#Pietro Maltese
marcogiovenale · 3 months
oggi, 13 marzo, a palermo: presentazione del libro "la pantera. il primo movimento contro l'università neoliberale", di pietro maltese
il libro: https://www.gipesrl.net/shop/collane/le-opinioni/la-pantera-pietro-maltese/ _
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lionofchaeronea · 11 months
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Repentance of St. Peter, Pietro Paolo Caruana, 1817
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wndaswife · 1 year
a change in you | wanda maximoff & gn!reader
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A strong friendship had developed between you and Wanda after she moved to the compound, but ever since you'd gotten a girlfriend, she grew distant and abrasive without explanation.
Word count: 5228
Tags: smut, angst, jealousy, fluff, fingering, this was written in september and i needed to get it out of drafts, so there will be stylistic differences, sub!wanda maximoff, dom!reader. MINORS DNI.
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gif credit to creator.
“What do you like about sitcoms?” you asked Wanda, looking over to her as you lifted a handful of popcorn to your mouth. She was leaning against you, your head resting atop hers as her eyes were focused on the black-and-white scene in front of her. Your cheek was pressed against the top of Wanda’s head, breathing in the familiar scent of her shampoo. 
Wanda shrugged, reaching up to take a few pieces of popcorn from your hand instead of the large bowl laying in her lap. “I’ve always liked them,” she answered. You loved hearing about Wanda’s childhood, the life she held so dearly to her heart. 
Beyond the Strucker experiments, beyond HYDRA and Ultron, beyond being an Avenger, Wanda Maximoff had an innate devotion to love and be loved in return. Everyone she had ever loved and lost were held deep within her. Wanda was driven by those lucky enough to be loved by her, driven to appease, to create a universe within your busy lives for the two of you. The reason she fought, dreamt, and lived was for the profound depths that laid beyond the guises of being a fighter, formed with the intention of filling it with a life surrounded by family.
Watching sitcoms became a tradition for the two of you at the end of the week, cuddled up under mounds of thick blankets and snacks that you introduced Wanda to. Tonight, it was something simple- Maltesers and popcorn.
“As a child, my family would drop everything to watch sitcoms together. My father worked all day. My mother homeschooled Pietro and I,” Wanda recalled. “We were poor. My parents tried their best to make a life for us. When we sat together in front of the television at the end of the day, it was one of the only times I felt like we were a normal family. Like a better future was plausible.”
She lifted her head from your shoulder and looked up at you. With a smile that never ceased to make your heart swell, she said, “And now, it’s a tradition for us.”
That was a month ago, and the last time you and Wanda spent time together.
Wanda left the communal kitchen and lounge area whenever you entered the room. She never answered when you knocked on her bedroom door. During meetings and conferences, she would choose not to sit by you, and if she had no choice but to take the seat beside you, she wouldn’t utter a word to you nor even meet your eyes. Sometimes she’d even choose to stand for the meetings entirety.
You’d gotten Natasha to speak with Wanda for you, and that seemed innocent enough until she brought you up.
Maybe someone detached from the Avenger life would be more effective in getting information from Wanda. You asked Marie to speak to her for you.
Marie was your girlfriend who you’d only just started seeing. She was funny and big-hearted, and insanely smart. You had met her on a mission while she was interning for the Avengers’ lead nursing team. Despite everything, Wanda hated her, and that wasn’t an exaggeration.
You’d heard from some of the others that she’d been talking badly about her ever since the day you got Marie to approach Wanda while she was making lunch for herself. The things you’d heard that Wanda said about her was entirely uncharacteristic of her. She was never like this before.
She’d done a complete one-eighty — one day she had been cuddling up to you on a Friday night like you’d always done with her, then avoiding you all at once and telling your mutual friends that Marie was a gold-digging whore who only wanted you for your title as an Avenger.
Wanda’s validation of your relationship was evidently important to you, yet you didn’t question why it was for a moment through the weeks you craved her approval of Marie. What lay in deep slumber like a sleeping dragon within you beyond layers of confusion and frustration was something you would’ve classified as heartbreak if you had paid any mind to it. You found it was easier on you to be shrouded in infuriated shadows rather than to feel the pain of having Wanda turn on you the way she had, like the flick of a switch as if you had meant nothing to her.
Months of movie nights and conversations and hours spent comforting her and making her laugh- was it no more than a fleeting memory? Had Wanda always intended it to be this way? 
Sightings of the Sokovian became scarce. She had taken up a significant amount of missions despite Steve’s advising against it as she volunteered to be dispatched for the smallest of expeditions. Even the Avengers had their working hours, and ever since she’d met Marie, Wanda had been working overtime. When she wasn’t on missions, she was out.
Always out.
Even while Wanda hadn’t been seen by you in days, Marie refused to come around the compound anymore. She was a particularly conflict-avoidant woman, and once she got word of what Wanda had been saying about her, Marie told you that she refused to intrude into Wanda’s territory any longer. The distance was putting a strain on your relationship with her.
It wasn’t that you hadn’t seen Marie since Wanda’s criticisms of your girlfriend reached you, because you had. You often met with her outside the compound in the city, or her apartment in Queens. But it wasn’t enough to patch whatever rifts had formed between the two of you. Perhaps it was also the tension Wanda had put on your relationship; the strange wire you were walking on while both evading confronting Wanda and wanting to defend your girlfriend.
Wanda was your best friend, and she still was, wasn’t she? If there was a chance to talk about what she had said about Marie as friends rather than people deluded by misinterpretation and blind anger, then you would take it. You just had to wait for the chance to come.
But as time went on, waiting for Wanda to apologise and anticipating to see her in the hallways one day, your relationship with Marie only continued to slowly fracture, from her cancelling plans to ignoring your calls entirely. Not only was time for Wanda running out, but you had quickly grown tired of waiting for her as it became clear that she wasn’t going to approach you or take her words back.
You weren’t sure why Wanda had stopped talking to you, why she had suddenly belittled your partner, or why she had completely flipped a switch on you, but you had no more patience in waiting for answers. You needed one, at least. If Wanda could tell you why she had given up on her friendship with you, things would be easier. If she refused to befriend you, even without rationalisation, you would build up from there. An answer — that was all you needed.
There were no missions today, no excursions, no errands that needed to be done that Wanda could take up as an excuse for avoiding you. When you asked her room neighbour, Vision told you she had left early in that morning and was yet to return. You had even asked him if he knew what was wrong with her, and he simply told you that she was concerned for you. Within his ever wise and omniscient advice, he told you that you should’ve considered how distressed she was, how heavy conflict could be for particularly-affected individuals.
Wanda wasn’t ‘distressed.’ She was being a bitch, and you had enough of waiting for her to take responsibility for what she's done and be a good person, to apologise for what she said. Because she wouldn’t on her own.
You pushed open the doors of the compound’s training room. Clashing metal echoed through the illustrious room, filled with ever-updating technology and machines set up solely for training and practice. The newest addition to the gymnasium was the holopad. It was a four-dimensional holographic platform for hand-to-hand combat training. 
You rounded the training room’s equipment to see the holopad being used, a figure of flashing red and ivory white reducing Ultron bots to holographic pixels. His familiar robotic voice spoke gibberish as they approached Wanda from all angles. 
She was quicker than she had been during the battle in Sokovia. Her senses were peaked, her fingers flexing and her arms outstretched to take the approaching holograms by their heads, detaching them from their necks. Pixelated metal torsos were ripped from their bodies, robotic cries of defeat echoed against the otherwise empty room as their bodies dissipated and formed new training targets. 
One of the program’s more impressive feats was that the user could program for the machine to conjure any adversary. Sometimes, for Tony, it was Steve. For Wanda, Ultron. But today, you expected for the pixelated opponents to be of Marie’s face. 
You approached the holopad, standing at the base of its staircase before calling Wanda’s name out. 
The sudden noise made her flinch, breaking her focus and allowing the Ultron bots to reach her. Their holographic arms permeated her body, causing a myriad of colours to reflect against her before the holopad flashed red and reset to its blank state.
She looked down at you, panting as she steadied her breath. Wanda pushed her hair back and looked down to her hands to take her gloves off, sensory coverings that helped the pad tell where her hands were and the magic she was using as she fought. Wanda stepped down from the platform, velcro sounding loudly as she slipped the black gloves off and laid them on the control tablet’s stand. 
“What do you want?” she asked in vexation, placing her hands on her hips and staring straight at you. She was wearing black leggings and a grey tank, strands of dark hair slick against her forehead. 
“What the fuck is the matter with you?“ you snapped, taking a step towards her, demanding an answer even through the way you approached her.
Wanda feigned ignorance, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She turned to pick her water bottle up from the floor, but you took hold of her wrist, forcing her to straighten and face you again. 
“You called my girlfriend a gold-digging whore,” you reminded her with a scowl. Wanda forced her wrist out of your hold at the mention of Marie. 
“And?” she retorted, her head tipping to the side, daring you to argue with her. 
