#Probably got it from Jack who loves building things with his hands
radiance1 · 6 months
Teddy Bear Danny au again les go.
So, established that in this au Danny is a teddy bear. But I think we'll flesh it out a bit more? Like, outwardly, his appearance is that of a teddy bear but he's still flesh and all that?
Maybe his flesh took on the qualities of whatever his Teddy Bear was made of before the fuse an allat, maybe he even lost his skeleton or sum.
But anyways, so. I want Danny to just be like in Gotham for one reason or another, maybe he was abandoned by the Fentons on accident when they went to Gotham for some ghost hunting thing.
Maybe he was a stowaway and then got left behind because he got lost.
Whatever the case, I can't help but think of him becoming an inventor just because. Like, he was just wandering around as one does after being accidentally left behind by one's parents, he breaks into a house (Really, they left the window open, and it was raining, cut the kid sum slack) and then finds a broken appliance that he just. Fixes up.
For literally no reason other than he could.
Then he steals some of their food and hides when he hears someone coming. Somehow, probably because of ghost powers, he managed to remain out of their sight the whole time and then dips when it stops raining.
Maybe Danny even carries around a little tool that the Fenton's made so that they don't have to carry around a toolbox. Like, a one in all tool kind of thing.
Maybe Danny wanted to fix up somebody's thing, then when he finished and came back his parents just, weren't there.
So, a teddy bear just wanders around the neighborhood and fixes up people's stuff for free, nobody knows it's a teddy bear or why someone makes it their personal mission to just break into people's houses just to steal some food and fix up broken appliances, but nobody is really complaining about it.
Again, nobody knows who's doing this. But they know they do a fine goddamn job of it. Maybe they just, start leaving out their broken items in one specific area after a while along with some food, it took Danny a while to realize that people are deliberately leaving out stuff for him to fix as well as food, but he's not complaining.
He just gets to fixing up their stuff and eating the treats they leave behind, then leaves before anyone catches sight of him. Maybe one day someone leaves him a toolbox as a gift, and while Danny is flattered, really, he can't really pick it up because. Well. The size is a problem.
A few days later, and he's left a smaller one after slapping on a note written with very messy handwriting explaining how it's too big for him. Which Danny very gladly takes.
Maybe he even finds himself a little hardhat toy that he uses to complete the look. Like a little construction worker or something. Eventually, Danny becomes a famous local little cryptid who fixes up various things basically for free in exchange for food, but nobody has ever seen him and only works out of sight and all that.
Honestly, everyone is just happy it isn't a new upstart villain or whatever, even if they haven't seen the little guy. Some theorize that he's actually just some random Gothamite kid, some theorize that he's actually a spirit who just really likes to fix things up for whatever, some think he might actually be a fairy who decided to bless Gotham with some minor convenience after the absolute hell of it being, well, Gotham on a whim.
Whatever the case, every civilian who knows about him is pretty thankful of him existing. Because they don't have to spend a bunch of money on, you know, fixing their stuff.
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gravestrain · 5 months
And he feels like home (j. hughes)
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Happy winter fic exchange! @one-night-story I am so thrilled to be able to have written this for you! I hope I created something that you love that you feel fully represented in and safe to read. 🩷
Demi @wyattjohnston, thank you as always for creating such a wonderful event for our community. Your hard work for these exchanges will never go unnoticed by me, I appreciate you so much.
And thank you to @thomasschabot for proofreading this for me and making sure it was accessible for all to read, I appreciate you so much my friend!
Title was taken from long story short by Taylor Swift. This is 4.7k words, gender neutral reader. It has been double checked by lovely c to ensure that it is safe for all to read <3
new neighbor
You considered yourself to be a very patient person. You were also extremely understanding. You didn't get upset or frustrated by much. You were a good person, sometimes you allowed people to get away with things for their own sake, even if it inconvenienced you in anyway. But at this point, you had had enough.
Since you moved into your apartment in August, you could probably count on one hand the amount of times you had talked to your neighbors. You were in the corner apartment, the last at the end of the hall, your only neighbors being two young men who you presumed to be brothers.
You ran into them a few times in the hallway, the two of them hardly ever separated. You knew they left in the mid afternoon, usually in suits. You assumed it was for work, but you never felt inclined to ask. They usually look rushed, the older one pestering the younger one to "hurry up" as he got out the door.
It was only this week that you had learned their names. A piece of their mail had accidentally been dropped in your box. The name addressed as "Jack Hughes." You contemplated what to do with it, standing at their door with the letter in your hands for a few minutes when the door suddenly burst open, the younger brother opening the door.
"Oh! Hello," he muttered out awkwardly. Neither of you had known the other's name, but you both knew each other as neighbors. "Hi! Are you Jack?" You asked awkwardly, not holding out the card, making your question seem like a random inquiry. "No, I'm Luke, Jack is my brother. Why do you ask? Do you need something?" He asked in an almost bothered tone, as if people frequently came to him asking for unwanted favors.
"Oh! Duh. A piece of Jack's mail got put in my box by accident. I assume it's okay if I drop it with you?" You asked, making you almost instantly face palm. "Yep, that works. Anyway, I'm late to something. Thanks for dropping it off..." He mumbled off at the end, not knowing what to insert for your name. You told him your name, and that was that.
That was earlier this week. This was now Friday. Occasionally, you could tell that they had some small parties. Nothing too outlandish for an apartment building that shared thin walls, but a decent amount of people resulting in a louder volume. You were young yourself, you were never going to complain for a small amount of volume on the occasional Saturday night. This however, had been far too much.
You swear this was the 3rd night in a row of their little parties, and you had dealt with far too much. It was mid April, you were studying for a big exam you had. Part of your move in August was to signal the start of your journey to get your masters degree. You were almost done with the semester, just a few big exams in between, this being one of them. You knew that it seemed a little lame, studying for exams on a Friday night, but part of the move was moving to New Jersey where there was a school that was one of the best in the country for your intended major, not super close to home. With all of your studying and academic work, including working to pay for the apartment and schooling, you didn't have much time to socialize. You had gone to coffee with some people from your classes, but not much beyond that, not enough to warrant Friday night plans towards the end of the semester.
Slamming your textbook, you decided you had officially reached your limit. You paced back and forth a bit, trying to calm down a bit in an attempt to hopefully not absolutely lose it on your neighbor. It wasn't that late, but you had been studying all day with minimal breaks. You couldn't see the end of the studying in sight if your neighbors kept the music at the volume they had. You wondered how the people on the other side of them weren't bothered by the noise, but then again you had probably seen them even less than you had seen Jack and Luke.
You slipped your feet into the pair of shoes closest to the door, banging on the door in an attempt for them to hear it over the blaring music. You took a small step back when a man you didn't recognize answered the door. "Can I help you?" A dark haired man with an accent asked. Before you could open your mouth, a very energetic Jack came bustling towards the door. "Y/N! To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked with a charming smile, almost causing your reserve to break down. But when your brain came back after the sound of the music blared through your ears, you remembered why you were over here.
"Do you know what time it is?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. "It's only 11. It's a Friday night. But based on your casual attire, I doubt that matters much to you," Jack quipped at your casual pajamas. "For your information, Jack, I'm studying for a big exam. Clearly you don't know much about that." You snapped back.
"For your information, my team just made the playoffs. We have a lot to celebrate." Jack flexed, causing his chest to puff out a bit. "I don't care which of your beer league teams made the playoffs, but I would really like to pass my first year of my masters program and not have to repeat. That is, after all, how I ended up here, as your neighbor." You were starting to lose your patience, and instead of Jack surrendering, he started laughing.
"Beer league, huh. Do you not know?" You rolled your eyes. "If this is your attempt at a 'Do you know who I am?' moment, you're failing severely. Or even better, if it's going to be a 'do you know who my father is?' Just save me the time, I have an exam to study for," you had one foot out the door when Jack grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
"Relax, I just figured you knew because that seems to be all anyone wants from us who lives in this building. Favors relating to our job. Luke and I play for the New Jersey Devils, the NHL team around here. It's okay that you don't know, however I hope now that you do, you'll choose us to be your favorite team." Jack smirked at you, causing you to giggle, which resulted in you immediately covering your mouth. What was happening to you? You didn't giggle over charming guys.
"Oh, did you guys win or something? Seems like an awfully long time to be celebrating one win," you quipped. "We made it into the playoffs. We are the number one seed. We've been celebrating for a few days because we have a bit of time off. I am sorry, it is probably excessive. We'll turn it down and remind the guys that we aren't the only ones who live here." Jack put his tail between his legs. You did feel a bit bad, but you were glad the noise was going to at least quiet down.
"I hope I didn't come off like a jerk, I just got flustered. I know you didn't know. I shouldn't have come over attacking." You muttered, causing Jack to smile.
"I'll accept your apology on one condition. Do you think you can find some time in your busy finals schedule to come to one of our games? I can get you more details when the playoffs schedule comes out, but I would it if you could come. I think Luke might be a little jealous that I softened you up first, but it just adds for some more bragging rights on the kid."
You couldn't believe your ears. Your cute, albeit a little clueless neighbor, was not only a professional athlete, but he was also asking you on a date if you weren't mistaken.
"Well Jack, I'd love to, but you just better hope I pass this exam." You smiled, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Good thing we're gonna turn the volume down."
2. first game
What do you wear to a hockey game that you were invited to by your neighbor who you have only talked to a few times but you think he may have been awkwardly potentially flirting with you when he invited you?
You were digging through your closet, looking for something appropriate to wear for probably one of the most awkward, unique events you have ever been to. You can't say that you had ever been to a professional hockey game. You weren't clueless to the rules and such, you just never had the opportunity to attend one in person.
Not to mention, you were going alone. You only had a few casual friends at school through this point in the year, and it didn't feel appropriate to bring any of them to this... interesting event you were going to. Plus, you were certain that you would be wrapped up in the game. You were nervous enough as is, and you can't imagine if you had to sit there and make awkward small talk with one of your classmates who might be able to say what your last name is.
Sitting in the uber on the way there made you start to question your choice of agreeing to go to the game. You had no idea how this would go other than you knew that Jack had slipped the ticket under your door earlier this morning and written on it was instructions on how to get to the gate. One thing that caused your cheeks to heat was that on the bottom of the post it note, was his phone number.
This made it feel almost official in a way, having his phone number. Before you could dwell on it too much, your uber pulled up to the door that Jack directed you to. You thanked the driver and walked in to the stadium, immediately overwhelmed by everything. For a second you considered turning around and making something up to Jack that you were sick, but when you took a second to look around, you saw so many happy people with Jack's last name plastered across their backs, number 86 standing proudly. You felt a sense of pride for Jack, though you weren't sure how to feel about that.
That sense of pride never went away once the game started. Your eyes were on Jack from the second his feet touched the ice, and the moment he sat on the bench. Your eyes followed him all the way to the bench, wishing the time he wasn't on the ice would go faster. You wondered why you had never been interested on hockey. Jack was so talented, and the game ended with him scoring a goal and getting two assists. You thought for a second that he was looking up at you when he scored, but you shook your head quickly to rid your brain of those thoughts.
As the game ended, it suddenly occurred to you that you weren't sure how this would end. You sat in your seat for a while letting the seats clear out, preparing to walk towards the gate that you entered in, opening the uber app. As soon as your phone unlocked, a message from Jack popped up on your phone.
"Meet me outside," it read. "I'd like to take you to dinner and drive you home. I'll meet you by the gate you entered in."
Your cheeks flushed at his admission, suddenly looking down at your outfit. Was this appropriate for a dinner date? You were not planning on this at all. You checked what you looked like in the front camera of your phone. Before you could decide whether or not you looked appropriate, you heard a familiar laugh. Your chest warmed at the idea that his laugh could be so familiar, so homey despite the fact that the two of you had not spent much time together.
Jack's feet sped up as he caught up to you, just excited to see you after a great win. His smile was contagious when he saw you standing there, staring at your sneakers in an attempt to not be noticed by the rest of the guys who might ask questions.
In the end, it wasn't Jack who spoke up first. It was Luke. "Y/N! I'm so glad you came! I wanted to score for you, but unfortunately this guy beat me to it," he smiled, throwing an arm around your shoulders. You tried to relax into his arms, telling yourself this was a new normal in your life. Casual banter with your neighbors who just so happen to be professional athletes making millions of dollars.
"Hey back off, I invited them. You dropped the ball. Your turn is up, by the way," Jack muttered, causing Luke to give a quizzical look. Taking advantage of Luke's moment of confusion, Jack sneaks around him and puts his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. A noise of surprise comes out of your mouth. Not discomfort, just surprise at his sudden display of physical affection. "That was awesome!" Jack yelled. "Did you have so much fun?" He asked, pulling away to see your face looking up at him.
"Well it would have been more fun if Luke scored for me but I guess I'll settle for your points," you teased. He smiled, his cheeks turning red at your teasing. "Y/N, is Jack blushing? Did you turn him into a shy mess?" Luke teased and Jack groaned, hiding his face in your shoulder. "I just want to impress you," he smiled which caused your entire body to heat up. It never occurred to you that he wanted to impress you. That you were there because he wanted you to be impressed with his game and how he played.
