#It doesn't make sense and I don't even have a point
qqueenofhades · 2 days
There is no law that prevents a convicted felon from running for and becoming president, nor a law that bans someone from being president in prison. Also, if Trump gets incapacitated in someway, many ultra right republicans who equally despise trans people and immigrants and Muslims would happily take his place
And I ask, with all due respect, what is your point?
Do you think I don't know that?
Do you think I am somehow convinced that everything is hunky dory now and we don't have any work left to do?
Are you just determined to be the first of the gloom-and-doomers who show up like clockwork in my inbox, every time some consequence happens to Trump, to morosely insist that no consequences will happen to him? First it was "he'll win re-election." Then it was "the coup will succeed." Then it was "he will never be indicted." Then it was "2022 will be a red wave!" Then it was "he will never be tried." Then it was "he will never be convicted." Now we've moved on, within less than 2 hours of the first US President ever to be convicted of ONE felony, let alone THIRTY-FOUR, "he'll never be sentenced or face a real consequence or lose the election." The goalposts keep moving RIGHT along without even a single pause to acknowledge the difficulty and the value of the progress we have made thus far, and it makes me CRAZY.
Do you people realize how fucking rare it is, both in the world today and historically, for a former (and would-be future) head of state to be held to criminal account by a jury of 12 anonymous ordinary citizens? When that one person, Trump, is the center of the malignant fascist cancer that has spread through this country ever since 2016, and plenty of his cultists are still insisting that it's Trump or nobody for them? When we've actually reached the stage of holding him legally accountable for (some of) his crimes for the first time in his miserable misbegotten life? I suspect that most of you are so deep in the "America is totally broken and the system is useless and we can only Revolute!!!1" rabbit hole that you're bound and determined to argue away every step we take, however slow, as Meaning Nothing TM. Voting? Fake. Fighting to make real progress? Also fake. Everything is fake except our belief that everything is broken and we need the Keyboard Warrior Glorious Revolution!!! As long as you can keep inventing ever more contorted twists of logic to ignore everything else that's happened so far, this makes sense... or something. I guess?
Now we're onto "removing Trump won't matter :(" when a whole lot of people have been fighting day and fucking night to get all the privileged-princess Online Leftists to get off their Che Guevara cosplaying asses and cast a single fucking vote to keep us from full-on-sliding into fascism. A slide into fascism that, again, has been spearheaded and centered around Trump's toxic cult of personality and which is still tied to him in almost every way. Apparently holding him to account (again, which has never happened to him in his life) already doesn't matter because wah wah he won't suffer any consequences. If he loses this election he's probably going to jail for the rest of his life! We would have electorally defeated the greatest threat to the American democratic experiment in 250 years, and frankly a huge part of the fascist far-right hydra that is currently attempting a comeback around the world! This is, yet again:
and yet we're still hearing that nothing matters and no work has been done and removing him will have no effect???
Come on. Come on. I know it's tiring and it's slow and it doesn't go as fast as we want. But every single damn time the process goes another step, here you people are in my inbox insisting that we're still at zero progress and it means nothing, and lemme tell you, I am Tired of it. Come on. You don't have to jump up and down (my own feeling is glee and vindication but still not relaxation, I will not relax until he loses the fucking election and goes to jail), but you also don't need to keep myopically pretending that all the effort thus far by so many people means nothing. Come on.
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I didn't see anyone address to this properly, so I'm going to try to put into words something that I've been thinking since my rewatch of Dead Boy Detectives.
I've seen some people saying that Edwin's punishment in hell doesn't make any sense because he doesn't belong there and honestly I don't entirely agree. I mean, Edwin's designated afterlife isn't hell of course, but I think his punishment has a meaning.
We can see that hell is shaped quite like Dante's hell and we can only suppose that it works like it as well, so the souls receive a punishment that is an analogy or a contraposition to their guilt, that means that the punishment is somehow similar to their guilt and what they did in their life or the complete opposite.
Therefore, we see the lustful people indulging in their pleasure, the greedy people eating and vomiting, the slothful not being able to move, Maxine tearing her letters and of course Simon. He keeps tearing the pages of a book with the initials of himself and Edwin, his secretly and impermissibly loved one, causing himself little paper cuts that seem no big deal, but they are endless: an infinite number of little hurts, that put together of course aren't so little anymore. But what's the meaning behind his punishment? Well, I think it's an analogy to the feelings he must have felt when he was alive, I mean, he was gay in a male boarding school and he was in love with Edwin, he must have suffered a constant little pain reminding him of his "guilt".
And Edwin's line "if you punish yourself everywhere becomes hell" kinda pairs with it: it's not like he's in hell because of his sense of guilt, of course he's there because he participated in the ritual that killed Edwin, but we see that his designated afterlife isn't hell, he's stuck there because he thinks he's guilty, not of having killed Edwin or at least not only, he feels guilty for his feelings for him.
Moving to Edwin, I think that it's the same thing. He goes to hell only because he's the victim of a sacrifice but he's also stuck there in his endless and cyclic torture: he is chased by a giant spider made of dolls, that no matter how hard he tries to outrun (or maybe precisely because he tries so hard to run away) catches him and tears him apart and basically eats him "alive".
Finally getting to the point, I don't know if I'm delirious but I see an analogy between this punishment and Edwin's life. I mean, I don't think that he's finding out now that he likes boys, I think that now he's being able to acknowledge it to himself and to others, but if we think of the scene at school when Simon goes to him and he runs away (he then points it out clearly saying that he used to run every time he tried to get closer), I think that it's actually clear that he's feeling something. Of course, they're feelings that he's not allowed to feel (or worse, they're feelings no one talks about at his time, it's like they shouldn't even exist), but you can't stop a feeling, you can act in denial, tell yourself and others that it's nothing, but you still feel that feeling, whether you want it or not. And that feeling pressed down to your core tries every way to burst out and if it can't find a way, it simply tears you apart and eats you from the inside.
So, just like when he was alive he kept running from his feelings, that eventually would have broken him into pieces (because if he kept living he probably would have had a life torn apart between who he really was and how he had to appear), in his death he is condemned to run away from the spider made of dolls (why the dolls? I don't know, maybe they refer to his "feminine side", the boys that sacrifice him call him Mary Ann after all, but I'm not sure) that tears him apart and eats him whole.
Again, maybe I'm just obsessing real hard, but either way I don't think that Edwin's punishment is just meaningless.
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the boys crush is putting on chapstick, accidentally maybe a little too much, while deciding where to wipe it off...they choose violence! they decided to wipe the extra on his face MWAH they smack a kiss onto the boys cheek and run! they evade capture somehow and the guys end up having to go home. they get caught out in the sun for a little too long. when they get home they realize their whole face is burnt/ tanned- except for one kiss-shaped spot on their cheek. that chapstick had SPF in it. whatre they gonna do
Lmao this is a funny idea! Here's how I think they would each react
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Takemichi- He honestly doesn't care at all, he's too busy cherishing the mark and the memory to get annoyed or upset. He's also very exited to show his friend's tomorrow and boast about it.
