#Maybe I’m being silly and there’s an easy way to fix it but
leafatlaw · 7 months
ALSO what the fuck is up with Procreate and the way it doesn’t color right? Like how it’s not full transparency ever? Is it fixable ??
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ghostfacd · 7 months
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summary: when coriolanus and you argue over the sudden closeness between him and lucy gray, all hell breaks loose. but he’s reminded that in the end, it’s you who he chooses, and it’s you that will stay.
warnings: reader and coryo have a toxic relationship (are we surprised?), mentions of cheating (no actual cheating involved), fighting and yelling, some ooc!coryo, descriptions may be inaccurate ‘cause i read the book like 2 years ago 😭
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“I hate you!” You scream, thrashing in Coriolanus’s threshold. “Let go! Let go!”
“Oh stop making a scene, will you?” He growls out, not appreciating your lack of awareness of the eyes that were currently watching. “She’s fine, she’s fine.” He reassures the staring orbs of eyes, “stop it now, Y/N.”
His tone makes you shiver, and you stop trying to kick yourself out of his grip. He smiles contently at this, finally letting you go, but not before shoving his hands into yours. “See, wasn’t that easy?”
“Oh fuck you.” You say, but both you and Coriolanus know that you’ll be back at square one by tonight, kissing and telling him that you love him.
“Thought I'd have to drag you away and shut you up." He mutters, clearly unimpressed with the way you acted earlier. “Maybe get your shit together, L/N.”
“I would if you’d just act like a decent boyfriend for once!” You say, throwing your arms out in the air. “You know what? I don’t care; I don’t care what you do—go get close to your tribute! Go fuck up our relationship for all I care!”
You yank your arm away from his, stomping inside of the Academy with a scowl plastered on your face. Sejanus is only a few steps behind the two of you, and was going to open his mouth to say something when Coriolanus places his index finger in front of him.
“Don’t.” The boy says. “She’s just being dramatic.” He fixes his uniform, a lavish shade of red, as it was crinkled from the way you had tried to escape his hold earlier.
The next time he sees Lucy Gray, he thinks of your little upset pout and face, your yelling ringing in his ear.
Go fuck up our relationship for all I care!
“Are you alright?” Lucy Gray was cautious around Coriolanus, he was unpredictable, and scarily cunning. She had no idea what was even one of the million thoughts that ran through his mind
“I’m.. fine.” Coriolanus says, giving her a meek smile that almost makes her feel sick. Although she had to admit he was fairly handsome and she had somewhat fell for his charm and face, he still scared her regardless.
“Coryo.” Your voice makes Lucy Gray and Coriolanus both look up. You look like a looming dark figure compared to her, towering over. “We should talk later.”
And Lucy Gray watches as Coriolanus’s once emotionless face turns into a sly grin. He nods, not saying much, which was something Lucy Gray had came to learned these past few days after he had first met and given her a rose.
“Snow always falls on top.” Coriolanus whispers underneath his breath, and Lucy Gray doesn’t question it, only continuing what they had been doing earlier.
When the two of you were walking out of the Academy, you placed your hand in Coriolanus’s. It had gotten colder than it had in the morning, and you were freezing under your uniform.
He carefully caresses your hand, looking up to watch as snow slowly fell from the sky.
“So, you’re gonna tell me what you wanted to earlier?” He asks, still looking at the sky.
“I’m sorry Coryo,” you reply meekly, feeling small under his frame. “For causing a scene earlier. I was upset.”
“Upset at me getting close to Lucy Gray?” He questions, now finally glancing down at you.
“Yes! But you can’t blame me Coryo, you don’t see me getting close with my tribute.”
Coriolanus rolls his eyes, the blue orbs bore into yours. “What did I tell you? I would never cheat on you, silly girl. I’m not a monster.”
If only he knew.
You look down, embarrassed that you two were even having this conversation in the first place.
“I know you wouldn’t, which is why I’m apologizing in the first place.”
The two of you stop abruptly, your eyes reaching his despite the obvious height difference.
“I love you, okay?” Coriolanus breathes out, you can even see his breath, the temperature dropping even lower than it was before.
And although you don’t know the extent to which exactly the words coming out of his mouth are even true, you still go on your tippy toes, shivering as you give your boyfriend a kiss on the lips.
“There’s my smiling girl,” he says as he watches your eyes twinkle. “Now let’s go, I have some ideas of ways to warm you up.”
That night, snow truly, did fall on top.
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darkcircles4lyfe · 2 months
it's a story about hands (reprise)
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Yeah, okay, today's the day.
I gave my blog that title for a reason, you know, and it has loomed over me for years because the hand motif is absolutely everywhere and you could go on about it forever.
Maybe that's something I'll never actually attempt to do, but this chapter, we reached a breaking point.
Before I continue, I need to give a big, big disclaimer: I do not have a physical disability, so I'm not able to speak about that from the standpoint of representation as a first-hand perspective. I have at least listened to enough disabled people to know that fictional characters who become amputees only to miraculously gain their limbs back is, um, a trope. Disabled people in general being "healed" is a conception we would really prefer to avoid here. Not to call people out, but I don't think we're giving enough space to acknowledge that.
I don’t feel comfortable making the judgement call about what should happen. I’m leaving that open. I also don't want to downplay people's emotional reactions. Honestly, I don't know if I can accurately define the line between acknowledging real pain vs. ableist pity. But I’d like to talk about the possibilities of what could happen. Other characters have definitely gotten permanent disabilities as a result of their hero work, or even just the side effects of their quirk. But, for better or worse, I don't think this case is really about representation. Not that Horikoshi won't do that justice. He might. What I'm saying is that's not his purpose for having Izuku lose his arms. It's meant to be symbolic, so we can explore what it means. The other thing I’m keeping in mind here is that Horikoshi is notorious for playing with our expectations, like, alllllll the time. I mean, just take a few chapters ago for a classic example. Eri appeared at the end, and we all assumed she was about to take some sort of action to save someone with her quirk. Then, immediately following, we were given an explanation for why that wouldn’t be happening. And now it’s clear he wanted to do that “fake out” not just as a silly cliffhanger prank, but specifically so we would know not to suspect that Eri could be the miraculous solution to Izuku’s loss of his arms. Rest assured, there is no easy way out of this.
The expectation at play in this particular instance is an old one. It’s very understated, but its subtext has burned so brightly, you’d be a fool not to notice it. It sits with anticipation like one half of a call and response. Man, I was so certain. Lots of people still are. I was really looking forward to printing the panel where it happened onto a t shirt and wearing it proudly. All the hand motifs in this story radiate thematically from a single moment, the one that started it all for Izuku.
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It raises all kinds of questions about the act of saving, who needs saving, why, what does it mean, what are the dynamics of power, politics, honesty, exploitation, compassion, pity, disdain, sacrifice. Katsuki has dealt with many of these since he first rejected Izuku’s hand. While Izuku was the one who was convinced Katsuki would keep on rejecting him…
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…Katsuki was the one who kept that moment in his mind all these years and eventually came to regret it.
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Katsuki is the one yearning for that hand-hold, the one who has imbued it with so much more weight than it ever originally had. Izuku, in contrast, does not allow himself to dwell on what he wants. To illustrate this difference, we need to look at another piece of foreshadowing:
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Ugh, do y'all remember when lots of folks were complaining about how there never seemed to be actual consequences for Izuku's destructive treatment of his own body? I don't blame them, I was concerned and confused about it too. There were several "fixes" along the way. Recovery Girl healed him, but left a physical reminder. Then he started training to fight with his legs… sometimes. Then he got support items. All of these were unsatisfying non-conclusions because they didn't present Izuku with a lasting enough impression to change in a meaningful way. They didn't address his core, his origin.
Of course, that all changed this chapter. Now it looks like our frustration was inflicted intentionally. With the current context in mind, all of these moments look more sinister, like this day was always gonna come because they kept putting bandaids on a deep emotional and psychological wound. The problem is pretty much spelled out for us here:
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As Katsuki put it, he just doesn’t take himself into account, ya know? He doesn’t care what happens to him. And he lies about it, to keep others from worrying, to keep them safe. To keep them from returning the favor and putting themselves in harm’s way for his sake. His motivations are noble,
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…but what about the little boy inside Izuku? Who saves him?
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This is all about Izuku giving himself up to the point that he literally has no more to give. The thing is, I bet he saw this coming. He knew his limits and decided to keep going anyway, because his personal safety and wellbeing are not important. Now that way of thinking has come back to bite him because the fight isn’t over yet, and he’s already made his sacrifice. So now we know who will be more distraught over this. Not Izuku—Katsuki.
It’s not about Izuku becoming disabled, it’s about how Katsuki wanted to use the intertwining of their fingers to communicate that he would never let go. Never stop valuing him most. Never let himself make the mistake of rejecting him again. Never let Izuku be so reckless with his life. To say: “we are in this together.”…if only Katsuki believed he deserved to be able to say such things. To reach out his hand would have been the ultimate way to simply imply them and let Izuku be the one to decide. Then, to feel their hands clasped together would be more than either of them dared hope for, but so beautiful, so right. A moment they’ve waited their whole lives for.
Yeah. That’s what we were expecting. We’ve been so comfortable. Horikoshi gave us all the signs. He tempted and teased us over and over. BUT. You know he does this thing were he gives us a desirable, completely plausible and simple thing to look forward to, and then he snatches it away. And THEN he replaces it with something much better, something we were not expecting at all because it seemed too good to be true. That’s exactly what happened when Himiko snatched Izuku away, and we were robbed of the chance to see him and Katsuki fight together. In hindsight, though, I’m glad things went a different way because now there’s so much more depth and angst on display. Likewise, in the present moment, we may consider how, as one door closes, another opens.
As wonderfully meaningful as the hand-hold would have been, perhaps it is still too simple a resolution for Izuku, for his and Katsuki’s relationship. Tbh, it could have been done like 100 chapter ago. At this point, there’s so much more potential. There are a couple of ways it could go. If Izuku stays armless, Katsuki will be forced to use other methods to get his point across. He’ll have to do something else, or say what he means, or both. Yes, I’m talking about what you think I’m talking about. If I say it, I just might jinx it (lol), but I mean it. I’m being serious. Either way, if Izuku did get his arms back in the end, I’m sure that it wouldn’t be an easy fix. It would be hard-won against Izuku’s self-destructive mindset, and/or by Katsuki’s conviction. Again, I say this knowing it is not meant so much as a representation of disability, but as a representation of Izuku’s greatest character flaw taken to the extreme. I know this might sound harsh, like, hasn’t he been through enough? I get that, but… I’ve said it before and I say it again: Izuku is stubborn as hell.
I wish I had a resounding final note to end this on, but I kinda don’t. I’m not sure what’s best. Now we just have to wait and see what Horikoshi has in mind.
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deathblacksmoke · 28 days
Dramamine—Part 10
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Nick Ruffilo
Series Summary: Cynical, brooding bartender Nick meets too-earnest, pretty boy singer Noah when The Rabbit's Foot starts hosting an open mic night.
CW: light angst, brief crying, self-doubt, mostly just fluffy cute boy things, oral sex (m receiving)
*Content warnings are updated by chapter*
Word Count: 2.5K
Author's Note: final part before the epilogue <3 huge thank you to everyone who's read and enjoyed this little series and massive thank you to my friends for their support, brainstorming, handholding, etc.
dividers by @cafekitsune 💐
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He feels a little silly being so nervous about this. The hard part should be over — he’s already gotten Noah back — but tonight feels daunting. As he stands outside Noah’s door with a bag full of groceries, he feels shaky on his feet and afraid to knock.
His phone vibrates in his pocket and he reaches for it, happy to kill time and put this off. It has a bit of the opposite effect, though, when he sees it’s from Autumn.
He had to beg her to let them have the apartment to themselves for the evening. He’ll owe her for ages, and he’s reminded that Noah’s probably behind the door sulking about being left alone on a Friday night.
I can see you on the doorbell camera. Don’t be weird.
When the door swings open before he’s even done knocking and Noah’s on the other side of it, everything settles. Nick doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to the way Noah’s gaze can ease his nerves so simply.
“What are you doing here?” Noah asks, stepping aside to let Nick in without a second thought. He doesn’t seem at all unhappy about Nick’s arrival, and a gentle hand on Nick’s arm stops him from moving far past the entryway. He sighs into it when Noah brings their lips together, feeling his lips curl up into a smile against his own.
“I was going to make us a nice dinner,” Nick responds. He can’t stop himself from leaning back in for another kiss when Noah’s eyes light up. “Treat you to a proper first date.”
His nerves kick up again as he lets Noah lead him into the kitchen. He’s not used to this, and he’s so out of practice. He’s certainly no chef, but Noah fixes him with the sweetest look when he hops up onto the counter, pleased to be in Nick’s way the entire time. There’s nothing in him that wants to be annoyed, or feel inconvenienced. Instead he feels an unbearable warmth in his chest as he starts unloading the bags, avoiding eye contact for the fear his face is beet red with the adoration he holds for this boy.
“So, what are you making me?” Noah asks, legs swinging like a child.
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“Here, taste this,” Nick says, offering the spoon to Noah, who accepts it gratefully. He makes a pleased little sound and Nick feels his stomach swoop. “It’s good?”
It’s not a complicated sauce, just a basic marinara he found online, but he loves making Noah happy. He loves how easy he is to please, although he wishes he had to try a little harder.
“Really good, Nicky,” Noah responds, scooting closer on the counter as if he doesn’t mind being in the middle of everything. He’s very much in the way but Nick can’t find it in himself to mind, not when he gets to have Noah this close.
Satisfied that their dinner is mostly done, he starts unloading the other bag — mint, lime, sugar, club soda, white rum, and his shaker. 
When he looks over at Noah, there’s a confused expression painted on his face.
“What’s all this for?” Noah asks.
“Thought I’d make mojitos,” Nick responds, suddenly feeling shy, a little unsure. Maybe the moment hadn’t made as much of an impression on Noah as it had on Nick. “Can you grab me some ice?”
Noah’s face shifts from confusion to self-satisfaction. Nick wants to roll his eyes, but he can’t. He’s too pleased that he made Noah happy.
“I’m not making you a mojito, pretty boy,” Noah mocks — Nick does roll his eyes then.
“Well, that was before,” he reasons. He leans over for a kiss on the cheek. He just can’t help it. “Ice, please?”
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The plates lay forgotten on the coffee table. Noah seems happy, sated, resting himself on Nick with his half-finished second mojito in hand. Nick feels an all-consuming calm, like he wouldn’t mind staying here with him, on his sofa, for as long as Noah wants him.
“Oh, I got you something,” Noah says, eyes suddenly wide and sparkling as he lifts his head from Nick’s shoulder. “Well, I found something I think you might like. Do you want it?” 
He can’t imagine saying no to him, not when he’s this excited and fidgety. He finds himself nodding, giving a small smile before Noah is up and disappearing into his bedroom. 
Noah’s nerves are evident when he comes back out, holding something small in his hand. Nick feels himself getting nervous, too, but he puts on a brave face for Noah. Noah seems to settle, at least a little bit, when he meets Nick’s eyes. 
Without sitting back down, he holds his hand out, presenting it to Nick. 
“For your Jasmine box,” Noah says, shifting back and forth on his feet. There’s a long moment that Nick just stares at Noah’s hands, and when he looks up at him, his eyes are wide with something less like excitement and more like terror. Nick places a soothing hand on Noah’s thigh, telling him it’s okay, before taking the item from his hand.
It’s a photograph he hasn’t seen before, but he remembers the moment so vividly. It was Autumn’s 30th birthday, when she had come up to them with her disposable camera, drunk and stumbling, and told the two of them to pose. It was so shortly before it all went bad, but everything was still so good then. Jazz hadn’t hesitated before grabbing his face and planting a kiss on his cheek for the camera. He’d felt warm everywhere. If he tries, he can still feel her lips on his skin.
“Noah,” he breathes, feeling tears prick at his eyes but not wanting to scare him off. He doesn’t know what to do, whether to break down in front of him or just hug him and say thank you. He doesn’t know where to find the words for how grateful he feels.
“Aut found it in her room when she was cleaning up. I asked her if I could give it to you,” Noah tells him, somehow more shy than before as he sinks to the floor in front of Nick, placing a shaky hand on Nick’s knee. There’s a look in his eyes more hopeful than he’s ever seen, and all Nick knows to do is reach out for him. “Is it okay?”
“It’s more than okay,” Nick responds, taking Noah’s hand in his and intertwining their fingers. “Can you come up here for me, please?”
There's bravery in Noah when he rises from the floor. Though unsteady on his feet, he still lowers himself into Nick’s lap. Instinctually, Nick places a hand on his lower back, drawing him closer.
