#Kayden needs to live up to his name
ladyhatter614 · 2 years
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My hopeful predictions for the next couple chapters of Eleceed
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dark-night-hero · 3 months
Hellooo!! Can I request eleceed, specifically Kayden? I keep on thinking what if Kayden had a non awakened fem partner and keep it a secret (for obvious reason to protect her) then then, she casually meets jiwoo and his friend then one of them asked if she had a bf, since she's beautiful and obviously guys have a crush on her. Then she deny her relationship, because it was supposed to be a secret. Kayden in his human form, got mad because he got denied. HAHAHHAHWHA. Thank you!!
: This reminds me that I needed to catch up on my Kayden x Reader ff I've been writing for a while now butttt.
When you received a phone message from Kayden telling you to come into South Korea after months of no news about him after all the anxious nights hoping he was alright upon hearing the news of him clashing with the top 10 and is currently injured with the rumor of point of no return. You dropped everything and went there as fast as you could. Maybe it was because you're a non-awakened person but you are more careful than ever. Kayden is a powerful individual with countless enemies waiting for his downfall. You knew better than to stand out when you are just a normal, vulnerable individual that could become his weakness anytime.
By the time you manage to reach South Korea, you were not in a hurry to meet up with anybody. Even after Kayden had given you his next instructions which is to meet up with his disciple, an awakened one named Seo Jiwoo, one you badly want to meet, after all, what could your boyfriend be teaching him when you knew better than his nasty attitude towards others.
Anyways, rather than meeting up with this said disciple, you took your time wandering around in the country. It was such a beautiful place to visit. You were really enjoying yourself as much as to your boyfriend's displeasure.
So imagine the coincidence when you met a bunch of teenagers in the grocery as you were struggling to carry your stuffs and they offer to help you up, you were just about to decline but due to the fact that you cannot carry it alone, you let them be. Offering your thanks and apologies as they carry your stuffs into your current accommodation neighborhood when it turns out that one of them were living in the same neighborhood. They were such a lively bunch too, making you laugh from time to time.
Your interaction went from one thing to another, the conversation was going well, that was until you arrived in fron of your accommodation. Ony then did you realise you never told them your name nor have they told you theirs.
"Thats was quite mindlessly of me." You laugh and told them your name in which they did the same. In fact one of them rings a bell, like you have heard about it before, plus the way that boy looks at you seems like you were familiar to him. Have you heard his name before?
"Unnie, unnie can I ask you a question before we go?" It was Soobin? Right? The only girl from the group asked you making you smile and nod. "You look like you're new here and also, do you have a boyfriend?" By her question and the way she and the other boy, Jisoo was it? Seems to be nudging each other. You let out a chuckle and then you halt.
What should you say? That you're taken? You are in fact taken. But that was supposed to be a secret from everyone, anybody in the world. After all if anyone were to know that you, an ordinary, non awakened person was in a relationship with someone like Kayden Break, you would and could be put into danger. Kayden would not want that, you would not want that. Both of you if keeping you safe means keeping you secret.
"No, I don't have a boyfriend." You chuckle and smile but it did not reach your eyes. After all, Kayden would understand as much as you want to tell the world that you are in fact in a relationship with him. Or not? After all no one wants to be denied right in the face right?
"No?! Yes you do?!" You felt your heart skipped a beat as you immediately look pass the bunch of teenagers and saw a familiar man walking straight ahead. "If you don't have a boyfriend then what am I?!" "Mr. Kayden?!" "Hah?" Right outside your place was one fuming man, a dumbfounded woman and teenagers.
"Oh! So it turns out you're the one Kayden talks about as his disciple, no wonder your name sounds familiar." You laugh, wanting to shift on your position but could not, not when your boyfriend's arm were warped around your shoulder, tapping your shoulder with his fingers as he just sat there laying his back on the sofa right next to you legs cross with a scowl on his face. He was not mad as the youngsters right in front of you were thinking, in fact, your boyfriend is sulking.
After a while of talking, the four have finally decided to went off, Jiwoo's house was near anyways so you stood by your door waving them goodbye. Just when they were out of your sigh only then did you heard a familiar voice you haven't heard for so long. "So, you're single huh?" There he was, arms spread out on the couch as he sat there in a relax manner, he was giving you such eye, not the intimidating one, its the other.
"Come on now Kayden, you knew what I'm doing that for, don't be upset." You chuckle, walking your way towards him. "Don't be angry no? I'm sorry." You pout, sitting on his lap rather than on the spacious couch. "I know." You felt his arms warped around your waist. "I never thought it could be upsetting to hear it in person." He mumble on your side causing you to smile. "Haha if anyone were to see you right now they would double take if it was really you." "They'll be dead by the time they find out about us." "Oh even your disciple?" When he did not say anything, you could only laugh.
"Right, he was a great child. You taught him well." "Didn't I?" He look up, your eyes met his as you felt him smirk on your skin. "Yes. You did well Kayden." You shift on his lap so you're facing him before putting your hands on his cheeks. "You're not mad anymore?" You wanted to say sulking but as if he would ever admit. Nevertheless as you caresses his cheeks he tilt his head to the side and get a hold of one of your hands to bring to close to his lips which cause you to shift on his lap once again once you felt him lick the palm of your hands. "Not until you knew who you belong to, Kitten." ... "Come to think of it Kayden, did you not see a fat cat somewhere? I swear I saw a glimpse of i-?!"
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
: there was another eleceed request but I'm still workin on it HAHA (as well as my 3 research papers)
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corpsekittin · 1 year
Something in the Water Part 2
Part 2 of Something in the Water
There's been an unexplained epidemic sweeping across the United States all stemming from few months ago. It seemed like in a single day all of Los Angeles was.... changed somehow. They'd all become homophobic, straight, conservative Christians. Nobody could figure out what or who was the cause.  Now, months later a little over half of the United States have been affected. The United States has been completely isolated from the rest of the world due to what's going on in the nation. It's gotten so bad that even the United Kingdom and Canada have shut their borders to all travel from the United States. As far as anywhere is aware the United States is the only country that has been affected by the changes occurring. _________________ Darien left the house after kissing his boyfriend Riley goodbye. He wanted to stay behind to take care of his boyfriend as he had started to feel a bit unwell shortly before Darien had to leave for work but Riley told him to just go and that he will be just fine. He showed up to work his job as an intern for the local water plant and noticed things were a little off. He was let in by a stud of a man with a thick southern accent named Tanner. He thought it odd because it'd always been a skinny little guy named Tommy who'd always let him in. He decided to just ignore it and continue off to work. The whole shift started to be weird to him so many southerners were working today. He figured there must have just been a bunch of new hires and he kept working as usual. After all, he has only been an intern for a couple months now. Who's to say the previous people working those jobs didn't just leave and needed replacing? A few hours into the job he decided to take a break. He brewed himself a cup of coffee using  the "Farmer Joe's Instant coffee" and water from the break room. He walked out to a private area and pulled his cell out and decided to call his boyfriend. As it rang he took a large sip of his coffee. "Hello, Riley." he spoke into the phone. He loved that man so much, they had met when they were freshmen in college. It was love at first sight for him, well for Riley it took him a few days but eventually he fell for him. "Riley? Have ya hit yer head or somethin'?" a man with a thick southern accent on the other side line said "The name's Ryan, how in sam hell did ya' forget that? Is your ass drunk again? Ya better not be plannin' to hog all that beer." Darien felt his body start to freeze as he hung up the phone in a daze. He couldn't believe it. He looked at his phone and saw it does say Ryan. He could of sworn he called his boyfriend Riley... Wait, boyfriend? but isn't he single? He felt his body start to get a little hot and the urge to pee so he went to the bathroom. He kept drinking his coffee as he was headed to the bathroom. His body only got hotter and it felt like his shirt was becoming tighter as he was walking. Unknown to him his body had begun changing and started to inflate with muscle and height. He set his coffee down on the counter as went over to a urinal to take a piss. Dartiy's previously mid length blonde hair receded to become short and brown. His body started to strain on him so he took it off. His mind began to flood with conflicting memories. Suddenly he started to remember being raised surrounded by country boy's despite not living in the country, going to church every Sunday even though he had been an atheist and Durty even remembered his first girlfriend, Kimberly.  That thought shocked him and had him confused because isn't he gay? Wasn't the first person he dated a boy named Kayden? The shirt in his hand had turned into a camo hat as he was thinking that. He felt an irresistible compulsion to put the hat on his head and when he did the world around him seemed to spin and shook his head and suddenly he was somewhere else entirely. He started calling himself an idiot cuz really? Him, Dusty Adams, being a fag? "A fag could never look this good" he thought as he looked at himself in the the mirror and started to flex in all his shirtless glory. He grabbed the beer he had set on the sink counter and chugged the last of it before letting out a loud belch and walking out of his bathroom. He called his neighbor Ryan up and told him his plans and to get ready. He went to his garage and grabbed a case of beers, texted some hoes where to show up and headed off Ryan's to share some beer and get them some pussy. Farmer Joe's plans are working. Now it's not just the water he is affecting and soon, all of the United States shall be changed for the better.
