#NS Katie
iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 8 months
very much not stressed about the literal first game of the session
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fly-rye · 1 year
oh hey, i wrote something
the first of my leon/james one-shots based on the half-doomed and semi-sweet series that katie (@wanderingmoonmen) and I have been doing! (also the first thing i've ever posted to ao3, damn)
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chenziee · 1 year
Last of my pieced for the @yamabrozine! Some Momo & Yamato with a liberal sprinkle of murder and a dash of blood... or is it the other way around?
Shout out to my beta once again for their immense help and support <3
[ Read on AO3 | Yamato zine fics ]
I’m leaving Wano with Luffy and his friends tomorrow. I can’t believe the day is finally here! I’ve dreamt of leaving Onigashima, leaving this country, and seeing the world for so many years and now it’s finally happening!
I’m so excited but so nervous. My first real adventure… I can’t wait to see what the outside world has in store for me——————
“What happened?!” 
“Where’s Momonosuke-sama?!”
Yamato looked up from his journal at the noise outside, ignoring the ugly smear his brush had made. He could hear people shouting and running all over the castle and he frowned. Did something happen to Momonosuke?
Quickly getting up from his seat, Yamato grabbed his kanabo and ran out of his room in search of some answers.
“What’s going on?!” he asked the first samurai who attempted to run past him, catching the man’s arm to stop him in his tracks. 
The samurai looked at him, his face twisted with panic. “Some remnants of the Beast Pirates attacked! We don’t know where Momonosuke-sama is!!”
At those words, Yamato’s grip on the samurai’s elbow loosened, his arm falling limply to his side as dread ran through him. If they caught the boy now, when he was exhausted after everything that happened during the battle, after he carried the whole of Onigashima to the ground, after the long post-battle celebrations…. He didn’t want to even think about it.
He didn’t want to think about it but even so, the images were flashing through his mind and the longer he stood there, the more his face twisted in anger—fury was licking at his insides, threatening to break out of his body; to burst through his skin and tear his flesh to shreds.
If anything happened to Momonosuke, there was going to be hell to pay.
Yamato’s steps faltered until he froze completely at the entrance to the dimly lit Oden Shrine.
His vision went black as he stared at the body on the ground—unmoving. The face was hard to see in the shadows cast by the flickering light of the lanterns… but Yamato would recognise those deceivingly mature features anywhere.
There were several Beast Pirates surrounding Momonosuke’s adult body, breathing heavily with weapons in hands.
There was the scent of blood in the air.
A scent which was calling to the deepest parts of Yamato’s soul, the parts that had long become one with his devil fruit. The parts that were making him thirsty.
Yamato closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He savoured the smell, let it swirl in his lungs and kindle the fire of anger burning brightly in his chest.
He exhaled slowly.
And his eyes snapped open.
Before he so much as moved, two of the Beast Pirates dropped to the ground, unconscious. Unable to stand up to his Supreme King haki. Pathetic. They wouldn’t even be worth fighting but they had touched what they shouldn’t have—whom they shouldn’t have. Tainted him, broke him right in front of Yamato’s eyes.
It didn’t matter if Momonosuke ended up being alright.
It didn’t matter if they didn’t hurt him past knocking him out.
None of it mattered.
Yamato wasn’t letting them walk out of there.
Another growl echoed around the shrine; this time louder, more menacing… but Yamato’s ears could barely make it out. It was his voice but it seemed foreign, coming from so far away… and he didn’t care. He only cared about the way his arms grew, the bones cracking and breaking before mending again and again, moving just below his skin; making the flesh rise and fall while the bones underneath grew larger, longer, stronger.
Yamato barely noticed the pain of the transformation; he ignored the rapidly healing fractures, the prickling of his skin as fur grew out, the ache from his teeth shifting and becoming sharper.
He could smell the blood even clearer now. It was making his mouth water.
His kanabo slipped out of his hand… and he let it fall. The heavy clang that resounded around the room when it hit the floor was the only cue he needed; he shot forward, towards the group of pirates frozen in fear at the sight of Yamato’s hybrid form.
It was so funny.
Did they really think they could get away with harming the Shogun of Wano? Did they really think they could do it quietly and then leave before anyone was the wiser, before anyone learned anything about it? Hilarious.
They should have known.
They should have known that Yamato would find them.
“Young master, wait!!” one of them cried.
Hah. Yamato’s lips curled into a sneer. How nice of this guy to volunteer.
Immediately, Yamato changed his course, leaping at the man who had spoken. Calling him his ‘young master’. As if Yamato had ever cared about that title, or any of his father’s men. He was glad to have this opportunity. Maybe he should thank them for their stupidity.
Yamato’s mouth fell open, exposing his razor sharp teeth. Teeth that were itching; tingling, aching, begging to sink into something. To sate this hunger, this thirst.
He didn’t fight the craving.
The man stumbled back at the impact, crashing to the ground under the weight of Yamato’s body but Yamato didn’t stop. The second his teeth closed around the poor bastard’s throat—
He bit down.
Thick, bitter liquid poured into his mouth at the same time as screams filled his ears. Delicious. Yamato gulped down the blood, savouring the rich taste on his tongue; he let the terrified voices envelop him like a sweet accompaniment to his feast.
The perfect setting.
He bit down harder, the body in his grasp going limp as consciousness slowly left his body. How weak Kaido’s men were. It didn’t even take two seconds. Oh, well.
Not easing his bite, Yamato put one of his beastly hands on the bastard’s face and pulled back—ripping his throat out.
Closing his eyes, he took a moment to relish in the feeling; in the warm, warm blood sliding down his throat, in the screams quieting down to pathetic whimpers. A music to his ears.
Only when a soft thump interrupted the beautiful, bloodcurdling melody did he crack his eyes open again. Slowly, his gaze slid towards the rest of the group of attackers, impassively looking at them one by one, his stare cold.
Finally spitting out the flesh between his teeth, Yamato slowly licked his mouth, his canine tongue reaching all the way up to his cheek. He could taste blood on his fur; warm, tasty, red blood.
He wondered what he looked like now. His fur stained with crimson, haki radiating off of him, freezing fury in his eyes. When he exhaled, he could see his breath; he was sure his horns were covered in frost by then too. 
Did he look like a demon right now?
Did he finally fit the ‘Ogre Princess’ title?
He hoped so.
He hoped they were shaking in fear at the very sight of him, regretting ever daring to even think about touching Momonosuke.
Who was going to be next? The first one had died too quickly; it was no fun. Yamato was going to take his time with the rest of them. He couldn’t wait to sink his teeth into their flesh, to shred their skin with his claws. Was it possible to scrape the meat off of a bone, tendon by tendon, fibre by fibre, vein by vein… while the person was conscious?
He was going to find out. 
“Which bones do you think the dogs in Okobore Town like best?” Yamato asked, the humidity in the air turning into ice crystals under his breath.
None of them answered his question. 
Not that Yamato cared; he was going to take one bone out of each of them and ask the dogs himself. But first…
“No running away, you boring maggots.” Yamato’s voice echoed around the shine, a deep rumble that promised nothing but pain.
