blueberrycrystalouo · 5 months
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Super late but a Christmas post was necessary bc the best holiday of the year yes yes 🧐☝🎄✨
I couldn't decide what to do but a bestie of mine on Insta gave me an one-shot of these two as a gift so yeaa a scene from it bc I loved it so much waa 😿💕
But anyways I hope you folks have had a merry holidays with your dear ones, I wish you the best this year. Remember that Jesus loves you and that's the why about Christmas, love you ♥✨
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
In 1888, Lev Levanda, one of Russia’s most renowned Jewish writers, died in an insane asylum outside of St. Petersburg. He was 53 years old. In the decades before the pogroms of 1881-82, he, along with many others, had called for “russification” as a solution to the “Jewish Question”. Russification meant that Jews should speak Russian, study in Russian schools, join its cultural life; in other words, love Russia. All that came to a crashing end with the pogroms of 1881-82, and the subsequent antisemitic legislation known as the May Laws.
Levanda’s life is significant in our own day for a variety of reasons. Through Levanda we can learn a great deal about Russian Jewry of the 1880s. He was a central figure in a brilliant generation of maskilim, Jewish intellectuals of the 1860s, who were the first Jews to enter Russian culture in large numbers. He was one of the fathers of Russian-Jewish literature (creative writing and journalism by and about Jews in the Russian language). However, in the 1880s, after the pogroms, he began to write differently, expressing the anger of a cultural insider who had been rejected by his adoptive parents. Levanda’s choices help us piece together a history of Jewish discourse about Russia, Russian literature, and Jewish culture in the key decade after the pogroms of 1881-82.
In his day, Levanda was widely known thanks to his literary output. Among his major novels are Seething Times (Goriachee vremia), The Grocery Affair (Delo bakaleinykh tovarov), Sketches of the Past (Ocherki proshlogo), The Big Fraud (Bol’shoi Remiz), The Magnate’s Anger and Mercy (Gnev i milost’ Magnata), and Avraam Iezofovich (1887). In 1860, he was one of the original founders of Rassvet, the first Jewish newspaper published in the Russian language, and he was also a consistent contributor to Voskhod, the long-standing Russian-Jewish newspaper established in 1879. Besides Jewish newspapers, Levanda also contributed to Vilenskii Vestnik (The Messenger of Vilna), a paper later known for its antisemitic bent.
Levanda’s initial reaction to the pogroms was fury.  However, once the initial shock of the pogroms passed, Levanda reexamined his ideas and found them wanting. He began to express new views in the Russian-language press, using the pseudonym “W”, though it is unclear why he needed a pseudonym at all given that many knew the author’s true identity, and the censors ripped apart some of his articles in any case.
Himself a Russian-language author, Levanda had often used sarcasm, irony, and skaz narrative (use of a voice other than the author himself), just as Russian authors did. But now, in the 1880s, he used these tools not to affirm his affiliation with the Russian literary tradition, but to mock it. Instead of showing confidence in the attainment of the great nineteenth-century value of progress – the triumph of reason over superstition, prejudice, and oppression – Levanda put his doubts into print. In fact, his writings from this period reflect a mind racked with pain.
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Neighborhood, Levanda 1
oil on canvas
Jouesse Enterprise
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beingandcreatingart · 3 months
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what do i hope to achieve with my blog?
first of all; you can call me levanda !
i am a philosophy student who also happens to love poetry, photography and videogames.
i say that because i want to implement all parts of my personality into this blog.
it wont be just a poetry blog or just a photography blog or just a videogame blog. i really feel the need to express myself
and that can only happen if i accept all parts of me. the contradictions and the ones that fit so well together.
i hope to find an audience who will enjoy my photography, me talking about my favorite videogames, me citing my own poetry.
just people who enjoy the things i am passionate about
so yeah, this is it for now
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seoxpertas · 1 year
Kaip išsirinkti kvepalus?
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Svarbiausia kvepalų savybė – jų kvapo kokybė. Būtent dėl ​​stulbinančio arba atvirkščiai santūraus aromato perkami kvepalai. Visa kita (stilius, koncentracija, tūris, buteliuko dizainas ir pan.) yra daugiau papildomos vertės.
