free-my-mindd · 1 month
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It’s very valid
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there is NEVER a WRONG or BAD REASON to reject somebody. saying "NO" can NEVER make you a bad person or a bigot. harassing somebody for having sexual boundaries puts you on the side of RAPISTS.
I better not see any "but-" or "well-" or i'll go ballistic on your PRO-RAPIST ANTI-BOUNDARIES ASS
if you can't say "no means no, even if he identifies as a yes" then you're pro rape.
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nothing0fnothing · 6 months
Not letting your daughters develop a creep alarm is abuse.
Not teaching your daughter to uphold her boundaries when men make her feel uncomfortable is abuse.
Insisting your daughter be polite to creepy family members is abuse.
Expecting your daughter to cuddle and kiss family friends she barely knows is abuse.
You know one day you will be sending an eighteen year old girl into a world full of rapists, weirdos and creeps. You are intentionally training her to ignore her instinct to pull away from these men and intilling one where she puts male comfort over her own safety.
You know that dangerous men take advantage of the way women are socialised to be polite at all costs, to never even give a man a hint that they think he's a little bit creepy, and you are teaching her to behave in exactly the way these men look for in a mark.
She will go to college one day. Just her and 10,000 20 year old men. Do you really think the purity culture narrative you have instilled in her is going to protect her if she's drunk at a party and is starting to feel unsafe, when you've taught her that her saftey comes second to male comfort?
She will have a job one day. How hard do you think it's going to be for her to navigate creepy advances in a professional setting if you've taught her she's being rude when she so much as tells a man he's making her uncomfortable?
You have 18 short years to instill into her a sense of caution and a firmness in her boundaries that for the rest of her life the society she lives in will try to beat out of her. You know she won't learn it later if you don't teach her now.
You're intentionally setting her up for an adult life of silently witnessing her own abuse, why? So you don't have to have a slightly awkward conversation about no meaning no with another grown adult? So your perfectly obedient child can be used as an entertainment accessory at family gatherings? I'd genuinely like to know what the reasoning is to intentionally endanger your child by teaching her to be perfect prey to violent men for the rest of her life.
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viceandmature · 8 months
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Sex Education Season 2 / Good Omens Season 2
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strawberrypinky · 8 months
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~ just because recent events have called for this again ~
read my psa on consent (in fanfiction) HERE
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axiseart · 11 months
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crazycatsiren · 10 months
It boggles my mind that some of y'all in this day and age still can't seem to grasp that someone else's boundaries aren't about you, that another person's consent isn't decided by you.
Doesn't matter what your intentions are. Means nothing if you think what you're doing is right or good or helpful. No means no, and saying "I don't want you to do this to me/take this from me" is anyone's right. You can pro choice until the cows go home but how much are you for autonomy when you can't even take a simple "no" for an answer?
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classycookiexo · 1 year
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purity-in-heart · 3 months
Ffs people
I know we're on the internet, I know we normally can't see the other person's face, but they're still people! Male and female users alike should still be respected. So show some restraint or be patient. Don't be rude, don't be demanding, and make sure you're not saying something so sexual that it's discomforting. Even if there's a small chance you'll cross the line with what you say, think on it or don't do it at all. It's not difficult. I just ran into at least three or four posts addressing overly sexual asks or replies and DMs by an audience member who is so impatient or out of patience that he got mad, when it's not somebody refusing to take 'no' for an answer - Which is another issue, btw; NO MEANS NO. It's commonsense, just be respectful and open-minded. And accepting 'no' as a response is the most basic form of commonsense, I shouldn't have to explain this! I'm being nice, here. I'm literally exercising respect and open-mindedness right now, because I could easily call you specific people idiots or cowards, but I'm not, because you're people, too, and I'm considering the possibility that insulting you will just make you wanna tune out without learning from your mistakes first. The worst thing I can say right now is the truth that I've seen people on here, especially, leave because of the pressure brought by people who have no patience or others who tell female users about their shlong just because they're female or based on their content. Is that what you really want? Is risking or overstepping one's boundaries really worth it?
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p1325 · 4 months
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butterflikisses · 5 months
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strayadvice · 6 months
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ryleigh130 · 3 months
Could you do something with Gaz being like a protective older brother? (Doesn't have to just be Gaz) Maybe after a mission 141 all go out for drinks and when at a bar someone 'hits on' the reader and is making them uncomfortable so the team step in?
