#It's over 250 books lmao
matthewkniesys · 2 years
I spontaneously decided to redo my whole book shelf :)
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ceilidho · 4 months
Sorry to dump this here, but no one in my immediate and/or accessible circle reads as much as I do and this conversation came up at the right time.
I don't read a lot of romance and I started reading some popular ones last year to ease my way into it. I feel like such a snob to say this, but the plot and writing are never fully fleshed out nor are the characters. None of the romantic actions I see people swoon over are ever explained well enough for me to understand the hype. A scene in which there should be an emotional inner monologue is shorted to a paragraph and if the character is toxic (I understand a lot of people enjoy toxic/dark men, but romance books never write them well enough) and destroys the other character's life/says a relationship-ending lie/any other cliche, there is never enough explanation, justification, groveling, or any thought process behind the reconciliation.
It's always just one half-written and half-baked trope after the other.
Again, apologies for dumping it here, but I think there are such damning consequences for women (the main demographic of romance readers) who read things like this and don't give constructive criticism or thought when facing these problems.
no but you're 100% right. i mean, this is one annoying bitch's opinion (mine LMAO) but trad publishing is in the absolute pits right now. that's not to say that there aren't still some good books coming out because of course, every now and then you're going to get a gem. but i think the environment has become outwardly hostile to good writing.
i mean, i know this has been discussed a ton, but the "fast fashionization" of books has become a huge problem. every time there's a new microtrend or whatever, every author rushes to push out a book to meet the demand (see: the hockey romance trend). this, obviously, means that the editing time is severely compressed and you get books published by like harper collins and penguin with typos, grammar issues, and more.
i got some flack for this when i posted about it on twitter ahah but i honestly do not understand why the sequel to "fourth wing" came out so soon (not even getting into the messy qualities of the first book). sequels used to take a year or more to come out to allow for the book to go through several rounds of editing and fine tuning! what happened??!!
i think authors now feel compelled to get their books out as soon as possible out of fear that booktok/readers will simply move on after the initial hype and they'll lose their reader base. there's like an anxiety about being left behind in the current publishing world.
this is kind of in line with what i was talking about the other day with Bo actually - writing romance and smut is actually way harder than people think. you can't just use the same 5 recycled porn dialogue lines and call it a day. you have to care a little about the story you're trying to tell, not just churning it out to make a buck or to make people pay attention to you. i'm not saying belabour every single action and decision made by your main character or go crazy on description (i still think the sweet spot for a published book is between 250-300 pages, and maybe more if you're writing a genre specific book that involves a lot of worldbuilding), but as a writer you need to want to be writing that book in the first place.
no one who's legitimately excited about what they're writing is going to resort to cliches and overused tropes - they might lean on tropes they like, but there's inevitably going to be something original and exciting there.
also my lil controversial opinion about the state of trad publishing lately is that i think it's 100% influenced by this weird pervasive strain of purity culture that's on booktok where people feel like any enjoyment they get from reading a particular thing has a direct reflection on them as a person and their values. rather than it just being a book.
(by the way i actually completely agree with you that even dark romances are as bad as everything else we've been talking about - that's another conversation lol. i also kind of agree with the idea of more romance books coming with content warnings on the front page - this hasn't really caught on yet except with some dark romance authors but i think it's a really good idea)
i don't think there's anything wrong about people getting excited about books on tiktok and instagram and youtube btw. i think it's a fun way to share recommendations, commentary, and interests. what i think is the big problem is that the publishing industry has almost become beholden to trends and online perception because they've seen how much profit they can generate by catering to it, and i think that's why books now just feel bland and soulless. they're tapping into a FOMO on both the authors' and writers' side, of either being left behind and not being able to make a living, or missing out on what everyone else is reading and talking about.
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preliminary stats
based on the first 114 polls.
general observations
we’ve had 9 majority-yes results so far (7.9% of the total)
highest result to date is Tamsyn Muir’s Gideon the Ninth at a whopping 69.4% yes, followed closely by Martha Wells’s All Systems Red
there are some interesting similarities and some interesting differences between this and the fantasy blog
the fundamental truth that everyone thinks their taste is universal and everyone is wrong remains.
as with the fantasy polls, big 5 imprints are significantly more likely to have been read — 20.1% yes, vs. only 8.8% yes for other publishers. this difference is currently slightly less pronounced than for the fantasy polls, but also non-big 5 books are less than a quarter of the polls to date. I anticipate with more data it will probably align with the fantasy polls at around 5% yes.
age demographic
we don’t yet have enough data for a meaningful average for either teen/YA or children’s books. the average yes rate for adult books is 16.9%.
note that of the only 6 children’s book polls so far, 2 (33.3%) have been majority-yes. that said, I think that percentage is very unlikely to hold if/when more children’s book polls finish — there are plenty of children’s sci-fi books (I read many!), but there seem to be few that are widely read/beloved.
