#Katie McCabe imagine
barcaatthemoon · 1 month
clash || katie mccabe x reader ||
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katie gets jealous of leah's constant flirting with you.
minors dni, 18+, smut warning.
"good morning gorgeous," leah greeted as you walked into the locker room. she shot you a little smirk at the way your cheeks turned pink at the compliment. since your move from chicago to london, leah had been your best friend. briefly, she had even been your girlfriend, but the two of you had decided on sticking to being friends after your little relationship trial was over.
"morning charming," you flirted back. leah wrapped her arm around your shoulders as she led you towards your cubby. the two of you had always been right next to each other. it was a staple of the locker room, you and leah just being near each other, bantering and flirting amongst yourselves.
nothing would ever come of it again. especially not while you had katie and leah had lia. the two of you were just good friends, and while lia understood that, katie definitely did not. it didn't matter how many times you reminded your girlfriend that leah as just your friend, katie would get upset every single week it seemed.
you had pulled back on the flirty banter, but this week was a bit of a slip up. katie had been behaving herself for nearly a month, not getting worked up nearly as easily. you and leah had taken that as a green light to go back to the way that things were. that proved to be a mistake because the moment that katie had seen leah kiss your cheek during practice, it was like a switch had flipped.
leah had noticed katie's change in behavior first. it was nothing major, just an eyeroll as some of the girls laughed at a joke that leah told. you were across the field getting a drink of water, so katie really had no reason to be acting so annoyed. if you had to take a guess, that was the moment whenever leah decided that she needed to up the flirting.
"here let me hold that for you, it looks heavy," leah said as she grabbed your hand. it was cheesy, but both leah and katie knew that those lines tended to actually work on you. much to leah's delight, you blushed deeply as leah took your hand. you tried to roll your eyes and play it off, but it was far too late.
for the rest of practice, leah was extremely flirtatious with you. at times, it felt a bit excessive, but you honestly loved the attention. that left katie to sit fuming by herself up until lunch. a few of the girls were going out to get some food, and you had assumed that katie was one of them until you felt her pull you away as you made your way towards the bathrooms.
"i'm going to fucking wring her neck out," katie growled. it didn't take you very long at all to figure out who katie was talking about. "that arrogant little blonde bitch. she had her fucking chance, but now that you're with me, she just has to put her goddamn fucking hands all over you. i'll fucking kill her next time she touches you!"
"katie, calm down." you gently placed your hand on her chest. usually, that did the trick to calm her down, but she pushed your hand off of her. "katie please don't start a fight. leah and i, we're just messing about. it's nothing to be upset about, i promise."
"if it's just you messin' about with each other, then why do you blush like that?" katie questioned. you didn't have an answer to that. any sort of compliment or attention had you turning red in the cheeks. katie knew that, or at least you thought that she did.
"katie that's not fair, you know that anybody could tell me i look nice and i'd be red as an apple," you told her. katie's jaw clenched as she moved a bit closer to you. her thigh slotted in between yours. you could feel it there, wondering if she had something planned.
"it isn't the same when leah compliments you. i've noticed, trust me. it's not even the same when i do it. i could sit here all night telling you how fucking gorgeous you are, but you wouldn't care. no, not unless it's leah calling you her gorgeous girl. i bet you wish it was her in here with you, don't you?"
"no, i don't want anybody except for you right now," you promised her. that seemed to please katie, who rewarded you with a bit of friction. it was quick, but enough to pull a small moan from you.
"do that again for me," katie ordered. she moved her leg again, this time pressing a bit harder as she did. you didn't want to stand there moaning, just barely hidden around the corner of a door from the hallway. you wanted to do this somewhere private, like your place or katie's, but katie had other intentions.
you let the tiniest of moans slip again before you clamped your hand over your mouth. katie tutted at that as she moved your hands away, warning you to stay how she had you. katie seemed intent on seeing how far you would let things go, when you'd stop her. unbeknownst to her that you were quickly reaching the point of no return.
"katie, don't tease me," you warned her. if she were to leave you high and dry, there would be hell to pay after training. katie knew that your wrath was generally worse than anything she could think of, especially when she'd turn herself on in the process of teasing you. katie loved watching you cum, often getting off of it to the point of nearly cumming when she ate you out. "it'll start a whole new fight."
"no teasing, i know," katie said as she dropped her head to press a kiss to your neck. you could feel her fingers rubbing against your shorts, playing with the wetness that was gathered there. your hips bucked up to meet her fingers, grinding down as hard as you could against them.
"i want your mouth, show me why i shouldn't just go to leah right now," you said. it was mean to tease katie like that, but you didn't care. she could get mad about it after she ate you out. you'd make it up to her at home, where she had a plethora of toys to use in order to take her frustration out on you.
"excuse me?" katie paused completely, but she didn't withdraw her fingers.
"you. heard. me. i. want. your. mouth." you punctuated each word with a harsh grind against her fingers. katie looked absolutely gobsmacked for a moment, but she still did exactly what you told her to do. katie spread your legs even wider once she had your shorts and underwear off. you grabbed onto katie's ponytail as you placed one of your legs over her shoulder. "you look so fucking hot on your knees for me."
"don't get on a power trip," katie warned. the two of you had found a pretty good balance, and you were toeing the line of breaking it. still, katie grabbed onto your hips and pulled you forward. she kept you securely pressed against her face as her tongue probed around teasingly.
"katie please," you whined. she chuckled at how quickly you had lost all of your fight. all it took was getting a fraction of what you wanted before you were putty in her hands. you weren't even grinding yourself against katie's face anymore, instead just making absolutely pathetic sounds as she lazily dragged her tongue around your cunt.
katie hummed and pulled you closer as your hips started to rut a little. you were close, and katie could tell from the way your moans started to get higher in pitch. she couldn't move to silence you, so your cries rang out in the empty room she had pulled you into. silently, she prayed that nobody was in the hallway because they definitely would have heard you crying out her name as you begged for your release. as much of a showoff as katie liked to be, she didn't want anybody else to hear the way you sounded whenever you came. that was for her and her alone.
"shh, shh. hey, it's okay, i've got you," katie cooed as she held you up. it was a bit of a hassle getting you redressed. lunch was just about over, and katie knew she had to move quickly to get you something to eat. katie left you outside of the cafeteria as she grabbed a couple of plates, opting to eat in the hallway with you.
"are we good now?" you asked as katie passed you a bottle of powerade. she had to open yours, your hands still shaking from before.
"hmm, i don't know. that was pretty cheeky talking about leah like that while i'm trying to fuck you," katie answered. it was honest, which you were grateful for. katie didn't look that upset, but you also knew that she didn't like to be that way around you.
"well, i am sorry about it. i really do only love you like this. i'd never let anybody else even try touching me like that in public." katie didn't doubt your words. there was a conversation looming between the two of you, one that katie was dreading just as much as you were.
"i'll start keeping my hands to myself, promise." katie held up two fingers, most likely the two that had nearly been inside of you just moments before. one look at the cheeky grin on katie's face confirmed this for you.
"yeah, you'd better mccabe."
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pers1st · 3 months
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pairing: katie mccabe x reader
notes: this is just a silly little blurb
“Alright, I feel like starting an argument, so I’m gonna ask Katie some questions”, you smiled at your phone set up in front of the both of you, not failing to miss your girlfriend furrowing her eyebrows at you. You had told her you wanted to film a TikTok, and she had laughed at you when you had searched around your nightstand to pull out the abnormally large notebook she had bought on your request a few weeks ago, but you hadn’t told her what the video was about, wanting to catch her reaction on the camera.
“What?”, she asked, a shocked grin on her lips as her Irish twang filled your ears, looking at you with her mouth agape.
“Shush”, you hummed, opening the notebook and shielding it from her view. The mini mic was in your other hand as you skimmed through the first page.
“Okay, question number one”, you cleared your throat theatrically, looking at your girlfriend seriously. 
“If I ever died, would you fall in love with someone else?”, you asked, knowing that this was likely the trickiest question and would, in another context, be incredibly weighted.
Katie furrowed her eyebrows, thinking for a moment, before clearing her own throat. She leaned over towards your mini mic.
“No. I’d be sad for the rest of me life”, she explained, looking between the camera and you expectantly, a victorious grin on her face.
“Wrong. Would you not die with me?”, you asked offendedly, suppressing your own chuckle as Katie’s smile dropped within seconds. She opened her mouth in shock, looking away from the camera to turn to you instead.
“No no no, we talked-”, you leaned over towards the camera to cut the video off. 
“Katie, stop arguing. You were wrong”, you laughed. “That wasn’t the answer I wrote down!”
She turned to look at your book expectantly, but you pushed it away from her just in time.
“No, no cheating. You were wrong!”
“Babe, that’s not fair.”
You knew Katie, and you knew that she hated losing, but it simply made the situation all too funnier. 
“Alright, can we go on now?”
She mumbled something that was incoherent to you in an answer, making you suppress another snicker, but you tried to keep your composure in hopes not to aggravate her any further. This video was going to send her spiraling anyways, as Katie was competitive as ever, in everything she did. You, however, were having a lot of fun.
“Okay”, you huffed as you pressed the record button again. 
“Question number two. If I gave you a shopping list, and sent you to the shops, what would you buy?”, you asked into the mini mic, looking at your girlfriend expectantly. Katie, once again, thought for a short second before opening her mouth.
“Everything on the shopping list, and chocolate”, she smiled into the camera, lifting her arm victoriously.
“See, I’m getting the hang of this! You’re not fooling me there, aye!”
“What kind of chocolate?”, you interrupted her little monologue, a cheeky smile on your face. At that, Katie was stunned.
She cleared her throat, and you could tell there was hesitance as she leaned towards your microphone again.
“Salted caramel.”
“Well, that’s correct.”
Katie’s grin was there within seconds again as she turned towards you.
“Yeah, yeah. I know your chocolates.”
“Yeah, yeah”, you mimicked her accent, earning a slap to your shoulder. 
“Stop making fun of me? I got yous question right, didn’t I?”
“Question number three”, you breathed, looking at your book for a second.
“What did you do wrong on the twenty-third of November, 2023?”, you asked theatrically seriously, watching on your phone as her smile dropped. You could practically see her mind spinning as she thought of an answer. She should get this one. 
“Bought you that book”, she huffed, and it was clear to you then that she had no idea.
“Wrong. You cheated on me, in my dream”, you mumbled into the mic, looking at her with a smug expression.
“You didn’t tell me!”
“Yes I did, and you never said you were sorry!”, you exclaimed back, watching as her eyebrows furrowed.
“I didn’t?”
You still remembered that night, very clearly. The relationship between you and Katie had just been made public, and despite the fact that you had intended to hide it for a little longer, the two of you had decided to just go with it and embrace it from now on, leading you to now- filming Tik Toks together during Arsenal’s training camp, in her hotel bed, with her arm around your knee. The nightmare had felt so real then, as you slept beside her, that it had woken you up in cold sweat, your tears, as silent as you could keep them, waking Katie up despite your efforts.
“Love? What’s wrong?”, she had mumbled in her sleep, sitting up as best as she could as she felt your shaking frame beside her.
“I had a dream”, you mumbled into your hands, as she closed her arms around you, pulling you in.
“You cheated on me”, you added, voice barely above a whisper.
“Babe, I’d never do that, you know that. Right?”, she asked, and despite the fact that your relationship was still fresh then, you did know. You just had a feeling. So, you nodded into the crook of her neck, allowing her to hold you for the rest of the night, as closely as she could.
“Well, I’m sorry”, she mumbled now, her arm around your leg straightening out so that she could stroke your knee, an amused expression on her face.
“It’s okay”, you replied, smiling at her for a second before diving back into your book.
“Okay, fourth question. In our relationship, do I have the looks or the humor?”, you asked, waiting for your girlfriend’s answer.
“The looks?”, she asked, rubbing her face in frustration.
“Wrong. The correct answer is, I have both”, you grimaced into the camera before you were ready to continue.
“You didn’t tell me that was an option!”, Katie exclaimed offendedly at your reply.
“Well, you should’ve thought about it anyways.” 
At that, Katie huffed, shaking her head humoredly as she watched you glance through your book again.
“Fifth question. If you were in a room, with a hundred other women, would you be able to tell me apart by my laugh?”, you asked, trying to mask the grin on your face. There was no way she would get this question right. The correct answer would absolutely have her yelling at you in frustration, and you had to really concentrate in order to not crack up at the thought. 
You stretched out your mini mic towards her, eager to know her answer.
“Yes, you laugh like an elephant!”
“I’m sorry?!”, you whipped your head around, staring at your girlfriend with your mouth agape. Katie snickered.
“That’s wrong. And offensive. In so many ways”, you huffed. 
Katie didn’t mind the fact that you were seriously offended, seemingly proud of herself for her answer.
“What’s the correct answer then?”, she asked as she mimicked your British accent, wiggling her brows at you.
“The correct answer is, you wouldn’t be in a room with a hundred women”, you spoke into your mic, not caring about Katie laughing disbelievingly at your answer.
“This is ridiculous”, she chuckled, shaking her head at your antics. She should have been used to this by now, though.
“Alright guys. That was the video. I’m off to start an argument now”, you smiled at the camera as Katie waved, before pushing her off the bed with all your strength.
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uniivrz · 2 months
mic'd up
katie mccabe x reader
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+ summary: reader, still on the acl squad, has been approached by the arsenal media staff asking if she'd go mic'd up in the stands for one of arsenal's games.
+ warnings: ACL injury mentions right off the bat. swearing. made up game (arsenal v tottenham). reader really embracing the WAG life.
a/n: i came across a video of katie during one of the covid matches, and due to the empty stadium you could hear everything she said— and that's where i got this idea :) my first post, hope you enjoy!
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like any other football player, you hated the dreaded three letters that would take whoever was the unlucky soul out of the game for a long while.
of course it had always been a fear in the back of your mind, you just never thought it would actually happen to you.
that day you went down on the pitch had been one of the worst. not just for you, but for katie as well as the rest of your arsenal team.
everything had been fine. arsenal was up by two, and half time had just ended. it was around the 52nd minute, when a purposely bad tackle from a chelsea player left you on the ground, clutching your knee as you attempted to keep the tears at bay. (only to fail).
some time later you were holed up in one of the physio rooms of the stadium, when katie came in, the look on your face confirming her worst fear.
honestly, it was getting quite scary how many arsenal players were getting ACL injuries.
she had been by your side for all of it, constantly making sure you were comfortable and had everything you needed, as well as driving you to and from appointments.
the downside meant you weren't able to travel with the team for away games, forcing yourself to be holed up in your flat you shared with katie— often inviting the rest of the ACL squad over to watch the game together, knowing you'd be insufferable on your own.
luckily for you, today was a home game. you woke up before katie that morning, hobbling down the stairs on your good leg, (and nearly eating shit in the process), you'd prepared her a proper breakfast, consisting of pancakes, bacon, & eggs.
the brunette soon appeared in the kitchen behind your unsuspecting frame, an adoring smile crossing her face at the sight of you lightly nodding your head to whatever song came from the speaker on the marble counter.
nearly jumping out of your skin at the feeling of two strong arms wrapping around your waist, your body relaxed as you registered the familiar feeling of katie, her arms clad in her arsenal training jacket.
you leaned into her touch as you finished up with the bacon, her thick irish accent rang through your ears as her nose brushed against your neck gently. "you should not be on your feet,"
rolling your eyes fondly, you forced yourself to suppress a smile. ever since your injury, katie had been treating you as if you were a porcelain doll— going to break at the slightest touch.
while sometimes it became a little overbearing, it warmed your heart for her to be this protecting with you, and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
"i was cleared to walk without my crutches, katie," your giggled, relishing in the ticklish feeling of her light breathing against the back of your neck.
"still. ya should have waited for me." she murmured. "i could have carried you down here."
you rolled your eyes once again.
for the first few weeks/months of your injury, she had insisted on carrying you everywhere. from the bed to downstairs, from the front door to the car. no matter where it was— she wanted to carry you. wether it was bridal style, your legs wrapped around her waist, or giving you a piggy back, she didn't care.
after breakfast was finished, you rushed back up to change. you settled on one of katie's hoodie's, along with her jersey which you threw on top, and a pair of her sweatpants. nearly everything you wore was hers.
when you'd returned downstairs, she grinned widely at the sight of you dressed in her attire, and couldn't restrain herself from letting her hands roam your body as you shoved your feet into some sneakers.
"oi hands off, mccabe."
the ireland captain chuckled, tapping your rear end before you stood back up, sending you a cheeky wink when you glared at her.
arriving at the emirates with your personal chauffeur, the two of you made your way through the grounds, greeting any staff members you'd passed by and waving to the media staff as you each made your way toward your separate destinations.
you had a brief session with a physio to assure everything was still fine and dandy with your knee, whereas katie was heading off toward the locker room with the others.
as you left your meeting 15-ish minutes later, you had been wandering the halls when you were stopped by one of the media staff, claiming they had a task for you.
since you were going to be in the stands again, they had asked if you would go mic'd up, thinking it'd be a fun video idea for arsenal's youtube channel.
you agreed quickly, thrilled at the idea. they had informed you that there would be a camera a little ways away from you, to capture your reactions in both your voice as well as your actions.
one of the members clipped a small square microphone device to the collar of your (katie's) jersey, as another member held a camera and recorded your actions.