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hyatoro · 1 year
Kayden Nguyen
Psychic!Yandere (x Psychic!Reader)
He is specifically paired with a Psychic!Reader in all situations.
Vietnamese Name: Bảo Nguyễn
American Name: Kayden Nguyen
Appearance: 5’9”, Long black hair that’s usually tied up, golden eyes, tan, wears thin breathable layers, medium build. (Picrew Image at bottom)
Setting: US suburbs
Post about his and reader’s Psychic Powers
Kayden is a Vietnamese-American who gained his psychic powers at birth. He was really fussy as a child, but that was because he was constantly overstimulated, having been born in the city. As he grew up his body adjusted and managed to suppress his mind reading so that it’d be limited to a certain area. Like he can expand and shrink the range of his mind reading. 
His parents thought he was super creepy as a child, and hushed him numerous times to stop being annoying and to stop pretending he knew stuff. He quickly learned that if he stopped sharing what he was feeling that his parents treated him better. Because he wasn’t spouting all this freaky predicting stuff that maybe it was just a phase and that they do have a normal child that was just a bit weird in the early stages. He got really good at pretending he was okay. 
Kayden chose his name from a name book when he got to 2nd grade, because a lot of the kids had a hard time pronouncing his name correctly. When he got mad at them they would then pester him on how to actually pronounce it. He got sick and tired of it so he just chose a new name. In the present day he likes both his names equally. So don’t come asking me about preferences using his “real” name or any of that nonsense. They’re both his names. Only introduces himself as Kayden nowadays unless he’s talking to family or family friends who are also Vietnamese. If he finds out you’re also Viet/know Viet then he’ll tell you his Viet name freely. Otherwise you’d have to ask if his parents named him Kayden and then he’d tell you his birth name. 
When he hit middle school his family moved to the suburbs, finally having the money to do so. This soothed him significantly. Their new home was decently large, having plenty of space between them and the neighbors. On days where it was just him at home he’d actually have some mental peace and quiet without the strain of having to keep his psychic aura bubble in check.
He went to college online, and developed a really strong online life. It’s how he interacts with people in a way that feels normal. The same way that everyone else does. 
He’s not a total shut-in however, having to go places to run errands and whatnot, but he keeps that to the lower end of the spectrum. He’s grateful to live in an age where so many things are contactless, but knows that he needs sunlight or he’ll go crazy in a different way. 
Likes drinking beer a lot. Not in a party animal way but because it eases his mind and lets him relax. Likes drinking with his dad at the dinner table.
One day when he’s out and about, probably getting a physical copy of a game on the release day, he meets you. He can shrink the area of his mind reading range a decent amount, but he can still get overwhelmed in these small crowded stores where everyone is touching shoulders. 
As he mentally braces himself he walks in when he exhales. And nothing. There’s nothing. 
Not nothing, he can still hear and see and everything else, but he can’t hear anyone’s chittering thoughts. How?
He zeroes in on you. He knows it’s because of you because all the scattered energy is sinking into you like a void. What? 
Then you make eye contact with him and he can’t breathe. He’s staring at you like you’re some anomaly and that’s because to him you are. 
You’re staring at him to size him up. And you soon realize he’s like you. Only much more inexperienced. 
The difference between you two is that you had honed your skills so much more, becoming capable of doing other things with your psychic abilities other than just mind-reading. You give him an understanding smile. 
He is startled and at first takes mild offense, because who the fuck do you think you are?
Then you’re next in line and get your game. 
You leave ahead of him and he’s torn for a moment. Game? You? The choice is obvious. He chases after you. He can get another copy another time. You? He doesn’t know if he can find you again. 
Luckily for him you were waiting outside the store. It wasn’t hard to figure out that he’d want to talk to you. You greet him casually and he looks at you like his world view just got flipped. 
You give him the time he needs to pick his jaw off the floor before waving for him to follow you to a park bench across the street from the game store. He follows promptly, eyes darting around as he’s unsure of what’s happening. 
The mental silence is still actively happening and he has no idea how to react to it other than apprehension. When he finally sits down next to you, you introduce yourself. He does the same, introducing himself as Kayden.
You sit in silence waiting for him to speak. He stammers before taking a deep breath. 
"How? How do you do that?" He finally musters out. 
"The thing where you neutralize everyone's thoughts," he clarifies. 
You give him the gist of it. How you practiced because everything was so noisy. And how you learned to do other things. 
You're already aware that no one is paying attention to you two, so you hold your hand out and the pebbles from the ground fly to your palm. They're big enough that he can't blame the wind, though you can tell he's far from a skeptic. He’s looking at you in awe, like you just showed him how to clear a level by glitching through the walls. Literally unlocked an entire world to him. 
 Basically you explain to him that you were like him in the past, but decided to branch out to see what you were really capable of. Because I said psychic, not just mind-reading. 
You exchange numbers and plan to meet occasionally. In the times between, for the first time in his life, he actually tries to do all the cool psychic stuff he’s heard of. Despite being a clear example of the supernatural he figured that it was a case of grandeur and illusion. Like where you look at something and are like “haha thats cool but not how it works irl.” 
But it does. It works bud. He just never tried. Part of it was fear of being further ostracized by his family. He loves and cares about them, but he remembers how awful they made him feel when he was open about his powers as a kid. 
It becomes this mentorship where you’re guiding him how to better control his powers and he quickly becomes obsessed. You’re the only two that you two know that are like this. You weren’t as recluse as he was and you still note how he’s the first one you’ve met that shares these powers. 
He’s eternally grateful that you’ve shown him a better way to live and he idolizes you. He doesn’t dread going out anymore and he loves going out with you. Even simple errands have him scrambling for a decent outfit. 
You only negate the thoughts of people within a certain vicinity, kind of like a low battery function. One time when the two of you were together you left his side, which is fine, but he wasn’t on top of his shit so a flurry of thoughts rushed in, but one notable one was some dude eyeing you big time. He didn’t know where that hot flash of rage came from. Kayden zeroes in on this dude’s thoughts and basically screams at him with his own mind, not realizing what he’s doing, and it works. Huh? The dude’s thoughts do a 180 and silence themselves. Not in the way where he can’t hear them, or that they’re getting negated by you. It turns into white noise and he can breathe again. 
He didn’t realize he was holding his breath. 
You come back with your food orders and he flashes you a smile. 
You look at him funny, and he shivers as he feels the calming aura of you reaching into his mind, asking him if he’s alright. He loved it when you did this. It was so intimate, you were literally in his head, and it was something he knew no one else could do. 
He responds with an “I am now.” Because it’s true. It was just a momentary distraction. But you’re here now and everything is alright. It’s always alright when he’s with you. 
In a chill setting he mostly uses his new psychic powers to keep people away from you via tripping, mind redirection, etc. 
If things get bad, then he’s not above exerting himself to put a person into a coma. Literally can’t be traced back to him, and he doesn’t have any blood on his hands. 
Would never hurt you intentionally. Would never even try to control you (ever again). Because there was one time when he was getting riled up, frustrated that he couldn’t get this technique down when it was supposedly simpler than all the other stuff he’s learned, and when you tried to calm him he lashed out big time, mentally and physically yelling at you to shut up and fuck off. 
You heard him. You felt it. You felt that wave of that hint of psychic control that you were familiar with, but had promised you wouldn’t do to him. So when he did it to you in this burst of rage you were stunned. He immediately knew exactly what he did and lost the wind in his sails. Even though he hadn’t promised the same thing back at the time, since he wasn’t able to do that back then, he knew that it was an unspoken agreement. 
Regret and shame smack him fast and hard as he crumples to the ground, groveling in apology. 
You, after many deep breaths, manage to be the bigger person. Because it was clear that he had never done this before so he didn’t know how it felt to use that particular power. So you heave one final sigh and look at him, telling him to get up and that it’s fine. But you make sure he knows that this isn’t some three-strike system and that if he ever tries that shit again you will let him know what hell feels like. 
He thanks you and apologizes again, going to a nearby convenience store and getting you some snacks. And it works. You two eat your snacks and the tension is diffused. 