publication date
these are allllll over the place. the average publication date for the first ~250 submissions to this blog skews significantly older than the fantasy blog (1990 here vs. 2001 there), which initially, frankly, I kind of thought was people posturing by showing off that they’ve read The Classics. I now think it may reflect, rather, a divide between people who follow this blog (or see its posts reblogged) and people who submit books to this blog. the former are perhaps newer sci-fi, or newer adult sci-fi readers, who mainly read/have read things from the last decade; the latter are long-time sci-fi readers who grew up reading classics.
the result of this is a more scattered chart of decades, only some of which have enough submissions for a meaningful average:
1810s: 1 book
1860s: 2 books
1890s: 1 book
1930s: 3 books
1940s: 1 book
1950s: 3 books
1960s: 8 books
1970s: 11 books (average 9.6% yes)
1980s: 16 books (average 12.9% yes)
1990s: 13 books (average 12.4% yes)
2000s: 3 books (???????)
2010s: 35 books (average 20.1% yes)
2020s: 16 books (average 13.2% yes)
where’d the 2000s go???? funny little not-actually-bimodal distribution. as more polls come out I suspect this will probably settle into something a little more regular (maybe an actual bimodal distribution? lmao), and I expect it will continue to be skewed towards the 2010s.
this is a nice difference from the fantasy blog! while the number of submissions to this blog is even more overwhelmingly white than the fantasy blog (almost 86% here vs. about 82% there), the read rates are not actually that different: average 17.7% yes for books by white authors and 15.2% yes for books by authors of color.
the gender demographics are the exact opposite here of the fantasy blog: where the fantasy blog’s submissions are about 60% women and about 35% men, the submissions here are about 35% women and about 60% men. and, for some reason, the averages are also reversed: books by men average 15.5% yes and books by women average 19.6% yes.
North America (mainly the US) is at an average of 18.0% yes, and Europe (mainly the UK) is at an average of 14.9% yes. this is again the opposite of the fantasy polls — something about the relative dominance of American science fiction writers. there’s not yet enough data for meaningful statistics about other continents.
finally, as with the fantasy blog, the average for books originally published in English is substantially higher (18.5% yes) than the average for books not originally published in English (8.7% yes; 4.3% yes excluding Le Petit Prince). this is similar to the fantasy blog, and I imagine it will stay that way, although it’s possible Liu Cixin and some others will help keep the number a little higher.
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seraphicalsuccubus · 19 days
I have never read the princess bride but have seen the movie and it's one of the greatest films of all time.
Your story about the book just is beautiful I hope you enjoy carefully reading it
I strongly encourage you to read it !!! it’s such a good fucking story, my god. it’s been my favorite book and film for over 20 years, ever since I first saw it as a child and then begged my mom to let me read her copy of it when I was a little older and could understand more of it.
I fell in love with the story so fast. like, the film is obviously fucking stellar just absolute PRIME and a love story for the ages, like total fucking fairytale fucking elegance. but the book ??? my god. it’s on par with the Hobbit, my other all time favorite singular book, and the Dragonlance Chronicles. at least, the main trilogy of the Chronicles. I actually used to have a GIANT, like we’re talking a little over 1,300 pages, almost FOUR FUCKING POUNDS OF BOOK THAT’S LIKE 3 INCHES WIDE with nearly 10 inch tall pages packed full of small font that is also annotated by both authors, has a bunch of not only full color but also glossy like photo-esque illustrated pages, and was even signed by Tracy Hickman himself because one of my mother’s good friends bought and got it signed for me at a convention he went to just because he knew how much I loved those books and how often I begged my mother to let me read the three she had on her bookshelf so he bought me my own special collector’s kinda copy. and I don’t know what happened to it 😭😭😭 I have to buy a fucking new one and it won’t be signed anymore and I’m so sad about that. I think it’s up in my mother’s attic with all the rest of my books from when I read like non-stop every day so I’ll never see that or my red leather bound with a red leather box sleeve, a huge fold out and very detailed map at the back, LOTR 1976 collectors edition that was given to me by my grandmother on my father’s side again either lmao 😢😩 (just looked online for prices on both those books and I’m 😭😭😭 because Chronicles is like $95 for the hardcover on Amazon, and the correct 1976 LOTR red leather edition is up for auction with bids starting at fucking $250 with considerable amounts of wear and tear from use/heavy reading. it was definitely a well loved book, but I’m not willing to spend that much on a damaged edition of it, so I will not be getting my hands on that version again. maybe the Chronicles though, one day 🥺)
but, anyways, I do still REALLY wanna read the series him and Margaret Weiss made of the twins. I just NEED to learn more about Raistlin and his Test™️ and Caramon and everything that goes into their backstory more because I never got around to getting my hands on that collection of Dragonlance books.