You scoffed, and Wanda bristled, almost disappointed you weren’t more angry. “And?” you repeated incredulously. Wanda’s eyebrows raised expectantly. “We didn’t do anything to you.”
Stiff lines formed on either side of Wanda’s jaw as she clenched her teeth, her eyes widening in apparent fury. She shouted as if the basic foundations of a relationship were unheard of by her, “We? Is that what you and Marie are now? You care about what she thinks?”
You shrugged with your palms upturned, your expression frozen in disbelief. “I don’t know, Wanda. Did you think things would be the same after we started dating?”
The muscles in Wanda’s neck flexed, her nostrils flaring as she exhaled heavily, her body trembling with restrained anger. She turned suddenly, picking up her waterbottle and speeding past you in a furious delirium.
You followed after her, picking up speed as Wanda did as she tried to flee from your vicinity. “We’re not doing this again! We’re not just going to stop talking for weeks, just for me to have to chase after you like this!” you called from behind her.
“Chasing after me? You’re such a mess,” Wanda scoffed as she pushed the gym’s doors open, not bothering to hold it open for you. It nearly crashed into your face and you stuck your hands out to catch it, pushing it forward and slamming it against the adjacent wall as you glowered at Wanda from behind. You followed Wanda into the hallway leading into the changing rooms and showers.
Your hand made contact with her shoulder and you pulled her back, spinning her around and causing her to stumble until she steadied herself to face you. The tears forming in your eyes made Wanda’s angry veil crack momentarily. “Why are you acting like this?” you asked her, your voice breaking. Having been masked with Marie’s company and utter confusion for the last month, the sorrow of losing Wanda from your life took seeing her in person to set in.
Wanda’s eyes flickered between both of yours. Her expression softened but her resolve did not. “I don’t understand why you care about me so much, Y/N. You have… Marie,” she whispered out, trying to meet your eyes through your glassy tears. The very act of saying your girlfriend’s name was an obvious struggle for her.
You wiped your eyes with the back of your wrists and laughed humorlessly. “Wanda…” you mumbled out. Your hands dropped to your sides and you met her eyes, the most sincere the two of you have been in weeks. “It doesn’t matter who else I have in my life. It never would’ve mattered. You’re you. Marie is Marie.”
She shook her head, her eyes not leaving yours for a moment. “What are you trying to say?” she asked you cluelessly.
“I mean that I missed you, and all you were doing was avoiding me no matter how hard I tried to get your attention. Do you regret getting close to me?”
Wanda inhaled shakily, her shoulders raising. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into a hug and closing her eyes. “I missed you too,” she said into your hair, squeezing you tighter. “Y/N, you don’t understand.”
Anger scorched up your throat and you pushed Wanda away, causing her to stumble backwards. “What don’t I understand, Wanda? You can’t just keep doing this to me.”
“No, Y/N, I—“
“I don’t want to hear anymore bullshit.”
“It’s not! Stop interrupting me and listen.”
You pushed past her anyways, your eyes brimming with tears as your vision became clouded. To have Wanda see you like this, someone who was perfectly fine with pretending you didn’t exist for a month, was certain death.
Four words suddenly blurted out from behind you, attaching chains to your ankles and stopping you where you stood. 
“Y/N, I love you.”
Your chin met your shoulder as you looked back at Wanda. Her shoulders were raised, her posture tense as her fists clenched. 
“I love you,” she repeated, and you saw her shoulder raise when she inhaled sharply.
You turned around completely, your body facing hers. “I heard you,” you answered. Wanda might’ve fled the room in tears had it not been for the confused furrow of your eyebrows and the trembling of your bottom lip. 
“I wished—” Wanda’s mouth shut and she swallowed before correcting herself, “I wish you had never met Marie. I wish you had never started dating her.” The confession spilled from beyond her lips as if it was hastily scripted, her words’ intentions clear but her execution painfully poor.
“You really don’t like her…?” you questioned meekly.
An exasperated sigh escaped from Wanda, her entire body deflating as you continued to misunderstand her. “I don’t like her,” she said. “She’s not good enough for you. Not funny or that smart.”
Your hand raised to your forehead and you massage your temple with your thumb. Your arm fell to your side and you looked straight ahead at Wanda with helpless eyes.
She was taking steps towards you without warning after dropping her waterbottle to the floor, not giving you a moment to even stumble backwards before one of Wanda’s hands wrapped around the back of your neck, her other coming up to cup your cheek. She pulled you against her, crushing your lips against hers bruisingly. You watched her eyes screw together tightly before your own eyes fluttered shut.
Your hands found her hips and you pulled her against you.
Desperate groans and greedy moans were exchanged into your mouths between warm pants. Without conscious volition, your hands began to roam Wanda’s body, taking your best friend in ways you had never before as your hands ran up her back, gripping her sides with possession that made Wanda melt.
You disconnected from Wanda’s swollen lips and leaned down to bury your face into the crook of her neck, her soft hair shrouding your face as you peppered wet kisses up the side of her neck. You could feel the vibrations of her moans against your lips.
“Y/N,” Wanda whimpered your name out. Your tongue ran flush up Wanda’s neck, making her shiver and stumble in your hold before your lips reached her jaw and you sucked at her skin. You found yourself walking forward, leaving Wanda to stagger backwards in attempts to catch up with you and avoid tripping. She was led backwards until her back was pressed against something firm, and she was trapped firmly between you and the wall.
You raised your head and looked at Wanda, a small smile pulling at your lips at the sight of her dishevelled hair and flushed cheeks. “I love you too, Wanda,” you finally told her, your forehead pressed against hers as she looked at you.
Wanda was an enigma. Truly. Her eyes began to well in warm tears and her head hung as she cried into your chest. “I’m so sorry, Y/N,” she sobbed. “I missed you so much. It was so painful to… But I didn’t know what else to do.” Your hands raised from her waist and you wrapped your arms around Wanda’s trembling shoulders, hushing her softly as she continued to cry. “I couldn’t stand seeing you with her, to know that I could never be what she is to you.”
Pulling away from her enough to cup her cheek and tilt her head up, you kissed Wanda’s tear-stained cheeks. “You are everything to me. With someone else or not, I love you, Wanda. I always will,” you said, your thumb stroking her cheekbone gently. “I shouldn’t have let you feel that way.”
“Don’t,” she argued. Wanda buried her face into the crook of your neck and closed her eyes. Her arms were wrapped around your waist and you wondered if she’d ever let go. You imagined that having Wanda hanging onto your waist until the end of time wouldn’t be such a bad thing. “I don’t want to think about that anymore,” Wanda muttered. She whispered, “Just be with me.”
“Always,” you replied. Your hand cradled the back of Wanda’s head, your other arm wrapped around her shoulders and pulling her into a tight hug. 
After a few silent moments of being embraced by one another, Wanda pulled away from you, slipping out from between you and the wall with a small sniffle. Her arm that was wrapped around your waist fell to her side before she took your hand in hers. With a smile that made your heart swell, as it had hundreds of times before like it would in your future, Wanda led you forward. She pushed open the door to the shower room and the two of you walked in, passing Wanda’s locker and handfuls of others while you followed behind her and watched the swaying of her long dark hair.
Once arriving at one of the showers, Wanda pushed the shower curtain open and turned the shower’s hot water on. While steam began clouding around the two of you, Wanda let go of your hand and undressed. Eye contact was only broken with you when she pulled her shirt over her head. Her ivory skin glistened with a thin layer of shower steam and she stepped towards you when she was simply in her bra and underwear.
Your hands rounded her body as you undid her bra while Wanda tugged at your pants’ waistband before it fell to the ground. Her bra slipped from her shoulders and it dropped on top of your pants. You wrapped an arm around her hips and leaned down to press a kiss to the valley of her breasts. Wanda looked down at you with a soft smile while she played with your hair. 
Slow fingers hooked the waistband of her panties and you pulled them down. Wanda stepped out of the garment once it fell to the shower room’s floor. 
Wanda undressed you next, her hands running up the soft plains of your body. Green eyes flickered over every inch of your bareness in attempts to saturate you into her memory forever. Her palms ran up your chest and she placed her hands on your shoulders. Wanda pulled the shower curtain back again and she led you in. 
Your fingers traced the stretch marks on Wanda’s hips as she walked backwards into the shower. The two of you were soon shrouded in its steam. “You’re so beautiful, Wanda,” you whispered, soaking in her bare body as a flower to the sun at the break of dawn. Her cheeks flushed pink and you kissed her when she tried to look away.
Neither of you bothered to close the shower curtain and you pushed Wanda into the shower wall carefully. Your hand found its way between her thighs and she let out a shaky breath against your lips. Both of your bodies became wet with hot water, but it was you who was responsible for the sticky slick that coated Wanda’s inner thighs. 
Your fingers delved into Wanda’s folds while your thumb drew lazy shapes against her clit. Wanda’s head was lolled back against the wall, moaning out in pleasure. Her arms were wrapped around your neck, pulling you ever closer as if frightened that you might leave without warning. Your other hand groped Wanda’s breast, your palm running smoothly against her hardened nipple. 