Kayden throws a mental block up against you as he wonders why your anger was kinda hot in hindsight. Hates it when you’re mad at him though. So he can only hope to be around when someone else pisses you off. 
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graffitistars · 8 months
OOh I'd love to see more of your OCs!! Do you have a tag for them so that I can peruse what's there? 👀 And also which of your OCs have you been paying the most attention to as of late?
I usually just tag them as "ocs" or their names tbh
My new vampire (who is yet to be given a name) is who I've been paying the most attention to behind the scenes, recently. They're very much inspired by wwdits; being very much out of the times and still dressing like it's the 18th century. I'm still building on their backstory and personality, so I won't ramble about them just yet.
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These four are probably the ones I give the most attention to on here!
More info about them under cut because idw spam dash
I could talk a lot about all four of these fools. Maybe I'll try and tag them more in things and draw/talk about them more often in the open, but usually with my ocs, most of their development comes from rps with friends. Still, I'm always down to ramble if anyone ever asks :'))
Mena and Kayden
Kayden and Mena are both devils, or demons, whatever you prefer to call them. They make formal/informal contracts with people to reap their souls, sort of like a business for Hell. The more souls they reap, the higher their social status in Hell gets.
A bit of a backstory ramble:
Mena has been around on Earth for a fair few centuries and is quite high in the business at this point. They're siblings with Kayden who they adopted back when he was but a poor little orphan boy wandering the streets, after losing their own baby brother under unfortunate circumstances.
The two of them were pretty inseparable in their youth until Kayden was grown up and Mena decided to move abroad, which caused a little bitterness between the two.
Tbf Kayden has always been quite independent, but sees the world and everyone in it quite narrow mindedly. Growing up, his whole world was himself and Mena and so that's all he cared about; no one else mattered to him. Mena, being broken over the loss of their previous brother and in a very toxic mindset, encouraged this behaviour in Kayden. They didn't want Kayden to trust others in case it led him to harm.
When Mena left, Kayden changed his name to get more with the modern age, he was on his own now and so his world became that little bit colder - but it's okay because he has hellfire in his blood to keep him warm :)
After a century or so, Mena returns, but the two of them are very different people now and Kayden has little interest in reigniting the past. His bad habits have gotten worse and he's not the most honest when it comes to contracts; he'll find a loophole to get what he wants without having to wait it out, so people need to be very careful with what they sign with him.
Mena, on the other hand, has gone up in the world(s)! They've seen more of Earth and have learnt to find love in the smaller things. They're now actually higher than ever in devil society, only taking contracts from those who have something to give aside from their soul. Mena is living the high life; having bought themself a penthouse apartment in a nice part of town and got engaged to their rekindled ex-lover, Rosie. However, that's not to say they're perfect and wonderful now. They can still bring out some nasty claws when they're pushed to a limit.
But yeah, that's the general gist of Mena and Kayden's backstory together. I have aus where the two of them are human, but their story together stays surprisingly fairly similar.
I'm currently working on another plot with Kayden, where he's unwillingly helping out a girl who summoned him to bring back the soul of her dead brother. It's pretty fun!
Radio and Alistair
More siblings! I'll spare you another detailed backstory with these two though.
So this version of Radio is deoncelerised from 2016 Weehawken. He's in his mid-twenties and, despite being deoncelerised, is still tormented by his mother. He's the middle child and very much a people-pleaser. His nickname comes from high school, where he did the school announcement and ran his own little school radio show over lunch; he was "the radio station kid", which eventually just turned into "Radio" for short.
He's a good lad. Runs his own independent show in his free time and works at the local radio station, working his way up the ladder. He's surprisingly anxious for a guy who speaks to hundreds of people, but I guess it's easier to talk when you haven't got all those eyes staring at you. He'd probably do himself a favour if he didn't drink so much coffee in a day, but he's gotta keep chugging by somehow!
His hair is in a constant state of needing a trim and brush, but it was the only thing about his appearance he had control over when he was still living at home, because he grew too tall for his mother to reach with a pair of scissors. He'll give himself a sensible haircut one day.
Alistair is Radio's older brother. He originated from an uncomfortable au, back in the days of SSU blog rps, which is why he's so edgy. Now he's the ex-prodigy eldest son with too short of a fuse to stick with being told what to do.
Alistair's around 5 years older than Radio and despite the two being like chalk and cheese in many ways, they get along quite well! Alistair looks out for his little brother and encouraged the rebel in him when Radio was still living with his mother. He's had his own obstacles to overcome in life, but he's come far and in most universes has his partner, Garrick, by his side.
The universe that the brothers are most developed in is one where they're werewolves! Alistair loves being a werewolf, Radio not so much, but they live together in a pack, inside a big old gothic mansion in that universe. It's actually the same universe that Mena and Kayden come from, so I guess that's why I end up talking about the four of them more than most of my other ocs.
Rosie belongs to Litzi
Garrick belongs to Casey
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Always There - Marcel Barthel x Reader
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Figured I’d get the Marcel one out of my way while I could. I’ve been having some German feels for a while (who can blame me though? )
I do apologize now for any INCORRECT translations. I do NOT know German well enough, I know about 5-6 words and that’s it. (Yes, No, Hello, Love, Ambulance and Hospital. The necessities) 
Y/N = Your name
If you don’t like Ember Moon, Kacy or Kayden, feel free to think up your own NXT roommate situation for a TakeOver event. That’s where I thought this would be at -shrug- 
EDITED IN: Original Tag List @starwithaheart​ @shedevill22 @amourseculier @regalbanshee​ 
Tagging those who Requested Marcel!  @barthelsimperium
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Letting out a deep breath, I glanced over at the digital clock next to the bed I was sharing with Ember. The red light read 3:29. Frowning, I looked at my other two roommates, Kacey and Kayden, who were also fast asleep much like Ember.
“So unfair…” I sighed.
This was now night three of no sleep. I knew I had to do something—if it kept going, Hunter was bound to realize, and not only that I could accidentally hurt someone in the ring. What could I do though?
Back home, I’d get up and make myself busy—but I didn’t want to wake up my friends.
“Just find me, liebe. I don’t care what the time is!”
Marcel’s words came crashing into my fore-thought, causing me to purse my lips. I couldn’t actually just stroll to his room and wake him up at this ungodly hour… could I? Ember would never let me live it down, if she found out I went to his room this late at night. She’s the only one I have ever told my feelings towards. The only one who knew I loved Marcel, my impeccable German.
On screen, he was cold, cunning, methodical and egotistical. Behind the screen though? Marcel Barthel was the funniest, kindest and most considerate guy I had ever known. Our friendship had started out a bit oddly, as somehow his suitcase had ended up in the women’s locker room and I, of course, was the one to return it to him. He was clearly confused and embarrassed, but thankful all the same. I had cracked a joke that if he wanted to spend time with me all he had to do was ask—and upon hearing the chuckle from Fabian, I quickly excused myself in embarrassment, barely hearing Marcel speak to Fabian as I left.
“Lach nicht uber sie!”  ((ts: Don’t laugh at them))
Later that night, Marcel had found me backstage, quickly taking a seat beside me and leaning back slightly.
“You said if I wanted to spend time, all I need to do was ask,” he explained, causing me to go red from embarrassment.
“I-it was a joke… You don’t have to—”
“You may have been joking, but I’m not, Kleiner.”  ((ts: little one)) 
“I…. have no idea what that means.”
He only laughed in response, shaking his head slightly, promising me,” I’ll teach you some words.”
I smiled at the memory, before glancing a risk at the clock once more.
Fuck it, I decided. Carefully as I could, I pushed back the covers and climbed out of the warm cocoon I had made. Grabbing my wallet on the way by the tv stand, I tiptoed to the door and as quietly as I could, opened the door and snuck out, closing it with a soft click behind me. Gnawing on my bottom lip as I walked up the steps to the floor above, I thought about how close Marcel was to me—how close in my heart he always was.
Holidays, bright and early (even despite time zone differences) we’d be the first to wish one another a happy holiday; happy birthday—new years. When we’d both be at an event, we’d seek the other one out.
Marcel hadn’t taught me the translation for liebe yet, but since he was always calling me it, I had decided to ask Fabian one night, when Marcel was off getting something to drink.
“Heh, I don’t think I should be the one to tell you, Principessa.”  ((ts: Princess))
“Oh, come on—please? If you don’t I’ll just look it up online. C’mon Fabian, please?”
“Alright, alright—love,” Fabian answered, his eyes going over my shoulder for a second, before his voice lowered,” Liebe means love.”
