suzieb-fit 3 hours
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Ok, I think I've figured it out.
As stupid as it seems, I don't think this insulin pod system can cope with longer fasts.
The exact same thing happened on the last one I did several weeks ago.
Massive highs for the following few days.
So that's it for me for long fasts.
Not worth it.
My levels have been awful since ending that fast. Today in particular. Numbers everywhere between 10 and 15 mmol/L. Awful day 馃槚
And now, I'm actually going to take time to read a book I bought aaaages ago, but then left on the bookshelf, being ignored, lol.
I think now is the perfect time for this one!
No fast at all tonight.
And yes, this means I'm ending my 30 day reset .
Things like that are amazingly beneficial for many people. But there is no such thing as "one size fits all". And in my individual case, it simply doesn't work for me.
I'm disappointed, because I wanted to see it through to the end. But my diabetes, my wellbeing and my all-round health are far more important than being able to tick any particular box.
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suzieb-fit 8 hours
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Well, I'm not having a great day. I'm having a serious mucus flare up PLUS awfully high blood sugar.
So all I've done today is a short walk this morning. Only half an hour.
Stuck with my current reset phase 17hr fast.
And had little choice but to listen to my body telling me to "Chill woman.....Just chill!".
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suzieb-fit 13 hours
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I'm based in the UK, so that's a consideration for times and currency, of course.
I also do home based fitness plans that I can send via email.
A 4 week plan costs 拢30. If you want a nutrition plan with that, it would be 拢50.
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suzieb-fit 1 day
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A relatively short day fitness wise.
An hour walking first thing.
Then breakfast after my 17hr fast.
Lovely ham from a local farm shop, with some of the nuts I oiled, seasoned and roasted yesterday. Collagen coffee too, of course.
Two cardio based workouts. I needed some high intensity training this morning before lunch, and I certainly got exactly that!
Then lunchtime with the rest of the ham (It needed eating because of it was out of date!). I had it with crumbly wenslydale and creamy brie cheese, cottage cheese, boiled egg with salad. Delicious!
And now I'm going to relax for the rest of the day.
Feeling good. Blood sugar on the high side, but not by too much, mostly, for the last few days. Fingers crossed the changes I put into my pod settings recently are actually starting to make a difference! Keep trying....keep hoping.
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suzieb-fit 2 days
"HIIT & Hold" Workout
Who wants to get that fasted cardio in?
We don't all train in the fasted state of course, but I definitely recommend everyone tries it at least once!
No, you do NOT need to "fuel up with carbs" before a workout. And no, you don't have to eat protein straight afterwards.
Pure fallacy.
Do you want to get the fuel straight from your fat stores, without your body using all that stored sugar first?
Here's how you do it!
Here's one of my little workouts for all my people out there. Cardio HIIT with static hold intervals to get right into those muscles.
And yes, I did this fully fasted. Do I seem tired, lacking energy and needing a snack?
That's all I'm saying.....
Come on, you know you want to really!
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suzieb-fit 2 days
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suzieb-fit 2 days
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Decided on a low range day.
Well, a high range morning, but then spending the rest of the day relaxing.
So I got back in the home gym, and got on with an excellent strength/cardio routine.
I used both the light and heavy weights for this one.
Plus bodyweight for the core and cardio intervals.
That was a good training session!
We're out again tonight, so that will no doubt mean a late night. So I might have an extra coffee.
Plus I'm still following the "moon fast reset" programme, which puts me back on a 17hr fast.
I'd rather finish eating earlier, rather than start eating later the following day.
So that means two meals and a snack today.
Gorgeous lunch of bacon, mushrooms, herby scrambled egg, brie cheese, cottage cheese, pork tongue and side salad.
That broke my 24hr fast.
Peanuts early afternoon.
Half a banana, half an apple, strawberries, greek yoghurt, olive oil, mixed seeds, psyllium husk and plain mixed nuts a little later.
Eating window ending by 2.30pm. That gives a breakfast time of 7.30am. Probably going to be a bit later, but either way, that's my 17hrs done.
