#Melinda Dean
nothing-sluttier-than · 11 months
nothing sluttier than someone with a kill count in the triple digits
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aterimber · 2 years
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Description: The Winchester's get more than they bargained for while trying to return Dean's Super Nintendo.
SPN x Ghost Whisperer, C2C
Words: 6,325
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positivexcellence · 2 months
Is there garlic on this pizza? An oral history of Supernatural's 'Monster Movie' episode
What started as a simple enough idea — a black-and-white episode — was then put into the hands of writer Ben Edlund, who’d already crafted some of the show’s more creative hours, including “Hollywood Babylon,” which marked one of the series’ first meta episodes, and “Ghostfacers,” which was shot like a cheesy ghost-hunting reality show using handheld cameras. Alongside Edlund was director Robert Singer, an executive producer on the series and a massive movie fan himself.
ERIC KRIPKE (Creator): I was an obsessive fan of The X-Files and in their prime, they got really bold and adventurous with their format, and they had a black-and-white episode. I was always hoping that we could start taking those same kinds of swings. I remember saying, “I want to do a black-and-white episode where Sam and Dean are up against the classic movie monsters.” But I think Ben came up with the shapeshifter. We were trying to figure out: How do you get a mummy and a werewolf and a Frankenstein and a Dracula in the same episode? That makes no f---ing sense. So this idea of a shapeshifter who loved those movies and was ultimately just a fanboy was the secret to cracking that one open. 
ROBERT SINGER (Director): I think that script was Ben at his best. I was really happy that I was in line to direct because I really loved those old movies, so it was fortuitous that I got to do it. 
JENSEN ACKLES (Dean Winchester): It’s all just paying homage to the old-school ways of doing things, which having Bob at the helm, he’s seen all those movies time and time again, so he was the perfect guy to direct this episode. 
KRIPKE: Bob has an encyclopedic knowledge of movies, especially older films. He’s a classicist and his directing style is a lot of that kind of beautiful, elegant Hollywood style, and I think he just really relished it.
SINGER: I shot generally with wider lenses than I would normally do with Supernatural to try to give it some of that old-time feel. I really took pains to make it look as old fashioned as I possibly could. I’m a big fan of James Whale, who had done Frankenstein, and there are a lot of great crane shots in those movies, so I did a lot of crane work in this. We did a lot of shadow play. 
JARED PADALECKI (Sam Winchester): You put Ben Edlund on writing and Bob Singer on directing and magic is bound to happen.
But there was another piece of the puzzle that needed to come together for the magic to truly work: Who would play the shapeshifter (and therefore spend the episode doing their best Dracula)? The answer was Todd Stashwick.
TODD STASHWICK (Dracula): They wanted a full-on replication of Bela Lugosi’s performance. I had the DVD of the 1930’s Dracula, so I was watching that just to get the mannerisms and vocal intonation down so that I wasn’t doing a Xerox carbon copy but rather actually trying to get that Hungarian dialect that he has. I went in [to the audition] and just swung for the rafters.
SINGER: We had him do one of the Dracula scenes and then do the speech where he’s telling her how he became the way he became and Todd just killed it. That was an easy call to cast him.
STASHWICK: They wanted to know that you were going to be able to bring both sides to it, the full-on studied Dracula performance and then to let that mask drop and see the wounded man that is the monster. 
KRIPKE: We needed someone who could stick the landing on the Dracula part and that’s really hard. It’s hard to do it and have it not come off like a bit. Todd is a remarkable mimic of Bela Lugosi and brings humanity and soulfulness and depth to it. There’s something in his eyes that made it deeper and sadder than had you cast someone who was just going for an impersonation.
PADALECKI: That episode belongs to Todd Stashwick. He’s so damn good. 
Alongside Stashwick was Melinda Sward, whose character Jamie, a local waitress, caught Dean's eye and marked a first for the show. 
KRIPKE: At the time, there was a young female fan named Jamie. She and her mother would write us letters and they were super fans, and we were still early enough that we’re like, “I can’t believe there’s fans.” Jamie had medical issues, so when the season was coming up, I wrote her a response and said, “If you concentrate on getting better, we’ll name a character after you.” And she responded and said, “That’s amazing, but can you just do me a favor? Can you make sure it’s a character that doesn’t die?” So the female lead in this one we named Jamie. That was one of the only times we ever named a character after a real person and a fan. The happy ending is she was thrilled and she grew up healthy and now tours around with a replica of the Impala. 
ACKLES: Jamie was one of my favorite Dean Girls. Melinda was so good and so fun.
From the instant the episode began, fans knew they were in for something special as the old black-and-white WB logo kicked off a very old-school credits sequence.
SINGER: Right from the opening of the Warner Brothers shield, you know where you’re going. It set the tone perfectly.
KRIPKE: That and “Changing Channels” are the only two episodes where I’ll sit down and just watch the credit sequence. The font, the way you list every crew member, and it just goes on forever. And [composer Christopher] Lennertz wrote real orchestral music for it. I just love the opening of that episode and the way we did that title sequence. But changing subjects, what that reminds me of is the singular genius of Ben Edlund to set this episode during Oktoberfest. Suddenly everyone looks like European villagers and everything becomes a real monster movie.
SINGER: And that location was a party site, but it worked perfect for us. 
PADALECKI: It was like an amusement park in the outskirts of Vancouver that we rented out. It ended up unfortunately getting torn down and turned into condos or something.
With the setting and the cast locked, the brothers set out on their hunt, arriving at Oktoberfest to help solve a murder. And when the investigation made Dean late to his first date with Jamie, he found himself face-to-face with Dracula. So naturally, Dean punched the shapeshifter in the face. A fight ensued, one that ended with Dean holding an ear and Dracula ... riding a vespa?
ACKLES: I believe one of the many reasons this show lasted as long as it did is because it can be scary but then at the same time, you throw something like the scooter in and it layers in comedy with horror, with drama, with romance. It touches it all. Bob said it early on and it became a mantra of ours: “No joke is too cheap.” 
STASHWICK: That’s the infamous assault scene. I’m in full crazy mode and I’m supposed to clock Jensen in his beautiful face with my elbow, and for whatever reason in that moment — I perhaps leaned in, he perhaps leaned in — we closed that gap and I clocked him. So what you see on the DVD extras is me being all Dracula and then me being mortified that I just hit their billion dollar baby in the face.
ACKLES: He caught me with an elbow but he probably thought he hit me harder than he did. It was a mix between a good shot and a graze, but he immediately broke character. He was like, “Are you good?” And I was like, “Yeah, that one woke me up.” [Laughs]
Dean made it through that fight, but the shapeshifter had already planned its next move: While Sam checked out an eccentric local that they thought was the killer, Dean and Jamie shared a drink back at the bar where she worked. Her friend Lucy (Holly Elissa) then showed up just in time to spike their drinks. By the time Dean woke up, he was wearing Lederhosen while strapped to a table in a dungeon.
SINGER: Jensen was like, “Oh god do I have to wear this?” So to make him feel better, I put on the Lederhosen top. I didn’t go with the full shorts but I did direct that day in the Lederhosen top to take the edge off it a little bit for him.
ACKLES: I remember that! He directed in that shirt. [Laughs] Those were authentic leather Lederhosen from Bavaria. Only the best for Dean.
PADALECKI: When Jensen’s first getting strapped to the table, cause he’s a big guy, I remember them talking about how for the visual's sake, they wanted it to be like he’s a quote-unquote damsel in distress, so if they used a normal-sized platform, it would’ve looked comical, but not in a good way. So they had to make it a little bigger cause he’s kind of big.