ANYWAYS wow i fucking RAMBLED I’m SO SORRY omfg ASJDKDHSJD if you read all this, I feel bad btw if you did lol, but I hope you’re having a good day and that this weekend wasn’t too bad for you at least !!! ☺️
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kebriones · 3 months
LMAO I found an Alcibiades book for over 250 dollars help. One of the speakers at the seminar mentioned it and I was like huh it sounds good, but it's so expensive???????????????????????ahsjvfsj
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leguin · 1 year
the most dissonant claim people made about book vs show lestat is that book!lestat ‘only feeds on evildoers’ and thus show!lestat’s murders were very out of character, when in fact by page 250 of the vampire lestat, said vampire lestat has already decided only to feed on Bad Guys and then given up on that like 5 times over lmao
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bloodgoddarlin · 2 years
Hades Bladesmith Character Sheet
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Full Name: Hades Bladesmith
Reason for name: Hades is the Greek God of Death + he's known for his skill with the sword
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Gender: Cis Man
Place of Birth: Fort Olympus
Birthday: March 31st
Currently living in: Fort Olympus, later builds home in the overworld
Species/Race: Piglin
Occupation: Solider
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Status: Alive
Body Build: 1 2 3 4
Height: 7'3''
Weight: 250~ lbs
Skin colour: Tanned
Hair colour: Pastel Pink
Eye colour: Crimson Red (left), Cool/Icy Blue (right)
Distinguishing Features: He has several scars all over his torso, arms and legs. The most identifiable one being a large, diagonal scar across his chest that he got during the war when he was around 18-19. He also has several tattoos, most of them phrases/spells in enchantment table writing, which are said to be protectors and wards for soldiers on the battlefield.
Preferred Clothing: Most of the time, he wears tight-fitting sleeveless shirts and well-fitted pants. Easier to do his job in, which takes up a bulk of his time.
Accessories: He wears a golden necklace gifted to him by his mother. The pendant on it is a family heirloom.
Likes: the stars, the ocean, mythology, books, festivals, dating, sex, being wanted/needed, flirting, confidence, loose/over-sized clothing, singing
Dislikes: hypocrites, annoying people, being sick/ill, mazes, inactivity, politics
Singing (he only knows a few songs in traditional piglin tongue)
Weapon Collecting
Snorts when laughing (only when caught off guard)
Never sleeps
Outfit repeater
Has to touch everything/everyone
Strengths: Idealistic, Loyal, Patient, Independent, Energetic
Weakness: Stubborn, Impulsive, Emotional, Reckless
Battle Tactics/Strategy
Good with pretty much any weapon
Potion making
In love with Titus
Constantly makes excuses to go to Julius to see him
atychiphobia - fear of failure
autophobia - fear of being alone
To be one of the choosen for the Bloodshed God's Trial
Be with Titus
Protect everyone he loves
Food: Steak & Baked Potato
Colour: Blue
Animal: Cat
Season: Spring
Number: 0
Holiday: New Year's Festival
Time of day: Noon
Generally really upbeat and compassionate
Strong leader
Believes in everyone
Very open & friendly
Outgoing and confident
Can be flirtatious, knows what he's got going on and uses it to his advantage
Artemis Bladesmith (sister)
Theseus Bladesmith (brother)
Dionysius Bladesmith (brother)
Heracles Bladesmith (brother)
Chronos Bladesmith (father)
Eurydice Bladesmith (sister)
Love interest:
Titus Valerius
You ;)
Persephone Floral
Brutus Emperor
will be added when I think of them lmao
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kentuckycaverats · 1 year
for the oc ask game: multiples of three for whichever oc u wanna answer them for <3
these will all be for the new boy!! oisin mcdewey (he/him)
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3. ask them to describe their love interest.
he doesn't have one currently - he was involved with some of his crewmates in his youth, but the great love of his life was angelo, and while that was never romantic in nature it does largely eclipse his desire for romantic love. he's open to the possibility of meeting someone, but it isn't something he's actively looking for; he's happy and fulfilled with the familial love he shares with the de laurentiises.
6. who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
there's no one he'll 100% of the time, no-matter-what take advice from, but he's much more inclined to heed the advice of trusted friends or allies. if he trusts you to be near his family without trying to eat them, your opinion matters way more than most. he does 100% of the time, no-matter-what refuse to take any advice offered unsolicited, though. just on principle.
9. do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
only boats and ships, which he swears have a life of their own
12. do they like romance in the books they read?
he does! humanity is very precious to him, and love in any form is something that so many kindred lose touch with over the years. he cried over Outlander and is not too proud to admit it
15. what would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
he'a actually a big proponent of both work and school! he helps the de laurentiises with the family funeral home business, which also affords him easy feeding access (graverobber predator type), and having been around for 300 something years he's the go-to when the kids need help with homework. nothing is a waste of time so long as time is used intentionally--humans have so little of it, after all.
18. kissing: tongue or no tongue?
tongue lmao. he's a vampirate he knows how to party
21. what would it take for them to break up with someone? what would be the last straw?
threatening or in any way endangering the de laurentiises. they, and his promise to angelo, will always be his number one priority. and he's got the lasombra ruthlessness so, likely less of a "breakup" and more of a "murders you without remorse" situation
24. honesty or charity?
charity. unlike del, mcdewey has no qualms about clouding or rewriting others' memories for his own benefit. lots of dots in Dominate for him. (the de laurentiises are exempt from this. he refuses to control them supernaturally, but anyone else, kindred or kine, is fair game)
27. forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
yes <3
30. what would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
if he knew they'd forgive him for it he absolutely would have embraced angelo when they died. respecting their wish to let them pass was the most painful thing oisin ever had to do; he's missed them every day for 250+ years.