“Y/N, please,” Wanda pleaded, her eyes opening to meet yours, her emerald gaze seeping with desperation. Her hips jerked down against your fingers. Pride swelled in your chest as you watched her writhe for you, a sight reserved only for you. “I want to feel you,” she whispered against your lips. “I want to be yours.”
Moving forward to kiss Wanda’s cheek, you laid your forehead against hers as your slick fingers centred against her opening. You felt her thighs trembling against your own and pushed her further against the shower wall, holding her up. Smooth fingers delved past her opening and Wanda clenched her jaw, a restrained groan leaving her. With a fluttering heart, you watched as her eyes screwed shut, her mouth falling open to moan her hot breath against your chin.
Your lips captured hers, though it was short-lived as your fingers pushed through her velvety walls and Wanda panted out hasty exhales. Once before, you had discussed sex with Wanda. She wasn’t a virgin, although her first time consisted of a myriad of lazy kisses and disinterested fucking. From what you knew, Wanda hadn’t been seeing anyone, and although you had recently spent a month without speaking, the way she clenched around your digits and exhaled trembling breaths implied she hadn’t been touched like this in quite a while.
At the realisation, you ducked your head down and pressed openmouthed kisses to her neck, her wet hair sticking to every plain of skin it could find. Wanda's head was thrown back, her body arching into yours as her hips lowered in jerky motions. She craved more yet knew so little in what the tightening in her lower stomach meant with you. But you were receptive.
Fingers quickened and the Sokovian’s moans turned into what could only be described as squeals. She tried pulling back, pressing her ass against the wall at the sudden unfamiliar intrusion into her pussy, but your wrist surged forward, refusing to part from Wanda’s cunt. The heel of your hand met her clit and you flattened it against her sensitive nub.
Wanda whimpered in response, her entire body melting in your hold despite the juxtaposing quivering of her walls.
Leaving cold trails of saliva in your wake, your kisses reached the valley of her breasts and you let go of one to cup her cheek. At the feeling of your warm hand caressing her, Wanda’s eyes fluttered open. Her head tipped down and she met your eyes, audacious and unequivocal as you looked up at her from between her breasts.
With your hand still on her cheek, you made her look down at you when your lips wrapped around a rosy erect nipple. Shaky lips formed into a smile as Wanda watched the way you loved her. 
“Y/N,” Wanda whimpered meekly, “that feels so good.” Amongst the pleasurable writhing deep within her lower stomach as your fingers continued to fuck her pussy was the intertwining of something warm that only grew the longer she watched you suckle at her breast gently. “You make me feel…”
Your lips found her other nipple and Wanda struggled to maintain eye contact with you. You allowed her to loll her head back against the shower wall in mindless pleasure.
“... So good,” Wanda uttered, her words mumbled out from her mouth weakly. The shower fogged up with hot steam as hot water continued to stream down on the two of you, which was a partial reason as to why the rising and falling of Wanda’s chest was perpetually quickening. You hummed in response, the soft exhaling from your nose teasing at her nipple.
The sound of your thrusting fingers found an accelerating tempo while Wanda’s cunt squelched with the repetitive penetration of her tight hole. The soft hiss of the running hot shower behind you turned into a muddled hum as your senses were filled with nothing but Wanda’s moans, the feeling of her cunt wrapped around your fingers, the feeling of her soft creamy skin running under your hands.
A teasing tug of Wanda’s nipple from between your teeth made her yelp, and despite the reaction, she pulled you closer. You raised yourself up to her face again and began rubbing the heel of your hand against her clit side to side.
“You gonna come soon, Wands?” you asked her, a teasing smirk on your lips.
Through her weak haze, Wanda grinned in return at the use of the nickname. It’d been so long since she’d heard it last. She pulled herself against you, her head resting on your shoulder. “Gonna come,” she confirmed, hugging her arms around your neck tightly. “I love being with you, Y/N. I love you so much.”
Your arm raised to wrap around her waist, your hand pressing flush against her back and pulling her closer. You kissed Wanda’s temple and felt her smile against your neck. “I love you too, Wanda. So much,” you uttered against her wet skin. “Come for me, my angel.”
Despite the curling of your fingers deep within her pussy, it was your use of the pet name that brought Wanda to her high. She buried her face further into your neck when she came, but you raised your head, pulling back slightly to watch her screwed-shut eyes and parted lips. Her knees buckled and she fell forward against you, but you held her up. The raspy cries that left her from beyond her soft lips were comparable to siren’s calls, tempting and every moment alluring.
You had never seen her this way before, and no one else but you ever would. Wanda was every inch yours as you’d be for her from then on, belonging to her, your best friend and the only woman you’d ever love.
Wanda’s arms were limp around your neck as her orgasm washed over her in its final moments. Her arms slipped from your shoulders and dropped to your hips instead, holding you albeit weakly. Her thighs trembled as she held herself up, her hips buckling against yours. She panted against your neck, her warm breath travelling down your chest and hardening your nipples.
With a proud smile, you slipped your fingers out of Wanda’s cunt and she whimpered, hips jerking down at the empty feeling. After running the tips of your fingers through her folds, you slipped your hand out from between Wanda’s thighs. Hooded green eyes looked up at you as you slid your coated fingers past your lips, cheeks hollowing in as you savoured her tangy sweet flavour. Wanda flushed at the sight and you took your fingers out of your mouth to lean down and kiss her.
No resistance was present when you pushed your tongue past Wanda’s lips, spreading the flavour of her pussy through her mouth. When you parted from her lips to press a kiss to her forehead, Wanda mumbled out, “I love you.” The words gave her an instant high, having been burying it deep within her ever since she’d known you, the closest she’d ever gotten to bringing it to the surface being in platonic humorous confessions of love between friends. But now it was different. Wanda could love you without hesitation.
Your hand came to the back of her head, stroking her hair as you whispered sweet promises against her warm skin.
If given enough time, Wanda would’ve been able to fall asleep standing up as you held her, hot water encapsulating both your bodies. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, Wanda,” you told her and she smiled up at you sleepily. 
For the next little while, you washed Wanda’s hair, scratching at her scalp gently as she leaned back into you. You pulled her backwards to run her shampooed hair under the shower, your fingers raking through her long hair as you washed it through. You pressed kisses to Wanda’s body at every given chance, on her shoulders, her neck, her ears, her shoulder blades.
It was true that things were different, and after that day, it always would be. But there was something so special about loving silence that both you and Wanda shared, and irregardless of the changes that would come about, your hearts would continue to swell larger than any spiel of words could at the stillness your shared love brought.
You’d never love each other from a distance again, no word gone unexchanged, no moment of time spent hiding the way every instinct screamed out with a fervent desire to reach out to one another, yearning for the embrace of the other. 
You could embrace Wanda in a way you’d never been able to before, or rather because you hadn’t ever known what your feelings for her meant —the tightening in your chest when she had avoided you, the fluttering of your heart when she took your hand. 
Throughout the years that would pass spent with her, one thing would always remain true; Wanda and you have always loved each other, in the longing stares and the hidden blushes, in the stabilising of your quickening heart when you took Wanda into your chest and listened to her steady breaths.
When you’d rinsed Wanda’s body of soap and her hair of shampoo, she turned to pull you close and looked up at you. “I’ll be yours forever, won’t I, Y/N?” she asked.
Without even a moment’s worth of thinking it over, you answered, “Always.”
