#MG Werewolf WIP
chronicallydragons · 1 month
Tag Game: OC interaction
I'm finally catching up on tag games! Thanks both @tildeathiwillwrite and @illarian-rambling for the tags! I'll do both here if that's okay!
Rules: Provide a short description of your oc, then using the description given by the person who tagged you, describe how you think the two of them would interact.
@tildeathiwillwrite's oc: Hector Epsilona is Caenum's resident Watcher (which is a detective/bodyguard/mercenary-type job). He knows the law (and its loopholes) very well, and uses both extensively, and enjoys a small amount of freedom to operate outside the law if he sees fit. He is extremely protective of and attached to those he cares about, especially his apprentice, Luc. He is generally polite, if a bit stern, and is always looking for a way to turn something into a lesson. I used the Wheel again (it's a brilliant idea!) and got Sophie from my MG werewolf WIP
My OC: Sophie Beatrice Larsen is a 12 years old and is a sixth grader at Forest Hills Elementary. She's 100% in her "weird 12 year old" phase and embracing and loving every second of that. She firmly believes mythological creatures are real and will go to the ends of the earth to prove they actually exist. She's delightfully weird, incredibly passionate, and super curious. She's naturally good at tracking and investigating and looking for clues and asking questions. She's also got a large amount of sass for such a tiny human and won't just standby in the face of injustice. How I think they'd interact: Sophie would probably idolize Hector, tbh. I mean, he's a detective??? She's absolutely taking notes and copying every single thing he does so she can be a better detective too. Whether or not Hector is chill about this, I have no clue XD ---
@illarian-rambling's oc: OC: Elsind is a 20 year old changeling whose true form looks like a mannequin wrapped in raw meat with five fins ringing its face, and who can transition between a solid and liquid state. They change their disguise frequently (they can only do people, not animals) and use the pronouns of whatever face they’re wearing. As a person, Elsind is anxious, easily flustered, cries a lot, and is overall very kind-hearted, despite working as an assassin for a rebel cell. She ended up in that line of work because she wants revenge for what the nobility of her home put her through - kidnapping her at thirteen to serve as a court freak. He thinks if he can assassinate his target, he can earn his courage back and be more than another discarded toy of the ruling class, even if the idea of killing someone makes him sick. Indeed, classism is where Elsind gets very passionate, as well as talking about romance novels. They long for love, even if they think no one would accept a changeling without a disguise. I would also say she’s chronically unlucky. If anyone is going to slip in the mud in his nice new dress, it’s Elsind. All I have written down on their character notes is “eager to please, easily overwhelmed, great combo of traits,” which is pretty much Elsind’s deal. The Wheel has chosen Lizzie--also from my MG werewolf WIP. I suppose it's appropriate that the best friends get chosen together (though for what it's worth, Sophie would be FASCINATED by Elsind and would beg for them to change their face and show her what his true form is and would 100% love her true form) My OC: Elizabeth Page (Lizzie) is also a 12 year old 6th grader at Forest Hills Elementary. She has pretty debilitating POTS symptoms and is often dizzy, fatigued, and in pain. She's incredibly loyal, loving, and kind. She really sees the best in people. She's also a werewolf. Because werewolves are so often depicted as monsters and were nearly hunted to extinction in the 1500s, it's against werewolf law to let nonwerewolves know to keep them safe. Lizzie adores Sophie and wants to help with the investigations but she's not allowed to tell and she spends the first chunk of the book terrified that Sophie won't accept her if she finds out the truth. How I think they'd interact: Listen. A huge proportion of my characters are shapeshifters in someway, so it's no surprise I got a shapeshifter when I pulled a character at random. But I think the fact the wheel pulled Lizzie to meet Elsind is a really good match. Lizzie's also incredibly anxious, kindhearted, and ALSO ready to seek revenge. A big plot point is that Sophie and Lizzie find a new kid who was just recently turned into a werewolf (Lizzie was born into a werewolf family), and Lizzie's ready to square up with whoever it was that attacked a 12 year old boy. So I think Lizzie and Elsind would probably definitely get along.