Mikey- Hmm? He's a bit confused at first and tries to rub the mark off but then it dawns on him. Smiling, he decides to do the same to you tomorrow, you don't get to defeat the former leader of toman that easily.
Draken- Groaning he looks at his face again, isn't sure how he can go to work with his face looking like this. The kiss was a nice surprise but he wishes it didn't happen that way!
Baji- This just so happened to take place on the day he was supposed to visit his mum. So he had to sit through her laughing, asking lots of questions and her wanting to meet his "secret lover". He vows to get you back for this.
Chifuyu- Takes a picture of himself to remember this, then softly touches the mark. He knows he should be worried or annoyed about this but you finally kissed him so how can he be annoyed???
Mitsuya- Chuckles at your antics and tries to figure out how to cover the mark. It actually probably inspires him in some way and gives him a new outfit or accessory idea.
Hakkai- Eyes widen the second he sees the mark, he's questioning why you kissed him more then the mark though. Does this mean you actually like him!?
Pah- Has no idea what to think about this, calls Peh and tells him all about though.
Peh- Mutters a lot about you after seeing it and how annoying you are, it's obvious to anyone who can hear him though that he's lying.
Smiley- He's blushing and saying he's gonna kill you and is just generally a mess. Badly wishes he had caught you so he could've kissed you back. He's definitely going to try the next time he sees you.
Angry- He's still shocked even after he get's home, the mark kinda doesn't make a difference since he's already so surprised. Spends a long time staring at the mark thoughtfully.
Mucho- Is honestly impressed that you not only managed to catch him off guard with a kiss but that you also then managed to get away from him. Maybe he's underestimated you, he won't make that mistake again.
Sanzu- Takes this as definitive proof that you must like him, that was your way of confessing right??? And you even marked him to show everyone.
Kisaki- Frowns while looking at the mark, he definitely appreciates the kiss but he has a big meeting tomorrow and he can't go in with this on his face.
Hanma- Walks around shamelessly showing the mark on his face off, thinks it's cool and wonders how you'll react to seeing it. Blows kisses at you when he sees you and points to the mark.
Kazutora- Goes to talk about what just happened and the mark to the only people he knows he can trust and who won't laugh, the cats at the petshop. Spends the rest of the day talking to them about you and what happened, trying to make sense of it himself.
Inui- Doesn't really care what others think of him with the mark but he knows he'll have to deal with Shinichiro making a big deal over it. Curses you slightly but can't find it in himself to actually be bothered, not when you finally kissed him.
Koko- Immediately cancels all meetings the second he sees it, Kisaki may be mad but oh well. He really wishes you didn't run away, he has so much he wants to say you and that he's hoping to hear fron you. His no1 priority is finding you.
Taiju- He's laughing. You really think you can get away with that? That he'll let you only give him a quick kiss like that? Oh he's definitely getting revenge for this and for you to give him a proper kiss.
Izana- You marked him? Izana hums thoughtfully as he looks at himself in the mirror before grinning. He's thinking about marking you back, leaving bite marks over your neck and seeing how you like it. You are the one who started it after all.
Kakucho- He's blushing so much, he just keeps replaying the memory of the kiss in his head. He's not really sure what it means though, why did you run? Wants to ask Izana for advice but knows he'll laugh at him.
Ran- Decides the kiss mark is actually kinda a look and decides to keep it instead of trying to cover it. Will tell everyone you did this and boast as much as he can, all while smiling smugly at you.
Rindou- Immediately works on trying to cover the mark, Ran is definitely not allowed to see this.
Shion- He's definitely boasting a bunch about this, though he's not mentioning the whole part about you running away and him not being able to catch you. He excitedly points to the mark a lot.
Mochi- He isn't sure if he's more embarrassed about the kiss, you getting away from him or the mark. But he's very embarrassed.
South- Is very excited about this, he views it as a game between the two of you now. And it's his turn to give you a sneak kiss now. Doesn't even care about the mark, actually he thinks it's nice that for once it's not an injury marking him.
Wakasa- Frowns before smiling slightly at the mark on his cheek. Thinks it's cute how you'd do something like that but then get so embarrassed that you run. He wants more though.
Benkei- Makes a loud "huh!???" when he notices it. Definitely wants to talk to you even more now, why did you just do that!???
Shinichiro- He's practically jumping for joy, even after noticing the mark. Wears it proudly to show everyone that someone does like him!!!!
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bellsmess · 6 hours
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Whenever someone calls Charles Rowland straight an angel dies.
What straight guy tells his best friend who just confessed to him that there's no one else – no one – he would go to Hell for. and that they have forever to figure out what that means. You don’t get his repressed bisexuality like i do!
Even modern bisexuals (I may or may not be speaking from personal experience) are oblivious to the fact they're bi because heteronormative roles are so engraved in our minds. when you're attracted to other genders, it's easy to miss a same-sex crush, only then to realise that oh, it wasn’t just admiration, it was attraction.
Charles, having grown up at the height of the AIDS crisis, with an abusive and probably homophobic father, killed by racist bullies? That would make anyone repress any gay feelings. Especially if you experience crushes on people with a different sex than you.
Charles sees Crystal and takes his chance. He's enamoured with this smart, strong-willed, pretty girl who can see him not only in a physical sense, but pays attention to him. He longs to be loved. Then he says the infamous "That sounds alot like you, doesn't it? Maybe that's why I like her so much" line. What an icon. And compares himself and his best friend to the greatest love story of all time, Orpheus and Euridyce's.
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When Edwin confesses to him, he doesn't rule out the possibility of returning these feelings. He knows they're already devoted to each other. They'vealready had 30 years of companionshipand solving cases together.
"As long as I have my best mate and a case to solve I'm good."
Being with Edwin is simple. They solve cases, help others, run away from Death. Charles gave up eternity to be with Edwin, because he was kind to him when he was dying. Charles finds him fun, wants to protect him, knows that Edwin is the kind and good person. One that Charles wants to be.
"Bad guys don't worry about being bad guys. And you, Charles Rowland, are the best person I know."
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Crystal's role is very important in changing the dynamic between Edwin and Charles. Not only because Charles falls for her, but because she opens them up. She digs out their repressed feelings and trauma. Charles finally deals with his dad's abuse, his happy-go-lucky mask falls. She points it out to Edwin. Charles kept it up so well because Edwin didn't press it, but Crystal does. And Charles finally lets himself process what happened to him, and how that affects his relationships.
Charles never saw genuine love between his parents, and that affects how he views relationships. It impacts how he forms them, too. But he's a loverboy, he longs to be loved, he falls easily. Why wouldn’t he fall for someone who stuck to his side for 30 years?
Crystal and Monty's roles mirror each other – they help the boys figure out their feelings and desires. Crystal makes Edwin jealous that there's someone else Charles cares about in the same sense he cares for Edwin. The Cat King helps Edwin discover desire, Monty – genuine love. As Charles' and Crystal's relationship kickstarts (albeit ends as quickly) and Monty persues Edwin, he discovers the depth of his feelings.
"These complicated feelings that you have? They're for Charles."
I would love to see their wants explored more in the future season(s, hopefully multiple). Charles giving into desire with Desire of the Endless' guidance? Yes please.
