#Mom Kara
superdanverstrio · 6 months
Hi again! I am so totally requesting again, I love your work and you make me happy. So Obviously Kara danvers x daughter reader :) And this time Kara catches r and her "boyfriend" Ben out in public kissing or hangout, doing something and Kara now has evidence to prove it to her daughter. But Y/n tries to deny it for a moment before giving in and telling her everything... Please and Thank you Zohra :)
Have a good one!
Right through you Pt.2
A/N: I am so sorry this took my entirely to long to start writing.
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“Mom?” You asked, entering your home. “Hey honey, how was your day?” She said, closing her book and leaving it on the coach, she walked toward you to give you a hung. “It was good. Umm, I had a question.” You said, looking up at her. “Shoot.” “Can I go to the mall with some friends tomorrow after school, we would walk?” She looks at you and smirk. “Is Ben coming with you?” You rolled your eyes and shock your head. “No, I told you Ben and I aren't together.” “I never said you were, why are you on the defensive, do you have something to hide, Missy.” She questioned, still not believing you. "Mom come on, can I go?” You asked, trying to change the subject a bit. “Sure, but you need to be back before 7.” “Yes, thank you.”
The next day at the mall
“So, have you told your mom yet?” Ben asked as you walked hand in hand. “No, not yet, but ill do someday.” “Why don't you want to tell her? Are you maybe ashamed of me? It's fine if you are, I'm not mad.” You looked at him and smiled. “Of course I'm not ashamed of you, I would love for my mom to meet you.” You said, giving him a quick kiss on his lips. “It's just that my mom is extremely protective, it's a little intense sometimes. Especially my aunt, oh my god if she meets you, she will interrogate you for at least 3h hours.” He laughs and shock his hand in disbelief. “I'm sure, it's not that bad.” “It is, it really is, but ill tell her eventually.”
You guys continued to walk around the mall and visits some stores for a few hours. When you got back home, you say Kara waiting for you on the couch. “So, how was your activity with Ben.” She said with a smirk. “Are you ever going to give up, I'm not with Ben.” "Yeah, right." She said and got up from the couch and she showed you her phone, there was a picture of you and Ben on a bench, you had your head on his shoulder. You were stunned for a second.
How did she get that picture? “How did you get that. Did you follow me there?” “I actually didn't, but I have spies working for me. But don't change the subject, do you have something to say to me.” “No because this picture doesn't prove anything, we're just good friends.” Your mom smiled again, you swipe to the next image, this time you were kissing on that same bench. “Yeah, excellent friends.” You were about to defense yourself again but decided against it, you sight. “Fine, we're together, we have been together for like a month now.” “I knew it, why didn't you want to tell me?” You looked at her and chuckled. “You really don't have an idea?” she shook her head. “You are intense when it comes to people I see.” “No, I am not.” You raised an eyebrow. “Remember Kyle? You and Alex interrogate him for like 10 minutes.” “We just wanted to make sure he was good for you, I want nothing but the best for you.” She said, hugging you.”
“I know mom.” You said, hugging her back. “But you're going to have to tone it down because he really wants to come over this weekend and I don't want you to freak him out.” “Oh he's coming over great ok. And yes, I will try to tone it down.” She said, “thank you.”
Honestly you should've known she'd never tone it down, in fact she didn't try to.
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i-writes-things · 2 years
Can you do something with mom!kara and adopted!Daughter younger r gets sick and Kara tries to deal with it but she doesn’t know how to that much since she doesn’t get sick and so maybe she calls Lena or someone for help and Kara is stressing out because she dosent know how to help you
I Could Kill Her!
This is part 1, this is part 2
mom!kara x adopted!daugther
A/N: Y/n/n means "Your nickname". Reader is on the younger kid side!
Extra pairings:
Alex x niece & Eliza x granddaughter
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“Mom, I threw up.” You stand in front of her, the bathroom, lighting up your silhouette. “Mom?” Nudging her a bit, she fluttered her eyes open and asked what happened. “I threw up.” Your voice was raspy, the both of you could hear the sickness in it. Moving out of your moms way, she got up and left into the light of the blaring bathroom. Taking the opportunity to get into her bed, she came back out with a wash cloth,
“Do you feel hot?” Kara asked, thinking back to all the nights her older sister was sick and Eliza would be there to comfort her, not just that but make her feel better. She was almost always awake when this would happen, as she wanted to make sure her sister wasn’t in need of her own help. Now that the superhero had her own daughter, this information came in handy, but the kid hadn’t been so seriously sick since the adoption and moving in. You nodded your head, mumbling in agreement.