Dean wasn’t in the dungeon long before Dracula left him to go answer the doorbell. It seemed the shapeshifter ordered a pizza … and he had a coupon.
KRIPKE: I just love how there’s the monster lab in the basement but then you go upstairs and it’s this mid-century ranch house. That’s almost a direct ripoff of the Steve Martin movie The Man with Two Brains.
SINGER: [Set designer] Jerry [Wanek] did a great job in building the dungeon set, and then when the doorbell rings, you realize it’s in the bottom of a suburban house with a pizza guy showing up at the door. 
KRIPKE: When Ben wrote the script, we talked about that scene more than any other scene in the episode. We were so specific about how we wanted the Dracula shapeshifter to react to the pizza guy and the way he’s scared when he says, “Is there garlic on the pizza?” And then the way the pizza guy’s so bored and over it: “Did you order garlic?” And then he says, “No!” It’s the way that he’s so bored of this Dracula at the door.
PADALECKI: I think Jensen and I must’ve watched this episode together in 2008 because I remember us looking at each other and going like, ”Oh my god, [the pizza guy] is way better than he needs to be!”
ACKLES: That line, because of the way that Todd delivered it, we used that line on set many, many times. Whenever somebody asked a question that had an obvious “no” to it, it’d be like, “Hey, did you want the big light on in the distance?” And Bob would be like, “Is there garlic on it?” So that became a little ism on set.
STASHWICK: I’m a Second City guy, so “yes, and” is drilled into my head and yet the two memes I’m most known for, I’m saying the word “no,” and that is Supernatural and Star Trek. I have the no's that are heard around the world. 
In the end, the brothers came out victorious and another monster was dead, but not before this one made you feel a little something (and gave one heck of a final monologue quoting King Kong). 
KRIPKE: Ben gets all the credit, and rightfully so, for writing the crazy episodes, but where I don’t think he gets enough credit is what a disciplined screenwriter he is in terms of character consistency and rule consistency and just the emotion and pathos he brings to every single story he does. No matter how crazy, he always has such a talent for capturing humanity. I wasn’t counting on the shapeshifter to have pathos but when he gives that speech at the end, it’s so sad. I give him all the credit in the world for that.
SINGER: Eric used to say, “Every villain is a hero of his own story,” so we always tried, as best we could, to give the villains something to do and learn more about them and give them full characters. So even with all this fun, we managed to give him something a little more to do. 
PADALECKI: He becomes an almost sympathetic character — I stress almost because he did kill a couple people — but what a great character arc all inside of one episode.
STASHWICK: Because this character wasn’t just a cartoon Dracula and he had that human moment, I think it made him stick in people’s minds more. This monster just really loved the movies. He was the ultimate cosplayer. It might be the thing I’m most known for outside of Star Trek, that one episode of TV.
Although Dracula didn’t make it out alive, the episode seemed to breathe new life into the series, marking perhaps its biggest risk yet, though not the biggest risk the show would ever take. 
SINGER: It kind of laid a template for other big swings that we took that were out of the ordinary, whether it was “Changing Channels” or “The French Mistake.” This was the first of our big swings of being totally different than what the show was generally week to week.
KRIPKE: I remember it getting a positive reception. I think people appreciated the swings we were starting to take. I just love that this small little supernatural show that’s arguably a Buffy ripoff on The CW got so experimental. I am really proud that we were doing legit avant-garde stuff, really experimental filmmaking, of which this was one, and then we just kept pushing it. 
PADALECKI: It’s such a great episode of television and I think we have a few in our 15 years that could stand alone as something fun to watch and out of the box, and it's certainly easy to argue "Monster Movie" is at the top.
ACKLES: This was really when we were hitting our stride. We were in the pocket with these characters, with the storytelling, with the writing. The first year was really finding our feet, the second was like, "Okay we somehow survived a network merge, let’s not mess this up." And then third season we started playing a little bit. So by the fourth season, we’re like, "Now we know where we need to be." This was the perfect time to do one of these outside-the-box episodes. This is definitely one of my top 10.
SINGER: I directed 48 episodes and if somebody asked me which is my favorite, I would probably say this one. I just had the best time doing it. 
Entertainment Weekly
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lo-diehards · 2 months
2024 TV Season Analysis – Organized Crime Tops the Franchise, Law & Order Better, SVU Needs an Overhaul
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The 2023-24 TV season has been a truncated TV season of 13 episodes, due the ongoing WGA/SAG-AFTRA strikes that happened last year. A lot of scripted TV was back burned until the strikes ended. TV writers struck their deal first and were back to work promptly, long before actors/actresses, this should have given time to plan out their already short season. Production crunched for 13 episodes to be shot between late November until this coming week, where SVU and mother ship reboot will be wrapping up shooting their finale episodes.
But where does this season grade in its entirety? I’m going to summarize – as much as I can - my views on where the franchise stands for this season from best to worst. Click below to read.
Organized Crime – The best in the franchise creatively, hands down!
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New show runner/executive producer John Shiban (The X-Files) and his writing staff understood their assignment and have definitely delivered. Organized Crime is the most entertaining series in the franchise this season, week-over-week. The storylines are so fleshed out and they don’t drag on as they had since the series started. Shiban has shifted focus to the OC main characters and their backstories as well as expanding on the OC unit in its entirety. We’ve even seen 2 of SVU’s former stars show up (Tamara Tunie, Chief M.E. Melinda Warner / Dann Florek, Donald Cragen) as well as an appearance by Peter Scanavino (ADA Dominick Carisi). We have even been introduced to more of Stabler’s family, his brothers – portrayed by guest stars Dean Norris and Michael Trotter – and while they’ve come in and shook things up for Stabler, one thing I can point out, it’s the first season since OC premiered where I haven’t felt that Elliot Stabler is on a quest for vengeance or retribution of some kind.
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The cast has been firing on all cylinders this season, especially with the episode that just aired last week (“Crossroads”), where one of OC’s new team members went missing and was found to be killed, Stabler having the bury his body as he is undercover with the group that found Detective-in-Training Samir Bashir (guest star Abubakr Ali). This story is still playing out so as of now we don’t fully know who killed him but I’m sure we’re about to find out. Stabler’s younger brother, Joe Jr. may have some involvement as the investigation is about to come full circle. Meanwhile, the scene in question in this episode has Christopher Meloni and Danielle Mone Truitt deliver their most powerful scene together yet in the series and they have delivered quite a few, this one stands out though.
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Excellent only begins to describe it, and Organized Crime this season. Organized Crime has yet to be renewed for the 2024-25 TV season.
Law & Order (reboot) – It’s improved, but we still have a ways to go.
There is a lot to be said of the mother ship series, both the original and this reboot. But this reboot has seen a lot in its short time on air, in this short season alone the cast has changed twice already. Jeffrey Donovan (Detective Frank Cosgrove) and the series parted ways weeks before production was set to start and veteran Sam Waterston (District Attorney Jack McCoy) chose to depart before mid-season. Sam Waterston is/will greatly be missed and he leaves behind a full legacy on the show, which he joined in 1994! Meanwhile newcomers Reid Scott (Detective Vincent Riley) and Tony Goldwyn (District Attorney Nicholas Baxter) have been welcomed by fans with open arms. The cast of the reboot no matter which season is very solid and they are all very talented, but their talents often seem crippled.
