#cw ​supergirl
i-writes-things · 2 years
Late Night
Kara Danvers x Teen!daughter!reader
Summary- You stay out late to protect the city but Kara doesn't see it the same way you do.
Warnings- Angry Kara and Reader, worried Kara, Yelling,
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Not my Gif*
Kara was worried, she was always worried even if you were only a few minutes late from the time you said you would be home. Tonight was different. She had a long day at CatCo and expected to find you at home when she got there later than normal. You, however, were no where to be found. Not under the sink or in the closet, not even sitting in the tub. There was no one sprawled out on the couch watching a movie or reading there favorite book. It was empty. You were no where to be found.
Kara called some of your friends parents asking if they knew of your whereabouts, all but one saying they didn't have a clue and hoped she could find you. The one mother that did, said that their kid had seen you briefly at the library, but the library had been closed almost an hour by now. Kara was starting to really get worried.
The blonde sat in one of the kitchen chairs, waiting. She waited and waited and all she cared about was that she could still hear your heartbeat and clinged to the sound, so much so that she almost didn't notice when it become much louder, and snapped her head towards the door when she heard footsteps outside.
Kara wasn't just gonna let you get off easy. You were gone. Didn't tell anyone, let alone the adult watching over you, so she was worried and nervous, yes. But mostly angry, mad, really mad, livid even. Kara could go off when she wanted to, but she mostly tried to stay cooled off. You on the other hand strolled down the hallway, feeling accomplished and brave, then slowly opening the apartment door, right into Kara's face. You chuckled and greeted her.
"Hi Kar-"
"Don't 'hi' me." She stared straight into your eyes. White knuckling the door in her hand. Keeping you from coming all the way in. "Where were you?" She questioned, noticing a smudge of black on your neck and a bit on your forehead.
"Um," Mind racing you answer quickly. "the library."
"The library closed two hours ago. Try again."
"I was just out."
"Doing what? Why do you smell like smoke?" She said pulling you inside the apartment. Jaw clenched she eyed you. Only now noticing a bruise forming on your cheek.
"Don't lie to me." She says refocusing on your whereabouts.
"The Brooks Hotel on 3rd and 4th was on fire, so I went to help out, after studying. An-"
"You what!?" Kara became worried something might have happened. "You know, You can't just go flying into fire. We're not fireproof. Your a kid. My kid at that, I can't lose you because you choose to go running into a wild fire without backup or even letting a grown up know."
"But I am grown up! I'm 16, Kara!"
"Just because by state law you are allowed to drive doesn't mean you are allowed to-"
"Save lives? So if I see someone dying I should just wave it off, even when I know I can help. That's not very hope, health, and compassion for all, of you, Supergirl." You snapped at her, crossing your arms.
"Y/n-" She breaths out, you knew how to push her buttons. "Go to your room. We'll talk in a bit." You walk away knowing you'll have to tell her what happened eventually, or she'd find out eventually and you'd be in even bigger trouble.
Kara sighed when you were out of sight. She thought about what happened and what she was going to say once you had some time to cool off.
You were crying under the covers to yourself. Kara, however, took a deep breath, and knocked on your door.
"Can I come in?" She asked cautiously. You shouted at the door instead, tears in your eyes
"No!" Kara slowly, opened your door anyway.
"Hey..." She greeted you softly from the doorway.
"Go away."
"Y/n, I'm sorry for snapping at you, can you tell me what happened, again? No interruptions this time." You stayed silent from under your covers, trying to keep your tears at bay. "Would you like to talk about it right now?"
"No." You mumbled. Kara heard you, nodding to herself.
"We can talk tomorrow, sweetheart. You get some rest, okay?" She stared at you for any sign of recognition.
"Kara?" You mumbled again, but you knew she could hear you.
"Yes?" She perked up to your small voice.
"Come here" Kara immediately walked over to you.
"Y/n/n...?" She carefully pulled the covers back, so she could see your, now, red face. "Oh, what's wrong, sweetheart?" You couldn't say anything, words seemed so far away, instead starting to quietly cry seemed like the best option to get your point across and it broke Kara's heart. She instantly took you into a gentle hug.
"Can you tell me what's wrong, Y/n?" When you didn't respond, she just continued to hug you, giving you a squeeze to let you know she's there, and that she'll always be there.
Later, when you had finally calmed down, Kara slowly backed out of the hug and leaned over wiping the smudge on your forehead with her thumb. Then maneuvered your face so she could see the bruise you had gotten and looked it over, then whispering.
"We're going to see Alex tomorrow about this." She said examining your cheek, trying to be as gentle as she could and then shifting her gaze up to your eyes, saying, "Are you alright, now?" you waited a moment, thinking, and nodded yes to her. A smile grew on her face.
"I'm sorry, Kara." She looked at you tenderly.
"I know, we're gonna talk more tomorrow, you go on to sleep. I love you." And she kissed you asleep.
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jennywebbyart · 7 months
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A super and A Luthor. Destined to hate each other but fell in love.
(This is a redraw from a drawing I did back in 2020) 
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atomicjellyb3an · 1 month
Kara leaned in
Three years since the phenomenon that was “Kara leaned in” and we still have no explanation for it
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You had to be there. It was trending on Twitter.
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imlostsomwhere · 2 days
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Would you guys still like me if i was a cwsg fan
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sassylittlecanary · 11 months
People are acting like himbo!Clark Kent (aka “actually smart but still awkward, sweet, and hunky”) is new because of MAWS, as though all these versions don’t exist—
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He’s almost always portrayed as a big, sweet, lovable guy who can be awkward and nervous just like anybody else but who’s also competent and brave when helping others. That’s just Clark.
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fictiongods · 24 days
My hot take is that Kara Danvers has a lot more rage than people give her credit for.
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marinawolf · 3 months
can supergirl come back for a few special episodes with the sole purpose of making supercorp canon? Please? Reblog if you’d watch this (so if the powers that be see it, they know they have an audience)
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weinzapfel · 10 months
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Supercorp + Kryptonian wedding 🤍
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humanonstrike · 4 months
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I'd like to place an order for Supercorp please.
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supermanandloisverse · 4 months
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‘The Girls on the Bus’ produced and starring Melissa Benoist premiers march 14 on Max!
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nimrism · 3 months
constantly thinking about the PERFECT setup supergirl season 1 had to make kara queer;
"oh my god, you're a lesbian" – winn to kara, in the very FIRST episode.
"hell, i wanna date her" – kara, about lucy lane.
"she does kinda give off a sapphic vibe, with that big old butch S chestplate" – leslie willis (livewire) about supergirl.
there were so many other instances in s1 alone, let alone in later seasons when lena showed up (recounting every queer-coded supercorp interaction would require a whole podcast). it was the PERFECT pretext to make her even just a little bit fruity, but the cw just couldn't handle it i guess
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jennywebbyart · 8 months
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I miss them. 
I'm reading a lot of Supercorp fanfic now. Any recommendations?
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mariannekhalil · 2 years
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Dusting off the old tumblr with a compilation of all my supercorp illustrations
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artbysmashley · 6 days
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some lena luthor fanart for a lovely patreon of mine, who requested this as a gift for a mutual friend :')
( cc: @casualkoalatea @random-hallucinations )
support my work on patreon and get ur own monthly sketches (limited slots!) tiers begin at $1.50 for general support !
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