#Marcus Thomas
badmovieihave · 10 months
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Bad movie I have Drowning Mona 2002
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compellingselling · 1 year
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“Hey, this song is a game. Use your phone to find its name...”
Simple idea to connect people with the Ohio lottery site: Run a :60 on FM radio with a catchy song that tells people over and over and over to ask their phone to identify the song. Doing so gets you a shot at winning $500. Okay. Not as big as a Powerball jackpot, but free money nonetheless.
You’ve GOT to go to this post on LBBOnline to hear the song. 
Agency: Marcus Thomas, Cleveland.
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movie-titlecards · 1 year
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The Ice Road (2021)
My rating: 3/10
Liam Neeson really seems to have found his niche: playing kind of shitty guys who punch people a lot in kind of shitty action movies. This one has a disabled character, who only exists to be treated like shit by him and then die heroically so he can Be Sad! Fun! It's also a truck commercial full of comical amounts of product placement! Also fun! But not actually! This is really quite bad!
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The Ice Road (12): Another tired Neeson pension fund filler.
#onemannsmovies review of "The Ice Road" (2021). Disjointed and pretty dire Neeson action film that should be put on ice. 1.5/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “The Ice Road” (2021). So my final inflight film from my recent transatlantic trip was Liam Neeson in “The Ice Road”. Oh dear. Both myself and the illustrious Mrs Movie Man watched it in parallel…. you know the score on a plane… “Ready, Steady, Press!”. But we both thought it was pretty awful! Bob the Movie Man Rating(s): Plot Summary: Mike McCann (Liam Neeson)…
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thehalfbloodedwitch · 2 years
Foes to Fond (M.r. x reader)
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Pairing- Mattheo x Femreader
Summary- The reader and Mattheo get into a very nasty fight, which seems to lead to a little confession from Mattheo’s side. | Fluff
Requested by- @hornysimpbitch
A/n- I am so sorry lovely for delaying your request but here it is! I hope you like it!
Warnings- Cursing,, making out and that’s all
Meanings- Y/n/n= your nickname
Words- 3,152 words
Mattheo Masterlist Main Masterlist
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The quill scratched the paper as you scribbled down something yet again. For the fifteenth time, you ripped the parchment apart and chucked it towards the dustbin with a frown on your face.
"Fuck, I can’t even understand this shit at all," you muttered under your breath after you closed your book and placed the quill on the table, frustrated and removing your reading glasses.
You have by now tried to understand transfiguration but have failed miserably multiple times. You have by now given up on ever learning the art of transfiguration because you simply couldn’t understand its use and the pronunciation of these spells.
The transfiguration test was tomorrow, and here you were in the library at 12 in the night trying to figure out the topics that were coming for the test, and you simply couldn’t understand anything at all. Your reading glasses were set aside, and you tried closing your eyes and breathing slowly, but that didn’t work either.
And now, there were piles upon piles of books kept on your table with crumpled paper all over the place. You were exhausted and tired of trying to learn this subject. At this point of time, you didn’t care if you learnt anything or not, you needed sleep. Your eyes were already tired and were closing with every second that passed.
So you stood up and walked out of the library without making a sound, muttered the Gryffindor Tower password, entered your dormitory, flopped onto your bed, and passed out.
"Y/n/n, wake up! You’re late! " "What happened?" you asked, which made you stand up and rub your eyes, "What happened?" you asked, to which Hermione sighed, "You’re late Y/n. "Get ready as quickly as you can, or else you’ll miss breakfast," she said, and left the dormitory for you to get ready.
You washed your face and stared into the mirror. Dark circles were visible under your eyes and your face looked tired. You sighed and put on face wash and quickly brushed your teeth. You grabbed your uniform and wore it and rushed to the Great Hall for breakfast.
"You should’ve woken me up a bit earlier, mione," you said as you stuffed some eggs and toast in your mouth, "Looks like someone woke up late," Harry teased as he smiled at you and you glared at him. "Not funny," you managed to speak with the food that was in your mouth.
"It wasn't my fault, Y/n; I tried several times to wake you up but you were sound asleep," Hermione explained, "Why were you awake so late anyway?""I was studying for transfiguration," you explained while sipping some orange juice.
