the-bees-patella · 11 months
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describe-things · 4 months
This post is made with speech to text because my hand hurts from typing so much today. Please forgive any typos or speech to text swapping similar sounding words.
If you would like to start writing your own image descriptions, feel free to ask any questions.
The main things to keep in mind is that they should begin with some variation of image description start or ID, and end with some variation of image description and, and ID or something like that. This distinguish the image description from the caption or anything else.
Image descriptions should not be written in italics, bold, all caps, or any colors. If text in the image is in all caps, write it in regular case, and simply note before or after it that it's in all caps.
Image descriptions should describe all images in the post, without skipping any. This includes images that are nothing but text.
Plain text image descriptions in the body of the post are more accessible than alt text alone, because many people who need image descriptions cannot use alt text, and Tumblr is known for its glitches, so the accessibility of the alt text all by itself varies widely over time.
It is more accessible to have the image descriptions indented than not, because this helps to visually separate the image description from the caption. Having brackets or parentheses at the end is also helpful for this. This allows people to easily distinguish between the caption and the image description if they need to.
If you are an artist, writing image descriptions for your art will give you full control over the image description, and will allow you to correctly identify details that others might miss. This gives you the opportunity to show which parts of your art hold meaning to you and are important to notice.
If you are describing real people who are unknown to you, unless it is specified within the post or you are already aware, please do not assign any gendered terms to them, or any " male presenting or female presenting" terms like that. This is completely unnecessary and leads to misgendering. It is best to simply describe visible facts about the people. Hair color, length, clothes and style, pose, expression, the light or darkness of their skin, things like that. Do not assume that someone is white simply because they have light skin.
Do not use image descriptions to lie to the audience in any way and do not use image descriptions to make jokes where the audience reading the image description is the butt of the joke.
As an example, if there is a very clearly fake screenshot, do not say that it is simply a screenshot, or if a photo is very blatantly photoshopped, do not say that it is simply a photo. Say an edited photo, a badly edited photo, a screenshot with editing, something like that to indicate the changes have been made and then what you are going to be describing is not the natural version.
As an example, you would say a crab photoshopped to be driving a car. Rather than a photo of a crab driving a car.
Unless you are transcribing a text within the image, do not use meme speak within image descriptions. Do not refer to dogs as doggos for example, unless it is to specify that the dog in the image is, within the image, labeled as a doggo. Do not describe someone walking downstairs as breasted bubbly downstairs, even if it is an actor humorously walking down the stairs to imitate that sentence. Describe the facts of the movements, and then you can make the comparison for clarity.
If someone adds an image description to your post whether this be an original post or a reblog that you have added an image to, it doesn't matter how many notes to post already has, please copy and paste that image description into the original post or your original reblog. If it is a new post that has only a few notes from friends, after you update the original, you can just ask your friends to delete the reblogs of the inaccessible version and reblog the new one. Most people who are good people and care about disabled people will happily do so.
Keep in mind that image descriptions are accessibility tools. Treat them as such.
Anyone can write image descriptions. You do not need any special qualifications or training. As long as you are willing to take constructive criticism if you make a mistake, an image description written by someone who's new to it and honestly doing their best with good intentions is better than no image description at all.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, so please feel free to add on more tips and advice.
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whumpacabra · 6 months
Writing Accessibility PSA
Please avoid using long strings of characters as line breaks in your writing - these are not screen reader/TTS friendly!
Every ‘°’ will be read as ‘degree’ - can you imagine how long it takes to read out a string of 25? Let alone more complicated combinations of characters (eg. imagine listening to TTS read out ~*~ |°| ~*~ multiple times per line break)?
A good rule of thumb is to stick with short, 2-3 character line breaks (eg. I don’t find — or *** too egregious to listen to). Your readers can tell there’s been a scene change whether you use two or twenty em-dashes, but if you use twenty, some of us might have to listen for 30 seconds to read the next scene. If you’re more concerned about aesthetics, you can insert an image of your aesthetically pleasing line break with alt text simply reading ‘line break’ for accessibility.
Don’t feel bad if this is something you’ve never thought about before - now you know better and can make your writing more accessible moving forward!
