#Neal is a fave tbh
Neal explaining his family tree (probably):
Yeah well there’s my evil grandfather, Peter Pan… also my evil grandmother, the black fairy… then there’s my dad, the Dark One… oh yeah, my brother, the savior slayer…
…Belle’s okay, though. (Shrug)
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lizardthelizard · 7 months
you might not do these anymore but who is ur definite least favorite ouat character
Hi! Thanks so much for the ask :) Also, dw, my inbox is always open for asks, but especially for random OUAT related ones.
A quick disclaimer! Absolutely no shade to anyone that likes the characters mentioned below. It's just a bit of fun (and I think some people will agree with a lot of what I have to say anyway tbh)
A really easy answer would be the Blue Fairy. After all, I don't like the Fairy from Pinocchio in general, let alone in OUAT. Her 'holier-than-thou' attitude, the way that she treats various characters in the show (August, Nova, Tinker Bell...) really rubs me up the wrong way. But...also...If I'm completely truthful about it, I find her kind of fun to hate on. And I don't think that's quite in the spirit of things here so...
I don't actually think I have a MOST hated, but I'll come up with a few names to satisfy your curiosity:
King Leopold is pretty high up there to be honest. I think that the writers did a poor job of characterising him. I know that his character in general is a big point of contention within a lot of fandom, so I won't get too involved with anything but I just don't like the way they wrote him.
He's a kind man who genuinely loves his daughter and kingdom. But...I dunno... The age difference between him and Regina is always a bit uncomfortable (and only emphasised after Season 3, when he and a younger Cora are in a relationship). Also, sorry, but who the hell reads their spouse's diary? I don't care how deliberately Regina placed that diary in his path, it shouldn't have been read.
Anyway, whatever. The reason I bring up Leopold is not because I think he's secretively The Worst Guy Ever. At his core, he's literally just some guy. But, as the viewer, we were expected to see him as this sweet, innocent old man (in Season 1 particularly) and... he's kind of not (something that was not intentional by the writers, as far as I'm aware). And this type of Good GuyTM character (see; The Blue Fairy) is usually the type I hate the most. (Even in Season 3, it's Eva who's blamed for the way things unfolded between Leopold and Cora, and Leopold is kind of presented as this poor schmuck in the middle of it all (which...he's not.)
I'm not a big fan of Neal. As a character he's...fine. Not my personally fave, but he had some interesting (albeit squandered) potential. But the way that a lot of Neal fans claim he can do no wrong and talk about him like he was the purest, most special dude on the entire show and the only suitable romance option for Emma...sorry, but it's annoying saduajsdkasdbasd
I don't like Doc, Happy, or Sneezy. No reason, I just don't like them. Sleepy and Dopey are on thin ice. Bashful, Grumpy and Stealthy can stay.
Liam the 1st... SORRY Killian stans, love you guys, I just do not like this man. I think he's an idiot (but not in a fun way) and an arrogant, self righteous prig. THAT BEING SAID, check out @dykelilypage's fic 'from time to time' It's an incredible take on his character and I almost didn't even mention Liam here because it made me appreciate him so much more than I ever would have. If canon had given him the chance to be more
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bittersweet-ritual · 8 months
Fleabag!!! For the show ask hehehehe oh and killing eve!! KUSJES
For Fleabag
Fave character: I think Claire? I love herrr. Also Boo 🥺 and Fleabag duh
Funniest character: Claire
Best-looking character: oofff I gotta say the hot priest and also Fleabag
3 favourite ships: the best one (platonically of course) Claire & Fleabag (THE ONLY PERSON ID RUN THROUGH AN AIRPORT FOR IS YOU), hot priest and fleabag (yes but also no I'm not gonna get into it), Claire & Clair 😭 (is that how you spell the names)
Least favourite character: all the guys she has sex with in season 1 tbh
Least favourite ship: idk??
Reason why I watch it: Because Phoebe Waller Bridge is a genius
Why I started watching it: See answer above!! Basically because I was so hooked on Killing Eve and had to watch whatever else Phoebe had done.
Killing Eveeeee:
Favourite Character: I'm going to be boring and say Villanelle of course (shout out to Elena🥺)
Funniest character: oooff Villanelle and Eve, theyre clowns
Best-lookig character: Do I have to say it...Villanelle
3 favourite ships: Villaneve, Kenny x Elena, Villanelle and her tiny chair idk
Least favourite character: Laura Neal is my enemy, yes I know shes not a character
Least favourite ship: Carolyn and her awful character development
Reason why I watch it: Because nothing makes me feel the way s1 and s2 do 😭 Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer being murder girlfriends?! The acting?!! The queerness? Women!!!!!! Phoebe!!! The music!! The accents!!! The suits!!!!! The femaaale gaze!
Why I started watching it: A friend recommended it bc she thought I would like it (ha ha) so I looked up a clip went about my day, then watched it a couple months later and found out the significance of the scene I just randomly watched without context😂 forever grateful for it but also forever mourning this show
THANKS TIAANS dat ik mag schreeuwen over mn shows I LOVE YOU
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itssquash · 10 months
got tagged in this forever ago but only just now getting to it. thanks to @goodlookingforagirl for tagging me!
last song i listened to: up to no good by the hoosiers
shows i'm currently watching: it's always sunny in philadelphia and breaking bad (currently at the beginning of season 4... things are getting so crazy oh my god) plus i just got caught up to what we do in the shadows so that too ig OH and i watched a little of curb your enthusiasm but that's mostly so i don't watch always sunny too fast
books i'm currently reading: their eyes were watching god by zora neale hurston (required to read this rn; not my fave but i'll get through it) and lolita by vladimir nabokov (quickly shaping up to be one of my favorite fiction books, the prose is so rich... i'll certainly be reading more nabokov after this)
current obsession: not to obsessed with anything recently tbh... been going between thinking about always sunny and brba lately but nothing too intense. i need to find something to get really into
i'm tagging @blackberryjambaby @frasiercraneshumongousasscontest @cry-4-judas and anyone else who wants to participate!
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.52--Episodes 17-18
I have watched through S5E18; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Belle basically told Rumple he wasn’t worth saving. What the heck, lady. And I’m pretty sure if my husband was about to be shot and killed, I wouldn’t hesitate to knock his attempted murderer to his death. Yeah, Belle sent Gaston into the River of Souls. Big whoop, he fricking sucks. And Belle knows how nasty he is! How could she possibly act like letting him kill Rumple was a better option?
—And exqueEEeze me, but this is not like when Snow or Emma acquired some darkness. Belle fell in love with the Dark One, for gosh sakes, she’s the princess most likely to do some dubious things!
—And it’s now confirmed that she doesn’t love Rumple. If she did, she wouldn’t need her father to break the sleeping curse. It’s obvious that Rumple loves her.
—Mulan was watching Dorothy and Red with the world’s most knowing look on her face and I am all here for it. But what about Mulan? She needs to get her happy ending! —Now that I’ve complained….Wolfie and Kansas, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
—I will not get over them together. They have everything: falling in love ridiculously fast; a meet-cute involving the dog; similarly tragic backstories; adorable nicknames—it’s everything I want! And you know, Toto’s gonna love having a bigger dog in his life. Red is the the best possible second dog mom for him.