So that's another decent day's report in the bag.
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suzieb-fit 3 days
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Three hours til I eat.
I was amazed to find I was actually just into ketosis yesterday evening, after only 8hrs into this 24hr fast. But I hadn't eaten much that day. And I definitely hadn't had much in the way of carbs.
Anyway, I'm now on 1.9, which is a good number in my opinion.
The official range for nutritional ketosis is 0.5-3.0.
And that level is real evidence of the value of bulletproof coffee! I had one this morning on my walk, and one yesterday, a couple of hours before the 0.5 reading.
It was a very wet walk this morning! Heavy rain. Did that stop me? Nope. I don't fall into the "fair weather fitness" category.
So yep, on with life as usual.
An hour out in the rain, then a half hour online training session with my equally determined "client". I really hate using that word, but she officially IS a client, even if we are also now friends! We're on this 24hr fast together, even though I started a bit earlier than her. Wasn't able to synchronise so exactly, lol.
I'm having my first caffeine hit now, cosy in my pj's. I've added double (heavy/full fat) cream to this one, to see if and how it might affect those numbers. And well, cos I like it 馃憣
And I feel great 馃槉
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suzieb-fit 3 days
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suzieb-fit 3 days
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Awesome day! Feel fabulous. Any day like this is a huge gift 馃槃
Out early for an hours walk, a half hour lower body strength/cardio home workout, then after breakfast outside, it was a 32 mile bike ride.
I'm still hanging on with the moon reset fasts. Although I'm hitting the 24hr one early. That's scheduled for Wednesday, but I've been led astray by my online client.
I originally met her in the FB group linked to the book that I got this whole 30 day reset principle from.
She wanted to start one after lunch today, and asked if I wanted to join her. I couldn't say no, as I always put her through her paces on our online training sessions.
And like me, she follows the "bulletproof" strategy for longer fasts.
So I've had two meals today. The second was lunch halfway through the bike ride.
Anyway yes, I'm extremely grateful to be able to report a great day in every sense. Physically, mentally and emotionally!
Cheers to that!
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suzieb-fit 4 days
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It was a hazy, misty morning out there at 6.30 for my half hour walk.
I had decided on a good fitness morning.
We are having a day off all the recent work outside the house.
Going out later, both socially and picking up a few supplies.
So I decided to get some workouts in.
That meant an upper body (low weight) strength workout straight after my little walk.
Then not long after that, it was full body resistance band HIIT.
I was feeling full of energy, so then threw in a freestyle cardio/strength routine to upload to my YouTube channel.
And that was more than enough for today!
In other news, I'm very much feeling 50/50 about my current moon phase reset fasting schedule.
I just don't think it does anything for me personally.
I was on 16hrs after that first workout, and just thinking "nah, I need to acknowledge this isn't my way", and getting ready to get my breakfast ready.
The programme gives the next few days as 17hr fasts. Then a 24hr after that.
But then I thought "meh, I'll keep going for now, at least". So to pass a bit more time, I prepped my afternoon snack, then did the resistance band routine.
Actually ended up with an extra half hour on my 17hr goal, as I had a "kitchen calamity". Put my collagen powder and milk in my little tub. Put the lid on (but obviously not securely), and started to shake the heck out of it. Erm. Nope. All I did was explode it all over that end of the kitchen 馃槄馃槄馃槄.
There were a few naughty words, lots of wiping down, but I can laugh about it now.
Anyway, I eventually got to sit outside on the decking with my lovely breakfast.
The "HIIT and Hold" routine came between that, and a main meal at lunchtime.
Lovely dinner of chicken breast, spinach, carrot, broccoli and swede. Melted cheese, and mixed spices.
And now I need to chill for a bit before getting dressed up!
It's only early afternoon, so my step out will be a lot higher by the end of the day, obviously.
A great Sunday. Feeling good.
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suzieb-fit 5 days
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I'm having one of "those" days.