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Arsenal 578K views 6:38
[Camera fades in from black to show you, stood in one of the many corridors of the Emirates Stadium.]
grinning, you gripped your shirt and pulled it closer, "we've got mccabe! katie mccabe! can you hear me?" you asked, looking into the camera that was recording you.
[Laughter is heard around you before the scene cuts and fades into a brief black screen. When it returns, the camera is unfocused, going in an out before focusing on you, looking at the camera as you don't realize it's recording.]
"is it going?" you asked with a dopey smile, the cameraman behind you nodding. "right. hi, i'm y/n l/n and today i'll be mic'd up as i watch tonight's game." you giggle, pointing at the microphone clipped to your shirt before you make your way toward your seat.
[Camera follows you down the hall before cutting to you sat with Beth, Viv, and Leah, the former two sat in the row below you. You pull a small, barely noticeable box out of your pocket. The camera zooms in on your hand, revealing the box is actually a miniature uno deck.]
"i know how we can pass the time," you grin micheviously.
[Camera cuts to the four of you playing uno, Beth and Viv swiveled in their seats to face you and Leah above them. It catches Leah attempting to peek at your cards before you shove her head away, the scene then switching to a new clip of the four women arguing.]
"absolutely not, beth cheated!" leah yells, hands dropping dramatically onto her thighs with a loud smack.
"you fucking wish! you just suck williamson!"
[Viv is seen trying to keep the peace as you laugh loudly, the four of you gaining looks from surrounding match watchers— only for them to look away at the sight of four of arsenal's own. Your laughter becomes louder as Leah slams her tiny cards aggressively onto your thigh, folding her arms and leaning back in her chair with a pout.]
"oh, cheer up captain," you pout mockingly, reaching to pinch her cheeks between your fingers.
[Camera cuts to the teams walkout, briefly showing Katie McCabe before turning back to you, a large grin on your face, never failing to leave.]
"that's my girl!" you shout, hands cupped around your mouth to make yourself louder. "let's go number fifteen!"
[Cuts to you leaned back in your seat with your arms folded. An amused look is on your face as you shake your head. Camera pans to the big screen as Katie's name is shown, a yellow card next to it.]
"it's been like thirty minutes and she already has a card," you giggle to yourself before sighing fondly, a gentle smile on your face. "that's my girl."
[Different camera shows Katie sliding her foot in front of a Tottenham player, successfully and cleanly retrieving the ball from her feet before panning to you with your elbows propped up on your knees, head resting in your hands.]
"oh my god, she's so hot." you sighed absentmindedly, momentarily forgetting about those surrounding you and the microphone attached to your collar.
[Beside you, Leah bursts out laughing, the sound picking up through your mic as the blonde discretely turning to the cameraman who has now directed it toward her, pointing at you before fake wretching.]
[Camera shows you jumping up out of your seat, annoyance clear on your face as your hands are perched on your hips.]
"oh, come the fuck on! that's so clearly a foul!"
[During halftime, the camera follows as the four of you briefly leave your seats to join the girls in the locker room. The cameraman does not enter, only filming the door, however you can be heard from inside.]
"north london is what?!"
"north london is red!" an irish voice answers you.
"hell yeah it is!" you reply, then followed by the sound of palms smacking against each other.
another voice cuts in, "alright, simmer down you two!"
"oi! put her down, she's fragile!"
[Camera cuts to you stood with your hands on Katie's shoulders, giving her your usual half time pep talk, brushing stray fly-aways out of her face as she smiles at you. The sound is cut off, so the viewers can only see the motion of both players' lips moving as you speak to each other, the final thing being Katie moving toward you, scenes changing just before any PDA is shown.]
[Camera pans from Katie running around the pitch celebrating, arms in the air and then back to you, the four Arsenal players chanting together, you being the loudest and most enthusiastic of the four.]
"we've got mccabe! katie mccabe! i just don't think you understand! she plays out on the wing! she hits it with a zing! we've got katie mccabe!"
[Video closes out with you and Katie stood outside of the stadium, her arm wrapped around your shoulder as you do the outro.]
"that was me mic'd up, i hope i was entertaining enough for you all. thanks for watching." you grin shyly, waving with both hands. "leave a comment if you think katie should get mic'd up next."
[Katie laughs before kissing your cheek affectionately, the brunette waving bye with her free hand before the video fades to black.]
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Liked by victoriapelova and 51,094 others
ynln Watch me go Mic'd Up as I watch Arsenal Women's recent match against Tottenham!
Video is out now on the Arsenal Youtube Channel and the Arsenal Instagram Account!
— view all comments
katie_mccabe11 It's a good one 😉
⤿ bethmead_ We know why you think that 🙄
username petition to get yn mic'd up again, sign here
⤿ username signed
⤿ username signed
⤿ ynln signed
leahwilliamson Alternate title, YN thirsting over Katie for 6 minutes straight 🤢
⤿ katie_mccabe11 Jealous are we, Williamson?
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ynsmccabe that new video arsenal posted of y/n l/n is now my favorite thing
⤿ the clip of her and katie in the hall OMG
⤿ mccardlover no because they literally the only couple ever
⤿ meadema99 leah getting upset over beth cheating in uno after she literally tried to look at y/n's cards 😭😭
username pls the amount of bleeps they had to add to this video because of yn 😭
⤿ username never heard someone curse so many times in 6 minutes
katiespelova oh i need more mic'd up videos with the rest of the team now
username if my relationship isn't like katie's and yn's i don't want it
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alexias-putellas · 2 months
bittersweet // k.mccabe x reader
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k.mccabe x reader
based on this request! just a lil katie fic for my fellow katie girls
fifteen minutes.
you glanced up at the clock again just to make sure. fifteen minutes left until the end of the match. you were up 2-0 against ireland but they had really started to take control.
aoife mannion had successfully taken the ball from alessia’s feet and booted it down the pitch. it landed by katie and you watched as she took a shot, hannah saving it with relative ease.
as per your agreement, you and katie hadn’t talked in the run up to the game. but your eyes still strayed towards your girlfriend every now and then when the ball wasn’t by you.
with a small shake your head, you got back into the game. after drawing with sweden it was important that all three points went to england to keep the dream of heading to switzerland alive. but it hurt your soul to know that you’d have to crush katie’s dreams to get there.
a sudden roar of the crowd caught your attention and you whirled around in time to see the referee running towards hannah, taking something—two somethings out of her pocket.
you raced down the pitch as leah and some of the other girls talked to the referee but she was not budging on her decision to give hannah a second card for time wasting.
and then it suddenly dawned on you.
there were no subs left. all five had been used. everything seemed to happen in slow motion and before you could even blink, you were being pulled into a huddle.
“i’ll do it,” you blurted out, shocking the defenders stood around you into silence. “rach and fran are at the front, they’re holding it down, they don’t need me. but we do need a solid defence. none of you can go in for hannah and georgia and keira are killing it in the midfield. it has to be me.”
“are you sure?” leah asked you and you nodded, swallowing thickly.
“yeah, yeah, we’ll be fine.”
your teammates quickly patted you on the back, murmuring their good lucks as someone raced over with a spare goalkeeper shirt and gloves.
with a pounding heart, you slipped them both on and made your way into the goal, taking a few deep breaths to calm yourself.
as the game restarted and both teams got going, your heart seemed to sink further and further in your chest. why on earth had you volunteered?
that question flew around your head frantically as denise o’sullivan ran down the wing with the ball and you prayed that the girls could pull it together enough that you wouldn’t have to deal with it.
thankfully, keira was the one to do it but the relief didn’t last long. you pulled at the goalkeeper jersey anxiously as katie made her way over to take the corner, desperately calling for your teammates to cover you.
katie had scored from there before. you played alongside her for arsenal, you knew what she was capable of on the pitch when she really put her mind to it. and there was no doubt in your mind that she’d do anything to put that ball in the back of the net.
with a newfound fire in your stomach, you moved forward as your girlfriend kicked the ball, somehow managing to catch it despite the sea of green and white surrounding you.
not wanting to suffer the same fate as hannah, you quickly threw the ball lucy’s way, turning to shoot a thumbs up to the away crowd behind you. they cheered in response and you let yourself feel proud. ignoring the pull at your heart when you thought about katie.
but you needed to not think of her. you had a job to do. your girls were relying on you. they were what you needed to think about. you pushed any thought of katie to the back of your mind, giving leah a quick thumbs up when she looked over at you.
you glanced up at the clock, eyes widening slightly at how much time had actually passed. there were five minutes left. five more minutes.
at the very last minute you saw the ball flying at you and with every ounce of energy you had left, you jumped up, the ball rebounding off your fingertips to go over the back of the net.
the sounds of the girls and the fans cheering is what you focused on as you hit the ground, breathing deeply as someone helped you up.
“you good?” alex asked and you nodded, smiling as she patted you on the back.
hearing the whistle to end a game had never filled you with more relief and you almost cried with happiness. not only had you won but you had also kept the clean sheet. and as you made your way further onto the pitch, your teammates showed their appreciation with hugs, hair ruffles, and even more back pats.
when the huddle broke slightly, you immediately looked for katie. and when you found her, the happiness quickly turned to guilt upon seeing her crouched on the ground with her head in her hands.
“hey,” beth said softly as she approached you, shrugging her coat off and slipping it onto your shoulders. “it’s going to be okay.”
you nodded although you did not believe her. this was new territory for you and katie. you had never played against each other and you had never before been the reason for katie’s sadness. and whilst you desperately hoped it wouldn’t change your relationship, you had a horrible feeling it would.
as you made your way through the irish players, the anxiety grew bigger in your chest at the thought of seeing katie. when you got to her she hugged you like she did everyone else, squeezing your waist before moving on.
“there she is!” you heard georgia shout before her arms were around your waist and you were hoisted in the air. “england’s saviour!”
for a few minutes you let yourself relax and sink into the arms of your relieved teammates. when the huddle separated, you once again looked for katie, your heart sinking as you realised she was no longer on the pitch. whether she had left of her own accord or had been pulled for an interview, she was gone.
“come on you,” leah wrapped her around your shoulders, pulling you into her side. “it’s gonna be alright you know?”
arriving back in london was both a shame and a relief. it somehow eased and elevated your anxiety. but your mind was still reeling.
instead of heading over to katie’s like you usually would, you went back to the apartment you and alessia shared, automatically assuming that katie would want her space.
you were halfway through ordering takeout on alessia’s phone when your phone buzzed. you reached over for it, lips pursing as you read the text on the screen.
are you coming over tonight?
“i think you should go,” alessia said as she peeked over your shoulder. you shrugged her away quickly. “she loves you.”
you sighed. “she loves football.”
“she loves you more,” the blonde gave you a pointed look. “so go see her and talk to her. otherwise you will drive yourself insane.”
the drive to katie’s apartment seemed a lot longer than usual. and by the time you’d made it up to the front door, you were half tempted to turn back around and go home.
but you didn’t. deep down you knew that your friends were right. everything would be fine. and you took the open door and the smell of your favourite takeaway to be the first sign of that.
“were you really going to ditch me for less?” katie asked as soon as she heard the door close.
“you did not know that was me,” you scoffed, kicking your shoes off. “anyone could’ve walked in then. you should really lock your door.”
“i unlocked it when i saw your car, genius.”
you mocked her quietly under your breath as you made your way into the kitchen. even though the dynamic between you clearly hadn’t changed, you still lingered nervously in the doorway and played with your fingers.
“so? were you actually going to ditch me for alessia?” katie asked again, turning around with her arms crossed over her chest.
you immediately studied her face. her eyebrows were slightly furrowed but she didn’t look upset. you cleared your throat and looked down at the floor. “i wasn’t sure if you’d want to see me.”
“ah so this is what leah warned me about.”
you opened your mouth, ready to ask what exactly leah had been saying when something hit you in the face. you blinked rapidly, looking down at the tea towel that fell onto your arm. just as you looked up, another one hit you and you quickly flung them both back at katie. “what are you doing?!”
“knocking some sense into you!”
“well can you do that after we’ve eaten? i’m starving and this smells really good.”
katie rolled her eyes but relented, handing you your plate of food. you’d eaten about half of it when she gently kicked your leg. “i’m really proud of you.”
“ugh, don’t start–“
“no, no, you clearly need to hear this so shut up and listen,” she told you, standing up and making her way behind you. you let out a sigh when she plucked the fork from your hand and placed it down before wrapping her arms around you. “i’m not mad at you and i definitely don’t hate you. you stepped up for your team when most people would probably be too scared to and you made some pretty decent saves. does it suck that it was against me? of course. but i love you and i’m proud of you. always.”
“i’d love you a lot more if you’d shut up and let me eat my food,” you muttered, smiling as she pressed a kiss to your head. “you are a pretty good girlfriend though, anyone ever told you that?”
katie grinned. “of course they have.”
“stupid question really wasn’t it?” you rolled your eyes, picking your fork back up as soon as she walked away. before you could load any food up onto it, she picked up a tea towel and twisted it in her hands, cracking it against your thigh. you yelped loudly, glaring at your girlfriend. “ow! what the hell was that for?”
“that was because you doubted my love for you. don’t do it again.”
“yes ma’am.”
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Good 4 U
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Hello there!
I hope you’re all great. This story is just out of my imagination, but enjoy anyway, I guess ♥ Also Caitlin and Lia are always a thing in this word.
TW: Reader! Wälti, no other I think.
Unlike your older sister Lia, you are not wise and quiet. You have trouble concentrating and you aren't necessarily interested in the idea of landing somewhere. You and Lia don’t have the same character, but that never stopped you from loving each other a lot. You’d do anything for your older sister who’s only 10 months older than you. And you know she would do anything in return for you. You and her were almost like twins and even if you wasn't planned, you parents always loved you the way they love Lia.
You travel all the time, leaving one place when you're getting tired to visit another corner of the world. You are sociable and have no trouble making contacts with anyone, to find a job or to make new friends. You are lucky to be able to remember the different languages in the countries you visit. You speak German from birth, you are bilingual in English and you talk other new languages like spanish or italian.
For now, you are in London with your sister for a week. The last time you stayed in London with Lia was last year when her life was a little more complicated than now. This time, you decided to come to see her just because you missed her and wanted to be with her for her birthday. You contacted Leah to help you surprise her, and you congratulate yourself for filming Lia's reaction when you walked into her living room following Leah.
When Lia told you about a karaoke night with her friends, most of them from Arsenal, you didn't hesitate a single second before accepting. You already know Caitlin obviously and Leah, who you met when she came in Switzerland last year. You met some of the girls last time you came in London, but you don't know all of them. This is a good occasion to met them.
Despite the time set at 9pm, not everyone arrived on time but this didn't prevent the people already present from starting to have fun. You’ve already shared a song with Steph and another with Leah. And you’re choosing the song you’re going to sing with Lia when Katie finally makes her appearance in the establishment.
When the music started, Katie was greeting everyone and sat at one of the tables surrounded by a bench, reserved for the night.
She's sitting with Caitlin, Leah, Kyra and Alessia when her gaze mechanically refers to you when you start singing. And her gesture stops immediately when she looks at you, her arm halfway between her mouth and the table as she was getting ready to drink.
"You alright mate?" laughs Kyra
"Who’s the girl with Wally?" Katie asks, blinking.
"Her little sister. Why?" asks Leah, bowing her eyebrow.
But Katie doesn’t answer, completely hypnotized by you. She just can’t take her eyes off you, your face, your body and anything else that can be part of you.
"It's Wally’s sister?" ended up repeating Katie before glancing at Caitlin. "Damn, you’re shagging the wrong Wälti, Caitlin."
"You’re disgusting" Caitlin says, rolling her eyes.
Leah laughs softly next to Katie and the Irish girl seems to reminding something. She turns herself a little to look at Leah before talking.
"Wait, this is the sister you met last year?"
"Yes?" answer a frowning Leah.
"And you didn't try anything with her?"
Katie’s tone let perfectly passes the disbelief she feels at this idea. But Leah rolls her eyes again.
"She’s Lia’s little sister. She would have killed me. And she’ll kill you too if you try anything with her"
Katie responds with a throat sound before finally bringing her drink to her lips. And from then on, she won’t leave you until your song is finished. Katie recognized Olivia Rodrigo’s song "Good 4 u" and she briefly wonders if it means anything to you and Lia.
When the song ends, Lia approaches the table where Katie is installed while you take the opportunity to go to the toilet. If Caitlin greets your sister with a big smile, making her sit on her lap, Leah can’t help but drop the information to Lia.
"Your sister caught Katie’s eyes" Leah announces with a big smile.
This causes a growl from Katie who hoped to try a discreet approach with you and a frown from Lia, who quickly takes off from Caitlin to lean towards Katie.
"Stay away from her Katie, I’m not kidding"
Katie raises both hands as a sign of abandonment, not without rolling her eyes.
"Looks like I’m the devil in person" Katie growls before finishing her drink.
"She was hurt once and since then has been traveling around the world. I want to see her again before Christmas 2025."