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The reboot seems to have an issue fleshing out the characters. Det. Jalen Shaw (Mehcad Brooks) and ADA Sam Maroun (Odelya Halevi) – and add DA Nick Baxter (Goldwyn) to me, week-in and week-out are the unsung heroes as with them we can see depth, we can understand why they make the decisions they make or feel the way they do on certain topics. I’m still on the fence about Riley’s development but he’s definitely has a more solid partnership with Shaw than Cosgrove did, and he certainly is a better character. I think they’ve got a great detective duo here – reminiscent of that of Ed Green (Jesse L. Martin) and Cyrus Lupo (Jeremy Sisto) in season 18. From about the third episode this season on up, there has been an improvement in the writing, I must say in comparison from where the season started. Most of the episodes this season seem to have one singular writer who stands out, Pamela Wechsler, who also serves as executive producer. Girl power!
What can help the reboot:
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The writers need to get away from talking points and political affiliation when it comes to the characters and even the weekly storylines - looking at you show runner Rick Eid - it makes the characters come off as caricatures and stereotypes. And maybe not directly rip the episodes from the headlines near verbatim. It takes away from it if we already know how it plays out – where is “the Law & Order twist?” They need to deep dive into Vincent Reilly, Nolan Price (Hugh Dancy) and Kate Dixon (Camryn Manheim); we have talented actors on here, give them something that makes us stand up and clap and relate to these characters and stop making them one-dimensional, especially ADA Price. I must say I’ve been enjoying the legal side a bit more with the addition of Goldwyn’s Baxter, his back-and-forth every week with Price has a feel of the original series run, where we see multiple points of views on cases and it doesn’t feel/sound like rhetoric. And speaking of that run, it wouldn’t hurt for them to find ways to invest those old characters in the reboot. Just because Sam has departed doesn’t mean we still don’t want to see old faces or even faces from the other L&O series show up. Elisabeth Rohm (ADA Serena Southerlyn) and Milena Govich (Det. Nina Cassady) have directed episodes! Raul Esparza and Hugh Dancy both starred in Hannibal, I could see former-ADA now Defense Attorney Rafael Barba sitting at the defense table and likely wiping the floor with Price! Tony Goldwyn even wants Mariska Hargitay to direct an episode. Let’s make the mother ship enjoyable to watch again!
It was renewed for a 24th season (4th for the reboot). The mother ship has a second chance at greatness and to continue its legacy on television, not a lot of shows get that. It would be wise that those in charge on mother ship remember that.
SVU – The 25th milestone season ranks as one of the worst.
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I originally had a two-page long document on this season of SVU alone and I’ve had to shorten it down and it’s still not that short. But if I had to describe the 25th record-breaking season of SVU in 1 word, that word would be “bad.” There are calls on social media for show runner/executive producer David Graziano to be fired from the series. I’m not one to openly call for people to lose their jobs, but clearly there is something wrong and the downward spiral of the ratings mixed with bad press for SVU episodes this season is showing that. Nothing about season 25 jumps out as milestone season and there are only a handful of episodes as of now, that I would consider episodes worth going back to watch again: “Tunnel Blind”, “Duty to Report”, “Probability of Doom”, and “Children of Wolves” which was directed by Mariska Hargitay.
It’s the writing and direction of this season, period. There is no other reason or excuse that flies. There is clearly no investment from the management level behind the scenes at SVU in this milestone season being the best it could have been. The Maddie storyline overtook the season and its resolution didn’t exactly hit the mark either. Where is the retrospective? Why haven’t we gone over past cases? Seen former victims/survivors (other than 2 minutes worth of Maria from “911”)? Why did Olivia stop seeing Dr. Lindstrom (Bill Irwin)? Where is the ‘healing?’ The guest stars? We haven’t seen any former stars, other than Kelli Giddish (Detective Amanda Rollins), and that proves to me that it was a mistake to fire her in the first place. “Where is the energy? Where is the spatter? This is life-less dreck. A cheap knock-off…” (diehard SVU fans; if you know, you know). But seriously, nothing about this season overall screams “25 years!”
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With the season opener, I was sure David Graziano and the writers turned the page on the mess that was most of the entire 24th season of SVU. Turns out I was wrong to think it. It seems to be doubled down. It’s proof that despite his behavior, he’s just not a good fit for SVU. He doesn’t seem to understand how to write for this show and be the voice of who women/people look up to and the voice that victims and survivors need. I honestly think he would serve better on a Criminal Intent reboot or something since he seems to like that aspect of the crimes more so than investigatory and the legal side – Peter Scanavino’s screen time has greatly decreased and well as legal scenes.
What can help SVU:
A lot of damage is done, but it’s not irreversible. The best call is to replace the person at the top if they aren’t going to change themselves, (sorry but not sorry David). The popular eras of SVU are seasons 3-7 and again 13-17 and for good reason; Neal Baer and Warren Leight remain the two people who have seen SVU at their peaks. Going into a record breaking season 26, someone who can understand the intricacies of SVU needs to take the helm and get this show turned around. Focus needs to be on steadying the storylines and fleshing them out in a meaningful way to where they connect and not have crucial bits just disappear into thin air. We need to get SVU’s focus back on uplifting the voices of victims and survivors and their journeys, as well as to delve deep again into the world of the NYPD SVU squad. It’s not just about “rape case of the week” the actual SVU deals with kidnappings, crimes against the children, the disabled/elderly, working in conjunction with the Hate Crimes unit/federal govt., trafficking and more, let’s get the variety back in the crimes – and let’s stop showing the crime taking place on screen and in graphic manner. The crime scene analysis, forensics, court scenes and legalese needs to be put back into this series, I’ve honestly felt it decrease even before S24 as far back as some S22.
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We need to see Carisi navigate through these cases and the back-and-forth with the defense as well as in his own bureau. We’ve yet to see Carisi interact with the district attorney (Jack McCoy, Sam Waterston – now Nick Baxter, Tony Goldwyn) much like his preceding ADAs. Benson’s character needs to go back to therapy and deal with her issues head on (Lindstrom, Bill Irwin), she had done that up until EDMR in season 24 became her new way and it’s not working for her, since the writers seem to use it now as a crutch to say “she’s healing” but then turn around and have her do things to suggest otherwise. Benson also needs to be written as a leader and delegator more so than taking every case away from her “squad” and solving them personally. Actually from a story standpoint it would be great to see Benson face repercussions for continually doing this, in the real world that would have consequences as how can she personally investigate cases and run the unit?
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And with the unit, their stories need to be dissected more. Velasco (Octavio Pisano) in particular, he had an edge in season 23 as the new guy that might be a snitch for the Chief of Detectives (McGrath, Terry Serpico) but in season 24 they pushed this character into a corner with liking Detective Grace Muncy (Molly Burnett, who departed last season) and the Chilly storyline last season and can’t seem to get him out of that corner. Velasco comes off as “just there” much in the way Fin (ICE T) is starting to. And where is Phoebe (Jennifer Esposito)? Detective Bruno and Captain (to-Detective or Chief?) Curry (Kevin Kane and Aime Donna Kelly) are pretty much holding down the squad and are actually the more I look to, to solve the cases and they are the only ones peaking my interest.
SVU is heading to record-breaking season 26, if they want to reach their goal of stopping at 30. Dick Wolf, NBC and those behind the scenes need to get serious about it if that is what they really want. Otherwise, you’re about to have long-time viewers and new viewers alike turning away. Despite what people believe about ever-lasting loyalty, it does have an end date.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Feel free to respond!
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romanoffshifting · 3 months
Introduction, DR list and DR Masterlist
I know this blog has been running a while, but as a formal introduction; Hi, I'm Danny. I've been a reality shifter for about 3 and half years now.
My oldest DR would be, of course the classic Hogwarts DR.
My main DR (as of now) would be my Supernatural DR.
