#Lakes Festival Focus
downthetubes · 2 years
Lakes Festival Focus: A Chat with Jaime Hernandez
The countdown to this year's Lakes International Comic Art Festival has begun! Check out our first guest interview of 2022!
As we countdown to the Lakes International Comic Art Festival next month in Bowness-on-Windermere (14th – 16th October 2022), here’s the first in a series of interviews with some of the guests – a quick chat with Jaime Hernandez, of Love and Rockets fame! As a young aimless Latino punk rocker, Jaime Hernandez, along with his brothers Gilbert and Mario self-published the first issue of Love and…
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just-aake · 7 months
Boundless Devotion - Part IX
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Pairing: princess!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: MedievalAU. Natasha is the eldest princess of the Romanov Kingdom. As the time of her coronation approaches, she is suddenly forced to make a decision – either find herself a partner or her parents will choose one for her.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Warnings: angst, mention and hints of abuse, brief violence
Words: 5824
Something feels different with you and Natasha.
It’s not a drastic shift, nothing extremely out of the ordinary. 
It’s more like an observation of yours concerning your interactions with her.
Ever since the festival, Carol’s comments have been echoing in your mind, causing you to notice things you didn’t before.
For instance, during quiet moments reading in the library, you occasionally catch Natasha gazing at you from the corner of your eye.
Whenever you turn to meet her gaze in question, her expression would soften into her usual grin, and that familiar warm feeling from many times before would re-emerge between the two of you.
Moments like that have left you wondering if this tension between you is new or if it has always existed before.
You are unable to come to a definitive conclusion though because as the days pass, there is less time for you to observe Natasha much further.
With only three days left until the coronation, the preparations keep everyone in the kingdom and the castle busy, especially Natasha who appears more exhausted every time you see her.
So, in an attempt to offer her a break from her responsibilities, you invited her for a sword training session by the lake the next morning.
It was a chance for you to both fulfill your promise to her and hopefully address this unspoken tension between you.
Natasha had eagerly accepted your invitation, her tired expression replaced by an excited, appreciative smile when you asked her.
Now, under the early morning sun, Natasha stands in front of you, confidently wielding a wooden practice sword in her hand while you grip a similar one in yours. 
She has already gone through the basics with you and now believes that you are ready for a practice spar with her, despite the doubtful look that you gave her.
"Remember to move with your whole body, not just your arms," Natasha reminds you as she takes her stance. 
You nod with your gaze locked on hers, determined to at least show her that her efforts were not completely in vain.
The two of you begin to circle each other slowly, Natasha waiting patiently for you to make the first move. 
With a deep breath, you finally lunge to strike her, and she effortlessly blocks your attack in turn, but still, you persist, following with a series of swings she taught you earlier.
Throughout each exchange, Natasha guides your movements, offering helpful pointers and gentle advice.
Then once she gets the sense of your comfort, Natasha initiates some strikes of her own, forcing you to also focus on defense, dodging and parrying her attacks in turn. 
Eventually, the both of you end up moving together in harmony, almost as though you are dancing to the melody of your swords connecting with each strike.
As the spar continues, the tension in the air also seems to increase with every gasp of breath, each movement drawing the two of you closer and closer together without even realizing it.
At one point, your swords lock, and you push determinedly against her block, bringing your faces inches apart.
Natasha’s eyes instantly shift from the swords trapped between your bodies to your eyes, her own shining with a proud glint as her smile widens.
You let out a shaky exhale and feel your breath quicken, not just from the training, but from the intensity of her gaze now focused on you.
There’s that look again, the one that makes you wonder if Carol was right — the familiar warm look that gives you a glimmer of hope that Natasha may feel something more for you.
The sword in your hand becomes an afterthought as you focus on Natasha's presence.
With your faces so close, that previous irresistible force draws you nearer to her, and you bite your lip unconsciously at the reminder of the last time you were this close to her.
Natasha’s eyes seemingly darken as they drift down and fix on your lips at the movement, causing your heart to race and your cheeks to flush even further.
"I—I think we can take a break," Natasha whispers, her voice husky with emotion. 
She steps back from you, breaking the intense connection.
The distance helps to clear your mind a bit as you clear your throat slightly and make a sound of agreement, unable to trust your voice. You can still feel your heart racing as you try to collect yourself.
Thankfully, Natasha doesn’t see your flustered expression as she turns around and heads to the edge of the lake.
“That was good. You almost hit me at one point,” Natasha compliments over her shoulder. 
You huff in amusement and roll your eyes at her words, knowing she was just trying to be supportive. 
“That’s only because you let me get that close,” you point out, aware of how she went easy on you. 
You’ve watched Natasha train enough times to know that this was just a fraction of her usual speed and strength.
Natasha chuckles lightly, not denying your claim. 
Kneeling at the lake’s edge, she splashes some water on her face to help her cool down and relieve the flush that she still feels on her cheeks.
For some reason, when your face suddenly appeared so close to hers, Natasha swears that she had completely lost focus for a moment there, all thoughts of the training leaving her mind. 
That was why she had suggested the break so that she could take some time to compose herself.
Behind her, you fidget with the wooden sword in your hand, digging its point against the ground in a nervous pattern.
That moment just now reminded you of the other topic you wanted to discuss with Natasha today. 
With a deep breath, you call out to her.
“Natasha, can I ask you something?” 
She hums in acknowledgment, her back still turned to you.
"Do you—have you ever—,“ you groan internally, struggling to find the words to express your question.
It’s not like you can just bluntly ask if Natasha has any feelings for you. 
With a resigned sigh, you decide to ask instead, “What would you do if you like someone, but you don’t exactly know how they feel about you?”
Natasha freezes, surprised by the question. 
That uncomfortable feeling in her chest from the night of the festival returns, and the memory of you and Carol standing close together flashes through her mind. 
She swallows nervously as she focuses on her reflection in the water, her expression showing one of discomfort at the memory. 
Natasha sighs internally, knowing she can’t avoid these kinds of discussions with you forever.
"I guess, for me, I would just ask them directly about how they feel,” she replies honestly.
A small smile forms on your face as you shake your head knowingly.
Of course Natasha has the confidence to do something like that. 
You don’t think you would be able to do the same.
After making sure the color on her face and her expression have returned to normal, Natasha stands and makes her way back to you. She tilts her head at you curiously.
"Is there someone you have in mind?" she asks you in turn.
There’s a short pause as you contemplate your answer.
Wanda’s words from the festival echo in your mind, giving you a little courage to at least try for what you want for once. 
"There is," you admit softly. 
“Oh,” Natasha sighs lightly with a tight smile before asking, “Do I know her?” 
You smile gently as you think about Natasha and what she means to you. 
“Yeah, she’s…she’s really amazing, and she’s one of my closest friends. That’s why I don’t want to ruin anything between us,” you explain your hesitance.
Natasha watches your face soften as you talk, and she closes her eyes briefly in resignation, already suspecting that you are referring to Carol.
She should be happy that you found someone you liked, and she knows Carol is a good person who would treat you well if you got together. 
So, despite the uncomfortable ache in her chest, Natasha decides that she will support you in your decision no matter what.
“Well, I wouldn’t be too worried, Y/n. Anybody would be honored to have you as a partner,” Natasha reassures you.
Your heart swells with hope at her praise, and you open your mouth to tell her the truth about your feelings, but then Natasha’s next words catch you off guard.
“I’m sure Carol feels the same way,” Natasha tells you with a small smile.
A small crack forms in your heart as your smile turns downward slightly, and you tilt your head in confusion. 
Natasha nods, looking down and fidgeting with the sword in her hand. She is unable to meet your gaze, not wanting you to see her upset feelings about her next words.
"You know, with my coronation almost here, you won't have to pretend to be in a relationship with me much longer. You'll be free to be with the person that you want."
The crack in your heart widens with the realization of what she means, and you raise your hand to your chest in an attempt to ease the growing pain there. 
"And you think that the person I should be with is Carol?" you ask with a furrowed brow.
"I've seen the way she looks at you, Y/n.”
Natasha’s lips press into a thin line as she reluctantly admits her next words.
“I’m sure the two of you together would be...great."
Your heart shatters at her words as you come to a disappointing conclusion.
You were right. Natasha doesn’t like you in that way.
The two of you are just friends, and you were foolish to think otherwise. 
You feel your eyes well up slightly with tears, but you blink them back, hiding your sadness and disappointment.
Natasha finally looks up at your silence and notices the change in your expression. She reaches out in concern toward your hand that was still clutched at your chest.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
At Natasha’s movement, you pull your hand down, hiding it behind your back and offering her a weak smile. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just thought…”
You shake your head, your voice cracking slightly as you try to keep your emotions under control.
“Never mind, it was stupid."
Natasha furrows her brows in confusion. 
The conversation fades into an awkward and heavy silence, like a sudden weight pressing down on the both of you. 
Unable to bear the pressure, you excuse yourself, offering the practice sword back to her.
“I’m sorry, Natasha, I’m not feeling so well. Can we continue the training another day?”
“Sure,” Natasha replies slowly in hesitation, taking the sword. She steps closer to you.
“I can bring you home,” she offers.
You shake your head quickly, taking a step back in response to keep the distance between you and Natasha.
"It's fine. I can go by myself.”
You need to spend some time alone to gather your thoughts and push away your feelings so that you can return to the way it was before with Natasha.
As just friends.
Natasha searches your face and finds that she can’t understand the reason for the subtle signs of distress in your expression.
“Are you sure?” she asks hesitantly. 
You nod reassuringly, your smile strained. 
"I'll see you later, Natasha," you promise weakly, turning around to leave.
With a growing ache in her chest, Natasha watches you walk away, your sad expression lingering in her mind.
For some reason, Natasha can’t help but feel that she just did something wrong.  
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Natasha slumps into her window seat, letting out a heavy sigh. She leans her head back against the window sill as her arm rests atop her bended knee.
Her eyes glance out the window. Even though she can’t see your manor from here, her gaze still finds its general direction. 
She thinks back to the conversation with you at the lake, attempting to understand the reason behind your sad expression when you left her. 
The only guess that Natasha has as to the possible cause of your sudden sullen mood is the discussion about your feelings for the person you liked.
That reminder causes her eyes to drift down to the small box in her hand, cradling the ring that you had singled out as your favorite. 
The item stirs a sudden sense of nostalgia for Natasha, of a time when life was simpler for you and her, back when she didn’t have to imagine the idea of you being with someone else. 
Someone who wasn’t her.
Natasha’s eyes widen at the thought, and she sits up abruptly as a realization washes over her.  
Determined to confirm her suspicion, Natasha envisions you and Carol together, and sure enough, that tight, uncomfortable ache returns in her chest.
But then, Natasha shifts her thoughts to the moments when you are with her.
Her heart suddenly warms at the memories of you.
Your smiles and laughter. Your playful and teasing banters with her and the way you treat her as a person, not just the princess.
The times when you were not by her side and how she would always seek you out. 
How she never tires of listening to your voice talk about your interests.
The desire to keep you safe and protect you from harm. 
All the times you blush around her.
That one moment when you both accidentally kissed and how much she wanted to lean in for another.
Overwhelmed by all the memories, Natasha covers her face and groans aloud in realization at her obliviousness. 
“Uh oh, did something happen with Y/n?” 
Yelena’s voice breaks her thoughts, and Natasha looks up from her hands to find her sister standing in the doorway, her brows furrowing at the question.
“What makes you say that?” 
Yelena shrugs and enters the room, plopping down on the bed casually.
“Every time Y/n avoided you before, you would sit there and brood in your room for days.”
Natasha exhales in disbelief, running her fingers through her hair exasperatedly at Yelena’s words.
Has it always been that obvious?
Natasha glances down at the ring in her lap, thinking about you again. That warm feeling envelops her heart instantly, and now she knows what it means.
“I think I’m in love with Y/n,” Natasha breathes out. 
At her admission, Yelena stares at her blankly for a moment before suddenly slumping against the bed and letting out a deep breath of relief. 
“Oh, thank god, I thought I was going to lose for a moment there.”
Her comment snaps Natasha out of her reverie. 
Confused and suspicious, Natasha stands up from her window seat and approaches Yelena, who is now lying upside down across her bed. She places her hands on her hips and demands an explanation. 
“What are you talking about?” 
Yelena waves her hand nonchalantly in the air as she explains.
“Well, Kate and I had a bet on how long it would take for you to realize your feelings for Y/N after your whole fake relationship plan was created.”
“You knew?” Natasha exclaims, grabbing a pillow nearby and hitting Yelena with it. “And you didn’t say anything?!”
“Hey!” Yelena grabs another pillow to block her sister’s attacks before standing up on the other side of the bed, out of Natasha’s reach. 
“At least I had some faith in you and said that you would figure it out before your coronation.” 
Natasha throws her hands in the air in frustration. 
“How was I supposed to suddenly figure out by myself that I am in love with Y/n? We’ve been friends for years."
Yelena raises her brows and scoffs in disbelief before pointing a finger accusingly at her.
“Friends don’t look at each other the way you look at Y/n,” she remarks bluntly.
Exasperated, Natasha groans in disbelief, running her hand through her hair in frustration.