"Good afternoon, students!" Professor McGonagall greeted everyone as she entered the classroom. "Today, as I had discussed earlier with all of you, will be your test on the topics we have learned so far. This is a theoretical test, so please be seated with your ink and quills ready," she said as she started distributing the test question papers to all the students.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you looked at the question paper. The questions that were asked in it were nothing you had studied yesterday, or even if you did, you forgot. With whatever you could recollect, you wrote the answers, submitted them to the professor, and left the class waiting for your friends to come out.
"How did you do your test?" "Don’t ask, I would’ve miserably failed," you said as you looked at him with sad eyes, Harry smiled at you and said, "Don’t worry, this is just a test," and patted your back to make you feel a bit better, at which you smiled at him.
"Oh, look at these love birds! Aren’t they adorable!" A voice spoke right behind you, and you knew exactly who this was, "What the fuck is wrong with you, Riddle?" you sneered as you turned around to face Mattheo Riddle.
"Oh, nothing’s wrong with me Y/l/n, I am absolutely fine," he said as he smirked and glared at you. "Leave Riddle, you don’t want to start a fight here which you’ll obviously lose," Ron said as he came out of the classroom and stood beside Harry.
"Try me, Weasley, we’ll see who wins." Mattheo said as he slowly approached the three of you when Hermione came out and yelled, "Stop! We don’t want to get detention now, do we? "she looked at you three.
"Let’s go," you said, as you took Ron’s and Harry’s arms and walked away before turning around to glare at Mattheo one more time and leaving with Hermione.
"What’s wrong with riddle man? "He's always here to ruin the mood," Harry said as you went to your next class, and you chuckled and replied, "It’s fine, Harold," at which all four of you laughed.
"Ms. Y/l/n, would you mind staying back after class, I have to discuss something important." Professor McGonagall called out to you the next day in transfiguration class. You had gotten your results, and let’s just say they weren’t good at all. Your mood had dropped so low that during the whole class you silently looked at your textbook with no expression on your face.
"Psst, what happened?" After a while of looking at you, Ron whispered, "Not now, later." You replied, and once again stared at the textbook in front of you. Ron sighed and averted his gaze from the professor, concentrating on what she was teaching.
"Ms. Y/l/n, I presume that you do know that what you have done on this test isn’t acceptable at all." McGonagall said in a concerned tone, "Yes, ma'am," you replied, but your gaze was drawn to a stack of parchment on the table.
"Dear, you have to take transfiguration seriously, I have seen your marks in other subjects and they are exceptionally good, I have found that you have only a problem with transfiguration. Could you tell me what problems are you facing in this subject? Where do you face difficulties?" All the professor asked you, and all you could do was sigh heavily and reply, "The problem I am facing in transfiguration is the subject in itself, I cannot understand the spells, the theory behind each spell, and everything about it."
She stood up and came towards you, keeping her hands on your shoulder, she said, "I believe you can improve and understand this subject. You can do this Y/n, just needs a little more effort, I have faith in you." There will be soon another test in transfiguration on the same topics and I expect you to get O’s on it." To which you nodded with a small smile on your face.
As you walked towards Gryffindor Tower, you had decided to start studying as soon as possible, but the problem was, you didn’t understand what the library books said, meaning you had to take help from someone, but the question was, who?
Hermione would have been more than glad to help you, but the problem was, she was herself so busy with her own assignments and subjects that she didn’t have much time left to even rest, forget about tutoring you.
You were left in thought. Who was good enough in transfiguration to tutor you? Who was good at transfiguration? No one from your house? What about other houses? Hufflepuff? Nope, Ravenclaw? Well, Luna could help, but she isn’t that good at transfiguration, Slytherin?
An image popped right up in your head as soon as you thought of the Slytherin house, Mattheo Riddle. He was great at transfiguration, even though you would hate to admit it. He was exceptionally good at it.
But would he want to tutor you? How could you ask him to tutor you? He would definitely think this is a joke, but it won’t hurt to try. You desperately needed help in transfiguration and the only person who is decent at it is Riddle. You had no other choice but to ask him.
And so, you stomped your way towards the Gryffindor Tower to find the common room empty. Of course, they had left for dinner and you had completely forgotten about it. You cursed under your breath and walked towards the Great Hall.
