#I'm not sure how long this'll last but it's nice at the moment at least
thethingything · 1 year
we ended up catching up with a bunch of Dracula Daily emails earlier and cleaning part of our room a little bit and I've noticed over the last few days we've had the urge to talk to people more (not quite managed to actually do that but still) and the motivation to actually do stuff we enjoy as well as the tasks on our to-do list instead of just sitting there dissociating or being unable to decide what to do, and I have no idea where this came from but it's really nice
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Sweet Release
Hey @h3apm3ch4n151m. Enjoy. ❤️
Warning(s): kiss, suffocation, the effects of the vacuum of space on the human body
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So this is it.
Here you are.
Your ship, completely destroyed.
You, the only survivour of the destruction.
And now you wait for death. You float endlessly through space, your oxygen slowly running out.
There are many ways you could die here in deep space. You could be pulled into the gravity of a planet... or, god forbid, a star or black hole...
However, what seems most likely right now is suffocation. It will be slow and painful, but hey, so will every other death you could possibly have in this god-forsaken endless void...
Suddenly, you notice something out of the corner of your eye.
It almost looks like... an eel, of some kind... or maybe a person... or maybe both...?
"Aaaahhh~ What a surprise this is~" A strange, almost ethereal voice calls out, presumably from that strange creature... "How strange, I don't see your kind thiiiiis deep very often~"
You freak out and reach to your waist for a weapon, but... unfortunately for you, all of the weapons were on the ship, and you didn't have any time to grab any... so, you just have to deal with whatever this thing chooses to do with you...
"A human, hm~? I wonder why you were so deep in my territory~" The creature giggles, and begins to wrap its body around you. "Mining operation to find stuff that doesn't exist on your planet~? Or maybe you were preparing for war, I've heard your kind really likes war~"
"Let go of me-!" You demand, wriggling in this creature's grasp.
"Please, we both know you're on the verge of death, so I have no reason to kill you~!" He pats you on the head. "So, you have absolutely noooo reason to worry about me doing anything to ya~"
"...so then, what do you want from me...?"
"I just want to talk to you, that's all! I don't get to talk to people like you very often, seeing as your kind live so far away from this area..." He sighs. "...not just your kind, practically no intelligent life lives out here, so I'm always so bored and hungry... aha, but now I have you to talk to~! My name's Floyd, by the way~! Tell me, why are you here? You didn't answer me earlier!!"
Well, he sure is persistent...
"If you really must know, my crew and I were searching for another habitable planet..."
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA-!" He bursts out in laughter, squeezing you a bit tighter with his long, slightly glowing tail. "Aaahh~ That's hilarious~ You're gonna die, and it will have been for nothing~"
"There aren't any habitable planets out here, none whatsoever~! Isn't that funny?? You were going in the complete wrong direction if you wanted somewhere to live~!" He finally stops laughing at you. "Say, Shrimpy, how many people were in that 'crew' of yours?"
"Shrimp-? N-never mind... whatever... anyways, there were..." You pause, thinking about everyone. All the people you knew on that ship, your friends, enemies, acquaintances... all of them, gone... "Including me... there were... 106 people on our ship..."
He begins to laugh again... a cruel, unending, boisterous laugh.
"S-sorry, sorry~ I hardly ever get to talk with people like you, and just... aaaah, it always surprises me how hilarious you are~ You're all so funny, and so pathetic, too~"
"Great, I get to be made fun of and laughed at in the last moments of my life..." You sigh. You're starting to feel the effects of your oxygen running out...
"Aw, sorry Shrimpy~ Tell ya what, I could make sure you have a nice time as you go out~" Floyd insists, moving so that you can see his face clearly.
"I highly doubt that you could give me a nice death..."
"We could kiss~" He licks his lips. "I could make sure it's really nice for ya! But... ehe, you have that stupid helmet in the way. Just take it off~"
"But... I-I'd die... horribly..."
"So? You're gonna die horribly anyways! Why not do this?? At least this'll be quick~"
Well, he does have a point...
This will probably be faster than suffocation...
"...alright then. Why not... I mean, not much else I can do..." You sigh, and bring you hands up to your head... are you really about to do this?
"Here, let me help ya~"
He places his hands on your helmet just as you do.
And then, the two of you pull it off of you.
You immediately feel the effects of the vacuum.
You feel like you're boiling alive, but it's freezing at the same time... your eyes feel like they're going to explode- no- it's your entire head...
Floyd presses his lips firmly onto yours.
You can practically feel the air being sucked right out of your lungs... soon, the deoxygenated blood will reach your brain... and then, you'll fall unconscious... and finally die...