Did it mean Marcel loved me the same way I did him? Probably not.
But it still made me feel happy, like I mattered to at least someone. Coming to a stop at room 329, I took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the door.
Five seconds.
Ten seconds.
Twenty-five seconds.
Swallowing the lump in my throat and fighting the urge to just go back downstairs to my own room, I tentatively knocked once again, two short, soft bumps on the door.
Five seconds.
The door opened slowly, catching me by surprise as I looked up from the floor. There before me stood a hooded-eyed, bed-headed Marcel, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. When he realized who it was, he seemed to wake up a bit.
“Liebe? Is everything In Ordnung?”    ((ts: alright))
“Uh, yeah. No. It’s fine…. Uh… I just… you said to…” Everything I said was coming out jumbled, and I could see Marcel trying to make sense of it all,” Sorry I bothered you this late—I’ll just—sorry, go back to sleep—” I turned to walk away, but stopped short when I heard his voice call my name.
“I’m sorry, please, just—go back—”
“Hör auf, dich zu entschuldigen!” I heard Marcel snap, before his voice softened,” Komm schon, come.”   ((ts: Stop apologizing / come on))
With uncertain steps, I slowly walked back over to his open door, shivers running down my spine when I felt his hand gently rest on my back, ushering me in at my own pace.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Marcel asked as he closed the door behind us.
I shook my head, unsure if he could even see it in the darkness of the room,” Sorry, I just—”
“Liebe—stop saying sorry.”
Without needing to see him, I knew there was a frown on his face.
In the darkness, I heard him give a small sigh, before suddenly, I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me close to him,” I told you, you can come to me at times like this. There’s no need to apologize for it.”
“It’s just… it’s so late—or… early—I didn’t want to wake you up…”
“Don’t worry about that, okay? Come, make yourself comfortable.”
I felt his hand gently take my own and lead me towards the bed.
“W—what about Fabian? Will he—”
“Don’t worry about him, liebe,” Marcel gave a soft chuckle,” He’s a deep sleeper.” His hand left mine, and I could hear him get back into his bed.
Do I?
Don’t I?
“You won’t have a chance to get any sleep standing there, come on.” I heard him pat the space beside him and I was beyond grateful for the darkness in the room- otherwise he would be able to see how red my face was right now. Slowly, I peeled back the covers on the empty side and slid underneath, careful to not touch Marcel in anyway- which he must have noticed.
“I don’t bite, liebe.”
“Why do you call me that?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. I had to know—needed to know. Marcel grew quiet for a few moments and I feared he wouldn’t answer me, until I felt his hand gently creep over mine once more and slowly pull me towards him. Wordlessly, I felt him softly pull me as close to his body as possible, laying right beside him, my head on his bare chest.
“Because… Du bedeute mir die Welt…I love you…” I could hear the uncertainty and the hope in his statement, and I couldn’t help the smile the slowly grew on my face,” We’ll talk more tomorrow, liebe. For now… get some sleep.”   ((ts: You mean the world to me))
Slowly nodding my head, I let my body relax into his embrace and before I knew it my eyes got heavy—and as I drifted off to sleep, I felt him press a gentle kiss to my forehead.
No more sleepless nights, no more uncertainty.
I was loved.
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rottinghouseplants · 5 months
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Francisco's heart raced as he pushed open the heavy double doors of 8 Bells, the lively chatter and clinking glasses of military personnel filling every inch of the room. He could feel the energy pulsing through the air, the smell of alcohol and sweat mingling together. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the different groups of soldiers, some laughing and others deep in conversation. In the corner, a group of men were gathered around a table, littered with playing cards.
Making his way cautiously towards the bar, Francisco slid onto the closest bar stool and waved at the bartender meekly. "Can I have a gin and tonic please?" His voice was barely audible over the loud chatter in the room. As the bartender walked away to begin mixing his drink, Francisco's focus shifted to the conversation at the table.
He couldn't help but eavesdrop as the man at the farthest corner spoke, his voice booming and drawing everyone's attention. "Jeez, Kayden, about time you showed up for a game night." The man scrolled through his phone, a smirk playing on his lips. "Wife finally let you outside?" His words were filled with a hint of teasing.
"Listen, man. Eva's great, she's just concerned," the man in the dark aviator glasses said, his voice tense with worry. He writhed his hands in his lap nervously as he spoke. "She's smart, she knows when something's wrong. She's been asking a lot of questions." His gaze drifted into an abyss, his eyes concealed by a pair of impenetrable shades. "I don't know how to ease her mind. I can't," he admitted, his voice cracking with emotion.
"I get it, bud. But it's not your place to answer those questions," the man in full uniform said, his voice low and authoritative. "We have orders. Don't worry about it, it's time to relax." He slapped Kayden on the back and returned to his card game, his face stoic and unreadable.
As Francisco watched from a nearby table, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The military knows something, something they are not telling. And Kayden is caught in the middle, torn between his loyalty to his superiors and his concern for Eva. The sound of glasses clinking and the murmur of conversation filled the bar as the night wore on. Francisco continued to eavesdrop on the card game, his senses on high alert. He noticed the subtle shifts in body language, the tension in the air, and the underlying emotions that seemed to simmer just beneath the surface. As the night grew late and the bar began to empty out, Kayden finally stood up to leave. Francisco watched out of the corner of his eye and followed him out into the cool night air. Kayden turned, noticing the footsteps behind him.
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"What the hell are you doing sneaking up behind me, dude?" Kayden whipped around, his fists clenching instinctively. Francisco's eyes widened in surprise before he quickly composed himself, bracing for a potential fight.
"Hold on, man! I don't want any trouble." Francisco's voice was steady, but there was an underlying tension in his body. "I work with Eva. My name's Francisco, Francisco Murray." He held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I just had some questions for you."
Kayden let out a frustrated sigh, his fists slowly unclenching. "What do you want?" The annoyance was evident in his voice. "You can't just sneak up on people like that."
"I know, I'm sorry. But I had to talk to you." Francisco's tone was urgent, his eyes searching Kayden's face. "I know you were there. At the lab. I need to know what's going on."
Kayden's expression hardened, his jaw clenching. "Why should I tell you anything?"
"Because...because I need to understand. I need to know the truth." Francisco's voice cracked, betraying the fear and desperation he was trying to hide. "Please, Kayden. Someone has to do something."
Kayden's piercing gaze bore into Francisco's, his aviator glasses hiding any hint of vulnerability. His voice came out as a hushed whisper, filled with a mix of fear and determination. "I can't tell you anything," he said, his eyes shifting behind his glasses. "It's breaking orders. So you're on your own. You think you can do something, then do it." He held out an old, worn out keycard, the metal cold against Francisco's palm. But it wasn't just any keycard. It was the key to something bigger, something dangerous. Francisco could feel his heart racing, his palms sweating as he looked down at it. "Don't involve me, or my wife, in anything you do from this point forward," Kayden continued, his voice now filled with desperation. "I want to be done with this whole thing. If I see you again, I'll kick your ass."
Francisco's mind was racing, trying to make sense of everything. But before he could say anything, Kayden was already walking away, leaving Francisco alone with the weight of the keycard in his hand. As he looked down at it, he couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and excitement. He knew this was his chance to make a difference, to uncover the truth. But he also knew the risks, the danger that came with it. Taking a deep breath, Francisco pocketed the keycard and made a promise to himself. He would go to the old lab, he would find out what was going on.
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bighndrxx · 1 year
smile: eren jaeger
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chapter 1: ‘happy birthday’
summary:  kodi makes a new friend on her birthday.
lowercase intended 
the atmosphere was heavy. the smell of multiple bodies and weed lingered through the air. a break was needed, and it was needed quickly.
kodi found the bathroom at the house she had currently rented out. even though she managed to make it to the bathroom, there was something stopping her from getting in. she knocked on the door cautiously at first, not wanting to startle whoever was on the other side. she waited until she heard soft giggle from the door. kodi rolled her eyes slightly, lifting her hands once again to now pound on the door. the giggle stopped quickly.
the door opened to reveal a tall boy, he had hazel green eyes that stared intensely into kodi’s dark brown orbs. they stared at each other for a minute before one spoke. “I need to use the bathroom” she said, still staring into the eyes that looked back at her. “occupied” he said with annoyance laced in his tone. “I said I need to use the bathroom” she responded, this time with the same tone he gave to her. “who are you?” he said, amused with her response. she deadpanned, “you literally at my fucking birthday party nigga” she tilted her head slightly to see where the softer laugh had came from, to her surprise she was met with a light skin girl who had delicate features that resembled those of a doll. unfortunately her mannerisms weren’t delicate as she mugged kodi from behind the taller boy. kodi slipped past him quickly before he could respond making him grow more annoyed with the shorter dark skin girl. she looked at the lighter one who sat on top of the bathroom counter. the girl hopped of, mugging kodi on her way out.
the party carried on late into the night and somehow kodi found her way to the bathroom once more. only this time she was accompanied by the the taller boy she met earlier— except his mouth was now attached to her neck, slowly creeping onto her chest.