"Fancy seeing you here, Y/l/n," a voice called out behind you, and you knew exactly who it was. "Surprising seeing you here, Riddle, what are you doing near the Gryffindor Tower, may I ask?" you asked Mattheo, who stood right behind you while you turned around to face him. "I don't see a reason to tell you what I was doing here," Mattheo said while clicking his tongue, "Uh, well, I  might have a favor to ask you.." you said while not trying to make eye contact with him.
"A favor? "Totally not suspicious," he said, his brow furrowed, "I need help with... well, you see, I am not that good at transfiguration," he added, "horrible at transfiguration."You rolled your eyes and replied, "I'm not that bad at it, just need a little help,"
"And that’s your favor? "Yeah, I was hoping you could help," he said. "You don't have to help me if you don't want to," you said, fiddling with your hands.
"You think I would help you?" he asked, to which you rolled your eyes and replied, "You know what? Forget I ever asked for your help, "you said, and just as you turned around to leave, Mattheo called out, "What will I get in return?" to which you stopped, turned, and replied, "Anything you want!" "Anything?" he asked, smirking and coming closer towards you, "W-Well, anything as in, anything I could give you, like not as in anything I can give you, but like, maybe money or-"
"Meet me at the library at 5 tomorrow," he said, and walked right past you. As he walked towards the Great Hall, he turned around and said, "I don’t like to wait for people, so be on time." He left for the Great Hall and sat with his Slytherin friends while you just sighed and smiled.
"You’ve got to be kidding me. Riddle agreed to help you? "  Harry asked, "I couldn't believe it either," you said, staring at the glass in front of you. "You could've asked for my assistance, you know?" As you were shaken from your dream, Hermione said, "I know, but you already have a lot on your plate, I just didn’t want to disturb you," you said, and Hermione smiled at you.
"Sorry, got a bit late," you said as you set your books and reading glasses on the table where Mattheo sat, "I told you, I don’t like waiting for people. You know I was about to leave," Mattheo said, "I was just 2 minutes late," you said while huffing and sitting in front of him while he scoffed.
"So, let’s begin easily. First I am going to show you a few spells that you have to perform," he said while setting a goblet in front of you, "Isn’t that the goblet we got during breakfast?" you asked, "Don’t ask questions," he said as you chuckled.
Then for straight 3 hours, the both of you discussed and practised transfiguration, and by the end of the first session you couldn't even realise how fast time went by and whatever Mattheo taught you understood every bit of it.
"Tomorrow, same time?" You nodded and smiled, "Thank you so much, riddle," to which Mattheo said, "Don’t mention it, and also, call me Mattheo, Riddle sounds odd," and you looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Oh really?" "Well, I could change my mind, actually call me." "Fine, Mattheo, bye," you said as you stood up and left for your dorm, leaving Mattheo in his chair, staring at your figure as it faded into the corridor.
You'd been studying together for a while now, and you'd gotten pretty good at transfiguration yourself. You had by now known the pronunciation of the spells, the theory of each and every spell, and could now transfigure objects.
When the test came in transfiguration, you had gotten full marks, McGonagall was very proud and happy for you and was congratulating you for your hard work, but truly you had to thank Mattheo because without him this wouldn’t have happened at all.
You said, "Thank you so much Mattheo for your tutoring. It really helped me a lot." You went to Mattheo after class to thank him, "Well Y/n, it’s not me who should be thanked, it’s you, I just taught you a few concepts. You were the one who worked hard and understood it by yourself." He said, "Really good job Y/n, congrats on your full marks." "Thanks" you said.
And after that, you had not spoken to him since. You just didn’t know what to talk about. Your favour was for him to tutor you, and that’s all. It didn’t
Did it mean that you had become friends with him, or was it? You were utterly confused and started thinking about whether to talk to him or not, but decided not to, as if he didn’t want to be your friend and that he just tutored you and didn’t want this relationship to move any further, you would be left embarrassed.
But Mattheo wanted you to be his friend; he was madly in love with you, and he had never seen you like he did during your tutoring sessions.The way your hair curled on your forehead, the way your eyes looked while wearing your reading glasses, made you look extra hot.