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HEY! how come I don’t see any of those silly-Willy emoji writing prompt questions? I got you boo.
💖 what made you start writing?
❌ what is a trope that you’ll never write?
Have a nice day or my son Winnifred gets it 🐟🔫
I think because I take awhile to answer them lmao, but nah I just put things out there for fun. Whether ppl want to participate or not is totally chill, I'm just here for vibes.
💖 What made you start writing?
Even looooong before I wrote fanfics, I wrote a unique series about like magic and time travel and war and romance and shit. It was 6 books, at roughly however many pages are in those journals you can get at Barnes & Nobles (I think around 250 pages?). It had insp from Teen Titans, Kingdom Hearts, Artemis Fowl, and some other fandoms I loved as a kid (and still do).
I've never let anyone read them, but their existence did end up being weaponized by my parents against the school district into letting me into AP English classes lmao.
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
I have a few -
Disclaimer that I respect anyone who writes whatever they want, and support you wholeheartedly in your creative pursuits, this is just for me and mine.
1 ) Romance bait. Like something where it's extremely clearly a formula that's disingenuous and not in the vein of a slow burn, but solely dragging out the will they/won't they of the situation for the sake of baiting the reader into digesting more content.
A really good example of this would be Lucifer (tv series). The amount of times these characters got together at the end of the season only for something stupid and absurd to happen that just equated to 'take backsies' was fucking dumb and really killed my interest in the series. It feels disrespectful to the audience and is painfully annoying to experience.
2) Forced misunderstandings that cause things to blow wildly out of proportion. Overhearing a snippet of conversation that causes really unnecessary drama. I'm not talking about like people keeping secrets deliberately, or people being angry, or not admitting feelings they're not ready to admit to. I'm talking about like, for example, let's say Gaz walked in and heard Zim talking about a meeting he's looking forward to. She just assumes he's cheating, and runs off, trashing his place on the way out and leaving a note about how they're now broken up. Zim the whole time was actually talking to Skoodge! Gasp! And about a gift he was making for Gaz that he inexplicably needed help with! Gasp x2! But now that she's trashed his place, he doesn't even notice the note, and think she's betrayed him! Gasp x3! And just spirals from there. Just really soap-opera level overreactions and miscommunications.
I really feel like arguments make a story so interesting. I enjoy making characters escalate a situation together. I think you get juicier content out of two characters screaming at each other rather than two characters misunderstanding. Communication is interesting and fun. It just feels like the writer is reluctant to actually make the characters pick a fight because they don't know how they'd resolve it afterwards if it isn't instantly all solved by saying "no! it wasn't like that! it was all just a gift for you!"
3 ) Pregnancy-based stories, but one trope in particular. Like specifically the 'drunken-one-night-stand-caused-pregnancy-and-now-the-protagonists-will-fall-in-real-love-over-the-joys-of-pregnancy.' It's super annoying. Let the characters fuck. Also 99% of the time they don't really have a mature discussion about abortion options, financial obligations, etc. I think I'd be down to read an unintentional pregnancy that wasn't just a forced proximity trope in disguise.
Also it's basically ignoring that being drunk is a consent issue, but smoothed over with 'well but they actually wanted to the whole time, being drunk just created the opportunity.'
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datzyuk · 2 years
so i'm thinking of reading some star wars novels and i'm pretty sure i've seen you talking about them so do you have any recs or instructions on how to read them? there's just so many. also ignore this if i'm totally wrong lmao
i love star wars novels sm!!! here's my very long breakdown under the readmore.
for starters, there are two main types of books
canon: anything published after disney purchased star wars. first canon book was released in 2014. occasionally small details from the books are retconned by new tv shows/movies but everything else is considered canon.
legends: anything published before disney purchased star wars in 2012. not canon but the new content often takes ideas from these books. before disney took over, there weren’t many rules for star wars books, so a lot of legends books contradict each other.
i’d also say it’s important to note that the canon YA books are usually on par with the adult books, so don’t skip them!
i mostly read the canon books so that’s what i’ll focus on but there are some gr8 legends books out there, and you’re way more likely to find legends books at your local used bookstore.
as for the correct order, some people might read them by following the in-universe timeline but that’s definitely not necessary!
here are some of my favs / good ones to start with!
lost stars by claudia gray. follows two kids from a small outer rim planet that bond over flying and eventually join the imperial academy as pilots. it’s the /perfect/ starting spot because its centered around the original trilogy with an atmosphere + events we know, but with OCs who allow us to get a new POV….and there are small cameos from some gr8 characters. it’s a BRICK but i finished it in like 24 hrs bc i couldn’t put it down.