Yelena raises her hand reassuringly.
“No, this is good. Now the two of you can just stop this whole fake relationship plan and actually get together,” she points out.
Natasha pauses, suddenly remembering her earlier conversation with you at the lake, and she winces as she recalls her words to you.
Yelena notices her expression and narrows her eyes suspiciously.
“What did you do?” she asks.
Natasha drags her hand down her face, shaking her head.
“Y/n and I talked earlier today, and I may have suggested…that she and Carol be together.” 
She lets the pillow that Yelena throws hit her, upset by her own actions now too.
“You are hopeless,” Yelena states plainly before climbing over the bed to her side and grabbing her wrist. 
“Come on, we need to go to Y/n’s and fix this.”
Natasha shakes her head and pulls her hand back from Yelena’s grip. 
“I can’t leave now. I have that security meeting with dad and all of the knights in the courtyard later,” she explains. 
The only free time she had was this morning with you.
After that, she is busy for the rest of the day with finalizing the details for the coronation.
Yelena crosses her arms and frowns at Natasha. 
“Well, we can’t have Y/n think you don’t love her and then decide to be with Carol instead,” she argues.
“Yelena’s right,” a voice interrupts them.  
The two sisters snap their attention to the person leaning against the open doorway.
Carol has an amused expression on her face as she stares pointedly at them. 
“The two of you should really close the door when you’re discussing sensitive information such as fake relationships,” she quips casually.
Natasha turns to shoot a disapproving look to Yelena, who avoids her gaze and rubs her neck sheepishly.  
Carol steps into the room and continues, “Yelena is right though. I like beating you, Natasha, but not like this.” 
Natasha furrows her brow in confusion. 
“What are you saying?” she asks.
Carol nods her head toward the door and explains.
“You should go and clear things up with Y/n. I’m sure your father won’t mind if I help him with organizing the knights in your place.”
At the offer, Yelena grabs Natasha’s arm and begins to pull her along again. 
“Great, that’s settled. Let’s go.” 
As Natasha goes past Carol, the other princess places her hand on Natasha’s shoulder to stop her for a moment and gives her a teasing smirk. 
“You have one chance, Natasha. If Y/n rejects you, I’m not going to hold back,” Carol warns playfully.  
Natasha huffs in amusement and rolls her eyes.
They may be rivals at times, but she’s glad that at the end of it all the two of them can still treat each other as friends.
She gives Carol a firm nod in acknowledgment and a pat in appreciation before quickly leaving.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
After your swift exit away from the lake and Natasha, you make your way slowly down the path toward your manor.
A deep sigh escapes your lips as you remember Natasha’s words.
You can’t help but blame yourself for assuming that Natasha might have deeper feelings for you. It’s clear that she only sees you as a friend.
Disappointment washes over you again at the reminder, but you quickly brush off the feeling.
It’s not like you didn’t already know this before. 
Instead of being sad about something you already knew was not possible, you should find comfort in the fact that you still have Natasha in your life, even if the both of you remain just as close friends.
Losing that connection with her is not something you ever want to experience again.
As you approach the manor gates, your thoughts distract you, making you oblivious to the figure emerging from the shadows behind you. 
A hand grabs your arm, startling you from your thoughts.
You pull back in shock and turn to face the stranger, quickly recognizing him as the man who bumped into you at the festival.
Seeing your startled expression, he quickly releases your arm and steps back, allowing some space between you.
Cautiously, you take another step back to increase the distance between the two of you before addressing the stranger. 
“You’re the one from before. Who are you?”
He remains silent as his eyes carefully study your face.
“Can I help you?” you try again.
Still, he doesn’t respond.
A small feeling of frustration wells up in you as you recall his previous disinterest in responding to you.
About to repeat your question, you overhear him muttering something under his breath. 
“It can’t be possible.”
He continues to examine you, lost in thought. 
“But there is a resemblance,” he says absentmindedly.
You frown in confusion at his words, so you try to see if he would clarify his meaning. 
“What are you talking about?” 
The man focuses his attention on you, furrowing his brows when he realizes you had heard him. 
With a final study of your face, he finally answers.
“You really do look so much like your mother.”
Your eyes widen in surprise at his words.
Besides the information concerning her death, there is little to nothing that you know about your mother, not even what she looks like.
It was as if after her death, your father had erased all traces of her existence.
During the year, when he had finally remained in the kingdom long enough for you to ask, he got violently upset.
You touch your neck lightly, still remembering the pressure there, before shaking your head to brush away the memory.
You never asked him about her again after that.
“You knew my mother?” you ask curiously.
Feelings of pain and regret cloud his eyes as he begins to respond, but then he seems to realize something, his eyes narrowing.
“What are you doing here? This place belongs to Dreykov.”
You glance at the manor, then back at him before cautiously responding in confusion.
“This is my home. Lord Dreykov is my father.”
Your words cause his eyes to widen in shock and anger to appear on his face.
“No, he isn’t!” he growls, grabbing your arm once more and attempting to pull you away. “You shouldn’t be here!”
Confusion and alarm course through you as you struggle to free yourself, but to your realization, he is much stronger than you. 
“Hey!” Pietro’s voice calls out from behind. “Let her go!”
Soon, the man is pushed away from you, and you are pulled back swiftly.
Pietro stands protectively in front of you, with his arm outstretched, creating a barrier between you and the man.
“Wait, Pietro,” you say, placing your hand on his arm reassuringly as he attempts to back the two of you away.
Pietro glances doubtfully at you before reluctantly lowering his arm to his side at your request, though he still stays close to you, remaining vigilant.
Turning your attention back to the man on the ground, you think about his cryptic words.
"What did you mean just now?" you ask him to explain.
Before he can respond, a voice from behind makes you tense in surprise at his unexpected presence.
“Well, look who we have here.”
Your father strides past you, his condescending gaze fixed on the man. 
With a wave of his hands, his guards restrain the man and force him to his knees.
The man’s anger flares at the sight of Dreykov, and he struggles violently against the guards’ hold on him but he cannot escape their grip.
Dreykov smirks menacingly at him.
“Oh, Barnes, you have fallen so low after all these years,” Dreykov mocks, chuckling. “Though I assume being constantly on the run doesn’t help, does it?”
“Because of you!” the man snarls and tries to lunge at Dreykov, but he is quickly overpowered and pinned to the ground for his action.
Your eyes widen at the revelation, connecting the information on who this stranger was.
You examine the man closely again.
Barnes, or more precisely Sir James Barnes, was the name of the previous captain of the Stark Kingdom, also known as the traitor who murdered the members of the Stark royal family right after the war. 
You look between your father and him critically, still trying to piece together their relationship with each other.
It was obviously antagonistic for both sides, judging by their interaction.
Dreykov clicks his tongue mockingly as he shakes his head at Barnes, who still glares up at him from his pinned position. 
Your father then turns his attention to you, seemingly remembering your presence.
Instinctively, you pull Pietro back behind you as you tensely watch his eyes flicker between you and Barnes in thought.
He finally settles on you as he demands.
“What did he say to you?”
You glance at Barnes on the ground, who subtly shakes his head at you.
At your hesitance, your father takes a menacing step toward you, and you snap your attention back to him.
“He said nothing,” you reply quickly. “He just came out of nowhere and surprised me. That’s all.”
Your father scrutinizes you closely for a moment before chuckling darkly and turning his attention back to Barnes.
"Did you really come out of hiding to try and ambush me after all these years, only to fail so pathetically?"
You wince as your father presses his boot against Barnes's pinned head, speaking condescendingly.
“Though, I wouldn’t blame yourself too much for your failure,” he turns to look at you in disdain, causing you to instinctively take a step back at the harsh glare.
“After all, this girl does tend to ruin plans.”
Pietro growls at his insult toward you and tries to take a step forward, but your hand quickly reaches out in front of him to stop his advance, giving him a subtle shake of your head. 
Dreykov’s eyes narrow at Pietro’s movement, but you step forward, drawing his attention back to you before he can get upset at Pietro’s almost act of disrespect. 
You gesture to Barnes.
“What are you going to do with him?” you ask in concern.
Dreykov rolls his eyes at your worried tone, removing his foot from Barnes’ head and stepping away.
“Lock him up. I’ll deal with him later,” he commands.
You watch as the guards lead Barnes away until he disappears from view, leaving you with a sense of unease at the fact that the meaning of his previous words remains a mystery to you.
“Where are they taking him?” you inquire, hoping to find a chance to get some more answers from him.
“That is none of your concern,” your father responds sternly, his eyes fixed on you with a disapproving glare.
“You should be more worried about the consequences of your actions and behavior today.”
Confusion washes over you as you furrow your brows, trying to comprehend what you might have done to have displeased him.
At your perplexed expression, he gestures to you with a reprimanding tone. 
“Why is it that whenever I return, you are never where you are supposed to be?” he criticizes.
Realizing that he was referring to your absence this morning, you begin to explain.
“I was—”
“I don’t want your excuses,” he interrupts sharply, causing you to shut your mouth in a flinch at his tone. 
With a wave of his hands, his guards approach you, their firm grips fastening onto your arms. 
“Take her to her room and make sure she stays there,” he orders them. 
“Hey!” Pietro exclaims as he moves toward you to help you, but then he is also apprehended by some guards, twisting his arms painfully behind his back. 
Seeing the way the guards roughly grab Pietro, you manage to free yourself from their grasp and take a deliberate step toward your father. 
“Stop, I’ll go,” you quickly reassure, your voice shaking slightly as you confront him directly.
You gesture to Pietro, still struggling in the guards’ grip. 
“Just tell them to let him go.” 
Your father’s scrutinizing gaze seems to weigh your words and actions for a moment as if determining if it was an act of defiance or not before coming to a decision.
With a dismissive wave of his hand, the guards release their hold on Pietro and shove him in your direction. 
You catch Pietro and let out a breath of relief that he is safe at your side again.
Your father scoffs at your reaction, rolling his eyes at your concern. He raises a warning finger at you.
“See that you stay in that room,” your father remarks sternly. “I have more important matters to attend to today than to wonder where you will wander off to.”
With those words, he turns and heads back toward the manor without another glance at you.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Natasha raises a skeptical brow as she confronts the guards blocking the entrance to your manor.
“What do you mean I can’t see Lady Y/n?” she asks, her voice laced with a subtle warning.
The guard stands firm in his position, responding with a monotone formality.
“I’m sorry, Your Highness. No visitors are allowed inside the manor today.”
Unfazed by the refusal, Yelena shrugs nonchalantly, stepping forward to address the guard. 
“Fine, then let us invite Y/n back to the castle.”
She attempts to move around the guard, but he quickly steps in her way, blocking her path. 
“Lady Y/n is not allowed to leave the premises either for the remainder of the day,” he declares, his expression emotionless and unyielding.
Natasha narrows her eyes, an uneasiness forming in her as she questions, “Not allowed? By who?”
“That would be me.”
Lord Dreykov emerges from the manor, answering Natasha’s question. 
“Your Highnesses,” he greets them with a curt nod.
“Lord Dreykov, you’ve returned from your trip,” Natasha states plainly, her expression growing serious at his presence.
She was not informed that he had returned to the kingdom, and since you didn’t mention anything about it either, this must have occurred recently after you met with her. 
The thought of you reminds Natasha of the pressing issue of your situation.
“What is this about Y/n not being allowed to leave?” she questions.
Dreykov disregards her intimidating tone, casually examining his hand in disinterest as he replies.
“Yes, well, I’m afraid Y/n won’t be able to see you today.” 
Natasha squints at him in suspicion, before pointing out.
“I was just with her this morning.”
Dreykov scoffs at the revelation, rolling his eyes.
“So that’s where she wandered off to,” he waves his hand in dismissal. “Nonetheless, this is for her own good.”
“How?” Yelena interjects, stepping forward. “It just sounds like you’re treating her as a prisoner.”
Dreykov chuckles and shakes his head. 
“No, just a concerned father for his daughter’s well-being. I’m sure King Alexei understands the feeling.” 
He gestures to the two of them. 
“I’m surprised he’s letting his two daughters outside of the safety of the castle walls after what I heard happened at the tournament.”
His eyes turn to focus on the younger princess.
“By the way, Princess Yelena, it was unfortunate how things ended up, wasn’t it?”
“Sure,” Yelena replies bluntly, crossing her arms and instantly recognizing the insincerity of his concerned tone. 
Natasha steps forward, drawing his attention back to her.
Her mother warned her about taking any actions against Lord Dreykov, but that doesn’t mean she can’t try to get some more information on what he knows about the situation.
While she tries to maintain a neutral tone, her voice carries a hint of accusation as she probes. 
“Then I’m sure you also heard about Oksana and her condition. Doesn’t it sound like something you would be familiar with, Lord Dreykov?”
Dreykov grins politely, though his eyes narrow in response to Natasha's words.
“I assume you are asking for my opinion on her situation and state of mind and that you are not insinuating anything else, Your Highness.”
Natasha's response is equally measured as she responds. 
“I’m just trying to figure out what’s happening, for the safety of everyone in the kingdom.”
He snorts derisively at her, waving his hand dismissively.