                                                         »» ««
“happy birthday”
he stated as he adjust his pants looked back at the stranger he just fucked. she rolled down her mini skirt only to get startled but the loud iphone ringtone. she peeped over slightly, deadpanning at the name that read on the screen. “M💋” he didn’t notice that she saw, trying to have small talk before he left the bathroom. “you’re name?”
“kodi.. i like that” he said smugly before leaving the bathroom. “shit” kodi mumbled to herself. multiple thoughts began to race through her head, all of them surrounding the fact that she just fucked somebody’s boyfriend. she didn’t have time to process before she heard her friend outside the door. “bitch it’s almost 12 we finna sing happy birthday” she yelled from the other side. kodi looked up into the mirror, making sure she looked presentable enough to stand in front of everyone in the house. she adjusted her top before leaving the bathroom, she was met with her drunk best friend who slung her arm around her shoulder before they walked into the main living area. kodi was met by her brother, who was obviously too high to realize it was his birthday as well. the twins stood at a table that had one large cake on it, waiting for the clock to hit 12:00 as if their birthday was a new year. as soon as it hit the singing began. 
“happy birthday dear kayden... and kodi” she refrained from rolling her eyes. she was always second to kayden, outside of their birthday songs. throughout high school she would always be referred to as “kayden’s sister”. the only thing she ever wanted was to be called by her name, and not after kayden for once. the song finished, the two blew out their candles and joined the celebration. shortly after kodi was lost, looking for her brother- again. she picked up her best friend on the way, who was talking to strangers in order to get free weed. “lani have you seen kayden” she asked, concerned because he was usually the center of attention, but he was now no where to be seen which confused kodi. “yeah girl he smoking with jean and nem” kodi sighed heavily, she grabbed a bottle before navigating the back porch with nalani on her arm.
she made her way out, only to find her brother smoking with his friends and the taller boy she met earlier. her face deadpanned quickly as she tried to asses the situation. “hey” she said swiftly before taking a seat with nalani. she watched quiet and diligently in order to determine whether her brother and the boy had been friends for a while or not. “kodi, this connie and eren the niggas I be with after practice.” kayden said, figuring he’d explain who the two strangers next to him were. “nigga why you ain’t tell me you had a sister” connie added quickly. “a twin at that” eren added, passing the blunt to nalani but keeping eye contact with kodi, who maintained the eye contact. nobody noticed except for nalani, who was too intoxicated to ask her friend what was going on. kayden shrugged, too high to form another sentence. kodi twisted open the cap to her bottle, taking it straight to her face after putting all the pieces together. she had a feeling this wouldn’t be her last time seeing eren, which was unfortunate for the both of them, but she didn’t want to think about it especially not today. 
“happy birthday kodi” eren said, as if he found all of this amusing. kodi looked back at the boy, looking directly at his lips as he licked them. “thank you eren” she said back, once again returning the tone. “ya’ll freaky” connie said earning a slap in the arm from eren. “why you mad at me cause yall freaky? the fuck.”
connie is black in this au chile.
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Headcanons for Utah
Whoop!!! I'm back again. Headcanons for the Best Snow on Earth, Utah (their words not mine)
(below the cut because it's longer and I feel bad for people's dash.)
Utah was born in the summer of 1850, a month or so before he became an actual territory. He was called Deseret at the time and was nonreligious, lived on a small cattle ranch.
I have a personal headcanon that the LDS church has had a separate personification since the 1830s when they started preaching full time.
LDS himself is the white pressed shirt man with the elder tag and the hate for using "The Lords name in vain". Utah picked it up from him. (LDS lived in New York, Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri before going to Utah.)
Utah was brought up by the LDS church, and as such joined the church when he was still a new being.
He attempted to go on missions to outposts within the state but was shot down because he wasn't "good enough". Basing this completely on the team spirit idea that a personification can't be away from their people for too long, and that they didn't know quite the reach of said territory. (Cred to @icestarphoenix)
During the Utah war and following conflicts with polygamy, Utah himself was not part of the decision. The LDS church had an iron grip on the guy and was calling shots for him.
Utah met The Army in fall of 1857 when he joined the Nauvoo Legion to meet them
Between the 1850s and 1890s was when I HC Utah as taking most of his mission trips.
Utah met his first wife in 1869 after the completion of the transcontinental railroad, a woman named Emma Bradshaw.
Not making a headcanon for her, but Utah was always monogamous. He only had about 3 kids with this union, 1 of which died shortly after being born.
Utah drinks his respect women juice sometimes (has had women's suffrage since the 1870s) (but outlaws abortion so he's been slacking)
Utah became a state in 1896 and his first meeting with the other states was held that same year. I'm inclined to think he was probably excluded from meetings before then because a lot of Mormon policy was seen as Un-American and I have a feeling Gov didn't like the religion controlled territory all too much.
Utah and the National Park Service became good friends in the 30s during the depression, with the creation of the Mighty Five parks.
Utah is a big outdoors person, and likes snowboarding, hiking, rock climbing, and skiing.
During WW2 he managed to join the army and stormed Normandy. Frequently had to go back to his state because of Team spirit stuff.
In the 70s Utah got in trouble with Gov about his racist policies concerning the church, and that is when I headcanon Utah to start to fall away from the church.
Utah never really liked computers all that much when they were being created, but loves the GPS. He doesn't really need it thanks to the grid system, but he holds a certain fondness for the automated voice.
Utah met his second wife, Ilithiya, in November of 2006 and were married in May of 2007. The states were all invited and only like 20-ish came.
All of my headcanons on Ilithiya come from @firsttraintovictoriaville 's work Worth Praying For because she is beautiful and I love that work
Utah's six kids were born as follows: Jaxon(March 21st, 2008) Kayleigh(March 21st, 2008 +3 minutes) Kingsley (September 9th, 2011) Kayden (December 2nd, 2013) Jayden (August 16th, 2015) Brayden (July 30th, 2016)
Utah and the LDS church have weird strained relationship. The LDS (not typing out church every time) has a lot of say in what does and doesn't happen in the state. I see their relationship as a teacher and a student, LDS being the teacher and Utah being the student.
Utah has a lot of issues with church doctrine, mainly on the books of Abraham and JST.
When Utah approached LDS with these issues in the early 70s. LDS was quick to come up with excuses and reasons as to why those concerns were silly and Utah was just being a bad Mormon.
From then on Utah was more of a laid back Mormon, obvi didn't quit the church because he still has the suit and tie, but he doesn't follow every guideline to a T now.
Personally, I don't see Utah as the super ultra "Do you know Jesus loves you?" Guy, but more of a guy who was raised with really strict parents and struggles to venture outside their standards very often because that was how he was raised.
He has a no alcohol policy because Florida, as well as a no coffee policy because Georgia. No tobacco because Mississippi, and no weed because Colorado.
Utah is a big tea person. Not early gray, but herbal teas? All of about them. As a collection of different fruit teas and caffeine free beverages.
He cannot watch movies with any sort of romance or sexy stuff. Turns away from the screen during kissing scenes because it "feels like a violation of privacy".
The kind of person to say "Hate is a strong word 😃" and proceed to complain about a single person for 2 ½ hours.
Utah strikes me as a big dog person. I think he'd have a good dog for kids, like a golden retriever or an Australian shepherd. Just a dog that would be okay to go on adventures but also sit by the kids when they pass out from playing.
Has a Google phone because he hates Apple.
Yeah! Those are all the headcanons I have stored in my noggin. Would love to hear if any one else has any thoughts, or if I wrote something that is just Straight Up Wrong.
Also apologies to anyone offended by the Mormon stuff, I'm an exmo myself and it's kinda venting on my part with that. Totally willing to edit!
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beanmaster-pika · 2 years
Hi! You've been posting quite a bit about something you're tagging as "eleceed" and it got me curious because of all the cats I see, would you mind telling me what it is about? Thank you! 🐰💛
Eleceed is a Webtoon about a kind but lonely boy named Jiwoo. His only friends are cats on account of him and his mom needing to move a lot because he secretly has a superpower—inhuman speed. One day while feeding a trio of stray cats, they lead him to another injured cat which he attempts to nurse back to health, but this turns out to be a chance encounter with a man called Kayden Break.