I simply cannot believe that anyone would doubt Painland/Payneland endgame. They're everything to each other. They're a constant presence, reassurance, and love. Platonic, romantic, it doesn't matter. Their bond is so deep and genuine that immortal beings see it and leave them be, in the afterlife they chose for each other. Their love is so deep it transcends planes: from mortal plane to Hell, it leads Charles to Edwin. Charles is not Orpheus, when he turns around to hear Edwin out on the staircase from Hell, he manages to get him out. And they have literally forever.
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spinji · 2 days
I think the hardest part about talking about these recent chapters is that I just...agree. I agree with every point on both sides.
I think Tomura's ending was rushed with All For One stealing the spotlight. I also think his volume-long fight with Izuku was a satisfying look into Tomura's character.
I agree that Tomura dying feels antithetical to the story. I agree that he should have had the chance at a life away from All For One. I agree that even without that influence that doesn't mean that he would be willing to just fall in line with society. I agree that life in prison wouldn't do that justice and anything gentler than that would have been completely illogical for people to agree to.
I agree that it feels off for Midoriya to have failed. I agree that keeping the idea of not being able to save everyone keeps Midoriya's character from seeming too perfect and the story from feeling too clean. I agree that going into Tomura's mindspace uninvited was basically sexual assault- okay no not that one who the fuck came up with that?
Outside of the people that seemed to genuinely read Izuku as apathetic in their last conversation, everyone is making sense. Almost any time there's discourse over plot points like this, one side is very much not reading the text correctly but here there's solid logic to both sides.
The only thing I can really add to this is that the series still isn't over yet. And I don't mean that in a "cope for him to still be alive" way. I mean that this should be looked at with the text complete, especially if you're complaining that no characters actually got closure, Horikoshi outright said this will keep going for a while. This chapter just covered the immediate aftermath around Deku and Bakugou specifically.
I think the manga community has a very bad habit of judging plot points the moment they happen with no surrounding context and I only think I'll be able to comprehend my opinion of it all when the story is done.
Until then, please send care packages to your local Tomura stan. They're being a bit dramatic but that's their guy. It's rough right now for them.
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thewertsearch · 3 days
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My advice? Hide.
I don't think Gamzee has any way to actually track you - he certainly doesn't have Terezi's sense of smell. Plus, Eridan isn't tracking anyone - he's trying to leave. Find a good hiding spot, and you'll probably be reasonably safe until Sollux wakes up.
...that's if Sollux wakes up, I guess. If he was human, he’d have a pretty serious concussion, but trolls, even the lowbloods, are made of some pretty tough stuff. I'll honestly be surprised if he turns out to be seriously injured.
If he is... well, you still have other fighters on the Veil. Try and rendezvous with Equius - or, if you absolutely have to, Vriska. I honestly think she'd probably help, she'd just be completely insufferable about it.
To be fair, this isn't the kind of tactical analysis that Karkat could make right now. I think he can be forgiven for panicking, given the circumstances.
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You wish there was just one murderer.
All things considered, I'm not sure who’s actually the biggest threat.
Eridan is an idiot, but he’s packing some ridiculous firepower. He probably has the greatest destructive potential of the bunch, but I don’t see him using it competently. His best plan would be to hide and fish for sneak attacks, but I don't think he's capable of being that restrained.
Vriska is extremely resourceful, and has some very dangerous powers - but, like I said, her murder was personal and targeted. Among the killers, she's the least likely to go on a rampage, and I still think she could be convinced to go after the other two.
Gamzee is a wildcard, and I have no idea what's going on in his head right now. I don't think this is normal behavior for purplebloods, either - if it was, Alternia wouldn't be able to function. On reflection, I think he's the most threatening, simply because we have no idea what he's capable of, or what his plan is. We don't even know if he has a plan.
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Terezi, shit!
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In an earlier conversation, Gamzee seemed to imply that he wanted Karkat to try and stop him. Is he taking Terezi hostage in order to force a confrontation between the two?
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Good fucking call.
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You were hoping it wouldn't have to come to this. But you're running out of options. You need backup. STRONG backup.
At this point, I’d just tell Equius to demolish the meteor, and force everyone out into the open. We're running out of time anyway - that countdown's been getting very small lately - and if Karkat's not planning to hunker down and hide, then we need to find these fuckers before they find us.
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blushstarot · 2 days
PICK A CARD: how does your favorite character feel about you?
Anon request ^^ // what if you met your favorite character (or the first one you think of)? what will be their impression of you?
Pick whichever picture you feel more attracted to and skip to that pile.
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Pile 1
ace of swords, the tower, six of pentacles.
They think that you're someone who is connected to them on an intellectual level, or at least that you have a similar mindset. They think really highly of you! They see you as this person who has faced difficulties but still manages to still be kind enough to help others when they need it. They may even see you as someone with great knowledge and wisdom, someone that is determined, assertive, has a sense of justice, and is always thinking of new things (ideas, projects, plans). And in some way that last thing also gives them the impression that you can let yourself fall in unrealistic goals and dreams.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 2
ace of cups (reversed), nine of swords, temperance (reversed).
I see you meeting in some kind of social event, it could be a party, or a fancy dinner, either way, it's a gathering where there's alcohol involved. And I get some negative emotions on their part, not towards you, but to the gathering itself, maybe they're not a very social person, or didn't like an aspect of the event so they didn't want to be there when they met you, and that made them, see you in a negative light for a while. When you tried to make small talk you noticed that something was bothering them, and after making some small talk you realized that it was better to leave them alone and not bother them. The next day, in retrospect, they probably thought about your interaction and started worrying that they came across like an asshole, or that they were too mean with you; so most likely they started to feel anxiety on what kind of impression they left on you, which probably caused them to overthink too much, to the point of having trouble sleeping or having nightmares. Because how would they not feel bad, this really nice person came to talk to them, probably looking to be friends, and we're really polite and understanding of them, even thought they were being really dry in the conversation and answering with an angry/annoying tone. They most likely would try to talk to you if they see you again, and hope to not come off as rude again, I get the feeling that they would like to be friends and apologize for your first conversation.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 3
Six of wands (reversed), queen of wands, ace of wands.
They approached you with I'll intentions at first, I'm not sure with what in mind exactly, but nothing too serious probably, maybe they wanted to make you a joke or just wanted to take advantage of you in a please-do-this-favor-for-me kind of way. But then when they got to know you more, they saw you as this very positive/optimistic person, really outgoing, wanting to help everyone, cheerful, and mature/wise. That made them reconsider their first impression of you (someone not so smart/easy to trick), and started treating you more genuinely and caring than before. I don't really see them coming clean on their own with what were their first intentions to approach you, but if you for some reason decide to ask them about it, they would tell you the truth and pray you forgive them so they can continue being your friend.
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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This took so long because I decided to procrastinate instead of finishing this reading, it's been in the draft since the same day that I uploaded the last one, so I the first pile feels a little off compared to the other two, that's probably why.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think.
Bye byeee ✨
You can find more of my PACs on my master list, and if you have any suggestions on future PACs you want to see me do, you can send me an ask.