I'm nervous to tag people because I'm going to try to get through the rest of the tag games and I only have like 3 or 4 people I know are okay with tags and I don't really want to spam tag anyone, so... open tag?? (if you want to be tagged, please let me know!)
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freddieslater · 3 years
✨ Kindly pressure me to actually write things ✨
Okay, I’m stealing this idea from @a-lil-bi-furious because it is Genius and I could really do with the motivation! So, I will list my current WIP’s and brief descriptions of them. For each title I get in my inbox, I will write you a snippet for that WIP, and you can feel free to send me as many titles as you like! (If I get two asks for the same title, I will just write another snippet so don’t worry about that!)
And because that neat little list seems weirdly motivating too, here are the promises I make:
• Each ask will be answered within the week
• I will write a good few paragraphs for all of them and do my best to make them Really good paragraphs!
I’m only gonna do the WIPs that I think I could actually be motivated to write. Here we go!
WIPs below the cut:
Find me in the forest, Frodo
A sequel to a fic I wrote called “a dance for the decades” about Lizzie, Josie, Hope, Kaleb, and MG sneaking out to a decade dance at Mystic Falls High, based pre-canon with major divergence. In this one, it focuses solely on the Lizzie/Landon storyline while also dealing with the aftermath of Connor’s attempt to kill Lizzie and the revelation that he knows she’s a witch, in which he’ll once again attempt to out her to the town.
Clash of the European Boyfriends
A dinner party is hosted at the Salvatore House in order to force Damon, Stefan, Enzo, and Klaus to have at least one civilised conversation, courtesy of Elijah and Lexi, with some extra cooperation and persuasion on Enzo’s part for Damon.
that’s a kindness you can’t afford
Another sequel, this one to “don’t be kind to it, it’ll come back” in which young Elena discovers Enzo being held in her dad’s basement and frees him, only he erases her memories. Now, years later, Enzo is keeping an eye on her from afar — until her parents’ care goes over Wickery Bridge, and he’s forced to confront his past through Elena and, to his displeased surprise, Damon.
Let the Games Begin
An AU where the Avengers are all entered into a social experiment called “The Circle” in which they are isolated for three weeks with only one form of communication to each other. Only, Stark Industries isn’t aware that its “experiment” is being used by S.H.I.E.L.D for other purposes.
So if you wanna piss off your parents
Sirius is being forced to go to a social event, hosted by his own family, where Purebloods gather to find prospective husbands and wives for their heirs. But he has a plan: His parents can’t marry him off if he shows up with a date on his arm. And they absolutely cannot marry him off if that date is a bloke (hopefully). It just so happens that James is his only viable option, resulting in a night of faking a relationship to Sirius’ entire family and a bunch of other Purebloods.
Uncle Wolf and Auntie Witch
Lizzie and Josie know about the merge. Liv can’t stay away anymore, and so she and Tyler leave the safety of their newfound contentment and go back to Mystic Falls so that she can help them. Only for them to arrive right in the middle of a Malivore monster invasion.
The Great Magic(less) Bake-Off
As a distraction for the students remaining at the Salvatore School for the holidays, Caroline and Alaric decide to host a series of friendly competitions. Hope is less than thrilled when she’s not only made to take part, but also paired up with Penelope, who is equally as dismayed about the entire situation.
Dear Past, I miss you
Pre-Legacies, when Hope’s room goes on fire and she loses nearly everything she owned, she loses control and hides in her temporary room (Caroline’s old one). In it, she finds a box of unopened letters that Freya had passed along in case Hope wanted them. All from her mom, addressed to her dad.
Were in the woods
Set just after 3A but Boyd and Erica are alive. Erica is wandering the woods during a full moon and comes across a coyote with bright blue eyes. She swears they’re some kind of werewolf, like her, and so she keeps coming back, trying to figure them out, and accidentally ends up solving a murder and a missing person’s case in the process.
