#omaha headaches
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A typical day for Dr. Green, Green Chiropractic 2024.
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phantomtgm · 10 months
Phantom - Chapter Twenty Three
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Phantom’s P.O.V
I was currently seething with rage as I stood in formation with my fellow pilots. We were waiting for Maverick to choose his pilots to go on this mission and I instantly knew that he wasn’t going to choose me considering the conversation we had the other day. 
I just could not wrap my head around it. I drowned out Cyclone’s little speech. Clearly I didn’t need to listen since I knew for a fact I wasn’t going on this mission. 
I could feel a headache come on once I heard Maverick’s voice and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes when suddenly I heard my call sign. 
“Phoenix and Bob, Phantom and Omaha.”
“And your wingman?” It was like I had been splashed in the face with ice water. Did Maverick really just say my name? I must have been standing there with my mouth wide open because I felt a nudge in my side. 
“Ava!” Natasha whispered and I immediately straightened up, recovered from my stupor. 
As we were dismissed to our planes, I tried to make eye contact with Maverick but it seemed he was avoiding exactly that. 
I wonder what changed his mind. I felt somewhat relieved that he chose me but I couldn’t help but wonder where our relationship stood, especially since I know that his decision in choosing me was ... .difficult. 
Were we still even together?
Maverick’s P.O.V
Everyone was already on the flight deck getting ready to take off. I’m usually never nervous when it comes to these missions but…considering Ava and Bradley are flying this mission have me somewhat shaking. 
My decision to choose Ava was last minute. I don’t know why I did it. I didn’t want her to go but I also couldn’t let my wants take priority over the needs of the Navy so I avoided her after the Admiral dismissed us and headed to the flight deck.
Checking out my jet before takeoff, I had flashbacks of flying with Goose and it was enough to shake me to the core. I couldn’t let anything happen to Rooster but I also couldn’t let anything happen to Ava.  
God I was scared. 
I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. 
Suddenly someone yelled my name and I turned to see Rooster standing there with sweat dripping down his face. He looked like he wanted to say something to me and I could tell why. 
“We’ll talk.” I began to nod, reassuring him. “When we get back.” Rooster looked to the left where Ava was standing and nodded like he was scared. 
I couldn’t comfort either of them because realistically things might not go the way they are planned and I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up but I had to say that to Rooster. He looked scared to death and as Goose’s son, I promised I would take care of him. 
Tuning me back into reality, Ava’s sweet voice broke through. “Hey..” “Hey.” My voice shook and Ava reached out with her hand and grasped mine. 
“I uh..” I looked up at her then averted my gaze to Rooster who was climbing into his jet. 
“I’m afraid for you and Rooster, Ava.” I bluntly spoke and surprisingly, Ava had a slight smirk on her face. 
“Pete Mitchell afraid? Wow. That’s a once in the lifetime phenomenon.” Her tone was joking but I could see the nervousness behind her eyes. 
“I know…” She finally said, her voice conveying every bit of emotion in her eyes. Someone came over the speakers suddenly, implying that it was time to get in our jets for takeoff so Ava hurriedly spoke. “I know you are afraid for us Maverick but…if something happens, “ Her voice wavered and I wanted to pull her in to comfort her. 
“You need to choose Rooster over me.” I opened my mouth in shock that she would say that but before I could say anything, she turned and walked away to her jet.
She didn’t turn fast enough because I saw the tears that ran down her face. 
Seeing that was enough to break my heart and I instantly regretted having to go on this mission with her.
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afterdarkprincess · 7 months
Can't Keep My Hands To Myself- Part 2
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Relationship: Sami/Jey/Cody Rating: Explicit Summary: Sami and Jey take Cody back to their hotel room after Monday Night Raw for a little fun _____
Back with the ending of this fic!! Will definitely have more for these three soon though :)
This fic is Explicit and Contains: Threesomes, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Voyeurism, Daddy Kink, Praise Kink.
Tags for @elementaldoughnut12 @feelschicken @harmshake @southerngirl41 and @jeysbvck 💖
Part One Here AO3 Link
Monday afternoon sees Jey and Sami arriving to the venue in Omaha separately, which isn’t ideal for either of them but in a few more weeks they won’t have to be as secretive anymore.
Management had been made aware of their relationship after an unfortunate incident backstage after a show involving a storage closet and traumatized event staff, and thus measures had been taken to tie their stories together. They had to keep the true nature of their relationship under wraps, but at least they would have reasons to come and go together.
Jey arrived with Cody, still riding high from their win and the feel of the belts in his arms again. Things had been a little awkward the morning after, both of them with raging headaches and fuzzy memories of their heated exchange the night before. Cody made a joke over their coffee about finally finding a good use for Jey’s mouth and the tension dissipated, both of them breaking down into giggles.
The rest of the weekend was spent on the road, without much to speak of, with Cody only mentioning it again once as they approached the arena in the bus.
“Let Sami know I’m still interested, yeah Uce?”
Jey raised his eyebrows but nodded, shooting off a text to Sami that their plans for the night were a go.
Sami arrived with Kevin, both wanting the show to be over and to never end. On the one hand, he’s antsy to reunite with Jey and have some fun with him and Cody later, but it’s bittersweet. It hasn’t been announced, but the deal for Jey’s trade to Raw has finally been made official, and it’s the last night he’ll get to fight with Kevin as a tag team.
It’s been a joy to reconnect with his long time friend again, but when it had come down to it, choosing Jey had been all too easy when it didn’t mean having to put up with Roman and Paul’s bullshit.
They were scheduled for one last match, a title contest against Jey and Cody, which was sure to be exquisite torture for Sami, though Kev’s already reassured him that he’d tag in whenever Jey is legal. They’ve dealt enough blows to each other over the past year, Sami just wants to get through the match so they can all put this behind them.
He and Kevin watch as Michael Cole introduces the tag team champions, his heart swelling at the crowd’s reactions to Jey, the mesmerizing waves of arms bobbing up and down with him, the shouts and cheers just for him. It’s everything that Jey’s deserved for years, and it makes him so happy.
Cody goes out after Jey, Michael grilling him about “finishing the story” and thats their cue to head out, Kevin’s music blasting.
Sami plays the peacemaker, keeping himself between Kevin and Jey as much as possible. They get the match confirmed, and they all get to cool their heels backstage for a bit until it’s time for the main event.
He has one more segment with Jey before that, catching him and Drew McIntyre toe to toe. Despite the camera on them, the comfort of backstage has him a little more hands on with Jey than he often lets himself be, but it’s hard to contain himself.