“Jasmine was really important to Autumn while I was gone. I’m really grateful she had someone,” Noah says, voice quivering. Nick doesn’t stop himself this time from reaching out, wiping the few fallen tears from Noah’s cheeks. “I wish I could have known her better.”
There’s something in his eyes when Nick brushes away the few strands of hair that have fallen in Noah’s face. He can spot a distant sadness in his expression, a downturn at the edges of his mouth. He presses his fingers into Noah’s sides, needing to see that smile and delighting in it when he gets it.
“You’re really something, aren’t you?” Nick asks, a little amazed when he allows himself to think about it. He never imagined he’d find himself in this position again — another chance, deserving of something so wonderful, someone so wonderful. Noah buries his face in his neck and it warms Nick from the inside out. “How did I get so lucky, huh?”
Noah squirms a little in his lap and it jostles something awake in him. Kisses are pressed to his neck and he swoons, sinks back into the couch as he pulls Noah as close as possible.
His mind takes him back to the last time he was on his couch, the way that Noah had treated him so nice, the way Nick had abandoned him because of it. He’s done his best to fix this, but there’s still that one piece that’s so wholly unrepaired. He doesn’t know that he’d be able to stand it, if the scenario had been reversed. He hates to put so much weight on what had happened, yet there’s a stomach-turning guilt when he envisions the weeks that Noah sat on this couch with the memory of what Nick had done.
He slips his hand beneath Noah’s t-shirt, grazes his knuckles along the expanse of his skin. When the scarred skin of Nick’s knuckles meets the ultra-soft skin of Noah’s middle, it’s not quite as scary as it had been, letting Noah see all of him. He finds he wants himself to be seen, to be known. There’s a nagging, vibrating something beneath his skin, but he lets himself push it away this time.
Noah’s hand cupping his cheek brings him back into the moment. Noah’s lips on his set a fire beneath his skin. He needs to fix this — he needs to repair this one final thing.
“Noah,” Nick breathes, dragging his palms down over Noah’s thighs, fingertips dancing toward the waistband of his sweats. His eyes sparkle, and God, Nick would do anything to keep those eyes clear and bright and on him. “Baby— baby, can I?”
The nerves evident on Noah’s face do little to calm the ones bubbled up in Nick, but the small, barely-there nod he’s given before Noah leans in for another kiss gives him the answer he needs. 
His hands are shaky as they inch under Noah’s waistband, as he finally gets his hands on the soft skin there, like he’s been dreaming of all this time.
He loses himself to it, time slowing as they kiss. He could stay happy like this, hands wandering over every inch of skin he can find, roasting hot everywhere Noah touches him. Noah’s pretty little gasp as Nick’s fingers drag across his cock bring him back to reality.
He vibrates with nervous energy as he pulls Noah’s face away from his own, hand cupping Noah’s cheek and entranced by how glassy his eyes already are.
“Can I do something for you?” Nick asks, to which he receives a shaky nod in return. “You wanna hop up for me, love?”
Noah’s quick to do as he’s asked and it sets a fire alight in him, a need to make this good for him. He gets on his knees between Noah’s legs and his nerves kick up. He’s so out of practice, but he’s sure in his actions when he slides Noah’s sweats down over his hips. He looks up at him, not sure what he’s looking for in his gaze, but gaining confidence when Noah gives him a nod, threading his fingers through his hair.
His head empties — everything he’s ever known about being with someone is gone, because this isn’t just someone, this is Noah. He loses himself in the expanse of bare skin he’s presented with, all so new to him. He can’t help it as he lets his hands wander, fingertips grazing Noah’s tummy, his thighs, laser-focused on the way he tenses and relaxes beneath Nick’s touch. He has to do something, but finds himself so transfixed with everything he never thought he’d get to have.
He carries his mind back to the last time he was here, when he was on this couch and Noah was so polite and pretty on his knees between Nick’s spread legs. He tries to replicate it — his hand wraps loosely around Noah and the whimper he receives makes his vision blur.
He can’t keep his eyes off Noah as he sinks his mouth onto him. Maybe he wants to keep himself grounded in this moment, or maybe he wants to memorize every little shift in Noah’s expression. As much as he wants to let himself get lost in it, he can’t look away.
Where Nick’s hand rests on Noah’s thigh, Noah’s hand rests centimeters away, twitching fingers as if he’s itching to close that gap. Nick’s gaze shifts between Noah’s face, the anxiety in his expression, and his trembling hand. He knows Noah is nervous, scared to close that gap — Nick can’t blame him, not after last time.
He closes the gap himself, slides his fingers under Noah’s and feels as everything in Noah relaxes. His rhythm falters, only for a moment, as he considers how he wants this to continue.
He wants to be here, on his knees, a small consolation for what he did the last time Noah did the same for him. But as he allows himself to look at Noah, at his glassy eyes and his pretty open mouth, he needs to be closer. They’re touching, but not nearly enough. He needs to kiss him, to blanket him, to taste his gasp as he finishes over his tummy and Nick’s fingers.
As if able to read Nick’s mind, Noah gives his hand a gentle tug. When Nick meets his eyes, there’s a glint that Nick reads a little like desperation. He’s sure it’s the same desperation he feels.
He doesn’t take his hand off of Noah as he stands, scrambling into Noah’s lap and regaining his rhythm. Noah presses their mouths together and Nick is quick to lick into his mouth, slapping his hand away when Noah goes for the button on his pants.
“No, just—” Nick starts, taking a deep breath and resetting when it’s clear his actions are about to be misread. He cups his hand over Noah’s face, placing a kiss to the corner of his mouth, a smile into his cheek. “Just let me do this for you, yeah? I just want this to be for you.”
Noah nods, losing himself in their kiss again, bucking his hips gently into Nick’s grasp. He can feel it, in the way he tenses, in the way his thrusts go a little sloppy and uncoordinated.
He catches the pretty gasp on his tongue when Noah rushes to lift his shirt up as his cum spills over Nick’s fingers and onto his belly.
As Noah catches his breath, Nick busies himself looking around for anything to clean him up with that wouldn’t require detaching himself. He lands only on the cloth napkins they used for dinner, and he knows Autumn would make him buy an entire new set.
“We should go get you cleaned up,” he says instead, though the idea of getting up and having any space between them sounds dreadful.
“In a second,” Noah responds, his hand curling around the back of Nick’s neck to draw him in for a kiss, stopping just short to mutter against his lips. “Will you stay with me tonight?”
Nick can’t think of anything he wants more, nodding as he lets Noah pull him the rest of the way in.
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tagging: @concretenoah @circle-with-me @darksigns-exe @ladyveronikawrites @agravemisstake
@monotoniscreaming @cookiesupplier @bngurngheart @jiizzy @screamsinsilver
@iknownothingpeople @iknownothingpeople @anameunmusical @sitkowski @baddestomens
@itsafullmoon @collapsedglasshouses @somebodyels3 @broken0mens
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pinkroseblooms · 5 months
Usahara Tobikichi in love with f!Reader headcanons (sfw and smutty)
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(look at this official art by gaku kaze, why is he so cute/hot?!)
Usahara is (to borrow a trope title) a Casanova Wannabe. He likes getting attention from women and wishes he could pull off the playboy persona; the idea of being irresistible to women is a nice daydream, especially considering he seems to be consistently overlooked in comparison to guys like Kumatani and Uramichi
Despite having dated before, relationships never quite seem to work out, whether it be due to Usahara's partners not wanting to stick around after realizing how tactless and irresponsible he is or Usahara stops putting in the effort to keep the relationship afloat. He’s not intentionally mean or careless, but truly good intentions can only make up so much for his flaws.
With all that in mind, Usahara wants a girlfriend; he would take being devoted to one woman over being admired by dozens any day of the week, even if he’s a touch embarrassed to admit it.
In comes you: Usahara thinks you’re cute and immediately tries to get your attention. He doesn’t have high hopes, but hey, it couldn’t hurt to put himself out there. It doesn't take long before Usahara starts going out of his way to talk to you, firing off jokes and one liners at any given time, basically making a fool of himself for a hint of a smile from you. In a short amount of time this casual attraction develops into not so casual, knee buckling, sweaty palms crush. Usahara's heart will shatter into a million pieces if you decide to reject him.
You’re so cute, patient and sweet, being with you just feels right. Every time Usahara sees you that throbbing ache in his chest only gets worse. You’re probably too good for him, he knows it, everyone around Usahara won't stop reminding him when he looks at you with goo goo eyes and insists today's the day: he's going to take that leap and make a move on you. Usahara feels like he hit the literal jackpot when you agreed to go out with him. 
When the two of you begin officially dating, it’s like a light switch clicks in Usahara’s head. Maybe because he’s older and (at least somewhat) wiser, but he’s making genuine efforts this time around to not repeat past mistakes.
When you bring up the issue of his spending habits or taking a joke too far, Usahara will listen and work with you to fix the issue. It’s important to him you know he’s taking this seriously. Usahara wants to have extra money to spoil his girl and the idea of saying something to hurt your feelings gnaws at him. He's determined to be the best boyfriend you've ever had or will have.
He tries so hard for you; Usahara honestly didn’t expect to get so attached. It makes him a bit more reflective, but also paranoid of messing up; he's always been his own worst enemy. For how easy going and chill Usahara comes off as, he's way more insecure than you might guess.
Expect clinging and being spammed with texts at any given moment, maybe a phone call or a silly picture. Now that he has an adorable girlfriend, Usahara jumps at any opportunity to do couple things, go on all the cute dates, call you pet names, buy matching charms for your keys/phones, feed each other, etc. But because he’s so eager and already fairly attached, it can be a bit...much:
“Babyyyy, I had a rough day! 😭 I need cuddles. I’m free after work, can you come over tonight? 😘"
"How's your day going? I wish I could skip work and see you..."
"I miss you xoxo ❤️” 
"Babe, did you get my message? Are you busy?”
“Is everything okay?”
“Hey...are you mad at me?😥"
“Sorry, didn’t mean to spam you.”
“So, should I get food omw home? What are you in the mood for?” "
Besides me lol"
"....babe? Did I do something wrong?”
“I’m sorry, did I forget our 3 week anniversary? Month anniversary?”
"I'll make it up to you, I promise!"
And you will get all of these messages over the course of an hour or so. Yes, Usahara does calm down eventually; granted, he'll still spam you with texts now and then even after he feels more secure in the relationship, but usually only when he's out drinking and he wishes he was with you instead.
Usahara keeps things from exes partially if they’re useful and there is a sentimental aspect to it for him; that being said, if it makes you uncomfortable, Usahara doesn’t hesitate to get rid of anything you don't want him to hold on to. You’re with him now, and besides, Usahara needs room for all the things of yours he plans to keep at his place from now on.
And now, for the spicy stuff (and a little smut):
Eager to please is an understatement. 
Seriously though, Usahara struggles to keep his hands to himself, particularly when it’s just you and him. He doesn’t want to come on too strong or too desperate, but he wants you.
He’ll probably try to just go with whatever you’re ready for but if it was up to Usahara, he would never have to use his hand again. Not when he has your soft, warm body to touch and explore.
You’ll definitely need to tell Usahara exactly what you want, because again, he has a hard time going on instinct or reading subtle cues. And honestly, he kind of likes being bossed around in bed.
When you ask him to pleasure you and he gets it right, Usahara gets off on your praise and satisfaction. He’s practically glowing when he first makes you cum and the first time he gets to feel it raw and dripping down his dick makes him almost climax inside you right then and there.
Usahara’s preferred positions are either you riding him while he sits up right and he loses his mind a little when you suck him off. He just can’t get over what you’re doing to him; extra points if you let him cum in your mouth or even just on your face or tits. It’s dirty and you look so beautiful, Usahara can hardly believe you’re real. 
Praise kink aside, Usahara also gets off on soft domination, edging (maybe because he’s so impatient), dirty talk, and costumes, Specifically seeing you with thigh highs and a mini skirt or a too big shirt, with or without panties. 
Talk about fucking like rabbits. Usahara has a high sex drive and would fuck you every day if he could, but he understands you might not always been in the mood. He’s actually happy to just kiss or cuddle, anything to feel you and be close. His favorite thing to do is strip down to nothing and lay over you, head on your chest and hugging you tight while he listens to your heart beat. He’ll still be horny but it can wait. 
“I can’t help it.” Usahara whines, only half teasing as he starts rubbing himself against you, silently begging you to touch him. You have no idea how fast you turn him into a needy mess just by stroking his hair or kissing his neck; he thrives on your attention, he wants to lose himself in you. 
When he’s especially pent up, Usahara acts pussy drunk, doubly so if he’s been putting off the orgasm. Once you finally let him fuck you, your arms around his neck and thighs squeezing his hips, Usahara could cry from how good you feel. He can't believe he gets to be with you like this, that you want him as badly as he needs you.
“So good so good so fucking good, I wanna fuck you all night, gonna cum so hard in your pussy baby. Can I go harder? Pleeeease?”
Drool is trailing down the corner of Usahara’s babbling mouth; he practically melts into your body, head resting in the crook of your neck and arms wrapped tight around you while he fucks you, barely pulling out of your gushing pussy with each sloppy thrust.
“I wanna cum, can I cum inside again? Sorry, I need it, need to fuck you. I can’t stop, fuck, fuck, oh fuck!” Usahara gasps, eyes blown wide as you squeeze around him, not even really meaning to; he hugs you tighter, nuzzling your neck, pressing soft kisses to the love bites he made earlier. It's all you can do to not go utterly limp and just allow him to use you like a living doll. Usahara pants, whines and whimpers like puppy as he mindlessly fucks into you, begging for you to hold him closer and spread your thighs wider. 
“So pretty, so good to me...I love it, love you," Usahara sobs and clings closer, cock is buried as deep as he can go while he rocks his hips. "Baby, I'm really gonna cum, gonna cum, please, wanna cum, I love you so much, baby, can I cum inside? Please? Just one more time, please, please, please!?”
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glassartpeasants · 6 months
Run Rabbit Run pt.04
Yandere!Eustass Kid x F!Reader
Warnings: Slight gore, nightmares, being stabbed, death, Heat being a real one once again, blood, mentions of injuries, trauma responses, forgotten memories???, edited to the best Grammarly would let me, long fic
Trash Summary: After an incident that blurs reader's memory, she's met with a crisis. Turn a blind eye and continue to love the man who saved her or dig deeper and find out who Kidd truly is.
A/N: I was feeling a little silly and decided that Kidd hit the reader a little too hard after the last chapter, so here you go. This shit is fucking LONGGGGGG. And very much edited to the best of my abilities. Grammarly wasn't on my side so it is what it is. really hope it's not confusing
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10
@rebeccawinters @iggy5055 @dairygrrl @childconnoisseur @menifire1092
It was always so easy to sleep when you lay next to Kidd. His heartbeat was like a lullaby when you laid your head on his chest. Your fingers would sometimes trace the scars that adorned his body. All of them containing a different story. You liked to place small kisses on them just to see Kidd’s face turn brighter than his hair.
When you weren’t sleeping next to each other, you’d sit on his lap and watch him work on whatever new project he had in his shop. You even got to help him make his robotic arm! The happiness you felt inside when he praised you made your face burn hot. You loved making him happy. 
He’d tell you stories about his travels on the sea’s before meeting you. Tell you all sorts of things that only you would ever know. The trust he put in you had your heart overflowing with love. 
When you laid in bed together, you’d tell him about your day or about the new book you’ve read. He’d just sit there and listen, not saying a word, only humming when you ask if he was still awake. He might not be the most romantic guy in the New World, but he was perfect the way he was. 
And that’s all that mattered to you.
Leaning against the railing, you look out to the sea. The beautiful sunset had a calm washing over you. Even though the smell of salt hit your nose, it still didn’t change your mood. Why would it? This is the happiest you’ve ever been in your life! How can you be sad when you have the love of your life by your side?
You don’t know what you would’ve done if you hadn’t met Kidd. No one’s ever made you so happy! He truly was an angel in disguise. He saved you from a group of pirates who burned down your home! At least, that's what Kidd helped you remember. You couldn’t remember what the pirates looked like, but you remember seeing Kidd’s face. With that in mind, he helped you remember that he rescued you.
According to Kidd, PTSD and trauma can cause people to forget things. He told you it was okay to forget things. Everyone does. It made you feel better that he knew you so well. You swear he knows you better than you know yourself.
“Pretty, ain’t it?” Your thoughts were interrupted by a voice beside you. To your shock, it was Heat leaning against the railing next to you.
“It is. You’ve been pretty busy these past few months, huh? Feels like I’ve barely seen you.”
“The New World keeps you busy. How’s it with…Kidd?” Heat sends you a look that you couldn’t decipher. Almost sadness, maybe pity? But what would he have to pity you for? You were perfectly healthy, and your life is great!