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aiallardyce · 4 months
oc ethnicities and/or (irl) nationalities
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yume - japanese; lives in okinawa 🇯🇵
sarai - hmong; lives in chiang mai, thailand 🇹🇭
aikaterini - greek macedonian; lives in nymfaio 🇬🇷
u - american; lives in los angeles, california 🇺🇸
shayde - xeglanian; lives in acretis kingdom
melody - sudanese arab; lives in kassala 🇸🇩
senalat - oromo; lives in london, england 🇪🇹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
roy - scottish; no permanent residence or homeland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
atajan - turkmen; lives in maine, usa 🇹🇲🇺🇸
galina - serbian; lives in zlatibor 🇷🇸
yudai - ainu; lives in enoshima, japan 🇯🇵
mary-annie - ecuadorian; lives in new york, usa 🇪🇨🇺🇸
eden - ianndelarian; lives in thaekya empire
gia - acrurgan; lives in fliedal
galadriel - xeglanian; lives in acretis kingdom
mi-gyeong - korean; lives in daejoon 🇰🇵🇰🇷
arledge - british 🇬🇧
drake - half-british, half-guyanese 🇬🇧🇬🇾
ilsolvic - guatemalan; lives in florida, usa 🇬🇹🇺🇸
beowulf - inuit 🇬🇱
macbeth - scottish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
caleb - tanzanian 🇹🇿
talon - igbo 🇳🇬
sadia - cameroonian 🇨🇲
gavin - turkish 🇹🇷
blake - surinamese 🇸🇷
claudius and marcus - venezuelan 🇻🇪
malacoda - italian 🇮🇹
bassel - egyptian 🇪🇬
heera - punjabi, lives in india 🇮🇳
faqeed - kuwaiti 🇰🇼
noir and sommeil - french 🇫🇷
duyao - han chinese 🇨🇳
jermaine - azerbaijani, ashkenazi jew; lives in california, usa 🇦🇿🇺🇸
nikolaos and pavor - albanian; lives in greece 🇦🇱🇬🇷
evander - greek 🇬🇷
severus - breton 🇫🇷
franc - filipino; lives in england 🇵🇭🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
vulcan - maltese 🇲🇹
nrc staff
sargon - swiss 🇨🇭
nova - slovakian 🇸🇰
persinette - half liechtensteiner, half sicilian 🇱🇮
warren - american; lives in tennessee 🇺🇸
lewis - norwegian; lives in england 🇳🇴🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
harlan - armenian 🇦🇲
charles - navajo; lives in utah, usa 🇺🇸
bunky - moldovan 🇲🇩
ellis - british 🇬🇧
ambrosi - french 🇫🇷
fleuri - scottish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
faunus - cornish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
mist - scottish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
jibril - arab; lives in iraq 🇮🇶
kahlil - bengali; lives in iraq with jibril 🇧🇩🇮🇶
alvar - german 🇩🇪
denarius, roux, cobalt, jett, beryl, kessler, and larimar - swedish 🇸🇪
hector - greek 🇬🇷
perseus - half macedonian, half persian; lives in greece 🇲🇰🇮🇷🇬🇷
miles - half georgian, half romani; lives in greece 🇬🇪🇬🇷
chryses, castor, thales, theodore, melanthios - dominican; lives in greece 🇩🇴🇬🇷
winston - canadian 🇨🇦
pietro - maya; lives in el salvador 🇸🇻
tristan - czech 🇨🇿
tigre - khmer; lives in cambodia 🇰🇭
otus - estonian 🇪🇪
rsa staff
duke - french 🇫🇷
koen - aboriginal australian 🇦🇺
veredigna - jamaican 🇯🇲
faron - french 🇫🇷
jia-hao - han chinese 🇨🇳
mon - american; other information seems to be classified 🇺🇸
ivan - irish; lives in pennsylvania, usa 🇮🇪🇺🇸
juno - british 🇬🇧
henrietta - spanish 🇪🇸
rosalyn - trinidian 🇹🇹
carmine - argentinian 🇦🇷
emerald - latvian 🇱🇻
imara - wolof; lives in kenya 🇸🇳🇰🇪
zuri - kenyan 🇰🇪
keletso - half filipino, half motswana 🇵🇭🇧🇼
iris - croat; lives in italy 🇭🇷🇮🇹
jessamine and forsythia - danish; lives in italy 🇩🇰🇮🇹
ritika - arab; lives in iraq 🇮🇶
alya - bolivian; lives in iraq with ritika 🇧🇴🇮🇶
leila - palestinian 🇵🇸
ellie - half tibetan, half german 🇩🇪
serenity - luxembourger 🇱🇺
meili - han chinese 🇨🇳
helena and andrea - greek 🇬🇷
maria and deirdre - irish 🇮🇪
sydney - half hungarian, half scottish 🇭🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
daenerys - andorran 🇦🇩
awi staff
headmistress - ???
collector - polish 🇵🇱
vanita - german 🇩🇪
sorceress miriam - british 🇬🇧
yvonna - peruvian 🇵🇪
khaltmaa - mongolian 🇲🇳
bonnie - costa rican 🇨🇷
glynda - colombian; lives in louisiana, usa 🇨🇴🇺🇸
jayda - british 🇬🇧
gautami - tamil, lives in india 🇮🇳
kitch - french 🇫🇷
binx - afghan 🇦🇫
lily - malaysian 🇲🇾
kutaka - congolese 🇨🇩
yuzuki - japanese 🇯🇵
arsulu - half algerian, half malian 🇩🇿🇲🇱
lagan - maldivian 🇲🇻
jin - bedouin; lives in saudi arabia 🇸🇦
thundra - maghreb; lives in mauritania 🇲🇷
kraljica - slovenian 🇸🇮
moroni - italian; lives in vatican city🇻🇦
circe - montenegrin 🇲🇪
angelos - angolan 🇦🇴
chanteur - belgian 🇧🇪
leah - austrian 🇦🇹
maximilian and margaretta - eritrean; lives in germany 🇪🇷🇩🇪
masood - arab; lives in iraq 🇮🇶
yusra - arab; not specific to any nation
tahmina - kurdish; lives in france with duke 🇮🇷🇫🇷
toussaint, serenella, and bene - half kurdish, half french 🇮🇷🇫🇷
joey - aboriginal australian 🇦🇺
rouge - monegasque 🇲🇨
yuehai - han chinese 🇨🇳
ma/zhang - manchu 🇨🇳
long/haoran - half malagasy, half hong-konger 🇲🇬🇭🇰
aponi, odina, and nuka - powhatan; lives in virgina, usa 🇺🇸
virgo - akan; not specific to any nation
pisces - norse; not specific to any nation
jewell - american; lives in texas 🇺🇸
soraya - american; lives in texas 🇺🇸
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nimue - bulgarian; lives in sofia 🇧🇬
yareli - half mapuche, half lebanese; lives in santiago, chile 🇱🇧🇨🇱
kimiya - ryukyuan; lives in kagoshima 🇯🇵
jace - liberian; lives in new york, usa 🇱🇷🇺🇸
camilla - melanasian; lives in kyiv, ukraine 🇺🇦
lenore - dutch; lives in north brabant 🇳🇱
andre - welsh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
hadwin - half finnish, half hmong 🇫🇮🇨🇳
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obey me
eve/adam - korean; lives in yongsan-gu, seoul 🇰🇷
noa/noah - egyptian; lives in alexandria 🇪🇬
ruth/matthew - yoruba; lives in lagos 🇳🇬
deborah/barack - formosan; lives in tamsui, taiwan 🇹🇼
susanna/daniel - half persian, half japanese; lives in suginami 🇮🇷🇯🇵
abigail/david - welsh; current location unknown 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
judith/achior - indonesian; lives in jakarta 🇮🇩
esther/mordecai - half sinhalese, half baganda; lives in colombo 🇱🇰🇺🇬
miriam/aaron - chilean; lives in valparaiso 🇨🇱
lydia/silas - swedish; current location unknown 🇸🇪
priscilla/aquila - italian jew; lives in calabria 🇮🇹
martha/lazarus - vietnamese; lives in birmingham, england 🇻🇳🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
berenice/herod - romanian; lives in bucharest 🇷🇴
tabitha/peter - ghanaian; lives in new jersey, usa 🇬🇭🇺🇸
zillah/lamech - belarusian; lives in lida 🇧🇾
crocell - assyrian; lives in calabria, italy 🇸🇾🇮🇹
legion - jordanian; lives in calabria with priscilla/aquila 🇯🇴🇮🇹
ereshkigal - iraqi 🇮🇶
ishtar/inanna - iraqi 🇮🇶
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asuka - ???; lives in enoshima, japan 🇯🇵
fumio - half danish, half japanese; lives in enoshima 🇩🇰🇯🇵
koyumi - japanese; lives in gion, kyoto 🇯🇵
honoka - japanese; lives in gion, kyoto 🇯🇵
moriko - half south african, half japanese; lives in gion, kyoto 🇿🇦🇯🇵
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vianali - totonac; lives in mexico 🇲🇽
caomint - totonac; lives in mexico 🇲🇽
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kira kira
kuro - japanese; lives in yokohama 🇯🇵
souvanna - half lao, half japanese; lives in yokohama 🇱🇦🇯🇵
katawaguruma - japanese 🇯🇵
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j-stcrm · 1 year
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ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ʙɪᴏ ; johnny storm
❝ The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire. ❞
→ pinterest | playlist ( + pietro )
Character’s full name: Jonathan Spencer Maximoff-Storm Meaning of name: God’s gift Other Titles: Human Torch Birth date: June 8th Zodiac: Gemini Nationality / Ethnicity / Species: American, Jewish, human Languages Spoken: English, Russian Pronouns: he/him  Orientation: Demisexual Superpower: he can engulf his entire body in flames, fly, absorb fire harmlessly into his own body, and control any nearby fire by sheer force of will. Occupation: astrophysicist, former astronaut, Avenger Relationship Status: married to Pietro Maximoff 
Age: 30 Height: 5′7  Body build: very muscular, athletic Eye color: pale blue Predominant features: his eyes Hair color and type: light blonde, naturally curly but he keeps it styled because he hates it
Good traits: athletic, charming, compassionate, confident, loyal, kind-hearted, intelligent, quick-witted. Bad traits: brash, cocky, hard-headed, hot tempered, overly flirtatious, rebellious, reckless, vain. Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Character Theme Song: Play with Fire - Sam Tinnesz Personality Type: ESFP / ‘the entertainer,’ care-free, very extroverted, social.
