#Platonic Fyodor Dostoevsky x reader
selfaware-bungou-stray-dogs ยท 11 months
I never requested so I don't know if I'm doing it right. But I wanted to request the self aware bsd cast with a shy teen reader with a not so good background. Maybe the reader wants to be writer but gets made fun of for it (bonus points if they look up to poe and oda). I'm not sure if this is the write way to request but feel free to ignore this.
Hello! Hope, you liked it.
Your dream matters
Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD characters x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader
Self-Aware! Platonic! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Oda Sakunosuke (Slight! Self-Aware! Platonic! Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader)
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Description: Set after BSD gang got into your world. You always want to be a writer. But no one supports your dream. But then, Bungou Stray Dogs characters get into your world. Your life is changing. Hopefully, for the better.
Fluff, comfort. Reader are well-read.
Warning: Bullies. Neglectful parents and teachers.
Part two: Reunion
OOC. English is my second language.
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You loved reading all your life. Ever since you were a child, you prefer reading to playing.
You always wanted to be a writer. You wanted to write about people, about magical worlds, about talking animals. Furthermore, you wanted to share your ideas with others.
Because of your love for literature, you have decided to watch Bungou Stray Dogs. You liked all characters.
But, two characters were your favorite. Edgar Allan Poe and Oda Sakunosuke. Writer and person, who wants to be a writer.
You can even say, that look up to them.
Bungou Stray Dogs characters (especially Poe and Oda) soon became your comfort characters.
Because, you have a feeling, that they won't laugh at your dream to become a writer.
When you were in a kindergarten, you didn't have any friends. Other children always thought, that reading books is boring. They prefer to play outside, run around.
While you were sitting somewhere in the shade, reading another fairy tale.
You wanted to have friends. You want to have someone to talk to. To discuss books.
But you have no one. Other kids don't want to talk to you. They called you boring.
Because if that, when you start going to school, you were shy and quiet.
But this time, you had a dream... A dream to become a writer.
Dream, that everyone laughed at.
At first, it was a homework. To write a short fairy tale about animals.
You wrote about kitten, who was friends with butterflies. And how he helped butterflies to arrange a beautiful celebration.
When you read it to your teacher and classmates, they liked it. But then...
"I want to become a writer!"
Silence. Then your classmates started laughing.
"You will never do it!"
"Writing is not a job!"
"Soon no one will read books!"
And the teacher didn't do anything to calm your classmates down.
You weren't that naive. You understand, that your fairy tale wasn't The best story in the world. But... You were still a child. You are allowed to dream.
You hoped, that your classmates won't laugh at your dream again. Or, at least, you will have someone, that will support you.
...You are in a middle school now. In a year, you will start high school...
Classmates still laughing at you.
"Hey, Super Star of Modern Literature, how many people bought your books today?"
"[Y/N], can we have your autograph? I will show it to my grandchildren. Will tell them that I knew The Great Author when they were a pathetic nobody."
"Why are you still laughing at me? I didn't do anything wrong."
At first, you tried to ask teacher for help. But they ignored you.
"[Y/N], been a writer is a silly, childish dream."
"You won't write anything good. You will never be as good, as real writers "
"But I want to try... What if someone will like my writing?"
At the end you were too shy, too ashamed to ask for help again.
You hoped, that your parents will support your dream.
"[Y/N]! Writing is not a job! You must become a valuable member of society!"
"All writers are lazy alcoholics! Stop wasting your time!"
"But you are drinking without been a writer. You two are stuck in dead-end jobs. You hate working. You don't have hobbies... Why you don't want me to have something that makes me happy? Why you lash out on me instead of going to the gym to do boxing?"
"I... I know, that writing is a lottery, but... I just want to write something... I only want to tell a story"
"Please... I just want someone to support me... Just one person"
But at the end, no one supports you. But deep down, you still dream about becoming a writer.
But you never spoke about your dream again.
And then, one day, you saw a picture of Edgar Allan Poe from Bungou Stray Dogs.
After spending some time on learning more about BSD, you decide to watch it.
Then you read the manga.
And install the game.
In the middle of June, characters from the BSD franchise appeared in your room.
You still weren't sure, how Fitzgerald managed to get this house. You still don't know, how they manage to get a custody over you.
The only thing is clear. You are now living with your comfort characters.
You start changing. At first, you were too shy to spend time with them. Especially with Oda and Poe. But, after something happened, you became more open towards your new family.
You became closer to them, thanks to Fyodor Dostoevsky.
You walk inside your home library and plopped down on the chair. You groaned and cover your face with both hands.
"Hard day?" you hear someone's voice. You nodded. You hear, that someone move a chair closer to you and sit near. That mysterious someone put a hand on your shoulder. "Want to talk about it?"
You were annoyed. So annoyed, that you decide to vent.
"Today, I had a school literature club meeting. We were discussing our favorite book characters. We could name anyone we want, doesn't matter, who is the author."
You take a breath.
"So I talked about Rodion Raskolnikov from Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment""
It was silent for a moment. Then mysterious someone asked again.
"I guess, teacher doesn't like your answer?"
You nodded again. If you weren't that annoyed, you would notice, that your listener had well known among BSD fans Russian accent.
"Yes. They told me, that Raskolnikov is a terrible person and can't be anyone's favorite. I... I never said that I like what he was doing, but he is more complicated character, that teachers told us about. Moreover, they are doing Dostoevsky dirty, while teaching about him in high school... Oh."
You finally looked at the person, you were talking to.
Right beside you was sitting Fyodor Dostoevsky. His hand was still on your shoulder. The man himself was smiling. He looked both amused and worried.
You want to disappear. You were embarrassed, that Fyodor heard your rant about his real world counterpart.
Fyodor asked you another question.
"Did the teacher let you explain your choice?"
You shook your head, still embarrassed. Fyodor laughs.
"Then why won't you explain it to me?"
You looked at Dostoevsky with a mixture of disbelief and embarrassment.
"I am serious. I want to hear, what's your reasons behind liking Raskolnikov."
Fyodor squeezed your shoulder. You gulp and star talking.
"Well, first, let me tell you what author himself write about Rodion..."
At the end, you and Fyodor had a full on discussion about book characters. Others joined you two.
Starting that day, you slowly, but surely became closer to your new friends. You even confess, that Poe and Oda were your favorite characters.
You still didn't tell others about your dream. But now, you nave a real notebook to write your ideas in.
Your life changed.
You lived in a new home. With a new family.
But you still were going in the old school.
Mori parked the car not far away from school. He turns towards you and smiles.
"We are here, Little Light. Be careful at school."
"I will, Uncle Ougai, don't worry. See you and other after school"
After getting a hug from Elise and a head pat from Mori (with a quiet "You can call me father, you know?"), you left the car and walked towards the school building.
You hope, that today is going to be good.
This day was terrible.
When you were walking in school halls, someone ran into you. You fall, and your schoolbag was opened. Your notebooks were on the floor. You quickly pick everything up and hurry to the next class.
You didn't notice, that your notebook with writing Ideas were stolen.
After the lunch, you got a notification.
Someone posted photos of your notebook pages on the school site.
And a video. A video of bullies, mockingly reading your notebook. Tearing it apart. Destroying pages.
And comments under the post...
"The Weirdo are still writing?"
"LOL, cringe fanfics!"
"Hey, maybe they have another notebook, where they write porn stories?"
"Will you calm the [CENSORED] down! Stop flaunt your stupid dream before our eyes!"
"Your notebook is only good to be used as toilet paper!"
After school, you hurry home.
You slam the door behind you. Not paying attention to anyone, you hurry to your room and close the door. Soon everyone heard the muffled cries.
Everyone was quiet for a moment. Chuuya was first one, who spoke.
"Who? Who dared to hurt our [Y/N]?! Who made them cry?"
"I know the answer" Katai, who checked your school site, showed everyone post with your notebook.
Fyodor stood up. His voice was cold.
"I will deal with this little bastards. Kolya, Chuuya, Dazai, you are going with me. Oda, Poe, can you, please, check on [Y/N]? They like you two."
Without other words, Fyodor walked towards the front door. Gogol,
Chuuya and Dazai followed him.
You heard someone knocking on your door.
"[Y/N]? It's us, Oda and Poe. Can we come in?"
You manage to sob a "yes" and bury your face in a pillow.
The door was opened. Oda and Poe slowly approach your bed. Oda kneel before your bed, while Poe sits on the bed edge.
Oda spoke first.
"We saw the video. Are you okay? The Bullies... They didn't hurt you to take away the notebook, right?"
You sob more and shake your head.
"No... They stole it... Is it wrong for me to dream? Is it wrong for me to want to be a writer?"
Poe put his hand on your back, softly petting it.
"It's not, [Y/N]. Your dream matters. Your dream can become true. I will help you."
Oda spoke again. "And I will also help you."
You look at them in disbelief. Did they just? The characters you always looked up to support you?
Poe answers your silent question.
"I can teach you, how to write. We will do writing exercises, we will discuss your writing, I will give you a critique. I will support you on your way to becoming a writer."
Oda rub away your tears.
"Don't listen to the others, [Y/N], you can become a writer. We will work on it together."
You cried again. This time, out of happiness. You jumped up and hugged both Poe and Oda at the same time. They hug you in return.
"Thanks you so much"
Finally, you have someone, who supports you and your dream.
๐Ÿพ Everyone from the BSD gang will support you.
๐Ÿพ Poe is mentoring you. He is a good teacher. He points out what you are doing good and what you are doing bad.
๐Ÿพ Oda and Poe will help you publish your first book. Just a little storybook.
๐Ÿพ You got good reviews and it was quite popular. You got some money from it.
๐Ÿพ You buy presents for everyone. Oda, Poe and Fyodor got a three different "Best Dad in The World" cups from you. Mori was devastated. Now he tries even harder to make sure you see him as a father figure.
๐Ÿพ On the side note, now you are being homeschooled.
๐Ÿพ The Bullies (seven people), who created a post, were found stuffed in one trashcan. It takes half a day to get them out of it.
๐Ÿพ Person, who write a comment about toilet paper, was stuffed in the school toilet.
๐Ÿพ Teachers were also scared. Rumors said, that someone attack them and teach them a lesson on "How to be a good teacher".
๐Ÿพ Slowly, you are becoming more and more confident. Now you are sure, that you can be a writer. All thanks to your new family.
A/N : The bit about Raskolnikov happened in real life with me. When my literature teacher started asking us about our favourite characters from classic literature, I said, that I loved Raskolnikov. I had a feeling, if my teacher could, she would expell me for this words.
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luvfy0dor ยท 6 months
Hello!! Can I request platonic father fyodor with a very rebellious teen reader who does everything to piss him off? Like getting a boyfriend or starting fights and getting suspended
โ€œQuit It โ™กโ€ Father!Fyodor w/ Platonic!Teen Reader
Warnings: Fighting
Description: Going against your father's rules just to make him mad
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A/n; So sorry it took me ten years to write this ๐Ÿ˜ญ I had a really hard time coming up with a cohesive scenario without scrapping everything so I did headcannons, I hope that's okay โ™ก
Headcannons !! เผŠ*ยทหš
โ˜… His first question is "why?". He certainly didn't raise you to do all of this for no reason, so what was going on?
โ˜… He never had a rebellious teenager phase, so he didn't dwindle it down to that immediately and even if he did he'd be just as gobsmacked; he taught you to respect him along with your other elders, not to rebel.
โ˜… He'll be damned if he finds out you start skipping classes, failing, and going to school to hang out with your little friends instead of just doing your work
โ˜… Oh man you give him gray hairs, he might as well have hit up a salon and gotten highlights with the way you be stressing him.
โ˜… He'll try to get you to partake in any extra curricular activities, trying to get you to focus on something other than fighting, dating, etc.
โ˜… On the topic of boyfriends, if you ever have ANYONE show up unannounced at his door he's closing it immediately. Actually, Fyodor probably wouldn't even open it. He doesn't care if they're standing there with roses and a giant heart-shaped box of chocolates, they need to get off his front porch ASAP.
โ˜… "Y/n, where did I go wrong?" Type of parent
โ˜… If you start a fight at school he's not picking you up. If you could figure out where you where gonna fight someone you can figure out where you're getting a ride home, too.