“My tummy hurts, too.” Kara wasn’t sure how to respond with something would psyhically help, “I’m sorry, honey, I know sleep will help.” You groan at her and turn over in her mother’s covers.
“No,” You whined, “it really hurts, mom.” Kara’s heart skipped a beat, from worry but also from guilt. She was always worried for her daughter, but Kara had never been sick here on Earth, she didn’t know how to specifically comfort her daughter, or even make her feel better like Eliza always had.
“You stay right here,” Kara laid the wash cloth on her daughter's forehead and moved out to her dark kitchen, ringing her sister.
“Alex, Y/n isn’t feeling well at all. She threw up, and I just don’t know how to make the sickness stop. You know I’ve never been sick. I need some help. Call me back, thanks.” Stopping the voice message, she took a second thinking about who could help her at a time like this.
“Kara, what are you doing calling me at this time of night?”
“Y/n’s sick and I don’t know what else to do to help her. I don’t want to give her some medicine and it kill her, she’s so fragile.”
“Your not gonna kill her, Kara-” Kara cut her adoptive mom off.
“I might,” Eliza could tell she was stressed.
“You won’t. She’s human Kara, she’ll be alright for the night.”
“Are you sure? She said her stomach hurts? How do I help with that? She threw up too.”
“You can make sure she doesn’t need to throw-”
“Y/n?” Kara blurted out, watching you run back into the bathroom and let the rest of your stomach go.
“Pull her hair back,” Kara pulls back your hair, wincing at the smell and tucked her phone between her shoulder and ear. “Make sure she doesn’t drink anything for a little while after throwing up, she might throw it all up again.”
“She's not a little baby.” Kara began to stroke your hair gently.
“But she will need fluids, just not right after. Make a washcloth for her, oh, hun, don’t forget to check her temperature. You guys try to get some sleep for the night and I’ll be over in the morning. Goodnight, Kara.”
“Eliza, I don't-” She hung up. Kara slumped over, catching her phone, holding most of your hair with the other hand, whilst setting her phone aside. Turning her focus back to you, she saw you were just hovering over the toilet. “Feeling better?” Her only answer was more chunks of last night's dinner flying into the toilet. After finally getting you clean of sickness from changing your clothes, wiping your face and doing the same to the bathroom, you and Kara got cozy in her bed.
“Sleep, baby. Tomorrow we’ll go to Alex and make sure you get better.”
“I want you to make me better, I’m not a patient.”
“Go to sleep, we’ll talk in the morning.” She kissed your red cheek.
The next morning…
You fluttered your eyes open to the noise of a voice coming from the kitchen. Your head ached, throat was dry and you were cold, so cold, even in your mom's thick covers. Again hearing someone in the kitchen. Kara was either trying to learn how to cook again, Alex was here or you were being robbed which didn't have much of a chance of being true.
“Moooom…” You groaned, the other voice abruptly stopping and she came into view from around the corner, immediately smiling when she saw you.
“How's my girl? Feeling better?” Before you could respond she continued almost excitedly. “I have some medicine, you said your stomach hurt? Does anything else hurt? Your head, do you have a runny nose, what about your throat, honey?” She was leaning over you, in an overbearing type of way.
You groaned again, “Everything.”
“Everything…?” Kara was confused and didn't understand how everything could be wrong, but tried to process it. “Okay… I’ll be right back…” She ran back to her computer when there was a knock on the door, and you called out for her again.
“Just a minute, Y/n/n,” She opened the door, “Eliza…!” She wasn't sure if she should be happy or overwhelmed.
“Kara! How is she feeling?” Kara took a deep breath.
“She told me everything hurts,” Right on cue you groaned out for her again. She walked back in and sat on the bed next to you.
“What's up?” Tucking the hair behind your ear, you sniffled.
“Am I sick?” Kara rests her face.
“I’m afraid so. Let's take your temperature.” When she moved to get up you pulled on her arm as she tried to get away. “Y/n, I’ll be right back.” She walked back to Eliza, as you move around trying to find a comfy position on the bed. Back in the kitchen Eliza had set her things down and was looking at the pile on the island table.
“Do you see the thermometer in there?” Eliza shook her head,moving back to her purse. “Damn,” Kara whispered to herself and started to look around for her coat.
