#Me with the wait for s3 renewal news
arcanegifs · 1 month
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drconstellation · 5 months
Uriel's Star Ring
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Thank you @fuckyeahgoodomens for sharing the image
Getting the high-res image of Uriel and their ring today was an unexpected gift! It's not that I haven't done any work on them before now - I have, you just haven't seen it yet, because I needed a bit of a "key" to unlock it and the ring was always a major element of that. Because they are one of the archangels they do have a role and purpose, it just hasn't been made all that clear yet, and I don't think we've seen the best of them yet, either.
Uriel's name means "the light of God" and they are included as part of the main four archangels as they are considered needed to balance out the fourth compass point, the North. Their colour is yellow, and they carry a scroll signifying wisdom.
Up until now that was how I was considering Uriel, as playing a balancing role to hold Michael back. But now it looks like Uriel might have a bigger role in the future. I hope so.
Anyway, here's the ring:
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It's a star! - a Marian Star, which is one of the symbols of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Its a modified star of David, used to highlight Mary's role in as a helper in bringing humans towards salvation - that is, the restitution of the original harmony between God and humanity brought about by incarnation and redemption (Second Coming, any one?)
Stars are symbolic of faith, hope and inspiration (and yes, I am including some Tarot symbolism here.) They are a guiding light in the dark just before the dawn, they aid the navigators to cross the seas and one guided the Wise Men to Bethlehem. Without that starlight giving us a sense of purpose it can be hard to continue on in challenging times.
In the Tarot, there is a dark side the The Star: Ideals and expectations can be too high, abandonment, arrogance, haughtiness, theft, loss. The GO Uriel does tend to maintain a rather cold, distant and haughty demeanor.
The card for The Star in the classic Rider-Waite deck, Number 17, is perhaps an interesting one to include for discussion here.
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In the back right of the card is the Tree of Life, the companion to the Tree of Knowledge, from where the apple was taken. Eating from this tree is said to give you immortality, and this is what Aziraphale as Guardian of the Eastern Gate was really supposed to be protecting humans from getting back into the Garden to. The bird sitting on it is an ibis, a bird connected with immortality in Egypt. The nudity of the maiden represent truth unveiled, and she is young to represent a new start and renewal, because the card before this one is the Tower.
You've already seen the Tower card in S2 - it was in the Job minisode, when lightning struck Job's house to start the destruction. The Tower is card that signifies great change, often in a sudden and catastrophic way, and the breaking down of the structures that once supported and protected us, so we can move on. (Sound familiar?) So, I'm wondering, perhaps Uriel will have some surprise role in helping to reshape the order of things in S3?
There are twenty cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot and they can be looked as a spiritual journey of sorts, starting with The Fool then working through to the World. Now I've seen Uriel's star ring, and knowing how many other Tarot connections there are, perhaps we need to look at that as well - I know there are other Tarot experts out there who are probably better readers than me!
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bonearenaofmyskull · 5 months
This will be my one and only post on the subject of post-s3 canon-compliant Hannigram...
...unless ofc the show gets renewed, which, at this point--it won't, lbr. Martha de Laurentiis was the show's champion and navigator of the rights issues, and she has literally died. If anyone else is championing it, I don't know about it. Maybe something can come through eventually as the new company leadership gets shit figured out, idk. But I'm not holding my breath.
That's the key point here which most of these asks don't seem to recognize: they want me to give an opinion on the state of the relationship, and whether or not Hannibal and Will can be together for a long term and maintain contentment in their relationship with each other: the Happy Ever After Question. But what these asks are most notably NOT doing--even though the askers always frame it as if they are--is asking me about the kind of storytelling would be likely in a continuation of the show: the Plot? What Plot? question. They want to have their plot cake and happily eat it ever after too. And it just doesn't work that way.
These are really very, very different questions. And what would happen if the show actually did come back has as much to do with what would have to happen to resurrect the show out of rights oblivion and then negotiate endless contracts AND how the creatives own lives and circumstances may have changed them and their points of view over the years, as well as the years themselves.
And because the show is very likely never coming back it's really a moot point now. Fantasize however you want. Write fic however you want. It's your damn story now, not the creatives. So in answer to the first, Happy Ever After Question, yeah, sure, why the fuck not. Let Hannigram have forever. But wait--you like plot with your porn? Then by all means give them some conflict. Tear them from the seams, their skin, their bones. Does that make you happy now?
But stop pulling down other people who are doing it in a different way than you're doing it, even if you can't understand it. Yeah, you know who you are....
As for the ~cANoN~ question, let's also be real for a second. If the show were renewed TODAY, it will have been more than a decade between seasons three and four, and Bryan Fuller has been pretty clear that Hannibal and Will are together during that time. So CAN they stay together for a period of years? Yeah, sure, why the fuck not. Obviously they HAVE.
