#Keto after 50
theweightlossguy · 2 years
simple keto recipe
To learn more about keto after 50 and claim your free ebooks click here now
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speedyqueenhottub · 1 year
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iamhowiseeit · 2 years
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Keto after 50
Keto after 50
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manorag · 2 years
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Hi Bunnies
Here are the first pictures of me after my breast reduction and lift 10 days ago. I still have a lot of swelling in my abdomen and bust area. Lots of bruising. But I’m off narcotics and I’m sleeping through the night. Try sleeping flat of your back all night. Misery!
No running or lifting for 4 weeks. But I can start walking and light upper body exercises this week.
Comparison photo: May 2020 versus January 2023.
201 lbs versus ~138 lbs.
Life doesn’t stop at menopause. I will trust my journey in 2023.
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yosefgavit84 · 10 months
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fatburningsolution · 2 years
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prozach27 · 2 years
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
So if the body needs 45-65% of calories in carbs to be functional, does that mean low-carb-diet that brings people to the lower end of that range (45%) is inherently the most legitimate diet?
The most legitimate diet is one that makes you feel satisfied, does not make you sick, and meets your nutritional needs.
Beyond that, no. There is no "most legitimate diet."
The concept of "a diet" is honestly kind of flawed, depending on how you define "diet." And if you are defining "diet" as "a means of eating that will guarantee and maintain weight loss" then yeah the idea is flawed from jump.
Your metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions in your body. Your diet is all of the foods and liquids that you consume.
Different people have different caloric needs and different metabolisms; eating in different ways can change your metabolism, as can exercising in different ways.
There is no universally correct way to eat. There is also no universally correct way to exercise.
If you are looking for ways to improve your diet, here are the very few things that are applicable to a lot (perhaps the majority) of people:
You probably need to eat more fruits and vegetables
You almost certainly do not need to worry about getting enough protein
You should do an activity that raises your heart rate to aerobic levels for 150 minutes a week
However, setting that aside: getting 45% of your diet from carbohydrates is not considered a low-carb diet. There are a lot of ways to define "low carb" but two of the more general ones are "30% or less of your daily caloric intake is carbohydrates" and "100 or fewer grams of carbs per day."
The Atkins diet, a very popular low-carb diet calls for 100 or fewer grams of carbs per day. If we're going by the 2000 calorie RDA (which is flawed but a common baseline way of doing the math on these things) that means that 20% of an Atkins dieter's calories would come from carbohydrates.
The Keto diet calls for 50 or fewer grams of carbs per day. So 10% of calories from carbs.
You will recognize these as far below the recommended minimum for the average person.
Low-carb diets are also not especially effective for weight loss or improving metabolic health in the long term.
There are some people who eat low-carb diets who feel great with that mix of nutrients. There are some people who are on medically necessary low-carb diets (and there are people on medically necessary low-fat and low-protein diets!)
In our current culture, when people talk about "diets" they are not talking about all of their food and liquid intake and how it relates to their metabolic function, they are talking about dieting, or "going on a diet."
Dieting is not an effective way to lose weight and maintain weight loss in the long term (we do not know of a generalizable way for most people to lose weight and maintain a weight loss in the long term!) and is more likely to cause weight gain rather than weight loss 2-5 years after the start of the diet. Dieting is not by itself an effective way to improve metabolic health in the long term, and may actually significantly damage metabolic health depending on how restrictive the diet was and how long it continued. (Also: just to be clear, it is much more effective to focus on improving things like resting heart rate, fasting blood sugar, lipid levels, and vitamin deficiencies for better health outcomes than it is to focus on losing weight.)
Looking for the best/most legitimate diet so that you can start eating that diet is very unlikely to net you positive results for your health. Dieting is not effective.
A better way to approach the issue of your diet is to think about what changes you can make in your eating and exercise habits that will help you to feel good, make you feel full, maintain your health, and maintain muscle strength, cardiovascular health, and flexibility.
Don't go out looking for the "most legitimate diet," see if you can add some more fresh fruit to your diet. See if you can make sure you're getting enough fiber. See if you can eat at least one whole serving of vegetables with each meal.