Kvapai gali būti klasifikuojami pagal skirtingus metodus. Pavyzdžiui, su Zarkoperfurme kvepalai žinomi dėl savo „didžiosios nosies“, galinčio atpažinti slapčiausias kvepalų natas.
Savo straipsnyje pateiksime išplėstinį grupių sąrašą, kurio pagrindu galėsite išsirinkti kvepalus savo mylimam žmogui ar mylimam žmogui. Be to, suprasdami kiekvienos grupės ypatybes ir žmogaus pomėgius, galite ne tik pradžiuginti jo kvepalų skonį, bet net nustebinti pasiimdami panašų kvapą.
Parfumerijoje išskiriamos šios aromatų grupės
Universalūs kvapai bet kuriai porai. Jie sukuria pakilią nuotaiką. Kartu su pudros kvapais jie įgauna romantišką akcentą;
Taip pat tinka bet kokiai situacijai ir bet kokiu oru. Tokių kvepalų savininkui jie prideda jaunystės ir entuziazmo. Vaisių kvepalų balas gali apimti uogų, vaisių (visų, išskyrus citrusinius), gėlių ir aštrų aromatus;
Citrusiniai vaisiniai kvapai yra ne tokie universalūs ir labiau tinka fizinį aktyvumą mėgstantiems žmonėms. Paprastai citrusinių vaisių mišinys neapsieina be citrinos, apelsino ar greipfruto. Tokių kvapų grupė idealiai tinka šiltajam sezonui;
Aromato pagrindas, kaip taisyklė, yra muskuso, vanilės, citrusinių vaisių ir gėlių deriniai. Rytietiškų kvepalų formuluotėje akcentuojamos pagrindinės ir širdies natos, o tai padidina jų saldaus „kilpinio garso“ trukmę.
Tokie kvepalai tinka paslaptingoms moteriškoms prigimtims, žavioms be žodžių ir paslaptingoms viliotojams;
Dar viena grupė šiltam ir net karštam sezonui. Jūriniai kvepalai turi lengvą ir vėsų kvapą, sukeliantį ramaus vandens paviršiaus prisiminimus arba, atvirkščiai, audras iš Aivazovskio paveikslų. Dažnai kvepalai yra atspalvinti mėlynai, taip sustiprinant ryšį su jūra;
Šilti ir aitrūs kvapai, jungiantys „medžio aromatus“: pušies, kedro, rojaus (agarmedžio) mediena ir sandalmedžio, pačiulių bei vetiverijų kvapai. Kvepalai sukuria švelnią ir romantišką atmosferą, tinka vyrams ir moterims;
Žalieji (vetiverijų) kvapai
Susidedantys iš vetiverijų aliejaus, tropinės žolės su kvapniomis šaknimis. Iš pradžių vyriški kvepalai buvo gaminami iš vetiverijų, šiandien populiariausi „žali kvepalai“ yra unisex. Jie turi aštrų kvapą su ryškiu žolės akordu, gali turėti kartaus skonio arba sugerti sodrų gaivaus miško kvapą. Tinka energingiems ir verslo žmonėms;
Gali atrodyti, kad grupė kažkaip susijusi su švente, iš tikrųjų taip nėra. Fougère kvepalai savo pavadinimą gavo iš prancūziško žodžio fougère, kuris vertime reiškia papartį. 
Būtent nuo kvepalų „Royal Fern“ ir prasidėjo fouge aromatai. Jų paslaptis – gilus žolinis-žemiškas kvapas, kuriamas naudojant levandas, samanas, bergamotę, kumariną. Šios grupės kvepalai ilgą laiką tarnavo kaip vyriško kvapo pavyzdys, vėliau perėjo į moteriškąją pusę, o dabar tapo „dviejų šeimininkų tarnais“;
Dirbtinai sukurti aromatai, išsiskiriantys aksomo, švelnumo, pudros natomis. Jie turi sudėtingą garsą, o ne aštrų ar gaivų kvapą. Kartais natūralūs kvapai pridedami prie sintetinių kvapų, taip plečiant uoslės diapazoną. Aldehidinių kompozicijų „muzikinė kompozicija“ dažnai apima dekoratyvinės kosmetikos kvapus;
Chypre (šipras)
Derinkite gėlių ir medienos kvapus, todėl jie yra egzotiški, neįprasti ir patrauklūs. Jų pagrindas nuo pat gamybos pradžios yra ąžuolo samanos. Anksčiau jis buvo kasamas tik Kipre, šiandien technologijos leidžia pakartoti samanų kvapą laboratorijoje. Čipra kvapai savininkui suteikia statuso, aristokratiškumo, daro jį ypatingu. Dažniausiai šipras yra moteriški kvapai, nors yra keletas vyriškų ir universalių kvapų;
Pagrindinis šios grupės ingredientas, žinoma, muskusas. Anksčiau jis buvo išgaunamas iš muskuso elnio skrandyje esančio „maišelio“. Tačiau nuo praėjusio amžiaus 50-ųjų muskuso elniai buvo įtraukti į Raudonąją knygą, o tai nenuostabu, nes norint išgauti 1 kg muskuso, reikėjo nužudyti mažiausiai 50 individų. 