But also--if the show were to come back, would they be destined for angsty shit and conflict and, yanno, PLOT? Again, obviously. It's a ridiculous notion that the show would continue without it. Flip side of that, though, is the equally ridiculous notion that seems to be floating around that if they can't be Disney princesses in their happily-ever-after together, then they can't be together at all, or at least, not for long. That's also absurd.
So let's touch base with what we know, and not what we each individually prefer.
Let's pretend--perhaps ambitiously--for a minute that if the show did ever come back it would be following the plan that we were left off with. It would stretch into 3 more seasons, with Cuban, Korean, and Cajun dishes iirc for episode titles. Bryan Fuller was pretty clear that season four would dive into an untapped portion of the books, revisit season one in a "really interesting way," and be pitched as Angel Heart meets Inception. Will might achieve happiness but not till the ending of the whole thing. That's what we know. Sorry I can't cite any of this; I haven't looked up a Hannibal article in half a decade.
So, leaving aside specifics and just getting to the question at hand, what we do know from season 1 is that Hannibal and Will were together. So, logically, they're probably together in any theoretical season 4. And OF COURSE they would be--they just spent all of S3 apart. You gotta vary this shit up. And they have to have internal and external conflicts, because writing 101. And the internal conflicts are meaningless--as would be all the rest of the preceding show--unless they're deeply and passionately invested in and love each other. That was the whole frickin' point of S3.
I don't honestly even understand how any of this is a question or a debate. Why are y'all even arguing in this the year of our lord almost 2024, and making me grumpy by sending me endless asks about stuff that's been answered for years and years. Why did I have to read with my OWN TWO EYES that someone who joined the fandom in 2016 (!!!) is so #FandomOld that people are afraid to argue with them????
So, y'all, this is all I'm willing to say about a potential continuation and ending of the show:
In a simple sense, the pattern the show was setting up is S1 & S4 Hannigram is together and solving crimes (at least in some weird Angel Heart way), S2 & S5 is semi-together, semi-apart Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane thing (with other stuff), and S3 & S6 on-the-run culminating in Something Big (probably at least partially apart). That doesn't mean this is the way the show would go, but it'd be very easy to write Clarice or an expy coming into the story to chase them down and end up mentored by them (either one or both) with this format.
As for the very final ending of the whole thing, the ending *I* would write may not be the same as what Bryan Fuller would write, but to me it seems both obvious where the show should go and that it would be completely and utterly satisfying to shippers and non-shippers alike. And I have run my theoretical ending by devout Hannigram shippers, and it met their approval. So if I can come up with something that both works for them and works for my sense of completionism in storytelling, then I'm sure Bryan Fuller could. He's way more practiced than me.
I have consistently said that I do not relate to the notion that it'd be better to have them together in one's imagination than it would be to actually see Mads and Hugh acting together in the ACTUAL SHOW, regardless of how that ends. Because here's the thing: my imagination is boundless and endless, and I can get an unlimited amount of Hannigram doing whatever the fuck I please whenever the fuck I please. More show, on the other hand, is rare as hen's teeth. I would take that miracle if I could get it.
The End.
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howtobecomeadragon · 2 years
Mike was planning on breaking up with El even before 4x01: a theory.
If Mike has a letter in his pocket for Will explaining some of his feelings, then that makes me consider a new possibility that I haven't really seen posed by anyone yet: Mike went to California with the intention of breaking up with El in person. It's hard for me to believe that Mike could be self aware enough to write down any feelings for Will and bring that letter to CA with intent to give it to Will, and not understand that he needs to break up with El before that happens. With renewed interest in Mike's sideways pocket brought on by Finn's panel yesterday, I've been thinking about how it could all make sense with Mike not coming across as a really shitty person and this is what I came up with.
With this theory, a lot of what we've been theorizing are hints from the showmakers and hints of what's going on in Mike's subconscious are actually conscious and deliberate actions and emotions from Mike, as he's aware of his feelings towards Will and was planning to make a move after breaking up with El. He realized his feelings maybe at the end in the s3 finale when he's saying goodbye to Will, maybe before, and during the time between October-March, Mike has come to understand his sexuality, accept his feelings, decided to break up with El, decided it was best to do that in person, and decided to also come out to Will and wrote his feelings down. They planned a trip for spring break and Mike plans to do this all then.
In 4x01, Mike isn't very excited to go to CA. In El's letter, she had to ask if he's excited to visit, so we know he hasn't been overly enthusiastic in his letters to El about the trip. Maybe he didn't want to be faking it too hard before he could break up with her in person. He didn't want to come home from Hellfire early for the early flight, because he's nervous. He has a dirty look about visiting his "sweetie pie." He talks to Dustin about El when comparing gf's but he doesn't mention his feelings for El because he knows that he doesn't have feelings for her anymore, he just mentions her abilities halfheartedly. He isn't sharing that he's breaking up with El because then he'd have to explain why and he's not ready yet to come out to Dustin.