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meanbossart · 18 hours
Ask compilation: I'm Starting To Think That This Drow Guy Is Kind Of An Asshole Edition.
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Probably a Ranger in the hunter subclass. I actually intended to multi-class him as fighter/ranger at some point and make that his official class, but I haven't had time/quite figured out the best build that would still suit him - Ranger makes a LOT of sense with his backstory, arguably more than fighter, but he's still supposed to be a magic-less brick-house with 19 strength who hasn't handled a bow and arrow in 10 years, so I'm not sure where that leaves us LOL
A lot of people have suggested that Berserk Barbarian would fit him well, but I think that implies a lot of other characteristics that do NOT suit him at all so 🤷
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HE DIDN'T EVEN GO TO THE CRECHE, and honestly it made the game feel much more immersive to pick one path and stick to it like Halsin suggested, even if I did have to endure the shadow cursed lands without the shiny mace 😂
Probably for the best, it'd be a real shame if the story ended there just because he didn't like Vlaakith's attitude.
But yeah Lae'zel (who, for the record, I adore) never stood a chance in his playthrough. Sorry baby girl.
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I'm either uninformed or we have different definitions of what constitutes a crush, but sure I'll play in this space LOL
He's both jealous but also kind of aloof when it comes to things like that. It's yet another symptom of his arrogance, where it seems unfathomable that anyone who has him would be genuinely tempted by someone else. He doesn't mind a normal amount of glance-stealing and flattery, even playful flirting to a degree, but if there's persistence or if his partner seems to seek another person out for things he thinks he should be providing, he feels threatened.
Also, he has a difficult time discerning that "deep emotional connection" does not equal "romantic interest". So, at least immediately after the events of the game, he's more likely to be made insecure by his partners forming deep bonds with others than any throwaway expression of physical desire or fleeting infatuation.
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Let me preface this with the (hopefully unnecessary) disclaimer that this murderous dark-elf's opinions are not my own, and that I very much purposefully made a bit of an asshole character because I find that entertaining.
And now that you're hopefully primed for what's coming - DU drow is pretty damn judgemental of people's looks save for the rare times when they give him a good impression right off the bat. He notes people's appearances and makes preemptive assumptions about them without even realizing it. He definitely does not equal beauty to value or prowess (in fact he will very much still mock of you if you seem too concerned with your appearance) but he does prescribe things based on looks.
I don't think he'd take issue with what you're describing, It sounds like a pretty average body, but he would assume that person is weaker and less fit to "keep up with him", basically. Which kind of diminishes interest.
As far as to what he finds immediately attractive, he definitely prefers people who seem physically fit (not more than himself though - gods forbid). But, the caveat to this whole tangent is that once you get past initial impressions, he could definitely come to be sexually attracted to pretty much any type of body attached to the person he's in love with.
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Thank you! There was no main event, just the building up of resentment over time and the opportunity she saw opening up when the Chosen's plan came into motion. She definitely didn't always hate him though, they had a fairly close relationship until his obsessive behavior and arrogance became an issue.
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Thank you!!!
They call him the/that drow, dark elf, or "big drow" if there's more than one present. In private they might facetiously call him Bhaalspawn if they get tired of referring to him by race.
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I'll be honest, I forgot whether or not I found it in his playthrough LOL but if he did stumble across that would be VERY funny. He'd be like "look at these idiots and their fake murder god. What kind of dimwit would worship carnage as a religion. Hey Shadowheart get a load of this-"
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HAPPY YOU ENJOY HIM! I think his unique situation overall with having been such a overwhelmingly horrid person and forgetting all about it is my favorite bit. That's kind of vague, I know, but I often think of dreams I've had where I committed a crime or did something horrible, and that immediate feeling of relief and disconnect that follows immediately after waking up. That's kind of what I imagine it's like for him - he knows of the things he did, but he doesn't really. In theory it's all true but that's a truth far too fantastical for anyone to conceptualize even if it's put right in front of your face.
That, tackling the guilt (or lack thereof) of something you genuinely don't feel like you've done and the intricacies of it, that's a fascinating state of mind to explore. I love how many directions you can take that.
For me, having a character who is not good, but is not necessarily pure unadulterated evil, makes for a lot of complex thought experiments and contradictory values. DU drow has a lot of those - things he believes and abides by absolutely except for this specific instance, being contradictory is a pillar of his character and it can be a little challenging to keep up with it - but I'd be lying if I said I don't deeply enjoy that aspect as well all the same.
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THANK YOUUUU It took me so long to figure out how to draw Astarion in a way I liked, I'm so relieved that others enjoy it too 😂
Shockingly he did succeed it and was immediately put-off by it, lmao. They wouldn't really develop much of a relationship for a while after that, so at that point DU drow just figured he was trying to get something from him and wrote him off, much as he did with everyone else with the exception of Shadowheart.
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He didn't meet her at the Tiefling grove! I didn't even know you could meet her before-hand for the longest time. But he did super, duper kill her at camp of course.
He managed to hide the body and everyone else was none the wiser, huge blood bhaal-sigil on the ground aside lmao. He was a little shocked but didn't feel all that bad about it, kind of resigning to that primal feeling of satisfaction at a job-well-done that overwhelmed him instead. He decided she was too weak to survive out there and he had just spared her the trouble.
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Wait I'm actually crying because the other day I read one of your comics about your qpr and I can't remember which one but I couldn't stop thinking about how cool it would be and how much i liked the idea of a non-romantic or sexual kind of relationship with someone, but then I kept thinking "but you do experience attraction and have desired a romantic relationship with someone before". I kept on thinking this until at one point I tried to remember when I actually wanted to be with someone and couldn't come up with anything. Yeah, I've had feelings for people before (I think- still figuring that out) but when I thought about us actually being together it just didn't feel right at all. I kept trying to find evidence of romantic attraction but it just wasn't there. I've kinda "denied" being even just ace for awhile because of internalized homophobia, and it took me awhile to finally realize that yes, I am aro/ace, and I onoy realized thid after much internal debate and afyer readung your posts. Basically your comic helped me learn and accept myself instead of hiding because I'm scared people won't accept me. Thank you so so much :) (and sorry this is so long haha)
Aaaaaaa thank YOU for telling me that!!! It makes me so happy if my comics can help someone out in that way, and I hope figuring yourself out in that way also makes YOU happy TwT
Despite being in my 30s I realized I was aroace at 14, but I feel I might be more of an exception and it just being due to me being very persistent, inquisitive and having a strong sense of identity. 'Cus yeah, seems society does a lot (accidentally or not) to not let anyone ever know that asexuality and aromanticism ARE a thing, and beyond that, ARE valid, and beyond that, that YES, you can be happy with those orientations. It's made so hard to get to a place of self-knowledge and acceptance, so it's no wonder people need a while to figure themselves out!
(...And yeah the whole "Oh you experience positive feelings for someone? THAT'S ROMANCE! Wait, negative feelings too? THAT'S ROMANCE ACTUALLY! Feelings of mild interest in general? THAT'S ROMANCE! EVERYTHING IS ONLY EVER ROMANCE!" thing definitely doesn't help either.)
