#Japan does love number puns
meganechan05 · 7 months
Is Rita's birthday this Thursday...? (Nov 9th)
The banner on P-Bandai announcing the giant Moffun has balloons and streamers and calling for Rittan...
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The numbers 119 can be a way of writing Rita's name with the right font and size...
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Not to mention announcing the plushie this week of all weeks...
And if there wasn't a break and the final series of episodes focusing on each individual King actually follows roll call, Rita's episode should've fallen to this upcoming weekend...
I could just be reading into it too much σ( ̄∇ ̄;)
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it.
QL - Currently Watching
🇯🇵25 Ji, Akasaka de [7/10] - I do love when Japan does a pov change and this was no exception. Hayama is so far gone. Like we already knew what, but he's been a goner ever since he read his name. He's being worshipped by all these people around him because apparently he's too good looking for anyone to be normal around him, and all he sees is Shirasaki. He said one sentence to him in school that he kept as a reminder. Man is obsessed. I'm so curious about next week. The lines are getting more and more blurred and eventually someone's gotta give. Also Hayama should give lessons on self-control. I have never seen anyone so completely out of his mind in love and jealous and at the same time, so put together. I'm in awe.
🇹🇭 Knock Knock, Boys! [2/12] - Strong start. It's fun, I really liked the flat sharing concept, it reminds me of my London days and kinda like Thanwa, being the mom of the house. I'm wondering if they will settle into their own in-house pairs soon or if there will be cross over, cause that would be fun. Give me mess.
🇹🇭 My Stand-In [1/12] - For a number of reasons I'm waiting to binge this one. I do love watching the gifs on my dash though, pretty is pretty.
🇹🇭 Only Boo! [8/12] - So we're done with highschool and that last episode felt a bit rushed trying to finish all those loose threads but I like that we're getting to a new chapter of their relationship. They continue to be too adorable for words. Side couple - dream kisses my beloathed. From the preview and also the number of thai bl's I've watched I'm thinking this will be a pretty straightforward 'it turns out you like him but now he moved on (not really) and you have to grovel'. I'd love to be surprised though.
🇹🇭 Wandee Goodday [4/12] - I am loving it. Pretty much everything about it. Before I say anything else. Thor is gorgeous and he should do all the shows. Forever. He and Cher are delightful and I love that they are an established couple that seem to have their own roles in the gym and their own relationship with Yak. I said this in tags before I think, but I'm finding it interesting how we collectively talk about this show ending, more often than not, with the caveat 'let's see if it holds up'. We have been burned before and not that long ago so we are all holding our breaths. Contrary to my usual state, I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about this. I think the bones are there for a good show all the way to the end. No one is perfect - except Kao, he is perfection and the ace rep I only dreamed of - and that's great. They are both smitten and complete idiots. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the backstory, and in Yak's case how much of what drives him is a consequence of loss.
🇹🇭 We Are [9/16] - Still enjoying the friendships and still bummed we have no development with Chain/Pun. We had one second of development and it was a look. So much in that look. Not really but at least it seems that Pun is aware of his feelings, so that's something. The last episode kept reminding me of Love Sick because of all the camp stuff. It's an entertaining show but the Q/Toey plot is annoying me a bit now.
QL - Finished
🇹🇭 23.5 - This show lost me about halfway through and I never really connected after that. Even if it really wasn't for me, I'm happy it exists and I hope gmmtv invests in more gl's in the future. I wanted more of the teachers but I'm not greedy and was happy to see that they are together by the end.
🇰🇷Blossom Campus - What a mess. I still cannot believe this came out of Strongberry. I posted my reactions while watching. Final thoughts here.
🇰🇷Boys Be Brave - I really liked this one. Just to get it out of the way, the side couple felt a bit unfinished and could've had a bit more screen time. All the characters had their own stuff going on and 8 episodes just isn't enough to explore that depth in a satisfactory way. With that said. I adore the mains. JinWoo built a wall, put a list on it and we got to see Kiseob slowly tearing it down in its own unhinged unique way. I did a rewatch and something I didn't notice the first time is that when Kiseob is 'caught' with Inho and is explaining what happened while JinWoo hides under the bed, he enumerates what happened just like JinWoo always does. I thought it was so endearing. I found Kiseob's presence on screen always so bright and JinWoo's actor was really compelling to watch. Overall this was a really nice surprise.
🇯🇵 Living with him - Writing this when I literally finished and it's strange. Cause they are so cute by the end. That whole festival date was so adorable, and I think they played the awkwardness of the dynamic change really well. I do think the show dragged in parts and Natsukawa became a tiny bit annoying to me at a certain point. Because he found out so early that Kazuhito liked him that I thought the indecision was too much at times. I kept comparing it in my head to I Cannot Reach You, and the way both Kakeru and Natsukawa's lack of confidence plays a part in how they deal with the friend liking them, but I think in this case the back and forth in his head was irritating to me. It was always one step forward, two steps back. When he found the magazine in that last episode I wanted to punch a wall. Like, oh crap here he goes again. It's great that the friend was passing by so he could do all the work and get these two finally together. For the most part I really enjoyed it.
🇰🇷Love Is Like a Cat - That was a show that I watched. Final thoughts
Rose Watches OJBL
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The Novelist (2018) - I put off this one for so long because of reasons and I was so wrong. It's not necessarily an easy watch but it's so good. It's beautifully shot and acted. I went through a whole journey with Kijima, from 'who is this guy?' to 'I fucking hate this guy' to ''I need him to be happy, please'. I will have to rewatch it after I watch all of them because the series is full of details and I'm sure I missed a bunch. Definitely happy I started this journey if for no other reason cause I finally managed to watch this.
Takumi-kun Series 2: Rainbow Colored Glass (2009) - The sad just came out of nowhere. It's got some of the same problems as the first one, choppy editing and even though the cast is new the acting is still not that good. I was less confused throughout which is good, Takumi annoyed me a lot though and the tragic plot was messy and rushed. I'm not sure if I'll watch all of these but probably at least one more and then decide.
Other - Watched
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🇨🇳Running Like a Shooting Star (2024)🇯🇵Barakamon (2023)🇯🇵Ghost Yankee (2024) 🇰🇷Wonderful World (2024)
4 Thai BL's coming in June June 7 | My Love Mix-Up (so many mixed feelings) June 9 | Love Sea June 15 | Sunset x Vibes June 26 | The Rebound
As usual my ask box is open for questions or requests. Have a wonderful day/night💜
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sonobeunitsarecool · 1 month
Milgram LINE stickers - Mahiru
arma bianca LINE stickers Here are Mahiru's! The first song's ones are all cute and like those sticker packs you'd use on your phone, and then in I love you it gets really sad.
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* Mahiru's first trial song is titled "This Is How To Be In Love With You" in the offical English translation. The Japanese title is what's put on the sticker, in a reference to the song name, so I've put the full English song title there.
The song is called 愛なんですよ in Japanese, which is, first off, so much shorter (ai nan desuyo), and secondly does not translate to "this is how to be in love with you". It means, "It's love, y'know", where the phrase is given as a reason or explaination in response to a question. Could also be "'Cause it's love!", with that soft justification for reasoning and the emphasis on it being love.
I Love You has a good number of puns and wordplay that are difficult to translate into English, and relies on common knowledge of certain English words in Japan. Most notably, the word 愛/ai being used as homophonous to the English "I", as in, "myself". "Clothes Food Shelter - Love and Miss you" is "衣食住 - 愛 Miss you", and the first bit is simply "the necessities of life (i.e, clothes, food, and shelter)". "愛 Miss you" sounds like "I miss you" in English. There's also the "大問... 題" part at the end of the song, which the English subs say is "A monstrous dilemm... DIE". You'd say it as "daimon... dai", and it means "a big prob... lem". This is clearly intended to make use of the dai/die homophone. This is mostly why I'm inclined to believe that Mahiru is fluent, or at the very least proficient, in English, perhaps even studying it as part of her literature degree. She uses a great deal of English in her songs.
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bluebunnyears-08 · 1 year
The Possible Symbolism Of The Name Nine
Yeah, yeah, I know I already did an analysis of Nine but this just got stuck in my head and I needed to post this. I already did an analysis of what Nine represents, but I found another thing interesting and that's the act that they just named him "Nine".
One thing I learned is that SEGA name's their characters for a reason. Like, Sonic was named due to how fast he was (the term supersonic speed), Shadow was named due to being a complete opposite doppelganger to Sonic, Amy Rose (originally Amelia Rose) which Amelia is deprived of germanic meaning work, reflecting her hardworking personality and Rose, reflecting her everlasting love for Sonic.
While Tail's is a nickname, which basically comments on how he had two tails, his real name is Miles Prower (being a pun on "miles-per-hour", nice job SEGA).
However, Nine's name is just Nine in-universe. Just Nine and nothing else. But what does it reflect and say about him?
Nine is a cold, blunt, bad-tempered, emotionally distant, psychologically exhausted, love/touch-starved kit who had NOTHING until Sonic came. But what does the title Nine say about that?
Well, I did a lot of research and it turns out that naming him Nine has a LOT of possible symbolism.
Let's get the obvious out of the way, it's clear that the term Nine refers to his extra tails and also due to the fact that he was based on the Japanese folklore of kitsune. Kitsune when reaching the final stage of maturity gains nine tails, so it's perfect for a mature and tired variant of Tails.
But looking into the symbolism of the number Nine more I found a LOT more interesting things.
There's another belief in Japan that contains the number Nine. It turns out the Japanese word for Nine sounds almost exactly the same as the Japanese word for "Suffer" or "Torture", and as a result, the number is considered to be an unlucky number. From what we've seen Nine HAS suffered A LOT and most likely will continue to suffer, and he's a very unlucky variant of Tails.
Japan isn't the only one who thinks of Nine as an unlucky number. Some religions consider it to be bad due to it being one short of 10.
However in some religions, like Hebrew, Nine is a symbol of truth, and while it can reflect on how blunt Nine is, it can also become ironic if Nine refuses to accept the truth that Sonic can't ever be by his side in The Grim.
In numerology, the number Nine represents completion - not a final ending, but a fulfillment of one cycle. The number also represents world experiences. Not to mention many phrases such as "cats have nine lives", and "dressed to the nines" also seem to relate to the maximum or fullness of something when every effort has been exhausted. However there are bad traits to Nine, unrealistic standards (for self or others), or being prone to over-giving.
In Christianity, Nine symbolizes A LOT of things so bear with me here. In Christianity, the number Nine is considered neither good nor bad, rather very ambiguous (which relates to the moral ambiguity of Nine). It can be considered the number of destruction or illness, but it can also represent completeness or finality.
An interesting thing about the symbolism of Nine in Christianity is that while it is associated with the crucifixion of Jesus (Christ died at the Ninth hour) it's not considered bad because the death of Christ opened the gates of salvation for humankind.
According to the Christain God's Word, Nine represents judgment, patience, harmony, development, and creation. Nine holds a lot of judgment towards others, Nine while mild-tempered shows some patience with how he sticks with Sonic despite the hedgehog getting them into trouble, Nine doesn't show harmony but he might in future episodes, Nine develops a LOT in the show, and the creation one is his knack for inventing.
In folklore, the number Nine is considered to be Triple Perfection or Harmony x3. I'm not sure what this represents but I thought that was interesting.
There's a thing called the Day of Atonement, which occurs on the Ninth day of the seventh month (July), and is considered a holy day for the Jews in the Bible.
There are more things like Hoshea reigning Isreal for Nine years, or how the destruction of Jerusalem's temples on the 9th Av on the Hebrew calendar.
Whew! Ok, so those are the symbolisms of the number Nine I could find that could relate or possibly relate to this character. Sorry, it was so long, but I tried to put as much as I could from what I could find but I didn't want to turn this into some sort of religious lesson. If you guys somehow managed to get to the end, I hope you somewhat enjoyed it.
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oshiokuu · 5 months
Ayukawa Taiyou random facts?
I chose Mithra as my starting character and i have been obsessed with him. Of course while watching mahosute i came to really like his actor! i call him ayu san, ayukawa san, or ayu. people tend to call him Taiyou kun or just Taiyou. how i write his name depends on my mood and sometimes i get affected by how the people who interact with him call him. but yeah! him!
Since this is a personal archive kinda? it will not be very organized. i'll think about organizing it later. feel free to correct me, fellow ayu san enjoyers.
Name: Ayukawa Taiyou (鮎川太陽); His name, Taiyou, means the Sun in Japanese!
DoB: January 18th 1991; Every time he sees the number 118 he will immediately go "!!! ohh!! my birthday!" (jp date format is yyyy/mm/dd hence the 1/18-->118)
Height: 188 cm; He's taller than Mithra by 1 cm! his arms and legs are also very long. People tend to comment on how long his legs are (common praise for tall people especially models)
Aside from butai, he also does voice acting, modeling, and movie/tv actor.
(observation) He touches his earrings a lot when he is thinking about something
People tend to get intimidated by his height thinking he's a scary person.
(observation) He laughs a lot. like, a LOT. his humor standard is on the ground.
He mentioned that when he was a teenager, he was very edgy and hated interacting with people so most of the time he just try to erase his presence and minimize any interaction.
His sister is a flight attendant
He has crazy sweet tooth! he loves his sweets! (which is a nice gap moe because the stereotype in japan is that men don't really like sweet stuffs. then we have this 188 cm guy who enjoys eating really sweet pastries)
he has very low alcohol tolerance! he mentioned that half a can of beer can make him tipsy
Prefers mashed potato with his steak than fried potato
He used to work as a bartender for 5 years in famous expensive drinking areas in Tokyo
(observation) when he is thinking or listening, he tends to look at random places and not at the camera or his speaking partner. maybe he's looking at the staffs!? i want to know what he's looking at!
because people tend to be scared of him because he's tall, he always tries to do cheerful greetings in new environments/locations to show that he's friendly. but, depending on what kind of role he has, he might try to match the character's aura like being calmer and cooler when greeting as Mithra's actor.
he has a streaming series called Taiyou no Uchuu channel (Taiyou's universe, which might be a pun to his name). it airs once a month on his agency's official niconico channel. if you are not a member, you can only watch the first 30 mins of his streams. https://ch(.)nicovideo(.)jp/productionTV
James kun (shylock's actor) mentioned that they are very close
(observation) When he looks down, his right eye closes a bit more than his left. i think this feature of him is really cute.
when traveling by plane, he prefers to use ANA over JAL
He used to be very insecure about his height and deep raspy voice because people keep commenting on it and sometimes make fun of it. but now, he's very proud of these features of his!