Completely fine if not!!! <333
Have an amazing day/evening/night.
Beers & Tears - - ryleigh130
Characters- ghost, cap. price, gaz, and soap
Word Count: 1.7k
Relationships- platonic!gaz & gn! reader, platonic!141 & gn! reader, implied! ghost/soap
Warnings- sexual harassment, alcohol, profanity, pet names, gore (mild), 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself]
Note- first fic in a while let's go! Sorry I’ve been absent for a while. I've been tied up with school but I’m back so let's get this started! As always thank you and I hope you enjoy it!
The evening started off great. You and the other members of the 141 just finished an extremely taxing mission that has left everyone a bit on edge and in need of a break. So, you and the boys decided to have a night out and enjoy a few drinks before the inevitable happens and you get assigned yet another case. 
You now sit across from Gaz and Price watching Soap trying to entice Ghost to go and dance with him. You and Gaz share a knowing look at each other as Soap practically drags Ghost off to the dance floor, all the while Ghost looks like he’d rather be anywhere else then here right now.
“You know, if anyone else other than Soap was trying to get him to dance, he wouldn’t hesitate to put them in an early grave.” Gaz rolls his eyes and gestures to the pair. Price gives him a gentle smack on the back of his head and a stern look, although you can clearly see the affection in his eyes,
“Oh leave ‘em alone you muppet! They deserve to have a good time, especially without you instigating anything” Price scolds while giving Gaz a stern look. You let out a soft chuckle and take a sip from your drink, you’re not a huge drinker but you decided today since you all were celebrating you’d have a few drinks so as not to dampen the mood. You empty the glass and go to stand up,
“Imma grab a refill, be right back” you announce to Price and Gaz, the only indication of them hearing you is Gaz waving his hand and muttering,
“Yeah, uh huh, go ahead [y/n]” before moving back to bicker with Price. Once again you roll your eyes as a gentle smile graces your face and you feel the tension of the last couple of weeks roll off your shoulders, being surrounded by the people you consider family.
You maneuver around the semi-crowded bar, muttering “excuse me’s” and “sorry’s” to anyone who you happened to bump into until you finally arrive at the bar top. You take a seat on one of the stools as you motion to get the bartender’s attention, the bartender nods at you and makes a “one moment” motion, to which you nod and play with the rim of your empty glass whilst waiting. 
Whether it be the alcohol affecting your sense of awareness or just the crowd in general, you jump in surprise when a rough, calloused hand lands on your shoulder that you haven’t seen nor heard coming. You look up and notice a tall, lanky man attached to those hands. The man was around 25-30 years in age, he was tall, thin, had black, slicked back hair, and was dressed in a tailored suit that screamed designer labels and questionable taste. He had an… odor that was hard to describe, but it made you want to puke as it hit your nostrils. Nevertheless, you give the man a polite smile and tilt your head questioningly,
“May I help you, sir?” you practically shuddered as you watched the man’s eyes darken and watch as his mouth opened in a smile that could only be described as predatory.
“Oh I should be the one asking you that” The man purrs, “Wow,” he whistles “Aren’t you a stunning little specimen” you watch out of the corner of your eye as the man shifts closer to you, like a predator trapping its prey. 