Just twelve more seconds.
The kiss is amazing.
Strangely enough, it almost helps you forget about how much pain you're in.
And slowly, slowly, slowly...
You drift off into your eternal sleep.
"Shrimpy, wake upppp... I'm bored..."
You wake up on the floor of your boyfriend's dorm room.
"Agh, my head... what happened...?" You ask, rubbing the back of your head in pain.
"We fell asleep together watching a movie about space." Floyd tells you. "You must've fallen off the bed at some point, heh~"
"Oh... oh, I... I see..."
You stare up at the ceiling for a moment, thinking about that experience...
It was all... a dream.
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I should probably do this at more regular intervals! [5.7-6.X]
Guess how I spent my sunday afternoon! I'll try and do this every, like, 3 chapters, maybe? Because fuck, there's a lot to talk about. Let me try and do it in order. Arc 5 (.7 onwards) So, the Lung rematch honestly took me by surprise. The whole arc did, really? Going from a pretty depressing but harshly real depiction of what happens to girls like Taylor, to 'Fuck it, let's fuck shit up', to Lung is back! Already! It's Arc 5! I was so sure his escape and reappearance was going to be a big thing the characters dreaded and came back to bite them at the last moment, but-- And yeesh, was 5.9 a chapter. There's a certain passage in the introductory page for Worm: "Morality isn’t black and white, Taylor and her acquaintances aren’t invincible, the heroes aren’t winning the war between right and wrong ..." Every fight has me at the edge of my seat. Last year for me's been pretty brutal for media depicting major-character-deaths like it's no big deal-- and the moment Lung came back, I was so sure someone was dead. I thought it might've been-- and after the interlude, real glad it wasn't-- Newter. But somehow, everyone managed to get off scott-free. And after the fiasco that was Arc 6-- we'll get there!-- I just don't know how long this'll last. Even for the Undersiders. Which makes me want to predict deaths. I think because of the phrasing of the opening page, I know that Taylor is the POV character as a standard, and interludes are the exception. So unless this does some huge POV-shift, I think she's safe. From death, not from anything else. I am not entertaining the thought of Lisa's death. Brian and Alec, though? I don't know. I don't know about Alec at all, actually. He's kind of a scary guy? Horrifyingly subtle power, but really scarily applied in Arc 6. He's low-key one of the strongest, at least potential wise, in The Undersiders. I think Brian is going to have more story to him, now that his past's all been laid out? But later on, I just can't say. I really hope he doesn't, he means a lot to Taylor, and he's a good shoulder to lean on. Rachel-- 'Bitch'? I can't remember if she prefers one or the other... -- is a little harder to talk about. It was hard to like her after how she introduced herself! Mauling the POV character practically unprovoked isn't a good first impression. But, like Taylor's described, I feel, she's started to grow on me. Arc 5 touched on her character and personality in a nice way. I'd already started to sympathize with her come the end of Arc 4, rather than just view her as a begrudingly amazing tool for the team, but the dynamic between her and Taylor in Arc 5 was peak. She gave her her jacket!
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Arc 5 Interlude This is really sweet! It left Arc 5 off on a high note. 'Kinda. I don't know what to make of the 5.X interlude. It was interesting. Newter was nice to see again. Flatline was intriguing to get a closer look at. Gregor is a strange person, but so-- I don't know if blunt is the right word, but 'sincere'-- almost refreshingly so given the web of deception going on in every other Arc-- that I liked him by the end. What I don't know what to make of in particular is the tattoos. Does it imply that there's a different-type of origination for parahuman powers? Is it artificial? I don't know! But I'm interested in finding out! Arc 6 Anyway, that was what, 4 chapters' thoughts? Let's talk about Arc 6. I started off my liveblog talking about how one of the most interesting plot threads was the growing inner-struggle Taylor has of working with The Undersiders and having agreed to double-cross them. Something I neglected to mention as well, was Taylor's dad, Danny. Straight from the get-go, both of these are the spotlight. They almost seem to slowly be intertwining the further the Arc goes on-- something I felt especially towards the end, and a final decision Taylor makes. If it wasn't painfully clear already, I like how this arc brings to the forefront how muddy the line between traditional 'good and evil' is. Armsmaster is blatantly not-good. He does not seem to value what is right and what is wrong, and-- while we do not see inside his mind-- Taylor does, and that his reputation is above all else is very telling. Luckily, he gets what he deserves. Cue my favorite passage of the serial so far:
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Actually has me grinning while reading this chapter. It is unlikely Armsmaster is the only Hero that isn't all too much of one. I'm certainly not the most researched on the subject, but the parallels between Heroes and the Cops of today seem to be a major theme. With Coil entering the picture-- and, what a fucking reveal, by the way!-- I can't imagine this idea is going to take a backseat any time soon. I don't know much about Coil, and by his own words, he is not a good person. But as the only person striving for meaningful change-- whether his methods are morally sound or not-- I think I'd feel more comfortable with Skitter under his wing than, say, Armsmaster's. From his actions and his one-chapter-of-glory alone, he's a character I'm interesting in looking out for. Arc 6 made me cry! This will likely be a running theme, as I'm warned. 6.9 in particular is where it got me. That shit was crushing. As someone that struggles with anger, I admire Danny for keeping as collected as he did given the circumstance. He really does love her, and it's awful that Taylor's gotten so deep into things so quickly that she just can't be honest with him. Not until he knows what she is, and what she does. I thought Danny and Taylor's relationship was going in a healthy direction, after the incident in the mall, but I think that was just far too wishful thinking, with how everything was going to play out. ..Conversely, it looks like Taylor is figuring herself out. Writing that letter I think finally helped her analyse what she was doing, what she cared about, and what she wanted-- contextualized after finally learning about Coil and his intentions, and everything she and The Undersiders'd been through up until now. It was a powerful moment-- burning it especially. And maybe my favorite ending to an arc so fa-- Oh! Wait! There's an interlude! This is horrifying! It sure didn't shy down from takes about law and justice! The idea of a Rogue is interesting, and one I didn't even consider in the context of the world just yet. Apparently, the world's still working on that front, too. 'Making an example' of someone in a legal context is terrifying enough. That example being that the use of powers in any altercation, if you aren't grinning and willing to be part of the governments personal army of upholding the status quo, is LIFE IMPRISONMENT IN THE MONSTER DUNGEON-- like, fuck. If this is the system Heroes are defending, it's a little bit beyond muddied good and evils, it's a swamp.
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Here is a bisexual Newter as a treat for making it this far among my ramblings. (thank you, mischievious magpie.) I'm sorry that they're so -rambly-! I had a lot of thoughts, and couldn't even get all of them down! Like, here's a few more bonus-thoughts: -The way Taylor via Newter-poison fucking owned Lung was rad as hell! - This!
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But, yeah. I just wanted to get this out so I could keep going this evening, and on my walk. I'll stop again at 7.4-ish, and write my thoughts so this doesn't happen again. I certainly won't do more than an arc at a time. Az out!
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creation-help · 1 year
I just picked pretty randomly
8. Who has the worst luck?
20. How self-confident is your characters?
86. Is your character’s fear reaction to fight, flight, or freeze?
142. Do any of your characters use wheelchairs, transportation devices, or mobility aids?
163: Are any of your characters autistic? (If so, do they have special interests and what are they?)
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The oc sharing blog gets an ask about it's ocs?? Oh oh, *quickly straightens out and knocks over some boxes as I gather my shit* oh yes, yes sure! Also thank you one million times for including the actual questions too mwah mwah (psst my art blog -> @grokebaby is where you'll find more stuff) (Also I talk alot so this'll be long lol)
Worst luck? - I feel like I could put several here unfortunately but let's go with. Larry? Small asshole Larry. I'll pick one character per question to keep it more focused
Larry (any pronouns) - shapeshifter who tried to Among Us their way into one of hell's districts, one which is ran and constructed exactly like a dank soulless office bc what's more torturous than that? It tried to disguise itself as the high judgement (leader of the district, a judge)'s secondhand man but got busted pretty quickly bc, obviously, you'd know your second hand well enough to tell. The judge, Delilah is a giant centipede demon and took Larry to the rooftop for some "interrogation" (aka several mock executions and dropping him off the roof just to catch him again in order to scare him, breaking at least one limb, tossing him around ect ect). Larry fessed up quickly and it's revealed that he's here by their "boss" to steal something valuable from the high judgement. If it returns empty handed, Larry will be killed bc this is their last chance to prove themself to their boss. So not being able to return, Larry is hired to work menial labor as punishment here and that is what they're still up to, to this day. He also has a shapeshifting ban, obviously. Miserable little guy and also a huge dick.