“I brought one, Kara.” Eliza handed a thermometer out to her.
“No, I can go buy one, really, I need one anyway.” She chuckles lightly, gesturing to you in her bed. She could hear you groaning quietly from pain.
“Take it, make sure she’s not too hot.”
“Mommy come back now!” You yelled for her.
“Coming, sweetheart,” She took the thermometer and nodded in agreement, “Thank you.” Eliza smiled and as Kara raced over to you, Eliza came into view and saw how her daughter took care of you. She had no knowledge of sickness. Turning back towards the kitchen, wanting to make you something to eat Eliza saw the computer. It was open to a tab about how to care for a sick kid. Under the website ‘Wiki How’
“104.2? Is that bad?”
“What! 104? I’m calling Alex.”
“What? Is 104 a high temp?” Kara questioned unsure. You, on the verge of going back to sleep, your mom came and woke you up.
“Stooop! I was almost asleep.” You harshly move away from her, annoyed people were waking you up.
“I’m sorry, we have to go. Y/n,” She tried to pick you up, but your squirming was not helping. “Y/n, this is not the time.” She warned and you whined. “What's wrong? What's wrong?” She asked, starting to sound exhausted.
“I don't want to go.”
“I wish I didn't have to take you there, baby, but it'll make you feel better.” She tried again and you accepted her, dangling your arms around her neck loosely.
“Promise.” Kara leaped out the window, Eliza on the phone with Alex who was getting you a bed made in MedBay.
@ravensinthedaylight @may-z3
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
Kara: Luther and I are having a baby.
Alice: That's gre-
Kara, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
“Your son just kicked me, Miss Luthor-Danvers.”
Kara looked over to the couch, where Lena bad stopped reading her book, which now lay propped on the dome of her stomach. She looked absolutely exhausted, with dark circles beneath her eyes, marring paler than usual skin.
The pregnancy was taking its toll on Lena, but just as difficult for Lena was the order to remain on pelvic rest, as were the Herculean caloric requirements of gestating a Kryptonian child on Earth. Lena Luthor was the type of woman who grew more fatigued from orders to lay up in bed, and Kara had to practically bat her phone out of her hand to stop her from answering emails at all hours of the night.
Kara swung out from behind the kitchen island, carrying another smoothie with a carefully selected mix of fruits, vegetables, and protein powder.
“Blegh,” Lena said, as she choked down a gulp of the stuff. Does it have to be so sweet?”
Kara didn’t answer. Lena looked haggard by her own usual standards, but to Kara, she was the most gorgeous thing she’d ever seen. Yes, she was pale, but there as a rosy glow in her cheeks and though she sighed and complained and groused, rarely had there been such joy in her eyes. One of Kara’s new favorite things was catching Lena unawares, finding her smiling at nothing and cradling protective arms around the new life coming to being within her.
After she gulped down the last of the thick, gloppy shake -which Lena had given the appetizing name of ‘nutrient slurry mark one’, she turned halfway on the couch.
“There he goes again,” said Lena, sighing.
Kara reached out with a trembling hand, resting it gently on the warm curve of Lena’s skin. She went quiet for a moment, forcing back the tears. Thinking about this overwhelmed her. She’d never dreamed she’d really have this, much less with the most beautiful and kind woman she’d ever known. A soft twitch against her palm made her grin from ear to ear.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying this. I’d like to get some sleep.”
Kara chewed at her lip for a moment.
“What if I try singing to him?”
Lena raised a sharp eyebrow.
“Alex gave me an article that says that babies can hear us while they’re in the womb.”
Lena’s head fell back against the cushions.
“Do you know any lullabies?”
Kara swallowed, hard.
There was a pause, as Kara worked herself up, pulling the words from the lost days of her youth, across an ocean of stars beneath a far distant sun.
She more spoke than sang at first, until her voice grew into something soft and light, like a rare flower opening its petals to greet the sun. By the time she really began to sing, Lena was smiling, listening intently.
Kara dug deep in her memory for the words to the traditional Kryptonian lullaby, a promise from a young mother to her child lost in the wilderness, an invocation to come home safe to loving arms before the reunited in the final verses.
When Kara finished she looked up and saw that Lena was fast asleep, her hand now resting atop Kara’s as it rested on Lena’s belly. Tenderly, Kara drew her hand back and, with practiced ease, raised Lena in her arms and carried her back to the bedroom, another Kryptonian verse flowing softly from old memories, and the eventually they slept, until sunrise.