I would like to invite any other screenreader users to add their own thoughts or preferences to this post. We’re not a monolith and there’s a variety to how different softwares interact with repeating character strings and images with alt text, so there’s bound to be some conflicting opinions on what I’ve suggested above. Let’s try to make the stories we share accessible for everyone :]
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sag-dab-sar · 10 months
Monetizing Accessibility
I wrote a review awhile ago for an app that I heavily relied on due to my dyslexia and TBI— Speechify. Its a text-to-speech reader that I can take photos of text books or signs and have them read to me. I used it plenty. You can take as many photos as you want, upload them, and have it read to you. Well..... thats what you used to be able to do. Then I updated the app and tah dah the main feature is behind a paywall!!! I can upload 3 files (photo/photoset) only! And if I want more I have to pay THIS fucking much:
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So I updated my app review from 5 stars to 1
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Then a long time later I got this email:
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"One time discount" on something that was fucking free. Its the most basic feature. There were plenty of additional features to pay for and ads prior. Now the ENTIER goddamn app, including the absolute most basic function, above 3 files is behind a $140 paywall. I don't want 90% of the features just keeping files like I could before. Its not even a one time fee; its a subscription. As if my TBI and dyslexia only lasts a year. Not to mention I already deleted my entire library.
I fucking hate how goddamn expensive being disabled it is. The email is an insult.
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sealpup9 · 1 year
Internet Archive Live Hearing happens tomorrow: March 20, 2023
Here's a link to the Internet Archive's page, describing how you can participate and listen to oral arguments on Monday March 20th at 1pm ET
You may know the Internet Archive because of the Wayback Machine!!
The court case Hachette v Internet Archive is being brought to court and threatens to tear down the Internet Archive as we know it.
"The Internet Archive is a nonprofit digital library, preserving and providing access to cultural artifacts of all kinds in electronic form. CDL allows people to check out digital copies of books for two weeks or less, and only permits patrons to check out as many copies as the Archive and its partner libraries physically own. That means that if the Archive and its partner libraries have only one copy of a book, then only one patron can borrow it at a time, just like any other library. Through CDL, the Internet Archive is helping to foster research and learning by helping its patrons access books and by keeping books in circulation when their publishers have lost interest in them."
This is so important because not only does the Internet Archive provide books that are long out of circulation and copies for people to borrow, they are also used as sources for things like Wikipedia articles! Imagine if suddenly, no one could access sources that someone cites for their information! Having access to information digitally today is a very important thing, and with all of the paywalls people face nowadays for news, imagine if you suddenly had to pay for access to any books. Websites like Amazon already are attempting to replace any sort of ebook rentals with paid services, when we have the right to borrow books online just as we do physically. The Internet Archive is extremely important and one of our rights- access to information- is actively being fought against.
REMEMBER: This will not JUST affect the internet archive. This could change how libraries in general work, and could threaten public access to information. Imagine how many youtube video essay sources would be null and void, imagine just trying to research an obscure topic at 3am-- If all of that was behind a paywall, only those with money would be able to access them! The harder it is for libraries to share books and archive information, the more the public suffers!
Please show your support! Read more about the case here: https://www.eff.org/cases/hachette-v-internet-archive
I'm not sure how quick Tumblr will work on approving this blazed post but if the day/time has passed, please know that you can actively look into more information on this case and other info on the Internet Archive Blogs. You can also add your name to a list of supporters of Battle for Libraries Here.
Let's work together on making sure we have access to information! In this digital age, we deserve to access just as much online as we do offline!
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teamsasukes · 1 year
people rightly criticize how team 7 reacted to sasuke's pursuit of justice for his clan, but one thing i feel is always overlooked in these discussions is how sakura literally is not granted the option by the narrative to learn about what sasuke has been through — not in the way that naruto, kakashi, or even team taka are. throughout all of part 2, she is operating under the assumption that sasuke killed itachi and then turned on the village for no apparent reason.
in part 1, she offers to help sasuke with his plan to kill itachi and even says she'll come with him so he won't have to handle a clearly dangerous and unstable sannin alone. she tells him she wishes he would be more open with her because she wants to understand what he's going through. (all of this stands in stark contrast to naruto, who says he'll break every bone in sasuke's body to bring him back, or kakashi, who projects his own traumas on to sasuke.) then in part 2, she can't bring herself to hurt him despite ample opportunity and even though (as far as she knows) he's become a violent criminal. throughout the series, she's averse to inflicting harm on others (aside from the punching naruto gag). is it really so unreasonable to imagine that if she knew sasuke was avenging the state-sponsored genocide of his clan, she would respond differently? with more empathy and compassion for his circumstances, and anger of her own towards konoha?