He tried to shake the fact that he liked you. He thought maybe it was because he spent time with you, but after the tutoring sessions he still couldn’t forget your face. He couldn’t forget the smell of your vanilla perfume. He couldn’t forget your plum flavoured lip balm that you wore.
"She’s been ignoring me, mate," Mattheo said to Blaise, who knew he was in love with you, "Maybe she is contemplating the fact that you want to be her friend." "No, I don’t think so. Maybe I am the problem. Maybe she doesn’t like me after all," Mattheo said as he pulled his hair in frustration.
"Why don’t you ask her why she’s been ignoring you? "Try talking things out, mate," Blaise suggested, to which Mattheo replied, "Not in a million years," and exited the common room as Blaise sighed.
You were talking with the trio and laughing at the hilarious prank Fred and George pulled on a professor. While you were having fun with your friends, Mattheo, who had left his common room and came out to get some fresh air, ran into you guys. He looked at how happy you were without him, which made his blood boil.
He glared at you and stomped away towards the opposite direction of where you were. You had noticed him coming and you were completely confused as to why he was acting so weirdly. You decided to follow him and ask him what was wrong, while you excused yourself from the trio.
"Hey! Hey, Mattheo! Wait! " You called out and ran towards him. Mattheo stopped in his tracks and turned to face you. He was visibly pissed and was completely red with anger.
You stopped a few metres from him and asked, "What’s wrong?" "What’s wrong? "What do you mean?" he asked as he kept his hands on the railing, "I asked what happened? You are obviously pissed at something or someone, so I am asking, "What’s wrong?" As you stepped a bit closer to him, "Nothing is wrong Y/l/n, I am absolutely fine," he said as he turned to face the window in front of him.
"Oh, last name base are we?" You asked as you kept your hands on the railing right beside his, "It’s nothing, none of your concern, Y/n," he said as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "You know what? "Call me when you’re ready to tell me what’s wrong, because clearly you aren’t in the mood to talk," you said as you slowly left the railing and retreated your steps.
"Wow, now you get to play the victim," he says as he turns to face you, "What do you mean by the victim? I have no clue what you are angry about and now you get to blame me for this?" you said angrily. "That wasn’t what I meant." "Thank you very much, Mattheo. You know what?" "This is what I deserve after just wanting to know what was wrong with a friend," you said, as you turned to walk away from him.
"Wait!" "I-I, well, I was pissed," he said, scratching his neck. "Tell me something I don't know," you said. "Why have you been ignoring me?" he asked, letting go of the railing and facing you, "What?" you asked.
"Y/n, you have been ignoring me since the day of the transfiguration test, I don’t know why or what I did that made you ignore me, but it has been eating me up inside," he said "I didn’t ignore you, Mattheo. I thought you didn’t want to continue this friendship," you said.
Mattheo scoffed at this and replied, "Friend? Hell Y/n, I want to be more than friends with you. Don’t you understand by the way I acted in front of you? Obviously, I am hopelessly in love with you and I have no clue how to stay with this fact. You are always on my mind and I can’t seem to get enough of you, I fucking love you!"
And after this confession of his, you were left bewildered. You were left rooted to the ground and frozen. Before you could even reply, you felt two hands grab you and pull you close, and Mattheo’s lips crashed into yours. You could smell his cologne, and then his tongue was in your mouth. It fought to overpower yours. It was as though your tongues were two swords, swiftly battling and moving in sync.
Your vanilla perfume filled Mattheo’s nostrils and he felt like savouring every bit of it. The taste of your plum lip balm, he so badly wanted to taste it from your lips. He wanted to go deeper and deeper into the kiss. His hand was rested on your hips and he was pulling you closer and closer. His mouth wanted more, but until he got it all, you pulled away to catch your breath.
"Uh, so that’s a yes?" he asked, to which you rolled your eyes, "No, I was just practicing," you said, and pulled him in for another round.