How self confident? - I'll talk about Jalo with this one bc I don't talk about her enough <3 she's a transformers (prime) oc, a big ol soldier who loves to punch people. During a war she was upgraded and modified, and with already being naturally strong and also having learnt fighting, she's. Let's say very hard to beat.. She's not egotistical, more like, so ultra secure in her own ability that doubting herself or being humble simply does not cross her mind. She's not a show off either but won't decline a challenge or a duel. She's hard to anger or upset, and most of her motivation to do things is "This is too boring I'm outta here" or "Nice, this is fun and cool!". She's a jock. A meathead, basically. She doesn't care if you're a war criminal but if you're boring or overly uptight she doesn't like you. She doesn't care about crimes, she's just here to vibe and have a good time. For better or for worse. She's not malicious or destructively rash (well the latter sometimes maybe), just doesn't really care if somethings not interesting enough. Her confidence is less bragging and moreso believing that her superiority is just a fact of life, as true as water is wet.
Fear reaction fight flight or freeze? - I'll talk about Hysteria (she/shriek). Shrieks fear reaction is kinda all of them simultaneously? Lol. For context Hysteria has powers to make things explode and fall apart, and to make people extremely anxious and panicky around her. Hysteria herself is also always at least a bit uneasy and very easily becomes upset or distraught over the smallest things. So in a sudden fear situation, shriek freezes, while her powers fight, and then a moment later shriek flees. Often all three happen in any stressful situation Hysteria is in. The order or duration of the reactions can vary but most usually the fight reaction always occurs bc Hysterias powers can be triggered way too easily and shri has to always make sure to keep it down and contained bc it gets dangerous really fast. Don't startle this entity for fun, it'll be bad for everybody
Wheelchairs or mobility aids ect? - Aalto from the Dissing order (group the prev character is in)! She uses a wheelchair on land bc she basically has a mermaid tail kind of situation. I've also went into detail Here, about her other disability aids. Xerxes, one of the three high judgements, uses his staff as a cane. He has regular canes too but he's extremely fond of his staff and also, you never know when you might be challenged to a duel, so. He needs the aid for his hip problems, he can't stand up or sit down (very well at least), or walk on uneven terrain without a cane. Mostly bc he's older by now and also built up damage from the various battles he's been to. Can't think of anyone else in particular rn, at least not ones I've mentioned on the internet before
Any of them autistic + special interest? - Alot of them are ND in some way but bc I personally haven't been able to fit into any one diagnosis, this also reflects on my ocs. To list some examples of ocs who are somewhere on the spectrum (or intended to be):
-All the angel/demon hybrid kids Meredith, Mihail and Gabriel (I've been trying to portray all of them as either ADHD or autistic or both but since they're not humans, the way neurology would work is different so I haven't outright made any statements)
-Janice from the Dissing order, I may have mentioned she's autistic but if not, she is. Her special interests revolve around medical equipment and certain kinds of diseases. She experiences/engages in object personification and treats her medical equipment like coworkers to an extent. At the end of the day she'll have a little ritual of organizing them and putting them away properly, and she sorta refers to this as tucking them in for a good night's sleep :] she nor the equipment can be "done" for the day if she doesn't do this.
-Relatedly, Janice's wife Temperance. She's ND and Idk if this would be relevant to put here since it's not about autism but I still wanted to mention bc it's personally very meaningful to me. Temperance has a compulsive disorder and it manifests in many ways, most of which are sensory. She hates touching coarse, or flakey and dry things and will always have her hands or feet protected when she's out and about. Some of her soothing behaviors include rubbing her face up and down, rubbing her hands and arms (usually by applying a soothing gel on herself), and in more serious cases just cocooning herself into a tight wrap where she can be tucked away from the world and anything triggering.
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unhingedknifeplay · 1 year
O no by by about u 24-34 I meant:
Was it about anyone other than your lover?
What was the last fantasy about?
Have you ever fantasized about someone older/younger than you? How much older/younger?
Have you ever told any of these people that you fantasize about them?
Do you have a favorite person or few people to fantasize about?
How often do you fantasize about other people?
Have you ever showered with someone?
Have you ever confessed you were aroused by someone?
kinda outta order but whatever. Also I double dog dare you to send any mutual you've fantasized about a message/ask/anon with the fantasy
Oh god, okay yeah, this'll be a long one lmao
24. Have you ever had a sexual fantasy about someone? Already answered this one obvs, but yeah, all the fucking time!
25. Was it about anyone other than your lover? Yeahhhh. Like, in my current relationship at least I'm genuinely happy, so most of the fantasies I have are about them. But the rest are largely about a few other irl people or the several INCREDIBLY hot mutuals from tumblr.
26. What was the last fantasy about? I'm on a call with my bf right now and he's in the most PAINFULLY hot makeup I've ever seen him wear, and I've been thinking the entire time about how much I want to ruin it and rape his perfect little throat while I get to feel him crying and struggling against the cock stuffed down his throat.
