#Prometheus 2
rye-views · 3 months
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Alien: Covenant (2017) dir. Ridley Scott. 7.4/10
I wouldn't recommend this movie to my friends. I wouldn't rewatch this movie.
Did we have to eject the dead body into space?
I can't imagine going to another planet and it seeming like Earth.
Ledward's death is a crazy visual. These aliens be killing in a way crazier fashion than I've ever seen in the Alien movies.
Maggie Faris is not allowed on my apocalypse team. David is, and will always be, a lil bitch.
Show me how Walter died.
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candyredterezii · 1 year
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‘ Remember I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam, but truly I am rather thy fallen angel. ’ - Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
M3GAN (2023) // I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (1967) // I, Robot (2004) // Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (1818) // Bride of Re-Animator (1991) // Edward Scissorhands (1990)
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theonevoice · 4 months
Don't mind me, just wondering if, back in ancient Greece, Aziraphale and Crowley would be casually listening to some aiodos telling the story of Prometheus, punished with eternal tortures for giving humanity the gift of fire/knowledge, and suddenly each of them would have the chilling realization that he had done the same: Aziraphale by giving Adam and Eve his flaming sword and Crowley by giving them the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
Or even worse: each of them would realise that the the other one had done the same, and was risking horrific tortures should anyone ever find out.
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Salvator Rosa, Torture of Prometheus (1646-1648) - Galleria Corsini, Rome
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fence-time · 4 months
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Sigh @thehappyromeo
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72stars · 1 month
[cw teeny bit of blood]
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Return of the RH: Prometheus digital sketchbook, feat. a doodle of Jason’s previous face design and playing around with brushes, a couple of pages with resident oc Kieran (one page costume design current version, one page relationship with Jason), Talia rough design feat. baby Damian, Cleo costume and prop design current version + doodle of her and her dads when they were alive, current version of Jason’s face with early Robin era and semi-catatonic era versions, current version of Bruce with him being very unkind about Jason post-death and -return as a terrible coping mechanism, and a couple of pages re: Gotham and rough layouts for Jason+Kieran+Cleo and Dick/Kory/David’s apartments, feat. a doodle of David, Dick, and Kory in bed together
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heartwrrm · 9 months
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guy who hates reanimating corpses a little too much versus guy who likes reanimating corpses a lot too much. fight!
(the quality holy shit please click on it)
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freckleslikestars · 1 year
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Vala being Vala in Stargate SG-1 9.01 Avalon pt. 1
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aphroditeslover11 · 8 months
for oppie maybe he meets a foreign student when he is studying abroad like in the beginning of the movie in germany? he is so stressed then he could have used a friend… loved your exam piece so i thought maybe you would like an idea like this ❤️
An Unexpected Friend
Hi there, I hope that this is something along the lines of what you meant. My first ask, so I’m using that as an excuse if it’s crap! I ended up writing a little more of myself into this than I meant to. 🤣
I should probably warn that Oppie ends up having a bit of an existential crisis incase that bothers anybody. But yeah, please read and enjoy, any feedback or further requests are much appreciated.
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Robert Oppenheimer was thoroughly fed up. He was twenty two and in the middle of a real dip in his life. The last year that he had spent studying at Cambridge had been nothing short of a disaster. He was starting to doubt himself intellectually for the first time, he felt as if he was losing his identity. Though he would be hard pushed to admit it, he also felt as if he had nowhere to turn, his friends all seemed to be meeting women, some making the more permanent choice of settling down into early domesticity, leaving him feeling completely alone in the world. This was where his decision to pack his bags and move to Germany had come from, to try and reinvigorate his love of physics if nothing else.
He was on an overnight train, headed to Gottingen for the place at the university that he was taking up. He was dosing in and out of sleep, waking up for the third time since he had finished the sandwiches that he had bought before he left the station. The lights of the carriage were slightly dingy, yet he reached for the book that he had been reading earlier that evening, a newly published physics paper, hoping to get a bit more reading done before he arrived.
