#I'm not even lying folks I've been through them all
chloreen · 3 months
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Don't forget about the 8 stages of break-up. 1. Tragic couch-potato (resignation) 2. Extra-dramatic gossip girl (sharing) 3. Surprisingly well-dressed psychopath (anger) 4. One step away from playing the Joker (pure madness) 5. Darren Aronofsky audition (cathartic meltdown) 6. Imaginary Starbucks barista (conversation with your subconscious) 7. Cool bitch (ignoring your ex to their face) 8. Passive-aggressive Teddy bear (talking it through)
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Separatist-apologist lore beneath the cut
I dropped out of college when I was 19 and when I decided to go back, I had two kids. I was undeclared and I felt old despite still being in my 20s. I had a scholarship which required me to do daytime classes with all of the brand new 18 year olds and I felt wildly out of place. Before that, I'd been staying at home raising my kids while their dad worked and a lot of people thought wanting to return to the workforce was a mistake, so there was this immense pressure to succeed where I'd once failed.
The problem was not knowing what I wanted to do. All I really cared about was history and domestic violence and as far as I knew, there was no good career path that combined those things, and so I signed up for four random classes that had nothing to do with each other. One of them was called Serial Killers in America which was taught by a former police officer. Another was introduction to psychology, taught by a social worker.
I was sitting in the Serial Killer class one morning, way in the back where no one paid me any attention, when the professor (former cop, remember) began telling a story about being called to a house for domestic violence and I remember looking up at her as she said that too often, these things are a "he said, she said," and they're usually both lying.
And it just ignited something angry in my stomach. I was looking for an advisor since I'd been undeclared and I turned that day to the psych professor and asked if she'd fill out my form to be my advisor. As she was, I told her what the other professor said and how much it bothered me and she asked me what I wanted to do. So I told her, and she asked if I'd ever considered social work.
So began six years of perfectionism and the single-minded goal of getting my masters degree and working in the field as a licensed social worker. I remember my first day in orientation at grad school, someone asked if anyone knew where they wanted to be in 5 years. I was the only person who raised their hand. I knew where I wanted to be.
And for the last three years, I got to live that dream. The good, the bad, the horrible- all of it was mine. And today I pack up this office I've worked in for the last three years because its all over. The work was always good and I'm proud of what I've done. I've published papers, I've sat in state-wide commissions, I've talked to legislators, I've presented at conferences and I've trained a new generation of advocates who feel the same passion I do.
It's no secret that people who work in this field are typically survivors themselves. Something about surviving it turns people into advocates, whether they meant to be or not. And often they manage to make it out of the metaphorical burning building, turn around, and decide they need to go back inside to try and get others. The amount of people I've talked to who say, "I want other people to know they're not alone and they can get through this," is numerous. It makes you optimistic, it makes it impossible to ignore the good in humanity even when you're faced with some of the worst people/circumstances you'll ever encounter.
And despite all the petty office politics, a system designed (sometimes purposefully) to make leaving difficult, and state legislators who push back every inch of progress we ever made, I will miss it. The work was always good. I'm proud of the things I did individually for folks, of the amount of times I got to tell someone they did nothing wrong, that they deserved safety and respect.
These three years have been the best and worst of my life, but the work was always good. I will always be in it, will always be standing beside the ghost of my childhood self, offering her a hand and a voice and I think if I accomplished nothing else, at least I did that.
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semiweirdshipper · 7 months
Things are changing.
Hey ya'll. It's been more than a hot minute since I've posted or updated any of my slasher stories, and I'm gonna explain why.
Things are changing. Ever since I moved across the country, I've noticed that I'm changing. My personality is blooming, and I'm becoming more confident and happy with myself. And I've started to realize just how much I've lied to you guys. The truth is that I've never been that happy in the slasher fandom. (I've explained this before in a vent post) And while I appreciate your support, there's nothing that can change the fact that I'm a non-binary asexual in a female dominant fandom that thrives off of sexual content. I feel lonely and different-different in a bad, hated way. I don't enjoy bdsm, I don't find the killers attractive and I don't write them in canon. It's just hard being a part of something that you don't really enjoy the way 99% of the rest of the fandom does.
I've tried to push through because I love and appreciate my fans and followers. I acted happy, I pretended to enjoy what I wrote, and I even tried writing smut. But I'm tired of lying and I'm tired of pretending to be happy. It's time to change.
I've never shared much about myself with you guys even though there were times I really wanted to. I kept my opinions to myself and I kept my feelings locked up. Some folks have treated me like a walking suitcase of trauma while others act like I'm too intimidating to talk to. And that's not what I want. I don't want you guys to think of me as just a traumatized writer. I want you to know me as 'me'.
Madie. Your Weirdo.
I'm going to start being more open and honest. For a moment, I was just gonna fade into darkness and never return to this account, but my other Tumblr account is teaching me something: being myself instead of who other people want me to be makes me happy. On that account I've made opinions, I've made fan theories, I've ranted and I've just goofed off for the fun of it- all things that I've never really done on this account even when I really wanted to.
What I'm trying to get at is the fact that I don't wanna give up on my slasher account or any of my friends and followers. I want to change by being more open and honest. And if being myself isn't enough... Then I guess we'll know that I'm truly not meant to be here. I gotta admit, I'm terrified of how you guys will treat me when you realize that I'm more goofy and immature than you previously thought.
But that's who I am. And I really hope that, by being who I really am, then maybe I'll be happy enough to stay here.
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findafight · 10 months
R/nance shippers are some of the first to scream homophobia/lesbophobia if you disagree with them or point out the Steve of it all, but they're the first in line to vilify Vickie, a canonically sapphic character, because she gets in the way of their ship.
It's so silly tbh. Like the ship someone likes (that doesn't erase a character's sexuality) has any say on whether or not some is/isn't homophobic.
Everybody loves pure of heart, dumb of ass and lesbian friendship until that lesbian loves her bff more than the possibility of a romantic relationship lol.