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leighlew3 · 7 months
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It’s still a little angry alas it’s black and gray anyway, hence the filter. But yeah, I did a thing. Special thanks to @jellolegos for permission to use her awesome Kara/Lena art, and Luis Blanco for bringing it to life in the coolest way. 🔥
The ship and its potential and so many of you in the fandom truly mean so much to me. Supercorp has inspired some of my own writing and also been a beacon of light in a time of life’s darkness. ❤️💙
P.S. “Let It Be” is obviously to honor Mom, in addition to the palm trees. 🙏
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bilgeyim · 5 days
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Ovluçumun seksili yatışına bakınnnn
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kaiiscottage · 1 year
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‹𝟹 𓈒⋆ׅ ͡ 🌸Desperately need more main gay families raising a little girl it’s my main source of serotonin i swear
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gfwooyo · 2 months
got my mom to watch s7 with me and my sister who hadn't even heard of this show til yesterday and has never seen anything walked in at the start of 704 and i'm gonna throw up she saw buck on screen for 30 seconds and asked if he was gay DKFJFKDSKSJDJ
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rk707-elle · 8 months
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Kara - Zlako 2/2
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smalls-words · 2 years
It's Not Okay
Summary: Being bullied at school is never fun - especially when parents try to blow it off as crushes.
Pairings: Mama!Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Mommy!Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor (unmarried partners), Auntie!Uncle!Superfriends x Child!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: nightmares, name-calling (ugly), broken glasses. nothing too serious for you all :)
A/N: I've been feeling a bit little today but I haven't actually dropped, so I kind of fell into a younger mindset for the reader. To the anon that requested a storyline similar to a teenager reader, I can write that one too if you'd like? Just wasn't feeling it today, sorry :)
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*how i imagine their clothing at the end, but you can imagine anything you'd like*
*not my gif*
Many people at school thought you were weird. The fact that you wore these ‘dorky’ glasses and ‘stupid’ clothes was slowly eating away at you. Nobody knew your moms were Supergirl and Lena Luthor, two of the biggest names in pop culture - Lena had kept her publicity quiet whilst Kara hadn’t revealed her identity to the world.
You spotted Kara as you walked out of school, another horrid day of year two eating away at your young and boisterous personality. 
“Hi Mama!” You yelled excitedly, running up to her and tackling her in a hug.
“Hello, my darling inah (daughter).” She kissed your forehead before buckling you into your seat, making your jaw drop as a gasp came out.
“Hiya, sweetheart.” Lena grinned from the front passenger seat, making goofy faces at you in her mirror as she touched up her mascara.
“Are you ready to go home, baby?” Kara asked after buckling herself into her seatbelt.
“Mhms! Is cousie Esme at home?” You replied.
“She sure is!”
“And Auntie Alex? Auntie Kelly?!”
“Yep and yep!” Lena answered this time, the two of them surprised at your excitement.
“How was your day at school, honey?” 
“It was so fun, Mommy! We had somebody come today and I got to pet a lizard! He had a blue tongue too!” You giggled at the memory, looking out of the window.
“That sounds amazing, Y/N/N.” Lena smiled warmly at you, tickling your leg.
As you all made your way back to Lena’s penthouse loft, you immediately ran up the stairs. You threw your bag down, not caring about the stuff inside, and went back downstairs to see everybody.
You tackled Alex and Kelly in a hug, the two of them almost losing the air in their lungs whilst Esme quickly copied Kara so you wouldn’t hurt her. “Hey, little cousie.” 
“Hi hi!” You grinned, seeing an assortment of crayons on the table in front of you. “Can I draw you something?” You whispered in Esme’s ear, to which she nodded.
You immediately sat down and began to draw your masterpiece, making sure the sun was in the top corner and the sky was blue. Everybody was on the page in their correct spots, your Mommy and Mama holding either of your hands whilst everybody else stood beside them.
“Y/N, dinner is ready!” Kara called out to you from the kitchen, your head popping up to see everybody making their way over.
You scrambled to get onto your chair at the table, waiting patiently for everyone to sit before you pulled out your drawing. “Look! Do you all like it?”
Gasps and applause came from them all, with the drawing being passed around as dinner was served. You giggled at Kara’s heat vision on the chicken, wanting to use yours but you weren’t quite in control yet.