โ˜… His first attempt of punishment is lecturing you; if that doesn't work, he'll take your phone. He won't go through it, but he's not giving it back to you for a while.
โ˜… And if THAT doesn't work, he'll 100% hold an intervention over this if you don't tell him why you're doing all of that stuff, especially if it's usually uncharacteristic for you.
โ˜… if the issue is resolved, he does start giving you more attention and attempting to bond with you more, feeling as though that may have been an underlying issue.
โ˜… If you play a sport, he'll come to your games/meets, if you do theater he'll go to your shows, etc.
โ˜… He just wants you to know that he loves you even if he doesn't show it as much as he should and that there is no need to rebel.
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A/n; Sorry for such a whack schedule lately, I'll try to get a solid one thunk up asap
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elvestoneanzelote1 ยท 4 months
๐˜ˆ:๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ด ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฒ๐˜ถ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ข๐˜ฃ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜บ/๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜–๐˜ด๐˜ข๐˜ฎ๐˜ถ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ข๐˜ป๐˜ข๐˜ช ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ง๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜ธ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ฉ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ.
๐˜Œ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜บ.
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One word shall he describe you.
He was the demon prodigy who was heartless... Yet you were kind and sympathetic.
Unfit to be here with him.
He... Avoids you after he became the executive.
Perhaps you were weaker.
No use to be in Port Mafia.
A faulty replica of your twin.
Never meant to be.
But you cling onto Dazai.
But... He too betray you.
He too said the most hurtful words you bare not want to listen.
you were the older twin.
More mature than he was when he and you was 15.
Perhaps that's the reason why he realise it later.
When you left.
Without another word.
Left in dust.
He find out how wrong he was.
To think he never need you.
You are his twin... By blood you share.
By blood you both are.
Even if he is tainted by sin.
You were a saint unlike him... How were you both related.
Despite all it.
Failed to be a brother for you.
His realization hit when... Oda died in his arms.
He realize he lost the comfort.
Of love...
He was selfish he knows as he dialed a number.
The number he find out and kept to himself.
He called it and it was pick up.
"Y/n..." He mutter out a whisper as his lips tremble... His heart was at grieve... And he knows he is relying on you to bring a comfort.
"Can... I go home y/n?" He asked as you on the other hand tremble with tears fall from your eyes as you nod while muttering a yes.
You wanted to hear this... You want your twin back.
And the fact it is a reality now you were more then happier.
"The home... was always open Osamu"
Two years in underground as he came out and was met by you who warmly welcome him.
The agencies faces was hilarious to find you both were related.
Yes you both seem different...
But... Somehow you both share the same smile..
"See y/n! Kunikida is been bad to your loving brother"
"Because you don't do your work, Dazai!" Said Kunikida as you let out a sigh.
"What can say... We share the same blood"
He tries to be the brother he never became earlier of his days.
He want to mend it.
But his attention revert when you start sneaking out at nights around.
'Who is this man that make my twin lose her sleep?' Thought Osamu as protective he was.
He wasn't ready to see you with his nemesis.
Fyodor Dostoevsky.
What kind of drug did he put on you to make you kiss him.
Instead... Why him
Out of all people.
He was taken aback.
He will rather accept Chuuya to be your husband but this man?! Never!
He argue to you but was futile.
You were too in love with the rat.
So he made two plans.
To make you fall for someone so deeply.
Which can cause like a... Obsession but it doesn't matter as long as you are in love... But not for the rat.
But if the first plan fail.
He will kill the rat one way or another.
And make sure... You will not be of in any harm.
He would rather be a murderer a criminal... Again then to see your broken heart.
To see your sadness dull eyes....
Tear stained face.
Heck he will die if he see you death...
On the floor.
He would... Make sure that you won't be broken.
He care for you alot
Your happiness is his.
And... If someone dare to kill or harm you physically or mentally.
He won't make their end easy.
After all he is your brother.
He oath to protect you more then ever.
He would not lose someone he care again.
๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ! ๐˜›๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ- ๐˜ข:๐˜ฏ
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uhhhandskullanon ยท 10 months
โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹… โ˜† โ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
You shouldโ€™ve known that you never really could escape them, no matter how hard you tried. You wanted to scream, shout, sob, beg, whine, yell, anything at all, but the gag in your mouth prevented any sound whatsoever.
Not like if it wasnโ€™t there itโ€™d change anything. The basement is still sound-proof either way. You just wish Fyodor put a second thought in cleaning it up, because it smelled horrid in there.
Probably because of the pile of rotting body parts in the corner, or the bloody, moss-covered walls.
โ€ฆhe probably did this on purpose, actually. Itโ€™s only a part of your punishment, for leaving your loving fathers, is what he might say.
The gag was leaving a literal bad taste on your tongue, and if you could see the chains on your wrists, youโ€™d bet they were already bruising and scarring. It was too dark for that though.
That was all in the start, however. Itโ€™s been nearly months since youโ€™ve been โ€˜savedโ€™ and โ€˜returned,โ€™ in Nikolaiโ€™s terms. Everything had only been horrible, up until you were finally trusted enough to be let out of the basement. You would never say this, but it is partially thanks to Nikolaiโ€™s delusion and nagging of Fyodor that sped up that process.
โ€ฆyou missed the Agency. A lot, actually.
You missed Atsushi, and how heโ€™d comfort you and you two just went out for chazuke on breaks.
You missed Yosano, and her headpats with the occasional need for healing. Despite her (kind of hidden) sadism, you never really were awake to feel her abilitiesโ€ฆ pre-measures.
You missed Dazaiโ€™s stupid antics, and the way heโ€™d somehow drag you into them one way or another, but always made sure you never really got in trouble.
You missed Ranpo just rambling or being sleepy with you, occasionally sharing sweets and always calling for you to join him on cases whenever he could.
You missed Kunikida scolding you for joining Dazaiโ€™s shenanigans, but always doting over you like a real dad.
You missed listening to Kenji ramble about cows and farm animals.
You missed going out with Kyouka and eating crepes with her.
You missed just chatting with Fukuzawa, and even the cats at the shelter you two would visit.
You never voiced these though, because lord forbid you speak of anything or anyone on the outside while within the confines of Fyodorโ€™s new baseโ€ฆ you didnโ€™t want to see that basement ever again, either.
โ€œOh [Y/N]! Weโ€™re baaaaaack!~โ€ A (unfortunately and overly) familiar voice called out happily, before you were immediately tackled into a hug by none other than Nikolai. โ€œDidyaโ€™ miss us?โ€ Heโ€™d ask, and you already knew exactly what to say.
โ€œOf course I did. I always miss you, Dad.โ€ You smiled, hugging him back tightly. You knew how this went, and you knew that this would slowly but surely coax him into letting you out of the baseโ€ฆ and after a few outings sticking by his side, surely youโ€™d be freed.
Surely. Surely you kept telling yourself. Optimism and hope slowly blending into desperation and longing inside your mind. Surely youโ€™ll find a way to run away. Patience is a virtue. Patient, patient, patient and good little [Y/N] before you leave them again.
โ€œWaaha, how cute!โ€ Heโ€™d exclaim soon after, hugging you even tighter before picking you up and spinning around, and you had to force out a fake chuckle and expression of joy. He only put you down (but still held you,) when Fyodor entered the room, brushing off his coat. It was then when you noted that they both had small splashes of blood splattered across certain spots, but you didnโ€™t say anything on it. You knew how that wentโ€ฆ
โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹… ?! โ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
"You can't- you can't keep doing this if you want me to stay!" You shouted at the two, blood-soaked males who in return just stared back at you.
"Are you saying you don't want to stay, my dear?"
"N-no, I just...-"
"Are you saying you'd leave us if we didn't stop?"
"That's not what I was saying! Don't put words into my mouth! I- ?!" You were cut off by a sudden cold knife to the throat, held by a gloved hand appearing out of a yellow portal.
"Watch your words wisely," Fyodor warned, "We are your fathers afterall."
'Never,' You wanted to shout, 'Never in a million years will you two ever be anything more than monsters to me.'
But even a fool knows when to bite their tongue.
โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹… ?! โ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
โ€œHey, Father?โ€ You turned to Fyodor whilst still hugging Nikolai.
โ€œHm? What is it, doll?โ€ He responded, taking off his cape and hanging it on a rack near the door before looking back at you.
You hated that nickname. โ€œDoll.โ€ Like you were some sort of item to show and control.
'Not for long,โ€™ Youโ€™d think, โ€˜Not for very long at all.โ€™ Though you were about to ask a risky questionโ€ฆ youโ€™d just hold on tight to Nikolai and hope for the best.
โ€œ...what happened to my kidnappers?โ€ You hated referring to the Agency like that.
โ€œOh.. Well, not much. Merely a bit ofโ€ฆ framing.โ€ He said darkly, and eerie and small grin crossing his face.
"They wonโ€™t ever take your freedom away again, and youโ€™ll never ever have to leave us again, isnโ€™t that right dove?โ€ Nikolai smiled evilly whale hugging you even tighter to the point that it hurt, and you had to muster up the โ€˜happiestโ€™ smile you could.
"Yes, thank you Dad, and Father.โ€ You said softly, looking at the two โ€˜gratefully.โ€™
...You were going to get out of this hell hole, and you were going to save the Agency, one way or another.
โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹… โ˜† โ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
'This might be a bit of a stretch,โ€™ You thought to yourself as you stared down at the large drop ahead of you. Its been a long while, and youโ€™ve finally been allowed to go outside with themโ€ฆ however, youโ€™ve taken precautions. You know exactly what to do.
Youโ€™re on top of a large building with a barrier, and youโ€™ve marked it just enough so that youโ€™re only barely out of reach of Nikolaiโ€™s ability. Itโ€™s also only a matter of time before they find youโ€ฆ
โ€ฆItโ€™s a long way down. Do you want to jump?
โ€” TAG : @kolyakisses
384 notes ยท View notes
ssouhekii ยท 9 months
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สฒแต‰หกหกสธแถ โฑหขสฐ แตƒโฟแตˆ หกโฑแต—แต—หกแต‰ แต‡หกแตƒแถœแต แถœแตƒแต— - โ˜† .ยฐ โ€ข . ยฐ
โ˜† หขโฑแตแตแตƒ & แถœสฐโฑหกแตˆ!แต’สณแตƒแถœหกแต‰!สธ/โฟ - * โ˜† . ยฐ
wc - 4.4k โ˜†
Sigma didn't go into this month's Decay meeting expecting for them to induct a new member. He really didn't expect this member to be a little kid. He really, really didn't expect this little kid to be staying with him.
warnings: implied/referenced child neglect & experimentation, nothing too serious though, yet, kind of uneventful because it's the first of a series, nobody will tell poor sigma y/n's name and there's lots of awkward pauses
a/n - I haven't written in a very long time, so sorry if it's a bit dry. i promise the next chapter will have more interesting interactions and dialogue. I only wanted the conversations to be stiff for this chapter so that you can feel the tension between sigma and the reader. also, i know the word oracle is used incorrectly. more on that later
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The Decay of Angels sat around a white plastic table in white plastic chairs. Behind each of them lay a beige wall, and under their feet a tan carpet.
Fyodor had perhaps chosen the blandest room to ever exist for this meeting, and the worst part was he couldn't even complain.
Sigma had spent their last meeting at Nikolai's elegant Oakwood dining table, stepping over streamers and stray cards scattered everywhere. Each member had taken a seat in a wildly abstract chair, ranging from Fyodor in a bean-bag on wheels to Nikolai, in his dramatic red velvet throne at the center of the table. Sigma had taken his place at a plastic folding chair that he was sure had been taken from a wrestling gig.
So, he had felt a sick sort of relief walking into the most unsettlingly mild room known to man. He listened to a hung-over Fukuchi drone on about that month's objectives, their current business affairs, financing updates, and upcoming social events. Each member of the Decay stood and gave a rushed report of their activity for the previous month, Sigma noting his Casino's gains, Nikolai his undercover diplomatic efforts, and Fukuchi his outlook on the political environment. Bram had nothing to share, and closed his eyes once again in his coffin as Fyodor stood from his chair. He gave a calm glance around the room and closed his eyes, beginning his proposal.
"As you all know, news of a certain ability user affecting affairs with underground organizations have been circulating as of late."
Sigma cast a worried glance to Nikolai, who seemed invested in his dear friend's speech.