And yep. I think this is the first time I've seen a fandom vilify a female character that's a canon love interest who is getting in the way of a non canon gay ship when the gay ship is also two women. Claiming she has no personality when we see her have a similar sense of humour to Robin and Steve, like a movie Steve likes, get a bit nervous talking to a cute girl and rambling a bit, breaking up with her boyfriend because he refused to stay and help their hometown after a natural disaster. She's loyal and funny and brave. She's not the same as Robin, she does have a personality, (saying she doesn't have one and then also saying saying she's just a copy of Robin shifted to the left is also sus like.. what do they think of Robin, then?) And the fact that Vickie is canonically wlw!! Bi queen!!!
Something about it feels hinky to me. Especially when some people insisting Nancy is a lesbian do it. Now, that is a fine and reasonable HC, but acting like her relationships with men, regardless of her actual attraction to them, meant nothing to her is also not it. She chose those relationships, and while it may have been comphet, they still mattered to her? They were still people she trusted and was close to. (Honestly, exploring how those were still meaningful to her but the romantic/sexual aspects were not what she wanted from life/realizing she's gay could be interesting.)
It mostly boils down to folks valuing Romo ships above any other significant relationships, and that if it wasn't romantic and there wasn't sexual attraction, then obviously it didn't mean anything. And also possibly biphobia (especially concerning Vickie!)
I'm fine with people shipping different things, ship and let ship, I can avoid things I don't like, but acting like Steve is an irrelevant part of both Nancy and Robin's lives mischaracterizes all three of them, and saying that it would be a non issue makes it boring. At least be interesting with it! I'm not even saying Steve would have a problem with it, but that Robin would because while Steve can downplay how hurt he was by Nancy, and blame himself, Robin would at least see how bad the relationship ended and wouldn't want to rub salt in that wound. I think Steve would be more worried about Nancy hurting Robin and/or lying about how much the relationship means to her than he would be hurt, through he would have every right to be. After all, he most likely doesn't know he was cheated on, but he does know Nancy said she loved him when she didn't.
It's one of those ships that makes waaaay more sense if it's at least five years from canon (and even then it doesn't make sense to me unless it's reconnecting, because I don't see Nancy staying close to anyone in Hawkins once she gets out).
Everybody has their headcanon etc, but I think fandom is much more fun when there's a balance and Romo ships aren't prioritized over platonic ones, especially platonic ones that are canonically incredibly important to the characters
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bitchfitch · 2 months
The town called Starfall looked exactly like every other Tago had passed through since escaping and that made his scales chafe. A sandy main road lined with businesses preying on the ranch hands of the surrounding lands. A sky that never held clouds. An energy of everyone distrusting the outsider amongst them even as they smiled and welcomed him to open his wallet in this boot shop or that inn.
It was to be his home for however long it took for him to be chased out again. Coco, his dear mare, deserved a stable to call her own after all she'd been through getting him here.
There'd been a stranger in town for a week now and no one thought to warn Whiskey about it. That had them getting short with every patron that they knew had met the new snake in their midst. Whiskey may not be elected like the mayor or sheriff, but there was no denying that Starfall was Their town. They were who it was named after, if anyone cares.
Sure, people didn't Usually need to tell them when a stranger was passing through, but the snake had hidden himself so fully it wasn't until their daddy sent him to drop off a cart of new stock that they even knew he existed.
He was tall. Whiskey didn't like that. What's a man need to be that tall for? Scaled with eyes like a cottonmouth, snake inside and out this one. And he wore a thick rag tied around the lower half of his face and another over the top of his head, his hat holding it in place and making it look like long hair from a distance. Whiskey didn't like that either. What's he hiding?
He's hiding a lot that is. Whiskey could tell you every little thought that happened in this town, but this snake? Not a single hint as to what was going on in that bald head. They could feel the outline of his mind like coils wrapped around a rat so they knew he Had one. They just didn't get to see it.
It didn't help one bit that the snake stared. The entire time Whiskey was counting over the stock of bottles and jars to make sure this "Tago" fellow didn't pocket anything he just stared at them. Kept his head down so his eyes were in the shade.
"Uh, my apologies. I was only told one of y'all's name..." he finally drawled out. He had a nice voice, Whiskey didn't like that.
"It's Whiskey, Whiskey Rivers," they responded using both of their mouths. He should know they were only one person even if they weren't connected. If he weren't guarded against them he wouldn't have even had to ask such an awkward question.
"Both of you- uh- I uh, I've never met twins with the same name," he scratched the back of his neck, "Tis nice name. I get why your folks would use it twice?"
""We" aren't twins. I'm Whiskey. That's me too," they pointed to themselves dismissively. "Whatcha take from this?"
"Nothing Ma'am- I mean Sir I mean-"
"Just Whiskey is fine."
"Nothing Whiskey. I'm real grateful to your father for giving me work, I'm not stealing anything from you all."
They eyed him up. They didn't like not being able to see in his head one bit.
"What's wrong with you?"
"I asked, what's wrong with you? There's something going on no hiding it. I can tell you aren't right. Anyone else? I can see inside their head no problem, but You? It's like youve got nothing. I can't tell if you're lying or telling the truth."
Tago wilted the entire time they spoke. his polite and straight posture curling and getting tense as he finally looked away.
"Nothing I did. Promise. I don't know what would cause it. My adopted mother, she was a witch. Must've done something to me," he rambled. "I got to go, just let me unhitch Coco and I'll be out your hair."
"Mhh -hmm. Get," Whiskey kept an eye on him the entire time he got his horse free from their daddy's cart. He moved quick and it made his jacket ride up just enough to flash the handle of the shiny revolver he had tucked in his pants.
"What a man like you need a gun like that for?"
"Uh-" his hand went to pull his jacket back over it, "It was a gift. I'm a good shot. I promise I don't mean to start any trouble in your town."
"Let me guess. You don't mean to start nothing but trouble finds you anyway?"
"Yeah, something like that..."
The next time Whiskey saw that Tago fellow he was being true to his word, at least.
It wasn't that trouble had a tendency to find Tago, more so it was that trouble is hunting him down to collect on a bounty no amount of begging for his life could match.