Hometown: Los Angeles, California | moved to New York City as a teen Type of childhood: Johnny grew up in LA with his sister, Sue. their father was killed in a car accident before their freshman year of high school. their mother struggled emotionally and lacked mental stability following her death, so they relocated to New York to live with their aunt, their mom’s sister, Margaret. Education: he received an athletic scholarship to play football at Stanford, but an injury his senior year prevented him from pursuing that. so he pursued another dream and studied astrophysics at Caltech.
Current location: New York City, but he visits Asgard regularly now Currently living with:  Pets: Luna; maltese puppy
Mother: Mary Storm
Relationship: he’s close to his mom and struggled watching her mental difficulties following their father’s death, taking on a lot of that emotionally himself. as a result, he struggles with containing his emotions now, which, with his abilities being emotion driven occasionally, isn’t a good thing.
Father: Franklin Storm
Relationship: he had a strained relationship with his dad and often felt a lot of pressure academically/in regards to his athletic career.
Sister: Sue Storm
Relationship: He’s close to his big sister.
Other important family members:  Children:
Husband Pietro Maximoff Best friend: Klara Arnesdòttir, Peter Parker Ex: 
↳ BIO 
A star athlete in high school, Johnny had his sights on playing football on his college scholarship and moving to pro after graduation. But an injury his senior year put a halt to those plans. Always having had an interest in space, and excelling in all of his class, Johnny changed direction and went to school to study astrophysics. A few years into his career, the ship Johnny was traveling on had a crash landing after traveling through cosmic rays. He survived, but was exposed to radiation that altered his genetic makeup. He gained the ability to envelop his body in fire, which proves to be bad more times than not, seeing as the ability is triggered by anger and emotions - and he doesn’t have good control over those.
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personal-reporter · 9 months
Termini Book Festival 2023
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Dopo il successo delle prime tre edizioni, dal 15 al 17 settembre a Termini Imerese presso la Terrazza al Belvedere, Cortile Maltese, torna il Termini Book Festival, ideato dallo scrittore termitano Giorgio Lupo e organizzato  dall’associazione culturale Termini Book Festival di cui è presidente il medico Fabrizio Melfa. Il Festival quest’anno avrà come tema Parole scritte, semi di meraviglia, i romanzi saranno sia di genere giallo che mainstream, e si alterneranno sia autori affermati che autori emergenti. Tra gli autori ci saranno Diego Lama, giornalista, scrittore e  vincitore del Premio Tedeschi, che presenterà La collera di Napoli (Mondadori); la scrittrice Sarah I. Belmonte, vincitrice nel 2017 del premio Fai viaggiare la tua storia, ha collaborato con registi indipendenti quali De Luca e Aiello, presenterà il romanzo La musa scarlatta (Rizzoli).  Enrico Luceri, vincitore del Premio Tedeschi, e autore di oltre trenta romanzi La stanza del silenzio (Frilli editore),  Claudia Cocuzza, caporedattrice per Writers Magazine Italia, redattrice per ThrillerNord e vincitrice del Garfagnana in giallo 2022, sezione romanzi inediti , farà conoscere il suo libro La partita di Monopoli (Bacchilega Editore) e Valerio Marra, laureato in criminologia, agente letterario ed editor, presenterà invece il suo libro Una notte buia di settembre (Newton Compton). Si susseguiranno Mario Mattia, geofisico presso l’Osservatorio Etneo dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia e autore de L’ultima ombra d’estate (Piemme); Mattia Corrente, scrittore e vincitore del Premio letterario Città di Erice 2023 e del Premio Parco Majella Narrativa 2023 con il romanzo La fuga di Anna (Sellerio); Roberto Mistretta, vincitore del Premio Tedeschi e collaboratore del quotidiano La Sicilia e di riviste culturali, che presenterà il libro Rosario Livatino. L’uomo, il giudice, il credente (Edizioni Paoline),  dialogando con la professoressa Maria Falcone e l’antologia Accura (Mursia) di cui è il curatore, dialogando con alcuni coautori della raccolta e Franco Forte, direttore editoriale delle collane da edicola Mondadori, tra cui Il Giallo Mondadori, Urania e Segretissimo, editor degli Oscar Mondadori e sceneggiatore, sarà presente con il suo ultimo libro Karolus. Il romanzo di Carlo Magno (Mondadori) e premierà inoltre il vincitore del Premio Termini Book Festival. Gli incontri della kermesse letteraria verranno moderati da Salvatore Calamera, Daniele Scrofani, Valerio Marra, Rosalba Costanza, Alosha, Alberto Masi, Pietro Esposto, Roberto Tedesco, Roberto Chifari, Giacomo Sperandeo, Davide Parlato e Antonina Nocera che si avvarranno delle letture degli attori di teatro Ignazio Marchese e Patrizia Graziano. Durante la serata conclusiva del Festival, condotta dalla conduttrice Tv e Radio Eliana Chiavetta, sarà assegnato il Premio Termini Book Festival, organizzato in collaborazione con Il Giallo Mondadori. Il Termini Book Festival si connota anche per la contaminazione di diverse forme artistiche, ad esempio palco Raffaele Spidalieri porterà il suo recente “Il segno dell’acqua”, l’album uscito a fine deel 2022 in digitale e più di recente in vinile, con alcuni componenti de La Minima Orchestra Filosofale, ovvero Mauro Grossi al pianoforte e tastiere e Luca Ravagni fiato e synth. Da sempre, uno degli obiettivi del Festival è quello di diffondere la cultura del libro, infatti due degli incontri di questa quarta edizione verranno moderati dagli studenti del Liceo Classico Gregorio Ugdulena e del Liceo Scientifico Nicolò Palmeri. Il Termini Book Festival sarà anche un occasione di incontro per le Biblioteche della provincia di Palermo, all’interno del laboratorio ideato dal sociologo Pietro Piro: fondatore della Biblioteca Veni Creator Spiritus e ospitato presso la storica Biblioteca Liciniana di Termini Imerese. Read the full article
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kappavision · 1 year
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It is the first landmark that strikes you as you approach Gozo, dominating the island’s principal harbour area. The church of Our Lady of Lourdes is built with an eye-catching neo-Gothic architecture that fits the Mġarr hill like a royal crown. DESIGNED BY A LEADING MALTESE ARCHITECT The church was built in 1888 to the designs of renowned architect Emmanuele Luigi Galizia. Perched on Mġarr hill (once known as 'tal-Qortin'), right above the old Velsons Winery, it was built by the stonemason Wiġi Vella from Żebbuġ. Construction was complete by the 6th of February 1892. A year later, on the 27th of August 1893, it was blessed and opened by bishop Giovanni M. Camilleri. Its consecration came in 1949. The Lourdes church is found in Lourdes Street and forms part of the seaside town of Għajnsielem in southern Gozo. The feast is celebrated on the 11th of February on the anniversary of Our Lady’s first apparition to Bernadette Soubirous. ORIGINS OF THE CHURCH The gothic church’s existence may be owed to a mundane traveller. In 1879, it is said, some visitor pointed out that the rocks of the hill were similar to the Grotto of Massabielle in Lourdes. Only 21 years had passed since young Bernardette was honoured with visions of Our Lady. So the pious Għajnsilmiżi could not take such a remark lightly. A statue of Our Lady of Lourdes soon appeared in the rocks. A PLACE FOR PILGRIMAGES This church is a place of pilgrimage for people from all over the island of Gozo, especially in the days coinciding with the 'visions of Our Lady of Lourdes' in southern France. The benefactor of the statue was Carolina Mamo and the artist was Carlo Darmanin. WHERE IT ALL BEGAN: THE CAVE WITH THE VIRGIN MARY STATUE The devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes began on March 25th 1879, when a statue of the Virgin Mary, sculpted by Antonio Busuttil, was placed in a natural cavity beneath Tal-Qortin promontory overlooking Mġarr harbour. The statue was blessed by Bishop Pietro Pace on June 3, 1883 when he also urged devotees to raise money to build a church in honour of Our Lady. (at Mgarr Gozo - ix Xatt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoqudVsq3M5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Piecemeal Headcanons (weird ik)
Is actually an incredible chef.
Is a legitimate chef. We’re not really sure how, considering.
Never opened a restaurant because he became belligerent over minor things.
Probably wasn’t always as aggressive as he is in present (during TSS), but still struggled to function in normal society from an early age.
Puts. Garlic. In. Everything. 
Flips between “I’m to good to eat that” and “I will put anything in my mouth once.”
When he was younger he was (and to some extent probably still is) a bottomless pit.
HUGE. This guy is all bulk, and it scared the shit out of those in his hometown.
Actually comes from Northern Italy.
Has apparently become immune to raw meats and fish that would usually make others sick.
Had a bad jaw, from breaking it several times in fights/acts of almost feral belligerence.
Never took good care of said broken jaw, which eventually caused it to heal wrong or re-break on several occasions.
Has probably eaten every non-cryptid in existence.
Including humans.
Apparently doesn’t feel pain, or at least not to the extent of a normal person???
Is INCREDIBLY good at various, almost random-seeming things (fantastic swimmer, weapon-proficient, incredible hand-to-hand combat, even before becoming ‘Piecemeal’).
