? It’s been like…an hour since the last!”, she exclaims as she licks the thin paper and seals the joint. 
Dina rolls her eyes and turns her attention back to the video she’s been watching. Ellie glances over and sees she’s watching some interview. 
“Who’s that? They look edgy.”, she snorts a laugh, finding herself so funny.
“They’re the band I’ve only told you about hundreds of times. I’m seeing them in concert tonight. Which you would remember if you didn’t have stupid weed brain all the time!”, she rants with a pointed look at Ellie, who has a joint hanging from her lips. 
Ellie rolls her eyes and leans over to watch the interview clip. 
‘...and I…deal with the bruises on my knees…’
“Wait, rewind it. Who the fuck is that?” Ellie scoots closer, suddenly very interested in the interview. 
Dina tells her your name and that you played the bass guitar and rewinds the video to the interviewer asking about how much you slept around and you basically admitting what a munch you were but Ellie found it very interesting how you had told her it was a ‘one-way street kind of thing’. 
“Do you think they’re still tickets on sale for tonight?” Ellie mumbles casually, opening her phone and typing your band name into Google. 
“Probably not for tonight but I bought two for me and Jesse but he had to do something for his mom last minute. So I have an extra! Why’re you suddenly interested anyway?”, she looks at Ellie with a skeptical look. Dina had been trying to get Ellie to listen to your music for months. 
Ellie tries to play it cool, shrugging her shoulders and taking a pull from her joint, “I dunno, guess they just look cool.”
Dina hums and looks at Ellie with squinted eyes, not convinced, but shrugs her shoulders. Happy she doesn’t have to go to the concert alone. 
Slipping your earpieces in you roll your neck and shake the anxiety out of your limbs. The sound of the crowd fills you with adrenaline and you peek out from the curtain. It was a sold-out show tonight, you guys were performing in your hometown and knew the crowd would have an amazing energy. Oliver being the lead singer was always the one to go on stage first, followed by Luna the backup singer, then Noah the drummer, then Bea who played the keyboard, and finally you who played the bass guitar and when needed acoustic guitar. 
As you walked onto the stage you blew kisses toward the crowd as you approached your guitar. Oliver was riling them up and thanking everyone for coming tonight. You had a different kind of nervous energy buzzing through you tonight because you were debuting a new song tonight and you were the singer of it. You were also very excited because you and the band had planned to go to your favorite bar after the show. 
The energy from the crowd was amazing and you got lost in your music. Your favorite feeling.
You hadn’t even realized that you had captured a certain someone's full attention as you danced and jumped around the stage, playing your guitar like it was your lifeline.  
Ellie felt like an absolute loser waiting by the doors for your band to come out but kept telling herself she’s been standing here for twenty minutes because Dina wanted to say hi to you so bad. She and Dina had shoved their way to the front so they could see you as soon as you came out.
As the door opens Ellie is severely disappointed when it’s not you but the dorky-looking lead singer. The crowd seemed to be thrilled though. They had waited several more minutes when finally you walked out of the door, head thrown back in laughter as you and Luna joked around. The crowd had thinned out allowing Dina to approach you with her poster in hand. 
You smiled brightly when she approached you, eyeing her up and down, maintaining eye contact as she spoke. She had gushed about how she had been a huge fan and this was her first time seeing you in concert. She was cute. Thick dark hair and stunning eyelashes. You kept smiling at her as you signed her poster. 
“We’re going to the Tipsy Bison tonight. You should come with us.”, you told her, taking a step closer, and biting the inside of your cheek. 
She turns around slightly and that’s when you notice her friend. Oh…fuck. You would have some sore ass knees tomorrow but these two were worth it. 
“Els? You up for going to a bar?”, she asks in a hopeful tone. Please say yes, Els.
She catches your eye and you hold eye contact, giving her a flirty smile. You expect her to shy away from your confidence but she glances at you up and down, her eyes returning to yours causing you to falter slightly, eyes widening and heart racing. The fuck? You are so used to being the confident one. Oh, you have to get to know her. 