Today trouble looked like two of the ranch owners spotting him while he was walking down to the Starfall Saloon to drop off a gift for Whiskey on behalf of their daddy.
The two men didn't make their approach subtle. Tago could have pulled Missy out of where he kept her holstered and ended the encounter before it began, but he was liking his life here too damn much. Maybe he was mishearing them. maybe he wasn't the snake faced motherfucker they were looking for. Maybe he could make it to the saloon before they worked up their courage.
He walked faster, kept his shoulders straight. The soft blue painted doors were in his sight. No fighting on the saloon, Whiskey may not like him, but they seemed the sort to not let their rules be crossed.
Rapid steps behind him and then a shock of pain through his jaw as he was tackled through the saloon doors. Tago managed to stop his fall, but the impact with the floor sent a knife of agony up his bad arm. He twisted in the grip around him. Instinct more than active thought driving him to snap at the face of his assailant. His fangs closed around nothing but his own face cover. The rancher having pulled back in time to avoid a lethal bite. Tago's head wrang as the brute knocked his head back against the wood boards with a mighty strike. His knuckles bruising the skin under Tago's scales.
"What do you lot think you're doing!?" Whiskey was there. Both of their halves grabbing the brave rancher by the back of his shirt and hauling him off Tago like he weighed nothing. "What's my one rule Steve? It's no fighting in my damn saloon."
They shoved him back, Tago couldn't pick his head up to watch. The room was spinning bad enough to make him feel like he was back in his home river getting whipped along by hidden currents.
"There's a bounty on that one worth a 100 head herd-"
"And do that mean you get to break my rule? No. Out! Stevenson you too, I want to see none of either of you until you learn your damn manners."
One half of them, the one Tago had mistaken for a man, comes to bend over him, their nighttime black eyes squinted as they tried to decide what to do with him while the lady half dealt with the ranchers.
Tago's head was too fuzzy to put two thoughts together, but he'd come here for a reason dammit. He reached into his jacket to pull the small, slightly crushed, parcel he'd been sent to deliver. Holding it up to them as his vision started to go grey.
"Y-your d-daddy sends h-his regards."
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dreamties · 8 months
Sissy Slaughter W/ an S/O Who Has Sleep Issues!
A/n- This feels like such a throwback?? I remember writing several sets like this at the start of the blog! <:O Like, all the way back to 2021 I think? Maybe earlier, actually! Hope you all enjoy! I love you all & please stay safe out there! 💗💗💗
Warning for: mentions of pot use, poisoning / knocking someone out??? but it's like. done for sweet nice purposes?, Drayton cameo at the end !!
taglist: @friedwormeater @0ddmia @royalsnowxoxo @lambofjudgement @lizve @urfavsuh @strawberry-moonpies (let me know if you want to be added or removed!! <3333)
I swear I've said this somewhere before- but sissy grows & smokes her own pot <333
I'm not saying she'll suggest that as an option but I'm saying she'll suggest it as an option
If your sleep is more than just cumbersome for you- if it's affecting you physically (beyond exhaustion), affecting your ability to complete chores, etc - she may need to bring out the big guns
She knows what plants are toxic, what plants can kill and torture She also knows ones for healing !! (side thought: she uses this mostly on herself & bubba. She acts like a pain when anyone sides her youngest brother wants her for her useful abilities) And most important in this case- ones that can knock folks out !! <333 with minimal to no damage done to them She only uses plants to knock you out when you're at your worst point. When you haven't slept for days, and your eyes are irritated and red. When you're in pain all over and can barely stand up. You might not always appreciate this method- but it can work wonders <333
On some nights, when it's particularly rough for you, she'll stay up with ya <333 keep you company.
You don't deserve to go through this, especially not by yourself. Despite her poisoned personality, she can be a real sweetie around her favorite folks <33 (you bein one of em :3) Do you get nightmares? Is that the root of your sleepy time troubles? She'll sit up in bed and pull you close to her. Let you lay down with your head in her lap as she touches your hair and quietly sings. Lulls you into a safe, cozy slumber- or at the very least, calms your mind. A few times she's taken you outside to walk along the property . . . She shows you critters that come out at night, takes you closer to where she has the makeshift greenhouse set up- tells you about all the plants she's been caring for, what their uses are, let's you engage on the topic too, even if you don't know as much as her. Anything outdoorsy that she can do to tire you out, in hopes if you're sleepier you might sleep better.
Sissy has far more experience and knowledge than her siblings do, in regards to life outside the farm that is- but even she can be at a loss of ideas.
If she's really worried she might go to Drayton, ask if he knows what's wrong with you. (he grumbles throughout the entire process, things like "never should have taken them in", and "more trouble than they're worth" he mostly doesn't mean that <33 you're part of the family now so :) ) It's almost like you're a strange pet that she's keeping, because of how alien your issues can feel to her and the rest of the family. In general though !!!! All of the youngest siblings will ask Drayton about the things they don't understand, even if he isn't very knowledgeable on it either. Even if they don't get along with him much (which . . . Who does get along with him lmao)
"They seem sick," Sissy muses. She's sitting at the dining table, your body lying limp on the floor, propped up against her legs. Your head held safely in her lap. She had knocked you out with a non-lethal poison, despite your protests against it.
The poison could be helpful in getting you unconscious, but Sissy hated using it so frequently on you, especially since it doesn't appear to solve the root problem.
You're still having trouble falling or even staying asleep, she's worried about you.
"Should've gotten rid of it when we had the chance."
"C'mon, you've got to know something about this, Drayton. Ya better haven't given my little darlin' something they can't have."
Your head lolls against her lap, your ears slowly perking up with the noise. Your chest tickles with a funny, loving feeling. Your heart beats slow, quicker as you wake. Your girlfriend was so sweet to you.
She talks to her oldest brother like he's given the dog chocolate. She's concerned and trying to be patient, despite her immense dislike of him.
She runs her hands, soothingly, down your back. Noticing her sweetheart is beginning to wake.