—It’s cool that Dorothy taught Toto to bark at witches. Very smart.
—I adore David for sending Snow back to Storybrooke. That’s some quality husbanding right there. But all of their promises to be reunited eventually? That means for sure at least one of them dies. And since they share a heart, they’ll probably both die. Leaving Emma (and Hook?) to raise Neal. So sad.
—I also adore Hook for helping David with that. I like that Hook and David are getting along better now. Their personalities don’t put them at natural opposition to each other, so now that David is used to Hook and Emma being together, them being friendly is the right move.
—Hades is an exceedingly strange man. Every now and then he makes a comment that catches me off guard and makes me laugh. His sense of humor is peculiar, and kinda shady, but I like it. Which annoys me to no end.
—He’s not particularly handsome imo, but he is attractive. He’s completely riveting. Regardless of whether or not he’s being an ass to my faves (which he is), I can’t deny that he has presence.
—Still hate Zelena. I will not stop hating her. I will not feel sorry for her ever. And I’m still disgruntled about her and Hades being together. They have little to no chemistry.
—They shouldn’t have put Hades in the same room as Gaston. Once again, the hextreme vibes appeared. How can they expect me to believe him with Zelena when he’s *meh* with her and acts the way he does around all these dudes? (The count, by now, is three. Three men he’s had way more chemistry with than Zelena. And I do predict more such occurrences in the future.)
—MMMkay, I hate Gaston, big surprise, but he was right about one thing. The way to a bookworm’s heart is to tell them that ‘because it’s your favorite book, Imma read every word.’ That is just peak.
—I’m so tired of hearing guys saying how they’ve been looking for a woman of substance. It implies that a woman who is not shallow is a rare find, which I think is quite insulting. Also, not to go too deep, but we all know what kind of girls Gaston-types are thinking of when they say shallow, and I love those girls. Pink and makeup and girly-girl things? Bring em on, honey! If I had a girlfriend like that, whether or not she was the type of girl who wanted to have existential conversations (which is fr not for everybody, regardless of gender), I would adore her and love her so much she wouldn’t know what to do with me. And tbh, Gaston is more vain than he believes those girls to be, so….But, it’s very much in character for him to say something piggish like that, so I can live with it. Context is everything, friends.
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orlamccools · 2 years
Answer all the book questions pls
ajdjdkskakal alrighty anon you asked for this!! this is gonna get long
1- Book you’ve reread the most times?
already answered here!
2- Top five books of all time?
This is an impossible question to answer so I’ll do top 5 that i think more people should read!
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould
Unbecoming by Rebecca Scherm
The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami
3- What is your favorite genre?
I’m a pretty versatile reader so I’ll read anything but probably fantasy
4- What sections of a bookstore do you browse?
Fantasy/Sci Fi —> Fiction —> YA —> Political Science/Current Affairs —> True Crime —> Mysteries/Thrillers —> Romance —> Anything else that compels me
5- Where do you buy books?
Well i am both blessed and cursed to work at a barnes and noble so typically there. if not, i’ll go to one of the independent bookstores in my town, or order online thru bookshop.org. I try to avoid am*zon as much as possible, and usually the only time i buy on there is if: a. the author publishes thru amazon exclusively or b. i cant find it anywhere else at a decent price point
6- What books have you read in the last month?
I’m still recovering from a slump so i haven’t read a ton this past month include:
Fairytales of the Macabre by Olivie Blake
Midsummers Night Dream by Olivie Blake
Birds of California by Katie Cortugno
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
7- Is there a series/book that got you into reading?
Not that I remember, to be honest! corny but ive been a reader since i was a small child so i dont know what really got me into it. all i know is that ive loved doing it for my entire life
8- What is the first book you remember reading yourself?
Magic Tree House Dinosaurs at Dawn. i was a HUGE MTH kid (had books 1-30 at one point!!) and i distinctly remember reading that book in one of the little seat cubbies they used to have at the east mountain public library
9- When do you tend to read the most?
I commute via bus and its about a 30 minute ride so usually then, which tends to be mid afternoon. i also try to read before bed, depending on how tired i am. also, whenever i have days off i try to go sit on a bench at my favorite park or on campus and read for several hours in the evening. this gets me out of the house, gets me vitamin d, and lets me tackle my tbr.
10- Do you have a guilty fave?
already answered here!
11- What non-fiction books do you like, if any?
already answered here!
12- Did you enjoy any compulsory high-school readings?
Yes!!! Some of my faves include Unwind by Neal Shusterman, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. My teachers assigned some good books tbh!
13- Do you have a goodreads?
Yes i do!! feel free to follow me :)
14- Do you ever mark/dog ear books you own?
already answered here!
15- Recommend and review a book
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang is a brilliant five star debut. It follows Fang Runin, a war orphan from the impoverished town of Tikany as she tests into an elite military academy. While there, she makes both friends and enemies and uncovers a world beyond our own and a power that she can barely comprehend. But these easy days don’t last, for the empire of Nikan is surrounded by enemies. As the story shifts from a simple coming of age to a brutal story about the horrors of war, Kuang is able to create emotional stakes that keep you glued to the pages and invested in the story. I read the last three hundred or so pages in one sitting, simply because i could not bear to leave the rest of the story for the morning. Rin is such a strong character, and one that i found myself empathizing with, even as she made the worst possible decisions (seriously babes genocide is NOT the answer). Her relationships with both Kitay and Nezha hurt me emotionally for different reasons, but one relationship that stands out above the rest is that with her commander and childhood crush Altan. Theres absolutely no way any sort of relationship with the two of them wouldnt be hella toxic, but damn did i understand rin’s feelings for and bond with him. The ending of the story had me wreaked in the most incredible and soul crushing way, and i could not wait to read The Dragon Republic. This isnt a book for everyone (seriously see the attached picture w all the trigger warnings) but its a book for me and one of my new all time favorites. Five out of five stars!
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16- How many books have you read this year?
i have read 9/52 books this year which isnt great but it is what it is
17- Top five childrens books?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
The Phantom Tollbooth by Jules Verne
Wildwood by Colin Meloy
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly
18- Do you like historical books? Which time period?
Not a huge historical fiction fan, but like historical fantasy is elite and very up my alley! I don’t really think I have a favorite time period.
19- Most disliked popular book?
already answered here!
20- What are things you look for in a book?
thats hard. as previously stated i will read whatever i want but i guess some main things i look for are strong characters with distinct traits and voices, worlds with magic in them, and books where bad things happen but it mostly ends happily (this DOESNT apply to the poppy war rip)
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bryndeavour · 5 years
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2021 TFBWL Reading Challenge Wrap Up!! 📚📚📚🎉🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾🍾
Shout to all my book buddies all over the world who took part in this year’s Reading Challenge for The Free Black Women’s Library.
Our goal was to read at least 20 books of varying genres and subject matter written by Black women or Black non binary folks in one year. I read 30!! 😮
I’m seriously impressed with myself!!
I know being part of a Reading Club and having a spreadsheet to keep track of my progress throughout the year definitely helped.