Tags- @blackthunder137 @izukuisbaby @writingwitch007 @warnerskenji @fruitypebblesstuff @blood-070 @e-m-christina @maddieslaysworld @alli-3 @ivriee @theglitterymess @harryslittlebitch @kathrinthoughts @tryflydiebi @emptytakeawaycup @grxnde-dwt @poisonedsultana @godknows-shetried @murdckcastle @joy-13iflplab @miss-celestial-being @pottahishotasf @nicofiliac @spring-picnics @cait2212 @auralol @eichenhouseproperty
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sgippy · 6 months
i have never, in my life, ever been moved like this by a show. i have never cried like this over a show. but that’s because this really is more than a show. this was reality for the thousands, millions of queer folk who came before us. it reminds us: we should always remember to celebrate those that made it possible for us simply to be able to exist and live and love freely. to be.
i honestly couldn’t think of many better ways to pay homage to those queer lives, especially the ones lost, who fought bravely even in the face of death than telling their stories like this; exactly as they were. intricate, raw and real. giving another voice to all that love. the fight might not be over yet, but their contributions have left a lasting impact on this world. telling these stories isn’t just necessary, it’s crucial.
i can’t thank the writers, actors and absolutely everyone else involved in creating fellow travelers enough for bringing this vital, beautiful, poignant, devastating and endlessly meaningful, impactful, important story to life. thank you thank you thank you
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I just want to tie a pretty pink bow on it
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guysofeurovision · 28 days
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got-the-cheese-touch · 2 months
actual footage of me when my fictional crush gets into a cannon relationship
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raviliuz · 10 months
Oblivious Harry Potter
I believe so many things could canonically happen and we wouldn't know just because Harry is not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to noticing things
Remus and Sirius kissed after sorting all that shit in Shrieking Shack. Harry thought they must have really missed each other
Dean and Seamus have been in love since like- forever and started dating in their 6th year. Harry thought they were besties (he started questioning why he and Ron aren't like that)
Oliver and Marcus were fucking in the locker room after every quidditch match. Harry thought they were fist-fighting and didn't want to get involved
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eliaca · 7 months
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Imágenes promocionales Slow Horses S3
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blackthunder137 · 2 years
Hell of a ride (M.R. x reader)
Pairings- Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader
Summary- Dancing with Berkshire fumes Mattheo with rage and he takes revenge in his own way.
Warnings- smut, drugs, smoking, degrading, dom!mattheo, sub!reader, fingering, unprotected sex, dark themes.
Writer’s Note- yeah…bye and thank you @nottluvr for proofreading this <33
Navigation Taglist Mattheo Riddle's masterlist
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He felt you were a little too close to Lorenzo. Lorenzo's hands were directly over your ass and the way your hips moved to each beat. Oh, how he wished to be the one whose hands were all over you, touching every part of your body. The one he desired.
But you were dancing with fucking Berkshire simply because he asked you to.
You two attended the Ravenclaw party, which the Ravenclaws had every month. There are drinks, drugs, lovers making out, and cigarettes everywhere. Everything was fine until Berkshire requested you to dance with him. You gave Mattheo a quick sidelong glance but still went dancing with him.
He just couldn’t stand the sight. He wanted to just go out there and punch this man and take his girl with him. His face was heating up and his anger engulfed him. He clenched his fists.
"Dude, look your girl's dancing with Berkshire," said Blaise from behind.
"Shut up," Mattheo shouted, trying not to lose it.
"No wonder she doesn't want to dance with you," Blaise smirked as he looked at the two of you and then back at Mattheo.
"SHUT UP!" he yelled, slamming a table against the wall, causing Blaise to recoil and take a step back. Everyone turned their attention to the two of them, and Mattheo simply left the party.
You noticed him leaving the party and followed him. You called his name several times in an attempt to catch up with him and catch his attention.
You locked the door behind you as you entered his dorm.
"What the fuck is going on?" you exclaimed, astounded by what had recently occurred at the party.
"You have no idea now, do you?" he said sarcastically. 
"What do you mean?" you inquired, confused.
Mattheo approached you, towering over you. "Oh, you dancing with that fucking Berkshire," he said, his voice husky.
You smirked and continued, "You weren't jealous, were you?" moving towards him. Your faces are close as ever, breathing heavily and deeply while staring into one another's eyes.
“And what are you gonna do about that?”  he asked, sending shivers down your spine.
You were turned on. You just wanted to feel him inside you now. Oh god, his voice was so attractive. 