"Oh, why don't we look at that. All this is waking up my poor thing." She glares at him, unintrigued, upset with him. She looks back to you, your head following the noise and your eyes unlocking, staring back at her with such an intensity. Lids hardly-half open. She pets your hair, hoping you'll just pass out or be quiet or something.
Sissy huffs. "Fine! We'll just figure it out on our own. You hear that, darlin'?"
She smiles at you, so sweetly. Looks at you like you're the only thing in the room. Like you're precious and irreplaceable- which you are, to her. Your smile gleams and your eyes sparkle when you look at her.
She whispers to you, helping you off the floor. "We'll figure this out, don't you worry."
Hey, I didn't say he would actually be helpful. just that they would ask lol
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mariabtsos · 21 days
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One That I Want ||m.yg|| – Chapter 8: 10 Cents
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Description: It is summer of 1956, and leader of the T-Birds Yoongi is working at a food joint at the beach to make extra money over the summer, when he meets a pretty girl. They start a summer fling that unfortunately had to come to end, but an unexpected turn of events will bring them back together.
Genre: 1950s au, angst, fluff, some smut, Greaser!Yoongi x Square/Goody-Two-Shoes!OC.
TW: underage drinking and smoking, sexual content, violence, misogyny (it’s the 1950s so peak macho man era).
Word Count: 1.3k+
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Meanwhile, the T-birds were trying to encourage their leader to call for his girl. But what would Yoongi even say? "I'm sorry for lying to you, but I wanted to protect my reputation as a greaser and player?" He knew she wouldn’t take him seriously.
"Come on hyung, didn't you wanna talk to her?" Namjoon asked him.
"You know what, I changed my mind, this was a dumb idea."
"Well then how about you call for her Jiminie?" Hoseok giggled, taking a swig from his beer. And the youngest wasted no time, getting up on the seat and reciting what he could remember from his drama class a few years back.
"Oh, Lottie, wherefore art thou Lo-" he was interrupted by Yoongi punching and slapping him, eventually pulling on his jacket so he would sit down.
Kim and Nayeon went up to the window. "Is it the guys?" Jiyoon asked, "it is! They can't come up here, my folks would kill me if I had any boys up in my room," Nayeon said.
"Hey Joon!" Kim greeted the second in command flirtatiously. "Hey! You wanna get down here?!" He asked her.
"Sure, but get rid of all your friends," she smiled, seeing the cat-eyed boy there, she wanted to rub a little salt on the wound, Lottie didn’t like her anyway, "that includes you Min!" She called for him.
He chuckled sarcastically, "good, sloppy seconds ain't my style," he yelled back. Hearing Yoongi's voice made Lottie's heart skip a beat, and gosh she hated herself for that. Kim, on the other hand felt a bit offended, did she sleep around? Maybe, but she wasn't sloppy seconds.
"So, what are you goin' to do flog your log?"
"I've done worse," he deadpanned, getting out of the car to walk home, "have fun, Namjoonah," he patted his best friend's shoulder and walked away. The aforementioned nodded and looked back up at the window where his girl was. "I'm still here!"
And as much as Kim felt bitter, she decided getting Yoongi's attention was the dumbest thing she could, she had guys lining up, begging for chance, she wasn't going to let herself be held back by anyone, Yoongi could keep the goody two shoes foreigner if he wanted to. She walked away from the window and walked to the chair where she had set down her stuff.
"You lot are too square for my taste," she said, putting on her shorts and shoes, "I'm gonna go get my kicks on while I still can," she took a quick look in the mirror and fixed her hair quickly.
"What are you gonna do?" Nayeon took a hold of Kim's arm, "Shimmy down the drain pipe?"
Kim smirked, not bothering to reply as she carefully made her way down said drain pipe to Nayeon's horror, she watched her friend get in the car with Namjoon, Kim gave one more glance at the window where she saw her friend had already disappeared into the house.
Namjoon began driving off, his right arm resting behind Kim’s shoulders, the aforementioned stole a couple of glances at the handsome young man, a smirk adorning his face. Through the years, Kim had always kept an eye on Namjoon, even before both groups had risen through the ranks, he had always been an intriguing case, she had caught him more than once reading poetry books, or the occasional sea creature encyclopedias. Namjoon on the other hand, hadn’t really paid any mind to Kim until this summer, after Yoongi had broken things off with her, they had a short little fling, and afterwards would still flirtatious glances, and compliments, he couldn’t have been happier when his best friend had told him to have fun, an indirect greenlight for him to go after Kim.
Once they got to lover’s lane, it didn’t take long for them to talk a bit more, discussing things they usually wouldn’t with their friends, until they started what the place was most frequented for, necking. The pretty view of Seoul long forgotten as Namjoon trailed kissed up and down Kim’s neck, the latter huffing and letting small moans come out of her. Hands trailed other places, the intentions behind what they were going to be doing more and more clear.
“God Kim, you are so good baby,” Namjoon groaned after she had been sucking along his neck while calming him through his jeans.
“Call me by my first name,” she requested.
“Um…” Namjoon drew a blank as he continued kissing her neck. How had her name not come up in conversation, wasn't Kim her first name? People called her that so much it was easy to assume it was.
“Jennie,” she pushed him off momentarily, a bit flushed from embarrassment and a lot from what they were doing prior to this kerfuffle.
“Jennie-ah” he said softly as he went back to attacking her neck, the way he said her name made Kim feel a fluttering in her stomach, he made it sound like a beautiful secret.
“Hey baby, you got something?” She sighed, not needing or wanting any ankle biters right now. Namjoon chuckled, moving away slightly so that he could dig in his back pocket.
“My 10 cent insurance policy,” he said as he pulled out the foil packet, starting to tear it open so they could get on with it, “Ooo, a big spender huh?” Jennie giggled as she stretched, grateful that they had moved to the back seat once their make out got more heated.
Namjoon, however, looked like a kid who had their candy taken away, he looked up to Jennie and her little smile dropped, “it broke.”
“What?! What'd ya mean it broke?” She asked in disbelief.
