#Platonic Edgar Allan Poe x Rader
I never requested so I don't know if I'm doing it right. But I wanted to request the self aware bsd cast with a shy teen reader with a not so good background. Maybe the reader wants to be writer but gets made fun of for it (bonus points if they look up to poe and oda). I'm not sure if this is the write way to request but feel free to ignore this.
Hello! Hope, you liked it.
Your dream matters
Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD characters x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader
Self-Aware! Platonic! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Oda Sakunosuke (Slight! Self-Aware! Platonic! Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader)
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Description: Set after BSD gang got into your world. You always want to be a writer. But no one supports your dream. But then, Bungou Stray Dogs characters get into your world. Your life is changing. Hopefully, for the better.
Fluff, comfort. Reader are well-read.
Warning: Bullies. Neglectful parents and teachers.
Part two: Reunion
OOC. English is my second language.
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You loved reading all your life. Ever since you were a child, you prefer reading to playing.
You always wanted to be a writer. You wanted to write about people, about magical worlds, about talking animals. Furthermore, you wanted to share your ideas with others.
Because of your love for literature, you have decided to watch Bungou Stray Dogs. You liked all characters.
But, two characters were your favorite. Edgar Allan Poe and Oda Sakunosuke. Writer and person, who wants to be a writer.
You can even say, that look up to them.
Bungou Stray Dogs characters (especially Poe and Oda) soon became your comfort characters.
Because, you have a feeling, that they won't laugh at your dream to become a writer.
When you were in a kindergarten, you didn't have any friends. Other children always thought, that reading books is boring. They prefer to play outside, run around.
While you were sitting somewhere in the shade, reading another fairy tale.
You wanted to have friends. You want to have someone to talk to. To discuss books.
But you have no one. Other kids don't want to talk to you. They called you boring.
Because if that, when you start going to school, you were shy and quiet.
But this time, you had a dream... A dream to become a writer.
Dream, that everyone laughed at.
At first, it was a homework. To write a short fairy tale about animals.
You wrote about kitten, who was friends with butterflies. And how he helped butterflies to arrange a beautiful celebration.
When you read it to your teacher and classmates, they liked it. But then...
"I want to become a writer!"
Silence. Then your classmates started laughing.
"You will never do it!"
"Writing is not a job!"
"Soon no one will read books!"
And the teacher didn't do anything to calm your classmates down.
You weren't that naive. You understand, that your fairy tale wasn't The best story in the world. But... You were still a child. You are allowed to dream.
You hoped, that your classmates won't laugh at your dream again. Or, at least, you will have someone, that will support you.
...You are in a middle school now. In a year, you will start high school...
Classmates still laughing at you.
"Hey, Super Star of Modern Literature, how many people bought your books today?"
"[Y/N], can we have your autograph? I will show it to my grandchildren. Will tell them that I knew The Great Author when they were a pathetic nobody."
"Why are you still laughing at me? I didn't do anything wrong."
At first, you tried to ask teacher for help. But they ignored you.
"[Y/N], been a writer is a silly, childish dream."
"You won't write anything good. You will never be as good, as real writers "
"But I want to try... What if someone will like my writing?"
At the end you were too shy, too ashamed to ask for help again.
You hoped, that your parents will support your dream.
"[Y/N]! Writing is not a job! You must become a valuable member of society!"
"All writers are lazy alcoholics! Stop wasting your time!"
"But you are drinking without been a writer. You two are stuck in dead-end jobs. You hate working. You don't have hobbies... Why you don't want me to have something that makes me happy? Why you lash out on me instead of going to the gym to do boxing?"
"I... I know, that writing is a lottery, but... I just want to write something... I only want to tell a story"
"Please... I just want someone to support me... Just one person"
But at the end, no one supports you. But deep down, you still dream about becoming a writer.
But you never spoke about your dream again.
And then, one day, you saw a picture of Edgar Allan Poe from Bungou Stray Dogs.
After spending some time on learning more about BSD, you decide to watch it.
Then you read the manga.
And install the game.
In the middle of June, characters from the BSD franchise appeared in your room.
You still weren't sure, how Fitzgerald managed to get this house. You still don't know, how they manage to get a custody over you.
The only thing is clear. You are now living with your comfort characters.
You start changing. At first, you were too shy to spend time with them. Especially with Oda and Poe. But, after something happened, you became more open towards your new family.
You became closer to them, thanks to Fyodor Dostoevsky.
You walk inside your home library and plopped down on the chair. You groaned and cover your face with both hands.
"Hard day?" you hear someone's voice. You nodded. You hear, that someone move a chair closer to you and sit near. That mysterious someone put a hand on your shoulder. "Want to talk about it?"
You were annoyed. So annoyed, that you decide to vent.
"Today, I had a school literature club meeting. We were discussing our favorite book characters. We could name anyone we want, doesn't matter, who is the author."
You take a breath.
"So I talked about Rodion Raskolnikov from Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment""
It was silent for a moment. Then mysterious someone asked again.
"I guess, teacher doesn't like your answer?"
You nodded again. If you weren't that annoyed, you would notice, that your listener had well known among BSD fans Russian accent.
"Yes. They told me, that Raskolnikov is a terrible person and can't be anyone's favorite. I... I never said that I like what he was doing, but he is more complicated character, that teachers told us about. Moreover, they are doing Dostoevsky dirty, while teaching about him in high school... Oh."