Šiandien muskusas gaunamas cheminiu būdu ir naudojamas beveik visose kvepalų kompozicijose, nes turi nuostabią savybę sulaikyti aromatinę formulę ir suteikti jai patvarumo bei stabilumo. Pats muskusas yra ryškaus aromato, puikiai dera su gėlių ir medienos kvapais;
Iš pradžių tokiais kvapais kvepėjo nauji odos gaminiai, tačiau pamažu jie užėmė ypatingą vietą parfumerijoje. Odos kvapai yra sutraukiantys, šiek tiek aštrūs ir net žiaurūs. Puikiai dera su medienos ir prieskonių natomis. Tinka vyrams ir moterims.
Šaltinis: beauty24.lt
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lethasrealtalk · 1 year
April Vaughn
“My generation shines bright like a diamond!” April Vaughn is the proud daughter of Roy Vaughn and Levanda Goodman. April is also the third child out of four siblings. April is a faithful member of the church Hebron Chapel C.M.E. April is a Holly Springs, Mississippi High School alumni. April received the honor of being Miss Sophomore, Miss HSHS, Class Secretary, and Student Body…
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mamagrizknamo · 2 years
Levandų drebučiai su inkliuzais
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Kartą reikėjo pirkti degtinės. Ne sau, žmogui, kuriam turėjau atsidėkoti būtent degtine. 
Stoviu alkoholio skyriuje ir bandau man neįmanomą misiją įgyvendinti. Stoviu visaip - ir tiesiai, ir, kai viršutines lentynas išsamiai apžiūriu, pasilenkusi. Galiausiai atsitupiu ir, ištraukusi apdulkėjusius butelius, rankose pavartau. Kai degtinės butelių rikiuotę pakeičia baltas, raudonas ir rožinis vynas, grįžtu atgal, į pradžią, ir darau tą patį - stoviu, paskui pasilenkiu ir atsitupiu. Kokius tris kartus iš eilės ir jau trečioje parduotuvėje. 
Paskui rankinėje susirandu akinius ir bandau skaityt etiketes su jose užfiksuota gėralo sudėtimi. Nepadeda, nes visuose buteliuose visos sudėtinės dalys absoliučiai vienodos, o ir aprašymuose, jei tokių randu, teigiama, kad degtinė labai švari ir labai gera - nors imk ir kasdien vartok, pvz., vietoj vandens. 
Ok, darom kitaip - pradedu vertinti butelių dizainą. Žinau kokios formos man patinka, bet nežinau kokios patinka tam žmogui - perku gi jam, ne sau. Būdas nepasiteisina. 
Tada, žvilgsnį sukoncentravusi į bespalvius butelių turinius, pradedu vertinti degtinių skaidrumą, bet viskas vienodai neįdomu - jokių drumzlių ar atspalvių. Bet viename plaukioja kviečio varpa - geltona, su gražiai išdėstytais grūdeliais ir juos paįvairinančiais plaukeliais. Ir net negalvodama, prijaučia tas žmogus permatomame skystyje plaukiojančioms varpoms ar ne, čiumpu šitą ir jaučiuosi adatą šieno kupetoj radusi, nes dar vaikas būdamas žinojau, kad gražiausi ir vertingiausi tie gintarai, kurie su inkliuzais. Na, jei sustingusių sakų viduje tupi kadaise žeme ropinėjęs vabalas, tai gintaras pasidaro neįkainojamos vertės dalyku. Tokių prie jūros, tiesa, nerasdavau, bet muziejuje, į kurį eidavom tada, kai oras subjurdavo, tik tokiais ir domėdavausi. 