When people talk about things like low-carb diets or diets with no refined sugar or paleo diets or low-fat diets they are asking "What are the bad foods? What should I never eat? What food should I never buy again? What is the food that will make me better if I stop eating it? What can I cut out? What are the bad things that I can avoid?"
Unless you have a medical restriction from a particular food, I don't think that it's good to think of your diet and how you eat in terms of rigid rules and I definitely don't think it's good to approach your diet asking what you can take away from yourself. I think you should ask what you can add to your diet that will improve your overall health.
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vesvosmozhno · 2 months
Emergency Commissions [CLOSED]
Hey guys, my mom is ✨Recently Hospitalized✨ and in very bad condition. She's fighting pneumonia and diabetic keto acidosis and has been placed into a medically induced coma.
My sibling and I are currently trying to raise money for rent which is $750 and our car payment that's a bit behind at $1700. Worst case scenario, we're also raising money for care if our mom has brain damage when she wakes up or funeral costs.
Payments are accepted via CashApp or Venmo which I'll give in DMs after we've agreed on your commission.
I'll do painted commissions for $50 a piece like this:
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In this style I can draw anything with references. Keep in mind that these take me anywhere from 6-15 hours which is why they're $50, but I'm not adding in any additional charges.
I have a more stylistic look for $20 a piece, colored or shaded:
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In this style I can draw anything, including OCs and I can do furries too.
And for $5 you can get one of these stupid little doodles:
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I'll draw anything including NSFW but I won't draw pregnancy as a fetish (characters that are just pregnant are fine), any sort of baby or child fetish, characters that look childish in NSFW or fetish art and I won't draw any racially inaccurate or offensive/propaganda art.
I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason but feel free to DM me or send in an ask about a specific project, it never hurts to ask even if I end up saying no! And I promise not to be mean to you or share private conversations if you ask for something against my rules.
I also design tattoos which I'll do for $5-$20 depending on complexity, again just ask!
If you can't commission or simply don't want to reblogs go a long way <3
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nostalgicamerica · 3 months
My Weight-Loss Journey
Over the last three decades, despite a relatively active lifestyle, my weight has steadily increased a pound or two per year. I could see it was becoming a problem every morning in my foggy bathroom mirror.
I finally realized that I had to do something about it last fall when I walked out onto my porch one morning. The neighbor's kitten came over to say good morning and got caught up in my gravitational field and went into orbit around my waistline.
It was then I started looking into different diets. Keto, Caveman, high fat, low carb, lima bean, Atkins. Holy crap! The number of different diet choices were staggering. Greater still were the numbers of dieticians and nutritionists shrieking that this diet is best and only a booger-eater would choose that diet.
After a bit of cogitation, I started researching the Carnivore diet.
It sounded right up my alley: eating nothing but meat, cheese, eggs, and dairy products, and drinking water. And I could eat bacon. Basically, I could eat anything that is animal-based.
The bacon thing sold it for me.
The week before Thanksgiving 2023 I started my new diet plan. You might think that dieting during the holidays wasn't a grand idea, and you'd be right. Eating nothing but meat while watching my family chowing down on traditional holiday meals (turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving, and ham and all the fixings for Christmas) and stuffing their faces with cookies and candy and pie and everything else associated with the holidays was as much fun as stuffing a cactus up my rectum.
But I stuck to it.
To this point in my life I had never been disciplined about anything related to food, but somewhere along the way I found the strength to keep anything not indicated by the diet out of my pie hole. (except coffee - I'll be cold, dead, and buried before I stop drinking coffee.)
And the weight came off. 3,4,5 pounds a week. It seemed to literally melting off me. My initial goal was 50 pounds by the end of February and then I'd transition to something more sustainable.
It wasn't easy, at times, especially during the first 2 or 3 weeks. I bought some bite-size sugar free candy to take the edge off for the times when I was jonesing for sugar. And I ate a ton of bacon.
By Christmas Eve I had lost 20.5 pounds. By January's close I had dropped 34 pounds. On January 8th, 2024 I got out of the shower and looked down and saw my penis without a mirror for the first time since about 2003. Also, I could see a six-pack peeking from behind what remains of my belly fat. As of this writing I'm down 39 Pounds. I have a few more days to go, but I don't think I will hit 50. But that's okay.