After three years of doing this challenge, I think this is my most successful reading year yet.
I read a total of 40 books in 2021 and I actually enjoyed most of them. Almost all except one tbh.
Posted here are the books I read for the challenge specifically. 🖤📚
The ones with * are books we read in TFBWL Reading Club, the ones with ^ were my audio reads.
1.A vintage Black Feminist or Womanist text (published before 2000): SISTERS OF THE YAM by bell hooks
2. A contemporary Black Feminist or Womanist text (published between 2000 & now): UNDROWNED by Alexis Pauline Gumbs*
3. LGBTQ author and/or content - fiction: GILDA STORIES by Jewelle Gomez
4.LGBTQ author and/or content - nonfiction: DEAR SENTHURAN by Akwaeke Emezi
5. A book by a revolutionary, community activist, political organizer, or abolitionist: UNBOUND by Tarana Burke
6. A book on self-care, health, lifestyle strategy, or personal development: THE GAME OWES YOU by Addie Citchens
7. A romance or erotic novel: LOVE IN COLOR by Bolu Babalola*
8. A book that centers relationships between women: THE OTHER BLACK GIRL by Zakiya Dalila Harris*
9. A young adult or middle schooler’s novel: CLAP WHEN YOU LAND by Elizabeth Acevedo
10. An award-winning novel and/or classic: PASSING by Nella Larsen
11. A debut or famous author’s first: WHEN THE RECKONING COMES by LaTanya McQueen
12. Any book by Octavia Butler: KINDRED
14. A book by a Caribbean author: PRAISESONG FOR THE WIDOW by Paule Marshall
15. A book by an African author: WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT by Flora Nwapa
16. A book that classifies as Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, or Fantasy: SHALLOW WATERS by Anita Kopacz
17. A book on Spirituality, Religion, Faith or Ritual: HAPPINESS BECOMES YOU by Tina Turner
18. A book with a name in the title: LIBERTIE By Kaitlyn Greenidge*
19. A book with a one-word title: SORROWLAND by Rivers Solomon*
20. A book that was published within the past year: LUSTER by Raven Leilani
21. A graphic novel or series of comic books: WAKE/THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF WOMEN-LED SLAVE REVOLTS by Rebecca Hall
22. A memoir or autobiography: SOMEBODY’S DAUGHTER by Ashley C. Ford*
23. A book where characters speak Patois, Creole, Geechee, or AAVE: FRYING PLANTAIN by Zalika Reid-Benta
24. A collection of poetry, short stories, essays or prose: TOO MUCH MIDNIGHT by Krista Franklin
25. A book on Body Politics, Trauma, Autonomy or Acceptance: FEARING THE BLACK BODY/THE RACIAL ORIGINS OF FAT PHOBIA by Sabrina Strings
26. A book on Migration, Travel, Location or Place - fiction or nonfiction: MULES AND MEN by Zora Neale Hurston
27. A book on Disability or Neurodivergence - fiction or nonfiction: Black Madness/Mad Blackness by Theri Alyce Pickens
28. History, Historical Fiction or Slave Narrative: WAYWARD LIVES/BEAUTIFUL EXPERIMENTS by Saidiya Hartman
29. A book that takes place in your hometown: SEVEN DAYS IN JUNE by Tia Williams
30. A book on parenting or child advocacy: CAUL BABY by Morgan Jerkins
I will be posting more about my faves of the year on my Patreon
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cellard0ors · 2 years
Fic: 30 (2/?)
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: GMM, Rhett & Link
Pairing: Rhett McLaughlin/Link Neal
Warnings: Violence, Murder, Blood, Death, Various Weapons, Mental Manipulation, Trauma - I'm sure I'll add more as I go tbh.
Summary: Rhett McLaughlin disappeared under suspicious and terrible circumstances when he was thirteen years old. his best friend, Link Neal, has been looking for him ever since. And never once, in all that time - did he expect to find him not only as an assassin - but one who's been assigned to take him out.
Notes: Be prepared for Mythical Crew members to show up as other assassins. Why? Because it's funny to me. But also, you know I'll never harm any of our faves. Just...make them deadly and interesting.
In reflection, monitoring Link had been a bad idea.
To be fair, this is how Rhett normally approaches a job. And that's how he wanted to handle this. He'd wanted to treat the Link job just like any other job.
AO3 Link
In reflection, monitoring Link had been a bad idea.
To be fair, this is how Rhett normally approaches a job. And that's how he wanted to handle this. He'd wanted to treat the Link job just like any other job.
The usual MO was to take a few weeks to learn about the target. To observe them, to get a sense of who they were, how they operated, their daily routines. Knowing them inside and out made it easier to plan the best way to take them out with as little fanfare as possible.
The client who ordered the hit on Link had been vague. No strict directions, no special requests - they had pretty much left it up to Rhett's discretion.
Normally Rhett preferred this kind of set-up - he'd consider it a dream job, but with it being Link...
...not that he should care. In fact, he totally one hundred percent does not care that this is Link Neal he's planning to...
The word has never struck him as ugly before, and it shouldn't now. What would Quint say? What would he think? All these years of training and discipline and never once has Rhett balked. Back in his youth perhaps, but now?
Now he's well-seasoned and just because Link has a perchance for ordering the same meal every morning at the same café (Rhett recalls him being a picky eater...an annoyingly picky eater) and for walking canines at the rescue center every afternoon (Link had had a dog - Tucker. Happy and friendly and Rhett had wanted his own pup once upon a time...) and for ending his evenings working on his ridiculous channel/podcast (Rhett could only bear to listen to a few scant seconds of them - and not because of the compassion in Link's tone or the general thoughtfulness of his approach, but because it's too saccharine - yes, yes that's why) does not mean Rhett should falter in any way, shape, or form.
His past connection with the target and the target's current habits shouldn't preclude him from being taken care of. From Rhett completing this job and moving on to the next.
And yet, this morning, as Rhett lines his scope up with the table Link sits at, he finds himself...frozen. He can't seem to pull the trigger. In fact, his finger is nowhere near it. Instead he sits in the abandoned apartment across the street, gun resting on a tripod, one of his eyes glued to the scope just... watching.
Now, this was all perfectly well and good when he first started monitoring Link, but now he's at the peak moment, the optimal time, to get the job done. Link’s sitting outside of the café, alone, perfectly positioned for one single shot. Just remove the gun, get into position, aim and fire.
Granted, he could do something less ostentatious - take him out when he's in private, but there's something about leaving his body to simply be discovered by some unsuspecting...
...who found them? Who found my-?
Rhett stops and rubs at his temples, a sharp stinging sensation forming right behind his eyes. He doesn't think about that. Not anymore. That's the past. Those...people...they're gone. He doesn't think of them. He shouldn't...
He redirects his attention back through the scope. Link is talking to someone, a server, one Rhett doesn't recognize. The man he's talking to offers him a plate (no doubt his normal order) only for Rhett to see tomatoes to one side.
He snorts, mouth twitching as Link waits until the server is gone before he makes a face and uses his fork to gingerly push the tomatoes as far away from his order as possible. The new guy clearly hasn't been informed about Link's dislike of the red fruit. But while Rhett is amused by Link's reaction, something about the new server bothers him.