"Well don't worry, I was thoroughly impressed. Would you like to go to dinner now?" You asked. "Am I invited? Is this like a neighborly get together?" Luke was now teasing you both, causing both of you to get bashful. "Dude, clearly this is a date," Jack mumbled, causing your eyebrows to raise. "Clearly? Is that what we're calling it now. I mean I certainly thought it was, but you never asked me." You and Luke were truly just having fun with the teasing now.
"Jack, it's not very gentlemanly to assume it's a date. You really should ask, especially with someone like Y/N. They're a catch!" Jack was glaring daggers into Luke. "Yes, I should. Y/N, I would like tonight to be a date. Will you go out on a date with me?" Jack asked, grabbing your hand in his. You were grinning, nodding your head. "Well then, Luke I think it's past your bedtime. Why don't you go home with Holtzy and I will take Y/N out for dinner?" Luke shook his head, giggling. "Wouldn't you like that," he laughed. "Luke-" "Fine! Fine! I'm done. I'll go. Y/N, it was a pleasure to laugh with you. You kids enjoy yourself."
"I have a feeling we will."
3. first (real) date
Your dinner with Jack was perfect. You finally got the news back that you had passed the exam you were stressing about, and to celebrate, you got your favorite take out and watched Jack's game on the couch with a glass of wine. It was strange, to whole heartedly notice his absence when him and Luke were away for games. Right now, they were on a short West coast road trip, Denver, Arizona, and Seattle, and then heading back home for a few days off before a home game.
This was their last game being gone, and you found yourself waiting hopefully for Jack to come back. You had been texting a lot on the road trip, Jack even calling you once after he crawled into the empty bed next to Jesper's bed. According to Jack, his friend, teammate, and road roommate Jesper slept like the dead, even going as far as to wearing headphones when he slept, so there was no concern of the call waking him up. That didn't stop you from keeping your voice to a low volume, which Jack of course countered by yelling an obnoxious "What was that?" whenever he couldn't hear you.
After a Devils win, you crawled into bed for the night, finding yourself thinking of Jack, and how you couldn't wait to see him. You were in so deep.
As you cleaned up the remnants of your late afternoon lunch, a knock sounded on your door. You had a feeling you knew who it was, but you still checked the peephole to see Jack's face on the other side, nervously rocking back and forth on his feet, holding something in his hand.
"Hi, it's so good to see you!" You smiled, welcoming him inside. "These are for you. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate, but I wanted to ask you something, so I thought these might help. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to dinner with me on Friday? We have a game on Thursday night, and I thought a more formal, not after a game greasy pizza joint dinner would be fun. That is, if you are interested? If not, it's okay, I was just," you finally cut him off with a hand on his arm. "Jack! I'd love to. The flowers are beautiful. Thank you for thinking of me. I would love nothing more." You smiled, causing an audible sigh to come from Jack's lips.
"Oh thank God! Sorry, I didn't want to ramble, I just really got nervous. I wanted you to say yes but I didn't want to sound weird or make you uncomfortable." He smiled. Neither of you knew what was going on. Jack was stunned that his neighbor who he had barely talked to but admired from afar had turned him into a nervous, blushing mess. You also couldn't say you were expecting to fall for your neighbor. But when he was gone, you came to that conclusion: you were absolutely falling for Jack. You were falling for him, you couldn't understand how it had happened or why, but you absolutely were.
When it came time for your date to come, you felt more nervous than you did for the game. Jack had let you know that you were going to be going to a nicer restaurant. You picked his brain a bit at what to wear. What you didn't know is that he had preplanned his outfit, mannerisms, conversations, basically his every move for the date with his mom and brothers. Well, mostly Quinn. When Luke saw how nervous he was, he was constantly teasing him. Luke loved to tease him about how you should have fallen for him instead of Jack. Of course it was all jokes, as soon as the two of you started hanging out Luke could immediately see the chemistry between the two of you. He knew that your connection was much deeper than any sort of joke he could make. He was really happy for his older brother, finally seeing him fall for a person who made him truly happy.
When you decided on an outfit that was both appropriate for the occasion and made you feel good about yourself, you started pacing by the front door of your apartment, anxiously waiting for Jack to come. It was about 10 minutes before he said he would arrive. On the other side of the wall, Jack thought about coming a few minutes early, but his mom immediately shut that down. Jack argued that he wanted to seem timely and didn't want to keep you waiting. Ellen shut him down, though.
"How long does it take you to walk 10 steps next door? You never want to rush someone getting ready, especially for a first date." Luke was cackling in the background, of course.
At 6:00 on the dot, Jack was knocking on your door. He was almost more nervous than when he came by a few days before asking if you wanted to go to dinner with him, if that was even possible. When you opened the door, Jack planted his feet in the ground, willing himself to not fall over on his ass and make a complete fool of himself.
You were absolutely stunning. You looked so amazing in Jack's eyes. He felt himself blushing as soon as you opened the door. He was thanking his lucky stars, wondering how he had gotten so lucky as to find someone as special as you.
"Y/N..." he finally breathed out, his heart racing. "What? Do I look okay?" You began to feel nervous under his intense gaze, your hands instinctively picking at your fingernails. "Okay would be an insult. You look incredible. These are for you, by the way," Jack handed you the flowers he forgot he even had. "That's so sweet! You didn't have to bring me flowers. The ones you brought me a few days ago are still going strong. They will look beautiful together, though."
You took a minute to put the flowers in a vase. Jack was watching you from afar, you felt his eyes on you, following you around your small kitchen. Truthfully, he was admiring you. He couldn't help but blush at the sight of you, putting flowers in the vase that he bought for you, getting ready for the date that he was taking you out on. He felt like he won the lottery.
When you turned around, you saw him blushingly admiring you, causing your own cheeks to heat up. "What has you so smiley?" you asked, taking a step closer to him, bravely grabbing his hand in yours. You rubbed your thumb over his hand in an attempt to help him feel calm. Jack was certain no one had ever made him feel this nervous. Certainly not someone he was dating. "I just can't believe how beautiful you are. I feel so lucky that you are going out with me."
Both of you were nervous wrecks at this point. Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you were leaning forward, kissing him on the cheek. As soon as Jack felt your lips on his skin, he knew he had to kiss you. "Can I kiss you? Like, on the lips," he muttered, causing you to giggle. "Yes Jack, you can kiss me, like on the lips." He groaned at your teasing, but before he could throw his head back exasperatedly, you leaned forward, capturing his lips with your own.
Jack felt himself melt, holding onto your waist in an attempt to hold himself up straight. It was official. You had softened Jack into a gushy, pillowy mess. And Jack had never been so happy.
+1. as a couple
6 months later
"Jack, honey, if you keep stomping any louder, the people below us are gonna come complain," you muttered teasingly at him. "You really think they can hear you? Besides, if they came and complained, I would simply explain to them that my amazing partner, whom I care for very much, is meeting my family for the first time, and I think they would understand." He quipped back, causing you to laugh.
Jack's parents were coming in to town for the first time in the new season. Before you met Jack, you had long planned to spend the summer abroad with your closest friend. Jack was thrilled for you, but disappointed you wouldn't be able to spend time together over the summer at his summer house. He did however, jet off to meet you in Italy for a week, which was perfect. Ordinarily, you probably would have met Jack's parents already, but with the chaos of your summer, it was now the Devils home opener, and you had yet to meet your boyfriend's parents.
"If I'm so amazing, why are you so nervous for me to meet them?" Jack groaned, causing you to laugh. Teasing each other was something so common, but it was always done lovingly. It was almost a love language of sorts between the two of you.
"Babe, how many times have I talked to Quinn on FaceTime with you? And Luke is the best friend I have here in Jersey, besides you obviously, so it's just your parents. Who, by the way, we have also Facetimed with a handful of times together."
"I know, but in person it's different. They might get knocked on their ass by your good looks and charm, just like I was. And besides, if you think Luke's teasing and sarcasm is bad, just wait until you meet my dad. Where do you think he gets it from?" Jack continues to ramble. To an outsider, it might look like Jack didn't want you to meet his parents, but you both knew it was the complete opposite. The two of you hadn't been together for that long, but in a way that didn't matter. Jack was close to saying the "l word," and you probably weren't that far behind him. He wanted you to meet his parents because he wanted them to love you as much as he did. You felt the same way.
In an attempt to stop his never ending nerves, you took the few steps across the room towards him, putting your hand on his cheek and pulling him in for a soft kiss. "Jack, I am thrilled to meet your parents. If it makes you feel any better, I am a bit nervous too. I want them to like me. Although, I'm sure you've bored them to tears with stories making me seem like I'm the most amazing person on the Earth." "Because you are," Jack intervened, serious as a heart attack.
You laughed at his genuine tone, he was always buttering you up. "They'll love you, because you're amazing. Besides, Lukey and Quinn already love you. This will be easy work for you. The shock of me being in a serious relationship has already worn off. They're thrilled to meet you," you laughed at his half hearted attempt at a joke.
"Besides, I'm sure they will be so excited to meet the person who has turned you into a sap," you laughed, causing Jack's mouth to open in shock. "I am not a sap!" He tried to quip back, but you both knew he was absolutely lying. He was so soft on you, something none of his loved ones had ever seen. "Jack, yesterday you laid your nice jacket over a puddle in the nasty streets of Jersey for me to walk over because there was no way around it," you stared back at him. "That puddle was huge! Your pant legs would've been soaked, I know you would've hated that." You laughed at his kind hearted attempt at an explanation.
"You are one of a kind Jack Hughes," you started. "I truly love you." As soon as the words came out of your mouth, your hand covered it in shock. Of course you loved Jack, but you were so nervous to tell him. You had never said those words to someone romantically before, and you were both certain he would say it first, even though you hadn't talked about it before.
"You love me?" He asked, his voice quivering. "Of course I love you, did you miss the puddle story? I would be crazy not to have fallen in love with you." At this point, both of your eyes were watery, Jack's grip on your shoulders never wavering. "Oh my God, you love me. Oh my God, wait, I love you! I love you so much! I can't believe I haven't said it back yet! I love you!" Jack was over the moon, causing you to laugh wetly.
You had absolutely softened Jack to his core. But you were nothing but soft for him, the two of you a perfect match for each other. When you pulled each other in for a kiss, the love between the two of you was imminent, the nerves of the upcoming event melting away. Jack couldn't wait to introduce you to his parents as his partner whom he loved so much, and you couldn't wait to love them as much as you loved him.
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yearning-for-autumn · 5 months
Azriel NSFW Alphabet
A/N: Literally no one asked for this, also I may have gone a bit overboard so like if anyone who knows me sees this no you didn't.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Azriel is king of the princess treatment. Whilst he is rough in bed, he is gentle and sweet with you once it’s all over, he’ll run his hands softly down your body whispering how well you did, how good you were for him. Then he’ll scoop you up and run you both a bath, getting in with you to wash your hair and hold you.
Butterfly kisses….enough said.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Azriel is an ass guy, he likes boobs but he will always admire a shapely bum. He loves to grab it, slap it, rub soothing circles on it as he fucks you. He loves to have you bounce up and down on his cock facing away from him as well so he can watch it jiggle. To a lesser extent, he loves your neck as well, he loves to leave hickies to stake his claim…possessive Illyrians…
His favourite body part of his own is probably his wings. He’s a bit smug about the fact he has the biggest wingspan of his brothers, and on a sadder note he is just thankful he can use them, that he learnt to fly and the freedom they represent for him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This man cums heavy. Like…it’s going to be dripping from you. He loves coming over your arse, watching those stripes of white paint your red backside.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Azriel doesn’t really like to admit, but he is pretty touch starved. He doesn’t allow many people to touch his wings but the first time you did he came almost immediately. It took a little while for him to build up some stamina with you in that area. 
On a dirtier note…Azriel has a bit of a fantasy of fucking you in the same room as Cassian and Nesta. He loves how feisty Nesta is, knowing she’s a bit of a brat for Cassian. He wants to show off how much of a good girl you are for him, make Cassian Jealous that he can do absolutely anything to you and you’ll thank him for it. He also wants to see you fuck Nesta…whilst he fucks Cass. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Azriel is very experienced. He has had a lot of lovers over the years but he is not very experienced in having a long term relationship. That being said, he has taken subs before and is very confident in his abilities to practise BDSM safely and sanely. He takes your comfort very seriously and has experience with many different wants and needs.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Honestly any, but he loves sitting up with you in his lap, either bouncing you up and down on his cock, or having your back pressed against his chest as he cradles you and rubs your clit until you cum. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He can be if he thinks you’re really nervous but mostly he’s in the zone. When he fucks you, he does it right, and he’s concentrating on your pleasure…(or punishment).
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps things neat down there but he’s not completely hairless. He doesn’t have a preference on whether you choose to shave or not.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Azriel can turn on the romance if need be, but his expertise lies in being a dom, he’s not not romantic…but he’s definitely not sweet and gentle with you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Azriel masturbates quite frequently. He’s got a high sex drive and so when you’re away or he’s on a mission he won’t think twice before taking himself in his hand. He’s also a fan of masturbating together, and loves pumping his thick cock to the sight of you rubbing your clit, head thrown back in self made ecstasy. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
DDLG - I’m a firm believer in daddy!az, he loves to spoil you, he’s not a brat tamer but you’re such a good girl for him that he doesn’t have to be. 
Breeding - I think this is an Illyrian trait that he’s a little ashamed of. He loves pumping you full of cum, and pushing it back in. It gets him all hot and bothered to whisper in your ear how hot he thinks you would look full with his child.