“Then you shouldn’t concern yourself about my intentions. That is something we can agree on — a better future for the kingdom.” 
His eyes narrow at her, observing her up and down seemingly in contempt before continuing.
“However, as for the one who can accomplish such a thing, my opinion remains the same as before.”
The reminder of their previous conversation concerning her ability to rule makes Natasha clench her fists in frustration, only this time she doesn’t have you next to her as a calming presence.
Dreykov smirks as if satisfied at causing her reaction, and he gestures to the gates of the manor in dismissal. 
“Now, I believe it’s time for the two of you to leave. I’m sure the esteemed heir to the kingdom has more important responsibilities to attend to than to waste time seeking out my daughter,” he challenges, raising his eyebrow at her with a knowing expression.
Natasha’s mouth presses into a thin line as she refrains from responding in a way she knows her mother would disapprove of.
It’s obvious that Lord Dreykov was just trying to provoke her again. 
She glances at the guards’ unwavering stance at the doors, knowing that going through the front is not an option at the moment. She would need to find another way to see you.
“I’ll come back another time then,” Natasha grits out.
With a curt nod goodbye, Natasha turns around to leave with Yelena following in tow.
“I do hope you heed my previous advice from before,” Lord Dreykov’s voice calls out to her, his tone filled with a mocking warning and making her pause with a deepening frown.
“After all, you don’t want to be caught unprepared when that peace of yours eventually crumbles, especially before such a crucial event.”
With those last ominous words, the manor door and gates close shut behind them.
Yelena kicks a stone against the gates angrily, exclaiming in frustration, “What a jerk! How does Y/n stand him?” 
Natasha's calm gaze remains fixated on your manor walls, her thoughts consumed by the strange situation. 
"I don't know," she responds distractedly, her mind working on a solution.
Yelena releases another angry huff before noticing Natasha is still facing your manor, lost in thought. 
Knowing Natasha’s determination, she places a reassuring hand on her shoulder as she offers an alternative idea. 
“Do you want to head over to Kate’s to regroup and see if we can come up with another way to see Y/n?” 
Shaking her head, Natasha’s lips curl into a small smirk as her eyes focus on the open window of your room, where your curtains sway gently in the breeze.
“No, you go ahead. I already have a plan.”
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Series Masterlist : Boundless Devotion
a/n: Thank you for reading! And fair warning, I think there is two or three more chapters left to this series.
Taglist: @lightwhoranoutoflight, @taliiiaasteria, @romanoffprentiss, @canvascoloredin,  @silentwolfsstuff, @blacklightsposts, @arcturusseer, @presser24, @dvrkhcld, @jujuu23, @screechcat, @vivs46, @cd-4848, @youneversawmehereooooooo, @pancakefan7529, @confusedspaceotter, @natbelovasblog, @izzy-b09, @iamheartless, @mrsrushman, @fxckmiup, @natty-taffy, @2silverchain, @traveler-at-heart, @autorasexy, @natsxwife 
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sapphic-agent · 5 months
Let's Talk About Izuku and Bakugou's Relationship
Happy New Year, everyone! Thought I'd kick 2024 off with a new post. I haven't written an in-depth analysis in a while, so I figured now was a good time.
So, I've touched on this before, many times in fact. If you've seen my other posts, you know that I think that the BKDK relationship is a clusterfuck of codependency, abuse, and toxicity. But I don't think I've ever analyzed it frame-by-frame, so here's an attempt.
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The lake scene has the most focus than any other flashback in the series. It's meant to show us why Bakugou hated Izuku; he assumed Izuku looked down on him and saw him as weak. It's supposed to support the idea that Bakugou has an inferiority complex that's been present since he was a kid and that's why he lashes out at Izuku and wants to be rid of him. Because Izuku makes him feel weak.
But this isn't true. Or, it doesn't paint the whole picture.
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One thing the lake scene seems to gloss over is the fact that Bakugou was always mean to Izuku. Maybe he wasn't as harsh and could be written off as just a kid being a kid, but he still made fun of him. He still went out of his way to make him feel bad about himself and humiliate him. He called him "Deku" way before either of them were (or weren't) given a quirk.
And he only ever did this to Izuku, not the other kids part of his posse. He, even at such a young age, saw Izuku as an easy target, someone he could easily shove around because he knew Izuku wouldn't fight back (this would persist for the next ten years).
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It's important to note that there's only one instance where Bakugou's behavior towards Izuku turns violent. It's when Izuku defends a kid that Bakugou and his posse are picking on. This is the moment where Bakugou becomes physically aggressive; not when he found out Izuku was quirkless, during the lake, or any time before. It's here, when Izuku stops being the defenseless wimp who won't stand up to him. He doesn't like that Izuku stepped out of the mold he had confined him to (I'll come back to this later).
The truth of their childhood together is that Bakugou was always inherently awful to Izuku. It wasn't like he experienced one bad moment that flipped a switch, Bakugou liked picking on Izuku from day one.
Middle School
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There isn't much to say about their days at Aldera other than it's just a progression of escalation from their childhood. They've settled into their roles as abuser and victim. Bakugou knows he can say and do whatever he wants and Izuku won't defend himself because it's been the status quo for a decade.
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He revels in that power he has over him, likes to remind Izuku of his "place." And if he steps out of line, Bakugou exerts that power over him to shut him right down, stressing his inability to do anything about his situation. It's a cycle of abuse.
Deku vs Kacchan Part 1
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I've already talked about this scene before, but this is also another example as to what I was alluding to above.
As @delawaredetroit pointed out in a post from a while ago, Bakugou isn't feeling betrayed here. He himself has said time and time again that he and Izuku weren't friends. He cares about the fact that his victim now has power of his own.
All their lives, Bakugou had the power and Izuku was powerless. That was the dynamic they were used to and the one that Bakugou was aware and repeatedly took advantage of. But now, Izuku isn't powerless or defenseless. He no longer fits the mold that Bakugou had tied him to since childhood. That's why Bakugou is so upset; not because Izuku kept something from him but because the power imbalance between was shifting.
And it's why he tries to use guilt-tripping here. He wants Izuku to feel bad, wants to reestablish some of the control over him he just lost. And it works, because Izuku tells him he inherited his quirk completely unprompted after the fact. Bakugou knows he has the power in their relationship and has no issues abusing that power.
Sports Festival
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I don't have much to say here, but I would like to point out something very inconsistent concerning Bakugou's interpretation of his relationship with Izuku. He claims that Izuku kept following him around and that he couldn't get rid of him, which attributed to his dislike. But even if that was true when they were 5, it's actually the opposite at least from middle school on.
Bakugou went out of his way to target Izuku in the first chapter/episode. He also tracked him down after the Sludge Villain incident. He's initiated every one of their confrontations in UA. And here, he deliberately eavesdropped on Izuku's conversation with Todoroki.
I don't know whether to call it hypocrisy or ignorance, but Izuku was content to leave Bakugou alone. Bakugou's the one who's constantly harassing and obsessing over him.
Final Exams
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Izuku daring to display confidence and competence invokes immediate physical violence in Bakugou. He doesn't like that Izuku is talking to him like he's an equal, he doesn't like that Izuku dares to step outside of his role as a victim. Bakugou wants Izuku to act like he's below him and gets agitated when he doesn't do that. He, in this moment, cared more about putting Izuku in his place than his own grade.
Deku vs Kacchan Part 2
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I mentioned that BKDK is codependent in the beginning of the post. This is what I mean.
Bakugou can't cope with the fact that he isn't the best and takes it out on the only target he has. Izuku had nothing to do with his shortcomings, but he still felt the need to establish superiority over him; a grasp for some measure of control.
Like I said above, he's well aware of the power he has over Izuku. Do you think he would have tried this with Todoroki? Or Tokoyami? Or Iida? No, because he knows that none of them would have even dignified him with a response. But he knows he can control Izuku in a way he can't with other people. He feels comfortable treating only Izuku as his emotional and physical punching bag.
The Apology
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It's interesting that prior to apologizing for treating him badly, Bakugou proceeds to treat Izuku badly.
This interaction is important because it's their first major conflict after Bakugou's "redemption." We're supposed to be at the point where he's changed. But he still resorts to insults and goading. His first instinct is still to put Izuku down.
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I've said most of what I needed to about the apology. But I do want to mention that coming from Bakugou's mouth, it grossly understates what happened during those ten years. Because the abuser is the one telling the story, his transgressions don't seem that bad. He's the one controlling the narrative, so his classmates- Izuku's friends- don't know the full story. They don't know what Bakugou put Izuku through. Bakugou comes off looking sympathetic to their peers by speaking "his truth."
Was this his intention? Probably not as Bakugou doesn't really care what others think about him. But it does raise the point that this is the extent as to how Bakugou sees his past self; as a stubborn, overzealous child and not the abuser that he was
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xxmethlordxx · 2 months
Hello! I read that your request are open and I wanted to give it a try! If my promp isn't of your interest just ignore!
Can I request a fluff/comfort LaiosXReader (Any gender is fine) Fanfic/Headcannon/Oneshot/Anything
Of Laios comforting the reader during a fireworks show because they're scared of the loud noises?
Thanks you so much!
(Edit I was trying so hard to check spelling mistakes that I didn’t type anything else but lmk what you guys think and give me feedback please :3)
Booming sensation
laios x gender natural reader
Warning: none
When you aren’t working and being in the dungeon, you like being outside the dungeon to get fresh air and do other things. At the end of July would start the summer festivals your village would have. You dreaded it. You liked the summer sun, the treats they would have outside, everyone laughing and dancing to the music that filled the ears with happy children and adults. But you never joined in the activities they held, knowing after a while, they would start to set off fireworks. The loud sounds, flashing lights, were just too overwhelming for you and anytime you were invited out you sadly refused, not telling them of your fear out of embarrassment. This year was no different. The smell of food, the sound of music and villagers laughing, the atmosphere was perfect, but you knew you couldn’t go out, so you didn’t do anything to get ready. You planned on lying down until you heard a knock at the door. You opened the door to see your lover laios. You’ve been together for about a couple of months and he’s been a dream. He has his quirks, but sitting through hours of monster info dumping was worth it to get all the love and affection you could ask for. Smiling when seeing your boyfriend, you greeted him with a hug. “Laios, what are you doing here” you smiled up at him. “Well, I was wondering what you were doing today.” you looked at him for a minute before responding. “W-well I was just going to stay home and probably go to bed early”. You felt bad, but you knew what he was going to ask. “Oh well, I was wondering if you wanted to see the fireworks that were about to go off” Laios smiled at you but soon frowned. “But if you're going to bed early I can ask someone else” looking at laios frown broke your heart, and it felt like looking at a sad puppy, so you sighed “I guess I could try and come out for a bit….” Laios practically lit up and smiled at you grabbing your hands and blushing. “R-REALLY- I mean you don’t have too if you're tired” laios looked down again trying to find your eyes. Maybe it might be different with laios. Maybe if you focus on him the entire time, the fireworks won’t affect you so much. “Yeah, I’m fine, plus it could be like a little date,” you say, blushing. Laios also blushes at your words but smiles and says he will wait for you by the lake. Laios walks off and you sigh, getting dressed.
Now, walking out, your nerves start to get to you. What if they went off randomly right now, you didn’t see laios, so you would be screwed. But finally seeing the tall man looking out towards the lake, he turned to see you. “(Y/N) OVER HERE”. Laios waves at you, and you jog at him and smile. “You look really nice..” said Laios said “thank you, you look quite handsome too~” you said giggling, making laios blush. He soon turned towards the lake. “They should be starting sometime soon” he smiled, still looking out. You gripped the ends of your shirt nervously waiting to hear the big booms and kapows. “Laios when do they go-“ BOOM, suddenly a loud boom happens, and you automatically get down to cover your ears and scrunch your face. This isn’t fine. I don’t feel fine. You feel tears coming into your eyes and your chest feels tight. You soon feel a hand on your back and laios right next to you, obviously worried. “Are you okay? What happened (y/n)?” Laios paused when he saw your tears, and soon you felt two arms carrying you, still covering your ears and shielding your face. Before you knew it, you were back at your house, the fireworks still going off loud booms one after the other. They would go quiet before another went off. Laios went to your bedroom and put you under the covers and lay next to you holding your shaking body. “Shhh it’s okay I’m here…” laios hushed, slowly caressing your back. “Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t like fireworks”. Laios looked down knowing you wouldn’t look up at him.
Silence was all that he heard from you. “You didn’t have to come with me. I could have stayed here with you and held you like this. You finally looked up with red eyes. “You looked so sad when I said no at first and…I didn’t want you to be mad at me” these words broke laios, he would never want you to be somewhere you were uncomfortable or put you in any situation like that. “(Y/n) I would have never gone out if I knew, I’m sorry I didn’t know” he lifted your chin with his hand to look at you with sorry eyes. “I didn’t tell you that wasn’t your fault”. Again, silence between the two of you felt so long, but it felt better having laios hold you like that with the fireworks going off. “Laios…can you stay the night and hold me like this…”. Laios looked down and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll stay as long as you need”. He hugged you tightly, and you nuzzled into his chest slowly. The sound of fireworks soon faded out, and you could only hear your breathing and Laios' heartbeat.