Jiwoo’s speed is because he is something called an awakened one, or a person who has awakened superhuman abilities, and Kayden is one of the most powerful awakened ones in the world. He had turned into a cat after suffering severe injuries to hide from his enemies, and he initially remains with Jiwoo for a safe place to recover (and is super tsun about it at first, worrying about Jiwoo when Jiwoo gets caught up in a mess related to other awakened ones but claiming that he’s not worried at all) but soon decides to train him. At first it’s just so Jiwoo will understand how to use his powers, but eventually he does take him on as an official apprentice. Also he semi-canonically considers Jiwoo his son The official summary on Webtoon will try to tell you they can’t stand each other. This is incorrect. It is misleading. It is very upsetting to me because I thought it might be cool when it started but didn’t like what the summary made me expect so I didn’t read it until I saw a friend posting screenshots some 70 chapters later. They are family and grow to care about each other so much okay.
It’s an action manhwa but interspersed with sufficient downtime to not get too heavy, and though the cats aren’t typically present through the action they’re still characters with plenty of personality! Theoretically they’re still strays, Jiwoo hasn’t named them or anything, but they live at his house and Kayden has adopted them too. It’s very precious. Jiwoo also makes new human friends after meeting (and fighting) other awakened kids! I won’t go too much into the plot because I don’t want to give too many spoilers, but I like the story and I hope you will too!
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ot-hoe-me · 2 years
OC: Gabrielle Dupont
For IF: @veirsewrites​
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Gabrielle Dupont - High Vampire and owner of the nightclub astrium (yes all lowercase.)
Astrium - latin word meaning “hearth” she so named her club in the spirit it was built - to be a place that is open and welcoming to anyone to cut loose free of worry, regardless of species, including humans. Her long term hope being that it could be a foundation to bridge (ha) the gaps between humans and the various supernaturals to one day create a harmonious, peaceful existence. She will protect this dream and those who share it (her employees) until her (final) dying breath.
LI(s): Arlo Martin Moreno (Main), (Edith) Eddie Reagan, The Insurgent (...if it’s Gabriel...awkward moment when you’re dating someone with a different-gender-variant of your own name smh)
Orientation: Biromantic Demisexual
Fang Type: Top and bottom canines
Club Aesthetic: Gold and Black with the fancy glittery chandeliers, not mentioned but astrium also has midnight blue accents (like velvet curtains, throw pillows on the couches, paint colour on the walls in the washrooms that sort of thing.)
Main Hobby: Music
Arlo Martin Moreno - No matter what route she’s on, the two of them are going to be ex-lovers. Gabrielle was embarrassed and heartbroken when he turned up in front of her, alive, after all that time. But even still, after getting through all of that she’ll be relieved that he is alive because she’s still in love with him (LI route); or because she still deeply cares about him and his well-being, and hopes that they can be friends even though she cannot bring herself to love him again. (Eddie or Insurgent route)
Edith ‘Eddie’ Reagan - Her business partner and friend of ten years, she is Gabrielle’s closest confidant because she knows that they both know that they’ll have each other’s backs no matter what. She likes to gently tease her, and I also get the feeling that they actually have a fair amount of inside jokes. Romantic or platonic, Gabrielle loves Eddie’s smile and treasures the rare ones she sees, and would do pretty much anything to see more of them. Also appreciates how protective she is. 
Amelie Cadman - Hmm, I’ll come back when I have a better sense of Amelie’s character and her and MC’s canon relationship. Gabrielle has come to see her as a valued friend though.
Kayden Smith - She is glad to have Kayden as part of the family, and greatly appreciates her company. Gabrielle likes to check in with her regularly to make sure she’s doing well and not working too hard. She also hosts dinner parties fairly often, not just on holidays to cook for her employees and show them her appreciation for what they do (this is in addition to bonuses lol.) Since Kayden has been working at the club from basically the beginning since Eddie scouted her she has seen the leaps and bounds Gabrielle has made in the kitchen and is grateful for the progress let’s just say. Was very patient while she was learning though
Halley and Kade Timmons - Honestly she dotes on them so much, like fabled ‘rich aunt you only see twice a year since she’s travelling the world, but always comes back with the best presents and stories’ levels of doting. Like for example if one of them offhandedly mentions that they want/need something it’s shipped to their doorstep the next day. Forgot to bring lunch? It’s ready by the time they go on break. Taking more hours or doing a later shift? Not only is she paying overtime but she’s making dinner. Someone being creepy and making them uncomfortable? Throwing out the offender herself, banning them for life, and doing it all in heels. Honestly just wants to see them succeed and thrive in making their dreams come true. Super protective of Kade and Halley, and would fist fight god to keep them safe so they can live long and happy lives.
The Insurgent - n/a
The High Council - Gabrielle’s relationship with the vampire High Council is about as good as you’d expect between two parties who have opposing beliefs on what “the safety of [our] species” means, and how it would be achieved. Honestly, probably the more she hears about the rebels and their ideals, the more she’ll want to support a coup, I’m guessing. That and the fact that I think Ilian and Ravenna have a personal interest in her and Arlo...(Yes I think that they’re the two vampires in Arlo’s memory.) Illian threatening Kade and Halley is most probably the last straw she has for them all.
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The Most Prolific Pro: Bgeast Wrestlers
Okay so bear with me, because I can't be the only one who had this thought.  I was watching yet another spectacular Bgeast match when I wondered - Who is the most Prolific-Pro Bgeast wrestler? 
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Now, I'm not affiliated with Bgeast and I know that not all matches are released as there's a legendary back catalogue out there somewhere.  But as of this moment, as of right now, which wrestler is king in terms of releases? 
Bgeast will always hold a special place in my development as a gay man.  Way back when I started watching gay porn, much of it followed the same playbook - straight acting guy is tricked into doing gay things.  Now while that was fine on one level, it definitely wasn't my only fantasy and on another level, if I'm being honest, I had no idea what my fantasies were.  So when I discovered Bgeast, it was as if I was witnessing the final piece click into place igniting everything I love about wrestling (the competition, the bonding, and the heartaches) with coming into my own as a gay man.  Bgeast incited brand new feelings inside of me that I never thought were possible and made me realize that I wasn't alone in experiencing these things, all for the first time.  
In fact much of this blog reads as a love letter to the company that started it all for me, Bgeast.  And so, without further adieu, the winner is .... Jonny Firestorm!  
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Jonny Firestorm around the time he was transitioning from Jobber to heel status.
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Now frankly I wasn't surprised that Jonny Firestorm tops the list, but what shocked me is that the guy has fought in over +70 Bgeast matches plus the work at his own production company, not to mention the fact that he's still fighting on in 2024 with his recent match with Brad Rochelle and Monstah Mike.  
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Brad Rochelle & Jonny Firestorm vs Monstah Mike (bgeast.com)
Another interesting fact is how close the runners' up are - Kayden Keller, Kid Vicious, Joshua Goodman, Doug Warren, all within spitting distance of one another.  Kayden by the way has come up quite a ways since I last counted, the man has wrestled in +20 released matches in the last two years and I smell a new prolific pro in the future!
Here's a list of the top 20: 
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But perhaps most surprising to me was that the wrestlers that live in my head rent free like The Brooklyn Bodywrecker, Aryx Quinn, Brad Rochelle, Patrick Donovan, and other legends I had thought would be near the top, in fact were further down the list. Alas my memory gave outsized weight to quite a few wrestlers whose presence seemed to dominate my headspace.  I also have to commend Kirk Donahue and Ash DeLeon, both men have wrestled in over +10 matches since I last counted two years ago - these guys truly are prolific pros.  
A few caveats are needed of course as this list includes only matches that are on the Bgeast.com website at the time and for whatever reason, matches (and wrestlers) come and go from the site.  Furthermore, this list does not include any alter egos such as superhero matches when they perform under a different name.  It does include muscle showcases because 'why not?' and may be off by 1 or 2 matches depending on subjectivity, but I think this gets the message across. I also did not include Kid Leopard matches for obvious reasons.
Want to know how other wrestlers fared? See below for the complete list of wrestlers with at least 10 matches in my original post.
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grandersonauthor · 5 days
This is me! In all of its glory, this is who I am. No facial hair, no glasses/sunglasses on. I'm just a man with a backward hat and redness across the main focal point of my face. A man who struggles every day with that fight, a war within, that takes every ounce of energy that I can spare to survive just another day for my wife and kids. A man who struggles every day with his true identity. A man who, since I can remember, has lived a life primarily private and introverted to the max. I am typically not one to put this much of my private life, my personal experiences out there for the world, but something in me tonight wants to do so.