27. Have you ever fantasized about someone older/younger than you? How much older/younger? For sure! I've always been the young one of my friends until like 2 years ago, as they were all like 24-30 when I was 18, so that was definitely a thing lmao. And then of course there's [REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED], when I was younger ya know?
28. Have you ever told any of these people that you fantasize about them? Oh i've definitely told some of them. Not all, because I used to be a lot more reserved about my feelings and hroniness!
29. Do you have a favorite person or few people to fantasize about? YEAH. My boyfriend is the big one obviously, but a few mutuals on here have at least recently been massive sources of some fantasies for me. And 2 other friends (who happen to be my exes as well lmao) are very very aware of how much i fantasize about them.
30. How often do you fantasize about other people? All the time. Constantly. Every day. Most moments. Yep.
31. Have you ever showered with someone? Yeah, it's overrated, slippery and very very hard to get any good footing for anything sexual to happen. It's fun for like.. 5 minutes? But it's a thousand times more tiring than normal sex lmao (I've only ever had shower/bath combos, i'd imagine in a standing shower it'd be really fucking nice. Someone help me do more research :3)
32. Have you ever confessed you were aroused by someone? Nowhere near as much as i should've, but yeah! Especially since joining tumblr i've been pretty open about the insane levels of hroni i've had for mutuals. And also like, getting a partner who's actually.. interested in me physically and doesn't act bleh about me has made me a thousand times more confident.
33. Are you open about your sex-life and sexuality? Massively so. A lot of people think it's to way too much of a degree, but i will always be of the opinion that my sex life and sexuality are far too much of an important part of myself for me to feel comfortable or even mentally able to keep any of that hidden. I am open and un-ashamed about.. I think almost everything i do and am into.
34. Do you orgasm easily? Answered this one as well, but the tldr is no, sadly. Reee citalopram and sertraline for 1 and 2 years go brrrrrrr
And i for sure will accept that dare lmao, i'll just take my time writing out the detailed and in depth fantasies i've had about 2 specific mutuals a lot in the last few days/weeks lmao
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Ghostly Campfires Au
Characters relationships with each other
Will - Johnathan
They're quite close!... And there wasn't many other ghosts to talk to, so they kinda had to be.
Mike - Nancy
They don't talk often, especially outside of camp. Nancy being there is the main reason Mike's attending camp- but it's not like he'd ever tell her that. They miss each other and get on each other's nerves, but they try to talk when they can.
Steve - Robin
Telling each other almost everything- and knowing things about the other they were technically never told, -the two are really close. With their frequent meaningless competitions, they might even fit the PLAYFUL RIVALRIES category.
Steve - Dustin
Steve basically adopted Dustin the second they met, and Dustin accepts that. Dustin tells him nerd shit and Steve pretends to understand. But yeah, they've probably committed crime together.
Eddie - Chrissy
Sure, Eddie was scared as all hell the second he saw a motherfucking GHOST, but she quickly calmed him down. It was still scary. Even though that incident happened, the two got kinda close.
Dustin - Lucas - Mike
Childhood friends, and it doesn't look like their friendship is gonna change any time soon. Oh yeah and they communicate feelings more and are overall nicer to each other than whatever canon them have going on.
Eddie - Dustin
Ah yes, Dustin's other father. Dustin keeps being adopted. He also thinks Eddie is cool as shit so that's nice. These two have also probably committed crime together.
Max - Eleven
Max had a crush on El at one point, but it didn't last long (and she never even acted on it). They have a lot of fun together, El teaches Max how to do some various arts and crafts-type activities and Max teaches El easy ways to shoplift. It's a good trade.
Max - Lucas
Lucas says nerd shit and Max is only HALF pretending to understand! They've also written stories together!
Nancy - Johnathan
They both had a crush on the other at one point. They both know this and actively make fun of the other for it. They're chill about it and genuinely just find it funny, they're just friends and that's not gonna change.
Chrissy - Nancy
Another two that could be put in the PLAYFUL RIVALRY section. They're both very kind to each other, but jokingly insult each other at least twice a day. Neither of them are actually hurt by it, and it's not even a genuine insult that could actually hurt the others feelings, even if said seriously.
Eddie - Will
I'm giving yall the "Eddie meets Will and instantly takes him under his wing" yall wanted before s4v2. Eddie adopts Will a little too.
Dustin - Will
Both because Eddie's Will-Adoption and because of how close Mike and Will are, Dustin's gotten pretty close with him too! They talk about nerd shit together. Dustin keeps him updated on shows Will can't watch because he's kinda busy hiding in a forest and being a ghost.