He takes good care of his belongings! he said that he always make sure to get clothes he doesn't wear a lot cleaned at least once a year. this includes clothes he received from events when he was in highschool
ayu is good at planning and taking care of schedule, but he's forgetful about his stuffs! in a recent (march 2024) skiing trip, he forgot his clothes in the skiing place coin locker and didn't notice until after he's on his way home(how??)
he can't resist the temptation of sales bargain... even if he doesn't really need it, he will attempt to buy stuffs if it is on sale! he will enter a store, look at the discounted products, take pics of the ones that caught his eyes, and went on to the next store to compare the product/price and will go back to the best one later by looking at the pictures
apparently he enjoys cheaper stuffs (cheap taste if you will lmao). He did "guess which one is more expensive" game on one of his streams and almost everything he likes better is the cheaper items! (he lost the game because of this)
he used to attend a wine-tasting class but he gets drunk really quickly when drinking wine so he stopped going
he likes collecting merch of the characters he played! he's happy when fans give him a box of gacha merch for him to open himself. he also enjoy collecting pokemon cards. sometimes he opens merch gacha with a guest on his stream and make a bet on who can get more characters of their choice.
ayu has so many store point cards that he put all of the point cards in a TCG deck guard box
ayu is well-organized and well-prepared. on a stream where he was asked to show viewers what was in his bag, there were A LOT of stuffs (his bag must be really heavy). from notes, make up, medicine, butai manuscript, etc.
he likes chocolate-flavored stuffs
he used to be in a boy-group as a teenager before becoming a full-time actor (2002-2007)
in 2024, he was contacted by a former group member from his boy-group but the message was so sus he thought it was a scam message. he posted about it on twitter and got a reply from the actual person saying the message is legit. (i like how his first reaction to the sus message is to post about it on twitter and asking everyone if this is legit lmaooo)
on one of his streams, he said that he missed streaming and interacting with his fans even though it hasn't been that long since his last stream. then he said "i wonder why?? are you guys my partner or something lmao???" (reminder that parasocial relationship goes both ways :'))
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photographyatmit · 2 years
BlogPost 6
There is a stark contrast to the two interviews, with Bruce Davidson and W. Eugene Smith. The interview with Bruce Davidson focuses more on the context of the photograph, whereas the interview with Eugene Smith focuses much more on the technical aspects of lighting in the photograph. If I was naïve, I would assert that Eugene Smith’s main focus was a nicely lit frame, and Bruce Davidson focused on philanthropic photo journalism. But then why does Bruce Davidson recall ‘Gene Smith’ as a hero? Because Smith is known as the most important of the photographer in editorial photo essays. The midwife project, Country Doctor, mercury poisoning in Minamata (and a severe beating) are just some of his accomplishments in that regard. The interview with Eugene Smith just happens to be about lighting, but it is absolutely enlightening (no pun intended).
The complementary subjects of these interviews provide two different angles of the photographic process. One is about looking for a picture in the mind, and the other is about putting it two film. Oddly enough, both taught me the same exact thing: As a photographer, I’m used to not affecting the scene, and that is a very limiting way to hunt.
Bruce Davidson says too much of photography is shoot and leave. In other words, find a subject around you, look for a frame, take the picture, and repeat. More often than not, the subject is not involved in how the frame comes up. There is merit to this; it gives a pristine visage of the subject, akin to a measurement that doesn’t change the measured quantity.  But this visage is important only from the view of the photographer, who finds a specific moment/stance/element interesting and captures it. Davidson's methods are very different. The subject knows about the photographer, the photo and the process, and are in a sense, closer to both. This almost collaborative process allows them to direct a different visage, more real, more alive and more important to them. By allowing them to be aware and in control of the photo, you give them the right to choose the moment/stance/element that is interesting to them, and have you shoot it. When the entire point of the photo is showing the hard life of another, this approach makes much more sense.
Smith brings up a technical but key point; the importance of light. Smith suggests changing the light in the scene if it does not work for you, but I am used to adapting to environmental lighting. I do not like using flash because I feel it disturbs the scene too much and it doesn’t match what I see. But what Smith sees, with his years of experience, is beyond the current light. True, he does state that sometimes you have to be faithful with lighting in the frame to capture the ambience and atmosphere. But a considerable number of photos do not turn out as good as they should be, because the photographer chooses the easy way out; not being imaginative with lighting. He makes a fine example about why adding a light source in a frame is not cheating or fabrication, and might even make the photo more faithful to the subject. Looking through his photos, you can see the expert lighting used in the frames. For instance, the way he uses a light inside the room, and no light outside in “Wake of Juan Carra Trujillo”, intensifies the subject through the doorframe. The doorframe adds a certain element of village in ‘Spanish village’ but to avoid too much attention to it, lighting is chosen perfectly. Another good example is how tension is amplified with the forehead wrinkle shadows in the Country Doctor. I wonder how Eugene Smith would feel about Digital Cameras and Lightroom in our times. I would have loved to talk to him about it.
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Wake of Juan Carra Trujillo By W. Eugene Smith From: "Spanish Village" photo-essay Location: Deleitosa, Province of Caceres, Extremadura, Spain Year: 1951
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A Victim of the Disease By W. Eugene Smith From: "Minamata" Location: Minamata Bay, Japan Year: 1971
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Dr Ceriani operating on Lee Marie Wheatly, a two and a half year old child who needed emergency surgery after having been kicked in the head by a horse By W. Eugene Smith From: "Country Doctor" Location: Kremmling, Colorado, USA Year: 1948
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kineticallyanywhere · 2 years
i did a Google and i still dont understand emmet and ingo lore. i probably wont play the games but i am inlove with what i see. so i must ask, whats the lore??? whats goin' on?? indigo got lost??? lived with sneavels?? somehow time travel is involved? is emmet the lost one? am i a lost cause looking for answers? either way love your stuffs and hope you have a great day!!! don't feel pressured into answering! your cool!!!
thank you for enjoying my stuffs!! I wrote this up during the time I would have otherwise been spacing out today! I hope it helps!
The short answer: not much lore! Ingo and Emmet are identical twins that were introduced in generation 5 something like a decade ago. Other than some appearances in the anime, manga, and mobile game (Masters EX) we hadn't seen much of them since.
But then Legends Arceus came out. This game takes place centuries in the past and Ingo, the one in black who's always frowning, is just… there. And he has near total retrograde amnesia so he doesn't even know why he's there. And we don't actually know where/when Emmet is right now. But they split up the twins who just really like trains and battles and we're all kinda going nuts about it.
The Long answer: Ingo and Emmet are identical twins that were introduced in the generation based on the United States. They basically live in Poke-New York and run the regions subway system. The subway system is also a battle facility. In case you're not super fluent in main-line Pokemon games, a battle facility is basically a post-game dungeon where you have to fight through a certain number of battles in a row to be able to fight the bosses and win prizes and bragging rights.
And facility boss battles are ROUGH. In the storyline for a Pokemon game you can get yourself through it with pretty much any Pokemon as long as you level up enough. These facilities, though, have level caps that will automatically re-level your Pokemon to fit the cap and there's a list of Pokemon (mostly legendaries) that are banned from use there. Pun intended, they are ride-or-die on your ability to strategize. This on top of the fact that to fully interact with these facilities you have to have beaten the main game—meaning you're the Champion of the Pokemon league and [supposedly] the strongest trainer the the region—and they're STILL brutal, basically means that facility bosses could take over the government in an afternoon if they weren't battling addicts.
Another thing about facility bosses, though, is that the average player never encounters them. If you played Black 2 or White 2 there's a battle with the twins in the story line, but iirc it's pretty one-and-done. This did not stop their popularity in Japan. Trains are apparently much bigger over there and the funky train boys with the muppet mouths have a reputation as sexymen on pixiv.
As for their personalities, there's only so much to go off of. Ingo (the frowning one) speaks much more formally (in Japanese) and is very kind. Despite his stoic appearance, he's also HIGH energy. Based mostly on his VA in Masters EX, boy is LOUD. Sounds like he's gonna jump 3 feet in the air at any moment. He also has one of the only shouting speech bubbles I can remember seeing in Legends Arceus, if there even is another one. Based on his dialogue in Masters, he's also not super aware of his own facial expressions. Got some hard RBF. He's happy very often but the only game he's ever smiled in Legends (an angel, blinding, incredible). You can tell when he wants to be smiling, tho! He smiles with his eyes and it's adorable. He does smile in the manga and anime, but they're... different. Like off-canon from the games. Though in the manga the smiles like :3 and it's great
The other one, Emmet, is the smiley one in white. Emmet's speech is much more casual (in Japanese), even a bit stilted (in English). He's very blunt and tends to use very short sentences. On the battle subway in gen 5 he basically admits to saying a script; that he says the same thing every time. He seems to be easier of speech in Masters, but even that game all but admitted this last April Fools that "I am Emmet" is basically his catch phrase. Still, he's a nice guy! He just really likes Pokemon battles. A lot. People say he speaks fairly monotone, and maybe I'm just bad at picking up on if someone speaks monotone, but to me he sounds pretty normal. He's just standing next to Ingo all the times and Ingo expresses all of his emotions straight through his vocal chords at max volume. he also refers to Ingo has his older brother, addressing him as such in Japanese and telling the player in Masters the same. Oh, and he likes to say 'very' with 5 or 6 rs. Like verrrrry much.
For how they battle, they actually share Pokemon! Ingo runs the single battles section of the subway, Emmet runs double battles, and they team up for multi-battles. Emmet most often uses a wider variety of Pokemon since double battles require a 4 Pokemon team while single battles only have 3. The main partner Pokemon for them in the anime are Chandelure for Ingo and Eelectross for Emmet (Emmet does use Chadelure for one of his double battles in the game, but as far as I know Ingo never uses Eelectross). Ingo also references Chandelure as his partner in Legends, though he can't remember the name. In Masters Ingo uses Excadrill and Emmet uses Archeops; I've heard because they work better together in the context of the game. Their new partners in Masters, Accelegor for Ingo and Escavalier for Emmet, are Pokemon that can only evolve when traded for each other, and will evolve at the same time. Which means they each raised the other's Pokemon and that's BEAUTIFUL.
In Legends Arceus, Ingo doesn't have any of his old pokemon. His new ace seems to be a Gliscor, since its a couple levels higher than the others. He's the only clan member in that game that uses pokeballs (otherwise only used by the foreign Galaxy Team members). He's also the only person other than the player to use Alpha Pokemon, which are HUGE Pokemon with boosted stats.
Some frequent things you'll see that are based in the games but you won't find on a wiki:
Ingo's favorite movie in gen 5 is Earthquake, which is a very powerful move that hits EVERYONE on the field, even allies. Emmet has a Pokemon that knows earthquake too, but 3 out of 7 of Ingo's know Earthquake. Both the Pokemon he brings to the multi-battles have it. One of them is a Pokemon called Haxorus, which has an ability that negates other abilities; abilities like Levatate, which makes a Pokemon immune to ground type moves like Earthquake. Which is the ability Eelectross has, which would normally save it from taking damage. So Earthquake should hit Emmet's Eelectross too. But! Eelectross has a move called Gastro Acid which can negate Haxorus's ability, which reactivates it's own, saving it. But if for whatever reason Eelectross can't use Gastro Acid and that Earthquake goes off… RIP Eelectross. This whole Thing is fairly commonly referenced and very funny in an overly-complex way
Yes, he's using a move called Earthquake in a moving subway train.
Earthquake is not an available move in Legends Arceus :(
Emmet's Galvantula knows a move which it could only learn (in that generation) through breeding. You can't catch one with that move and you couldn't teach it via item, you had to breed a Galvantula/Joltik with the right Pokemon so that the move (cross poison) would be passed down. The baby will be a Joltik, the pre-evolved form of Galvantula. Joltik are tiny lil fuzzy bugs that like to eat the static off of clothes. So the idea that Emmet breeds Joltik and therefore has a million of them is hillarious. It's not canon, but it deserves to be. You'll see that a lot.
In Legends Arceus, Ingo serves as a warden (like a loyal, reverent, caretaker; but not a trainer) to Lady Sneasler. She's a highly revered Pokemon and a descendant of one blessed by Arceus (Pokemon God). Sneasler is an evolved for of Sneasel, thus the very adorable baby Sneasel art.
In Legends Arceus, for some reason, Ingo's eyes seem to glow in the dark a lil bit. This is never acknowledged in the text of the game and honestly I'm still not sure that it was intentional, but there's reason to believe it is.
There's a helping of fanon for Ingo and Emmet as well (much of which I also subscribe to!) but I'm gonna leave most of that out for clarity's sake on what's Actual Lore and what's not. Also this post is very long now. The one fanon I will note on is the Nimbasa Trio, which consists of the twins and the local gym leader Elesa, who is also a model and also very tall and likes bad puns. If she and the twins have ever interacted in Pokemon canon of any form, I have yet to see it. This will not stop me from treating it as canon. It's too good.
With the time travel and Ingo being in the past: we really have no confirmation on how or why he's there or how or why his memories are gone. The main theories are either A) he got caught in the crossfire of Legends Arceus' bad guy messing with space time or B) something called an Ultra Wormhole, a phenomena from generation 7, scooped him up and dumped him out. Personally, I'm hoping it has something to do with the legendary pokemon of generation 5, the generation Ingo and Emmet are originally from and is next up for a remake. The legendaries for that region have a whole Thing where they were originally one pokemon but split in two because of a disagreement between two brothers. And Ingo and Emmet have a whole black/white theme already. I will be making never-gonna-happen-but-would-be-cool theory/propaganda posts
I feel like I'm almost certainly forgetting something, but I hope this helps!
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hikari-kaitou · 3 years
Capcom's Official AA Fanclub Surveys - DGS Edition
Many Western fans may be familiar with the Turnabout 4koma comics that get posted on the official AA fanclub site that Capcom runs, thanks to some lovely fans on tumblr and elsewhere who have shared their translations. What fewer people seem to know about is the character surveys.
Back in the old days, they used to hold a survey on Capcom's official AA fansite every few months where they'd write about the seasonal activities of a handful of characters and ask fans to vote for the funniest/most pleasant/strangest/etc answer.
They stopped doing them in like... 2016? 2017? The original text is lost for good as far as I can tell. Even the wayback machine couldn't help because the content was password locked and you can't get past the password wall while remaining in the archived version.
Fortunately, I saved some of my translations of them so I thought I’d share them.
Cut for length...
"February has begun, and the DGS cast is nearing the end of their journey aboard the RFS Alacrei. Which of them acted the most strangely?"
Ryuunosuke ~ Exhausted from his intensive study session, he decided to try some katana swinging practice as a change of pace and to combat his recent lack of exercise. But because he wasn't used to handling the katana, he swung it too hard and it went flying out of his hands and got stuck in the wall right next to Sherlock, who had just entered the room. Sherlock asked him, "aren't you supposed to be studying right now, Mr. Naruhodo?" and handcuffed him to his desk.