Spanking - This male just can’t leave your ass alone…if your butt is out it’s getting slapped. He loves taking you over his knee, panties on at first then spanking you hard until you soak through the fabric.
Dom/Sub - I think he can switch, and does enjoy subbing occasionally, but mostly likes to see your submission to him. He likes the quiet submission, doing up your shoes, cooking you dinner because you’re just his little girl and need him to help you. He also likes to have you kneel at his side whilst he works, head resting on his knee.
This might be a bit out of pocket but I also think he has a teeny bit of a piss kink, but he keeps this to himself unless you are very adventurous. Look SJM said he was a freak alright but everyones afraid to make him really freaky…..
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s quite a private male so nowhere you’re likely to get caught. He can be swayed…but it’s at your own risk.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly anything turns him on. You could walk past him and he would grab you by the hips, pull you to his chest and ask if you want to play. What really turns him on though is when you initiate. When you crawl into his lap, all shy like, bat your eyelashes and ask him…daddy, can we play? Cauldron, he’ll be hard before you’ve finished asking.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Azriel isn’t into hurting you too much. He finds scratching, blood play, and anything unnecessarily rough too far and he won’t do it unless you eased him into it. His hard no is fire, anything to do with it, candles and wax play…he won’t go there at all. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Look, the man is a giver and is good at it, but god does he love a blowjob. Give Azriel a blow job. He wants it. He’d reward you so good for it. He’s gonna cradle your head and stroke your hair while you do it. Please.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
If it’s a special occasion he might take his time with you, fuck you all romantic, turn on the romance so to speak. But he really prefers to set the pace quite quick, it gets him off better and it probably gets you off better too.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Oh yeah. He’s ready to go at any moment. And he’s got a busy job. Rhys asks him to do things on pretty short notice sometimes and he’s not leaving without a quick fuck. But he won’t do anything particularly kinky unless he’s got time for aftercare, he’s discussed what he wants from it, and has your input on everything involved. Your quickies are more like quick vanilla sex, you love it though, any Azriel is good for you. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Azriel would not be the kinky male he is if he wasn’t down to experiment. If you have something new for him to try he’s absolutely game, just don’t spring it on him before he’s going away or he’ll be a grumpy boy.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Mm Azriel will last long, but if you touch his wings…man’s going to come prematurely and be sulky about it for the rest of the night. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes. Azriel has floggers, paddles, ropes, vibrators, (bunny ears and a bunny tail buttplug….). He loves to dress you up. And he’s not shy about using toys to enhance your pleasure. He draws the line at making a mould of his own penis though..and you have asked.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s a massive tease. He’s a condescending, teasing, smug asshole. But if you are desperate enough he will grant you relief. He will also listen seriously if you tell him you’re not in the mood for teasing. He only wants to tease if he knows you’re into it. This is why safewords exist guys. Also, and I can’t stress this enough, I firmly believe he would only tease in the bedroom, he’s not one of these guys that wants to see you mad and gets a kick out of it, I find that kind of man repulsive lowkey.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Let. Azriel. Be. Loud. In. Bed. Quiet in the streets, loud in the sheets baby. But anyway yeah he moans a lot, talks a lot, wants you to know how much you turn him on. And he wants you to be the same. He’s not happy until you’re screaming.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Azriel pretends to be cocky about his body but he’s actually a bit embarrassed about getting fully naked around people. This goes away quite quickly when you start worshipping it with your mouth though–
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Big boy…massive boy…he’s girthy and he’s long and Rhys and Cassian can only look and weep.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. He wants you all the time, everyday. The mating frenzy was exhausting, I hope your pussy survived.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Look he’s a male, orgasms make him sleepy, but he won’t sleep until you’re tucked up beside him and comfortable. Mans not happy until his baby’s happy.
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writinghotchner · 6 months
Wait I love girldad!hotch so much. Hotch x Reader where they have a baby girl? Since it's christmas maybe a cute family xmas moment with them and Jack?
god, i love girldad!hotch too 😭
fandom: criminal minds pairing: hotch x fem!reader rating: e warnings: none
this isnt as christmassy as i really wanted but this is where the story took me?? 🤷‍♀️ anyway, i hope you enjoy it! <3
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it was relatively late when you finally dragged your tired feet through the front door of your home. later than you usually get home, anyway. 7 pm isn't usually late for most people, but you're usually home by 4, 4:30 at at the latest. a holiday party fiasco kept you later than normal and you could've snuck away sooner if it hadn't of been for your boss stalking and lurking his way through the building.
as you step inside and kick off you heels, you're immediately hit with two things. 1. something smells so good and, 2. your daughter has once again been possessed by the loudest screamiest demon to ever travel the dark realms.
you quickly shrug off your coat and drop your bag off at the door and make your way to the smells and noises. you travel down the small hallway, taking in the christmas decorations that adorn the walls, you trail by the big beautiful christmas tree thats fully lit and standing so tall in the living room, and then you finally round your way into kitchen where you see your husband with your nine month old daughter strapped to his chest, the carrier straps crisscrossed along his back giving it away. he's bouncing her as he speaks while stirring whatever it is he's making on the stove. you lean against the door frame with a smile listening to the cuteness in front of you.
your daughter's screaming has calmed down now, it's now just a hiccupping cry accompanied by little sniffles here and there. you see hotch use his spare hand to bring it up to cup the back of the little girls head.
"i know, baby, i miss her too, but she'll be home and we'll both be so happy, huh?" he steps away from the stove and starts swaying her, his hand never leaving the back of her head. he turns a little giving you access to her little face and you can then see her big beautiful brown eyes staring up at him and the worlds biggest frown on her face. even from this distance you can see her face is red from screaming and she still has globs of tears threatening to leave her eyes at any given moment.
"i'll put on a wig and one of mommy's shirts if it'll make you feel better," he says in his baby-talk voice. "i'll do whatever you want if you'll just stop giving me those big sad eyes."
you can't help but to chuckle at that. you step more into the kitchen to rest your elbows against the island counter directly behind him.
"what's goin' on in here?" you finally say and hotch spins around, his face cracking open with a smile.
"hey!" he laughs through his smile, "when did you get home?"
"just now." you tell him. you stand behind him and pop up on your toes to peer over his broad shoulder at your baby girl. she's nearly stopped crying at this point but the second her eyes land on you and she realizes who you are, she full on screams, the tears sitting in her eyes now free falling down her cheeks. her face scrunches up so much you wonder how it's even possible.
"oh, baby," you coo, moving to stand next to your husband as he helps you pull her out of the carrier. "what's the matter, huh? stuck at home with daddy all day got you the blues?"
hotch turns to glare at you for that. "we had a good time." he says turning back to the stove. "you know, until she started screaming at me."
you hold her close to your chest, your lips resting on the top of her soft head. she almost immediately calms, save for a few shuttering breaths. you sway her slowly, giving her a little squeeze of comfort.
"where's jack?" you ask, turning to look back into the living room to see if he was in there watching tv.
"he's probably in his room getting ready."
you blink a couple of times, your eyes drifting up to think about why jack would be getting ready to go somewhere. and then it hits you.
"oh, no, dave's is tonight?" you questioned, checking the time on the on the stove. dave had invited the entire bau gang + family to his house for christmas eve dinner, it had been in your planner since thanksgiving.
hotch turns to look at you. "yeah. is that a problem? we can cancel if-"
"no! no, it's okay. i just forgot. it's been a long tiring day." you sigh, a little mad at yourself for forgetting.
hotch opens the oven door and takes out a batch of what looks like sugar cookies. he uses his foot to close the door behind him as he sets the cookie tray down, and then he shuffles his socked feet over to you, quickly enveloping you and your daughter in a hug. he smiles at you lovingly before he kisses your lips and then kisses his daughter's head.
"i can take the kids if you want to stay here."
you shift the now sleeping baby to your left arm and use your right arm to pull him closer to you, reconnecting your lips.
"that's sweet. but i don't mind going, really. my social battery might be a little on the dead side, though." you kiss him again with a hum, chuckling softly when you taste the sugar cookies on his lips.
he smiles against you. "okay," he says, taking the baby out of your arms. "i'll take her, you go check on jack and then go get ready. everything in here is nearly done, and then all i have to do is get changed and put her in her christmas onesie." the little girl whines a little as shes moved but doesn't make much of an effort to wake up or cry. he sits her back in her carrier, her head lulling to his chest, her little lips smacking as she settles into him. you nearly cry at the sweetness of it all. especially the thought of the littlest hotchner in her green christmas tree onesie that penelope had gotten her before she was even born.
"she's fine, honey, get outta here." and with that, he lightly snaps a hand towel across your butt grinning.
you laugh and turn to leave the kitchen but not without throwing "keep that up, hotchner, and we won't leave this house," over your shoulder. and then you're gone.
"oooh, mommy's being mean to daddy, little one." hotch stage whispers. she doesn't move or even open her eyes. "oh, i see how it is. take her side, huh?"
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unreliablesnake · 2 months
Untitled. Part one.
Summary: Deacon wants to introduce his girlfriend to his kids.
Note: Reader is a fashion model in her twenties. Deacon and Annie only have three kids. To be honest I like him and the reader together and I see potential. I mean, jealousy from Annie's side or her coming up with the idea that Deac is experiencing some midlife crisis, the kids hating/loving her, the team finding out they're together, she gets into trouble and he has to save our protect her...
Warning: age gap, afab!reader.
PS: I told you I can't stop.
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Danica, the lead makeup artist of the photo shoot came over to you with a wide grin on her face, quickly sending the others away so she could tell you an important piece of gossip. You returned her smile as you leaned closer to listen, expecting something about the model who caused some chaos by not showing up.
But she remained silent for a little too long, and you began to assume it was about something else. And just like that, your suspicion was proven right when she finally spoke up. “There's a handsome silver fox outside with a police badge and he's looking for you. Jack is trying to convince him to leave if it's not related to an investigation, though, so if he belongs to you…”
“Oh, yes, he's mine,” you were quick to say with a bright smile. “Thanks for the heads-up, I'll talk to Jack.”
She nodded before gently patting you on the shoulder, giving you the green light to leave. Your makeup was done, it was only your hair that they had to finish before you could stand in front of the camera. They could surely survive five minutes without you, so you rushed out of the building to find your boyfriend and hopefully tell the head of security that there was nothing to worry about.
When your eyes finally fell on Deacon, you couldn't help but gulp from the sight. He was wearing a suit, something you always pointed out looked good on him, and when he noticed you, his face immediately lit up. You had been together for three months now, so this was probably the honeymoon phase making you this happy around each other, but you truly hoped things would stay this way.
His marriage ended shortly before you met thanks to Chris, and back then he wasn't ready to make a move on someone. But months later you met again on a night out with the team and he finally made up his mind to ask for your number. Long story short, he swept you off your feet with ease, and even the age difference wasn't enough to stop you from being happy together.
“Jack, he's with me. Can you let him in?” you asked with a sweet smile.
The man let out a sigh then gestured to him that he was allowed to enter the premises under your watch. Deacon leaned down to kiss the top of your head, already knowing better than to ruin your makeup, then took your hand and led you a little further away from people.
“Don’t get me wrong, I'm glad you're here, but why did you come? Did something happen?” you asked worriedly.
He was quick to reassure you with a shake of his head. “I just wanted to see you. But there's a change in the plans. Annie called; something came along and I'll have the kids over tonight,” he told you.
If he had the kids over, it meant your planned date had to be canceled. It sucked, but you were okay with it. His kids would always come first, and you liked that about him. He loved them more than anything, and it was nice to see how well he and his ex got along after the divorce. Were you jealous of their relationship? Yes, some days it was hard, but you knew they had a history together. You can't delete so many years with a piece of paper that proved you weren't together anymore.
Deacon's smile returned as he watched you. “No. Come over tonight and meet the kids,” he suggested casually. You bit on your lower lip and avoided his gaze, showing the tell tale signs of your insecurity. “Hey, it's okay. I want them to finally meet you. Actually, I think Lila would love you. I was going through some photos of you the other day and there was this stunning picture of you wearing a purple gown. When she saw that, she said you looked like a princess and got all excited, saying she wanted to dress like that too.”
It was hard to hold back a laugh. You could imagine a young girl going nuts over the idea of wearing gowns every single day, and you could also imagine the way he was torn between smiling at his daughter and wishing she would just go to sleep.
Despite your good mood, you still didn't know if you were ready. Meeting the kids was a big step, one that he wanted to happen sooner than it would naturally occur. So you took a deep breath and stepped away, dragging him along as you walked back inside the building. Maybe if he began to focus on seeing you work, he would forget about this idea.
While Henry styled your hair, Deacon leaned against a table with his arms folded over his chest as he watched you. “You don't want to meet them,” he suddenly said. When you let out a sigh and tore your gaze away from him, he nodded. “At all or just yet?”
“It's too soon, Deac,” you admitted. “Look, we've only been together for a few months. I love you, you know that, but I don't think I'm ready for their questions. I need some time to figure out how to talk to kids first. I don't know anything about that, I don't have the experience, and–”
With a small smile on his face he came closer and signaled the hair stylist the step aside for a second. When you gave him a worried look, he just leaned down to place a light kiss on your temple. “Okay, okay, I get it. I love you too, no matter when you meet them. I can give you advice, don't worry, then we'll wait until you're ready,” he assured you.