Kaip greit žmogus tą butelį išgėrė ir ar apsidžiaugė kviečio varpa, nepaklausiau, bet asmeniškai man ta dovana buvo labai graži.
Štai todėl mano virti drebučiai su inkliuzais. Nes man su gėlyte gražiau. Nes jei va šitaip, tai jau labai kažkaip kitoniškai. 
Nors kitoniškumo čia, aišku, ir be gėlytės pakankamai - labai sodrus skonis, kurio žiemą, ant liežuvio užsidėję, ne tik kad vasarą prisiminsite, bet tiesiogine ta žodžio prasme atsidursite laike, kai levandos žydi ir bitutės aplink jas klajoja. 
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- saujelės levandų žiedų;
- 450 g uogienių cukraus;
- 1 v. š. pektino (nebūtina);
- 350 ml vandens;
- 3-4 v. š. citrinos sulčių;
- saujelės juodųjų serbentų uogų.*
Puodą su vandeniu užvirti, įmesti saujelę uogų ir, pavirus kokią minutę, sudėti levandų žiedus. Puodą nukaisti, sandariai uždengti ir palikti pusvalandžiui.
Galima daryti kitaip - į puodą dėti uogas, levandas ir, užplikius verdančiu vandeniu, palikti ramybėje. Šiuo atveju serbentus (ar bent jų dalį), ypač jei norisi ryškesnės ir intensyvesnės spalvos, galima sutrinti (prieš užpilant vandeniu).
Puodo turinį nukošti. Vandenį vėl užvirti, berti uogienių cukrų, pektiną ir pavirti 2-3 minutes. Supilti citrinų sultis, leisti skysčiui užvirti. Į stiklainiukus dėti po levandos šakelę - paprastai dedu tas, kurios jau buvo kartą užplikytos. Gėlės žiedukas pasitarnaus kaip įrodymas, kad čia tikrai yra TAI. Nors ragavusieji sakė, kad skonis tikrai intensyvus ir kitokių levandos buvimo ženklų nė nereikia. Na, jiems nereikia, o man tai būtinai reikia, todėl dedu.
Karštą sirupą išpilstyti į stiklainius, sandariai uždaryti ir, kaip visad, išnešus į rūsį, laukti Kalėdų - meto, kai norisi netikėtumais džiuginti ne tik save, bet ir kitus. 
Drebučius tepkite ant baltos duonos, pusryčių bandelės ar balto sūrio - baisiai gurmaniškai skanu. O jei norite ko nors solidesnio, drebučius naudokite torto pertepimui. Net neabejoju, tapsite vakaro žvaigžde. Kartu su tortu, aišku. 
* kai viriau paskutinį kartą, juodieji serbentai jau buvo nuskinti, tai paskyniau saują raudonųjų ir įmečiau kokias 5 ant krūmo užsilikusias juodųjų serbentų uogas - spalvinis rezultatas gavosi tikrai ne prastesnis. 
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circustattoo · 3 years
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~ Levanda & Mushroom ~ First tattoo for Eva. 🍄 Thank you. Done by our apprentice @alicethisismadness 🌸 . #levanda #mushroom #tattoo #levandaandmushroomtattoo #piraeustattoo #piraeus #colourtattoo #flowers #flowerstattoo #firsttattoo #flash #flashtattoo #customdesign #tattoolife #tattooart #ink #inkedmag #tattoooftheday #art #girlswithtattoos #circustattoo_piraeus #femaletattooartist #alicethisismadness . Follow us on instagram: www.instagram.com/circustattoo_piraeus www.instagram.com/alicethisismadness For appointments call us at 210 4296159 or contact us via email: [email protected] (στην τοποθεσία Circus Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT1v-NWjEev/?utm_medium=tumblr
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multiversepapelle28 · 5 years
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colors of spring!!!