"Okay, okay, I get it" sighs gently, Katie. "I’ll get myself a drink."
After asking if anyone wanted something, Katie gets up to order herself a drink, deciding to go to the other side to have less to wait. And Lia will not be able to tell her anything, because it's finally you who approaches her first. You come to order yourself a drink too and you have no trouble recognizing the teammate of your big sister, that you watch play as soon as you can.
"You're Katie, right? I'm Y/N, Lia's sister" you smile before reaching out to greet her.
"Yes, that's me. Nice to meet ya" Katie grins, taking your hand in hers, squeezing it maybe a little to long.
Your eyes cross and you find yourself becoming aware of the beauty of the young woman who stands before you. You first notice her blue eyes and then her smile that you quickly find mesmerizing.
You are interrupted in your moment by the server who finally takes your orders. And, while Katie passes her command, you discreetly let your gaze slide on her forms. How did you not realize before how breathtaking she was?
"Lia told me you travel a lot" Katie says, turning to you to resume your conversation.
"Oh, yes… I just came back from New Zealand" you explain with a smile, before starting on an explanation of your last trip.
The minutes pass quickly as you chat with her and then you find yourself interested in her and her life. There’s something about Katie that hypnotizes you and you could honestly spend hours listening to her and laughing at what she’s telling you. You like her humor, the sound of her voice and it’s a little destabilizing for you to find yourself so impacted by someone so quickly.
"Do you want to get some fresh air?" Katie says after realizing you’ve been talking for a while.
You accept with pleasure and you follow her on the outdoor terrace of the establishment, Katie seems to know this place very well. Which is probably not surprising since Lia told you they come often.
"Here" simply makes Katie by dropping her jacket on your bare arms after seeing you shiver.
"Thank you" you answer with a sincere smile.
You move a little away from the entrance to not be in the way and you lean against a wall looking up to look at the stars. However, you gently frown when you see that they are not visible. You forgot they’re hard to see from central London.
"When are you leaving again?" asks Katie while looking at you.
You leave the sky with your eyes to carry them over her before gently shrugging your shoulders with a smile.
"I haven’t decided yet. Why?"
"I was wondering if you would give me your phone number so we could meet again, before you leave."
You bite your lip briefly while observing her. You are not sure if it's a good idea, you will probably leave soon and you know that it would probably not lead to much. But you’d be lying if you said the Irish girl didn’t tease your curiosity.
"Okay" you end up answering before you pick up her phone and put your number on it.
A big smile is born on Katie’s face and you don’t know her enough yet to realize that it’s a frank smile and not the sufficient smile she likes to have to provoke her opponents. Her phone in her pocket, Katie settles next to you, leaning against the wall like you.
"Do you like to look at the stars?" asked Katie.
"It’s probably one of the things I prefer to do" you admit without hesitation. "But it’s difficult from here"
"I know a place where they can be seen. You want to go see?"
"I just ran into Katie running away with a pretty blonde" laughs Victoria who just arrived while sitting at Lia’s table.
"I’m going to kill her" the Swiss woman announces, noting that you have also disappeared.
Kyra’s sigh sound out at the same time as Leah’s facepalm. Caitlin masks her amused smile behind Lia’s head, but she is nevertheless surprised by Alessia who smiles back at her.
You suspect a little the annoyance that Lia must feel and you feel in spite of yourself a slight guilt at the idea of not enjoying her birthday party with her. But you take a look at Katie after you get out of her car and you quickly realize that she’s genuinely happy to show you this place.
"What’s your favorite constellation?" Katie asks you when you’re both sitting in the grass.
"Aquila" you answer by pointing to the place in the sky where it is. "And you?"
"I didn’t have one until now, but it could become my favorite" Katie replies with a smirk.
You laugh slowly and you turn your head in her direction, to see that Katie rolled to the side and that she’s looking at you. You feel yourself blushed and you’re pretty glad it’s dark and Katie can’t see it. But you don’t let her out of your sight and you decide to play her game.
"What is your astrological sign?" you ask.
"Well maybe my favorite constellation is going to be Virgo then"
Katie laughs softlyand, taking a sudden aspiration, you gently take her hand in yours. Katie lets you and you find that her skin is pleasantly warm and soft against yours. You shift your attention to the sky above you, feeling Katie’s gaze stay on you. But it doesn’t bother you, it’s not the kind of heavy look that makes you uncomfortable. You feel good and safe with her, despite what Lia seems to think.
It’s almost two o'clock in the morning when Katie takes you home to your sister, whose keys you have so you can get in and out whenever you want.
"I hope I’m not interrupting a private celebration" you grin maliciously at Katie, who insisted on accompanying you to the front door.
"If there is going to be a celebration tonight it will probably be to celebrate my death" laughs Katie before explaining, when you turn an interrogative look in her direction "I was not supposed to approach you tonight. Lia has warned me"
"Why did you do it then?" you ask curiously while searching through your purse while looking at it.
"Technically, it was you who approached me" Katie replies with a satisfied smile. "But I’m very happy about it."
You smile back at her and you probably look at each other for a few seconds too long, before you come out of your trance and regain your self-confidence.
"I’ll defend your cause, if you want" you joke softly.
"See me again and it will have been well worth it."
You smile again and bite your lip briefly. You really want to kiss her, but maybe it’s too early for that. You step forward and put a kiss on her cheek instead before backing away again and opening the door.
"Go home safely"
"I will" answers Katie with a smile. "Good night"
"Sweet dreams"
The house is empty when you enter and you assume that either Lia is not back yet, or she went to Caitlin’s. You go undress and remove your makeup and it's when you are writing to your sister to inform her that you came home when you receive a message from an unknown number.
From Unknow I came home safely. Sleep tight beautiful x
From You Sleep well too. We talk soon x
Lia looked at you with skepticism when you told her that nothing happened with Katie, unless looking at the stars and learning to know her. Since her breakup, Katie had a lot of fling and Lia obviously didn't want you to fall for the Irish girl before being ignored by her.
Katie and you wrote to each others a lot during the past days and you find yourself smiling every time she texted you. When she asked you on a date, you accepted with a second thought.
Katie take you to an Irish restaurant, she looked almost outraged to learn that you have never been to Ireland during your many travels. You had a great evening and when she brought you back you vaguely hoped for a kiss but Katie just gently kissed your cheek before smiling with affection. She then waited until you go inside to leave. Then you started texting each other almost all the day, every day.
From Katie ✨ u going to the game today?
From You I am :) why?
From Katie ✨ Would you let me take you for a brunch before ?
From You I would love to
From Katie ✨ Great. I'm taking you at 10 xx
You almost turned the cupboard in which you installed your clothes in your sister’s guest room to find a proper outfit. You ended up opting for a simple outfit, comfortable but nevertheless different from what you can wear every day. Once ready, you go to the kitchen, in which you find only Catlin in the company of her cup of coffee and a toast with…
"Vegemite?" you ask with a smirk
"Lia always has a jar for me in her cupboards" replies the Australian with amusement.
"How romantic" you laugh softly
You take a glass of water, realizing rather quickly that Caitlin observes you over the cup of coffee that she holds with two hands. Since she and Lia got together, the Australian has taken on the role of your big sister too. You obviously can’t compare the connection you have with her with the one you have with Lia, but you appreciate her enormously.
"Are you going out?"
"Yes" you just answer
"With Katie?"
You don't have time to respond with the positive or negative that Lia’s voice is heard behind you. Obviously she must appear when the name of the Irish is pronounced.
"What, Katie?" Lia asks, bowing her eyebrow.
"I'm going to a brunch with her" you explain softly with a sigh. "Look, don’t make that face, I know you don’t want anything but to protect me, but if it makes you happy… Nothing ever happened between us, if it turns out she’s not even interested in anything but friendship with me"
You gently shrug your shoulders and carefully avoid Lia’s gaze. You don’t necessarily want your older sister to see how depressed you are about this idea. But it's Caitlin who speaks again, although she's peacefully returned to reading her diary.
"Or she takes the time to do things right with you because you mean something to her" she points out without looking at you.
You frown thoughtfully at her, but Caitlin doesn’t add anything. Lia gets closer to you though, gently laying her hand on yours.
"What would make me happy is that you are too. I just want you to be happy and make sure no one can hurt you any more."
"I’ll be fine, Lia, I promise" you assure her with a little smile. "I learned from my mistakes"
Lia pout a little and when your phone vibrates in your pocket when Katie writes to you that she has arrived and that she waits for you, you take your big sister in your arms.
"I love you" you say before you kiss her cheek.
"I love you too. See you at the game?"
With a smile you nod before leaving the house. Your smile widens when you see Katie waiting for you, leaning against the front of her car.
"You look stunning" Katie smiles looking at your outfit.
"You’re not bad yourself"
Katie is dressed in her training kit, ready for the game and you find it strangely sexy. Unlike other times you have seen her, you don't hesitate to greet her with a hug and then let her take you by the hand to train you to the passenger door of the car.
The establishment that Katie has chosen is between Lia’s house and the stadium, the Irish girl explaining to you that it's a place that she loves and that has the advantage of not being too well known by the general public. It seems to have its habits and even if you don't necessarily appreciate the big smile with which the waitress welcomes Katie, you are quickly satisfied by the hand that she puts in your back to guide you to her usual table.
As always, the discussion is pleasant. You have to admit you did some research on Katie, but you feel like the Katie that people can see on the football field is different from the one you see every day. The Katie you know is sweet, attentive, considerate and charming. You have the impression that she really listens to you and that she seems particularly interested in what you tell her, no matter what it is.
And the butterflies that you have in the hollow of your belly when her fingers touch your hand while taking the salt are rather very pleasant. However, you regret not knowing if things are really shared or if Katie is only interested in friendship with you.
"Can I ask you a question?" asks Katie, her blue eyes watching you attentively over her cup of tea.
"Of course" you answer with a little smile.
"When she asked me not to come near you, Lia mentioned a romantic relationship that ended badly. I’m not asking you to tell me everything, but if you have any residual trauma or like that…"
Of course Lia mentioned your old relationship with Katie. On the other hand, you can’t blame her, after learning about the various deceptions of your ex-girlfriend, it was so painful that you never set foot in Switzerland again and you never saw your family again for a year. It apparently left your sister with trauma as well.
"As long as you don’t lie to me or hide things from me, it should be okay" you mumble and shrug.
Katie looks funny and you briefly get lost in your thoughts until the Irish woman gently takes your hand in hers. When you look up at her, she smiles softly at you, her eyes immensely sweet.
"No matter what happens, I will never. I promise"
You smile softly at her, losing yourself in her eyes. Katie changes the subject and when it’s time to leave for the stadium, you have the impression that the time has passed much too quickly.
"Do you mind if someone sees you get out of my car? There are often fans waiting for us in the parking lot, they cannot access it but they wait behind the gates. I can drop you off if you want" Katie asks when you’re about to arrive.
"I don’t care" you assure her by tapping on her arm.
You didn’t expect her to grab your hand with hers to interlace your fingers, but this gesture is rather pleasant.
Katie was right, you barely got out of the car when you heard some people calling her name. The young woman having advised you not to pay attention to it, you follow her inside the corridors in the colors of Arsenal without turning once your glance towards the fans.
"Shall I leave you there?" asks Katie once right outside the door that’s supposed to take you to the VIP corner, where Lia booked you a seat.
You nod with a slight smile. You know the way now.
"Thanks for the invitation. I had a great time"
"So do I" Katie says, smiling as well. "You still don’t know when you’re leaving, right?"
"Maybe soon. I don’t know yet"
You gently shrug your shoulders, but you don’t miss the disappointment that briefly passes over Katie’s face after her smile drop.
"Oh… okay. Well, I’ll see you soon, I guess?"
"Yeah" you smile softly.
Katie gives you a little smile, but it’s only when she turns her heels in the direction of the changing rooms that you walk forward two steps and you take the floor again.
The Irish girl turns and looks at you with surprise. She apparently did not expect you to hold her back.
"You want to know what it depends on?"
"Yes" she says again, looking at you carefully.
You made other steps to catch up to her and to be at her height but you mechanically bite your lip, a little anxious about your courage and its repercussions. But now is not the time to back down. Katie seems to have quickly noticed your nervousness since she is also moving in your direction of a step, offering you a reassuring smile.
"Yes, I… I like you, I mean not necessarily only physically. And I really like the moments we spend together, but I don’t know if it’s mutual or if I’m making ideas. And I’m a little afraid that after talking to you about it now it changes or complicates things, but-"
Katie ends up interrupting you, putting her finger on your lips to silence you. You don’t know if it’s a good thing or not and you freeze instantly.
"I like you too, I thought it was obvious. I’m sorry if I let you think otherwise. My love life may not have been the most stable in a few months, but with you it’s different."
You don’t have time to answer anything that Leah Williamson appears around the corner to call Katie. Training will begin soon.
"I have to go. I’ll see you later?"
You nod with a smile. Katie looks at you for a few more seconds smiling before heading to where Leah disappeared a few seconds ago.
"Katie?" You call her again though. "You forgot something"
Gently frowning, Katie turns in your direction, no doubt to see you so close to her, always smiling. She has no time to question you, since you come forward until you can put your lips on hers. It’s just a light kiss, but the sensations are amazing.
When you open your eyes again, Katie’s are dipping into yours and you have to take it on yourself so you don’t pass out. If you listened to yourself, you would do it again, but you don’t want to cross the line. That said, given her smile, she doesn’t seem to be against that kiss.
"Now you can go" you smile maliciously.
But Katie shakes her head with her big smile still displayed on her face. Taking advantage of your proximity, Katie gently puts her hand on your neck before drawing your face once again against hers. This kiss is longer than the first and your hands naturally find place on Katie’s body.
When Katie gently caresses your lower lip with her tongue, asking for access to yours, you do not hesitate a single second before leaving it to her. Obviously, you forget a little where you are and that everyone could surprise you. It is finally a door noise far away from you that brings you back to reality, a few minutes later.
"I really have to go" whispers Katie, her lips caressing yours when she speaks.
And it makes you half lose your mind. So you can’t resist the urge to kiss her again and it takes all your strength to tear you away from her. And let her go.
"Come on, go make the rest of the world enjoy your talent" you smile softly
Katie laughs but steals one last kiss before leaving. It’s in a second state that you join your seat, but when Katie appears on the field alongside the other players, you can’t help but smile again. Katie quickly spots you in the stands and sends you a wink to which you respond with a smile.
In the end, it’s not as safe as this that you’ll leave London.
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leahsgf · 2 months
why can’t i say that i’m in love
katie mccabe x fem!reader
vaguely inspired by secret love song by little mix! i can’t find the request to link it but anon you are a true soldier for waiting for this for how long you have so thank you for your patience!
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underneath the fluorescent glow of the lights beaming across the emirates stadium, you stood on the sidelines, your usual spot - as you watched your girlfriend shine and showcase her talent on the pitch. the chants of her name echoed around you when she won the ball through one of her famous tackles, and you couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride in your chest, knowing that you were surrounded by thousands of people equally as captivated by the irish woman as you were.
well, maybe not in the exact same way that you were, but they didn’t know that. nobody did. here, you were merely an addition to the blur of red and white shirts and scarves in the stands.
just another voice, merging with all of the others belting the chorus of ‘the angel’.
nothing special.
and with that thought, the cheers and applause surrounding you quickly became almost taunting, leaving a sense of unease lingering in the depths of your soul. behind the facade of her fame and success, and you being simply a fan, another face in the crowd making up a sold out stadium, lay a hidden truth. a truth that threatened to tear apart the already incredibly fragile fabric of your relationship.
you and katie had fallen in love against all odds and expectations, drawn together by what you would call fate - and a passion that transcended all possible boundaries. however, in a world, her world, where public image and professionalism was everything, especially with the way social media was changing - the revealing of your love would jeopardise not only katie’s career and standing within the football community, but your life too.
especially as you weren’t used to the madness of being a public figure.
katie had been in very public relationships in the past, and was determined this time to not give strangers, or to even her own ex a reason to merely look in your direction or attempt to ruin what the two of you had. you deserved more than being reduced to a gossip topic or stupid joke on a so called ‘podcast’ and your girlfriend insisted on not allowing this to happen to you. every move she made was plastered online and analysed to no end, and with that came walls and boundaries that she put up - and an even fiercer protectiveness over her loved ones. you particularly.
you had known this from the get go, and you knew more than anything that she loved you. but there were moments where your resolve cracked, and insecurities slipped through your one innocent, almost naive bubble of love.
as the final whistle blew, signifying a well earned arsenal win, you hung back - allowing the crowds around you to eventually disperse, with their signs begging for katie’s attention trailing by their feet, before finding your way to her, a well practiced routine that now didn’t even need to be said.
you hated that you felt envious of the fans around you, able to literally plaster their love for the girl, your girl, for everyone to see, without even an ounce of hesitation.
your usual car ride was oddly quiet on the way home, with you lost in your own thoughts and your girlfriend still winding down from the adrenaline rush of the game, and quickly sensing that something was up with you.
she knew that you had been struggling more and more with being almost like her little secret as time went on, and it killed her to watch you fade away before her eyes. but her desire to protect you was stronger than her ability to see just how much the tiniest action would affect you.
you knew it was playing on her mind too as she slipped her hand into yours when you were walking from the car up to her house. a short lived moment of happiness and almost relief, that you cut short when you noticed her head constantly turning - making sure nobody was watching, even in the darkness of the night enveloping you.
tears formed in your eyes at a speed in any other moment you would find embarrassing, as you dropped her hand and rushed ahead, ignoring her calls of your name trailing behind you.
and in an instant, her house, your usual refuge from the prying eyes of the outside world, turned from an escape to the place you were trying to hide from as you entered it, with katie not even a step behind you.