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verysociallyakward · 27 days
Why do we as a fandom ignore Galcrest.
I know nothing happens in the outline and everyone wants to get to Nuru, but there is so much we can do with Galcrest.
It's a water kingdom so what does it look like, is it covered in fog, are the lakes covered in ice and are the roads snowed over, or is it covered in large fountains and ponds with mile-long irrigation systems.
Is it a part of the mainland or is it an island? What is the culture like, who are the people there and how do they dress, what is their food like, what is their music, what are their dances?
And even though the outline doesn't have anything in Galcrest you can make things for it.
Maybe a weather machine needs fixing.
A large festival could be going on.
Perhaps a supply run gone buck-wild.
Isn't it annoying when you run out of money and have to do the weirdest jobs to get paid.
I know people like to focus on the character relationships but skipping out on Galcrest takes away opportunities for character challenges and growth that build those relationships. Galcrest allows a smoother transition from Varian and Hugo hating each other to friends. And allows Varian And Hugo to build a more parental role for Yong.
What I'm trying to say is that Galcrest is important.
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loggiepj · 1 year
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Part 6 | Part 7
Part 8
Winter finally came. Temperature dropped down degrees below zero. The lake solidified in two days; the eerie sound under the waters filled the silent hours of the night as it turned into ice.
Most of the population anywhere in the world would stay indoors at a time like this. But the Avengers' camp wasn't like any other normal village.
The pavilion and other facilities of the camp remained tolerable, even warmer, enchanted by numerous spells to keep the cold away. Most of the campers carried on with their daily tasks as if it was any normal day, as if it wasn't just snowing an hour ago.
Winter would mean less attacks from Deviants. It was as if the two divisions had agreed on a temporary truce, a festival, an occasion even, to celebrate the entire season without touching any weapon, without unnecessarily shedding more blood.
The snow was already ankle deep, yet it didn't stop the children from starting snowball fights against each other. The sun had now begun to set; the night sky more visible like a mirror magnifying a painting of an entire universe. The stars even looked like salt accidentally sprinkled on a dark veil.
The older ones stayed comfortable in their seats, watching the young have the time of their lives while drinking hot cocoa served by Bruce.
"This doesn't even taste that good," Vision said, catching Y/n's attention. She looked at where said witch was sitting, irritatingly close to the beautiful witch who had occupied most of her thoughts.
Y/n's grip around her mug tightened as she witnessed the scene before her, immediately looking down once Vision seemed to chase Wanda's lips with his own, not seeing how Wanda aggressively shoved him away.
Y/n was too stupid to think that whatever was going on between her and Wanda would end up to be something more.
Who wouldn't? Ever since that night the two had shared under the stars, they became fast friends. Y/n entertained the witch with myths, fables and even folklores about the universe every night and Wanda would savor every second of it. The barrier between them was completely broken. Wanda even built Y/n an archway without a door to give the human a grand welcome.
Y/n had taught Wanda some of the constellations she knew and how to find them. Wanda was a good listener. She had never been attentive to any of her classes when she was a kid. But with Y/n as the teacher, it would be impossible to stray her focus away from the human.
"What's your favorite?" Wanda asked in a whisper, face so close to Y/n as they laid on the cool grass. It was still nearing Winter that time, and the perfect weather made the stars more visible like a clear painting in full display.
Wanda had performed a spell around them to keep them both warm. Y/n had never been more grateful, even though she didn’t need warming up. The lack of distance between the two of them was already heating up Y/n's entire body, heart skipping a beat whenever their gazes met. And their gazes would always meet.
"Orion," Y/n answered. She gently pulled and held the witch's hand as she drew the constellations up above. These were the times Wanda love the most. The human's touch ignited a spark within her that no amount of magic could ever explain. "Those three bright stars in the middle are its belt." Y/n held Wanda's fingers, tracing the constellation in the air. "Orion is known as the Hunter, with the way the stars are perfectly aligned like someone ready to attack with a bow and arrow."
Their heads pressed together so their eyes would be looking at the same thing. Wanda's scent infiltrated Y/n's nostrils and she couldn't get enough. Y/n could breathe her in forever.
"Like you," Wanda muttered. A small smile crept unto Y/n's face, blushing.
"I doubt that. I'm not much good of an Avenger compared to anyone here. And my archery skills would be far in comparison to Orion," Y/n replied, putting both of their hands down on the ground where they laid.
Wanda smiled, knowing the human was being modest. "I find that hard to believe. You know, campers here look up to you."
Y/n swallowed a lump in her throat before she gave a nervous laugh.
Before the normie could respond, Wanda went on. "How did Orion end up in the sky?"
"There are stories in Greek mythology, where Orion the Hunter was killed by Artemis, a goddess, daughter of Zeus. Zeus, being the king of all gods, immortalized Orion by putting him in the sky and maybe to honor him. . . ."
Y/n then began to tell a story about the goddess Artemis and other gods she could remember. All the time, Wanda listened. Her eyes focused at the way the color of Y/n's eyes change when her gaze travelled between the witch and the sky.
Wanda suddenly found herself praying the human wouldn't let her hand go, skins molding as one as if Y/n was a part of her. And Y/n didn't let go the entire night they spent together.
Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into a month.
Both of them, unconscious of what the other was concerned, always looked forward to the end of the day, where they could spend time together talking about the moon and the stars and everything else. Even Pietro grew wary of this sudden change of behavior, wondering what his sister was up to.
And when Y/n thought about seeing Wanda during the day, she'd always stopped on her tracks because of the other man's presence. Vision.
Y/n needed reminding that Wanda wasn't a free soul. She was promised to be married to that awful man Y/n had only encountered seldom times.
Vision never apologized for his behavior. Y/n thought he should had been grateful at least for getting sanctuary when he needed it the most. What Y/n couldn't understand though was what Wanda had ever seen in that man.
Y/n had considered the possibility that Wanda could like a woman like her. But if that possibility didn't exist, she was sure there were other far better men than Vision out there in the world, better and worthy for someone like Wanda.
Most times, Y/n would understand. She'd tell herself that maybe underneath all those arrogance Vision was showing off, was a kindhearted sensible person only Wanda knew.
But one night, Y/n had enough. That night was the time Vision made fun of Bruce's hot cocoa, making the anger in the human's body boil, which brought her back to the present.
"This doesn't even taste that good," Vision said.
The scene made Y/n retire early for the night, not even waiting for supper.
The human was oblivious to Wanda waiting for almost an hour in their spot after dinner, wondering if Y/n forgot about their nightly rituals, if Y/n forgot about how they were going to talk more about Aurora Borealis.
The Aurora Borealis was the most beautiful thing Wanda had ever witnessed in her entire life. It only appeared during Winter. Green strings danced into the night sky, giving light and wonderful aura to everyone looking.
Wanda kept thinking about that night Y/n told her the beauty of it wouldn't compare to the green wonders found in the witch's eyes, making her blush the entire night even as they parted their separate ways.
When Wanda found out some time later, that Y/n had already gone to bed without even telling her, the witch cursed to the silent night and to the ugly sky above. Damn her heart for trusting humans!
BACK WERE the days the two had begun ignoring each other. It was only until they were sent to a mission together with Yelena and others, which was to meet with Steve, the leader of a neighboring camp bordering along the town of Wakanda where the latest attacks had happened, when Y/n and Wanda finally spoke a word to each other.
They met at one of the distinct taverns across town, one where Deviants seldom visited. It was a safe place for both normies and witches alike. But witches preferred to hide or pretend, just to avoid any casualties. The place was known to serve the best ale in town. The Avengers conducted some of their meetings in the place, known for its atmosphere of not minding every drinker's own business.
Steve also talked about the recent developments of the weapon they were making. Yelena took note of the chemicals to use. They even exchanged supplies under the table, slipping inside the satchel Yelena had beside her foot.
When the conversations turned to somewhat light, what with the amount of alcohol involved, they began talking about the female witches Steve and his team had rescued and how they were a master of seduction and love spells on certain nights. Yelena laughed at this, asking whether she could visit some time.
Wanda, on the other hand, was fuming, when Steve suggested to bring Y/n along with her too, for Y/n might find the women exhilarating and fun to be around with.
Y/n only shook her head, laughing, before turning to look at Wanda, who had not even touched her pint of ale.
"Do you want to drink something else?" Y/n asked, ignoring the ongoing conversations beside her.
"I'm fine. I don't drink intoxicating liquors," Wanda complained. "Need I also remind you that we shouldn't be even drinking right now."
"Wanda, relax. You deserve to have a little bit of fun. And their ale is the best, aged perfectly well," Y/n retorted. "A bit malty and strong but sweeter than lager—"
"I said I'm fine."
"Oooh, lovers' quarrel?" Yelena asked, hearing their heated exchanges. Y/n and Wanda only glared back at her.
"Did you know that ale is more flavorful than lager?" Y/n went on to convince the witch to start drinking. "They tend to be fruitier and aromatic, whereas lager is just plain and dry."
But the information only sent Wanda into spiral.
"Why can't you stop being a know-it-all?"
Yelena erupted in laughter, while Y/n scoffed. But they abruptly stopped talking when the conversation in front of them became louder.
"It's completely barbaric," the bartender, an old bald man with a protruding belly, said in a low yet noticeable voice. He placed the half-empty pint glass of ale hard on the table. "They capture and burn these innocent witches as if they're nothing. I know they're scum in the earth. But burning them until they turn to ashes is a bit beyond the works of the devil, don't you think?"
The other customers he was talking to in the tavern agreed in murmurs. Y/n turned to look at Wanda beside her, who was trembling in rage.
Wanda couldn't bear to listen anymore to the outrageous cruelty being done by Deviants to her own kind. Burning witches? What did they ever do to them? Why couldn't they accept witches as equals?
The witch's heart thudded so loud in her chest, heated blood surging through her veins as her mind almost lost it. No. She can't get out of control. No.
Her sight began to appear blurry; noises surrounding her echoed inside her head like low pitched maniacal sounds.
And then she could hear the helpless cries and agonies of those hunted, of her own kind, mercilessly tortured by heartless humans.
Help! They cried, children, women and wounded men. Wanda felt she'd explode any moment now as the screams grew louder.
And then it was gone all of a sudden. As if someone blew the flame of a lit candle. Wanda could see clearly again, the voices gone, replaced by the noise inside the tavern.
Wanda wondered what happened, as if someone miraculously performed a magic to calm down the wild beast in her. Then her eyes travelled to her lap, where a hand was enclosed hers. Y/n's hand.
Y/n gave her another squeeze before linking their fingers together. When she looked at Y/n, the human's eyes were filled with concern and sincerity that warmed the witch's heart. Relief flooded into Wanda, hoping it would be enough to keep her uncontrollable power at bay.
Wanda survived the entire night, listening to other updates that she couldn't bear to listen, trying to remember that they're good humans too. Not just the evil Deviants.
It was a hard task.
WHEN THEY got back to their camp, Y/n broke the silence. "Are you okay?"
Yelena had already left the two to give some of the supplies she received from Steve to Pepper.
Wanda shrugged her shoulders. "Why wouldn't I be? Witches around the world are being slaughtered every second."
"I'm sorry," Y/n said. She didn't know what to say to make the witch feel better.
"Why can't you save everybody?"
"Never mind," Wanda scoffed, walking past the human.
"Look, we're doing the best we can—"
The witch stopped as she turned back to face Y/n. "Well, it's not good enough! We shouldn't be even sleeping peacefully right now if witches out there won't witness another day in their lives."
Wanda broke into a sob. She was trying too hard to stay silent so as not to wake the sleeping campers, but she found it difficult to breathe without making a noise.
Y/n slowly approached her, wrapping her arms around the shivering body. The witch calmed down, letting herself be hugged as she buried her face into her chest.
"We're going to save them, Wanda," Y/n promised. "All of them. Day by day. I swear to you."
Eventually, Wanda's arms slithered around Y/n's body, underneath the coat the latter was wearing, feeling the human's heat as the source of life she needed to breath. The hug tightened. Wanda could hear Y/n's heartbeat, the sound calming the storm brewing inside of her.
"It will be okay," Y/n said. And Wanda believed her.
@bibliophilicbi @swiftie1-0-1 @whitewidowsbite @aliherreraaa @smromanoff @wandanats-goodgirl @supaheroine @eliii1sblog @bananasplits-world
Author's note:
Follow me on my social media accounts. Thank you. ❤ Facebook : loggiepj | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089779552892&mibextid=ZbWKwL Instagram : loggiepj | https://instagram.com/loggiepj?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ= Twitter : loggiepj | https://twitter.com/loggiepj?t=EiFoKQyY1L-HCAMkBV2qCg&s=09
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ilguna · 1 year
☼ the lakes (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; you can't help dreaming of running away with your muse.
warnings; swearing, mention of violence, derogatory language, and death threats.
wc; 1.6k
notes; this is a songfic. the lakes by taylor swift.
As much as you hate to say this, with how everything is going right now, you can’t keep doing this.