When Kara got the drawing, she smiled at herself in her Supergirl outfit before putting it on the fridge along with some of your other creations. You enjoyed the dinner consisting of the carbonara pasta for you, whilst others ate from the other dishes on the table until Alex decided on watching a movie.
You snuggled up between Kara and Lena, to which Nia guided a blanket on top of your trio which made you beam at her. “Thanks, Auntie Nia!” 
“You’re very welcome, Y/N/N.” She beamed back, kissing your forehead gently before she cuddled up to Brainy. 
As the movie played on, you grew bored as you didn’t understand some of the older references, so you decided to draw again. As your mind wandered to what school would be like tomorrow, your drawing began to reflect that. The crayons you used were usually bright, but now they were full of shadows and darkness.
Eventually you grew tired and climbed back up to Lena, having no space to sit between Kara and the noirette, which left you with your toes hiding underneath Nia’s blanket. As you fell asleep, her mind fell into your dream and she watched the bullies teasing you for your glasses and clothes.
When she woke up, however, she didn’t want to disturb Kara and Lena’s special time together, so she kept it to herself and gently manipulated your dream into something more fun and exciting.
Kara was not expecting a call from your school as she sat in Lena’s office on her lunch break. She looked up at Lena and the two made their way to your school, seeing you sniffling and shaking in your seat.
“Honey baby, what happened?” Kara knelt in front of you, gently wiping away your tears.
You shook your head and your tears poured, making Kara very distressed as she picked you up easily, bouncing you and herself instead of flying like she used to when you were little. She turned to Lena, who had spoken with the receptionist, and gently put you back down in your chair.
“Y/N/N, lovey, we will be right back, okay?” She kissed your forehead, noticing your glasses were crooked before righting them.
She stepped into the principal’s office with Lena, her in a blue argyle style whilst Lena was in her dark maroon suit. They sat down in a set of chairs next to what they could only assume was the other child’s mother and father, the plaque at the end of the desk reading Principal Johnson. 
“What happened?” Lena asked, a tinge of annoyance in her tone.
“Ms Luthor, Ms Danvers, this is Mr and Mrs. Kepler. There’s no easy way to say this, but… Y/N hit their son Will and broke his nose.” Mr. Johnson sighed.
Kara’s eyes widened behind her glasses. “What?!”
Lena’s hand fell onto Kara’s in assurance. “Can someone tell us what happened? Possibly what caused the fight?”
“Unfortunately, the teacher on duty wasn’t watching over their spout and only saw the end result.” He shrugged.
Lena immediately stood and opened the door, picking you up from your chair and bringing you inside. You’d never been inside this room before, this was the principal’s office. This was where the bad kids were sent - you weren’t a bad kid, were you?
“Y/N, honey, can you tell us what happened? The silly teacher wasn’t watching and Mama and I want to know.” Lena asked you gently, noticing how the unfamiliar surroundings and new people were scaring you.
“W-Well, I was playing in the sand pit a-and Will came to play. I di-didn’t want to play with him so I said no.”
You looked over at the scowling parents before Kara adjusted her seat so you didn’t see them, only your Mama and Mommy. “Keep going, darling. Take your time.” She cooed, brushing some tear-soaked hairs out of your face.
“N-n he didn’t like that. Mama, he took my glasses!” You took them off and showed her them -  the middle part that rested on your nose was broken.
“Did he break your glasses, honey?” She asked carefully.
“Mhm! He stomped on them.” You sniffled. “I like my glasses. B-But he says he doesn’t like them, ever. And he doesn’t like my clothes either. He says I look ugly in them.” 
You watched your Mama and Mommy’s faces fall with sadness, worry building in yours. “No! Didn’t mean to make you sad!”
“Honey, did you punch Will because he called you ugly and broke your glasses?” Kara asked, not even listening to your heartbeat.
You shook your head frantically. “No, Mama! I just pushed him out of the sand pit! He tripped on the side and fell on his face, promise!”
She nodded, carefully taking you into her arms before she readjusted her seat and looked at the other parents who held Will. “Well then I think this whole situation has been sorted. Just a simple misunderstanding.” Mr. Johnson smiled sheepishly.
“I don’t think so.” Lena stood, folding her arms.
You knew this wasn’t soft Mommy - this was Mommy the Boss, and Kara took you outside of the room.
“Will has been bullying Y/N for her glasses and her clothes. He needs to learn that bullying isn’t okay.” Lena stated.