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iraprince · 3 months
Hiii, i love your stuff and kinda from a distance really look up at you for, in my perception, being able to express yourself without giving a fuck. Thats sick dude, Im so so afraid, of absolutely everything, its nice to think like i might grow into someone less apologetic of my existence. Nice to see people just being yknow
hey, thank you, this is really really nice. the secret that is probably not a secret is that i am also deeply afraid a lot of the time lmao -- but less than i used to be, and in ways that feel less stifling and self-suffocating, if that makes sense.
like, it used to be "i'm scared that if i express myself the way i want to, everyone will find me obnoxious, so let's just sand those edges down to be safe" -- now my fears are more like "now that i'm expressing myself in a way that feels natural and real, i'm afraid that it's all stupid/vapid/not worthwhile or meaningful" (<- specifically abt my art) or "i'm happy that i talk and act the way i want to now, but what if it makes me impossible to befriend," etc etc etc. which still feels bad and puts me in a funk a lot of the time but at least it's a fear that comes After/in reaction to doing stuff, rather than a fear that STOPS me from doing stuff, you know? like, it's evolved into a kind of fear that's less in my way.
anyway. i believe you'll experience something like this, because wanting to grow is the first step of growing. the fact that u hope or wish for something different means you're already on your way. to fewer fucks!! or at least distributing the fucks u give in a way that serves u better
#stuff like accepting that i'm reserved and i'm not very accessible via messages.#or that my online tone isn't very bubbly and it's weird and uncomfortable to force it.#i stop letting fears about that shape my behavior ('i'll look mean or snotty so let's force markers of Friendliness to avoid that!!') -#- and instead act the way i want to and then trade it in for new fears that come After the action.#also a good reminder to give urself is that if ur fear is abt how other ppl perceive u (as 90% of mine is personally)#u really... can't actually control that. and being very very anxious abt it all the time is usually ur brain throwing a tantrum abt not--#--having that control. bc it is understandably very scary that u don't have that control#as much as it sucks + is terrifying the truth is the only thing u can do is ask urself 'am i behaving in a way that i'm proud of'#'am i behaving in a way that's in alignment w my values + what i think is important'#bc if the answer to that is yes and somebody hates u or is deeply offended by ur existence anyway. well. literally not ur problem#but obv being at peace w that is way way easier said than done + requires tons of practice and will take. probably. years. which is fine#i am stuck with myself. i can either contort myself forever trying to be someone everyone will like and find totally nonthreatening and-#inoffensive and in the process exhaust myself totally and never feel safe or natural myself. OR#i can say okay. so i am a kind of prickly guy with stern and drab speech patterns and close to no social energy. and i think i can still be#-sexy and fun this way. and it is up to other ppl to figure out if they can agree w me on that#ANYWAY enough rambling for now. just another one of those things i think abt a lot so i have a lot of ready-made sentences abt it in mind
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mittenlady · 6 days
it is incredibly easy to tell when people can not write simon blackquill because his speech — at least for his TwIsTeD sAmUrAi persona — is so distinct. it’s difficult for me to explain in words, but if you look at the game transcripts for any period of time you should be able to get a sense for it and it is so aggravating to see fanworks where he isn’t yapping like some victorian era chap with a disposition for the macabre. a heinous fiend pried from the pages of penny dreadful.
“from the outset, i had no intention of paying heed to any of your babble”? bars. he calls apollo a “whelp.” impeccable. “the defendant sought to sow this confusion”? brilliant. “nothing but claptrap and balderdash if you ask me”? iconic. read some 18th century literature or ask the spirit of jane austen for her aid before putting the name of simon blackquill in your mouth my good chap
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friendraichu · 3 months
My only real gripe with Dropout is their subtitling. It is horrendous, I think especially on D20. Constant mistakes and seems like every other line won't make sense if you're deaf or hard-of-hearing.
I just have auditory processing issues so most of the time I can tell that the captions are wrong, but I can't imagine how misleading the captions are to folks with less of an ability to decipher the audio.
Like I'm sorry to sound harsh but hire someone new for that department, because the quality control is abysmal.