leia: princess of alderaan by claudia gray. maybe i’m biased bc i’m super interested in the formation of the rebellion and the organas are my favorite family, but this book is so well done. it follows 16 yr old leia as she juggles being a junior senator + a princess. she also starts to discover the secrets her parents have been hiding about how deeply they’re involved in the rebellion. it’s a great look at young leia, but it also gives us a really good look at bail + breha organa as well as mon mothma. similar time period as ‘andor’ so it might be a good read before that comes out next month!
bloodline by claudia gray. takes place ~25 yrs after the original trilogy and ~5 yrs before the force awakens. this is the perfect sequel to #2. it gives us a glimpse at what leia has accomplished with the new republic while also showing its faults which lead to the rise of the first order. IMO, perfect mixture between plot + character driven.
dark disciple by christie golden. if you’re a fan of clone wars, this is it!!!! this was originally supposed to an eight episode arc but it was abandoned after the script was writen (by katie lucas!!). it follows quinlan vos and asajj ventress on an undercover mission to kill dooku. sounds weird, right???? i pushed it off for a year and i regret that so much. tied for my favorite star wars book.
the high republic. not a single book but an entire era that takes a look at the jedi order ~250 yrs before the prequels. it’s a collection of adult/YA/middle grade books, comics, and eventually a disney+ show (the acolyte). if you want something completely new, this is it! here’s a list with the reading order. i’ve personally only read the adult + YA books and i’ve really enjoyed them and haven’t felt like i’ve missed out by not reading everything.
some other notable mentions
ahsoka by e.k. johnston. this author’s books definitely feel more “YA” than others, but it’s well worth reading if you’re a fan of clone wars, rebels, or you’re interested in the formation of the rebellion.
the padme trilogy by e.k. johnston. same as above, but they’re a super quick read + really add to the prequels, especially the phantom menace. 
a new dawn by john jackson miller. the first canon book published and you can tell. definitely not my favorite, but it’s worth reading if you’re a fan of rebels. it’s way too focused on the horrible action plot and doesn’t give us much on hera, but it adds a lot to kanan’s history as a padawan + after order 66.
resistance reborn by rebecca roanhorse. if you want more from the sequels (including a whole page of finnpoe content) look no further. best read after the two leia-centric books mentioned above. not star wars but this author's book "black sun" is very good.
i’ve only read a handful of legends books (most are way too focused on the action for me) but here are some recs from that group
the revenge of the sith novelization by matthew woodring stover. like, yeah, it’s just a retelling of the movie we’ve all watched a million times but with extra scenes /and/ the character’s thoughts + feelings. makes it way more tragic. might contain a scene insinuating that obi-wan is hooking up with bail organa.
wild space by karen miller. a great look at obi-wan + anakin right after attack of the clones as they adjust to war, anakin adjusts to having a padawan, and obi-wan tries to talk to him about his attachment to padme. but 90% of it is bail + obi-wan stuck together on a mission and, you guessed it, there’s a lot of sexual tension.
the jedi apprentice series by jude watson. i literally started reading these bc i didn’t understand some references to obi-wan’s past in fanfic lol. 150-200 pages each, they’re short and simple but add a lot to obi-wan’s story as a padawan. most consider these canon.
youtini.com is a great source for both canon + legends, as well as r/starwarsbooks (except for their obsession with thrawn [puke])
btw you can get a lot of books on thriftbooks for FB marketplace for v cheap.
they are so many star wars books so if you’re looking for a particular character/era/story, let me know!!
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gardengobbo · 1 year
June 4th 2023
Nature adventures part II
I really should have brought my camera, oe at least my smaller digital camera, with me during this walk. I was really kicking my self for not doing do when I realized the wonky sound we were hearing was a baby deer. So I'm sorry in advance, my stupid phone camera has a horrific digital zoom and the photo is awful. But trust me there's a sweet little deer in this photo lmao.
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Prior to the deer spotting though, someone had spotted a turtle off the side of the pre-woodland area. Closer to the main pond. She didn't know what kind of turtle it was, and I'm not an expert on turtlea bit I'd guessed it was a painted turtle. Looking it up, the markings on the edge of the shell seem to match up with that so I guess I know more about turtles than I thought lol. No photo to share of this one though!
Continuing along we'd come across the Red-Osier Dogwood and as I was identifying that, I noticed a little caterpillar munching away.
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Well munching and scurrying away from my bothersome phone.
Following the trails we eventually came to a partly fenced off tree. It was huge and marked as a heritage tree. It certainly was impressive looking and honestly quite beautiful. Turns out it's an over 250 year old white oak tree. Which I suppose is probably the reason the general area that these trails are in is called White Oaks. I imagine 200+ years ago there were plenty of white oak tree in the area, only to have been chopped down for city expansion.
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Again, I wish I had brought my camera. Next time.
Another nifty sight is the sort of natural steps that form from various tree roots. This isn't the best looking spot of them, but I wasnt willing to go back down the cooler looking set ti photograph it and climb back up. I may be getting out and being more active that I've been for a whe, but I'm still an out-of-shape goblin and doing it once was enough to get me outta breath 😅
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Last thing to share from this trip photograph wis is this interesting mutation? or something, on this leaf. Not sure why but a couple of them almost seem to have decided half way through forming that they no longer wanted to be one type of leaf and just changed course.