“Lovebirds, I hate to interrupt, but if you're not ready in ten minutes, they will kill you,” Henry said, but then his eyes fell on Deacon's badge. “Not literally, of course.”
“Yeah, I assumed you meant it that way.”
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youunravelme · 1 year
to all the girls you've loved before part 1
author's note: hi! remember that time i wrote jack fics? well i'm branching out, so BUCKLE UP BABY. it should be said that this will be multiple parts, i don't know how many though so again, buckle up. also i'm pretending the trade never happened
pairing: single dad!mat barzal x reader
summary: being a nanny for rich people was probably the worst thing that ever happened to you, until you started working for mat.
warnings: children, rich people, mentions of absent parent
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mat barzal. nearly everyone in new york was obsessed with him, you knew him by the awkward elevator interactions when you were leaving work and he was getting home.
you nannied for a family in his building, a mom named erin who was rarely home with two really sweet children, ages 2 and 4.
you didn't even know his name until a few weeks after he moved in when erin mentioned his name in passing conversation, saying something about an nhl player living across the hall.
"i think he's around your age," she said with a sly smirk. "and handsome too, introduced himself to the kids too. such a sweetheart."
"erin," you started. "you can't possibly know he's a sweetheart from one two second interaction."
she tsked and waved you off. "first impressions have a great impact."
you met him when you were getting off the elevator. he had a duffle bag slung over one shoulder and wore a suit, his hair was wet and strewn about in every direction. you were in a pair of sweats to combat the cold.
he mumbled a small hey and made a pathetic excuse for a smile as he waited for you to get off the elevator.
everything you knew about him, you gleaned involuntarily. he must suck at cooking given the amount of times the smoke detector would go off in his place, you could hear the beeping through the walls. and his lack of cooking skills took shape in the trash bags filled with take out boxes that he loudly dumped in the trash chute. you even knew he had a best friend named "tito" from the shouting that erupted every time said friend came over.
you thought nothing of him aside from the mild annoyance at his loud noises.
it wasn't until the fall came and the two year old turned three (and therefore went off to preschool) that things changed.
you'd just settled into your pajamas when erin called asking you to come over.
"is everything alright?" you asked.
"you remember mat?"
she laughed through the phone, though it sounded a little strained. "can you come over? he's found himself in a bit of a situation."
you paused. "what kind of situation?"
spoiler alert: it was an eight month old baby girl kind of situation.
mat was sitting on erin's couch while the baby, whose name was apparently ella, snoozed away in the pack and play when you walked in.
erin explained the situation as you took a seat. something about a fling he had that resulted in a pregnancy (obviously) and the mom decided parenting just wasn't for her so she dropped the baby off with mat and has blocked him on all forms of communication.
erin leant some things like a pack and play for ella to sleep in until he got a crib. but he didn't need that as much as he needed you.
a nanny.
"i know you already have a job, but i can pay well and pay you more for watching all three kids when you have them," mat begged. "i know i have late games so it would require late nights but you can sleep in the guest room if you'd like and i might be gone for a week at a time, but you can invite friends over to hang out and--"
you held up a hand. listening to the man beg and plead for your help was almost heartbreaking. "i'll do it."
he sat back. "what, really?"
you furrowed your brows. "is that a problem?"
mat shook his head. "no! sorry, i was just surprised you'd agree so quickly.
"well, it's not like it would interfere with my time with erin's girls. i could watch your baby during the day and take her to pick up the girls from school and keep ella until you get back."
he still looked unsure. "i work late nights sometimes, is that a problem?"
you thought about the fact your schedule has been empty for the past few months, that the only reason you leave your shitty apartment was because erin needed you to nanny. "i think i can manage."
he smiled for the first time that evening, looking almost near tears. "thank you thank you thank you," he said.
you nodded, a little overwhelmed by his sudden change in demeanor. "when do i start?"
day one
you hesitantly walked into mat's big ass apartment to the sound of a screaming baby.
it was six in the morning.
mat ran into the living room, hair askew, clothes wrinkled, but his baby was in a clean set of pajamas with tears running down her face.
"i don't know what's wrong," he said frantically. "she woke up and i changed her diaper but she's still crying."
you dropped your bag on the floor and made your way over to him, taking ella out of his arms and immediately bouncing her in your own. "she's probably hungry," you guessed.
"i tried that! i put the bottle in the microwave but when i gave it to her she started crying harder and--"
"wait," you stopped him. "you put the bottle in the microwave?" he nodded. "with the formula?" he nodded again. "mat, you can't do that. heat the water separately and then add the formula. and then test it on your wrist to make sure it's the right temperature." you walked into the kitchen and prepared the bottle the right way, showing mat how to do it as you went.
when all was said and done, you placed the new bottle in ella's mouth and watched as she took it without issue.
mat's shoulders sagged in relief. "you're a miracle worker."
you gave him a sheepish smile. "you can go get ready, mat. i've got her from here." he nodded and hurried towards what you assumed was his bedroom while you walked over to the couch to sit down.
ella was a cute baby, you'd give her that. no doubt taking after her father. she looked at you with wide eyes as she drank her bottle, her irises never left your face. it would've been unnerving if she had been an adult.
mat came out a little less frazzled ten minutes later. ella had finished her bottle at that point and the both of you were laid on the floor doing tummy time.
"what's that?" he pointed to the two of you once he stopped running his hands through his hair.
"what's what?"
"what's that you're doing?" he gestured again before placing his hands on his hips.
"tummy time," you smiled. "it helps build her neck muscles. also helps prevent flat spots on the back of her head."
you didn't like to judge people for their skin color, because it's racist, but you didn't think it was possible for mat to be paler until you spoke.
"she could get flat spots?"
you hung your head as ella babbled to herself.
it was going to be a long employment.
day ten
you'd finally gotten mat on a rhythm, he looked a little less scared with every day that you came over.
but today was different.
he was going on an eight day roadie which meant you would be watching her overnight several nights in a row (on top of erin's kids).
you'd done much harder jobs before, so you weren't nervous about the time you spent with ella, it was more so you feared all the confidence you built in the week or so you'd worked for mat would disappear when he came back and realized he had an eighteen year commitment waiting at home for him.
"you have my number, right?" he asked even though you got it the night you accepted the position.
"yes, mat," you said instead.
"and you'll text me if anything goes wrong?"
you nodded. you bounced ella on your hip and held her hand up. "bye dada," you said for her, smiling as she did.
mat's bags were stationed by the front door, but he made no move towards them. he stayed planted in front of you, but his hands fidgeted.
"can i--" he cleared his throat. "can i hold her?"
"of course!" you didn't hesitate to pass her off to mat, who handled her like precious cargo, but was still a little unsure about the entire situation.
once she was settled, he took his eyes off her to look at you. "you know where the guest room is, right?" you nodded. "right, just make yourself at home. i stocked the fridge, i have just about every streaming service, so you should be fine." he paused. "but if you aren't--"
"--you can just text me if you need anything, alright?" he turned his head to focus on ella who took her hands to slap to his cheeks. "and you be good, okay baby?" his voice pitched higher right before he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
you checked your watch to keep yourself from intruding on what felt like a special moment. "mat," you started. "you should get going before you're late."
he nodded and pressed one last kiss to the top of ella's head before passing her back to you. "i'll facetime you when i get to the hotel, okay? so i can tell her goodnight?"
you nodded and left out the part that she would probably be asleep because honestly, you weren't expecting him to remember.
"alright," he said, wiping his hands on his pants before making his way to the front door where his bags sat. "i'll see you in a week."
"bye bye dada," you said in a high squeaky voice, using ella's hand to wave just like before.
he smiled before walking out the door and locking it behind him.
day fourteen
it wasn't until halfway through mat's roadie that weariness settled in. you were constantly surrounded by children, which normally wouldn't be an issue, but between ella and erin's two kids, you were practically a full time single parent.
which sucked because it wasn't even like you got laid to even create this issue.
mat, though, true to his word, facetimed every night he possibly could. he smiled wide every time he saw ella's face and while she was confused at how your phone worked, ella smiled and laughed at the sound of her father's voice.
"what have you been up to?" he asked one evening. you were spoon feeding ella sweet potato puree for dinner while he was laying in bed in his hotel room.
"nothing really, we went to the park today, she was really happy to see a few dogs."
mat grumbled. "certainly didn't get that from me."
you couldn't help it, you smiled at his pout.
"is that--" he guffawed. "did i make you smile?"
you rolled your eyes. "i'm sure i've smiled at you before."
"you haven't!"
"and i don't blame you!" another voice piped in. "he's not funny."
when mat saw the look on your face, he sighed. "that's tito," he said like that explained everything.
"nice to meet you, tito!" you called.
"is that your nanny?" you heard him call. "can i say hi to ella?"
mat rolled his eyes but moved the camera to show you a good looking man lounging in the other bed. he was handsome in a way that mat wasn't. you couldn't really compare one to the other in the same way you couldn't compare an apple to quantum physics.
"ella can you say hi?" you asked in a small voice. ella spared a single glance to camera before screaming. you laughed before spoon feeding her more puree. "sorry," you started. "she does that sometimes."
tito looked terrified but covered it up quickly when mat cleared his throat. "she just screams randomly?"
you shrugged. "usually when she's excited or frustrated."
tito laid back in his bed and started scrolling on his phone. "babies, man."
mat came back into view. his head rested back on his pillow as he held the camera above his face. "are you both doing okay?"
you opened your mouth to reply but tito cut him off.
"you don't need to ask her that everyday!" he said.
you couldn't see what he did, but judging by the shaking of the camera and the cackle that escaped tito's lips, you'd give your left leg and say he flipped his best friend off.
you took your eyes off the camera to look at ella who was using her puree covered hands to rub at her eyes. you put your phone down and grabbed a napkin to immediately start wiping her face and hands.
"is everything okay?" mat asked. "did i lose you?"
"just had to put the phone down to clean her up. she's getting sleepy." you pulled ella out of her high chair, resolving to clean it up later, and picked your phone up.
mat's face lit back up when ella came into view. "hi baby girl," he smiled. "are you getting ready to go to bed?"
ella rested her head on your shoulder and yawned.
"well, i'll let you two go," mat sighed. "i love you, ella bean." he directed his gaze to you. "same time tomorrow?"
"i'll let you know if anything changes."
"night, mat."
he ended the call and left you to take ella to bed.
day twenty-seven
nearly a month into working for mat and everything was going great. ella had gotten used to you which meant she knew you would come back when you left the room. the first two weeks, she cried every time you left. and if you had to guess, it probably had something to do with how her mother treated her.
and mat, well, he was embracing the father role well enough for someone who thought he was an unattached bachelor not even a month ago.
as far as you go, you were still getting used to the workload of erin's kids and ella. and while you would never breathe a word of it to anyone, you preferred ella over erin's kids.
your roommate and your boyfriend took some time to adjust to your new hours, but your roommate was excited when you contributed more to groceries and apartment needs. as far as your boyfriend went, he was still getting used to the idea of you being gone all day and sometimes even weekends, but even he admitted ella was the cutest baby he'd ever seen.
you were plating yogurt and some smashed peaches for her morning snack while holding her on your hip when mat walked in the kitchen, hair wet from a shower.
"hey," he said. "how is she?"
at the sound of his voice, ella turned in your arms and made a grabby motion for him. "you tell me," you said, handing her off to him. almost immediately, ella rested her head in the crook of his neck and popped a thumb in her mouth.
a smile crossed his face at the way ella fit so perfectly into the lines of his body.
"you're good at this," you remarked.
he laughed. "i have no idea what i'm doing."
"does anyone?"
"you seem to have it figured out."
the laugh was out of your mouth before you could stop it. "well then, let me go audition for broadway. i'm a better actress than i thought."
neither of you said a word, but you continued to stare at each other until his phone dinged. mat shifted ella around until he could fish his phone out of his pocket. "oh it's my mom." he scrolled through the texts when a figurative lightbulb appeared over his head.
"what?" you asked.
"my family is coming into town to meet ella next week so that might affect the hours you have." a flash of panic must've been present on your face because he quickly spoke again. "but your pay will still be the same! i don't want you to worry about that at all. i might still need you throughout the week."
"okay!" you smiled before moving ella's morning snack to her high chair. mat peeled her off of him and placed her in the seat before taking the chair next to hers.
his phone dinged again.
"oh," he said.
"what is it?"
"my mom wants to meet you."
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harlowcomehome · 9 months
Boat rides & future conversations:
Series link.
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Now that things were calm and you felt like you could breathe again, you realized it was time to take some much-needed time off of work. You had a ton of vacation days available, being a workaholic and all.
Since Jack was in your life, you finally had a reason to use them other than visiting your family back home.
You flew to meet Jack in Maryland, and he immediately had a surprise in store for you. When you got to the hotel room he was noticeably anxious and rushing you out of the door.
“Are you sure? You’re not tired?” You asked as he embraced you, and took your bags, placing them in the closet.
“I’m fine! I’ve had this planned and I’m excited” he reassured you, rubbing his thumb against the top of your hand as he held it tightly.
“You’re going to need something warm to wear” he handed you one of his NB hoodies, knowing he likely wouldn’t get it back but he didn’t mind.
You eyed his clothing up and down, making sure he was dressed warm too.
He wouldn’t tell you where you were going, but you didn’t mind. Maryland had scenery you didn’t usually get to see. You took a few photos with your cell phone before putting it back in your pocket.
“Wow- you don’t even want to take cute photos together?” He teased.