Mike for the entirety of 4x02 is faking it with El because he is waiting for a quiet moment alone at the Byers house to break up with El. Of course he's not going to do it in front of Will, Jonathan, and Argyle, and he's going to fake the relationship until he can break it off because he doesn't want it to be too weird until he can explain everything in private. That's why he has the sunglasses on for their only kiss, that's why he's avoiding eye contact, that's why he deliberately ends the hug as soon as possible to show her the flowers, and that's why he can't quite fake interest in what El is saying all day. He's nervous, jittery, feels guilty, and can't focus.
I'm guessing that Will's painting throws a wrench in Mike's plan and lowers his confidence a little bit, makes him doubt himself. He's nervous around Will and standoffish because he knows what he plans to do later in the week (give the letter to Will, come out, and express his feelings) and he feels under the microscope, interacting with Will for the first time in person since realizing his feelings, doubly so with El there. Thinking that Will has a crush on a girl contributes to Mike second guessing his choice to breakup with El throughout the entire season. Because if he's going to give Will his letter, he already is worried that Will might be mad or homophobic, and on top of that, if Will's crushing on some girl too then Mike knows it'll be a rejection from the get-go. Maybe Mike had some kind of hope his feelings were reciprocated, but likely not. Mike is, after all, clueless, even in this scenario.
So Mike has his plan and sticks with it until he sees El get bullied and realizes how much she's struggling in CA. Maybe he'd been feeling like because she was doing so well in CA (lots of friends, doing well in school, liking CA, having the Byers as a family), she didn't need him anymore, that was the sign that she was in a good place to take the news of the breakup well. But when he realized that almost none of that was true and she was not doing well at all, he backpedaled hard, and Mike 'Savior Complex' Wheeler decided to stick with El for a bit longer because just like in s1, he can't abandon El when she needs him.
And Mike and Will's fight at Rink o Mania is even more multifaceted if we're looking at it from this theory: Mike is upset at Will for not telling him El was having trouble because he was readying himself to hurt El, let her down, and be free to pursue his own happiness or at least tell Will the truth about him. Finding out that El's been struggling immediately pulls the rug out from that hope about his plans for the week. Along with all of the hurt feelings both ways about not keeping in touch, Mike also feels extra defensive about not sending letters and "we're friends" because he is so conscious of not wanting to cross a boundary in his relationship with El. He overcorrects in the fight because he's so anxious about it all and ends up lashing out because everything about the situation is upsetting.
In 4x03, he continues lashing out at the dinner table at El. At breakfast the next morning, he's ignoring Will because he's making some decisions about how to proceed with his plan and he's still feeling hurt about their fight. When Mike goes to El's room, he says "so are we just not going to talk about it? I dont know, just maybe like yesterday... or everything." Implying he was open to talking about their relationship as a whole, not just what happened at Rink o Mania. But El makes it clear that she doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere and that everyone looks at her like a monster. He does not feel like he can break up with her when she is in such a vulnerable and lonely place. And when she confronts him about not saying "I love you," Mike acts colder and he comes up with ridiculous excuses because he knows he hasn't been saying it, he has a reason and was ready to explain that reason less than 24 hours ago, he was expecting to finally speak his truth, but now he feels like he has to lie in order to protect El's feelings. He's not acting terribly because he's a horrible, mean bf that went right to gaslighting El, he is making shit up on the fly because he wasn't even planning to be her bf at this point. He had planned a breakup speech, he didn't want to have to continue faking the relationship.
And then things further escalate, in which El needs more help. She needs to be rescued from jail, and rescued from Nina. Mike feels like she needs him, and that's why so much of Mike's relationship with El takes a weird parental slant: he's staying with her at this point because he thinks she needs him to be constant in her life when other things are so hard for her right now. He thinks that without her powers and with her struggling in CA, she needs him for emotional support but also physical protection.
In 4x04, El goes off with Owens and leaves Mike a letter: she's becoming a superhero again, from El. Mike is relieved she's getting her powers as she won't need him as much for protection once she returns. But he's also concerned for her safety with Owens.
Mike knows that it might be months before he sees El again, according to Owen's people. Mike tries to hint to Will where he's at in his relationship with El ("a fight you can't come back from") without outright saying that he was planning to break up with her, while also feeling incredibly conflicted because he thinks El needs him ('maybe if I'd said that thing, said I love you, El would have let me protect her and be with her at Nina. I was ready to break up with her but I don't want her alone or hurt or scared'). But he is feeling uncomfortable because he already knows an "I love you" is a lie so far from his plans for the week, which is why he looks so so upset at Will saying "you can just say whatever it is then." He planned for it to be over already, and now he might be stuck in this place with El for several more months. He tosses the letter out because he's already mentally broke up with her and it's a reminder of being stuck in the relationship for even longer.