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autismcultureis · 24 days
Autism culture is letting self use text-to-speech on phone for accessibility and wondering why you didn't just do this earlier
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whatbigotspost · 1 year
Damn, y'all. This is very, very bad news:
I have an unshakable belief that "democracy" is a joke in any place where a free media cannot exist. As I've eluded to many times, I'm a big believer in more progressive leaning sources like NPR, the Texas Tribune (the source link in that^ story), and formerly, the Texas Observer. Things are NOT in a good place right now, financially, for any of those entities.
This trend is something that anyone who cares about the threat of the rising Christofascist right wing extremists should be paying a LOT OF FUCKING ATTENTION TO. If you can, you should be donating to any entity you depend on, like this. It's why I'm a member of my local NPR station. I mean, I can't help but feel like we are about 2 seconds away from just accepting that algorithms like TikTok are going to drive all of the "information" we have, and I hopefully don't need to explain why we'll all be thoroughly fucked if that happens. Here's an Austin local writer/journalist I trust, with more behind-the-scenes input about what happened w/ the Texas Observer.
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alwerakoo · 3 months
A post to all (fan)fiction writers, surrounding text to speech accessibility.
For the past few years, I've been using a text to speech app on my phone to read - mostly fanfiction. I do it simply for convince sake, not because of any accessibility issues. The point of this post is NOT to police how anyone chooses to format their work, but to point out a few things that may not occur to someone who never used TTS. These apply to the specific app I use, I don't know how widespread they are.
1. Using long strings of "//////" or "-----" makes TTS goes absolutely nuts. It reads out every. Single. One. I often have to go to the app to manually skip those parts. Also note that if you only use bigger gaps to indicate a section break, your TTS readers don't hear that indication
2. Formatting a character saying something very fast like this: "sayingsomethingveryfast-" makes TTS read it out very quicky, to the point where it's practically incoherent
3. Made up acronyms spelled with dots makes TTS read one letter at a time. While that is usually how they're meant to be read, but there are exceptions (ex. S.H.E.L.D.O.N. from ROTTMNT)
4. Written out accents make some dialogue basically incoherent, since TTS doesn't recognize them as real words anymore (this can also include things like baby talk ect)
5. Emojis and symbols can cause it to freak out (just something to keep in mind when you have unusual formating)
Using TTS comes with many "quirks" and most of them are not the fault of the formating itself, which is why I only listed things I would genuinely love to see be taken in greater consideration. This is coming from a ff lover and writer. Thank you for reading <3
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astriiformes · 3 months
Talking with Scribe about strong emotional responses we've had to fiction in the past and I feel like my top five have to be:
Wandering around the grocery store in a semi-dissociative haze immediately after seeing Rogue One
Sobbing with my dad for the last, like, 15 minutes of Peter Capaldi's regeneration episode. Father-son bonding experience
The episode of Critical Role where Fjord ends his warlock pact, which got me so good that Scribe had to ask if I was okay when she got home from work an hour later
The night that Hollow Mind aired and I slept for maybe an hour because my brain was physically incapable of shutting off
The point she and I totally broke playing Pentiment, after finishing Act II, and had to retreat to the kitchen to cry
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andthebeanstalk · 3 months
I fuckin' love Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel, but can someone please, PLEASE tell these now VERY SUCCESSFUL showrunners that they need
There's a cute little moment with a deaf child in season 2 episode 7 of Helluva Boss, but it's a SHAME because VERY FEW deaf people are going to be seeing it because the first two episodes of this show don't have fucking subtitles!!
Which tbh really spoils that sweet little moment Fizz has with his deaf fan, and instead makes it feel RESOUNDINGLY hollow!
It's like creating a beautiful painting about the experiences of wheelchair users, and then displaying it at the top of a flight of stairs!!
I just-- I care that the things I like are accessible! These stories often feature disabled characters!! They need to be accessible to disabled people!!! Someone PLEASE deliver this message to Vivienne Medrano or SOMEONE involved with the show! This is important and SO easy to fix!
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rimeiii · 5 months
While putting myself at risk from backlash from the majority of the WHB fandom, I have this to say about the current situation with the news of a potential boycott, as well as the login bonus + raffle announcement.
A friendly reminder that, like the Molar Office IDs login bonuses back in Limbus Company that were announced + released amidst the Vellmori debacle's fallout, the Christmas/NY login and raffle campaign in WHB is highly likely a planned promotional event before the player backlash happened, not a response to the backlash. Having a holiday promotional campaign is normal for most gachas, after all - and is likely already a part of their roadmap, even if in WHB's case they never revealed their roadmap.