After about half an hour of reading he was fully awake again, concentration completely engaged, only to be pulled out of it by a knock on the door of his compartment. He opened the door to find a girl, about the same age as him, carrying a suitcase and with a reticent look on her face.
“I’m really sorry to bother you Sir, I got onto the train at the last station but I can’t find any seats, all the other compartments are dark and I didn’t want to disturb people if they were sleeping.” Robert ran a hand through his hair in contemplation, then moving away from the door to let you in.
“It’s alright, I’m on my own. We can share it for the night. I’ll warn you that I’m planning on staying awake for the rest of the journey though, so the light will be on.”
“That’s not an issue, I’m probably going to read anyway. I’ve always been a dreadful sleeper. Thankyou, Mr?”
“Oppenheimer, Robert. And you are?”
You had both started the evening with your noses buried in books, trying to be quiet and not disturb each other. Robert had uncharacteristically broken the silence when he realised what you were reading a volume of Plato. You started a discussion between you about how philosophy and physics could be compatible with one another, learning that you were both heading to the same university to study your respective subjects. When you got off the train you agreed to meet up soon.
Over the first few weeks of your time at the university you saw each other a lot. Neither of you were hugely social, of course making some friends through your courses, but you certainly considered Oppie as your closest. You met up most evenings, sometimes going out to eat at a local café, but most often just reading and working on assignments or papers in silence. It was always nice to know that you could talk if you wanted to though.
It was on one of these evenings that Robert started an unexpected conversation.
“Y/N, I was wondering if I could ask you about something. I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but it’s just been bugging me recently.”
“I’m all ears Robert, go ahead.”
“Do you ever just walk into a room and feel like everybody in it hates you. That you open your mouth and everybody just thinks ‘what the hell is this idiot going to start on about now’.” He was saying everything very matter of factly, though it was clear that opening up to someone wasn’t easy on him. You paused briefly, trying to decide how to respond.
“People that you know, or just everyone?”
“Everyone. Although it’s easier when it’s just new people, you can just put up a facade for a bit, you know. Convince them that you aren’t as bad as you really are.”
“I guess I kind of know what you mean, I ended up with a bit of a complex because my mum used to ask me not to talk about my interests. She used to say she didn’t want to know because she didn’t understand, I don’t think she could handle the fact that I knew more than her. It kind of gets better though when you make some decent friends… the complex I mean. What’s so bad about you anyway Robert?”
“All I’ve ever done is academics, I don’t have a personality outside of that. I hate making friends and nobody ever understands me. I went to Cambridge and got stuck doing lab work, I was hopeless, just couldn’t do it.” His fragile facade was starting to drop now, you could hear it in his voice. “I couldn’t even manage the one thing that I’m meant to be good at. Without my science who the hell even am I?” He was trying to hide it, but you had noticed the few small tears that had fallen from his cyanic eyes.
You moved from your seat to be beside him on the sofa where he was sitting himself, wrapping a gentle arm around his shoulders. Given how reserved he usually was, the picture of perfect manners and politeness, it caught you off guard when he wrapped both of his arms around you, burying his head in your shoulder. It was rare to see him so vulnerable, it was the same of any man really, but it was strangely gratifying that he trusted you enough to be around him like this.
“You are J Robert Oppenheimer. You are you Robert, and that is enough to ask of anyone.” You spoke firmly. “I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but I certainly don’t hate you. In fact, I think you’re the best friend that I’ve had in a very long time, and I’ve had my share of identity crises as well.” He pulled back from your hold then, sitting up straight.
“Is this feeling ever going to go away though? I can’t bear it, I just can’t.”
“It will, it will take time but you will get past this. Both of us are learning who we really are, and when we do we’ll be all the better for it.
“Would you mind if I hold you, just for a bit? I just need to know that somebody’s here, with me.”
“Of course I don’t mind. In truth, it’s been a very long time since I’ve been able to feel this comfortable with someone.” With that, he put a heavy arm around your waist, pulling you securely into his side.
“Robert, I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
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semi-good-artist · 2 days
I thought i might just put this out here.