“baby please. talk to me.” her voice made you shiver, her being much closer to you than you had realised, and the scratch of her accent almost made you crumble entirely. it didn’t - but it did force your sudden guard down slightly, and allowed her to guide you towards the sofa with a hand on your back.
you sank into the plush of the cushions pathetically, a perfect match to the way you threw your head in your hands a second later. your thoughts were racing around your mind, and not showing signs of letting up for even a second. you’d gone from having one moment of vulnerability at a game to being convinced that your world was ending.
that you weren’t worth it, you never had been - and that she was going to leave you.
“sweetheart, look at me.” katie almost begged, now on her knees crouched on the floor in front of you, looking the most concerned you’d ever seen her, which made you feel beyond stupid.
you knew she loved you. any idiot could look at her now, notice the look in her eyes as she took in you and know that she loved you more than anything. so why was it so hard for you to see that?
why could you not just appreciate what you had and be happy?
any one of those fans sat around you tonight would kill to be you if they knew. and yet you’re near crying and refusing to look at her.
“it’s silly, i’m sorry, you had such a good game i shouldn’t be ruining it.” your words were no more than a mumble, spoken into the palms of your hands.
“no it’s not. nothing you feel is ever silly, i promise. talk to me.” she clasped your hands in hers, causing the now slowing tears to kick start again.
“i just- i’m just so tired of not being able to show the world how much i love you. i don’t want to be a secret anymore, all of the hiding is suffocating me and i don’t want that. i don’t want us to deny ourselves the chance to be truly happy. so many couples are out freely, why can’t we be like that? am i not enough? or do you not want to be with me? i- i just can’t do it anymore. i’m so sorry, katie.”
you closed your eyes when your ramblings trailed off into sniffles, not wanting to witness her reaction. she wanted this to be a secret - she was dead set on it. you weren’t prepared for this life. you didn’t know what it was like. all you thought would come from this conversation was her leaving you.
that surely was the only outcome here.
she didn’t reply for a few seconds. seconds that felt like hours as an unnerving, almost cold silence fell between the short distance between you.
“look at me.”
and for the first time since your emotions had taken over you - you made eye contact with her, staring into her eyes that you were convinced contained some kind of magic, holding the ability to completely bring down your walls just from a glance, every time.
“okay.” she spoke, so softly that you were almost convinced you’d misheard.
“okay what?” you looked at her, confusion visibly plastered all her your face - that in any other circumstance would’ve had her laughing and teasing you.
“we can do this.” her voice was so soft, so vulnerable that it made guilt seep into your veins.
“really, i don’t want you to feel forced i understand you don’t want-”
“baby. no. i want more than anything to show the world how much i love you. i just want to protect you from all of the negativity out there, but the last thing i wanted to do was push you away. if you’re ready, then so am i, kay?” she cut you off before you’d even had a chance to let your insecurities consume any more of you.
“and you are my absolute world. i’m sorry i let you doubt that for even a second. i love you so much it physically hurts - everything i do is for you, and i’m so beyond lucky to have you.”
and with her words, your tears returned once more - but instead for a completely different cause.
her lips were on yours in an instant, joining in a kiss that whilst mixed with salty tears - said everything that months worth of words could never.
you settled instantly in her arms, letting her hold you and literally kiss all of your troubles away.
“i’m gonna have to start training more then i guess!” she broke the first peaceful, happy silence of the evening abruptly, and confusing you even more than she had before at the randomness of her words.
“wait what? why?”
“because you are all mine. and look at ye! i’m going to have to fight off my competition now they’re going to know who you are!”
“there’s no competition, never has been.”
this is not proof read and is most likely the worst thing i’ve ever written but i was determined to actually get it out of my drafts
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lets-get-saucy · 5 months
Only For You – Katie McCabe x reader (smut)
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Inspired by this prompt
Warnings: smut, fluff, Katie being a softie
a/n: let me know if you have any suggestions or request, I really liked writing this one 😌
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 This was your second year at arsenal, you had transferred from the nwsl wanting to expand your knowledge of football and live abroad. The first few weeks were definitely tough. Even though you had been living away from home since college you had never lived this far before, and in an entirely different country than your family and friends. However, the transition was made easier by the girls at arsenal. They immediately welcomed you in making you feel apart of the family. One girl in particular really help you settle in to your new life.
Katie was your first close friend at arsenal and after a few months you began dating. You had officially been dating for a little over a year and had just moved in together a few weeks ago.it just made sense because you were always at each other’s places anyways.
Katie had a reputation on and off the pitch. Getting carded during games, yelling during training sessions, joking around and being loud in the changing room, but that was part of the reason you fell for the Irishwoman in the first place.
Today was no different, it was a few days before a big match and Katie was being well Katie during practice. You were separated in different groups. Katie was in a different group than you across the field, but you could hear her yelling, never one to not be competitive.
“Pass the ball” you heard Katie shout, “come on!”
Shaking your head, smiling to yourself, you turned your attention back to your group. Alessia, Leah, Lia, and Beth were on your team. Beth was cracking jokes, while Leah had a focused face taking training seriously.
The rest of practice went by fairly quickly. You would steal glances in your girlfriends direction on occasion but managed to not get too distracted. At the start of Katie and your relationship, you both had agreed to keep your private lives out of training and for the most part you did. However, this didn’t stop the Irishwoman from showering you with affection off the pitch.
Katie made it to the changing rooms before you did and had set fresh clothes out for you nicely folded in your cubby. She was sitting on the bench in front of her own, next to yours, undoing her laces taking off her shoes.
You sat down next to her and began taking off your own shoes.
“Good work today baby” Katie said, wrapping an arm around your back and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You leaned into her mumbling a thanks and you too. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Kyra laughing as Beth repeated what Katie said kissing Leahs forehead, causing a group of the girls to laugh.
On the pitch and most of the time actually, Katie was loud and obnoxious. But to you she was sweet and caring, always looking out for you.
She ignored the other girls, rubbing your back before heading off to the showers. You soon followed to do the same. Grabbing your wash bag you headed off to the showers, ridding yourself of sweat and grass stuck to your skin.
After you showered you made your way back to your cubby, seeing Katie already dressed brushing your hair. Quickly putting on your fresh clothes you sat back down on the bench to brush your hair. Before you could even get the brush to your hair Katie stopped you.
“Let me” she said as she took your brush from your hair.
She gently brushed your hair, humming along to whatever song one of the other girls had on. You had to bite your lip to hold in a moan as the other woman worked the brush through your hair. You loved having your hair played with and Katie was unintentionally turning you on right now.
You heard laughter coming from across the changing room again. Turning to see what was happening, you noticed Krya mimicking Katie.
“Here let me brush your hair for you my little sweet angel cookie” Kyra joked, pulling a brush through Caitlins hair.
“Hey! I don’t sound like that” Katie shouted at them from across the room, a pout forming on her lips.
The others giggled, rolling their eyes at her.
“You’ve gone a bit soft McCabe” Leah said, patting Katie on the shoulder as she walked past.
“Have not” she huffed crossing her arms.
Leah just offered you a smile, sharing a knowing look.
“Its okay by big softie” you said pulling her into a hug.
“m’not a softie” she mumbled into your neck.
“Sure you’re not”
You gathered your stuff together as Katie did the same but not with out her offering to do half of it for you.
“Ready to go love?” you asked as Katie handed you your bag.
She nodded grabbing your hand practically pulling you from the changing room. As you walked through the some of the others continued to mock Katie and you couldn’t hide the amused look from your face.
“Oh Lessie you did so well in training baby cakes” Beth said making kissing noises.
“Here Lia let me help you put your shoes on”
“Wally your eyes are like stars, I get lost in them”
You know you should be annoyed by the other girls mocking but it makes your heart warm. Katie’s affection towards you was something you would never grow tired of. So even if the other girls made fun of it, you loved the way Katie showed she loved you.
 The drive back to your shared place was quick but Katie never took a hand off of you. If her hand wasn’t holding yours it was on your thigh, if it wasn’t on your thigh it was back to your hand.
 You couldn’t help but notice she was more touchy than normal. Even once you were both inside she remained glued to you. While you were cooking dinner she was behind you, arms wrapped around your waist, head resting on your shoulder. She would sneak kisses in here and there, pressing her lips to your neck or check. On occasion turning your face to kiss your lips. Even while you ate she was sitting as close as she could to you, your thighs brushing. After dinner you made your way upstairs, Katie following behind. She slapped your ass causing you to let out a squeal in suprise.
“What was that for?” you asked turning around to face her.
“Just admiring the view” Katie smirked up at you.
Shaking your head you turned back around continuing up to your bedroom, Katie’s eyes not leaving your ass as you walked. You went straight to the bathroom freshening up for bed, putting on pajamas and brushing your teeth. When you walked back into the bedroom Katie was sitting at the foot of the bed waiting for you.
“come here” she said, her voice low with need.
You walk over to her and stand in between her legs, your hands coming up to rest on her shoulders. Katie’s hands tightly grab your hips pulling you even closer. Her thumbs slide under your shirt, stroking softly at your stomach. You feel your abs tense at her touch, goosebumps forming where her fingers meet your skin.
“so beautiful” one of her hands comes up to the back of your neck pulling you in for a kiss.
The kiss quickly becomes heated, Katie nipping at your bottom lip before her tongue enters your mouth. The hand one your hip moves, sliding down before Katie squeezes your ass causing you to moan. She pulls away before sliding back on the bed pulling you with her. She leads back against the headboard as you straddle her sitting in her lap.
“My perfect girl” Katie says kissing your neck, her hands roaming up your stomach.
“Can I?” she ask tugging at the hem of your shirt to take it off.
You nod, Katie smirks as she removes your shirt tossing it somewhere in the room. The cold air hits you skin causing your nibbles to become hard.
Katie immediately goes to touch your breast, but you stop her.
“your top too” you say.
You help her take her top off, both of you now shirtless. Before you even get a chance to admire the woman under you, her mouth is on one breast a hand playing with the other. You moan as Katie’s tongue swirls around your nipple before lightly sucking. Arching into her touch you can feel wetness begin to drip from your core.
“Katie” you gasp as her fingers trail up your thighs.
Working her way up from your chest, she nips at your ear. Your grind down unable to help it needing more friction.
“tell me what you need love” she says, one hand gripping your hip the other tracing patterns on your inner thigh.
“you, I need you” you say, your hands finding her hair rolling your hips into hers. You were almost embarrassed how worked up you already were. Katie was barely touching you and you knew once she did you wouldn’t last long.
“gonna have to be more specific baby”
You huff in annoyance, “anything Katie, your fingers, your tongue, I don’t care I just need you”
“Take these off baby” Katie says pulling at your shorts.
Sitting up a little, Katie helps you take off your shorts and underwear before your settle back on her lap.
Her fingers grip your thighs holding you close as you meet for a kiss. Katie shifts under you slightly causing her thigh to hit your center. You grind down on her thigh, need thrumming through you.
“So wet for me darling” Katie says pushing her thigh into you more.
“Please baby” you groan burying your face in the irishwoman’s neck, “I need more.”
One of her hands moved from your hip sliding down to graze your folds. She softly brushed your clit, circling her fingers before moving down. You turn into a mess on top of Katie, moaning and gasping as her fingers gently work at your clit never quite giving you what you need but working you up slowly. Finally she slips two fingers inside of you, your fingers dig into her back as she slowly pumps them in and out of you. Your head falls back as pleasure starts to overtake you. You move your hips down to meet Katies fingers, her palm hitting your clit with each thrust.
“open your eyes” Katie demands, “look how good you take my fingers”
Opening your eyes you look down and you core tightens at the sight.
“Always so perfect” Katie says before capturing your lips with her own.
Your legs begin to shake as you get closer to coming. Your grip on Katie tightens, leaving crescent shaped indents on her back.
“I’m so close”
“come for me baby” Katie says speeding up her fingers hitting you in the right spot on each thrust.
With that you’re coming. Panting hard, clenching around Katie’s fingers as she works you through your orgasm.
You fall into her, limp with the after affects of pleasure as Katie slowly removes her fingers kissing your temple.
“you did so good for me baby” Her hand stroking your back.
After a few minutes, Katie gently lays you down on the bed before getting up and heading off to the bathroom. She returns with a warm towel cleaning you up before climbing back into bed with you.
You cuddle in close to her side, draped half over her.
“I love you, baby” Katie says somehow pulling you even closer.
“I love you too”
She tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, giving you a quick kiss.
“such a softie” you say against her lips.
“only for you” Katie says kissing you again.
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alotofpockets · 5 months
Not as it seems | Katie McCabe
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Pairing: Katie McCabe x Arsenal!Reader
Reader pronouns used: she/her
Summary: Your girlfriend finds messages on your phone that make her think that you are cheating on her. What will happen when she won't let you tell her your side of the story?
Warnings: Angst (with a happy ending), accusation of cheating, and some swear words.
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 2.4k
Katie was sitting in the living room of your shared apartment, decked out in her training kit, while you were still getting changed in the bedroom. Your girlfriend of a year, was always ready before you, you had no clue why because you literally had to change into the same kit. Still, you felt no rush as you still had some time before you would have to leave to pick up Kyra. When the younger Australian joined the team, you and Katie had offered to pick her up before training, since she lived on the route to the training centre.  
You had left your phone on the living room couch, where you had previously sat cuddled up to your girlfriend. Katie didn’t mean to look when it buzzed with a new message but she caught your screen light up from the corner of her eye. The messages that showed up had her reach for the phone instantly.
EM: I can’t believe that she still has no clue
EM: See you next weekend! ❤️
Who was this Em and why was she going to see you next weekend? She had never heard you talk about an Em, and you hadn’t mentioned having any plans next weekend either. What bothered her most was that she had the early feeling that she was the one being referred to as the one ‘having no clue’. So, against her better judgement she unlocked your phone with the passcode you had shared with her early on in your relationship. She opened your conversation with the person in question, and without scrolling further she dropped your phone.
Y/n: Made the reservation for the hotel under your name
EM: Does Katie have any suspicions?
Y/n: None at all :)
EM: I can’t believe that she still has no clue
EM: See you next weekend! ❤️
Her mind was racing, there was only one logical explanation for the conversation she had just read, right? She started pacing the room, why was this happening to her? Why was it happening again? Was she just not good enough? Besides being extremely hurt, she was also very angry with you. So, when you came walking into the living room all cheerful, she snapped. 
“How could you do this to me, y/n?” You were taken back by her raised voice accompanied by the use of your full first name. “I’m sorry but what exactly did I do?” You ask timidly, not wanting to upset the Irish woman more. She reaches for your phone that she dropped just moments before, and holds up the conversation to your face. You frown, “You went through my messages?” Sure you gave her your passcode, as did she, but that was something you had done because there was a high level of trust between the two of you, and not to go through the other’s messages. “That is what you want to focus on right now? You’re fucking cheating on me, and you want to talk about me reading your messages?” 
“Katie, it’s not what you think-” She interrupts you before you can finish your sentence. “I don’t want to hear your stupid excuses.” You try to say something again, but to no avail. “Get in the car, we have to pick up Kyra.” You had never seen Katie this way, her face was stoic, and she didn’t say a word on the drive over to Kyra’s. When Kyra got into the back of the car she could feel the tension, so she opted on scrolling on her phone instead of getting involved in whatever was going on. 
The three of you walk into the locker room together, and walk to your cubbies. Instead of sitting down at her cubby next to yours, Katie grabs her stuff, and moves to a free cubby down the other side of the room. The girls look between the two of you worriedly, they had never seen the two of you fight like this before. You don’t notice their stares, as your eyes are trained to the floor while you boot up. 
“Do you know what’s going on?” Steph whispers to Kyra. “I have no clue, there was a lot of tension in the car but neither one of them said a word.” Some of the other girls listened in, wanting to know what happened too, but sadly Kyra didn’t know either. The team wanted to be there for the both of you, but they felt helpless not knowing what was going on. 
Katie, who had enough of all the whispering, got up and walked towards the door, but not before turning around and saying, “Since you all so badly want to know what’s going on, I just found out that she is cheating on me.” Without another word she leaves the room, slamming the door in the process.
Now you know that all of their eyes are on you, and there is no way to avoid them now. “Y/n, is it true?” Leah asked, not sure what to ask, but she felt like you should be able to tell your side of the story too. It pained you to think that both your girlfriend and your teammates thought you would do something like that. “I did not cheat on her.” You get up annoyed, and head out to the pitch yourself, the rest of the team following your lead, probably more confused now than when they didn’t know what was going on. 