Last few nights have been very bad. Waking up way too early, after the usual broken nights.
Mucus and high blood sugar is getting me down.
Loads more work to do here at home. Painting the decking outside, etc.
So I got up early, had a lovely forest walk and then enjoyed my breakfast outside the house.
No workouts today. And I've stopped counting macros for now. I'm keeping carbs relatively low and fat high. Protein somewhere in the middle. That's my personal "sweet spot".
So a very easy day.
Well, easy in terms of obvious, structured health markers.
I treated us to a lovely "full english" late morning. We've both been working hard outside in a current heatwave. I crave this kind of weather, but it can make physical work more taxing.
So that's me for today!
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suzieb-fit 6 days
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So what does any sane, average person do when they wake up at 4.30am, unable togo back to sleep?
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I have no idea. All I know is what I did, and I'm obviously neither of those things 馃槀.
That was my morning. Why not, right?
Out at 5.30 for an hour walking, home for a 25 minute cardio/resistance workout, then a ten mile round bike ride to enjoy a lovely full fat milk cappucino (extra shot.......of course) and nuts I took from home.
I popped into the supermarket on the way back home. Got some nuts and some brie cheese.
Gotta stay stocked up on the things I like 馃槉
Blood sugar was insane up until a few hours later at lunchtime. Three times higher than it should be. The last several days have been pretty bad in that respect.
But meh. Carrying onregardless as usual.
Lunchtime not long after getting home and doing a bit more work outside.
A favourite lunch it was too.
Bacon, scrambled egg, cheese, mushrooms, cottage cheese, with a little bit of lettuce, spring onion and a cherry tomato.
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I enjoyed a bit of a chill back outside. Not working this time, just relaxing in my egg chair.
Yoga was my second and final workout today. A really challenging one, but I concinced myself that's what I needed.
I made today a good one, even after a ludicrously early start!
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suzieb-fit 7 days
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Sarah Herse https://crossfit-babe.tumblr.com/crossfit
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suzieb-fit 7 days
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I might be in "Power Phase", but my type one diabetes control right now doesn't know that, lol.
Blood sugars have been running high for the last few days. And no, the "fantastic, game changing, diabetes miracle" pump system isn't working as it should. Months in, now. But I'm STILL trying to adjust, trial and persist. Ugh.
Anyway, no workout this morning, just a longer walk.
And then my wonderful breakfast of frothy collagen coffee, salted peanuts (shush, I've heard it all before.....馃槀馃槀) and mixed, plain nuts.
It's going to be a busy, heavily physically active "functional fitness" day. Lots of work outside. So possibly no official workouts today.
I'm calling that my update for today.
No essays from me right now, lol.
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suzieb-fit 8 days
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Another day where I'm doing whatever I can to take care of my health. Physical, mental AND emotional. Because as we all know, it's all related.
Starting with my early walk. It was pretty dull and foggy at 6.30am.
Then a Fiton HIIT workout back at home. Adhering to the power phase prompt to "go for it".
And I did! This was a tough one.
The principle of strength then pure cardio intervals.
The cardio was mostly high impact, and definitely high intensity!
After that, I busied myself with a couple of chores. Putting some laundry in thr machine, and preparing this afternoons snack.
Then it was time for full body strength with my online client. She's a determined soul! A bit of a kindred spirit, you might say. I decided to progress her up by using double resistance bands, rather than just one.
I love to see how it makes her glow, and not just because of the physical effort, haha.
So that workout meant an extra hour for today's fast.
I've done less "official" exercise today, but I've spent a few hours outside working hard with the boss.
Today's job was painting the fencing all around the decking area. So for me, that meant sweeping and dry scrubbing it all down first. Extremely physically demanding job! Then I made lunch, took the now dry laundry inside.
Straight after lunch, like was back to work. Both of us painting different areas with protecting varnish.
More of that real life, functional fitness!
And yeah, give me a half hour HIIT workout over that any day 馃槼馃槀.
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suzieb-fit 9 days
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