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It's definitely all one leave, just looked really funky!
We also saw a pretty decently sized garter snake, maybe a bit over a foot long? I don't think I've ever actually seen one that large but to be fair I've only ever seen one before that and it was just a baby.
Overall it was a beautiful day, and lovely walk, and just really nice to enjoy the ambient sounds of nature for a while.
I look forward to doing it again. Maybe next time we'll bring along Oy too. He's just not good at meeting people, so I worry that on sort of close quarters like the walking paths he's going to be uncomfortable. We'll see!
On that note, him not doing well meeting people is why I don't take him with me on my solo plant ID'ing walks. If I'm busy flipping through my book and someone bikes or jogs by, he'll get spooked and try to take off after 'em. When we go for walks, it's all about him so I can keep an eye out for his triggers and such. Just in case anyone was wondering. Not that I mention my pets much here!
I'm now gonna head outside and give the garden a once over, so maybe we'll have some more garden pictures for layer too.
Much love!
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imhereforbrownies · 2 years
hi hi! could I have a bts ship please? I hope youre doing well, congrats on 250 followers!!
im 24 and am either an Infj or Isfj! my pronouns are she/her. I am a 5x major in college currently. Some of my likes include music, fashion, painting, anime, books, flowers, outer space, photography + film, and animals! I also enjoy people watching, drawing, going to cafes and museums and libraries and botanical gardens, walking around the city, volunteering, and admiring nature. Photography is a big thing for me because I love the keepsake aspect of memories being stored forever through taking a picture. I also currently work as a nature photographer.
Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Virgo Rising. Personally, I have an edgy style with a lot of black! I like to wear short black dresses, long black coats, cardigans, fishnet tights, and thigh high boots or chunky platform combat boots. I have mid length natural blonde hair with dark reddish brown eyes, fair skin, and freckles. I am 5'2 and curvy. People often say I look intimidating but I don't think I really am! My personality is reserved and soft, but also confident and passionate. I am very loyal to my friends and family and am definitely a therapist/mom friend. People always come to me to vent, even people I don't really know, because they know their secrets are safe with me and I will welcome them with open arms, always. People usually describe me as warm, comforting, safe, and protective.
sorry this was long! ty for your time + congrats again! <33
Hi! Thank you so much for your sweet words and thank you for joining this celebration! :)
I think we have so so much in common when it comes to hobbies and personality traits omggg <3 I absolutely love the way you described your style and I bet you're completely rocking it hihi
Now to your ship!
I don't know why but I needed to take some time to think about this one and then I sat down this evening and I looked at what you wrote about yourself and I was like... hmmmmm.. seems like someone who would go well along with Jimin lmao
My reasoning behind it:
- your Aquarius and INFJ/ISFJ would go along really really well with his Libra ENFJ :)
- you both seem to have similar interests to me - like you seem like a very art-oriented and knowledgeable person and that matches Jimin in my mind really well
- I can absolutely see him letting you rant about your interests while he just stares at you with heart eyes because you're his smart baby lol
- ALSO botanical garden dates with Jimin askdgajshgfja yesssssss
- also Jimin seems like the type of person who would absolutely adore your style and fashion sense (like I do gurl) <3
- and I can also see him as someone who would feel very very comfortable with a mom/therapist friend kind of partner... like he would find so much comfort in your presence and your persona and would 100% make sure you have that in him as well (he's a sweetheart and I have a super soft spot for him so excuse my little rant lol)
"In here!" 
Your response comes from somewhere within your shared flat, making Jimin smile to himself as he slips off his shoes and hangs his coat.
His dance practice ended earlier than he anticipated today and so he excitedly hurried home back to you, the thought of spending the evening together after quite some time of him being very busy sounding more than promising.
He swiftly makes his way towards the bedroom where he's sure he heard your voice coming from only to find you sitting behind your little working table and painting. He quietly comes up to you, hesitant to interrupt your creative process as he softly lays his hands on your shoulders and plants a kiss on the top of your head.
"Hi, baby," he murmurs, glancing over your shoulder at your canvas just as you look up at him, grinning.
"Hi! You're home early," you state, turning around in your chair to face him fully, bringing his attention back to you.
"Is that a bad thing?" He teases, looking down at you and tucking a strand of your light hair behind your ear carefully, awaking butterflies in your tummy.
"Of course, not. But I got a bit bored and started painting," you murmur, turning to your painting momentarily and he chuckles.
"That's alright. I have a great plan," he announces, making you scoff.
"Oh, do you?" You tease and he hums, smiling.
"You should stay right here and finish your masterpiece while I'll make us something quick for dinner and then we can watch the movie you told me so much about," he offers, watching your eyes light up, which makes his heart flutter a little too much.
"Park Jimin, I love you," you exclaim, wrapping your hands around his waist and looking up at him with adoration, making him smile.
"I know," he murmurs, kissing your forehead before he gently pulls away and disappears in the hallway to get your dinner ready, leaving you sitting there with a grin on your lips and your heart thrumming in your chest.