My newest, (as of now) is my Supernatural DR.
I am Norse Pagan, so expect a few references to that and I also write and create art from time to time. In fact, my art blog is @danielartblog
My favourite shows would be WandaVision, The Witcher, Supernatural and Ghost Whisperer. My favourite films/movies are any Lilo and Stitch, Iron Man 2 and Death becomes her.
Favourite characters include but not limited to, Any Idris Elba character, Loki, Natasha Romanoff, Maria Hill, Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier, Stitch, Melinda Gordon, Dean Winchester, Batman, Poison Ivy and Tony Stark :)
This will include my list of DR's and links to posts abt them, if any
Better + Future DR/French Bakery
BG3 DR (in the works)
Carmilla (novella) DR
Criminal Minds DR
Good Omens DR
Hogwarts DR
House of The Dragon DR
Lucifer DR (the show)
Supernatural DR
DR me introduction
The Umbrella Academy DR
The Witcher DR
~ Nothing as of now ~
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
Request- Open
Below the cut is information on how to request as well as my masterlist.
I give no permission for anyone to repost any of my works on anything. This is the only place my fics will be
Agent Carter
Agents of shield
Five Night at Freddy’s
House MD
Hunger Games
Knives out
Characters I Write For-
Knives Out
Ransom Drysdale
Marta Cabrera
Agents of shield
Phill Coulson
Daisy Johnson
Leo Fitz
Jemma Simmons
Grant Ward
Al MacKenzie
Melinda May
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Clint Barton
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce banner
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Macimoff
Kate Bishop
Bucky Barnes
James Rhodes
Scott Lang
Agent Carter
Peggy Carter
Howard Stark
J.D(Jason Dean)
Veronica Sawyer
Heather Chandler
Heather Duke
Heather McNamara
House MD(I’m on season five so this is subject to chance)
Gregory House
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Eric Forman
Robert Chase
Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Dewey Riley
Randy Meeks
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter(only after high school)
Mandy Meeks-Martin(only after high school)
Chad Meeks-Martin(only after high school)
Five Nights at Freddy’s
William Afton(both movie and game)
Michael Afton
Michael Schmidt(movie)
Situations I’ll Write-
Age regression
Plus size situations
Nonbinary reader
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confessorcanary · 2 years
Inky and Kaden’s Sortings: A Masterpost Update [2022]
Because Tumblr burped and @sortinghatchats disappeared, Inky and Kaden have had to build it back up from scratch. That means my old post, from 2017, has a bunch of broken links now. But never fear! I’ve spent the past few years tracking down every last reblog on this site with an unusable ‘search’ function. 
Sortings by Inky and/or Kaden 
Marvel Cinematic Universe 
Agents of SHIELD  ——More on Melinda May, Jemma Simmons
The Avengers  ——Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Nick Fury, Agent Coulson  ——Natasha Romanoff, Maria Hill, Jane Foster, Sharon Carter, Pepper, Sif, Darcy ——Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Vision, Ultron, Loki ——Steve Rogers ——Bucky Barnes
Guardians of the Galaxy  ——Peter Quill
DC Universe 
DC Women  ——Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Barbara Gordon
The Chronicles of Narnia  ——The Pevensies  ——Addressing their popular Sortings
Diana Wynne Jones ——Charmed Life  ——Conrad’s Fate
Harry Potter ——The Golden Trio, the Silver Trio, Draco, Dumbledore   ——More on Harry’s Secondary  ——More on Hermione’s Secondary  ——Bellatrix Lestrange  ——The Marauders, Lily Evans, Severus Snape
The Hunger Games
The Lord of the Rings  ——The Hobbits
Outlaws of Sherwood
The Tortall Universe  ——The Women  ——The Men
Inky’s novels 
The Alliance Trilogy
Leagues and Legends (Parts 1-3)
TV series 
BBC Sherlock
Friends  ——Phoebe
Game of Thrones
The Get Down
Gilmore Girls
Orphan Black
Supernatural  ——More on Dean Winchester
Teen Wolf (Parts 1-2) 
Veronica Mars
White Collar
Web series & Web comics & Podcasts
Check, Please! 
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries 
Welcome to Night Vale
Legally Blonde 
Les Misérables ——Javert 
Wicked  ——Elphaba, Galinda 
Disney Princesses  ——Tiana ——Moana  ——Mulan 
Star Wars  ——The Force Awakens 
Animated series 
Avatar: The Last Airbender 
The Legend of Korra 
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Pride Month Webinar: Eyewitness Report from Cuba's Queer Rights Revolution
Just 90 miles from Ron DeSantis’s Florida, socialist Cuba is making huge advances in LGBTQ+ rights with its new Families Code.
How did Cuba achieve the ‘most advanced policy in the world’?
Why isn’t the U.S. media reporting it?
Why does Biden maintain Trump’s punishing blockade measures and keep Cuba on the state sponsors of terrorism list?
Hear from LGBTQ+ activists from across the U.S. who went to Cuba to see for themselves.
Learn how queer rights are being prioritized from the grassroots to the National Assembly.
Why U.S. queers should work to end the U.S. blockade of Cuba, and how you can join next year’s delegation.
Lizz Toledo • Women in Struggle-Mujeres en Lucha • Atlanta
Serena Sojic-Borne • Real Name Campaign & FRSO • New Orleans
Jordan David • Lavender Guard • Los Angeles
Deirdre Deans • Women in Struggle • Atlanta
Gregory Esteven • Socialist Unity Party • New Orleans
Kiana Fok • Peoples Power Assembly & Friends of Latin America • Baltimore
Melinda Butterfield • Women in Struggle • New York
Hosted by Women in Struggle / Mujeres en Lucha, an affiliate of the Women’s International Democratic Federation
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ladyinbl00d · 3 months
what a shame she's fucked
. . in the head
. . they said.
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nadine franklin and jenny humphrey irl
✧ ୨୧ ✧
hihi !! im davi, my birthday is february 25th and i am a pisces!!!! my hogwarts house is slytherin !!
➳❥ i spend a lot of my time: reading, writing, sleeping, watching edits of my favorite TV shows and movies, texting/dming my friends, watching TV, scrolling through pinterest and twitter, listening to music (id be caught dead if i didnt have my headphones), making moodboards, shopping, going on walks, watching the sunset, listening to true crime, and painting my (nonexistent, chewed down) nails ! (very random list im aware lmaoooo)
·➳❥ fave characters: jenny humphrey, eric van der woodsen, rafe cameron, wheezie cameron, jj maybank, tom riddle, draco malfoy, bellatrix lestrange, fred and george weasley, luna lovegood, mickey altieri, brooklyn west, nadine franklin, harley quinn, rodrick heffley melinda sordino, mickey and mallory knox, dean winchester, jess mariano, dallas winston, kat stratford, allison reynolds, john bender, and cal gabriel.
highlighted in pink are the ones im currently reading for
highlighted in purple are the ones i occasionally read for
·➳❥ fave artists: phoebe bridges, normal the kid, chappell roan, rihanna, nelly furtando, sabrina carpenter, olivia rodrigo, britney spears, pierce the veil, billie eilish, taylor swift, ashley kutcher, twenty one pilots, noah kahan, the pretty reckless, nine inch nails, insane clown posse.
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s t a m p s !
_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ -
caro, holland, river, edith, august, myla >>>>
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soulmatebracket · 1 year
Hi ! Could you post a list of who has been submitted so far ? (With the number of submissions for each if possible)
If that's too much work i completely understand and humbly request to know if more that one person (aka me) have submitted Obi-Wan and Anakin
[Disclaimer‼️ Just because a pairing has three or two votes does not mean that they are automatically going into the bracket. Pairings with 1 vote might also make it in if I like them enough. We will not be starting arguments over if they should or should not have made it in.]