Sigma cast a worried glance to Nikolai, who seemed invested in his dear friend's speech.
"It has come to my attention that this ability user is completely unaffiliated with any organization, and is quite out of control. Thus, we must take control of them before another group has a chance to do so."
The casino's manager set his elbow on the table and looked at his fingernails. They were glazed white and slightly pointed.
Sigma hadn't quite expected Fyodor to initiate inducting another member to the Decay. He had a habit of coercing Fukuchi to let talented people slip out of their hands and into the palms of the Rats. Despite the losses, Sigma could never help but be relieved at the Decay's stable member count. Four was enough for him.
Fyodor continued.
"While we already have this ability user in our grasp, it may be difficult to keep them in our hand, so to speak. It is confirmed that the subject has difficulty controlling their ability. However, that should not be a problem for Fukuchi and I to address."
Fyodor opened his eyes slowly and flicked his lashes while glancing to his side, making eye contact with Fukuchi before looking away.
"The difficulty in inducting this.. person into the Decay lies in controlling their temperament."
Sigma's calmness and relief shook itself off immediately. For Fyodor to express trouble with controlling someone meant they were stubborn as a stone, or even a genius on the same level as him.
"A discussion between Fukuchi and I has taken place, and we believe the best course of action should be for a member of the Decay to welcome them into their home. This would be convenient for surveillance, as the subject cannot be left alone for long. It would also benefit training."
The casino manager became even more nervous. It was precisely with his luck they'd announce it was him who had to take in a new member with behavioral issues.
"The subject may also not live alone as they are not... of age to do so. The ability user in question, a child of six years, cannot be trusted to manage their own household properly."
A lump formed in his throat. Deep down, there was a part of him that almost begged to recieve this child. That begged for that almost ill-concieved notion of a family. He pushed that notion down in favor of disdain, and to any unassuming citizen he would almost look sick at the thought of taking in a kid with behavioral issues.
Fyodor continued.
"It is known that some members-" Nikolai came to mind, and Sigma noticed Bram glance to the clown too. "-cannot sustain an environment suitable for a child either."
Sigma was nearly sure this would be him.
"Given Fukuchi's alcoholism, Bram's lack of... appendages, and Nikolai's.. preferred environment, that leaves two options out of the Decay," Fyodor and everyone else eyed Sigma, and he felt like this attack was premeditated. "However, given my circumstances involving myself and those currently living with me, I cannot guarantee the safety of a young child in my household."
"So, you'd want me to take the child in?"
Fukuchi rose from his chair and stood beside Fyodor.
"If you'd be willing to take on this job, it'd benefit the organization greatly. We're willing to use the Decay's funds to pay for any living costs for the subject, including recreation. You are not obligated, but the subject's safety is of utmost importance towards our future plans."
Sigma was pretty sure that "recreation" just meant toys.
"Paying for living costs is no problem. With all due respect, the casino allocates for about three-fifths of the Decay's income, while also sustaining itself. However," Sigma paused, searching for his words. "However, I am in no way prepared to handle a child. I have no prior experience."
"Well, Sig, you can learn! You got a hold of the casino in no time!" Nikolai had broken his silence, no longer entranced with Fyodor's little speech. His encouraging words only set Sigma off.
"Yes, Nikolai, the casino is a whole other issue! I cannot be expected to manage an entire business while watching over a superpowered child with supposed behaviour issues! While I am fine covering financial management for the Decay Of Angels, I was never in any way propositioned to join for babysitting. I do want to stay professional here, but you can't just spring a job like this on me!"
Sigma finished his little rant. The entire table remained still, exactly the same as they had been before. Sigma wasn't even sure when said child would arrive, but he was sure he required some sort of notice before they even mentioned it to him.
He should have known Fyodor would see through him.
"No, Sigma, you were never "propositioned for babysitting" or anything of the like. However, we may very well compensate you-" Nikolai cut in. "Yeah, yeah! We'll raise your paycheck and find more people to cover the casino! We've already got ya covered, Sig!!"
"Thank you, Nikolai," Fukuchi grumbled, clearly holding back a sigh. "We will indeed compensate you and cover both your costs and time lost. As for experience, none is needed."
"Fukuchi, I can't be expected to raise a child with no guidance or skills pertaining to.. to children."
Fyodor made eye contact with Sigma, chilling him to the bone. The rat's sickening smile curled upwards.
"You haven't got to raise any child, Sigma. Just make sure the subject is alive long enough to complete training. Once that is finished, they will sustain themself."
It wasn't until later, much later, that Sigma had realized why the idea of training a living weapon for the Decay made him so, so ill.
"So you expect me to, what, keep a six year old under lock and key?"
"Sure, as long as that works for you."
Sigma, much more unnerved but slightly less opposed to the idea, decided he'd need to shoot more questions. One, in particular, ached in his mind.
"Why is this child so important? What plan is so dire to you that it involves keeping a specific ability user so close?"
Fukuchi leaned forward, and Nikolai whipped his head towards him. "Again, this ability looks to be a danger if not controlled, and an even bigger danger if controlled by a group other than us. As for our plans with her in the future, those remain private."
"Well, what's this dangerous ability, then, and why am I subject to deal with it?"
"As said, you are the only one with a household safe enough to keep a child alive and healthy. As for the ability.." Fyodor narrowed his eyes as Fukuchi finished talking, taking this as his turn to convince Sigma.
"The subject's ability is called, quite simply, Oracles. It can be supposed that she is able to see any place and hear any word without actually being in the area. However, this ability may only view what is going on at the exact moment. In addition, it has been confirmed that the subject cannot control nor will a vision at any given moment, making them completely unprompted."
Sigma cut in as soon as Fyodor paused.
"So how is that dangerous?"
"You know very well how, Sigma."
He had only asked the question to stall a little further. This conversation, the way these people spoke about this child, made him sick. He didn't want to answer their question.
Nikolai tapped his feet, while Fukuchi and Fyodor eyed him cautiously. Bram was asleep. Quietly, Sigma uttered the only question he could think of.
"What will happen to her if I refuse?"
Fyodor's smile faded slightly, but there was no malice in his eyes. Fukuchi's gaze narrowed and Nikolai frowned.
"Sig, don't do that. We kinda need you to do this!"
"It's alright, Nikolai," Fyodor hummed. "I can keep the ability user myself. Though, Ivan hasn't reacted well to their arrival, I'm sure he can adjust. He may not trust their ability now, but he'll warm up as they.." Fyodor was tuned out as Sigma recalled what he knew about Ivan. The tall, unsettling man whom Fyodor had done brain surgery on, making him into some sort of passive servant. Sigma almost shuddered. The thin man had been almost violently obsessed with Fyodor, though not in the way Nikolai was. In fact, Ivan had outright threatened Nikolai more than once for even grazing against his beloved master.
Sigma was sure he understood now why Fyodor hadn't wanted to keep a child near someone like that.
Damn Sigma for being so mild.
He decided to use his last resort before declining the offer. The child would simply have to deal with Ivan's distrust.
"Would it be alright if I could... meet this girl first before allowing her into my home?"
Though Sigma had completely cut in, the room remained unresponsive for a passing moment before Nikolai jumped up onto Sigma and let out some sort of high-pitched squeal. "AHH! I KNEW you'd give her a chance! Thanks for doing us such a favor! I'll go grab her right now!!"
Nikolai disappeared before he could even hear Sigma mutter something about not having said yes.
โ˜† . ยฐ โ€ข . โ˜† * .ยฐ
The strange tall man with a white braid and striped pants unlocked the door to the room and strutted in, humming a tune. He, not even looking at you, grabbed your wrist tightly and began to drag you somewhere yet again. You'd been in that little beige room for almost twenty minutes now, but it'd felt like you had barely sat down.
"Time to go, kiddo!" He chirped as he almost lifted you out of your metal folding chair with a single tug to your wrist. You had tried not to budge, but the man proved to have incredible strength. So, you walked out with him, struggling against his grasp even though it was futile. In fact, he ignored your muttering and wriggling, continuing to almost skip down the hall.
At last you two arrived at a door, and the strange man squatted down to meet your eyes. You thought he was unsuccessful, as the card covering his own left eye prevented him from looking into both of yours at once. He compensated for this by quickly darting his right eye back and forth.
"You're gonna go meet the man who's gonna take care of you, okay? Yeah? Make sure to be re-e-eal nice, alright? Let's put on a big smile, okay?!"
You continued to stare blankly ahead as the excitable man pushed open the doors and again dragged you into the room. There were more tall men, and your blank stare dropped into a scowl.
While being pulled forwards, you stopped struggling in favor of analyzing the odd characters before you.
Your eyes were first drawn to the pale, grey-haired man, asleep to your far right in a large wooden box. It was lined with some sort of soft-looking red texture, which you were sure you could've fallen asleep in too. However, what caught your attention the most was the man's striking lack of appendages and a sword where his stomach should be. You were sure it must've hurt a lot, and were glad he was getting rest.
You still scowled as you looked to the left of the sleeping man, you spotted two other figures you'd seen before. The grey-haired man in the red coat and the eery black-haired man. The grey-haired man annoyed you. When he had first caught you, scampering around in a forest near the abandoned cottage you had made into your home, he had picked you up and slung you over his shoulder like a sort of package. You had been incredibly frustrated and screamed until your voice gave out, pounding your fists against his back. He hadn't ever responded, and only spoke in short commands like "Stop" and "quiet." Worst of all, his breath smelled sour and dry, like those fermented drinks that the adults always had on rough nights.
You disliked the black-haired man too, but for different reasons. Where his grey friend paid almost no attention to you at all, you could always feel the dark man's eyes on you. He spoke in a saccharine tone and called you things like mishka and little one. His gaze almost felt full of contempt, and he kept physical distance from you like you were some sort of beast.
Looking around, you didn't see the black-haired man's other friend, the one with the bandages around his head. You were glad, because you didn't like him. He had said if you spied on his master he'd throw you out, and then spied on you himself the whole night.
Finally, right in front of you, was a man with choppy hair in half-purple and half-white. The inside of his coat sparkled like the sky when it was dark, which caught your attention. Being speedily pulled towards him by the man with the striped pants, you noticed the half-and-half's gaze on you.
You weren't surprised at his stare, as that tended to be a common reaction to your appearance. You weren't sure why. Maybe it was because your hair hung in your face like vines on the fence of an overgrown house, abandoned for years with no care. Maybe it was because your nearly-empty eyes had deep bags under them from all the times you'd lost sleep after seeing a vision. Maybe it was because you had only ever wore a musty hospital gown, if only for lack of better clothing options. Or maybe, maybe it was just because everyone thought your visions were the most important thing about you, and that you were some mystical oracle that knew their fate.
You gazed up at Mister-two-tone, not noticing his friend mouth "introduce yourself" to him before he knelt down and looked into your eyes, and glanced to the floor briefly before slowly offering his hand to you.
"My name is Mister Sigma. What's your name..?"
His voice was deep and serious, but gentle. You looked at this strange Mister Sigma's hand. You weren't sure what he wanted you to do with it, so you ignored it and kept staring into his eyes. Silence overwhelmed the room. Over a minute passed without your response, and Mister Sigma retracted his hand while you continued to stare him down.
It wasn't that you were shy, or that you'd forgotten your own name, or even that you didn't ever have one. You had been little y/n in your town until the people in white coats took you away and started calling you Subject Oh Thirty Eight, or Zero Three Eight, or even just Thirty-Eight. Then, the sterile white building had been flooded and you had run into a nearby forest, and suddenly you hadn't got any name at all. Or maybe you had, but it didn't really matter that much.
You were drawn out of your thoughts by that Mister Sigma interjecting again.
"So, I uh.. What's your favorite animal, kiddo?"
You had often enjoyed the company of feral cats in your town, and had seen some strange, fat striped-tail ones in the woods you occupied. However, you didn't understand why he would need to know, so you kept silent.
After about fifteen seconds of still staring into his eyes (you counted yourself), you were brought back into focus by his voice breaking the room's silence a third time.
"Is it true that you can see anything, anywhere?"
Oh, you knew the answer to this! Everyone who met you had asked. You noticed the eery black-haired man behind Mister Sigma narrow his eyes at you.
"I can't see the visions you want at will. I'm sorry."