You started warming up with your back towards Katie, and she did the same on the other end of the field. During the training drills you were running up and down the field, and every time you saw the angry looks that Katie sent your way, your heart broke a little more, until eventually you couldn’t take it anymore. You run off the field with tears streaming down your face, only stopping once you have made your way behind one of the supply sheds where you just slump to the ground.
It wasn't long until you heard footsteps coming closer, you looked up to see Beth standing in front of you. “Oh, honey.” She says when she notices the state you're in. Without a second thought, she sits down beside you, and wraps her arms around you. Gently rocking you back and forth in her arms, letting you cry it all out. 
Only once you start wiping the tears of your face, Beth speaks up again. “Why don't you tell me what's going on, sweetheart?” Her voice was soft, and it almost made you sob again. “She saw some messages on my phone and immediately accused me of cheating on her. I would never do that to her, or anyone for that matter.” Beth listened carefully to your words, “Did you tell her that?” She tries. “I started to but she didn't let me finish. I don't want to lose her but she's so angry with me, and she won't even listen to me. I was only trying to surprise her by flying in her sister Ella for the match next week. Why won't she listen to me, Beth?” Your voice was weak as your emotions were high.
Beth had a feeling why Katie's mind had so quickly gone to this conclusion, but felt like it wasn't her place to tell you, if it was something that Katie hadn't yet shared with you. “I'll go talk to her. Why don't you go to the locker room, and stay there for a bit, okay? I'll let Jonas know that you need some time.” She gets up, and offers her hand to help you up as well. With another hug, Beth is on her way to talk to Katie.
Meanwhile on the pitch some of the girls had taken Katie aside as well. Katie usually wasn't one to cry in front of others, but now that she felt like her world was ending, she couldn't hold her tears in. “I thought I could trust her.” She tells them between sobs. “I really thought things would be different with her, why would she do this to me?” Viv puts a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Have you talked to her? In the locker room she said that she didn't cheat on you.” Leah asks. Katie shakes her head, “No, but I saw the messages. She booked a hotel for some girl and she talked about me not having a clue.” Before any of her teammates can answer, Beth is by their side. “Hey, sorry to interrupt but I really think you should talk to your girl.” 
Katie shakes her head, “I can't Beth, I-.” Now Katie was the one not allowed to finish her sentence, as Beth interrupts her. “Okay, then listen to me. She didn't cheat on you, she was surprising you by flying Ella in for the match next week.” Katie looks at her friend in disbelief. “I understand why your mind went to this conclusion, but she's not Mandy. She's heartbroken even by the thought that you'd think she'd do that to you. Please go talk to her.” It finally started to settle for Katie, who now felt extremely guilty for accusing you. So, she took Beth’s advice, and headed to the locker room.
You hear a soft knock on the locker room door before it opens slightly and Katie appears on the other side. “Can I come in?” The softness in her voice was the complete opposite of the raised voice you had gotten this morning, so you nod. You sat on the floor in the far corner of the room, back leaned against the wall. Katie makes her way over to you and sits down in front of you. “Beth told me about your plans.” She starts softly. “I know I really messed up in accusing you, and not letting you explain yourself. I am really sorry for that. I never meant to break your trust, as it is very important to me. I will do anything to fix what I’ve broken, if you’ll allow me.” She looks up again, nervously searching for eye contact. “Why would you think that I would ever cheat on you?” Your voice breaks mid sentence. “I never thought you would, and I of course really didn’t want it to be true. The reason I thought that that was what was happening is because of something that happened in my past. I should have told you about this before, and I am not saying this to excuse my actions, because I know that I was wrong. I’ve been cheated on in the past, so when I saw the messages pop-up on your screen, my mind went straight back to that. Again, it doesn’t excuse my behaviour. I should have talked to you, and I am really sorry I didn’t do that. I promise to be better.” 
You finally made eye contact with the brunette sitting in front of you. Despite your feelings on the current situation, your blood was boiling finding out that someone had hurt your girlfriend so badly in the past. “Who?” You asked with a hint of anger in your tone, towards whoever had done it. Katie was surprised that you wanted to hear more about that, instead of the situation at hand, but she answered nonetheless. “Mandy, the girl I dated back in college.” Katie didn’t expect you to reach out your hand, but she took it before you could change your mind and retract it. “What a bitch.” Your comment took Katie by surprise, and made her chuckle. Katie’s laugh was contagious, and you’re soon laughing with her. The laughter soon turns into crying from both ends, as you had pulled her in for a hug. It was a tight hug, one that meant more than words could express.
She sits down by your side once you pull back from the hug. “What can I do to fix this?” You think for a moment. “I need you to talk to me when something happens.” She nods, “I will do that next time something happens, I promise.” You lean your head against her shoulder, exhausted from all of today’s emotions. “And I need you to explain to the team what actually happened, because you made me out for someone I am not.” Katie nods again, “I am sorry, I promise I will fix it. Just so you know, none of them actually thought you did, they were all telling me to talk to you. And I will also promise that the next time they tell me that, I will.” She adds quickly, wanting to show you that she was listening to you. “Okay, and when you’ve done that, I would really like you to take me home, my head hurts and I am exhausted.” 
Katie helps you up, before she excuses herself to quickly run back to the team who was still training on the pitch. She went to tell them what happened, like she had promised. She talked to Jonas about the both of you needing the rest of training off as well, and finally she made sure that Kyra would have a ride home. 
Back home you lay down on the couch immediately, while Katie makes her way to the kitchen, coming back with a glass of water and some painkillers for your headache. “I’m really sorry that I ruined your surprise in such a horrific way.” She sits down next to you, leaving some space just in case you need it, but you quickly scoot into her side. “At least I no longer have to keep secrets from you, I hate keeping secrets from you.” Katie presses a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Oh, and you’re telling Ella that you figered out the surprise, preferably without the whole explanation of the story.” You say before wrapping your arms around her waist and laying your head down on your chest, getting ready to take a well deserved nap. “Okay, I’ll call her tonight. Does telling her I saw the two of you messaging about it sound alright to you?” You hum letting her know it does, before closing your eyes. 
Katie holds you while you sleep, feeling grateful that you were giving her the opportunity to make it up to you. She loved you more than anything in the world, which was also the reason that she was so scared of losing you. She promised herself to improve her communication skills, so nothing like this would ever happen again, before she closed her own eyes and fell asleep with you.
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maxsimagination · 5 months
Could you do a smut fic with Katie McCabe possibly about reader and Katie swapping shirts and doing it in the changing rooms. Katie likes seeing her name on your back whilst you do it
𝙨𝙬𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙨 - 𝙠.𝙢𝙘𝙘𝙖𝙗𝙚
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warnings: smut. 18+ under the cut.
reader is captain of aus during the world cup.
caitlin and katie aren’t together in this.
a/n: not my best work 🤦🏼‍♀️ but fiwb
it was a brutal game against ireland, fouls being committed everywhere.
and by everywhere i mean katie maccabe.
going up against the captain wasn’t easy by any means, she was the most determined defender in the pitch and was not afraid to slide into tackles.
i wasn’t any less determined, but as the opposing captain and a striker, i was typically the one on the end of her tackles.
however by the end of the first half, australia had already gained three goals. one scored by me and the other two assisted by me.
clearly that didn’t set katie in a good mood and she was even worse on the pitch then before. it wasn’t just me she’d been targeting before, going up against caitlin and mary. but now it was just me. i hit the ground about three times within ten minutes, all courtesy of katie.
when i was thrown over again and i looked up to see katie at fault, that was my final straw.
“what the hell was that? you could seriously injure me if you keep going.”
“woah, calm down there, y/n. just trying to do my job.”
her thick irish accent coating her words while her eyes bore into mine made it harder to comeback. so i stood there for a second, fuming in silence while katie had a ridiculous smirk on her face.
the game moved on with no card and australia did end up winning four - nil.
when the final whistle blew and everyone was celebrating, i walked over to katie.
“good game.”
i held out my hand to shake. the irish captain looked at me then my hand. when she finally shook it, she spoke up.
“we should swap shirts.”
that was all she said, leaving it up to me to decide.
i lifted my arms up above my head, bringing my shirt up and off my body with it. i could feel katie’s eyes on my abdomen, just trailing along the muscles. it was only when i had held mine out to her that she snapped out of her stupor and took hers off too.
my eyes naturally found her abs, memorising the ripple when she lifted her arms.
we handed over our shirts to each other, putting on the opposing colour. it didn’t feel natural, wearing the bright green of ireland, but i was willing to wear it for katie.
she had slipped on the golden-yellow of mine and the camera man had walked over to get a picture of us. so we stood together, motioning to the shirts as the poses.
when we parted, i shook her hand again, before walking back to my team.
we all made a lap around the stadium, signing things and some of my teammates gave out their own shirts, but i kept the green one to myself. when we made it back to the tunnel, the ireland players were nowhere to be found, having gone back down the tunnel earlier. my team traipsed ahead of me, all celebrating the crucial win.
but then someone grabbed my wrist and tugged me in the opposite direction.
turns out, that person was katie. still wearing my shirt from earlier, she tugged me into the irish changing rooms. no one was in the room, apparently all having left the stadium earlier.
“they aren’t here. coach took everyone back to the hotel. i said i had someone to see.”
katie spoke up, noticing my hesitation.
she tugged me further in, then skinning me round and pinning me against the door.
“my name on your back does things you can’t imagine to me, love.”
“you have no idea how much i want to kiss you right now.”
“so do it.”
she was taken aback by my sudden response to her less-than-professional words. but, without second thoughts, she dove right in and pressed her lips against mine.
they were soft, but desperate, against my own. she ran her tongue across my bottom lip, asking permission. i instinctively opened my own lips and katie wasted no time slipping her tongue into my mouth.
i let out a small whine, somehow begging katie to do something more.
she lifted her knee to press against my crotch, giving me the smallest amount of pressure where i needed it most.
her action elicited a moan from me, had me begging for more.
“please katie, touch me.”
a smirk grew on her face, and there was now a fire in her eyes, like she was hungry. she slid her hands down to my waist, tugging down my shorts and underwear.
her fingers trailed down to my thighs, spreading them slightly then dipped a finger into my folds. she dragged it through my wetness before bringing it back up to her mouth where she sucked off the juices.
i groaned at her, she sure was taking her time.
“patience, love.”
with that, she slipped her fingers back down to my dripping folds. almost immediately she pushed inside me and set a steady pace.
she started off slow, thrusting in and out, letting me get used to the intrusion. then she sped up, flexing her bicep muscles while adding another finger.
i was moaning at the full feeling of her fingers inside me, hips rocking to meet katie’s thrusts.
“faster katie, please.”
“as you wish, princess.”
she sped up even further, adding her thumb to bump against my clit which sent me into overdrive.
“katie, katie i’m cumming-”
and with that i’d already been pushed over the edge.
katie slowed her thrusts to help me down from my high, licking her fingers clean when she pulled out.
“we should do this again sometime, princess.”
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avaf00rd · 27 days
Stupid challenge
Katie McCabe x Reader
“What do you mean that’s not how it works?” Katie asked humorously through her Irish accent as she put the fry packet down. Pinching the bridge of her nose as you tried to explain for the millionth time.
“You only eat the food if you win scissor paper rock!” You exclaimed placing your hands on your girlfriend’s shoulders.
“Do we get to eat it while we play scissors paper rock?” Katie asked
“Why would you need to do that?” You remarked laughing
“I don’t know you came up with the stupid challenge!” Katie argued back. Your phone still recording as it stood on the back of your parked car near a park.
“Hey it’s not stupid” you sulked, folding your arms, voice dropping.
“Hey look I’m sorry let’s do this again” Katie said reassuringly as she stopped the recording and restarted it.
“Scissors, Paper, Rock” you both said fast. Katie wrapped her hand around your fist, beating you in the game, giving you a shove to the shoulder towards the tree.
“fuck” you breathed out as you ran to the tree and all the way back to the car “oi” you flicked her grimey hands away from the food once you reached her again.
You played scissors paper rock again, you got your hopes up only for your competitive girlfriend to win once again. “Off ya go” she shoved you even harder in the further direction. “So bad at this” Katie whispered to the camera as she ate a burger, mouth full of food.
You came back puffing “why did you decide on that tree- fuck me!” you started to say before she had won once again and you were quick to pick up your feet, frantically rolling your eyes.
The tree really was that far. Making you walk the way back to the car. “Come on y’snail!” Katie yelled “there will be no food left!” laughing like it was the funniest thing she had ever seen.
“Shit yeah!” You yelled throwing your arms up as you pushed your girlfriend away by her shoulders, causing her to fall. “Oh!” You noticed her plummet to the ground
“Ow don’t fucking laugh” she wined while you stood there clutching your stomach giggling.
“I’m sorry but chop chop” you took her hands to pull her to her own two feet. “Run Katie run!” You yelled out to her, panicking when you noticed her starting to sprint. Determined to get back in zero time
You shoved as much in your mouth as you could before she was already back. Pulling your whole body away from the food before a blink, so you could redo
“Woo check it out!” You said excitedly as she started to run away. You turned to your phone recording, “who’s losing now” you shrugged with a grin before taking a large sip of the shake. You watched on her way back as she tripped, once again, by her own feet this time.
She bolted back up in no time, bringing a thumbs up from afar as she ran again “I’m okay!”
“Okay the TikTok stopped” you said as she returned. Phone now in your hand while you leaned against the car to watch it over.
“We can eat it all now?” Katie smiled at you
“Yes cheeky” you said grabbing her face with your hand and pecking her lips.
A/n: so I have another fic ready to post that I just need to double check. But I was in a writing mood and wrote this super quick. Super short but I hope you enjoyed xx
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httpswritings · 3 days
nothing to be ashamed of
katie mccabe x reader
A jolt of cold dread ripped you from sleep. Disoriented, you blinked at the faint glow of the bedside lamp. A crimson stain blooming on the white sheets confirmed your worst fear. Your period had arrived overnight, and you'd bled through everything. Shame washed over you, a familiar tide during these times.
A soft sniffle beside you broke the silence. You turned to see Katie, your amazing girlfriend, her brow furrowed with concern. Her usually vibrant blue eyes held a tenderness that melted the knot forming in your throat.
"Hey, love, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice husky with sleep but laced with a concern that warmed you despite the chill of fear.
You couldn't meet her gaze. "It's my period," you mumbled, the words barely audible. You felt ridiculous for feeling this way, but periods always made you feel vulnerable, exposed.
Understanding flickered across Katie's face, chasing away the worry lines. She sat up, gently brushing a stray strand of hair from your cheek. "Oh, baby," she murmured, her voice a soothing balm. "Don't worry, I'm here."
The efficiency with which she moved next was both comforting and a testament to years of dealing with her own cycle. Reaching for the nightstand drawer, she retrieved a box of tampons and a fluffy heating pad. Her movements were silent, a silent language of love and care you understood all too well.
As you sat up, wincing at the dull ache in your lower abdomen, Katie took your hand, her warm touch grounding you. "Let's get you changed," she said, her voice calm and reassuring. "Then we can cuddle on the couch with some hot chocolate, okay?"
The idea of leaving the warmth of your bed felt daunting, but the thought of hot chocolate and Katie's comforting presence was irresistible. You managed a weak nod, a flicker of a smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
Katie made quick work of helping you change. Her movements were gentle yet efficient as she removed the stained sheets, tucking you into fresh ones that smelled like sunshine. As she plugged in the heating pad, a wave of gratitude washed over you. You never realized how much these simple acts meant until you were in this vulnerable state.
Curled under the covers with the heating pad pressed against your stomach, a wave of relief washed over you. Katie settled beside you, her strong arm wrapping around your shoulders. Leaning your head against her chest, you inhaled the familiar scent of her sweat and her favorite lavender shampoo – a comforting mix that always made you feel safe.
"Feeling any better?" she asked softly, her fingers tracing lazy circles on your back, a silent massage that eased the tension knotting your muscles.
"Yeah," you sighed, a contented hum escaping your lips. "Thanks to you."
A comfortable silence settled between you, punctuated only by the rhythmic hum of the heating pad and the gentle rise and fall of Katie's chest. Reaching up, you brushed a stray curl from her forehead. "You're incredible, Katie," you whispered, the words thick with emotion.
Katie chuckled, a warm sound that vibrated against your chest. "Just being your girlfriend," she whispered back, squeezing you tighter.
She switched on the TV, finding a cheesy rom-com you both secretly loved. You spent the next few hours snuggled on the couch, the warmth of the heating pad and Katie's embrace chasing away the discomfort. Occasionally, Katie would pause the movie to refill your hot chocolate mug or whisper words of encouragement, reminding you of her unwavering support.
As the night wore on, the initial panic melted away, replaced by a comforting sense of security. Katie's presence was a constant source of warmth, both physically and emotionally. You drifted in and out of sleep, lulled by the sound of her breathing and the gentle hum of the heating pad.
Waking to the smell of bacon frying, you realized you must have fallen asleep on the couch. Katie appeared from the kitchen, a warm smile on her face and a plate piled high with pancakes in her hand.