Susato- worked on developing a curriculum for Ryuunosuke. 'If we keep going at this pace, he won't be able to learn it all in time... It'll be hard on Naruhodo-sama, but we'll have to work hard through a couple of nights together.' With that thought, she created a harsh study schedule, and almost seemed to be looking forward to it for some reason.
Sherlock- Driven by excitement over the thought of returning to England after a long absence, he went up on deck to stare at the ocean. Being February, it was very cold out there and he ended up being chilled all the way to the tips of his fingers. He returned to the ship cabins and amused himself by putting his frozen hands on Ryuunosuke, who was stuck in his room studying.
Van Zieks- Upon hearing from Vortex that there was a Japanese exchange student coming to England to study law, he smashed a Lord's Bottle. He apparently also didn't care for the fact that that Japanese student wouldn't be alone, because he proceeded to shatter his chalice, too.
Hosonaga- in order to provide a respite from studying, he provided some hot chocolate. They enjoyed a pleasant tea time, marveling over how sweet and delicious the drink was until Sherlock piped up with some unnecessary trivia: 'Actually folks, chocolate has long been used in Europe as an aphrodisiac!' Everyone promptly spat it out."
"The long winter is nearly over and spring is on it's way, putting the DGS cast members in a celebratory mood. Who found the best way of enjoying spring?"
Ryuunosuke: the Yuumei University faculty members were holding a flower viewing event, and he joined the assistance committee. He exhausted himself keeping the blankets clean so the intense shower of flower petals wouldn't pile up too high on them, delivering sake and snacks, and mediating whatever pointless fights arose. To top it all off, for some reason his compensation was only a single piece of leftover candy. Talk about a sad result!
Susato- her father and the others living in his dormitory were  holding the flower viewing event, so she got up early to prepare the bentos. But her father carelessly forgot to tell her that they wanted tea cakes, so she had to go around the house and neighborhood collecting sweets. For some reason, she ended up being able to gather caramels, biscuits, candy sticks, basically everything but tea cakes, for the tea ceremony.
Sherlock- he disguised himself as a beat officer and infiltrated Scotland Yard to have some fun. There was a real beat officer napping on his feet in the spring sunshine, and while observing him, Sherlock ended up falling asleep too. Detective Gregson gave them a good scolding when he found them, but then Sherlock revealed his true identity with a "hey, it's me, folks!" "What the blazes do you think you're doing?!" Gregson shouted, his rage growing even more, and Sherlock ended up making a run for it.
Van Zieks- went to the vineyard to oversee the production of the contents of his Lord's Bottle. As he viewed the still unopened grape blossom buds, he thought about how they would someday grow up to fill his Lord's Bottle, and ended up going around to look at each one. But the farm hands couldn't stop wondering whether the bottle itself or its owner's heel might come flying at them and were quite uneasy.
Asougi: exhausted himself running around since early morning helping with the professors' flower viewing event. When it was over, he took a break, sharing his reward candy stick [the name of the candy literally translates to 1,000 year candy] with Ryuunosuke, who had also been helping out. 
"I wonder if the candy's effect is halved if you share it with someone."
"That still gives us 500 years."
They laughed and enjoyed looking at the flowers until dark. Then they parted ways with a handshake and a "see you later, best friend."
(This one was something about celebrating New Years. For some reason I didn't save the original question)
"Ryuunosuke ~ To celebrate New Years, he planned to pound mochi with everyone at the office. He somehow managed to get his hands on some mochi rice and he and Sherlock started pounding. Iris was having such fun watching them that she steamed a whole bunch more mochi rice so they could have some to share, and he and Sherlock spent the whole evening pounding mochi like crazy.
Asougi~ Because it's New Years, he went around to a bunch of shrines. When he drew his new year's fortune, he got a "horrible luck" result. "I'm not worried about it," he claimed, and headed up to the mountains early on New Years morning and work hard on a full training course of purification by water, meditation under a waterfall and wooden sword practice. It seems that he was working really hard to clear his mind of all earthly thoughts
Sherlock- Agreed to help Ryuunosuke pound mochi. As Ryuunosuke was flipping the mochi over, he carelessly dropped his badge into the bowl and Sherlock mixed it in without noticing, so they had to crack open both the hard and soft mochi to look for it. Fortunately they found it in the 4th one they checked, but apparently Sherlock got his hands and face covered in sticky white mochi in the process.
Susato- Wore a furisode and went with her father to do the first shrine visit of the year. The shrine was incredibly crowded and they had to wait in line for a long time, but she brought the Encyclopaedia of British Law and a copy of the Strand Magazine in her sleeves to secretly read as they waited so she actually ended up enjoying the wait.
Van Zieks- Ryuunosuke cheerfully gave him some mochi as a New Year’s (which at that time was celebrated at the same time as the Chinese New Year) gift, which he accepted confusedly, wondering “...Can the Japanese not even keep track of when the New Year is?” Because Ryuunosuke referred to it as a rice cake, he tried to eat it like a regular cake without softening it with heat first. It was so hard that he couldn’t imagine how it could possibly be food, and ended up misunderstanding the Japanese even more!
"Autumn has arrived, and the weather is starting to cool off, which means that everyone is becoming more active. Which character chose the most pleasant autumn activity to keep busy with?"
Iris was making bread but her hands are small and it’s difficult for her to knead the dough, so she asked for Ryuunosuke’s help. She wanted to make enough to hand out to Gina and all the other homeless children in the East End, so she made a massive amount and Ryuunosuke was stuck kneading this massive mountain of bread dough all day. Apparently he became such a expert at kneading that he could be a baker now.
Asougi was practicing with his sword, slicing autumn-colored ginko leaves as they fell from the tree. He cut so many leaves, though, that he ended up making a big mess on the ground, the number of fallen leaves now having increased, and it took him a long time to clean it all up.    
Sherlock: Ryuunosuke told him that he was making anpan (bread filled with sweet red bean paste, the bane of my Asian-dwelling existance) and asked Sherlock to help by being in charge of getting the poppy seeds they’d need to sprinkle on top, so Sherlock went out and gathered a ton of poppy seeds. In fact, he got so many of them that no one knew what to do with them all cuz they had a huge amount of leftovers. Sherlock said, “Well, they’re only the size of poppy seeds! Surely you two can deal with them somehow! Ahahaha!” and Iris scolded him.   
(I couldn’t capture it in English, but Sherlock’s line contained a pun, and a pretty stupid one at that, so that’s part of why he got scolded)
It’s grape harvesting season, so Van Zieks commutes to the winery regularly to direct the production of the contents for his “Lord’s Bottle.” He demands perfection in everything from the selection of the grapes to the way they’re squeezed, and the winery staff is terrified by the “grim reaper’s” gaze and heel swinging (i.e. the leg thing he does in court) so they grumble as they work. 
"Hearing that there’s a holiday in the West called Halloween, the people involved with the court in Japan decided to try it out themselves. Naturally Halloween is a big deal in England as well. So, which member of the DGS cast had the best celebration?"
Team Ryuunosuke and Asougi- Asougi got Naruhodo up on his shoulders and they draped a white sheet over themselves to make a ghost costume. They went out like that, but Naruhodo had such exaggerated reactions to the fear of the people who saw them and to bumping his head on tree branches that they ended up losing their balance and falling on top of each other?!   
Sherlock Holmes- went wearing a horse’s head mask. Iris used her skills to make it a fancy horse covered in stars, but the eye holes weren’t well made and he had to wander around blindly. Because of that he tripped hard over a pile of coal! He ended up getting so dirty that the stars on his costume were covered up!
Van Zieks- took inspiration from his nickname and dressed up as the grim reaper. He covered himself up with a skeleton mask and hood figuring no one would know it was him. Unfortunately he got angry when he saw Megundal (McGilded) pass by and started throwing bottles and glasses and ended up giving himself away.
"November has arrived, and autumn is nearing its end. However, the DGS cast is still keeping busy, even on their days off. Which character chose the most interesting way to spend their late autumn day?"
Ryuunosuke- Thinking that he’d better learn more about British culture if he was going to be a defense attorney in Britain, he went down to the East End with Gina for a little observation. However, because an Asian like him stood out so much, he got mobbed by the other children. On top of it all, his arm band got stolen from him and he had to send a replacement request to Yumei University on the other side of the ocean.
Asougi- He went for a meal at La Quantas. The customer at a nearby table got a persimmon for dessert and scarfed it down, saying “Mm! This is it! This sweetness makes it worthy of being called a treasure among foods!” Asougi tried to comment on this by saying, “The customer at that table sure is enjoying his pershim--gak!” but he may or may not have accidentally bitten his tongue in the process and been unable to finish his sentence.
Iris- She accepted Ryuunosuke’s request to learn more about British culture and prepared a bagpipe and kilt costume for him. “This outfit sure is breezy,” Ryuunosuke said shyly upon trying it on. With Ryuunosuke now dressed, he, Iris, and the others from their office headed over to Gregson’s place to get him to treat them to some fish and chips.   
Sherlock- He accepted Ryuunosuke’s request to learn more about British culture and cooked up some European style curry for dinner. Thanks to the fact that his secret ingredient was a large amount of Chinese herbal medicine style spice, it caused some strange side effects and Ryuunosuke, who’d eaten it, ended up passing out and falling over.
“Another taxing trial for Ryuunosuke has finished and now it’s December. As the year draws to a close, which character acts the strangest?”
Ryuunosuke- he was recruited to help with snow removal around Yumei University and the courthouse and he enthusiastically began his task with the help of a large shovel. He got a little carried away, though, and ended up accidentally burying his umbrella, which he’d left propped up against the side of the building, in the snow he’d just finished shoveling.  He had no choice but to share Asougi’s umbrella on the way home.
Asougi- On the way home, he nods silently to Ryuunosuke’s question of whether he’d finished his travel preparations and changes the subject: “...Come to think of it, it seems that tomorrow is celebrated in the West as God’s birthday.” “I’ve heard that they eat chicken as part of the traditional celebration. Wanna try it?” Ryuunosuke asks invitingly. Asougi is strongly opposed to that particular menu item, however, and they end up going out for their usual beef stew that night instead.           
Susato- in addition to her year-end travel preparations, she also was busy with straightening up the book room in her home. She managed to get the law books in order when she suddenly stumbled upon some old issues of Strand Magazine! She hurried through the rest of her cleaning, then began flipping through the magazines she’d found, trying to decide which to take with her on her trip. She accidentally lost herself in her reading and didn’t realize it until it was already the middle of the night.
Sherlock- he was in the middle of a long ship voyage when Christmas night came. His mind on his partner in a far-off country, he made a toast alone on deck, when suddenly the crew began shooting off fireworks with a cry of “Merry Christmas!” Sherlock had to dart back and forth across the deck to prevent the fireworks from hitting him and setting off the explosive chemicals he carries with him.
Main series edition
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cellydawn · 3 years
sans IS gaster (OR the sans theory masterpost pt. 2)
Part 1 || ❤️ || Part 3
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(drawn by me, color by @magenteel​)
Previously, we discussed: Sans and his hand in the destruction of a world, his connection to Ice-E and Deltarune, and how he relates to Gaster. We’re going to continue the thread we left off on.
Section III - Gaster (Cont.)
Snails are mentioned too many times throughout Undertale for them to not be of any significance. As it turns out, they are pretty important in unraveling the mystery behind Gaster and Sans.
When you enter the area with Napstablook’s snail farm, you’ll notice that Sans’s theme is playing despite him not making an appearance. 
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In one of Papyrus’s phone calls, he mentions that Sans recently bought snail-shaped pasta and says “He’ll probably fill them with hotdogs and slime.” Toriel also owns a book called “72 User for Snails”. Track 72 in the Undertale OST is “Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans”. That’s multiple times that Sans is likened to snails. 
Snails belong under the taxonomic class Gastropoda. Gasterpods.
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These long pauses between words and phrases are not unlike how Gaster speaks.
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Here is Gaster speaking with us in the opening sequence of Deltarune. And...
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Now. Let’s move on.
(More under the cut.)
Mus_smile is the track that plays in room_gaster. This is my personal opinion, but the character that is the most strongly associated with smiles is Sans.
And Sans is certainly intelligent enough to be the prime suspect for being Gaster. The proper name for his namesake is Comic Sans Microsoft, or Comic Sans MS. MS can also be used as a suffix for the name of a person who has a degree in a Master of Science.
Sans also owns quantum physics books. The subject of Gaster’s scientific research is revealed in Entry #17: “photon readings negative”. Photons are described as a "quantum" of electromagnetic energy, and are of course within the realm of study under quantum physics.
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Gaster, like Sans, is brilliant yet slow-working. Slower than Alphys, who is repeatedly noted to have nothing to show yet as the royal scientist in the eyes of the people and is shown to slack off constantly.
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Gaster is implied to have perished, and I suppose he did, in a way, if these speculations do end up being correct. However, there’s something more to this statement. Ghosts are sort of in the realm of being not-alive, and Sans and Napstablook have a surprising level of comparability.
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They both:
Get likened to “garbage”
Have connections to snails (Napstablook runs the snail farm)
Speak completely in lower case
Pretend to sleep and say “Z’s” out loud
Have black “sclera”
And the black sclera is also a topic of its own; it’s equated with the status of being brought back to life. Being “determined”. (See: Asriel and Undyne)
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Undyne is especially suspect due to the strange right-eye-phenomenon she has in common with Sans, with spears shooting out of hers. Spears that are actually colored light blue, not unlike Sans’s eye. 
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To recap: 
Sans and Gaster are heavily involved in Deltarune
They have been displaced from time and space
They have connections to snails
They are both doctors with knowledge in quantum physics
They both “fell” into the abyss
They both talk similarly
They are both slow
They are both characterized by their smile
They are both some degree of dead
Sans is Gaster or a significant piece of him. Sans has Gaster Blasters because they belong to him. If all prior conjecture proves true, he is and will be responsible for the destruction of a world or THE world within Deltarune. After all, the Latin definitions of “gaster” and “sans” are to destroy and to be without, respectively. 
That brings us to the next subject: why is Sans Sans? More specifically, why is that his name? Why even change his name?
Below is the Japanese version of the fun event with Sans’s phone call. It features completely different dialogue from its English counterpart. 
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Am I Licca-chan? (Select No) Then from now on call me Sans. I need to check every once in a while. I won’t know when my name has changed. 
“Licca-chan” is a well-known Barbie-esque dress-up doll in Japan, so popular to the point where it is even used as a synonym for other dolls from different companies. Perhaps it implies that Sans is adaptable due to Licca-chan’s nature as a doll and how she is in a constant state of change to reflect the times. It also seems to be a pun on “liquor” because Sans was talking about beer in the English version. I tried to scour the Japanese fandom for clues, but they also seemed stumped. If anyone has any ideas on what this could mean, please let me know!
Regardless, “Sans” doesn’t seem to be his actual name. Perhaps his true name was Gaster...?