��Yeah. I’m down.”, she glances at her friend, “You wanna ask Jesse if he wants to come?”Jesse? Who the fuck is Jesse? Was Jesse a fan too? Because Jesus the idea of these two was thrilling but a third person was making you nervous. 
The girl turns back to you, “Oh my god he would love that. Jesse is my boyfriend and he’s a huge fan. He would die if he could meet you guys. Would it be totally weird if I invited him?”
Ohh okay. Alright, she has a boyfriend. Damn. Her green-eyed friend, however? Ah fuck it, the more the merrier. 
“Not weird at all! We’re heading there in the next, like thirty minutes. I’ll see you both there.”, you smile, looking at the green-eyed girl with your best flirty eyes as you step back to regroup with the band.  
You’ve never been a fan of getting drunk, always preferring smoking over drinking. That being said, you did love a good raspberry vodka and Sprite. You were sipping on one as you lean on the bar enjoying the ambiance of your favorite place. Noah sat on your right and was chatting up some girl and Bea was on your left venting to you about how annoying her girlfriend was sometimes. Luna and Oliver were probably hooking up in the bathroom, they think you have no clue but they are not subtle, at all. 
A voice calling your name turns you around and you catch the girls from earlier along with a rather handsome man behind them, assuming this is Jesse. Damn. 
“Hey! I’m so glad you guys could make it!”, you introduce Bea and Noah to them and realize you never caught their names, “I– oh my god I never asked for your names.”
Laughing it off, the girl you first talked to introduces herself as Dina and her green-eyed friend is Ellie. Cute. Dina and Bea start chatting, as do Noah and Jesse.
Leaning on the back of your chair you catch Ellie’s eye, the vodka soda giving you a warm confidence, “So what’d you think of the show?”
Ellie steps closer to you and stuffs her hands into her jean pockets, “It was great. I had never heard of you guys till today but you’re amazing.”, her eyes scan your face as she talks.
“Never? Ouch.”, you jokingly cringe and lean back.
Ellie’s eyes widen and her cheeks flush, “No I mean not– not never I just– Dina showed me some interview, and I–”, she rambles but you cut her off. She’s cute when she’s nervous.  
“I’m joking! Calm down.”, you laugh and lean towards her again, “Which interview?”
Giving you a shy smile she rubs a hand along the back of her neck, “The one for Strings magazine? I think.”
“Oh god. That was an interesting one. I’ve never had an interviewer ask about my sex life before.”, you run a hand across your face as you chuckle.
She laughs at your cringing, “Yeah…can’t say I’d like to talk about my sex life on camera to a stranger. But I bet your answer will make her think twice before asking something like that again.”
“Yeah? You remember my answer?”, smirking at her as you talk.
She steps even closer to you, if you moved your hands they would brush against her, “It’s the reason I asked to come with Dina tonight.”
Your eyebrows raise at her confidence, “Oh? You curious about what all the fuss is about?”, biting your bottom lip and making your eyes look up at her the way you knew drove people crazy.
Ellie hums, “I’m more curious about what you said about it being a ‘one-way street’. Because if I’m not wrong? You mean no one’s ever shown you how much they appreciate you?”, she speaks with a smirk and you feel your face growing warm. This girl…
Your mouth falls open and you stutter, “I mean– I’m not– I’m not like some virgin…but no one’s…ever offered to…do that? I just– I’ve always– I enjoy it! So I figured, might as well.”, you ramble out and you can feel your palms grow sweaty, god you hope you aren’t making an absolute fool out of yourself right now.  
She leans in, her lips ghosting your ear as she whispers, “Anyone who hasn’t offered is a fucking moron.”, pulling her head back she speaks inches away from your face, “Because it was the first fucking thing that crossed my mind when I saw you.”
You swallow hard, eyes glancing down to her lips where they sit in that cocky smirk she wears so well. Ellie stands straight and takes a step back, she bites back a smile at your flustered state. For the first time that night, you’re at a loss for words, mouth opening, and closing as you try to think of something to say. 
Ellie glances down to her pockets, pulling out a thin tube and popping the cap open with her thumb, looking at you and tilting her chin, “You smoke? I’ve got some good shit.”