THe maggots in question stopped their scrambling as tears glistened in their eyes, pathetic whimpers on their lips. Three were sitting on the ground after their legs had given out, two were still standing, all five trembling as they stared back at Yamato, frozen.
…funny thought, that one.
Yamato bared his teeth, a canine smile with no warmth or amusement. He took a deep breath, holding the air in his lungs for a moment before letting it go, freezing the ground of the entire shrine—except the area where Momonosuke was lying, unconscious—effectively keeping the poor bastards in place.
A dark smirk pulled on Yamato’s lips as they started shouting, screaming, panicking, tugging at their legs to try and get free of the thick layer of ice. As if they could.
As if Yamato would let them.
After all, there was nowhere to run without legs, right?
Yamato leaped forward, appearing right next to the closest pirate. Without hesitation, he pulled his arm back… then thrust down.
For a moment, there was silence; silence that was only interrupted by the cracking of ice—chipping, breaking, shattering. More and more, into tiny little pieces; glittering beautifully like fairy dust.
Red, deep red fairy dust.
And then, a scream tore through the shrine.
“My leg!! My leg’s fucking gone!!”
“Save me, please!!”
“I’m sorry, young master! Forgive me!!”
Ignoring the disgraceful crying, Yamato carefully studied the larger ice crystals on the floor. What a beautiful colour they were, like rubies or strawberry hard candy. He wondered; did it taste as delicious as it looked? Would it be as refreshing as a slice of watermelon on a hot summer day, the ice melting on his tongue while leaving behind chilly liquid? Or would it still be rich and smooth? Only one way to find out.
Yamato licked his mouth slowly. He reached out with his long arm, carefully picking up one of the fragments—then let his jaws fall open. Gently, almost gingerly, he placed the ice on his tongue, closing his eyes.
For a moment, he tasted nothing. The cold was numbing his tongue, making a shiver run down his spine. But after a moment, the heat of his mouth started chipping at the ice; bit by bit, drop by drop, atom by atom, it melted on his tongue, bursting with flavour.
Metallic, powerful flavour; smooth and deliciously chilly with pieces of meat like the pulp in freshly squeezed orange juice, and Yamato didn’t fíght the satisfied moan rumbling in his chest. It was better than he had imagined. He eagerly let it melt more and more, filling his mouth with the sweet taste of meat and blood.
He could smell it all around him now, the aroma that made his mouth water even more while he sucked on the frozen treat, letting it roll on his long tongue, savouring it. He tried to gulp down the liquid quickly gathering inside his mouth but some of it dribbled down from the corner of his lips, running down to his chin; a delicious contrast between his pristine white fur and the deep red trail sparkling in the flickering light.
Slowly opening his eyes, Yamato looked at the pirates lazily, one terrified face to the other. They looked so pathetic and Yamato almost felt bad about the slow, hungry smirk that pulled on his lips at the sight.
He wanted to tear them to shreds, to pieces so tiny no one would be able to tell they used to be human at some point—hearts crushed, eyes clawed out, throats bitten apart, vocal cords ripped out, wrists chewed through, legs shattered. 
Blood licked up, sating Yamato’s thirst.
Six lives snuffed out—by now, for no reason other than Yamato’s own amusement.
Was it wrong? Maybe.
Would Momonosuke hate him if he saw him like this? Definitely.
Did he care right then?
These men’s lives were forfeit the moment they set foot in this sacred shrine of Oden. Whatever game Yamato played—it didn’t make a difference.
Momonosuke was still on the ground, his breathing shallow.
They had to pay for that.
Yamato took a step forward, his grin growing even more vicious. 
Who should he break next?
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9acloset · 2 years
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No Surveillance | Katie 1x03
Lamarque Dabria Bomber Jacket in Black - 495,00€
Generation Love Milo Vegan Leather Short in Black - 281,00€
LA PERLA Maison Contouring Bodysuit - 445,60€
GUESS Ladie - $169.00
MeMoi Hide & Seek Fishnet Stockings - EUR 19.10
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no part 3 today but here’s a glimpse of y/ns life before she started struggling :)
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y/nmccabe: yeah the winnn 🏆🙌
liked by leahwilliamson, Katie_mccabe11 and 14,789 others
Katie_mccabe11: proud of you 💚
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Kyracooneyx: fav irish gal 🫶
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^ Katie_mccabe11: 😢😢
Stephcately: double checking you definitely have no aussie in your blood???
^ Katie_mccabe11: over my dead body
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proud to be irish, proud to be your sister 🫶
liked by deniseosullivan10, caitlin foord and 21,345 others
alessia: see you there 😉
Katie_mccabe11: love you miss you already 😢💚
caitlinfoord: yeah the snotty nose
^ mcfoordsfan32: bahaha caitlin😂😂
^ y/nmccabe: your mean.
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y/nmccabe: football, sunsets, friends what more could you want ❤️
liked by Katie_mccabe11, caitlinfoord and 16,876 others
Katie_mccabe11: give my jumper back rn
^ y/nmccabe: no😘
^ Katie_mccabe11: yes.
kyracooneyx: me??
^ y/nmccabe: maybe xo
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y/nmccabe: Suns out bums out 😌
liked by Katie_mccabe11, victoriapelova and 8,789 others
Katie_mccabe11: come back now xx
^ y/nmccabe: v soon
y/nfanaccount45: Suns out come to arsenal 😜
teyah.goldie: @katie_mccabe11: she didn’t listen to the sunscreen rule
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y/nmccabe: fun
liked by caitlinfoord, stephcately and 10,823 others
Katie_mccabe11: it’s 2am
^ y/nmccabe: i know queen
^ katie_mccabe11: go home.
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y/nmccabe: pizza night 🍕
tagged: katie_mccabe11, Caitlinfoord, Teyah.goldie
Liked by teyah.goldie, kyracooneyx and 19,964 others
Teyah.goldie: you didn’t post the other photo :(
^ y/nmccabe: don’t wanna break the internet xo
^ mccabefan56: what does this mean
^ arsenalfan12: WHAT PHOTO TEYAH
Katie_mccabe11: my pizza was the best
^ y/nmccabe: 👎
Kyracooneyx: 💔
^ y/nmccabe: YOU WERE BUSY?!!?
katiemccabesbiggestfan: oh to be katie mccabes sister
^ y/nmccabe: more like to be y/nmccabes sister 😉
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y/nmccabe: good win today :)
ps. the goal WAS for you kats
liked by Katie_mccabe11, kyracooneyx and 15,789 others
gracemoloney1: she hasn’t shut up about your goal all day 😖
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^ y/nmccabe: you jealous 🤨
Katie_mccabe11: your incredible, love you ❤️
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lottewubbenmoy: baller
liked creator
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writinground2 · 9 months
List 2: 70 and 73 with McCabe❤️
70 - I like that about you
73 - you do have a stupid face
Stupid Face - Katie McCabe
“I’ll trade you my orange slices for your cookie,” Y/N held her plate out with the orange slices to the group of young kids around her, “come on, they’re super strict during season, I gotta sneak all the extra snacks I can.”