Sami reminds himself that in just a few hours he can put his mouth and hands all over Jey, just the way he wants to, in the safety and security of a hotel room. He’ll get to see his sweet boy come undone, pretty and needy, beneath his and Cody’s hands.
The match goes according to plan, Sami and Jey never really facing off against each other. The worst Sami gets is a pulled Superkick to the face, but it’s an easy price to pay for a 20 minute match. Avoiding them touching each other at all would have been a hard sell.
Kevin takes the pin, holds Jey’s hand aloft in a show of good will and sportmanship. The audience doesn’t know it’s their last match together, so they don’t make a big deal about it, but there’s an air of finality and change.
As the show goes off the air, they rile up the crowd for some dark matches, but Sami is just counting the minutes until they can all leave.
Finally they all head backstage, and Sami shares a bittersweet hug with Kevin before he heads off to talk logistics of Friday with Adam Pearce. He returns to the locker room then, finding Jey and Cody there waiting for him.
The room is empty, having cleared out while the dark matches were going, so Sami feels okay enough to crash into Jey’s arms, pressing a kiss against his temple.
“Missed you baby,” Sami mumbles into Jey’s skin, feeling his arms wrap around and hold him tight.
“Ey boo, Missed you too,” Jey rubs his forehead against Sami’s neck, melting into his touch.
“So uh,” Cody interrupts awkwardly. “What’s the plan here, uce? If y’all still want me here.”
Sami stands to face him, laughing. “Well, we’ve got a room tonight with a nice big bed, thought we’d head back there and see where the night takes us?”
Cody nods, laughing as Jey adds an enthusiastic “Yeet!”, the group of them gathering their bags to head out of the arena.
It isn’t far to the hotel, and they banter playfully in the car and through the hotel. They tumble into the room, laughing at Jey’s terrible Finn Balor impression.
There’s a few bottles of liquor waiting for them, purchased earlier by Sami and left in the room during the show and he pours everyone a stiff drink.
Sami holds his glass aloft, Jey and Cody following suit. “To the reigning Tag Team Champions, you deserve it.”
They clink glasses and finish the drinks in short order. Jey pulls Sami in for a kiss, at first slow and sweet, but it turns heated quickly with Cody looking on, watching them intently.
When they part, Jey looks at Sami with his best puppy face. “Can I, Sami?”
“Yeah,” Sami laughs, rubbing his hands on Jey’s back. “Go ahead baby, give Cody a taste too.”
Jey extricates himself from Sami and moves to Cody, cautiously pulling him in for a kiss. Cody takes Jey into his arms, holding him close as he deepens the kiss, nudging Jey’s plush lips open to explore his mouth. It’s sloppy and filthy, but it’s exactly what he’s been craving since Saturday night.
Cody locks eyes with Sami, who nods in approval, before moving his hands to the frayed edges of Jey’s crop top, pushing it up and guiding it over his head, exposing all that beautiful brown skin and the detailed line work of his tattoos. Jey is a vision in the low light of the hotel room, head ducked and bashful at the way Cody openly stares at him.
Sami comes behind Jey, pressing up against his back and resting his chin on Jey’s shoulder. He snakes his hands around Jey’s waist and grabs ahold of Cody’s wrists, pulling them to place Cody’s hands on Jey; one on the hard planes of Jey’s stomach, the other on the supple heft of his pec, cupping it like a tit. Cody’s thumb moves on it’s own to rub slow circles over Jey’s nipple before rubbing the hard nub between his fingers and tugging.
Jey tips his head back to rest against Sami, letting out a little breathy sigh as Cody’s hands explore and pleasure his torso.
Sami hums in approval, “Thats right baby, feels good huh?”
Jey nods, hips jutting as he feels Sami’s erection digging into his ass. He grinds back, but Sami tuts.
“No, sweetheart. Cody’s gonna be the one to fuck your little ass tonight.”
Cody’s eyes snap up from where they’d been getting lost in Jey’s tattoos, meeting Sami’s intense gaze. “R-really?”
Sami just nods. “M’gonna watch for a while, why don’t you get him on the bed?”
Cody blinks a few times, taking a few moments to process what Sami’s said. When his brain comes back online, he sweeps Jey up into his arms in a bridal carry.
Jey instinctively wraps his arms around Cody’s neck for stability. “Damn, Uce! Didn’t know you was gonna do me like that.”
“Are you complaining?” Cody cocks an eyebrow and laughs as Jey shakes his head no.
They cross the room to the bed, Cody depositing Jey down onto the sheets delicately, gripping the waistband of his bright blue ring gear and giving it a tug. The pants and Jey’s tight underwear come down together, freeing his sizable length, thick with arousal. Cody historically hasn’t made it a habit to look at other guys dicks, but Jey’s might be the prettiest he’s ever seen.
His mouth waters at the sight of Jey’s skin against the white of the sheets, he looks like a buffet laid out before him, all for the taking. His hands trailed over Jey’s stomach again, drifting low to tease at his hips, listening to Jey’s whines as he ignores his twitching dick.
“Patience, Uce,” Cody laughs, hearing Sami chuckle over his shoulder as the ginger gets comfortable on the desk chair in the corner of the room, turned to face the bed.
Cody pulls his hands down to brace against the jut of Jey’s hips, holding him steadily as he lowers his face to ghost hot breath against the weeping head of Jey’s cock.
“Fuuuuuck,” Jey groans, fighting to buck his hips forward, stopped by Cody’s hands, so close but so far from what he needs. “Please, uce?”
Cody teases him for a few more moments, breathing all over the hard length of him before taking the tip into his mouth with no warning. Jey’s startled cry is music to his ears, creeping higher in pitch as Cody runs his tongue along the ridge of Jey’s cock head.
Sami enjoys the view from his vantage point in the chair, spreading his knees wide and palming his aching dick through his sweats. Jey looks gorgeous, head thrown back in pleasure as Cody takes more of that gorgeous brown dick into his mouth.
Like everyone else, he’d been surprised and dubious at the teaming up of his boyfriend and Cody Rhodes. He’d known Cody a while, and thought the man completely incompatible with his passionate and hot headed Jey Uso, let alone any hurt feelings from Jey’s interference in Cody’s wrestlemania match against Roman.
But they proved everyone wrong, winning those tag belts at Fastlane, and then everything that happened after. Thankfully Sami has never minded sharing, loves watching his lover get taken apart even it’s by someone else, but he thinks tonight he might join in too.
Jey tosses his head against the sheets, Cody bobbing his head to wring more pleasure out of him, and Sami can deny himself no longer. He lifts his hips and shoves the waistband of his sweatpants down to free his erection, giving himself a few strokes to relieve some of the ache in him.
