#Llanddwyn Island
callumreuben · 9 months
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maypoleman1 · 4 months
25th January
St Dynwen’s Day/ Burns Night
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A Piper Piping in the Haggis at a Burns Night Supper. Source: Visit Scotland website
Today is St Dynwen’s Day. Dynwen, despite being celibate, became Wales’ patron saint of lovers. Apparently visiting her shrine at Llanddwyn Island on Anglesey is a must for all couples who want their love to proper.
Tonight is also Burns Night, on which the life and works of poet Robert Burns are celebrated all over Scotland today, his birthday. The first Burns Night was held in 1801, but at that stage it was a private gathering of the poet’s friends, wishing to celebrate Burns’ contribution to Scottish literature. By the 1860s, the day had become a Scottish cultural event with Burns’ Nights involving traditional the enjoyment of Scottish fare, pipers, traditional dancing and much whisky. Burns himself was a romantic influenced by the Classics, but also by Scottish rural life and Celtic myth and ghost stories. His songs and poems were often written and recited in the Scots dialect. Long before the advent of the SNP, Burns Nights provided the opportunity for expressions of Scottish cultural pride and nationalist sentiment.
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Lake Semerwater. Source: Herriot Country website
On this day in rural North Yorkshire, St Paul manifested (today is also the feast day of his conversion) and went door to door in a nearby magnificent city, begging for alms, to see how Christian the Yorkshire folk were. Suffice it to say, they weren’t very, and poor Paul was sent packing from every house he visited, save one, a Quaker dwelling on the outskirts of the city. The good Quakers gave the saint room and board and overnight heard him calling on Simmerwater to rise, Simmerwater to sink. The next day the family found their guest was gone and so was the city, replaced by a huge lake - Lake Semerwater. When the weather is calm, the walls and roofs of the submerged town can be seen from the lakeside. Or so they say…
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lymphomalass · 1 year
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Just to share my recent painting of a famous view on Ynys Môn/ Anglesey, Gogledd Cymru/North Wales.
“The Victorian Cross and Tŵr Mawr lighthouse at Ynys Llanddwyn” was inspired by our first trip onto this island off the South Eastern corner of Anglesey last year. I’d wanted to go for months after seeing photos of the place on social media and I wasn’t disappointed!
The mystical allure of the place is added to by its sometimes being tricky to access, being cut off at high tide, and the stories of Saint Dwynwen, after whose church the island is named.
One version of the story goes that the daughter of King Brychan Brycheiniog in the fifth century, Dwynwen, was caught in an ill-fated romance, when Maelon Dafodrill fell passionately in love with her, against the wishes of her father. Dwynwen prayed for help and was given a number of requests, including that through her God would look after all true lovers. Dwynwen retreated to Ynys Llanddwen, where she lived as a hermit until her death, in about AD 460.
In the Middle Ages, the island became the richest part of Anglesey thanks to becoming a thriving pilgrimage destination. It is unoccupied now, after Reformation suppressions and sandstorms took their toll, just home to Dwynwen’s ruined church, two crosses, two lighthouses and a row of empty pilot cottages.
The cross in this painting was built in the 'sixtieth year of Queen Victoria 1897 ', and Tŵr Mawr lighthouse in 1873.
The island is usually approached from the Newborough Warren car park at LL61 6SG (for which you will need to pay at the exit). Then, it is a fair walk along the beach from there. But the views would make the trip worth it even if distance and tides make the island inaccessible to you, and the island is, to my mind, somewhere worth all my difficulties learning to walk again after the chemotherapy from blood cancer gave me 5 collapsed vertebrae!
The original A4 painting is available unframed for £75 including UK postage (please just message me) or printed to your order on all sorts of things at: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/140440817
Sam aka LymphomaLass xx
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tishfarrell · 2 years
Monochrome Favourites
Ash trees at St. Brides Castle, Pembrokeshire * This week Cee says we can pick our own black and white images. These are some of my favourite shots of Welsh winter scenes. Llanddwyn Island, Anglesey * Farm fence, Aberffraw, Anglesey * Winter dawn, Menai Strait, Anglesey * Family gathering, Penmon Point, Anglesey * Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: favourites
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portraitsofsaints · 4 months
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Saint Dwynwen
Died 460
Feast Day: January 25
Patronage: lovers, sick animals, Welsh St.Valentine
Daughter of Welsh king Brychan Brycheiniog, Saint Dwynwen fell in reciprocal love with a young man named Maelon, ultimately rejecting him for her deep desire to join the religious life. In a dream, she was given a drink which freed her from Maelon's attention, at the cost of turning him to ice. She then prayed that Maelon would be released, that all lovers find happiness, and that she never have the desire for marriage. Saint Dwynwen became a nun and lived out her days on Llanddwyn Island off the west coast of Anglesey.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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ladoescurodalua · 2 years
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Milky Way at Llanddwyn Island
by Mathew Browne
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Memories: Llanddwyn Island
3rd September 2012: Llanddwyn Island This shot was taken during a photoshoot tour of Anglesey, in Wales, with good friend & fellow photographer Adrian Evans. We had crossed the Menai suspension bridge and started a clockwise tour of the coastline, and Llanddwyn island (although technically not an island because it is attached to the mainland) is not far, just past Newborough. Access to the…
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ifreakingloveroyals · 3 months
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20 August 2011 | Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, and her sister, Pippa Middleton, go for a walk on the beach on Llanddwyn Island near Newborough, South Wales. (Photo by Bauer Griffin)
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callumreuben · 9 months
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jamieroxxartist · 4 months
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Today, January 25th, our #Catholic / #Christian Friends are celebrating the Feast Day of #SaintDwynwen.