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lazy-vegetarian · 5 years
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Levanda Cowl by Mouton Rouge (free pattern on Ravelry)
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ohnotheres9ofthem · 6 years
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Hey look a few doodles cause ive got a headache
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los-poemas-de-nox · 4 years
Te amo
en las mañanas y en las noches, te amo recién levanda y despelucada, en las sonrisas y lágrimas, en los pesares y enfermedades, así como mis pensamientos te pertenecen cada momento desde que llega el rosio de las mañanas a las rosas de invierno asta el momento que mis párpados fallecen para hacerte dueña de mis sueños
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snickiebear · 3 years
🖊 a character you dont talk about enough in FOSAB that deserves some attention
HI JAY! okay let's talk about the Soulshifters >:)
So in the FOSAB world there are three branches of Shifters:
Soulshifters are shifters that are designated an animal form at birth and can shift into that form whenever they want. The animal form has nothing to do with genes and everything to do with fate.
Boneshifters, shifters with the ability to shift into anything or anyone. If they have seen them, they can shift. Boneshifters are the most known shifters and most likely thieves or tricksters. Or, at least that's how the story goes.
And finally, Wereshifters are those who can only shift into their inherited animal form on full moons. Your form all depends on genes: if your mother is a lion and your father a tiger, then you are either of those. The moon is important, sacred for many reasons but Wereshifters hate it with a passion.
Now, Shifters in general have been hunted and almost extinct in Anamel (kingdom) and don't really exist in any other places in Arelia (contient). Though, many have migrated and escaped across the seas...
Now though, there is a group of Soulshifters that secretly inhabit Dream Forest (the ever growing forest in the middle of Arelia, kind of separating the three kingdoms: Anamel, Kishadore, and Levanda). And in that group are three of my favorite characters: Hikota, Elio, and Alaric.
Hikota is my resident Lovable Bitch. She is a badass with a silver tongue and is meanmeanmean. She's all bark and bite and the Soulshifter's best hunter: a master with a bow and arrow. She never misses. The ironic part is that her animal form is a hare, so its a bit of a running joke between the whole group.
She is blonde, brown eyed, short, muscled, and takes absolutely no shit. Hates outsiders, extremely protective, attack first and ask questions last type woman. Can you tell i'm absolutely in love with her? Now, a lot of readers might not like her because Hikota is a Bitch (and she embraces it) but man, i hope they get over themselves and see how great of a character she is. Yeah she's mean, but she loves so carefully and wholly that how can you NOT love her??
ELIO!!! My brown skinned, short, oranged-haired KING! He is sunshine incarnate and everyone is a little bit in love with him because of it. He is "short" for a man (about 5'7, which is an inch shorter than Hala) but he is JACKED and tattooed to the max, along with cool piercings in his ears. And get this: he wears his wedding ring as a lip ring because he's fucking cool like that
My beloved's animal form is a crow, but Elio is also a swordsman/warrior and loves freely and consumingly. Honestly, he could make friends with a tree (he has, they're best buds). Pretty sure everyone will love him and if they don't?? well.... [cue judgmental side eyeing]
Alaric is my frosty warrior turned healer. He and Elio are married and he wears his wedding ring as an earing, both ears heavy with jewels and gold. Tall, dark, handsome, and asian, Alaric comes off as a real asshole, but in all honesty he's socially awkward and emotionally stunted. Buts, he's really smart and is very versatile: can kill and heal in equal measures.
His animal form is a large white tiger that he likes to sleep in more often than not (Elio doesn't complain, he loves the heat). Literally he's such a fucking sweetheart (if you read carefully) and such a lovely character to write. Especially since i love grumpy characters LOL
the three of them are best of friends and their banter is so much fun to play around with, especially since the most dangerous one of them all is Elio, who is the least threatening. Their entire dynamic is just really funny to me: Two married men, one chronically grumpy, the other summer in person form, has a feral rabbit on a leash.
Like?? I love these idiots LOL
*just a note that Soulshifter's animal forms about about 2-3 times larger than the actual, normal animal.
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Levi: //asleep//
Mélinda and Lena: //calls Levi//
Levi: //wakes up very disoriented// hello?
Mélinda: hey what’s up?
Levi: Mél? It’s 3 A.M what do you want?
Mélinda: well Lena and I saw this thing on youtube where they call the devil at 3 A.M, so we thought why not try it out ourselves?
