#Michael Curry
vampiricinsanity · 8 days
Note; I'm very sick right now. I will update soon.
“To write something, you have to risk making a fool of yourself.” Anne Rice.
Book version fanfic. Set in the time of Prince Lestat. Mentions of the show and movie are made.
A woman named Quinn travels to New Orleans to fulfill her dreams of seeing the sights where the famous Lestat walked in the stories. And even paying a visit to a loved ones grave as thanks for turning her life around.
However things turn strange. She meets a man who speaks of the Mayfair's, wakes up one day to find everyone is behaving oddly, acting as though the books are not a work of fiction and are reality. She finds her hotel reservations are gone. She cannot go home as her plane ticket doesn't seem to be real as they tell here theres no one registered under that name or code. She gets strange looks for her chosen last name. The town seemed more retro then she remembered it.
She is nearly driven to madness when she meets the woman of the hour herself, Rowan Mayfair, who has got some loaded questions for poor Quinn. Who is she? And why does she share a name with Tarquin Blackwood, and carry the last name, Mayfair?
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violetohara · 2 years
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There’s really nobody I’ve ever seen who matches the Michael Curry in my head so much as Peter Ginn, who is not an actor so we may as well call the whole thing off.
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coco-little-rose · 1 year
As someone who read the Mayfair witches books,I wonder how the show will tackle the whole stuff about Mona and Michael.
Are they even going to take that road?
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Reading The Witching Hour these days, honest to god Rowan is so fucking relatable. She just wants to be left alone on the open sea when she sees some poor sob floating dead in the ocean, obviously helps him out and pulls him on board (almost dying in the process herself, mind you) and she stares at this sopping wet pale cold dude who is clinically dead, and thinks he is the hottest man on planet earth.
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theartoffrozen · 1 year
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Puppet concept art by Michael Curry
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Good stuff.
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ceolona · 1 year
Inspired by another post, whose author I forgot to note, I’ll submit a Mayfair Witches season 1 that doesn’t suck.
Modern Day San Francisco / New Orleans and ancient Donnelaith and Haiti
E1: Cold open with Rowan fishing Michael out of the ocean. Continues daily life with Ellie, hospital and bars. Graham and Katherine die. Aaron lurking in background. Meanwhile, Deborah is shown to be a healer, living with husband and children. Petyr lurking in background.
E2: Ellie dies. Rowan shows hospital politics. Aaron approaches Michael. Michael approaches Rowan. Meanwhile, Deborah’s situation escalates, causing internal conflict in Petyr. Lasher is introduced in both stories without explanation.
E3: Lasher continues to be present in both times. Rowan and Michael become a thing. Rowan continues to wrestle with hospital bullshit. Deborah’s situation comes to a head. Petyr goes off to Haiti. Episode ends with phone call: “Rowan, this is your aunt Carlotta. Your mother, Deirdre Mayfair has died.” Roll credits.
E4: Michael and Aaron share info. Rowan goes off to New Orleans, alone. Entire Mayfair clan introduced as a blur at the funeral. Petyr finds Charlotte in Haiti. Episode ends: “I am your cousin Ryan. All of this is now yours. Please come to the offices tomorrow” Roll credits.
E5-8: wait for the next post. :)
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fabledenigma · 1 year
In the Source Link, you will find a gif pack of Tongayi Chirisa in Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches series.
Tongayi plays the role of Ciprien Grieve. Ciprien does not appear in the novels and is based around two characters - Aaron Lightner and Michael Curry.
*This is a work in progress.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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gremyarts · 13 hours
Book Review - Love Is the Way
Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times by Michael B. CurryMy rating: 3 of 5 stars Throughout my life, I was on and off religious, pretty much forced into The United Methodist Church when I moved to where I have lived since 1988. My family eventually stopped going, and I tread the line between agnostic and atheist for over a decade. I started going to a country Methodist church…
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jardim-selvagem · 3 months
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Conhecemos Rowan Mayfair, a neurocirurgiã filha de Deirdre que foi adotada e tirada de Nova Orleães no dia em que nasceu. Rowan nos conta de sua vida, seus poderes secretos que a fazem uma excelente médica mas também uma arma mortal. Ela passa por 3 mortes traumáticas, q incluem Graham, seu pai adotivo. Ao se tornar uma brilhante doutora, é convidada para participar de experimentos com fetos vivos em um obscuro laboratório a la Frankenstein. Após a morte de ambos pais adotivos, ela fica extremamente solitária. Ao navegar no seu novo lar, o barco Doce Christine, ela resgata Michael Curry do mar, revivendo-o após ele ter uma experiência de quase-morte. O homem fica na cabeça dela. Rowan fica obcecada pelo poder das mãos de Michael Curry, e anseia por contar a ele de seu próprio poder, e tocar as mãos dele. Ela quase conta de seu poder e toda sua tragédia ao encontrar Aaron Lightner, porém a promessa que fizera a sua mãe adotiva, Ellie Mayfair, antes dela morrer, a promessa de que nunca retornaria a Nova Orleães ou buscaria saber dos Mayfair a impede. O Doutor de Curry pede pra ela se encontrar com Michael, e Rowan, ansiosa por este reencontro, vai. OUÇA AGORA
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stpaulsdayton · 7 months
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Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on 10,000+ dead in Gaza: Stop the killing
November 7, 2023
You may know me as the pastor who is always talking about love, and I am. But today I am mindful that the urgency of love—true, sacrificial love that respects all of humanity—is not just a good feeling, and it is not easy.