If you really want to see change in the game state then make your voices known by not playing the game anymore, not just halting in-game purchases - and definitely not by harassing the devs, because harassment would only make your main message be ignored. Because when it comes to gacha games, another metric devs use to gauge how successful and profitable a game is would be player retention - because existing players, despite being F2P, represent an opportunity for them to make more money by potential future purchases from these current F2P players.
(Continued under the cut for length)
There's a reason why, during the Project Moon boycott, many players downright stopped playing and uninstalled the game, calling for others to do the same thing. It was only after a large dip in both profits and active player count that Project Moon started adressing the issue, and let me remind you that their initial statements were really fucking bad - even more so the doubling down, tarnishing their reputation to this day.
As someone in my crew server said:
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As for the actual fallout of the shitty response, which was mirrored by a large majority of players (and keep in mind many players had already stopped playing and creating content for Project Moon games at this point): people uninstalling the game completely. And now Limbus Company has to make do with a tarnished reputation, lower player count, and lower profits overall.
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The other way to make your voices known is to be loud in social media, though this is very dangerous in a sense that it could devolve into all-out fighting between players. And it also needs to be a united front between all players. My mind returns to the Summer Fortune debacle back in Granblue Fantasy, which was an entire fucking mess of bad decisions. For a tldr of the campaign, written as I was trying to make sense of the campaign (which may also include incorrect calculations):
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And the fallout, which happened the moment the lottery results were announced:
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As much as there were conflicts in the game between high-tier reward winners and those who only got the lowest tier (highest tier is basically a choice of any fucking unit you want, lowest tier are just some upgrade mats), everyone was mostly united in the sense that their anger is for the most part directed towards Cygames, the devs. People filming themselves getting rid of everything in their account (grid burning), quote tweeting the announcement tweets, getting Granblue trending - all to make a statement. And it paid off, because the very next day...
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Cygames not only compensated everyone with a higher tier reward (T3, the second lowest tier that only has roughly a ~26% chance for a player to grab - free Gala limited unit. You can see how unbalanced the reward tiers are and how it sowed frustration and anger in the playerbase atp), they never released a campaign as bad as Summer Fortune. However, it did turn a lot of players away from the game - this was the start of most of my server just not really caring about GBF anymore.
People boycott and protest to make a statement, to make their voices heard. And sometimes you need to go to such an extreme length to do so - including deleting your account and your game, as well as sacrificing your enjoyment of the game. It's like the Korean VGC Nationals for Pokemon (basically competitive Pokemon) - they risked it all to protest the bad treatment TPC Korea gave towards the Korean players by playing top 4 using full Metronome teams as protest (a movement backed by most, if not all Korean VGC players), and while the players did suffer from it (their invites for Worlds got revoked), the damage has been done (the entire Nationals tournament got canceled).
TPC lost a lot of respect from VGC players worldwide, and after the mess that was Yokohama Worlds with the sudden rule changes (increased hack checks announced a few months before the event, which included a note for all players to be safe and use their own mons without trading with others - at a state where players were still testing out teams before making them in-game, commonly with the help of others), many players have expressed that they wanted to quit competitive Pokemon. A lasting impression, especially in the competitive scene, as detailed below.
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And do you want to know why no moves were made on Pokemon, yet actions were taken for both Limbus Company and Granblue Fantasy?
VGC is one of if not the tiniest part of the Pokemon franchise. Most of the money Pokemon gets is from merch sales, if I'm not mistaken. VGC players complaining won't make a dent in their earnings - especially with how obscure VGC is.
Different case with Limbus and Granblue. Players dropping the game, getting rid of all their core equipment, uninstalling the game? They all directly impact the game and potential profits - so, they eventually addressed their respective situations. I could go on about other forms of protest that resulted in concrete actions, which end up benefitting the game (the Passenger buff situation in Arknights, Punishing: Gray Raven's rocky launch with an apparently P2W campaign), but in fear of this post getting too long, I shall stop.
Am I being harsh? Yes - perhaps to some people, overly so. But unless something drastic is done, I don't see the devs planning to fix anything massive in this game, and I wouldn't be surprised if paywalled seasonal gacha units with high prices will eventually become the norm.
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comehithercornking · 15 days
hey babe, wake up, new reason to abolish the police force just dropped
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