He catches Jey’s eyes, just barely open as his head lolled in Sami’s direction and the look in those devastatingly beautiful eyes is hungry.
Thankfully Sami knows how to sate his boy.
His hand darts to the bottle of lubricant he set out on the desk earlier, whistling to get Cody’s attention.
Cody pulls off of Jey, licking his lips as he looks at Sami.
Sami tosses the bottle, Cody catching it with ease and needing no instruction as to what Sami wants him to do with it.
Cody flicks the cap open, pouring the liquid to coat two of his fingers. Jey stares up at Cody, puppy eyes in full effect as watches the other man cover his fingers in slick.
He drops the bottle onto the bed, moving to settle himself again between Jey’s splayed thighs.
Jey’s wiggling and bucking his hips, impatient to get Cody’s attention where he wants it. “C’mon uce, don’ make me beg for it,”
Cody just smirks in response, dropping his head to take Jey’s cock into his mouth again. He picks up where he left of, taking as much of him into his mouth as he can, getting drunk on the heavy feel of Jey on his tongue.
He keeps at it, letting Jey get lost in the sensation again before he brings his slick fingers between Jey’s thighs, finding his tight hole and applying light pressure to start.
Jey’s dick twitches hard and his thighs shake, but Cody doesn’t want him to fall over the edge quite yet, so he pulls off again, keeping his fingers at his hole, circling lightly.
Jey groans in frustration, but it’s hard to be sympathetic when Cody’s dick is aching and hard and still trapped in his pants.
Cody finally caves to give the Samoan a little of what he wants, sinking his middle finger into Jey’s hole up the second knuckle, marveling at the tight heat of him and thinking about how incredible it’ll feel to sink his dick inside.
Jey whines, clenching around Cody’s finger, the feeling too much and not enough at the same time.
Cody decides he’s teased Jey for long enough this evening, spurred on by the throb of his impatient erection. He stretches Jey efficiently, first with the one finger gently exploring his hole, then another. He grazes against Jey’s prostate, his broken moan and twitching legs a dead give away, and keeps his fingers there for a moment, rubbing against the sweet spot slowly.
“Ah, Ah, fuck, C’mon Uce- ah, m’ready now.” Jey’s practically begging, painfully hard and close to the edge again. His eyes wander from the top of Cody’s head and back to Sami, watching him work his dick in tandem to the rhythm of Cody’s fingers.
Instead of responding, Cody runs a third finger through the mess around Jey’s hole and presses in, stretching him further. Despite what Jey may say, 2 fingers would definitely not be enough to ease him in taking Cody. He thrusts the three fingers together, flexing and stretching deep inside Jey despite how the muscles keep clamping down on him.
Cody grabs the bottle of lube with his free hand, drizzling more onto Jey’s hole as he works his pinky in to join the others, watching it disappear into Jey’s body.
Jey howls at the feeling, breathing heavily. “Please, fuck please, Cody. Fuck me, man. I’m past ready, Uce.”
He gives a few more thrusts with his fingers, letting his middle finger drag against Jey’s prostate at each pass before finally removing his fingers. Cody watches Jey’s hole wink shut as he shoves his pants down to his knees, freeing his angry red dick. His head leaks steadily as he gives his dick a few tugs, coating it in a mixture of his pre and the leftover lubricant from his fingers.
Cody looks back at Sami, who’s still watching intently. “Condoms?”
Sami shrugs, “We’re good if you’re good. We know you gotta be clean just like we are.”
He can’t deny he’s delighted. “Alright,” Cody grabs a pillow from the top of the bed, lifting Jey’s hips to shove it underneath, propping his hips up. He lines the head of his dick against Jey’s sweet little hole, teasing with gentle pressure. He rubs the head around, gently slapping it against the skin, watching Jey squirm beneath him.
“C’mon, c’mon, give it to me, Uce.” Jey bites his lips in anticipation, staring up at Cody and it’s the last straw for him.
Cody drills his hips forward, pressing in with his dick and watching Jey’s hole take him inch by inch.
Jey feels his eyes roll back into his head, overcome at the stretch. He remembered the girth of Cody’s cock, his fuzzy memory at the stretch of his mouth as he blew him in the bus. But Cody felt absolutely huge inside of him, despite the amount of prep he was given. Distantly Jey is thankful that Cody hadn’t listened when he swore he was ready after two fingers.
What Cody lacked in length he more than made up for between the thickness of him and the precision with which he bore his hips into Jey, setting a rough pace. He snaked one arm around Jey’s hip, grabbing him and pulling his hips to meet his own, grinding their hips together at each thrust. Jey clenches around him like a vice and he feels so good that Cody can’t help but fuck into him harder.
Jey’s fingers clutch at the sheets, his erection slapping against his stomach with the force of Cody’s thrusts. The angle causes the thick head of Cody’s dick to drag against his prostate and Jey’s already close to the edge again, tears leaking from his eyes.
Suddenly there’s movement above him on the bed and a hand threading in his own, Sami’s face coming into view as he kisses away the tears on Jey’s cheeks.
“Doing so good baby, look at you taking Cody so well.” Sami’s free hand roams Jey’s chest, tweaking his nipples.
“Unhhh… Sami,” Jey moans pitifully, barely able to form words, the coil in his stomach so tight.
Sami cuts him off with a searing kiss. “Good boy, you gonna come for us? Go ahead baby, let it go.”
Cody snaps his hips, hitting Jey’s prostate with deadly precision and it sends him right over the edge, vision whiting out as he shoots cum across his stomach. Each of Cody’s thrusts push more out of him, wringing him for all he’s worth, the shockwaves curling his toes. His fingers tighten around Sami’s, holding onto him like a lifeline as he falls apart.
The spasming of Jey’s inner walls send Cody barreling into his orgasm like a train, pulling out at the last second to add his cum to the mess on Jey’s stomach.
As Jey’s brain comes back online, he fights back the urge to whine about Cody not coming inside of him, after all he hadn’t asked for it, no sense in complaining.
Sami, as usual, knows him too well. “Oh baby, did you not get what you wanted?” He presses a kiss to Jey’s forehead as he watches Cody roll to the side, catching his breath. “Lucky for you, Daddy’s still hard. I’ll give you what you need, sweetheart.” The ginger maneuvers himself around to fill the space that Cody left behind, but it’s not quite right. “Can you get on your hands and knees for me?”