Doesn’t like being called by his real name, but usually just growls in response to it.
Actually very intelligent and surprisingly sarcastic.
His list began including Aliens after “Ben 10″ made it to the hero scene.
Probably smells like herbs and spices.
When he isn’t hunting for new prey he’s cooking.
Again, if you could get this man to just chill for like .04 seconds, eating a NORMAL dish he made would be delicious.
Speaks fluent Italian and English.
Did I mention he’s actually not a blubbering idiot??
Bc goddamn
Rewatch his debut episode, he’s DEFINITELY intelligent.
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stars-and-galaxys · 2 years
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Luther Hargreeves + Reginald
Pietro ja Mario Krohnin by Albert Edelfelt//1x01//Curl Up & Die - Matt Maltese//”Succession”//1x04//”Woodtangle” by Mary Rueffle//Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan by Ilya Repin//1x04//The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine//1x07//Franz Wright
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gardenofkore · 3 years
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“Her name implied Joy, for among the three Graces Euphrosyne was the bestowed of joy; and Lynnaeus gave the name to a honey-coloured butterfly prettily striked with black. But this woman, familiarly known as Frosina, who was certainly young and beautiful and very probably foolish and cruel, neither gave nor received much joy in her short life; on the contrary, she proved to be, both for herself and others, a veritable harbinger of death.”
Leonardo Sciascia, Il mare colore del vino (The Wine-Dark Sea), pp. 135-6
Eufrosia (or Eufrosina) was born in Palermo around 1559. Her father was Vincenzo Siracusa, renowned and wealthy jurist, while her mother's name was Vincenza Valdaura. On September 25h 1575, the teen girl married her peer Calcerando (or Calcerano) Corbera. Her husband was the firstborn of Don Antonio Corbera, baron of Miserendino, and Elisabetta Scavuzzo. The Corbera family was a noble and ancient one. If in the past, members of the family had played important roles in the government of the Island (another Calcerando Corbera had been Vicar of the Kingdom from 1449 to 1552), by the end of XVIth century, the family was experiencing a financial crisis (they were forced to mortgage their fiefs' production), like the majority of the other Sicilian noble ones.
Wishing to replenish the family's coffers and to save its face, in 1572 Don Antonio had asked and obtained the licentia populandi (in the Kingdom of Sicily that meant the right, conceded by the King or the Viceroy, to build and populate a village) of his fief of Miserendino (located in Val di Mazara, between Sambuca and Calatamauro), where he intended to build a farmhouse and a tower. Despite obtaining the licentia, he hadn't enough money to start the works, so the title of baron of Miserendino was empty of any tangible valour.
It's then easy to understand the reason behind Eufrosia and Calcerando's marriage. The Corberas needed the Siracusas' wealth, while the latter wanted to socially raise themselves. It's even clearer  noticed in the nuptial agreements: out of the 1600 onzes part of the bride's dowry, 1200 were given cash on hand to Don Antonio Corbera. Moreover, Eufrosia's mother bestowed the couple of two fiefs (Maganuci and Traversa di Iato, in Val di Mazara), some warehouses, an oil mill, the ownership and income of many houses and buildings. Vincenza Valdaura would have kept the usufruct of her former possessions, perhaps an attempt to protect the family's belongings from the elder Corbera's greedy clutches. If that was the reason, Vincenza didn't succeed as both she and her husband died one month before their daughter's marriage. On the other hand, Antonio Corbera ceded his son the nominal title of baron of Miserendino, although he reserved the incomes derived from the barony.
Taking advantage of the fact that the young and now vulnerable  Eufrosia was now the sole heir of her considerable family fortune, Don Antonio felt he was now free to dispose of it as if it was his own. For example, two years later he forced his weak-willed son and his daughter-in-law to borrow a large sum from the Baron of Cutò to expand and embellish the palace where they all lived and for other luxurious expenses. It's no surprise Eufrosia quickly developed a burning hate towards her father-in-law, exacerbated by Calcerando's submissive character towards his despotic father.
Eufrosia's life changed drastically when she met Viceroy and Prince Marcantonio II Colonna, newly appointed Viceroy of Sicily under Felipe II of Spain. The Hero of Lepanto was 25 years older than her, brilliant, brave, hailed as the greatest man of his time. In a nutshell, Colonna was in every way the opposite of poor Calcerando.
The Baroness of Miserendino and the Viceroy met in Palermo during a banquet and it was love at first sight. Like Eufrosia, Colonna too was married. His wife, Princess Felice Orsini, belonged to one of the oldest and most important noble families in Italy and Europe.
The relationship between Eufrosia and Colonna progressed so quickly that, in a letter dated 1579, the Viceroy describes himself as having fallen so hard for Donna Eufrosina to the point of feeling as his heart had been ripped out of his chest and beating like a drum. In her answer, the woman (who admits to reciprocating his feelings) begs his Excellency to forget about her. That won't happen.
The meeting with Colonna gives Eufrosia the strength to oppose her husband and her father-in-law. She refused to pay off Don Antonio's debts and forced her husband to fictitiously donate her his property to preserve her dowry.
Her father-in-law was so piqued, he retaliated by accusing his daughter-in-law of cheating on Calcerando with a page. The poor man died after being questioned about his affair with his mistress. Since the Corbera was an esteemed noble family, nobody was charged and the page's murder was left unavenged.
In September 1580, Eufrosina found out she was pregnant with Colonna. She tried in many ways to have an abortion until she naturally miscarried in January 1581. Luckily for her, nor her husband or her father-in-law never learnt about her secret pregnancy.
When the relationship between the Viceroy and the Baroness became public knowledge, Don Antonio was enraged. He went as far as publically menacing Colonna. Fearing for his life, the Viceroy had the older Corbera arrested with the charge of insolvency. Shortly after, on February 2nd 1581, he was found mysteriously dead in his cell. It's almost certain he had been poisoned.
With her father-in-law out of the picture, Eufrosia was now freer to dispose of her financial situation. She obtained the separation of property and even sued her husband, accusing him of having paid off his debts just to please him. She obtained the return of her dowry, but she was still legally married to her husband. In debt, the baron tried to put up a brave face, thinking that openly accepting his wife's affair would have socially and economically benefitted him. In summer 1581 Calcerando accepted an offer to join a mission to quell a revolt of the Knights of Malta. The Baron  left for the island, but on August 28th he was found murdered near his Maltese habitation, he had been stabbed. Calcerando was buried in Malta as his widow didn't make any attempt to have the body transferred and buried in his family tomb.
Like it had happened on the occasion of his father's mysterious death, the Viceroy was by many accused to be the instigator behind the murder.
The couple continued their dalliances, with Eufrosia sleeping with her lover in his palace. An anecdote recounts that they were once caught red-handed by Donna Felice. To avoid been seen, a naked and barefoot Eufrosia tried to hide on the balcony. As the Vicereine entered the chamber, she immediately noticed the baroness' slippers. Long since aware of her husband's infidelity and his many lovers, Felice Orsini jokingly asked her husband if those slippers were a gift for her. When the Viceroy shamelessly answered that it was indeed so, the betrayed wife went to the balcony and foud her husband's freezing lover. The Princess then addressed Eufrosia "Bear with me, I'd like my husband all to myself tonight". She then had the baroness generously escorted home.
“Lord Marcantonio [...] was so blinded by his passion that, careless of his viceregal authority and reputation, he became a second Antony to his Cleopatra.” (Leonardo Sciascia, Il mare colore del vino, pp. 136). If the Vicereine once again closed her eyes, the people of Palermo were deeply scandalised when the Viceroy had a new fountain built by the end of the XVIth century at the end of the Colonna Promenade (and near Porta Felice!). The mermaid which decorated it, according to many, looked suspiciously a lot like the Viceroy's already famous mistress.
The lovers' happiness won't last long though. Ottavio Bonnet, a kinsman of the deceased Baron of Miserendino, took upon himself to get revenge for Don Antonio and Calcerando's death. Firstly he managed to remove little Vincenzo Corbera (Calcerando's 6 years old brother and his heir) from Eufrosia's custody. Bonnet then travelled to Madrid to accuse the Viceroy in front of the court. Bonnet's accuses were welcomed by the anti-Colonna faction, which added Corbera's dual murders to Colonna's many misdeeds and managed to have the Viceroy summoned to the capital.
In 1584 Marcantonio Colonna left Sicily, but he would never reach Madrid. On August 1st 1584, he died mysteriously in Medinaceli. According to some sources, he was poisoned by a betrayed husband.
The distraught Eufrosia sought protection from the one person who would have had all the reasons to refuse her, Felice Orsini. Instead of turning her down, the kind and sympathetic princess welcomed her deceased husband's lover to her palace in Rome. Here, the former Vicereine introduced Eufrosia to the widowed Roman nobleman Lelio Massimo. At that time, Eufrosia was 25 and still beautiful and  charming, so it was almost natural that at some point Massimo proposed to her. Unfortunately for the future couple, his sons were against this match. On June 18th 1585, a few weeks before the wedding, Eufrosia was lured by her future sons-in-law with an excuse and killed. Lelio Massimo died soon after of heartbreak, while his sons were arrested and executed.