So... Yeah. I'm really glad this could help, and I hope knowing this about yourself will help you not force yourself into boxes you don't actually fit in in the future... And find the right boxes for you if that helps, of course.
I really wish you the best TwT
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tartagliawill0ws · 2 days
Kotoko's PTSD/C-PTSD Symptoms
So earlier I said I could make an entire post on Kotoko's PTSD symptoms, for lack of a better start, here it is!
Hyperarousal (feeling "on edge")
Someone with PTSD may be very anxious and find it difficult to relax. They may be constantly aware of threats and easily startled.
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In the beginning of Harrow, we see her relatively relaxed, looking over her research, but then...
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She turns to look at the camera, clutching her fist and seemingly startled. Even when seemingly alone, she can't relax fully, not for long. Then we see the wolf appears besides her, something she seems almost horrified with in the end of Deep Cover. Also, in Harrow, even within her own mind she is clenching her fist, tense.
Re-experiencing is the most typical symptom of PTSD. This is when a person involuntarily and vividly relives the traumatic event in the form of:
When she sees Keiko, multiple images of other people being harmed flash across. While these could be other victims of the same man, I have also seen it argued that it is Kotoko in the past and that the man is just a fill-in of the sorts. It could be a traumatic flashback in that case.
I don't believe we have anything that exactly fits this criteria, but we do have other types of possible re-livings.
•repetitive and distressing images or sensations
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The wolf is not only mirroring Kotoko with blood around the mouth, but is also looming over her. Many perpetrators of violence have nightmares of seeing blood on their hands, like Kotoko here, but it doesn't entirely seem like Kotoko sees herself as a monster, not fully. She is not the monster, but the monster is so terrifyingly like her, it is constantly looming over here.
"They’re still here, still here, it grates me"
Is the line that goes with this, and considering the insults she gave the prisoners before you may think she's talking about them, which she may be, but what she uses in Japanese is much more vague. More like "it's" as far as I know(?) correct me if I'm wrong. In this scenario, she could easily be talking about some form of trauma she is remembering.
•physical sensations, such as pain, sweating, feeling sick or trembling
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Possibly just from overexertion, but her expression speaks of more (I don't think she's horrified by her actions or anything at this point). She looks absoloutely terrified for a moment before she looks certain in herself again. She's sweating (as mentioned before) and may be described as looking "sick", if we go by the flashback explanation for the scenes she sees before she attacks, then she'd likely just be coming down from it. Panic attacks and flashbacks both have heavy physical affects on the body, even without them literally being a form flashbacks can take.
Avoidance and emotional numbing
Some people attempt to deal with their feelings by trying not to feel anything at all. This is known as emotional numbing.This can lead to the person becoming isolated and withdrawn, and they may also give up pursuing activities they used to enjoy.
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Q: Don’t you feel scared of killing people? A: If it’s for the world. How I feel about it is completely irrelevant.
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Q: Don’t you feel a sense of isolation in your current situation? A: It feels like nothings changed. If the world gets even a little better just by me undertaking this isolation, then that is the role the strong play.
In both of these, she attempts to say she feels nothing about a situation or that her feelings are irrelevant.
Many people with PTSD try to push memories of the event out of their mind, often distracting themselves with work or hobbies.
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Q: What are your parent’s occupations?A: They’re just the normal office worker and housewife. Did you want me to be born in with some unique circumstances?
She presses harder with the pencil when answering this question, perhaps indicating some sort of anger or avoidance when the topic of her parents (or just past) comes up. Though, I feel as if this is some of the most speculation in this post.
Feelings of worthlessness, shame and guilt
She seems to hate herself immensely, only loving herself through her role as a "savior".
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Such as the conflicted look she has in this scene, before we're shown the bloody scales. While I do think she is also experiencing some form of flashback in this scene, we're clearly being shown that she understands her justice is violent on some sort of subconscious level. She likely does feel guilty because of this, even if she does not want to admit it, because of the manner it's being shown to us.
"From the beginning, I've never asked for your understanding! My actions, one by one, are bringing earth closer to peace. Useless Weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them!"
Losing it, losing it, What should I hope for
Laugh and I can get to like myself
She is showing a deep disdain and sense of hopelessness for herself. She searches for purpose in the label of "Hero" without any other way to feel as if she likes herself, hence why she gets angry in the first example when someone seems to speak up against her. Without her vigilantism, she feels worthless.
Problems controlling your emotions
Very commonly, those with C-PTSD will experience a lot of anger and unstable emotions.
*Sigh* How ridiculous... It's always like this...All of you weaklings always act like this... All of you enjoy seeing someone getting hurt...
All of you enjoy seeing a bad person falling down...
You keep asking for it, but as soon as it happens near you by your own choice, you all start complaining and evading your responsibility...You're always like this... Always such idiots!
Here, we can see her getting angry when denied her escapism of vigilantism by Es. If you listen to the voice drama, it almost sounds as if she's about to cry. As if she is experiencing a very unstable set of emotions and doesn't know how to control them so she is lashing out with anger. She asks them to let her keep her purpose, still angry,
If you don't have strength on your own, let me take care of it, Es! I can do it in MILGRAM!
Do you understand now?! Don't make me wait!!!
In the line I mentioned before, the "From the beginning" one, she is also displaying this. The only context I can imagine for this is someone who is horrified or denying her (Keiko in my theory), and when faced with this she lashes out with anger again.
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In Deep Cover, we constantly see her anger surrounded by her being scared, desperate, ect. She lashes out when scared, sad, and other feelings because she seemingly does not know how else to deal with her feelings.
Finding it hard to feel connected with other people
I ffeel like this is already very well-explained with the quote
Q: Don’t you feel a sense of isolation in your current situation? A: It feels like nothings changed. If the world gets even a little better just by me undertaking this isolation, then that is the role the strong play.
When ostracised due to the fact she actually beat people within an inch of her life, she claims she feels no more isolated. From the beginning, she couldn't connect with them, even if she does have feelings of fondness for some. And her introduction immediately shows that she is weary of others, not wanting to say anything more than her name and age.
Yuzuriha Kotoko. 20 years old. I don’t feel like telling you much else right now. That is, before I find out what your intentions are.
She completely avoids normal people, further isolating herself by naming herself one of the only "strong" in a group of "weak", and via dehumanisation as a "tool"..... Oh, and that leads me into my next point.
The way dissociation manifests varies from individual to individual, though it always involves some form of distancing from the traumatic experience, memory or source of anguish.
In Harrow, we see her mindspace. The first time we see it, she is obviously stressed, with eyebags and an almost despaired expression. And then, she opens her eyes and she is in her mindspace.
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When experiencing a source of anguish (her feelings towards the injustices of the world and the result of her overworking), she retreats into her own mind, sometimes completely by accident. Almost everytime we see this mindspace, she is surrounded by her research (her overworking and the despair she feels from seeing what is happening) or she is straight up seeing Keiko be kidnapped and possibly experiencing flashbacks.