“Should we?”
“Duh,” he playfully rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out making you giggle.
You took a few photos with him before realizing the view outside of your car window. You audibly gasped as Jack leaned over you to get a better look.
“Wow, that’s so beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful,” you thought to yourself but didn’t jump at the chance to say it. You were in a weird mental limbo, knowing that the NDA had been signed and privacy was more important than ever. You weren’t sure what the driver could hear if anything.
When you got out of the car you started to walk with Jack to a building near the water.
“Are we doing that?” You pointed to the boat that was docked.
“Maybe” his smile was that of a child. He was ecstatic to take you on a date, his cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.
After everything that happened, he didn’t want to mess anything up.
You realized that the parking lot was empty and wondered if Jack rented the place out but you didn’t want to ask, only assuming you knew the answer anyway.
The woman who greeted you was very polite, she seemed nervous to look you in the eye initially but once you welcomed her she returned your warm gestures. It made you wonder why she assumed you wouldn’t be kind.
“Mr. Harlow, follow me right this way and you’ll meet John. John has worked with us here for 15 years. He’s going to be your captain today!”
John was an older man, probably in his mid to late fifties. He shook both of your hands and told you his “boat rules.”
He had no idea who Jack was, nor did he care as the two of you got inside of the boat with him.
The boat ride was nice, John pointed out some lighthouses as you continued to float on the water. Eventually, he eased the conversation, leaving both you and Jack to make your own.
“That’s so beautiful” you pointed to the lighthouse. “I’ve never seen one in real life!”
“You’re beautiful.” Jack loved how excited you got over things, it did something to his entire body. More than butterflies, and that’s how he knew he loved you and couldn’t lose you.
“Stop” you giggled, not knowing what to say.
“Thank you for taking time off to be here with me” he wrapped his arms around you from behind as you both took in the views.
“It’s not a problem at all” you hummed, leaning back into his chest. “Thank you for planning this date.”
“I feel like we haven’t really got to go on many and now that you’re here with me, that’ll change” he angled himself as best he could to kiss your cheek before you turned around and kissed him on the lips.
The boat ride turned into a nonstop conversation, Jack letting you know some of his friends would be at the show tonight. Noting that they flew in earlier today.
“Copelan, he’ll be there.”
“You guys grew up together, right? I met him at the hotel in Kentucky. ”
“Right!” He was happy you remembered the details.
“He’ll be there and Nemo will be there. I don’t know if you got a chance to meet him on my birthday” he chuckled and you knew why, lightly slapping his chest.
When the conversation died down, the two of you sat in silence overlooking the view. Jack snuck a few photos of you before suggesting you take some together.
“I see Urban is rubbing off on you” you teased noticing that he had wanted to take pictures together twice now.
You took a picture kissing his cheek, and felt the warmth of his blush immediately. You thought it was adorable but refrained from blurting it out.
“We have to have photos to show the grandkids” he continued to blush, and you noticed his freckles more and more in the sun.
“Grandkids? We’re having kids huh?”
“Only if you want to” he couldn’t hide the enormous smile this conversation gave him.
“Only after we get married and only if they get your freckles,” you said half joking, but if he was going to mention kids then you thought it was fair to mention marriage.
“You’ve got a deal” he nodded, smiling as he lined his inner cheek with his tongue. The two of you suddenly realizing you were getting closer to shore again.
The thought of a future with you was something that brought him peace, In the past he would’ve been afraid but something about your presence calmed him. In the middle of all the chaos, you were there to comfort him, he felt secure, and safe and he didn’t want to run from that.
The two of you walked hand in hand to the car, Jack checking his phone and calling Neelam back now that the date was coming to a close.
“I’m on my way, we won’t be late” he hummed before hanging up.
“Are you hungry?”
“Now Jack, you know Neelam will lose her damn mind” you laughed checking the time.
“That’s not what I asked” he smirked as he opened the car door and let you scoot inside first.
“I need something with old bay on it immediately” he laughed as you pointed to his seatbelt.
“Safety first” you teased, making him laugh as he listened to your instruction.
“See, you’d be a great mom!”
“Don’t push it, Harlow!”
“You love me” he smirked, before telling the driver where he wanted to go.
“I do” you replied with a smile as he sat back, placing a hand on your thigh.
“I’m sorry, the in-ears make it hard to hear sometimes. What’s that?”
“I said I love you and thank you for today” You leaned in to kiss him feeling him smile against your lips.
“I love you too and you’re welcome.”
“You know I refuse to eat crab right?” You pulled back from him giving him a look of complete seriousness.
“Don’t worry, I made sure this place had the finest French fries and cheese curds” he teased your eating habits but truthfully he wasn’t much better.
“Good” you smirked, knowing he probably wasn’t the least bit joking.
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
25 asks! :00 Thank you! :}} 💖
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I would like to yeah :0 for now I'm just kind'a goofin around and drawing whatever. Also thank you!! :DD I'm glad you like it! :}}}
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I don't think kid Gregory and Vanessa would realize that the other is a younger version of the guard that's pursuing them.. They would just think they have the same name.
What would be confusing though is who went into who's world. If Little Vanessa went to little Gregory's world, she would be so confused. "Where's Bonnie and Foxy? Why do Roxy and Monty look so different..? Why does the entire BUILDING look different..??"
For adult Gregory going into the kid Gregory's world.. it'd be the same thing. "Why is the building so different and where is Bonnie and Foxy?... Also why is there this random gal that has on a security uniform and why is she in my office-"
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Thank you! Happy new year to you as well!! 🎉🥳🎊
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YOOOO THAT'D BE SICK!! :DDD Also I love all the puns XDD
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Yeah, that post is outdated and should not be followed. My pinned post has all the up to date information. 👍
(Also thank you! :D)
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That's a thing?? Man. I'm not sure what to think. I was never super into Bendy.. I guess I just hope that the fans get what they're hoping for? <:D
Or at the very least I hope that the people who made Bendy have the freedom to put what ever they want into the movie. :}
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Thank you so much! :DD As for my favorite character from my AU specifically? I'd say its a tough pick between Freddy and Foxy.. I thiiiiink I'll pick Freddy XD I just love him man 🥺
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N-No.. she was so young...💔
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XDDD That's hilarious, also thANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD
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Calico Jack? I don't think so.. scurvy is caused by a severe vitamin-C deficiency. And sailors usually got it becuase they didn't have fruits and vegetables on the ship.. But it looks like Calico Jack has gotten shipwrecked quite a few times in his life. I imagine he's been stranded on islands for a few weeks at a time where he ate nothing but fruits, Veggies and fish. Not to mention his time in the Amazon where he likely had access to all kinds of fruits.
Natquik though? Its possible.. out in the Antarctic his diet was probably mostly fish.. although it seems that real arctic fox diets don't really demand many fruits and veggies.. Still, Natquik seems more likely to have contracted scurvy at one point then Calico Jack :(
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:DDD THANK YOU! And boy do I have a lot of that XD
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I do have many theories/headcannons yes!.. Although I think I'll keep those tucked away in my brain for now- :x
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(Post in question)
XDD I sat on the first ask for a while because I was intending to draw something for it. But I'm realizing now that I might not ever draw it so--
What was going on in that drawing is an evil Undyne threw a spear at the group while they were passing by. Seam was struck in the head by it and was killed.. hence the blood splatter on her face. (My darkeners bleed)
BUT ITS OKAY! Through some uh... very dark methods- Frisk was able to reset to a few moments before and pull Seam out of the way. Then she got into a brawl with the evil Undyne no doubt <XD
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I have, and uh, I'm not so sure about the whole "in character" thing.. or at least its not the character I imagined Fazbear Entertainment would be- <XD
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It just means they're both rough and tough and their hands get beat up a lot. Kwazii gets them beat from scraping them on stuff and dealing with dangerous creatures while on missions. And Calico Jack gets them from scraping them on stuff and.. dealing with dangerous creatures while on adventures XDD
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XDD I have now! What an odd specimen..
(Also thank you! :DDD)
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Its hard to explain exactly why I don't like them.. But I don't like them-
I guess it feels kind'a.. mary sue-ish..? If that makes sense? Or at least having all these sans' that act nothing like the original sans is kind'a off putting? I guess? Not to mention loads of them are shipped together- uhg idk- Its hard to explain but I don't vibe with them personally. So I didn't add them to my au :/
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OOOO THAT'S A GOOD IDEA!! :000 I like how it creates a spin on Grillby and River. While Jevil intentionally grabbed Grillby's hand and saved him, and River was dragged along by mistake.. Frisk CHOSE to follow Jevil, it wasn't his doing at all this time. That's a really cool thing to experiment with!
I'll have to look into this idea, thank you for sharing! And thank you for the complements! AND happy new year to you too! XDD
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XDD For receiving hugs? I'd say he's about a 11/10 sometimes, maybe a 6/10 other times. Its harder to hug him comfortably if you're significantly shorter/smaller than he is. But if ur the right size his hugs will just fix all your problems 🥺
As for giving hugs? It might be about the same. But I can see him giving them out only to people he's really close to. Otherwise a tender yet professional hand on the shoulder seems more his style.
XD And I see the prompt there, perhaps I'll have to draw that sometime!
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Aww shucks 😊 Thank you!
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Whaaaat?? Nooo Its not traumaaa,,🥺 its character development!😇
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I do! I'll have to post more about them sometime-- 👀👀
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
Hi LJ! Loved the bangathon idea!!! I got cowgirl, so I would love to see that with brat tamer Dave York or maybe they were roommates! Frankie. Pick your poison! I'll love it either way
Oh man, as much as Dave York would be fun...I can never resist Frankie, especially they were roommates!Frankie? I'm in!
Pairing: Francisco "Catfish" Morales x F!Reader
Position: Cowgirl
Word Count: 1009
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, PiV sex, breast play, an M Night Shyamalan twist, too many feelings for our own good.
Notes: This is a little bit different from the previous asks, but I really liked how it turned out and I'm making it all your problem.
You can’t have heard that right.
You’re walking in the door of your apartment, maybe a little earlier than usual, when you hear a low groan. Body freezing, you wait for a signal that it’s just the old building creaking again.
Nope. Another sigh, a thin moan, all coming from the living room. Not a pained one, at least not in the way that would send you running to investigate. And not an unfamiliar one. It’s definitely from your roommate Frankie.
The problem now is what to do with the image of Frankie probably jacking it in your shared living room. What his hand might look like down his pants, head tossed back on the couch. Did he have porn on, turned low enough that only he could hear it? Or were his eyes squeezed shut to an image only he can see?
It wasn’t the first time you’d accidentally listened in on Frankie. You’d been living together for over a year, and the apartment was clean and comfortable, but not soundproofed. Frankie was respectful about privacy, but he was also a man who brought women home sometimes. You’d seen the pillows stuffed behind the headboard to keep it from knocking against the wall, but the muffled pleasure wasn’t always so quiet.
You wished on more than one occasion for one of the men you brought home to fuck you good enough to let Frankie hear, but it had been woefully quiet on that front. Catching Frankie making coffee in his sleep shorts, sardonic smile over the top of his coffee mug, made most of them leave in a hurry. If you cared it would have annoyed you, the chest-puffing territorial nature of these moments, but deep down you were just as glad for them to leave. 
Creeping down the hall, you wonder why the hell Frankie is having a solo session so out in the open. The man is private almost to a fault, most things you know about him dragged out over months. Why place himself in such a vulnerable position, where you could find him?
Your stomach drops briefly considering if it’s on purpose. There had been some playful banter between you before. He’d complimented your outfits, you’d told him he looked good in his new jeans. There were shared interests, nights spent in watching the new HBO movie and eating popcorn out of the same bowl. 
Could he want you to catch him? If you turned into the living room right now would he be thrusting up into his hand, your name on his lips? Hands trembling ever so slightly, you put down your bag and silently pad to the source of the sound. 
Frankie’s soft mop of curls is visible over the top of the couch, spilling onto the gray fabric. Many times your fingers had itched to weave into those curls, see if he likes his hair being pulled or if just carding them through would make him moan. He hasn’t moved, your approach silent. Nothing on the TV, but another whimper brings you closer.
A fantasy you’d never admitted to having pulls to the forefront - 
Frankie sitting on the couch, giving you a sultry look after a few drinks. You catch him looking at your ass, gather up your courage between the walk to the kitchen and back.
“Like something you see?” you ask, electricity in the air.
“You,” is all Frankie says before you’re on his lap, straddling him as he pulls your lips to his. He tastes like the cheap beer he prefers, one chaste kiss deepening until he’s swiping his tongue into your mouth and tangling it with yours. He’s rucking your shirt off next, latching his plush lips on your aching nipple. Working the button of his jeans open, you both frantically discard your pants and meet again with nothing between you.
“Wanted to do this for so long,” Frankie whispers into your mouth as he lines himself up. 
“Me too,” you say before the thick slide of his cock inside you dashes all words from your mind. Large hands on your hips guide you on his lap, instinct taking over as you ride him. He clutches onto your back, alternating between panting open-mouthed kisses and suckling down your neck. You bury your fingers in his curls, whines becoming fervent shrieks as he thumbs your clit and thrusts up into pure bliss…
- which is interrupted when your last steps bring Frankie into sight. 