Namjoon sheepishly chuckled as he rubbed his neck, “I bought it in the 7th grade, when we first got that lesson on diseases?” He explained, “but I never used it because my older brother told me pulling out is better.”
“Jeez, then I'm shocked you ain't got a little one by now,” she said slightly annoyed, she had really wanted for this to happen.
Even if she known as someone “fast” she had always been safe, since there wasn't a way for her to protect herself, she made sure her lovers could, and now that was out of the question. The thing was… Namjoon was different, she'd known him forever! He was something she wanted and she wanted him bad.
“What the hell,” she got right back into necking, it took Namjoon a second to react, surprised at first, but he kissed her back in no time, this will happen she told herself; Namjoon had started to unbutton her plum colored blouse when the car was hit.
Needless to say Namjoon was pissed.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” He turned and yelled, finding Jaebeom in the driver's seat and Jackson in the back, both of their chicks sitting next to them.
“You need to learn how to read Namjoon-ah, that right there says no parking zone,” Jaebeom chuckled in a condescending tone.
“The whole place is a no parking-zone you damn nosebleed.” Namjoon's jaw was locked, and Kim could see his tongue against his cheek, “You're gonna pay me back for this!” His back bumper was loose and his rear light glass broken.
Jackson and Jaebeom looked at each other and laughed. “We'll give 10 cents for the entire thing, including your chick,” Jackson winked at Kim before they drove off, laughing loudly at the couple. Namjoon looked even angrier, and if she hadn't been insulted just then, she's sure we would've flipped her lid and came just from the sight alone.
After a minute or two of Namjoon huffing and puffing, Kim decided she still wanted her world rocked, “I don't know ‘bout you, but my motor's still runnin’” she smirked, and they got right back to it.
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uupdirector · 4 months
Today has been a great Christmas - probably one of the best I've had in so long. Wonderful fair share of gifts given and received, and I couldn't imagine having a better one in my life until now. While it was certainly great to spend time with my family, today... I had a rather positive emotional episode, feeling absolute joy for the holiday when I thought it was all but dampened at first. I actually cried in tears of joy - letting out all of my emotions at once. It was.... legitimately unexpected, and it made me even more excited for the rest of the day - even now as I'm typing this, I can't get over how raw it all felt, and I'm happy to feel something of this level after so long.
And that all extents to a very special gift - one I prepared for more than a month in advance... and it was for myself.
Folks, I'm happy to say that in preparation for my plans next year, I have gifted myself a Lenovo LOQ laptop - one that will allow me to bring better possibilities for creating content on my channels. It's a very big step, as it not only gives me a chance to bring that creative process wherever I go, but also shows what I'm truly capable of now that I have a full-time job, and after all that's happened this year, I saw it fitting to make this my reward after taking this well-deserved break.
Now, for some, this scenario may sound familiar to you all, and I'd be lying if I said that there wasn't any caveats to this special treat, and unfortunately one of them came up as of today. Turns out I was possibly given another special gift (nondiscrimitively); Covid! :'D
Yyyyyyup, got it while I was away yesterday, and miraculously the symptoms started coming up as of today (a Christmas miracle lol), once again putting a damper on my mood because sickness is just so much fun. So yeah, there's that. Don't wanna jinx anything just yet, but I'll make it through this regardless. Thank God I got mood tea for Christmas too - that's what woke up my spirits before, and I'm probably gonna be drinking tons of it. =_=
All that aside though, the other caveats of getting this new laptop stems from just how little time I have nowadays to work on things, but given I don't have to be in the same spot every day when doing so, i imagine this will increase my productivity a TON, so at least there's a positive there. Additionally, there's also the off chance this may not change anything for me immediately. But that's what therapy is for - and I'm still very glad I finally started it, because I imagine it will give me the push I need, especially after a good day like this, and I don't want to end it on a negative note because I feel like crap physically.
With that said, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas or Holiday season - despite my own setbacks as of recent, I had a wonderful one, and I know it's one I'm not going to forget. Take care of yourselves, and here's to the new year! Much love, folks! 💙
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I don't know if there's anything to say about this situation we seem to be in. My psychiatrist has made it very clear she thinks my headmates are hallucinations, or dilutions and that if we get my antipsychotics right they will go away. I have no diagnosis so she might be right. But if she is then I'm going to feel very bad as though I've been lying and I'm going to lose people who've been very nice to have around with me. And if they don't go away she might try a different antipsychotic even though this one fixed the hallucinations that were actually issues. I feel like I lose no matter what. I wish all of this was much easier. Sorry if this all didn't make sense. Hope you're well. And if you're not I hope you are able to feel better soon
hey, we are so very sorry to hear you’re going through something like this. we’re not sure what sort of advice we could provide to help you here, but we’re seriously wishing you the best.
where we live, we get to have a say in what medications we take, and won’t be prescribed a medication that we’ll then be forced to take without our consent. maybe this is the same where you live? it may be worth it to look up the laws in your area regarding mental health medications and the rights of patients who are prescribed them.
our prescribing doctor also has recommended us antipsychotics in the past. we are prone to delusions and episodes of post-traumatic psychosis. however, we ultimately decided against taking them because, like you, we were nervous about how they might impact our system. in the end, we always have had the opportunity to agree or disagree with our doctor when it comes to managing medications.
it might be worth it to ask yourself a few pointed questions like:
1. what are my hallucinations like? do my headmates feel, act, behave, look, etc. similarly to my hallucinations?
2. are my headmates causing me distress? are they impairing me or making more difficult for me to function?