Totalling at 235 submissions so far!
Will be in the bracket:
Usagi Tsukino & Mamoru Chiba, Sailor Moon, IIIII (prelims)
Sailor Senji, Sailor Moon, III (prelims)
Link & Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, IIIIIIIII (prelims)
Link & Zelda & Ganandorf, The Legend of Zelda, IIIII (prelims)
Link & Fi, The Legend of Zelda, I (prelims/bc i like this ones)
Inuyasha & Kagome Higurashi, Inuyasha, IIII
Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens, IIIIIII
That Guy and Their Cat, Real Life, IIIII
Homura & Madoka, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, IIII
Eleanor Shelstroph & Chidi Anagone, The Good Place, IIIIII
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, IIIII
Captain Kirk & Mister Spock, Star Trek, IIII
Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto, IIII
Grian & Scar, The Life Series, IIIIII
Submission Box
Three Votes:
Breekon & Hope, The Magnus Archives
The Doctor & The Master, Doctor Who
Xie Lian & Hua Cheng, Heavens Official’s Blessing
Hawkman & Hawkwoman, DC Comics
Doctor Doofenshmirtz & Perry the Platypus
Meliodas & Elizabeth, Seven Deadly Sins
Ash & Pikachu, Pokemon Anime
Two Votes:
Sakura & Syaoran, Cardcaptor Sakura
Wei Wuxain & Lan Wangji, Mo Dao Su Shi, II
Utena & Anthy, Revolutionary Girl Utena
Judai Yuki & Yubel, Yugioh X
FitzChivalry Farseer & Beloved/the Fool, Realm of the Elderlings
Yusuf “Joe” Al Kaysani & Nicolo “Nicky” Di Genova, The Old Guard
Finn the Human & Jake the Dog, Adventure Time
Sakura & Syaoran Li, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Eiji Hino & Ankh, Kamen Rider OOO
Gon Freecss & Killua Zoldyck, Hunter x Hunter
The Entire Cast of Phineas and Ferb, Phineas and Ferb
Harrowhark Nonagesimus & Gideon Nav, The Locked Tomb
Daniel & Luce. Fallen
Gilgamesh & Enkidu, The Epic of Gilgamesh
Kaidan Alenko & Commander Shepard, Mass Effect
Raleigh Becket & Mako Mori, Pacific Rim
Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous Ladybug
Bebop & Rocksteady, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Katarina Claes & Sophia Ascart, My Next Life as a Villainess
One Vote:
Mieczyslaw Stilinki & Lydia Martin, Teen Wolf
Spiderman & Deadpool, Marvel Comics
Beavis & Butthead, Beavis and Butthead
Obanai Iguro & Mitsuri Kanroji, Demon Slayer
Emma/Melinda & Dimitri/Edred, Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Dean & Pharm, Until We Meet Again
Kaiou Michiru & Tenou Haruka, Sailor Moon
Zunzite & Zoisite, Sailor Moon
Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Witch of Delays & Cure Oasis, Tropical Rouge Pecure
John Doe & Arthur Lester, Malevolent
Hani & Hinino Yamato, Hiraeth: The End of the Journey
Dream /Morpheus & Hob Gadling, The Sandman
Adachi & Shimamura, Adachi and Shimamura
Edward Nygma & Oswald Cobblepot, Gotham (2014)
Zelda & Ganondorf, The Legend of Zelda
Reginald Copperbottom & Right Hand Man, The Henry Stickmin Collection
Henry Stickmin & Ellie Rose, The Henry Stickmin Collection
Jonny D’Ville & Gunpowder Tim, Mechanisms
Merlin & Arthur, Merlin
Vash & Knives, Trigun
Siren & Kappa, Castle Swimmers
Ruby & Sapphire, Steven Universe
Om Kapoor & Shanti Priya, Om Shanti Om
Solane & Sym, I Was Teenage Exocolonist
Will Herondale & Tessa Gray & Jem Carstairs, The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Agent 3 & Agent 8, Splatoon 2
James Sunderland & Maria, Silent Hill 2
Macaque & Sun Wukong, Lego Monkey Kid
Tang Sanzang (reincarnated as Tang), Shah Wujing (reincarnated as Sandy), Zhu Bajie (reincarnated as Pigsy), Ao Lie (ancestor of Mei), and Sun Wukong (ancestor of MK), Lego Monkey Kid, Journey To The West
Nadja & Gregor, What We Do In The Shadows
Catherine Foster & The Ghost, Archivist Wasp
Kaworu Nagisa and Shinji Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Kiryu Kazuma & Majima Goro, Yakuza / Ryu Ga Gotoku
Red & Blue, This is How You Lose the Time War
Church & Tex, Red vs Blue
Rand al'Thor and Ishamael/Moridin, Wheel of Time
Birgitte Silverbow and Gaidal Cain, Wheel of Time
Beryl and Sapphire, Beryl and Sapphire
Kiana Kaslana & Raiden Mei, Honkai Impact 3rd
Banjo & Sento, Kamen Rider Build
Orpheus & Eurydice, Greek Mythology
Odysseus & Penelope, Greek Mythology
Emet Selch & Hythlodaeus & Azem, Final Fantasy XIV
Yona & the Four Dragons (Ki-ja, Shin-ah, Jae-ha and Zeno), Akatsuki no Yona
Akane Kurashiki & Junpei, Zero Escape
Ryo Asuka & Akira Fudo, Devilman
Zagreus & Megaera & Thanatos, Hades
Megatron & Optimus Prime, Transformers
Emma Swall & Killian Jones, Once Upon A Time
Rumplestiltskin & Belle, Once Upon A Time, I Snow White & Prince Charming, Once Upon A Time
Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson
Buttercup & Westley, The Princess Bride
Orchid & the Moon Supreme, Love Between Fairy and Devil
Blake Belladonna & Yang Xiao Long, RWBY
Ozma & Reincarnations, RWBY
Raava/The Avatar Spirit & Wan/The Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Johnny Silverhand & Vee, Cyberpunk 2077
Newt & The Brain/Alice, Pacific Rim
Dr. Strange & Dr. Christine Palmer, Marvel Comics
Bill & Ted, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Lucifer & God, Abrahamic Religions
David and Jonathan, The Bible
Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse, Disney
Cinderella & Prince Charming, Disney
Dean WInchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Essek Theylss & Caleb Widogast, Critical Role
Lup Taako & Barold "Barry" Bluejeans, The Adventure Zone
Taako & Magnus Burnsides & Merle Highchurch, The Adventure Zone
Steve Rogers & James “Bucky” Barnes, Captain America Films
Mane 6, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Raven & Lloyd Allen, Shaperaverse
Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, Love Live Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
Shinichi Kudo & Ran Mouri, Detective Conan
Kusuriuri & Kayo/Chiyo Nomoto, Mononoke
Shun Shimotsuki & Hajime Mutsuki, Tsukiuta
Nanami Momozono & Tomoe, Kamisama Kiss
Red & The Boxer, Transistor
Yvaine & Tristan, Stardust
Jayfeather & Half Moon, Warrior Cats
Time & Fate, The Starless Sea
Sappo, Fragment 147
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars
Ichabod Crane & Abbie Mills, Sleepy Hollow
Aragon & Arewn, The Lord of the Rings
Will Turner & Elizabeth Swan, Pirates of the Caribbean
Tom & Jerry, Tom & Jerry
Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck, Looney Toons
Batman & The Joker, DC Comics
Akira Kurusu/Joker & Akechi Goro, Persona 5
Mytho & Ahiru, Princess Tutu
Dazai Osamu & Chuuya Nakahara, Bungo Stray Dogs
Koh & Canalo, Ryusoulger
Gai & Juggler, Ultraman Orb
Sonoi & Momou, Donbrothers
Haruka & Saruhara, Donbrothers