He can't quite put his finger on why until he comes around again, chatting amiably with Link. It's the headband. It's not a common fashion accessory and then it clicks: The Talker.
He's newer to the game, but Rhett's heard of him. The assassin that'll talk your ear off before doing the job. It's a sloppy, silly thing to do, but some guys enjoy the idea of having a signature. And this is The Talker's - the bandana, the jabbering on - in fact, Rhett's pretty damn sure he's heard that he relies on easy server jobs to simply slide in and out when making a kill.
Cursing, Rhett gets to his feet and moves. He has to get to Link first. He has to get to Link before-! He just-! He has to get there. Now.
Before it's too late.
Link wonders how he can politely ask his server to leave. It's not that the guy (What did he say his name was? Ted? Tom?) isn't nice, but he talks...a lot. About everything and nothing and it seems a really weird thing for a server to do.
Normally the people at this café just give him his usual order and move on, but this new employee seems eager to go the extra mile. Which is...a bit irritating, considering Link just wants to dig into his breakfast sandwich and go.
Bad enough that the newbie offered tomato slices on the side - as if Link would ever sully his delicious meal with something so revolting. Well... revolting to him.
Link can think of plenty of people who aren't turned off by tomatoes. He bets Amara Johnson likes tomatoes. She's going to be the latest subject of his channel. A young girl with a promising career in cooking who disappeared a few months ago on her way to start culinary school.
No coverage by the media, no real response from local police, no organized search parties. Nothing. Just a missing girl and grieving family and friends looking for answers and finding nothing. Link knows what that's like.
True, there had been a bit more effort for his best friend - for many reasons - but the facts remain: people go missing and, as a whole, the vast majority do so little. They glance at the posters tacked up in stores or in the paper, but for the most part?
You go missing, you become forgotten. And Link can't stand that injustice. He won't. And while he doesn't think his work is anything revolutionary, he takes some comfort in the fact that his work gets the word out there.
Work that is currently languishing while this guy holds him up with the chit chat. Link nosily clears his throat as a way to gently interrupt this guy's tirade, "Look, um-?"
"Trevor!" his server offers cheerily and Link nods, "Yeah, uh, Trev - listen, I'm in a bit of a time crunch here, so-"
"Oh, I understand! Believe me!" Trevor beams and adjusts his hands in his server apron, "I'm on the clock myself and I certainly like to be punctual."
It's at this moment that he withdraws a switchblade from the apron and Link barely has time to register the flash of the weapon as Trevor chuckles, "'Punctual'! Get it? Eh, well, best make this quick!"
The horror cascading over Link doesn't give him a chance to cry out or do much of anything as Trevor moves the point swiftly to one side of his throat, clearly intending to plunge it neatly into the side of his neck.
Not that he needs to worry as - out of nowhere - a freaking giant appears. As if Link's day couldn't get any surreal, a mountain of a man appears behind Trevor and - with a savage, but smooth grace - he disarms him and takes him down.
Or, it would be better to say, breaks him down.
A few well-placed hard strikes to the back of the man's knees causes Trevor to crumple forward even as the giant disarms him and smacks his chin down onto the surface of the circular café table.
The sound of Trevor's teeth clacking together will no doubt haunt Link's dreams as he finally finds himself snapping out of his shock, his whole body surging up to knock his chair over as one of the giant's arms slides beneath Trevor's neck, holding his head back as he hisses in his ear, "I kept you alive as a work courtesy, but I see you again it'll be a different story, Talker."
"Thur-tee?" Is the garbled sound that seems to come out of Trevor's bloody mouth, but the giant's already released him and is turning his attention to...oh, no...
Link feels himself seizing again, a flight or fight response zipping through his brain, legs more than ready for flight only for the giant to look him in the eyes and oh shit, oh shit! All that crazy hair held back with a tie, that wild beard, and the coolness of those green, green eyes...
...no. Not green. Jade. The giant's eyes are...jade. Jade and...familiar? They can't be familiar. Link doesn't know anyone who looks like this. He doesn't know anyone who is like this. Everything that's happening right now feels like it's out of some wild action movie or a television show or-?
The giant's jade eyes are locked with his own as he rises to his full height. He holds out one of his hands and says, "Come on."
It's a command. A strong one. One he should completely ignore. One that should make him run straight for the hills. One that should make him throw his shoulders back and object.
...but those eyes...those crazy, crazy familiar/unfamiliar eyes...
Link takes his hand and is gone.
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
10 characters i fell in love with in 2021
i was tagged by @a-reader-and-a-writer​  - thank you!! 
this is a combination of new characters i’ve discovered this year and also characters i was aware of but didn’t really pay attention to before 2021 :) 
i rambled a little and the gifs were quite large, so i put it under a cut
i don’t know who has done this and who hasn’t, so if you want to, consider yourself tagged!!
1. captain carter (what if?) - look peggy carter is the love of my life but captain carter just has me in a chokehold. i had buff peggy brainrot for at least a month straight after the first episode aired
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2. wanda maximoff (marvel) - i always liked her but now she is not only one of my favorite characters but also one of my favorites to write. i think the fact that my icon seems to only rotate from peggy to wanda and vice versa says a lot about me.
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3. harley quinn (the suicide squad/birds of prey) - i love women who can kill me, that’s the only explanation i have
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4. sam wilson (marvel) - how could you not love captain america? he is such a sweeheart and it is a crime and a disgrace that there aren’t more fics for him. 
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5. rick flag (the suicide squad) - i saw the 2016 suicide squad movie in the theaters because my friends asked me to and i have barely any recollection of that movie. because of this, i fully thought rick was a new character to the 2021 one for a second since he had such a glow up and his character was allowed to have depth. also i’m very new to dc as a franchise.
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6. yelena belova (black widow/hawkeye) - asexual representation baby!! i really hope they explicitly make her asexual in the mcu, it would be really cool
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7. kate bishop (hawkeye) - exhibit a: her wearing a suit 
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8. loki laufeyson (marvel) - i think i started the year saying i didn’t write for him and now i’m planning a loki series. i have no clue how this happened, i didn’t even like the loki show that much 🤷‍♀️ i’m just as confused as you are tbh
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9. dottie underwood (agent carter) - i think a fic for her was the first fic i wrote in 2021!! the first time i wrote for her was in 2020 and i was really unsure about it, but now she’s fully one of my faves. another addition to the list of women who could kill me i guess. 
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10. xu xialing (shang-chi) - everything about her. also she could kill me
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bonus: neal caffrey (white collar) - i still need to watch the last season but i fell in love with that slippery idiot (affectionate) the moment i saw him 
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doctapuella · 2 years
top five (or ten if you have enough of them) fluffiest boys
OKAY ANON WOW YOU ANNIHILATED ME WITH THIS im sorry it took so long but it was necessary to think for a bit. *clickbait voice* top ten fluffy boys, under the cut [because im incapable of just writing a list and had to offer commentary as well]
1) eric carr. best fluffy boy. my fuckin everything. i feel like i'm going to melt into a gross little puddle just thinking about how much i love this boy and how important he is to me. like, a level of intensity that is so high that i hardly talk about him bc he's so overwhelming (positive). the fluff of this boy is insane. he's got the fluff and the energy to sustain my entire existence and i'm forever thankful for that.