There’s nothing that makes you second guess your choice of staying with Finnick more, than going to the Capitol together to mentor every year. You’ll go as a happy couple, without a single issue between you two, only to come home completely miserable, questioning whether or not it’s the right choice to stay together.
They know exactly what they’re doing each time you arrive. It didn’t bother you in the beginning, because you thought that tough skin never wears, but you were wrong. When they’re clawing at the same spot every year, it’s hard not to get sensitive over the topic, even with Finnick.
They’re hoping that you’re going to finally call it quits, and you’re getting close.
You don’t know how Finnick does it anymore. You get that he’s in the Capitol eye all the time, so he’s got experience when it comes to them fucking with him, but you thought that by now, there would be some urge to bite back and push them away. Especially when he sees how upset you get by their comments.
He likes to tell you that you need to stop worrying, and focus on the relationship more, that it’s easier to ignore them when you don’t care. His go-to question is, “What are they going to do about it?” Recently, you’ve been asking him, “What haven’t they done about it?”
You said you get upset by their comments, which is more than just words on the street, which you’ve gotten as well. They started off innocent enough at the start, where they told you to break up with him, you’re not good for him, they like him better single. And it turned worse, when they realized it wasn’t working.
You’re every vulgar name under the sun, apparently. And they own Finnick, which means that you’re not allowed to have him. If you don’t give him up soon, then your entire family’s going to be killed, while you watch. After that, they’ll kill you too, in front of everyone, where they’ll celebrate and throw a festival in Finnick’s honor.
You have received so many death threats, that you don’t bother to leave the Tribute Center without the Capitol escort or the stylists. You know that you’d be safer in numbers, and you stopped bothering to try and get away from that. 
They have smeared your name across every platform possible, picking out every single one of your insecurities, and ensuring that the magazines and newspapers got to you somehow. So that you’d have to see what the latest rumor there is about you inside of the Capitol.
There’s only so much Finnick can do. He had a conversation with Coriolanus, in hopes that he’d get his people under control. It worked for one summer, by the time you came around the following year, it’s like it was a contract that lasted for a single month. You were back to being afraid.
Finnick can’t stop mentoring, per Snow’s rules, and even though you’ve tried dropping out a couple times now, Finnick won’t let you. He wants you to be there with him, because you’re his partner in crime. You’re the person he wants to work with in the Capitol to bring tributes home. He doesn’t want anyone else.
“Come here, baby.” Finnick murmurs, pulling you into his side. He presses a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t let them do this to you again, please.”
“I can’t do it again, Finnick.” You tell him, “I won’t survive another Capitol trip. We won’t survive another trip.”
“It’s not that bad.” He says, you meet his eyes for a few seconds. He’s got his head tilted, mouth pulled into a frown.
“They threw a drink at me this time.” You emphasize, “During their interviews, I had to sit with wine on my dress. How am I supposed to help them when I can’t even go talk to sponsors without ruining their chance? It’s not fair for them!”
Finnick stares at the gravel wordlessly.
“It’ll be one summer, you can take Mags with you. They love her.” You watch his face.
“What happens when you decide you don’t want to do it the year after that? And so on? I’m going to be left alone to deal with those people.” He shakes his head, “You can’t go there without them hating you, and I get eaten alive every night. I don’t like it either, (Y/n). I’m just asking you to suffer with me.”
“They want me dead.” You stop walking, “That’s my safety, babe.”
“I’m sorry.” He brushes a strand of hair out of your face, “I really am, (Y/n).”
You gather your hair into your hand before tossing it over your shoulder, “I’ll meet you at home.”
“Where are you going?” 
“To clear my head.” You take a step toward him, he holds your jaw still to kiss you. When he pulls away, he gives you a half-smile before turning and walking away, going to Victor’s Village. You watch him go for a few minutes, before you turn to the left, and head straight for the woods.
It’s overgrown, the bushes and grass reach your knees easily. Your fingers brush over the top of the leaves, pulling them away from their position. When you move on, they spring back into place, bouncing from side to side until it eventually settles.
You like it out here. There are times you wish you grew up somewhere with more trees and less water. You’ve gotten lost here a few times, spending whole days wandering back home. The fences that were put up during the Dark Days are pushed back far, likely anticipating that the trees would get cut down and be replaced by houses or factories.
You’re glad that the forest has gone untouched here.
There’s a vague path stomped into the grass, one that you’ve taken before. You have two spots you like to go to, depending on which is closer and how far you want to go into the woods. Every time you come here, you’re upset in some way, and you unintentionally take your anger out on the flourishing plants that conceal you.
You love Finnick, you really do, but you can’t continue to sacrifice your happiness for him. And you are so genuinely afraid that you won’t be able to continue to be with him, if something doesn’t change, soon. The Capitol might treat him harshly at times, but they also praise the ground he walks on. He has no idea just how much you bottle to keep from upsetting him while you’re there.
If it were up to you, you’d leave and never come back. You’ve got nothing to lose, everything that had mattered to you is gone now. Snow took them from you to punish you for saying no to him. Finnick was the only one of the victors who bothered to check up on you after, because he knew what it was like to be isolated like that. 
Finnick is the only person you have left, without him, you’re nothing. You can’t afford to lose him to the Capitol. 
It’d be so easy for you to come out here and disappear, you’re sure that no one important would notice, like the mayor or the peacekeepers. They hardly care that you show up to the reaping each year, it would be Finnick that they’d be looking for.
There’s got to be some place to hide out here, beyond the fence. The trees are tall and thick, creating a dense forest. The leaves provide shade and shelter from the hovercrafts that fly by. There’s wild plants, and animals that you haven’t seen close up in a long time.
The further you go, the harder it would be to find you. 
It would be just you and Finnick, forever. There would be no Capitol, no one following you around with an opinion, trying to pin you down and pull you apart. Every moment could be yours, without someone coming along and ruining it. You could live longer in peace, than in violence.
Those windermere peaks could be a perfect place to cry without someone turning your tears against you. It could be home, instead of some distant fantasy. And you’ll go, but not without Finnick, holding your hand the entire way there. Your future, so close and so far at the same time.
There, the air is crisp and clears your mind. The shade is cooler, you could sit in it for hours. The grass tickles every inch of skin that it can reach. The sun shines brighter, no clouds there to hide it. The birds sing louder, there are no threats to quiet them anymore.
You could be there for years, no one would come to bother you. You’d stay so long that the wisteria would grow right over your bare feet, locking you to the earth for the rest of your life. 
You could finally be who you are without people telling you that you aren’t good enough for him. There’s no one to judge you, as you and your muse sit beside the lake, where all the lovers went to die before you. And you’d live in a small house, you and your family, where roses sprout out of frozen ground because the love you have to give is insurmountable.
You wish you were somewhere other than here.
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slavicafire · 1 year
were there at all household private cults and prayer to the gods? or was it all done in nature with the community?
very fun question - and as with most things regarding pre-christian slavic beliefs, complex to answer!
short answer: from archeological and ethnographic research, we can say with considerable confidence that spiritual beliefs for pre-christian slavs permeated every aspect of life, and so basically every place; there were both personal religious rituals and responsibilities, as well as those of the given community as a whole.
now, for a longer answer under the cut, let's start with a great quote from good old Gieysztor:
The corners of the house and homestead, the field, no man's land, and no man's waters, forests, mountains, and clouds were all inhabited by beings proper to them, who received the worship they deserved, that is, appropriate offerings and prayers made in the house and in the yard, in the field and at the crossroads, by the springs, by rivers and lakes, at the foot of trees of peculiar kinds and ages, by the stones and rocks, in the very mountains.
due to the scarcity and nature of the sources we have (so, for example, usually medieval christian chronicles) and the way folk culture absorbs new religions while retaining a plethora of very old beliefs often leading to the lines between them getting blurred, we have to remember that we are working within a framework of the most probable explanation - and rarely a 100% certainty. while I know that most of you here are well aware of that, I like to bring it up again from time to time.
for a long time there was great debate among the scholars of slavic beliefs about whether any sort of separate sacred space was ever present - like temples, for example, with devotional items and the separate social function of priests, and other standard religious structures. but then, as further research was conducted, it became clear that slavs had both this smaller, personal idea of a cult of gods and spirits, as well as a greater communal one, oftentimes reinforced by the presence of oracles, priests, or members of the community specifically dedicated to leading rituals and sacrificial feasts.
when it comes to this private idea of venerating deities (and spirits, and ancestors) by an individual or, by extent, a family within one household - while we know it must have existed, and in more form than one, as anthropology, folk oral culture, and comparative studies assure us - we are presented with two main obstacles making this study more difficult.
one, chronicles and other great sources for quite obvious reasons will focus mostly on greater events - festivals, communal celebrations, temples, and other religious behaviours that could have been experienced or observed by a stranger, or be worthy enough of relaying to strangers.
two, bigger objects such as statues or ritual stones, are much easier to be identified as ones of religious importance. with small objects found on sites of typical households it becomes more difficult to ascertain whether the figurine or clay vessel could have been a part of an altar - or whether it was just an object of everyday use, a toy, or an ornament. if any of you are into archaeology to any degree, you'll know exactly what that struggle is. and then, many personal objects, let's call them, could have had magical meaning and use - but not necessarily a religious one, as oftentimes magic was seen as separate from dealing with deities.
many prayers were simply forgotten, some turned into folk songs or spells, others got absorbed by the new religion and lost their original agency - and so, for prayer specifically, it is rather hard to know how it might have truly worked for pre-christian slavs.
still, both historically and in the contemporary context - when we speak of reconstructive paganism - while the communal cult was and is a crucial vital part, the personal, individual worship plays a part just as meaningful.
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emprexxluxaic · 2 years
ᰋ ׅ࣪ ꒰ who is your future spouse pt.2 ♡︎ pick a card reading ꒱
⠀ׅ ♡⠀࣪ emprexxluxaic ⸺ your angel ׅ ࣪ 𝅄
──⠀۪ ఌ︎ ۫ 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 ୨୧ ( 𝚊𝚟𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 )
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❝𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 – 𝓘 𝓪𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓲𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓲𝓷 𝓶𝔂 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮. 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓪𝔂 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 ❞
RIGHT OF THE BAT,there’s no immediate recognition but you will feel warm glow & feel happy inside, you will know it immediately that he is just around u.For some reason I'm getting sport events/festival maybe he play sport that time or he is watching sport,where nice music playing at the background.
I see 5-12 months/years, u may meet them when u lose or leave ur job because of some jelously collegue or even when ur heart broken. U are a hard worker so u will find a new job/work,when ur fully committed to ur work and u focus driven to it.
He see u as someone whose like leader type that can make other feel drawn to by ur charisma.He see u as someone who has a clear vision for future & willing to work hard to make their dreams come true,he see u too as competetive & courageous to accomplish their goal. He might see as someone who owns their own world & has a great potential & passion for anything u do. He see u as someone who's friendly & have a lot of friend(group of friends) who likes to go party? ,he see u as someone affectionate & fun.He see as someone who can turn heads whenever u go because of ur style,beauty & charisma.He see u as someone who can make others feels happy by ur positive vibes/energy.(Some people may envy u because of ur exciting lifestyle).Someone who likes to make friends whenever their go(maybe ur talkative too?).Someone who loves life & lives it to the fullest & may attain success because of positive personality,someone who get what do their desire.
You see him as warm,loving & sweet,someone who is devoted to relationship & the nurturer of the relationship,also a healer-good at listening to other people & give them a great advices.You see him as calm, stoic, and assertive person,someone who likes go in gym?(maybe have well build body).Someone who has a patient, balanced approach to life and understands the value of compromise.Someone who combine different ideas & to create something new & fresh,an excellent communicator & mediators who bring the best of a person.You see him as someone strong-willed & power to influence others.someone who is stubborn,focused & determine to what they desire.
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❝𝓣𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓷𝓮𝓻 𝓲𝓷 𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓮 – 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮'𝓼 𝓷𝓸 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓘'𝓭 𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱. 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 ❞
Maybe ur future husband is someone u know but the one who's not close with.Yeah,definitely when u see him this is already ur person.
There's no specific year/s here but u may meet him during november-february or during winter time.When u decided to change job,have freedom,end of a toxic relationship or even when u cut off the people(person) that no longer serving u & makes ur life miserable.You may also meet him when u get bullied?(whether in work or school)expect them u will see them.
He see as someone who is patient & someone who balance there life.Someone who's creative enough to create new ideas through old.Someone who have natural gift of diplomancy tends to be a good communicator(someone who works in management?).Someone who have physhic abilities,he may noticed something different & special to u(idk what it is).Ur person see u as someone mysterious & unpredictable.
You see him as someone highly artistic & sensitive.Someone who value arts(he may work as a artist).someone who is likable & charismatic when they want or need to,someone who have strong romantic streak to them.(U may meet this person while travelling too).someone who have high sexual libidos/appeal . Someone calm & assertive & doesn't make decisions pronto & wants to weight the pros & cons of whatever desicions it is.Someone who have logic.Someone who strictly follows/organized their schedule.someone who dislike being inactive & feels best doing a productive activity.You see him as someone diciplined & may have a well build body/likes to go to gym.someone who is a natural leader to influence/inspire others.someone who is confident & goal-oriented,isn't afraid to take risks when it needed to be.someone positive & optimistic that loves to be in spotlight.