The Scooby Doo Gang, Scooby Doo
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smartycvnt · 9 months
One Shot Character List
Pro Wrestling
Austin Theory
Becky Lynch
Charlotte Flair
Rhea Ripley
Liv Morgan
Daniel Garcia
Chuck Taylor
Eddie Kingston
Jon Moxley
Seth Rollins
Adam Page
Mercedes Monet
El Phantasmo
Jay White
Mickie James
Sonya Deville
Jacy Jayne
Gigi Dolin
Isla Dawn
Alba Fyre
Tiffany Stratton
Fallon Henley
Adam Copeland
Christian Cage
Deonna Purrazzo
Toni Storm
Mariah May
Swerve Strickland
Resident Evil
Alex Wesker
Jill Valentine
Sheva Alomar
Rebecca Chambers
Mother Miranda
Claire Redfield
Ada Wong
Alcina Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Donna Beneviento
Carlos Oliveira
Jason Todd
Bruce Wayne
Harley Quinn
Nyssa al Ghul
Talia al Ghul
Selina Kyle
Diana Prince
Harley Quinn
Pamela Isley
Laurel Lance
Lena Luthor
Alex Danvers
Kate Kane
Bobbi Morse
Dottie Underwood
Natasha Romanov
Peggy Carter
Carol Danvers
Melinda May
Kate Bishop
Laura Barton
Yelena Belova
Olivia Benson
Casey Novak
Alex Cabot
Amanda Rollins
Elizabeth Donnelly
Rafael Barba
Lisa Cuddy
Remy "Thirteen" Hadley
Gregory House
Sidney Prescott
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Tatum Riley
Stu Macher
Tiffany Valentine
Nica! Chucky
Nadine Cross
Mandy Lane
Amanda Young
Video Games
Orin the Red
Abby Anderson
Lara Croft
Ellie Williams
Kassandra of Sparta
Deimos (as either Kassandra or Alexios)
Aspasia of Miletus
Grey's Anatomy (and the other shows)
Meredith Grey
Charlotte King
Lexie Grey
Arizona Robbins
Addison Montgomery
Jo Wilson
Amelia Shepherd
Maya Bishop
Carina DeLuca
Izzie Stevens
Callie Torres
Mark Sloan
Percy Jackson (movies only)
Clarisse la Rue
Annabeth Chase
Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Jennifer Jareau
Aaron Hotchner
Ashley Seaver
Tara Lewis
Alex Blake
Elle Greenaway
Penelope Garcia
Game of Thrones
Brienne of Tarth
Margaery Tyrell
Sansa Stark
Wednesday Addams
Larissa Weems
Morticia Addams
Dean Winchester
Rowena Macleod
Bela Talbot
Jody Mills
Donna Hanscum
Charlie Bradbury
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
INFP - INFJ Characters I Relate To
Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter 
Wanda Maximoff - WandaVision 
Number 7 - The Umbrella Academy 
Cassie Ainsworth - Skins
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Max Caulfield - Life Is Strange
Peter Parker - Spider-man
Lapis Lazuli - Steven Universe
Raven Queen - Ever After High
Bubbles - Power Puff Girls
Newt Scamander - Fantastic Beasts 
Nico di Angelo - Camp Half-Blood
Charlie Kelmeckis - Perks of Being a Wallflower
Amelie - Amelie 
Aurora - Sleeping Beauty 
Musa - Winx Club 
Alice Kingsleigh - Alice in Wonderland 
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2-D - Gorillaz
Persephone - Greek Legends 
Victor Van Dort - Corpse Bride
BMO - Adventure Time
Asriel Dreamer - Undertale
Jason Dean - Heathers
Courage - Courage the Cowardly Dog
Lucy Pevensie - The Chronicles of Narnia 
Romeo and Juliet - Romeo and Juliet 
Barry Allen - The Flash 
Davy Jones - Pirates of the Caribean 
Merlin - Merlin 
Susanna Kaysen - Girl, Interrupted 
Emma Chotta - The Red Band Society
Carrie Krueger - The Amazing World of Gumball
Arwen Undomiel - The Lord of the Rings
Ethan Lewis - Euphoria 
Anne Shirley - Anne of Green Gables
Rue - Hunger Games
Ratcatcher 2 - Suicide Squad 
Misty Day - American Horror Story
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Lydia Deetz - Beetlejuice
Joshua Washington - Until Dawn
The Phantom - The Phantom of the Opera
Aurora - Maleficent 
Alison Cameron - House M.D.
The Monster - Frankensstien 
Crybaby - K-12
Sweeney Todd - Sweeney Todd
Abigail Hobbs - Hannibal
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Credence Barebone - Fantastic Beasts 
Kermit the Frog - The Muppets 
Ofelia - Pan’s Labyrinth 
Ponyboy Curtis - The Outsiders
Coraline Jones - Caroline 
Rogue - X-Men
Candy Chiu - Gravity Falls
Eloise Turner - Last Night in Soho
Zoe Benson - American Horror Story 
Sam Manson - Danny Phantom 
Louis de Pointe du Lac - Interview with the Vampire
Antigone - Greek Legends
Wiccan - Marvel
Orpheus - Hadestown
Melinda Sordino - Speak
Evey Hammond - V for Venddetta
Fisk - Undertale 
Harry Osborne - Spider-man
Greg Wuliger - Everybody Hates Chris 
David - Hilda
Buffalo Bill - Silence of the Lambs 
Christine Daae - The Phantom of the Opera
Scorpius Malfoy - Cursed Child
Frances Houseman - Dirty Dancing
Max - Sharkboy and Lavagirl 
Susie Salmon - The Lovely Bones
The Grabber - The Black Phone 
Ethan Morgan - My Babysitters a Vampire
Stevonnie - Steven Universre 
Abby Sciuto - NCIS
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Miles Halter - Looking for Alaska 
Jacob Portman - Miss Peregrine 
Sarah - Labyrinth 
Marius - Les Mis
Bridgitte Fitzgerald - Ginger Snaps 
Thomasin - The VVitch 
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Edith Cushing - Crimson peak 
Basil - Dorian Gray 
Allen Ginsberg - Kill Your Darlings 
Jane Eyre- Jane Eyre
Andrew Detmer - Chronicle
Wanderer - The Host
Kurt Wagner - X-Men
Scout Finch - To Kill a Mockingbird
Emma - Blue is the Warmest Colour
Syrena - Pirates of the Caribbean 
Sara Crewe - A Little Princess
David Haller - Legion 
Skeeter - The Help 
Nico Minoru - Runaways 
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Dave Lizewski - Kick-Ass
Annie Sawyer - Being Human 
Nugget - Kindergarten 
Chip Dove - Jennifer’s Body
Mia Warren - Little Fires Everywhere 
Chase Mathews  - Zoey 101
Eli Goldworthy - Degrassi 
Willow Rossenberg - Buffy
Fiona - About a Boy
Violet Harmon - American Horror Story 
Anastasia - Anastasia 
Spike - Buffy
Theo Putnam - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 
Frances Shea - Legends 
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Micheal Darling - Peter Pan
Jughead Jones - Archie Comics
Johnathan Morgenstern - The Shadowhunters
Rapheal Santiago - The Shadowhunters 
Bree Tanner - Twilight 
Angela Weber - Twilight 
Michelle Jones - Spider-man Homecoming
Davina Claire - The Originals
April Ludgate - Parks and Recreation
Alec Lightwood - The Shadowhunters
Nia Nal - Supergirl 
Raven - Teen Titans 
Remus Lupin - Harry Potter 
Atticus Finch - To Kill a Mockingbird
Will Grahm - Hannibal 
Harley Quinn - DC Comics
Amy Dunne - Gone Girl 
Lexi Howard - Euphoria
James - The End of the Fucking World
Vision - WandaVision 
Nina Sayers - Black Swan 
Veronica Sawyer - Heathers 
Mathew Murdocck - Daredevil
Gellret Grindelwald - Fantastic Beasts
Dawn - Total Drama
Sally - The Nightmare Before Christmas
Eurus Holmes - Sherlock 
James Wilson - House M.D. 