“He’s in year two, Ms. Luthor. It’s nothing more than teasing - he might even like Y/N.” Mr. Kepler replied.
“I expect my child’s glasses to be paid for, Mr. Kepler. And summing up this bullying to something so weird as Will fancying her is wrong. It shouldn’t be okay for this to happen. If this continues, Mr. Johnson, I will pull Y/N out of this school.” 
With that, Lena closed the principal’s door behind her, seeing you and Kara in the reception. She immediately smiled at you and hugged you when you made some grabby hands, your head burying into her neck. 
“Mommy, can we go flying later?” You asked softly.
“Of course we can, baby. Let’s go home first so we can get our special clothes on.” She answered, which was your code word for the super suits.
You were quiet on the walk to the car, which surprised the two women before they realised you were asleep. “Maybe we can go flying tomorrow.” Kara teased, gently kissing your forehead as she buckled you into your car seat.
You opened your eyes to see everybody waiting for you at home, including Uncle Mon-El and Auntie Imra with Uncle Winn. You ran up to Imra who easily lifted and hugged you, giving you sporadic kisses on your face.
“How about we go and have some fun inside? Maybe we can test out your flying!” She giggled with you.
Whilst everyone else went inside, Nia stopped Kara and Lena. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the bullying.”
They looked at each other before turning to her. “I dreamt about it last night when she was touching me. It was actually terrifying to watch her little mind dream that, let alone comprehend it. I know I’m not a mom, but I wouldn’t make her go back yet.”
“Can you show us the dream?” Kara pleaded, to which Nia took their hands and showed them.
It brought them to tears instantly.
“Oh, baby…” Lena whimpered, running inside to find you in your room.
“Mommy? Mama? What happened?” You asked quietly, watching them kneel in front of you before sweeping you off your feet into their arms.
“We are so sorry we didn’t see this earlier, inah.” Kara cooed, holding you tight but not too tight.
You felt those big emotions surface before tears began to run down your face, squirming further into Kara’s hold whilst Lena hugged your other side. “W-Want ev’ybody.” You muffled against Kara’s shirt.
“Yeah? Everybody?” She asked, to which you nodded.
“Hope?” Lena looked up at the ceiling.
“The members downstairs have been notified of Y/N’s request.” The AI replied.
Soon enough, they all piled in and looked down at your crying form. Nia was the first to start the group hug, with everyone piling on until you felt truly loved.
As they pulled apart, they all gave you an individual hug and some even said some encouraging words. But at the end of it, you turned to your Mama and Mommy and tackled them in a hug, making giggles spread through the room whilst you held them tightly.
“My Mamas.” 
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whalehouse1 · 29 days
Me, reading Chris Kent’s stories to help me with my research for a project: I love this guy. Why won’t DC bring the actual Chris back? …Well crap all of this arc might be tricky to work with, but it should be fine.
Me, learning about there being others besides Nightwing and Flamebird from their myths: Ok, this might help with the name issues.
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zootopiathingz · 1 year
Kara: what’s up, boyfriends? I’m back from jail!
Connor, blushing: boyfriends?
Markus, concerned: jail??
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i-writes-things · 2 years
Late Night
Kara Danvers x Teen!daughter!reader
Summary- You stay out late to protect the city but Kara doesn't see it the same way you do.
Warnings- Angry Kara and Reader, worried Kara, Yelling,
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Not my Gif*
Kara was worried, she was always worried even if you were only a few minutes late from the time you said you would be home. Tonight was different. She had a long day at CatCo and expected to find you at home when she got there later than normal. You, however, were no where to be found. Not under the sink or in the closet, not even sitting in the tub. There was no one sprawled out on the couch watching a movie or reading there favorite book. It was empty. You were no where to be found.
Kara called some of your friends parents asking if they knew of your whereabouts, all but one saying they didn't have a clue and hoped she could find you. The one mother that did, said that their kid had seen you briefly at the library, but the library had been closed almost an hour by now. Kara was starting to really get worried.
The blonde sat in one of the kitchen chairs, waiting. She waited and waited and all she cared about was that she could still hear your heartbeat and clinged to the sound, so much so that she almost didn't notice when it become much louder, and snapped her head towards the door when she heard footsteps outside.