"Hello again, sleepyhead," she said, placing the plate on the coffee table and handing you a steaming mug of tea. "Lunch in the sofa. Period edition. I'll clean everything up afterwards. Don't worry.”
You took a sip, the warmth spreading through you. This wasn't your ideal way to spend the day, but with Katie's love and care surrounding you, it felt strangely okay. As you took a bite of the fluffy pancake, a new realization dawned on you. Periods weren't so scary after all, not when you had someone like Katie by your side, reminding you that you were loved and supported, no matter what.
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queen-of-reptiles · 6 months
description: in which Leah and Lessi take the Arsenal lot out to their favourite bar, and katie's crush suddenly becomes not so secret
katie mccabe x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive and sexual, a few make-outs
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Katie had always liked to go out on a morning walk. Ever since she broke up with her girlfriend of seven years just over a year ago, Katie had made a good habit of getting up before 8am to go for a walk.
It used to help her think things through and try and get herself together before training. Now it just relaxes her, and let her see her.
The girl in question was someone who Katie had been watching for nearly four months now. Every weekday. Creepy, she was aware. But the gorgeous girl was just so intimidating.
She walked through London Colney with a coffee in one hand, a cigarette in the other and constantly listening to music on her rose gold beats.
Her outfits were fantastic and every time Katie watched her pass by, she would always send a kind smile from her perfectly painted lips.
Her skin was flawless, her hair like something form a L'Oreal commercial and her eyes were the most invasive and hauntingly beautiful things Katie had ever seen.
In conclusion, Katie was down bad. She loved the way her head bobbed to her music or the way the stranger would move her cigarette away from Katie, so she couldn't smell it as much.
And as Katie woke up today, Thursday, tomorrow would be the day before the Chelsea vs Arsenal match, she made herself a promise that she was going to speak to this girl today.
Katie made her way out of her apartment, happily humming along to the music as she walked her head down as she tried to think about where she could speak to the girl.
Just as Katie looked up there was a force into her chest and a squeak. There is a crash on the floor as iced coffee splashes onto the pavement.
Katie looks down and gulps as she realises the girl who has been occupying her thoughts all morning stood pressed against her chest, her coffee now scattered over the street.
"I'm so sorry lass, I wasn't lookin'." Katie apologises. The girl sends her a bright smile, shaking her head as she bends down and picks up the coffee cup and bins it.
"Please, it was my fault, in my own head this morning it seems." The girl denies, pulling her beats down to rest around her head, the faint sound of Hozier coming from them.
"What'cha in your own head about?" Katie questions kindly, the girl smiles.
"How to get you to come and speak to me." She giggles, her London accent pushing through her words.
Katie can't help the chuckle which escapes her lips, her secret admiring from afar clearly having been noticed by the beauty stood in front of her.
"Ahh, ya got me." Katie smiles. "Katie." She introduces, holding her hand out.
"I'm aware." The girl smiles, but shakes her hand anyway. "y/n." She adds.
"Beautiful name for a stunnin' girl." Katie beams and y/n smiles again, laughing lightly. She leans over and stubs out the cigarette, smiling softly.
"Apologies for the smoke, I'm sure you footballers try and steer clear." y/n hums.
"They kill ya, y'know?" Katie asks and y/n raises a brow.
"Really?" She gasps mockingly. "Thanks for the warning, I'll stop right away." She nods and Katie chuckles at the sarcasm.
"Ok ok, I was just sayin'." Katie surrenders and y/n laughs again, suddenly her phone vibrates, the Harry Potter theme tune echoing as she smiles apologetically at Katie and answers it.
"Alrigh' alrigh', I'm coming you prick!" She says lightly into the phone. She laughs at whatever is said. "I'll see you in a second babe." She hums.
Katie's heart sinks at the use of the pet-name, her once racing heart now slowing as the beautiful girl laughs again and hangs up the phone, Katie clear her throat.
"Boyfriend?" She asks, trying to not so subtly see if the girl was taken.
"Best friend." y/n hums at her and Katie's heart lifts slightly. "There's no one if that is what you're trying to figure out." y/n adds. "Besides, it wouldn't be a boyfriend." She adds.
At that confirmation Katie's heart leaps, she felt as if she had just scored against Chelsea already and it took everything in her not to whisper a small 'yes'.
"I have to go Katie love." y/n hums, the nickname making Katie almost shiver.
"Can I get your number?" Katie asks.
"Meet me here tomorrow, 8:15, iced caramel latte." y/n winks, before she sidesteps the woman and walks off, Katie turns but y/n just looks back and sends a wink before disappearing into a crowd of people.
The next morning, Katie was stood at 8:10 with an iced caramel latte which she thought was far too cold for the already crisp morning, her head was up and waiting for the shorter girl who had occupied her thoughts for months.
"I'm impressed." y/n hummed, as she slid next to Katie, the woman's head snapping to her and a smile over-taking her features.
"M'lady." Katie grinned, handing her the drink.
y/n laughed, the sound as sweet as angels singing to Katie and the Irishwoman made a promise to herself to keep y/n laughing as long as she could, because the sound warmed her blood.
"Thank you." y/n smiled, her beats were resting around her neck once more and she began to walk and Katie followed quickly after, almost jolting into action.
"So, where are we going?" Katie asks.
"You are walking me to work, then I am assuming you have training before the big game tomorrow." y/n hums and Katie looks down at her.
"Okay." Katie nods. "You clearly know football." Katie adds and y/n chuckles as she moves through the crowd of people who were leaving from a tube station.
"You could say that, yeah." y/n nods as she checks the road, her spare hand, free of a cigarette today Katie noted, reaching down for Katie's.
y/n gripped it lightly and pulled her across the quiet road before dropping her hand once they got back onto the pavement. Katie found herself clenching and unclenching a fist to try and rid herself of the sparks which were left in y/n's wake.
The two made small talk for the next ten minutes, learning about each other's favourite colours and music tastes, laughs were shared more often that not.
However, the laughs shared were only due to the fact Katie was trying her best to be as funny as possible, desperate to hear the laugh from the stunning girl stood beside her.
"So, what do you do?" Katie asks, looking down at the girl sipping her coffee.
"I'm a barista and bartender." y/n explains as they near a coffee shop which Katie walked past everyday.
It was on the corner of her street, a relatively big venue which she remembered turned into a bar once evening settled over London. She'd never been in, having liked to stick to her favourite places.
If y/n worked here, she was kicking herself for being so bad at trying something new.
There were cute pastel wooden tables and chairs out the front, only a few since not many people sat outside during the winter. Inside were booths and comfy chairs.
Cushions, blankets and a long bar decorated the coffee shop, a window of pastries and cakes sat out as well. A girl was bustling around, mouthing along to the music as she waved at y/n through the window.
y/n waved back and turned to Katie, who she noticed was looking at the six cats lying lazily inside the coffee shop and she chuckled as Katie then looked at her.
"We are not supposed to be a cat cafe, but they were all rescues and people love them so they stay." y/n explains.
She then smiles as Katie looks at her watch, sighing at the fact that she would have to get back to her place, which luckily wasn't far and head over for their long day of training.
"Thanks for walking me." y/n adds, she leans up and pecks Katie's cheek, leaving the woman slightly stunned for a moment. "See you soon!" y/n calls.
"Wait, what does that mean?" Katie asks, but y/n just ignores her as her friend lets her in and they begin to set up the open for nine am. Katie sighs, but know she is going to be late if she doesn't go.
So, with one last fleeting look at the gorgeous girl who was laughing at something, Katie touched her cheek and set off home.
The next day, Katie's head was far to focused to let many thoughts of y/n slip through, a few had, she wasn't afraid to admit, in fact the idea of the smiling girl was keeping her rather calm.
As they stepped out onto the pitch, Katie could hardly hear her heartbeat over the screams of the Arsenal fans, but she rolled her shoulders back and waited.
As soon as the whistle went for kick off Katie's blood pumped and the fire in her heart roared as she ran, she hardly payed attention to the people shouting her name.
The clock ban to tick, minutes running from them as Katie crossed the ball into the box, Beth Mead finding it and burying it in the back of the net.
Shouts of excitement echoed, Katie launching at Beth and shouting in happiness as they were surrounded. The group runs back to reset and Katie looks over to the crowd.
People jumped and cheered for her, for Beth, for them, a suddenly determination pushed through her to play the game at the same level or better.
As the half time whistle blew, the group couldn't believe they were three - one up against Chelsea. Katie was walking toward the tunnel when she saw her.
Leah was next to her the two talking animatedly about something, she was in a black puffer coat zipped and had an Arsenal beanie on her head.
Leah saw Katie watching and waved at her sending her a proud nod, then y/n turned, a wink sent Katie's way before she turned back to Leah and the continued talking.
As Katie got into the changing room, her heart continued to race, the cheeky eyes of y/n pushing through her body, the name ringing in her head.
Of course. Leah and Alessia often talked about their joint friend, the one who Leah had said she owed her happiness too, the girl having met her when Leah was crying drunk in the bar about her ACL.
Leah who was alone, was helped by y/n who let the blonde stay the night, cooked her breakfast in the morning and then answered Alessia's worried phone call.
Once Alessia finally came to Arsenal Leah had happily introduced to the girl she had described her angel, and while the team had never met her, she was often talked about.
Of course the girl Katie was crushing on was her, of course it bloody was. And as Katie stepped outside for the second half, suddenly her determination grew.
y/n felt awful, she truly did, but just after Alessia had scored her penalty her best friend had called and asked her into work explaining they had a newbie call in sick.
Leah promised her it was okay and that she would see the golden retriever of a human later. y/n had left Leah with a kind hug and ran off, and as she left the stands, she saw Katie's shoulders deflate.
However, y/n couldn't think about that, she changed into a red jumpsuit and quickly switched into work mode, her make-up done in twenty minutes and her hair scraped back into a long ponytail.
Several hours passed, y/n doing her job when her best friend and boss, Jamie came over, the woman placing her hand on y/n's shoulders.
"Haley's here now y/n/n, you can go and get ready for your fist set of the night." Jamie said as y/n served another drink, Haley nodding at y/n kindly as she slid onto the bar.
"Sure Mimi, Leah here yet?" y/n asked and Jamie nodded, pointing over to the VIP section where the group stood.
"You okay with serving them when you're not playing?" Jamie asked and y/n nodded as she moved around Adam, another server of the night.
"Yeah course." y/n grinned, the VIP section had it's own bar so the VIP's didn't need to wait in line.
y/n checked her face in the mirror, noticing Katie stood slightly out of eyeline in her jeans and tight black tank top, her arms almost making y/n choke.
y/n then slid over to the section, her arms wrapping around the familiar blonde who had played so well in the match. Recognising the feeling Alessia beamed.
"Angel!" Leah cheered noticing her as Alessia turned and bear-hugged the girl.
"Hi my loves." y/n hummed. "You were so good today, I am so sorry I had to leave early." y/n praised to Alessia who smiled brightly.
"It's okay, Lee explained." She promised her friend who smiled before sliding under the bar.
"Right ladies, this is the angel y/n we go on about." Leah said, as she quickly went around the group that had come out.
"Kim, Kyra, Cloe, Caitlin, Katie." Alessia began.
"Lotta hard k's." y/n joked and Leah chuckled.
"Lotte, Manu, Jen, Steph, Laura, Laia, Amanda, Frida, Lia, Victoria, Lina, Stina." Leah continued.
"And you obviously know Beth and Viv." Alessia finished, the couple the only two to have met y/n in the recent months.
"Yes, hi all, I'm y/n, I am your bartender tonight so yay me, and I know all of your names anyway." y/n added. "Also, great game today." She adds.
A chorus of thank yous echo before y/n sighs and looks out at the sea of 21 players and rubbed her hands together before opening the till and getting ready to start the tab.
"What we drinking?" She asks. After about twenty minutes, each player had a drink, other than Katie who waited patiently.
Leah had noticed the way Katie had lingered around the bar, the way her eyes followed y/n's every move as she made the drinks, somewhere in the back of her mind she realised what a good couple the two could make.
"Let me guess? A Guinness?" y/n asked, rolling her eyes as Katie grinned. "Of course you have the longest pouring drink last." She adds.
Usually, if people ordered a Guinness last on their orders y/n would rage, because it meant she would have to wait for it to settle before moving on, but as she looked at Katie, she didn't care.
"Why didn't ya mention you knew Lee and Less, oh and Beth and Viv?" Katie asks and y/n shrugs.
"You never asked." She tells Katie as she stops the Guinness letting the liquor settle.
"Fair enough." Katie chuckled, y/n smiled softly her head turning briefly to check the clock.
"You played well today." y/n said quietly. "I didn't realise you could be so violent." She adds and Katie smirks.
"I'm as scary as they come me." Katie grins and y/n laughs which widens Katie's grin.
"Well, you're alright. I'll give you that." y/n chuckles, Katie leans forward on the bar, her arms tensing.
y/n's gaze moves down to the tanned skin which sat there and she gulped before looking away and finishing the Guinness. Katie notices her gaze and smirks.
"Just alrigh'?" She asks teasingly but y/n just places the Guinness on the bar.
"Order up." She smiles before moving to where Jamie stood, Katie smirked at the girl's flustered cheeks and turned to lean on the bar, her eyes catching Leah's who sent her a knowing wink and a smile.
She'd been given permission, that was what Leah had given her there, she had said with her eyes 'I see it, I'm okay with it.' and Katie relaxed with that.
"Yes!" Alessia suddenly said, and the group turned to see y/n suddenly on the stage with the DJ and a live band.
"Right, yes yes, hello." y/n said into the mic, the crowd suddenly screaming and Katie furrowed her brows. "Okay, it's a Saturday night, most here are gooners, I know." y/n continued.
The crowd got louder at that and y/n laughed, the cheers were directed toward the VIP section, but Katie was impressed at the way no one had tried to sneak to them.
She loved the fans, she did, but they could be crazy, so the fact none of them had tried to approach just showed how good this bar really was she supposed.
"Not all of us." The guitarist suddenly chimed in, his long hair pushing out of his face as he nodded his head at y/n who laughed.
"Come on you irons!" She cheered, several loud cheers ringing out.
"She's a Hammers fan?" Jen asked Leah in shock and Leah laughed, nodding her head.
"Hammer-head yeah." Leah grinned and the Arsenal group shared a laugh.
"Anyway, let's fucking party." y/n said before the song kicked in. Katie almost jumped at the trumpets playing from the recording and as the drum began people danced.
"Well there is something going down! Like the storm in the sky. Oh." y/n sang, her voice powerful.
Katie's eyes widened at her live voice, so good, so powerful, so free and as her teammates began to dance to the song Katie couldn't help but watch y/n as she performed into the chorus.
"Mama knows best when, times get a hard! And papa always has a joke, to make me laugh. See mama knows best when, I feel down, to pick me up and always keep my feet on solid ground." y/n continued.
Katie didn't think she could have fallen any harder, but the second y/n started singing, she realised how wrong she was.
After an hour of Katie's teammates dancing around her while she stared in shock at y/n who was performing as if she was at Wembley. The singer thanked the crowd and said she would be back in an hour.
She then disappeared into the sea of people and despite trying, Katie could no longer see her. She sighed and shook her head when Leah slid next to her.
"So, you seem to know y/n somewhat?" Leah asks Katie, a relaxed tone in her voice.
"It's all a bit confusin' really." Katie admitted. "We pass each other on our morning walks and then the other day we just crashed into each other, talked and then I walked her to work yesterday." Katie explains.
"Right, and how long have you been seeing her on your walks?" Leah asks, raising a brow.
"4 months, and I know it sounds bad, and I had no idea who she was before it clicked at the game, but I've continued those walks, just to see her." Katie winces.
"She's like that. Totally addictive." Leah nods and Katie pauses.
"Have you and her - uh..." Katie begins, Leah bursts into laughter, shaking her head.
"No, god no!" Leah denies. "She's just my friend, my best friend really, but she just has this way about her, I can't explain it." Leah hums.
"She fuckin' stunnin' as well." Katie sighs and Leah chuckles.
"I think you'd be good together." Leah adds to Katie who smiles at her in thanks. "She's never really been one for relationships, her last one ended well, but I think she just got scared of it again." Leah adds.
"I didn't think she'd be scared of a thing." Katie hummed and Leah chuckles.
"Wait til you see her around a spider." She warns and Katie laughs as she looks around for her.
"Looking for someone?" A call asks, the two turning around to see y/n pouring Caitlin another drink, the footballer cheering when it's passed to her.
"Angel, as fantastic as always." Leah grins and y/n laughs sending a wink her way.
"Had to impress tonight, we had some VIP's in the house." y/n grins and Leah chuckles.
"Katie's got something to ask you." Leah nods, before walking away leaving Katie silently panicking as she tries to play it off cool.
"Do you?" y/n asks Katie.
"Date me!" Katie says suddenly, before wincing and sighing as she tries not to hit herself in the face. "I mean, go on a date with me?" Katie asks. "Please?" She adds.
"I'd love to." y/n smiles and Katie grins.
"Really?" She asks.
"Of course Katie." y/n smiles. "Now, give me your phone while I pour you another drink." She orders and Katie does so, watching as y/n taps her number in, stopping the Guinness pouring without looking up so she can let it settle.