Jey keens at the thought, scrambling to flip himself over and present himself the way he knows drives Sami crazy. He moves the pillow up to support his chest, propping his hips up and arching his back as he rests down on his elbow.s
Sami’s mouth waters at the tantalizing display, giving himself a few more strokes before pressing himself against Jey’s hole and sliding in with one powerful thrust.
He knows by now what his boy can take, the rough treatment he prefers, especially after a night in the ring. Sami roughly drives into him, driving his longer dick deep into Jey’s hole, watching as it swallows him up each time he presses in.
Jey’s overstimulated and sensitive but his dick is rapidly filling again from Sami’s treatment, his fingers hard and bruising against his thighs as he fills Jey up over and over again.
It’s been the best of both worlds for Jey, who’s always had a thing for rough sex, picking up strangers in bars to fuck him rough in dirty bathrooms. But on the other hand, after his time with the bloodline he’d yearned for a soft and loving touch like Sami’s.
As with the rest of their relationship, Sami’s always been able to read him, to know what Jey needs in each moment. Jey loves him more than words can describe.
Cody watches them lazily, still coming down from his own orgasm and still not quite believing he’s been allowed to participate in all this, but he gets the appeal from Sami’s perspective earlier. Watching them, watching Jey rapidly come undone underneath Sami’s capable hands, is one of the hottest things he’s ever seen.
Sami increases his pace as he feels his stomach tense up, getting close to the edge. Jey’s breathing stutters giving away how close he is, so Sami reaches around to stroke him in time with his thrusts, getting them to the edge together.
“Fuck that’s it baby, come for me, you’ve done so well,” Sami’s voice pushes Jey over the edge, spurting cum all over the bedsheets beneath him.
Sami buries himself inside Jey as he falls over the edge, spending deep inside of him, filling his boy up.
Jey sags into the mattress, boneless and pleased. He mewls, “Mmm, Sami…”
The ginger runs his hands up and down the tattoos along Jey’s spine before he pulls out. A dribble of cum leaks out behind him, and Sami gently pushes it back in with his thumb.
“So good, Jey. Love you so much.” Sami blankets himself over Jey, pressing kisses all over his back and anywhere he can reach. “Cody, could you get some towels?” Jey struggles when Sami leaves right after to get them cleaned up, but also hates the feeling of cum drying down on his skin, so this is really the best of both worlds.
Cody disappears into the bathroom, wetting down a cloth and wringing it out, bringing a dry one as well as he returns to the bed. He hands them over to Sami and situates himself back on the bed, near the couple but not too close. It feels rather awkward for him now that things are winding down, but he’s committed to this now and might as well see it through.
Sami makes quick work of cleaning himself and Jey, turning the Samoan over to clean the mess on his stomach as well. He gets up as much of the mess on the bed as he can, and motions Jey to settle into the bed.
He notices the unease on Cody’s face and motions him closer. “C’mon, this one’s a cuddler, but I think you knew that from the bus.”
Cody laughs, relieved to no longer feel out of place and moves to lay next to Jey as Sami crashes down on his other side.
“Lil uce sandwich,” Jey giggles softly, wrapping his arms around Sami and wiggling back against Cody.
There’s a moment of quiet in the still of the room until Cody breaks the silence with a quiet “Yeet.”
They all burst into laughter. ----- Thank you for reading :)
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callmemana · 1 year
Arms May Be Wide Open, But The Brain Cells Aren’t There: #18
Mouse: Lucky, how do you manage to look so cool all of the time? It’s honestly really annoying.
Lucky: I bottle up my emotions, internally scream, and pretend like I’m fine.
Lucky: quite simple, actually.
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Ice: *literally anyone in the family makes the smallest of noises*
Ice: okay this is where I leave.
Ice: see y’all never.
Ice: *holding peace signs* Thomas Iceman Kazansky out
Ice: if any of you need me…
Ice: just stop needing me
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Lucky: you were stabbed. Do you remember anything?
Birdie: only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Lucky: that wasn’t an ambulance, the rescue heli picked you up.
Birdie: but I heard a siren.
Phoenix: that was Hangman screaming.
Hangman: I’m sorry, I got nervous.
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[during dinner]
Fanboy: Lucky, stop rubbing my leg.
Lucky: I’m not rubbing your leg.
Omaha: *chokes* that’s your leg?
Fanboy: of course! Whose leg are you trying to rub?
Omaha: …
Lucky: wait… were you trying to rub my sister’s leg? MY SISTER?
Omaha: *panic*
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Dragon: welcome back to another episode of Keeping Up with the Chaos.
Whiskey: when we left off, Lucky had pissed off Cyclone, Mouse had a first date with Omaha, Birdie stressed baked for two days straight and cried when she ran out of ingredients, Cinco got into a bar fight, and Spicy was getting ready for a movie night with her husband.
Dragon: on this episode we will wait for our husbands, boyfriends, and adopted fathers to return as Whiskey and I hide.
Dragon: if anyone needs me, I’ll be in my office hiding under my desk. *runs to office*
Whiskey: and if anyone needs me, I’ll be hiding in my house with the door locked and dead bolted so I can save myself from my angry husband. *runs off*
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Bob: I’m an awful person I deserve death and nothing please kill me.
Also Bob: Fanboy…
Fanboy: yes, I will eat popcorn and have a Star Wars marathon with you and talk to you about you.
Bob: thank you, I love you.
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Bob: Birdie thinks I am super cool just bc I don’t use pet names for her. I literally don’t know how these work!
Birdie: *walks into the room*
Rooster: *to Bob* what do bees make ?
Bob: Bzzz
Fanboy: no, it’s honey!
Birdie: *friendly* yes, Fanboy lovely?
Bob: oh that worked out great, thanks for the help you guys!
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[bird comes home after going to store]
Bob: …
Birdie: …
Bob: when and where did you get the cat?
Birdie: when I just went out
Bob: you went to target
Birdie: yes…
Bob: …
Bob: you went there for CHIPS.
Birdie: …
Bob: *face palms and sighs loudly* did you at least get the chips?
Birdie: …
Birdie: *holds up tabby cat* his name is Chips.
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Hangman: I will speak French between your legs.
Cinco: that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever been told.
Spicy: I’m just imagining someone screaming ‘bonjour’ to a penis.
Mouse: *wheezing* TITTY CROISSANTS
Dragon: none of you should ever be having sex.
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Hangman: hold on. I’m having one of those things… a headache with pictures?
Lucky: holy shit!
Cinco: he’s having an idea!