First Wizarding War (to be changed)
Begins before the Order finds out that Voldemort is after Harry, before Lily and James are forced into hiding, before Harry is even born; one action completely changes the outcome. Petunia kills Vernon, in self-defence. It’s a burst of magic, she doesn’t know how or why, but it’s brief. With no one else to turn to, she turns to Lily. And with their bond quickly becoming restored in a few short weeks, when the prophecy is revealed, Petunia insists that they make her their secret keeper. In order to keep her safe, Dumbledore hides her and Dudley. They stay on the grounds of Hogwarts, undetected by the students, and from there, Voldemort’s plans are hang in the balance.
The Speedster & The Spider
All of the Avengers are alive, and they see a broadcast of an attack on Venice. Remembering where Peter’s field trip is, Pietro runs off to help — and thus breaking the Sokovia Accords. Again.
are we just a stepping stone?
It’s a late June night in 1978, and neither James nor Peter can sleep. James knows something is wrong. When he finally confronts Peter, the truth spills out about what Dumbledore has been planning. Now the Marauders need to find a way out without anyone getting hurt.
Always In the Closet
It’s the day of Lily’s wedding, and of course all four of the Marauders are there to support her and celebrate with her. Two of them just happen to be a bit distracted elsewhere.
And I’m not sorry for myself
A glimpse at life growing up in Ottery St. Catchpole for the Weasleys, Diggorys, and Lovegoods; from when they were kids, to starting Hogwarts, to the death of Luna’s mum, to the end of the line.
Why McGonagall banned Gryffindor Common Room parties
A series of parties held in the Gryffindor common room throughout the Marauders’ years at Hogwarts, ranging from explosions to snogging (and more).
Crash back into you
After Tracy’s face is in every newspaper across the UK for being seen with Sean Godfrey, Crash gets back in touch with her, and they restore their old friendship while Jess gets to bond with him, and it feels like another piece of their family has been found.
Wedding Disaster
Tracy can’t figure out how to fix Mike and Fiona’s wedding when it starts to turn to chaos, only for a few surprising guests to show up right when she needs them most. With Crash, Jackie, and Justine there to help, they manage to save the wedding — barely.
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ralfstrashcan · 4 years
WIP Ask Game
Rules: I post the names of all the files in my WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. You can send an ask with the title that most intrigues or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged by: @silver-latin-and-salt
Note: I don’t actually have a WIP folder since I’ve sorted my fics by fandom, heh. I’ll limit myself to the three most recent ones because yeah.. those will be more than enough. Also my definition of WIP is wonky at best but those are the ficlets that have reached the separate-file-stage (but don’t let that fool you into thinking they’re mostly done. I honestly don’t understand my system myself. There is no system. It’s random.) German file names are translated.
Shadowhunters [folder named: shadow-hun (fledgeling lol)] - P 0 nf den oneshot schmuckshoppen für magnus    [jewelry shopping for magnus oneshot] - P 22 ne,nf revamp von issues feat werewolf death lol - P 25 nf nightmarish nightmare LOL - P 31 nf POV 2x06 malecs date aus malecs sicht    [malec’s date from malec’s pov] - P 42 nf POV 1x12 alec - P 42 nf POV 1x12,2x20 magnus that's gotta hurt - P 47 nf compromised post S2     (read here) - P 73 2 nf ALT UNI 1x10 2.0    [note: sequel to this] - P 74 pillow talk - [NEW] P 79 nf alizzy bonding over maxes almost (T__T) death - P 101 nf malec are both messes FOR LILY - P 111 nf asmodeus back in da hood - P x 09 nf dats ma mini me - P x 11 nf creepy suicidal shit - P x 25 nf magnus and sleepovers - P x 26 nf 5+1 mgs cool uncool
The Untamed [folder name: the untamed fangirl] - 04 nf the inevitability of falling - 08 2 nf prequel     (read here) - 13 nf lxc + lwj bonding roads untraveled    (*) - 26 nf yunmeng bros forever - 28 nf jl und lxc talk     (read here)     (*) - 33 nf wwx wq operation fun - [NEW] 40 nf drunk flute bros - 36 nf wangxian song naming     (read here) - long AU 12 nf xiyao fix it LOL - [NEW] x happy xiyao 3
(*) you might recognize these from this tagging game. they’re the seclusion fun times fics XD
Voltron: Legendary Defender [folder name: voltron legendary obsession] - 5 nf selfindulgend clone shit BEST THING ILL WRITE FOR THIS FANDOM - 7 nf 5+1 kissi oneshot - 11 nf blue aka shiros arm - 13 nf shiro angstet wegen keiths narbe    [shiro angsting because of keith’s scar.] - 14 nf graveyard hopes     (read here) - 15 nf go be great - 17 nf shiro has a terrible nightmare Bonus: Since the point of this aks game is to show off embarrassing file names, have the names of the chapter files of my german attack on titan fic:
Attack on Titan [folder name: attack on bullshit haha] - 0 i refuse, ok. wtf miu    (*) - 1 f see where it takes me - 2 f here apparently ugh - 3 f what even is chronology amiright - 4 nf right it means nothing - 5 nf well then here we go!