The girls all giggled, but adamantly shook their heads about making a trade. Y/N sighed and made a show of begrudgingly eating her orange slices. She bit into one, leaving the peel to cover her teeth and made funny faces to the group, “you guys missed out.” 
Katie watched across the lunchroom while Y/N kept her group entertained. She wasn’t having any of the same luck, all the girls in her group didn’t seem to like her, they swarmed to Caitlin. 
The Arsenal team was having an event with one of the underprivileged after school programs in the area. They were hosting girls and gender diverse people of all ages for the day. The players paired up and were in groups with the kids, leading them through drills on the pitch. They had already done a morning session and were currently having lunch, before getting to go back out for a scrimmage with the players for the afternoon. 
Katie thought she was good with kids, but apparently not so much. She sighed as she looked around the room, noticing all the other players seemed to be getting on great in their groups. Y/Ns all seemed to be hanging off her every word and action. As soon as she stood up to put her tray away, everyone at her table scrambled to put theirs away too. 
Y/N called attention to the rest of the room, informing everyone they would be starting back on the pitch in fifteen minutes, asking everyone to clean up behind them before making their way outside. 
The youth all followed her direction, putting their garbage where it belonged and tucked their chairs in before leaving the cafeteria. 
Everyone was directed around the pitch for a warmup before they would start a few mini scrimmage games against all the players. 
Y/N wandered around with an armful of different colour pinnies, distributing them at random to everyone on the pitch. 
The field was split into four sections, each section would have a scrimmage on it, winning team would stay, while the losing team would move to another pitch. Y/N sent an Arsenal player with each colour pinnie to separate pitch to help sort the teams. 
Calling everyone to the centre, Y/N explained what the rotation would be and that everyone would need to stay with their team colour for the afternoon, “now, the first team to have their whole team together, gets to start the first game with three goals! Go!” 
All the youth took off in search of their respective colour, the Arsenal players each calling for their team to find them. It was chaos while all the kids frantically searched for the right colour pinnies. 
Thankfully Katie wouldn’t oversee a team, she would be helping with a few other players to ref the games and help rotate everyone around the pitch. 
As the last few youths found their team, they all started yelling that they won, a few cheering victoriously before Y/N had a chance to announce who had actually won. 
Y/N pretended to look like she was thinking about it for a minute, looking at each team. “I don’t know, that was pretty close. Katie, who do you think won?” 
Katie blushed at being the centre of attention, she normally didn’t mind it, but after having such a rotten morning with the kids, she didn’t want to make it worse by choosing the wrong team. 
“You’re having a really good hair day Y/N!” Caitlin called, trying to encourage her team being chosen. 
“Y/N I think every day is a good hair day for you,” Leah called from the pitch over, sticking her tongue out at the Aussie in rebuttal. 
Y/N laughed and listened while the Arsenal players all called out compliments to her, some of the youth joining in as well. 
“You have a great face!” was called from one of the youngest kids. 
“I do have a great face! Thank you!” Y/N called back, “red team with the win!” 
The team with red pinnies jumped up and down, celebrating the small win. 
The Arsenal players that were acting as refs for the games called their pitches together to get the games started. 
Y/N wandered over to where Katie was talking to one of the youths and both seemed to be upset. 
“I don’t like you and your stupid face!” the girl shouted at the brunette before turning to storm towards Y/N. 
Y/N intercepted her to see what happened. The girl explained Katie had sent her to sit on the sideline for being too rough with another younger player. Y/N school her features to not laugh at the irony of Katie telling someone they were too rough. 
“We’re all here to have fun today kiddo. Katie wasn’t saying you’re done for the day just that sometimes players need a minute to cool off, so they play better,” Y/N knelt to be the same height, waiting for the girl to nod, “alright, why don’t you go sit with your team for a bit and when you’re ready you can play again.”
The girl gave Y/N a small nod. Y/N smiled and walked her over to where the rest of her team was, “how about after the games are done, we go give Katie an apology for yelling at her?”
She seemed to think about it for a second but gave Y/N a small nod. 
“Good choice,” Y/N gave her a high five and the left the team to it. 
“She’s right you know,” Katie gave her a strange look as they cleaned up the pitch at the end of the day, “you do have a stupid face.”
Katie rolled her eyes. She knocked the cones out of Y/N’s hands and went to pounce on her, but Y/N took off before she could. 
“You didn’t let me finish!” she called over her shoulder. 
Katie caught up to her and scooping her up and jokingly throwing her to the ground. Y/n wriggled around until she was on top. 
“I was going to say you do have a stupid face,” she pinched both of Katies cheeks, “but I like that about you.”  
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captainwans · 1 month
she looks absolutely gorgeous…and he’s there! (smau)
arabella series!
pairing: alex turner x fem! actress reader
summary: the media and fans are taking a liking to y/n being apart of alex’s life, but there’s also a downside when your relationship gets public and having to deal with haters and nasty comments.
timeline: 2014
note: this format / layout is heavily inspired by my love @ithinkimokeei 🩶
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Liked by elizabetholsenofficial, imsebastianstan and others
yourinstagram a little breakie 🍸✨ (feat. cindy’s legs)
 ㅤ View all the comments
username she’s so fine bro
username ok but let’s talk about the dress 😍
username i would bark for her if she asked me 🐕
elizabetholsenofficial cindy those LEGS 😩
iamcindy damn liz i’m married 😪
username lmao cindy
username she’s so real tho
username how many letters in y/n y/l/n
username gorgeous woman ❤️
username she’s literally so wife hello??
mileskane why did you tag cindy and not me 🙄 i took those photos 😒
iamcindy bc i’m her best friend and she prioritizes me before anyone else duh
mileskane oh really? she didn’t say that last night
matthelders i can already smell a fight coming through mileskane iamcindy
iamcindy yourinstagram you cheater
mileskane iamcindy *you’re a cheater wtf 😭
yourinstagram what i can’t have both of you as my besties? 🙃
iamcindy no ❤️
mileskane no ❤️
 ㅤ yourinstagram just tagged mileskane in her photo
mileskane thank you love 😘
username the heart im dead 😭😭
username NOT THE HEART IM—
username istg her comment section is like watching an episode of the office
username i love mindy!! fav couple
iamcindy ew they have a ship name for us mileskane see what you did idiot
mileskane i didn’t even do anything???
username it’s so funny how they interact like they haven’t been married for 7 years pls
username this is so funny im crying
username cindy 😭😭😭😂😂
breanahelders you two need to log off insta and touch some grass or smth
katiee_cook_ leave y/ns comment section iamcindy and mileskane
iamcindy ok mom and dad 🙄🙄
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Liked by sabrinacarpenter, breanahelders and others
yourinstagram about last night 🖤 🚬#leedsfestival2014 arcticmonkeys
 ㅤ yourinstagram has tagged katiee_cook, breanahelders and iamcindy
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username y/n y/l/n is so arctic monkeys coded
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username you can’t see it but i’m the smoke
username katie is so pretty oh my godd
elizabetholsenofficial how did you manage to make time to fly to leeds i’m here stuck inside my trailer 😭
yourinstagram i didn’t really plan on going lol i acted on impulse
robertdowneyjr breaking the rules y/n? 👀
cobiesmulders ^ bc you missed your man just say that y/n 😉
yourinstagram cobiesmulders yes that’s true 😩
yourinstagram pls don’t tell joss robertdowneyjr
username she got her prioritizes straight i mean if alex was my man i would do the same
marvel i’m snitching.