Kara wasn't just gonna let you get off easy. You were gone. Didn't tell anyone, let alone the adult watching over you, so she was worried and nervous, yes. But mostly angry, mad, really mad, livid even. Kara could go off when she wanted to, but she mostly tried to stay cooled off. You on the other hand strolled down the hallway, feeling accomplished and brave, then slowly opening the apartment door, right into Kara's face. You chuckled and greeted her.
"Hi Kar-"
"Don't 'hi' me." She stared straight into your eyes. White knuckling the door in her hand. Keeping you from coming all the way in. "Where were you?" She questioned, noticing a smudge of black on your neck and a bit on your forehead.
"Um," Mind racing you answer quickly. "the library."
"The library closed two hours ago. Try again."
"I was just out."
"Doing what? Why do you smell like smoke?" She said pulling you inside the apartment. Jaw clenched she eyed you. Only now noticing a bruise forming on your cheek.
"Don't lie to me." She says refocusing on your whereabouts.
"The Brooks Hotel on 3rd and 4th was on fire, so I went to help out, after studying. An-"
"You what!?" Kara became worried something might have happened. "You know, You can't just go flying into fire. We're not fireproof. Your a kid. My kid at that, I can't lose you because you choose to go running into a wild fire without backup or even letting a grown up know."
"But I am grown up! I'm 16, Kara!"
"Just because by state law you are allowed to drive doesn't mean you are allowed to-"
"Save lives? So if I see someone dying I should just wave it off, even when I know I can help. That's not very hope, health, and compassion for all, of you, Supergirl." You snapped at her, crossing your arms.
"Y/n-" She breaths out, you knew how to push her buttons. "Go to your room. We'll talk in a bit." You walk away knowing you'll have to tell her what happened eventually, or she'd find out eventually and you'd be in even bigger trouble.
Kara sighed when you were out of sight. She thought about what happened and what she was going to say once you had some time to cool off.
You were crying under the covers to yourself. Kara, however, took a deep breath, and knocked on your door.
"Can I come in?" She asked cautiously. You shouted at the door instead, tears in your eyes
"No!" Kara slowly, opened your door anyway.
"Hey..." She greeted you softly from the doorway.
"Go away."
"Y/n, I'm sorry for snapping at you, can you tell me what happened, again? No interruptions this time." You stayed silent from under your covers, trying to keep your tears at bay. "Would you like to talk about it right now?"
"No." You mumbled. Kara heard you, nodding to herself.
"We can talk tomorrow, sweetheart. You get some rest, okay?" She stared at you for any sign of recognition.
"Kara?" You mumbled again, but you knew she could hear you.
"Yes?" She perked up to your small voice.
"Come here" Kara immediately walked over to you.
"Y/n/n...?" She carefully pulled the covers back, so she could see your, now, red face. "Oh, what's wrong, sweetheart?" You couldn't say anything, words seemed so far away, instead starting to quietly cry seemed like the best option to get your point across and it broke Kara's heart. She instantly took you into a gentle hug.
"Can you tell me what's wrong, Y/n?" When you didn't respond, she just continued to hug you, giving you a squeeze to let you know she's there, and that she'll always be there.
Later, when you had finally calmed down, Kara slowly backed out of the hug and leaned over wiping the smudge on your forehead with her thumb. Then maneuvered your face so she could see the bruise you had gotten and looked it over, then whispering.
"We're going to see Alex tomorrow about this." She said examining your cheek, trying to be as gentle as she could and then shifting her gaze up to your eyes, saying, "Are you alright, now?" you waited a moment, thinking, and nodded yes to her. A smile grew on her face.
"I'm sorry, Kara." She looked at you tenderly.
"I know, we're gonna talk more tomorrow, you go on to sleep. I love you." And she kissed you asleep.
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
Kara: Where are my fucking keys?
Luther : Kara, Alice is around, can you say it a little nicer?
Kara: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
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paz-djarin · 1 year
Kara: Paz. Bed. Now. I want to talk to your father.
Pre, scared: No, Paz, stay. Please stay.
Kara: Go!
Pre: Stay!
Kara: Go!
Pre: Stay!
Pre: Paz stay.
Kara: Now!
Pre: Paz don’t move!
Paz, slowly leaving the room:
Kara: Get outta here!
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suntails · 4 months
anyone that ever thought i was crazy for doing this pmv full color: i am two files from fully drawn. i. oughh. i've planned a rough schedule around my job and i am tentatively planning to post on friday 3/1. i can feel it in my BONES im so close to done
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