Mattheo grabbed your throat and shoved you against the wall. You winced in pain as your skin made contact with the wall.
He began kissing you, biting your lip and moving his lips to your neck. He started sucking your skin, causing you to moan. You put your hands in his hair, but he drew them away from your neck and placed them over your head.
"You can't do anything until I tell you to, slut," he commanded. You whined in response.
He carried out what he needed to finish sucking into your neck, making you moan louder and louder.
He pulled away from your neck, finding you covered in purple hickeys he made for his girl.
"Take off your dress," he ordered, letting go of your hands. You did exactly what he said.
You undressed in front of him. He became wet just by looking at you in your bra and panties. He was eager to get his hands on areas you couldn't even imagine.
"Go lie down," he said, motioning to the bed, and you did.
He then walked inside to get something. Oh, the things he'd do to you now. He was enraged and envious that you had accepted to dance with Lorenzo when your boyfriend was standing in front of you, watching.
But you couldn't deny that a part of you wanted this. The deepest, darkest part of you yearned to be fucked by him. A part of you wanted him to hurt you and wanted your legs to start shaking.
He returned with a rope and tied you to the headboard of the bed, examining every inch of your body. His lips formed a sneer as he imagined you begging for him to stop. 
You had no idea what you had gotten yourself into. 
He then removed his shirt and you were mesmerised by his toned body. You bit your lip at how hot he looked. 
"Fuck me, Matheo." to avoid sounding desperate, you exhaled.
"You're already wet for me, you little slut." He smirked as he ripped off your panties and gripped your thighs tightly, sucking into your sweet spots. You moaned in pleasure as a few tears trickled down your cheeks with each inch he got closer and closer to your orgasm. He stroked your clit and pounded his two fingers within you, in and out. He quickened his pace, and you were on the verge of having an orgasm when he removed his fingers, preventing you from cumming.
"Mattheo," you wailed as you were this close to your orgasm.
"This is what you get for dancing with him. You should be treated like a slut."
You couldn't handle it any longer. You wanted him to be inside of you. You tried to edge him by pushing your hips against his clothed dick, but he quickly reverted.
"You're such a needy little slut. Do you think you deserve this after what you did?"
"m’sorry, Mattheo... This will not happen again... I want you.  Please...fuck me." you cried.
At that he sighed and removed his pants, leaving him only in his boxers. You could see his bludge.
He slid his boxers down and thrust himself inside you, taking you by surprise. His pace quickens with each passing minute. He was pounding in and out of you. There was a cacophony of moans and groans.
"M-mattheo... so-slow down..." you managed to speak out in between his thrusting in and out of you.
He did not listen to you and instead raised his pace, even more, to punish you for dancing with Lorenzo. You made an effort to speak, but you were unable to do so. 
He loved to see the sight of you begging and crying for him to allow you to come. Your tits move up and down with every thrust, and that is what he wanted. He wanted to show you how dominant and possessive he can be over something that is his and only his.
You were getting closer to your orgasm with each increase in speed, constantly hitting your g-spot.
"m'going to cum," you moaned.
"Say you're mine," he said, bucking his hands to your hip and speeding up.
"I-I'm yours," you cried out.
He was full of your cum when you eventually let some out. You were overcome with euphoria and contentment. You sighed, and Mattheo kissed you violently simultaneously, removing the rope, and your hands finally felt free as you held and kissed him back.
You both drew back for air, panting for breath after having the time of your lives.
After a while, you could feel your legs shaking and tried to move them, but you couldn't. He did not lie when he said that he will fuck you hard.
Well, it was a hell of a ride.
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TAGS- @thehalfbloodedwitch @nottluvr @pottahishotasf @justreadingficsdontmindme
Likes and reblogs are appreciated.
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d-criss-news · 1 month
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titaniquemusical: The Gleek X #TITANIQUE crossover you never knew you needed. Thanks, @ darrencriss for joining us aboard the Ship of Dreams!
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mintaffy · 7 months
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Erm excuse me right in the DATS lobby??
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garadinervi · 9 months
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Thomas Hirschhorn with Marcus Steinweg, Foucault-Map, 2004 [Col. Fundação de Serralves – Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Porto. © Thomas Hirschhorn, Marcus Steinweg]
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Doodling the bois
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