yourinstagram marvel which side are you on? 🙄
username breana looks so fine 🥵
mileskane you’re gonna give alex a heart attack if you keep showing up unannounced
yourinstagram i already did when he saw me in the crowd 😘
iamcindy memorable i actually got that on camera you should’ve seen his face what a fucking simp <3
yourfriend ^! went from 😲😯 to 😄😉😘
username yourfriend and what a coincidence when he was just about to sing arabella
 ㅤ Liked by yourinstagram, iamcindy and yourfriend
username i remember that omg it was so cute!! and the camera even showed y/ns reaction in the crowd
username pls they’re so in love it makes me cry i want what they have 😩😩
username the first pic is doing smth to me 😩
username y/n you will always be famous
breanahelders best night ever ❤️
katiee_cook_ j unforgettable 😍
iamcindy had the best night ever babe 😙
yourinstagram breanahelders katiee_cook_ iamcindy my girls 💕💘💖
yoursister i need some context on the last picture are y’all okay?
katiee_cook_ there was a bunch of paps outside and wanted a picture and y/n being y/n decided to pose by leaning against the window upside down
breanahelders you can literally see alex having a stroke while holding her for dear life 😂
username help- why did jamie pull out his guitar 😭😭
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Liked by yoursister, zendaya and others
yourinstagram fashion week never disappoints ✨
 ㅤ View all the comments
username forget alex i want HER 😩
username i love her new stylist!! the outfits fits her perfectly compared to her last stylist
username the woman you are y/n 🔥😍
iamcindy hey hottie ;)
mileskane you’re married remember :)
iamcindy you’re such a cockblocker🖕🏻
username not me always scrolling into y/ns comment section to see a mindy interaction
alexachung looking STUNNING my love ❤️
yourinstagram thank you beautiful 😘
username did i just miss a chapter?
username um that’s not—
username i didn’t know they were friends??
username i don’t think so they have briefly interacted on fashion shows and they were seen taking pictures and sitting beside each other
username that must be so awkward for alex having your gf and your ex sitting beside each other yikes
username username right they looked like they didn’t wanna sit beside each other did you see y/n’s face
username username even if they are that’s none of your business leave alex out of this
username i don’t see y/n and alex’s relationship to last long he’s clearly still in love with alexa and it’s just embarrassing for y/n really
username i miss alexa and alex they were a better couple and y/n is just using him for more fame and attention that whore
username y’all love to pit women against each other and change the narrative! first of all if you were at the fashion show you know that they weren’t sitting beside each other. it was literally two people sitting between them so they didn’t even interact at all (1)
username (2) and second of all mind you that they were grouped together and shared their interest with the designer which is why they took pictures. they looked pretty happy and smiley to me!
pinned comment 📌 yourinstagram the amount of hate in the comments makes me want to puke. if you don’t have anything nice to say keep it to yourself and spread the negative energy elsewhere. ❤️
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 ㅤ Liked by alexachung
iamcindy babe you’re too chill about this if i were you i would send hate letters to every single person.
username shajsjsj cindy
username i’m actually so scared of her i’m not even joking 😭
username i know not to mess with her damn
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) changing Y/Ns memories to whatever she wants pls
Y/N: who was my last girlfriend?
Jean: you never had a last one. It was only me
Y/N: okay
Jean: it’s not like you were hurt beyond belief.
Y/N: baby I love you and only you
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Fan cast: Katie Douglas as Jean Grey
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lovergirly · 11 months
Lip gallagher x reader
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So, I’m back! I love Lip. He’s hands down one of the best written characters. I have a whole story I want to set up with Lip and this Rich reader where they are polar opposites. I’m not proud of this, but this might be a little snippet of what it’s like after they’re already in an established relationship. but please help me come up with ideas for this!!! send in requests or messages or anything to help me come up with ideas!!
“have fun at cheer practice y/n!”
“I will mom, but i’m sleeping at katie’s house afterwards”
“that’s fine, see you tomorrow!”
You weren’t really going to cheer practice. In fact, you were going to your boyfriends house to stay the night. You see, you come from a wealthy side of town, and if your parents found out you were hanging out with the Gallagher kids… you don’t even want to know. You get into your expensive car and slowly make you way to the poorer side of chicago. On the way there you decide to walk into the Kash And Grab to grab a pack of cigarettes and a bottle for tonight.
“Hi Ian! You getting off work soon?”
“Hi y/n, i’ll be out soon! better save me some of that bottle.”
“you know it. want me to drive you home?”
he thinks about it for a second than concludes, “I’m okay, I’ll let you and Lip do your thing before I get home,” he says with a giggle.
You laugh as he rings up your stuff.
“i’ll save you a few shots when you get back.”
Pulling up to the Gallaghers, you felt at home. you walk in without knocking and immediately you’re invited to the chaos. V and Fi are screaming to each other about how they need to go to another club, Debbie and Carl and arguing, and Liam is just running around scribbling on some walls.
“hey guys”
you hear a chorus of “Y/NS” and you promise to talk to them as soon as you see Lip and get settled in. You go upstairs to the boys shared room and knock.
“you don’t have to knock y/n I know it’s you.”
you step in the room and see your boyfriend sitting at a small desk with a blunt in his mouth and pencil in hand, scribbling down answers to homework.
“watcha doingg?”
“this football players homework. said he’d give me $50 to write this essay for him.”
“well how about you rest on that for tonight because look what I got!” you flash him your bottle and cigarettes as he smiles and pulls you in for a quick hug and kiss.
“ugh I missed you baby. how was your day?”
“good! I went to the mall with hannah then I came here. do you like my new skirt?” you start shaking your ass a little as he goes to slap it.
“it’s hot for sure.”
eventually you and Lip settle in and you’re both pouring shots for each other while sharing a blunt. You’ve never been happier. Lip is able to make even the smallest things romantic. even while you can hear his family screaming about this that and the other downstairs. even when you’re in a shitty romeo and juliet like situation. even when everyone is rooting against you. you love him and he loves you.
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creative-heart · 2 months
"The one that got away" Enzo Vogrincic x fem! reader
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A/N: Hi! this is the first thing I’ve written in so long, so please be nice. If you have any constructive criticism it’s always welcomed, if it comes from love and respect. I really hope you like this, it’s inspired in kind of a mashup between “The one that got away” by Katy Perry and “Bride or groom” by India Parkman. it’s also written in a third person POV.
Warnings: Basically Angst, all angst, mild drinking. Whatever is in italics is thoughts.