"I didn't know you could sing either." Katie adds before y/n sends her a look. "Right, didn't ask." Katie nods again.
"Come on." y/n hums as Jamie takes her place, handing her a coat.
"Where are we goin'?" Katie asks, but she takes y/n's outstretched hand never-the-less and lets her pull her out the back and to a small covered area with two heat lamps and a table.
"Smoking shed." y/n says obviously as she lights a cigarette up and turns the heat lamps on.
"You sing and you smoke." Katie says. "Isn't that like oxymoronic?" She asks and y/n shrugs.
Katie moves forward to take the cigarette from the girl but hisses when a harsh slap is placed on the back of her hand.
"Bleedin' woman!" Katie curses and y/n grins happily as she inhales once more on the cigarette. "What'cha do that for?" Katie adds.
"You tried to take my cigarette." y/n says simply, and Katie huffs before darting forward again, trying to reach for the stick, y/n shrieks and skirts around the table, trying to run away.
Katie however is already quicker than her and isn't wearing heels like she is and wraps her arms tightly around y/n so she can grip the cigarette carefully and throw it onto the floor.
"Katie!" y/n whines out in annoyance, turning around to face the footballer who kept a tight grip on her waist. "I wanted that." She huffs.
"I want you." Katie says without thinking. y/n looks at her a small smile on her face before she lets out a laugh, Katie smiling sheepishly as y/n grips her shoulders as she giggles.
"Somehow, that was both smooth and terrible." y/n giggles and Katie chuckles with her.
"I'm not usually this shit at flirtin'." She promises and y/n chuckles.
"Well, let's see if your better at kissing." She mutters before her lips are on Katie's.
The Irishwoman was definitely better at kissing than she was flirting, her lips softly pressing against y/n's before she pushed her hips forward, causing y/n to stumble back into the table.
At the move, y/n gasped, her mouth opening just enough for Katie to dive her tongue in and her hands came up to keep y/n's head in place. Suddenly she was everywhere in her mouth.
It was as if she was mapping y/n's mouth with her own, every inch she could reach being touched by her tongue which finally came to clash into y/n's with the passion of four months of obsession.
Katie didn't slow down as she slid her hands down, lifting y/n onto the table so she could work at a better angle. Her hands pawing at her waist, thighs and hips.
The two parted briefly before diving back in, y/n's hands holding tightly onto Katie's shoulders, her grip tightening further when Katie's lips wondered down her neck, burning the skin she touched.
Katie bit down against y/n's shoulder as she kissed back up, y/n letting out a soft whimper at the action which was better than Katie could have dreamed of.
"If I don't stop now, I'll fuck you into this table." Katie whispered breathlessly against y/n's ear and she sighed, the two pulling away breathless and aroused.
"Definitely better at kissing." y/n breathed, eyes wide and pupils dilated. Katie laughed at that, pressing another chaste kiss to her lips before sighing.
"Come on, lets get inside." She hums and y/n nods. "So, I'll pick you up tomorrow at six?" She asks as they move to the door.
"Only if you stay the night." y/n counters back and Katie smirks.
"I intend on it." She promises lowly and y/n grins as they re-join the bar.
y/n's eyes find Leah's and the blonde smirks at her before smiling and y/n smiles back as she slides back under the bar and finishes off Katie's Guinness which had been more than settled, the woman waiting for it with a smirk.
"Order up!"
this is my christmas gift to you all! you get three fics from me today - so look out for the third later on xoxoxox
Queenie x
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Arsenal Book Club || Katie McCabe x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1897
With a satisfied smile Kim Little oversaw the little group of players who decided to stay after the Arsenal afternoon training to participate in the first meeting of the club’s book club: “Great, I think we’re complete now that means we can start.” “We’re more people than I expected.”, Leah Williamson admitted genuine. Next to her Lia Wälti had an amused smile on her lips: “Me too to be honest. Although some of us are more present than others.” The Swiss midfielder could not help but to nod into Noelle Maritz direction who was deep asleep using the stacked books as pillows.
Out of breath but with a huge grin on her face Katie McCabe crashed the peaceful scenery: “Hi guys, I hope you didn’t start without me.” “Katie, you were the last person I expected to come here!”, stunned Vivianne Miedema looked at one of her closest friends in the team. Playfully offended the irish woman asked:” What’s that supposed to mean?”  “I’ve never seen you reading.”, the Dutch striker replied laughing.
You’ve been quiet so far, holding the book club pick in your hands but you’d never miss a chance to mock Katie so you interfered into the conversation with a challenging grin: “You can read?” “You two are so rude. I’ll sit as far away from you as possible but at least I brought the most important thing with me.”, the brunette said, a mischievous look on her face. Her expression made Jen Beattie chuckle:“ Your book?” “No, the wine, Jen!”, the Irish midfielder rolled her eyes. She lived for the drama. “So that’s why you’re here.”, Beth Mead exclaimed delighted.
Innocently Katie looked around her teammates: “Is not that what book clubs are all about? Good company and wine?” “And talking about books, Katie.”, Leah reminded her. The Irish woman threw a cocky smile in the direction of the English defender:” Did you finish a book for once, Leah?” “Of course, I finished it.”, the vice-captain mumbled although her blushed cheeks were telling the truth that she didn’t. Her schedule was just too busy.
Already slightly frustrated about the fact that the evening did not go as planned, Kim groaned: ”Can we start now?” “Yes, please.”, Lia agreed motivated while trying to ignore Noelle’s snore who got louder with each minute that was passing by. Relived the captain sighed: ”Thanks. Wait, Manu that does not look like our book club pick?” “It’s, it’s just the German translation.”, the goalkeeper explained. Sceptical Leah glanced at the Austrian:” Why would you read it in German?” “That way I can understand it better.”, Manuela Zinsberger told them, her cheeks burning red.
Katie changed the topic, holding up a bottle of wine and gesturing towards some glasses; “So who of the ladies wants wine?“ Before anyone could answer, she flashed you a flirty grin; “Does the bookish missus want a glass?“ “Katie! We didn’t even start discussing the book!“, you admonished the midfielder but couldn’t suppress a smile. “So?“, she retorted. Rolling your eyes, you finally gave in, in hopes that this would shut her up; “Okay, fine. You can fill the glasses.“ “Was that so bad?“, she grinned, filling the glasses and handing the first one to you. To your surprise, she did let you have a conversation about the book for some time, during which she made a point to look extra bored. At some point, she got up and excused herself. Vivianne followed shortly after.
At the door to the bathroom, the dutch player stopped her; “Katie, you didn’t really come here for the books, right?“ Katie stood in front of the sink, washing her hands and gasped in feigned shock; “How did you find that out, Sherlock?“ “The way you look at her, Watson.“, Viv replied, arms crossed in front of her chest. The Irish midfielder shrugged unimpressed; “And? What if I say yes? Will you kick me out of your book club?“
A small smile appeared on Viviannes lips; “No. But do you want some advice?“ “No.“, Katie answered quickly which made her team mate frown in confusion. But then Viv just shrugged and stepped in Katies place to wash her hands; “Alright.“ “I can do that without your help.“ “I know but maybe you should try to her hobbies seriously.“, Viv suggested casually.Katie gestured around herself; “I do. That’s why I’m here.“ “That’s cute for your standards.“, Viv smirked. “Shut up, Miedema.“
The smile on the dutch players face only grew bigger, knowing she hit a nerve; “Let’s go back to the others.“ “I thought you wanted to wash your hands for the rest of the night.“, Katie nodded in the direction of the sink. Vivianne turned off the water; “Only until you admitted why you’re really here. Thankfully I can read you like a book.“ “No, you can only read books like a book.“, the Irish woman answered. Vivianne ignored the joke with a shake of her head; “False.“ “No, I don’t have text all over me.“ “You’re such an idiot.“,Viv replied with a mixture of annoyance and fondness before following Katie out of the bathroom.
The striker glanced curiously at the teammates when she was sitting down:” What did we miss guys?” Kim sighed frustrated:” We started to talk about Jen’s love life instead of our recent read.” “We didn’t even finish Leah’s excuses on why she was too busy to finish the book.”, Beth teased the blonde teammate. “She’s really a busy girl.”, you hummed. Immediately Leah started to defend herself while pouting:”I am! It’s not my fault.”
Innocently Katie turned to you:” Maybe you should tell us how do you make time for reading while having a busy schedule aswell.” “Or we could keep talking about Jen’s dating dilemma.”, you proposed the idea with a wink in the direction, of the older Scottish woman.  “Or we could finally start talking about the book”, Kim added already feeling her evening plan going of the rails tonight. Slowly you agreed:” Yes, that is an option too.” “Sounds boring.”, Katie mocked you two.
A big smile was on Beth’s lips as she nodded:“Honestly, especially because Jen’s dating stories are always so funny.”  “I give up. Katie, can you give me some more of your wine`”, the captain groaned, hiding her face in her hands. Motivated the Irish woman stood up:“I’ll gladly do that!” “Thanks. Cheers to you all .”, Kim mumbled with a defeated smile. A wide grin was on Katie’s face: “Cheers, captain!”
“Tell us some of them, please.”, Meado begged. Smirking the Scottish defender reassured her:“Yes, don’t worry I’ll.” Jen loved to tell the stories, everyone in the team knew that and they loved her art of storytelling. Playfully she scolded Katie and Kim:” Shut up you two. We’re trying to have a conversation.” “Tell them about your date last week.”, the captain demanded. Happily Jen shook her head:“No, I might see her again.”  “Wait, what?!”, Kim blurted out in surprise. The defender laughed because of her long time friend’s expression:“You heard me.” “Really?”  
“That’s more interesting than the book, right`”, Katie leaned over to you with a cheeky grin. You rolled her eyes because of her comment: “Oh please.” “You can’t tell me, it’s not true.”, the Irish woman said. A small smile was on your lips while admitting:” Maybe I do enjoy a little bit of gossip here and there.” “I know you would.”, the midfielder triumphed. “You know that gossipy books exist too?”, you tried to remind her. “And what should they gossip about?” Confidently you told her:” I’m sure I could find a read for you which you could not be able to put down.”
“I’m sure you won’t be able to.“, Katie answered, shaking her head with conviction. You raised her eyebrows at her; “I disagree. We don’t live too far away from each other so maybe you can come with me after the book club ended and I can give you your book. The one that was just waiting for you all this time and you didn’t even know it.“ “Okay, fine. I’ll come with you.“, she answered faster than you expected. “Alright.“ Jen interrupted you two, calling for attention once again; “Guys, could you stop talking for a second. I’m here telling you my story.“
“Oh, you know, we were about to leave anyway.“, Katie grinned and drained the rest of her wine. You smiled apologetically at Jen; “Katie can’t wait to hold her book recommendation in her hands.“ “Pretty sure it’s not the book she wants to hold in her hands.“, Noelle mumbled with a yawn. “Oi, Noelle, we thought you were asleep!“, Beth yelled out in surprise. The Swiss defender grimaced; “That’s impossible with you all constantly talking.“ “That’s not true. You were sleeping at least in the beginning.“, Lia chimed in. The two Swiss players started discussing while Jen continued telling her dating stories and Kim rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance while you left with Katie.
To your surprise, your Irish team mate got a lot less annoying on your way back to your flat. You opened the door for the two of you and led Katie into the kitchen; “You can wait here and I’ll get you your next read.“ “Okay, I’ll wait.“ “Got it!“, you called from the living room when you finally found the perfect book and returned to the kitchen with it. Katie turned the book over in her hands; “Thanks.“ “You’re welcome.“, you smiled brightly. “So…“, Katie started as she carefully put the book down on the kitchen table. “Yes?“ “Now that we’re alone…“ The smile disappeared from your face but instead you gave your team mate a curious look; “Was Noelle right? That you’d like to…“ You couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence as Katie bridged the distance between you two. “I’d like to kiss you actually.“, she answered, more earnestly than she had been all evening.
With a challenging look you leaned forward; “Then what are you waiting for?“ “For you to give me the go.“, she explained, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Go on then.“ Without another word she pressed her lips on yours, kissing you passionately like it’s the only thing she wanted to do tonight.
When you woke up the next morning, you weren’t surprised to find Katie in your bed. You knew she stayed the night. What actually surprised you was the fact that she was reading in the book you gave her. “Wait. Am I still dreaming? Katie McCabe with a book in her hand?“ “It’s just for decoration. I’m trying to impress you.“, she replied fast but only reluctantly took her eyes off the page.
You smirked at that; “Yeah, it’s a pretty sight. But tell me is the model hungry?“ “Always.“, she laughed, so you got up, pulling an oversized shirt over your head and headed to the kitchen; “Breakfast will be ready soon.“ “I even get breakfast?“, the Irish midfielder asked in surprise. “Yes.“ “What a service.“, she teased.
You were just preparing the pancake better when you suddenly felt her strong arms around her waist; “I’m trying to cook here, McCabe.“ “Oh really?“, she laughed, her lips close to your ear. “Yes, or did you mean hungry in a different way?“, you asked. She replied by playfully biting the skin on your neck; “I meant it both ways.“
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writinground2 · 7 months
can u pls write some katie mccabe x reader where reader has dyslexia?
I'll Have the Special - Katie McCabe
Y/N felt her body heating up as she heard everyone placing their order to the waiter. She tried to tune them out, re-reading the menu options again, then jumping back to the start when she would catch what someone else said. 
“Oh umm, just the special,” she offered the teen a smile, handing him the menu when she was nudged for her turn to order. 
The teen seemed overwhelmed with the large group and scribbled her order down without looking up. 
Y/N sunk into her seat when he walked away, and conversation resumed. The anxiety of racing to read the menu and not hold up the group slowly seeping away. She took a couple sips of her drink to settle her nerves before joining the conversation again. 
Her stress quickly spiked when her plate was set in front of her. Two large, battered fish filets sat on a pile of French fries. Being allergic to fish, there wasn’t anything she could eat off the plate. Having been so stressed about attempting to read the menu, she hadn’t actually listened to what the special was that night. Ordering the special had been a panic response when the menu kept getting jumbled in the noise of the restaurant.
“Oi! Switch with me!” Katie quickly reached across, trading plates before Y/N had a chance to say anything. Y/N sighed in relief when she saw food in front of her that she could eat. 
Katie gave her subtle wink before stabbing her fork into the fish, helping cool it off quicker to eat. 
“You didn’t have to switch meals with me,” Y/N mumbled while the team walked back to their hotel after supper. 
“You didn’t seem happy with what you got, and I’m not a picky eater, no biggie,” Katie shrugged her shoulders. 
“I’m allergic to fish,” Y/N muttered out, embarrassed that she ordered something she wouldn’t have been able to eat. 
Katie paused her step for a second when she heard what Y/N said, “why’d you order the special then?”
Y/N flushed and refused to look up, continuing to walk a couple steps, Katie quick to take a few large strides to catch up, “I wasn’t listening when he said what it was, and I wasn’t ready to order, so I just panicked and said the special.”
“The team would have waited for you to decide,” Katie furrowed her brow, the team was always patient, some nights it took forever to place orders, much to the frustration of many staff having to make multiple trips to take orders. 
Y/N hesitated her steps now, glancing around to see how far they were from some other groups of people having separated during the walk, “it wasn’t about being indecisive,” she huffed and dropped her chin to her chest, “I couldn’t read the menu. It was too loud to read in there.” 
“Too loud to read? That’s the dumbest thing ever,” Steph push her way between the pair, not stopping as Katie told her off. 
Looking back at Y/N, Katie could see her jaw set as her cheeks flushed pink, eyes focused on the ground as she shuffled to follow the group again. Katie caught the fabric of her coat, pulling her back to a stop. Glancing around, she realized they were at the back of their pack of players, “what do you mean it was ‘too loud to read’?” 
“Nothing, it’s dumb, like Steph said,” Y/N shook her head and tried to pull away. 
Katie tightened her grip, “it’s not dumb. Especially if it means you end up ordering something you’re allergicto.” 
Y/N kicked her toe into the pavement, watching as a stone bounced off the edge of the sidewalk, “you know how you turn the radio down in the car when you’re looking for an address?”
 Katie nodded along, “it’s like that, but I can’t turn down the world. Normally, if I take my time and really focus on just the menu, I can manage it. I’m just tired from the game, so the restaurant seemed extra loud, and people kept talking to me, I couldn’t do a good job to focus on reading.”
“You’re dyslexic!” Katie caught on quick to what Y/N was saying, quickly mumbling an apology when she realized how loudly she spoke. 
Y/N nodded, “I’ve gotten pretty good at covering. I try and order last or look the menu up ahead of time, usually both. Most places have pretty good specials, so I just get that if I can’t.”
“You never actually get what you want, do you?” Katie frowned.
Y/N shrugged it off, “it’s usually fine. Tonight was kind of the exception I guess.”
They started walking again, keeping the pace slow, uninterested in catching the group. 
“What about during film and meetings and such?”
“Jonas gives me a printout with his notes so I can follow along easier. And I try and sit in the back of the room, I can follow better if I can say what I’m reading. But listening I’m alright.”