(*) this file contains background info and outlines for the fic. ‘miu’ is my dear sister who more or less talked me into writing the fic. okay that’s a lie, she didn’t do anything. but it’s still her fault!!! originally this was going to be a oneshot (therefore the exasperation in the title of chapter 2) and then i started writing chapter 3 before i had finished chapter 2 so that’s where that title comes from. it happened again with chapter 4. and as you can see i’m currently working on chapter 4 and 5 - ‘nf’ means nicht fertig (= not finished) while ‘f’ means fertig (= finished) - and also denotes the point where i have finally resigned myself to really writing this fic, hahaha.
Tagging, if you are so inclined: @ladyoxymoron @toughpaperround @lynne-monstr
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emile-hides · 5 years
I cannot go to sleep till I make this list organizing my OCs for my own sanity so I can better separate my projects. Okay? Cool.
Metronome (WIP name) Co-created with @petitprincess1 (All characters found on main post) - Friendship blooms in the oddest places, even in a torture asylum.
Deceitful Roads (Most characters found on main post, vent blog do not follow) - Your worst turned human
The Voh of [REDACTED]
The Voh of Lucie
The Voh of many names
The Voh of Elexa
The Voh of Em
The Voh of Anna
The Voh of Alice
The Voh of (unknown)
The Voh of Shadow
The Voh of Angela
The Voh of Steven
An RPG - The RPG world as seen though the other lens
EXP, LVL, and HP
MG and Root
Plant monsters
The world ends with love - Mock Harem anime with monsters of questionable genders
Zombie and Vampire
The Humans
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letswritesomenovels · 7 years
Hi! I'm a new follower of yours! I've been writing for several years now, and I just finished draft two of one novel and having just reached 40,000 words on my current WIP. I tend to write epic fantasy and sci-fi, but have dabbled with slice-of-life and contemporary before. What sorts of things do you write, and where can I learn more about your works?
Hi! And thanks for the follow!
Congratulations on finishing draft two! I find second drafts are always so much more difficult to complete, because the expectations are so much higher than for first drafts. Are you planning on seeking representation with it? Congrats for reaching 40k on your current project, too! That’s great! 
I write for children and all of my work has a fantasy element. My main WIP at the moment is a MG fantasy, but I also have a YA Arthurian WIP that I’d like to write more of by the end of the year. (And a MG werewolf story that I may throw myself into during NaNoWriMo.) 
I’m represented, but not published, so it’ll be a few years (at the very least) until any of my books are on shelves. 
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chronicallydragons · 15 days
Do you have a favourite character to write?
Oh good question! Thanks for the ask! This is a hard choice! I think I’d have to say Sophie from my MG werewolf WIP and Coleman from Child of the Dragon. Sophie’s been so fun because I just really got to dive deep into my own weird 12 yo girl phase and just channel that into her but make her as unapologetic and unashamed of it as possible and it’s never, ever made fun of. She gets to be delightfully strange and downright weird and just obsessed with mythology and she’s genuinely a delight to write!
And Coleman is one of those characters that kind of like briefly possess my soul and writes the story for me? He’s so sarcastic and funny and also has that deep, deep pain and trauma. The only problem with writing Coleman and letting him kind of take over for his chapters is he REALLY hates telling me stuff until it’s relevant to the story and MAN does he like to drop massive lore bombs halfway through the book and *I* have to go back and set up the foreshadowing 🙄 it’s a good thing he’s an unreliable narrator because my goodness he prefers the dramatic reveals.