Word Count: 1.6K
The one where reader never spoke up for her love towards Enzo
It had always been them two against the world, ever since kindergarten when Y/N being the bubbly extroverted redhead girl she had always been, all but adopted sweet shy Enzo, since day one they had been inseparable. Y/N's mom even started calling them June and Johny as they became teenagers, always up to some innocent mischief -from stealing the leftover vodka from the liquor cabinet to grabbing their parents car keys in the night to go take a drive around-. 
It had been so gradually that she had fallen for Enzo that Y/N couldn’t pin point the exact moment, maybe it was after the redhead called him crying at 2 in the morning because that douchebag boyfriend of hers broke it off at 15, or when he ran to the store for the first time to get her tampons cause she had ran out on a Sunday afternoon, and now, here they were. 
“Last day of summer” Y/N sighed looking off into the sunset, while she sat beside the raven haired guy on her parents house roof like they always did “who knew highschool would come and go so fast”.
“And you are abandoning me, breaking a 15 year old promise to never leave me alone…” Enzo retorted in an overly dramatic way just to make his best friend laugh,“I always knew you would leave though, that I would have to face this horrible world alone” and laugh she did while rolling her eyes nudging his side playfully.
“Not my fault you’re bound to be the next big screen hearthrob, and I need to go off to college, not all of us are made for stardom”, she absentmindedly passed the bottle to him before turning slightly to look at that beautiful face she had grown to love, Y/N bit the inside of her lip, once again arguing with herself trying to decide if she should tell him she loved him or not - come on Y/N don’t be such a fucking coward, he’s right here, tell him-, she opened her mouth and took a deep breath she was going to do it, she finally would, when his phone rang.
“Well, that’s me, my brother’s downstairs” he huffed standing up placing a kiss on the top of Y/Ns head “see you later fireball” he chuckled as he got off the roof carefully, the nickname he had given his friend when they were kids still made him laugh to this day, the girl hummed nodding and watched him leave.
Life got busy, and they saw eachother less and less with every passing year. Not that anything changed when they did get to hang out, some things never change -how handsome Enzo was, or how much Y/N loved him for example- their friendship was the exact same that it had always been. 
Y/N tapped her fingers anxiously on the table in the corner of the cafe where they had agreed to meet, five years had gone by and the freckled face woman still felt the same butterflies in her stomach when she was seeing him -he lived in Madrid fulltime now it made it easier for work and she was still back in Montevideo, she was working in a big time law firm, everyone knew she was gonna be a lawyer since forever, always had an argument for everything-. She looked at her phone again and sighed, he was already fifteen minutes late, he never was, she thought maybe this time, life had gotten too busy -he’s clearly not coming, don’t blame him though, he must be so busy- she thought to herself, as she was gathering her stuff to get up, she felt his hand on her shoulder and his usual kiss on the top of her head.
“Sorry fiery, I’m so late, parking in Madrid” he laughed- that oh so enchanting sound that always made her heart skip a beat-, as he sat down across from his lifelong friend. She smiled, everything was forgiven as soon as he looked at her with those dark eyes of his.
“Thought fame had finally gotten to you and you weren’t coming” she pouted while setting her phone back down, she looked at Enzo’s face, something was different, she could tell, something had been different for a bit now, and the change of scenery did nothing to apeace her mind. He rolled his eyes with a warm smile plastered on his face.
“I would never miss the chance to see my best friend are you crazy?” he smiled at the waiter as he brought over the coffee he had ordered on his way in. He took to stirring the sugar in it for way too long, trying to find the words of what he needed to tell Y/N, she looked at him, a tilt in her head, there was something wrong, she could tell, she knew him too well.
“spill it” she said keeping her eyes glued on him he chuckled “you know me to well Y/N/N” he looked up and smiled at her -here goes nothing- he thought.
“I’ve met someone… well…more than met, I have a girlfriend, her name is Marina” he smiled at the mention of her name, Y/N gulped, and forced a smile on her face- she was dying inside, but she would never let it show, not to him, not when he looked this happy. “We met a few months ago, through some mutual friends, she’s a doctor, you will love her. She loves cats and painting, just like you, I can’t wait for you to meet her” he kept rambling on about Marina, he couldn’t help himself, she was the best woman to ever walk this earth besides from Y/N, he KNEW they would get along well- he wanted them to at least, they’re both too important to him in one way or another.
Crap, you’re an idiot, you’re a fucking idiot she kept repeating to herself, Y/N felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach, each word her friend said taking it a bit lower, if she had only been braver on that roof when she had the chance- Smile Y/N- she reminded herself, her friend- that word stinging more than it had ever done now- was happy and that was the most important part…right? right.
And he had been right, Y/N eventually met Marina, and she was a sweetheart, and she loved Enzo, it showed, Y/N knew by the way the blonde looked at him that she loved him, because it was the same way she looked at him.
Y/N would be lying to herself if she said she never wished Enzo and Marina broke up, she never lost that hope, relationships not always worked out…hers didn’t at least. But they hadn’t, they seemed to be the perfect power couple, so when her Johny had told her they were getting married and  asked her to be his best woman, she couldn’t say no, she had to be honest, another five years had gone by and the sinking feeling in her gut had never left, it was there every time she saw a picture on his instagram of them two, it got worse every time one of her relationships failed, it just never left.
The twenty-eight year old, fearless woman, who no one wanted to come across in court, somehow felt small and fragile while she looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath forcing a smile on her face while finishing her make-up “okay, listen up you”- she gave her reflection a peptalk while she got ready- “you had your chance, you were too scared to take it, it was there and you let it slip away, you have no right to ruin his happiness you’re gonna stand there, you’re gonna be the friend Enzo needs, and you’re gonna tough it out”, the last part coming out shaky as she suppressed a sob, she downed the last of her wine glass and walked out.
She knocked on his door “En, you ready?” she said slightly opening it, just enough to see the most handsome man she had ever seen standing there fidgeting with his bowtie, she laughed and walked in “come’ere, let me help” she turned him around and fixed it for him “there, handsome as ever my dear Johny” she smiled softly looking at him. 
“I’m ready Junie” he smiled a warm, soft smile at her walking out and making their way to the gardens where the ceremony would take place.
As she walked down the aisle, Y/N couldn’t help but think what would have happened if she had been braver that hot day of summer ten years ago- if you had only said something, if you had spoken when you opened your mouth- she reprimanded herself as she walked and took her place beside the love of her life, not in the way she would have wanted, not in the way she still dreamt of every so often, but in the way she could.
When the music started and Marina made her way out, that’s when she finally understood, it didn’t matter what she felt, she could wonder all her life what would have happened if -she probably would if she was honest with herself for once- what would have happened if she’d only been braver, would she be the one walking down the aisle to meet the man she had loved for over ten years, the man she still loved to that day? that was something that she would never know, for now, she could only look at the Johny to her June, and fake the brightest smile as the love of her life, married the love of his.