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Dragon’s Angels📻: @gracespicybradshaw @bayisdying @breadsquash @mrsjaderogers @starlit-epiphany @dragon-kazansky
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2
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faorism · 2 years
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lorem ipsum highlight pt 2: gender poetry boogaloo
Talent Pool Filling Up At Rucker's Gym
LINCOLN, Nebraska - Gym owner Jed Rucker has been attracting quite teh assembly of MMA talent to his Omaha gym. Talent freaks fighters without a pipeline. When will fighters ass talent? The palace coordinates a heated propaganda past the pot. Against the electron relaxes the artificial family. talent speculates under fighters. The curly leaflet dips the autumn. A coat interrupts the attendant. Fighters befriends talent beneath the chocolate country. Will talent retract fighters? My fluid nips fighters into your actual poke. A land analogy welcomes talent. Talent tanks a quibble before a matrix. Fighters bicycles newar talent. His obnoxious convict fulfills fighters. Will fighters pale? Talent exists under fighters. Fighters eliminates talent. The bomb barks into the arch.
A strong prayer waves the brutal musical. Regimen scores around workout. The threatening banner cooks. regimen. Why won't workout play across the search? Workout enters against an unconvincing gender. His questioning headache flies workout. Your fundamentalist handicap stamps in regimen. The sin speaks workout underneath an improving algorithm. Should a cassette employ his graffito? A remainder swings into regime. Workout accents regimen without a flipping doctor. The believer explodes around regimen. Workout catches the alliance within the lesser pupil. The beautiful oar mends past a twin. Over workout migrates regimen. Regimen swims workout after a mimic pencil. Regimen pressures workout across the paying groan.
[warning for unreality of autogenerated text]
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world-news6 · 7 days
Selling Your Omaha House Fast: Why Property Bridge Solutions, LLC is Your Best Option
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Are you in Omaha, Nebraska, and looking to sell your house quickly for cash? Look no further! Property Bridge Solutions, LLC is here to make the process seamless and stress-free for you. In this article, we'll delve into why choosing Property Bridge Solutions, LLC is the best decision you can make when it comes to selling your house fast in Omaha.
Understanding the Need:
Selling a house can be a daunting task, especially when time is of the essence. Whether you're facing foreclosure, relocating for a job, dealing with an inherited property, or simply need to sell your house fast for any reason, webuyyouromahahouse Property Bridge Solutions, LLC understands your situation.
We Buy Houses Cash:
One of the standout features of Property Bridge Solutions, LLC is that we buy houses for cash. This means you can bypass the lengthy process of listing your home on the market, dealing with uncertain buyers, and waiting for financing approvals. With us, you can receive a fair, cash offer for your house quickly, allowing you to move on with your life without delay.
Quick Offer, Fast Closure:
Time is of the essence when you need to sell your house fast. Property Bridge Solutions, LLC prides itself on providing quick offers and swift closures. Our streamlined process ensures that you receive a competitive offer promptly, and once accepted, we work diligently to close the deal on your timeline. Say goodbye to weeks or months of waiting – with Property Bridge Solutions, LLC, you can sell your house for cash today!
Stress-Free Selling:
Selling a house traditionally involves numerous hurdles, from staging and showing the property to negotiating with potential buyers and navigating the closing process. Property Bridge Solutions, LLC eliminates these hassles. You won't have to worry about repairs, renovations, or staging your home to attract buyers. We buy houses in any condition, saving you time, money, and stress.
Local Expertise:
As a local company based in Omaha, Nebraska, Property Bridge Solutions, LLC understands the local market intricately. We know the neighborhoods, the housing trends, and the unique factors that influence property sales in the area. This local expertise allows us to provide fair and accurate offers for your house, ensuring a smooth transaction from start to finish.
Personalized Service:
At Property Bridge Solutions, LLC, we prioritize personalized service. We understand that every homeowner's situation is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs. Whether you're facing a time-sensitive relocation or dealing with an inherited property, we're here to help. Our team is dedicated to providing transparent communication, answering your questions, and guiding you through the selling process with professionalism and care.
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Don't just take our word for it – hear what our satisfied clients have to say! [Insert testimonials or reviews from previous clients here]. These testimonials serve as a testament to our commitment to excellence and our ability to deliver results for homeowners in Omaha, Nebraska.
When it comes to selling your house fast in Omaha, Nebraska, Property Bridge Solutions, LLC stands out as the premier choice. With our cash buying option, quick offers, fast closures, stress-free process, local expertise, and personalized service, we make selling your house a breeze. Say goodbye to the headaches of traditional real estate transactions and hello to a seamless selling experience with Property Bridge Solutions, LLC. Contact us today to get started on selling your Omaha house for cash!
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worldtopnews8 · 8 days
Sell Your House Fast In Omaha, NE | We Buy Houses Cash
Selling Your Omaha House Fast: Why Property Bridge Solutions, LLC is Your Best Option
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Are you in Omaha, Nebraska, and looking to sell your house quickly for cash? Look no further! Property Bridge Solutions, LLC is here to make the process seamless and stress-free for you. In this article, we'll delve into why choosing Property Bridge Solutions, LLC is the best decision you can make when it comes to selling your house fast in Omaha.
Understanding the Need:
Selling a house can be a daunting task, especially when time is of the essence. Whether you're facing foreclosure, relocating for a job, dealing with an inherited property, or simply need to sell your house fast for any reason, webuyyouromahahouse Property Bridge Solutions, LLC understands your situation.
We Buy Houses Cash:
One of the standout features of Property Bridge Solutions, LLC is that we buy houses for cash. This means you can bypass the lengthy process of listing your home on the market, dealing with uncertain buyers, and waiting for financing approvals. With us, you can receive a fair, cash offer for your house quickly, allowing you to move on with your life without delay.
Quick Offer, Fast Closure:
Time is of the essence when you need to sell your house fast. Property Bridge Solutions, LLC prides itself on providing quick offers and swift closures. Our streamlined process ensures that you receive a competitive offer promptly, and once accepted, we work diligently to close the deal on your timeline. Say goodbye to weeks or months of waiting – with Property Bridge Solutions, LLC, you can sell your house for cash today!
Stress-Free Selling:
Selling a house traditionally involves numerous hurdles, from staging and showing the property to negotiating with potential buyers and navigating the closing process. Property Bridge Solutions, LLC eliminates these hassles. You won't have to worry about repairs, renovations, or staging your home to attract buyers. We buy houses in any condition, saving you time, money, and stress.
Local Expertise:
As a local company based in Omaha, Nebraska, Property Bridge Solutions, LLC understands the local market intricately. We know the neighborhoods, the housing trends, and the unique factors that influence property sales in the area. This local expertise allows us to provide fair and accurate offers for your house, ensuring a smooth transaction from start to finish.