Even though you two have been dating for some time, things still feel the same as they did at the beginning with him. He's just as attentive and sweet to you as he's always been and you appreciate having such a loving partner as Jimin so much. 
"And Y/N?" He suddenly sticks his head back into the room.
"Yeah?" You meet his gaze with a smile on your face.
"I love you too, darling."
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kohakhearts · 3 years
anyway after all these years i have a conceivable plot for the au of my dreams and it is taking ALL my practically nonexistent willpower to not start posting about it
#taylor.txt#so far im writing out of order so i cant start posting chapters#i wont post chapters until all 5 of my incomplete multichap fics are done#so the question is....will i finish those. or the entirety of asld first LOL#probably asld since osf is at 50k out of a projecting 200-250 and then only one book remains#and l&f will for sure be around 250k too...ss probably only just 100k. i have no clue about my other ons fics im going to have to catch up#on the manga and lns so i can make a better plot for wb#and vertex...no clue. i cant see it being THAT long...maybe 150k? but its already over 30k sooo whos to say#the au in question is slytherin harry yes. a whole series rewrite...its one of two of those i have rattling around in my brain#the other is a james lives au which i started writing one of 7+ years ago and posting on ffn but it started in book 5 and someone told me my#plot sucked so i abandoned it KFLSJDKSHDJ but even now i have a doc with some scribbles...to start it from book 1 and do it Good this time..#at this rate itll be years before i start posting this slyth harry au but ive already got 10k words of misc scenes scribbled out so lol#i said i shouldnt start posting til the whole series is written anyway but bianca disagreed and i cant say no to them#might wait til the first two or three are totally done tho...i average about 2-3 novels a year these days so if i put all my fic energy into#multichaps for a while i can probably up that to 5. i dont revise fics the way i revise my novels bc its just a hobby and idc so...PENSIVE#anyway if you wanna hear about my slyth harry au i have a lot of thoughts and thousands of words of plans so. i will respond LMAO#mors tua vita mea
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hellsbovnd-archive · 5 years
what do you mean in order to be a novelist and make money off my writing i have to pay attention to my original ocs and not waste my days conceptualizing weirdly specific and probably contrived aus in which all of my ffxiv ocs meet
#ooc ( player speaking )#[ what do you mean i have to write instead of power levelling my crafters ?!?!? ]#[ i wish it was as easy to make irl money as it is to make video game money ]#[ it just hit me that the summers like over halfway over so imma be out of a job soon unless i get hired to the indoor pool ]#[ which is possible bc i feel like i do pretty good work and i always balance! buut i feel like its competitive ]#[ i wish i had stuck to art instead of specializing in writing ]#[ at its worst doing art made me miserable but at least people will pay for art ]#[ i got rid of my tablet like an idiot too so i cant even get back into it w/o dumping like ]#[ $100 on an apple pen (undesirable) or $250+ on a nice tablet i can hook to my computer (more desirable but also more expensive) ]#[ im just not feeling any of my story concepts i just dont feel like i actually have a story worth telling or a book worth writing ]#[ my ffxiv characters are 10000000x more interesting than my original ocs ]#[ i would much rather write about jan or leon or wren than samantha or cyrii or xauc ]#[ (the names make sense in context THEY MAKE SENSE IN CONTEXT ]#[ my setting is also piss-boring lmao but i dont have any resources to help me build the world i wanna create ]#[ i love ffxiv but im a fantasy disliker and a cyberpunk enjoyer. miss me with dragons and magic and hit me with like androids and shit ]#[ final fantasy as a franchise is actuallyyyyy the only fantasy media i enjoy to any significant degree tbh ]#[ i tend to stay away from it otherwise—i dont even reallyyyy play d&d.... i just wanna eat dice? ]
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sasukesun · 2 years
Incoming *long* rant
I find it ridiculous when SS fans bash SNS and then go and talk about “development” and whatever like-
This is coming from someone who used to be an SS fan, this fandom WORSHIPS manga moments. Like a small moment between Sasuke and Sakura happens and they blow up literally. Whenever anyone criticizes SS they immediately point to these “SS development posts” that are always on Instagram and I wanna talk about that:
1- 2 full Instagram posts will be 18 slides (minus the introductory photo at the front) so you’re telling me, your ship has 18 slides/ SQUARES of pictures/moments from the manga and their explanation, and you wanna pull that in front of 7 HUNDRED CHAPTERS and tell me it’s enough development? Baby if I did that w SasuNaru it’d be like 30 posts. of small little sns moments AND their big ones AND everything sns owns.
2- if your ship don’t have enough meaning it. isnt. development. Tell me where the soulmatism is. Tell me how SS is visible in literature romance and has been culturally developed. Oh wait, you can’t. Cuz the soulmatism and literary romance/chemistry belongs to SNS. A moment of Sakura helping Sasuke / Sasuke thanking Sakura / Sasuke smiling at Sakura is not enough??? If I saw that between two characters in a show the last thing I would do is start shipping them lmao like
3- I’ll give you it, SS does have development, and there is a reason for a person to ship it.
but don’t you dare go bashing SNS when you know damn well you don’t stand against that ship when it come to development.