In Will's bedroom, this theory could put Mike's line "maybe I was worrying too much about El" into context that makes more sense for me at least. If he was planning on breaking up with her already, he knows that he was worrying too much before in s3 when he didn't really love her and maybe after that he was worrying too much about breaking up with her, and didn't want to blur the lines with Will too much by keeping in touch more than he thought was appropriate without emotionally cheating until he could see El in person to break up. And "I have no idea what's going to happen next:" Mike isn't sure what's going to happen with his plan to break up with El or when he'll get to do that, but he wants to let Will know of where his head is until then: right next to Will. He doesn't want to continue pushing away Will in fear of losing out on an opportunity with him forever when El might be gone for months. He can't say it yet because he's not single but he wants to make sure it's within reach when he can break up with El.
During 4x05, Mike nods when Will is talking to him on the car because that resonates exactly with his plan for the week: breaking up with El and telling Will how he feels, two pieces of info that Mike thinks likely won't be received well. But he's still terrified of El being hurt or killed, especially from what Argyle said.
In 4x06, Mike feels uncomfortable at Suzie's not just because it's a religious household and he's hiding his sexuality, but also from Suzie's explanation of her guilt from doing something wrong and getting punished. Mike feels he's doing something wrong in continuing to lie to El too, both if he lies and tells her he loves her and stays with her until she's in a better place or just in his lie to not breakup immediately once he knew it was over, even if it was just in a letter.
In 4x08, in the van scene, Mike looks so uncomfortable after Will says they can play D&D for the rest of their lives because he's worried about losing El as a friend after breaking up (El won't want to play and joke around about going to Vegas or do fun things like that with him anymore because she'll be too mad, not be understanding about him liking Will) and/or he's worried about being stuck in the relationship with El if she keeps needing him, and not being able to live his life with Will.
Mike says "what if she doesnt need me anymore" because he's imagining a time when he can break up with her, Will says "of course she'll still need you, she'll always need you" and Mike says "I keep telling myself that but I don't believe it." He keeps talking himself out of breaking up with her because he thinks she still needs him, but he doesn't believe it. He knows she'll be okay, but he's terrified of breaking up with her and putting himself out there with Will.
When Mike calls El Superman and calls himself just some random nerd, not Lois Lane, maybe he's not feeling inferior or like he can't save her when he wants to, maybe it's relief that she's usually so much more powerful than him, and so him being a random nerd lets him off the hook from feeling responsible for saving her, which also let's him off the hook for staying in a romantic relationship with her in his mind. "Some day she's going to realize:" he's waiting for her to understand that she'll be okay without their romantic relationship. He's not fated or destined to care for her. It was dumb luck and if she can take care of herself, he doesn't need to force himself to stay in that high pressure role of both feeling responsible for another person and also faking romance anymore. Will says "you're scared of losing her" and Mike agrees because he is terrified of losing her friendship, terrified of her hating him for being honest.
And then Will piles on, stressing how much El does need him. Mike looks frustrated by this at times, looking more negative every time Will brings up El. Mike looks nervous about El preferring the bandaid to be ripped off, thinking about his plan to breakup. Mike, of course, does get distracted, maybe imagining Will could be talking about himself and he gets distracted by Will's lips, but he's trying to stay focused.
They reunite with El, and Mike sees that in a lot of ways El doesn't need him to save her anymore, she saves herself now that she has her powers back. He ensures that their reunion isn't more romantic than it has to be: no kiss and he points out the others being there fairly quickly. In the van, Mike is still focused on keeping her safe though, trying to divert her attention to people after them and keeping her secure, but she shoots him down, stating that they need to focus on the others. More of El showing that she doesn't need him that Mike sees.
After the rescue, Mike keeps his distance from El for a bit, choosing to stand next to Will instead of El at the gas station, once they enter Surfer Boy. At Surfer Boy, El and Mike have their conversation. And tbh, even through this theory, it's still kind of up in the air as far as if Mike was about to break up with El here or not. He's feeling more confident at this point that she doesn't need him, but the doubts are still there, he would want to do it somewhere private anyway, and Will's words about her feelings are still on his mind. I don't think he was about to breakup with her, but he knew whatever he was about to say (I love you) would be a lie so he stalled.
When El was choking, Will pushes Mike to speak to El, and Mike saw that he was needed, and so he finally said it. He said I love you and I think that most of/the entire speech was true. Mike does love El platonically, and he can't quite bring himself to lie about loving her romantically, so he doesn't even try. "Friends don't lie." He's sneaky about it and only addresses loving her platonically. But he talks about how he loves her as a friend and I think most of what he said is true in some way.