Your voice was scratchy, both from the screaming you'd done the day earlier when the grey-haired man caught you and the fact that you barely talked anyways. This response, however, was easy to say after dozens of live practice sessions.
The two-toned Mister Sigma's eyes softened and he glanced to the side with an almost nervous look before looking back at you and smiling.
"That's alright, I don't need anything. I just wanted to know."
You continued to stare at him as he stood up and motioned his colleagues to come near. Card-face dropped your arm and sped over to the two-toned man along with everyone else, and they huddled around you in a whisper.
You stood silently and continued to stare.
โ˜† . ยฐ โ€ข . โ˜† * .ยฐ
It was at that moment Sigma swore he wouldn't get attached.
Hearing the first words from a glassy-eyed child be "I'm sorry" formed a new feeling of contempt for the world around him. He almost felt angry, hearing someone so young apologize for being unable to be of use.
Damn Fyodor for picking a child he saw so much of himself in.
Though the little child had seemed a little cold and almost feral, they seemed considerably easier to handle than what Sigma had expected. He'd almost expected a younger Nikolai. However, he wasn't relieved to find that their preferred form of conversation was a cold glare.
"So, Sig? Whaddya think, whaddya think? Don't keep us waiting any longer!!"
Sigma felt his colleagues' eyes on him. He glanced at his feet, then at the child (who made eye contact with him through their messy, overgrown locks. Sigma almost shivered.) then finally moved his eyes across his coworkers.
"I will take in the child," Fyodor and Fukuchi smiled while Nikolai nearly burst into joyful laughter. "Provided that the Decay covers all costs, time lost on the casino, and training efforts. This is my only offer."
"Ah, Sig, we knew you'd take her! Great, great!!" Nikolai sprang onto Sigma and hugged him, while Fyodor clapped politely. Fukuchi gave an almost half-hearted bow, clearly tired from this indecision.
"Thank you for doing this, Sigma. Route me your receipts every month and you'll be compensated. I'll have any documents needed for a front mailed to you soon."
Fukuchi took his leave soon after. Bram was carried out with him. Sigma pushed Nikolai off of him and looked to Fyodor.
"I'm glad I could convince you. Good evening, Sigma." Fyodor also left quickly, clearly wanting out before Sigma changed his mind.
Sigma turned to Nikolai, who had made his way to the little child and was shaking their hand furiously. They squirmed and grumbled.
"Bye bye, kiddo!! Have fun with Sig, okay? I'll drop by soon!"
He leaped up and trotted to Sigma, grasping his hands and staring into his face almost excitedly.
"Hey, Sig, good luck!! Congrats on your first kid!" Nikolai skipped out like some sort of madman, leaving Sigma and the child alone, watching each other.
He couldn't believe what he'd just agreed to.
โ˜† . ยฐ โ€ข . โ˜† * .ยฐ
As the strange white-haired man finally left, you were left alone in front of the table with Mister Sigma. He turned and stared at you. You kept watching him as you had. The way his hair moved was interesting to you. Every time he turned his head, it made a swishing motion. It was like some sort of fish you'd seen in the aquarium a long, long time ago. You couldn't remember its name.
"Well, it's getting late. I guess we'd, uh, better get going, yeah?" He asked, seeming slightly unsure of himself. He stepped towards you, and you instinctively stepped back.
He held out a hand to you slowly. You weren't quite sure what to make of it. Did he want you to take it? You weren't sure whether he knew that he could just take your hand himself, but you didn't tell him that. You'd had enough manhandling for two days.
He retracted his hand and let out a slight huff, glancing toward you before turning away towards the door.
"Come on, let's go home."
Mister Sigma walked towards the door, and you passively followed behind him. Leading you down the hallway, the only sound he made was the soft clack, clack, clack of his shoes on the floor. The two of you twisted and turned down the halls past several bland brown doors before exiting the building through a set of large glass sliders.
The twilight glistened, though not as beautifully as the inner liming of his coat that swayed along with his hair as he walked. The man pulled out a ring decorated by a large plastic button and a few metal keys. He clicked the button and one of the cars in the lot lit up and let out a quick honk. He turned to his car, a small white Toyota with sleek lights on the front and the back. Its interior consisted of grey leather seats, and a pair of red plush dice hanging from the mirror.
You followed him to the left side of the car, and he opened the front door before looking at you in confusion.
"You can sit on the other side, unless you'd like to sit in the back. This is the driver's seat, though, and I have to sit here."
He spoke cautiously for some reason, stepping over each word as if simply telling you to go sit on the other side was a mortal offense. It wasn't that important to you, but you did appreciate the explanation. You hadn't been told why you had to do something in a very long time, so it was a breath of fresh air.
You paced to the other side of the car, and mimicking how he did it, took the door handle in one hand and pulled it. The door barely budged, and you pulled again. On your third try, you set both palms on the handle and heaved it open.
You stepped into the car proudly, and sat down.
"Could you close the door, please?" Mister Sigma interjected, interrupting your sense of accomplishment. You pulled the door shut with both hands and glared at him. His eyebrows raised slightly, and he squinted a little at you.
"Are you okay?"
Your mild frustration was dissolving quickly, and you relaxed your gaze. He looked down beside you and raised his pointer finger.
"Could you, uh, buckle your seatbelt?"
You weren't quite sure what that meant. You'd seen cars before, but any memory of being in one was hazy. Lightly tilting your head, you opened your mouth a bit.
"Do you need help?"
You shifted in your seat and nodded. He slowly reached over, watching you all the while, and dragged a large grey belt out of the seat and reached over you, placing it into a button on your other side. It made a little click, and he retracted his hands.
"Now we're ready to go."
Mister Sigma set his keys down beside him and started the car. It made a hum as he pulled out of the parking spot. You watched him closely, paying special attention to how his hair moved as he looked around. You could only see the white side right now, but it didn't matter that much to you.
You continued to watch him, his reactions, his movements as he drove. Whenever another car got in front of him, he seemed to purse his lips. Whenever the big light on the road turned red before he passed it, he'd let out a little sigh before relaxing his grip on the wheel. Whenever he stopped, he nervously glanced to the side. As soon as he met your eyes, he turned away, his hair swishing after him.
About halfway through your little drive and almost a dozen awkward glances, he parted his lips while looking forward towards the road.
"Why are you watching me so closely? Do you need something?"
You continued to watch him.
"Alright.. if you do, please let me know."
"I don't need anything, thank you."
He kept driving and looking ahead. You kept watching him, and at the next stop he turned to you and met your eyes in an uneasy gaze.
"I'm sorry, it's just... it's a little unsettling to have you watching my every move and I..." he trailed off.
"I'm sorry. I'll stop."
"It's alright, you're not in trouble, it's just that.. I'm just a little confused about why you're watching me so much. We've passed plenty of interesting things on the road, but you haven't taken your eyes off me since we started driving." He looked intently at you.
"Your hair."
"What about my hair? Is it the color?" He seemed to grow a little more nervous.
"It moves. It goes swish, swish when you move."
"Yes, I suppose it does..."
"Are there many people with long hair where you're from?" He seemed to pause at the end, searching for what to call you. The space in his words was filled with another long glance. The car continued moving.
"There aren't many people at all."
"Oh, I see."
The long drive continued in silence.
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126 notes ยท View notes
ilovechuuy4 ยท 4 months
Can I request hcs and a small scenorio with fyodor and a rebellious daughter reader? Like always sneaks out, talks back, gets into fights and gets terrible grades?
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Why try so hard, Malyshka? โ‹† หš๏ฝกโ‹†เญจเญงหš
เญจเญง Dad!Fyodor x Platonic! Rebellious Daughter เญจเญง
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A/N: Iโ€™m so sorry Iโ€™m not sure how long this will take when it comes out since Iโ€™m not usually doing dad!characters with kids/teenagers, but I hope you like it since I worked pretty hard on this! I feel like this would have been so much easier if there was a bit more description on how you wanted this all to go in the end! But thatโ€™s all right hope you enjoy!
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Headcanons หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžท
โ€ข Dad!Fyodor isn't the one of get mad for his kid acting rebellious
โ€ข Dad!Fyodor would talk to his kid about why and what is wrong and why they are acting this way
โ€ข Dad!Fyodor is calm and collective, he'll let his kid ramble about/to him all they want about what's wrong
โ€ข Dad!Fyodor isnt upset but he's disappointed
โ€ข Dad!Fyodor isn't the type to ground his kid for their grades but he would discipline
It was a typical school day for you, walking through the halls of your school, nobody else there because you decided to skip once more. The halls empty as you make your way out the school entirely. You were aware that your grades were dropping drastically but it's not like your father was telling at you for it, that you knew of.
But once you step out the school premises, you receive a call, uh oh..your father. You hesitatly answer the call as the thick Russian voice of your father's fills your right ear. "I know you aren't at school, come home now." You felt your heart sink a bit, were you really in trouble now?
You decided to make your way home just incase you were actually in trouble. And once you arrive home, you're met with a disappointed Fyodor standing in front of the front door, arms crossed. "So you finally decided to come home, y/n?" His voice was thick with disappointment as he stared at you. "Well, uhm..yea." You didn't have much to say when he confronted you.
"We need to talk, I'm highly disappointed Y/N. I told you to get your grades up and yet you still choose to disobey me and continue with your rebellious acts?" His voice was sharp when he spoke, boy were you in trouble your father wasn't ever well, this disappointment in you. I mean yes you've snuck out and caused fights but when it came to your grades you assumed your father cared more.
"Well..I just..uhm well-" You couldn't put your thoughts into words yes you were being rebellious 'nd acting on impulse but there was a reason, right.? You sigh twiddling your thumbs as you think you a second. "Well, it's just some things in the classes are difficult and they are a bit none understandable." You mutter softly, that was an obvious lie and Fyodor knitted his eyebrows together.
"Don't lie to me, Y/N. You aren't a good lier and it shows." Fyodor states, uncrossing his arms and letting them drop to his hips. "Well I thought if I did rebellious things you'd spend more time with me!" You blurt out, well it was more than the truth. Yes, you thought having the "cool" act was well, cool. But it was sorta just stupid.
"Oh Malyshka, what do you mean.?" His voice changed from disappointed to concern. "Spend more time with you? Sweetheart you know how busy I am with work but if you and just asked I would find a day I'm off." His voice was soft now, more concern than disappointment now.
"Well it's just you're always busy so I can't have the chance to talk to you. So I kinda just thought you know." You said, rubbing the back of his neck. But then you feel your father's slender frame wrapping around you in a welcoming hug.
"Why try so hard Malyshka? It's not necessary I still love you the same okay? Just be you, please quit the rebellious acts though?" He hums softly, putting a soft kiss on your hair.
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wizardfrog69 ยท 1 year
Hey again! :D A similar request as the last one, but this time the child is smaller (10-11), and Fyodor and Nikolai raise them together! I just wanna see how good they would be at parenting together TvT (i love your writing!!)
Thaaaank yoooouuuuuu :))))))
Thanks for your request!!!!!
'โ€ข.ยธโ™ก parenting โ™กยธ.โ€ข'
Gn!reader (platonic)
Fyodor x Nikolai ig, weather you see it as platonic or not is up to you.
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Again, who the fuck knows where Nikolai found a random child but he found you and now he's rasing you with Fyodor.
Tbh they are shit at parenting, like a clown and a manipulative bitch as parents? That child is growing up to be fucked up for real.
Okay, I've calmed down a bit, let's continue.
In this scenario Nikolai and Fyodor live together.
The first time Fyodor met you was when he came home to you sleeping on the sofa and Nikolai making something to drink in the kitchen.
'Why is there a child in out living room?' Fyodor asked, confession lingering in his voice.
'Their name is y/n and they are our new child!' Nikolai explained with a smile while preparing a cup of tea for Fyodor.
'Why?' Fyodor's tone was more of an annoyed one this time.
'Why not?' Nikolai placed a tea bag in a cup before pouring the water in.
Fyodor just sighed and accepted the fact that you were going to live with them now.
Fyodor isn't around that much naturally so you were closer to Nikolai but whenever Fyodor was around he didn't seem as scary as people made him out to be.
Fyodor did try to take care of you properly, educating you if he had the time and when he didn't he told you what to learn and gave you a plan until your next lesson, Fyodor wasn't the best teacher and had a hard time comprehending the fact that you were 10 and 10 year olds (including most of the population) aren't as smart as him.