3. do i want my headmates to go away? is taking antipsychotics worth the risk of losing my headmates?
we’re not trying to persuade or disuade you from taking antipsychotics here. rather, we’re hoping you can do a bit of self-exploration to try and learn how your headmates are affecting you and what you hope to achieve with regards to taking medication in the future.
there are systems out there whose headmates are indeed hallucinations. hallucinations don’t have to be bad, and it’s quite possible to have pleasant or even helpful hallucinations. just because society scorns psychotic folks doesn’t mean those of us who experience psychosis should have to put a stop to our positive symptoms at all costs. you deserve agency and autonomy in your life, and yes, that includes agency to choose how you manage your hallucinations and delusions.
ultimately, we just want to express how sorry we are that you’ve been put in this difficult position. regardless of whether or not your headmates are hallucinations or delusions, you deserve the right to choose whether or not you can keep them around. we hope that, either your psychiatrist will have a change of heart and accept your perception of your system while allowing you to have a say in the medications you take, or you can find a better prescriber who is more willing to listen to you and take your concerns seriously.
good luck with everything. seriously, we are wishing you the very best.
🐢 kip and 💫 parker
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albatris · 2 years
whats atdao about?
!! atdao!! it's been a while since I've talked about atdao at length! :D
atdao is...... all the doors are open! a story about cracks in the fabric of spacetime and loving your friends!
it’s YA! sci-fi-ish! fantasy-ish! it’s something I’d describe as “our reality but a little to the left”, though it gets progressively weirder as it goes on
it’s set in South Australia, n it’s set in a world where the fabric of reality is starting to unravel at the edges and cracks in the universe called “Ports” are cropping up more and more frequently..... n these cracks are letting in all sorts of whacked out energy, fuckin with physics, causing weird phenomena to occur all over the place.... one time the suburb of Hackham just moved places overnight for no explicable reason......... basically reality’s comin apart at the seams, but for the most part folks are just sorta like “ah geez” about it bc like. what can ya do. it’s not like all your normal people problems are gonna go away just ‘cuz the world is edging towards its inevitable weird doom
so people are just kinda going about their lives against this bizarre apocalyptic backdrop and hoping they don't, like, glitch through the sidewalk on their way to the supermarket
the story primarily follows Tris and Noa, best friends and co-narrators..... and also Shara and Kai, not viewpoint characters but equally important :3 and it’s mostly just about these guys trying to deal with the weird apocalyptic garbage happening to them alongside their everyday lives, and about how all their individual odd little mysteries connect with each other and form a bigger, odder mystery
they have some little character intro cards and doodles and facts over here! :D
the plot? this thing got a plot, I hear you ask?
yeah! I'm always debating whether or not to leave Tris and Noa's plotlines twined together in one book or write two companion novels. There Is A Lot Going On
anyway, lots of words, ahoy
so your first key player is Tris Greer, whose parents are dicks but whose siblings are chill. most notably of said siblings there is Jacob, older brother by thirteen years, whom Tris believes is just about the coolest person on the entire planet. the Tris plotline kicks off when Jacob gets caught in the midst of a freak car accident that somehow causes him to just kind of…………….. blip out of existence entirely and without a trace?
n Tris is understandably horrified and distressed by Very Much All Of This, but hey, at least there are responsible adults who can look into this obviously Port-related weird disappearance and figure this mess out, right?
well, the relevant interdimensional authorities are brought in to suss out the situation and these authorities are kind of like “hmmmm idk about this” but are all set to take Tris at least somewhat seriously until they learn the following:
that Jacob had already been reported missing to police in his home state three days earlier
that Jacob was in the midst of several ongoing personal crises and at least one nervous breakdown
that Jacob was allegedly tangled up in some real weird shit that would more than account for a disappearance under suspicious circumstances
that Tris is schizophrenic, prone to hallucinations, confusion, memory issues and quote unquote “letting his imagination and anxiety get the better of him”, and precisely zero people can actually corroborate his story that Jacob was even there are the time of the accident to begin with
and after some back-and-forth and Looking Into The Evidence pretty much everyone in any position of authority comes to the conclusion that this is just Ordinary Regular People Crimes and whatever happened to Jacob had nothing to do with weird apocalyptic energies, and that Tris is (at best) stressed out and delusional or (at worst) lying through his teeth because he knows more than he’s letting on
so our young hero Tris is forced to hop pretty quick from “I’m sure someone will handle this” to “no one believes me but I’m sure if I can find some concrete proof they’ll listen and someone will handle it” to Well Fuck I Guess That Someone Is Me
cue bizarre reality-hopping fantasy quest into a collapsing unreality pocket dimension best descibed as "lost down the back of the universe's sofa" - which is ten times easier said than done when most of the time Tris is terrified enough just, like, going to the supermarket
he enlists the help of his new classmate Shara, amateur paranormal investigator and professional weird-bullshit enthusiast, who agrees to help him puzzle out what the fuck happened to Jacob in exchange for his assistance in mapping out Adelaide’s interdimensional “fault lines” as part of her ongoing quest to track down the source of the apocalypse
she’s got big fuckin dreams, ok, go hard or go home
slso worth noting at this point that there HAS been an uptick in Ports and their related reality-bending strangeness in Adelaide recently which is why this is of particular interest to her currently. gotta find out What Makes The Weirdness Tick, gotta find out Why The Sudden Extra Weirdness
his quest also puts him in contact with the eccentric traveling trader Kai Lancaster, peddler of interdimensionally messed-up trinkets. honestly, Kai initially gets involved in the plot because Kai just likes drama and being all up in people’s personal business. Tris brings them on board for one single afternoon like “hey I will pay you some money to come to my house and fix my fucked up phone so I can listen to an interdimensional voicemail” but forgot the apparently key addendum “and then leave”
their first three chapters of them knowing each other is basically Tris being like “stop inviting yourself into my house we are not friends” and Kai being like “that’s a rude thing to say to your friend. also your sister gave me the netflix password and I used your kitchen to bake pastries feel free to help yourself”
Kai, of course, has their own baggage to deal with, and is currently grappling with the emotional and social repercussions of losing seven years of their life to a time...... whirlpool? basically, they went into a cool abandoned house for an hour and came out to find seven years had passed and their family thinks they died :)))
but yeah so Tris’s story mostly focuses on his quest to figure out where Jacob got yeeted to and how to get him safely home, whilst also dealing with rising family tensions, whatever shifty stuff Jacob was involved with prior to his disappearance, and his own creeping doubts about his perceptions of reality
n I’m also saying flat out it’s not a plot that’s going the “oh the whole thing was just a delusion all along” route because ew
his psychosis is a fairly involved part of his character but the explorations around it are more to do with, like……… the difficulties he has in trusting himself and whether he has the luxury of letting himself get swept into some Big Weird Implausible Adventure when this has extremely different implications for him than it would someone else. n eventually to how his success and survival is not ~in spite of~ but specifically because of the different way he understands and interprets the world and the skills he’s developed
your SECOND key player is Noa Yun, who has rather a lot on her plate right now. she’s broke as fuck and her mum is sick and her car is making Noises and she’s not getting enough hours at her job at Not-IKEA-for-legal-reasons and everyone is on her back about her failing studies as if that’s a thing she has the energy or time to care about. feeling rather backed into a corner by life’s bullshit and her financial situation, she blatantly lies her way into an entry-level field job at the Department of Interdimensional Instabilities, because A) surely it can’t be THAT bad, and B) what does she have to lose?