"I'm sorry I don't say it more, it's not because I'm scared of you." True, that's not why he doesn't say it. "I'm scared that one day you'll realize you don't need me anymore. And I thought if I said how I felt, it would somehow make that day hurt more." Mike is scared of losing El in his life platonically, and he's scared when he tells her how he feels (breaks up with her) and if she doesn't need him at all even as a friend, she'll just drop him completely. He wants to maintain their friendship still, so he is scared of losing her. He cares for her so much and he doesn't want to live without her. She's one of his closest friends for the last few years. He loved that she was able to help him save Will, he loved meeting a "superhero" when he was a young kid. He hypes up her powers because he does think her powers are cool and he's also super excited that she has them back because she doesn't need him as much with them, and that's his way out of the romantic relationship.
Mike is being genuine while conveniently avoiding any romantic sentiment, meanwhile El is hearing everything she didn't want to hear from Mike. This isn't the romantic or familial love she wants: dependent on her powers.
El failing to save Max and to defeat Henry is yet another blow to Mike feeling like El is in a good enough place to breakup with her. She's been quiet and he knows this isn't the right time to hurt her more. He provides some quiet support on the car ride, at the hospital. He doesn't recognize that she's angry with him at Hopper's cabin. He's feeling for her and her struggles and he's focused on his own feelings and guilt about getting them both trapped in this situation where he feels he can't be honest with anyone.
And that's it! In s5, I'm still expecting El to break up with Mike. She'll confront his lack of romantic feelings and he'll be honest and it will be tough but El will accept him and they won't lose each other. And then Mike will make his move on Will.
Pros of this theory: fits in really well with Mike recognizing that he's in a parental role and wanting to get out of that. Emphasis on how much Mike cares about El platonically. Can tie in the letter in Mike's pocket theory without it feeling too emotional-cheat-y. Fits with Mike realizing he liked Will at end of s3. Takes Mike out of the role of "jfc what a horrible bf" and more into the role of "he wanted to breakup but cares for El and didn't want to kick her while she was down" and can explain some of his more shitty behavior toward El and Will. Can still line up with Mike being clueless according to Finn: clueless that El doesn't need him like he thinks she does and clueless that his feelings are reciprocated by Will. Makes the love speech a bit more bearable.
Cons of this theory: complicated and hard to explain the nuances to the GA without explaining every single thing. Might lack some of the emotional weight behind Mike realizing his feelings all of a sudden on screen, as well as getting rid of some of the internalized homophobia subtext as Mike is already accepting of his feelings (pineapple pizza, etc). There isn't a ton/any obvious evidence of this being Mike's plan, outside of this just being one option leading to Byler endgame. Doesn't really utilize Will's painting lie to its full extent.
I'd love to hear your thoughts! Viable option to consider? No?
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anotheruserwithnoname · 6 months
Some good news and some bad news regarding Season 3 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. The good news is that now that the strikes are over, production of Season 3 is set to begin next month! This is good because there have been rumours swirling around possible cancellation in the wake of Star Trek Discovery being ended after its 5th season. But SNW continues (Lower Decks has also been renewed for Season 5). The only caveat to that is Paramount Plus still cancelled Star Trek Prodigy even with its Season 2 complete, so nothing is a guarantee anymore. (And even then, it's been reported that Prodigy S2 will at least get some sort of Netflix release).
(Further good news is Season 2, with its amazing musical and Lower Decks crossover episodes, is set for Blu-ray release before Christmas.)
The bad news - though this is likely educated speculation on Screen Rant's part - is the possibility that the 10-episode 3rd season my be split, with only 5 episodes airing in 2024 and having to wait till 2025 to see the rest. Aside from that wrecking viewer momentum, those 5 weeks will come and go very quickly. If this news is correct, though, they could be telegraphing some sort of 5-episode story arc, which should be good but I actually prefer SNW's episodic format as it better supports the type of experimentation we got with not only this past year's musical and part-animated episodes, but the episodic format is what made TOS what it was. No official word on any cast changes, though I will be surprised if S3 doesn't reintroduce Dr. McCoy in some fashion.
I haven't written much about SNW but it's my favourite of the live action modern Treks. I stopped watching Discovery and Picard but SNW has kept me. I've had songs from the musical earworming for the last week or so after I rewatched it. And I greatly appreciated the time-travel episode "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" for finally canonizing an explanation as to why the prequel series haven't always lined up with what we know as canon from TOS, TNG, etc. which as far as I'm concerned frees the writers to deviate and retroactively serves to rectify canon issues dating all the way back to some episodes of DS9, never mind Enterprise, Discovery and SNW itself. I will explain for those who don't know but I will put a spoiler break here for those who might be waiting for the Blu-ray or haven't had a chance to stream season 2 yet. If the break doesn't appear below, stop reading now if you don't want the spoiler.