No hand down his pants, or cock out. Instead his head is lolled to the side, eyes squeezed shut with a painful wrinkle between his brows. His hands are clenching on the couch, thighs tensing over and over. The whimpers fall from half-parted lips, and you snap from your fantasy to the sharp reality of the moment. Frankie never told you he had nightmares, you assumed a by-product of his military career, but you’d heard him once or twice. The next morning he’d pretend he was fine, but you could see the toll it took. 
Now there was a small chance you could help.
“Frankie, you’re dreaming,” you say quietly, pressing both hands into his biceps to pin him against the couch. When he doesn’t respond you say it again, louder this time. It takes a tighter squeeze and a third try before his eyes blink open, surprised and flinching against your hold before you soothe him with, “It’s okay, it’s just me, you’re okay, you were sleeping.” The terror slowly recedes, his eyes casting down as he mumbles some sort of apology you can’t make out. 
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” you say, and you do the unthinkable; you sit beside Frankie and pull his head to the crook of your neck. He balks at first, then goes down, pressing his face in and letting his arms wrap loosely around you. You let his breathing slow, small reassurances passing between long stretches of silence. Something swells in your chest, surprising and complicated but warm. 
And this is when you know you’ve fallen for Francisco Morales.
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LJ’s Bangathon 2023
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argumentl · 9 months
Osaka Noutei Tora no ana: fan report, Sep 23/24 2023 - Kaoru's talk event!
First I just need to say, I consider myself very lucky to have been able to attend and take part in this event!
I arrived at the venue at about 11:30pm, there were already a lot of fans hanging outside, and almost immediately a staff member of one restaurant opposite the venue building approached me and asked me in a shocked tone what on earth was going on with all these people here!😂 I told him it was an event by Kaoru from Dir en grey, and he just had no idea at all, asking, 'Is he Japanese??' 😆
Some fans were saying then that they saw Kaoru pulling up in a taxi and waving as he walked past them to go inside earlier...damn, I was too late!
After entering the building and lining up, I was eventually THIRD LAST into the venue! My ticket number was twice as high as last time..agh! It made me realise how close I was to not getting a ticket at all 😱 so I was grateful, but I was also stressing, because as my ticket number was so high, I was worried I wouldn't be able to see or hear anything from right at the back. In fact, I WAS right at the very back, there were no tables left and only one lonely chair left, but thank the gods, from that chair I had a clear view of Kaoru the whole time!!
Having said this, I did end up with a bit of trouble...in being handed a bunch of stuff as I entered (q&a paper, coaster, drink order token) and having nowhere to put anything, losing stuff, panicking, and then after that having to balance my drinks/food on my lap all night, but HEY, I could see and hear fine, so its all good!
Again, as far as I could tell, I seemed to be the only person there who was not Japanese. If any other foreign fans were there, let me know!!
The talk started with Fujieda and Takabayashi coming out for a quick greeting before calling Kaoru to join them. For some reason, Kaoru didn't immediately come out when he was called, and the audience ended up having to do encore style clapping before he actually came out 😆
He was wearing a black shirt, khaki shorts, a beanie, and glasses.
Kaoru and the managers got their drinks pretty quickly and Kaoru tried to raise a toast, but as us poor folk at the back still had no drinks, Kaoru decided to delay making a toast until we all had drinks (which, I must say, probably took another 30 mins or so). I'm so grateful he waited for us! 😭😭😭
To start, Kaoru talked a bit about how things had been for the Tokyo exhibition. That big collage board was also propped up on the stage next to them, and he explained a bit about it.
He also talked about his drawing of the Genesa which was on display in Tokyo. It was his original idea for how he wanted the guitar to look.
They then talked about how they came down to Osaka and brought all the art by car the previous day(Friday). When they got to the venue, the people who they had hired to help them set up everything didn't come, so they called the company and it turned out the company had mistaken the date, and thought they were due to set it up on Saturday instead! Thankfully, it was still all ready by the end of Friday, just a few hours later than expected. Kaoru said that while Takabayashi was on the phone seriously trying to sort out the problem, he himself went to the nearby convenience store, Mini-Stop, and bought ice cream. He really likes the ice cream at Mini-Stop 😆 This reminded them of how they occasionally had to go out to DIY stores for extra supplies during the Tokyo exhibition, and Takabayashi bought taiyaki while he was at one of the bigger stores. This made Fujieda jealous, as he loves taiyaki. Fujieda then told everyone that once during Tokyo run, Kaoru bought all the staff donuts from the store JACK IN THE DONUTS.
Kaoru said that he needed extra space to paint while he was creating all the art pieces so he rented a seperate apartment for the short term, just to paint in...but he heard a lot of noise there from people shouting in foreign languages next door (.....or something like that).
They talked a lot about the mangas they all like, as Kaoru had had some of his fave mangas with him on his desk at the exhibition. Fujieda said that as well as being a huge fan of Dragonball and Slamdunk, he is also a huge fan of Death Note. Kaoru found this kinda funny, and asked him if he'd seen the live action remake of Death Note, which Fujieda said he hadn't. This also reminded them of the recent One Piece remake, and then Kaoru remembered the Dragonball Z live action remake, saying it was astonishing...in a BAD way 😂 He even mentioned how Akira Toriyama had refused any association with it.
Speaking of watching things, Fujieda and a lot of the audience have been watching the new VIVANT TV drama recently, and they couldn't believe that Kaoru hasn't been watching it. (I haven't been watching it either, so this went over my head a bit!!😆)
Kaoru said if he could take any manga to a desert island, he would take Kochi Kame: Tokyo Beat Cops, as stuff like Dragonball etc is already all in his head.
During the first half of the event, a screen was lowered behind Kaoru and the managers, and they used it with a kind of overhead projector to showcase some of the new art. Kaoru used the exhibition pamphlet to project images of the art onto the screen behind, which meant we also got a lot of closeups of his hands and arms ☺️ There were also plenty of spoilers for me, since my ticket for the exhibition is for after Tora no ana 😆 (Again, I still feel lucky there, because I heard some women near me talking in the line that none of them had been able to secure tickets to the exhibition at all.)
Just like when writing music, Kaoru said he also ends up with a lot of duds/write offs when he is painting too.
He started having ideas about putting on an exhibition after the completion of Phalaris, but started the actual painting in January this year.
Fujieda and Takabayashi both revealed their fave pieces from the exhibition, and those works were then discussed in more depth.
It was around this time that a woman in my row at the back started bravely calling out comments and questions to Kaoru, which he was replying to! Im fairly sure I recognized her as one of Kaoru's more visible online fans. Oh, to have her courage!!
Ive totally forgotten how they got onto this topic, but at one poInt Fujieda started talking about how he used to regularly get brazillian waxes when he used to be a bandman. And these days he also waxes his nose hairs...you're welcome for the mental image!😂
It was well past 2am by the time the break was announced. Kaoru dissapeared back stage for around 15mins, and by this time I was also kinda drunk.
After getting restarted, there was a bit of casual talk for a while iirc, and then the Q&A section began.
Once again Im going to start this part of the report by saying my question and name were read out!! BUT with hilarious/tragic results!😂 My question was concerning Kaoru's old band Charm, since he had displayed the flyer in Tokyo, and I also asked if he could expand on his pre-Dir band history in general.
Fujieda was like, "Ok, this question is asking about Charm, what kind of band was it, and stuff? I can't even understand the rest of the question..", and then he promptly announced my name to Kaoru too! I'd be lying if said I didn't feel slightly dead from embarrassment at his last remark! 😂 But let me clear things up here! Remember I said earlier that I was practically last to get inside with no table? Well, I knew I had barely any time left to scribble down a question when I got in. I had mentally prepared the question in my head in advance, so I had to write it as fast as I could with one of those flimsy plastic clip/pencil things, resting on my knees, in a totally frantic state, and in VERY poor light...in my second language! 😂 My handwriting was certainly rushed and untidy, and knowing me, I probably made errors and missed out words etc in my haste. I was actually shocked that it was picked up at all, considering its lack of readability, and the fact that so so many of the other question sheets just got passed straight over. So after some consideration, Im taking this as win! 😂
As for Kaoru's answer, he basically said he has nothing to say about Charm, as if HE was embarrassed to talk about this topic! So yehy, I managed to embarrass us both!! 😆😆 Again, Im taking this postively, you only live once, and I will never forget this! 😂
As for the other questions, he was asked various things, includIng firstly which of the other members is most into exercise? To this he said probably none of them, since none of them are actually inherently sporty.
One question congratulated Kaoru on Hanshin winning the series (the whole audience applauded this), and asked for his alternative suggestion to diving off the Ebisu bridge in Dotonbori. (This practice has been banned due to people getting hurt/killed while jumping off the brige in celebration) Kaoru sarcasticly suggested diving off Tsutenkaku tower instead...the audience was audibly shocked 😂
Another fan asked about how the other Dir members refer to Takabayashi, since Kaoru always calls him Tōru. Apparently the other members call him Tōru too, except Shinya who refers to him as 'kimi'(you). But then again, Shinya refers to Fujieda as 'kimi' as well.
About half way through the Q&A Kaoru introduced some of the merch available at the exhibition, using the overhead projector to showcase it.
Another question asked the dates for the fan trip next year, and Kaoru confirmed it will be on the 16th and 17th of Feb. He already has the location decided and the venue booked, but he couldn't say any more for now. The only hint was that is was nothing like all the suggestions considered back in March. The official announcement will be made next month.
Someone also wrote something suggesting that Kyo and Kaoru do should a shared birthday event, because they didn't like having to choose bewteen Kyo and Kaoru's seperate events. Kaoru was reluctant to do this, because 'its him, right?' (i.e We all know what Kyo can be like when he feels like it...or not!) 😅
There were a few other questions about the usual things, food, baseball etc, and after the Q&A was finished, Kaoru declared he was gonna give away a signed nouteikarano2 poster to one audience member. He asked everyone who wanted to win it to stand up, and then started a game of rock paper scissors, with him against the audience. In the end one fan was remaining and she was called to the front where Kaoru handed her the poster! Obviously I lost against him, but I'm just happy to have played!!😄
As the event was coming to an end an audience member quietly ordered two rounds of tequila shots for Kaoru, and the managers! The were kinda surprised, but still drank them! (Tonnes of food and drink which the audience had been ordering for them was still left over though!)
To end Kaoru stated that the streets were still full of weirdos at this time in the morning (4:30am)..so to be careful (Like, its dangerous, but off you go anyway! 😂). Takabayashi confirmed that, yes, the clubs are still very much in operation at this time. So I avoided the backstreets on my walk back alone! Haha.
Much more was talked about in addition to the above of course, he talked the night away! Despite my blunders, I do feel very lucky to have been here, and it was joy to be drinking till morning with him! Next...the actual exhibition!😅
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toki-is-the-king · 1 year
More Dethklok headcanons:
How I imagine each of their morning routines go.
•Nathan: Nathan likes his routine. He’s a a regular guy. If he’s not waking up screaming from a night long prophetic nightmare, he usually gets up around the same time every day, unless he’s hungover or feeling lazy. He strikes me as the type to go shower, then grabs the outfit he wore the previous day, sniff it, and then put it back on. He pretty much wears the same shit each day and choosing an outfit wastes time, in his opinion. If he doesn’t have to go anywhere then he just goes to the kitchen in his boxers and robe to drink from the milk carton. Then he likes to read the news paper, while wearing his glasses, and drinking his black coffee. He stares into the void for awhile, not talking, just clearing his throat or grunting while making a mental check list of what he needs to get done that day. I think Nathan tries his best out of everyone to be organized, the best he can at least. Nathan is one of those guys that would have a stupid mug that says ‘don’t fucking talk to me until I’ve had my coffee’ or ‘not a morning person’. Some dumb Spencer’s type of shitty mug.The guys got it for him as a joke but he uses it anyway.
•Pickles: Pickles wakes up hungover, surrounded by beer cans, probably passed out behind the couch or in some really weird position that hurts his neck. He sits and stares at the wall for a few minutes, gets up to go puke, then heads to the kitchen to search for more beer. Pickles never learns, or he just doesn’t care. Charles just stands there shaking his head. Pickles has a bed but he hardly wakes up in it. He falls asleep in bed a lot and then finds himself passed out somewhere random, usually on the floor in the living room or his bathroom. He never remembers too much of the previous night and that’s okay. He likes blacking out. He doesn’t usually eat breakfast when he has a hangover and just finds random snacks to munch on until he feels a little better.
•Murderface: The first and I mean very first thing Murderface does when his eyes open each morning is jack off (with his bass playing hand). Then after a round of that he turns on the tv. Sometime later he probably joins Pickles who’s sitting at the table in his underwear. Murderface likes to have breakfast even if no one else is, so he has Jean Pierre cook him something right away. Murderface usually sits at the table, stabbing away at the surface with his knife, and talks at whoever is up. Pickles, who’s too hungover to even comprehend what he’s saying, and Nathan, who’s sitting off to the side silently doing a cross word puzzle. Murderface doesn’t care if they aren’t listening, he just likes to talk and hates awkward silences. When Nathan is done with the newspaper Murderface asks for it so he can read the obituaries. “I jusht like to schee who’s died lately…you know, caush I’m up at the crack of dawn, living my life, and they’re jusht dead! Ha! Fuck em!”