You mumble a breathy ‘yeah’ and slip off of the bar stool, shooting back the rest of your drink and taking a deep breath before you turn around and follow Ellie out of the bar. 
Your eyes follow the roach that rests in Ellie’s fingers as it makes its way to her lips. God, you could jump her right now. Your eyes are heavy and a lazy smile seems to permanently rest on your lips. Her eyes drift to yours and look you up and down in a way that sends shivers through you. 
Fuck it. You step in front of her and grip the front of her flannel pulling her towards you, pressing your lips to hers. Your lips mesh together messily as the taste of raspberry vodka and weed mingles on your tongue. Her hands rest on either side of your face as you lean your body into hers. 
Ellie pulls back slightly and mumbles in a breathy voice, “Bathroom?”
You stutter as her lips begin to trail down your jaw, “My– our van is parked in the– parking lot. The– the back windows are tinted.”. Ellie mumbles against your skin to take you both there. 
You grab her hand in yours and quickly walk towards the van parked behind the bar. Oh! The others! Fuck! You grab your phone from your back pocket, open your band's group chat, and text them “Do NOT come to the van. OCCUPIED.”. Not waiting for them to make fun of you, you stuff your phone back in your pocket. 
You fumble with your keys and unlock the back doors, you step into the van and close the doors after Ellie steps in, making sure to lock them. You turn around and place your hands on either side of Ellie’s face and press your lips to hers. The sound of your breathy moans and sighs fills the van. Pressing your hands on her shoulders, you both lower to the carpeted floor with your legs straddling her. Your hand threads through her short auburn hair as your lips trace down her jaw and neck. You need to hear her so you give her hair a slight yank causing a quiet whimper to escape. There it is. 
“That was a cute sound.”, you let your lips ghost over hers as you tease her. 
Her cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink and her grip on your hips tightens, “Fuck off…I wanna hear what pretty sounds you can make, yeah?”. You ‘tsk’ and let your hands travel to the button of her jeans, one hand traveling under her shirt and tracing her skin with a feathery touch.
“What if I wanna hear you, huh?”, as you begin to lower her zipper her left-hand grips your wrists, and her right-hand grips your jaw yanking your face so close to hers you can feel her breaths.  
She shushes you as your lips meet with a gentleness that conflicts with the grip she has on your jaw, “Be a good girl for me and let me taste your cunt? Can you do that, baby?”. Her condescending tone turns you into putty and you are at a loss for words so you hum and nod your head. 
Smirking at your pitiful state she lets her hands slide down to your plush thighs, “Lay back for me baby.”
You obey wordlessly, laying back on the soft carpet and leaning on your elbows. Your face is warm and you can feel the familiar coil forming in your lower belly as Ellie places her arms on either side of you sucking harsh red and purple marks on your neck. Ellie places kisses down your chest and your stomach, lifting the bottom of your shirt to kiss your lower stomach, eyes on you the entire time. She unbuttons your jeans and slides them off your legs, cursing as her eyes find the growing wet spot on your panties. 
“All I’ve done is kiss you and you’re this wet for me baby?”, her fingers trace your inner thighs and she mocks you. 
The delicious feeling of lustful embarrassment fills your veins and you bite your bottom lip and nod your head at Ellie. Hooking her fingers in the waistband of your panties she slides them down your legs, tossing them behind her. 
She smirks as she looks up at you, “Tell me what you want baby. C’mon.”
“Fuck Ellie please”, you give your best puppy dog eyes. Her smirk grows and she ghosts her thumb over your clit, not giving it nearly enough attention.
“Please what? Huh? I heard your voice on stage. I know you’ve got it in you, baby. Tell me.”, she chides, thumb pressing onto your clit with more pressure.
“Please please fuck me. Please, Ellie, need you to fuck me.”
“Well since you asked like such a good girl.”, dipping her head down she places her warm mouth on your cunt. The feeling causes you to curse and throw your head back. Ellie devours your cunt like it is her last meal, the coil in your lower belly becoming tighter.