You finally looked at the person, you were talking to.
Right beside you was sitting Fyodor Dostoevsky. His hand was still on your shoulder. The man himself was smiling. He looked both amused and worried.
You want to disappear. You were embarrassed, that Fyodor heard your rant about his real world counterpart.
Fyodor asked you another question.
"Did the teacher let you explain your choice?"
You shook your head, still embarrassed. Fyodor laughs.
"Then why won't you explain it to me?"
You looked at Dostoevsky with a mixture of disbelief and embarrassment.
"I am serious. I want to hear, what's your reasons behind liking Raskolnikov."
Fyodor squeezed your shoulder. You gulp and star talking.
"Well, first, let me tell you what author himself write about Rodion..."
At the end, you and Fyodor had a full on discussion about book characters. Others joined you two.
Starting that day, you slowly, but surely became closer to your new friends. You even confess, that Poe and Oda were your favorite characters.
You still didn't tell others about your dream. But now, you nave a real notebook to write your ideas in.
Your life changed.
You lived in a new home. With a new family.
But you still were going in the old school.
Mori parked the car not far away from school. He turns towards you and smiles.
"We are here, Little Light. Be careful at school."
"I will, Uncle Ougai, don't worry. See you and other after school"
After getting a hug from Elise and a head pat from Mori (with a quiet "You can call me father, you know?"), you left the car and walked towards the school building.
You hope, that today is going to be good.
This day was terrible.
When you were walking in school halls, someone ran into you. You fall, and your schoolbag was opened. Your notebooks were on the floor. You quickly pick everything up and hurry to the next class.
You didn't notice, that your notebook with writing Ideas were stolen.
After the lunch, you got a notification.
Someone posted photos of your notebook pages on the school site.
And a video. A video of bullies, mockingly reading your notebook. Tearing it apart. Destroying pages.
And comments under the post...
"The Weirdo are still writing?"
"LOL, cringe fanfics!"
"Hey, maybe they have another notebook, where they write porn stories?"
"Will you calm the [CENSORED] down! Stop flaunt your stupid dream before our eyes!"
"Your notebook is only good to be used as toilet paper!"
After school, you hurry home.
You slam the door behind you. Not paying attention to anyone, you hurry to your room and close the door. Soon everyone heard the muffled cries.
Everyone was quiet for a moment. Chuuya was first one, who spoke.
"Who? Who dared to hurt our [Y/N]?! Who made them cry?"
"I know the answer" Katai, who checked your school site, showed everyone post with your notebook.
Fyodor stood up. His voice was cold.
"I will deal with this little bastards. Kolya, Chuuya, Dazai, you are going with me. Oda, Poe, can you, please, check on [Y/N]? They like you two."
Without other words, Fyodor walked towards the front door. Gogol,
Chuuya and Dazai followed him.
You heard someone knocking on your door.
"[Y/N]? It's us, Oda and Poe. Can we come in?"
You manage to sob a "yes" and bury your face in a pillow.
The door was opened. Oda and Poe slowly approach your bed. Oda kneel before your bed, while Poe sits on the bed edge.
Oda spoke first.
"We saw the video. Are you okay? The Bullies... They didn't hurt you to take away the notebook, right?"
You sob more and shake your head.
"No... They stole it... Is it wrong for me to dream? Is it wrong for me to want to be a writer?"
Poe put his hand on your back, softly petting it.
"It's not, [Y/N]. Your dream matters. Your dream can become true. I will help you."
Oda spoke again. "And I will also help you."
You look at them in disbelief. Did they just? The characters you always looked up to support you?
Poe answers your silent question.
"I can teach you, how to write. We will do writing exercises, we will discuss your writing, I will give you a critique. I will support you on your way to becoming a writer."
Oda rub away your tears.
"Don't listen to the others, [Y/N], you can become a writer. We will work on it together."
You cried again. This time, out of happiness. You jumped up and hugged both Poe and Oda at the same time. They hug you in return.
"Thanks you so much"
Finally, you have someone, who supports you and your dream.
🐾 Everyone from the BSD gang will support you.
🐾 Poe is mentoring you. He is a good teacher. He points out what you are doing good and what you are doing bad.
🐾 Oda and Poe will help you publish your first book. Just a little storybook.
🐾 You got good reviews and it was quite popular. You got some money from it.
🐾 You buy presents for everyone. Oda, Poe and Fyodor got a three different "Best Dad in The World" cups from you. Mori was devastated. Now he tries even harder to make sure you see him as a father figure.
🐾 On the side note, now you are being homeschooled.
🐾 The Bullies (seven people), who created a post, were found stuffed in one trashcan. It takes half a day to get them out of it.
🐾 Person, who write a comment about toilet paper, was stuffed in the school toilet.
🐾 Teachers were also scared. Rumors said, that someone attack them and teach them a lesson on "How to be a good teacher".
🐾 Slowly, you are becoming more and more confident. Now you are sure, that you can be a writer. All thanks to your new family.
A/N : The bit about Raskolnikov happened in real life with me. When my literature teacher started asking us about our favourite characters from classic literature, I said, that I loved Raskolnikov. I had a feeling, if my teacher could, she would expell me for this words.
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