On March 1st I will start introducing fruits and veggies and whole grains to my diet. I intend to stay away from cane sugar and continue drinking only water.
There have been some negatives along the way. 1. I now abhor the sight of steak. 2. My dog won't stop licking my legs. 3. I have had to go out and buy essentially a new wardrobe.
What I've learned - coupled with portion control - is that 90% of weight loss happens in the kitchen, and the plain fact that bacon makes everything better.
Even though I didn't meet my first goal of 50, I intend to keep going until I've met my ultimate goal of 60. I know I can do it by the end of this year.
I don't know if this will work for everyone; I only relate what I did and what happened. Overall I feel great, I am sleeping great, and my spousal unit says I look better than I have since the beginning of the Clinton administration, although she wants to buy a new car so she may be playing me...
There is enough info about the carnivore diet on the interweb-thingee so I won't add anything else except to say if I can do it, anyone can.
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3:00 AM Cant sleep since 1:50, been tossing and turning since 11.
Even one drink now seems enough to completely mess up my sleep cycle, or could also be due to the massive stress I'm under a work and at home and the alcohol dehydration.
Recently been reading the EasyWay to Quit X books again for sugar/tech but probably should for alcohol too.
Realizing all my addictions - sugar, tech(social media, streaming, porn if I'm being completely honest), alcohol, caffeine, all function the same way. Though some have more social acceptability than others it all breaks down like
1. I have a problem in my life (work stress like a deadline, personal stress like an unexpected $1000 bill)
2. I think using something will help me feel better even if I know it's just temporarily.
3. I use the thing, and maybe I do for a moment feel ok.*
4. The high of whatever I've done has worn off, my problem persists, and now I feel worse off due to the after effects of using which can be physical or just a loss of respect for myself for coping poorly again.
* and the feeling of may just be the relieving of withdrawals from the last time I used depending on how frequently I am doing it. Or just comfort from doing something that has become habit.
At this point in my life drinking, especially like a random post work drink, doesn't make me feel good, it makes me wonder why I'm doing this. At special occasions like a wedding/birthday it feels different but the drinking for nothing other than stress relief after a hard day seems to do more harm than good at this point especially if I can't sleep. Same with sugar. Same with doom scrolling. Same with smoking weed when I did it.
Thankful I have been able to remain off the weed at least. I think in certain ways I've grown more these past 9 months sans smoking than I did the past 10 years. It stunted me emotionally terribly so and now I feel as though so are these remaining items stunting me in some way too.
My plan going forward for today at least:
I am out of unhealthy leftovers. I'll buy a salad for lunch and leftover steak/vegetables for dinner. No sugar.
I'll limit myself to one coffee this morning.
Try to read more. Try to stay off screens when I get home. Really just anything but screens, I stare at them all day already for a job.
I have a bottle of good whisky. I have some friends coming in from out of state this weekend. I will share with them and dump whatever is not finished.
I liked myself so much better and felt so much better, more energy, focus, better sleep, when I quit drinking too during Lent / post Easter to mother's day, and staying keto. I want to get back to there.
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my take on Cal's dietary stuff is that he's not really a vegan or on any kind of diet but his eating disorder and general abuse of his body in the 20s-50s left him with a ton of dietary restrictions, he just can't absorb certain types of food anymore
but everyone assumes hes a off and on vegetarian or keto or something cause he's constantly asking for detailed description's of whats in foods and all the stuff in his pantry are super specific expensive brands of niche substitute foods no one has ever heard of
the other states dont take it very seriously cause of that
he rarely trusts food made by other people after the third time he was left hunched over the toilet throwing his guts up cause someone swore the meal didnt have meat in it only for the sauce to have chicken power or something
he struggles to keep on weight and especially struggles with teaching himself that "ive gained a few pounds" is actually a good thing
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howtobeaskeleton · 2 years
The Pro-Ana Diet : 8 Different Meal Plans to Follow
By Mimo Varila
The Lunabelle Diet
The Lunabelle diet is a condensed version of the Ana Boot Camp diet, which is 40 days instead of the usual 50 days. It has more fast days and calorie variations. This is a more “doable” diet, as it comes with higher calorie restrictions, with days you consume between 100 to 800 calories. There are double fast days, though, so you have to prepare yourself for these. If not, you can consume 50 or 100 calories to stay safe if you aren’t able to fast this long. After 40 days, you will be able to lose up to 20 pounds or more!
