stivkun · 19 days
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apersonwholikeslotus · 4 months
Happy Valentines!
notes: I present a colab MH fic between me and @iron--and--blood, I wrote the first part and they wrote the end! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!
pairing: Morton x Rabenmark
warnings: none
Morton blinked, suddenly aware of the sun coming in between the blinds. He panicked; he was supposed to have finished studying, there was a final today, and a paper due tomorrow he couldn’t be sleeping. He tried to sit up only to realize he was stuck in bed, he knew Rabenmark was awake as he wrapped his arms tighter around him; 
“Stay in bed”
“I can’t. I have to look over my-” 
“Nooooo” Rabenmark held him even tighter, pulling Morton completely against him in the action. Rabenmark’s breathing was still steady and deep and if he hadn’t even woken up. 
He wanted to protest, he knew he needed to get up and look over notes again and write at least a paragraph or two for his paper. But he was still so tired, he had stayed up so late before he had been dragged to bed for a ‘short nap’ that had turned into a few hours of sleep so heavy he couldn’t even remember closing his eyes. 
He relaxed for a moment thinking maybe it was a good idea to stay in bed; It was warm in bed, and he knew it was cold outside, the idea of walking to class through the February chill wasn’t something he was looking forward to. Rabenmark didn’t go to any of his classes unless he absolutely had to–which wasn’t often, but maybe he could at least convince him to walk to his first class with him. 
Morton tried closing his eyes, maybe if he fell back asleep and slept through his morning class he wouldn’t feel so bad about missing it. He could say it was an accident afterwards and maybe take the test another day. The voice in the back of his head insisted though that if he missed this one test he would fail the entire class, and then not graduate when he told his uncle he was supposed to, and he would be so angry he would make him come back to Boston and then he wouldn’t get to see Otto ever again. 
It didn’t matter if he knew this professor was lenient and would let him take it another day. It didn’t matter if the chances of Joshua getting mad over a couple extra months was extremely unlikely. And worst case he could stay with Rabenmark, effectively run away from his uncle instead of going back. 
“You’re overthinking again,” Rabenmark’s voice cut through Morton’s anxiety as if he was deftly wielding his saber. A hand came down on the far side of his face as Rabenmark’s weight shifted until Morton could see his lover’s face. Gray eyes perpetually ringed with red stared down with concern and Morton could not meet them
“Look at me” Rabenmark says gently.
“I need to get up,”
“Pleaasssseeeee?” Rabenmark said, and the combination of the childish plea and his overdramatic pout made Morton crack a smile.
“There he is!” Rabenmark grinned. “You are just so cute when you smile,”
“Shut up,” Morton mumbled, turning his face in an attempt to hide the blush on his cheeks, “I need to get ready”
Rabenmark responded by promptly relaxing his arms and falling, pinning Morton underneath him.
“Get off!” Morton protested, but the smile on his face betrayed his true.
“Do you know what day it is?” Rabenmark asks.
“Uhhhh Wednesday?”
“Nope! Valentine’s Day”
“Fuck!” Morton exclaimed, bolting upright in panic. Or at least, he tried to. because Rabenmark was pinning him down, all he did was his slam Rabenmark’s face into his shoulder and knee him in the groin.
Rabenmark let out a few strong German curses, rolling off of Morton and nearly falling off the bed in the process. A broken wheeze escaped him and Morton was terrified that he had seriously hurt his lover. Then Rabenmark wheezed again and Morton realized he’s laughing.
“Hell of a Valentine’s Day gift” Rabenmark said with a smile.
“Oh God, a Valentine’s gift!” Morton exclaimed. “Fuck! Oh I was going to make so many plans—I didn’t realize—I would have-mmph!!”
“Shut up” Rabenmark muttered as he broke the quick kiss. “Do you want to know what the best Valentine’s Day gift could be?”
“A morning of cuddling with my boyfriend”
“Alright,” Morton said with a smile. “In that case, I offer you that gift,”
“Thank you very much, my darling”
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