Does Nikolai try to teach you anything? Nope, maybe some magic tricks here and there but other than that not much. Education is restricting in some ways and doesn't let the mind be creative and learn on its own so they way to be as free as one could get is to not learn stuff which will restrict the person and their imagination, now one should still attend school because you need to learn and stuff.
Since Fyodor is out at work most of the time you are left alone with Nikolai, you're too young to be left alone so Nikolai has to take care of you but he also has work and who else would be a great Babysitter than everyone's favourite: Sigma!
Nikolai said he had to go to work and you couldn't go with him so he took you to a good friend by the name of Sigma.
Without a knock Nikolai burst in through the door and startled a man sitting by a desk doing some paper work. 'Quiz time! Why am I here?' Nikolai announced while you awkwardly stood slightly behind him. Sigma didn't answer and only stared in disbelief at you for a few seconds before practically shouting at Nikolai 'Why on earth do you have a child with you?!'
Nikolai only laughed him off and started to walk up to him. By the time you two were in front of the desk Sigma calmed down and spoke in softer and more calmer tone to you trying to be as nice as he could while not being irritated by Nikolai. 'Is everything okay? Do you need help?'
Nikolai laughed at his questions and asked him to look after you for a while before leaving you there.
Sigma became a regular Babysitter to you and the longer you spend there the more activities became available to you. Sigma get some board games or something so the two of you could play while being there.
But what if Sigma cannot take care of you? Well the only option is bring-your-child-to-work day for Fyodor. He told you to just kinda chill there and stay quiet as he typed away but you cannot expect a child to sit I'm silence for hours and hours on end.
'Fyodor... I'm sorry but I'm hungry.' You were sitting on the floor surrounded by cables and what not. Fyodor stopped his typing and look at you, at the time and back to you, it was (whatever time you eat dinner) so he decided to take you somewhere to eat something.
The most likely scenario is the two of you going back to his house so he can make something for you to eat but if he's in a rush he'll get take out or something.
Since today was more of a busy day for him he told you to get up and the two of you left for town to get something, he wasn't going to call for take out, that would risk people knowing where he lives and that is bad, very bad.
You had a great time out, you did mostly walk in silence to the restaurant and turn back but it was still nice. On your way there you spotted a cat and wanted to pet it but Fyodor was moving quickly ahead and didn't bother to stop for a simple cat.
Once going back the cat was still in its and you ran up to the cat carefully as to not scare it away and started petting it. The cat was woke up but didn't move still enjoying the sun. Fyodor caught up to you rather quickly but instead of moving along not paying attention he stopped and let you pet the cat for a little before telling you that you two have to leave.
You two got back and ate your food making light conversation
I don't believe Fyodor has any other chairs beside his own in his office so you have to sit on the floor or stand.
Overall Nikolai and Fyodor aren't the best parents a child could ask for but not the worst, they care for their child and their wellbeing.
Also Nikolai insists on calling him ั‚ะฐั‚ะพ (tato: dad) or pa or something like that.
เผบโ™กเผป ๐“Š๐“‹ผ๐“Š๐“‹ผ๐“Š ๐–กผ.๐–คฃ๐–ฅง๐–กผ.๐–คฃ๐–ฅง โ‹† ๐–กผ.๐–คฃ๐–ฅง๐–กผ.๐–คฃ๐–ฅง ๐“Š๐“‹ผ๐“Š๐“‹ผ๐“Š เผบโ™กเผป
ะขะฐั‚ะพ is Ukrainian btw
His is longer than expected and honestly I could keep going.
Have a wonderful day/night and do something you enjoy.
-love, Az
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blueberry-writer ยท 2 years
HELLOOO <3 Iโ€™d like to request (nikolaiโ€™s little sister btw :) with sigma,fyodor,nikolai comforting her when nikolaiโ€™s little sister is crying? After a nightmare or sum like that TYYY <33
Notes: Heyy anon!!๐Ÿ’™ Oh my, that's such a cute request! Shall we begin?
TW/CONTENT: Nikolai,Fyodor and Sigma comforting nikolai's little sister!s/o after a nightmare, sfw, fluff, fem!s/o, platonic relationships, i guess this is the pt.3 of reader being nikolai's little sister
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๐’๐ข๐ ๐ฆ๐š
Okay, so, you were probably at Sigmaโ€™s house he would never have put you to sleep on the couch of his casino office
He took the night off so you could babysit while Nikolai was on a mission
Iโ€™m getting the head canon that Fyodor and sigma are competing to babysit you but that's not the plot for now,sorry
You were sleeping nicely, so Sigma took a break going to cook cookies that he would use for breakfast for you and him the next morning
He had just put the cookie sheet in the oven when he heard a scream coming from the room where he left you to rest
Of course he ran straight to you without the slightest hesitation
"OH GOD- Y/N ARE YOU OK?" was the first sentence he shouted as soon as he opened the door
"I had a nightmare, y-you, my big bro and Fyodorโ€ฆ I saw your corpses- I-i didnโ€™t know what to do-" A tear slid down your cheek
Sigma sat next to you and hugged you: "shh it'ok, Iโ€™m here, Dostoevsky and Nikolai are fine. Nothing to worry about"
Spend at least 15 minutes hugging you while reassuring you that nothing bad had happened
"You see? everything's fine" Sigma said, releasing you from his embrace.
"sigh.. t-thank you mr.Sigma.." You answered him smiling. "B-but.."
"Where does this burning smell come from?"
"....Damn it"
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Unlike sigma, you were actually sleeping on Fyodorโ€™s office couch-
But donโ€™t worry, youโ€™ve got a pillow and Fyodorโ€™s cape to cover you
Fyodor was working on the computer, taking a look at you once in a while, just enough to know you were having a nightmare.
"Oh my my.." he whispered as he approached you and tried to wake you gently
We can say that your awakening was not the best: You had tears in your eyes and you felt for a moment a feeling of bewilderment.
As soon as you see the familiar figure of Fyodor beside you, you threw yourself at him hugging him.
Letโ€™s say it was unexpected for him
"malรฝshka, what was your nightmare about ?"He asked You, putting his hand behind your back,reciprocating in his own way the hug.
"You, mr.Sigma and my big broโ€ฆ w-were dead"
Fyodor laughed a little: "But this is impossible, i'm right in front of you now..Plus, thereโ€™s no one who can outsmart me in the game of death"
Despite his affirmation, you hugged him harder making sure he was there with you and it wasnโ€™t all a dream
this melted Fyodor's heart a bit
"So Nikolaiโ€™s not the only one who's not afraid of my touch.."Fyodor said between himself and losing himself in his thoughts.
"What?" You asked, Getting a little out of the hug to look at him.
"Oh it's nothing malรฝshka, it's really nothing"
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Nikolai opened his eyes slightly as soon as he heard someone trying to wake him "Kolia.."
He was a little surprised to see you near his bed with a half-sleepy, half-scared look.
He sighed to clear his throat: "What happened y/n?"
"Sorry if i disturb you but..I had a nightmare.."
Nikolai got up and sat on the bed: "Ow youโ€™re never a nuisance, come on, tell me, what did you dream?"
You sighed: "I had a nightmare where you, Mr. Sigma and Fyodor died in front of me and I couldnโ€™t do anything."
Nikolai laughed, you were embarrassed: "Ni-Nikolai this is not funny!"
"But, my naive little sister, do you really think your big brother and and his friends can die so easily?"His usual smile, that reassured you, had appeared on his face
You pouted,throwing the pillow over him: "And to think that i was even worried about you!"
He dodged the pillow without too much difficulty: "All right, all right, i'm sorry sis" he sighing happily.
"Hey, what about you sleep with me this night? If you're not sleepy, we can watch a film instead and then go to sleep!"
"I'm not a baby anymore Kolia! I donโ€™t need to sleep with you!" You pouted, for the second time this night.
"Oh what!? My lil sis doesn't want me anymore??How can I continue to live with the knowledge that my little sister no longer wants to have a sleepover with her big brother!" His ' fake dramatic nature' made the moment exhilarating.
"I even bought the snacks you like so much today, what a shame."
"Just this once Iโ€™ll make an exception." You answered him, with a false serious tone
" Ah ha, sure thing" He smiled again
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That's it! i hope you like it! ๐Ÿ’™
want more of reader being nikolai's little sister? got ya!
๐™ง๐™š๐™—๐™ก๐™ค๐™œ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™/๐™ค๐™ง ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ ๐™š๐™จ ๐™–๐™ง๐™š ๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ ๐™–๐™ฅ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™š๐™˜๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™š๐™™! ๐™Š๐™ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™–๐™ฃ๐™  ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง ๐™ง๐™š๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ&lt;3
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zzprompto ยท 9 months
Hello, Hello!!
You said your requests are open, yes? Well, im here to submit one if it's not a burden <33
Can I request Fyodor Dostoevsky x Male reader who is a religious cult leader? (You can choose it's it's yandere, platonic, romantic, etc)
For example, the reader is a priest but is super nice, a little too nice-- Fyodor happens to run across him during in what the start of season four would be(when the ADA didn't listen to Ranpo's starting point) and deemed m/n as just: "a feeble priest" who invited him to church, however, when Fyodor decides to go to the church out of curiosity he finds out m/n is insane for whatever god he worships, instead of his soft and caring personality he had when he first met Fyodor; he now has a more crazed and insane one, "reaching the holy words" and screaming obscenities to the rest of the church members in the pews?
And possibly for an interesting touch(only for the drama because im quite obsessed with dramatic stories where characters get surprised when m/n does something), the reader usually keeps their eyes closed, eventually leading people into thinking that he is blind, only for him to open his eyes when he's doing cultist meetings?
I know this is such a strange ask ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ and if it makes you uncomfortable I understand 100%, this is actually a storyline for one of my ocs, and I thought it would be neat to see this sort of storyline in your style and as a fanfic!!
(P.S I HAVE READ SOME OF YOUR WRITING AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH ๐Ÿ˜ญโค๏ธโค๏ธ I don't request often either so I wanted you to know this is how much I appreciate your writing style)
thanks for requesting!
โ˜† the wolf in sheep's clothing
fyodor dostoevsky x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: above!
the lowercase is intentional !
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you were going about your day, on your way to your work as a priest before bumping into a man. this man was no ordinary man, it was fyodor dostoevsky, a member of the decay of angels. but you didn't know that yet, and neither did he know about your secret profession.
"i'm so, so sorry!" you stutter out with a bow, keeping a nice, caring persona on to lure fyodor in. your eyes are closed, so you can't make out what the man infront of you looks like, but you take a quick peak at him before closing your eyes again. "it's alright," he smirked. "don't worry about it." his accent was thick and heavy. you were now more curious about him. you were definitely going to try and lure him into your cult.
"my name's [name]. i am truly sorry for bumping into you.." your eyes are closed and fyodor can now understand why you bumped into him. you were probably blind, so he felt a little sympathetic towards your case, which was a surprise from him. "it's okay, don't worry about it truly. i'm fyodor." he smiled, even though you wouldn't be able to see.
you bowed at him again, still muttering a string of apologies before he takes your shoulder in his hand. "please stop apologising, i've already forgiven you." the contact made you shiver, but in a good way. you looked up at him again. "okay, okay. sorry. would you like to come over to come over to my church? i was just on the way now before bumping into you. it'll be my way of showing gratitude and forgiveness." you smile, but there's a hint of evil about your smile that fyodor doesn't seem to catch on to.
"oh, well i don't see why not." fyodor smiled in response. "if you're insisting, i'll come along. i guess it is really the only way you could repay me." the black haired man continued smiling. fyodor was geniunely curious about your church. what god did you worship? etc, etc. those questions were running through his mind. he also liked how sweet you were, it was like he could take advantage of you if he'd like to later. but he was wrong, of course. you didn't show him how you truly were. a cruel, evil cult leader. you simply acted all sweet to lure more people into your trap.
the two of you then arrived at the church. it was lively as people were waiting for the next session to take place and they were waiting for [name] to lead it. you had a smirk on your face as you faced fyodor again. "you just sit where you like and have a little listen to my ceremony, okay?" you smile sweetly at him, but your intentions are far from sweet.
the atmosphere of the church was also quite sinister.. but fyodor couldn't tell what was off about the whole place just yet. he decided to go along with whatever you had planned. he sat down in a seat near the back and waited for you to start.
you walk to the altar and get your things ready to prepare your next speech for your followers. you enjoy the feeling that you have a new guest today - fyodor. maybe you'd convince him to join your 'true' religion in the end and get him to praise your 'true' god.