The Rainbow Diet
This is a pretty interesting diet, as it entails you to consume one color of food per day, except for every Wednesday. Here is the meal plan:
Monday (white) :
Breakfast: Half an apple
Lunch: Half an apple
Dinner: One cucumber
Tuesday (yellow):
Breakfast: One banana
Lunch: One banana
Dinner: Half a cup of corn
Wednesday: Fast
Thursday (orange):
Breakfast: Half an orange
Lunch: Half an orange
Dinner: One carrot
Friday (red):
Breakfast: Half a cup of strawberries
Lunch: Half a cup of strawberries
Dinner: Half a red pepper
Saturday (purple or blue):
Breakfast: Ten blueberries
Lunch: Ten blueberries
Dinner: Ten raspberries
Sunday (green):
Breakfast: Half a cup of grapes
Lunch: Half a cup of grapes
Dinner: One cup of lettuce
The ABC Diet
If you have been following the pro-ana lifestyle of quite some time now, then you’re familiar with the ABC diet, which is known as the Ana Boot Camp. This is one of the most popular diets to follow, as it’s extensive and incredibly useful. However, it’s very challenging, and not many people pass it.
This grueling diet will yo-yo between 50 to 500 calories a day, with a fast every few days. The extreme calorie restriction will have you lose at least 20 pounds once you are done with the 50 days. You can eat anything in this diet, but make sure that it sticks to your limit.
The Five Bites Diet
Think of it as a mental gastric bypass surgery, where people staple their stomachs to feel full after just a few bites. This will take a lot of self-control, though, as you will only be consuming five bites of whatever meal you have.
I recommend that you follow this diet:
Breakfast: Five bites of oatmeal
Lunch: Five bites of a sandwich
Dinner: Five bites of pasta
It’s best to consume a lot of water or zero-calorie drinks to stay energized and hydrated while doing the diet. Freshly-squeezed lemon juice can work great, too!
The Vegan Model Diet
The vegan model diet is another effective and restrictive diet suitable for those who follow the vegan lifestyle. Think of it as the usual meal plan models would follow to get a flat stomach without any meat products!
Breakfast: One reduced-calorie bread and two cups of black coffee with zero-calorie sweeteners
Lunch: One large apple
Dinner: Eight baby carrots
The total number of calories consumed is only 200 calories. Follow this for a week, and you will be able to lose weight quickly. You can substitute meals with different fruits and vegetables if desired. Add your meal diet with some healthy powders. Check the green superfood powder to know more.
The Ana Atkins Diet
This is a personal twist on the Atkins diet, which is similar to the keto diet. Just make sure that you avoid any keto diet mistakes and consume too many carbs from fruits!
Breakfast: Three-egg white omelet
Snack: Baked white fish fillet
Lunch: Roast Chicken drumstick and a cup of salad leaves
Snack: 50 grams of prawns with garlic and chili
Dinner: Grilled Sirloin steak and a cup of salad leaves
You might think that this is a lot to consume, but it’s quite useful in burning fat quickly. By day three, you have less appetite, and your body is using ketones for energy.
The Russian’s Gymnast Diet
Irina Tschachina is a 5’6 Russian gymnast who only weighs 99 pounds. Wonder how she does it? Here’s a diet you can follow for ultimate weight loss and health. Those who follow this diet for a week can lose up to ten pounds!
Breakfast: A glass of apple or orange juice
Lunch: Fruit salad with a glass of fruit juice
Dinner: Green apple and a glass of non-carbonated water
Make sure that your fruit juices are freshly squeezed and free from any artificial sweeteners.