Professor X - X-Men
Ester Coleman - Orphan
Winter Anderson - American Horror Story 
Needy - Jennifer’s Body
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Joan of Arc - Clone High
Micheal Morbius - Morbius 
Nick Goode - Fear Street
Miss Honey - Matilda
Cole Sear - The Sixth Sense 
Brea - The Dark Crystal 
Ingrid Beuachamp - The Witches of East End
Victoria Winters - Dark Shadows
Bella Swan - Twilight
Ramona Flowers - Scott Pilgrim 
Fern Arable - Charlottes Web
Dwayne Hoover - Little Miss Sunshine
Rose Bukate - Titanic 
Candyman - Candyman 
Magenta - Rocky Horror
Tom Riddle - Harry Potter 
Bruce Banner - The Hulk 
Sirus Black - Harry Potter
Barbra Godron - Batman 
The Enchantress - Suicide Squad 
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A tribute video to some of my favourite female characters. Here's a list of everyone included:
1) Kara Danvers & Cat Grant – Supergirl 2) Clarke Griffin & Lexa Woods – The 100 3) Gabrielle & Xena – Xena Warrior Princess 4) Buffy Summers & Dawn Summers – Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5) Dina & Ellie Williams – The Last of Us 6) Sara Lance (& Ava Sharpe & Zari Tarazi) – Legends of Tomorrow 7) Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair – Wednesday 8) Amy Pond – Doctor Who 9) Ryan Wilder (& Mary Hamilton) – Batwoman 10) Regina Mills (& Snow White) – Once Upon a Time 11) Dinah Lance – Birds of Prey 12) Emma Swan (&Regina Mills) – Once Upon a Time 13) Chloe Fraser & Nadine Ross – Uncharted the Lost Legacy 14) Octavia Blake – The 100 15) Sarah Alder (& Tally Craven) – Motherland Fort Salem 16) Root & Shaw – Person of Interest 17) Alice (& Claire Redfield) – Resident Evil 18) Poison Ivy (& Harley Quinn) – Harley Quinn 19) Harley Quinn – Birds of Prey 20) Jack & Miranda Lawson – Mass Effect 21) Ava Sharpe – Legends of Tomorrow 22) Natasha Romanov & Yelena Belova – Black Widow 23) Karolina Dean (& Nico Minoru) – Runaways 24) Hilda, Sabrina & Zelda – The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 25) Clara Oswald – Doctor Who 26) Ashildr/Me – Doctor Who 27) Eve – Xena Warrior Princess 28) Anne Wheeler – The Greatest Showman 29) Korra & Asami – Legend of Korra 30) Rose Noble & Donna Noble – Doctor Who 31) Rose Tyler – Doctor Who 32) Imogen Temult & Laudna – Critical Role 33) Melinda May – Agents of Shield 34) Aneela Kin Rit – Killjoys 35) Lena Luthor – Supergirl 36) Liara T'Soni – Mass Effect 37) Michonne Grimes – Walking Dead the Tell Tale Series 38) Clementine (& Violet) - Walking Dead the Tell Tale Series 39) Yasmin Khan & 13th Doctor – Doctor Who 40) Aria T'Loak – Mass Effect 41) Commander Shepard – Mass Effect 42) Monica Rambeau – Wandavision 43) Yang Xiao Long – RWBY 44) Daisy Johnson – Agents of Shield 45) Waverly Earp – Wynonna Earp 46) Dutch – Killjoys 47) River Song – Doctor Who 48) Aloy – Horizon Forbidden West 49) Naoe - Assassin's Creed Shadows 50) Wynonna Earp – Wynonna Earp 51) Martha Jones – Doctor Who 52) Wanda Maximoff – Wandavision 53) Hope Mikaelson – Legacies 54) Willow Rosenberg – Buffy the Vampire Slayer 55) Faith Lehane (& Buffy Summers) – Buffy the Vampire Slayer 56) Regina George – Mean Girls 2024 57) Grace (& Freddie) – Stray Gods 58) Alex Danvers – Supergirl 59) Neytiri – Avatar the Way of Water 60) Ruby Sunday – Doctor Who 61) Elodie – Damsel 62) Moana – Moana 2 63) Isabela – Encanto 64) Mirabel – Encanto 65) Keelin (& Freya) – The Originals 66) Luisa – Encanto 67) Ruby – RWBY 68) Weiss – RWBY 69) Blake – RWBY 70) Isabela – Dragon Age 2 71) Azula – Avatar the Last Air Bender 72) Raya – Raya and the Last Dragon 73) Mulan – Mulan 74) Raffi (& Seven) – Star Trek Picard 75) Delle Seyah Kendry – Killjoys 76) Callisto – Xena 77) Namaari (& Raya) – Raya and the Last Dragon 78) Bill Potts – Doctor Who 79) Iris West-Allen – The Flash 80) Michael Burnham & Emperor Georgio – Star Trek Discovery
Anyone who can't see it on youtube can watch it here
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lilliad-dreams · 15 days
Hello! I am a semi lit writer. If any role players are interested in these pairings, please dm me! The bold names are the ones i’d like to play.