“Great! He told me he’s making me something, so I’m looking forward to that!” You feel a big smile crawl across your face as you look at the man beside you.
“That’s good.” A silence followed after his words.
“Oh! Also, he’s teaching me self-defense! He’s worried that other pirate groups are gonna take me away. Isn’t he such a sweetheart for worrying about me?” Your gushing didn’t help fix Heat’s expression. Instead, it seemed to worsen it.
“What’s wrong, Heat? You look sad?” Heat sighs before pushing himself off the railing.
“Does the name Sabaody mean anything to you by chance?” 
“Huh? I mean, the name sounds familiar, but I can’t remember.” You hear Heat mumble to himself, but you can’t make it out. 
“I see. Well, just know that I’m sorry.” You furrow your brows as you watch him walk away. His words made an unease settle inside you. What could he have to be sorry for? Maybe you just misheard? Yeah, that’s the logical answer.
The whole experience made you tired and the calming sunset didn’t help either. With one last look at the sea, you make your way to your and Kidd’s shared bedroom. You couldn’t wait to snuggle under the covers and lay next to him.
Opening the door, you see Kidd already passed out. You smile as you discard your own clothes before joining him in bed.
Throwing open the covers, you lay behind him and look at his bare back. The skin looked so soft that you couldn’t help but gently drag your fingers against his shoulder blades before kissing them. You can feel him tense slightly but let out a small sigh. Rolling his shoulder blades, Kidd turns to look at you over his shoulder.
“Having fun?” Kidd’s groggy voice had you silently laughing.
“Am I not allowed to admire my love? You work so hard as a captain. No doubt you’ll become King of The Pirates.” Kidd turns around to face you, his hair cascading down his face. You smile at him before cupping his cheeks and moving to give him a kiss. His flesh arm grabs you and pulls you closer. You scoot up so your face to face with him. Wanting nothing more than to look in his eyes.
“Cheesy.” He laughs as you pout at his words. With a huff, you turn around, upset that he ruined the mood. 
“You big baby.” Kidd places his head on your shoulder before kissing your neck. He kisses the sensitive skin before nibbling across your neck, making you sigh.
“Your so lucky I love you.” A groan leaves Kidd’s lips, and it vibrates along your neck.
“Say it again.”
“I love you Kidd.” You smile as you move your hand so you can run your fingers through Kidd’s red locks. The familiar silk feeling never faded. You can feel Kidd start to suck against your neck to the point red blotches appear.
“I love you too.” It was a silent whisper but still loud enough to have your heart overflowing with love. You never wanted to leave his side. He was the love of your life, and you couldn’t bear the thought of living without him.
“Come on! Let’s go shopping! You’ve been busy all week! I haven’t seen you other than bedtime, and even then, you're out cold!” You grab Kidd’s flesh hand with both of yours as you try to drag him away from leaving the bedroom.
“I told you I’m working on something. Don’t be impatient, princess.” Kidd laughs with a cocky grin before throwing you over his shoulder and leaving the room.
“There’s something I want you to try.”
“Oh? Did Killer make something new?”
“No, and why do you assume Killer made something? I can cook!”
“You’ll be good at cooking the day the sky turns green.” You feel a slight pinch on your thigh, causing you to slap Kidd’s back.
“That hurt you jerk!”
“Kidd!” The sound of footsteps running caught your attention as you caught Killer in the corner of your eye.
“What? Can’t you see I’m busy?” You couldn’t help but laugh when you heard Killer sigh.
“Anyways, we’ve got everything stocked, so we can set sail anytime.”
“Alright, let’s get going.” Kidd’s response had your face drop and your mood souring.
“Hey! You said we could go shopping after you had me try something!”
“Never said that. Nice try, princess.”
“Well, you heavily implied it!” Kidd laughed at you, and it only pissed you off more.
“I actually needed things! I could have just gone by myself-”
“No!” Kidd’s voice boomed in the hallway, echoing repeatedly in your ears. You could feel your mouth grow dry, and your heart skipped a beat. Turning back, you see Kidd glaring at you with his amber eyes. His piercing gaze made you freeze as the look was something you’d never seen before from him.
“You are never to leave this ship unless I say so. Do you understand?” His words put a heavy unease in your stomach. You look at him with shock before you grit your teeth. The air was so tense you could cut it with a knife.
“I’ve got somewhere to be. Bye-” Killer quickly left, leaving you and Kidd alone.
“Kidd put me down.” Seemingly, Kidd snapped out of whatever ‘trance’ he was in and started tripping over his own words.
“Shit I-well…I mean-” You didn’t want to hear it. You were an adult woman who could make her own choices. Even if you loved Kidd, you wouldn’t let him talk to you like that.
“Put me down now. This is not for discussion.” He held onto you for a few more seconds before putting you down. You look up at his face, and to your distress, it was blank. No emotion or anything. But he emitted an aura that had you scurrying away without saying another word.
Seeing Kidd like that deeply disturbed you. Why weren’t you allowed off the ship? And why did you need his permission? Does he not trust you or something? What reason would he have to keep you trapped on the ship?
Your head started pounding, causing you to stop in your tracks. Another migraine. You’ve been getting them a lot more recently, and you couldn’t pinpoint why you got them or why they’ve become more common. It was always in the same spot, right in the back of your head. There happened to be a huge scar there so you originally thought it had to do with that, but Kidd was very insistent that it had nothing to do with the headaches. That it was just a councidence. Per  your request though, kidd’s brought doctors to the ship to check you out, but no results. They gave you some meds, but nothing worked. No ice, meds, dark rooms, or water helped with the pain that it caused. Even though the meds didn’t do anything, you still took them just in case. Which is why you needed to go to town today. To get meds and scar cream.
The scar cream was needed because every time your eyes landed on your body, you saw scars that stuck out like a sore thumb. It bothered you more that you can’t remember how you got them. Well, you did know a few now after Kidd told you what happened. The two rough scars that adorned your left thigh was caused by a Marine after they stabbed you in the thigh when you wouldn’t tell them where Kidd was. There were times where it made you scratch your head cause you were sure that you’d remember something like that.
Another scar you don’t remember is the one on your ankle. Kidd said a pirate tried kidnapping you by putting a shackle on your ankle. While it fit the scar mark, surely it would have taken much longer to make such a scar if you were only really kidnapped for a day or two, like he said. He said the same thing about the one around your neck. Still, your logical side said it was impossible to cause such scars in such a short time. By the looks of them, it would have taken months to cause such damage to the skin. But it didn’t make sense. Why would Kidd lie about something like that?
You understood that trauma can cause memory loss. How much memory is lost truly depends on the person. If that was the case with you, did that mean you endured so much that you forgot almost everything? The thought ate at you. You only had so many memories with Kidd, and when you tried asking him to help you remember more, his eyes went wide, and he stuttered on his words again. At that time, you let it go. Having no reason to question him.
While walking along the ships halls, lost in your thoughts, you passed by a door that caught your attention. Stopping in front of it, you look at it with curiosity. While you don’t remember the door, it feels like you’ve been here before. Curiosity got the best of you, so you went to open the door, only to realize it was locked. A frown works its way on your face before you start backing up. Maybe if you charge at it a little bit, it’ll open.
You didn’t know why you needed to get in so badly, but you wouldn’t leave till you saw what was in that room. So, with a deep breath, you charged your body towards the door.
The sound of your body impacting the door rang throughout the hall. Strangely, the door collapsed after one hit. The sound of the door hitting the ground had a thunderous noise coming from it. You look at the door hinges and notice old damage compared to the new damage you just caused.
“What the?” Looking inside the dark room, you can barely make out what was a lantern light near the very back of the room. Biting your lip, you move quickly through the dark and turn on the lantern light. The suffocating dark of the room soon leaves.
Once you turned on the light, your eyes met an entire wall full of tally marks. A tingling sense of fear hits you as you look closer to them. They weren’t deep enough to be caused by a knife, so it had to be something else. 
Looking closer at the scratched wood, you see something embedded in it. Leaning down, you grab it and bring it closer to the light to get a better look. To your shock, it was a fingernail with dried blood on the very bottom of it.
Goosebumps prickled at your skin as the thought of who this could belong to had an unease forming in your stomach. You’ve never heard of this room, and you never heard of Kidd keeping prisoners. The room felt soul-crushing the more you looked around it. 
Books scattered across the floor, dust slowly collecting on them. A makeshift bed with a mattress and a few blankets. The bed hadn’t been made, so it caused more questions to roam in your head. If a person was actually in here, did something happen to them? If so, what?
The final nail in the coffin was when you see a spot on the wooden wall that looked darken then the rest of the room. With a deep breath, you slowly move to the spot. With shaky hands, you carefully touch the wood and the texture had a shiver running up your spine. You lifted up the latern light to get a closer look and you can feel time stop as you stare at the wall. 
There was no doubt in your mind that what you were looking at was dried blood and how some of it soaked into the wall. Your eyes even catch what seems to be strands of hair stuck against the nails that secured the walls together. Moving the lantern closer, you can see the color of said hair. The room tempeture seemingly dropped to zero when you see that the type of hair stuck against the wall was almost the same as your own.
Your heartbeat quickened, and you decided it was time to leave the small room. While grabbing the light, you see a white piece of paper sticking out from the floorboards in the corner of the room. Almost as if it was trying to be hidden. The paper moved side to side even though there was no wind.
Quickly kneeling down to grab it, you carefully pick up the paper only to realize it was a viver card with the name ‘Rayleigh’ scribbled on it.
“Rayleigh? Who’s…” Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard footsteps coming down the hall. The feeling of impending doom hit you hard, so you quickly scrambled out of the room before running away in the opposite direction of the footsteps.
All you did was stare at the food in front of you. It was dinner time, and you still couldn’t get rid of your migraine or the intense feeling of unease. The room full of tally marks that contained an unknown viver card, the dried bloody spot on the wall, Kidd’s outburst, and Heat’s words from the other day all mushed up inside you. You didn’t know what was happening, but you wanted to eliminate the gnawing feeling you were experiencing on the ship you were supposed to call home. 
The thought of the tally marks didn’t help you when you remembered the fingernail you found embedded in the wood. While it was disturbing to see it, it was even more distressing when you looked at your own nails. The nail that was supposed to be on your pointer finger was missing, and it seems like it never regrew another one. Not to mention how hair with the same color and texture of yours was also embedded into the the bloody wood.
While it could be an eerie coincidence, it still fueled an unknown fire inside you.
“Hey (Y/N), you okay? Your staring at your plate, and you haven’t eaten a thing.” Looking up, you see Killer sitting on the other side of you.
“I just have a huge migraine, and I’ve been feeling really uneasy. I’m probably just tired or dehydrated. No need to worry.”
“You sure?”
“Yes.” You snap at the man in front of you.
“Is it about Kidd? Have you talked to him yet?”
“No, I haven’t. He needs to apologize first. Treating me like a captive rather than a girlfriend.” Killer coughed, causing you to look at him.
“Ah, I see. I’ll go talk to him. How does that sound?” Letting out a sigh of relief, you smile at Killer.
“That sounds good. Thank you.”
“No problem.” Killer left without another word, leaving you alone now with a cold dinner. Even with Killer going to talk to Kidd, you still didn’t get rid of the unease. 
“Psst-(Y/N)!” You hear someone whisper next to you. Turning your head, you see Heat standing outside, waving you over. Quickly looking around, when you saw no one was watching you, you made your way to Heat.
“Hey, what did you need-”
“Eat this.” Heat suddenly shoves something against your chest. You quickly grab it before looking down at it—a yellow-colored fruit with an unnatural pattern and shape. 
“What the hell is-”
“No time to explain. Eat first.”
“You didn’t poison it, did you?”
“Eat it!”
“Okay! Okay!” You quickly take a bite and swallow to try to appease the man before you. The fruit's disgusting flavor hit your mouth, and just as you were about to puke, Heat stopped you.
“I know it’s gross, but you need to eat it all. It’s vital that you do.” Looking Heat in the eyes, you see a look of urgency in them. Despite how disgusting it tasted, you had no reason to doubt Heat, so you choked it down.
“Alright, it’s down. Now tell me what the hell I just ate.” You gag slightly before looking at Heat. 
“I’ll tell you later, okay? I can’t right now, not when everyone’s awake.” Before you can ask what he meant, you see Heat run across the ship without a sound. It was dark, so he was hard to see to anyone not looking for him.
“Heat you ass. You better tell me what I ate the next time I see you.” The gross taste of the fruit only stuck to your tongue as you whispered into the dark sky. The disgusting aftertaste had you grabbing some water to try and get rid of it. Whatever he made you eat, there better be a good explanation for it.
There was an awkward silence between the two of you. You could feel Kidd staring at you as you faced away from him. He hasn’t apologized, and you weren’t going to talk to him till he does.
“Enough of this bullshit.” Before you could question, you felt his flesh hand grab you and pull you close to him. Your back hit his chest as he wrapped his arm around you, locking you in place. Kidd places his head on your own before letting out a sigh.
“Clingy.” You feel him grab your breast, causing you to yelp and hit his arm.
“Mm, not clingy.” Kidd moved his head to your shoulder before placing kisses along your shoulder blade before making his way to your neck. Even though you were mad at him, he always managed to make you forgive him by fucking your brains out. But this time was different. The way his voice sounded, and the look he gave you wasn’t something a simple fuck could fix.
“Us fucking won’t make me forgive you for the way you talked to me earlier. All I want to know is why you were acting the way you were.” With your best attempt, you turn to face him. His hair was down and his face bare, letting you see tiny freckles adorning his skin. You’ll never understand why he hides them. It makes him look so cute.
“Just worry.” Kidd moves his gaze away from you. 
“Worried that I’ll get hurt?”
“Yes. Happy now?” A red hue covered Kidd’s face. He wasn’t a man of many words when it came to expressing what he felt. You sigh before placing a kiss on the tip of Kidd’s nose.
“What are you doing?!”
“Giving you a kiss 'cause I forgive you. Just promise not to do that again, alright?”
“Fine, I promise.” It was a whisper, but you’d take it. You smile at Kidd before going to kiss every inch of his face.
Kidd grumbled before his face was as red as his hair. He always got so flustered when you showered him with affection. His cheeks would burn and warm up your cold fingers every time.
“Once we hit the next island, we’re going shopping together, okay? If you're truly worried that I’ll get hurt, you need to plan the day with me.” You softly spoke as you connected your forehead to Kidd’s.
“Why do you wanna go so badly? I can have Killer shop for you-”
“Killer has shit taste. Plus, I’d like to pick out my own panties. What do you want Killer to see-” Kidd pulled you down to his chest, your face smashed against it. 
“Okay, you made your point. On the next island we go, we’ll shop. But you are NOT leaving leaving my sight.”
“So paranoid. It’s not like I’m gonna run away.” Kidd squeezed you tight, causing you to cough.
“Just go to sleep.” Rolling your eyes, you press a kiss to his chest and close your eyes. Happy that he finally let you go shopping with him.
Your eyes flutter open when you feel drops of water hitting your face. The water pounded against your skin as you picked yourself up. Rubbing your eyes, you find yourself in a deep forested area caked in mud.
Standing up, you feel your feet sink into the mud, only stopping when your foot is fully covered. The rain slightly cleaned the dirt out of your head as it drenched your now shivering form.
You looked around, and you couldn’t see the end of the forest for miles. A sinking feeling settles in your heart as you realize your alone. You try to scream out for Kidd or anyone, but nothing comes out. Even when you tried to talk in general, all that left your lips was silence. Your heart starts beating against your ribs as the thought of being alone in such a dark forest makes fear fill you.
Just then, the smell of smoke and the feeling of blazing heat sneaks up behind you, causing you to turn around. Terror filled your body as the forest behind you was engulfed in flames. The harsh, pounding rain did nothing to stop the fire from devouring the forest.
To your dismay, you hear screaming coming from the flames before all black silhouettes of humans emerge from the fire. Your mouth falls open as you take a few steps away from the blaze, only for it to spread closer to you.
Taking a deep breath, you take one more step before you start running as fast as you can from the hell behind you. The mud clung to your feet, making it all the much harder to run away. You look behind you and feel your heart stop when the number of silhouettes doubled from the last time you looked at them. Their screams were ear-piercing, and yet, they sounded so familiar. All of them had the same pitch, and all of them sounded like they were in a constant state of agony.
You tried picking up the pace, but the fire only stayed right on your tail. The screaming getting closer as the rain hit your face, making it slightly hard to see in front of you. Despite your lack of voice, you begin screaming for Kidd to come and save you. To get you away from whatever hell is chasing you.
You can feel the flames lick at your feet as your tears mix with the rain. Covering your ears, you desperately tried to ignore the blood-curdling screams coming from behind you. The fact they sounded so familiar disturbed you as you tried to pinpoint the person they came from. Turning around to see how close they were, you could only ‘scream’ in horror when you saw yourself running at you. Different versions of you hunting you down. All of them have some sort of injury covering their body. The same injuries that matched your own scars.