The Baby Food Diet
This is a pretty exciting diet, as it entails you to consume baby food, which is rich in vitamins and nutrients. I recommend that you purchase organic and vegetable-based baby food, which has fewer calories and more vitamins.
You can have baby food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Or, you can have an average healthy breakfast and consume baby food for lunch and dinner. Make sure that you get the 80-gram jars, which are made for weaning babies.
But do take note that these are only short-term diets that should not be done as a lifestyle change. There are many different side effects to pro-ana diets, as you are consuming fewer calories than your body needs, which causes some health risks in the long run.
Bonus Tips on Keeping Up With a Pro-Ana Diet
Now that you’re familiar with the different pro-ana diets, what are other ways you can keep it consistent? Here are some bonus tips to follow:
• Make sure to always keep track of your calories by using apps or other online tools available. Don’t take in more calories than what you burn to ensure weight loss.
• It’s better to consume a healthy breakfast to have better-eating decisions for the day ahead.
• Water is one of the crucial parts of the diet, as it doesn’t only fill you up but keeps you energized when restricting your calories. However, you should avoid drinking water in a single session, since this causes water retention.
• Small meals throughout the day are also recommended, which can have the body think that you’re eating enough to stay satiated and energized throughout the day.
• These are aggressive diets, and you will be deficient in many nutrients from the calorie restriction. Because of this, it’s imperative to take in vitamins. These will compensate for what you don’t consume.
• Sleeping is essential to gain energy and level out your cravings and appetite. If you sleep less, it can lead to a lack of energy and hunger, as well as a slow metabolism!
• If you want to stay encouraged while following a diet, then it’s best to find a diet buddy or to look in the mirror, which keeps you motivated!
• You can keep track of your macronutrients with online macro calculators to ensure you’re eating the right foods, in the right ratios, for optimal weight loss.
Pro-ana diets are aggressive but possible with the right tips and healthy food consumption. That way, you won’t have a problem with keeping the pounds off in the long run !
Hopefully, this article on the pro-ana diet gave you an idea of what you can do to stick with your meal plans.
So don’t wait any longer and check out any of these diets now!
Start your diet now !
SJanuary 1, 2019 at 3:27 am
I want to lock myself in a hotel room for a week with nothing but water. I want to be anorexic
BRYTEEYEZMay 5, 2021 at 12:56 am
I plan to lose this chub quickly. I am a effing fat pig.
TIMDecember 18, 2020 at 4:38 pm
Sounds sexy
ADDYOctober 29, 2020 at 7:16 pm
I’m desperate. I just want to be skinny 🙁
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suzieb-fit · 5 days
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Ok guys, I'm making changes.
Something needs fixing, and I'm going to try fix it by stepping away from my fasting routine, and seriously focusing on protein.
I've always known how important it is, particularly as a previous heavy lifter and as a fitness professional.
But I lost that focus along the way.
I'm forever my own health, nutrition and fitness experiment.
I have made many changes along my own personal journey.
From a late 30's, 190 lb, binge eating, heavy drinking, weed smoking (full disclosure from me every time!!), stressed, sedentary, very unfit type one diabetic who also seriously neglected her condition.
To an early 50's, post menopausal, 135 lb, teetotal, physically active, lean (mostly) physiqued, non smoking, strong and relatively fit fitness instructor that battles for her blood sugar regulation on a level that can only be described as obsessive.
I tried fasting as an experiment a couple of years ago. Fit it onto my life. Got nothing from it apart from an initial burst of energy that lasted a few weeks.
I also went pretty much keto. Low carb is fine for me. It would seem that high fat, like fasting, doesn't seem to do me much good.
Those two things are fantastic dietary approaches for almost everyone. Massively beneficial. I advocate both things for pretty much all of my online clients. But for the odd person, like me, certain things have more significant side effects than the benefits they give.
Some days I'll fast, some days I won't. No set number of hours. But that will be dependent on how the day is structured. Nothing planned.
Protein powder/collagen peptide decaff during my morning walk. That's just one new tweak to the very first part of my day.
Same breakfast as usual, not long after getting home. But yep, another blast of collagen and whey protein in that coffee.
Yep, another of my essays!
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