“Fuck. Fuck!”, the sounds filling the van are pornographic. Your head lifts and you glance down the length of your body. Sensing your eyes Ellie raises her eyes to meet yours, her tongue circling your clit perfectly causing your thighs to shake and you can see the mischievous glint in her green eyes. Your lewd moans fill the space. 
You throw your head back again at the feeling of her fingers filling you. A loud whine escapes you when her movement stops abruptly, bringing your head back up, your eyes meet hers and she resumes her movement. Fucking…this girl is unbelievable. The coil in your belly is becoming painful as her fingers curl and stroke the spongy spot that makes your toes curl. Your eyes water when she adds a third finger, stroking all the right places.
The coil finally snaps when she flattens her tongue against your clit, “I’m gonna– Oh my– oh– Fuck!”, your thighs clench as you ride your orgasm out on Ellie’s tongue. Her movements slow and she gently removes her fingers as you drop from your elbows and lay flat on the floor. 
“Holy shit. I don’t think– I’ve ever cum that hard.”, you mumble and cover your face with your arms. Ellie chuckles as she moves above you and pushes your arms away. Her lips gently meet yours, the dizzying sensation of tasting yourself makes your face warm. 
Leaning up on your elbows you raise your chin to look up at her leaning over you, “Have you ever wanted to go on tour with a band?”
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octuscle · 8 months
Hey there. I guess I need help with my chronivac. In my neighborhood there are more and more Arabic and Turkish men. It doesn't bother me that they are Arabic or Turkish or whatever. But they all look so extremely good - nice hair, nice beard, nice tan, nice bulges, extremely self confident... and I'm starting to get a little jealous, cause I'm a chubby, shy, white German (Alman).
Now the real Problem - the chronivac basic settings can't help me and the chronivac pro settings are way too complicated for me. So I hope you can help and change me to become less jealous in my neighborhood.
Okay, let's see how chronivac pro premium support can help you.
On your way to the subway in the morning, you usually grab a coffee to go at the kiosk in your ecologically sustainable reusable mug and buy a Süddeutsche Zeitung. But this morning you forgot your mug. So you order a Turkish mocha, which you drink directly at one of the bar tables. You also get a sesame seed curl and the BILD newspaper. For the first time, you talk to the owner of the kiosk. You've been a customer here for years. You take a second mocha and buy a pack of cigarettes. Fuck, then you're in the office half an hour later. Who cares?
You don't give a shit that smoking is not allowed on the platform. You blow your smoke onto the platform out of the subway and just throw the cigarette out onto the floor, while the doors are closing. And you snot right after it.
The work in the office pisses you off today. Boring chatter, unproductive meetings. During the lunch break, your colleagues are talking about Turkey's role in the Ukraine conflict. When you say that Erdogan is a great leader and that you would like to see more statesmen like him, everyone stares at you in disbelief. Fuck, that's right. Most heads of state are effeminate losers! We need more men who can thump their fists on the table. Like Erdogan and Putin.
You're glad when you can finally call it a day. You need a reward. Just normal people around you. You allow yourself a visit to the new barber store on your street. On the street in front of it a group of young men smoking. You have to wait only one cigarette length for a free appointment. You let one of the guys give you a light and smoke a cigarette with them. And then you sit down in the barber's chair. Can is an artist. You love the way he shapes your beard, makes your skull look more angular with the undercut, and trims your sprawling eyebrows. And he makes a damn good mocha.
When Can takes away the hairstyling cape, you're more than satisfied. Yes, to your brothers here, you're just an infidel. But you fit in quite well visually. Sure, most bros are better worked out than you. But you don't have to hide. It's just that you are so pale that annoys you. That's why you go directly before training on the tanning bed in the gym after the haircut . And so that the sweating is really worth it, after pumping up to the sauna. Hammam would be better, but there is no such thing in your discount gym.
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It doesn't show that you are not a Turk or an Arab. And since you speak fluent Turkish, Arabic and Albanian, no one in the sauna would suspect that you have a German passport. Infidel! No matter what they think of you. The main thing is that nothing can separate you and your brothers!
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