Unsure on how to react, you look desperately towards Gaz and Price, but they aren’t looking and you can't catch their eyes. You quickly search the crowd to try and find Soap and Ghost but sigh as you don’t see them anywhere. You turn back towards the man awkwardly and give a shaky, unsure grin, 
“Um… thank you? I- um- sorry but I’m just here to grab a drink before I go back to sit with my friends.” You state firmly. Almost like to prove your point, the bartender walks up to you with a friendly smile,
“Hello, what can I get for you!” you nod towards the bartender and push your empty cup towards him,
“Yes, can I get three fingers of rye?” you ask, watching the man next to you out of the corner of your eye. The bartender nods and heads off to grab your drink, meanwhile the man next to you butts in once again,
“I’m Vincent Rossi by the way, but you can call me Vince” The man, Vince, winks at you,
“What’s your name sweetheart?” you cringe at the name but before you can tell the guy to piss off the bartender comes back with your drink and sets it down. You nod thanks and reach into your wallet to pay the man, before you can though, Vince slaps down a few dollars and nods towards you,
“No need love, I’ve got it for you.” you quickly shake your head no,
“I’ve got it. Thanks” you give him an annoyed look but he just shakes his head again and insists. You finally just relent and thank Vince before turning around to go back to your table to meet up with the boys and get away from Vince. Before you can take a step away, Vince grabs your arm roughly and pulls you back,
“Woah there! Where do you think you’re going? I don’t even know your name, beautiful!” You yank your arm out of his grasp and snarl,
“Listen man, I’ve said thank you already but I’m not interested. Sorry dude.” You try to back up again but once again, Vince pulls you back, this time harder. He spits in your ear harshly,
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think you realize how this works. I buy you and drink and you… help me out. If you know what I’m saying.” You push away from him harshly and slap the man across his face sending him tumbling into the bar top, not expecting the hit.
“Oh you FUCKING BITCH!” the man seethes as he rights himself and wipes away the blood running down his face with the back of his hand. A crowd gathers around you two as you back away in slight fear as Vince steps towards you with dangerous intent. Suddenly Vince charges forwards in an attempt to hit you, before you can raise your hands to defend yourself, a large figure steps in front of you and blocks the man. You look up and see Gaz absolutely SEETHING with anger. He’s holding Vince’s wrists and breathing heavily as he looks at him struggling against his grip. 
“Gaz!” you yell out in relief. Gaz turns his gaze to you and you watch as his eyes soften slightly,
“[y/n], are you ok?” he asks worriedly, before you can respond Vince spits in disgust,
“[y/n]. So that’s the whore’s name. Should’ve known they’ve already have a fuck toy they can play with.” That sets Gaz off. Vince can call him whatever he wants but when it comes to you, or your reputation, he doesn’t play. Gaz kicks the man in the gut and sends him sprawling across the bar’s dirty, wooden floors. When he’s down, Gaz jumps him, he kicks Vince in any spot he can hit all while cursing him out,
“If I EVER catch you talking about MY kid like that again, I’ll kill you! Is that understood!” Gaz yells while stomping Vince’s knee causing a loud POP to echo through the stunned bar. Before Vince could answer, you feel two pairs of gentle hands on your back, leading you outside of the bar. You look up at Soap and Ghost as they guide you through the crowd and outside where a large armored vehicle is waiting. Before the three of you get in, a pissed Gaz and an equally pissed Price come barreling out of the bar doors, Gaz still struggling and spitting out curses as Price shoves him through the doors.
“What the FUCK Price! I wasn’t finished with the bastard!” Gaz snarls, practically foaming out the mouth. Price snaps at Gaz angrily,
“That is ENOUGH soldier! Stand down! I said, STAND DOWN! THAT IS AN ORDER!” Finally, Gaz snaps out of it and starts to calm down slightly, he notices you, Soap, and Ghost staring and rushes forward. He stops and kneels in front of you, grabbing your hands and inspecting you for injuries. When satisfied you aren’t harmed he sighs in relief and wraps his arms around you,
“Oh thank god, are you ok kid?” he asks softly as you wrap your arms around him and drop your head on his shoulder. You nod and sigh softly,
“Thank you” You whisper as his arms tighten around you.
“Of course kiddo, I’d do anything to protect you. Anything.” You smile warmly and let out a little sniffle. Suddenly an awkward cough comes from behind you, you look to see Soap, Price, and Ghost standing near the car doors awkwardly. You roll your eyes and walk forward giving them each a tight hug,
“Yeah, yeah, thank you all too” you chuckle. Your smile widens as Ghost ruffles your hair and Price gives you an affectionate look,
“Let’s go home, yeah?” Soap suggests, you nod and file into the truck one by one. As you look out the window and watch the traffic roll by, you smile as you think about how lucky you are to have been blessed with such amazing friends. No. Family. 
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thatsbelievable · 2 years
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aacbbg · 6 months
No Means FUCK OFF.
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[ID: a black rectangle patch with the words no means fuck off painted on in white in all capital letters. The background is a white piece of felt. End ID]
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some---weirdo · 8 months
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I made this today because there is someone at my school who doesn't seem to understand the word "no"
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