#Qui-Gon is Obi-Wan's dad
milkcioccolato · 9 months
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How to baby, with Good Dad Mace Windu and Questionable Dad Qui-Gon Jinn.
Yes I am reading Master and Apprentice by Claudia Gray. Yes I’m only at the beginning. Yes Qui-Gon is trying, but he just doesn’t know what he’s doing, poor dude.
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bbygirl-obi · 1 year
obi-wan: cody, do you think i can be difficult to work with? cody: there is no other jedi i would rather serve under, sir. obi-wan: you're speaking to the negotiator, cody. i know how to spot when someone's dodging a question. cody: you're my superior officer, sir. obi-wan: alright then. everything you say in the next thirty seconds is free, starting now. cody, immediately: you're cocky, pushy, reckless, flirty at the most inappropriate times, value vanity more than wearing armor in a war zone, have daddy issues so massive everyone can see it from clicks away- obi-wan: but- cody: i have 22.5 seconds left, sir. i'm not done.
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jedi-starbird · 2 months
fellas. fellas. listen. qui-gon does express affection towards obi-wan, he just does it in the divorced dad way.
that's his love language, despite never having been married, divorced or had a kid.
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If I ever was a Jedi I would be like that:
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Qui-Gon: *can feel someone staring at him, slowly turns over to look at the doorway*
Obi-Wan: *standing in the doorway covered in rain and looking like a sad cat* I missed the school bus.
Qui-Gon: …*tries to hand him the keys from his bedside table* Here.
Obi-Wan: I’m thirteen.
Qui-Gon: *knows damn well his kid can drive* There’s a booster seat in the back.
Obi-Wan: *deep sigh* Can I just stay home today? It seems sorta like a cursed day.
Qui-Gon: Sure. Go change out of those wet clothes and go back to bed.
Obi-Wan: You’re awesome, love you.
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I don’t know why but I can’t stop thinking about little Cal hugging Cody like a koala and when anyone tries to pull him off he digs his fingers into Cody’s armor plates and cries like a cat
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purplezombietumbler · 10 months
~Disaster Lineage & Nightmares~
/Dooku + Yoda\
Dooku: Master... I can't sleep.
Yoda: Sleep *I* can.
Dooku: Can I stay with you?
Yoda: ...
Dooku: *best puppy eyes*
Yoda: One night only.
Dooku: *sleeps on the floor*
/Dooku + Qui-Gon\
Qui-Gon: Master, I had a nightmare.
Dooku: ...And?
Qui-Gon: Can I please stay with you?
Dooku: You're like, 13, go to bed.
Qui-Gon, teary eyed: Please.
Dooku: Fine. Just for tonight, and stay on your side!
*It wasn't just that night*
/Qui-Gon + Obi-Wan\
Obi-Wan, wakes being carried by Qui-Gon: Master? What's going on?
Qui-Gon: I'm merely stealing you for the night.
Obi-Wan: But I didn't have a nightmare tonight?
Qui-Gon: I did. *holds Obi-Wan as they both sleep*
/Obi-Wan + Anakin\
Obi-Wan: *wakes in the middle of the night, having a bad feeling. He gets up to go to check in Anakin. Stops when he feels something on the floor next to his bed*
Anakin: *hums in his sleep*
Obi-Wan: Anakin, you scared the life out of me.
Anakin: Sorry Master. I had a nightmare.
Obi-Wan: It’s okey. Let's just get to sleep. *pulls Anakin into the bed* There, can't be too comfortable.
/Anakin + Ashoka\
Ashoka, wearing matching pjs to Anakin: *crawls into bed* Master, move over.
Anakin: *moves over without thinking*
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backpackingspace · 2 years
Stages of dad! Qui gon
With feemor: weed/hallucinations brother
With xanatos: that parent who thinks their hell spawn is a precious baby who can do no wrong
With obi wan: tired judgy dad because he course corrected too far
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wolfer13579 · 1 year
Anakin: Hey, dad?
Qui-Gon: Yes?
Mace: Did Skywalker just call Master Jinn "dad"?
Obi-wan: More importantly, did he just respond to it?
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tennessoui · 8 months
woke up this morning and i was like huh how much of the story would it change if in playmaker au obi-wan wasn't an undercover detective but a journalist who goes undercover both to get a story and then also because his father, police chief, asks him to help because anakin would never see them putting a journalist on the case 👀
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milkcioccolato · 8 months
What's Maul relationship with Obi's master qui-gon? Did the elder try imparting any of the same rebellious love advice in maul like he tried with obi-wan?