“Beautiful, pious and virtuous daughter of the 5th century Welsh king, Brychan of Brecknock. A certain Maelon fell in love with her, and wished to marry her. Though Dwynwen returned his love, her heart was set on becoming a nun, and she rejected him. She dreamt she was given a sweet drink which saved her from his attentions, but which turned the poor young man to ice. Realising that Maelon couldn’t help his love for her, she prayed that he be restored to life, that all lovers should find happiness, and that she never have the desire for marriage. Dwynwen became a nun and lived on Llanddwyn Island on the western coast of Ynys Mon (Anglesey), an area accessible only at low tide.
Her well, a fresh-water spring called Ffynnon Dwynwen, became a wishing well and place of pilgrimage, particularly for lovers because of the story above. The tradition grew that the eel in the well could foretell the future for lovers – ask questions and watch which way they turn. Women would scatter breadcrumbs on the surface, then lay her handkerchief on water’s surface; if the eel disturbed it, her lover would be faithful. All this led to her connection with animals, which eventually led to the tradition that her intercession could heal injured animals.”
Painting Print: St. Dwynwen Art Print, Catholic Welsh Patron Saint of lovers and sick animals
©Tracy L. Christianson (https://www.etsy.com/listing/201982189/st-dwynwen-art-print-catholic-welsh)
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lymphomalass · 4 months
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Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus! Happy Saint Dwynwen Day! The 25th January is the St Dwynwen's - the Welsh St Valentines! St Dwynwen is the Welsh patron saint of love, a fifth century Welsh Princess who prayed that God would meet the hopes and dreams of all true lovers. She founded a convent on Ynys Llanddwyn off the west coast of Ynys Môn (Anglesey), where she remained until her death in 465AD. The island became a site of pilgrimage with visitors believing that the sacred fish or eels living in the well there could foretell the fate of their relationships. Steve and I love walking to this romantic island at low tide, and I painted this picture of this beautiful place, which sold on X (formerly Twitter) within days, to a mother buying it for her daughter's house warming gift. But prints and other items featuring this art (without the words) are still available at:
with 25% off at the moment. Is there someone you'd buy a Toblerone for bearing the words "Caru Ti" or "Love You" in Welsh...? Thanks! Diolch! Sam aka LymphomaLass xx
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yvelou · 5 months
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So it turnsout that the lovely couple I photographed recently walking hand in hand on the pretty island of Ynys Llanddwyn also photographed me!!! 😆 (Talk about synchronicity!)
Having just taken a photo of him and his wife walking hand in hand up the hill, i was just coming from my spot an saw a man (Kev) taking a landscape shot.
So I think that I’ve just ruined his shot completely by walking right into his frame & say something along the lines of “So Sorry!! Don’t you just hate it when someone walks into your frame!! (Not feeling that photogenic in five thousand layers of jumpers and coats!) 👀
Well it turns out, we both walked into eachothers frames on this day and we got some awesome pictures to share as keepsakes in the process! 📸❤️
We just took photos of eachother!.. 😆 I mean, you can’t make this stuff up, this is pretty cool! I’m so made up that he shared his take from the day as I absolutely love the photo & he also told me that he and his wife both love the pictures I shared of them too!
What a coincidence! 😊📸🌅
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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Saint Dwynwen Died 460 Feast Day: January 25 Patronage: lovers, sick animals, Welsh St.Valentine
Daughter of Welsh king Brychan Brycheiniog, Saint Dwynwen fell in reciprocal love with a young man named Maelon, ultimately rejecting him for her deep desire to join the religious life. In a dream, she was given a drink which freed her from Maelon's attention, at the cost of turning him to ice. She then prayed that Maelon would be released, that all lovers find happiness, and that she never have the desire for marriage. Saint Dwynwen became a nun and lived out her days on Llanddwyn Island off the west coast of Anglesey. {website}
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jasminewalkerauthor · 10 months
Exploring the isles: The disappearing islands
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Stories set in the disappearing islands:
Coven of the cursed- Chronicles of the isles
Operation butterfly- Tales from the isles
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Description of the disappearing islands:
"Their feet sunk into the soft, reddish soil as they got off the boat and onto the island, from first glance the island seemed to mostly be a forest with tall pine trees stretching to the skies. Although the trees were only thin they grew close together, making a wall of shade block the group’s view into the forest. "- Chronicles of the isles
"The first thing that she noticed was that the island didn’t have a beach. When she jumped down onto the ground she found a reddish soil instead of sand. This soily beach was also very narrow, only a few metres away from them was where the forest started, which took up the majority of the island. Abigail thought it was weird to say but even the trees were different, they were tall and skinny pine trees but they wouldn’t branch out until very high up so it was very easy to look through the forest. The best word that Abigail could use to describe the island was bleak. "- Tales from the isles
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Inspiration for the disappearing islands:
Newborough forest served as a very large inspiration for the disappearing isles in chronicles which is coincidentally fitting since it is also directly next to Ynys Llanddwyn which fans of the show merlin will better recognise as the the real life isle of the blessed. I found that the specific trees there (corsican pine if anyone is interested) gave a specific feel as even though they still gave coverage and shadows, the trees are bare towards the bottom, allowing one to look far into the forest. 
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Buy chronicles of the isles here
Pre-order Tales from the isles here
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escapetothewildside · 11 months
Newborough Warren Anglesey
One our favourite places on #Anglesey is Newborough Warren for its woodland walks, huge area of sand dunes and long gently sloping beach. The wildlife includes red squirrels, cross bills and an estimated 2000 ravens that come home to roost avert night in the woodland. This walk follows the beach as far as as the little island of Ynys Llanddwyn. Even when the beach is busy it’s so huge it’s…
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photosharpwales · 11 months
Llanddwyn Island Beach, Anglesey.
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