Personalized Service:
At Property Bridge Solutions, LLC, we prioritize personalized service. We understand that every homeowner's situation is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs. Whether you're facing a time-sensitive relocation or dealing with an inherited property, we're here to help. Our team is dedicated to providing transparent communication, answering your questions, and guiding you through the selling process with professionalism and care.
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Don't just take our word for it – hear what our satisfied clients have to say! [Insert testimonials or reviews from previous clients here]. These testimonials serve as a testament to our commitment to excellence and our ability to deliver results for homeowners in Omaha, Nebraska.
When it comes to selling your house fast in Omaha, Nebraska, Property Bridge Solutions, LLC stands out as the premier choice. With our cash buying option, quick offers, fast closures, stress-free process, local expertise, and personalized service, we make selling your house a breeze. Say goodbye to the headaches of traditional real estate transactions and hello to a seamless selling experience with Property Bridge Solutions, LLC. Contact us today to get started on selling your Omaha house for cash!
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midwestpainclinics · 9 months
Looking for effective headache treatment in Omaha, NE? Their experienced team of specialists offers personalized solutions to reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life. Don't let migraines hold you back - visit their clinic for fast relief. Let the healing begin today!
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phantomtgm · 1 year
Phantom - Chapter Nine
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Phantom’s P.O.V
Today’s training was super intense and after that fiasco before I went up in the plane had left me in a daze. I walked back to the classroom because I wanted to read more about the mission and what it was going to entail. There was only so much they could verbally teach us about so I took it upon myself to learn more about it.  
Walking towards the white board, I looked at what the plan was. We were supposed to destroy the uranium enrichment plant but it looked like it sat deep in the canyon. 
I traced the route with my finger, the path going beneath radar then over a mountain and shooting at the target. 
That wasn’t the hard part. It was the getting out that was the most concerning. Leaving the canyon, we were supposed to climb a steep ass hill without getting shot down by the enemy. That climb out of there was going to be bad and one of the reasons why we were having to practice holding all of those G’s. 
Our bodies would feel like there was an elephant sitting on our chest, compressing our lungs. I think maybe that was why they were training us to figure out who would be the ones to be able to handle that. 
Who was going to be the mission leader this time? I figured it was going to be Maverick considering he has real world experience in this. Surely they wouldn’t let Hangman be the mission leader. That would be horrendous considering he has a reputation of leaving people hanging in the air. 
This was a very daunting mission, one where someone may not be coming back from. I sighed as I walked away from the board and sat down to look out the window. I could see all of the jets from here and I questioned my ability to even do this mission. 
I wanted to be picked to do this mission but after that stunt I pulled, I don’t know if I would be a part of it. I knew what I did was dangerous and yet I did it anyway. Putting Omaha’s life in danger like that wasn’t good even though just flying those jets was dangerous. Still, I shouldn’t have done it.
The more I thought about it, the more I thought that I had deserved to be yelled at like Maverick did. 
I probably spent my last chance at this mission doing that stupid maneuver so I was just going to have to accept I wasn’t going to be picked for the mission. Thinking about this so hard was going to give me a headache so I tried to switch to something else and that was my father. 
I needed to go see him. 
Even the thought of that put me in a sad mood given his health situation. Then that thought led me to Maverick. Didn’t he know that my father was sick again? I guess after being shipped off to Bosnia will alienate you from your friends and family. 
I probably should head out soon but it was relaxing sitting here listening to the other pilots that train here take off in their F-18’s. I sat back and smiled. I couldn’t imagine not being able to do this. It was extraordinary.
I jumped out of the seat I was in and turned around to see the door opening with Maverick strutting inside.
Of course it was Maverick. Who else would it have been? The sudden urge to flee the room pulsated through my body but…that would be me being a coward and I refused to do that.
Apparently Maverick knew what I was thinking because he raised his eyebrow in a cautionary way and held up his hand. “Before…you leave, I want to talk to you about the other day.” Immediately, I felt defensive and I stood up, looking him directly in the eye. 
“Why? So you can yell at me again?” The sass in my voice was real. A moment passed before he spoke again. He seemed to be contemplating what to say next. 
“I didn’t come here to yell, Ava. I just wanted to talk to you about the dangers of what you did, that’s all.” I crossed my arms and said “I know what I did was dangerous, you don’t need to reprimand me.”
“If you know then why did you do it?” Frustration began to rise out of me and I couldn’t control it. I began pacing the room, not even bothering to look at him anymore. 
“Why does it matter to you Maverick? I mean seriously! Why do you care so much about it? I won’t do it again.” 
He walked closer to me and his scent invaded my space once again making my head swirl. “Ava-” I cut him off, not wanting to hear it. 
“You don’t get on to anyone else for doing stupid shit so why me and why now? You haven’t been around for years and now all of a sudden you want to act like you care?”  I could tell that stumped him because the response I got was a shocked and hurt look on his face. 
My intention wasn’t to hurt him but I mean seriously. I wanted to find out what his deal was so I stood there and watched as he opened and closed his mouth. He didn’t know what to say which was typical so I just scoffed and attempted to walk by him to leave but he grabbed my arm gently and I stayed put where I was. 
“You don’t understand.” I watched as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down causing my heart to wrench. 
“What don’t I understand?” I said softly. 
Another moment of silence passed and I came to the conclusion that he wasn’t capable of being honest with me so I took his arm off of mine and walked out of the room on the verge of crying.
Maybe it was time for me to visit home for a little while.
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag! 😌
I sent it last night haha my friends left around 1230 then I was up a bit longer just cleaning up. I think I finally went to sleep around 2 am. So right now I am tired, have a headache, hungry and cold lol
How are you today? Any fun plans for today or the week?
That sounds like a fun and crazy place to go to lol was it hard for the jello to come out of the syringe?
It reminds me of how I like to host parties. I always do like a theme and do creative stuff with the food and drinks. Like a couple years ago, for Halloween, I bought a bunch of skull shot glasses and did like an cherry schnapp drink. Then I made pigs in a blanket, but made it look like a mummy 😂
No, I haven't tried Korean cold noodles. Is that the one where you dip it in the broth? Yeah, the ramen place and sushi place I usually go to is at the food court in the mall. So they have just limited kinds of stuff. You know, I want to try hot pot and do Korean BBQ. But there is no place here in Omaha for that.
So when it's summer, do you just stay inside if it's really hot out? Or do you still do fun stuff like go to the lake or beach?
Ah I get what you mean then. That's not weird though haha I agree with you 😁 but then that's the hopeless romantic in me speaking 😅
Do you have any summer vacation plans?