The episode reveals that due to the many time travel events over the years (including ones we haven't seen on screen by enemies of the Federation; the episode relates one involving Mary Queen of Scots (in-joke for the actress) what we have been seeing in SNW etc. is an alternate timeline. Maybe not as extreme as the Kelvin timeline of the films, but events such as the Eugenics Wars - indeed, the birth of Khan himself - were delayed by decades. This major change to the timeline - and then you fill in the blanks by factoring in even minor changes such as the guy who accidentally killed himself with McCoy's phaser in City on the Edge of Forever, Sisko replacing Gabriel Bell in the Bell Riots, the Voyager crew going back to 1996, Archer and T'Pol heading off agents of the temporal cold war in the early 2000s, etc. - and you can see how it's possible that things progressed differently resulting in SNW and Discovery being more technologically advanced than TOS-era ships should be as established in TNG, DS9 and Enterprise that used the original tech and designs. Also character differences, like Pike's crew being aware of T'Pring and Khan when Kirk's crew in TOS did now despite Spock having worked with La'an Noonien-Singh and Kirk being aware of La'an's feelings for him. Or the lack of reference to Kirk's brother, who dies in a famous TOS episode, having been former Enterprise crew. And it literally stems from two lines of dialogue. It's exhibit A of how quickly and simply a show like Doctor Who can fix things.
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matan4il · 1 year
Good morning Alice! I was gonna wait to send this till after the finale, but then said duck it I'm not predicting anything. I'm just curious about your feelings.
So I always felt like if the network was to cowardly to make Buddie Canon it would only end 2 ways, them maybe dating women or just ambiguity single as a family. Basically I never expected to see an actual fleshed out love story written for either.
And well, S1 Buck is single, S2 Shannon is dead, Ali leaves, and we get good montage hug, S3 single and great party montage. OK S4, if that was the series finale we got Buddie walking into a party, Buck not fullying entering, Eddie uncomfortable and the will reveal. As shippers, we would have never bought it. The general audience would have just shrugged. Again, they weren't left in love with women but did leave with a crazy strong bond. S5 single, and now we approach S6. I have no clue what will happen with Marisol and Natalia, but I think we can all guess it would resemble the S4 ending if anything. So again, if they were unsure about renewing and left it open-ended, the GA would shrug, and we would be like "well then here is what really happened".
So I watched that Love in the Air montage like it was approaching a series finale and felt exactly like I thought I would. I was laughing at how vapid these relationships look on Buddie vs the others. 911 love stories are built on adversity. Couples that don't get a lot of representation because maybe some don't think they are sexy enough. That's what makes me love them is how strong their foundations are. They are not built on meet cutes, you know. You can't write a love story for these 2 that approaches touching the bonds and experiences they have already experienced together. I will use the word again. it seems almost vapid!
So no clue what will happen in the finale with these girls. My gut instinct is not a lot of focus. But I'm already excited to move to ABC, where I think they will actually be invested in.
As always, I loved your meta!! Stay safe, and I hope you are feeling OK and made headway with your new treatment!!!
Hi sweetheart, thank you so much for this lovely ask! And for the kind words about my 617 meta! *HUGS*
I agree with you, if Buddie doesn't go canon, the show would never be able to develop a fully fleshed out and satisfying love story with any other Love Interest, so the show would either use really lame LIs (where it's easy to see that they'd go in the way of Ana and Taylor a short while after the cut off point of the show's finale) or Buddie would be chronically single (and each other's life partners). I admit, I prefer the latter. The former just means a break up to get to the latter, and then in both cases I'd just headcanon that Buddie finally had a feelings realization and confession, getting together at some point in the future that we don't get to see. It's inevitable with their love story.
But without a doubt, when we know that the whole (or at least majority of the) finale is the one call during which the 118 will be going down, that means there won't be much room to develop anything with either Natalia or Marisol. And I feel like that's exactly how 4a left off with Ana, and 4b did the same with Taylor. They exist, something has started there, but it's built on such shaky ground (they really did give us less than nothing for why Marisol or Natalia would work out with Eddie and Buck), we KNOW that this ground would collapse under these new LIs after a short while.
I do think the move to ABC has a lot of potential. I'm thinking ABC bought the show from Fox knowing that things are a bit rocky, so they KNOW they need to bring in more viewers, and I'm sure they understand that letting Buddie go canon has the potential to do just that, make TV history, create buzz and bring in more viewers.
On a personal note, I'm just still blown away that my HMO actually approved this treatment, but it's gonna take another week (exactly) until I get my first treatment. Which sucks, I have to cancel guiding students from Harvard in order to make this appointment, but yeah. Health before anything else, right? If I kept the Harvard tour, the next appointment is mid June.
Thank you, darling! I hope you're having a great day, too! Love you tons. As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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confusedspaceotter · 11 months
do you think the tweets mean there is a s3 renewal? they seem kind of ambiguous to me and like there could be plans for a movie or something and not necessarily a whole season
Okay, did some Googling and most news outlet and call this a season 3 renewal, while Simon didn’t stated which format the show will continue on, he did said he will be releasing more details soon so I guess we will wait and see!