She removes herself from "herself" in a way by calling herself a tool, a fang- inhuman. By calling herself that, accepting other people (Es) seeing her like that, she is removing herself from the larger group of "people" (and the events of her past by giving herself a current purpose), which also ties back into her disconnection from other people.
If other people recognise more or can se more examples please share!! She's so very dear to me and I want to understand her as well as I can.
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sunderwight · 3 days
crack scum villain theory: there is no "original" Shang Qinghua
how this works is, neither the world of SV nor the world of PIDW actually existed in any tangible sense before Airplane died. Airplane dying was actually the catalyst for the system, and whatever unfathomable cosmic entities are behind it, to recreate the world from the novel. that's why Airplane transmigrates into an infant, and also why the world mostly follows canon up until Airplane interacts too much with actual plot-relevant characters, and accidentally butterfly effects Shen Jiu into a fatal qi deviation. At which point the system determines that a dead Shen Qingqiu makes fulfilling the basic story requirements impossible or at least dangerously low in terms of odds, and brings in the second play (User 002, Shen Yuan).
SY is able to earn more points from the system than Airplane, but that's mostly thanks to his proximity to the protagonist not actual preferential treatment, and he seems to have more concrete restrictions on his behavior and limits on his mobility (OOC lock, entering into an already-established character, and of course being forced to ensure that Luo Binghe goes into the Endless Abyss) (this does make it ironic that he ultimately changes the most things). whereas Airplane seems to have more freedom to do as he pleases. the system doesn't even seem to dock him points for accidentally contributing to the death of a vitally plot-relevant character.
so the SV world was originally supposed to more or less just be the same as the PIDW world. it didn't change to any significant degree until Shen Jiu died.
I suspect, then, that the PIDW world which followed canon didn't exist as any kind of separate reality until Shen Jiu died of a fatal qi deviation and had to be replaced. at which point the system -- perhaps hedging its bets -- created two splintered timelines. one being the original sandbox for Airplane to play in and continue to alter, the other being a manufactured reflection of the story's original outcome, possibly to serve as some kind of emergency back-up character bank or reference outline.
which means that the PIDW version of this reality isn't a full and cohesive world. though of course the people there don't know that. it's mostly just a tool for the system, which is why we first encounter Bingge being utilized as an enforcer. Bingge and everyone else who exists in the PIDW reality, they all remember their past as the story and are at the end point of what Airplane had written, but none of it actually happened. they instead sprang into existence at their narrative end point.
since the Shang Qinghua of Airplane's novel died well before the end of the story, characters in the PIDW have various recollections of a "Shang Qinghua" and his death, but they are vague and ultimately do not reflect the tangible events of a world the way that the SV timeline does. they are artificial memories based on a story. PIDW Shen Jiu likewise never really existed, although SV Shen Jiu did. similarly, all the history of the SV world that supposedly happened before Shang Qinghua was born never actually happened either. that's all constructed as well, which means that in a weird kind of a way, no one in the world can actually be older than Shang Qinghua either. they can only have manufactured memories that give them that impression. which means Airplane is the oldest being in that entire universe. he'd even be older than his own parents, because they were created to be his parents the moment he was born.
so there's no other Shang Qinghua. everything prior to Airplane's transmigration in the SV world and prior to the last PIDW chapter in the PIDW world is like when a video game designer seeds a dungeon with a skeleton and a bunch of notes about how some lone adventurer got lost and died there. at no point in the game was there ever actually a live adventurer in place of that skeleton.
that's "original" Shang Qinghua. he doesn't exist, because in one reality he's only ever been a version of Airplane, and in another he's a skeleton in a video game dungeon.
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lycheedr3ams · 2 days
Ahhh please please yes könig analysis and characterization please 🙏🏾
I feel so bad, I forgot to respond to this when I posted my first König character analysis post. Here's the second one!
König Character Analysis
Part 1: His past | Part 2: König's MBTI
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I know the validity of the MBTI/16 personalities is debated in the psychology world, but I personally think it can be a good baseline guide to understanding someone's personality. My MBTI is accurate for me and a lot of people I know, so I wanted to do König's. The MBTI is a personality assessment based on the following traits: introvert/extrovert, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. you can take a test to see which traits you fit (I like this one) for example, I'm INTJ: introvert, intuition, thinking, and judging. see here for more detailed info (I take quotes from this source throughout the post)
I think König's MBTI is...ISTJ (more details at end of post)
Introvert is obvious, we all know könig prefers to be alone. it's never explicitly stated, but heavily implied based off his bio about being bullied and misunderstood. he also wears a sniper hood all the time. mans is not social
Sensing may be less obvious, but this is what it is: "People who prefer sensing tend to pay a great deal of attention to reality, particularly to what they can learn from their own senses. They tend to focus on facts and details and enjoy getting hands-on experience." I think this makes the most sense for konig. as someone who has been bullied and needs to be hyper alert to stay alive at work, sensing makes much more sense for him than intuition. konig doesn't seem like someone who has much intuition, or even trusts in such things. Being Austrian, konig is also likely very practical and to the point, so he wouldn't have any need or place value in an intangible thing like intuition.
Thinking is obvious for konig, I think. I'm not saying konig doesn't have emotions of course, but he doesn't seem like the type of person to live by his heart. Again likely a cultural difference, Konig would be practical and value facts over feelings. About people who are thinking: "They tend to be consistent, logical, and impersonal when weighing a decision." Also as a mercenary, there isn't any room for emotionally-charged decisions. Konig is for sure a thinker. I don't think a feeler would do well as a mercenary personally.
Judging suits konig better than perceiving: "Those who lean toward judging prefer structure and firm decisions." Of course konig values structure, he went into the military when he was 17! This is also another cultural thing most likely, since Austrians tend to be very formal and respect hierarchy. I'm not saying every Austrian is like this, but you get me. Also as a mercenary, konig must make firm decisions, unlike perceivers who "lean toward perceiving are more open, flexible, and adaptable." I don't think konig is the type of guy to sit down and have a democratic discussion. it's his way or the highway and you can't change my mind (unless it's coming from a higher-ranking officer). konig knows he's damn good at what he does, and he's going to make the best decisions for the team. listen to his voice dialogues, he's constantly telling people that it's "better off in my hands" or to give something to him for safe keeping. if you want something done right, do it yourself, is likely his motto
This is my reasoning that konig is an ISTJ
Here's the 16 personalities website description of ISTJ:
"People with the ISTJ personality type (Logisticians) mean what they say and say what they mean, and when they commit to doing something, they make sure to follow through. With their responsible and dependable nature, it might not be so surprising that ISTJ personalities also tend to have a deep respect for structure and tradition. They are often drawn to organizations, workplaces, and educational settings that offer clear hierarchies and expectations."
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mychlapci · 1 day
Ok but like-
Maybe sterilizing Mers is like super frowned upon because it causes most Mers to become super depressed (I think technically it makes no sense cause it gets rid of their urges ??? but they’re smart and they see other Mers getting pups and stuff)
So most of them get super depressed when they can’t have pups but still get the urge the reproduce, so infertile Mers and sterilized Mers often get fake eggs shoved into to them so they can feel like they’re carrying ???