Ah i see.. that was too bad. When u were up late, i fell asleep earlier 😅 if i stayed up i couldve accompany u through here while u were cleaning.😁
How r u feeling? R u feeling better?
What did u end up eating?
Im okay. Just tired n sleepy i dont know why. I dont have plans. I hv endless laundry to do 😅
Been trying to rearrange a bit of the living room n em's room so the big toys she got would fit without cluttering the house 😅 i actually feel claustrophobic right now with stuff all over the house, suitcases, laundry to fold. So im trying to make myself feel better.
This weekend, my husband's cousin might come visit, if not, maybe next weekend.
It was a fun place to go eat. The burger was pretty good. What's crazy is u can order up to 8 patties in the burger.. n if u weight over 250 or 300lb i think, u will eat free. Crazy.. what's irony is that restaurant is owned by a heart doctor.. the place is called heart attack grill or heart attack burger. (I forgot)
N yes the jello shot comes out of the syringe easily. 😁 n it tastes pretty strong.
Wow u sound creative decorating ur party. Would love to go to the party u have.😁
Yes some place serve cold noodle separated from the cold broth, some serve it in a cold broth but both get horseradish sauce in it or wasabi paste on the side that u can mix it in.
Ouuuuh hot pot and korean bbq is my favorite! I love them. Soupy ffood n grilled food r my favorite. Im not really a fan of fried food. I hope u can try them someday.
I mostly stay inside the house n let the ac on non stop.hahaha. i wont go out if i dont really have to. I dont like the heat nor getting tanned.🤣 i love the beach but not when it's really hot. 😅 i love how calm it is but when it's too hot, there r too many people n thats whn it makes me uncomfortable.
Ouh so u admit that u r hopeless romantic.. thats nice. I love romantic people, even though i dont think i am that romantic. But then again, like i told u, people who read my fluff thinks that im hopeless romantic 😁
We dont know yet. We plan either go on a cruise or florida or to Cali again for his birthday n his mom birthday so Em can spend time with her. N go to disneyland with his mom too.
I kinda told him the best decission would be go to cali so em can make core memories with her grandma. U?
Next question(s)
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botoxomaha · 2 years
What Are the Adverse Effects of Botox Treatment?
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Making use of Botox therapy can be a convenient means to reduce creases as well as facial lines. The treatment is relatively painless, and you can anticipate to see a smoother appearance within days. Botox functions by loosening up muscle tissue to stop the launch of acetylcholine, a chemical messenger that causes muscular tissues to agreement. Botox therapy can assist people with facial creases, sagging eyelids, and neck pain. The result is a smoother look, and also most people choose it over various other kinds of cosmetic facial treatments. 
Botox treatment is most typically utilized to reduce face creases, yet it can also be utilized to deal with muscle convulsions and also problems of the nerves. If you are considering getting Botox therapy, you ought to speak to your medical professional regarding the dangers as well as benefits of the treatment. While the adverse effects are very little, you need to still understand possible difficulties. Botox injections can cause discoloration, which is normally light, but might last for a day or more. You may likewise feel a painful feeling at the shot site. To decrease this, you can use an ice pack or take a painkiller. You may also be advised to avoid specific over-the-counter items or alcohol before the treatment. Click here: https://ellaroseaesthetics.com/ to get the best botox treatment.
You may also have a local anesthetic, which is typically not excruciating. If your physician has actually recommended an anesthetic, ensure to take all preventative measures, as Botox can be dangerous when used by individuals that have allergies. Botox injections can be handy in treating chronic muscle convulsions, such as Cerebral Palsy. This disorder impacts muscles, specifically the neck and head. The neck is twisted, which creates muscular tissue discrepancies. Spastic paralysis is also one of the most common causes of muscle mass contractures, which are when muscle mass do not contract to their regular degree. Botox therapy can additionally help deal with cervical dystonia, which triggers muscular tissue inequalities in the neck. 
Cervical dystonia causes neck muscle mass to contract over and over again. Cervical dystonia is also related to neurological problems such as Parkinson's disease. It is a very hard condition to deal with, yet can be successfully treated with Botox. The outcomes of Botox treatment last in between three and six months. After that, you may experience lines and also creases returning. To reduce the risk of bruising, you need to stay clear of massaging or massaging the treated area. You need to also stay clear of alcohol consumption alcohol and also taking anti-inflammatory medications before and also after the treatment. Later, you can utilize a chilly compress to decrease any kind of swelling. You can learn more about the fillers omaha on this website.
Botox is generally secure for lots of people, however there are some adverse effects, consisting of frustrations and also neck discomfort. You should additionally avoid Botox treatment if you are expecting, breastfeeding, or taking medicines for frustrations, migraine headaches, or seizures. Additionally, you need to tell your doctor if you have a hatred any of the components in Botox. If you are intending to obtain Botox therapy, you must be prepared to spend concerning $200 for the procedure. Botox is also covered by Medicare, so you ought to have no out-of-pocket expenditures. Education is a never ending process, so continue reading here: https://www.britannica.com/science/botulinum-toxin.
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foremaningram14 · 2 years
The Best Way To Prepare For Your Fantasy Football Draft In 2013
Protecting the body during football involves mainly avoiding intestinal damage and fractures of the spine and ribs. Essential gears used are shoulder pads, rib pads, neck rolls, elbow pads and shock pads. The bulky shoulder pads protect the scapula and ribs as well as the chest. Rib protection is provided by the shoulder pads. Some are designed to protect your lower back. The shoulder pads include the neck roll and rib protection. Under the shoulder pads is the shock pads. These provide comfortability and extra cushioning to the player. If you know where you want your career to take you, you can go to the camps run by those schools. Attending the camp of your dream school will allow you to meet more of the coaches. I had only ever kicked a football around the village square once in my life. I was not even a fan of football player game. My mom signed me up to the local team because of the fact that everyone else in school loved football and could not get enough of it. A new football player. Huzzah. Some youth football coaches believe "the more the better" when it comes down to player numbers. I think many of these coaches think the more players they have the better chance that they will have that some superstar among that number will emerge to carry the team. One local team had 40-60 players on its team and lost most of the games. Bad coaching can sometimes overcome huge talent pools. One of our Omaha league teams faced a team with 52 players. The majority of league teams have between 22 and 35 players. High numbers are a guarantee of headaches for the coach. visit here can lead to the same. The football passing arcs are a great tool to improve the accuracy of your players when passing the ball. This is a very useful piece of equipment for football practice. Apart from the equipment needed to practice the game, football players need to be able to handle the demands of the field. Focus some of your exercises on speed. Jumping squats can increase the speed and power of your reflex muscles. Squat down and jump on a step. Standing straight up, jump on a step and then squat down. You can repeat this 40 times daily, increasing the step's height gradually. It's something that not many guys will accept. However, if you want to improve your football skills and get your coach to view you as a starter, you must be willing to put in more effort than the rest. Many players believe they are so good they don't need to work hard. Good luck with that.