I am not perfect. I have made many mistakes in my life. I was incarcerated as a young 12 year old for something that, at the time, I did not know I needed help with figuring out. At 15, I was sent to the California Department of Corrections, where I spent the next 5 plus years learning about myself and eventually learning to turn my life around. I was released from CDCR only 2 days after my sister turned 18, just in time to see her be able to graduate high school. I was not there for her or our other siblings when they needed me the most. I have what feels like a strained relationship with my family at times because of my past, but I still love them and miss them every day, as they live in another state than I do.
At 21, I moved back in with my mother and two of my siblings because I needed a place to stay as I had just been released from Juvenile parole. I spent the next several months trying to get re-aclimated with the real world before I'd ultimately start my college journey, of which I am still not finished with it. For the first few years after getting out, I attended school while also trying to make friends, of which I struggled utterly. Even now, as I write this, I think back to that time in my life when the majority of the friends I found were all of the same as my eldest younger sisters' friends. Because we were attending community college together at the time, she would help me meet new people. Even so, I still felt an insurmountable amount of aloneness in that time. I did not know what to do with my life as I never got to experience a true life as a teenager. I did not go to public high school. I missed out on a ton of experiences that most of the rest of my generation got to experience during those almost 9 years I was away from family and friends.
At 23, I met and fell in love with the woman of my dreams on a night in which I did not know if I was going to survive the night. I was battling with many demons during that time, one of which was to end my life because I did not know what to do with it. I was struggling in school, struggling in the real world. I was having a difficult time finding a job, getting fully accustomed to being free. That was when Tiffany came into my life. She stepped into it at the right time, when I felt like no one else would, and brought me back from the depths of the darkness that was overtaking my soul and my heart. She is the biggest reason that I alive today to even write this post.
At 25, me and Tiffany experienced something that we would never ever wish upon anyone else. In May of 2015, we found out that she was pregnant with our first child. We did not know, as new parents, what to expect of this change to our life. We struggled but we kept going for the little one we were witnessing the growth of. Then on the morning of October 31st, 2015, just after the stroke of midnight, our lives changed. We were in a major fatality accident with a drunk driver. Our son, with whom we were anticipating to meet in January 2016, was killed within the womb at only 7 1/2 of the pregnancy. It was devastating 😢 💔 to us. We had already pretty much prepared our lives for his arrival and then suddenly, he was gone. It hit us both very hard. We both struggle with the loss, even to this day. His name is Kayden Michael.
In that accident, my back was severely messed up but I did not know till roughly almost a year later when I was working as an armed security guard and started to feel extreme pains radiating from my lower back. This was, I feel, the start of my bodies deterioration and my minds battle to stay afloat in a war with my demons I did not know if I could win.
But then, in late 2016, we found out Tiff was pregnant again. This time, a girl, with whom you all know, is Abigail Marie. She came into our life, as our rainbow 🌈 baby, at a time when I feel, we needed her the most. She was planned but still, she was a blessing we truly weren't sure if we would be able to be parents again after losing her brother. In April 2017, we welcomed this new bundle of joy into the world on a day when the SF Giants were opening their home season that year at Oracle Park.
Just a year plus later, on November 16th, 2018, I finally got to marry the woman of my dreams, the woman who came into my life when darkness was at the front door, ready to destroy me.
In May of 2019, shit hit the fan for us, again. An incident occurred between me and my mother-in-law that sent me to County Jail for 3 weeks, in which I spent the entirety of that time wishing I could have handled the situation differently and how I could have prevented the outcome that came about from happening. On June 3rd of that year, I was released, on Adult Probation, with a term of 4 years and parenting classes. What I needed then, was counseling, but it took me another few years, including trying to navigate a pandemic, before I found a counselor who I felt comfortable with, to start the process of healing.
In 2022, we hit a snag. We lost our apartment that we'd had for over 8 years. We were struggling. We couldn't keep up with anything and we barely found the apartment we got just in the nick of time. But then, another battle was about to rage. Tiff lost her job, I was struggling with mine and we ended up homeless a year later in 2023, for a month. Even though during 2022, we had our son, Jeremiah Rahl, we found ourselves struggling more than usual. Financially we were on thin ice. Emotionally, we were still, I feel, dealing with the loss of our first born. It was a tumultuous year.
Jump to last year in April of 2023 and I found myself, once again, struggling. My wife and I were falling behind on everything, I was fired from my job that I had held the past 3 years, and we were about to celebrate our son Jeremiah Rahl's, 1st birthday. We had become homeless and we're struggling to find a place that would house the 4 of us. We lived in a motel across from our church during this time and it was difficult. I struggled with my mental health during this time and I know that my wife and our kids, especially Abigail, did too. Thankfully, with the help of a program at MJC, we were able to find the apartment complex we currently live at now. We ended up moving in on our son's 1st birthday, and just at the right time, because we were about to lose access to the motel and be forced onto the streets if we hadn't gotten the apartment when we did.
Fast forward to now, as I lay here in bed, alone, missing my wife as she works to provide for our small family of 4, I wonder what our life would be like, had I just handled the situation in 2019 better. Would we be where we are? Would I have a job already? Something that has been extremely difficult for me to obtain because of the felony that is on my record from the event in 2019.
I have considered all options but still have yet to find a company that is truly willing to look at me for who I am and not what my record says, or makes me out to be. I have even considered trucking. Getting my Class A Commercial license would allow me to make good money and also be able to travel across the United States, of which I've only seen a handful of states in my 34 years of life. But a fear I notice that I keep having repeatedly, is the time I'd be away from my small family of 4. Life on the road would be great but would also be difficult. I'd love to travel, but to not be able to do it with my family, would hurt.
I need work. Full-time work. Tiff cannot do this on her own anymore. She is struggling extremely hard to provide for us while trying to maintain her own mental and physical health. We've talked about wanting to possibly have a few more kids before our bodies stop allowing us to but we just can't afford it. We are scraping the bottom of the barrel to survive and it's not enough.
We need help! We need a miracle! We are struggling! We need it for them, our babies!
God Bless 🙌 🙏🏽
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lovelylukaaa · 1 year
Foggy Save #6 | Palmer
Similarly to the Monroe family, the Palmer family is another very old family of mine. They've always been one of my favorites. I can't even begin to tell you how many of my teenage sims ended up romancing Kayden
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This is the only screenshot I have but he ended up marrying my sims niece during the CrybabyWhims Legacy Challenge. But trust me, so many of my teens have romanced him and his brother.
So since they're such an iconic family in all of my save files, I had to add them to this new one and give them a bit of a refresh.
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Spencer, now looking 10x better than he used to now that I've learned how to make male sims
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Kacey, now looking a lot more like she's 26 rather than 16
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Kayden, now with added douchebaggery! A lot less "perfect pretty boy" and a lot more "he will step on your heart and absolutely destroy you, but it's ok because he has a pretty face"
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Daniel, now with much more style and personality!
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Willow! For the sake of the timeline, she is now an infant
Spencer had always been a dedicated single father, raising his twin sons Daniel and Kayden on his own since their mother passed away when they were young. He worked hard to provide for them and ensure they had everything they needed, but he also made sure to be present in their lives and form a strong bond with them.
Years went by, and Spencer started feeling lonely. He decided to try his luck in online dating, hoping to find someone who could be a good match for him and his family. That's when he met Kacey, a young and successful woman in her twenties who was already a famous youtuber at her age.
Despite the age difference, Spencer and Kacey hit it off right away. They bonded over their shared interests and passions, and Kacey quickly grew fond of Spencer's twin sons. Ontop of that, Kacey was filthy rich. Spencer was overjoyed that he found someone like Kacey. However, Daniel and Kayden were not as thrilled with the new addition to the family. Needless to say, the two of them weren't exactly "excited" when they found out that their future stepmom was closer to their age rather than their fathers. They thought Kacey was too young for him and also a bit immature for her age.
Even so, Kacey and Spencer ended up getting married. After a few years they decided to start a family of their own and Kacey ended up giving birth to a little girl, whom they named Willow. The arrival of Willow brought the family closer together and Daniel and Kayden slowly started to warm up to Kacey. They saw how happy she made their father and how much she cared for them. Kacey also proved to be a positive influence on their lives. Her constantly positive outlook on things and her fun personality made them realize that maybe, she wasn't so bad after all.