I'm not 100% sure these are going to be in this, just concepts. You're welcome gays.
Mike - Will
So yall know the part in season 4 when Mike says he loved El ever since that moment he found her in the woods? Just realized I accidentally had that happen but with Will this time, and with a ghost instead of someone with psychic abilities. Mike has a type I guess. Anyway Mike met Will and they started hanging out a lot, Mike not even noticing he likes Will for the longest time and Will pining for months.
Steve - Eddie
Gay fathers. Light rivalry and homoerotic tension. Yall remember that one time Eddie pinned Steve to a wall with a bottle at his throat? Because shit like that might happen (far more jokingly) and I swear if it happens one more time we can get Steve out of the questioning step. it's 100% valid to be in the questioning portion of queerness but guys trust me this'll work-
Robin - Nancy
Robin saw ghosts and the panic was only 70% due to queerness, which is new for her! Robin thinks Nancy is cool and amazing, Nancy thinks Robin is awkward as hell but in an endearing, cute way.
Steve - Johnathan (?)
Nobody's 100% sure if it's a playful rivalry. Steve's competitive in general, Johnathan not so much, but Johnathan is still extremely competitive against Steve. Either they don't like each other or they're REALLY good at doing whatever bit this is, because WOW everyone's confused. Steve actually knew Johnathan before he died, and just thought he moved away or something. (Johnathan also slightly caused Steve's sexuality crisis.)
Will - Eleven
They're great friends, just make little competitive games to do when bored. Far less of a rivalry than whatever Steve and Johnathan have going on.
Nancy - Will
Nancy spent quite a bit of her time making sure Will wouldn't be lonely or sad due to the whole ghost thing and lack of people to talk to, so they'd play a lot of games against each other, quickly forming a rivalry. Never play any competitive game with them.
Steve - Lucas
Lucas is one of the stronger kids, so Steve ends up doing quite a bit of more physical activities with him, which means a lot of sports. They do competitive sport things idk I don't do sports.
Mike - Robin
The two weren't really close before the camp fully met the ghosts, their conversations mainly just being Robin letting Mike rant about his interests- and literally whatever he wanted to rant about, because boy does Robin know what that's like. Though, the two got much closer after they all met the ghosts and Mike noticed Robin's queer panic caused by Nancy. Mike then asked about it, and continued to (lovingly/p) make fun of her.
So there's that I guess.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
hello, i just found your monsters and magic au and from what i've seen its super cool! i'll definitely be reading 'make every moment last' once summer hits, for sure (its a bit long and i kinda wanna read it all in one go). dunno if this'll be spoilers, but do you think you could give a bit of info on the phantom thieves? you mentioned that everyone besides like 3 of them were human, which seems to have changed from the iterations in the post that listed all of their species. and also whats up with reaper ryuji? curious to know about those choices, and hoping you can shed some light! have a nice day! (ps: i also really really like minato's clock eye, its so cool and i may have to steal that idea for an oc of my own djfhjdfhk)
I'm glad you like it! The last chapter of Make Every Moment Last should be up on June 30th, so it should be ready for a nice binge for the summer.
And the stuff with the Phantom Thieves isn't spoilers at all, I promise. I think there might be a small mix-up. Because they live in a heavily human populated area, a majority of the Phantom Thieves are at least part-human. I probably should edit the list, but for clarity:
Both of Ren's parents are witches, so he's a full-blooded witch.
Morgana is... Morgana.
Ryuji is a reaper/shinigami. It's implied that this comes from his father, as in P5 he has to learn to control his abilities from an outside source. This person is also the one who gave Ryuji his disguise charm to hide his reaper traits.
Instead of 3/4 American, Ann is 3/4 Demon and 1/4 human. Her father is half-human.
I talk about this more in a separate post, but Yusuke's kitsune blood and powers come from his father. His mother was a human woman.
Makoto actually was born human. After an accident took her life, a friend of Sae's reached out to help. As a result, Makoto was kind of... resurrected. Like Frankenstein. This is something that's highly illegal to do on purpose. (there's one instance where it was on accident. we'll get to that later, but for now it's spoilers. let's just say it's how sae's friend figured out that there was a way to bring back the dead.) So, Makoto is a zombie. There's a lot of lore involved with that.
Futaba is... I got inspired by Necronomicon for this. Wakaba was some kind of eldritch being that Futaba constantly writes off as "sea monster" as to not freak people out. Her father was human, whomever he may be. This all depends on your headcanons, honestly.
Haru's father is a vampire, but her mother wasn't. Technically speaking, that makes her something called a dhampir but details. This does come into play with how I write out her Awakening scene.