You see yourself in a metal collar and a shackle chained to their foot. Tears streaming down their face as a look of despair plastered on her face. Another was limping but still kept up the pace of the others around them. One of them had obviously been beaten by the swollen black eye all the way to the minor cuts that littered their skin. You see one with a horrifically burned chest. It took you only a couple seconds to recognize that the burn was the exact image of your branding of Kidd’s Jolly Roger on your chest. It then finally clicked on whose screams you were hearing.
They were yours.
Turning back to face forward, you see Kidd standing at the edge of the forest line. Relief washed your body as you drew closer to him. He’d save you from the clones that chased you. He’d save you from them even though they screamed no. Why they were was a question you didn’t care to find out.
A burning grip grabs your left arm and jerks you back towards the flames. Countless more hands grabbed your body  trying to drag you away from Kidd and into the blaze. Their screams of a desperate ‘NO’ rang all around you. You were surrounded by yourself as they held onto you for dear life. Seemingly begging you not to run to Kidd, silently telling you to join them in the flames. Despite their begging, you ignored them as you escaped their grasp and finally made it to Kidd’s arms. A loud scream came from behind you and the sound of flames flickering stopped.
Turning your gaze, you no longer see your disfigured clones. The fire that once chased you gone, almost as if it never existed in the first place, the forest green and lush. Your heart felt like it was gonna beat out of your chest and your lungs burned, But now you were safe, Kidd would never let anything hurt you-
An excuricating pain comes from your stomach. It was something that you couldn’t even describe. Quicly looking down, you see a knife plunged deep into your abdomen and to your horror, Kidd’s hand connected to it.
Looking up, you freeze when you catch a glimpse of his face. The look of insanity stared right back at you.
He pulled the knife from your stomach before lifting it up above his head. His other hand harshly gripping your hair, making you unable to move. You pound your hands against his chest and kick anywhere you can, but he doesn’t move an inch. The way your blood dripped from the blade above your head had your heart stopping before your mouth drops open when you see Kidd violently bring down the knife. It’s only then do you finally hear yourself scream.
Your body jolts up as your scream starts to echo all around Kidd’s room, making the man himself wake up. 
“Jesus! What the fuck-” His words died in his throat when he saw you with tears pouring down your face. Fear swirled in your eyes when you turned to look at him.
“(Y/N)?” Your body shook feverishly as you desperately tried to calm yourself down. The room seemed to spin around you as you try to catch your breath. Only when Kidd grabbed you and pulled you closer to him, did you finally come back to reality.
“What the hell is wrong?” Kidd’s grumpy voice only contributed to your never ending tears. You wrapped your arms around him the best you could before hiding your face in his chest.
“It felt so real…I was so scared…” Kidd says nothing, only letting out a low hum. Indicating he’s listening.
“You were in my dream…” You say with a shaky voice before you hear Kidd’s laughter as he puts his chin on your head.
“Oh really? What was I doing?”
“You killed me…” Kidd froze before finally coming up with the words to say. 
“I’d never hurt you, alright? So quit your crying princess.” You let out a few sniffles before looking up at him.
“Promise.” You both lay back down on the bed, holding each other tightly. A few tears still slipped from your eyes before landing on Kidd’s chest. He starts rubbing your lower back before whispering in your ear.
“I’ll never hurt you. Never have and never will.”
Ever since the dream, you’ve been extra jumpy. One wrong sound had you heart almost jumping out of your chest. The constant migraines didn’t help either. You just wanted to sit in bed all day and sleep. Unfortunately, overwhelming questions overtook you urge to sleep.
What was the small room and who did it belong too? Who was ‘Rayleigh’ and why was his viver card stuck in between the floorboards? Who’s blood was on the wall? What did Heat make you eat and what was he talking about that day when you both watched the sun set? Lastly, what was the meaning of your nightmare? It must have meant something!
Your head pounded and to your displeasure, you ran out of water and the cool towel you placed on your head earlier had now turned room temperature. With a groan, you slowly get out of bed and wrap a blanket around you. Maybe grabbing some meds will help. It’s been a slow day so hopefully the kitchen won’t be too loud.
While making your way to the kitchen, you hear Killer’s voice whispering to someone else. You carefully get closer to hear what they're saying, you're nosiness getting the best of you.
“Aren’t you worried? At least a little bit?”
“Why should I? The accident was 5 months ago and ever since then, everythings going my way. She remembers me and only me. Not the pathetic straw hats and anything I’ve done before she hit her head again!”
“I don’t know Kidd. You should at least have a plan in case anything were to happen.”
“What the hell are you going on about? What could possibly happen?” You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you bit your lip.
“I found the room’s door busted open a week ago. The dust had been disturbed and it was obvious someone has been in there-”
“What?! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!” 
“I tried but you weren’t paying attention! So don’t yell at me for your lack of listening skills.”  A tingling feeling moved through your fingers before spreading to your whole body as you try to make sense of what the conversation between Kidd and Killer could be about? But one thing you did know now was that whatever room you stumbled into, you were never suppose to see.
“Board up the door. Hell place small traps, just make sure she can’t get in.” Another uneasy feeling filled your heart as you eavesdrop on a conversation that had given you more questions. What could have been so important behind that door that Kidd’s making Killer board it up? 
A pounding in your head started up again which helped you remember what you really left the room for. After taking a quick breath, you start to walk down the hallway where they ‘hid’. Just to see if they’d continue the conversation if you walked by.
“Oh, (Y/N)! What are you doing up? I thought you had a migraine?” Killers panicked voice rang in your ears, giving you the confirmation that you weren’t suppose to know about their conversation.
“Was going to the kitchen to get some meds. Did I interrupt something?”
“Nope. Not at all.”
Almost everyone was asleep by the time you went out on the deck to watch the stars. Kidd was in his workshop no doubt while Wire and Killer were tonights lookout. It allowed you to have a nice quiet evening to count the stars and ponder on your thoughts. 
With a warm cup of tea in your hands and a fuzzy blanket wrapped around you, it was hard not to give in to the temptation to fall asleep. The waves hitting against the ship was a smooth melody that had your eyelids grow heavy.
“Mind if I join you?” Turning your head, you see Heat sitting down a few feet away from you. 
“You owe me an explanation on that wretcehd fruit you made me eat.” A quick laugh came from the man next to you. 
“I thought you might have known by now but I guess I was wrong. But what I had you eat was a devil fruit.” His words had you spitting out the tea you were drinking before you looked at him in shock.
“A devil fruit?! Why on earth would you feed me a devil fruit?!” You whisper yell at him while looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
“You won’t understand it all right now but trust me it’s going to be a big help-”
“No more cryptic messages! I want to know what’s going on!”
“It’s hard to explain alright!” Whatever Heat was withholding from you had to be something serious cause the way he was acting was starting to piss you off.
“Just tell me, what’s the last vivid thing you remember?” His question caught you off guard. Last vivid thing you remember? What could he mean by that?
“Go back from times from when you met Kidd.” Furrowing your brows, you turn to stare down at your knees.
Kidd told you that he met you after saving you from the other pirate group that burned your entire town to the ground. Saying nothing was left except ashes and smoke. With that being said, you try to remember it, but all you could see was fog. The same thing happening with other memories or things Kidd told you happened. All your memories were so foggy that it soon felt like you were missing a whole chunk of your life that you didn’t remember.
“Nothing. I…don’t remember anything at all. All there is, is fog.” Heat whispers a curse and you can feel another tingling sensation crawling across your skin.
“You need to trust me, okay (Y/N)?”
“Trust you? What are you going on about?”
“Everything Kidd’s told you? It’s a lie.” Hearing Heat’s words, your eyes widen.
“What are you talking about? I don’t understand?” The tingling sensation grew stronger as you try to understand Heat’s words.
“Kidd is not the ‘savior’ you think he is. He’s lying to you (Y/N).” The world seemed to start spinning around you. You knew that there were things that Kidd could’ve been hiding from you after overhearing his conversation with Killer. But is Heat was acting like this, then there had to be something more that you didn’t know. Yet the question still stands.
Why would Kidd lie to you? What was there to lie about?
“Don’t trust what Kidd says. No matter how convincing he may sound. I can’t explain everything right now but you have to believe me.” Heat grabs you by the shoulders and looks at you, the look of desperation filled his eyes. You can feel your heart beat quicken as you try to make sense of the whole situation. How deep could such a rabbit hole be if Killer, Kidd, and Heat knew something that you didn’t? You go to say something but no words leave your mouth. Every one of your senses was overloaded to the point where your body started to get fidgety and your breathing starts getting faster. 
Just then, you see a bright light before a loud ZAP could be heard. You see Heat recoil back shaking his hands as if to cool them down. Worry filled you as you go to see if he’s okay, but your eye catches something slithering along your hand.
With wide eyes, you watch as what you could only describe as lightning snake across your arms and hands. A low buzzing could be heard as you comeptley forgot about Heat in shock of watching what was happening to yourself. 
“Fuck that hurt.” Heat’s words went through one ear and out the other as small bursts of electricity started to accumulate in your palms. You quickly make a fist to try and stop whatever was happening, only for it to continue the moment you opened your hand again.
Your hands start to shake as you slowly move your hands together and watch as the small flickers of electricity grow louder and bigger. Heat’s words from moments ago lost on you as you couldn’t help but be memorized by what you were creating with your own two hands. 
The sound of it flickering reminded you of flames while you looked at it. The fact you were creating something so unnatural, something so extrordinary, had you speechless. It felt like a dream watching the ball of pure eletricity crackle in your palms
It’s only when it started to get bigger that it started to burn and shock your palms to a painful amount. You started freaking out as you turn to Heat for any advice.
“What do i do?!” 
“Throw it out to sea like a ball or something!” Without a second thought, you did just that and to both of your relief’s, the ball of pure electricity left your hands and flew straight out to sea. Small lights flashing around it as it grew smaller and smaller the farther it got.
The low buzzing quickly stopped and the small ropes of electricity fizzled out. Your heart beat still ran wild as you slowly turn your head to Heat, who looked just as shocked as you. No words could’ve been said as you both look at each other, astonished at what had just happened mere seconds ago.
To your dismay, the familiar sound of Kidd’s footsteps approached where you and Heat sat. You both try to quickly shake off the shock that covered your faces and try to act like you didn’t almost electrify Heat moments ago.
“There you are. Why are you on the deck? It’s late.” With a quiet gulp, you respond.
“I had another nightmare so I came to get some fresh air and Heat was already here.” A low hum comes from Kidd as you see him give Heat a questioning glance before moving towards you.
“Well your gonna get sick if you stay out here. Let’s go.” Grabbing your blanket wrapped body, Kidd threw you over his shoulder.
“I can walk you know?” You laugh before turning your attention back to Heat. He puts a finger to his lips before you lose sight of him as Kidd walks away.
The sounds of peoples screams had your eyes shooting open in fear. What could be causing such a horrific noise? Rubbing your eyes, you let your vision adjust before you finally got a look at the hell that surrounded you.
Flames higher then the sky flickered and roared as it engulfed the buildings around you. The heat it produced almost as suffocating as the smoke that came from it. 
You look around, hoping to find the cause of the screams, yet no one was there. All that was there, was you. You and the fire that circled you. It closed in closer and closer as you breathed in the smoke. It burned your lungs as the heat soon started to affect how open your eyes could be. You couldn’t even hear your own breathing due to how loud the flames yelled around you.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps came from behind you, causing you to walk away. Whatever could survive in such heat was not something human. Through the flames, you can see a silloutte of a man. Taller then any man then you’ve ever seen. Due to the flames, it even looked like the man had horns and a tail. He looked like the devil himself engulfed in the blaze. Yet when the man finally stepped out of the flames, it caused you to step back and lose your footing, falling to the ground with a thud.
It looked like Kidd. But it couldn’t be Kidd. The man in front of you didn’t have a single scar to be seen. Both arms in a competely different coat. Yet when you looked into the man’s eyes, there was no doubt that the man in front of you was the man you called your lover. 
Your eyes scanned him and you can feel your blood freeze when you see his hands covered in blood. Fresh enough to where the blood drips down his fists. His boots covered in the red liquid as well. 
“Must be my lucky day. I get to burn down an entire village and keep a little trophy.” The laughter that left his throat had your body shaking. A sense of dread filled your soul as you unknowingly get on your feet.
The man in front of you started running at you with speed you could never compare to, yet you still ran.
Running through the flames, you can feel them eat away at your flesh as you try your best to run away from teh laughing man behind you. Smoke invaded you lungs as breathign soon became harder and harder. Your eyes scanned your surroundings and its then when you realize where you are. 
The building collapsing in on themselves causing ashes to float into the air. All the buildings that stood with you through your childhood burning to the ground. Not a single one was spared from the blaze. Everything from the homes of the citizens to the hospital was burning to the ground without a care in the world.
The sight was too much to bear and hearing Kidd’s words earlier had your mind racing. A trophy? Burning down an entire village? 
Your village.
No it couldn’t be right. Kidd saved you. He saved you from the monsters that took everything away from you. He couldn’t be the one to cause all the destruction that left you the only surivor of a village that had once been bustling with people.
“Your too slow princess.” A large hand digs its fingers into your hair and grips harshly. Your jerked back as you can feel your scalp burn as the man behind you pulled you to the ground. A sickening crunch echoed in your skull.
With your eyes wide open in seconds, you sit up and look around. Your breathing heavy as you see that your in Kidd’s bedroom. It’s almost pitch black but you can see teh sunrise peaking out in the horizon, casting a small light into the room. 
Looking to yoru side, you see Kidd laying away from you. His breathing calm and a small snore left him. His body covered in the scars that you love and knew. Yet at the moment, you couldn’t bear to look at him. 
With your heart still beating against your ribs, you carefully lay back down against the soft sheets of the bed. But instead of curling up next to your lover, you moved to the very edge of the bed. Anything just to get away from him.
A week has passed since Heat confronted you about Kidd. Not a second goes by were you didn’t think about it. Was there something Kidd was lying to you about? If so, what could it be? And why? Could it possibly have to do with the small room? What about the secret conversation between Kidd and Killer? Who were they talking about? What was the ‘incident’ Kidd was babbling about? All these questions burned into your brain and bothered you every second of the day.
And it’s starting to show.
According to some crew mates, you’ve been more quiet and reserved then normal. Killer has noticed it too but Kidd hasn’t said a word. Was he holding back? Has he not noticed? He’s been busy in his workshop so maybe that’s why? You were hanging out with him in the workshop as well but he’s got all his attention on his trinkets at that point. Either or, the knowledge that something was going on and you have yet to figure it out what it is has affected you to the point you started to lose sleep over it.
It was about 1am when you looked at the clock. You had tried to go to bed at 10 but all you could do was toss and turn. Your eyes had slowly adjusted to the darkness and all you could do was stare at the ceiling. Counting sheep didn’t work and Kidd wasn’t in bed to give you some sense of warmth and safety. He was on watch tonight and the loneliness didn’t help your insomnia.
Even though you were perfectly warm in bed, Kidd’s presence might be able to help your uneasy mind. So grabbing your comforter, you get out of bed and start journey to find Kidd.
Walking down the corridors of the Victoria Punk at night never bothered you before. It was home so there was no reason to be scared, but now it feels as if a million eyes were watching you. Staring you down without a word. The feeling was suffocating as you try your best to quickly run out to the deck of the ship.
Once you were out on the deck, you looked around to try and find Kidd. There was a new moon tonight so the sea’s were even darker than normal. The floorboards creaked with each step you took as you continued your journey to find Kidd.
“Kidd? Where are you?” Your voice were quiet as you looked for any signs of life. It’s only when you saw light in the corner of your eye that you finally let out a breath. A small smile played on your lips as you decide to give him a little scare.
You tip toe to the light source and you see Kidd’s shoes popping out from the corner. Just as you were about to attack, you were flung forward, causing you to fall on Kidd’s lap.
“Next time you try to scare me princess, don’t wear metal bracelets that clink around.” Kidd gives you a smug grin before pulling you up, having you sitting on his lap. Your head laying on the soft fur of his red coat.
“Kidd, can I ask you something?”
“Have I been more closed off then usual? Maybe it’s just the migraines and my lack of sleep, but I feel…I don’t know how to describe what I feel.” You throw the comforter covering you to cover the small part of exposed skin Kidd had on his chest. Moving your head to look up, you see Kidd staring back down at you. His amber eyes scanning your face.