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Additionally, If the player changes the name of the fallen child via going into the code, this message appears in the stats menu. The vernacular is very Sans-like, with his frequent use of question tags at the end of his sentences (I counted 14 huh’s from Sans).
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Finally, let’s talk about the number six. We know that it’s Gaster’s number--All of the explicitly Gaster-related fun events trigger for fun values in the sixties, Gaster’s stats are all comprised of 6′s, Gaster’s “typer-value” is 666--you get the idea.
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The concept art Toby drew for the Alarm Clock’s character screen features what is presumably Sans and the number six.
“The Choice”--the track that plays during Sans’s judgements--is “Undertale” slowed down by 666%.
Section IV - Angels and Demons (The “Why”)
In modern day culture, 666 is closely associated with the devil. The Book of Revelation (13:17-18) asserts that 666 is “the number of a man” (this is important, and we’ll come back to it later) and is “the number of the Beast”. The Beast is mentioned as “coming out of the abyss”. 
Sounds a lot like someone else we know, doesn’t it? And how fitting for Sans, the one who judges our sins and demands us “to burn in hell”.
But if we go further, the Beast of Revelation is described to have seven heads representing seven kings. The beast itself is an eighth king who is of the seven and "was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition." 
Chara is an eighth of the seven fallen children. 
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There’s something Chara, Sans, and Gaster all share, and it’s their association with demons.
Here is an excerpt from the Cutting Room Floor:
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Among the four strings in version 1.0, the last one, designated by variable “demond”, stands out for two reasons. 
 The letter “d” is separate from the other letters denoting the demon variables--the rest, “x”, “y”, and “z” are in sequential alphabet order.
The speech pattern of the last string is different from the others. It has that signature question tag at the end of the sentence that a certain character is known for.
In version 1.001, the strings clearly reflect Chara’s speech pattern. This time, all the variables are in sequential order from “a” to “d”. 
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Pieces of dialogue at the near-end of a genocide route from Chara and Sans. Recall that Chara is using the same “Now” from earlier with Gaster and Sans.
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Chara makes a reference to Banana Yoshimoto's book “Kitchen”. Take note of the page number.
Chara is also linked to the number nine. It’s the highest achievable stat in-game. It’s the stat of the locket and real knife. It’s how much damage Chara deals. It’s also the number six flipped upside down. 
The connections are undeniable. 
And yet, it goes further. Let’s take a look at how Christmas comes in to play.
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In Deltarune, there are a few references to it, the most foremost probably being the importance of Noelle Holiday as a character. We also get Lancer’s laugh and the joke with “Krismas”.
Back to Undertale, there is significant Christmas iconography represented by “Gyfmas” and Gyftrot (bearing a strong resemblance to Photoshop Flowey, the DT Extractor, and Gaster Blasters).
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What I’d like to focus on is Santa.  Papyrus describes him as “a chubby, smiling man who loves to surprise people.” From the thank you note addressed to Santa we find in Sans’s room, we can assume that Sans is a Santa, at least to Papyrus. It’s pretty fitting, since Sans can be described as someone who “knows if [we’ve] been bad or good”. Maybe he can even tell if we’re sleeping or awake with how the Dark World appears to be linked with sleep and dreams (please read my theory on Sans being a Darkner for more on this).
So we can reasonably conclude that Sans presents himself as a friendly, child-oriented figure, in-line with the nature of Comic Sans, a font for children, and Ice-E, a mascot of a company marketed towards children.
Santa is an anagram of Satan. 
To recap: Gaster’s association with the number 666 marks him as a “demon”. Chara and Sans are also called demons and similarly have connections to the number 6. This is more evidence that Gaster and Sans is or used to be the same people, and Chara has some form of correspondence with them.
I failed to mention before that there is actually a second Beast of Revelation “from the Earth” with "two horns like a lamb”. From the “earth” like Flowey, with horns like Asriel. 
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Asriel is most likely the “Angel” depicted in the prophecy within the scope of Undertale; he’s named similarly to Azrael, an angel of death, and one of his attacks is literally called “Angel of Death”. He also bears a striking resemblance to the Deltarune in his God of Hyperdeath form.
Surprise, surprise, he and Sans also share parallels. 
Let’s start with their introductions. “Flowey the flower”. “Sans the skeleton”. It’s a similarly alliterative greeting and they’re both using fake names.
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Mirrored dialogue yet again...
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…and similar meta-commentary.
These three characters--Sans/Gaster, Chara, and Flowey/Asriel--they have all fallen. Gaster fell into his creation. Chara fell into the Underground. Asriel had “fallen down”. (Sans and Papyrus are also the only sibling pair other than Chara and Asriel. I won’t talk about Papyrus in this part though because this thing is shaping up to be too long already.)
What does this mean for Sans? I have a personal theory.
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Above the entryway of the Judgement Hall, there is a reversed Deltarune. The triangles are inverted and the wings are more bat-like. In the room where only Sans appears, the same room that plays a version of “Undertale” slowed down 666%.
I think Sans is a candidate for the Angel prophesized to destroy the world in Deltarune. I think he is Sans Serif, a seraph. He fell into his experiment and became a “fallen” angel, a demon. 
The Angel’s Heaven mentioned alongside, on the other hand...  Heaven can also be used to refer to God. Dog is an anagram of God. 
Sans has many, many connections with dogs, especially one Annoying Dog. More on this next time.
Part 1 || ❤️ || Part 3
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gentrychild · 4 years
BNHA chapter 291 reactions
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That’s one adorable child and that’s also one horrible way to die.
Not that we’re sure that he actually die, since 1. He is here and living his full theater kid potential. 2. For anyone who is reading BNHA vigilante, you would know that it’s not the first time AFO grabbed a hero student who may or may not have died.
Now, my question is “Where do that lower jaw bone came from?” Can you still extract DNA from something that was practically cremated? If not, does AFO have a room with a bunch of bones that he can drop on his way out?
Also, how old is Touya here? I know he looks younger than he is but is he old enough to be in UA?
I. Need. Answers.
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That’s the second kid who got white hair after a ridiculously powerful quirk appeared and I now have other questions.
Such as, will I get a white-haired-Izuku anytime soon?
By the way, can we consider that Tenko and Touya have quirk singularities?
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1. I can hear half of the writing community weeping because Touya had red hair. And at least one other person grumbling because Touya changing hair color with the seasons.
2. It’s incredible how tiny Touya doesn’t look like the Touya we know. He had a completely different demeanor.
3. Good to know Endeavor was not always a dick. 
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Don’t mind me, I am just fascinated at seeing tiny Touya looking at Baby Fuyumi (while clutching my chest because them being twins is jossed). That’s the most adorable thing I have ever seen.
Also, very relieved to know that Rei agreed to have several kids.
Now, I need to know what happened to make that family collapse.
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Touya is wearing different clothes than in the first image so that means he might have some resistance at first but his fire grew too hot for his body.
Now, my question is: how come he couldn’t regulate the temperature of his flames like fire users in his family?
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Am I... feeling bad... for Endeavor?
Oh my.
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You know, you might have been invited if he had known you were alive.
I love Dabi’s face here. He is such a little shit.
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Reminder that they are all stuck here until Shigaraki actually tells Machia to move. 
I don’t know about you but I find it absolutely hilarious that Gigantomachia picked them up, brought them to the most dangerous place in the whole combat zone as the number 1 hero and the craziest hero students around are here, and is now refusing to move.
Honestly? If Dabi wasn’t accidentally holding the floor, they would have been incinerated.
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What are you trying to say, Harima Oji? 
Are you a secret Todoroki family member too?
Or did you hear Shigaraki call Izuku little brother and you’re now trying to wrap your mind around everyone around here apparently being related and this war being the messiest Sunday family dinner ever?
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I actually wanted to talk about that because this DNA test is absolutely useless. I can assure you that people probably can’t even read those pages and even if they can, it would be just so easily to fake.
Actually, you know what? If Dabi didn’t do that on his computer on his own, I would just be so disappointed because waving a DNA around is just pointless in this situation.
Especially as I don’t see when he had the time to get some blood from the Kyushu fight? He only had the time to take two steps in Endeavor’s direction before running like hell when Miruko arrived (which was a rare sign of common sense, so kudos to him, I guess.)
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You hear that sound?
That’s the sound of Dabi destroying his family every chance at being normal once again. Forget all the progress they made, they will now be under public scrutiny forever, everyone having an opinion on their family.
That will wreck them.
And I am not even talking about Rei.
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I see that at this point, Dabi is just ending for everyone’s career...
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I am just going to stay there and stare at the wall as I am thinking about Dabi broascasting a murder on every screen of the country.
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That’s just so disrespectful to Twice. He fought for his friends and instead, Dabi turned his last moment in him desperately pleading.
Also, that was a really dumb move.
Listen here, kids, when you throw a mind-breaking revelation at someone, you stick as close to the truth as possible because if people find anything that doesn’t make sense, your whole story will be doubted.
Also, casual reminder... 
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Hawks recorded what was going on. 
That means that if this recording thing is found, they can discredit Dabi’s entire story.
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At this point, I am just trying to see if he still has his wings. That’s all I am asking. A confirmation that his feathers will grow back.
Just... stay asleep, Hawks. Rest for a week or two so someone can sort this mess. That’s your best course of action because if you woke up now, you would probably crawl back into a coma.
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Was that a bird pun?
Now, that’s just being mean.
I think I remember than in Japan, being related to a criminal is not good, but since BNHA is set in the future, maybe things changed?
If not, I am curious to see how this revelation will affect Hawks. You know, just for sociological purposes.
*hangs on to Izuku who is related to the worst villain this country had ever know, and who actually destroyed Kamino and almost murdered All Might not too long ago*
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*squints as I am trying to know what they are advertising*
Dabi: “Think more critically! Try to see things through my point of view, right after I admitted I killed 30 people!”
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Reminder that the OG group who fought Shigaraki sacrificed everything to stall him, they are half dead, and they are now facing the end of their society as they know it.
That’s what despair looks like.
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Be careful what you wish for, Todoroki Enji.
Shouto is just breaking my heart right now. This is a nightmare. He is the boy who made sure that they were alone when he told Midoriya about his family history. He is the boy who was just started to consider forgiving his father, or at the very least, working so their family would be happy. Things were starting to get better, and now, he has to deal with imminent death, his, his friends and his father.
He isn’t even asking Endeavor to fight Dabi. He will do it. He must know that Nejire and him simply can’t win against the LoV and Gigantomachia but it’s not like there is anyone else.
Everyone is down and right now, the number 1 hero is too shocked to even blink, and if he doesn’t pull himself together in the next second, they are going to die.
Damnit, Shouto actually called him father.
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Hey, remember that attack that incinerated a noumu with Regeneration? That attack that Endeavor had to use high in the sky or the collateral damage would have been hellish, in every sense of the word?
Yeah, they almost all died right there.
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makeste · 4 years
my long boring post about chapter 293 and Kacchan’s hero name
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lmao I think that’s all of them. anyways, so I said I was gonna do a post on this, and so here goes.
first off, I just want to say that people are allowed to not like the name! it’s a completely subjective thing, there’s no right or wrong “it’s good” or “it’s bad.” or rather, there is a right or wrong, and it’s whichever one you think it is. if you think it’s good, you’re right. if you think it’s bad, you’re also right. it’s an opinion, it doesn’t need to be backed up by peer review lol.
that said, here is my own completely subjective opinion: I think “Dynamight” (though please not with the capital “m”, I beg you lol) is a terrific name for him honestly. it’s clever wordplay, it’s a subtle callback/tribute to his favorite hero who is also his inspiration for becoming a hero, and it’s a perfect fit for his chosen aesthetic. it’s honestly great.
and what makes it even better is that at the same time, it is also stupid as fuck lmao. this is a name that encapsulates the duality of man. it’s the perfect metaphor for this boy who think he’s the hottest shit god ever invented, and has no idea that the number of people who take him seriously after interacting with him for more than ten seconds is actually in the single digits. this hero name is the equivalent of an excited puppy ferociously bounding towards a squirrel only to trip over its own feet and fall flat on its face. it thinks it is scary as fuck, and has no idea that 30,000 people on TikTok think it’s the most adorable thing they’ve ever seen. I unabashedly love it, and will also ceaselessly roast the everloving shit out of it without the slightest remorse, just like I roast the beloved boy attached to it. that’s just how it is lol.
so that’s how I feel about the name! however, this next part I need to emphasize: my opinion of the name, and my opinion of whether or not I actually think this will be his name, are two different things. I like the name Dynamight. I really do. and I also think there is next to no chance that this will actually be his hero name.
here’s the thing. this would have been a perfect name for him if it had been his chosen name back in chapter 45 when everyone else picked their aliases. it would have fit in seamlessly with the rest of his class. Red Riot, Chargebolt, Earphone Jack, Sugarman, Uravity; those are all names that stick in your mind and look great on official merch. those are names that sell action figures, but they also do a great job of representing the individuals behind the names. they have personality. and so does “Dynamight”, for sure.
but the thing is, for whatever reason, Horikoshi didn’t have him pick this name back in chapter 45. he went with a running gag instead. “King Explosion Murder”, “Lord Explosion Murder”, and so forth. and in the end, we never got a hero name at all. he could have had him pick Dynamight after we’d had our laughs. hell, he could have used it as an early easter egg hinting at Kacchan’s admiration for All Might, which wouldn’t be officially revealed until the final exam arc about twenty chapters later. “Dynamight” in Japanese is written out in katakana -- ダイナマイト (“dainamaito”). this is the word that’s used in Japan for actual dynamite. there is no inherent indicator that it’s a pun; it just so happens that the “mite” in dynamite is spelled out phonetically in Japanese the exact same way that “might” is. so the pun isn’t obvious unless you know to look for it. Horikoshi could have left us all thinking that “Dynamite” was his name until chapter 62 or thereabouts when he revealed that Katsuki looked up to All Might, at which point Horikoshi could finally reveal the official English spelling and it would be like a second name reveal. which would have been pretty sweet, actually.
but my point being, for some reason he instead chose not to do this. instead he chose to drag it all out for 250 chapters, content to let us all languish. this man had not a shred of mercy for the thousands of Bakugou fans who were all “please, sir, the fic,” before eventually giving up and adopting Ground Zero as the official-unofficial name until we either got a real reveal or died of old age. he dragged it out, and kept it as a gag, and eventually it was just like, fine, whatever.
and then this happened.
