#Low Back Pain
I would like to be cracked open over a skillet and cooked, with the shell made into mashed potatoes. I just think this would solve all of my issues okay
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mcatmemoranda · 7 months
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Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) can help with some types of back pain
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celestialwaterfall · 2 years
My back is absolutely fucked. I had to leave work and it's just getting worse.
So I'm gonna get really stoned and use a hearing pad and alternating ice
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Ready to relieve pain?
While sitting, hamstrings are contracted, which pulls hips and gluteal muscles. This can cause posture imbalances. You may experience low back pain and tension.
Align your right knee above your ankle. The place your left ankle crossed onto your right knee. Keep your back flat. Bend at the waist towards your leg shin. You should feel a stretch in your gluteus and hamstrings. This will help loosen your low back and hips. It will also help alleviate pain. Perform this stretch several times throughout the day, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle.
During work, I stretch 10-15 seconds on each side once an hour. At home, I stretch up to two minutes each side.
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mental-mona · 10 months
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Ok so. I have chronic tailbone pain from a break 25 years ago that never healed right. My tailbone, according to the PT who saw me earlier this year for pelvic floor issues, is bent into my body at almost a 90-degree angle. Last night these stretches kicked the chronic pain from a 5 to barely a 2! You better believe I'll be reprising them tonight! To be fair I already did child's pose and happy baby for 10 long breaths each, I've done a less effective variant of the supine figure 4 for many years, and I can't do the forward fold or adductor opener thanks to my vertigo/balance issues, but the combo of everything I could do here was so damn effective! Sharing here in case it helps someone else.
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elizabethtai · 1 year
My adventures in healing neuroplastic pain
For weeks, I was tortured by hip and lower back pain. Then I discovered the works of Dr. John Sarno and the science of healing neuroplastic pain. The results I've gotten in a matter of days was astounding. So I thought I should share this with people who are currently battling chronic pain. It may sound like a lot of "woo" but I believe there's a lot of truth in how chronic pain can't always be dealt with pills and surgery.
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belovedbodyspot · 2 years
Hip flexor freedom = low back pain prevention
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doctorenzoyeh · 19 hours
Have you ever had increased low back pain when you get in or out of bed? Today I’m going to show you a technique that may help to minimize the pain that you get when you get in or out of bed. Physical therapists use this technique to help post-op patients get out of bed after a back surgery. This technique is called the log roll technique.
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Understanding Pregnancy-Related Pelvic Pain: Tips and Treatment from Better Backs Better Living
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement and anticipation, but it can also come with its share of physical challenges. One common issue that many expectant mothers face is pregnancy-related pelvic pain. At Better Backs Better Living, we understand the discomfort and frustration that pelvic pain can cause, which is why we're here to provide guidance and support. Let's delve into what causes pregnancy-related pelvic pain and explore effective treatment options to help you find relief.
Understanding Pregnancy-Related Pelvic Pain
Pregnancy-related pelvic pain refers to discomfort or pain in the pelvic region experienced during pregnancy. It can manifest as a dull ache, sharp pain, or pressure in the pelvic area, lower back, hips, or thighs. While the exact cause of pelvic pain during pregnancy is not always clear, several factors may contribute to its development:
Increased Hormone Levels: During Pregnancy related low back pain, your body produces higher levels of hormones such as relaxin, which helps loosen the ligaments and joints in the pelvic area to prepare for childbirth. However, this increased flexibility can also lead to instability and discomfort.
Changes in Posture: As your baby grows, your center of gravity shifts, placing additional strain on your pelvic joints and muscles. This change in posture can contribute to pelvic pain, especially in the later stages of pregnancy.
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD): SPD is a condition characterized by the excessive movement or misalignment of the pelvic joints, leading to pain and discomfort. It is more common in pregnancy due to the hormonal changes and increased pressure on the pelvic area.
Managing Pregnancy-Related Pelvic Pain
While pregnancy-related pelvic pain can be challenging to cope with, there are several strategies and treatments that can help alleviate discomfort and improve your quality of life:
Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor can help provide support to the pelvis and reduce pain. Pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegels, can be beneficial in relieving symptoms of pelvic pain and improving pelvic stability.