“I haven’t noticed. Probably cause you’ve been following me around like a lost puppy. You’ve just been hanging out with me more as you should.” He wasn’t wrong. You’ve tried to stick closer to him, hoping that his presence will push away the questions that have raided your mind. It’s worked but the times where it hasn’t out weights the time it has. In fact sometimes it even worsens it. The thought of him doing anythign behind your back that could possibly involve you had you tearing up. And now with Heat’s words plaguing your mind it plays in your head like a broken record.
“You’d never lie to me right?” Your voice laced with insecurity as you grabbed his metal hand and held it.
“This about another nightmare? Told ya princess, their not real. What would I possibly have to lie to you about?” Kidd lets his flesh arm wrap around your body and lets you continue to hold his metal hand. A slight red hue on his cheeks.
“I guess. I’m sorry for bothering you so much.” You turn your head to kiss his neck lightly before snuggling on his chest.
“Good. Now go to sleep. I ain’t going anywhere.” Without another word, your eyes flutter shut, letting the darkness embrace you.
Your awaken by loud explosions and the ground shaking harshly, yet when your eyes open, you find yourself laying on lush green grass. Rubbing your eyes, you notice that your surrounded by the biggest tree’s  you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Bubbles floating all around you, giving you a small feel of childhood nostalgia.
Reaching out, you go to touch a bubble in front of you only for a gunshot to echo around you and simultanisouly pop all together. Jumping to your feet, you look around trying to pinpoint teh cause of the gunshot. The sound of the soapy substance under your feet had you worrying that someone might hear you.
Another gunshot rings out and in your panic, you bring to run away from the direction of where the sound came from. As soon as you were 20ft from where you woke up, the sounds of gunshots multiplied. Not it sounded like there were hundreds of shots being fired instead of just one. Fear coursed though your veins as your heart worked harder to pump blood into your system.  Quickly glancing back, you see hundreds of shadows holding guns and shooting them in your direction.
It’s then when you go to look up to the sky, you notice to your horror that the sky was black. A never ending black abyss that not even the blackest of nights could compare. You were speechless as you continue running from the shadows that followed your every move. It was a miracle you haven’t been shot yet.
You can hear bullets passing by your head as they broke through the wind. Panic started overtaking your sense of reasonas you look every which way to try and find a spot to hide. You don’t know how much longer you have left to run on your feet.
The familiar sound of buzzing hit your ears, making you look down. You see ropes of electricity moving across your body, causing your heart to quicken. What could you possibly do now? You have two problems to take care of now! Running from teh gunshots that threatened to take you down and now trying to control your new found devil fruit power before it gets out of control and ends up hurting you.
Before you could take another step, the sound of gunfire ceased. NO more bullets whizzing past your head and no more jumping to avoid getting shot in the leg. Whipping your head around to see why it stopped, you can feel your blood freeze at what you saw. 
A huge scarred red snake looking right back at you. It’s amber eyes staring right through you. Your words caught in your throat as the snake lifted itself up, making it taller than you by 10x. It’s body longer than any sea king you’ve seen. The sound of it hissing brought you back to your senses. With a quick turn around, you start running away from the giant predator. The ground started to shake as you could hear is slithering right behind you. To your horror, you didn’t even make it 10ft before the giant snake wrapped it’s body around your own.
Even with your body emmiting the cursed electricity, the snake was unbothered. You struggled to free yourself, but were no match against it’s strength. The snakes hissing simply got louder as it got closer to your trapped form. It’s eyes locked with yours and only then did it hit you who’s eyes they belonged to. 
“K-Kidd? What the h-hell?” You can feel the snake tighten it’s grip against your body as it opened it’s mouth. Two gianormous fangs protruded from it’s gums. The snake moved it’s head back a little more before striking towards you.
Only then, did you scream at the top of your lungs.
Your eyes shoot open as you quickly looked around. To you relief, you see the Victoria pushing through the waves. Looking up, you see Kidd sleeping, his arms still tight around you. Your breathing calms as you lay back down on his fur coat, your eyes never leaving his face.
“What are you hiding?”
After teh most recent dream, you started to distance yourself from everyone, includding Kidd. You needed time to think, and time to control the power that digusting fruit gave you. 
So far, everytime it’s shown itself, it’s been when you were overwhelemed with emotions. It brought you to the conclusion that you might have to think og things that upset you for it to show itself. Which brought you down to the hallway with the small room was in. Even though the small room freaked you out to no end, it was far from everyone and at the very bottom of the ship. No one would be there so it’d be easy for you to truly practice wihout being interrupted!
As soon as you reached the small room,  you curse yourself for being so forgetful. Wooden planks nailed in front of the door along with a sign saying ‘OFF LIMITS’. This must have been Killers doing after Kidd told him to board up the door. You furrow your brows as you look at teh door. THere was no way you’d get in normally, no with how thick those boards were. 
Scanning the door a little bit more, your eyes catch a tiny spot at the very bottom of the door that Killer didn’t board up. If the door wasn’t there you’d be able to crawl under teh planks.  Your brain went through idea after idea before one finally had your interest piqued.
Looking at both ends of the hallway to see if it’s clear, you sit down and move your body closer to the door. Putting your hands on teh ground for support, you move your leg back before kicking it forward with all your might. THe sound of the wood splittering had you smiling, knowing that your plan to kick a hole in the door was going to work. All you had to do, was give it a few more powerful kicks, then you’d be in the room in no time!
Finally, your foot kicks through the door. A quiet yes leaves your lips as you look around the hallway once more to check if anyone heard it. Seeing you were alone once more, you scoot closer to teh door to kick in more of the wood, just to make sure it was big enough to crawl through.
Splinters of wood scatter around the newfound hole in teh door. But you didn’t care, now you could crawl through and do what you originally planned to do.
Crawling through the hole, your met with darkness once again. You move around and try to feel for the lantern light that you had left last time you were there. WHen you finally manage to find it and turn it on, you stand up and take a deep breath. Looking around the room, you ignore the tally marks and blood, and get ready for your new ‘training’.
“God this is much harder then I thought it’d be.” You didn’t know how long you’ve been in the small room, but it was certainly long enough to feel your body on the verge of collapsing. With a few last stretches, you get ready to crawl back under the door. As soon as you start moving towards the hole, horror washes over you when you hear footsteps echo in the halls. Heavy footsteps make their way closer and closer to the busted door.
You quickly move your body through the small opening, trying to get out as fast as you can. As you almost make it halfway through, a piece of sharp wood scratched your back and ripped your shirt, taking a small piece with it. Biting your lip, you try to hold in a yelp of pain. Once you finally make it through teh door, you knew you didn’t have much time left to hide. You desperatly look around the hall before a small pile of crates catch your eye. Quickly you manouver yourself to hide behind the crates as quietly as you could.
Once you were out of sight, you manage to have a small sliver of light that allowed you to peak outside your hiding spot and look directly at the door. The footsteps go louder and so did your heartbeat. 
“Fucking shit.” Your eyes widen at the familiar voice of your lover. Looking between the crates, you see him kneeling down, inspecting the broken door. You can feel your blood freeze when you see Kidd holding the ripped piece of your shirt in between his fingers.
“Heat, you are so fucking dead. This is the last time you play hero.” Kidd returns to standing and starts storming back the way he came. A deep dread fills you after hearing Kidd words. You needed to warn Heat! You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you had gotten Heat killed due to your recklessness.
You needed to warn Heat and you needed to warn him now.
Once the dark of night had covered the Victoria punk, everyone had made their way to bed. Ever since you made your way back to the deck after teh events of earlier today, you made sure to always be by Kidd or always have Heat in your eyesight. There hasn’t been an oppurunity to warn him yet. What if you couldn’t warn him fast enough?
But thankfully tonight, the crew decided it was Heat’s turn to keep watch for the night. Hearing that, it was the perfect oppurtunity to warn him! All you needed was to keep Kidd distracted for a second. But first, you needed to brush your teeth since whatever the hell Killer had cooked left an unpleasant aftertaste. Kidd was following you to the bathroom probably to do his skincare routine and drag you into it like always. You didn’t mind usually, but tonight was different.
“Make anything in the workshop today love?”
“Working on my arm.” Turning your head, you see Kidd leaning against the wall behind you.
“Adding anything cool? Or just repairs?” You question as you brush your teeth. 
“Repairs.” His plain answers had an unease bubbling in your stomach.
“Kidd! Where are you?” Killer’s voice broke through the small tension in the room. 
“Oi! Give me a second!” You see Kidd go to leave teh bathroom making you quickly grab his metal arm.
“Don’t go! Stay with me!” Kidd looks at you and you give him a pout.
“It’ll be a second alright? What’s got you so clingy princess?” You wrap your arms around his torso the best you could before looking up at him.
“Am I not allowed to want to spend time wiht my lover?” Leaning up, you manage to press a kiss to Kidd’s lips as you stand on your tip toes. You can see Kidd’s face turn red before he grumbled and tried looking away from you.
“Your clingy.”
“Clingy cause I love you.” You send him a smile which caused the red hair man to sigh before leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“Love you too. Now, give me a second to see what’s got Killer bitching and moaning.” His first words were mumbled against your lips before he pulled away and walked out the bedroom door. You could thankfully hear them talking so it calmed you down knowing he wasn’t far and anywhere near Heat. Heat would be okay for a little longer.
Kidd had been talking for awhile. What on earth could be taking him so long? 
After finishing your own skincare routine, you leave the bathroom and make your way out of the bedroom door. To your surprise you see nothing. But you could still hear Kidd and Killer’s voices. Quietly, you tip toe towards their voices, yet the closer you got, the more you notice the voices didn’t sound quite…human.
When you finally turn the corner, you feel your heart drop to your stomach. Instead of what should have been Kidd and Killer, was pre-recorded responder snails ‘talking’ to one another.
Horror filled yoru body when you realizing what’s happening. Turning around, you start running as fast as you could to make yoru way to the deck. Praying that Kidd hasn’t done anything to Heat. You cursed yourself for being so dumb and taking so long to realize. The sound of your footsteps echo the halls and ring in your own ears.
After finally making it to the deck, your eyes quickly scan around to see any sort of movement or light. Suddenly, a loud thud comes from your right and you see a bright light. Not wasting anymore time, you make a mad dash towards light and sound.
The closer you got, you could finally hear Kidd’s voice break through teh silence.
“You think your fucking slick?! Did you think I wouldn’t notice?!”
“Kidd, what are you talking about?” Another thud rings across the deck as Heat lets out a rough cough.
“I’ll be damned if you ruin this for me, Heat.” When you finally make it close enough, you see what was happening.
Heat sitting against the railing breathing heavily, red slowly seeping into his clothes. You turn yoru eyes to Kidd as you let out a gasp of horror when you see a bloody knife clutched tightly in his hand.
Heat coughed once more and you can see droplets of blood leave his mouth. You see Kidd getting closer to heat and that’s when you start running cause you knew right then that if you didn’t do something right now, Kidd was going to kill him.
Your footsteps had Heat slowly looking up before his eyes widen. Shock evident in his face as he sees you running in his direction.
“I’ll just tell the others you fell overboard. That’s all I need to tell (Y/N) and she would never ask another question.” Kidd moves closer to Heat still clutching the knife.
“Should have stayed out of things that don’t concern you. Now, you get to see what happens when someone tries to take something that belongs to me-”
“No!” Before Kidd could strike, you move in front of Heat and move your arms so theyre spread out to protect Heat from both sides. A silence fell over the three of you as Heat’s ragged breath was the only thing you could hear.
“(Y/N). Step aside. Don’t you know what he’s done? He’s a spy for the marines! He’s a traitor!” Despite Kidd’s words, you didn’t move a muscle. The tingling sensation grew stronger has you fear Kidd’s next move.
“Move (Y/N). I’m trying to protect you. Come here, it’s not safe to be next to him-” Kidd moves his flesh arm to grab you and before you could properly think, the familiar buzzing before a loud ZAP echoed across teh Victoria Punk.
“Son of a bitch!” Reeling back, you lover moves his hand up and down against his red cloak, trying to get rid of the shock.
“(Y/N)...” Turning around, you quickly move to Heat’s aid. You look around to see for any more wounds but only see teh stab wound that was stationed dangerously close to his heart.
“Hang on! You’ll be okay! Just give me a second!”
“Where did you get devil fruit powers.” Kidd’s voice broke through your panic and you turn to see his face. His face looked just as sinsiter as his voice. The look was worse than teh day he refused to let you off the boat.
“You gave her devil fruit powers?! I’m going to kill you, you bastard!” Your hear almost stops as you watch Kidd stomp towards the two of you. It truly felt like another nighmare the way Kidd’s face looked. Standing up once again, you place yourself in front of Heat as you move your arms away from your side. Buzzing hit your ears and you can see electricity slither around your body, helping you by giving off a threatening aura.
“Don’t hurt him Kidd!” Kid moves his hand towards you and just as you think he’d gonna grab your am, his hand grip your hair and throws you behind him. Your body landing against the wooden deck with a loud ‘thunk’.
The air was knocked out of your lungs and your head pounded. You cough and struggle to regain the air before turning your eyes to Heat and Kidd. With eyes widening in horror as before you could do anything else, you see Kidd grab Heat by his shirt and lift him to his feet.
“Have fun at the bottom of the sea Heat! Say hi to the sea kings for me will ya?” With the rest of yoru strength, you pull yourself to your feet. You only took one step before you feel time stop.
Giving Heat a harsh shove, you watch Kidd throw him back, causing Heat to tumble over the railing. A scream leaves your voice as tears rim your eyes. Your legs move on their own as you go to the railing, hoping to see Heat hanging on, but the sound of a splash crushes your hope almost instantly.
Kidd turns around and looks at your shaking form. A look of insanity plastered on his face. You didn’t even have the time to register how close Kidd was before you feel Kidd dig his fingers in you hair, dragging you away from teh crime scene. 
“You couldn’t just mind your own buisness and wait could you? But that’s fine. I can teach you once more. I’ll do it as long as it takes, no matter how much blood that needs to be spilled.” Tears start pouring down your cheeks. The monster dragging you was not the Kidd you knew. Well, the Kidd you thought you knew.
Unfortunately, you were too late to see the truth, and Heat paid the price for your ignorance.
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pocket-watcher · 7 days
"You have everyone thinking you're God when you're just a monster!"
"Silly human... God? Monster? They're synonyms~"
This is SO good. Oh my god. Here you go anon!!
Outsiders had breached the wall.
So many people had been against the “cult” in the first place.
They claimed the people joining were brainwashed.
Oh if only those outsiders knew how right they were…
“Where is he?!” One of them yelled as they stormed into the main place of worship.
Samuel narrowed his eyes. He had oh so many followers, how on earth was he meant to know who this group sought?
“Uh… you’ll need to be more specific. I’m not as omniscient as most believe I am.”
“Cut the crap, where is my husband?!” They stepped in front of the rest of their group. There were about 10 of them in total, maybe.
Far too little for them to make it back outside.
“Your husband…” Something clicked in Samuel’s mind. “Oh! You must be Katherine, aren’t you?”
The woman scowled.
“How the fuck do you know my name?”
“Your husband told me. He told me a lot of things, you know. About you. Your marriage. How he felt. About how he told you all of this and yet you never listened…” Samuel smiled.
Contrary to popular belief, controlling minds is rather methodical.
There are several steps. He’d never tell you them all, and neither would I, but you should know it always helps to find a problem to fix.
“His problem was his partner. Once I fixed that problem, he devoted himself to me. No mind control involved.”
Samuel was lying through his teeth, but she didn’t need to know that.
“I don’t need fixing. And he loves me. I know we fight,” Samuel shot her a knowing glance, “but all couples do! We love each other…”
It was suddenly like Samuel had flipped a switch.
That was how he’d built his empire. This power of persuasion. Even through looks and body language he found that if he wanted someone to think what he thought and believe in what he wanted them to he could.
And right now he wanted this place to be these peoples’ sanctuary.
Someone else from the crowd stepped forward to comfort the woman from the doubt growing in her mind.
“Do you? Love each other, that is. You’re all here to save this man, yes? But doesn’t it infuriate you that he needs saving at all? You seem like a take-charge type of person. How did you two end up together?”
Her face twisted.
He moved his body forward, mirroring her stance. People respond well when you show them you care as much as they do. However, when you don’t actually care as much as they claimed to they’re often side-swept by your enthusiasm. They back down.
Her body folded inwards, uncertain.
“I… he lets me take charge. I’m happy to, I enjoy being the one to-“
“But isn’t that exhausting? Being in control 24/7?”
The group murmured in agreement, trying to keep up their scowling faces.
It’s hard to be angry at someone you agree with.
“I can take you to your husband, if you’d like. You can discuss his decision with him?”
Samuel stood and slowly approached them down the steps upon where he had sat. He offered her his hand.
She gladly took it.
“Katherine. That really is a beautiful name…”
One of the group snapped.