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and it changed everything.
because you see, all of a sudden “Bakugou’s Hero Name” wasn’t just a running joke gag plot anymore. in the span of three sentences, Horikoshi changed the entire meaning of it. “your hero name represents your desires. the embodiment of how you wish to be. your ideal self.”
just like that, the whole mystery of “what will Bakugou’s hero name be” goes from being a funny little ongoing thing to an existential question, with the implication being that the choice he finally makes, whatever it may be, will in essence reveal the very core of his character. “your ideal self.” in other words this will really be almost the pinnacle of his entire character arc. his hero name, when he finally picks it, will show us just how far he’s come. it will show us his answer to “what kind of person do you want to be.”
that is an insane amount of meaning to suddenly dump onto something that up until this point had just been a funny little running gag. “lol Bakugou loves murder and death.” “lol at this rate Bakugou will graduate while still not having an actual hero name.” from that, to suddenly out of the blue, “Bakugou’s hero name will show us who he is as a person.” like, holy shit though. and mind you, this isn’t something that’s been done for any other character. this is very Bakugou-specific. all this build-up and significance has been ascribed to his hero name specifically. at this point his name is basically its own fucking plot. it’s literally its own individual little arc. all of that build-up. all of that meaning and importance given to it.
and then Horikoshi goes and gives us this.
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so. like... okay, I guess??
like, just some quick things of note here though:
he is still doing the whole “explosive destruction murder” thing on top of the “Dynamight” part. indicating that there has not been the slightest bit of thoughtful consideration actually given on his part. literally the one thing that everyone and their mom was trying to explain to him not to do, and all of it went in one ear and out the other. which is fine!! he is adorable here and I want to ruffle his hair, honestly. but it’s clear to me that he still hasn’t grasped what Jeanist was trying to explain to him before, if this is really his answer to “what would you consider to be your ideal self” lol.
the name is INSTANTLY panned by every single person in the surrounding vicinity, villains included. hell, Mirio might as well have stabbed him all over again. obviously this is intentionally being used as a lighthearted moment to briefly give the audience a breather before we wade back into the Todoroki drama; but at the same time it indicates that this name isn’t exactly going to be taken seriously by anyone who hears it in-universe. they are literally wincing upon hearing it skjlklhkgf.
lastly, none of the people closest to him -- Deku, All Might, Kirishima, or Shouto -- are even there to hear it. all of that build-up, all of that “Kacchan’s hero name will show us how far he’s come in his character development”, and then when it finally happens, the people who have had the most impact aren’t even there to partake in the moment. Shouto and Deku are busy dealing with an entirely separate plot and trying very hard not to be set on fire while Kacchan is out here providing comic relief.
because that’s really what this is, though. this is a joke. like, I don’t mean that in a pejorative sense; I mean that it is literally a joke. and so what you’re telling me is, if this really is his hero name, we waited 250 chapters and Horikoshi built up an entire character arc around it, only to have the end result be a joke panel that in the end was arguably not even the biggest thing that happened in the chapter.
like, idk, maybe there’ll be a flashback about it later after all’s said and done which will imbue it with more meaning as some have suggested. maybe Horikoshi will explain how it’s a childhood throwback name that Deku once picked for him, like that theory that’s been making the rounds. I’m not saying it won’t be possible to build on this after the fact. but it will be after the fact, all the same. as far as the initial reveal goes... this is it. the epitome of anticlimactic. a brief joke reveal mid-fight where everyone immediately goes “are you fucking serious” and he’s all “I WAS FUCKING SERIOUS” and falls down out of comedy lmao.
and so, to wrap this post up finally, basically the way I see it is that there are two possibilities here. either (1) I have been way overthinking this from day one and it was never really that deep and Horikoshi thought this would be an appropriate and funny conclusion to a plotline which in his mind was always meant to be mostly lighthearted, with the Jeanist stuff mostly just thrown in there to push Bakugou into picking an at least halfway-decent name in spite of himself.
or, (2) this isn’t going to be his final hero name either. this is instead the last hurrah of the “Lord Explosion Murder” part of that plotline, and after he’s laughed out of the room yet again he will mope and cross out this one as well, and Horikoshi will sit on it for another 500 chapters until he finally reveals it at the very fucking end of the series. like at this point I wouldn’t put it past him to wait until the very last page. I s2g, this man. but the flipside of it is that when that moment finally does happen, I fully believe it will be a moment that actually feels earned. it will feel right. it will feel like the moment we spent all that time waiting for. or at least that’s what I hope.
so anyway, those are my thoughts on it! tl;dr, while I like Dynamight as a hero name in and of itself, I don’t think it’s going to be endgame, mostly because nothing about that reveal moment actually felt right to me. and of course, it’s very possible that I’m completely wrong about this; it wouldn’t be the first time (Kacchan’s quirk says hello). but on the other hand fandom isn’t totally batting a thousand either (Ground Zero says what up), so hey. we’ll see!
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keiarchived · 3 years
Congrats on 500! 🥺 you deserve that and more! You’re an amazing writer 💕
For the event, could I request some yandere!Hawks in a distance relationship with a bat quirk user s/o? 🥺 ive been reading a lot of stuff like that and would love to read your take on it
Maybe they met on a hero event or something but y/n had to go back to their country? And yandere!Keigo went as far as following them? Maybe manipulating them into moving to japan so y/n can be near him? <3 at the begging he is all sweet and nice and understanding but he’s low key manipulative and maybe guilt trips y/n? “You said you loved me chick, if you truly loved me you would stay with me” 🥺 i love everything you write! 💕 I’ve been a very consistent reader of your bc I’m obSESSED with your work <3 keep it up and congrats again! 💖💖
Omfg thank you so so much 🥺 I’m honestly speechless, thank you for the support and coming back for my new content 🥺 I am so glad you’re enjoying my work as much as I love writing them! ♥️
But yes! I love the idea, it reminds me of this tik tok I saw some time ago 😂
yandere!Hawks x distance relationship!f!reader
warnings: yandere, obsession, manipulation, stalking
It was during a hero exchange programme when you met Hawks
A program that is supposed to let heroes alike from different countries to share their skills and what not
And as expected, you for paired with Hawks. Y’know the fastest hero in Japan
You had seen and read a lot about him when you were informed that you’d be participating in this hero exchange program
Research is important for any kind of mission after all and yes you had read up on other heroes too like Endeavour, Best Jeanist, Miruko and All Might but none catches your eyes like Hawks
What they say about him is very much true, that lay back yet charming smile, casual attitude that’s almost unheroic and his charm. You can see why he also model on the side
The first couple of encounters were sweet as you expected, snarky comments here and there, sarcasm and banter
Not to mention you learnt a lot from Hawks too, both in the hero aspect and personal aspect
You still can’t help but to bring up those chicken puns once in a while, it is just ironic and well — funny. Not that Hawks mind, he’s used to it and seeing that smile on your face makes it even better
It’s a shame that the program lasts six months.... but who knew you’d be so damn glad that this nightmare is finally over
It was roughly two months in that Hawks caught you by the wings, whispering sweet nothings into your ear
Hawks had fallen for you the first time he laid his eyes on you
And well, he will do anything to have you as his own
The relationship started perfect like any other relationship, sure they two of you still have some getting know each other to do but you felt as thought you knew him a long time ago
Something about his aura is just comforting and cozy, given when Hawks is in work mode then perhaps he can be a little intimidating
There were small cute dates, hands holding, flowers, crashing at each other’s places
And of course the sex was great 💦
He could get a little rough and kinky but not that you mind, it was exciting to try something new and he was damn well good at what he does
It wasn’t long until you notice how possessive Hawks could get, giving whomever daggers when they give you something as simple as just a friendly smile
“Babe, chill.” You tries to reason with him but all Hawks do is either play dumb or say they started it first
And it just goes down hill from there, panties missing from your closet, wanting to know where you are 24/7 and telling you that he’s the only one you need
You believed him for a while, Hawks knows best don’t he? I mean he’s the number two hero and have been a hero longer than you have, he’s experienced so it was only natural for you to believe him when he says everyone else have ill intention aside from him
He’s the only one you could trust
Let’s just say Keigo didn’t take the news of you returning to your country lightly
“Oh, don’t worry about that birdie. I’ve took care of it, cancelled your plane ticket. This is your home now.”
Did he really just went ahead and did that? Oh you bet he did
“Keigo! You know I’ve got to go back! I even said it before we got together!”
Honestly, if Hawks could just lock you up to keep you here he would. But the others will know if you went missing
Your agency will come looking for you, so he have to let you go since none of the things he said were enough for you to stay
The break up was ugly, trying to get Hawks off your back was ugly but somehow you managed nonetheless
But that didn’t last long, it took him roughly two weeks before he managed to hunt you down
“Hey babe, missed me?” Hawks IS SMUG, seeing that surprise and shock on your face. He knew you weren’t expecting him to go this far as to follow you but he did
As if the winged hero had it all planned out, a whole speech just for you. Apologising for how he acted the way he did before you left, knowing damn well you have a soft spot for him
Hawks knows how to use it to his advantage, as per usual
“You’d give me another chance wouldn’t you baby? Please? I love you... so so much... please.”
How could you say no when Hawks is nearly begging on his knees? And so you did, despite knowing how you’d no doubt regret it later
He even managed to persuade you to move to Japan for him, after all this love shared between the two of you is nothing like you had felt before
“Come back with me baby, you’d stay with me if you truly loved me right?”
With a sigh and a nod of defeat, “Keigo... you know I love you and I’d literally do anything for you.”
Atlas, Hawks have finally caught his prey.
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stonesparrow · 3 years
You seem like the right person to go to for some thoughtful meta analysis
Here's something that has bothered me for ages - the lack of cultural info for Ishigami Village (and the Petrification Kingdom but that's a whole post on its own)
I can accept that they haven't made their own writing system. Ok, fine, cool. But they have art cause the one kid is a really good artist! Where is the art??? And music? Humans love making noise, so even if they hadn't heard someone of Lillian's caliber before they should've at least heard music before (the lithophone would've been such a fun one to incorporate - like "haha they have a stone instrument in the stone world! Aren't we clever?"). It showed them hitting a drum to signify the beginning of the grand bout, but it would've been so cool to hear the music they had developed and to see if any of the influences of the 21st century remained.
Also what's with the ropes they wear? (other than perhaps being a clever indicator to show who is from the 21st century and who is from Ishigami village) And why didn't Senku get a rope when he became their leader? They could've made it so cool and significant!
I just feel like all we know about their culture is that they're all named after rocks, minerals, and metals (which is very cool! But I want More)
What are your thoughts?
Hummm cultural development for Ishigami Village?
I feel like music is definitely important in the village - I believe there’s a quote from one of the novels where Byakuya tells Lillian that he’s prioritizing oral traditions instead of written language so that they can preserve modern Japanese or something (which I personally think is a little sketchier than simply handwaving the whole “language didn’t change for 3,700 years” thing. Language can undergo a huge shift in a few centuries, let alone a few millenia. I wouldn’t be able to speak Elizabethan English very well at least)
The Hundred Stories is as close as you can get to a sort of sacred “text” in the village, and in Soyuz’ flashback on Treasure Island it’s revealed that Soyuz’ mother was selected as the Head’s wife for her incredible memory, so that Soyuz could learn the Hundred Stories. Besides the role of the priestess/prince??? to learn the stories and preserve them for the next Stories holder, Ruri was known to tell the Stories to the villagers as well, since they know the story of Momotarou and Speaker the Bee.
We know a good number of the Stories were about survival, and some are apparently long enough that they take hours to recite in their entirety. A few were hints for Senku, but then what does that leave for the rest? Byakuya wanted to preserve the knowledge of Japan, so would they perhaps be other kinds of fairy tales? Songs, folklore, history...mathematics? There’s apparently a filler tale called “G1 Grand Prix,” and one about comedy. There might even be stories about things that the old world had phrased in really simple ways like... electricity being “captured lightning” or “houses that touched the sky.”
I’d hazard a guess that music could easily be integrated into the telling of the Hundred Stories - some of them might even be told in song or with a rhythmic cadence. Ishigami Village hadn’t progressed to forging metal until Senku showed up, so they’d be slightly limited for instruments. Basic string and percussion instruments would be easy though, and perhaps things like wooden flutes.
Aww now I’m imagining that one of the Hundred Stories was like, advice to children to stay close to home and it was to the tune of a lullaby that Byakuya would hum to a baby Senku to calm him down.
I’m a little at a loss for a logical reason why everyone would be named after rocks and minerals. Setting aside the obvious pun with “Stone God Village,” names in all cultures are often derived from occupations or symbolic of characteristics or natural beauty. Plus the fact that the villagers have no tradition of family names or actually using many of the minerals complicates it somewhat (and the 6 person gene pool which is conveniently handwaved). Perhaps some people long ago were really into the stones and minerals story in the Hundred Stories and started naming their kids after them, since many minerals are described as beautiful or strong and tough.
The ropes...hmm. Many of the villagers wear them around the neck, or if not that then around the waist, plus some in the hair. Plus Kohaku apparently has a hairtie that’s separate from her hair rope, which means they’re accessories rather than anything practical. There’s not a real difference in the way ropes are worn according to gender or age either. Sagara getting a rope collar to symbolize being a part of the village might hint that it does mean something to them though? Perhaps when a new child is old enough that it won’t be a choking hazard they’re given their rope to symbolize being officially recognized as a citizen? As for Senku I guess Boichi just didn’t feel like adding more to his design, but I could see him tying one around his waist if he had one.
As far as clothing goes there’s also the stone shoes and blue/green colors in clothing, though Magma has a black outfit and Ruri’s is purple. It seems like it’d be pretty labor intensive to find plants and create all those richly colored dyes though. (also handwaved, but they gotta come from somewhere and I don’t know what would be available in southern Japan 3700 years in the future). It seems weird to me that Kaseki was sort of an outcast for enjoying craftsmanship as a kid - after all, crafting is one of the most valuable skills in a society and there had to have been craftsmen before him.
Evidently there’s no fabric since Yuzuriha had to explain what a loom was. Still, you could do a lot of artistic things with leatherwork. And agreed, I believe painting is a thing, perhaps there’s illustrations to go with the 100 Stories?
We do know that the villagers have a strong tie with water and fishing, and use single outrigger boats for fishing. It would make sense then that the ocean would have particular significance to them - perhaps they might even personify it or treat it as something to be respected. Fish is the main food, but culinary traditions could also rise from the forageables around the village, nuts and berries and the like.
They have a holiday called Stone Day on Senku’s birthday (aww Byakuya), though we don’t know how that’s celebrated. Though it does mean that the modern Gregorian calendar was preserved, so there has to be some kind of timekeeping being done, perhaps with a sundial structure like Stonehenge? Or some sort of drawn calendar with symbols even. They also have a tradition of watching the sunrise on the first day of a new year.
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Moriarty 8 - 11 (FINAL) | HypMic 12 - 13 (FINAL) | Taiso Samurai 7 - 9 | Akudama 9 - 12 (FINAL)
Hopefully I’ll be able to get on to all that backlog soon, because...I don’t want it to keep accumulating and Skate-Leading Stars (first winter 2021 anime) already has an advance 1st ep. up...
