dizzybevvie · 7 months
Sbsbshshsjjkkk BEV.
I look at your blog and it’s just a bunch of sexy nun Dan posts in a row lmao
are you okay?!! /POS POS POS
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kingofattolia · 8 months
Honestly I cannot overstate how much seeing Hayden as TCW Anakin changed EVERYTHING. Matt Lanter's Anakin is a frat dude. He wears a backwards baseball hat and says vaguely offensive things without realizing, while being a fundamentally chill and outgoing guy at heart. Hayden's Anakin is... not that. His voice. His expressions. His physical presence. It's off somehow. It's just left of normal. It's completely unremarkable and yet deeply uncanny for reasons you can't quite describe. TCW Anakin was always a flatter, blander portrayal, but I don't think I realized until now what exactly was missing: the serial killer energy. The inarticulable conviction that SOMETHING unhinged is going on behind those eyes.
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electricpurrs · 11 months
yall im making this post unrebloggable cause it got way too many notes and thats stressful and im scared of someone getting mad over this so im stopping before anyone wants to start online fighting 👍
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Anybody who is complaining about how gay "Dragon Age: Absolution" is has clearly never played the games. Even if you play the main characters as straight, there's absolutely no way to avoid LGBT content.
Just to name a few examples:
Oghren's wife left him and has a woman for a lover when you're tasked to track her down.
Leliana, a bisexual character, tells you that she loved her mentor, who is another woman.
Isabela's very open with her bisexuality, stating she's been with both men and women.
If you romance Zevran as a woman, he tells you about his sexual history, stating "My history is varied, and it's not limited strictly to women".
There's a rumor that Empress Celene had an elven lover, Briala, which turns out to be true.
Dorian's personal quest is about him being gay and refusing to "play the part and marry the girl, keeping anything unsavory hidden and locked away".
And that's all from the top of my head. If you have more to add, then please do so.
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tyrannicalgiraffe · 1 year
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Seb is absolutely the baby girl in this relationship 😤😤
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fivewholeminutes · 4 months
As much as i adore vessel's current get up and tbh, wouldn't like him to change anything, if we do actually get something deer themed, especially deer skull themed, i will become ungovernable
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corgoship · 4 months
i will never be over the whump-fanfiction-level of suffering the writers of breaking bad put jesse pinkman through. like, first he has to endure the absolute monstrous menace that is walter white and his "affections" for a full year, but when he finally defeats him and is free from his control, he gets thrown into more abuse and slavery working for neo nazis??? for half a year??? he sleeps in a cage in the ground??? he has to watch his girlfriend be killed in front of him??? he is unrecognisable??? who wrote this i just want to have a talk (i know exactly who wrote this)
oh yeah and then they made el camino 6 years later because it wasn't enough apparently. what the fuck.
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disastergenius · 12 days
by far the worst take i've seen so far post-ep19 of Junior Year is that having a week-by-week live play would have allowed fans to essentially influence the direction of the story in the way they want it to go and that would have resulted in the cast being more sympathetic to the Ratgrinders (ie getting them a redemption arc)
why do you feel the need to try and control this story? YOU ARE NOT THE ONE TELLING IT. if you want to tell a story please go write your own, or go write fanfiction to cope or whatever but you don't get to say that the players are telling the story wrong when it's their story they are telling
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medusamagic · 3 months
I need people to recognize that saying "I'd fuck/get fucked by a trans woman" is a stance that quite a few far-right folks have. You're not special for saying the quiet part loud. If you want me to believe that you actually care about trans women, say something when we try to call attention to issues that affect us.
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petrichormore · 5 months
I’m sorry it’s still crazy to me how fast shit hit the fan yesterday. Like Bad’s last conversation about Forever was a completely hypothetical, extremely early-stage venture into what might be making him act the way he’s acting. It wasn’t even really a plan. He literally had no information of his own, he was solely going off of what Phil and the eggs told him.
And then the next day @v@ pulls up - Bad had never even seen it before - with a gun to Dapper’s head and is like “get in the van”
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suv-draws-stuff · 1 year
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guess who just caught up on record of ragnarok
extra doodles below the cut
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ashleyslorens · 10 months
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kissing vs no kissing shows
+ bonus
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islandoforder · 3 months
My thing re: Porter was only that he wasn't praising Fig for what he disapproved of with Gorgug. Like, Fig was doing things differently than Gorgug was, and it didn't have anything to do with protecting one's friends or anything like that, it was a matter of embracing fury in order to do so. He's still not a great teacher, though I do think Zac meant "I go into a worry" to be a flaw and that he wasn't looking for someone to just say "that's valid".
brace for a reply that's at least twice as long as intended haha
okay i think we do actually agree on more than we don't - i do think that 'i go into a worry' is a sign of gorgug not being raised to be comfortable with negative emotions, and the ramifications of that (love the thistlesprings, no hate to them, but their hardwon earnest positivity is probably a lot harder to recognise and appreciate as a teenager who has literally the weight of the world on his shoulders a bunch).
the point i was trying to make was about this exchange from porter to gorgug: "Most of what I see from you in class is, your rage is a place that you go to to put your body on the line for your friends. It's very selfless, very noble. Do I see you actually capable of wielding the destructive power of rage, when the chips are really down?"
to me, this reads as porter saying that his rage stemming from his protection of his friends, that selflessness, that loyalty, is not a good enough motivation, that his rage HAS to be destructive to be valued in porter's eyes, even though he has literally established in this conversation that gorgug is v good at the basic tenets of being a barbarian. he's not saying that gorgug isn't using his rage at all, he's explicitly saying that it's not the right flavour of rage for him. this exchange bugs me so much just because his little speech to fig about her paladin powers being inspired by her friends is very explicitly praising the exact same type of selfless nobility and loyalty. it feels even more hypocritical as this is the same convo with gorgug where he says he feels "heartbroken" and the same convo with fig where he says lucilla was too emotionally involved in fig's decisions in an inappropriate way.
i think it's also a bit tricky bc since emily has decided to engage with/agree with porter (and possibly with bts convos with zac there's no way to tell) brennan has (rightfully!) pivoted. it's a good move as a dm of a campaign to react to your players and how they interact with your npcs, but it does lead to a sort of retconning over the points porter was initially making. like on a mechanics of roleplaying level i get it, but if we just look at the character, it makes him inconsistent and hypocritical more than anything.
it's also hard to know where exactly i'm bringing my own feelings about teaching into it, but in this specific scenario, where gorgug is struggling to articulate his rage and negative emotions, i think not only is porter's behaviour to gorgug not helpful but is actively unhelpful, let alone how he acts with and what he says to fig, knowing they're close friends and gorgug will inevitably hear these double standards. i know it worked in the show, but i think that's bc the players chose to have it work, rather than it being a good or healthy method for a teacher to take. i've honestly got other issues with him too, but not on the point you were making so i'm not gonna keep ranting haha
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 1 month
mic'd up jure highlights from sea star festival last year
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simplydnp · 6 months
yall out here making 'predictions' as if Apollo himself isn't running around throwing dodgeballs at phannies' heads
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lgbtlunaverse · 7 months
I was watching a clip of the nutcracker on youtube and someone complained about the ballerina dancing as clara because "an adult playing a 12 year old is creepy" and guys. I think we need to shut down takes. No more takes until we figure out what's going on.
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