“Kath, what the fuck?! All of you. You believe this shit? He’s putting you under the same fucking spell everyone here is under!”
Samuel turned back to the other woman, who wasn’t quite finished yelling.
“It’s ridiculous. You have everyone here thinking you’re a God. Well, I can see through it. You’re not a God, just a monster.”
Samuel approached her.
That thing I said earlier about being methodical? Samuel liked to take his time. It was more fun that way. But sometimes, he needed them to drop quick and easy.
He rested his hand on the woman’s shoulder and she went silent. Her eyes a grey haze.
“Silly human… God? Monster? They’re synonyms…”
He led the group away. To their new quarters. To reunite a husband and wife.
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writersdare · 10 months
Ghost of You | Calum Hood
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader (she/her)
Summary: It had been four months of silence between Calum and Y/N. Could she finally move on?
Warning: angst
Word Count: 1 496
Requested: yes
Author’s Note: I had two files for this work, and one of it had a name "experimental". I chose that variant in the end, so I really-really hope you'll like it. It's very new for me, the storytelling might be quite unusual at first. Remember that feedback helps me a lot to improve the skills, and it motivates to write more ♡
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It was stuffy in a room, as air conditioner stopped working. Y/N had spent much more time trying to fall asleep than actually sleeping; when the clock on a blank white wall showed five-thirty in the morning, the girl realised there was no way she was going to try to fall asleep again.
Opened windows didn’t exactly help to ventilate the flat, however, she saw some thin tree brunches swinging to the left and right, probably, begging angry clouds to finally release the rain. 
Afterwards it usually smelled fresh, felt almost like a sudden beginning of a new life chapter, and Y/N, some other day, would love to simply wrap up in a blanket and listen to the sound of heavy drops hitting the glass. That exact day, though, the girl needed to leave home in the early afternoon for a job interview she didn’t even want to have, and Y/N hoped to get there at least dry. 
It had been four months of silence between her and a person she loved so much, yet, the heaviness in the heart remained the same. Y/N wondered what it was exactly about, and how she supposed to forget the guy, when everything kept reminding of Him. Every little detail in the apartment would echo with a memory of them that did not exist any longer. A stupid ukulele He left in the corner of the living room, behind a beige pot with a plant they bought together. Everything was as if staring at her, making fun of her. Y/N was, probably, going crazy. It had been four months, and she wondered if her insanity could get any worse. The girl missed Him, their night calls. She missed that naive feeling of being in love. She missed the feeling of being full, as the girl started to feel empty again.
Y/N knew that she needed to do something about it, to stop thinking about the past and finally move on. Probably, change something in her life, too. Like changing a job to the one she didn’t want either. 
Apparently, the universe didn’t want her to get that job, too, and since the sleepy morning Y/N only kept realising that the day was not going to be easy. A burnt tongue, when she was drinking coffee – the colour of His eyes, just like she burnt her heart when allowed herself to fall in love with Him. When He made her feel like it was a safe thing to do. Silly…
A broken cup, the one He used to leave cigarette ashes in, it would get under her skin so much. Y/N tried to fix it, just like their relationship four months ago, but some things had to remain broken. A missed bus, even though she was running after it under the noisy rain, and all in vain. She needed to slow down. She desperately needed it. 
Y/N took a seat on a wet bench next to the bus stop and sobbed, feeling like time has as if stopped. Or maybe it was her heart, she couldn’t recognise the beat of, once He wasn’t a part of her life any longer. Her social anxiety opened the arms for a dark and tight hug in the most inconvenient moment, and Y/N simply froze, feeling that sudden fear, covering her from top to bottom.
“I’m sorry… Are you alright?”
A voice, calm and soft, called for her, and Y/N turned the head to the side to see a familiar face. The rain stopped, and it wasn’t gloomy anymore. A guy with rounded face, dark-chocolate eyes, plump lips and short hair was looking at her attentively. He was wearing light pants and a baggy shirt; despite the recent rain, it was still hot outside. The cheeks were slightly red, and she wished to leave a small kiss on His skin. 
“Yeah,” Y/N mumbled a classic reply, but didn’t expect it to come out so quietly and dramatically. The guy even chuckled, probably, thinking that she was a bad liar.
“I know it’s maybe not my business, but I just don’t think ‘it’s alright’ if you can’t hold your tears and crying next to a bus stop. And it’s also raining,” He looked up at the sky. “Quite depressing.”
“Then why did you ask if I was alright at first place?” Y/N snapped and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Just don’t look at me if it’s so depressing," she glanced at the sky, and all she could see were pearl fluffy clouds. 
“I thought it’d be weird if I’d ask ‘are you not alright?’,” He noticed and smiled at Y/N shortly. “Hey, whatever it is… It’s all temporary.”
The girl closed the eyes and gave herself a moment, before whispering quietly,
"No, it’s not."
She opened the eyes just to see Him dissolving in the air.
"Please, don’t go," Y/N could only beg, yet, the imagination let her down once again, and she couldn’t hold on to that memory anymore.
Their first meeting was not romantic, however, it was special. Calum was the only one of the passers-by who approached the girl, seeing she was having something close to a panic attack. He wasn’t there any longer, but even in her head the guy took a seat next to her to comfort. She fell in love with his moles on the right cheek first. He was holding her hand in His, asking to breathe slowly, and all Y/N could see at that time was His eyes, maybe little too kind for the world. 
Too bad their fairytale was over, and there was no happy ending. Y/N needed to stop living with Him in her head, but Calum still was her safe place. Even if good memories brought the pain as a companion every time she thought of Him.
It wasn’t sunny in the head any longer, Y/N realised it was still raining like crazy. The girl was late for the job interview, but the were no regrets. In fact, she wasn’t sure what was feeling at first place, as when He left, He took all her feelings with Him.
Y/N lazily stood up from the bench, and legs slowly carried her to a coffee shop nearby, where Calum bought her latte that day. She was crying so much, even an almond syrup couldn’t help to make the drink less salty. Maybe it was even quite embarrassing, yet He made her feel safe.
"You know… Maybe it was all a lie. Maybe I just imagined Him," Y/N whispered quietly, making a sip from the cardboard cup and staring at the lacquered table. "Just like I am imagining you now…"
He was sitting next to her, having the same as she was. His free hand was placed on hers, when Calum sighed heavily and shook the head.
"Did you love him that much?" the guy asked, the voice was soft and simply pleasant to her ears.
"Yes," Y/N’s whisper left her lips almost right away. The girl had no powers left to correct Calum and say that she still loved Him, no matter how painful it was.
"Did he love you?" He asked, squeezing her fingers with his.
"Sometimes," the girl whispered back, remembering their sleepless nights and arguments, and small trips to nowhere, and tears, and laughter, and screams. 
It was exhausting. Their relationship was exhausting, He said once. She thought it was alright. She thought she was fine, navigating in a fog of Calum’s constant mood swings and small irritations here and there. Y/N thought she could save them, she was ready to sacrifice her life for that relationship, but in the end all what she needed was to take care of herself. 
"I have to let you go," she mumbled, still squeezing the guy’s hand in hers. "I really need to," Y/N tried to memorize the touch of His hand. The softens of his skin on hers.
"Stay for a little longer?" He asked the same thing she blurted out four months ago, standing in an empty hall next to Calum and looking at him with red, fully of tears, eyes.
"I’m sorry, I have to," she whispered his reply and broke the touch of their hands.
The rain was beating against the windows deafeningly. Her coffee was cold and suddenly too sweet to her taste. She was resting palms on the table, and it was quiet in the head. Finally no thoughts were bothering her mind. It was still dark and scary in times, yet, she could see the light somewhere in the end of her path. Or was it a beginning? 
She made her last sip and stood up, rushing to leave the coffee shop. Maybe in another life they could meet again. But for now… she needed to finish that chapter and finally start a new one.
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taglist: @dgrangaa, @gracieboogirl, @yukichan67, @valentinehrts
– pics and gifs aren’t mine and belong to the rightful owner, the gif found here @hellosanshine –
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
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bunniekittiee · 9 months
A/N: this is my first TCM fic and also the first self-insert fic I’ve written. I forgot whose post it was, but someone had made a conversation (a v silly one) between Drayton and Johnny about him liking the meat to be tenderized and I just wanted to mention that lol. I tried to make them all in character but I probably did not do the best job. I know it’s kind of short and on a cliff hanger, but I just wanted to crank this out. Maybe I’ll return to it :)
Also not proof-read.
His eyes raked up and down your body, waiting for a fight back. Waiting to rumble. Waiting like a predator. But all the fight in you was gone, and as your eyelids fluttered and your mind went in and out of consciousness, he paced around your body that had laid on the dirt road. This was too easy, he thought you had so much more to show for. However, he was proven wrong.
“Ya’ know sweet pea, I hate bein’ proved wrong.” A chuckle slipped past his lips, sweet and smooth like chocolate. If he was a normal man, opposite of mentally unhinged, his voice would be beautiful to the ears. But all you felt was repugnance.
“Awe, ya’ ain’t got no fight in ya’ no more?” He questioned with a smirk. “Ya’ had one hell of a mouth, cat got your tongue?”
Gritting your teeth, you scowled at him despite the upper hand he had. If you were going to die, why not make it miserable for him?
Kneeling down, he stared into your eyes with his body tense at your defiance. “Ya better fix that face of yours, sunshine, before I have ta’ fix it for you. Otherwise, Bubba will enjoy carving that pretty face of yours off.” He grinned wildly like a deranged creature.
You whimpered at his words as you tried to move back, but your body did not cooperate. It was weak, exhausted, and badly injured. His grin almost seemed to get wider as he watched you try to move away from him.
“I ain’t that scary, am I darlin’? You ain’t seen scary yet, the Bad Man hasn’t made his appearance yet.” He moved from his position and began to pace around your strewn body. “Ain’t nothin’ to be afraid of.”
The revolting sound of a powered chainsaw bounced around in the air as it echoed into the night. “Well, the only thing you need to be afraid of is my family. They ain’t take too kindly to strangers.” He clucked his tongue. “Not at all.”
Your breathing was uneven as you closed your eyes to try to ignore the fiery pain that your body felt engulfed in. The anxiety pooled in your stomach, waiting for your misery to end.
“Why can’t you just kill me already?” You asked as your voice wavered.
His eyes seemed to light up in the wake of your question. “Easy answer darlin’, I just like ta’ watch innocent girls like ya’ suffer.” He laughed manically as your tears slid down your face. There was no way to make it out alive. “Oh don’t ya’ cry now, sweet thang. I promise I’ll go easy on ya’.”
Crying out, he picked up your body like a rag doll. You were limp as your bones held an awful ache. It ached to the core. The screeching sound of the chainsaw got closer and closer as he neared the house he called home, but you knew it was your own hell.
“Y-you got her, d-d-didn’t ya’ Johnny?” The one with the red birth mark jittered out as he twitched uncontrollably. He was the one who caught Ana in one of his traps. Poor Ana. Your heart broke as you realized you were the last of all your friends to be alive. And you were being taken into their home while your friends laid dead somewhere at the hands of your captors.
“Sure did Nubbins.” Johnny said proudly.
“She’s quite a purty one.” The girl giggled as she studied your limp body and face. “She would fit into Bubba’s collection of masks perfectly.”
“She ain’t for a mask. At least, not yet.” He laughed as you whimpered in dread. “Not until I’m done with her.”
You could not see very well, all you could see were the filthy wood flooring that was long overdue for a cleaning. You saw the corner of a table come into your vision as he set you down, quickly tying you up tightly to the chair. The man with the birth mark and the girl followed you both to the table to sit. The big, burly man with the chainsaw entered the room as well. You started to scream, noticing you were sitting in a chair that had human body parts attached to it. The others cackled like a pack of hyenas with the exception of Bubba. As you wailed, Johnny tried to concentrate as you thrashed around with what little energy you had left in your body.
“Sit still! Would ya’?” He said angrily as you continued your little outburst. He placed a hand on your cheek to calm you down, until you moved your head and latched onto his hand. You bit down on his tender flesh hard. He was still human. He could still get hurt, feel pain.
Pushing your head back forcibly to unlatch your mouth, he snarled as he slapped you hard. It reverberated across the room. Bubba flinched at the sound and made quiet, concerned grunts. “Ya’ better be fuckin’ grateful ya’ stupid slut! Ya’ might end up on the menu yourself if ya’ do that shit again.” Nubbins began to laugh uncontrollably at your degradation.
“What in the hell is all this damn noise!” yelled the old man who led you and your friends to this hell. The man at the gas station. He whipped his head in your direction. “Oh you bastard! You better get rid of the girl quick Johnny! We don’t need another situation like last time!”
Johnny finished tying you up and began to gag you to avoid future bites. “She ain’t like the last one. She’s different, ain’t that right, sweetheart?”
Your sobs were muffled by the gag. Eyes wild like a frantic prey animal, you tried to fight your way out of your bonds. But the rope dug into your soft flesh, burning and ripping into your skin.
The old man shook his head. “We don’t need another mouth to feed, let alone a love child of yours to spring out! You know how your mother would feel about that.”
“Oh lighten up, Cook!” The girl said as she looked in your direction. “Sometimes a girl like her just needs ta’ be taught a lesson so she knows her place.”
“Last time the kid tried to keep a girl captive, her death brought too much attention! We don’t need another situation like that again! That’s why this one is sitting in the chair.” He grumbled as he got closer to you and Johnny. “I reckon it’s a bad idea!”
Johnny’s expression looked annoyed. “I know what I’m doin’ old man. Don’t you like your meat tenderized before cookin’?” He said as he smirked with pride.
The Cook’s face scrunched up. “You are disgusting, boy. Raised like a pack of wolves, all of ya’!”
They all laughed at his statement except for you who cried more and more. Your cries fell on deaf ears. There was no remorse here. You fell right into the devil’s clutches.
Another woman entered the room who eyed you with such revulsion as if your presence was a huge nuisance. “Oh no you don’t boy!”
Johnny looked up and slightly smirked. “Come on, Ma. This one just needs to be taught a lesson. Sissy even said so.”
“To hell you are! That girl ain’t nothin’ but trouble, boy!” She spat as she argued with her son.
“Oh Ma, I already caught the girl and took extra precautions! It ain’t that big of a deal.” His blood pressure began to rise as he continued his argument. You knew your fate was bouncing between these two maniacs.
“No means no, son! You ain’t keeping her!” She said as she sat down at the table. “You best say your goodbyes soon.”
Animosity lingered in his eyes as his body trembled with anger. You felt it radiating off of him and it spiked your heart rate. The snakes in your stomach coiled tightly as you began to sweat in fear of your inevitable death. “I’m keepin’ her whether you like it or not.”
“You are so defiant today Johnny. This girl is changing you already and it hasn’t even been that long since you tied her up.” His mother said as she shook her head in disappointment.
You noticed there was one more seat missing next to Nubbins. How many people were in this damn family?
“Man, cut the damn arguing both of ya!” said another man with the same exact birth mark on his face but on the opposite side. He had long hair, but he looked extremely ill with his pale skin. “We need more peace in this house for cryin’ out loud!”
“Yeah, yeah, more peace!” mimicked the other who you presumed was his twin.
“Shut it, Chop Top!” The Cook yelled out. “Tired of all this damn yelling. Just eat!”
They all began to serve themselves questionable meat that made your stomach churn more and more as the smell invaded your nasal passages. It tickled your throat as you felt the urge to vomit.
“Want some darlin’?” Johnny offered as he waved the food underneath your nose. You clenched your eyes shut and turned your head to the opposite side to avoid throwing up.
“Sh-she ain’t like our food.” Nubbins stuttered as he ate sloppily. “Hopefully she c-comes around one day.”
“Oh she’ll come.” Johnny said quietly as his voice deepened slightly. You internally felt sickened.
Chop Top giggled. “Nasty bastard.”
Dinner was an awkward and fearful affair for you. But for everyone else, it was their normal. Bubba continued to glance at you but you felt it was out of curiosity rather than perversion. He must not be used to having a meal sit at the table with them. You avoided locking eyes with any of them and stared down at the table. You accepted your defeat which made Johnny much more happier. You wouldn’t put up much of a fight anymore. Closing your eyes, images of your friends’ dead bodies filled your head. Their bloodied, beaten bodies that tried to escape the hell they crossed into.
As time passed achingly slow, you began to doze off from exhaustion. You weren’t sure what was going to happen after dinner. You did not know what Johnny had in mind, well, you did but you did not want to think about it too much.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
General waluigi relationship hcs because nobody will write for my man’s . Don’t judge me for this one
Also I haven’t done this formate for writing in so longggg
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MY MANNNSSS waluigi !!
• He may seem like a jerk to others but to you he’s the absolute sweetest dork of all time☹️☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️ like I swear whenever your around he’s got nothing up his sleeve he is on his best behavior and wario is just like 😐 bro u are down so bad .