“What else can I do to help?”
“You don’t have to do anything,” Y/N shook her head, not wanting anyone’s pity. 
Katie sighed, pushing the button for the elevator, she wanted to help, but she wasn’t going to push the girl when she seemed uncomfortable as it was, “alright, but if there is ever anything I can do. Or if Catley, or anyone, says something dumb or bugs you about this. You tell me.”
Katie fixed her with a hard stare, showing how serious she was being. 
The next team meeting the defender watched as Y/N settled in the back of the room with a few extra papers. She kept glancing over to make sure Y/N wasn’t struggling to follow along, readying herself to jump in to help if needed. Each time, she would see Y/N’s lips moving as she quietly whispered the words Jonas had on his screen or watch Y/N’s finger slowly move along her page. 
Over the next couple days, Katie watched Y/N. She didn’t know much about dyslexia, so she didn’t know if there was anything she could help Y/N with, but she wanted to make sure she would at least be aware and help avoid putting Y/N in any more situations like the restaurant. Katie knew there wasn’t much she could do to help, and Y/N seemed to be fine on her own, even noticing the small things she did that seemed to help. She would place one ear bud in during breaks to have her phone read messages to her, ducking off to the side to use voice to text to respond. 
Katie felt a little bit of guilt settle in her gut when she thought of all the times the team had gone out for dinner or coffee and Y/N felt rushed to order something she didn’t want because she felt to embarred to admit her struggle. She had seen the panic on Y/N’s face while they went for coffee after training, and someone suggested a new place. Y/N had been participating happily with the group, but dropped back and grew quiet as she put her ear bud in, attempting to search the café’s menu while keeping up with the group. 
Y/N kept to the back of the group as they entered, scanning over the large chalkboard, lips moving while mouthed the words slowly to herself. Katie quickly skimmed the menu, recognizing they had gone to an unnecessarily witty café, all the names of the drinks long, poorly executed puns, forcing you to read the description. Looking beside her, she could see Y/N quickly growing frustrated with herself. The bright, multi coloured chalk and overly designed boards creating chaos in her brain as she tried to decipher any of the drink names, none of the words coming together for her pretend to make an order. 
One by one the girls each order and moved to the side, waiting for their names to be called. Leaving Katie and Y/N the last to order. Y/N’s jaw clenched when a couple entered the café behind them, putting more pressure on her to decipher the menu. 
Katie could tell Y/N was about to give up and potentially decline ordering all together. 
“We need another minute, you can go ahead of us,” the defender nudged Y/N over, motioning for the couple to order before them. 
“I have no idea what I want,” Katie stayed close to Y/N, “maybe whole latte love?” she pointed to the first drink on the board, “or smashing pumpkin spice latte?”
Katie continued to read some of the obnoxious names, pointing to each one as she went, watching out of the corner of her eye as Y/N’s shoulders slowly dropped. 
“Blah, who came up with these? AC/DECAF? The count macchiato?”
“Thank you, Katie,” Y/N whispered when she had finished reading the menu. 
“Anytime,” she winked and moved to order, Y/N ordering quickly behind, tapping her card to pay for both. 
Katie made a point of sitting next to Y/N at restaurants, sharing a menu, causally pointing things out, and reading them out loud. She did her best to be subtle and avoid drawing attention to them when she did it. She had learned what Y/N preferred to eat and only read those options out for her, patiently holding the menu up her to continue reading at her pace in case there was something else she wanted. 
“Oh, this one sounds good, filet mignon with bearnaise sauce and seasonal vegetables,” Katie dragged her finger under the words as she read it out loud, Y/N softly whispering after the brunette finished speaking. 
Katie continued reading the options to herself, then reading out another she thought Y/N might like, “herb crusted chicken breast with rice pilaff.”
Y/N would forever be grateful the way Katie patiently read menus to her, never making her feel dumb for struggling over the process. Her ability to offer help so casually and discreate amazed her. The defender was normally so brash and blunt, that she was caught off guard at how she just made it seem like she was thinking out loud the way she read things off to Y/N. 
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kamotecue · 9 months
how could you do this, babe? ★ k. mccabe
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pairing: katie mccabe x reader
summary: you never actually thought that the one thing you didn’t want to happen—well, happened. dutch!reader
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you hated the thought of being cheated on—it was something you didn’t want to happen. little did you know it did.
you just came home from work, the shared apartment was quiet. there were lights turned on, and clothes were scattered all over.
you grimaced at the sight, but the thought of katie cheating was still on your mind. you contemplated whether to confront or to just leave—so you did what anyone probably would’ve done.
“katie?” you asked, not receiving a reply you took a deep breathe and held the door knob. the fear of being cheated on—wasn’t just a fear. you saw your mother experience it, the way your family either cheated or had been cheated on.
you slowly opened the door to see katie sitting on the shared bed, her top was removed as you noticed the other party. she had her lips on your lover’s neck as you felt your jaw clenched.
“holy shit.” the girl said, as she scrambled to cover herself up. katie gazed at you, the hallway light illuminated the dark bedroom. her face was very guilt-ridden as you scoffed.
“i guess we are done here.” you had a monotone voice, as you threw your keys on the bed. it was maddening, you told her about this.
the night you officially became a couple, you were vulnerable in her arms. you had trusted her with the biggest fear, and she broke it.
you felt someone grab your hand, as you yanked your hand away. you saw katie who had her shirt on, there were marks all over her neck as you held a glare in your eyes.
“i can explain-“ katie said, as you swirled your tongue around the mouth.
“don’t bother, katie. good night.” you said, as you turned to leave, but she had scoffed.
“you think i wanted this to happen?” you turned back only to see her arms crossed.
“no, you don’t get to pull that on me, mccabe. i never thought you would do this, but clearly i was wrong.” you watched as she winced at your harshness. the door opened to see the girl fully dressed, you clenched a fist, clearly irritated at this.
“leave.” katie said, as she walked past the two of you, quickly shuffling out the door.
“we need to talk about us-“
“is there even an us anymore? you did the one thing that i begged you not to.” katie uncrossed her arms, as she sighed in frustration.
“i’m sorry.” you watched as she looked at the floor.
“that’s it?“ you knew your voice broke, as you tried so hard not to cry.
“was it worth it?” she threw years down the drain, and when she didn’t look you in the eyes. you scoffed before throwing her your keychain that she gave you.
you had turned around, slamming the apartment door. you rushed through the hallways, not wanting to slow down because you knew she’d come after you.
and if she caught up, you knew you wouldn’t leave. how could you? she had gave you a reason to walk away, it wasn’t like she was holding you hostage. but you could’ve stayed because you loved her.
it was literally late at night when viv had gotten the call from you, ever since you played on the national team, the two of you were like two peas in a pod.
“rustig aan, ik kan je niet horen. [calm down, i can’t hear you.]” viv’s calm voice was heard on the other end. she had a finger over her ear, as she tried to hear what you were saying.
“ze heeft mij bedrogen! [she cheated on me!]” your voice was slurred, but she understood it. her eyes widened as she sat up from her bed, beth looked at her girlfriend in confusion.
“ben je dronken? waar ben je. [are you drunk? where are you?]” you looked around, the music was going throughout the room. you had a half filled glass in your hands, it was whiskey.
“in een bar vlakbij het appartement zou je het kunnen opmerken. [in a bar near the apartment, you might notice it.]” you heard viv mutter a few words, as you hummed.
“oké, blijf daar. beth en ik komen je halen. [okay, stay there. beth and i are coming to get you.]” you heard viv say, before the call had ended. you felt your eyes closing, as you gently placed the glass on the table.
you didn’t notice how concerned your teammates looked, you never drank. you were always the designated driver, you stayed away from alcohol as you saw what it could do to people.
the next day, you woke up with an absolute headache. you opened your eyes to see yourself in the guest bedroom.
a glass of water and two pills of advil were seen on the bedside table, you quickly took it before slipping through the sheets.
you heard someone hummed, as you were closer to the kitchen. it was beth who cooking, you were looking for viv but she was already starting at you.
“wil me vertellen wat er is gebeurd? [want to tell me what happened?]” viv asked, as beth looked at the hallway, seeing you a bit shy as you probably interrupted their night.
“ik vond haar in ons gedeelde bed, met een meisje—haar lippen lagen op haar nek. [i found her in our shared bed with a girl—her lips were on her neck.]” you watched as viv’s eyes widened, she accidentally slammed a fist on the counter top grabbing the attention of beth.
you had a deep conversation, beth was hugging viv in order to comfort her, as she was in disbelief her irish club teammate had treated you like this. but you had gazed at the way she looked at viv with so much love, it was something you wanted.
either way, she supported your decision. you had bid goodbye. you were sitting at the window seat of the plane, looking out of the window. the night sky was present, as you heard your phone dinged.
it was a instagram notification, confirming your transfer to lyon.
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Kiss Me
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This is from a request and you can find it here. There is a prequel that you can find here.
Thank you for reading it :)
TW : Jealousy, Angst, Swearing
"Why is your friend looking at me like she’s gonna kill me?"
Surprised by the question that your interlocutor asks you, you follow her eyes to fall on Katie’s furious face. You obviously knew who the brunette you just met was referring to in that dubious nightclub, even before you met the blue of Katie’s eyes.
"Don’t worry about her" you answer with a little smile.
The truth is, you’re nervous. If you find yourself talking to that brunette, it’s because Steph and Kyra pushed you to do it. They saw her looking at you a lot since the start of the evening.
"Come on, she's the prettiest in the nightclub" Kyra told you before practically pushing you down your seat.
"What do you have to lose?" Caitlin shrugged when you looked for her to have some help.
The truth is, Caitlin knows what you have to lose because she knows about your complicated relationship with Katie. In short, you’re both crazy in love with each other. But the complicated thibg is the point of honor that puts Katie not to be in a couple with a teammate, especially following the way her relationship with Ruesha ended.
This doesn’t prevent her from yielding regularly to the temptation that you some way are in her eyes, even ending up just as regularly by spending the night with you. The next morning, however, it’s always the same thing. She apologizes, tells you that you shouldn’t have done this, kisses your cheek and leaves.
"If it makes her react to seeing you with someone else…" Caitlin whispered, even though Katie couldn’t hear her at the other end of the table anyway.
No doubt from feeling your teammates’ eyes on her, the pretty stranger ended up approaching your table. She spoke directly to you with a shy smile.
"Hello. Can I buy you a drink?" she asked.
"Yes you can!" Kyra almost scream, actually pushing you from your seat this time.
"I’m Emma" the brunette introduced herself on your way to the bar.
"Y/N" you just answered.
"Nice name for a pretty girl"
You smiled when you heard her, not really comfortable in the field of flirting. Katie had to stick you against a wall to kiss you to make you realized that maybe she liked you too.
After getting your drinks, Emma pulled you back from the crowd to chat a little more quietly. That’s when she felt Katie’s burning eyes. Emma doesn’t seem to know you’re Arsenal players, and it’s pretty refreshing. And you’re relieved to know she won’t talk about your discussion and Katie’s reaction somewhere on Internet.
"You’re cute" smiles Emma while flicking your hair when you explain to her that you’re not from London but from Australia following the question she asks you about your accent.
Surprised by the statement, you look up at her without knowing what to say. She’s probably very pretty too, to be fair. She has a nice smile, she looks very nice and her eyes sparkle with mischief. But she’s not Katie.
"Thank you" you ended up answering weirdly.
But this doesn’t seem to bother Emma who follows by an invitation to go dancing. You accept, hoping that it makes you think about something else than Katie’s look making you the impression that it will pierce you. So you try to focus on the music and find qualities for Emma. You don’t flinch when she puts her hands on your hips to draw you against her to dance. But you withdraw abruptly when you feel her lips approach dangerously yours, teasing them lightly.
"I’m sorry" you mumble before freeing yourself from her arms.
You’re not exactly sure where you’re going to run from, but you are. Until someone grabs both your arms in each of their hands to turn you around. Katie.
"Did she kiss you?"
Her voice trembles with fury and her breath is short. But her gaze plunged into yours and it gives you the impression that there is more than that.
"Did you want to kiss her?"
Of course there’s more, like every time she kisses you or you make love. It’s not for nothing that you come back every time.
"No" you whisper
After hearing your answer, Katie abruptly breaks the last centimeters that existed between you. Her lips on yours are far from tender, rather passionate and almost desperate. The force of her kiss makes you back to the wall against which you get pinned. Like for your first kiss.
"You’re mine" Katie pants, her forehead against yours, at the end of your kiss.
"Of course I am. The only problem is that you’re not mine back, Katie."
Katie looks at you for a few seconds, her eyes dipped into yours. You are still against the wall, not thinking for a second that all your teammates are now watching you.
"I’m just scared" Katie whispers, and you feel yourself getting soft immediately at her confession.
You raise your hand on her face still leaning against yours by your foreheads. Katie’s soft side has always made you fall harder than her strong character.
"I know. I’m not gonna run away, Katie."
You feel Katie’s eyes probing yours for long seconds, your fingers still drawing the lines of her face. Her breath caresses your lips and it makes you half mad.
"Kiss me again" you almost beg her.
Katie doesn’t hesitate to put her lips on yours again for a new kiss. You put her hands on her neck and slide your nails on her skin, lightly scraching her, like you know she likes. And you can’t help but be proud by hearing her moan against your lips and feeling her tighten impossibly close to you. Stuck between the wall and her body, you can’t focus on anything but her. And it’s delicious.
"Um. I hate myself to interrupt your moment, but you better finish this at either one of your house before you end up on the Internet."
Lost in your world, you didn’t see or feel Leah approach you. Her amused smile makes you blush but you let Katie grab your hand to train you with her.
"Where are we going?" you ask without resisting.
By an incredible luck you get to find a taxi directly out of the bar that brings you quickly to Katie. And you’re unable to keep your hands in your pockets the whole way, but in your defense, Katie doesn’t help you be wise either. Luckily it’s not an Uber, otherwise you probably wouldn’t have gotten the five stars.
Arriving at Katie’s, you quickly find yourself where Katie had more or less left you. That is to say trap between her body and a wall, except that this time it’s in her apartment. You manage to reach her bedroom that you know a little less well than she knows yours, losing your clothes on the way. The hours that followed are without comments and just before you fall asleep you wonder how will happen the next morning. Usually, you’re at your apartment and Katie can run away. The good news is you can sit in her living room until you have a full conversation about your relationship.
The next morning, when you wake up, you are surprised to see that Katie is always with you in her bed. You are almost wrapped around her, one of your arms around her waist, one of your legs over her and your face just below her shoulder. You realize that Katie is awake when you hear her laugh softly and you look up at her.
Since she wakes up almost every time before you, you haven’t really seen her in the morning. But you doubt you’ve ever found her as beautiful as she was now. You don’t know what’s left in her head about what happened last night. You know that she’s the type to run headlong and you almost expect her to tell you that you have to put a definitive point to your story. Despite the extreme comfort in which you are, you try to take off from Katie, but she frowns by passing an arm around your waist to hold you against her.
"Did you sleep well?" Katie asks, putting a hand in your hair.
"Wonderfully well" you confess without hesitation, lying back in your initial position.
Katie doesn't answer anything, content to smile gently while continuing to caress your hair. That’s the truth, you don’t know when is the last time you slept so deeply and so restfully. And in your opinion, the arms of the Irish are not unknown.
"So..." you begin after minutes of silence.
"About last night?"
"What about last night?" Katie asks softly after some moments of hesitation.
The question takes you by surprise and you lift your face from her body, so that you can observe her. But when you look at her face, you immediately see the gleam of fun shining through her eyes. She’s just teasing you and having fun with your nerves. But you decide this time to play her game, unlike other times when you didn’t know what to answer.
"I don’t know? Does it get serious between us or do I have to go get Emma’s number?"
Katie’s eyebrows immediately frown and it’s your turn to hold back an amused smile. You do so with extreme accuracy.
"Don’t you dare"
"Otherwise what?" you ask with amusement as you lift your face up to hers.
But Katie answers nothing, taken to her own game, and just pouts. Her two hands slide on each side of your face to finish in your hair and put back the few strands that were on your face.
"I want you to be mine"
"I told you last night, Katie, I’ve been yours for a long time now."
"Mine only?"
"Of course"
"Mine only in like no one has touched you in a long time?"
"No one since you"
This information seems to satisfy Katie, whose body relax under yours. Her question obviously attracts your curiosity, but you’re not sure that you want to know the answer. Unless it’s obviously what you’re hoping for.
"Stop beating your brains out. I haven’t been with anyone since that kiss in the hallway either" Katie says after a few seconds.
"You really know how to talk to women" you grumble while rolling your eyes, however relieved of this information.
Katie laughs for good this time, putting her hands on your hips to make you turn and find herself above you. A new laugh escapes from her lips when she hears your little cry of surprise, but all this is interrupted when she kisses you.
"Just to be clear, you’re my girlfriend now, yeah?"
You almost want to tease her a little more, but when you see her face tinged with a certain form of shyness, you change your mind. Instead you stretch your neck to lay a kiss on the corner of her jaw.
"With great pleasure" you answer.
"Nice" Katie grins before kissing you again.
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