Akechi plays things off like he's a full-blooded witch, much like Ren. However, since Shido is human in this AU, that's not true. The fact that Akechi is half-human is something that he hates and he thinks makes him weaker. So, unlike Ren who was predisposed to magic and natural talent, Akechi had to work and study hard to get as strong as he is by the time P5 rolls around. There's... There's a bit more that I do with Akechi, but uh... spoilers.
Sumire (and by extension, Kasumi as well) are both full-blooded fae. Both of their parents are fae, specifically flora fae. So their magic has a lot to do with plants and the like. I hint at Sumire's true identity by having her only able to use her powers to grow violets for the longest time. Her magic knows the truth, even if she refuses to acknowledge it.
I actually have yet to figure out what Sophia is. I don't know if I'm gonna keep her as an AI or have things get much darker with her being a spirit trapped in the digital world.
And obviously, Zenkichi is a werewolf. His codename is Wolf. How could I not do that? The only issue is, up until the Kyoto Jail, he has no idea. So it's a fun thing to play around with.
As for Ryuji, he originally was supposed to be the Phantom Thieves' team werewolf! I changed it, however, when Strikers came out and I started playing it. I thought that it would make more sense for the werewolf to be the person who's codename was Wolf.
The reason why Ryuji is a reaper now is actually because of Captain Kidd and the whole skeleton vibe going on. Since the undead are rather rare (and only vampires are legal, we aren't allowed to raise the dead), an immediate skeleton was out of the question. That's how I landed on reaper instead. It gives him a chance to have badass powers, too, to use in combat.
And besides, there's already one reaper in the overall Persona cast in P2. Why not have another?
If we're being honest, I completely forget the original reason that mark was included on Minato's eye. I think I just wanted a cool design element to make him stand out from his canon counterpart, and it ended up playing into the lore of the story.
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hazystroll · 4 years
So I've been listening to Rain covered by Mafumafu (which is originally sang by Sekai no Owari) and am aspired to write a songfic bout it (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
do note that this'll be a miscellaneous pairing but let's see if I could note down what I had in mind whilst writing this at the end of the post!
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幸せなような 涙が出そうな
This is just like happiness but feels like my tears is flowing out
I wonder, what is this feeling?
(I ask), as I woke from a dream of a rainfall,
with tears that have gotten dry on my cheeks.
"(B)-san, you're spacing up again," said a person sitting across to the called up young male. It's not so often people reprimanded him for sequestering before he himself does. "You're good?"
It felt frustrating to have himself being picked out, he must admit, "Don't mind me, kindly presume." —it hurt the pride a bit.
"But (B)-san, you're shedding tears!"
Beforehand, he never thought how tardy his mind could get him. He thought he'll do better than this. "Hm? Is that so?" checking upon himself, there do exist several scants of salty water on both of his delicate cheeks.
"If you're not feeling pretty well, I think it'll be safe to say that today's study might be enough as it is," the second boy said, slightly leaning towards his opposite side of the table where (B) sat across.
"I wonder if that'll do the day enough," (B) replies him; pinning his arm on one side of his now not-so-damped cheek. "Didn't you ask me for a studying session at the onset?"
"I'll ask you for another day if today's been ill for you."
"Heh, bold of you to assume I have pretty enough time for you," scribble scribble, he started to dance the pen grace atop of the book with several question marks served before him now that he knows his consciousness wouldn't betray him for another time today.
".....you should've had an equestrian private class by this time, didn't you?"
"Then again, I think it's fine to skip a class for once, I always wanted to try it," he eschewed the hindrance, not even sure what to tell to express his storm, as well as almost finishing the equation (A) enquired him while he was spacing out.
The smaller boy falter back to his original seat, having a faint, minuscule clue to comprehend. "Recently you've been abating your tense, does that have any relations to this?"
'What a curious little head', the taller boy muttered to himself. "Are you here to intrude one's seclusion too or what?"
—oh, his bad. It wasn't meant to sound that harsh.
"I was asking nicely, though. If there's anything, at least perhaps I could help."
"You're shamefully certain with that," he paused as he's circling the end of the long formula he's been writing before. "To think that this turned out as a downfall session, I ought to dismiss myself. Take care."
He finished his duty for the queries and stood, walking away with no words aftermath leaving the guilty significance with the deafening hues of the heliac's afternoon grace.
"(B)-san, wait, I—"
Was it too late?
真っ白な夜に 遠くを走る汽車の影
In the pure white night, the shadow of the train running in the distance,
passing by leaving both of us with the silence.