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chronicallydragons · 3 months
Saw a Netflix promo video that had millie bobby Brown summarize her new show in 15 seconds and it was basically just 15 2-5 word bullet points so I decided to do the same for child of the dragon and my MG werewolf WIP and I'm laughing so hard at some of these
Child of the Dragon
🐉 dragon fight
👑 her majesty the King
🔪 his majesty the King
📚 high school and calculus
🪦 funeral
🐉 dragon training
😱 best friend is a dragon?!
👗 fighting in ball gowns
🤠 mechanical bulls are basically dragons, right?
⚔️ sword fights on dragons
🔑 worst grand prize ever
💔 break up
⚔️ big battle, wall of death
❤️‍🩹 love wins!
MG werewolf WIP: (ignore that it has 16, I’m laughing so hard)
🐾 werewolf tracks
📸 polaroid camera
🐺 gotta keep the secret
🥞 werewolves might like pancakes
🕵️‍♀️ looking for clues
🐺 oh no! A werewolf!
🐺🐺 oh no! TWO werewolves!
💔 betrayal
🥞 forgiveness for pancakes
📚 secret library
👃 sniffin out clues
🐺 oh no! A werewolf!
📞 hello? Useless magical government officials?
🎪 party!
🐺 oh no!! Werewolves!
🍩 donuts save the day
Anyway, I had a lot of fun making a very vague summary of my books and thought it would be fun to see others, so, can I make this a tag game?? I want to see more!
Gently tagging: @tildeathiwillwrite @gamerkats @blind-the-winds
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chronicallydragons · 4 months
Who thinks I can finish revisions on my MG Werewolf WIP by Saturday evening at the end of this full moon cycle???
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chronicallydragons · 3 months
Tag Game: Incorrect Quotes
Thanks for the tag @tildeathiwillwrite
For Child of the Dragon
Kat: Hey, Hope, what do you have?
Hope: *gleefully* A KNIFE!
Kat: NO
Coleman: *wiping away a tear* They grow up so fast
Jason: Stop setting things on fire because you're curious about what will happen. What will happen is fire. Coleman: But what if something else happens just this one time.
Coleman: What’s it like being tall? Coleman: Is it nice? Coleman: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Jason: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. Kat: It was one time!
MG Werewolf WIP
Wyatt: Do you need help getting up? Lizzie: Nah, I'm cool down here on the floor.
(Which is so much better because Lizzie has POTS and she does indeed spend a lot time on the floor, just chillin)
Sophie: Hello friends!
The Squad:
Sophie: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling
Lizzie: Alright, so the vampire's gravestone is— Sophie: Cenotaph. Lizzie: What? Sophie: It's only a gravestone if it marks the location of a body. A monument honoring someone whose body isn't present is a cenotaph. Lizzie: I'm… not sure that's how it works if the body gets up and walks away on its own. Sophie: There's a precedent for gravestones being reclassified as cenotaphs if the body is later removed and reinterred elsewhere. There's no rule that says the body itself can't do the removing. Lizzie: Okay, but the body is very much coming back. That's kind of what we're here to accomplish. Sophie: So it's a temporary cenotaph. Lizzie: And naturally our greatest concern here is avoiding semantic ambiguity. Sophie: Semantic ambiguity is how vampires get you.
(I found an incorrect quotes generator and I'm having way too much fun. I need to stop now...)
Anyway, gently tagging: @gamerkats @illarian-rambling @blind-the-winds
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chronicallydragons · 2 months
Tag Game: out of context line
Thanks @tildeathiwillwrite for the tag!
Rules: post a line out of context from your WIP
From my YA Fantasy Child of the Dragon
“We have so many edges. We’re practically a throwing star.”
From my MG werewolf WIP
“No! Anyone can post whatever they want on the internet! This is a book! It is sacred.”
Gently tagging: @jayders-rocks @gamerkats @blind-the-winds and open tag
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