Moriarty 8
(Moriarty 8 notes deleted accidentally…)
Moriarty 9
If you want a modern equivalent to the Baker Street Irregulars, then I’d suggest you look this way *jabs finger at Odd Jobs Yamada (from HypMic)*.
These CGI background horse and carriages are…kind of distracting…
I’m guessing back in those days, the Irregulars were better than Google at finding info…because Google didn’t exist until the internet did.
Moriarty 10
Just this ep and one more until the end…at least, until spring 2021.
Wow, the use of colour here is really striking!
White lilies mean…purity/chastity…?
I’ve never heard of “bending someone’s ear” until now. It means to talk to someone, especially to ask a favour or to talk at length.
Probatio diabolica: the devil’s proof. I didn’t even know that was a concept until now…(I never once studied law, as you can tell.)
“William” isn’t normally shortened to “Liam”…It’s normally “Will”…also, notice all the footprints on the floor…
Moriarty 11 (FINAL)
Last ep. before spring 2021.
LOL, kabedon.
The fishy thing about Brits is that they’ve named things across the world names from Britain. I know there’s a Doncaster which isn’t anywhere near Britain, for one thing…
Observe the weird finger-like marking made by one of the bloodstains and the scratches on the suitcase. The latter was probably forced open.
Considering the number of signs the killer left, he was clearly in a hurry…
Well, based on that shoeprint we can find the killer if we can find traces of blood on his shoe.
“Duram” (sic).
Ah! If it was raining in Durham, then there would be traces of mud on the killer’s shoes. I remember early on in Detective Conan Shinichi, then newly shrunk, deduced Agasa was running in the rain based on the mud on his pants…this is similar.
Chloral (hydrate…?).
The “washroom” (apparently a Canadian term, the British term is “water closet”) has privacy and a place to get rid of the evidence, to some extent.
What about the rest of Eddie’s clothes?
Considering there are still 5 minutes of the ep. left…there’s going to be some kind of stinger for the next season. I can feel it.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait…Director Holmes??? Y’mean, Mycroft?! That is a good stinger! See you next time.
HypMic 12
“Ever since I was born, there was never a time I’d felt I’d accomplished something.” – Aw, Doppo, sweetpea (<- this blogger calls people “sweetpea” when they’re feeling lots of moe feels for them). Please don’t say that. You’ve accomplished more than enough in your life!
…Oh, almost didn’t notice it until Hifumi hid behind Doppo and the angle changed to confirm the jacket was on the bed, but Hifumi doesn’t have his jacket on.
I think I saw a tweet that said something about a wall being wrecked (specifically “Wall: Ow…”) but I wasn’t sure of the context, so I saved it in my bookmarks…LOL, so that’s what it means?
Samatoki, I know you don’t like Ichiro…but please stop trying to preach what his 2nd character song says in the title…(i.e. Break the Wall, LOL)
Jyuto’s very much a “I’ll leave this problem to the other guy” guy.
When the Funi subs say “dame”, I think Samatoki is just referring to an “onna” (woman). It’s a bit of an odd choice, really…although I can’t go and interrogate whoever was responsible for it. I don’t have the authority or the contacts that will allow me to.
This is not the time for fighting one another!!!
Notably, in the manga, Jakurai was going to chaffeur Hifumi and Doppo to their place, but then he had to go to work and so they rode the train with their prize money. This “run from Special Forces” ending is better, I think, since people got grumpy at Jakurai for having to abandon them with the money.
“…permission to cover a story.” - Permission from…who?
*screams* I was thinking Tom, Rex and Iris worked for a foreign government! They work for Ichijiku – why didn’t I think of that?!
LOL, I couldn’t even tell what Tom was saying until I played it back…it’s English, just…said in a spot where you don’t expect it.
“…that scares me.” – This may be nitpicky of me, but osoreru is actually a derivative of osore (fear), so “it strikes fear in me”…? “It strikes fear in my heart”? What would sound right…?
Go, host mode Hifumi! (...but does that imply host mode Hifumi is the only “version” of Hifumi able to rap? Certainly, he was able to do Wrap and Rap without his jacket, right…?)
You can tell Tom still respects Jakurai after all this time because he (the former) calls him (the latter) “Sensei”. Also, this’ll be interesting, we haven’t seen many mics and speakers beyond the standard bad guy ones (depicted in both the anime and the manga).
My gosh! All I knew of this song was that m-flo, also responsible for Human Lost’s theme song (and notably they’re a hip hop group with techno influences), was responsible for this song. Man, this s*** slaps! It’s great! (Sorry, I’ve just never really had the chance to capitalise on all the info I gathered on EDM DJs when talking in terms of things from Japan…m-flo is basically the only act I know which does that, so I’m really excited…can’t you tell from how verbose I’m getting in this note?)
That’s interesting that Matenrou won and Tom still took the gold chair symbolism to represent him and the Secret Aliens as the victor instead.
Iris’s parts are awesome. M-flo has a female vocalist and so I’d assume Iris takes on Lisa’s (m-flo’s vocalist’s) parts.
…Hmm, Gentaro’s made a reference to the track “Me Against the World”, has he?...Maybe.
I’m not quite sure, but I think Ramuda said “majo” (witch) when he was referring to Beauty and the Beast in the English subs.
…gosh, what is up with that airhorn…? Still, next time is the last time. See you on Christmas…no, Boxing Day.
HypMic 13 (FINAL)
This is the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning…y’know, considering how stuff trended on Twitter, I’d say this anime’s gonna get a 2nd season, but you can’t really say that until it actually happens. I mean, Boueibu is much less popular than HypMic and that got a 2nd season…
This is the 1st episode where I woke up early enough to watch without spoilers and had no obligations to place over it, so…this is exciting, in its own sense, but in a sense, it could also be called “profoundly disappointing” because this experience is only available to me as of the final episode.
One of the tweets I saw a few weeks back came to mind – someone became interested in sakuga houkai (terrible animation, literally “animation collapse”) because of HypMic…I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing…
…Dude, you probably shouldn’t answer a call from someone who just revealed themselves to be a traitor last episode…*sweatdrops*
(Spoiler for rest of franchise) Hmm…Dice’s face is pretty straight. Assuming at this point we knew Dice was Otome’s son, this is a good poker face from him…!
This thing about gangs was mentioned in their profiles (although the words used implies they “went delinquent”), so it actually doesn’t surprise me.
I wonder if this subway exists in the mainline story…?
According to the next ep. preview I saw on Twitter, TDD will reform to take down the Secret Aliens. I’m not sure if that was a guess or whether that’s true, so I’m waiting for the shoe to drop on it.
Samatoki-san, not -sama. Hmm…
There was definitely the word “team” in Dice’s line, so it’s “what the legendary team was made of”.
…oh gosh…they’re still using that airhorn…?
Again with the play on “lonely thunder”. It’s a really fun pun, but one I’d like to see in the rest of the series more.
Notably, Iris’s rap in English missed the word “charisma” where it could have fit (unless I missed reading it the first time).
Note Samatoki does actually use the word “shinsensa” (freshness), so there’s no lie there.
I still love how much they went in on Rex’s theme, even in his raps.
Huh, that’s new. Never seen a tag team like this before.
It seems Tom’s signature is using a lot of English, which makes it easy for us English/Japanese pair translators.
Saburo didn’t actually say “Ichi-nii”, did he…?
…based on the rock intro, this is Rhyme Anima, the OP, or something that sounds similar. What I’d need to confirm this is the “nautilus” line and the “ends corruption” line, which are the OP’s two biggest tells for AMQ.
“rainmaking” – Hmm, another link from Gentaro to Rei. This might be a different part of Rhyme Anima (OP) that wasn’t used as the OP proper.
“this white light invites and heals” (<- paraphrased) – Sounds like Sensei, alright!
…now that (rainbow bit). That’s sakuga!
*a silhouette appears* - Oh nooooooooooooooo! Now they‘ve done it! They’ve included Rei! That’s more than enough spoilers to last a lifetime for y’all anime-onlys!
I wish someone would work on this collaboration between Saburo and Riou…
Hmm…what is the series endgame? Putting in Dice as the new ruler??? I mean, Dice is the worst possible politician ever. He’s far too lax about things.
*Nemu enters* - No! Nemu!
Not only is Iris a “ramen shop owner”, it’s Tom’s favourite food…No wonder ramen has significance to her.
…ooh! A new song! Update: I don’t know what this song’s name is, although it probably will become clear what its name is on the 13th. I’ll keep my eye on Twitter in case the answer is there.
…I knew it was far too early to say if there was an s2 – the DVD’s live events go until September 5th and the 2nd DRB finishes in March. That almost felt like a stinger right there. Oh well, I’m more than happy to call this anime a success, even if I would call it the worst of the arms of the franchise. All HypMic’s anime had to do was deliver fun, before anything else, and it delivered on that front. See you around!
Taiso Samurai 7
Anime burnout means I’m coming back to the anime after the day it finishes.
This dancing scene is kind of like the one at the start of ep. 2 of IWGP, except it has the owl to represent the setting as well as the dance stage.
Leo doesn’t seem to know kanji or katakana, only hiragana.
Even though this part of the anime is set in London, the characters are still speaking Japanese (lel…?).
LOL, Edward Scissorhands much?
LOL, these background gossips are like the Plastics from Mean Girls…haha.
…LOL, that’s not one of those dismounting moves, is it? It’s just kind of…jumping off the bar.
Lookit how Leo’s sticker is 90 deg. sideways from what it should be, haha.
I don’t think it’s true that Olympic gymnasts have never failed. Like other people at the top of their game, they’re probably failed millions of times, but only outside the view of most of the world. Persistence and passion are what’s key to becoming the best at what you are, no matter what field you’re in.
Now Aragaki’s what I call a “determinator” (see TV Tropes on what that is).
Taiso Samurai 8
Notably, the word used for “clothes” is specifically for Western clothing, like dresses.
Well, now we know why Leo can do those stretches…
They’ve clearly sped up the dance here, but…it’s basically the same sort of movements Yuri on Ice used to suck me in. I’m here for it!
Leo seems to be the type who tries to push away his worries by distracting people (including himself) with other things…I see. I didn’t have much of a grasp of his character beforehand.
Britney! F*** you, Britney!
Ah, that must be the (a?) fabled owl of Ikebukuro. I’ve never actually been to Ikebukuro…the closest I got was Akihabara (to memory) and even then, that was for electronics, not anime…so I’ve never seen the owl statue I’ve been talking about close up.
Rei does kind of look like her mother like this.
Ah! Rei and Kitty have a pair look now! “Twinsies”, they call it.
Amakusa’s head is located right next to Leo’s butt, so I end up staring at it…LOL.
The Hoover mission.
“I <3 Ninja”, LOL.
LOL, “Nyapoo!”
*sighs* The problem with being multi-talented is that you’re going to be told to one day put one passion above the others, even if you don’t want that.
LOL, you can be a ninja with this WikiHow article. (I was looking for Kitty’s quote, but found that instead. It seems to be a quote from one of Tomoyo’s movies.) Update: I was right.
There’s a movie in the back where the title is “Black Rainmaker”. (Tomoyo, I presume) Mifune is the 1st person credited.
Considering this is 2003…you won’t be on Mars in 2013, Kitty.
Wow, a tape! That brings me back to 2003, indeed.
Charlie’s Angels…so that’s what the tape was.
LOL, a shoebill.
“blade in your heart” – That would refer to the character for “ninja”, which has a blade over a heart. Y’know Kiss Shot Acerola Heart-Under-Blade (from Monogatari), yeah? Like that.
…you might think emails were out of place in 2003, but a virus from an email caused me to be an avid reader and that virus was unleashed around the late 90s – early 2000s.
LOL, Kitty’s cat belt buckle.
You said it, Rei. You said it.
Taiso Samurai 9
Lausanne, Switzerland.
I noticed one of the boxes at the start of the OP says “Horizontal Bars”, rather than some random name to make the boxes look like they were discarded.
Someone encoded the video funny…
LOL, BB’s getting possessive of his territory.
Fuku-chan the fukurou (owl) in Ikebukuro…LOL.
LOL, randomly there’s a skeleton with a hat in the background of Britney’s clinic.
Notably, one of the wall hangings says “heart” on it – alternatively, “soul”.
Notably, Atlanta was the 1996 Summer Olympics…there is no 1997 Lausanne Olympics, as far as I know.
Akudama 9
I watched the part where it glitches twice and I can’t quite figure out what that circular symbol is…maybe it’s Hacker’s symbol…?
Ah! Only now they properly confirm Swindler used to work in the Seal centre.
“Life that never dies is defective.” – Doctor
Does that mean Doctor is actually older than she looks, due to plastic surgery…?
Marker? What marker?
Apparently that flower is a cherry blossom…according to Detective Conan.
…I know this anime wasn’t made in America (it wouldn’t be “anime” otherwise), but Anime Feminist is going to have a field day with this one…if they haven’t abandoned it already due to their idea of morals.
…now I can even see parallels between HypMic’s authorities and Akudama’s. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not.
“Why did this have to happen when I’m chief?” – Sounds like…basically every authority during COVID and BLM, to be honest.
See? Akudama likes the S word. I told you.
I haven’t watched The Shining, but reading the synopsis, you can figure out why Cutthroat is the way he is…sort of.
How does the iconic quote go? “Heeeeeeeeeeeere’s Danny!” (or something…?)
They even copied the iconic eye shot! There you go!
Way to take a guy out (with the door, LOL).
…with all this killing, I can see why Akudama Drive was only in one magazine now. (Then again, HypMic was in basically all of them and that also has a tonne of problems…)
Akudama 10
万死 literally means “10000 deaths”.
That police chief is such a mood, LOL.
I can see why people didn’t recognise Swindler, but Courier never changes his look, so…uh…
You can’t become a police chief without a sense of justice, no?
“Since when did you know that I’m not-“ - *facepalms*
Is this what they call an “ass-kickin’ Christmas”? (LOL)
Y’know, Sister, you could just do the whole “wherever you are, I’m also seeing the same sky as you” thing some other anime do.
Notably, there are shide (the paper strips) and a rope over the vault…they really do treat the shinkansen and its immortal children as a single god, huh?
Hmm? They don’t care about Sister anymore? Just Brother? (Somewhere along the way, the priorities must have shifted.)
In the end, the best ship is Brawler and Hoodlum (lel).
Akudama 11
One more ep after this. I’m gonna miss this anime, even if it was crazy over-the-top and I didn’t finish it until after the day it ended.
I think the scariest scene in all of Akudama Drive is the one where the “cleaner” tosses the girl aside.
“This nowhere place!” – Around this time, the bunny and shark’s shirts say “morning”/”afternoon” (shark) and “evening” (bunny).