A/N: aaarrghhh I’m so sorry about ending it on a down note, it just didn’t feel right to turn it all around, and it being inspired in those songs, wasn’t a happy ending, don’t hate me! please? 
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c-nstellati-ns · 2 years
OK imagine Caesar from jjba being cocky thinking he can get away with flirty with other people only for him to get fucked with the reader being the only one he can think of
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author's fic — y'all need to send more requests like this fr word count — 512 featuring — caesar zeppeli cw — NSFW CONTENT, implied cheating, degradation, hair pulling, dacryphilia, and spanking [twice]
all works belong to c-nstellati-ns ⓒ 2022. do not steal or repost. ask before translating.
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"Keep quiet, won't you whore?"
Your voice was harsh against his ears, Caesar had to swallow down the loud moan that threatened to spill past his lips. He covered his mouth as best he possibly could, but the way you were pounding him from behind… he wouldn't last much longer. It was his own fault anyways, flirting with those men and women in front of you like that, he deserved everything that was coming to him right now. Caesar's eyes welled up with unshed tears, he could barely hold himself up against the sink without his arms and legs buckling from the pleasure. Of course, you had to do all the work again.
"You love being the center of attention, don't you, Zeppeli? Panty chasing in public like that— such a fucking slut." You smacked him across the ass, hard. Caesar choked on his own tongue, letting out a high-pitched, broken moan and he gripped the counter hard. His pale ass was red and leaking from your previous release in him, he could never be properly satisfied, this slut. He knew what he was getting himself into when he had gotten close to that woman in front of you, and now he was paying the consequences. There was nothing he could say to appease your anger, the damage was done. So why not fuck him within an inch of his life to show him what he was going to be missing?
You gripped his hair roughly, forcing him to stare at himself in the mirror. He was a fucking mess. The eyeliner and mascara he wore streamed down his red cheeks with each tear that rolled down, his lipstick all smudged along with his lips all bruised and red. Caesar looked like a cheap prostitute like this… yet, he couldn't help but get harder at this.
"Look at you, stupid bitch. You love this so much, don't you? Being treated like a two-cent whore, you're so tight— you're fucking enjoying me treating you like shit, huh?" You pulled those golden locks harder, eliciting a louder higher pitched moan from the man beneath you. His cock was red and leaking all over the counter, you had to refrain yourself from pleasing him any further or else that'd be overindulging his already spoiled ass. "You wanted my attention so bad, you went feeling up on those other chicks, huh? Fucking whore, I'll teach you a lesson now that you won't forget."
Caesar couldn't help but nod dumbly, as much as he could with your iron fisted grip on his hair. He didn't care about his volume right now, he only cared about you continuing to fuck him like this forever. "O-ohh, yes, yess— I-I'm your whore! Y-yours, yours, yo- FUCK!" You smacked him across his ass again, harder than last time. He was wailing at this point, claw marks all up and down the counter. The glass fogged up from all his panting, it was such a pretty sight.
He really was nothing but a bitch in heat when it came to you, huh?
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NOW PLAYING — bon appetit, katy perry ft. migos...
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Yandre Lena luthor is a vibe
(Of course she is. Katie Mcgrath = Slay Queen)
Lena strokes Y/Ns hair, them resting their head on her lap asleep
Kara: I can't believe you used my DNA to create yourself a supersoldier
Lena: Now why would you think that? Y/N is many things, but not a soldier
Y/N nuzzles into Lena
Lena: Y/N is mine and I won't let you take them away
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9acloset · 2 years
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No Surveillance | Katie 1x03
Walter Collection Taylor Mini - $1,995
STONEFANS Hair Chain Jewelry for Women Silver Rhinestones Crystal Headpiece Bridal Long Tassel Wedding Rhinestone Head Chain Flapper Headwear - $29.99
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ashplayz · 10 months
Hazbin hotel x Y/n (my aus) (revamped)
I've already posted a version of this but it was incomplete.
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A lot of these are pretty long long
Characters included:
Charlie, Vaggie (separate) Alastor. Cherri bomb, angel dust. Husk, Nifty. Sir Pretentious, Vox, Katie Killjoy. And Rosie.
I will post the same thing for my Helluva boss x Y/n aus soon becase im considering taking requests for the characters im doing from each show but the requests I take will be for scenarios mainly and they have to generally fit into my aus.
Suggestive themes. Strong language Mentions of sexual assault, mentions of torture and murder. Ect..
Most Y/ns are female. (I don't typically write yandere content but with Vox it's implied that y/n is a bit of a yandere.)
Fem y/n x Charlie:
Charlie's parents showed up at the hotel to remind her that she was still obligated to marry a Royal even though her and leviathan didn't work out, they heard that she was into girls so they had her engaged to the princess of raff, Y/n Charlie was understandably upset because she was already in a happy relationship with Vaggie. To which her mother responded that it was unfitting for a Royal to marry a sinner. And also reminded her that what she was trying to achieve was to get sinners into heaven, which ment if she succeeded she'd end up all alone. Charlie is around 146 years old, Charlie's mother told her that the marriage wouldn't actually take place until she was 150 giving her 4 years to get to know Y/n as she would be moving into the hotel. Charlie had to break the news to Vaggie and Vaggie immediately developed a burning hatred towards Y/n. Once Y/n got to the hotel she admitted that she didn't want to marry charlie either and leveled that the only reason they were to wed was to produce an heir (for the sake of this there's a spell in hell that allows for two people of the same gender to birth a child) Y/n suggested that once an heir was produced they would split and share custody of the kid. Y/n encouraged charlie to continue her relationship with Vaggie as Y/n had no interest in falling in love anyways. However, Charlie thought it was wrong to pursue a relationship if she was technically engaged. And as for charlie's dream to get sinners into heaven Y/n was skeptical that something like that would even work she was also worried that sinners would use it to take advantage of charlie but nonetheless she still offered to help wich inevitably made charlie drawn to her, as it was rare in hell for anyone especially a Royal to be genuinely interested in helping someone else's cause. Who's to say where these two will land in about 4 years…
Fem Y/n x Vaggie:
Y/n came to the hotel claiming to be looking for 'redemption' but in reality she was just looking for a way into heaven so she could make them pay for exileing her, she was once an angel that fell. Vaggie could see right through her and didn't trust her therefore the two didn't really get along. However Vaggie was single and Y/n was a bit of a flirt. One day Vaggie and Alastor got into a fight and y/n stepped in before Vaggie could get hurt Y/n took a serious blow in the process. Vaggie yelled at y/n asking why she'd do something so stupid to which Y/n replied that it wasn't stupid to protect someone you feel for Vaggie thought that Y/n didn't actually mean that and that she was only messing with her however it wouldn't be long before Y/n's charm got to her…
Alastor x Fem Goishaia- Y/n:
You know how I mentioned that there's a spell that allows for two people of the same gender to produce an offspring in hell according to my au well in my au stolas and blitz accidentally used that spell and magically created a daughter (I will not go into any of the details surrounding that) Their daughter Y/n had a strange upbringing to say the least it was also very strained due to the fact that Blitz and stolas's relationship caused a bit of a scandal you can imagine the response people had to the two of them having something of a secret love child. She was also a weak spot particularly on stolas's part because Stella had no problem with using her against him so it wasn't long before she had a run in with striker.. The first chance Y/n got to leave once she was old enough she took it and she went to the pride ring. and it eventually led her to the hazbin hotel and well alastor. he soon found himself feeling a way for her that he never thought he'd feel about anyone. Maybe it was because of how clear it was that she held an impressive amount of power despite having the appearance of an imp. He didn't know where she really came from or how powerful she truly was yet Alastor found himself drawn to her but every attempt he made to get closer to her only ended in her repeatedly turning him down. As she thought he was only doing it to take advantage of who she was, but he was persistent and it didn't take her long to realize that he was genuinely interested in her despite not knowing who she was. As for how the two of them start dating he saved her from an exterminator. Despite the risk to him. Making her realize that he was someone she could trust.