• also he’s a blushy dork whenever you’re around especially if he does a nice gesture and your like “omg ur so sweet! ^_^” he dies inside he just gives you a stupid toothy smile he cannot handle that shit his face is pure red
• SMOOCHIES!!! Listen he’s too shy to initiate believe it or not… so whenever you do.. OMGGGG he dies and he loves smooches on the cheek so much
• when it comes to sports he goes easy on you and wario wants him dead for being the reason they lost a tennis match
• silly goof of course he gives you flowers … ROSES . OF COURSE
• but if you give him roses he would die on the inside he’s just like “… nobody’s given me flowers b4 wtf” his heart explodes!!!
• don’t get that I can fix him mentality tho . He is who he is even if he tries to hide it from you, you’ll know eventually.
• he’s not that bad tho let’s be honest 🤷‍♀️
• he is a bit shy in your relationship but at the same time a big flirt, he’s all talk but no action, pretty much.
• he worries abt u a lot he’s such a dad ok . Don’t let him catch you without a scarf when it’s snowing outside
• fashion icon ok if you two are dating you guys are wearing matching outfits when it comes to tennis and any other sport you guys play with everyone else
• I hc that he’s Puerto Rican so he probably says romantic shit in Spanish to you LMFAO
• you may think he’s the one carrying you bridal style but really it’s the other way around and he may act like he hates it but he loves it so :)
• also might I add that he loves sleeping on your lap, anyway possible
• likes shorter s/o’s but wouldn’t mind it if you were taller
• not the hero type but lets just say if bowser were to ever mess with you… oh boy not good he’ll fuck up bowser so badly
• likes to share hoodies with you because he thinks you look cute in his and he looks adorable in hoodies so it’s a win win
• loves them innocent neck kisses :))
• one smooch will make him feel better when he’s angry or upset
• also a sap he’s the type to stare at you with love in his eyes with a stupid warm smile on his face and the type to just be in awe when the wind is blowing your hair just right and time slows down for him when you kiss and blah blah blah he’s a dork
• although he comes across as confident I see waluigi being insecure in a relationship as it’s not something he’s used to at all.
• he gets jealous of Luigi a lot I’m just gonna say it lmao
• but honestly just kiss him and make it better , maybe have a talk about it
• likes to slow dance with you AGRUSBXKNS he’s so cute
• also he’s on the trans hc list for me so he helps you out if youre trans lol
• body positivity for you both ayyy totally not because I get literally nightmares about my body no not at all no this is not me projecting cuz I love waluigi
• cosplaying eachothers outfits
• he hates playing Mario party now because you kick his ass LMFAO
• likes to spin you around, also likes to be spun around. Idk cute romantic shit what can I say
• big on stupid one liners he can use on you, he is such a loser
• loves to tease you but it’s all in good fun and jokes lol
• overall waluigi is a dorkkkk imo <3 love him
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moonlightndaydreams · 5 months
On today’s episode of Reese’s Delulu Hours, I’d like to discuss my Secret Hard Dom Jisung agenda. In which, he doesn’t like to show it in front of the guys but you know just the right buttons to push to get him to come out and play. Two scenarios, for your consideration…
“Where should we go tonight?” Chan asks the crew.
“Doesn’t matter to me. Karaoke? Arcade? How about let’s go to a bar? I could go for a drink.” they all chime in at once.
“I want a drink too,” you shout.
“Easy there, doll. How about we…?” Han says dismissively, without looking at you.
“Ugh! You never let me vote on anything!” You whine loudly. Han immediately walks over to where you are seated and slowly bends down.
“You certainly have a lot to say sweetheart.” he says low enough for only you to hear. He gently grabs your shoe and pretends to fix your shoelaces. You look over toward the other guys.
“Don’t look away from me when I’m talking to you. They can’t help you princess.” He whispers sternly. You look down at Han as he stares up at you expectantly. “Now what do you have to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry, Sir.” you say quietly.
"Good." He smiles and out of habit, you roll your eyes. He stiffens. Oh shit.
“Fucking little Brat. Say goodnight to the guys while your mouth still works...” 
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Before arriving at the company building, you had been teasing Han mercilessly about his stage outfit for their latest performance. Usually, he could pull off absolutely anything. But it was something about the poncho or maybe the croc boots. Well, the whole ensemble just seemed like the stylist’s practical joke or the consequence of a lost bet. So much so, it made you laugh at him. And then there was Seungmin’s savage commentary that made the whole crew cackle on the ride over. But Han remained eerily silent as you all made your way to the conference room. You stood at the back of the room, far behind the camera, leaning against the wall while they were all on live. The guys went on and on about their recent scheduled events and responded to viewers’ comments. The conversation turns to Han’s stage outfit and while the other guys are deep into discussion about their own outfits, Han looks toward the camera. But then he does it. The Look. To the untrained eye, Han is just playing around with STAY– the usual silliness everyone loves about him. But it is obvious to you, in the same room as him, that it's a veiled threat towards you. You have seen it plenty of times before. Your heart immediately begins to race and your mouth is suddenly very dry. You quietly sneak out of the door to go find a water fountain and collect yourself. Just as you bend over to take a drink, you feel a stinging slap to your ass. Yelping in shock and pain, you jerk upright only to be pulled into the restroom next to the water fountain. Han’s hand covers your mouth as he presses you between his body and the door. You hear the lock click. “There is much more where that came from. I hope you enjoyed yourself today, love. So pretty when you laugh but now I’m gonna make you cry.” He growls.
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Secret Hard Dom Jisung is merciless and we love it. SORRY, NOT SORRY.
@thatonenoona I feel so bad I haven’t responded to you share with me (I had always intended to) 😢 but now I know why I hadn’t yet. After reading THIS I was thrown straight into my naughty imagination thinking every detail through… and then I needed to be alone 😈 . But truly, your scenarios have left me not being able to think coherently (in the way I love most)… it’s just soooo good. Secret hard dom Jisung is sooo good!
I don’t know which scenario I want here! Can I have both? I’m really greedy and require all the various Han’s including “secret hard dom Jisung”! Oooh Imagine though, he’s such a cutie pie most of the time, but you know what he’s capable of. Destruction. Devastation. Punishment. Oooof! Arghhh my brain…. It can’t handle this! 😩😩😩😩
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jellojelli · 10 months
kaveh bf headcanons? I imagine that he's actually really nervous when it comes to being in a relationship, maybe you could write something with that? I just love shy men lol
Kaveh Boyfriend Headcanons
*a/n: I love shy men too just 😩❤️ plus Kaveh is so cute shy or not*
As always, 🛑Minors DNI🛑
Kaveh has been through too many rough and traumatic relationships. They may not have been romantic, but they have left him deeply scarred and have broken his confidence in himself and his trust in others. So getting Kaveh to actually fall in love with you was something that took time, anywhere from months to even years before he could ever accept how you feel about him and how he feels about you.
Kaveh had to build up a lot of confidence to confess to you. He spent a lot of those months pining for you trying to fix himself, become smarter, stronger, successful, wiser, just anything that he felt he was lacking. He wanted to impress you so, so badly that Kaveh overdid things a lot. You’ve probably spent a fair share or time in his room caring for him since, other than Tighnari, he wouldn’t let anyone actually take care of him when he got sick from overworking. You’ve also done your fair share of dragging this man back to his and Alhaitham’s house on the evenings where he drank himself silly.
To be honest with you, he’s confessed to you a lot, but he never remembers. Every time he was delirious with a fever and every time you’ve had to help him back home he’s confessed to you. Not just about his love either, he’s confessed his feelings about himself too and why he can’t just say he likes you when he’s sober. He always ends up saying something self deprecating like “if only I was a better person, maybe you’d like me.” He really has no clue that you like or love him. And even when he realizes you do have feelings he spends a long time denying it and ignoring all of the hints and the tension
It takes having Alhaitham, Tighnari, and Cyno set up an intervention for him to finally get the guts to confess to you. He’ll feel really bad about making you wait this long, and he’ll feel really embarrassed because Alhaitham probably snapped after hearing Kaveh say “I can’t confess ;-;” and told him the exact number of times he’s heard him confess to you while he was out of it
The confession is not planned, he literally ran out of the intervention to find you and banged on your door like he was a guard until you opened it. Just blurts out his confession. It’s nothing grand, Kaveh’s way to flustered to think rn and even if he planned it he’d just get anxious over doing it 100% right. Cries when you say yes. Literally shaking and sobbing because he’s so happy you said yes after all he’s done. Kaveh apologizes like crazy that day. He feels incredibly guilty about ignoring your feelings and denying how you felt all this time
Dating Kaveh is very fun and easy. He is always trying to do his best for you and make this relationship the best for the both of you. I can see him cutting back from drinking as much and really doubling down on his work so he can make more mora. Of course, he doesn’t overdo it at work because he doesn’t want to make you worry about him anymore (´;ω;`) he still feels kinda guilty at how much you had to take care of him in the past
Definitely is the type to not let his guard down immediately around you. I’m not talking about saying I love you’s or participating in skinship, I’m talking about letting you see him at his ugliest times. This man would legit fall asleep with make-up and perfectly done hair around you and even wake up early just to fix it before you can see him with some slight bed head. He just gets kinda stuck on wanting to be perfect for you so you don’t leave him, please take the time to reassure him and have patience because I assure you messy bed head Kaveh is top tier
Kaveh is very comfortable giving verbal affirmations and affections to you. He does not shy away from saying he loves you 24/7 and complimenting you every minute he sees you. However, Kaveh gets really shy when you try to touch him. He’s touch starved and touch shy after going so long without physical affection, so even just trying to hold his hand makes him bright red. If you want him to stop arguing with Alhaitham or distract him from an annoying customer he’s ranting about just hug him and he’ll stop talking. Use this power at your own risk though because it makes him shut down for a good 15 minutes sometimes so you might have to start dragging him home or back to his work
He makes you all sorts of little gadgets and even made you a mini house just because he could. Is polite about it, but if you paint it weird colors he’s silently judging you. And maybe giving you small hints here and there about what you could paint it, please don’t be mad he’s an aesthetician and it really bothers him
Funnily enough I think he can and will kill the bugs if you don’t like them. I don’t think he particularly likes bugs, but he can kill them without throwing a huge fit about it. He won’t even make you clean it up either, truly a kind man
Kaveh just about fainted the first time you ever kissed him. He truthfully wasn’t expecting it and he wasn’t planning to kiss you for a while either. He turned bright red and flushed all the way down his neck and on the tips of his ears, he couldn’t even stutter out a proper sentence after that either. Don’t think he didn’t absolutely adore the kiss, he’s just so shy to skinship and romantic gestures that sometimes even simple things make him have an error
Loves simple dates with you. Walks around the Akademiya, cafe dates, and cooking meals together are some of his favorites. Speaking of cooking, Kaveh loves to cook for you and especially loves to bring you lunch when he can. He really likes seeing how much you love it and also be really likes being praised for working hard for you
If you were an architect or loved architecture Kaveh would nonstop ask for your opinions regarding his current and future projects. He would hang on to all of your critiques and praise and try to improve his skills.
His dream is definitely to build y’all’s future home. Don’t tell me this man didn’t already start planning what he wants it too look like and subtly getting you to add what you like by pretending it’s for a customer (it’s not very subtle the longer y’all are together). Would start a savings account at some point so he can start buying the materials for it
Kaveh’s heart would melt and he’d fall in love with you all over again when you help him after a night of drinking. He gets very depressed and emotional about his past and himself, but seeing you there with worry written plainly on your face, well, it makes him want to hold onto you even more. Expect the royal treatment the next day because while it makes him love you even more, he’s also very guilty about making you take care of him while he’s like that
Kaveh’s friends are happy he’s found you and include you into their friend group seamlessly. Alhaitham is happy to have you around because he gets the house to himself more often, plus you always bring goodies for him too when you bring some to Kaveh. Cyno is happy you make Kaveh so happy, but stop stealing his tcg buddy otherwise he’s gonna make you learn how to play if you don’t already. He needs a substitute if you won’t bring Kaveh around (΄◉◞౪◟◉`) and he will come and find you to play
Since Kaveh is so touch shy you will likely be the one who initiates anything sexual, at least at the start
Kaveh can be whatever you want, but he is incredibly submissive as long as you have a gentle or sweet personality in the sheets. If you’re more teasing or ‘mean’ in the bedroom he’ll be a bit more bratty and obstinate
He’s very much a service top. Kaveh loves to give you pleasure in any form, oral, fingering, fucking you just like you want, toys, it really doesn’t matter Kaveh will deliver as long as it’s something he’s capable of
Definitely has some no no’s in the bedroom. Since Kaveh is a bit sensitive to some phrases he really doesn’t like to be degraded unless it’s to call him your slut or whore. Don’t even think of calling him useless, stupid, or pathetic. He will cry and he will put a stop to whatever it is your doing. Not to mention he’ll be incredibly hurt and insecure about it. He’s also not into degrading you either since he wants to treasure you.
Big into giving and receiving praise and body worship
Kaveh seems the type to like being blindfolded and having his hands restricted, but only after he’s completely comfortable with you. He gets off on the fact that you can do whatever you want to him and he’ll never know when it happens
He’s so into being told what to do in the bedroom. Even if it makes him bratty at times, Kaveh will fold so quickly if you tell him you thought he was your good boy
Loves seeing you in lingerie. Can be any type, lots of it, a piece of it, doesn’t matter, he wants to see you in it and he wants it to stay on all night if possible
Kaveh’s moans are so pretty and so very loud. He tries so hard to keep it down but he can’t focus on volume control and cumming at the same time
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dippindaz · 2 years
Had an idea for established the grabber x reader, maybe it's up your alley!
Seems kinda silly, but since he likes to win games, in my head canon he's probably competitive even with smaller things. A scenario where him and SO are playing cards or board games(or even hide and seek 👀) and he has to be chastised for getting too aggressive. Maybe it spins in the other direction and they goad him on purpose, bad winner, getting caught cheating etc, for sexy reasons
A/N: I can’t. I love this so much LMAO. You didn’t say you wanted filled NSFW so I’m going to just be doing partial NSFW. If you want a part 2 with full NSFW just lemme know and I’ll do it when I can :)
The Grabber x GN Reader
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Warnings: NSFW 18+ minors DNI, oral male receiving, lowkey acts like a baby over losing a card game lmao, teasing, you edging him, dom reader,
Being Al’s S/O wasn’t always easy. He was emotional, but tried not to be. He wasn’t good at expressing those emotions either. He was always competitive, almost everything was a game he had to win.
Even though this wasn’t easy, it was kind of fun. It let you be competitive as well. To try and beat him at his own games. He hated when you won, he was quite the sore loser. Whenever you managed to get close to wining you’d almost always ‘make a mistake’ and totally accidentally lose.
You didn’t mind ‘losing’ to him. He wasn’t someone to brag or rub it in your face when you lost. The way his eyes would light up and the dorky smile on his face when he won during actual games was just so cute.
It was tiring though, upsetting to an extent. All of your hard work being for nothing. If only you had some way to show him losing wasn’t always so bad.
He had a stressful day today. He just wanted to spend time with you and wind down for the night. So of course, when he suggested the two of you play a game, you knew it was a bad idea. You agreed anyways.
You were nearing the end of a game of poker, he was winning as per usual, but this game you had a trick up your sleeve. You had slowly been raising bid until you both were all in.
He smirked thinking he had won yet again. Placing his cards down, 4 aces and 1 king. A lucky hard to beat hand.
But as he watched your face his heart fell. You began to smile. You smacked down your hand and there it was. A straight all in spades. A hand just barely beating him.
First his eyes were wide and mouth agape, then his jaw clenched and eyes squinted. He angrily swatted his cards off the table, letting them fall onto the floor.
He got up from his chair and was about to pout on the couch. “Sit back down.” You told him.
He mindlessly listened to you, flopping back into the chair. You walked around behind his chair and began rubbing his shoulders. Leaning down to whisper in his ear, “you are such a sore loser, y’know?”
You walked around to the front of the chair and swung one leg over his legs. You were now sitting on his lap, straddling him.
Grabbing the collar of his shirt, you pulled him towards your face. “We really gotta fix that.”
You were confident and demanding in this moment. He, on the other hand, looked like a deer in headlights. You had never been this dominant before, especially not this... seductive.
One hand stayed on his chest, while the other slowly trailed up to his hair. You ran you hand down his hair, grabbed a handful, and gently pulled it. He attempted to make no noise but out came a small, pleasured sigh.
You chuckled and the hand on his trailed down his shirt, slowly unbuttoning it. Once you unbuttoned the last button you slowly pushed his shirt to drop off of his arms.