Qui-Gon and Maul don’t really interact much, but Qui likes him well enough, and is happy Obi-Wan found a nice kid to be with!
Maul just thinks Qui-Gon is kinda weird, and also has to listen to Obi-Wan’s complaints about the dude. Plus, the way he acts as a Master is totally different than his own, so he’s a bit perplexed.
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greenreticule · 8 months
Me, pre-The High Republic Adventures (2022): I feel like Dex would have Opinions about the way Qui-Gon outsources the role of adult to Obi-Wan, but I know I only feel that way because I have Opinions about it, and I am projecting onto Dex.
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rainintheevening · 9 months
Obi-Wan and Anakin, 80.
Writing this to avoid another thing.
From 100 Ways to say I love you.
Modern AU, some angst, mostly brotherly feels. Anakin is mid-20s, so Obi-Wan is late 30s. I hope this mostly explains itself, it's 2 am. Also @ablatheringblatherskite, welcome to that au I mentioned.
80. "Is your seat belt on?"
He called Obi-Wan on his way out of Dallas, windshield wipers keeping a regular tempo, the cell connection crackling with each flash of lightning.
"Ani?" Even on a tinny speaker phone, his big brother's voice sounded strong and warm. "How did it go?"
He sighed, sat back, tucked the phone into his shirt pocket, so he could keep both hands on the wheel. A lump swelled in his throat, and he wished he was home in Galaxy already.
"It wasn't her." Rip the bandaid off... "I think I knew when I saw her. Her story didn't line up either; her son would have been older than me, by a few years."
A brief silence, Obi-Wan searching for words no doubt. "You won't bother with blood tests?"
For a moment Anakin wanted to be angry, but at who or what, he didn't know. Certainly not his first mother, wherever she was, who must still think him dead. Nor Dad and Mom, who had only believed they did a good thing in making Anakin theirs, which they had.
Certainly not Padmé who had been crushed to see her lead turn out to be no lead at all. And certainly not Obi-Wan, who he knew would try to go to bed, but lie awake until Anakin pulled into the drive, and then would come down to the kitchen and make hot chocolate like Dad used to.
Thinking about who he wasn't angry with, made him not want to think about who he should be angry with, and he shook his head.
"I'm sorry, Ani." Obi-Wan’s voice was almost unbearably gentle, and Anakin had to bite his tongue to hold back the sudden burn of tears. Later.
"Yeah," he choked out.
"What time do you think you'll make it back?"
A glance at the clock on the radio. "One. Ish." He cleared his throat. "As long as traffic stays clear. Which it probably won't with this rain."
"Well, drive safely, okay? Is your seat belt on?"
Anakin huffed, rolled his eyes a little. "Yes, Mom."
It had been once, seriously! Well, maybe a few other times, but he'd only gotten a ticket once. And that was only back home in Galaxy, not on a freaking freeway!
"Don't roll your eyes while you're driving." That was Obi-Wan's teacher voice.
"But you do sound just like Mom."
A brief silence, then Obi-Wan sighed. "I bet she heard that in Heaven."
Anakin grinned suddenly, swinging into the left lane to get past the fountain flying up from a semi's wheels. "She'd be proud of you."
Again a silence. "I have tried." Obi-Wan’s voice was low, almost as if he spoke to himself more than Anakin. "I've done my best to raise you, like they would have."
Aw, shoot, Anakin was going to cry again. It hadn't been easy, he knew. After the accident, Obi-Wan had been everything for him—mother, father, brother, best friend.
A deep ache of love welled up in his chest, and he found himself smiling, smiling like he wasn't tired, and hopeless, and emotionally drained. He spoke the words without thinking about them.
"I had my birth mom for three years. I had Dad and Mom for eight. But I can't remember not having you. You’ve always been there, and I'll never need a piece of paper to tell me you're my family. Nothing, not even death can change that."
Obi-Wan took even longer to respond this time, giving Anakin enough time to feel heat creeping up his neck, his admittedly dramatic statement seeming to hang awkwardly in the air. He tried to focus on driving, and told himself it didn't matter, because every word was true.
"You're worth it."