so more or less what she’s doing is the equivalent of emergency services for Port-related weirdness, it’s going out and dealing with highly unstable otherworldly energies head on, navigating Weird Phenomena and bendy patches in reality……… it is, among other things, a job that’s relatively easy to get into because no one wants to touch it with a ten foot pole unless they absolutely have to
things kick off for her when in true Noa fashion she hurls herself into a dangerous situation to help out a coworker and gets caught up in an “overlap” where the barriers between universes are a little fucky, but hey, she seems to come out of it with nary a scratch, so it’s reasonable to assume everything is fine, right?
she basically gets some whacked-out otherworldly energies latched onto her that are now following her through her everyday life, and it turns out she’s starting to bend the reality around her the way certain types of Ports do, which is! obviously not ideal! she’s not exactly a Port herself, because she’s pretty sure that’s impossible, but it’s clear capital s Something happened to her in that overlap, and she doubts it’s good news. and to make matters even more disconcerting, she’s now being dogged at every step by strange visions of a child who speaks in an unfamiliar language and who seems Real Fuckin Pissed at her
and man, she Needs this job. but also, she's surrounded by people whose job it is to eliminate and neutralise dangerous interdimensional energy - like the stuff she's now full of, which is a recipe for panic and paranoia
so her thing is basically “I acquired fucked up reality-bending powers against my will and they might be lowkey killing me ‘cause Ports are notoriously unstable like that and also I’m haunted for some godforsaken reason” which all somehow ended up being, like, the least interesting part of her plotline for me lmao
her search to find out what’s happening to her re: Weird Children, being a Port-adjacent something-or-other, and whether there’s a way to stop her own unravelling leads her to an unlikely partnership with (DII trauma counsellor? rogue computer programmer? mad scientist? general shifty bastard?) Melissa Marrick Thiele, who claims to have suffered a similar affliction in the past and now does some real interesting research ~on the down low~ about the subject. n this lady. well. she’s got some fuckin stuff going on
she definitely knows more about the nature of Ports than she should. also is she actually researching what she says she’s researching? is she really like Noa? what the fuck happened to Avery, that other kid she was supposedly helping out?
but yeah at about the same time as Noa goes “actually fuck this you’re shady as hell I’m out” she stumbles into, like, The Actual Reality of what Marrick is up to re: manipulating Ports and interdimensional doorways for her own gain, and the various ways this spells bad news not only for her but potentially for the entire city and anyone else unfortunate enough to get caught in the crossfire, and she shifts gear to “actually you know what I’m gonna kick your ass”
there are various reasons for this, but first and foremosterly you have to understand that Noa’s got a fuckload of pent-up rage and she will bring it in full force the moment you say some stupid shit like “some people are expendable” or “it’s inevitable for the greater good”
but yeah the main story here mostly follows Noa’s attempts to undermine Marrick, bastard supreme, and find a way to fuck her up before she goes, like, Full Cartoon Supervillain, n also like……….. Noa's attempts to keep up her work at the DII despite her rising paranoia that the teammates she’s growing to care about will notice her increasingly unstable state and the fact that she’s all tangled up with the very forces they’re meant to be thwarting. n along the way discovering the reality of what happened to her in The Aforementioned Overlap Incident and about her visions and such..... and, oh, what's this? is it all connected? of fucking course lol <3
anyway that's. words
general, for Tris, his plotline, you wanna think, like, fantasy/adventure vibes which veer pretty sharply into horror, and for Noa you wanna think…… kinda, sci-fi mystery conspiracy vibes with a dash of some superhero bullshit maybe except not really
anyway! it's equal parts “absolute nonsense hijinks and ridiculousness that doesn’t take itself too seriously” and “oh fuck oh ouch oh no my heart”.... every main character ends up safe and happy and in a much better position than they started..... lots of cheesy themes like self love, the power of connection and kindness, universes that don't care and people that do,,,,, all the good high-quality cheese
also at one point Noa does a whole cool action sequence scene with a permanent marker moustache on her face because she didn't have time to take it off and Tris uses a ceiling fan blade full of otherworldly energy as a sword and it screams loudly every time he swings it
ok thank u for reading if u read this far, please have an excellent day <3
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flockrest · 8 months
this one's to the lovely who dropped an entire essay back @ me in the inbox! i've decided to format the post such that i can answer some portions directly so none of us get confused, hope you don't mind! anything indented is what you sent in, the rest is part of my response :) it's another doozy but we love those, don't we? asflkdj here we go!