Even the Mermaid fountain's fate was a sad one. In 1820 it was moved to Piano di Santa Teresa (nowadays Piazza Indipendenza), but twenty years later it was destroyed during the Sicilian revolution of 1848. In his stead an obelisk was erected to commemorate the martyrs of the Italian Independence.
Leonardo Sciascia, Il mare colore del vino
Orazio Caschetto, Il Vicerè e la Baronessa
Pietro Burgarella, Calcerando Corbera in  Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani
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shit-post-things · 3 years
THE VISION - A Character Playlist
A collection of songs that encapsulate Vis' character.
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The Vision. Born in Brooklyn, in May of 2015. Sophisticated vibranium synthezoid containing the AI, JARVIS. Holder of the mind stone. Lover of Wanda Marya Maximoff. Father to Tommy & Billy Maximoff.
Other Aliases: Vision of Hope, The Most Sophisticated Sentient Weapon Ever Made.
Always Forever - Cults
As the World Caves In - Matt Maltese
Dancing Queen - ABBA
Falling In Love - Cigarettes After Sex
I Found - Amber Run
Lay All Your Love On Me - ABBA
Marjorie - Taylor Swift
Stripped - Shiny Toy Guns
The Ascension - Sufjan Stevens
Tuning Out - Bastille
(+ more on playlist. Constantly updated.)
Likes & Reblogs are very much appreciated <3 Follow for more!
Note: Wanda & Pietro playlists to come
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bongianimuseum · 3 years
Biografia di Paolo Scirpa
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Paolo Scirpa nasce a Siracusa nel l934; dopo gli studi artistici in Sicilia, frequenta l’Accademia di belle arti di Salzburg, animata culturalmente da Oscar Kokoschka e lo studio di J. Friedlaender a Parigi. Nel 1965 e, successivamente, nel 2000 partecipa alle edizioni IX e XIII (Proiezioni 2000) della Quadriennale Nazionale di Roma. Nel 1968 si trasferisce a Milano, dove collaborerà con Luciano Fabro all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera e dove sarà, più tardi, titolare di una Cattedra di Pittura; nel 1969 tiene la sua prima personale alla galleria L’Agrifoglio, presentato da Vittorio Fagone; nel 1972 espone, alla Galleria S. Fedele, Megalopoli consumistica, un’opera di denuncia sociale. Negli anni ’70 avvia la realizzazione di opere che vengono definite Ludoscopi: attraverso un sistema di specchi e tubi fluorescenti e il gioco combinatorio di elementi minimali, essi propongono la percezione di profondità infinite, in cui “si pratica l’abolizione del limite tra il reale e l’illusorio” (Maltese, 1976). In alcuni ludoscopi egli realizza raccordi illusori che creano uno spazio plastico curvo; in altri il raccordo seminterrato è praticabile; altri ancora sono di struttura cubica. Scirpa trae spunto anche dal Manifesto tecnico della Scultura Futurista di Boccioni, che aveva teorizzato la possibilità di impiego della luce elettrica nell’opera d’arte e si proietta a sperimentazioni in cui il colore non è più dipinto, i volumi non sono più scolpiti e la luce diventa opera essa stessa.  Conosce esponenti del MAC, tra cui Bruno Munari ed entra in contatto con i gruppi dell’Arte  cinetica, come il GRAV a Parigi o il Gruppo T a Milano. Sollecita l’attenzione anche di studiosi come il cibernetico Silvio Ceccato. Dal 1977 opere di Scirpa sono presenti annualmente fino al  1991 nella sezione cinetica del Salon “Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui” al Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées di Parigi. Negli anni ’80 sviluppa i suoi primi interventi progettuali sul territorio che saranno presentati nel 2004 alla mostra Utopie della città presso la biblioteca dell’Accademia di Brera. Nel 1982 il Symposium de Sculture di Caen (Francia) sceglie il progetto di un suo ludoscopio per la Bibliothèque Municipale. Tiene diverse mostre personali, tra le quali, alle gallerie Arte Struktura, Vismara Arte di Milano, al Palazzo dei Diamanti di Ferrara, alla Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna di Gallarate ed allo Studio d’Arte Valmore di Vicenza. Nel 1985 è presente a Roma alla mostra di Palazzo Venezia  Artisti oggi tra scienza e tecnologia e ad altre manifestazioni sullo stesso tema in Italia ed all’estero, tra le quali, nel 1990, al Politecnico di Milano, nel 1995 al Futur Show di Bologna, nel 1996 all’Accademia di Brera a Milano Convegno Arte, Scienza e Tecnologia; inoltre partecipa a rassegne sulla Patafisica, alla Triennale di Pittura di Osaka e nel 2003 al Museo Bargellini a Pieve di Cento (Bo) Luce vero sole dell’arte, nel 2006 alla galleria del Credito Siciliano di Acireale Sicilia!, nel 2008 allo ZKM di Karlsruhe (Germania) You ser: Das Jahrhundert des Kosumenten ed al Landesmuseum Joanneum di Graz (Austria) Viaggio in Italia, nel 2009 a Berlino presso la Rappresentanza del Baden-Württemberg alla mostra del Museum Ritter ed a Cordoba (Argentina) presso il Museo Jenero Perez alla mostra Echi futuristi ed allo ZKM di Karlsruhe, mostra  Collectors’ Choice II. Nel 2012 è presente alla mostra Arte programmata e cinetica presso la Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma dove è installata in permanenza una sua opera luminosa. Dal 2013 sue opere pittoriche fanno parte della Collezione Farnesina, raccolta d’arte contemporanea del Ministero degli Affari Esteri. (Roma). Nello stesso anno partecipa alla mostra Percezione e illusione presso il MACBA di Buenos Aires. Nel 2014 completa due nuove opere La porta stretta, la cui prima versione risale al 1999, l’una con fondo oro, l’altra su un tabellone consumistico, ambedue con l’inserzione di una struttura di luce triangolare a profondità ascensionale. Nel 2015 partecipa alla mostra Moderna Magna Graecia a cura di Francesco Tedeschi e Giorgio Bonomi presso FerrarinArte di Legnago. L’INDA Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico di Siracusa gli affida la realizzazione del nuovo manifesto degli spettacoli classici del 2015. È presente a Missoni - L’Arte - Il Colore al MAGA di Gallarate.Nel 2016 partecipa alla mostra itinerante The moving eye presso il Muo Musej di Zagabria, e Centri e Istituti Culturali di San Paolo, Brasilia e Panama. In occasione del 25° Festival della Musica di Milano, dedicato a Gérad Grisey Intonare la luce, immagini di sue opere luminose vengono utilizzate per illustrare il libro di sala e per lo spot pubblicitario su SKY classica. Il Museo del Novecento espone un Ludoscopio – Pozzo, 1979 facente parte della sua collezione. Partecipa alla mostra itinerante The moving eye presso il Muo Musej di Zagabria, e Centri e Istituti Culturali di San Paolo, Brasilia e Panama . E’ presente alla mostra Interrogare lo spazio a cura di Luigi Meneghelli presso Ferrarin Arte a Legnago (Vr). Tiene mostre personali allo Studio Arena di Verona La luce nel pozzo, a cura di Marco Meneguzzo per cui, nel pozzo che noi vediamo creato dagli specchi e dai neon, Scirpa “…mette in scena la finzione nello stato più puro” ; a Rosso Vermiglio di Padova, Labirinti di luce a cura di Vittoria Coen che vede nel Ludoscopio “…un invito alla riflessione, … un lasciarsi andare per pensare, …”, ed a ArteAGallery di Milano, L’infinito possibile a cura di Francesco Tedeschi che afferma: “…Gli elementi portanti della sua opera, nelle diverse forme che essa assume, sono la luce e lo spazio,.. la luce come strumento di colore e di forma è ad essi essenziale: una luce che concretizza le geometrie, genera figure formali in grado di attrarci e condurci in una profondità,…in uno spazio senza dimensioni..” Nel 2017 RossoVermiglioArte di Padova presenta una sua personale alla ArteFiera di Bologna.  Alle Fabbriche Chiaramontane di Agrigento si inaugura una sua personale “La forma della luce–La luce della forma” a cura di Marco Meneguzzo che sottolinea come “la forma della luce…trascende questa fisicità e diventa sostanza immateriale, diventa la luce della forma….,”  Successivamente al MACA di Acri partecipa alla mostra “Arte interattiva” a cura di Monica Bonollo e nel 2018 a Torino, Museo Ettore Fico, “100% ITALIA”, Cent’Anni di Capolavori. Nel 2019 realizza una mostra personale a Milano, Gaggenau hub,  “Sconfinamento” a cura di Sabino M. Frassà che sottolinea come “l’artista ha indagato, sperimentato e simulato l'assenza di limiti, lo “sconfinamento” appunto”. Partecipa a Senigallia alla mostra “Materie Prime – Dalla terra alla luce”, a Waldenbuch, Museum Ritter “1919-2019” e a Pontedera “Arcadia e Apocalisse”. Nel 2020 è presente alla Biennale Light di Mantova, Elogio della luce. Negli ultimi anni Scirpa realizza, con rigore geometrico e spirito innovativo, due opere scultoree in marmo bianco di Carrara ed in legno laccato bianco che evocano il Teatro greco di Siracusa: in esse le gradinate della cavea si raddoppiano, diventando circolari e sono rivolte anche all’esterno. Recentemente ha realizzato una struttura al neon che ricorda il Teatro greco, il cui progetto risale all’anno 2000. In un momento storico come il nostro in cui si manifesta la convivenza di vari linguaggi e l’artista può rivisitare esperienze passate, egli recupera il suo linguaggio delle prime denunce consumistische o quello sperimentale del mezzo elettronico e, nel proporre i suoi percorsi prospettici di spazi-luce, offre oggi nuove possibilità espressive su cui riflettere.