Now there are a couple ways I could think of that could continue the story, the first one and the most obvious one, another a season 3 of WN.
Realistically I don’t think we will get a full 10 episodes season like season 1, given how most shows that was picked up by another platform have fewer episodes( mainly because most showrunners are just trying to give fans and the story some closure), I think if it will continue as a TV show, it would most likely have 8 episodes(like s2) or even less.
Another way would be a feature film, which would be neat because I like movies, but it will probably mean a big chunk of the story will have to be cut out( given how we still have no clue what the fucking is going on with the holy war, Reya, Adriel and all that jazz), I would say that if it were to continue with a film, it will probably give us closure on Avatrice but not the whole story.
As for other formats like animation and a comic, I think the cheaper option out of the two would be a comic(I have no idea how comic works), kinda like what they did to Korrasami from The Legend of Korra(correct me if I’m wrong here coz I haven’t finished the show), good thing with comics are that now the story will most likely be completed( because you can always just release another one) and we got more Avatrice content, but I think most people would rather see a real live version of avatrice because of the actresses chemistry.
Now as for animation, let’s just say I don’t think anyone would want to animate those tarasks + if we got the og cast to voice the characters, why not make a show with the cast instead?
(Yeah I’m really hoping we got a season 3 of WN)
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idealisticrealism · 1 year
ahh thanks for your tcl finale recap, your thoughts are always a welcomed read and it was worth the wait :) fingers crossed that the studios decide to play their writers and that the writers strike doesn’t eat too much into the fall schedule/tcl s3 😭
You're welcome Anon! This show definitely has a habit of sending me on an absolutely unhinged spiral any time I think too much about it lol, and it's fun to share that madness with you all.
Tbh the renewal news about s3 was such an unexpected gift for me (I honestly just assumed that loving a show this much meant it was going to be taken from me sooner rather than later), and then the strike happened.... so now I'm trying to make my peace again with the possibility of losing it. But I'm definitely crossing all my fingers and toes that we will somehow make a miraculous escape and get to have s3 after all-- because like I said in the recap, s2 was just the set-up, and s3 is where the real magic would happen.... 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
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kuroimugen · 4 months
Wait what happened re: s3 and Zheng? Who’s Jac?
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Jac is @thecozypirate on twitter and since the cancellation has been bringing twitter information from the entertainment industry, because they do work in the industry and do have connections that have been willing to tell them insider info about what's been going on re: s3, the cancellation, and everything else (They're the one that gave us the info that in December hiring notices were going out for preproduction for a "queer pirate show" in NZ and the show was RIGHT THERE before being cancelled.)
Today they released new information from their sources that Ruibo Qian was going to be a lot more prominent in season 3, and her 2024 schedule had been blocked off for probable filming. Ruibo being Zheng's actress, Nathan being Lucius, it means (to me) that season 3 was written to focus on the polycule, the diversity (not the middle aged men that got their happy inn) and Max ALMOST renewed before deciding not to.
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muttonthings · 5 months
Kdramas I have watched
107. Sweet Home S1+S2
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*Mild spoilers
All I knew about this show was that Song Kang is in it and it was renewed for 3 seasons 😂 Imagine my surprise when the first monster showed up...
I went in expecting this show to be really good since it was renewed for not 1 but 2 more seasons at once. I have to say I do not watch horror, I am a wuss. But I LOVED the first season (more on that later) I was immediately hooked on the show and got really attached to so many characters (I should not have done that) The monsters took some getting used to but the CGI wasn't all that good so it wasn't scary. I was just grossed out by the close ups of their nose bleeds...ew. We get it, they have a nose bleed. A distance shot of a trickle would have sufficed.
I loved most of the characters and was cheering for the demise of others. This show had me so hooked that I couldn't help but binge it, you cannot just stop watching with those cliffhangers. The acting in this show is phenomenal 👏👏👏
And then Season 2 happened...
For me S2 was really disappointing, it was no where near as good as S1 and I would say it's because all the characters I was attached to were either dead or awol. There were many, many new characters introduced but most of them were really boring. For me the only exceptions were Chan-yeong and Dr. Lim. I would have been REALLY pissed if I had waited years only to get this season 2.
Some familiar faces reappeared later in the season and that was when it got a little better but it wasn't soon enough.
I will be watching S3 and crossing my fingers that it's more like S1 than 2
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thewafflewhat · 2 years
ik we’re still waiting for renewal confirmation news but just imagine this s3 leatin scenario for a second:
leah looking at fatin like a lovestruck loser (à la fatin in 2.08) and fatin asking “what? why are you looking at me like that?” and leah replying with “i’m gonna try something right now… and i can’t promise it’s gonna go okay”
and then they kiss
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bomikalover · 2 years
While dying in boredom I decided to do some research about date releases for S3 of DF and the only thing I had to work off of is HD.