Bucky Barnes x Baron Zemo
Phil Coulson x Melinda May
Only Murders In The Building:
Charles Haden Savage x Oliver Putnam
Henry Granville x Benedict Bridgerton
Penelope Featherington x Colin Bridgerton
Daphne Bridgerton x Simon Hastings
Eloise Bridgerton x Cressida Cowper
Lord Ledger x Lady Danbury
Edmund Bridgerton x Violet Bridgerton
Crowley x Castiel
Crowley x Bobby Singer
Crowley x Dean Winchester
Byakuya Togami x Makoto Naegi
Byakuya Togami x Korekiyo Shinguji
Byakuya Togami x Mondo Owada
Harry Potter:
Severus Snape x Remus Lupin
Severus Snape x Sirius Black
Severus Snape x Lucius Malfoy
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janedances · 2 years
“It’s impossible to be in love with all the six queens’
The Six queens in question:
Megan Gilbert, Ashleigh Weir, Holly Musgrave, Oliver Wickham, Annabel Marlow, Shimali De Silva, Renee Lamb, Christina Modestou, Natalie Paris, Genesis Lynea, Aimie Atkinson, Izuka Hoyle, Jaye’J Richards-Noel, Millie O’Connell, Alexia McIntosh, Maiya Quansah-Breed, Grace Mouat, Vicki Manser, Courtney Stapleton, Adrianna Hicks, Andrea Macaseat, Abby Mueller, Brittney Mack, Samantha Pauly, Anna Uzele, Mallory Maedke, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Courtney Mack, Shantel Cribbs, Courtney Bowman, Sophie Isaacs, Danielle Steers, Zara Macintosh, Cherelle Jay, Hana Stewart, Collette Guitart, Candace Furbert, Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Caitlin Tipping, Sophie Golden, Alicia Corrales-Connor, Viquichele Cross, Bryony Duncan, Natalie Pilkington, Lori McLare, Amy Bridges, Lauren Drew, Maddison Bulleyment, Lauren Byrne, Shekinah McFarlane, Jodie Steele, Athena Collins, Cassandra Lee, Jennifer Caldwell, Harriet Watson, Jasmine Shen, Kelly Sweeney, Jessica Niles, Georgia Carr, Amelia Walker, Liv Alexander, Elizabeth Walker, Maddison Firth, Laura Blair, Chloe Zuel, Kala Gare, Loren Hunter, Kiana Daniele, Courtney Monsma, Vidya Makan, Ella Burns, Karis Oka, Shannen Alyce-Quan, Jade Marvin, Lucy Aiston, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Scarlet Gabriel, Rebecca Wickes, Megan Leung, Sophie Rose Middleton, Abbi Hodgson, Kara Ami Mcraenor, Emily Harrigan, Gabrielle Smith, Melissa Ford, Kaylah Attard, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Rhiannon Bacchus, Rhiannon Doyle, Carly Mercedes Dyer, Elena Gyasi, Keirsten Hodgens, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Ellie Sharpe, Sadie Hurst, Melinda Porto, L’Oreal Roache, Wesley Carpenter, Maya Christian, Brianna Mooney, Meghan Dawson, Marilyn Caserta, Ashlee Waldbauer, Adrianna Glover, Alize Ke’Aloha Cruz, Kristina Walz, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Amanda Lindgren, Claudia Kariuki, Dionne Ward-Anderson, Tsemaye Bob-Egbe, Meesha Turner, Paisley Billings, Danielle Rose, Roxanne Couch, Esme Rothero, Rachel Rawlinson, Lauren Irving, Danielle Mendoza, Shelby Griswold, Kennedy Carstens, Abigail Sparrow, Jarynn Whitney, Madeline Fansler, Channing Weir, Princess Victomé, Sunayna Smith, Chloë Hart, Casey Al-Shaqsy, Aiesha Pease, Jaina Brock-Patel, Alana Robinson, Grace Melville, Leesa Tulley, Harriet Caplan-Dean, Khaila Wilcoxon, Storm Lever, Jasmine Forsberg, Olivia Donalson, Didi Romero, Gabriela Carrillo, Cassie Silva, Kelly Denice Taylor, Erin Ramirez, Kelsee Kimmel, Phoenix Mendoza, Chelsea Dawson, Chiara Assetta, Cristina D’Agostino, Joy Woods, Bre Jackson, Keri Rene Fuller, Brennyn Lark, Ayla Ciccone-Burton, Holli’ Conway, Brianna Javis, Gabbi Mack, Casey Esbin, Ellie Wyman, Sasha Renae Brown, Nicole Lamb, Aja Simone Baitey, Willow Dougherty, Kayla McSorely, Emily Rose Lyons, Chelsea Wargo, Hannah Taylor, Jessie Bodner, Jasmine Hackett, Janice Rijssel, Lucia Valentino, Elena Breschi, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Sarah McFarlane, Reca Oakley, Gerianne Perez, Zan Berube, Amina Faye, Terica Marie, Aline Mayagoitia, Sydney Parra, Jana Larell Glover, Taylor Pearlstein, Aryn Bohannon, Cecilia Snow, Rhianne Louise McCaulsky, Baylie Carson, Koko Basigara, Monique Ashe Palmer, Leah Vassell, Hailee Kaleem Wright, Leandra Ellis Gaston, Bella Coppola, Nasia Thomas, Zoe Jensen, Taylor Iman Jones, Aubrey Matalon, Kristina Leopold, Rae Davenport, Gianna Grosso, Kathryn Kilger, Bethany McDonald, Jillian Worthing, Haley Izurieta, Jasmine Smith, Lois Ellise Reeves, Alyssa Giannetti, Eden Holmes, Jaelle Laguerre, Kate Zulauf, Lee ARumSoul, Son Seungyeon Kim Ji Woo, Sophiya Pae, Park Hye-na, Park Ga-Ram, Kim Ji Sun, Choi Hyun-sun, Kim Ryeo Won, Heo Sol-ji, Yoo Ju-hye, Hong Ji Hee, Nicole Louise Lewis, Laura Dawn Pyatt, Erin Caldwell, Kenedy Small, Lou Henry, Aoife Haakenson, Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell, Tamara Morgan, Shakira Simpson, Fiorella Bamba, Lucinda Wilson, Caitlyn De Kuyper, Amanda Lee, Gabriella Boumford, Audrey Fisher, Brooke Aneece, Jaz Robinson, Julia Pulo, Maggie Lacasse, Krystal Hernández, Elysia Cruz, Lauren Mariasoosay, Julia McLellan, Darcy Stewart, Hailey Lewis
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emcads · 2 years
i present to you:  the great tpof fancast
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Christophe-Julien de Rapièr :  Romain Duris, Molière  (2007)
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Esmeralda Maria Consuela Anna de Sevilla:   Salma Hayek,   Fools Rush In (1997)  /  The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1997) 
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Princess Amenirdis :   Aamito Lagum,  Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)
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Prince Shabako: Malachi Kirby,  Roots  (2016)
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Pharaoh Taharka : Idris Elba, Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
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Queen Tiyy: Yetide Badaki, American Gods (2017-2021)
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Tarek: Abubakar Salim, Jamestown (2017) 
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Piye: Danny Glover,  Age of the Dragons (2011)
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Chamba:  Paulo Andre Aragao, The Lost Pirate Kingdom (2021)
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Lord Reginald Marmaduke Bracegirdle-Penwallow: Charles Dance, The Great Fire (2014)
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Don Rafael : Edward James Olmos, Monday Nights at Seven (2016)
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Luis Montoya :  Riccardo Scamarcio,  Caravaggio’s Shadow (2022)
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Robby Greene: Dean O'Gorman, Return to Treasure Island (1996)
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The Becketts.  Jonathan Jr.: Luke Roberts, Black Sails (2014),   Bartholomew : Tom Felton, Belle (2013), Jonathan Beckett: Michael McElhatton, Dangerous Liaisons (2022)
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Cutler Beckett: Jonny Lee Miller, Plunkett & Macleane (1999)
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Jane Beckett:  Sarah Gadon, Belle (2013)
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Ian Mercer: Sebastian Armesto, Harlots (2017)
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Melinda:  Clare Danes,  Stage Beauty (2004)
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Boris Palachnik :  Ned Dennehy, Banished (2015)
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Frank Connery : Tristan Sturrock, Poldark (2015)
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Etienne de Ver:  Edouard Baer, Lady J (2018)
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Lucius Featherstone:  Henry Douthwaite, Wuthering Heights (2018)
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Steve Seymour :  Dean Lennox Kelly, Jamestown (2017)
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Marie Seymour :  Astrid Bergès-Frisbey,  Bruc (2017)
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Jack :  Johnny Depp, The Man Who Cried  (2001)
bonus section:
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Sean Bean as a young pirate Bootstrap Bill, Lorna Doone (1990)
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 Lawrence Norrington as Ralph Fiennes in The Duchess (2008)
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Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III: Max Beesley, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1997)
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Tiny James Norrington : Keven Zegers, Treasure Island (1999).  Slightly larger James Norrington: Keven Zegers,  Felicity: An American Girl Adventure (2005)
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