amaranthmori · 12 days
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reigohoo · 30 days
God of war, mpreg commission
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This ych commission was made for Kali_kanthera on Furrafinity, and that's it... My first fanart? Perhaps, yes! It was quite an interesting job, and the experience of communicating with the customer was extremely pleasant!
If you want to get similar art, take the second slot!
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ilitiaforever · 10 months
wip Mobius x Loki mpreg
WIPART PATREON PACK Mobius x Loki mpreg
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nostalgia-tblr · 8 months
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mpreghotties · 6 months
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Vore Time Loops!!!!!!!!
I’ve been watching loki season 2 and they’ve been talking a lot about time loops! So, what if Phillip Winchester traveled to the past to swallow and vore his younger self to change a past mistake his younger self made.
Would he be able to make a new timeline separate from his own to fix that mistake and then continue to live as his younger self.
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nobodymitskigabriel · 18 days
Supernatural revival's new big bad should be a secret god/jötunn who Loki gave birth to a bajillion years ago and told no one about. The season finale plot twist is that Gabriel is the father.
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trigul · 3 months
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Parte 1
No creo volverlos a tocar así que aquí están. Sí, me inspiré en que Loki estuvo embarazado de una serpiente pero también de cierta serie que lo toco de lo mismo en la vida real (no es un parásito ni una solitaria, señores xD, es su hijo! 🐍).
Su pequeña creció MUCHO en pocos meses después de nacer. Nació completa ôvô y tal parece que él está embarazado de nuevo *misterio*
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image description: Pregnant Loki Beaker poses, wearing naught but a fig leaf to preserve his modesty, in front of a grey stone wall and a gold candle sconce. Text in a font that would not be out of place at a Renaissance Faire spells out a limerick that reads:
A Sim from Aurora Skies Had a manhole betwixt his thighs. He docked his cock Beneath his bollocks And his egg sacs were fertilized.
Smaller text at Loki's shoulder height reads, "Grab them man titties."
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amaranthmori · 17 days
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itssunmess · 3 months
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Frigga Jr: 💗🌷☀️💌🌾🍃🌼🪽
Lokitty: 🖤💀⛓️🗡️🕸️🩸👿
Mommy says "don't touch my baby" ♡
En realidad ella es incluso más traviesa que su madre, solo que luce tan angelical como su padre y se aprovecha de ello ya que nadie sospecha que ella sea realmente la autora de sus travesuras.
In fact, she's even naughtier than her mother, but she looks as angelic as her father and takes advantage of it since nobody suspects that she's actually the one behind her mischief.
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Close To You
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Pairing: Loki/Thor
Warning: Mpreg, Intersex thor
Summary: (Anon ask: "love your fics. have you considered writing Thor mpreg? maybe after loki's death in iw Thor realises that he's pregnant with loki's child or mpreg party Thor ")
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mydairpercabeth · 2 years
Did the MCU just make MPreg canon???
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bunnimew · 11 months
In a Family Way
"Pregnant?" Peter demanded. "Enjoy parenthood!" Loki said with a wave. "I mostly have." "Wait, Loki, don't—" But he was already gone. In the following silence, Deadpool stepped up. "I promise to be a very good dad." Peter sighed. "I appreciate your support, but I'm still working on step one, here."
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yonemurishiroku · 11 months
Octavian once told Percy that his womb fertile…
Poseidon's son barely restrained himself from stuffing his face.
But Reina explained to him in time what it meant — marine fertility, the gift of the children of Neptune, they are able to carry life regardless of gender.
Percy was in shock.
[Somewhere I read that in ancient Rome and Greece it was the priests who determined the fertility of women and decided for myself that it was in the camp of Jupiter, it was from Octavian and with the explanation of Reina that Percy learned about marine fertility].
The fact that anon keeps coming up with logical headcanons proves that Mpreg Percy could and should have been canon. Anon your commitment astounds me.
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nightingale101 · 6 months
I am in two minds of writing a Lokius baby/mpreg fanfic..
Option A: the baby is from a different branched timeline Like Loki looks into different branches of the multiverse, maybe looking for ways to stop HWR/Kang, and finds an a version of himself who dies, but leaves behind a orphaned Daughter, and when Loki looks along the Childs personal timeline, he finds it full of nothing but misery and pretty much everything stacked against her to the point where she would become a villain, but basically through no fault of her own. But feeling a connection to her, he somehow sends that child to Mobius to raise?
Option B: Loki and Mobius were in a relationship/fling BEFOR the events of S02EP06 i think you can see where this is going, Loki and Mobius hooked up at some point before the loom exploded, and Loki was pregnant from that hook up when he went and became God of Stories. Has Baby (Again, a girl) and then send the baby to Mobius.
things both of these stories would Have in common: -Loki and Mobius would be in love (Maybe a bit of slow burn? maybe they dont want to admit it) -Loki would be able to communicate to Mobius and appear before him via an astral projection (So they can speak, but cant touch) -Mobius would have to go to the TVA on occasion and take the baby with him. -The daughter would have powers similar to Loki.
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loki-whump-recs · 6 months
Warbride by SatansSin
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Captured in a war between the Aesir and Jotnar, Loki, the bastard son of King Laufey, is kept in the Aesir camp as someone to sate carnal desires. And though he escapes unscathed later, it isn't the end of his problems. For he is sold in political marriage to his very captor; a Jotun slayer. He is ruthless and Loki is innocent. It is a match made in Hel.
Pairing: Thor/Loki Rating: M Word Count: 314k+
Tags: #crying #hugging and cuddling #mpreg #suicidal ideation #intoxication #domestic abuse #severe injury #minor character death #slavery #PTSD #Avengers fam #smut
Admin notes: Fantastic and a fave. Bros I cannot even count the amount of times Loki cries in this I think past a certain point he basically never stops crying tbh. There's no rape like the summary implies. Classic political marriage to true love trope with setbacks and miscommunication. Loki's a super timid, insecure little kitten with some slight Stockholm syndrome :< Oh and Balder's there! He's also nice to Loki.
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