In almost every save i've had Kayden's been an absolute dick to everyone always, and his traits weren't even bad traits. Ontop of that he confessed to cheating on my sims one time even though this wasn't true and he hadn't cheated (dude was lying for shits and giggles) so now i'm incorperating that into his character.
Kayden's an inconsiderate bastard playboy who's your typical popular jock boy except just skinner and prefers to fight with money and words rather than hands.
Even with this I guarantee he's gonna end up marrying one of my sims. There's something about this sadistic fuck that makes me absolutely love him. I can't get rid of him or Daniel either for that fact. They're both actually so gorgeous. Not to mention their genes are STRONG!
The craziest part is that Kayden started as a randomly generated townie. Most beautiful townie i've ever seen. So beautiful that I had to make him a whole family and then clone him so I could have two of them. Anyways there's Daniel and Kayden's origin story.
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eclipsecrowned · 2 years
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NAME: Kayden M. Connors AGE: 20 in mainverse HAIR: Black EYES: Brown HEIGHT: 5′2″ OCCUPATION: College student ; Artist ; Works numerous odd jobs to get by FAMILY: C*rtis Connors / L*zard (Father, incarcerated) ; M*rtha Connors (Mother) ; Billy Connors (younger brother)
The eldest child of the Connors family, Kayden was something of a graduation present to her biochemist father. She spent her earliest years in Florida, before her parents both took job offers in New York. So Kayden and her baby brother were loaded up and moved up North. There, the Connors kids had fantastic childhoods, with two brilliant parents that included an understanding and supportive mother and a doting and endlessly proud father.
Kayden was not about to follow in her parents footsteps, however. Her calling was art, from a precocious age, and it is a talent she has honed over the years. her end goal has always been to become a celebrated artist, a talk of the town, to make art that makes people feel something. It’s a pursuit that the doctors always encouraged in their eldest,  and it was at some point Kayden’s dream to attend one of the better art schools in the state.
Her dreams changed the same night her father tried to take over the city. After his attempt to destroy Manhattan, the Connors found themselves with few friends left, if they ever had any to begin with. Kayden, especially, was left believing she never did. The last two years of high school were spent alone and friendless, and even a good GPA and portfolio did nothing to endear her to the various colleges she presented herself before She was a risk, they said, as if her kind and gentle father could ever truly be a monster. In time, she eventually got into a low-ranking college, having to work for her tuition.
Lives on her own in what had been the family home, now emptied in the wake of what C*rt did. His mistake cost her, her mother, and her brother everything. But make no mistake: Kayden still loves and remains loyal to her father. She still campaigns for a deeper investigation into her father’s actions those years ago, and visits him weekly with the rest of her family. It is her deepest wish to see C*rt freed and returned to all of them, no matter what he’s cost them.
Has some goth girl swagger, though much more urban than classic. Hobbies include art, watching anime, and generally being a huge nerd. She’s generally considered ‘a little weird, but nice,’ by those who know her in recent years.
Somehow keeps getting sucked into the drama of people wanting either her father’s research or to manipulate him. She’s especially pissed at a certain Osborne for repeatedly trying to get her to play damsel in distress. However, this constant need for vigilance regarding her father’s office did re-introduce her to my M*rbius muse, who was honestly such a wet pathetic meow meow rifling through the old man’s notes that he’s now living out of what had been Kayden’s bedroom in aforementioned family home. He pays rent by being a sort of guard dog, tutor, and secondary father figure to the youth.
Her three jobs do not wholly cover the bills. Her real money maker is in commission work online. She will do whatever digital art piece you need. This has led to a long series of Kayden drawing in-universe RPF of various superheroes. It’s always porn. Soft or hardcore, it doesn’t matter. People wanna see DD rawdogging SM, or that one Canadian mutant doing unspeakable things to the blue fuzzy twink, or Captain on Captain acts of lewd and lascivious behavior. It’s a filthy job, but it keeps the lights on. No she doesn’t want to talk about it.
Is indisputably a civilian. Never becomes a hero of any sort, never becomes daddy’s little villain. She’s just one baseline force of attempted good in a pretty messed up world. Still, she’s on record as having tried to beat a Doombot into submission with just a baseball bat once, so you could say she’s pretty cool.
Kayden is absolutely the name she chose for herself once she found her Enby identity, and her parents + little brother were so proud and supportive of the change.
Is prepared to be the normie morality pet to whoever might require her expertise.
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k-dokja · 3 years
Not me thinking that Kayden started to develop a minor size kink after your last post. I am terribly sorry🥲🥲
🥲 Listen, he can literally crush her with his weight alone, this is not the size gap we need. He can sneeze in her direction and she'd fly across the neighborhood.
But also since you mentioned it, we will have to deal with me talking about munchkin form for the reader now.
— You sit at the other end of the sofa while the kittens pile up on Kayden out of fear because if Kayden so much as turned in his sleep, that'd be it for you. Kayden is mildly annoyed at the fact you didn't want to cuddle with him now when you didn't even let him go in your sleep earlier.
“What are you doing? Scoot over, it's warmer here.”
You inch further to the other end of the couch. “No, thank you.”
Cue Kayden became mildly disgruntled at your refusal to get closer. Even Curtin scooted closer despite not joining the pile because there's more warmth there. When you shiver during your nap later on, Kayden noticed and picked you up and plopped you on his tummy. His heart might make a little boppity-bop when you snuggled into him.
— While the three of you took strolls around the neighborhood, you were separated from the other two and got lost into an alley you were unfamiliar with. At least, you couldn't recognize it from the view below. You were in the middle of contemplating turning back to figure out where you were when a stray cat saw you and became aggressive.
Said cat must have believed you were an easy prey to bully with how... fun-sized you were. Naturally, you must defend yourself.
...Which means you extend your claws and hissed with the most menacing posture you could manage. Somehow, it was effective because it sent the alley cat running.
“That’s right! You better run!” You boasted proudly, ignorant to the huge and intimidating cat with the name of Casein Nitrate standing behind you, ignorant to his status as the cat boss of the neighborhood.
— “Baby, what is you doing?” Kayden watched, unimpressed. You were trying for what would be the third time to climb up the sofa and failing again when your leap only sent you hitting yourself face first to the seating cushion.
“What does it look like?” You rubbed your poor furry face while grumbling. However, you were unwilling to be defeated by a godforsaken couch.
You jumped again.
The result didn't change.
Kayden sighed and reached over with relative ease. It took him one swift motion to grab the back of your neck and picked you up from the ground.
“Put me down! I must fight my battles alone!”
“You can fight it alone when you stopped hurting yourself.”
— Watching the rest of the cats eating was... fascinating after you became one yourself. Not that you needed to join in with them, it was funny to watch. That was all.
However, you happened to live with people too friendly for their own good. As the cats surrounded the eating area, you were left on the sideline to do as you pleased. However, Peanut didn't leave you be. Apparently, your tiny form had inspired some levels of protectiveness in the entire family.
Once Peanut noticed you, the remainder of the trio began to surround you, too. They urged you towards the bowls, signaling for you to eat with their eyes and gestures. There was something meowing, too, you understood none of it.
“Really, this is really unnecessary, I don't—” you tried to move away but failed when Cookie nudged you back into the middle of it “—I don't need to eat!”
Your protests were far less effective from a kitten's mouth, apparently. No one took you seriously when you can fit into a teacup.
It didn't even help that Kayden and Curtin were grinning where they stood. The last thing you needed was them taunting you.
Kayden even stopped eating to push his half-full bowl towards you. The bastard.
“I’m breaking up with you.”
“Stop acting like a child and eat your dinner.”
— “Shortcomings aside, this form is adorable,” you strutted in front of the mirror, admiring how utterly charming you were.
At least, in spite of the limitations, you didn't turn out half as ugly as the other two were. Blessings where you could take and all that, you guessed. However, it was a pity that you couldn't take pictures of yourself. A grievance you aired without remembering whose company you were in.
“If I had a cat this cute, I'd have taken pictures all the time,” you pressed your face at the mirror, gazing into your own round eyes. Ugh, you were too pretty for words.
“Say less," apparently, the victim of your relentless photographic crimes had overheard what you said.
You turned in times for the blue of Kayden's power to color your vision. In front of you was no longer the miffed cat who spent the last fifteen minutes watching you admiring yourself. No, it was something far worse.
Gone was the oversized cat body, it was Kayden Break in his glory. He was big in his cat form but even then, it was nothing compared to Kayden in his full height. While you were paralyzed by surprise, Kayden had fetched his phone and swiped open the camera.
His grin was short of impish. “Smile for the camera, tiny.”
Needless to say, you were not smiling.
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