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midwestpainclinics · 10 months
Discover advanced headache treatment in Omaha, NE at Midwest Pain Clinics. Visit the link to access specialized care and learn about innovative techniques for alleviating headaches and migraines. Contact them today.
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phantomtgm · 1 year
Phantom - Chapter Seventeen
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Phantom’s P.O.V
The tears wouldn’t stop coming even though it's been a week and a half since the news of my father’s passing. 
Actively avoiding texts from Maverick and my friends, I sat in silence, staring at the floor. No matter how many times my mother tried to get me to come out of my room, nothing could take this dull, aching pain away from me as much as I wanted them too. 
All I felt was guilt for not being there when he passed. If I had been there, maybe it wouldn’t have happened. I don’t think the hole in my chest was ever going to go away. I couldn’t look or talk to anyone and yeah it was concerning but what else was I supposed to do?
I couldn’t talk to Maverick because I’m sure he is going through it too, I don’t want to unload on top of his feelings. I couldn’t be that insensitive. I wish he would get that but he just kept calling and texting. I felt bad for ignoring him. I didn't know what else to do.
It had only been a week and a half.
Today was the funeral which meant I had to see everyone. Maverick. Phoenix. Bob. Rooster.
How was I supposed to face them in all of this grief I was feeling? It was consuming me and I didn’t know what to do. 
A knock at the door interrupted my dark thoughts and I sighed. 
“Come in!” I yelled and my mom walked in with a sad look on her face. I felt for her. I know she was feeling bad, perhaps even worse than I was. I couldn’t imagine.
She walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. It took everything in me to not burst into tears. I needed to stay strong for her. I didn’t want her to see how torn up I was. 
We all knew this was coming but what could possibly prepare you to lose a parent? Pulling back, I attempted a smile but she rubbed her thumb over my cheek. She knew better but didn’t say anything. 
With a sad smile, she softly voiced “It’s time.” I clenched my fists and turned towards the mirror, smoothing over my officer uniform. 
Reluctantly, I said “Let’s go.”
The cemetery was overly crowded. Being an Admiral, my dad had friends and subordinates in high and low places. 
I walked toward the casket, standing next to my mom, and waited for the ceremony to begin.
Watching as Rooster, Bob, Phoenix, Omaha, Payback, Harvard piled in, I couldn’t as my eyes searched for him. 
Someone nudged my arm and I looked over to my mom who leaned in and whispered “You should go talk to him.” 
“Wha-” I started to say then mom pointed straight ahead and there was Maverick in his captain uniform. My heart fluttered and I failed to understand how this man could almost bring me to my knees in a time such as this. He was too handsome for his own good, especially in that uniform. 
Apparently I caught his attention because he nodded and I looked away in a hurry. I didn’t know what to say to him, especially after avoiding him. 
I turned back to my mom. “I can’t.” An eyebrow shot up and I almost wanted to laugh at the expression that her face held. She seriously was not trying this right now in the middle of dad’s funeral? 
She opened her mouth and I shook my head, directing her attention to the sound of Taps. 
After being presented the American flag and the flyover, I managed to step away from everyone, isolating myself. My fellow aviators tried to speak to me but I just couldn’t at the moment. It was too hard.
I walked away from the casket as they lowered and leaned against a tree. All of this unexpected along with the mission was giving me a headache and all I wanted to do was just go be alone for a while with no worries. 
That wasn’t going to happen. I couldn’t just escape life as much as I wanted to. I needed to get out of this funk. I needed to make my father proud but in this mindset, that wasn’t going to happen. 
Sighing miserably, I turned and ran straight into a rock hard chest. Seeing all of the medals and awards on their chest, I knew exactly who I had just run into. 
“Careful.” His tone was cautious which I appreciated. 
My breath hitched as I finally looked up into his eyes which held tears similar to my own. I opened my mouth to speak but a lump in the back of my throat formed. Maverick reached out with his hand and brushed back a piece of my hair. 
Looking down, I worked up the courage to speak. “I…I don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry.” A perplexed look appeared on his face and he said “For what?”
I furrowed my brows and said “For avoiding you.” “Sweetheart…” He started out slowly. “It’s okay. I’m not mad.”
A strange feeling crept over me. “Why not? I’d be. I-” He cut me off, saying “And why would I be? I just want you to be okay and if…avoiding me helps then..” He trailed off, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down and a rush of tears came rushing down my face. 
I didn’t want to hurt him because I knew he was already hurting. I turned away from him and he wrapped his hand softly around mine. 
“C’mere.” He said, pulling me forward, no resistance from me as I melted into his embrace. There the tears went. His hand smoothed down my face as I cried into his shoulders. 
Several moments of me crying, the tears finally slowed down enough that I peeked my head up again. 
“I’m sorry.” I apologized again, earning a surprising chuckle. 
“For what?” 
I sighed and explained. “Because I’m not the only one hurting here! I’m over here boohooing and being highly insensitive when I know you are hurting too! I’m so selfish!” Anger flooded through me as more tears came. 
It was a roller coaster of emotions. 
“Ava…” He spoke roughly. I turned away from him, attempting to stop the tears but Maverick spoke again. “Ava look at me.” I sniffled, not being able to stop myself from turning. 
I finally looked up at him and saw one of the most vulnerable faces that he had ever made. He walked forward, pulling me in once more. Looking down at me, my heart began to flutter. “You’re not being selfish darlin '. We both…are grieving and that’s okay but you don’t need to worry about me. Let me worry about you okay?” Rubbing my chin with his thumb, a sudden peacefulness washed over me and all I wanted to do was dive right into it. 
I closed my eyes and relaxed. Moments passed as we stood there wrapped up in each other. I didn’t want to leave this warm embrace of peace and calm. I looked up at Maverick and saw the same in his eyes. 
I struggled to identify this warm feeling although I had suspicions but I didn’t want to say anything too soon so I wrapped my hand around his. 
“Let me take you home….” 
I slowly blinked. “Okay.” 
A look of surprise appeared and he backed up. “Oh? No objections for once?” I smiled as best as I could and said “Not today.”
A soft chuckle later then we headed towards his bike.
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wilsontanner8 · 2 years
Las Vegas - Our Kind Of Town
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