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2) vivian campbell. disclaimer that he's only fluffy early on, and his fluffy peak was the mid/late 80s. but when he was fluffy, boy was he fluffy. cutest bean, wicked guitar skills, no complaints. also his era of sluttiest shirts (not to be confused with his sluttiest era, which was the no-shirts era of the late 90s/00s). he's still pretty fluffy with the longer hair, especially early on, but idk something about shorter fluffy viv is so special to me.
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3) dave meniketti. another limited time fluff, but FUCK what a glorious time. i was like okay yeah sure kinda into y&t, yeah, and dave is cute and sings and has fuckin wild guitar skills. BUT THEN i watched a show from the 70s and??? oh my god fluffy 70s dave broke something within me.
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4) neal schon. would still be mega fluffy if he kept his hair longer. but oh my god i just??? im very very weak for this boy, especially in the phase post-mustache but with the longer curly hair. i gotta be honest tho, even with the mustache, i love fluffy 70s neal so so so much.
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5) paul taylor. when i hear 'fluffy boy' he immediately pops into my mind. he's also fuckin tall, easily tallest fluffy boy on this list. he's just a tower of fluff and is so incredibly underappreciated so obviously he needs to be the core of this list.
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6) juan croucier. just???? idk another one that i get emotional about because i fucking love ratt so much and he's so talented and like, his stage presence combined with the fluff? *chefs kiss* truly the best vibes honestly.
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7) jeff labar. platonic ideal of a fluffy boy tbh. he's so smol that his fluff just ends up being next level amazing. @electric--love is the real jeff fluff expert here, i just visit the area sometimes. what a fuckin boy.
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8) fred coury. cannot leave out jeff's bandmate because both of them are fluffy and glorious. when it's shorter his hair is very fluffy in a curly-puffy way, but then like he grows it out and it's fluffy in a whole new way???? boy has versatility and i love him for it.
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9) jake e lee. the stupid fucking amount of talent he's got. i know this is all supposed to be about fluff but my faves tend to go along with personality and talent and so like, i can't separate all that. but especially badlands-era jake, his hair is SO LONG and the VOLUME i cannot even describe how beautiful.
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10) frankie banali. going full circle, he's kinda like the knockoff brand of eric. idk there's always something a little bit feral about drummers, and i think fluffy hair vibe really meshes well with that. i don't know a ton about him compared to the others bc im still pretty early on my quiet riot journey but i'm super vibing so far.
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witchyxwoo · 3 years
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with: Rumple
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: belle
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: idk
my ultimate favorite character™: Elsa
prettiest character: Aurora, Mulan, Elsa
my most hated character: Hades, fuck him. Gothel is a close second.
my OTP: Swanfire was great, Madarcher even better
my NOTP: Zelena/Robin, Zelena/Hades, there's a lot more but too many to add
favorite episode: oh boy. i can't pick here, there's too many to choose from
saddest death: neal/baelfire. 😭
favorite season: seasons 4 and 7
least favorite season: season 6, not too invested in this season tbh
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: Belle? idk, she was just so bland to me.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Emma Swan
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: Drizella & Robin
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Mulan & Aurora (robbed of this ship)
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cognacdelights · 3 years
what youtuber do you watch
mostly crime youtubers tbh! some of my faves are kendal rae, danelle hallan and bailey sarian! but i also watch videos by the fellas, georgia marie and eleanor neale! bailey sarian, kendal rae and danelle hallan tend to be more in depth and cover less well known/gimmicky cases (like madeleine mccan and jon benet ramsey etc) and they tend to be a lot more heavy and hard hitting than the others, but that’s not to say the others aren’t all really well researched and presented; i just find those particularly (as someone who knows crime a bit more intimately) more interesting! also partial to a bit of buzzfeed unsolved too
i do like to watch some beauty gurus too, but more so less well known ones and those who don’t constantly use really expensive designer products… i think sophdoeslife is my favourite, alongside missdarcei (a woc guru for anyone who is looking for some). also like to watch some of sophie louise’s videos, brad mondo, and nikkietutorials
love watching the sidemen sundays! (i am in love with behz)
i’ve also really been annoying kian & jc’s series type videos lately too, i think they’re really entertaining!
i was also really into zoella’s pregnancy vlogs!
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jean----ralphio · 3 years
BoB liveblog ep 7
Episode 7: The Breaking Point. YEAH, OF MY FUCKING HEART
00:00 I really don’t wanna do this you guys.
00:38 Can’t we just pretend this episode doesn’t exist?
04:05 RICH! Ok I feel a little better. Ahaha, he’s growing a beard. It’s got nothing on the quarantine beard he’s rocking nowadays tho
04:22 That whole scene is hilarious but I’m too distracted by Rich to appreciate it properly
05:18 Horsie
05:30 Hey Fassy
05:57 He’s so obsessed with the Luger, oh Hoob ☹
06:07 Ahhh that second where he looks into the camera and fires ☹ He’s so happy
06:51 He is such a fucking angel, I swear. “What happened to the horse?” PETA would be pleased you care, baby.
07:01 Look at my son, look at his little angel face
07:27 Buck seems a little better??
07:47 Gold.
“Shut up boys.”
“Shutting up, Sarge.”
But notice my angel is perfectly well-behaved
08:00 “That was no rifle.” Shifty just Knows Things.
“What do you see, Shift?”
08:15 Oh Hoob
08:43 Oh God
09:03 ROE OMG NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR JOKES “Did you think it was a German leg, Hoob?” I MEAN LMAO BUT NO
09:33 Nooooooooooo
09:44 Oh God, the way Buck and Perco are cradling his face ☹
10:04 Husbands, do something, reincarnate him or something
10:32 Oh Dick is shivering aw
10:38 Lip, baby, no, do not cover for than incompetent POS
10:48 The husbands are unimpressed
11:39 Nice gloves tho Dike
11:57 “At present, as per usual, but I’ll clarify that with you at a later time.” No. No. He’s asking now. He needs to know now. Wtf.
12:39 IS THAT RICH??
13:26 Just gonna pause here a little while, excuse me
13:47 Lip is such a boss. We love you Lip
14:13 Bill’s laugh <3 RICH’S SMILE <333
14:48 Dick omg your flirting, so cute. They are in love.
15:20 Fassy is judging you… that means Alicia Vikander is coming for you…
15:50 Omg Nix knows his husband so well
16:24 Aw, Bill and Babe <3 BROTP
17:33 Bill, sweetie, no, I’m sorry but Buck is not fine!
17:58 Oh God the foreboding. Rich ☹ <3
18:01 WTF is Luz smoking LMAO
19:08 “Well, they had a point. You’re an idiot.” Oh Penk. I’ll miss you Penk.
19:31 UGH GTFO. To be fair the actor does a great job with this role.
20:01 Dike is so random. But it’s nice he’s taking an interest??