I had some theories/ideas on the aspects we haven't seen their character for, so thats
Momus (Descura), the god of being a little hater
Pan (Lim and Oros), god of the wild
Eos (Ygnium), goddess of the dawn
Thanatos (Zorophet)
Persephone (Ravaal)
Why do I think these people show up? Hecate, I think, mentions that Melinoe will meet them
I imagine Than and Persephone to be encounterend in the House of Hades. I don't think this is such a great stretch, so yea.
Pan, I think would fit as a random encounter in the third area on the way above, which i assume is the plains of thessaly or maybe the foot of olympus (see the next segment why i think that). I imagine he could either give boon like Artemis or maybe just another reward maybe relating to plants? since hes a fertility god.
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Heres a map showcasing my theory of the route Melinoe takes to the Olymp. to address my choice of Ephyra, I chose Ephyra (Cichyrus) since that one has the closest mythological ties to the underworld (as far as my knowledge goes), since both Heracles and Odysseus passed it on their journeys. of course the distance in game gets smushed so take this with a grain of salt. Anyways geography lesson over.
Momus and eos could both show up in the crossroads since all the children of Nyx are welcome there, but Eos could also be met on Olympus i think as the reason why Mel gets sent back. this is because each attempt takes place in one Night, and the end of a night is the dawn. I have no theories what Momus could do other than criticise everyone, maybe give tips/run reviews but we already got Odysseus and Schelemeus for that.
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ep2nd · 8 days
I really hope Macaria gets her own Hades game, and if not here's some of my ideas
It's like the opposite of Hades 1
Mac has long brown hair that kinda looks like Persephones hairdo pre-underworld, yellow and white based clothes, two green eyes, and oh yeah white wings, all weapons kinda float on her back. Very nice, kind, and sweet. More of Hallyday, joyous, flowers and rainbow vibe game
Mac is trapped on the mortal world, raised by Persephone, because that curse is like the opposite for her, she can't live in the underworld, lives in Persephones old farm
Trained by Chiron, taking Skelemesus(how do you spell??) Role. Also Triptolemus is here, mortal turned God by Demeter during Persephones disappearance, and Cyrene, amazing Hunter and Shepherd princess/queen turned Naiad, lover of Apollo and Ares too
Plot: The Primordal gods and Titans are awaking, aka they were all, mostly, asleep before this and will wake up and choose violence
Mainly Gaia, who's upset about the Titan things. The Olympians can't help cause they gotta deal with Typhon, so Mac gets help from minor gods and some Titans- Hebe, fun cus, Asclepius, bless his soul, Triton, nervous cus, Iris, gossip girl/hermes job, Nike, probably challenges you like Nem in Hades 2, Tyche, the IDK, Eros, seductive but is married(put shoulerd guards because of THE INCIDENT), Psyche, distant, loss vibe, but a sweetheart, Aeolus, laying down on a couch looking cloud, baby girl, Prometheus, holds tourch thats all I ask for, Themis, blindfold looking straight at you with hands on sword in the ground, stoic.... probably others, comment below
For Nyx kids this time around, basically everyone's who left, but primarily Phil(Philotes) Friendship Incarnate, the bestie who's like Hypnos, never met him though, she doesn't hang out with her other family, except Hemera! Also here, like the opposite Nyx, kinda duh Day Incarnate, also you wake Aither, Light Incarnate, same vibe as giddy Hypnos kinda. But then gets the worst Nyx kids, Oizys, Distress Incarnate, pessimism pro, Momus, Satire Incarnate, ridicules you for everything, the worse, more annoying Hypnos greeter, Dolos and Apate, Fraud and Deceit Incarnate, makes your job harder and kills you half the time, Geras, grumpy old man, anddddd Achlys, Misery Incarnate, who I make Nyx AND Erebus kid because the Chaos and Nyx kid might be too weird... also Asleep Primordal... but awakes, very much like Charon, they are best friends, enemies, and closest siblings, both taught by Erebus and hisses/growls to speak, also will kill you UNLESSS you offer her stuff, dumb enough to fight Charon... but he's also dumb enough to fight her so...