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❝ 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓘 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓘 𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓾𝓹 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓽. 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾, 𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼❞
You will recognize them by their beautiful eyes.Maybe u just bump to each other or u/him drop something(clumsiness here>-<) then look to each other eyes & this is a sudden encounter.
I see 8 months/years.When u want change(career) or walk away from dissapointing moments/situation that may occur in ur life.Yeah,a difficult situation that hard to let go such as end of friendship/relationship,pass away of loved one,career blockade or even cutting betrayal.
He see u as someone who has calm but glum expression,u might experience depression .someone who doesn't confident & lack od self esteem.he ses u as someone shy to(maybe an introvert?) & someone who tends to be rude when got hurt.
You see him as pessimistic, focusing on the negative in every situation.someone who is hard to please(maybe ur person experience dissapointment that's why he act like this?) . U see him too as someone highly spiritual & good natured person(when they tend to avoid negative thoughts/aspects)u see him,he has great potential to be successful or can be rich(i see he is a hardworking person).U see him as loving person who can be great husband & father,someone honest,patient & reliable,who likes to share things he have,someone who loves nature & animals.
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convexicalcrow · 3 months
after an awful bout of writer's block regarding part three of the lost prince au, tonight i finally started writing something. took long enough to work out where the second half needed to go and what needed addressing, esp since i hit them with the grief stick in the interludes lol. so obvs dealing with that is clearly the main focus.
i've rejected a lot of potential plot points but i think i now finally have a plot that's going to work for where they are and what they need to deal with to get that good character growth. plus i get to do moar pixandrian lore worldbuilding wooo.
extremely sketchy 'i wrote this in 18 mins and haven't even edited it' exerpt below the cut if you're interested. still needs a ton of work, but having it started is really helping me visualise where to go next.
It had been too long since they'd arrived in Djesdjes, or so Cub thought. He was almost getting to like the place. He had settled into the rhythm of the temple now that he'd recovered, and was enjoying simply being able to serve and do nothing else. Just give his life over to the gods and perform the rites as he'd been taught. In between, he'd done whatever work needed doing, and when he was free, spent time with Scar down by the lakeside, or wandering through the markets, just enjoying being somewhat normal and in the company of people who spoke his language.
He was down by the lake again. He knew very well that he had to keep going, but his heart wasn't really in it. Not right now, anyway. That Wag festival had really messed him up. It had let out all that grief, and he hadn't really known what to do with it, save for spending too many late nights talking it out with Scar and Ma'akhi. Had it really helped? Not really. He'd still lost everything. Nothing would change that.
Sure, he had a new horse, and new tack, and he'd been able to replace his palette and get more papyrus, but it wasn't the same. Not yet, it wasn't. This new palette was a different shape. It didn't have Djehuty's name on it. It had four colours, not two. The reed pens were made from slightly thicker reed than he was used to. All small and insignificant things, to be fair, but they weren't his. And he wasn't quite in the right headspace to accept it yet. So, maybe, when night fell, he took his horse, left a note for Scar, and rode back to the place he'd left behind. He needed to see the Vigil and see the Copper King once more.
Was it more dangerous riding at night? Oh, sure. Though at least the moon was almost full, so there was just about enough light to see as he followed the road back to the Copper King's mountain. Was this a stupid thing to do? Cub wasn't sure. Didn't really care, either. Just knew he needed to go back there. He needed to see the Vigil. He arrived just after dawn, riding up to the gates just as the shifts were switching over.
"I seek entrance to the Copper King's mines!" Cub called.
"Who asks to be admitted?" one of the guards replied.
"The wanderer known as Cub. I have met the Copper King before. He invited me to return if I needed it. I have come from Djesdjes," Cub said.
"Oh, yes, I remember you! Please, do come in," another guard said. "I'm glad better weather brought you to us this time."
"Indeed, indeed. All praise to Ra for the good weather," Cub said, backing up his horse a little as the gates were opened. His horse startled a little at the drumming that followed, but he managed to calm her down and rode through the gates with the previous shift following along behind him.
One fo the guards caught up to him. "Do you need an escort to show you around? I'm assuming you'll head for the stables?"
"Yes, yes, I'll leave my horse there if that's okay. And do let him know I've arrived. I don't know how long I'll stay, though," Cub said.
"Oh, he'll know from the drumming, don't worry. We use them to communicate because we can hear them all over the city here. Come, I'll show you the stables," the guard said.
"Cub? Come on, we're late for morning rite!"
Scar said as he poked his head into Cub's sleeping quarters. He saw nothing save for a rolled up piece of papyrus on his bed.
"Oh, that rapscallion! I hope he hasn't run off somewhere! I'll never find him now!" Scar said, picking up the papyrus. He unrolled it and read the note Cub had left. "'Gone to see the Copper King. Sorry. Needed to get out of Djesdjes. Back in a few days.' Well, this is unacceptable! How dare he go on an adventure without me! Jellie, come on, we're going to see this Copper King as well!"
Scar found Ma'akhi about to start the procession to the temple. He would miss being in the temple, but he had a feeling Cub would need him.
"Ma'akhi, where does this Copper King live? Cub's gone to see him, but I don't know where he lives!" Scar said.
"Oh! Go out the west gate and follow the trade route. That should get you there in a day or so. It's a large mountain with gates on each side surrounded by wheat fields. It's very hard to miss. I take it you'll be staying with him until you return?" Ma'akhi said.
"Yes, of course! I think he just needed to get out of town for a bit, you know? I can tell he's going through a lot right now. Hopefully we'll be back sooner rather than later," Scar said.
"Good luck, and be kind to each other, yeah? May Netjer travel with you," Ma'akhi said.
"Thank you! Send my regards to Djehuty!" Scar said.
Cub left his horse in the stables under the care of the horse master, and took up the guard's offer to take him to the Vigil. Cub still wasn't sure why he felt so drawn to it, but he wasn't about to complain. He'd forgotten how...
It's not that the Vigil was a dark place, necessarily. It was in a large, brightly lit cave that opened to the sky, surrounded by houses carved into the rock. It had space. The running water from the fountain in the middle was soothing and cool, taking away from the heat that was starting to come in from the outside. But there were candles everywhere, in so many different colours, sizes, and shapes.
"I wondered if I might find you here," the Copper King said, coming to stand beside him.
"I dunno, something just- I felt like I needed to be here," Cub said.
The Copper King laughed. "The ancestors will do that sometimes, yes."
"I've been dreaming. Bad dreams. Akhu dreams. Like-..." Cub sighed.
"I take it that Wag festival really stirred up a few things, hey? I've heard it can do that," the Copper King said.
Cub nodded. "Do you know how hard it is to grieve when you can't say their names? I don't even know what I'll do if I get back to the Two Lands. What's really left for me there?"
"I guess that's a question you can only really answer once you go there. I have heard stories of rebuilding, though, from other traders. Khemenu became a sanctuary. You may want to go there first. It might do you good to stay there a while and get your bearings before you think about going elsewhere. The Governor there is a kind man. I know, because we've only recently reopened our trade routes back to the Two Lands. We're planning to go again in a month. If you're still around by then, maybe you can join us when we pass through Djesdjes. We'd love to have your company," the Copper King said.
"Yeah, maybe. I dunno. I know Scar wants to leave soon. I kinda do, but also, I still feel like I need to stay in Djesdjes for a while. Mentally, I still need to recover. But I find it impossible to explain that to him. He doesn't understand," Cub said.
"Well, he won't if you never try to explain it. But I do know what you mean. From what little you've told me about your life, I can't imagine trying to readapt to any kind of normal life after that. Take your time. I might not know much about healing, but what I do know is that you'll do yourself more harm if you go before you're ready. Do you need some time alone with the Vigil?" the Copper King said.
"Yeah, maybe. It's not that I can't talk to my akhu in Djesdjes, but you know-"
"You like the anonymity of being here more, I get it. Stay as long as you like. I'll be around if you need me," the Copper King said.
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filmnoirfoundation · 6 months
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Celebrating its 21st year, NOIR CITY, the largest annual film noir festival in the world, returns to Oakland's Grand Lake Theatre, January 19-28, 2024. FNF president Eddie Muller will present a dozen double bills pairing an English language noir with a similarly themed foreign language film—24 films over 10 days. Whatever the country of origin, there are heists, prison breaks, missing persons, cultural alienation, love triangles, and lots of plain old-fashioned murder.
Muller says this edition "has been tailored to satisfy those folks who love noir filled with the colorful vernacular slang so essential to American and British noir—as well as adventurous viewers intrigued by seeing a familiar story—typically a crime committed for passion or profit—play out in cultures with different values, mores, and styles." Through his programming of NOIR CITY festivals around the nation and his hosting of the popular Noir Alley franchise on Turner Classic Movies, Muller aims to move audiences past the idea that film noir is a strictly American genre.
Joining him this year, as co-programmer and co-host, is acclaimed film scholar Imogen Sara Smith, a familiar commentator on The Criterion Channel streaming service. "Attending NOIR CITY in the Bay Area has been a highlight of my year for over a decade," says Smith, "and I'm thrilled to be joining Eddie as co-host this year. I'm especially excited that the program we've put together will introduce audiences to some rare international titles, alongside Hollywood classics. It's going to be a stellar festival."
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Kicking off the collection of rarities is the FNF's most recent restoration — 1952's Argentine film Never Open That Door (No abras nunca esa puerta) — based on two short stories by American master of suspense fiction, Cornell Woolrich. The picture was preserved by the Film Noir Foundation in 2013 and has now been completely restored by the FNF through UCLA Film & Television Archive, thanks in part to a grant from the Golden Globe Foundation (formerly HFPA). Fernando Martín Peña, Argentina's pre-eminent cinephile, will be on hand to introduce the film with Eddie Muller.
Included on the 2024 schedule are English-language rarities such as Black Tuesday (1954), Plunder Road (1957), Across the Bridge (1957), and Strongroom (1962). Little-seen international titles include The Human Beast (France, 1938), Aimless Bullet (South Korea, 1960), Bitter Rice (Italy, 1949), Four Against the World (Mexico, 1950), Zero Focus (Japan, 1961), and Smog (1962), a forgotten surrealist masterpiece by Italian director Franco Rossi freshly restored by UCLA Film & Television Archive. Explore the full line up, buy tickets for individual double features and Passports (All-Access Passes) at the festival website.
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downthetubes · 2 years
Lakes Festival Focus: An Interview with Comic Artist Dean Ormston
Dean teases some upcoming projects, and discuses his approach to creating comics
As the countdown continues toward the Lakes International Comic Art Festival next week in Bowness-on-Windermere (14th – 16th October 2022), here’s another in a series of interviews with some of the guests – a quick chat with comic creator Dean Ormston. What are you working on, comics-wise or illustration wise, right now, and when will it be published? I’m currently working on a four-part Black…
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tinyreviews · 1 year
Finnish cinema
Finnish cinema, while less globally recognized than its Scandinavian counterparts from Sweden and Denmark, has a rich history and a distinctive style that reflects the culture, values, and history of Finland.
History: Finnish cinema dates back to 1907 with the creation of the first Finnish film production company, Suomi-Filmi. It produced many silent films and early talkies, establishing the beginnings of a national cinema.
Themes: Finnish films often explore themes of national identity, history, and the tension between traditional rural life and modern urban living. There's also a distinctive engagement with nature, fitting for a country known for its forests and lakes.
Social Realism: Like much of Nordic cinema, Finnish films are known for their social realism. They often tackle societal issues with a focus on the everyday experiences of ordinary people. This has led to a cinematic tradition that’s both grounded and poignant.
Humor: Finnish cinema has a unique sense of humor. "Finnish deadpan" is a style of comedy characterized by minimalist, matter-of-fact delivery and absurd situations, often combined with a melancholic tone. Notable directors in this vein include Aki Kaurismäki, whose films are internationally acclaimed.
Notable Films and Directors: In addition to Aki Kaurismäki, notable Finnish directors include his brother Mika Kaurismäki, Renny Harlin (known for Hollywood action films), and Jalmari Helander (known for his action and fantasy films). Some internationally acclaimed Finnish films are "The Man Without a Past", "Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale", and "Tom of Finland".
International Recognition: Finnish films have received international recognition and won awards at prestigious festivals, such as the Cannes Film Festival. However, they are not as widely exported or recognized as films from some other European countries.
Modern Finnish Cinema: Modern Finnish cinema is diverse, with films ranging from historical dramas to dark comedies, action films, and introspective character studies. The industry also produces high-quality documentaries.
In summary, Finnish cinema is characterized by its blend of social realism, distinctive humor, engagement with national themes, and a commitment to telling stories about ordinary people and their lives.
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Are there any ttrpgs for low fantasy but non-gritty vibes?
THEME: Non-Gritty Low Fantasy
Hello friend! Wow, this request sure threw me for a loop. It took a while, but I hope these games have something that piques your interest. You might find some common themes among these recommendation - namely, Lord of the Rings and Studio Ghibli.
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Hearth, Home & Halflings, by Loreshaper Games.