Basically stuff them with fake eggs to make them happy
Sterilizing mers is probably the no.1 step to fully domesticate them, which is always inadvisable. Sentient or not, mers are instinct-driven creatures, taking away their urges takes away instincts and hormones needed for proper function... Mers who have been sterilized will be depressed, docile, will have trouble hunting and socializing. Of course though, for some inexplicable reason that still baffles researchers, their desire to expand their pod doesn't disappear, leaving them unsatisfied and jealous whenever they see other pods grow.
Of course, mers do have to be sterilized sometimes. Usually, it's for their health. Mers that have bred too many times to the point of injuring themself, or older mer that couldn't possibly handle the strain will get sterilized for their own good... even if they know that it's for their health, it doesn't change anything. They still fall into depression.
To make it comfortable, the staff introduces a basket of fake eggs that a mer can deposit into their recently sterilized partner, or they offer to fill the depressed mer with the eggs... They're obviously smart enough to know that they're not real eggs, but the placebo effect works wonders on their frame. The frame and brain are convinced the mer is carrying and start releasing the appropriate hormones, making them function normally again. Perhaps to battle pod-envy, the staff brings orphaned or abandoned pups into their tank for them to care for. It's a system that works. Fertile mers don't have to struggle raising an extra pup and infertile mers get to satisfy their breeding urges.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 days
The Rogue and Gambit Project: Previously On X-Men... Rogue (Part 1)
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Ten years before Gambit even came along, Rogue became a staple of the X-Men line. That's a lot of time for her to be established, so I thought I'd give a quick run down of her adventures in the 80s. There's so much to go over, though, I've decided to split it into two parts...
The Basics:
What's her name? Hahahaha, canon has no desire to tell you. It'll take the movies to force the comics to give her a first name and her marriage to give her a last. So, we're getting way ahead of ourselves. But, in case you don't know, it is Anna Marie LeBeau. I'm going to need to keep an eye for when we first learn it!
What's her backstory?? Again, we're not going to find out for a long, long while and... like all superhero origin stories its wonky and weird and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. (Oh, guys, just wait...)
Power Set (via uncannyxmen.net) : Absorb the essential energy of others on contact, allowing her to draw upon a template of their memories, learned skills, and superhuman powers, with the strength of the template proportionate to the side-effects to the victim, ranging from minimal weakness to leaving them temporarily powerless or comatose; accumulated residual templates make her mind extremely difficult to read
She'll have more but... we'll get to that, too....
Previously on Rogue's Story...
Alright, so jumping in, there's a lot of canon to go over in ten years, but Rogue doesn't play a huge role in her first decade. However, she is around, a lot, once she arrives, so I've decided to go over some of the best issues that feature her. Overall, though, Chris Claremont's 17 year run on the Uncanny X-Men is pretty classic, and I do recommend the whole thing if you're ever feeling like really digging into the X-Men...
Anyway... Rogue's best stories during the 80s (Part 1)...
Avengers Annual #10
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Rogue's first appearance. This sets up a few key things you should know about her --
She was originally a part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants working for Mystique. We learn that Mystique (and Destiny) is somewhat of a foster mother to her.
In her attempt to steal powers, she steals from Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers - then known as Ms. Marvel) and absorbs her power set a little more permanently.
That power set consists of flight, invulnerability and super strength - the power set she's often associated with.
Absorbing Carol also means that Carol is often a part of her psyche, and Rogue has somewhat of a split personality for most of the 80s. Often times, Carol comes to the forefront and Rogue herself is buried.
She clearly has no qualms about assault and villainy at this point.
Classic X-Men 44
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We do get a little bit of her backstory some years after her first appearance. There are a few nods to this incident before Classic X-Men comes out -- about her past with Mystique and about Cody, the first boy she ever kissed and the time she discovered her powers. (He ultimately ended up in a coma, btw.) He's going to be a seminal part of her story for a long, long time. But this issue lays them out a little more plainly.
I should note: when she kisses Cody and when she runs away from home is not always consistent. Sometimes the kiss comes before she ends up with Mystique, sometimes it's after.
But this issue at least gives us the first real look at it.
Uncanny X-Men #158
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The first time she appears in Uncanny X-Men - the main X book of the time. Carol Danvers is on the team at the moment, and spots her. The two throw down. Rogue ends up (kissing!) and stealing Wolverine's powers, Nightcrawler's powers, and Storm's powers. Storm eventually sends her away via tornado. Not a whole lot of character development here as she's purely in a villain role, but it is nice to see her in X-Book.
Dazzler #22-24, 28
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Rogue then spends some time in Dazzler's solo book - as one of the primary villains there. Mostly, she's jealous that Dazzler has everything that she (thinks she) wants -- fame, money, the ability to kiss people without killing them... The Dazzler solo is mostly action heavy, but it is interesting to see Rogue in such a villain role, especially since she'll be notable hero for so much of her history.
An interesting note - Rogue takes on Angel, and Mystique wants her to steal his powers, but she's terrified of doing so since she's never absorbed someone with a more physical defining mutation. She also claims that kissing is the best part of her power stealing (she's drastically going to change her mind about this). And she doesn't hesitate to say she'll kill if she has to (an aspect of her character that she does go back on, but when push comes to shove, she will kill if she absolutely has to.)
Uncanny X-Men #171
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Rogue finally comes to the X-Men after the voices in her head become too much and she wants help controlling her power. The X-Men stand around debating whether to take her in or not, and Xavier finally gives her a chance despite reservations from literally everyone on the team.
I love this issue. Not only do we see Rogue finally coming on board, but she's drawn much differently in the issue. She's much softer and more vulnerable as she comes to terms that she hasn't been a great person and her powers are something that draws a line from having actual intimacy with anyone.
This is also where we can really see that Mystique (and Destiny)'s parentage has been rather terrible and that Rogue just has zero idea what to do. As an aside - we learn here that she's only 18!!
Uncanny X-Men #173
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When Wolverine's fiancée goes missing, Rogue teams up with Wolverine to see what's going on. This starts Rogue's slow integration into the team and how she befriends Wolverine. I don't know if I'd say they're super close over the years, but they do have each other's backs, and they do make a great team -- all of which starts here.
Uncanny X-Men #(177-)178
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Mystique comes back to take Rogue home but Rogue isn't about to go. She's found a new home and ultimately does the healthy thing and reject Mystique here. (Mystique takes it relatively well even if she doesn't like it.)
Uncanny X-Men #182
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The first issue that mostly focuses on Rogue. We get a big insight into what's going on in her head as her own psyche battles with Carol Danvers. It's a really great issue that digs into who Rogue is and the identity battle that she's going to face for a long, long time.
Uncanny X-Men #185
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This is a great issue for the development of Rogue and Storm's friendship. There's a huge conversation about trust and vulnerability and it's an issue that really solidifies the bond they have with each other. This is also the issue where Storm loses her powers, and kicks off a mini arc with Rogue on the run, all of which is really good.
Uncanny X-Men #192
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While not a huge Rogue focused issue, she does get to spend some time with Nightcrawler and Colossus and is beginning to really feel integrated onto the team.