Prenatal Yoga and Stretching: Gentle stretching and yoga poses designed for pregnancy can help improve flexibility, alleviate muscle tension, and promote relaxation. These exercises can also help maintain proper posture and reduce the risk of pelvic pain.
Supportive Devices: Using supportive devices such as belly bands or pelvic support belts can help reduce strain on the pelvis and provide additional support during daily activities. These devices can be especially helpful for women experiencing SPD or pelvic instability.
Physical Therapy: Working with a physical therapist who specializes in prenatal care can provide targeted exercises and techniques to address pelvic pain. Manual therapy, such as massage and joint mobilization, can help relieve muscle tension and improve pelvic alignment.
Pain Management Techniques: Heat therapy, such as warm baths or heating pads, can help relax tight muscles and alleviate pain. Additionally, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or guided imagery can help reduce stress and promote pain relief.
Seeking Professional Help
If you're experiencing persistent or severe pelvic pain during pregnancy, it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan. While pelvic pain is common in pregnancy, certain underlying conditions may require medical intervention or specialized care.
At Better Backs Better Living, we're dedicated to supporting expectant mothers on their journey to a healthy and comfortable pregnancy. Our team of chiropractors, physical therapists, and wellness experts is here to provide personalized care and guidance to help you navigate pregnancy-related pelvic pain with confidence.
In conclusion, pregnancy-related pelvic pain can be challenging, but you don't have to suffer in silence. With the right support and treatment, you can find relief and enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy. Contact Better Backs Better Living today to learn more about how we can help you experience a better pregnancy and better living.
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Visit us 24/7 at https://www.lumbarest.com
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fasanaphysiotherapist · 2 months
❓ Struggling with pain ??? Book a consultation today 📞 and see how we can help! 👩‍⚕️
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A typical day for Dr. Green, Green Chiropractic 2024.
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ayushbuy · 3 months
Low Back Pain: Siddha Medicine and Holistic Treatment
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Discover how Siddha medicine offers holistic treatments for low back pain through herbs, therapies, and lifestyle modifications. Embrace holistic healing today!
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977b · 6 months
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healingwithzenusa · 7 months
Restoring Wellness: The Power of Acupuncture for Low Back Pain, Fertility, and Injury Recovery
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Unlock the potential of acupuncture to alleviate low back pain, support fertility, and aid injury recovery. In this blog, we explore how this ancient healing practice provides effective relief for low back pain, enhances fertility treatments, and accelerates injury rehabilitation. Embrace the natural path to well-being through the transformative benefits of acupuncture.
Alleviating Low Back Pain: Embrace the Healing Touch
Low back pain can disrupt daily life, affecting mobility and overall well-being. Acupuncture offers a non-invasive and drug-free solution for chronic and acute low back pain. By stimulating key acupoints, this ancient therapy releases tension, reduces inflammation, and promotes the body's natural healing process.
Experience the soothing effects of acupuncture as it eases muscle tension and enhances blood circulation, providing lasting relief from Low back pain. Embrace the healing touch of acupuncture and rediscover a life free from discomfort.
Enhancing Fertility with Acupuncture: Nurturing the Journey
For couples on their fertility journey, acupuncture can complement and enhance fertility treatments. This time-tested technique helps balance hormones, improve reproductive health, and reduce stress, which may positively impact fertility outcomes.
Acupuncture for fertility supports both partners, addressing underlying imbalances and promoting a receptive environment for conception. With its gentle approach, acupuncture serves as a valuable adjunct to traditional fertility treatments, fostering hope and optimizing the path to parenthood.
Accelerating Injury Recovery: Empower Your Healing
Injuries can be a setback, affecting physical abilities and daily activities. Acupuncture for injury offers a natural and efficient approach to injury recovery, facilitating tissue repair and reducing inflammation. By stimulating acupoints related to the injured area, acupuncture promotes the flow of vital energy, expediting the body's healing response.
Whether recovering from a sports injury or post-surgical rehabilitation, acupuncture aids in pain management and hastens the recovery process. Embrace acupuncture's empowering benefits and reclaim your strength and mobility after injury.
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When you shouldn't overlook back pain - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC
Don't overlook back pain when it persists for weeks, accompanies numbness or weakness, or follows an injury. Access Health Care Physicians, LLC can diagnose and treat back pain to improve your quality of life.
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