•Toki: When Toki wakes up, he always checks his Dethphone to see if he has any missed calls or messages from Dr Rockso. Toki likes to take those dumb morning selfies and send them to the Dethklok group chat. He usually says the same thing every time like ‘just workes up! Good mornings!’ and only Charles or Nathan responds because it’s so early. Toki wakes up the earliest because his body is used to it. As a child he had to be up before the sun in order to begin the family chores, so I feel like he’s usually up and going long before everyone else. He also can’t fall back asleep unless he’s hungover. Toki likes to have some quiet time with just himself for awhile, working on his model airplanes or coloring. He loves the guys but sometimes he likes to be by himself where it’s quiet and no one’s arguing. I think he also talks to himself or to his stuffed animals while he’s building his models, telling them about his nightmares or what he wants to do that day. Sometimes he just goes on rants and feels better afterwards. “Man I reallys hopes Dr Rockso nots in the slammer again! I donts know what’s to tells that guy! He nevers listens to Toki! I just tries to helps him cause he ams my friend!” Toki also has to take his insulin, which he’s gotten the hang of now since Charles instructed him to do it. He hardly misses a shot, knowing he feels better if he takes them. Sometimes though he can’t resist those sugary kid’s cereals and he’ll eat a big bowl of cereal and then take his insulin right away. He knows it’s risky but he likes sugar too much. The guys all stand there staring at him, making sure he doesn’t go into a diabetic coma. Murderface will wait around just a little longer than everyone else, you know just in case ‘hambuger time’ happens.
•Skwisgaar also gets up early. When he’s waking up alone and not in the company of the women who sleep over, he likes to get out of bed right away so he doesn’t depress himself by lying there and staring at the ceiling, wasting precious time that could be spent practicing guitar. He goes and takes a piss, showers, then spends forever brushing his hair and doing some kind of skin routine, but he doesn’t let anyone else know. Dude literally hides his facial stuff and face masks so no one asks about them. If anyone does see them, he usually says something like one of the ladies he was seeing that night left it. “Oh ja, dis sluts from de nights before leaves alls her shit in my rooms…so I’s just keeps it for a reminders how goods dat ah sexual intimasky was that day. It’s likes a trophy.”After he finishes with his hair and stuff, Skwisgaar sits and practices guitar until his hands are sore. If he’s not hurting himself is he really playing to his full potential?! He has a weird obsession with outdoing himself from his last practice session, pressuring himself to be better and faster each time. If he can’t play the fastest he won’t be the best. He has to be the best. Once his hands are too sore it motivates him to leave his room so he doesn’t fall into a hole of self criticism over his guitar playing. When he’s around others he’s the biggest show off about how good he is at guitar and he knows it, but on occasion even he doubts himself. And being alone and second guessing himself can be too much first thing in the morning, so he joins the guys in the kitchen. He usually has black coffee like Nathan and probably toast or something.
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redbuddi · 10 months
Just went through your Phantom Redux tag and I like it so far!
I'm kinda curious about the Fenton family in this concept now. Any major changes from the original you'd like to share?
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When MILF meets DILF (Apologies for the awkward Jack design, I am bad at drawing large lads, this design is not final)
A lot of the core of the OG family will remain more or less the same, but like with Jazz slight tweaks need to be made to match the newer dynamics of the story.
Like in the OG series, Jack and Maddie are a couple obsessed with ghosts and ghost-hunting, despite never having found a ghost. I do have slight backstories for them this time, but these are details that would mainly exist in the background and probably won't ever come to the forefront.
For Maddie she had always been interested in ghosts, growing up in the swamps countless myths and stories were told to her and she had numerous encounters that made her adamant that ghosts were real. She studied hard and eventually got into a prestigious college on a scholarship, where she first met Jack and Vlad, and the story from there is the same as in the show.
She is loving, supportive, and fiercely protective of her children, and this in itself fuels her desire to hunt ghosts. From an early age she was taught to fear ghosts and other supernatural entities, and she wants to protect her family from any threats that may arise. However, ironically, it's this obsession with protection that makes her more absent from her kids lives than she probably should be. Even after Danny's accident, she still is obsessed with fighting ghosts, and the fact that tangible ghost threats show up shortly after certainly doesn't help.
She is sensitive to the fact that Danny and Jazz have grown distant, but is assuming that they're just rebelling as teens do. Still, it does kind of hurt the way Jazz doesn't seem to respect her work, and how neither kids seem interested in ghost-hunting, and as the story goes on this tension will only build.
Jack, on the other hand, is from old money, a family of ultra-rich and successful scientists, but like Maddie he developed an intense fascination with ghosts that wouldn't go away no matter what his family tried. He was also friends with Vlad from a very early age, who also came from a wealthy family and shared his interest in ghosts, but knew how to keep it on the down-low. They went to college together, and when Jack made it clear that he wasn't ever giving up on ghosts, the family decided that the best thing to do would just be to give him a massive lump-sum of money on the condition that he change his last name and never bring them up again. This is meant to explain how Jack got into the same fancy college as Maddie and Vlad despite being less competent, why you never see Jack's side of the family, and how the Fenton's are able to afford all of their facilities even before it turns out that ghosts are real. Like I said, though, this will primarily exist in the background, although as you can probably already tell it does also play into Vlad's backstory a bit~
Jack is loud, boisterous, and overwhelmingly positive. He isn't stupid, as many consider him to be, but he is extremely scatterbrained and will often miss the smaller details. He loves his kids and is passionate about sharing his work, but is more understanding of their lack of interest in ghost-hunting given his own break from his family. To him, it's much more important that his kids are around and happy than that they follow in their footsteps, something that he will often help remind Maddie of. He has a slightly better relationship with Jazz because of this, as Jazz sees him as incompetent but well-meaning, but for reasons he doesn't understand Danny is even more distant with him than with Maddie. The reason for this is because while Jack isn't a bad person and is certainly more open-minded than his parents, he is still very old-fashioned, especially when it comes to gender roles and traditional masculinity. On top of this, while both Danny's parents misgender him, being unaware that he is trans, Jack is more likely to use specifically gendered language like "That's my girl", while Maddie tends to use terms like "honey" or "sweetie," which is more gender-neutral.
Jack is somewhat aware of his old-fashioned behavior and will often ask and try to understand his families experiences as woman, but since Danny isn't one, this just further drives a wedge between the two.
As a unit Jack and Maddie are hell-bent on fighting ghosts, not just researching them, and this is the biggest difference between them and Team Phantom. Danny originally also believes that all ghosts are evil, and though he and Tucker invent the thermos to put the ghosts back in the Ghost Zone, this is less out of altruistic reasons and more because Danny simply lacks the ability to destroy ghosts at the beginning of the series. However over time they learn that evil ghosts are a small minority of ghosts, and the majority of them just want to be left alone. Over time Team Phantom will pivot it's approach from fighting ghosts, to understanding them and what their needs are, as even violent ghosts can become docile and even friendly if the right conditions are met. But meanwhile, Maddie and Jack are still hunting ghosts, and thus while at first Danny could at least try to cooperate behind his secret identity, he eventually becomes actively opposed to them, as does Jazz, making life in the Fenton household even more stressful as the story goes on...
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You're honestly so close to getting me into nico/jack it isn't even funny anymore 😂
Anyway, if you're willing, give me the final push there and/or your fave fic (if you're reading any). I know I am tempting fate here but... Yolo. 😌 I accept it.
Come, friend, to the dark side. no, seriously, though, they make me ridiculously happy. Like, we don't have to do anything as a fandom because they already do the gay and the loving for us.
I must confess I haven't been reading much lately because work and life have been complicated enough to keep me from doing much more than reblogging a few things here and there. BUT my past self used to read, so I have a few treats for you, <3
1386 fic rec list
Melt the ice, by theaa
So, like—was he just not supposed to notice, or—?
So, so, so good!
Caveat Emptor, by Kerfluffle
Two months of advance preparation—memorizing detailed building blueprints, stalking specialists on LinkedIn, reading The $12 Million Stuffed Shark—and Nico gets fucked over by his turtleneck. Or, Nico lands himself in hot water after a recon mission goes awry.
Delightful and sweet.
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, by Kerfluffle
Unlike some supernatural disasters, theirs starts ordinary—with a harmless bar bet.
Fluffy, horny and funny. Great characterization.
kiss me on the mouth (set me free), by coastalhighway
Headlights as bright as Jack’s should be illegal, probably. Nico locks the door behind him - three twists, one two three - and counts his steps to the car. He gets to twenty-seven and opens the door, and Jack smiles at him, sharp as a razor’s edge. He smells like smoke. “You good, baby?” he says, and Nico wonders if he tastes like smoke, too. Smoke and lies and broken mirrors, a nasally voice whispers in his ear, breath hot on his cheek. You broke the mirror, soothsayer, sweet-talker. Liar, liar. Nico sits down in the passenger seat. “Drive.” Jack doesn’t bother asking questions. He drives.
Gorgeous. Jack calling Nico "baby" has me !!!
deep into that darkness, by countthestars
Quinn’s whole thing is talking to the dead, but Jack’s gift is dealing with the living.
Amazing. Quinn needs a nap and jack is a brat. I love him a lot.
Double Play, by dilangley
This is minor league baseball, long days in little towns no one’s ever heard of playing games no one will remember once the lights go out.
This one blew my mind and broke my heart simultaneously even though I know nothing about baseball.
sense of expectation, by greenteam
“No, no, hear me out on this…” Jack’s mind is running a million miles a minute as he tries to compile his thoughts into something even vaguely coherent. “I don’t have to go out and find someone new to be in family photos who I know I’m gonna turn around and dump the next week. And you get a free invite to the Hollywood wedding of the century.” Nico looks pensive as he lounges back on the sheets. “I think Ellen would give me an invite anyway.” Jack facewashes him for that. (or: 5 +1 plus ones)
won’t believe half the things i see inside my head, by rafting
Jack can’t perfectly shift into anyone anyway; he has to concentrate and base his shifts on what he’s seen, what he knows of someone else’s face and body. So he’s never a perfect copy, often missing freckles or getting the hair or eye shades slightly off. He can’t shift his own dick into someone else’s if he’s never seen it, which is what most guys want to know. He thinks he’s got Nico’s face down pretty well. He’s spent enough time looking at it by now. or, the USNTDP is a program designed to help mutant hockey players control their powers, and Jack’s a shapeshifter who is starting to suspect Nico can read his mind.
Very interesting concept.
take the wheel, by greenteam
Nico rakes a hand through his hair. “I just worry. That’s my job. You drive, I worry.” “I thought your job was to fix,” Jack says instead of doing something stupid like kissing Nico.
Just !!!
The tag is thriving, though, so I've probably only scratched the surface. I need to get go back and start reading again. One day soon.
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jack frost hcs: the original draft
Some/most of these are repeats of my very first, original Jack Frost headcanons post (with more elaboration), because back then I didn't know where to find my drafts, but I just found them so here's the sorta-kinda-not-really-lost original Jack Frost headcanon list! It's redundant but there's new stuff in there too and also I don't care lol
Jack was an instrumentalist of some kind in his past life. His hands and fingers are long but sturdy, they'd be perfect for at LEAST violin or piano.
Furthermore, passionately played classical is one of the few things that can switch Jack from chaos mode into concentration mode.
His mischief was mainly to get people to see him, and while he still plays pranks for fun, he no longer has the desperate compulsion to do it now that he's a Guardian and has friends and believers. Now he does it to make everyone happy and entertained.
Jack understands and responds well to all of the love languages, once he gets used to being loved in the first place. His own main love language is quality time, with some clear response to words of affirmation (or maybe North is just good at words of affirmation), but he takes great joy in figuring out other people's love languages and assaulting them with affection.
Sandy's main love language is physical touch, since the others can sometimes get lost in translation for him; he also adores quality time. North's main love language is of course gifts. Tooth's would be mainly words of affirmation (notice the Guardians' verbal support and comfort was very effective for Tooth's stressful moments during the teeth crisis). Bunny's is mainly acts of service. [Note: I switched some of these around in the other Jack Frost headcanon post, I hadn't even realized. Ah well, good points in favor of both ig]
The Guardians absolutely get closer after the Pitch incident (as everyone assumes they do)- they're not quite found family in the movie, but when they're not actively fighting anymore they begin making more effort to bond, since their separation from the world and each other got them in trouble in the first place. Each Guardian starts becoming the natural leader of various types of group interaction, and they all begin to treat each other more casually.
At some point after the movie Jack, now having an identity that feels complete, begins to build a real home for himself- something that felt uncomfortable before he knew the full extent of who he was. This is how he discovers that when a new spirit is properly established, like Jack now is, other spirits pay tribute to them and congratulate them by leaving little gifts. He gets everything from nice new clothes various spirits made, to little bits of art or sculptures, even a holster for his staff. Other spirits may still find him or his season annoying, but that doesn't change the fact that respect for Jack is growing.
Jack begins to get invites to massive spirit gatherings as respect for him shifts, and of course, he now gets to attend North's Christmas parties and Bunny's Easter parties as a guest of honor.
Jack discovers, through all this new interaction, that a lot of the spirits have become more reclusive due to long centuries of almost entirely solitary duties; many didn't reach out during his 300 years alone simply because they didn't know how or didn't feel it was their place or just didn't know he existed, and there are actually a lot of very decent spirits out there who are perfectly welcoming that he just never found.
