#John and Nancy
shutthehellupcaboose · 7 months
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Her Smile Could Light Up Solar Systems.
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brine-in-my-eyes · 2 years
i wonder if anyone has imagined Jack Stauber’s “John and Nancy” but with the context of Ford and Lucy. Like, the voice fits so well, its so like weird idk how to describe it but in a good way! 
(especially the “I had to hideeeee, I had to hide your o-BITUARY under my shelf, if it saw light of day I’d never forgive myself) LIKE YALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE CONTEXT FITS THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT STOP IMAGINING AN ANIMATIC OUT OF IT 😭😭😭😭
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notrandtumblin · 3 months
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filmreveries · 11 months
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“They’re all gonna laugh at you!”
Carrie (1976) dir. Brian De Palma
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theygender · 1 year
TLT fans: did you guys know about the real Wake? I hadn't heard about her until we covered World War II in my world civ class this semester
Nancy Grace Augusta Wake (1912-2011) was a covert operative who was at the top of the Nazi's most wanted list in WW2, nicknamed "The White Mouse" for her ability to repeatedly evade capture. She was born in New Zealand with Māori heritage, grew up in Australia, and joined the Resistance after traveling to Europe and witnessing the harsh treatment of Jews in Vienna by the Nazis
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Wake worked in the Pat O'Leary Line escape network until her Resistance organization was compromised by the Germans in 1942. After that she fled on foot across the Pyrenees—with several close calls that she escaped by flirting with German soldiers—and made her way to England to join the Special Operations Executive. She was part of a three person team codenamed "Freelance" which parachuted into occupied France. During this operation she got stuck in a tree after her parachute became tangled in its branches. The local Resistance leader who found her reportedly said “I hope that all the trees in France bear such beautiful fruit this year" to which she replied "Cut out that French bullshit and get me out of this tree"
While working in the Freelance operation Wake once biked 500 km (310 mi) without stopping in the span of 72 hours across Nazi territory to retrieve a new radio and codes after her team's were destroyed in a Gestapo raid. Without this feat, Freelance would not have been able to communicate with London and there would have been no more supply drops to support their Resistance organization. During the war she was also part of a raid which destroyed the Gestapo headquarters in Montluçon, in which she reportedly killed a Nazi sentry with her bare hands to prevent him from raising an alarm
Wake's fellow operatives described her as "a real Australian bombshell. Tremendous vitality, flashing eyes. Everything she did, she did well. She was an excellent shot, excelled at fieldcraft and put the men to shame by her cheerful spirit and strength of character." "She is the most feminine woman I know until the fighting starts. Then she is like five men." "We both came to the conclusion that she was 10 times the man I would ever be"
By the time of her death in 2011, Wake had been awarded the George Medal by Britain; the Medal of Freedom by the United States; the Médaille de la Résistance, the Croix de Guerre (x3), and the Légion d’Honneur by France; and the Badge in Gold by New Zealand. Due to a complicated relationship with Australia, she originally refused to accept any awards from the Australian government, saying that they could "stick their medals where the monkey stuck his nuts." In 2004, however, she accepted the honor of Companion of the Order of Australia as well
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inthedarktrees · 6 months
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Italian photobusta for Carrie: The Gaze of Satan
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thelastfinalgirl · 1 year
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The Final Girl Trinity
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hillofthehank · 5 months
Mostly just wanna see if Dale sweep applies here too!
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georgeromeros · 2 years
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Halloween (1978) dir. John Carpenter
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newyorkthegoldenage · 1 month
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Nancy Cunard, of the English shipping family, announced on May 2, 1932 that she had been disinherited by her mother for her relationship with Henry Crowder, an African-American jazz musician. Cunard was a famously flamboyant bohemian writer and political activist whose best-known work was editing Negro Anthology, a huge compendium of work by Black writers. The photo shows Cunard with John Banting, left, a painter, and Taylor Gordon, right, a writer, in front of the Harlem hotel.
Photo: Associated Press via the NY Times
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undying-love · 3 months
"MPL's [Paul's London office] interior style is quietly art deco. Its walls are hung with modern paintings, or framed photos by Linda McCartney, and pride of place goes to her famous shot of Paul and John, laughing and grasping each other's hands at a Sgt. Pepper party in 1967." (Conversations With McCartney, Paul Du Noyer, 2016)
"Children's artwork hung on the walls and above the doors. He was a guy who could afford Picassos, but chose to display his kids' finger-paintings. A big jukebox shone from his sitting room. On the bulletin board in the kitchen were personal photos of McCartney with John Lennon." (http://www.meetthebeatlesforreal.com/2014/09/one-fans-secret-paul-adventure.html)
"A quick scan of his studio kitchen reveals a copy of Mary McCartney’s recipe book and a John Lennon calendar; March’s pin-up is “Moody John” in sunglasses posed against the New York skyline." (Interview with Mark Blake for Q: Songs in the key of Paul. May, 2015)
"I recently bought a lot of drawings and writings by John. I have them on my wall so I get to look at them all the time." (Paul, The Lyrics, 2021)
“McCartney tells me he treasures a six-foot-tall print of a photo he has of himself and Lennon, taken by Linda during the White Album sessions. "I've got the pad and I'm writing, and he's just looking over at me, and you can see the body language and everything: These guys love each other." (interview in GQ 2018)
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franklyimissparis · 4 months
“if paul was bisexual/queer why wouldn’t he just come out by now?” why WOULD he tbh 😭😭 like idk i just think at 81 years old it’s probably not something PR man paul particularly feels the need to share publicly
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inlovewithsimonrileyy · 5 months
Hi y'all!!
This is my well needed boundary post for reqs!!
First off I just wanna say, I write dark content and if u don't wanna see it, leave!!
With that being said, I will not write.....
•Anything regarding pedophilia
•Disorders and Such that I do not have/know anything about, I might be able to do it if u give me a detailed description!
I will write....
•Dark Content
• reader who struggles with social anxiety, depression, and an ED (as I can speak from experience and know enough to properly write them)
• Big (but appropriate) age gaps
•Smut, Fluff, Angst.
•Heavy Topics that others might not write!
•Updating this to watersports cause im feeling devious
Fandoms I write for....
•Stranger Things
• Apex Legends
Finally, that's all, hope u lovelies enjoy ur day!
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javelinbk · 6 months
Paul McCartney introduces the ‘Underdub’ mixes of Band On The Run on Spotify, December 2023
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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The hits keep coming "Outcast"
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