Also Erebus is here, who I like to say is all their dad because I love him, defiantly loving father who's been denied fatherhood too many times
Wake during the fight with Tartarus, who also wakes. They have beef. Fought each other and put eachother to sleep, on the day Eris was born, when the Twins were barely a year old(the order is different for reasons). Basically Erebus is gonna visist his entire family, also favors Charon because he's the first kid who he could ACTUALLY RAISE- looks at Hemera, Aither, and the Fates- let's not talk about Moros, Nemesis, Geras, Phil, Hypnos, Than, Eris, and Momus
Also others you awake- Oceanus, Pontus, Ananke, Astreaus, Uranus(maybe), Gaia, and other primordals/Titans prob, comment below for ideas
Other characters: Hippolytus, hates his dad(Theseus) loves Artemis(as in a Motherly figure/best friend, depending on how you see em) also loves his actually mom, Jason and Perseus hanging out together(congrats if ya got that reference), Atalanta, challenge you in everything and likes to berate Jason, Hippolyta, hates her Ex loves her son, Otrera, person you fight because why not?, Keto(Ceto) goddess of Sea Monsters, person you fight because I want that design, Midas, like takes Charons job for most of the game, also Pasithea, with children, help her get to Hypnos, others I don't know GIVE IDEAS
Weapons: main Scythe, because yes, at one point gets dual Swords, one is Aspect of Erebus, because yes, throwing knives, Aspect of Oizys, idk feels right, some type of spear thing, Aspect of Iris and Nike for those, whip? Aspect of Megeara because I'm funny, shields, either Aspect of Heracles or Achlys, and one for Perseus and Athena, mirror shield plus Medusa head one, Hammer/Mace, a Hypnos Ascpet it's funny guys, probably Momus too, and I don't know... that's all I got
For Romance options, I feel like Phil because she's very like Mac, Oizys for that Nemesis/Melinoe type, maybe an Iris one? She shows up in person eventually after you get her fountain, and if you wanna be REALLY funny, Meg or Than depending what ya chose for the first game
Finally, you get a big quest known as Phil's Tea Party, basically everytime you god a minor god or Nyx kid to join her Tea Party, at the end get the whole family, please, Phil loves her family despite them not loving her
I don't know, love to hear ideas
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cellarspider · 3 months
2/?? Prometheus attempts to establish themes
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Several minutes into Prometheus, we have had no dialog, and we are going to wish that it stayed that way.
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This is by little fault of the actors themselves. They all put in solid work. Many of the problems come from the writing, and others from the mismatch between their characterization what we’d call “informed traits”: What the movie tells us we should know about these characters. 
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Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway are archaeologists. We see them with a dig team on the Isle of Skye, where they have just discovered their latest piece of evidence towards a radical theory. They have noticed something astounding that nobody else has dared to consider: evidence of alien contact with Earth, recorded in the art of disparate cultures from around the world. We, the audience, already know that they’re right. 
And we, the audience, know that the History Channel has had kooks on it for ages, ranting about Ancient Aliens. We’ve all seen the meme guy.
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Okay. Let's try to meet this movie where it wants to be, thematically. These are its first two scenes, it's still establishing its direction, and nothing openly egregious has happened yet. We will ignore nitpicky stuff, like the fact that this previously undiscovered dig site is right next to a well-known tourist spot on Skye with 400 reviews on Google Maps.
This movie is establishing an existential premise for its themes. It implies aliens had some hand in shaping not just our culture, but our evolution. The questions it invites at this time are equally existential: why would they do that? What was their purpose here? What was their purpose for us? Why did they stop contacting Earth?
Whether life has a purpose is one of the core debates of philosophy and religion. This movie is beginning with the premise that terrestrial life does have a purpose, implied by the deliberate sacrifice of a thinking being to shape it. This supposition could create a more focused exploration of one possibility, within its narrative space.
I think it fails to deliver on this. The writing specifically fails to deliver on this, which will become apparent once we have more dialog. But there is also an issue with the framing of this premise, which the movie ultimately does not manage to avoid. An issue of cultural context.