His breathing was uneven and shakey. His brain went onto autopilot and his hands rested on your hips.
You carefully watched his expression and rolled your hips against his pelvis. He lightly moaned at the movement and tried to guide you to move more with his hands.
However, you didn’t. Instead, you climbed off of him and unbuttoned his his pants and pulled them down. You did the same for his boxers then crawled and sat on your knees in between his legs.
You slowly began to lick up and down his shaft, never breaking eye contact. His cheeks grew red as he watched you. You took his tip into your mouth and his hips twitched upwards, while he groaned.
You took more of him into your mouth, lightly scraping your teeth along him as a warning. At a teasingly slow pace you began to bob your head up and down.
His jaw clenched and he groaned. “Please, speed up.”
You couldn’t help the smile that crawled to your face. He was already begging for you? He was just too easy.
You continued at the same pace for a few seconds after his request and then began to speed up. Your tongue swirled around him and you hallowed your cheeks.
Though he tried to control them, his hips twitched upwards repeatedly. You knew he was close now. The twitching, his breathing, his quiet groans and moans.
You brought him as close to the edge as you could before fully pulling away from him. He whined and his head fell back.
He picked his head up and met your teasing gaze, “you can’t just leave me like this.”
You laughed at his panicked statement. “Oh honey,” you shuffled closer to him, “we’re just getting started.”
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capseycartwright · 2 years
tell me all of the things that make you feel at ease
Ease. The absence of difficulty or effort.
Buck wasn't sure if he'd ever experienced true ease, in his life - and maybe he should have realised, when he had to turn to Eddie to explain what it meant to feel at ease, but Buck was known for being sort of oblivious.
ao3 link
Ease. The absence of difficulty or effort. That’s how it was defined on the internet, at least – Buck knew because he had looked it up, after his conversation with Bobby. It’s not like it was the word itself he was unfamiliar with – no, it was the feeling that Buck didn’t recognise. Ease – it felt like it should be something so easy, and so familiar, and yet Buck wasn’t sure if he had ever experienced the feeling. He certainly never felt at ease in the Buckley household growing up, their suburban home haunted by ghosts that Buck had only recently learned of the existence of, and ease hadn’t come after that either, as happy as he was in Los Angeles.
Buck felt absolutely plagued by the word.
He knew Bobby was right.
Buck was a lot of things, but he was aware of his own failings – or, really, he was aware of what he lacked, and he knew at barely 30 – because could you claim an age when you’d only worn the numbers as a badge for two and a half months, now? – he still had a lot left to learn, and he was fine with that. He supposed, really, it wasn’t even about being interim captain at all, if he was willing to dig deep into the depths of why he felt so completely and utterly rocked by Bobby’s decision to make Lucy interim captain over him. It was more that Buck’s job felt like the only good, consistent thing in his life, amongst the wreckage of his failed relationships, and if he wasn’t succeeding at his job – was he succeeding at anything?
It had definitely sent him spiralling. Buck could admit that.
He didn’t know what that meant to him, honestly.
“You’ve been quiet tonight.”
Eddie’s words roused Buck from his stupor, Buck suddenly aware that he had been staring out the window, scrubbing the same clean plate over, and over, for the last ten minutes. It wasn’t behaviour Eddie was going to let him wave away, he knew, and so Buck shrugged.
“I’m just thinking.”
Eddie fixed him with a curious look. Eddie did that, a lot – fixed him with the kind of stare that made Buck feel as though his best friend could read his every thought. “Are you still upset that Bobby didn’t pick you to be interim captain?” the ask wasn’t accusatory, or condescending – it was a genuine question. Buck appreciated that about Eddie, he never made Buck feel silly for the fact he sometimes did tend to overreact to things.
(“You’re allowed to have big emotions,” Eddie grinned, ever the father, repeating a speech that Buck had heard him give Christopher before: encouraging his son to feel his big emotions and overwhelming feelings and talk about them, too. Eddie was a great dad.)
Buck sighed, setting the dish on the counter, using the dish towel he’d tossed aside earlier to dry off his hands. He’d ripped the rubber gloves Eddie kept in his house for Buck’s sake, and his hands felt grim, and dry, the dish soap sucking all the moisture out of his skin. He hated doing dishes – but Eddie had cooked, and Buck was nothing if not an egalitarian when it came to their friendship: if Eddie cooked, Buck cleaned.
“I’m not upset about that,” Buck said, shaking his head when Eddie raised an eyebrow in response. “No, really – I’m not. I was, I’m not pretending that I wasn’t upset, because I was, but it’s not – it’s not that,” he paused. He could tell Eddie this. Right? Of course he could, because Eddie was his best friend, and he told Eddie everything, and maybe a problem shared was a problem halved, and all that. “Bobby said something to me the other day, and it’s been playing on my mind.”
Eddie’s brow furrowed, the expression unfamiliar these days, given the way Eddie tended to be so much happier, these days. He – Eddie looked good, these days. He’d put a lot of work in, over the months, and he looked better – happier, healthier, his face filled out again, the thinness brought about by months of depression and anxiety replaced with bright eyes and flushed cheeks and a healthier, happier version of his best friend. Buck knew it wasn’t easy to put the work in the way that Eddie had done, and it made Buck all the prouder.
“What did he say?”
“In AA, there’s this idea that you take inventory of your life, admit your shortcomings – in the hopes that one day, you can look the world straight in the eye, and be alone at perfect peace, and ease,” Buck quipped. He’d thought about it so much, since he and Bobby had spoken, that the words felt like they were directly imprinted on his brain.
Eddie was quiet, for a second. “That makes sense, right?” he questioned, leaning against the kitchen counter. He was wearing a flannel shirt Buck didn’t recognise, the sleeves rolled to the elbow, Eddie’s sweatpants a few inches too long and dragging on the ground. It was a comfortable outfit, and that in itself wasn’t ground-breaking, but the fact Eddie was happy to wear it was. It was something Buck had realised, early on in his friendship with Eddie – he didn’t like to appear vulnerable to people, even through something as simple as wearing some slouchy clothes, and it meant a lot that he trusted Buck enough to be entirely comfortable.
Buck huffed out a breath. “I don’t know.”
read the rest on ao3
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triplesilverstar · 6 months
Why can't the two of you have nice things?
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Rating: PG
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Canon violence, back pain, non sextual intimacy
Word count: Roughly 1.3K words
A/N: Part 19 of the series. You found out it was Vash's Birthday and had grand plans, as always. Things backfire. So maybe you just need to remind Vash in a lowkey way how much you care about your silly plant man.
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Even you heard it as Vash turned, a loud cracking coming from his back as he bends at an unnatural angle, freezing ever so slightly before continuing the fight. Watching as he ducks into an alleyway, you roll away on the roof and reach up to hit the button on your earpiece. 
“You alright Sunshine? I heard that from here” lining up your scope and seeing one of the bandits trying to drag one of their passed out comrades out of the way. 
“I’m spine.” Groaning as you hear his answer. But if he’s making jokes it’s a good sign. 
“Lower back pain is the worst, it’s a pain in the ass.” Voice deadpanned as you fire a shot, hitting one of the tires on the truck they used to come into town on. 
You hear the sound of his prosthetic slapping his face through the headset. “That butt joke was so funny it cracked me up.” Snorting at that one, you go back to being serious, calling out locations of the remaining two bandits that he hasn’t knocked out yet. 
You had wanted a nice chance to relax with Vash today, him having slipped it was his birthday a few days earlier. Well slipped in the most heartbreaking Vash way, stating another year he had existed for and not fixed the damage caused by him and his twin. So you’d wanted to do something sweet and nice for your handsome plant man. 
Not end up in a fight while trying to take him out for lunch. Grumbling from your ruined plans as you dart around the town being Vash’s eyes. 
Once that was dealt with, all Vash wanted to do was go back to the room, gaze lowered and walking with a visible limp. Clear he wasn’t in the mood for continuing with whatever you had planned for him. Vash wasn’t blind and had realized his slip up as soon as you were suggesting walking around town to find something to eat after spending most of the morning in bed. Something you tended to be against after your first night in a town, wanting time to recover. 
Stepping into the room, you do your best to keep the disappointment from showing, however Vash walking with a limp is a sign he needs to take it easy and it gives you an idea. 
As he drops into the chair in the room you grin, dropping in front of him and starting to unlace his boots. “Mayfly. I’m tired.” You snort at his tone, clearly he thinks you’re ready to jump his bones again. 
“I know Sunshine. Just roll with it.” Throwing his boots over your shoulders as you stand, lettings your fingers trail along the outside of his cargo pants and over his turtleneck before stopping at his neck. Leaning your head in and nipping at the soft skin under his chin at the top of his throat. “I want you to strip for me.” 
His breathing erratic, letting out a soft groan of frustration. “I just want to relax, Mayfly.” It makes you grin aware that with the way you’re tucked into his skin, he can't see it. 
“And you will. No sexy time Mr. Stampede, but I do wanna make you feel good in a different way.” Pulling away and holding your hand out to him, once his hand in yours and helping his rise to his socked feet. Letting your hands trail over his body as you slowly help him strip of his clothes, well aware of his growing erection which you keep ignoring. Once he is stripped down to his underwear you kiss both of his cheeks. “Now go lay down Sunshine.” 
Turning away you remove some of your own clothes, leaving your shirt and pants on before digging in your bag for a small bottle of lotion you’d picked up. Popping the gap and pouring a small amount on your hands before turning back to Vash and snorting. 
Vash is laying with his legs on his back and wiggling his eyebrows at you, thinking he knows what you have planned. Too bad he’s wrong. “Flip over dork.” Watching his face fall as he does flip over letting his arms slip under the pillow and turning his head to the side. And you sit near the bottom of the bed near his feet. Giggling as he flinches when you take one of his feet in hand and press yours thumbs in the arch of the sole. 
“What are you doing?” Oh my, he’s ticklish. You already knew that about some spots but the soles of his feet. That leaves you grinning like a cat that ate the canary. 
“Trying to help you relax~” teasing as you get to work, using your thumbs and slowly working up his foot and lower leg. Feeling the tight muscles as he slowly starts to melt under your touch, moving the way your hand pushes against his muscles from dragging your fingers to making a scoop with your thumb and index finger to hit different parts of him as you move. 
Stopping only when you feel your hands growing dry and paying special attention to the scars and metal along his legs as well. Pressing your lips against a few of the scars on his lower legs making him chuckle. “Any particular reason for all this tender love and affection?” His voice is partially mumbled, looking up you see his face is partially buried in the pillow again. Eyes closed. 
“Are you gonna make me say it Sunshine?” Laughing as you switch legs starting at his feet and his whole body shakes trying to keep his laughter contained. Kicking his feet in the end you move up, more careful with this leg since it feels far more tight. “Hmmm, yes” relaxing more into his pillow once and you work, grinning and feeling your heart warm a little embarrassed about what you’re about to say. “Since you’re being mean” pretending to be cross with him as working a knot in the muscle of his leg. “Because, I had plans for your birthday. Not just because it’s your birthday, but because you need the reminder to love yourself too. Another year of hardships you made it through, another year of being who you are.” Watching his body as he speaks and letting his leg go. Carefully and slowly moving up his body “the person” pressing a kiss to the lowest ridge of his backbone that sticks out through his skin. “That I want” a second kiss pressed against the metal in the center of his back just to the left of his spine. “To spend the rest” a third to the large scar taking up the bulk of the space just below his right shoulder. “Of my life with” a final lingering kiss pressed to the nape of his neck before you replace your lips with your forehead. “Even if you think you don’t deserve to be loved, I’ll keep telling you, you are. My wonderful beautiful broken sunshine plant man.” 
Gaze moving upwards you see the blush burning across the visible portion of his face as you move back, grabbing the lotion bottle before starting on his back. Fully intent on leaving him a moaning puddle by the time you’re done, you can spend more time on his legs later because right now. 
You want to sneak kisses against his neck and the visible part of his face while you make him relax. He deserves every bit of affection you have as far as you're concerned and not just around his birthday, but you’ll make this a new part of your yearly routine with Vash. Reminding him of what he’s done that year, the people he’s saved, but most importantly, that he’s still alive and is living instead of just surviving. 
Something both of you are still working on, and you’ll keep working on it. Love makes you a better person, not for the act of loving Vash, but because you want to be better for him. 
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
If that’s the case, could we maybe get a mimic and/or dragon flirting with the reader, please? Have a lovely day either way!
(Okay, so. . . I wrote both, because I absolutely had a blast writing two different kinds of flirting styles, and everything goes down hill when Floofs wants to write silly flirty monsters. x'D We have Majestic and Valerian, respectively. A dragon born of duty and deep love for a place forgotten by time. . . and then there is Majestic, who is just.
I hope you enjoy!! )
Crowned Mimic (Majestic) x Anonymous Reader:
A jeweled chest made of white gold, adorned with pearls and bright pink gems. On the top sat a large crown, whether it was part of the chest, or an extra treasure left behind, it was left to the finder to decide. It was beautiful but as you know looks are well known to be deceiving. You pace in front of it, looking it over carefully. It had taken you such a long time to reach the end of this quest. All your hard work to appease a monster of a human, just to get them to give you their token word of peace to let you pass through their land. Multiple times the tasks you were given, you had felt more sympathy for the creatures you had dealt with trying to bundle your way through the dungeon. And now with this chest, in all of its brilliant light and gossamer craftmanship. There was something that didn’t add up. It feels too easy.
You kneel, staring at the chest intently, 
“Don’t scrunch up those pretty lips on my account, sweetheart.” 
Said the chest. 
If you hadn’t been suspicious it was more than it seemed before. You absolutely know now that something is deeply wrong with it. You stand up in a scramble as the top pops open slightly, revealing the faint outline of white gold glittering teeth and a pair of glowing eyes stare back at you. “Aw– Going so soon? Come’on! We were making a connection! You stare at me- I pretended to be normal!”
You pull out a weapon and stare at them in disbelief. “I– What is that supposed to even mean–”
“I was flirting with you! Sheesh! I tell you, all these people that come down here, can’t even make polite conversation. And here I was thinking, you know what I was thinking today? I said, you know what Majestic? If that snobby half-wit sends another person down here to get eaten, I am going to go with them!”
Your eyes dart to the hallway and back. Waiting for the attack that was never going to come. Tensing as shadowy hands began to sprout from the maw, instead using them to gesture and articulate as they talked.
“You’re better than this!” The mimic continues to rattle on, unaware you are eyeing the exit. “I mean come on! Look at yourself! The idiot brings you all the way down here, to eat chumps they don’t wanna deal with! And the last guy– had this great little book about self therapy, exchanged it for his life yanno? So I get to reading– And WHEW the things I learned from that thing! Pure gold– and I should know! Annnyway! To make a long story short, learning I have been used, been abused? I’m done being that jerks garbage disposal!”
The hands shift, making a pose that resembles resting a hand on their chin. “So. . . how about you get me outta this dump eh? We can go on a nice candlelit dinner, my treat~”
Dragon (Valerian) x Anonymous Reader:
“You look very handsome indeed, those clothes fit you nicely too.” The deep rumble chilled your bones, sending vibrations deep into your chest. You could feel your heart reverberating back to the sound. Strange and enrapturing. Peering back at the one eye that stared back at you, the iris like molten gold. Flecks and diamonds of orange like churning hot bubbles around a pool of brilliant yellow.
You fix your outfit and breathe deeply, mouth fixing itself into a nervous smile. 
“Well thank you, I appreciate you letting me get a change of clothes, and a place to shelter from the storm.”
The large head lifts up from its place resting on an old stone staircase to give a bark of laughter. “I should be thanking you! It’s awfully lonely on this mountain top.” 
“What. . . was this place?” You ask quietly, carefully closing the door behind you. “Ah. . .” The large creature sighed, their deep timber turning remorseful. “A civilization that has been long gone I am afraid. I dare say you would not remember, for you are so young. But this was, at one time, a bustling palace. Where dragons were protectors, wisdom keepers that whispered long forgotten knowledge to kings.” 
You watched the long dark body slither its way along the passageway far beneath you, keeping their head up to continue your conversation. “Though the people have been long gone, I still have an old standing loyalty I refuse to give up upon. Call me an old romantic.” Their eyebrows raise and you laugh. “I haven’t heard about dragons being protectors in a very long time. . . I had thought they had just been legends.” They huff, hearing down below their great tail scraping along the stones. “It was indeed a very long time ago. But we still remember.” They slide their head down, leathery wings folding back up against their back as they politely wait for you to traverse the staircase and join them.
I only did art of the mimic since this design has been in my head for longer (ง ​。꒦ິ▽꒦ິ。)ง
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And if you like what you read and wanna support me in anyway!
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If wanna you pop me a cuppa ko-fi, I will really appreciate it! Thank you so much for reading my silly stuff!
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