After this, things take a turn. For one, Rachel Summers (the alternate reality daughter of Scott and Jean -- ooff, comics) has shown up and has become Chris Claremont's darling. Rogue kind of takes a backseat, and while she'll have a moment or two hear or there, is not a primary focus for a long, long while.
Secondly, we start to move into the crossover era, where the X-Books are less about one shot stories and mini arcs, but become sprawling, cross book stories. It's a lot to untangle, and while Rogue is never center stage through any of it, it's enough that I'll pick it up in Part Two...
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I have come to add my subpar ideas to the Death-Seeking Creator (which I will shorten to DSC for my own sanity) AU! Ignore them if you'd like!
Someone else mentioned the adrenaline junkie aspect, but what about other stuff that they've (maybe) evolved into, given their godhood likely having effects on their organic parts?
For example, what if dying is now the only way they can sleep?
I can see Teyvat or maybe even their own biology trying to keep them safe by altering them to need less sleep, as well as making them more alert and heightening their senses.
This, however, has gone a bit too far - they can't sleep anymore due to all the deaths they've suffered, body so keyed into survival mode that they can't physically find it in themselves to rest no matter how hard they try, and drugging them doesn't work anymore after Kaeya's sleep potion escapade.
The longer they're alive, the more and more unstable they become due to the restlessness, leading them to seek their next 'nap' even more desperately.
After like three weeks without a death, they just scream 'I can't take it anymore!' and self-delete with a sharp rock or whatever, only to then pop up somewhere else bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, having just experienced the equivalent of a full night of rest.
Or what if it's that they don't experience hunger instead, after who knows how many poisonings and attempts to eat being interrupted by the sudden appearance of an executioner?
Decadent, exquisite, utterly perfect meals are being laid out at their table once they've been 'accepted', only to touch absolutely none of it since they just can't feel hungry when they've been awake too long.
Yet as soon as they revive, they're practically starving, shoveling whatever slop is around into their face with the mindless urge to sate the bottomless pit in their stomach, half-mad with the returned urge.
This has led to them occasionally just showing up in the middle of the wilds post-mortis and joining a pack of friendly animals in eating a dead thing, much to the horror of the local populace and probably their 'acolytes'.
Bonus points if they offer said horrified onlookers a piece, like, 'want some? You can kill me after if you finish it all :)' just because they viscerally enjoy traumatizing their shitass betrayers.
But that's just my dogwater take. I can't make you do anything with it. Feel free to salvage parts of it and make something infinitely more useful.
Omg you devious devil I absolutely love all of this!!! Gold star for you!
While I haven't really thought about that particular aspect of DSC, I definitely can see some of this happening! Plus you are right to suggest that them being a god would mean they have no use for sleep or eating. Though I would believe that it's mainly their survival instincts, something they choose to ignore or even override once fully submerged into death seeking, that is to blame for this. Once they've been accepted they just refuse to do so because they want it to lead to another death (which wouldn't happen since they lost the need for it once isekaied).
Also that image you described of the creator eating a dead animal with a pack of animals is absolutely amazing. While it doesn't fit DSC too much I absolutely can see that for more of a wild animal creator au, one where they aren't being hunted but because of the fear of potentially being hunted they decided to become one with nature. Eventually ending up evolving into something more beastlike and even losing the ability to talk since it's not needed. Oho imagine the look of awe the characters would have seeing their creator becoming intuned with Teyvat.
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toa-arania · 22 hours
Gender is such a fascinating thing in Bionicle because objectively why is it there? Why do the biomechanical maintenance nanobots of a giant robot have gender? Or, more accurately, why do they have a gender binary? The gender binary as we understand it is (unfortunately) heavily linked to biological sex, something that MU bionicles don't have. The logical answer is that the Great Beings gave them gender to be reflective of their own society, where there are biological beings that reproduce biologically and have a gender binary that presumably sprouted from that, at least initially. However, despite giving them gender, they didn't give them any kind of sexual dimorphism, and for this we want to look at some of the non-matoran species and how they interact with gender.
The Vortixx are a society heavily stratified by gender - being 'male' or 'female' is more like a class system, with females as the upper class and males as the lower, working class. It's very reminiscent of the Orions from Star Trek. Additionally, we know that the species is not sexually dimorphic. Yes, the species that produced Dommy Mommy Roodaka, with her heels, ass, tits, and ponytail, is not sexually dimorphic. We see in one of the comics that a Vortixx confirmed to be male also just looks like that, and honestly we love that for him. He even has the rhotuka ripcord that kinda looks like a riding crop. We know that the Vortixx were created by Mata Nui rather than the Great Beings directly, so is it perhaps possible that because their perception of gender made no sense to apply to the MU inhabitants, Mata Nui compensated by having gender present itself in other ways?
Consider also the Skakdi, where the only thing we know (at least as far as I'm aware) about their relationship with gender is that there are female Skakdi, and that they are more violent and destructive than the males. We have never seen one, and we know so little to the point where I actually thought for a while that the Skakdi were a single-gender species. Like the non-GSR characters in Bionicle, they were given their elemental associations separately from their genders, and we've seen nothing to suggest that gender has any bearing on their society aside from disposition.
Then we come to the Matoran. For Matoran, gender is quite frankly fucking bizarre. The Av-Matoran were the first type to be made, and they are also the only type that can be more than one gender. The doylist explanation for that is so that they can blend into other Matoran types better, but that doesn't make any sense because those other types didn't exist yet. We do have a quote from Greg about gender in the Matoran, where it's stated to be a psychological difference rather than a physiological one, where the 'feminine' elements are calmer peacemakers, which is an absolutely fascinating quote because it's completely untrue. It might be true about the Ga-Matoran (with notable exceptions like Hahli), but it sure ain't true of the Vo-Matoran and Ce-Matoran, where our two primary examples are Chiara (electrocutes a lizard to make the point that females aren't gentle) and Varian (tortures Norik with nightmares for fun). There's also Orde but I genuinely have no idea what to do about him. He claims that he got all Ce-Matoran made into women to make them chiller and it clearly didn't fucking work so other than I guess the pitch of their voice there just isn't any observable difference.
What is demonstrably true is how general disposition does seem to vary between individual elements, and since Greg has confirmed that gender in Bionicle is a psychological variation that affects outlook and disposition, I honestly do not think it's a stretch to say that, at least for the Matoran, each of the fifteen elements is a separate gender. Honestly this even makes the elemental prefixes neopronouns, from a certain perspective. The Shadow Matoran are also fascinating to look at from this angle because they don't ordinarily exist; they're made from other kinds of matoran - the fifteen 'standard' genders if you will. They don't call themselves Kra-Matoran because they aren't a defined group, and they never think of themselves as one. They go back to what they were beforehand perfectly fine and at least act better off for it - with one exception. Gavla (the only female Av-Matoran we actually meet, who feels ostracised from her community) wanted to stay a Shadow Matoran, a kind of Matoran outside the standard concept of what elements they could be because she felt wrong as an Av-Matoran, and as a Shadow Matoran she felt more like herself. All this is to say:
Gavla Bionicle is Transgender and Non-Binary, have a nice day.
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