The blue bird of happiness…literally. That character on the birds is the one for “happy”.
…LOL, that one glitched Courier looks more like Cutthroat.
Hacker’s drone matches Courier’s head angles, LOL.
I guess if you think you’re falling in Kanto, you’re falling in Kanto and if you think you’re floating (like Courier did), you float. I always liked that concept.
War Games. Now the title makes sense!
…but they can be together if they stay here in Kanto as vessels for the citizens? (That sounds mighty antagonistic of me, but…that logic does compute.)
Maybe swindlers play games with the truth…? (What an interesting concept.)
“Just fine.” – I think Hacker needs a “This is fine” meme.
“We can hear your heart talking.” – It means something like “We can hear you spouting your true intentions.”
“…worth every last penny…” – That’s a weird thing to say for someone whose life got changed by 500 yen…Just goes to tell you how American the subbers can be sometimes.
Swindler’s smug face is so good, LOL.
Akudama 12 (FINAL)
This episode isn’t named after a movie. It’s named after the anime itself.
The TV says “Please watch away from the TV”, i.e. stand back from the TV while you watch.
“They came and stole the offerings…” – At this point, bunny’s shirt says “freedom” and shark’s says honpou, meaning “wild, uninhibited, rampant, extravagant”.
…where did Shikoku come from? Is that where Swindler and Sister landed after they tried going to the moon?
Ohh! That Christian imagery! That’s scary!
Is Akudama Drive a tragedy? No, I think…on the contrary, it’s a story of hope.
LOL, “s*** guy”.
I thought the girl had a bomb. Turns out she has a gun, which is…far worse, come to think of it.
Instead of red characters which say things about the situation, now Shark and Bunny have Hacker’s symbol on them.
There’s no way anyone who wasn’t immortal would survive the attack Courier took…
…why is it that falling over represents vulnerability in children in all of these stores where a war has happened and/or there’s a chase? Hmm?
Wow, Sister did everything with heels on…?!
Anyways, that was a fun time. See you next time!
11 notes · View notes
gyakutengagotoku · 4 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 1, Part 1
Look, guys! I’m being productive again! Hooray, it feels exhausting just as I remember it did!
As done before, every post I make will contain differences between the source Japanese and localized English versions of the same game, as well as further details about them, up to the following “To be continued...” screens and eventually the ending credits. As always, there are so many ways the localization can dress up certain lines in the original script to make them into jokes or at least more colorful, so I’m not going to pick out every one. It would take us an eternity longer than my hiatuses to finish otherwise.
To think it took a freakin’ indie game that's like Mafia but with astronauts and tasks to bring me back to the Ace Attorney community and back to my blog’s roots. Is this what they mean by “Circle of Life”? All I know is that I’m constantly running around in circles, both metaphorically and literally.
> Court Lobby
<Kristoph> やれやれ。ずいぶんカタくなってる みたいだね。 You look tense, Justice. Wound up tight.
<Apollo> そ。そんなコトないです! カンゼンに大丈夫ですから、オレ! W-Wound up, sir? No! I'm loose! I'm fine!
<Kristoph> 声がウラ返ってるよ‥‥ まあ。ムリもないかな。 That screeching noise... Is that your voice? I suppose it's to be expected...
初めての法廷が、殺人事件とは。 まさしく“オドロキ”ってヤツだね。 Your first trial, and it's a homicide. I guess "Justice" doesn't start small, eh?
Enter Apollo's signature "I'm fine!" catchphrase, or as it's originally known, "Daijobu desu!"
In the third box, "ウラ返ってる" from 裏返る (uragaeru) in this context is translated fairly, though it specifically refers to a "crack in falsetto" kind of squeak or screech. (Yes, squeaky Apollo.) Now, it's interesting to note uragaeru in a different context can also mean "to double-cross". To be fair, it's also a common phrase, like being "betrayed" by your own cracking voice, but the foreshadowing power...
In the fourth box, yes, they changed the name puns to suit the localized name. Kirihito (Kristoph) is just saying what a "surprise" it is for his first trial to be a murder case.
<???> たしか、きみは‥‥ So, you're...
<Apollo> あ、ハイ! オレ、大丈夫ですッ! Fine! I-I'm fine!
<???> ああ‥‥“大丈夫くん”か。 Ah... Mr. Fine, is it?
<Apollo> え。 Uh.
<???> 変わった名前だとは覚えていた。 I did remember you having an odd name.
<Apollo> (さっそく、ゴカイされちまった) (Well, we're off to a great start.)
I'm just putting this here to assure everyone that Nick does first call him "Daijobu-kun".
<???> そろそろ時間だ。‥‥行こうか。 It's time. Shall we?
<Apollo> は、はいッ! Y-Yes, sir!
<Apollo> (‥‥そうさ。  今は、とにかく集中するんだ) (...OK. I need to focus.)
(オレの‥‥王泥喜 法介の、  初めての法廷に!) (First trial, here comes Justice!)
I want to comment on how catchy Apollo's other lesser-known catchphrase is. Poor Odoroki doesn't have anything as cool as this.
> Courtroom
<Kristoph> 弁護士は、依頼人の希望を最優先 させなければなりません。 A defense attorney must always cede to his client's wishes.
この王泥喜���んは、依頼人の ご指名なのですよ。 And my client specifically requested Mr. Justice.
<Judge> ふむう‥‥わかりませんな。 Well, of course he wants justice!
現在、最高の弁護士と言われる 牙琉 霧人(がりゅうきりひと)。 But to entrust his case to this greenhorn... Why?
それをさしおいて、 こんなワカモノがねえ‥‥ I do not exaggerate when I say that you're the best defense attorney in town, Mr. Gavin.
<Apollo> (だ、大丈夫。発声練習の量なら、  先生にも負けないさ!) (OK, so Gavin's got trial experience, fine. But does he have Chords of Steel!?)
I just love this line from Apollo. Perfect timing and delivery. Odoroki's line is good too, though comes off as a tad more innocent: "I-It's fine. When it comes to  vocal training, even Sensei can't beat me!" Though I have to say the image of Kristoph screaming during voice training is too funny to pass up.
> Enter Defendant
<Judge> まことにザンネンです。 This is truly an unfortunate turn of events.
ひさしぶりの対面が、 このようなカタチになるとは。 I'm sorry we had to meet again under these circumstances.
‥‥成歩堂 龍一 (なるほどうりゅういち)くん。 Long time no see, Mr. Wright.
<Phoenix> 忘れてほしいですね、 ムカシのことは。 Let's put the past behind us, shall we?
今のぼくは‥‥そう。 しがないピアニスト、ですから。 These days, I'm merely Phoenix Wright, piano player.
I may have mentioned it before, but I'll make a note here that the Hobohodo meme has its own version in the JP fandom: "ピアニート" (piani-to or pia-NEET), which is portmanteau of pianist and NEET, the most famous of Japanese government welfare programs for the unemployed. It's also slang for "hobo".
<Payne> これが、被害者の命を奪った凶器。 ‥‥グレープジュースのボトルです。 This is the weapon that took the victim's life. A bottle of grape juice.
彼のお気に入りで、 いつも飲んでいるようですな。 Grape juice is apparently our defendant's drink of choice.
Many of you already know, but just in case: The localizers never censored Nick's fave drink. It was the JP devs who had to work with such censors back home, but eventually they just kept it as a running gag to put non-alcoholic fruit juices in fancy wine bottles. It wasn't until SoJ when the devs could get away with featuring a bit of alcohol. Their previous game was slapped with a CERO-C (15+) due to graphic images, so Eshiro and co. were pleasantly surprised to see SoJ get the classic CERO-B (12+) again.
Not to mention, very expensive high-quality fancy fruit juices do exist in Japan and can cost way more than your usual middle-grade wines. Japan and their fancy fruit culture and all. (I forget exactly, but I recall there were plenty of group pictures of the devs on their blogs and Twitters over the years where someone had gotten them fancy bottles of fruit juice as Christmas gifts. The memes live on.)
> After 1st testimony, decline tutorial
<Apollo> 先生が出るにはおよびません! ここは、オレでじゅうぶんッ! No need for help here, sir! I think I've got this one covered!
<Kristoph> ‥‥“手下”みたいなセリフだね。 大丈夫ですか? I think you'd better do more than think. You know it, or you do not.
<Apollo> (大丈夫!   発声練習は積んできた!) (I'm fine! The Chords of Steel are ready for battle!)
The differences here are subtle enough that I hesitated on including this, but Kirihito straight-up calls out Odoroki: "Sensei, you won't need to step up here. I'm enough for this!" "...Sounds like something someone unreliable would say. Are you going to be fine?"
> Press 4th statement
<Judge> ふむう‥‥ Hmm...
ポーカーといえば、5枚のカードで “役”を作って勝負するゲーム。 As I recall, in poker you make five-card "hands".
たしかに、イカサマが 起こりやすいのでしょう。 I can see how it would be easy to cheat.
<Phoenix> フッ‥‥ “役”を作るゲーム、ねえ‥‥ Heh... Yes. A game of "hands".
<Apollo> ‥‥? ...?
Now that I find this dialogue again, it's even deeper than I'd ever thought. In both JP and EN, Phoenix's line works just as well as the other despite having different double entendres. In EN, he makes a pun between the poker hands and people's hands; while in JP, the term used is "yaku", which is normally used to refer to hands in a card/mahjong game, but in more general cases, it means "role" or "responsibility". Naturally, in this case, there are a lot of hands and roles being exchanged rather quickly.
This case is dang amazing and I regret forgetting so much of what made it spectacular.
> Press 5th statement
<Phoenix> 賭けていたのは、ただひとつ。 おのれの“プライド”だけだよ。 The only thing at stake in our game... was pride itself.
<Judge> ほほう。 なんだか、カッコイイですな! Ho ho! Well put, Mr. Wright.
私も“ポーカー”で ヒト勝負したくなってきました。 I've got a mind to play a hand of poker myself...
<Judge> あなたの“有罪”を賭けてッ! The stakes: your fate!
<Apollo> (“ヒト勝負”感覚で  決められてたまるかッ!) (Um... Can we get back to the trial now?)
For once, I'm gonna go with Odoroki's line as the cooler one: "(As if we're going to decide this trial like a game of "life-or-death"!)"
> 1st witness, before testimony
<Olga> 逆居 雅香(さかいまさか) ‥‥と申します。 My name... is Olga Orly.
レストラン《ボルハチ》で ウエイトレス‥‥していますの。 I am employed as waitress in Borscht Bowl Club restaurant.
<Judge> しかし‥‥なぜ、カメラを? Then... why the camera?
<Olga> もちろん、《ボルハチ》ジマンの ボルシチもお運びいたします。 Of course, it is my pride to serve borscht that is naming restaurant.
でも、ワタシ。他にも、いろいろ サービスをいたしますのよ。 But I also perform -- how it is said? Other service.
Just making a note here on how well Olga's lines are written. They really make it obvious that she's "not a native speaker" (for now). While in EN, they just made her English a little broken, in JP, she speaks in a very stiff and formal Japanese, as she is a waitress, but also on the occasion can sound a little off to a native speaker without being broken, per se. She also has a distinct "watashi" among a few other common words that are written in katakana to show a sort of accent.
<Payne> さて、証人。 事件当時は、どこに‥‥? Now, witness. Where were you at the time of the murder?
<Olga> ワタシ、あの部屋にいたんです。 ‥‥《ナラズモの間》。 I was in room. The Hydeout, we call it.
<Apollo> “ならずものま”? Excuse me? The Hydeout?
<Olga> 伝説のギャング“ナラズモ”が タイホされたというお部屋。 It is room where famous gangster "Badgai" was arrested.
‥‥事件があった小部屋ですの。 Is room where murder took place.
<Apollo> なんだってェェェ! Whaaaaat!?
<Olga> ‥‥そのビックリしたカオ、 ステキです。 Your look of utter surprise... It is lovely.
あとで法廷の前に 張り出しておきますので‥‥ I will post by courtroom door later for you!
ほしい写真の番号を、みなさま お書きくださいね。 Dah, dah, photos will be numbered, and you will write which ones you want copy of.
Okay, everyone knows how bad/obvious/cringe the name puns can be in Khura'in or certain ones from AAI, but please, does anyone not remember "Badgai" here? (Tbf, I forgot too, so I'm not one to talk...)
Btw, his original name is "Narazumo", literally "ruffian", and it's completely in katakana, which makes me think it's a codename or alias. She also specifies that he was a "gangster", not yakuza as we'd assume. Japanese gangs are a bit closer to gangs that we know of in the West, especially that they're more known for foreign influence to their styles than the much more traditional yakuza.
Also, I'm disappointed there was no Odoroki pun here. Sure, she doesn't know him, so it wouldn't make sense, but still a missed opportunity. Also also, she actually talks to the rest of the court when she says "you", so she's selling photos of Apollo's freakout to everyone. Classy...
> 1st Witness Testimony, press 3rd statement
<Apollo> “ロケット”‥‥? His "locket"...?
<Olga> あのお客さまにとっては 大切な“お守り”のようでした。 I believe it was good-luck charm, dah?
何度か握りしめながら、 勝負をされていましたから。 He gripped it many times as he played that night.
<Judge> なるほど‥‥大空へ飛び立つ チカラがみなぎるのでしょう。 Yes, he must have felt as though it might carry him to the moon and the stars!
なにしろ《ロケット》ですからな。 Though if it were small enough to fit around his neck, it wouldn't have much lift...
<Apollo> ‥‥あの。ちなみに “ロケット”というのは‥‥ Um... The defense would like a clarification: this is a locket we're talking about?
写真を入れたペンダントのコト、 なんですけどね。 I mean, a pendant with a picture in it, right? Not a "rocket"?
<Judge> 知ってます! Of course! I knew that!
ロケットのカタチをした アレでしょう。 It was probably a pendant shaped like a rocket. That's why she called it that.
<Apollo> ちがいますよ! カタチはカンケイないんです No, a locket's a locket! It doesn't matter what shape it is!
<Kristoph> ‥‥深追いしてはいけない。 それが、社会のルールです。 It's considered bad form to poke fun at the hard-of- hearing in our society.
<Apollo> (モヤモヤするなあ) (Hard of hearing, or hard of understanding?)
This entire conversation is just a joke on how "locket" and "rocket" are written the same way in Japanese, and I'm surprised how well it still works in English.
To clarify, Kirihito's line at the end is a bit different: "...Refraining from pursuing a line too far is a well-known rule in our society." "(Doesn't make me feel any better.)"
> After 1st Present, just before new statement added
<Apollo> (ヤレヤレ‥‥  慎重すぎるんだよな、先生は) (There's such a thing as thinking too much...)
(イシバシを叩いて  コワすタイプ?) (This horse is dead, let's stop beating it!)