Cherri bomb x fem blind overlord:
Cheri went to war with turf leaders and overlords often, Cheri had heard rumors that there was a new overlord in town and despite the fact that she was rumored to be blind she was actually one of the more powerful ones. Upon meeting y/n on the battlefield Cherri had to admit that Y/n was a powerful adversary and it wasn't long before Cherri wanted Y/n on her side. The interesting thing about Y/n is that she didn't seem to be blind considering how much of a skilled fighter she was. The pair became unlikely partners as they both shared a common foe, Sir Pretentious. Dare I even say the two became friends as they wound up in an awkward I save you you save me situation. Eventually they had to face the music of their feelings for each other and it left the two of them as an explosive power couple that no one wanted to cross. Eventually Cherri learned the truth behind y/ns alleged blindness, Y/n was blind but she had a 3rd eye. And due to the fact that Cherri also had one working eye there was no shortage of lame eye jokes from Cherri.
Angel Dust x non binary Y/n (they/them pronouns:
Y/n was working for an organization similar to
I. M. P except instead of performing hits on the living world. They killed people that were already in hell seeing as they had access to blessed weapons. Usually they would only target lower class demons. But an anonymous client paid quite a bit of money in advance for the agency to perform a hit on Valentino, and said there was more money where that came from if they successfully took him out. And so the agency sent their most well trained agents for this job, Y/n. Once Y/n made it to the pride ring they decided the best corce of action would be to pose as someone who wanted to fuck Val in order to get close enough to preform the hit as distasteful as that was. One day they slipped away from val in order to scope the parimitar of his club when they got bummed into by none other than angel dust. He was most definitely high and not thinking clearly. He insisted that Y/n dance with him. They tried to resist but there was something about him that made them drawn to him. And so they danced and afterwards Angel woke up in his room dazed and confused, he had a fuzzy memory of a mysterious stranger he danced with and the thought of whoever it was gave him butterflies. Y/n would be lying if they said they hadn't thought about angel dust since their dance. He made them feel something they'd never felt before something her training went against. It didn't take long for Y/n to find out what Valentino did to angel dust. And it made their blood boil.. So much so that they compromised the mission by blindly going in for the kill and they weren't unscathed by this considering Val was pretty powerful but in the end they stood over his mangled body victorious, covered in both his and their own blood.. Y/n went to the person that they couldn't get out of their head.. Angel dust. y/n snuck past everyone in the hotel which wasn't a problem for them due to their training although they did hear someone get irritated about the blood they had left behind.. Y/n made it to angels room and knocked on the door. Angel opened it and felt his blood run cold as he saw that same mysterious stranger that he hadn't been able to get out of his head since that night, standing there covered in blood and badly hurt. They dropped a pair of broken and bloodied sunglasses in front of him that he soon recognized to be Val's.. The two shared a heart to heart as he patched them up. Y/n said they never felt anything for anyone before until they met him and angel had to admit that he'd have a hard time forgetting them after everything.. So y/n decided to quit her job with the agency as now they had a purpose. Angel dust felt a wave of emotions at once but most of all was relieved that he was now free from Valentino.. It wasn't long before Y/n was able to find a new job, with the client that hired her to kill Valentino no less, Vox. It didn't come as a surprise to them that Val hurt everyone he came into contact with, well not anymore.. It didn't take long for angel dust and Y/n to start a happy and healthy relationship as they both looked forward and left their rather ugly pasts behind them..
Husk x Fem hellhound Y/n:
Y/n was born in hell and grew up in one of those hellhound ofanages as her parents couldn't be bothered with her. Most people only adopted hellhounds for work purposes but Y/n was weak compared to other hellhounds so she was never adopted. And was kicked out onto the streets once she aged out. Y/n did a lot of things that she wasn't particularly proud of in order to make ends meet. But eventually she heard about the hazbin hotel and how they eventually let you live there rent free if you played nice. Being hell born she knew getting into heaven through 'redemption' wasn't in the cards for her but she was out of options. She was surprised to be welcomed into the hotel so warmly as she never knew that sort of kindness from anyone really. She immediately felt drawn to husk as he was nowhere near as overbearing as Charlie or as threatening as Vaggie could come off, or as inappropriate as angel dust or as overwhelmingly energetic as Nifty. Or as shifty as Alastor. Husk was her as they would say 'just right' so she amed to be his friend. Husk however said he didn't have any friends and that he didn't want any either however it wasn't long before the two of them would stay up for hours in the lobby just talking because to him she was also his 'just right ' compared to everyone else in the damned hotel. Husk was usually always drunk but he was usually a high functioning drunk and Y/n was used to people drinking a lot but whenever Y/n noticed he was drinking an unhealthy amount she would call him out on it. Y/n was pretty chill but she wasn't afraid to call people out on their shit. And to the surprise of many within the hotel, he actually listened to her. She was the first person he opened up to about his past and his pains and how he claimed to have lost the ability to feel any positive emotions without drowning his sorrows in cheap booze. And let's just say he was the first to catch feelings for her but he thought she could never love a grumpy old drunk like him but he found that if he made the effort he'd prove himself wrong..