Basically, Jack learning things and reaching out to people that help him work through all the trauma of the 300 years
I've never liked characterizations that make him out to be super bitter about other spirits leaving him all alone. He's so eager for connection, and while yeah, there'd probably be lingering uncertainty about other spirits, I don't believe he'd actively lash out at him. Even when he's freaked out by the Guardians abducting him, he's more irritable and mocking than actually angry and loud.
Just- Jack developing a network of friends beyond the Guardians from the population of spirits that never heard of him and are actually eager to know him.
Jack likes strong flavors. Spice, sweetness, savory, doesn't matter. Not to say he dislikes mild flavors, but he can handle the powerful stuff too.
Jack is actually a Ravenclaw who comes off as a Gryffindor because of ADHD (sorry Slytherin Jack fans, but he was completely happy the way he was, and if the Guardians hadn't literally dragged him along, he would have never had the ambition to join them). His fighting style depends entirely upon flexibility and agility, and it seems it's been that way a long time, given that Jack didn't know after 300 years how much sheer power he could unleash. That's a strong indicator that he's always chosen to fight in ways that demanded strategy over force. He's curious, has a solid sense of humor, and gets bored easily, all possible indicators of intelligence.
I don't think Jack actually dislikes Manny. He remembers MiM's light chasing the darkness away when he appeared from the pond with appreciation and admiration. I think he was just lonely and frustrated.
Jack has steady hands and good coordination and, in turn, handles most things very gently. (Including whoever you ship him with ehehe)
Jack likes theater fine but doesn't much care for opera, in particular.
Jack has a great sense of rhythm but dances like a dork on purpose.
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yukidragon · 1 year
I love your writings! They’re so fun and cool! Have you ever done a yandere Cove from OLBA?
Thank you so much! That really makes me happy.
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Funny enough, before I got into Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, I actually dabbled a bit with the idea of making an AU with a yandere Cove. I actually referenced my initial thought for it in a post well before I started writing headcanon rambles.
In a sense, it would've been similar to the feelings system of the game. If you're indifferent, friendly, or in love with Cove, he feels the same way towards you. So it only made sense to me that if Cove was a yandere for Jamie, then Jamie should be a yandere for Cove too.
I actually started building on the concept of balancing wholesome love between two people who are different kinds of yandere who are also messed up and broken... when I came across Jack.
Honestly, Jack reminded me of Cove in many ways, particularly how soft and supportive he could be. Yet at the same time Jack was very much a yandere. Soooo... I kind of wound up using the bulk of my ideas for yandere Cove in the lore of Sunshine in Hell, hahaha.
It's not a one-to-one transfer of course. Jack isn't Cove and vice-versa. Mostly it's just the general vibes of love, obsession, and some dark points that fit in a yandere story that suited Jack and Alice better than Cove and Jamie for me. I was already committed to writing a novelization for the game (which I'm taking a bit of a break from due to my hyperfixation on SDJ) and admittedly the dark fantasy mermaid AU made me feel kind of bad because how harsh I was to Cove and Jamie, hahaha. Poor innocent cinnamon rolls were having a hard time in that AU.
Our Life is such a sweet and wholesome game. It's precious to me, and Cove and Jamie are such comfort characters for me. Jack and Alice are too, but in a different way. On the one hand I can have a sweet and wholesome story where issues are not that big... and then I can have a story of two broken people learning how to love in a healthy way. I was able to commit to the two different mindsets better when it's two different sets of characters and settings, which led me to an insane amount of headcanons for SDJ and lots of stuff written for the fan novelization.
Still... I do have my notes from back then, and there are things I came up with that won't exactly fit the story of SDJ. Since you did ask, and I'm probably not going to write the short fic of yandere Cove and Jamie, then how about I share them here?
Mostly like the regular Our Life universe, but different in small but important details.
First and most importantly - Cove and Jamie are yandere for one another. (Obviously, given it’s a yandere Our Life AU, but unlike other takes of a yandere AU it’s not just Cove who gets the yandere-ification treatment.)
Poppy hill is full of red glow poppies instead of white linen poppies to subtly symbolize the difference between both settings’ tones.
Naturally, this is Cove and Jamie’s favorite flower rather than the white linen variety.
Jamie fell in love instantly at first sight with Cove and knew she was going to marry him. She didn’t realize just how deeply and sincerely she felt about that at the time, but it became more obvious as they spent time together.
While marriage wasn’t on Cove’s mind, he was struck with how special and important Jamie was the first time he saw her. She was the only thing in Sunset Bird worth sticking around for. It was only as he grew older that he realized how strong his feelings were for her, but at 8 he was pretty insistent on spending time with her.
Likewise, Jamie was clingy with Cove, to the point that if he was leaving Sunset Bird, she wanted to go with him no matter the consequences.
Jamie knew it’d make her parents upset to go downtown on their own, and she loves her family deeply and doesn’t want to hurt them, but the idea of Cove leaving her made her feel fear like she had never experienced before.
Fortunately, Cove had no intention of leaving her behind. Unlike in the normal universe, he sought out Jamie to ask her to come with him. She, of course, agreed immediately without even knowing where they were going or why. Cove had packed enough for the two of them ahead of time.
Cove still wanted to go home, but he was confused how panicked he was about the idea of leaving Jamie behind, even if he promised himself he could come back and visit her. Rather than feel conflicted about who to choose, the easiest solution was to bring her along with him.
The two still only made it as far as the sign out of Sunset Bird. Cove revealed he wasn’t going back and revealed why he was leaving. Jamie (understandably) thought he wanted to leave her forever and broke down crying, clinging to him and begging him not to go.
Cove felt super guilty for hurting Jamie. The conversation between them here is mostly similar to how it happened in the regular universe, with Jamie insisting there’s no one who could forget Cove and him getting the dokis from it.
Cove decided to go back thinking that she was crying more because he wanted her to leave her home (which he knew from experience hurt like hell). Jamie just wanted to stay together more than anything else. If she was able to articulate that better and wasn’t so panicked and crying, they might have kept going with the run away plan. Fortunately, the two went back home with important lessons learned.
Cove learned to be more conscious about how Jamie feels. (+1 empathetic)
Jamie learned she needed to work harder to make Cove happy so he won’t leave her. (+1 possessive)
The sliding scale of personality in a game-type format would probably be empathetic vs possessive instead of warm vs cold. It’d affect both Cove and Jamie separately and influence their yandere natures.
The yandere tendencies influence platonic love as well. With Cove and how angry he is with his parents for the divorce, it makes him (funny enough) act more tsundere, bristling at them but wanting them to work harder to show him love.
Jamie is fiercely protective of her family and friends. Her relationship with Shiloh is more strained than in canon, as she’s felt like Shiloh has been monopolizing time with her big sister. She feels bad about it though since Shiloh’s nice, and it’s not like he’s purposefully hogging Lizzie’s attention, right?
Needless to say, Jamie is not happy when the truth comes out during Serendipity.
That's about it for the notes I made back then. I didn't get past Step 1 because I was building up ideas about how Cove and Jamie got their hearts twisted from wholesome to yandere as they grew up. What sort of traumatic events would happen and what would make their love become disturbing? How would these effect future events? I even made notes like game flags for how their yandere "type" might develop if this was a mod, haha.
The ideas for future steps were a bit more unsorted in my mind. I did figure that sneaking into each other's rooms after dark would start happening in Step 1. There would be a lot more sleepovers... whether the parents were aware of it or not.
Baxter probably wouldn't wind up being friends with these two. The second he flirts with both of them is the second both Cove and Jamie see him as a threat. Fortunately, he knows when to back off so I'm sure nothing bad would actually happen to him.
Jeremy and Shiloh might be in trouble for how they behave when Jamie is a bit more unhinged in the way she protects her family. GB-Patch did mention someplace (I forget where) that a yandere Cove wouldn't actually be able to hurt anyone, so that means Jamie would be the more dangerous one of the pair.
Huh. I just had a thought that Cove might actually notice Derek's crush on Jamie in this AU. He's oblivious in the canon, but if he's on edge for any potential threats that might steal Jamie away...
I'm sure it'll be fine though. Cove can just have a nice peaceful talk with Derek and sort things out. I'm sure they'll still be friends after that. Derek might think he's more of a weirdo, but it should be fiiiine. It shouldn't hurt their friendship, right?
Basically turn up the clinginess of Cove and Jamie even higher than it was already and have them be more protective of their families and friends, and you have my basic starting point for this pair as yanderes. Honestly I didn't think much of the blood and horror side. I'm too much of a marshmallow for that, as you might be able to tell with a lot of my headcanons for Alice and Jack, hahaha.
Despite Cove and Jamie being messed up yanderes, there would be a wholesome bend to it, as they would be very much in love with each other and fond of each other's obsessive quirks. An example would be appreciating each other's scents in a way that's reminiscent of a certain audio drama that came out for Jack recently...
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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vickyvicarious · 8 months
Here I go, unto the breach. 3 October reactions, part 1
Oh shit, right from the very start this is intense
I love how he says he will be extremely precise and then specifies "lying on the floor on his left side"
Renfield :((((
The noise in the background, almost like a horrible wind
van Helsing: "I need to get dressed" *runs off to get his medical AND vampire-hunting supplies*
no one is getting any good sleep still. that's... probably not gonna get better after today
Quincey expressing compassion for Renfield, thank you! I love how he says "poor, poor devil"
"He went at once and sat down on the edge of the bed, with Godalming beside him;" They Are Holding Hands
I wanna cry already. listening to his breathing is so hard
"glad surprise" "a sigh of relief" followed by him asking to be freed from the straight-waistcoat AAAAAAAGH
the way he says "I've had a terrible dream" FUCK
"How good it is of you to be here" he doesn't even like van Helsing, I think he's just happy not to be alone. to have people willing to listen. I WANNA CRY
the quiet little "thank you." and rough gasp. AUUUGH
peace came when he heard the dogs barking
~hand holding of support~
"laughing with his red mouth" I HATE HIM I HATE HIM
the pained laugh on "promising me things"
"just as he used to send in the flies when the sun was shining." this makes me want to look back at the timing of when Renfield got flies and see how they line up
Dracula I love to hear your voice. I want you dead.
'Come in, Lord and Master!' noooooooooo
Dracula immediately reneges on his deal, of course he does
"he went on as though he owned the whole place, and I was no one." the pain of this for Renfield, constantly dismissed as a madman
"I thought that, somehow, Mrs. Harker had come into the room." oh shit
""When Mrs. Harker came in to see me this afternoon she wasn't the same; it was like tea after the teapot had been watered." OH SHIT
the way he says "it made me mad to think that he had been taking the life out of her!!!! honestly how he builds to that by getting faster and faster too
"and I grabbed it tight" the growl in his voice!!!
"ay, and he felt it too" YES YES YES "I didn't mean him to take any more of her life" auuuugh his voice is so so so good
how slow he says "flung me down"
Quincey this is not the time for propriety GET IN THERE
the crash of the door
I love the music
Jack's voice shaking as he gets to Dracula. THE MUSIC
this is so terrible. agh i hate it agggggh
OH GOD MINA. NO NO NONONONO and her voice breaking even as she sobs and screams fuck
Art seeing her and probably thinking of Lucy as well. godddddd
"His wife was aroused by the quick movement, and turned to him with her arms stretched out, as though to embrace him; instantly, however, she drew them in again, and putting her elbows together, held her hands before her face, and shuddered till the bed beneath her shook." NO DON'T STOP YOURSELF
fuckklkj the way he says "Mina dear, what is it?" and his "my god" his gasping "help her, help her" adkslfjakdjsflk;dj
"you must not leave me!" I CAN'T
the way say sobs "Unclean!" breaks my fucking heart
"May God judge me by my deserts, and punish me with more bitter suffering than even this hour, if by any act or will of mine anything ever come between us!" that's it. I'm crying. fuckkk oh my god
"the hands tenderly and lovingly stroked the ruffled hair" THEY ARE SO
"We want here no more concealments." YEAH, YOU FUCKIN BETTER NOT
"I looked into Renfield's room; but there was no trace there except——!" Again he paused. "Go on," said Harker hoarsely; so he bowed his head and moistening his lips with his tongue, added: "except that the poor fellow is dead."" I can't remember right now who first suggested it but I insist upon believing that Art got there while he was still alive and was with him when he died. I refuse to let Renfield die alone
the music getting so gentle as van Helsing asks Mina to speak
~handholding~ god oh god this is so painful
god her voice so resolute, pushing through to sound calm and tell all details, but repeatedly waviering so badly
"that same white mist that I had before noticed" nearly losing her voice on the last word
her voice stuttering "o-on the windows of St. Mary's Church" oh god I hope that's not the guilt over Lucy again
'Silence! If you make a sound I shall take him and dash his brains out before your very eyes.' he shushes her. he is speaking GENTLY. you can hear the SMILE goddamn him
'First, a little refreshment to reward my exertions. You may as well be quiet; it is not the first time, or the second, that your veins have appeased my thirst!' I AM PUNCHING THE AIR
Jonathan groaning when she says Dracula's lips on her throat.
"a long time must have passed before he took his foul, awful, sneering mouth away" the hatred and disgust in her voice
THE DRIP SOUNDSSSSSS oh god I was not prepared for that
I love the echo/distance on Dracula's voice
oh I love the beat and music during Dracula's speech
the profanation of wedding vows
the savage joy in his voice, the triumph...
she works so hard to keep her voice controlled but she cannot say she drank his blood, she breaks down. oh god ohgod
Jonathan's hair turning white during Mina's story as the sun rises...
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