<Kristoph> 聞こえてますよ、オドロキくん。 There's such a thing as thinking aloud too much, too.
It's conversations like this that make me wonder if characters can actually hear what the MC is saying/whispering or if they're breaking the 4th wall to hear their thoughts. Here, it's even more ambiguous in JP than the usual between Nick and Maya in prior games. Or are they suggesting that even when Apollo is thinking, he's still loud?
> After 2nd Witness Testimony, before cross-exam
<Judge> なるほど‥‥ Ah, how many times have I heard these words:
『むしゃくしゃしてやった。  今は後悔している』‥‥ "I done it in a fit of anger, Yer Honor, and now I regret what I done".
‥‥の、パターンですな。 ...A common tale, but true.
<Apollo> (成歩堂さんは、ハッキリ言った。  『7年間、負けたことがない』) (Methinks the judge watches too many old court movies.)
(‥‥この証言には、ゼッタイ  “何か”あるはずだ!) (Mr. Wright said he hasn't lost in seven years, so this testimony must be wrong!)
I don't usually include entries for examples where the localizers dress up the text from the original, but this one here really bugs me. I'm not sure if it's a reference to some classic film or just a tip of the hat to classic American court drama movies in general.
If someone could help me pinpoint this one, please do.
> Press 2nd statement, press further
<Apollo> チップについて、くわしく 話していただけますか? Maybe you could explain a bit about these "chips"?
<Olga> そ。そう言われましても‥‥ E-Explain? What is there to be explained?
<Payne> チップはチップです。 Poker chips are poker chips.
いつまで待っても‥‥ キップにはなりませんぞ! They're not fish and chips, not a chip off the old block, not a motorcycle cop, not a...
Okay, the "motorcycle cop" bit got me. I swear this was a popculture reference (was it a song? It sounds so familiar), but I don't remember exactly where it was from! Someone plz help.
As for the original script, Auchi makes a silly pun. "[Poker] chips are [poker] chips. No matter how long you wait... they won't become tickets!" (chips = chippu, ticket = kippu)
<Apollo> ‥‥はあ。 ...Thanks.
(セッカクだ。  なにか聞かないとソンだな) (Now that I've pressed her I'd better ask something...)
たとえば‥‥そのチップ。 “円”ですか? “ドル”ですか? What are these chips worth? Are they in dollars? Or rubles, even?
<Olga> ‥‥あの。 先ほども申しましたけれど‥‥ ...Nyet. As I have been saying before, it was game, not gambling.
ギャンブルでは ございませんでしたから‥‥ Hard perhaps for capitalist to understand.
<Olga> “1000点”と “100点”の2種類。 Two types of chip: 100 points chip and 1,000 points chip.
おカネではございませんの。 It is not money, dah.
<Kristoph> ‥‥オドロキくん。 ...Justice.
<Apollo> はいッ! Sir!
<Kristoph> 今の証言‥‥ ちょっと、おもしろいですね。 Don't you find her comment... interesting?
<Apollo> え‥‥ In more ways than one, sir.
<Kristoph> 私ならば‥‥そう。 証言に加えていただくところですが。 I'd have it added to her testimony, myself.
As funny as that capitalist line is, it's not found in the source, sorry, guys. Her text in Japanese is very formal, so it takes an extra box just to complete her sentence.
Also, worth to note that Odoroki here mentions yen and dollars, but not rubles, despite the restaurant being Russian-themed. Whether it's writer oversight or just Odoroki being uncultured will remain a mystery.
Lastly, Apollo's last line here makes him seem quite confident, but in the original, he seems just as confused as ever. This is made clearer when Apollo later presses the new statement.
> Press new statement
<Apollo> あの。小さい方が100点、 大きい方が1000点‥‥ Um. The small ones are 100, and the big ones 1,000...
で、いいんですよね。やっぱり。 Uh? Right? Right. Of course.
<Payne> フン!  聞くまでもないでしょう。 Hah! Don't waste our time!
<Apollo> はあ‥‥ *sigh*
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...
<Judge> 終わりですか? それで。 Is that all?
<Apollo> ええ、まあ。 Um... Yeah. *gulp*
(くそ。牙琉先生のせいで  ハジをかいちまったぞ‥‥) (Great. Mr. Gavin made me stop her, and now I'm the one who looks dumb.)
<Kristoph> オドロキくん。 Oh, Justice?
<Kristoph> 私にハジをかかせないで もらえますか? Please try not to embarrass me like that.
<Apollo> え! オレがですか! Huh? Who? Me!?
The subtleties of this joke conversation were lost in translation. After Apollo wastes time with that question, he grumbles to himself: "(Damn. Thanks to Garyu-sensei, I've made a fool of myself.)" "Odoroki-kun. Would you please not pin this embarassment on me?" "Huh! Me!?"
> After Present, select "Number of chips"
<Apollo> おかしいのは、チップの枚数‥‥ ですよね、先生? The odd thing here is the number of chips... Right, Mr. Gavin?
<Kristoph> ‥‥なぜ、私に? ...Why are you asking me?
<Apollo> その。念のため、というか! Uh... Just in case?
<Kristoph> ‥‥オドロキくん。 もう少し、キチンと考えましょう。 Justice... It's your case I'm concerned about.
チップなら、写真を見れば すべて、写っています。 If you're wondering about the chips, just look at the photograph. It's all there.
老眼の裁判長さんでも カンタンに数えられますよ。 Even our judge with his failing eyesight could count them.
<Apollo> (‥‥あの裁判長なら、それでも  まちがえるような気がする‥‥) (That's not the only thing failing the judge.)
Damn, what a burn. Odoroki in the OG script simply went: "(...Knowing this judge, he could get even that wrong...)" which is a fair effort, but not a wildfire level of damage.
> 3rd Witness Testimony, press 4th
<Apollo> 口論の内容は、おぼえてますか? Do you recall what the men were arguing about?
<Olga> そうですね。たしか‥‥ Dah, I believe so...
被害者サマが『イカサマだッ!』と 叫びましたの。それに対して‥‥ The victim, he shouts, "you are cheater!" and then...
“異議がある”というようなコトを 被告人さまが‥‥ ...the defendant shouts something like, "I have objection!"
<Payne> ‥‥出ましたな。 おトクイの《異議あり!》が。 Shouting objection, eh? Old habits are hard to break!
まったく‥‥ハッタリづくしの 人生ですからな。被告人は。 First he bluffed his way through the courtroom, now he bluffs his way through life!
<Apollo> しかし! 勝負の結果は、 成歩堂さんが“負けている”! However! Mr. Wright lost the hand!
むしろ、アヤシイのは、 勝った被害者・浦伏さんでしょう! That seems to cast the shadow of doubt on Mr. Smith!
<Olga> “イカサマをやった上、  勝負にも負けた”‥‥ Humiliation from losing even when cheating...
そのクツジョクが、被告人の方の ココロに、火をつけたのですの。 That is what set fire to defendant's heart!
<Judge> ‥‥そして、火のついた 被告人は、どうしたのですかな? So what did the flaming defendant do next?
Oh my God, as soon as I saw that "異議がある" (igi ga aru) my mind flashed back to those ridiculous Google Translated trailers of Gyakuten Saiban & Kenji on Nico Douga. Imagine if the devs at the time decided to play with Google Translate to see how "異議あり!" would look after switching it from Japanese to English and back. It would be one of the biggest brain plays by a game developer ever... which probably means it wasn't how it went, but it's fun to think about.
Anyway, I also like this snippet of dialogue for the judge's "flaming defendant", clearly alluding to "Phoenix" Wright. In JP, the bit about setting fire to his heart is just a common idiom in the first place, but who knows? “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney” had been selling fast in the West, so they could have been inspired.
> After Present, point out on the cards, examine victim's hand
<Apollo> 裁判長! 見てください! 被害者のカードには、1枚‥‥ Your Honor! Look at this! One of the victim's cards...
ウラの色がちがうカードが まぎれこんでいますッ! The back is a different color!
<Payne> え‥‥ええええッ! Eh...? Ehhhhhh!?
<Olga> そ。そんなバカなッ! Th-That's impossible!
アタシがシカケたのは、 成歩堂のほうなのに‥‥ But I put that card in Wright's hand...
あッ! Ack!
<Kristoph> ‥‥今、なんと言いましたか、証人。 ...What was that, Ms. Orly?
<Olga> い‥‥いえ‥‥その。 アタシ‥‥わ、私は、ええと‥‥ No... Ny-Nyet! Er, I merely said, eh... Dah, I have, eek!
It's at this point when Olga's cover is blown, and in JP, it's more obvious because she stammers between using "atashi" vs "watashi". It's not very common to hear beginner Japanese students refer to themselves as the cutesy "atashi", though one who's a bit more well versed in the language or in anime may pick up on it.
> After Phoenix takes over the court, select when the cards were swapped, select "Olga Orly" who swapped them
<Phoenix> たしかに、あのゲームでは赤・青の 2種類のカードを使っていた。 Mixing a card from the wrong deck... when the backs are different colors?
しかし‥‥逆居 雅香は、 カードを配っていた張本人。 Remember that you're talking about Olga Orly... She was the dealer.
‥‥そんなミスを すると思うかい? Do you really think she would make such a novice mistake?
<Apollo> (まあ‥‥オレでも  まちがわないだろうな) (Actually, I have trouble imagining even the judge making that mistake.)
This is another case of the localizers dressing it up. Odoroki says here: "(Well... even I wouldn't make such a mistake.)" as if implying that he's the lowest common denominator here, haha!
> Back to Court Lobby
<Phoenix> 人間の思考・感情というものは ‥‥かならず。 Try as they might to conceal it, everyone reveals their true thoughts in the end.
身体から“情報”として 発信されている。 Their body language can become a valuable source of information.
<Apollo> そ。そんなバカな‥‥ You're kidding!
<Phoenix> たとえば。あの証人‥‥ 逆居 雅香を思い出してごらん。 That witness, for instance, Ms. Orly.
<Phoenix> 彼女は、ある証言をするとき‥‥ かならず“首筋をさする”。 She would touch the back of her neck during certain parts of her testimony.
‥‥気がついていたかい? Did you notice?
<Apollo> い。いえ‥‥ (それどころじゃないよ、フツー) Uh... No. (C'mon, who'd notice that!?)
<Phoenix> “クセ”“コトバ”‥‥ それらが発する情報を読み解くこと。 Words, habits, twitches... It's all information for the reading.
それが、勝負に勝つ “鉄則”だよ、オドロキくん。 That's the secret to winning, Apollo.
まあ‥‥ぼくも“ある人物”に 教わったんだけどね。 Someone taught me, and now, I pass the secret on to you.
It's this quiet moment between the two of them that really parallels with how Mia used to talk with Phoenix, and it's beautifully poetic. And I'd like to note that even Phoenix's speech pattern throughout this convo is quite reminiscent of how Mia talked, but with a bit of Phoenix's own style. Though in that last line, he could possibly have meant Mia, but more likely meant a certain someone with a similar power to Apollo. Ya'll know who I mean, (W)right?
<Phoenix> ああ。それから、もうひとつ。 今回の事件だけどね。 Ah, almost forgot. One more thing. About this case...
ぼくはまだ、誰にも “本当のコト”を話してないんだよ。 You should know, I haven't told the truth to anyone yet.
<Apollo> えええええッ! (や、やっぱり‥‥) Whaaaaaaaa--!? (I knew it!)
<Phoenix> もちろん、“理由”がある。 これからアキラカになるだろう。 I have my reasons, of course. All shall be revealed.
そして、ぼくの作戦には‥‥ きみが必要なんだよ。 And Apollo... I need you to be there, defending me.
きみの“能力”が、ね。 I need your power.
<Apollo> オレの、のうりょく‥‥ (声のデカさ、か‥‥?) My, um, power? (I had no idea my Chords of Steel were that special...)
The translation here is close enough, really, but Odoroki specifically describes it as the "intensity" of his voice and it's only the best answer.
Welp, I guess it’s back to the drafting board again and I may make this out as a daily or every-other-daily upload. We’ll see. I assure you, you won’t be waiting until next month, though!
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absolutebl · 3 years
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Name/Nickname: none that I respond to 
Gender: I resemble that remark 
Star sign: rainbow unicorn  
Height: slightly above average   
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Time: is relative and mostly dictated by location 
Birthday: unmemorable 
Favorite bands/groups: too much 90s punk and not enough 2nd wave k-pop
Last show: Color Rush 
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When did I create this blog: long time ago in a galaxy far far away 
What do I post: mostly Thai BL but other BL is leaking in, pop culture analysis of BL, my stills and screen caps, other people’s gifs, mostly images even if there’s text. 
Other blogs: I have one other on Tumblr; I also run an industry blog; a fashion blog; a couple YouTube channels, several Facebook Pages, too many Facebook Groups, and some mastermind groups, plus assorted other professional social media accounts. 
Do I get asks: rarely on this blog although I’m always excited when I do, my other Tumblr is closed to asks for trolling reasons, some on YouTube and my pro blogs, tons on FB and in the masterminds. 
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Last thing I googled: history of Taiwan and it’s current political relationship with China.
Why did I choose my url: I never met a pun I didn’t want to pick up.
Followers: 600+ on this blog, 5000+ on my other Tumblr, I average 10-30k for my professional platforms. 
Following: on this Tumblr I only really follow original content creators in the BL sphere plus a few mutuals who have proved to me they are real people.
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Average hours of sleep: 5-6 hrs poor quality, I’m a pretty chronic insomniac, that’s why I’m always on here. 
Lucky number: i’m rather fond of infinity. 
Instrument: does my stair master count? 
What am I wearing: almost always something soft, warm, and lux, often cashmere, occasionally leather, usually natural fiber and never wool. I like to splurge on my fabric choices, I have sensitive skin, and I am cold 80% of the time. 
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Dream job: I actually have it but if I didn’t I’d love to be a food critic and/or travel writer. 
Dream trip: Rail across Canada, trekking coastal Belize, the full length of the Nile by boat & plane to the source, a food tour of Thailand, all the cafes in Japan. 
Favorite food: I will actually eat everything and anything, I travel extensively and make it a point to eat things I have never heard of as much as possible. I adore spicy food, fresh noodles, shellfish, game and wild meats, and difficult to find fruit. But my true love is for buttery flaky pastry and ultra fancy desserts that combine unexpected flavors and textures. 
Nationality: Duel interplanetary 
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Favorite song: whatever I’ve just discovered, usually two or three years after everyone else. 
Last book I read: Beyond the Sea by Keira Andrews, it was a reread, I’d just watched Pinoy BL The Shore and it was so disappointing, but it reminded me of this book, so I reread the book. 
Top three fictional worlds: the creations of Studio Ghibli; anything underwater or Atlantis tangential; positive far futures like Star Trek: TNG. 
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