"greetings, guests!" you call out, finally opening your eyes to scan the eyes of the audience. fyodor was a little startled at first. he didn't think you could see.. but maybe that was just a slight misjudgment on his behalf, so he tried to brush it off and not seem ignorant.
everyone was already shouting praises at you, even though you had only said two words. everyone sitting in the rows at the church were all familiar faces that you knew. you took your time usually to greet each individual once you entered the church, but today was different. you were running late due to fyodor, so you'd leave all the friendliness with your followers to later.
"i assume everyone knows why we're gathered here today?" you ask and people in the crowd yell back a string of 'yes'es or just screams. "oh but of course, there is someone new here today!" an evil grin grows on your face as you turn to look at fyodor. "I hope everyone will be nice to our hopefully new follower!" your grin then turns into a sweet smile, hints of evil still around it. your voice was sickeningly sweet as well, starting to creep fyodor of all people out a little bit too.
"today we are gathered yet again to praise the true god!" you yell out, your voice starting to grow more and more menacing as you praised this false god. "not the ones those so called real worshipers follow.. our god!" everyone started cheering your name, they seemed to be just as brainwashed, or even worse than you.
fyodor was starting to get a little creeped out. he wanted to leave, and fast. he didn't intend on meeting a cult leader in the first place. he just thought he had bumped into a sweet, innocent and blind man. but oh how he was so wrong.
your words started to linger in fyodor's mind. everything you said about this god stuck out to him. some of his curiosity was peaked, maybe it was because of you - not the person you decided to worship. something about you seemed so interesting, fyodor forgot his intentions on leaving now. he wanted to stay and listen to your voice forever.
maybe it was your voice, the way you spoke about this idol you worshipped. or maybe it was how captivating you were, the way you faked your sweet charm just to lure him in. whatever it was, fyodor was definitely interested. he was definitely going to be coming back for more talks.. mostly because he wanted to be by your side though.
once the 'prayer' meeting was over and you had said goodbye to each of your guests, you decide to go back to fyodor and have a chat with him. he had a surprised look on his face the entire time you spoke and you were certainly amused by that. "well hello, fyodor." you spoke, a smirk on your face. it the exact one you had playing on your face when fyodor first came into the church. "i see you enjoyed your time here, yes?" you asked, leaning close to him. he immediately nodded, captivated by your alluring voice.
"yes, i did enjoy it. for more reasons than you may think, however." fyodor laughed lightly, looking at you. "it is safe to say, i will be returning.. only if i am not busy with my own plans you see." he smiled at you, slightly returning the smirk you had on your lips. "of course, of course! you are welcome to join us anytime. i will be delighted." you chuckled back, pleased to hear that the ravenette will be returning.
fyodor had practically forgotten who you were - a cult leader that just spewed obscenities to his followers. he had completely zoned out.. but he wasn't that innocent of a man either, so he couldn't blame you. fyodor was truly fascinated about your act, maybe he could learn a thing or two from the wolf in sheep's clothing...
โ˜† requests โ–ช๏ธŽ masterlist
โ˜† author's note: i don't know shit about religion or anything about church / priests, so i hope this was good... but seriously thanks for requesting and saying you love my work! i try my best. keep requests coming!! they may be a little slow due to school but i'll try get them out asap.
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selfaware-bungou-stray-dogs ยท 11 months
I hope this isnโ€™t too much to ask for ๐Ÿ˜… could you write something about a high school dropout user whoโ€™s doing really good in life, she has a girlfriend (use Jane as a name pls), sheโ€™s living really good in a fancy apartment, she has a good job as a sales rep and kinda streams on the side. But she has to go to a family reunion and so she takes some of the bsd characters with her (preferably dazai, kunikida, and fyodor) and her father doesnโ€™t like that sheโ€™s doing so good without doing what he wanted her to do to succeed, but the bsd characters back her up and take her side and defend her.
Here, I hope you enjoy it.ย 
You are happy, and that's the most important thing
Platonic! Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x Fem! Reader x Platonic! Self-Aware! Kunikida Doppo x Self-Aware! Platonic! Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Description: You are happy with your life. Unfortunately, you had to met with person, who doesn't like your current life. Thankfully, you have friends by your side.
Established Relationships (reader has a girlfriend)
Warning: OOC. Judgmental father. English is my second language.
๐Ÿพ Some people say, that you need to go to college, to be successful in your life.
๐Ÿพ But, in some cases, you don't need it.ย 
๐Ÿพ You were extremely lucky.ย 
๐Ÿพ Despite being a high school dropout, you manage to succeed in life.
๐Ÿพ You had a well-paid job, you had a fancy apartment, you were quite popular streamer. And, last, but not least, you had a perfect girlfriend. Jane was the sweet girl. She was the best girlfriend in the whole world.
๐Ÿพ And, after some events in your life, you got a bunch of new friends.
๐Ÿพ But, you wish, you didn't have to speak to people, who judge your life choices.
๐Ÿพ Unfortunately, you had to meet with him.
"Are you sure, you want to take us three to your family reunion?" asked Fyodor, looking at you skeptically. You nodded and take a sip from your tea cup.
"Yea. Don't want to deal with my father's comments by myself?"
Kunikida adjusted his glasses.
"But why us? Why can't Jane accompany you? Or someone else? Why choose me, Dazai and Dostoevsky?"
You explained.
"Jane is out of town and won't be there during the family reunion. As for why you three... Well, I just want someone to support me. I could ask Gogol, Kaji and Q... But I am pretty chill with my other relatives and don't want to ruin the reunion for them. So... Will you three come?"
Dazai was the first one to agree.
"I am with you."
Fyodor nodded, still looking skeptical.
"I still can't see how we can help you, but, fine, I'm in."
Kunikida only nodded.
๐Ÿพ Soon the day of the reunion come.
๐Ÿพ You and three of your new friends arrived at your grandparents' house, where the reunion will be held.
๐Ÿพ Some of your relatives were already there. They were curious about your life and people, who came with you.
๐Ÿพ So far, so good. No one was judging you, and your aunt wanted to meet Jane.
๐Ÿพ Kunikida, Dazai and Fyodor were doing great. They were talking with some of your cousins.
๐Ÿพ But, of course, something had to go wrong.
๐Ÿพ Your father arrived. And he was disappointed at you.
"[Y/N], when will you stop fooling around and go to college? You can't spend all your life without proper education! I was doing everything so you can become a lawyer! And you are an ungrateful child, who burnt her chance for a normal life."
It... hurts. You wanted to be accepted by your father, but, he didn't want to listen to you. For him, you were a failure, who destroyed her chance for a good life, because she didn't follow his plan.
You were shaking. And then, your new friends back you up.
Dazai grinned, but his gaze was terrifying.
"And how did you succeed in this life? Your daughter is a good person, and she is happy with the life she has now."
Fyodor's eyes were cold as eyes.
"Your daughter has a bid appointment, girlfriend, job and hobby that she loves. In my opinion, she already has a good life."
Kunikida looked stern, like he was a teacher, disciplining your father.
"She is a hard-working person, who live her life at fullest, despite dropping from high school. So, don't you dare judge her"
You feel happy. It was great, that they were on your side.
Your father didn't know what to say. He looked away, mumbles something, and left the reunion early.
๐Ÿพ The rest of the reunion were peaceful. No one was judging, no one was questioning if you are really happy.
๐Ÿพ You were in a good mood.
๐Ÿพ At the end, you were happy with your life. And it was the most important thing for you.
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luvfy0dor ยท 4 months
Ong I love your platonic Fyodor x reader fics!!! My affection starved ass could neverโ€” Anyway, can I request Fyodor (platonic ofc) with a teen!reader that acts similarly to him? Cunning and intelligent (he trained them (โ *โ ยดโ ฯ‰โ ๏ฝ€โ *โ )) while also accidentally picking up his habits etc etc. If you accept this request do you mind also making the reader adopted by him? If not, may you still have a nice day/night!! :3
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โ€œHonestly, I'm Just Like You โ™กโ ห–" Fyodor Dostoevsky w/ Child!Reader เฉˆโœฉโ€งโ‚Šหš
Warnings; nail biting, Google translate Russian
Description; Fyodor sits down to help you with your homework and realizes you have similar habits to him.
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A/n; Thank you so so much for the compliments!!! I hope you like this, I'm sorry if the scenario is kind of short 3:
โ€ข Biting your nails is one of the most prominent habit you pick up from him. You just find your nails between your teeth subconsciously
โ€ข You also pick up bits and pieces of the Russian language. Specifically the annoyed or frustrated words that Fyodor would let out every now and again.
โ€ข Fyodor heavily sighs a lot. All the time. It is more frequent when he's stressed, though.
โ€ข The ability to flawlessly lie to people seems to be engrained in your blood. It could be about anything and people would still believe you because of both you're believability and your 'good kid' reputation. Exactly the way Fyodor raised you.
โ€ข When he first adopted you, you were already ten years old, so he immediately started recommending you read classic literature - Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc.
โ€ข He also helped you with some of your school work, making sure you did it as soon as you were assigned it so you could just get it done and over with.
โ€ข 100% plays chess with you regularly. He teaches you all the pieces and rules of the game and challenges you to one day beat him.
Fyodor walked to the kitchen to get water for the two of you while you sat with your homework in front of you. You couldn't help but feel frustrated by the seemingly impossible math problems that even your genius of a father had a difficult time with. You chewed on your nails while you looked over the problem, desperately trying to figure out what you were supposed to be doing while Fyodor returned to the dining room table with two glasses of water. His brows furrowed when he noticed you biting your nails, quickly swatting your hand away from your mouth. "Malyshka, don't develop that habit, it's no good." He tells, sitting down next to you.
You frowned and sighed. "It can't be that bad if you do it all the time." You mumble, your head resting against your fist. "I believe the phrase goes 'do as I say, not as I do.'" He says, reading the problems on the paper. "This is easy, you can do this on the calculator, can you not?" He says, pushing the calculator towards you. "No. It says to solve it algebraically and I dunno how to do that." Fyodor stares at it for a moment, sighing. "We can YouTube this if it is such a big deal. Pull a tutorial up on your phone." Your father says, watching as you typed in the key words into the search bar. You propped the phone up against a candle in the center of the table, letting out a loud sigh almost identical to your father's. He glanced at you from the side of his eye with his brows furrowed, inhaling and watching the video.
The further into the video you got, the more annoyed and frustrated you got. You put your pencil down and buried your face in your hands, groaning as you did so. "ะฏ ั‚ะฐะบ ะฝะตะฝะฐะฒะธะถัƒ ัั‚ะพ..ยน" Fyodors expression immediately turned from a frown to one of surprise. "Did you learn that from me?" He asks, an eyebrow raised. You nod and hum in the affirmative, lifting your head back out of your hands and opening your eyes to the bright dining room lighting again. "You do a lot of stuff that I do. Are you just around me that much?" He asks quietly, his voice soft. "I guess so. Why? Is that a bad thing?" He shakes his head, "Not at all, it just really surprises me. I'm actually very happy about it." He says calmly, leaning over and kissing your forehead. "Guess you just haven't absorbed all of my intelligence. Finish your homework, Malyshka." He ruffles your hair and walks off to prepare dinner. "You couldn't solve it either!" You roll your eyes and pick the pencil back up, continuing your agonizing task of finishing your math homework.
ะฏ ั‚ะฐะบ ะฝะตะฝะฐะฒะธะถัƒ ัั‚ะพ - "I hate this so much" loosely, it's from Google translate so idk how accurate that is ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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A/n; - AHHHH I'm so so sorry if this looks/feels rushed, I hope it doesnt- I just had a hard time figuring out habits Fyodor might have besides nail biting, but I think I still did decent. Thank you so much for the request!! ๐Ÿฉท
191 notes ยท View notes
bitterchocoo ยท 8 months
Now, welcome to the theater!