I hate the development argument. Even though SasuNaruSasu still wins in it, I still hate It. It’s disrespectful to literature romance. It’s disrespectful to plot in stories. It’s disrespectful to how romance works. It’s not that relevant. I will NOT pull every moment of SNS communicating and use it against SS fans (even though if I did SNS would win immediately in the whole development thing) because I value plot, importance to the story, soulmatism, etc.
Anyone who studies literature and how plots/stories work would NEVER, and I mean NEVER, use small moments of the story to prove a point. Look at the Game of Thrones fandom, when someone wants to analyze or defend Daenerys, they focus on her plot as a whole, what she did in every city/season/book, and point at it with societal, economical, and religious levels and ideas to prove a point about her. If they took EVERYTHING she did no one in the fandom would listen to them.
You can’t do that kind of thing with SS, you’d have to rewatch the story/manga with SS lenses, which means plot doesn’t matter any more.
The summary/point of this whole thing is: I’m not saying SS don’t have development/ moments, but they don’t compare to SNS and their importance to the plot and the literature of them.
i’m sorry but ss doesn’t have development at all. a ship whose three “great moments” happen in the first 250 chapters of a 700 chapter manga doesn’t have development. sakura humiliating herself and asking sasuke to love her over and over isn’t development. sasuke always giving her his back and calling her annoying over and over isn’t development (it’s actually negative development how he’s gotten more aggressive in the third time it happened). sakura not taking no for an answer and forcing herself onto sasuke isn’t development. sakura’s feelings towards sasuke not growing out of an addiction and obsession isn’t development. sakura not being able to tell a thing about sasuke as a person isn’t development. sakura behaving like a pathetic 12 year old at 30 isn’t development. ss has vague shipping baits that when you actually think about it, don’t mean anything ship worthing because sasuke was just being a good teammate and sakura was obsessing over something that was never there from the start. development is sasuke believing he has to cut his bond with naruto because he thinks it makes him weak, then believing he has to kill naruto to be truly alone because he know he wasn’t able to cut that bond and then accepting naruto’s love for him, that he “has lost”. development is naruto saying “i wonder if this is like to have a brother” to sasuke, then saying “because we’re friends”, then saying “sasuke and i aren’t brothers, but i think we can make peace because we’re really good friends” and then explaining to sasuke what being his friend actually means. development is naruto screaming at sasuke at vote1, not understanding why sasuke wants revenge so badly and then saying at kage summit “sasuke loved his family so much and he is hurting for the loss of them” etc etc. i could go on. so no, ss doesn’t have development and not even good moments, politeness and comradeship aren’t good moments and the reason people ship it is self insert and bad taste
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squicksquak · 3 years
The OM! Brothers and what i think they would drive!
+ some other tiny hcs
Chevrolet Express
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. either the 2021 or the 2017 version
. it's a 9 seater so it can fit them all + MC ( since Belphegor will probably be taking up two seats)
. Lucifer and Mammon would probably prefer the 2021 version bc i think they prefer square-er cars
Volvo 240 break
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. has a very chill black leather interior with nice black polyester seats
. since he doesn't let his brothers ride often and if he does he's very strict, he doesn't have to worry about his seats staining too much
. he's a grandpa and has the car of one too
Harley Davidson Screamin' Eagle
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. stole it from a parkinglot in the human world and went through a portal back home on it
. it's been his baby ever since
. He's surprisingly strict and responsible when it comes to his bike and doesn't let anyone touch it, even he doesn't let himself eat or drink next to it unless its something that isn't sticky or has too much sauce
. Beel is the only one allowed to borrow it if his or belphie's bike isn't available
Subaru WRX but covered in anime wraps
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. customized it to make it anime themed and with a lot of led lights
. Levi can't actually drive he just has it for aesthetic and makes Mammon drive him everywhere
. has ruri-chan's face printed on his seat covers and makes anyone that gets in his car cringe and/or very uncomfortable
BMW 5 M Sport
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. every person I've seen that drives a BMW family car is angry as shit
. road rage 💯
. he's probably hit it over 10 times now because he's terrible at parking ( tho he hates to admit it)
. refused to learn how to park from Lucifer or Mammon so he learned from youtube and driving books like a fucking noob
Maisto Diecast 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz
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. he's a fancy bitch and loves to show it
. the best driver in the house although he rarely actually drives
. only takes it out for special occasions or to show off
Kawasaki Ninja 250
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. Him and Belphie both got bikes for their birthday one time from the bros
. they like to go on midnight drives through the devildom from time to time
. constantly eating near it but manages to always keep it squeaky clean somehow ( Satan knew that would happen so he enchanted both his and Belphie's bikes to be forever clean lmao)
Kawasaki Ninja
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. originally it was just black but he went and customised it to make it cooler and edgier
. he actually loves riding it and does so quite often
. it's his third favourite activity other than sleeping and stargazing
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