Now Anakin let himself groan, and he eased uo on the gas. "Okay, brother, save it for when I get home." He swiped the back of his hand across his eyes. "Don't want to crash because you started cutting onions."
Obi-Wan’s chuckle sounded a little forced. "Of course. I should go, anyway. Get back to grading papers. And remember, if you get sleepy, pull over and take a nap!"
"Yeah, I will."
"Call me if you need anything."
Anakin sighed. "Okay, Obi."
Now the smile in his voice sounded natural. "I love you, little brother."
The exchange was an old one, worn soft like a good t-shirt. "I love you too, big brother."
Nothing else, no bother with 'goodbye', just the call-end noise.
Anakin flipped on the radio to the country station, tossed his phone on the passenger seat. Took a sip of his coffee.
He hoped the drive would pass quickly. He hoped he wouldn't have to go in late to work in the morning.
He did give his seat belt a tug. You know, just to check.
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writer-reader-skater · 9 months
My Modern Clone Wars Bad Batch AU
Aka I just needed a place to brain dump.
Shaak is the ultimate clone mom. She had some of the the eldest of the clones except for Rex and Cody since Jango was unknowingly cheating on her before the divorce. Yes, they were married in the AU. IT JUST MAKES SENSE OK, CLONE MOM AND CLONE DAD. After the divorce, Shaak has a few more boys through embryo adoption of the embryos Jango didn’t let any other of his surrogates/baby mamas use.
Rex and Cody raise their younger brothers that make up the 501 and 212 on screen. Jango visits occasionally but has his own reasons for liking or not liking them.
Boba lives full time with Jango, but he’s not related to the others. Cue the loneliness and slight resentment- there are definitely a few restraining orders here and there.
The most-visited of Jango’s boys is clearly the Bad Batch. He doesn’t like the twins (Tech and Crosshair) but he has high hopes for Hunter and likes Wrecker enough (but does think he’s a little dumb and clumsy, little does he realize Wrecker is intentionally doing that in order to not have to leave his other brothers). Being the excellent dad he is (sarcasm) Jango’s logic is that a kid of Hunter’s would be ✨perfect✨. What he didn’t account for is for Omega to be a girl, so he automatically doesn’t like her and leaves Hunter with three brothers and a newborn.
Then he tries the same trick with Rex and decides Tup isn’t good enough either.
Neither Hunter nor Rex tell their brother/sons who the mom is, although they both know and resent Jango for taking advantage of them like that, because that’s basically what he did.
On thé non clone side of the world, Qui-Gon raised one foster-to-adopted son named Obi-Wan who fell in love with his high school sweetheart Satine and has a son named Korkie. Also in the family is a refugee named Anakin and his mother Shmi.
Well, Qui-Gon has a habit of just adopting random children so soon Anakin has a sister named Ahsoka, and her best friend’s name is Barriss. Barriss happens to be Luminara’s adopted daughter, and Luminara is Shaak’s best friend.
All this can be roughly recapped in the very complicated family tree I have attempted to make. And if this piques your interest, maybe check out the AO3 stories I have written in this universe! It’s mostly Clone Centric cuz I love them…
(All twins/multiples are circled)
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padawansuggest · 11 months
Feemor wasn’t oldest child, he was neglected middle child who’s adopted and never seen as the actual son for some fucked up reason and never asked to come home for holidays after he moved out. Obi-Wan wasn’t baby of the family, he was Eldest Daughter held to the highest standards possible mostly impossible, and even given custody of the baby when dad died. Xanatos wasn’t bored middle child, he was shitty brat baby who can do no wrong no matter how much of an asshole he acts. Anakin wasn’t the new baby, he was all dad’s hopes and dreams and if he had survived he would have been both the loved and spoiled in a way that would have created a modicum of balance that his older siblings didn’t get because dad was experimenting with them in ways that fucked them all over and over and now he’s bitter towards the best adult ever who would canonically have left with him if he ever wanted to and woke up in cold sweats thinking about him and worrying about him and loving him, all the rest of their fucking lives, but the situation still wasn’t ideal so he couldn’t see that this was better than he originally was supposed to have.
No, Qui-Gon wouldn’t have done better with him because his track record says otherwise thanks. And no matter what, Obi-Wan loved that little boy and wanted so much for him. I have emotions and they’re wrapping around baby Anakin like the swaddle blanket he should have had all along. Swaddle blankets can be removed while still kept.
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