#Live laugh love tumblr
heygoditsmeagain0 · 3 months
yall dont know how much i looooooooooove tumblr
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daily dose of the osemanverse *couldnt post bc of schoolwork haha*
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local-jawa · 1 year
I just realised that all the writing prompts I’ve seen on Pinterest, are actually from this app.
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will-thecryptid · 5 days
Can't let the gang know I get most of my Good Omens fanfiction from this lovely unholy beautifully chaotic mess of an app
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guitarnoises · 4 months
I genuinely love Tumblr so much
Everyone on here is so nice and supportive most of the time
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@worldofxtra2 You Are no longer safe on this app.
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tearsonthepage · 8 months
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oh my god guys stop i love you u all 😍😍😍😍
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toraavii · 11 months
Putting in some of my art here now that I've officially moved from tumblr to twitter 😭😭 Im late to the bandwagon but hi
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afuckingoutlet · 2 years
people on tumblr are so interesting i swear
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cringe culture is dead
as someone who felt like they couldn't express themselves as a preteen and young teenager due to the fear of 'being cringe' i want to say that the phrase 'cringe culture is dead' carries a lot of weight for me.
When I first got introduced to the internet as a young 11 year old kid who's family had been pretty stinkin poor for the first 8-9 ish years of their life, i was shocked to see that showing signs of excitement or cheer online was seen as being 'cringe' or 'fake'. watching 'cringe compilations' that solely consisted of people cosplaying characters, some of which i really loved, and clowning on them.
even though i didnt know it at the time, it really took a toll on my character and pretty much everything about how i acted and presented myself. i stopped letting things make me happy or getting hyped over stuff. it didnt help that my sister encouraged this- she was also influenced heavily by the 'any emotion is cringe' kind of mantra the internet seems to love to promote.
then i got onto tumblr, and i was once again shocked, but this time in a positive way. people were making fanart, even if it was bad, and sharing it online. people talked for paragraphs upon paragraphs about shows or games that they were just so passionate about. this passion was often frowned upon or looked at as 'childish' or even 'stupid' by the people i looked at on other websites, such as youtube, and even more recently, tiktok. everyone is so critical of each other, it feels like you cant have fun enjoying things you love.
overall, i guess i just want to say- please, tumblr, never change. i'm still learning to accept myself and not push down feelings of happiness and genuine excitement in fear of being labelled. this is one hell of a website, and i never want to leave.
tldr; saying stuff is cringe is the only thing that's actually cringy, let people enjoy themselves, tumblr is god.
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rocksandsea13 · 18 days
i sometimes just think about how different my life would be if i never downloaded tumblr
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deep-sea-gigantinism · 9 months
the scene: it’s the 1990s and loki, thor, as well as a (relatively less traumatized) sister than hela get up to some Odinson sibling shenanigans on midgard, frequenting malls, mini golf courses, and target. not to mention—royal masquerade balls! siblings bonding over trauma! cameos from amora and lorelei! and leah of hel from journey into mystery is here too (as an angsty 19 year old of course)! hopefully this finds an audience here because it’s a prequel to a much larger marvel series of mine😎👍
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local-jawa · 1 year
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I love Neeko so much. I love her unique look that is full of colors and gentle vibes, her big eyes that are like two shining ambers and her voice. HER VOICE. It's really so cute, I love playing her and just listen to the phrases she says while I play. It's really so adorable, it lights up one's mood. Neeko's abbilities are also nice, for me - someone who is really bad at LoL - her abbilities are so nice to play. The abbilities are easy to understand and the combos are easy to remember and actually use when u are in a stressing situation.
I also like her backstory, it's quiet different from Arcane for example and that shows how big the League of Legends universe actually is. I think many people aren't really aware of the immense world-building that is behind the game.
However, all in all, Neeko is the perfect Champion for me, her looks are fitting my vibe while playing as well as her voice lines. Her abbilities are easy to remember and not complicated at all.
Neeko gets a 10/10 from me.
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will-thecryptid · 1 month
I love people always being confused about how Good Omens is always trending and it's because we're an extremely active Fandom, and also because Neil Gaiman feeds into us on this silly chaos of an app
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fleurgrl444 · 10 months
currently remembering why this app is literally the best social media platform to ever exist
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lorna-d-m · 1 year
My current wip chapter for Laszlo has 1232 words and is approximately half done while my unnamed completely different doc for ideas has 1345 words so you could say there's a bit of a civil war in the creative part of my brain
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