21:20 NIX LMAO
21:33 Ugh, Dick. Stop. I know it’s to establish a sense of normalcy and ritual but Come. On. Buddy. Lol I love how Nix is just like LMAO NO I’M NOT GOING. I wish I could just say no when asked to do things by my bosses. We know it’s cos Nix can’t bear to be apart from his husband for so long <3
22:33 Guys, don’t be mean. Fassy, no, come on.
22:53 Wtf are Penk and Rich doing…
23:05 LMAO @ Dick and Sink.
“Got to keep the morale up for the folks back home.”
“Damned if I know.”
Iconic. Valid.
23:34 Lol my Joe/Charlie thought he was gonna get in trouble, but Dad just wanted to nag <3
24:24 Oh Bill <3 “Tied me own boots once last week, all by meself.” <3333 Bill please never change.
24:30 Rich <3333
24:36 Riiiiichhhhhh <3
24:48 Johhny ‘unimpressed’ Martin is already looking unimpressed, new kid, watch out, you’re not off to a great start.
24:56 Rich’s helmet still has bullet holes from the last episode, love the continuity <3
25:07 “You’ll find out, son.” Oh, Alley <3
25:17 Rich is hilarious in this scene, he’s having so much fun <3
25:22 Hey Lieb, I’ve missed you
25:46 Riichhh <3
25:53 OMFG that exchange!
               “How are those nuts, sarge?”
               “Doin fine, Bill, nice of you to ask.”
               Wtf Lip!!
26:05 Bye, Fassy!
26:26 Even when he’s blurred by snow, Speirs is intimidatingly good-looking.
27:01 He’s so polite but so scary
27:23 You’re hot, Speirs, so I automatically trust you. Not sure what that says about me but it’s probably not good tbh
27:57 Joe/Charlie has been back five seconds and he’s already out for blood.
28:58 Hey Lee
30:00 Oh God
31:33 Oh no, Joe/Charlie, my baby ☹
33:39 Bill’s here, baby, it’s OK
34:10 I can’t deal with the hilarity of Babe blocked in by the tree while Joe/Charlie is in such a bad way and being done so dirty
34:56 Oh GOD
35:28 Bill </3
36:11 My thoughts exactly, Luz
36:42 Buck ☹
37:41 “Hey Joe, I told you I’d beat you back to the states.” Bill don’t me laugh while I’m crying. Aw, we’ll miss you <3
37:59 Not really the time but fuck it, I am totally digging Luz’s hair now
38:26 I’m so shook. I’ve watched this series a billion times but it still hurts me. Scene after scene, Joe/Charlie in pain, Buck screaming for a medic, God Neal and Kirk are so good.
39:18 Oh God, Buck
40:00 Rich I love you
40:44 Rich <3 ☹
41:22 Noooooooo </3
41:44 No. No. NO.
41:59 NO. NOPE. CANON NOT ACCEPTED. They’re fine. They’re fine, they’re just off-screen for the rest of the series, chillin with Hoob and Renee on like a nice beach somewhere. Drinking maitais and maragaritas and building sandcastles and shit.
44:00 Hit Malarkey the hardest? NO FUCKING WAY, LIP, HIT ME THE HARDEST, MORE LIKE! But in all seriousness, can you imagine losing your friends, not having a body to bury or time to grieve ugh ☹ </3 OK I concede that Malarkey and I can share the grief 50/50. No wait. 60/40. In favour of me.
45:15 Malark, it’s what Hoob would have wanted. I’d ask him but he’s busy sunbathing and keeping the drinks topped up
46:57 We love you Buck
47:14 Bull <3
47:43 Lieb <333
48:10 Hang on, sweetie, Dad isn’t back yet
48:50 It’s OK, Lip, sweetie, you can do it.
49:38 Lip, listen to me, your Dad’s going to fix everything in about ten, fifteen minutes. And he’ll get you a hot boyfriend in the process. It’s all going to be OK.
50:05 Dick, honey, Dike doesn’t understand a thing you’re saying
50:25 Dike’s like lol who the fuck was that guy?
51:17 Lieb is so blood-thirsty <3
52:09 Poor Lee
52:22 NO, FUCK, OMG
53:14 Don’t send my Lee alone!
53:33 Bull. A cigar. Right now? I like Johnny’s beard, suits him.
54:13 “THEY SHOT ME IN MY ASS, BOYS!” Aw Perco. Iconic.
54:36 Legit one of my fave scenes in the history of television. Dick is just so beside himself and desperate and helpless watching his sons stuck and in so much trouble. He’s in full Dad mode, about to run in there to save his boys. Then, and this is so subtle but it’s my fave bit, HE CUTS OFF SINK. HE IGNORES/SPEAKS OVER SINK. DICK! SPEAKS! OVER! SINK! IN WHAT UNIVERSE WOULD HE EVER DO THAT?! ON WHAT PLANET WOULD HE EVER BE SO DISRESPCTFUL?! THIS ONE, COS HIS SONS NEED HIM NOW AND BEING POLITE AND ADHERRING TO PRINCIPLE AND RANK DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER WHEN EASY IS IN TROUBLE! AND THEN HE CALLS UP OUR BOY SPEIRS. AND SPEIRS IS SO FUCKING GUNG-HO, BOUNCING ABOUT READY TO SLAUGHTER EVERYONE, SO FUCKIN EXCITED!!
And then there’s Nix, lmao, chillin with his binoculars, super relaxed as long as his husband stays safe, tbh.
55:06 Oh that was the new boy, aw
55:20 Here you go, Lip, one BF courtesy of your Dad lol
56:24 LMFAO was that the haystack Dike was behind??
57:00 I.C.O.N.I.C.
57:23 “The astounding thing was, that after he hooked up with I company, he came back.” Annnnnd Lip’s in love.
57:49 Aw happy boys
58:09 Noooooo they’ve been through enough! I’VE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH THIS EPISODE OK, FUCK!
58:23 Go on, my angel son, you can do it.
58:36 Go, son. I love you.
58:43 Yes. Good boy.
59:26 Aw Bull piggybacking Perco <3
1:00:23 Oh yay! The church scene!
1:00:39 Look at my angel son <3
1:00:48 Hey Lieb
1:00:54 IT’S TAB! HEY TAB!
1:01:09 Babe <3 GRANT <3
1:01:29 Ahahaha Roe, I see you strategically placed yourself where you could stare at Babe 😉
1:01:59 Only 63 men left? Oh </3
1:02:00 Ahh Joe/Charlie <3 Bill <3 We love and miss you
1:02:20 RICH <333333 I LOVE YOU RICH <3333333 GOODBYE RICH <333333333333
1:02:39 Fuck Speirs is hot
1:02:53 The flirting <3 shooting looks at each other aw
1:03:09 Boys, stop checking each other out. You’re literally in a church full of nuns, go somewhere else to expend your sexual tension, jeez.
1:03:41 Flirting via talk of Roman soldiers, I dig it
1:04:28 Oh God, guys, this bit. Other than the propensity of my angel son, compared to usual, this is the only good part of the episode, I am here for the Speirton!