Day to day, life's been making jokes on him recently. Seven of the evening now, and the father has just texted him his chauffeur sir is picking up his whomever-it-is niece?
Surely, a 'You'll do fine going home by yourself, wouldn't you?' has exploit his temper like a cherry on top, but sadly he's worn enough to do any dumb act of expression; even walking sounds more troublesome than ever now. Better serves the old man sire right next time, then.
A railway, of course. The lamp sign isn't broken, right? A train wouldn't suddenly appear from the corner, ready to send him to join the cult of souls, right? Ding dong, ding dong, rest assured, 'he'll be fine', he assured himself.
Has this district always been this quiet? Even footsteps that's changing pace into a running one from a distance could vividly be heard.
Wait, footsteps? who's behind him?
The lone youth peeks his left, seeing nothing before the tap on his right shoulder making him stock still along with a train passing by, unnoticed ahead of time. "(B), I haven't seen you for several days. Is our school ground that spacious?"
The tone he knows become unimaginably low he thought he's in trouble. It's on his right.........right?
They trade each other's gaze few moments until the sound of the echoing train could be faintly be heard ever again, as one of them fell into consideration.
"(A), I swear I'm throwing you just before that train the second time you're doing that."
"Pardon, I just thought I wouldn't catch up on you if weren't to do that."
"Tell your business this instant."
"I don't have any."
"It's late enough to clown around, (A)."
"It's actually nothing but simplicity," the shorter male rummages his bag, smiling a bit as if he's glad the male before him would like to appreciate his presence. "Grandmother made me a few charm, would you like to take one as a gratitude for five days ago?"
"No." —or not. Seems like he's not keenly fond of it yet. "Life will revolves as it is with or without it around me. Why would I?"
Another sound of a train could be heard. The pregnant silence has took a quite moment, now that the long mech has already passed its way already; leaving them with nothing but a deem to each other's scrutiny.
"If you're giving me nothing but that pity worth look, you're wasting my rest time, congratulations." Mercilessly, he whomst been offered a kindness left, again.
"Oh, believe me, I couldn't really care how's the world will do you," the young (A's last name) is catching up again, wouldn't really give a thorough business of the upcoming consequences. "But I'm leaving this heartful omen guardian on that hands of yours, regardless." —but he managed, unlike the other time, it isn't him the one who's get left behind.
And just like that, he merges his steps counterway with no intention of making the slight niggled guy talks back.
Something new within the stance of two silences, huh....?
逃げ出したいような 心踊るような
it feels like I want to run away, it feels as if my heart is dancing
I wonder, what's the name of this feeling?
The times when I turn my face away from the mirror,
it already feels like a long, long time ago
'He's messing with my head.'
That (A's last name), is this what they call sorcery of the innocency?
Enough of this. As if he's one worth of importance. Certainly he has greater deeds on his to-do list, and none of them associates with the chants of that young male's surroundings.
Truth unfold, the lingering feeling did felt great; rejuvenating. A wholesome aid after weeks of tyranny he wouldn't even dare to complain for the sake of what he strives until present from his long chronicle.
But that's it, no more going lulled unless he wants to get himself dulled.
"If there's anything I can help, then please let me! You're concerning, to be less said."
Ridiculous. Now his voice rings as if they're crystal clear.
"(B's full name), it's not a joke."
A joke......?
"What are you doing here?"
He thought the class has died minutes ago?
"I'm personally not sure, but it seems like an unfinished notion brought me here today," (A) replies, not tagging his tender trademark along. Why though?
"I recommend you to stop barging into a 'mere friend's businesses. Not everyone is pleased by that, I believe?"
"Do you really think few spits of you generously giving off your time tutoring me just only got us as a stranger?" young (A's last name) asked (B)'s query back. "—what happened to your dignity that only serves only the person of your ought? I'm not being jested around, aren't I?"
Dear Luna, (B's last name) thought it wouldn't be anywhere near this. He miscalculated the impressions.
"Those minor gestures, tone shift? It is as if I'm studying you more than my lessons if they keep on appearing in front of me!"
Is the tricker being tricked? It was never intended to be this grave. Where was the tranquil atmosphere of brief salvation he originally yearned?
"It's a period here, (A). You'll proceed nothing but only vain to feed that forsaken meddling."
where the rainbow spreads in the sky
I won't forget, on a rainy day like this, we gazed into the sky together
Then in a sudden, a downpour arrives like a thunder in the midday, coating the radius within with fluids and humidity.
the rainbow will vanish soon, but the rain will keep nurturing the plants
そうだ 次の雨の日のために 傘を探しに行こう
Yes, on the next rainy day let's look for an umbrella together.
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