You are an inhabitant of the Eastland Greens. It’s a beautiful place, untouched by the concerns of the world around it. Halflings have lived here for centuries, going about their business (usually eating anything they can get their hands on) with aplomb.
Nothing serious has happened in the last several centuries, but the inhabitants of Eastland Greens need to find ways to entertain themselves. Usually, they channel this into wholesome hobbies—cooking (important, given their voracious appetites!), golf, and raising all sorts of plants and animals.
This is a one-page rpg with extremely simple rules, with very low stakes. Each player uses a d6 to determine whether they succeed, and if they succeed with style (6 or higher) they gain a Mischief token. You can use Mischief tokens to add 1 to a future roll, but you’re also accepting small problems that you’ll have to fix as you go. Will you outperform your rival at the local festival? Make off with a farmer’s best mushrooms? Steal the barkeep’s best keg? You decide!
The Caravan Endures, by g3rmb0y.
The Caravan Endures is a collaborative TTRPG designed to focus on teamwork, planning, and communication skills. Set in a unique Western meets Fantasy world, it embodies the idea of gentle fantasy, encouraging players to find peaceful solutions to encounters rather than violence. 
This is a Western-Fantasy style game, that encourages players to work together to achieve their goals. There are both individual and group dice rolls, depending on whether the group faces an encounter together or whether an individual takes responsibility for a specific action. Players can take the roles of different specialists, which act as classes or playbooks in that they provide each character with abilities and tools that they can use to solve problems. Since it’s expected that your players will look for non-violent solutions to problems, there’s less room for grittiness in this game than you might expect from something with a Western theme. 
There’s also a Vision Accessible version of this game, for folks who use screen readers.
Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine, by Jenna Moran.
The Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine RPG is a diceless RPG from Jenna Katerin Moran. It’s a progressive, warm-hearted game that focuses on adventure and slice-of-life stories — think Laputa: Castle in the Sky or Kiki’s Delivery Service, but also Western stuff like Friendship is Magic, Harry Potter, and Adventure Time!
Pursue fabulous quests.
Progress through Issues.
And find a place for yourself in a world of breathtaking beauty.
Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish Granting Engine contains a sliding scale of genre, from pastoral slice-of-life to epic fantasy. The setting is inspired by Studio Ghibli movies, so if you like that gentle mode of storytelling, this is certainly worth checking out. One thing you might want to keep in mind in this game is that players benefit if they have a log of what happened throughout the game, whether it’s through written notes, or a list of messages on a noticeboard somewhere. There are a few supplements available for this game, such as Fortitude: by the Docks of Big Lake (which immerses you into the pastoral lakeside setting), The Glass-Maker's Dragon (a campaign set in Fortitude), and The Techno Player's Guide (a guide for the "Techno", or "goofy" style of play).
Pipedream, by Role Over, Play Dead.
PIPEDREAM is a #SWORDDREAM roleplaying game of detectives, problem-solving, and rural mysteries in a fantastic world; or a farcical drug comedy. You may play it as both.
The game is played as a conversation between a Referee and 1-4 Wisefellows (halfling detectives). The Referee describes the scenes and supporting characters, and presents problems and threats that players are faced with. The other players portray the Wisefellows and decide on their actions as they experience surprising adventures in the world of Irisfields.
This game is dangerous for the characters, but it it doesn’t take itself too seriously. While your characters will most likely get into trouble, the main goal first and foremost is to solve mysteries. If you like the idea of following clues to various strange places and odd answers, you might want to check out Pipedream!
Back Again from the Broken Land, by Cloven Pine Games.
You are small people who walked into a big war. The Doomslord’s forces were gathered in the Broken Land, and your fellowship unexpectedly played a key role in the Doomslord’s fall. Now, laden with stories to tell and burdens to bear, you set off on the journey home. But the Doomslord’s Hunters are still out there, and it’s a long way to walk... Back Again from the Broken Land. 
Back Again from the Broken Land is a short Powered by the Apocalypse game of small adventurers sharing stories on a long walk home. It is meant to be played in one to three sessions. The game is inspired by the emotional, even bittersweet, stretches of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.  The game is perfect for low-prep and no-prep one-shot gameplay, though you can also use it to play a short campaign of two to three sessions if you want to delve deeper into the characters' journeys. All you need to play are three six-sided dice, three-to-five players plus a GM, and a willingness to spin an emotional fantasy yarn together.
This game expects the scariest part of the adventure to already be over by the time you start play. It’s not about defeating evil, but instead, it’s about the characters connecting as they make their way home. If you want to bask in the beauty of a fantastical world without having to worry about defeating the big bad, this might be the game for you.
Ryuutama, by Atsuhiro Okada. (Found on Kotohi)
Ryuutama is a Japanese tabletop role-playing game, now translated into English. The original author is Atsuhiro Okada, a lifelong gamer who works in a “Tabletop Gaming Cafe” in Tokyo, the first of its kind in the country. He wrote this game to bring new people into tabletop role-playing, as well as to provide a heartwarming experience which other games at the time did not.
Ryuutama calls itself a “Natural Fantasy RPG”. It is a fantasy role-playing game set in a western medieval-style setting. The conceit of this setting is that at one point, in everyone’s lives, people get this intense feeling of wanderlust. They put their daily lives on hold and travel the world with new-found companions. They find out more about the world, and at the same time learn about themselves.
This game is built with the NPCs of regular fantasy games in mind. You are travellers, but you have a role such as merchant, healer, artisan or farmer. The primary source of fantasy is a half-dragon character controlled by the Game Master, called the Ryuujin. This character can provide the characters with magical solutions to problems - although the group is encouraged to prioritize problem solving over combat. This game encourages exploration more than fighting monsters, and while the magic might be a bit more prevalent than in a standard low-fantasy game, the reasons for using it might make it feel more simple and everyday.
Wise Women, by Alessandra Bookman.
Wise Women is tabletop roleplaying game in which the players take on the roles of witches living in a remote village, where life is difficult and people often fall prey to supernatural creatures.
The witches have the ability to use magical properties of plants to protect their community and help it prosper, but their skills are viewed with suspicion and prejudice. After all, magic is another supernatural force and the same plants that can heal, can also be used to cause harm.
 Will the witches continue to strive to protect and improve their community, or will the prejudice drive them to lash out and turn to violence and Dark Magic?
Wise Woman is Powered by the Apocalypse, which is an excellent system for focusing on small, personal stories, with stakes that concern the player characters and their lives, but not the entire world. The characters in this game may not like each-other all the time, but they need each-other, or their magic will reveal them or, even worse, spiral out of control. If you like magic in your fantasy, but want to see a more down-to-earth and everyday use of it, Wise Women might be pointing you in the right direction.
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queenofpurgatoryq · 2 years
TD;lr: Turkish goverment is trying to mess up a movie with a queer storyline, its a great movie and you should watch it to support it.
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Besides the stunning cinematography and excellent acting by all of the leads (especially Selahattin Paşalı), this movie is a setting stone for Turkish cinema for a political reason, too.
Without giving the plot away, I want to note that while I would not consider this movie as 'queer cinema' it has a storyline revolving around its two male leads, their chemistry is undeniable and one of the main drivers of the story.
The spoiler free version is that, there is a queer relationship and even while it does not have explicit scenes, it has been getting a lot of attention from right wing media from the moment it aired in festivals. After negative press about "homosexual propoganda" the ministry of culture decised to "get their funding back, with interest."
This is the most pathatic thing I've ever heard tbh. The movie's first draft apparently did not include a queer aspect to the two leads' relationship and the ministery approved to support it. (Its an art house film that was suppose to attend many festivals world wide and it is currently doing so.) Then they revised the script and sent it to do the ministery as well, 20 months ago. And now they want their money back because homophobes are mad.
I believe anyone who lives in a country with corruption (I guess most of the world, sadly) will relate heavily to this story and share the frustration of living in an unjust world.
Hopefully you are as pissed as I'm and would like to watch this movie to say 'fuck you' to bigots, you should be able to find it many cities in Turkey and Europe.
The movie revolves around a young prosecutor named Emre and it starts with him moving to a small town. The elections are close and the town has a plotically divided atmosphere and Emre finds himself in the middle of an open case that revolves around the town's water source.
The movie highlights the injustices of a currupt town and a goverment and the helpless feeling of trying to fight this injustices but struggle at every turn. Along side a rape case of a young girl, the town's main focus shifts to a rumor of the nature of two men. This highlights the irony- nobody cares about a Romani girl getting raped, but everybody talks about these men. Its frustrating, the movie set in a setting without water, everybody is thirsty, its hot and its suffocating. The setting creates a helpless feeling in Emre and the viewer.
It is an absolute thriller that had me at the edge of my seat. At Emre's every moment where he stood his ground, I was holding my breath.
If you read this far and want to now more and do not care about SPOILERS, go ahead.
The queer relationship revolves around the prosecutor Emre and the town's journalist Murat. Their relationship was definietly beyond subtext, eventhough it was open to intrepretation to how far they have gone with each other, it was clear they were drawn to each other one way or another.
The relationship is beyond subtext because for starters, Murat is introduced as an outcast of the town, a journalist with a sharp tongue and from the start people tell Emre of his 'unorthodox ways'. Murat's sexual oriantation is a talk of the town and its clear that he had been bullied and harrased for a long time. As they get close, both the nature of their relationship is questioned as well as their their stand against town's traditions.
The lack of clear water in town was portrayed stunningly. Especially for Emre's and Murat's relationship. Everytime they were around each other, it was near a lake or a shower and even then they were not able to relax due to external pressure of the events around them.
All in all, Selahhatin Paşalı's portrayel was amazing, his feelings were more subtle and open to intrepretation yet much more powerful in my opinion. I liked that even in very intimiate moment they were calling each other Mr. And called each other with the formal 'you' until the very end.
The main focus of the movie is not their love story yet their dynamic elevates the rest of the story and brings attention to very important topics. I hope it will get the attention it deserves, from outside of Turkey, too.
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kittyball23 · 1 year
An Unexpected Guest (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: A Bergen wedding is interrupted by the arrival of a newcomer
A/N: Yes, this is my take on the full opening scene of Trolls Band Together 😀
Celebration was in full swing in Bergen Town.
Trolls – from all over Troll Kingdom – and Bergens alike were there, setting up lots of decorations and getting into a festive mood. Well, mostly festive. Cloud Guy, who was lying belly-up in a pizza box from Captain Starfunkle’s was feeling stuffed (that bachelor party was wild after all) and it wasn’t long before he sat up and vomited a bunch of rainbow glitter.
So, what was the occasion this day though? Only one that everyone had anticipated for a long time: it was the wedding of King Gristle and his soon-to-be bride and former scullery maid, Bridget! It was something that was inevitable to happen, given how much in love the two Bergens were, and in a matter of time it had happened – the king had proposed, Bridget had gladly agreed to marry, and now the big day had come! Since Trolls loved to sing, and singing in turn made the job of setting up go faster, the Trolls were happily belting out a well-known tune, their voices carrying out loudly and melodically.
“We are family!
I got all my sisters and me,
We are family!
Come on everybody and sing!”
Overseeing everything as they rode along on some fuzzy bug-like creatures were Queen Poppy and Branch - the Trolls who’d had a hand in saving the Bergens from their misery, bringing Bridget and Gristle together in the first place, helped to unite the Troll Kingdom, and were now an official couple. Down below, they could see much of their friends making preparations. Cooper, his brother Prince D, and some of the other Funk and Pop Trolls were helping the Bergens decorate the aisle that Bridget was going to walk down. Guy Diamond was fitting Tiny Diamond into a flower costume, gushing when he was finished.
“Tiny Diamond,” he said in his techno-like voice, “You make the cuuuutest little flower boy!”
Tiny Diamond on the other hand did not share his father’s enthusiasm. He frowned. “Come on, Daddy, I told you. I’m the cutest little flower MAN!” He flung the flowers from his basket up in a flourish, trying to make himself look cool.
Branch and Poppy chuckled, their focus shifting from the wedding prep to each other. The pink and blue Trolls happily high-fived each other, loving the great connection they shared, and began to sing.
“Everyone can see we're together
As we walk on by,
And we fly just like birds of a feather,
I won't tell no lie,
All of the people around us, they say, yeah, yeah,
Can they be that close?
Just let me state for the record,
We're giving love in a family dose!”
Laughing, the two Trolls descended for a brief moment.
“Everything looks gorgeous so far!” Poppy squealed, in awe of everything and how it was coming together.
Branch nodded, smiling and agreeing. “Yeah, this is gonna be pretty good.”
“I know! And, to make things even better, I brought all of my records so we can pick some stuff to play at the reception!” She demonstrated, pulling out a bunch of albums from her hair and sifting through them.
“I just can’t decide what to put on first – there’s so much good stuff!” Poppy exclaimed. “ChristTrolla Huguilera, Justin Timber and Lakes, Britney Sparkles, the Spice Trolls...” Poppy trailed off when she got to the last one in her pile, her words turning into one big squeal. “OHH! I got it!”
“What?” Branch asked.
Poppy held up an album with five multi-colored Trollings on the cover. The queen was overjoyed. “BroZone! We should totally play BroZone!”