Because this is where I, as somebody with a background in history, start to brace. The idea of extraterrestrials visiting ancient peoples is a discredited mid-20th century theory, which stems from ignorance of the historical record, and assumption of ignorance and incapability of ancient peoples to achieve great things, particularly outside of the cultures placed in the prized pedigree of European civilization. 
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Such theorists look at the Great Pyramid of Giza and scoff at the idea that they it have been made without outside help, completely unaware of the century of more experimental pyramid-building that had preceded it, and the fact that we have written records that help us chart the progress of Egyptian mathematics for six hundred years prior to its construction.
They point to the Ramayana–likely written down around the same time that the Ancient Greeks were getting along just fine without aliens–and they say that the flying castles and chariots described in the text must’ve been aliens, who were mistaken for gods, and technological achievements such as rust-resistant iron must have been alien-made. Never mind that the period had a lively scholarly culture that was incorporating ideas from their Greek and Egyptian counterparts, and the people of the Indus Valley built well-planned metropolises with the world’s first known urban sanitation systems three thousand years before that.
They think the Moai of Rapanui, some of which were being erected while Shakespeare was writing his plays, were erected with the help of aliens. The actual answer, as usual, seems to be much more interesting: the Moai walked there:.
This is what ideas of ancient aliens are culturally tied to. You throw this into a movie, and even with the foreknowledge that they’re going to be proven right, I start out skeptical of these people from moment one. I was less likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, and less able to suspend my disbelief around them specifically. This will not get easier as we go.
Which is unfortunate, because most of the next scene is back to being phenomenal, and managed to bounce me back into going along with their premise.
...A side note as we close this out: Getting way too deep into the weeds here, but the art style of the cave paintings is worth mentioning. It appears to be a mashup of two famous cave’s painting styles: The animals are near-replicas of those famously seen in Chauvet (35,000 years old), and the humans and attendant dots are somewhat similar to Lascaux (17,000 years old), both caves in France. Here's an excellent little video from Tom Scott about the former, and the way that you can go see the cave paintings without endangering the site itself. There's a similar museum for Lascaux, shown below!
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I say the human figures are somewhat similar to Lascaux, but I can’t find a match for the style anywhere. The closest I can find is from Tassili n’Ajjer in Algeria (6000 BC) or the Cave of Beasts in the Gilf Kebir mountains in Egypt (5000+ BC). This is because depictions of humanoid figures in european cave art are rare–ranging from a single bird-head figure in Lascaux, to the possible hoax at La Marche. 
This produces an interesting implication, if we take the movie’s premise at face value. If humanoid figures were avoided as subjects for cave art for thousands of years, their inclusion here is especially significant. Perhaps indicating that the alien visitors instructed that some visual representation of this scene to be made, or did so themselves. Thus, it is slotted in amongst the pre-existing animal art, creating a culture clash.
…However, cave lions never made it as far north as Skye. Their known northern range tapped out at about London. While it’s certainly possible that people could’ve traveled that far during this period, local animals tend to be the focus of cave paintings. So we’re getting the visual sense that a French stone age painter was doing a residency at Skye. Amusing, but odd.
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Citations for alt text ramblings:
1. https://www.isleofskye.com/skye-guide/top-ten-skye-walks/old-man-of-storr 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chariots_of_the_Gods%3F 3. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ 4. https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/royalty-calculator 5. https://search.worldcat.org/title/7625265
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chaterbox1237 · 2 months
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Okay so hades 2 tech test just released and I wanted to touch up my fucking moros knowledge because I have none and instead I get Prometheus saying false hope is stored within the tiddies.
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groundrunner100 · 2 months
Don’t forget to reblog your FAVORITE starship!
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astranauticus · 5 months
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figures4fun · 3 months
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A very labor-intensive post! Particularly proud of the pose, which was done practically and not with photoshop. And the smoke coming off the weapon!
Thanks @stainedrevenant for helping with the pose!
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72stars · 6 months
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I feel like I know less and less about character design every time I try, but here’s my current efforts with RH: Prometheus designs. I tried starting with silhouettes. …my technique needs work.
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