We are called to a love that demands much from us. We are called to a love that tells the truth.
Today I raise my voice for love because more than 10,000 people have died in Gaza, including more than 4,000 children.
The violence is horrific, and the geopolitics are complex, but my call to love is simple: Stop the killing. Stop all of it. Stop it today.
We will not be silent while an entire population is denied food, water, electricity, and fuel needed to run hospitals. We cannot stand by while thousands of civilians die. Our partners in the region tell us they live in terror—that they feel they have died even while alive. They feel that the international community is tacitly sanctioning the killing of civilians and the bombing of schools, hospitals, and refugee camps.
Staying quiet in this moment would be a stain upon our souls and would deepen our complicity.
U.S. leadership must tell Israel to stop bombing civilian areas and allow access for full humanitarian aid to flow freely into Gaza.
Every human child of God—Palestinian and Israeli—deserves safety and security. We need to stop the killing. Today.
Vengeance will not bring back the dead. Retaliation will not repair the harms and the hurt. We are called to love, even and especially when it seems impossible.
We must stop the next 10,000 from being killed. As Episcopalians, we must call upon our leaders—President Biden, members of Congress, and others—to be unequivocal that we need to stop the killing. Today. This is clearly what love demands of us.
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sephiramy · 1 year
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the reason Michael Caine and Tim Curry are so good in their respective Muppet movies is that Michael Caine treats the Muppets as fellow actors, and Tim Curry treats himself as a fellow Muppet
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muppetmayhem · 8 months
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nabbed from Facebook
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speedforce-zoomies · 2 months
So I love the posts about the Justice League not knowing/randomly learning about Batman’s kids in JL meetings
However, I think it’s funniest if there’s like a series of secret PTA meetings where all the heroes with sidekicks are in the know (plus a few select others) and no one else
Superman makes an off comment about school lunches because Barry’s been concerned about Wally’s metabolism and Hawkman is like ???
Hal knows about Wally but doesn’t realize the conversation is about his honorary nephew and wonders if Clark’s writing an article about school lunches
Oliver laments about bullies and the “right way” to handle them and Booster Gold tries to resonate with him thinking Oliver’s dealing with bullies
AND there’s definitely alliances and rivalries
Bruce and Barry are in an alliance and have been since the beginning (they admire each other) & they have a rivalry against Oliver (Barry and Oliver canonically don’t like each other despite sharing a BFF) so Dinah has to be in an alliance with Oliver against them on principle and poor Hal’s caught in the middle like a deer in headlights
Superman and Wonder Woman try to be more neutral, but when they can’t be they tend to side with Bruce and Barry
Arthur and Augustus (Icon) also try not to get involved but are more likely to agree with Oliver if they do
As each generation grows and grows up more and more people get in on the secret, by the time it’s the Young Justice era a lot of random heroes are dragged into the whole shebang essentially acting as the T part of the TPA meetings (poor Red Tornado- whatever they were paying you it wasn’t enough lol)
And the older generations of sidekicks act like TAs, updating the new generations parents or “parents” about their own or their newest wild child’s of the superheroing world
But still, even as it expands - there’s always more heroes wondering what the heck is going on with these other heroes-
Why are they still talking about their old high schools and teenage parties and bullies, etc, etc? Like don’t they have anything better to do then talk about stuff that happened at least two decades ago?
(+ If I remember correctly, Bruce canonically takes PTA meetings pretty seriously in one of the Robin runs (as well as in the WFA webcomics) so that makes it even funnier to me)
Idk, just me?
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Lord grant me the manic energy of Tim Curry in the third act of Clue where he re-enacts the movie in its entirety for the other characters BY HIMSELF
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theflashzoom · 10 months
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