Branch flinched. Of all things, she had a record for BroZone ?
Well, duh, they were the ‘hottest boy band of the century.’ Supposedly.
Poppy, however, completely missed the expression on Branch’s face at the mention of the band. She was already pulling out a record player and bumping the CD, the music ringing out loud and clear for all around to hear. Trolls nearby clapped and sang along to the beat as four voices perfectly harmonized from the speakers.
“Ooh, yeah,
You might been hurt, babe,
That ain't no lie,
You've seen them all come and go, oh,
I remember you told me,
That it made you believe in,
No man, no cry,
Maybe that's why,
Every little thing I do,
Never seems enough for you,
You don't want to lose it again,
But I'm not like them,
Baby, when you finally,
Get to love somebody,
Guess what?
It's gonna be me!”
Branch gave a weak laugh, trying to hide the sickening feeling that was rising from his stomach up into his throat, and addressed his girlfriend. “Poppy, you don’t want to put that on.”
Poppy gasped at him. “What! Why not?”
Branch gulped. He couldn’t tell her the real reason why. So he quickly thought of something else. “Well, because… you should go for the classics! Like this.” Before she could say anything, he whipped out another CD from his hair and bumped the record. The Cha Cha Slide began to play, and the Trolls instantly got into the rhythm of the new song. Poppy was a little confused, but didn’t pay much mind to it. Branch was right. The classics did fare well! The two Trolls grooved to the beat (Branch happy that his diversion had worked) before Branch took note of the time.
“Oh! Poppy! We’re going to be late for the royal wedding. Come on! Let’s go get married!” He grabbed her arm and tugged her along.
The Pop Queen stopped him however, gasping. “Branch!”
He paused and turned around, confused to see her wide eyes and shocked look. “What?” Then, all at once, he realized what he had said. Let’s go get married! “O-OH! I… I mean, let’s go get Bridget and King Gristle married.” He gave an awkward chuckle, his cheeks already starting to get hot at the slip-up.
Poppy breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, okay! Because that would be weird if we got married.”
Branch hurriedly agreed. “Yes, very weird. Yeah.”
They awkwardly looked away as they continued to bounce agreement off one another, Branch finalizing the point with a seemingly disgusted “bleh” which Poppy copied. By then, the awkwardness had lifted some, and they were ready to make their way over. He extended his arm out to her, which she intertwined with his and they skipped off, merrily continuing their singing with the whole village.
“We are family!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah,
I got all my sisters with me,
We are family!
Get up everybody and sing!”
It had been an energetic preparation for the wedding, but now, things wound down as the actual ceremony began to commence.
Bergens and Trolls alike sat in the aisles as the wedding march began to play, composed by Trollzart and the Classical Trolls. Walking – or rather, sashaying – down the aisle first was the flower boy man, Tiny Diamond, flinging the petals in his basket into everyone’s faces with a very stylish flair. Next came Poppy and Branch, the maid of honor and best man respectively, who strolled up to the altar where King Gristle was already waiting with the officiator, a Bergen named Miss Maxine. And then, finally, from all the way down the aisle and making everyone’s heads turn in delight was Bridget. She looked very pretty in her white dress and veil. The Bergen elegantly came down the aisle, the Bergens gawking at the future Queen of their town. She seemed both confident and shy, the last part evident when she had finally reached the altar and blushed as Gristle glanced at her lovingly.
The Classical Trolls toned down their music a bit, still playing softly as Miss Maxine began to speak. “Dearly beloved,” she started, nearly unable to contain the excitement in her voice, “We are gathered here today to witness the joining together of two worlds. I stand here before you to proclaim that our beloved King of Bergen Town, King Gristle the Second, and his lovely bride and soon to be Queen Bridget, have opened their hearts to one another and found love.” She paused, a smile dancing across her face as Gristle reached out his hand to Bridget's and gently took them in hers. She gripped firmly as Miss Maxine continued speaking. “Today they will vow to forever cherish each other and share the blessings that come with their love. So, without further ado..." She turned to King Gristle first and asked the big question. “Do you, King Gristle the Second, take Bridget to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
King Gristle smiled softly at Bridget and gave a small nod. “I do.”
Sniffles were already heard in the audience in response. But before anyone could start bawling, Miss Maxine proceeded, addressing Bridget. “And do you, Bridget, take King Gristle the Second to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?
Tears swimming in her eyes, Bridget nodded. “I do!”
Poppy sighed blissfully, snuggling closer to Branch and swooning over the romantic moment. Branch glanced down at her, grinning, wondering for a brief second what it would be like if they had been the ones in King Gristle and Bridget’s places. He was pulled out of the thought when Miss Maxine was about to conclude.
“Then, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and - !”
An unexpected voice suddenly yelled out, stopping Miss Maxine before she could finalize their marriage. Trolls and Bergens whirled their heads up towards the sound, gasping in surprise when a Troll swung down from up above, landing right in the middle of the aisle with a dramatic thud, causing many more Trolls and a few Bergens to jump in their seats in surprise. The Troll was teal colored with dark aquamarine hair. A thick snow coat was on his person, and he toted a pair of goggle-like sunglasses on his head. The crowd began to murmur. Who was this Troll? Nobody in any of the kingdoms thought that they'd ever seen him before.
Upon the altar, Poppy and Branch were just as surprised as their friends. Poppy squinted at the newcomer. He looked awfully familiar for some reason, though she couldn't place exactly when and where she'd seen him before. Branch on the other hand had the realization dawn on him much sooner than he probably would have liked. He felt himself go stiff as the Troll casually walked down the aisle and up towards the altar, greeting the confused Trolls and Bergens as he passed with "hello"s and "hey, how you doing?"s.
“Hi guys, what’s up? So sorry for the interruption, you’ve got a lovely wedding going on here, very nice event! Allow me to introduce myself. My name’s John Dory.” He waved a hand in greeting, now having made his way in front of Branch and Poppy. Branch gulped as the next words he knew were inevitably coming were spoken by the Troll. “And I am Branch’s long… lost… brother.”
His pauses in between the words gave the effect that he’d wanted. A collective gasp was heard from the audience. Jaws dropped, eyes widened, more whispers were heard.
Poppy was shell-shocked. “WHAT?” Was this for real? She took a closer look, her eyes flitting between Branch and this new Troll, and right away she could see that they kind of did look a bit similar. Their skin tones were the same, and the shape of their faces. Then, in taking that closer look, it suddenly struck her where she’d seen this Troll before.
“Waaaait a minute…” she said, snapping her fingers and smiling widely. “You’re the guy! From BroZone! ” She bounced in place, excited when he affirmed with a nod. She turned to Branch. “Oh my gosh, we were just listening to them!”
John Dory chuckled. “Well, I’m glad to see that we still have some fans, miss…?” He trailed off, extending a hand to her in greeting.
“Poppy! Queen Poppy of Pop Village!” She gladly took his hand and pumped it up and down furiously, grinning. Then she realized even more . “Wait a second… then that means…” She gasped. “The other guys, from BroZone… you’re all brothers too, right?”
John Dory once again confirmed with a “You are correct!”
Branch frowned, crossing his arms and turning himself away from JD. “But that’s all in the past,” he said icily.
Poppy squealed, addressing her boyfriend. “BRANCH! How come you never told me you had a secret brother?!”
Branch frowned, glaring at John Dory. “Correction: used to be my brother. Because the way I remember it, my brothers walked out on me, and never came back. ”
This got Tiny Diamond riled up. “ Ooooo, drama! Corn me, Dinkles!” He extended a hand out to where Biggie was standing with Mr. Dinkles. The little worm mew ed in reply, and spat out a small bag of popcorn for Tiny to catch. Tiny began to happily munch on his snack as he watched the two brothers reunite.
“Look,” John Dory said, trying to sound reasonable, “I know that things were not so hot the last time we all saw each other. But I think it’s time for that to change.” He stepped closer to the frowning Troll. “Branch, it’s time we find the rest of our brothers and get the band back together!”
Poppy gasped. “Seriously?!”
“No, not seriously,” Branch counteracted. “Because if he thinks he can come here after all these years, give some lame apology, and think we’re all going to be one big happy family again just like that, then this can’t be anything more than a joke. ” He gestured angrily. “You just ruined our friends’ wedding!”
Bridget and Gristle were standing off to the side on the altar, having watched everything unfold silently. They glanced at each other, silently communicating, and then back at the Trolls. “Well…” Bridget began. “This does sound pretty important. We don’t mind postponing the wedding until you guys get back. Right, Grizzy?”
The king nodded. “Yeah, it’s cool. We don’t mind!”
Branch gaped at them. “What? No! I’m not going with him.” He put his hands up and spoke to the audience. “Nothing to see here, guys! This is all one big misunderstanding! This… guy is going to leave right now!” He began to push John Dory away, who resisted.
“Whoa, whoa, little bro, I’m not leaving!”
“Oh, yes you are,” Branch growled, “Tell him, Poppy!”
“Tell him what? I’m not asking him to leave!” the Queen said, completely opposing her boyfriend. “We totally have to help him. They’re your brothers, too!” Poppy clasped her hands together, envisioning it all now. “We’re gonna have the best family reunion ever!” She began to shoot out album title ideas in quick succession. “BroZone 2.0! BroZone Reunion! BroZone: Here We Bro Again! BroZone: Where Did They Bro? Oh, I Don’t Know, But WE’RE GONNA FIND THEM!!”
Branch, who had tried to cut in amongst her excited rant, sighed and decided against it. He had learned that it was no use to try and get Poppy calm after she was overjoyed about something. And maybe, he thought to himself, maybe this WILL be a good thing. He blinked. Whoa… where had that thought come from? Maybe Poppy’s positivity was rubbing off on him, giving him that little hopeful thought that maybe it would be beneficial for him, John Dory, and the other brothers to reunite - perhaps not to get the band back together per say, but to at least clear the air, maybe even be on good terms again…
But then his reasonable side kicked in again. First of all, they didn’t even know where the other guys were. Second, where would they be traveling in? Third, who was going to watch Pop Village while they were gone for who knows how long? Fourth, why should he even bother giving them second chances? They sure didn’t seem to care when they all left the first time. Fifth - would this mission even be worth it?
As though the universe had heard his questions, much of them were suddenly answered.
“Don’t worry,” John Dory was saying, “I’ve got all the maps and references we need to find our bros, all on my caterbus!”
“Sweet!” Poppy exclaimed, pumping her fists in the air.
“And I don’t mind watching Pop Village for a little while,” said the former King Peppy, who was confident as he’d done it before. “With a little help, of course,” he added.
Trolls from the audience piped up, primarily delegates from the other kingdoms. Among them were Val Thundershock, Demo, and Blaze Powechord (all from Rock); Holly Darlin’ and Gust Tumbleweed (from Country); Dante Crescendo and Minuet Sonata (from Classical); Lowtone Jones and Rhythm & Blues (from Funk); and Synth and Laguna Tidepool (from Techno). “We’ll be glad to lend a hand!”
Everything seemed set thus far, but there was still one obstacle to get over.
“Come on, Branch, pleeeease? ” Poppy pleaded. “This is gonna be so awesome, I just know it!”
Branch pulled her aside, speaking in a low voice so that John Dory couldn’t hear. “You really want to do this? You trust him? Because I sure don’t.”
“Branch, of course I trust him. We gave the Bergens another chance. The whole Troll Kingdom gave each other second chances. Look at where we all are now! Why is this any different?”
Branch wanted to groan, realizing that his girlfriend had a point that she was making. Plus, she had less reason to feel so apprehensive. It wasn’t her brothers that left her in the dust, after all. She could be right in going off on this mission.
Or maybe she just wants autographs from them.
He pushed aside the pessimistic thought, and sighed, not believing what he was about to say. “Okay. Fine. We’ll go.”
Poppy beamed. “YES! YES! I KNEW YOU’D SAY YES!” She leaped at him, wrapping her arms tight around him for a hug.
The Trolls and Bergens in the audience clapped and cheered, happy for the Trolls.
John Dory laughed. “Ha, ha! I knew it, too! Bring it in, little bro!” He reached for Branch and wrapped one arm around his neck, using the other to give him a noogie.
Branch struggled free, glaring at him. “You do that again, and those sunglasses won’t have a head to be on,” he warned darkly.
Tiny Diamond in the meantime threw his popcorn in the air. “OOOOHHHH, sick!” He eagerly looked up at his father. “Can I go too, Daddy? Please?”
Guy Diamond looked a little uncertain. “I don’t know, Tiny…”
“Daddy, I told you, I’m a man. I can take care of myself, and them, too!” Tiny Diamond said, trying to defend himself.
Guy sighed and looked down at his son with a smile. “Okay. You can go. But please, just be careful.”
“I will, Daddy!” Tiny assured, giving his father a quick hug before rushing over to catch up with Branch, Poppy, and John Dory to let them know he was tagging along.
Guy looked on with a wistful smile. “My little boy is growing up!”
A/N: I had to have them sing an NSYNC song 😁
Also, for Tiny Diamond's strut down the aisle, just picture the Flower Man meme 🤣
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