Bungou Stray Dogs/Gaiden
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Armed Detective Agency
Osamu Dazai - Falling Behind
Ranpo Edogawa - Coffee
Osamu Dazai - A Seraphim or.. | M. Reader as Sunday [Honkai Star Rail]
Port Mafia
Special Division for Unusual Powers
The Guild
Decay of Angel
Fyodor Dostoevsky - God-ish
Hunting Dogs
Honkai Star Rail
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Astral Express
Dan Heng . Imbibitor Lunae - The Never Ending Rain | M. Reader as Neuvillette [Genshin Impact]
Dan Heng . Imbibitor Lunae - I Hate/Love You
Welt Yang - Love Me, Love Me, Love Me!
Part Two : The Other "You"
Part Three : Yes, Your Excellency
Caelus - General Headcanon | M. Reader as Alastor [Hazbin Hotel]
Dan Heng - Extreme Weather | M. Reader as Neuvillette [Genshin Impact]
Dan Heng - Night Terrors | M. Reader as Xiao [Genshin Impact]
Herta Space Station
Jarilo VI - Belobog
Xianzhou Luofu
Jing Yuan - Everything Stays
Jing Yuan - A Blessing or a Curse? | M. Reader as Baizhu [Genshin Impact]
Jing Yuan - Golden Hour | Reincarnation AU
Sunday - Charm You Later~ | M. Reader as Satoru Gojo [Jujutsu Kaisen]
Gallagher - The Duke of the Fortress of Meropide | M. Reader as Wriothesley [Genshin Impact]
Sunday - Like Father Like Son | M. Reader as his child (Platonic)
Blade - Shanti
Argenti - Beauty in All
Dr. Ratio - A Waste of Talent | M. Reader as X [Reverse: 1999]
Dr. Ratio - Sweet Dreams | M. Reader as Layla [Genshin Impact]
Aventurine - Kilmer | Child M. Reader (Platonic)
Part 2 - Shama | Child M. Reader (Platonic)
Aventurine - Lucky Bunny! | M. Reader as Yaoyao [Genshin Impact] (Platonic)
Dr. Ratio - Well Deserved Rest | M. Reader as Medicine Pocket [Reverse: 1999]
Aventurine - Once Upon a Dream | M. Reader as Malleus Draconia [Twisted Wonderland]
Boothill - Absolute | M. Reader as the Absolute Solver [Murder Drones]
Dr. Veritas Ratio - The Prodigy of an Outcast | M. Reader as Middle school Rui Kamishiro [Project SEKAI] (Platonic)
Boothill - The Water is Fine | M. Reader as Arlecchino [Genshin Impact] (Platonic)
Wuthering Waves
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Reverse: 1999
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Genshin Impact
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Xiao - The High Elder | M. Reader as Imbibitor Lunae [Honkai Star Rail] [Platonic]
Kabukimono - Homage | M. Reader as C!Philza [Minecraft] (Platonic)
Wanderer - I Remember You | M. Reader as Ice King [Adventure Time] (Platonic)
Wriothesley - Who is He..?
Lyney - Mortals and Fools
Neuvillette - It's Punishment Time!!
Alice in Wonderland | M. Reader
Twisted Wonderland
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Savanaclaw Characters - Another Lion? | M. Reader as Lingyang [Wuthering Waves] (Platonic)
Ignihyde characters - The Game is On! | M. Reader as Sherlock Holmes [BBC]
Yuu and Grim - Stray | M. Reader as a Professor (Platonic)
Bungou to Alchemist
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Moriarty the Patriot
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Project Sekai
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More More Jump!
Vivid Bad Squad
Akito Shinonome - General Headcanon | General Neutral Reader
Wonderland X Showtime
Rui Kamishiro - The Lonely Alchemist
Wonderland X Showtime - It Only Takes a Taste
Nightcord 25
156 notes ยท View notes
uhhhandskullanon ยท 9 months
ISTANBUL (NOT CONSTANINOPLE) - THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS . yandere platonic fyolai DOA + ADA x reader fic NOTES (part 3 : spoilers for future part :3) . possible spoilers for ch. 57+, ep. 42+, and kamui identity part one | part two
โeven old new york, was once new amsterdam...โž
reader jumps off building and starts doing sm crazy parkour shi from balcony to balcony (learned from time w agency)
reaches floor n SPEEDS AWAY like a PUSSY /j
fyodorat and nikolalallala come too late n they see reader speeding off wo sparing them another glance
get very angrye
two bfs have angrery doa meeting
reader has some plot bullshit sense of direction and finds ranpo (yippee >< !!)
ranpo + poe + reader save dilf man
while this happen other doa member get obsessed w reader too (oof sucks to suck LSOERR)
sigma > mutual feeling of being trapped w crazy homosexuals makes him bond w u despite never once have spoken to u
bram > idfk pretend he sees shi thru the vamps n he sees u n u remind him of liek some long time friend reincarnation shit like w aya idfk
kamui/fu(c)kuchi > ermm well so like yeah idk ill make sm bs up later
reader meets up w kunikissdaman n liek idk fluff moment yay
reader = kidnapped by vampire
ada = chaos
fyodor = jail
dazai = jail
dazai v fyodor evil discussion ovr reader
ermmm reader get dragged to leik merusault bc fukuchi n bram wanna meet them
sigma finds them halfway
gains readers trust via half-truths
reader gets dragged awya AGAON
meets bram > seems cool
meet fukuchi > hates but hifes it bcc no wanna die
thats all i got for now JSJSJ
โ...why they changed it, i can't say, people just liked it better that way!โž
96 notes ยท View notes
elvestoneanzelote1 ยท 2 months
๐˜ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜จ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜จ๐˜ฉ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ง๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ถ๐˜ฃ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ฉ ๐˜ข ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต ๐˜ด๐˜ฐ ๐˜ ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ข ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ด๐˜ฐ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฑ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ซ๐˜ถ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ค๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ฌ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ต ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ฉ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜บ ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜จ๐˜ฐ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฐ๐˜ธ๐˜ฏ.
๐˜๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง๐˜ง. ๐˜ˆ๐˜ญ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜น ๐˜™๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ.
๐˜๐˜ฏ๐˜ค๐˜ญ๐˜ถ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜จ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ถ๐˜ต๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ญ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ.
Bungou stray dogs.
Port mafia.
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Ougai Mori:
My lover part one (yandere)
My lover part two. (Yandere)
Yandere Ougai mori x dazai mother reader x yandere Fukuzawa Yukichi + Platonic yandere dazai part1
Yandere Ougai Mori x dazai mother reader x yandere fukuzawa Yukichi +platonic yandere dazai part 2
Chuuya Nakahara:
Liar: Yandere Chuuya Nakahara x Guild! Male reader.
Smile for me: Yandere chuuya nakahara x fem reader, past sheep member
๐˜’๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ช ๐˜’๐˜ช๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ข (๐˜ฐ๐˜ค ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฒ๐˜ถ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ) ๐˜น ๐˜บ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜Š๐˜ฉ๐˜ถ๐˜ถ๐˜บ๐˜ข
Platonic yandere chuuya x younger brother Male reader
Habit yandere Chuuya x clean obsessed fem reader
Yandere port mafia boss Chuuya x fem reader
Ryounosuke Akutagawa:
I love you: Yandere Atsushi x fem reader x Slight Akutagawa
With s/o And him (fluff yandere)
Kouyou Ozaki.
Smile: slight yandere fem reader x Kouyou Ozaki
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Yukichi Fukuzawa:
Yandere Ougai mori x dazai mother reader x yandere Fukuzawa Yukichi + Platonic yandere dazai Part 1
Yandere Ougai Mori x dazai mother reader x yandere fukuzawa Yukichi +platonic yandere dazai part 2
Osamu Dazai:
Alchemists pm teacher! male Reader x Osamu Dazai (yandere)
My pretentious friend - Yandere Beast au Osamu Dazai x Yandere male reader.
A Goal--- Older fem p/m! Reader x yandere Dazai
Adopted bond: Platonic yandere Dazai x big sister reader
Adopted bond: Platonic yandere Dazai x big sister reader.
Yandere Ougai mori x dazai mother reader x yandere Fukuzawa Yukichi + Platonic yandere dazai part1
Yandere Ougai Mori x dazai mother reader x yandere fukuzawa Yukichi +platonic yandere dazai part 2
Yandere: trio dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi (separate) with fem reader with a very low self esteem
Yandere Dazai x Male inumaki reader x yandere Ranpo
Yandere Platonic dazai x twin sister reader x Fyodor
Broken lovers yandere dazai x male guild reader
Ranpo Edogawa:
Cursed speech: Yandere Ranpo x male reader x Yandere Poe
Cheater female reader x Yandere Ranpo Edogawa
My silent love- Port Mafia yandere Ranpo x male reader
Yandere Dazai x Male inumaki reader x yandere Ranpo
Doppo Kunikida:
Yandere: trio dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi (separate) with fem reader with a very low self esteem
Atsushi Nakajima:
Beast au, Yandere Atsushi x Male reader.
I love you: Yandere Atsushi x fem reader x slight Akutagawa
Yandere: trio dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi (separate) with fem reader with a very low self esteem
Akiko Yosano:
Memory: Yandere Akiko Yosano x fem reader.
Overall duo organizations.
Platonic Yandere Ada x child male reader x platonic yandere Port Mafia part 1
Platonic Yandere Ada x child male reader x platonic yandere Port Mafia part 2
Platonic Yandere Ada x child male reader x platonic yandere Port Mafia part3
Yandere BSD various x Zhongli/albedo (male)reader, pet favour
Yandere BSD various x Zhongli/albedo reader (male), Assistant Suhu
Yandere BSD various x Zhongli/albedo reader (male) initiative game.
Yandere BSD Port mafia various x Zhongli/Albedo reader (male) Barge into the room unnoticed.
Yandere Platonice Francis x son reader x yandere ada
Yandere platonic Ada x teen fem reader
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Nikolai Gogol:
Yandere Nikolai Gogol x fem reader
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
Yแด€ษดแด…แด‡ส€แด‡ PสŸแด€แด›แดษดษชแด„ Dแด€แดขแด€ษช x แด›แดกษชษด sษชsแด›แด‡ส€ ส€แด‡แด€แด…แด‡ส€ x Fสแดแด…แดส€
Cult au, slight nsfw (yandere Fyodor x raiden shogun fem reader)
ยท ยท โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ยทโœงยท โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ยท ยท
Special Division for unusual powers.
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Yukito Ayatsuji.
Obessesion, Yandere Yukito Ayatsuji x male albedo/zhongli reader.
Birthday special, Yandere Ayatsuji x male albedo/zhongli reader
Hunting dogs.
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Yandere tecchou x Oc (kiana Komori) x yandere Jouno
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Edgar Allan Poe:
Curse speech: yandere Ranpo x male reader x yandere Poe
Louisa May Alcott:
Letter: Yandere g/n reader x Louisa
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Platonic yandere Francis x son reader x slight yandere ads
โ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒ โ–ƒโ–ƒ โ–ƒ
Mashle: Magic muscle and power.
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Mash Burnedead-
Sickness love hc- yandere Mash x g/n reader
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Finn Ames-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Dot Barrette-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Lemon Irvine-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Lance Crown-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Rayne Ames-
Sickness love hc: Yandere Rayne x g/n reader
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
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Milo Genius-
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Abel Walker
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Abyss Razor-
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Wirth Madl
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Love Cute-
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Doom x g/n reader.
General Yandere Mashle.
Yunan male reader x various Mashle yandere
Reblooged Yunan reader
Yandere Mashle x (yosano) fem reader
Genshin Impact
Eyes: Yandere g/n Reader x Lynette
Moriarty the Patriot.
Sherlock Holmes.
Observation: Yandere sherlock Holmes x male (albedo) reader
Honkai Star Rail.
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Herta space station worker fem! Reader x yandere Caelus
Yandere aventurine x rengoku male reader.
โœฟ โ€ โœฟ โ€ โœฟ โ€
๐˜š๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ง ๐˜ˆ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜Ž๐˜ข๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ.
Gแด‡ษดแด‡ส€แด€สŸ Gแด€แดแด‡ Yแด€ษดแด…แด‡ส€แด‡ x ส€แด‡แด€แด…แด‡ส€
โœฟ โ€ โœฟ โ€ โœฟ
Tokyo Revengers.
Takemichi Hanagaki.