My Research: When HD had to be renewed for season three the wait for season three to be released was only two months exactly! S2 ended on July 17, 2016 and S3 started on September 17, 2016.
Between S3 and S4 was only 2 WEEKS! October 7, 2017, to October 21, 2017.
Between S4 and S5…once again only 2 weeks. October 20, 2018, to November 3, 2018. ( Side note: S5 was airing for a little under a year and a half)
No bts, bloopers, interviews, or cast interaction besides Luhavan and Terrence & Dana (🕯️beat the allegations 🕯️)
The only cast member who frequently promotes the show is Dana. Who is in charge of the DF production team cuz this show doesn’t get anywhere near as much promotion as HD did? HD had new promotional videos, commercials, interviews, and pictures every SEASON! How do you not promote the show you are the main actor/actress on?
And don’t even get me started on how DF isn’t getting enough production value as HD 👀🙄
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kanthony · 10 months
i’m feeling really blah about heartstopper idk
maybe me on month 100th waiting for shadow and bone renewal or whatever…being petty and aggervated
i’ll wait until s3 news i’m just like that these days
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Klaus flashbacks! Looking rough breaking into the academy! Dying multiple times! Reggie killing baby Klaus multiple times!. His brain is on another level of existence???? Telling Luther he played 'bus catch' or whatever with Reggie but Luther needs to find his own game??? Bitch he was killing you?? His whole response to trauma is the "I do not see it" meme. I love how Reggie fucked the Umbrella's up supremely more than the sparrows somehow?? How did he do it?? We'll prob never know. A+ waiting for S4 renewal news.
I can't even describe how much I love klaus in this season. horrible s2 arcs? redeemed!
he started at least 4 new arcs, worked on his powers and SUCCEEDED and I love it from him. even if it nearly cost him his existence. would like to know more about the VOID!
I love how "teaming up" with reggie was compared to an addiction. (or at least it wad metaphorical TO ME), and that he pretends that everything is fine. him dying multiple times? excellent! ouija bitch learned how to come back! his GOODBYE hand tattoo glowing when he manifested luther? ALSO METAPHORICAL. him not having his hand tattoos at all in s3 and dog tags gone? hints hints hints!!!
I'm surprised, but I really liked him this season (which means I can say I loved the season bc I watch the show for klaus)
I loved that he was wearing a beanie in the flashback so I didn't have to see him in yet another horrible rat wig. his hair looked good in most scenes this season, too! (except for the ones where it was straightened)
I'm waiting for s4 news too!
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puthyflapps · 1 year
Obviously it's sad that another lesbian show got cancelled but it's funny that hbo and showtime saw everyone freaking out on twitter and both instantly announced renewals for tsocg and yellowjackets. It's probably a coincidence but the timing was on point
I wasn’t too surprised that slocg got renewed because it’s widely popular (it wasn’t just the lesbians going crazy for it) and it has gained a lot of traction online but it was interesting that showtime decided to go ahead and renew YJ without s2 even airing yet. Like it’s not like they went with a 2 season renewal after the success of season 1. They waited all this time and decided in the midst of all the streaming service cancellation mess to renew the show prior to even airing this new season
That makes me a little suspicious but good for y’all. Must be nice to have your show about girls in a plane crash get a s3 😭😭😭
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warrior-halo · 1 year
The memes no one asked for, but hopefully everyone needed... 
Warrior Nun as text posts/Ao3 tags! A series!
I am new to the fandom (and Tumblr), but Warrior Nun has quickly become my comfort show! It is one of the best shows I have seen in a LONG time. No show has impacted me quite so much since Bly Manor. The cinematography, acting, and fight scenes are incredible. Top tier. Not to mention the soundtrack, the amazing characters, the love story, (Avatrice has my heart!❤️) and the queer representation! The story itself is truly a masterpiece. The show is amazing and I love it so much!
While we wait eagerly for a S3 renewal (I'm looking at you, Netflix...) here's some memes to hold you over! I worked really hard on these, so I hope I could make you laugh, even if it's for a second. 
If you want to scream at me, head over to my Twitter (@ smol_halo)! You can also message me for my Discord. Please be kind and respectful with messaging.
 I am just a little shy bi, but I always love feedback! If you have any meme suggestions or general questions, send me an inbox in my asks. Feel free to follow me to see more memes and shenanigans! 
Anyway, that's all for now, enjoy! 
In this life or the next...
-Hannah ♥ 
PS: All works are my own, but no copyright infringement was intended in the making of these. PLEASE tag me if you repost any of my memes online! Don't forget to give me credit if you share these memes anywhere. Thanks!
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