               “You don’t have any idea who I’m talking about, do you?” HIS FACE IS SO SOFT
               “No, Sir.” Lip, sweetie.
               “Hell, it was you, first sergeant.”
Speirs’ is in love right back. And his continued flirting re battlefield commission GOD. The way he looks at Lip… you deserve the hottest guy in the whole show, Lip, proud of you sweetie.
1:06:48 Annnnnd everything fucking hurts.
 To summarise, I am kinda appeased by the glorious glory that is Spierton. Rich and Penk and Hoob and Renee are FINE. THEY JUST SO HAPPEN TO BE OFF-SCREEN. IT’S FINE. I’M FINE ABOUT IT.
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Survey #293
“your head upon a stick would look really sick, but they would call me crazy for the way i spoke to it”
Hey bitch, what's your fucking name? What a start, jc lmao. Brittany. What color are your nails? They're not painted. Last time you got some ass? Well this survey's gonna be a journey. Many years ago. Do your parents like your style/music choices? Yeah, at least most of it. Some music my mom really doesn't like or just hates, while I can't even imagine Dad's reaction to some bands I enjoy. Ever seen your parents make out? tbh would rather slam my ankle on a Razor scooter. What's your dream height and weight? Forget about my height, if I could just be at least 120 again... Do you put your hair up a lot or down? It's too short to put up. Most of the time do you straighten or curl your hair? Neither. What do you do when your house loses power? Light a bunch of candles and carry flashlights. What piercing do you hate? I'm not a fan of cheek piercings. Were you raised in a religious house? Yes. I grew up going to Sunday school and church, even though I hated both. Do your parents get mad when you're on the computer for hours? Gah... it was a very, very big source of argumentative fuel between Mom and me all the way up to my late teenage years when she just gave up; now, it's to be expected and is completely "normal." I always wanted to be on the computer once I was introduced to it; she tried to limit my time on it, and it was without fail what she would take away whenever I was grounded. I'd even sneak onto it when I wasn't allowed to if she wasn't home and Dad was in their room. My mom really did try to keep me from being hooked on technology, she really did, it just didn't work, but dear god I wish it did. I just about turn into a caveman without some form of it, and it's pretty pathetic. Dad meanwhile has never really cared much, but he'd make a comment here and there that would make me self-conscious about it. Have you ever been asked for a nude picture? No, and guess who would be ignored for the rest of their lives if they did. It's so fucking disrespectful and objectifying to me. If someone wants to send a partner something like that by their own volition, that's cool, but asking, that just seems incredibly rude to me and turns the person into an object of lust. Ever been so scared you pissed? Caaan't say I have. Can you watch scary movies at night and not be scared? Yeah, they've never really fazed me. Last reason you got your cell taken away? I actually don't know if that's ever happened, given the aforementioned computer thing. I was never hooked on my phone. Could you handle working on a farm? Nooooo, that is way too much physical exertion. Have you ever been attacked by an animal? No. Have you ever had to put an animal to sleep? ugh Do you have a favorite type of firework? Well, visually I really just like the big colorful ones, but I don't endorse the use of fireworks anymore. Some animals literally die from fear, they can be seriously upsetting to veterans with PTSD (you could have one in your neighborhood and never know you indirectly gave them a panic attack), and they're a large source of litter. Where would/did you get your first tattoo? My right wrist. What's your favorite kind of pet? Snakes. Favorite dinosaur? Spinosaurus is obviously the coolest. It's always been my fave. How many pets do you have? Sigh, just two. Our landlord doesn't want us to get anymore pets than what we came in with. What were two of your favorite Disney movies as child? The Lion King and Finding Nemo. They're still my favorite Disney movies. When carving pumpkins, how do you decide what you're going to do? I haven't carved a pumpkin in years... so idk. Do you own any art supplies? Some, yeah. Do you believe you have a higher IQ than most? Definitely not. What is the name of the doctor that delivered you? I have no clue. Mom knows him for sure because she's mentioned him from my childhood, but I don't. Have you ever seen a Lamborghini in person? Hunny, I live in rural North Carolina. You don't see that level of bougie here lmao. Shane Dawson: funny or annoying? I honestly think he's fucking hilarious. I just have such conflicting feelings about him after "the drama," hearing so many people's opinions (particularly from those who know him so well, like his fiance and Ryland's sister), fact checking, audio cutting and mixing, the whole "people change" philosophy... I don't know. When you have a container of Neapolitan ice cream, what flavor do you leave for last? I ain't touchin' strawberry. Gross. If you could choose to have any superpower ever, what would you pick? I'd wanna be a shapeshifter/druid. What would you be more embarrassed to buy: sex toys or adult diapers? Yikes, sex toys. Given my age, I'd say if I bought adult diapers, people would assume they weren't for me. I'm awkward enough with all things relating to sex to begin with, so. What’s the biggest animal you’ve ever killed? Yo wtf I never have and never will (intentionally) kill an animal. Well, correction: I've killed bugs before, the biggest probably being some spider or something, but I really try to avoid this now. Could you win the Hunger Games? lol hell to the fuck no, have you seen me??? For you, would getting amnesia be a good thing? ... Maybe? Not saying I wanna find out, though. Have you ever been punched in the face? No, plan on keeping it that way. Is morality universal or relative? I question this myself. Who is your favorite late night talk show host? I don't have one. Where do you put your keys when you get home? They stay in my purse. Do you prefer hot coffee or iced coffee? Neither. The sheer variety of questions relating to coffee and tea in surveys boggles my mind, always feel left out that I can't answer 'em lmao. What’s your phone background picture? My lock screen is this pretty, soft aesthetic screen that has "i am strong, i am loved, i am enough" written in the center. I've really needed it for my mental health lately. My home screen is some meerkats. I know, can you believe neither are currently Mark? Have you ever seen a snake in the wild? Plenty. How do you cope with anxiety? Deep breathing, mindfulness and grounding exercises, confiding in my mom, listening to music (usually my favorite calm, instrumental soundtracks, like from the Silent Hill franchise - particularly the second game! - or Shadow of the Colossus), try to nap, play a game as a distraction, watch my favorite YouTubers (typically something funny)... I'm lucky to have learned a lot. Now, if only I could cope with social anxiety... What was the last takeout food you ate? Oh Jesus, how embarrassing is this timing, seeing as it was one of my unhealthiest fast food orders: Son of the Baconator and Baconator fries from Wendy's. It was so fuckin good tho. Who makes you laugh the most? My friend Girt. What does a successful relationship look like to you? One with great communication and total honesty, and when you are able to build each other up and bring out the best in your partner. It's also imperative for you to feel safe being your authetic safe for me to consider it "successful." What do you like to put on your baked potato? "Salt, pepper, butter, cheese, bacon bits." <<<< That's how we do it, lads. What was the most memorable birthday you’ve had? My 16th, but not for good reasons. Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains? That's easy as hell, mountains. I don't like the beach. Do you look in the mirror before you leave the house? Yeah. Not gonna like what I see no matter what, but I'd like to make sure I don't look worse whan what's normal. Have you ever seen someone quit their job in a dramatic way? No. What do you like to dip your fries in? It varies between ketchup and honey mustard. What’s your favorite kind of museum? Science. Do you believe in alternate universes? Nah, I don't think so. Whose house did you last visit? My older sister's. What games do you play on your smart phone? Mostly just Pokemon GO nowadays. I haven't touched Dragons of Atlantis in a long time... Do you know anyone who is colorblind? Jason's older brother is red/green colorblind, I think? Are you the youngest, middle or eldest child in your family? Middle. What’s something you’ve been meaning to do but keep putting off? Ugh, I need to finish decorating my damn room... Got most of the stuff on the walls now, but it's still pretty skeletal in self expression. My motivation is abysmal. Have you ever flown a kite? Oh yeah, I loved to fly a kite with Dad as a little kid when the tobacco field just across the road was barren. Who was the last person you talked about sex/relationships with? My doctor. How many brothers does your father have? I'm almost certain he doesn't have one, just one sister. Do you think you act older or younger than your actual age? It depends on the situation. When it comes to "adulting," I don't have a fuckin clue what I'm doing. I doubt anyone would believe I'm a month shy of 25. In terms of general maturity, I think I act my age, if not older. When was the last time you swam in a pool? It's been years. What are your parents' views on your relationships? Mom is always very supportive so long as they treat me right; she's taken to all my previous partners very well and treated them like family, too. My dad is also supportive as long as I'm treated properly and happy. Is your best friend dating anyone? No. Have you ever babysat before? Twice, but not really willingly. Way too stressful. Do you delete pictures of you and your exes off of Facebook? It took a very, very long time, but all pictures with Jason are forever deleted. Ever had a huge crush on someone who still doesn’t know? Not a huge crush, no. Ever watched porn? No. You do you, but I don't see the appeal of watching some random people fuck. Ever performed in a talent show? No. Would you audition for a reality talent competition? Nope. How many celebrity crushes have you had? I'd say Jesse McCartney, Link Neal, and Mark Fischbach are my only BIG celeb crushes I've had. How many non-celebrity crushes have you had? I dunno, don't feel like reaching back and counting. Ever been compared to a celebrity? Not visually, but with my adoration of animals. Have any embarrassing pictures on Facebook? Oh, I'm sure. None that are horribly embarrassing though, or else I would have deleted them. Ever seen a therapist? I've regularly seen a therapist since the 6th grade. Ever purposely ignored a text? Yep. A Facebook message? Sure have, when I was beyond done arguing with a former friend. A friend request? No, I just decline or accept it. My page is private, so you can't see my activity, and it's not like they get notified if it's declined, Would you say you read into things too much? I am the fucking sovereign of this. If you turned out exactly like your mom would you be pleased? I love my mom to death, but no. I'd be disappointed. Ever had a credit card denied? I've never had one in the first place. Ever had the lead in a play? No. I do remember though in elementary school, I was real bummed that I wasn't Snow White for one we did for Music class. What about a solo in a concert? Never been in a concert. Would it bother you if you found out that your mother was pregnant? Well. One, she's long past menopause. Two, because of ovarian cancer, she had all those organs removed. So, that would be impossible. Have you ever had a threesome? No; I'm personally strictly monogamous and would feel it to be disloyal, even if my parnter was okay with it. What's the last game you used dice for? Not a clue. Are you interested in surfing at all? Have you ever been? No. What brand of bottled water do you prefer? Essentia. What is your favorite type of bird? Barn owls. What is your favorite chocolate candy? motherfuckin REESE'S Have you ever been called a racial slur? No, considering I'm Caucasian. Why did you last stand in line? I was at the doctor's office, I think? What is your favorite pirate movie? /shrug What is your favorite character from Orange Is the New Black? I've never watched it. What was the most unsettling film you’ve seen? Watching the ending to Paranormal Entity was VERY uncomfortable. It was a decently scary movie, but the ending was seriously intense. When was the last time you were snooping, and found something you wish you hadn’t? I don't recall. Which celebrity or band has the worst fan base? I don't know. What are you interested in that most people aren’t? The sheer degree of my love for meerkats would definitely be missed by probably most people. What smartphone feature would you actually be excited for a company to implement? I dunno. Anything I could think of, the most current products probably already have and I'm just uninformed of them. Like, I use a Tracfone lmao. What’s something people don’t worry about but really should? Their plastic usage and disposal. I'm certainly no saint when it comes to plastic either, but I try to do all I can. What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis? Hm, ARE there any? Do you think that children born today will have better or worse lives than their parents? This depends on what you consider "better" and "worse." Environmentally, I honestly don't think mankind can maintain itself for that many more generations at the rate we're currently at, so that's probably just gonna keep getting worse. On the other hand, advances in medicine and things like that will certainly continue to improve quality of life in that sense. Human rights are getting better and better. I do fear that we're becoming too comfortable with laziness and convenience, but I hope that's a decline we don't continue to venture down. What’s the funniest actual name you’ve heard of someone having? I had a college classmate named Apple. Which charity or charitable cause is most deserving of money? Oh, come on now. It's not a competition. What game have you spent the most hours playing? So. When you type /played in World of Warcraft, it will show you your total playtime, and mine is YIKES. Like, around a year's worth of time of pure playing since 2014, I think. What’s the most comfortable bed or chair you’ve ever been in? I don't recall. What’s the hardest you’ve ever worked? When I did WiiFit religiously and lost around 40 pounds in HS. I was in the best shape of my life. What movie, picture, or video always makes you laugh no matter how often you watch it? Oh, there's certainly something. Probably some Unus Annus clip. That channel was a fucking blessing and a curse all the same. If you could have an all-expenses paid trip to see any famous world monument, which monument would you choose? Oh boy, I'd have to think, but probably somewhere in Rome or Greece. What’s the coldest you’ve ever been? I'm unsure. Probably jumping in the pool as a kid. My sisters and I would nag Dad to put the pool up on like the very first day of spring, so of course it was cold, but as a kid, I didn't mind that. What’s the most ridiculous thing you have bought? Hm. What’s the most depressing meal you’ve eaten? Ha ha yiiiikes, struggle foods... I don't know, but I've had some. What outdoor activity haven’t you tried, but would like to? Herping, though I change my mind on-and-off about it. I'm not very into the idea of disturbing wildlife just because they're cool and you wanna check them out. I'd totally go exploring with a camera, though, and not actually pick anything up. If you were given five million dollars to open a small museum, what kind of museum would you create? Hm... I actually think something like an art museum for the mentally ill would be pretty interesting and educational? Even something that could build empathy. Maybe mix some psychology in there to understand conditions.
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salvatoreselena · 3 years
and, if it's not too many, Once Upon a Time!
the first character i ever fell in love with: charming
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: I guess rumple kind of falls under this category 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: rumple and belle
my ultimate favorite character™: regina 
prettiest character: emma
my most hated character: is it weird that i like rumple in the enchanted forest but hate gold lmao
my OTP: snow and charming 
my NOTP: rumple and belle
favorite episode: the heart of the truest believer
saddest death: graham and baelfire/neal
favorite season: season 3
least favorite season: season 7
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: n/a
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: hook
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: everyone 
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: n/a
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: there really isn’t one tbh haha 
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