Levi: Don't!
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hvarcegovac · 7 years
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Snapping some pics in the garden... bee on lavander #lavander #levanda #bee #pčele #garden #vrt #plants #flora #croatia #hrvatska #croatia2017 #plantsomething #greenhills #momentapp #momentwide #momentlens @moment @croatiafulloflife #zagorje #zelenobregi #biljke #biologija (at Veliko Trgovisce)
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bt7hoes-blog · 5 years
An unforgettable night Genre : Angst , Smut , Fluff (but mostly angst) Reader X Male Friday nights were awfully bipolar. On one hand , you had time to relax , relieve stress and collect your pieces. On the other though , the sudden change of your hestic schelude made you feeling empty and kind of useless. The grey sky made everything looking lothargic , people seemed walking slower , faces pale and bright reflecting the hidden light behind those clouds. You placed the key lazily inside the whole struggling a little bit , finally opening the door feeling better already. His thought immediatly came to your mind , sensing a mixture of levanda , vanilla and wood , his significant welcoming scent. Still you knew he wasn't there. You kicked your shoes off , heading to the shower , leaving those warm drops of extancy to hit your tense muscles. A warm tea , paired with your warm blancket made your eyes heavy and after a while you were off to dreamland. Around an hour off , you heard the door closing and his groans result of a hard day. It was only with you that he felt like home , growing impatient all day long from the moment he left your shared home to the moment he came back. You stood up , making your way to his hug immediatly inhaling the scent you so much missed. "Finally with you" he said caressing your hair "Finally together"you agreed "I think that my man is tired and that kills me to be honest. " "Well I am a bit but now that i'm with you , I'm feeling better already" "I have a way to make you feel even better , i know you'll like it" His facial expression immediatly changed , like a wild animal that found his favourite prey. His body language became electric , energetic , reminding a cat when sensing danger. "Tell me something. What did i do to deserve you ?" "I have the same question " You both laughed and went to your bed , playfully kissing each other , caressing every part you can touch , coming as close to another human being as possible. In fact , you knew his body better than you do know your own. Energy rushing through , veins pumping sending more blood everywhere. His soft lips went to your neck , leaving open fires all over your skin. You removed his clothes , revealing a well percieved gift that you've seen multiple times yet your excitment inside your core remain the same. How can you lust someone over him that much , yet feeling the most tender and caring at the same time. A mixture of hell and paradise , inside one human being. His eyes travelled lower , his hands roaming around your covered breasts soon to be relieved from clothes , shame. Your naked bust , attacked by his hungry mouth like a child that is looking for his mom nipple the time he came into this world. Your nude form doesn't make you embarrased at all anymore , your body is worshiped like a temple and you are his goddess inside it. Your hand feeling his hardness already , making you excited by it's body's honest response that he wants you. He needs you. You took it out , it looked red and bruised , erect and ready for you. His soul , body and excistence was asking for you. Your hand trailed one vein , teasing the head afterwards. His back arched slightly , making you even more wet. His pleasure was your own and viceversa. You grew impatient and wanted to feel him inside you. As your bodies connect , your souls did as well. His heartbeat vibrating his soft neck , his breath brushing against your lips , if heaven ever exists , you know that's how it looks. He thrusted , this hardness that felt rough yet warm at the same time. He groaned once more , captivating your nipples between his lips , loving seeing you shaking underneath him. He was the one and only that could experience that. He took pride on how easily for him it was to work you , make you crazy , turn you on. A couple of thrusts and you felt his semen inside of you , mixing with your own juices . You wanted him inside you. A part of you. One perfect connection. He rested against your chest , listening to your crazy heartbeat matching with his own. His orgasm washing off , love didn't and won't. He removed himself , feeling empty. You laid down next to him , skin to skin conection feeling more natural than clothes. Your eyes felt heavy again , this time tired from orgasming and secure in his arms , sleep came easier. You woke up , his side empty and cold. He left already. You touched your soft belly , still feeling his fingertips against it. You worked your shoulders , feeling a little bit sore and made your way to the bathroom. You seemed pale and tired. Your eyes red and wet at the same time. You washed yourself and head towards the kitchen. Looking at his picture , next to a now unlit candle , reality hit you hard...
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