Sue opere sono in collezioni e musei tra i quali MAGA (Gallarate), Museo del Novecento (Milano),  Civiche Raccolte Bertarelli - Castello Sforzesco (Milano), Biblioteca di Brera (Milano), MACTE Museo d’Arte Contemporanea (Termoli), MART- VAF-Stiftung  (Trento e Rovereto), Museo MAGI ‘900 (Pieve di Cento), MAPP Museo d’Arte Paolo Pini (Milano), Musée des Beaux-Arts (Caen), Museum Ritter (Waldenbuch), Museo Civico d'Arte Contemporanea (Gibellina), Museum (Bagheria), Fabbriche Chiaramontane (Agrigento), Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna (Roma), Gallerie d’Italia (Milano).
Ha realizzato opere per spazi pubblici e chiese: nel 1965, un grande mosaico al Centro Internazionale del Movimento dei Focolari a Rocca di Papa (Roma) e uno all’Auditorium del Centro Internazionale di Loppiano (Fi) e dei dipinti nella Chiesa del D. P. a Cernusco sul Naviglio (Milano) dove sono stati installati anche suoi Ludoscopi sopra l’altare e il Battistero.
Al suo lavoro hanno dedicato saggi ed annotazioni critiche:
Riccardo Barletta, Pietro Baj, Carlo Belloli, Luigi Bianco Guglielmo Boselli, Giorgio Bonomi, Rossana Bossaglia, Ginevra Bria, Domenico Cara, Luciano Caramel, Silvio Ceccato, Jacqueline Ceresoli, Claudio Cerritelli, Cesare Chirici, Vittoria Coen, Andrea Del Guercio, Mario De Micheli, Marina De Stasio, Giorgio Di Genova, Gillo Dorfles, Vittorio Fagone, Ornella Fazzina, Pedro Fiori, Carlo Franza, Sabino Frassà, Carmelo Genovese, Flaminio Gualdoni, Sara Liuzzi, Annette Malochet, Corrado Maltese, Gabriel Mandel, Giorgio Mascherpa, Luigi Meneghelli, Marco Meneguzzo, Marta Michelacci, Bruno Munari, Carlo Munari, Antonio Musiari, Daniela Palazzoli, Demetrio Paparoni, Francesco Poli, Pierre Restany, Roberto Sanesi, Giorgio Segato, Carmelo Strano, Luigi Tallarico, Francesco Tedeschi, Carlo Terrosi, Maria Torrente, Antonino Uccello, Miklos N. Varga, Alberto Veca, Francesco Vincitorio, Maurizio Vitta, Emanuele Zucchini.  
É stato docente all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. Vive ed opera a Milano.
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wewontstaydead · 3 years
create a playlist that encompasses your muse using only the letters of your url.
( multi-muse — specify which muse(s) each song makes you think of. )
W - “Wheels” by Cake - Pietro
E - “Enjoy the Silence” by Depeche Mode - Bruce
W - “Withered Hand of Evil” by Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats - Ash
O - “One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer” by George Thorogood and the Destroyers - Harvey
N - “No Rain” by Blind Melon - Pietro
T - “T.N.T.” by AC/DC - Logan
S - “Savior Complex” by Phoebe Bridgers - Harry
T - “The Time Warp” by Rocky Horror Picture Show - Quentin
A - “After Hours” by The Velvet Underground - Leon
Y - “You Don’t Own Me” by SAYGRACE - Han
D - “Disturbia” by Rihanna - Raven
E - “Elixir Mandragora” by Clockwork Knotwork - Gomez
A - “As the World Caves In” by Matt Maltese - Mulder
D - “Demons” by Imagine Dragons - Patricia
Tagged By: @episomalvector
Tagging: ALL OF YOU
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avengerscompound · 5 years
What pet would the Avengers have?
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Steve Rogers  - dog or a cat person.  I bet he was allergic as a kid though.  He’d have to be with all those respiratory problems right?  I can see him taking a dog for a run with him in the morning and having to carry it for some of the time, but I can also see him with a cat lying on his drawings at night and trying to catching his hand while he drew.
Bucky Barnes - Is definitely a cat person, though I could see him with a dog too.  I think with a cat he’d get a lot from that quiet company, but the unconditional love shown by a dog would be something he loved.  He is a fan of animals in general though, even a space aardvark/pig thing would be fine with him.
Tony Stark - is the most anti-pet of the Avengers.  He has a little trauma involved with pet ownership.  He and a cat might enjoy mutually ignoring each other though.
Sam Wilson - Birds.  That’s just a canon fact.  He loves birds and can bond with them really easy.  I bet if he had a parrot he’d teach it to swear.
James Rhodes  - Rhodey is a cat guy.  He likes to at the end of the day, just sit down, not think of anything and play with a cat and a laser pointer.
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Bruce Banner -  Bruce is a dog guy.  Even the Hulk is.  Dogs can literally bring back Bruce from a Hulk out.  He loves them.
Natasha Romanoff - Natasha is a reluctant cat person.  She loves them, but if you ask her she’ll deny it.
Thor - A horse.  Preferably one with wings so he can pretend to be a Valkyrie.  But he likes the standard kind too.
Clint Barton  - Is definitely canonically a dog person.  He loves his doggo even if he would never tell you that.
Wanda Maximoff - Is a bird person.  I can see her either having a parrot that just follows her around.  Or a songbird or two.
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Pietro Maximoff - a turtle.  He feels bad for them.
Vision  - Likes reptiles.  Snakes, lizards.  He would set up such an amazing terrarium.
Scott Lang  - I feel this doesn’t need saying, but Scott is an Ant-Man.
Peter Parker - is more dog person than anything.  Loves dogs.  But, he likes cats a lot too.  He’s very empathetic and affectionate.
T’Challa - Cat guy.  Specifically a big cat guy.  He was blessed by Bast for a reason.
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Loki - Likes, dogs, horses, and giant snakes.  They’re like family to him.
Carol Danvers - is a fan of flerken but a cat will do failing that.
Hope Van Dyne - is more of an ant person than Scott is.
Stephen Strange - prefers dogs but generally isn’t much of a pet person
Maria Hill - Is a dog person.  Really big dogs are her preference.  A mastiff or Newfoundland would be perfect for her.
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Phil Coulson  Also a dog person, but little dogs this time.  Something like a Pomeranian or a Maltese
Nick Fury - absolutely a cat person.  He loves them.
Peggy Carter - A dog.  Something like a German Shepard.
Brunnhilde - Winged horses obviously.
Wade Wilson - a dog with an alien symbiote attached.
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iafisco1960 · 4 years
Il Vaticano e gli affari con Preziosi: 3 milioni al patron del Genoa
Il fondo maltese Centurion guidato dal finanziere italo-svizzero Enrico Crasso, che gestisce parte dei capitali della Segreteria di Stato e dell’Obolo di San Pietro, ha investito ancora in Giochi Preziosi, dopo i 10 milioni versati a ottobre. Un investimento illiquido, contrario alle direttive di Papa Francesco source https://www.corriere.it/economia/finanza/20_febbraio_05/vaticano-investe-ancora-giochi-preziosi-3-milioni-patron-genoa-ae49b724-4771-11ea-bec1-6ac729c309c6.shtml
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kappavision · 1 year
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Nestled within a corner of a group of decaying, old buildings is an elaborate street shrine of Jesus of Nazareth that is over a hundred years old. APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT The niche is incorporated into the corner of a block of two-storey houses (No.64-70 / no. 13 / no.7-10) flanking three streets in the #Maltese town of Ħamrun: Stiefnu Zerafa Street, corner with Holy Trinity Street, corner with Jesus of Nazareth Street. An application for the redevelopment of the old residences with the addition of more floors has been registered with the Planning Authority. THE NICHE The statue dates back to the early 20th century. A plaque found beneath it reads that the Archbishop of Malta Pietro Pace grants a hundred days of indulgence to all those that stop by the shrine to recite a short prayer. The decree is dated May 22, 1908. (at Ħamrun) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0ULktIskp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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