G/n Reader x takemichi (angst not yandere)
โœฟ โ€ โœฟ โ€ โœฟ
Venti: (as a crossover)
In Lang! Fanart
Akiko Yosano (as a crossover)
In mashle, alder (fanart)
By me, Elvestoneanzelote1, You can also follow me in instagram. It is written. In the picture.
The master list will always keep on updating when I update. You can always rely on this.
105 notes ยท View notes
dinaanana ยท 3 months
Fyodor With a Reader who has Alot of Skills like,can play and do Chess,Math,Guitar,Sports,art,Music Etc
Synopsis:How Would Fyodor Would react you being skilled in many things While Being so Young.
Fyodor Dostoevsky x FEM!reader (Platonic)
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Okay,He's kinda surprised At first when you Join The DoA Because,Why is kid Doing being a Member of A Criminal organization? He asks
At first When you Met him He didn't seem interested In a Pitiful little Kid But as Time Passes by,he's kinda impressed Yk?
He once Caught you Painting something in Your office,He just stood there behind You and Watched you paint for 30 mins admiring your Work of art.you didn't saw him Standing there,You didn't even hear him breathing.
You two Interacted When you were Playing (Insert any Instrument you play) He was Just Going to His Office,But He caught You on sofa Playing (insert instrument) and Just Stood there And watched You With A small Smile on his Lips.
As time Passes by he gets used to you being there,You Two Sometimes Play Instruments Togather he plays on his Cello and if you don't know How to play Cello he teaches you.
If you know Foreign languages he's Really surprised and asked If you knew Russian aswell,well if you do You sometimes Interact And talk In Russian with him And if you don't hell Just Teach you some words in his Free time (But he's never Free so you just barge without even knocking Into His Office And tell him to Teach you Russian)
And if you play Any Sports? He'll sometimes attend to watch your matches.
Once You had a Match And you invited Fyodor to come and watch,Nikolai Said hell Come aswell and Dragged Sigma With him Aswell (Sigma Had work and Didn't Wanna Come.Dude Just Wanted to be in his sky Casino)
Nikolai Yelled, Cheers at you So loudlyWhile Sigma Was Trying to Calm Him down And Fyodor just Sat there Watching your Match
Nikolai was So Loud And bothered People there Wanting to watch the match peacefully but When there's Nikolai there's no peace But in the end the three got Kicked Outta The Whole Building.
When the match ended You scolded Nikolai telling him He Was the reason the three got Kicked out and that it He Was embarrassing You He Just looked at you like ๐Ÿ˜ถ ""Sorry,sorry""
But still, Fyodor is really impressed With your personality,your Skills,Your Strength and everything.
He's Really surprised how young Yet how Intelligent You are,You two interact Often,He teaches you his Native Language and Things About Russian culture (If you don't know) in his Free time
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65 notes ยท View notes
wizardfrog69 ยท 1 year
HEY MISTER!!!! I'M BACK FO HAUNT YOU WITG MY REQUESTS (sorry if it's getting annoying)
Another request about DOA & a kiddo:
Nikolai dragging Fyodor to an orphanage, because he wants to make fun of the kids with his countless amount of "NOT your mom, lol" jokes. Fyodor asks one kid their name and BOOM IT'S (random Russian name idfk) DOSGOYEVSKY
So turns out Fyodor has a younger sibling (could be around 14-16, or younger), so they take the kid who is: *drum noises* T R A U M A T I S E D
Yes the kiddo probably got taken away by CPS and got put in an orphanage because yes (you can choose whyyyyy), and somehow Fyodor doesn't know
The questions:- DOA's reaction and how Fyodor treats/raises the kid, and do the others help?
Yeah that's it, sorry that the request is so weird but i can't really think of a normal way to explain this (sorry again)
Omg you called me Mister! :) that made me smile as soon as I saw it :)))
Thank you for your request, and dw, I will never get sick of your request.
'โ€ข.ยธโ™ก traumatised siblings โ™กยธ.โ€ข'
Fyodor x teen/Fyodor's sibling/reader
Fluff ig
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(For some reason it will be third person for a while)
'Fyodor!' A loud shout came from behind Fyodor. He did not bother to look behind him, knowing all too well what he was about to get into. 'Quiz time! Where are we going today?!' Nikolai exclaimed excitingly. 'No where, I'm working.' Fyodor replied. 'Wrong! I'll give you a hint. There are a lot of abandoned things there.' Nikolai responded. 'I'm still not going with you.' 'Not even to an orphanage?' 'No.' 'But you can't work all day! You need to have fun from time to time!' 'No.' 'Come onnnnn, let's goooo, please?!' Nikolai pleaded.
Nikolai's strategy was to annoy Fyodor until he gave in, which surprisingly worked. 'Fine.' Fyodor sighed defeated. 'Yay!' Nikolai cheered while giving a little jump. 'Let's go to the car!' 'I'm driving.' 'No fair, you always drive.' 'You can drive alone if you'd like.' 'Fine, fine, let's go.' The two of them left and headed for an orphanage.
Nikolai walked into the building proudly with Fyodor following him. 'Why are we at an orphanage.' Fyodor sighed. 'Hey, kid!' Nikolai shouted to a child looking at him confused, completely ignoring Fyodor's queries. Nikolai walked off to make fun of some kids, asking about their parents and making fun of them. Fyodor didn't care for such entertainment and walked off to sit somewhere.
Fyodor found a bench to sit down on, but before he could sit, a child caught his eye. The child was sitting by themselves scribbling on a piece of paper. A dark shadow covered their desks, causing them to turn around in a small fright. 'Can I help you?' The child asked calmly. 'What are you doing?' Fyodor asked, taking a seat next to them. 'My homework?' They replied. Fyodor could not shake this feeling of familiarity for some reason. 'What is your name?' He asked, examining the kid and the sheet of paper. 'Ehm, [Russian name*] Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky/Mikhaylovna Dostoevskaya, why?' Once Fyodor heard that name, he knew who the person in front of him was.
'I'm your older brother.' After Fyodor announced this, the kid was shocked, to say simply. 'Wait, what? How do you know?' They asked, confused. 'Would you like to leave this place?' Fyodor ignored their questions with ease. 'Yes, what's your name?' 'Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky.' 'Oh! ะผะฐั‚ัŒ (mat' - it's supposed to mean mother) told me about you.' 'Is she alright?' 'Oh... I guess you haven't heard. She's dead now.' The atmosphere turned cold. Fyodor felt sadness. He did not expect to hear about his mother's death. 'What about father?' 'He's also dead, mother died and two years after, father died. I'm sorry no one told you, we didn't know where you were.' 'It's alright.'
The conversation was cut short for Nikolai came back. 'Hey! I see you found one! I'm bored, dostoy, can we go back?' Nikolai asked. Without a word, Fyodor stood up and left. 'I'm still driving.' 'Hey, no fair!'
(Now it's second person for some reason)
You were now living with Fyodor. He was always busy with something, but he tried to make time for you. It still surprises you that you found your brother. You always thought you would never see him or that he was dead. Now you were sitting in his kitchen doing your homework. You were stuck on one question, and since you were meant to call Fyodor to eat, you decided to ask him. You knocked on his door, telling him the time. Fyodor looked back at you and turned to the computer, typed for a short while, and walked up to you. 'Do you need something?' Fyodor asked. The two of you began walking out into the kitchen.
'Well, I'm stuck on a question in my homework...' 'What is it?' 'I'll show you.' Once the two of you reached the kitchen, you grabbed your book and pointed to the question. Fyodor studied the question and proceeded to ask you,'Well, what kind of responsibilities does an employee have to an employer?' 'I don't know, that's why I'm asking.' 'What kind of responsibilities do you have at school then?' 'To be on time for every class, to do my work, to respect my teachers.' 'Now just think of it as work and answer the question.' 'Okay, thanks.'
(Now it's first person, sorry my brain is broken)
Fyodor often talked about going back home to pay his respects to our parents, I don't want to go back there, but how can I tell him that? He'll hate me for it, for sure! I don't want to tell him why I ran away, nor what happened.
(Back to second person)
You were so afraid, and to your fortune, Fyodor noticed. 'Do you not want to go back?' He asked, his voice is always cold, but for some reason, this time you felt shivers running down your shine with every breath he took. 'I do, of course.' You tried your best not to stutter or seem unsure, but Fyodor caught wind of it all despite your best efforts to hide your fears. 'What did they do.' Fyodor's question sounded more like a demand than a question, but you unwillingly answered it anyway.
While you stutteringly explained everything, with tears in your eyes, Fyodor remained motionless. He only sat there and listened. 'You can still go to them if you want to.' You ended. 'No, I'm not going.' Fyodor stood up and looked down at you. '...I'm sorry.' You could tell it was hard for Fyodor to say those simple words, but they were nice either way.
'You are coning with me to work today.' 'Why?' 'I want you to meet my coworkers, and if I'm not here, you should talk to them if you need anything.' 'Oh, okay. But where will you go?' 'I don't know yet.'
You walked into a building with was in the sky. The inside of the building was rich with expensive furniture and style. The people walking around were excited to lose their money, and the workers were happy to be working. Fyodor knocked on a door and walked in. A strangly looking man looked up and stood up as soon as he saw Fyodor. 'Dostoyevsky?' 'This is my sibling, [name] Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky/Mikhaylovna Dostoevskaya, [name] Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky/Mikhaylovna Dostoevskaya this is Sigma.' 'Nice to meet you.' Sigma replied.
Sigma had no idea what to say. He never thought of Fyodor as someone who had a family, and seeing his sibling just made him really confused. ' [name] wait outside, I need to talk to Sigma.' Fyodor commanded, and you obliged. Fyodor could be telling Sigma anything at the moment, but you did not interfere and waited patiently for Fyodor.
A couple of long minutes later, Fyodor came back and informed you of his later plans. 'I need to tell Nikolai something, and we'll head back after stopping by somewhere for a short while.' 'Okay.' You still had no idea why you needed to come with him, but you went alongside him anyway.
You arrived at another building, Fyodor knocked on the door, and the same guy you saw at the orphanage opened the door. 'Dostoy?' He asked. 'We need to talk about the next job.' Fyodor demanded. 'Okay, come in. Wait! You brought one back?' Nikolai asked while rudly pointing at you. 'They are my sibling, can we come in?' 'What?!??! Dostoy had a family!' Nikolai exclaimed. Ignoring Nikolai Fyodor walked in, and you shyly followed. 'Sit here.' Fyodor ordered while gesturing to a couch while he left with Nikolai to discuss work matters.
Nikolai's living room was not all that bad. There was an open book on magic performances in the middle of the coffee table, but other than that, the place was not entirely special. After plenty more minutes, Fyodor came back with Nikolai and told you to get up. You did as told and followed him out the door and back into the car. You never questioned Fyodor on what he did or why, but at times like these, you wanted to. Fyodor started the car and the two of you drove off.
When the car stopped, you looked up from your phone, but instead of the house, you saw a supermarket. You looked at Fyodor confused and asked why you were in front of a shop. Fyodor explained that you two needed to shop for food from time to time. When you went in, Fyodor told you to get anything you needed (or wanted), and he took out a shopping list, taking everything he needed from the shelves.
เผบโ™กเผป ๐“Š๐“‹ผ๐“Š๐“‹ผ๐“Š ๐–กผ.๐–คฃ๐–ฅง๐–กผ.๐–คฃ๐–ฅง โ‹† ๐–กผ.๐–คฃ๐–ฅง๐–กผ.๐–คฃ๐–ฅง ๐“Š๐“‹ผ๐“Š๐“‹ผ๐“Š เผบโ™กเผป
* Fyodor's siblings are Lyubov Dostoyevskaya, Nikolai Dostoevsky, Vera Dostoevskaya, Varvara Dostoevskaya, Alexandra Dostoevskaya, Mikhail Dostoevsky, Andrei Dostoevsky sorry if any of them are misspelled.
Sorry, I forgot how every character acts :')
I probably should rewatch bsd so I'll remember the characteristics and mannerisms of the characters, but for some FUCKING REASON MY BRAIN HATES ME and it won't let me watch the show in peace. Also I'm rewatching so many shows at once without watching any of them and it's just easier not to watch it yk.
Have a wonderful day/night and eat some fruit for vitamins and other nutrients.
-love, Az the wizard frog :)
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