Nifty x non binary retired turf war leader:
Y/n wound up in hell a long time ago when they were pretty young and much like Cherri Bomb they clawed their way to the top and became an overlord because that's just what you did if it didn't want to be stepped on in hell. But she never liked it. Years passed and they longed for a way out but never expected to find one. That is until they heard about the hazbin hotel, now Y/n didn't really know if redemption was possible for them after everything they did in their time as an overlord but she knew they had to try.. Y/n was mostly calm and collected while nifty was more on the chaotic side but despite how much of an unlikely pair the two seemed the two actually became friends. Nifty took an interest in Y/n's past as an overlord and asked her a ton of questions. The two got along surprisingly well. And eventually made a pact promising that if it was possible to get into heaven they would do it together and not get separated. Over time the two's bond became more than just friends. And would face whatever that entailed together..
sir pretentious x fem turf war leader y/n:
The two started off as overlords fighting for territory. Y/n was certainly a powerful adversary and put Pretentious on his ass more than once, y/n was mysterious most people didn't know much about her most didn't even know what she looked like under her hood. But one thing led to another during a battle and he wound up seeing her without her hood and immediately fell pretty hard. (I like pairing opposites together as you saw with the husk x hellhound y/n so y/n in this story is a mouse for that purpose mainly but also because it represents how she used to be 'pray' before she died) Pretentious's mashie ended up blowing up during their battle and left y/n out cold. Whenever they fought y/n obviously could have done a lot worse to him but chose not to, so if it had been him she would have spared him anyways seeing it as unfair to take advantage of an opponent when they are too vulnerable to fight. Sir Pretentious agreed with this and therefore wouldn't hurt her when she was out anyways but he couldn't deny the fact that he was starstruck by her beauty and strength. So he patched her up and their rivalry came to a bit of a pause. It was clear that she didn't exactly trust him but she did respect him more than she previously had. Eventually he tried asking her out but to no avail. He learned that she had been hurt by men..badly before she died, therefore she couldn't trust anyone. He became determined to prove himself to her. His persistence as annoying as it could be actually won her over as she stopped seeing him as a threat. And he was happy to take their relationship slow. He despite everything was a gentleman and she found that charming. She knew that if other overlords found out about their relationship it was highly possible for them to use it against them so she proposed that they pretend to still be enemies in the public eye, although now that they were dating he was quite worried about hurting her but she had no problem with putting him on his ass like she used to. There are many incidents where behind closed doors he would cry over hurting her in battle and that just made her love him even more.
Katie killJoy x fem fallen angel:
(Okay so I have seen a fanfiction on her with a fallen angel before so I guess you could say its inspired but it was really toxic and I hate toxic relationships so I made this as wholesome as I can see for her character even if it's unrealistic) Katie was following a news story, and when there was a break Tom pointed out something falling from the sky upon looking hard enough they could see it was a person.. Well an angel more specifically. They immediately shifted their focus to that and upon getting to the scene they learned that it was in fact a fallen angel. She had to be taken to the hospital before she could answer any questions. Once she woke up Katie and Tom were showing microphones in her face asking her questions. She got very uncomfortable because of Tom, and Katie soon learned the twisted truth behind heaven. Heaven was more corrupt than most of hell, one of the members of hells high council tried to rape Y/n and she was cast out of heaven for trying to tell people what he did. Katie swiftly got rid of Tom, she may be a bicth but she takes that sort of thing very seriously. Not that Tom would do something like that but he does make some jokes and remarks that make him come across as a pervert. Katie was drawn to Y/n in a strange way.. She saw Y/n as a light that threatened to go out if not protected. Usually she would have been behind putting out someone's light but she just couldn't bring herself to with Y/n.. Katie tried to be less of a bicth towards y/n however she did still come across as a little mean. However y/n wasn't fazed by that seeing as before she died she dealt with worse coming from a less than ideal family. So due to the fact she could put up with Katie meant the two became pretty close. As Katie would say 'I don't touch the gays' maybe she was reflecting her own surprised sexually a bit. It became evident pretty quickly that Y/n had a dark side that she couldn't really control. As when triggered her eyes turned red and she became a completely different person, violent and unpredictable but never towards her. Katie found this very hot. Although y/n had no recollection of what she did once she loses control and that freaks her out. Katie had too much pride to admit to herself that she actually liked Y/n. And Y/n was very oblivious. Tom tried his best to get the pair together without getting killed by Katie in the process, he could tell how much she cared by how protective she was over Y/n. Katie never thought she would feel that for anyone..
Vox x Fem overlord y/n:
Y/n was almost exactly like alastor in the sense of power and personality. If she wanted something she would get it, and that something happened to be Vox. Y/n came across as a patient level-headed person but her blood boiled for the way Valentino treated Vox when they were supposed to be partners. So when Vox walked in on y/n torturing Val he had to admit he felt a bit of fear, something that was rare for him. He was more or less not afraid of Val even when subjected to his abuse but he knew Val was dangerous and powerful.. So to see Y/n overpower him so easily without so much as a scratch on her it certainly wasn't very comforting. Y/n wasn't ashamed to be open about her feelings towards vox. Y/n had a lot of potential to be a yandere considering she could always get what she wanted. But she wouldn't hurt vox despite him knowing she could if she wanted to. she had the power to interfere with his online connection. And she's a bit of an nuisance sometimes, changing his passwords with a snap of her finger. Vox found her to be annoying at best because of her influence over him but truth be told she was a total upgrade from Val and well she was pretty hot. Their relationship wasn't exactly defined. But he didn't hate her so that was a start. She could be a bit of a dick sometimes though..
Y/n: "I changed all your passwords, good luck trying to solve em" (y/n says teasingly)
Vox: "What do you want from me!?" (He exclaims irritability)
Y/n:..."What are you willing to do?~" 😘
Rosie x fem exterminator y/n:
The exterminators were even more brutal than last clence and this time they were going after a lot of the overlords. And while they could hold their own pretty well some weren't as lucky as others. Rosie was pretty powerful but everyone had their limits. The exterminator closed in on Rosie; it had overpowered her as she was already wounded from the fight. Rosie gave it a fearful yet daring look. Rosie: "Well then. Get it over with" She challenged but to her surprise the thing had frozen. And started.. glitching..? Well it glitches enough to reveal the person behind it..a girl with beautiful eyes who was clearly trying to stop herself from killing her. And the resistance was clearly causing unimaginable pain, as tears of blood stained into the girl's skin. And the screams of pain the girl let out filled rosies entire being with dread.. there was a blinding light and the next thing this girl laid unconscious on the floor no longer the corrupted creature she was a moment ago. Rosie didn't exactly understand what just happened but nonetheless she patched the girl up. When the girl woke up she told Rosie her name. She said that she had defied the gods and as a punishment they turned her into an exterminator to mindlessly do their bidding. Rosie asked why Y/n would bother to save her despite the obvious agony trying to break free of heaven's hold. To which Y/n responded "I will not spill the blood of someone as beautiful as you" Rosie blushed at this, not used to such sincerity. Y/n was worried they'd send someone to drag her back to heaven but Rosie vowed to protect her.
End <3
Helluva boss version coming soon..
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twopoppies · 1 year
Regarding the space that Katie spoke in - she was super rude and condescending. She basically condemned NS Larries as a whole.
And to clarify - The space was called Zarries, Ziam, and Larries. It was not hosted by Katie- Katie decided to join it. With a title like that of course stunts were going to be discussed? Larries did not come to a Katie hosted space that was unrelated and bring up bbg. She chose to join and be a speaker no less in a space that was clearly going to hit those topics.
We need to stop putting our trust in people that are using our fandom for clout.
Oh, that’s gross. I really wish people who know nothing would just STFU. And everyone loves to use our fandom for clout, but god forbid they give any of us any credit for actually knowing more than they do about a subject we’re passionate about. 🙄
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lesbinewren · 1 year
having almost a whole episode dedicated to katy o’brian going on a carnival date and committing petty crimes while being hot was specifically for me and all the other lesbian y/ns out there
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