Hi, hope you're doing well! I'd been the anon giving you asks more on Revali's personality and his behavior around the Flock and the Flock's reaction (mostly Tulin's) towards him. Also, the 1.6k did not overwhelm me- if anything made me very happy and overall more curious ahahaha. If anything- thank you so much for accepting and taking the time to answer these asks. Can relate to the unhinged feelings over the lonely rito- I could be hours and hours thinking. That gif of the guy with a board behind full of clues and trying to connect the dots- that's currently me.
hello, welcome back! thank you, hope you're having a wonderful time too!! ♡ also gotta thank you again for sending these in, i genuinely get so excited to see things like this in my inbox!! your passion is so great to see! i'm glad you enjoy my answers, and that they make you all the more curious and open to sharing with me ♡ what a huge mood though afklsjdg this stupid bird just has So Much to him
I've re-read your post various times and even tried organizing my thoughts in paper. And there is so much I want to ask... What caught a lot my attention- was how you spoke a bit of Rito village during & after the Calamity; ofc we don't really get a clear picture of the before even with AoC's light but we do get the clearest view of the aftermath of it (ofc 100 years skipped). I do feel (Pre-Calamity) Rito Village had a larger flock(?) compared to the village we get exposed during BoTW/ToTK events. In a way feels the loss of their Champion & Calamity's wrath- made them all realize the importance of that sense of unity.
yes, exactly! you get it! it's a natural outcome from suffering any huge loss...and while it comes from a place of tragedy, i just. really appreciate how homely and cosy rito village feels in both botw and totk because of it — you get that sense of nobody is genuinely uncared for, even link! and this isn't to say that the other peoples of hyrule don't care for their own, it just! hits different with the rito. like you get the impression that everybody interacts with each other everyday! you literally can't go from the top of the village to the bottom without seeing almost every single resident; they're all practically neighbours! they're all, on some level, friends!
this significance on sticking together as a community is especially evident in totk. seriously, it makes me so emo seeing the kids step up to fill in spaces the adults did not mean to leave behind nor expect them to fill :') and their efforts don't go unrecognised, as they shouldn't be, but oh my god. on my hands and knees over how cherished the kids are in this damn flock!! nekk ( MY BELOVED ) puts it best: "they're the saviours of this village."
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and like! they're going through extremely hard times with supply scarcities but still find the capacity to be so generous?? there are more things than i expected lying about that you can just grab — that they'll consciously let you grab! i'm going to need these folks to stop having such a huge collective heart fr it's making me feel A Lot 😭
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( and in reviewing cutscenes from both botw and aoc in this context, i think we can safely say that their residential population was indeed bigger pre-calamity. there's more background npcs just chilling about in the memory "revali's flap" compared to most post-calamity cutscenes, and aoc literally shows that there are enough rito present for brigades! the reduced numbers we see post-calamity could simply be attributed to more rito travelling beyond their home and even hyrule, but then the calamity would probably be a big reason for that too )
Brings me back to ToTK, where I noticed most adults in a way spoke highly & relied (at least to me) a bit on Tulin's ability to use wind magic- after all it's been a long time since they ever witness it. But also appreciated how Harth's dialogues which he praises the boy's ability but is concerned of how Tulin is taking certain approach (how at first he goes alone) and his overworking state. Even Teba & Saki recognize their son's abilities but as parents are concerned- I am pretty sure while they acknowledge him as a rito warrior, they also want him to continue living his childhood. (Link does too btw- sorry I don't mention them often)
OH, FOR SURE. you are right on many points here; for sure, the adults have come to see tulin as a young rito warrior in his own right and do trust him to contribute in a way they wouldn't ask of the other fledglings; harth makes it clear that even before link had come, sending tulin to investigate the cloud surrounding the stormwind ark was an option they weren't as opposed to as our introduction to the kid made it seem ( and it's not just his wind-gust technique they're so in awe of either! god. he really has worked so hard!! and everybody can see it! 😭😭 ).
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with the worry, i believe the nature of it really depends! it's all completely warranted given how tulin's initial views on how "he doesn't need anyone else backing him up" has apparently "gotten him into trouble more times than [harth] can count" ( which is definitely concerning but also. it can't be anything worse than getting his bow stolen and being left with just his talons for defence in the face of a monster, right? because tulin. tulin. that could not have been your turnaround if you've been doing shit like flying straight into frost taluses solo or something sflkjd ) anyway, but it seems for teba and harth, it's more in a we're worried you're actively sabotaging yourself with your recklessness way.
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saki had hang-ups about tulin losing his innocence too early in botw ( "he is such a sweet boy," she says, and it never fails to make me collapse on my knees because he so is and the best thing is he never loses that aspect of himself!! ), but does appear to have come to accept that her son's growing up in totk? i unfortunately don't have a screenshot of the line that indicates this, nor do i remember it verbatim, but the vibes i'm getting from her are i'm worried because you have not learnt enough to be as grown up as you insist you are ( which leaves you ill-prepared for the situations you're trying to fly into ).
ofc it all connects to a primary worry for his safety and his tendency to do way more than anyone would ask of him, but i do think they understand, on some level, that trying to completely stop him is ultimately futile and will only make things worse — in that he'll start deliberately pushing them away when he's only leaving them behind for now.
he's a tween! still a child but only ever getting older, and with how important it is to their culture, i imagine being a warrior isn't as mutually exclusive from childhood as it'd be for us. like tulin's an outlier because he's a prodigy who excessively worked himself to that title, but i don't doubt that compulsory education for growing fledglings would involve, among other things, learning how to at least hunt and defend yourself in the wild! so i don't think it's that they're scared of him growing up too fast at that point in totk — because while he's definitely matured more than his peers in some parts, he is very much still experiencing being a child no matter what he argues in many others aflskdj — just more like...they want him to grow up well. properly, for a lack of better words. WHICH INCLUDES NOT OVERWORKING. oh my god with the overworking
( also oh boy. very glad you brought up link! no need to be sorry! i can't say much on him because i'm not a link writer, though i do ramble about his dynamic with tulin, including how he potentially sees himself reflected in him, over here if you're interested! )
But this also sends me off to another "path" makes me think- What if Revali didn't have this type of support? And it made me think how similar were Revali's and Tulin's in some aspects but how different the outcome were for both- it's a bit tragic at least for me.
YES. YES!! THIS IS IT, YOU HIT IT ON THE HEAD!! i've said it before and i'll say it again: tulin and revali are essentially one support system removed from being each other! they share notable parallels!
just. the fact that harth notices the injuries on tulin's wings from pushing himself to the limits. we don't get follow-up dialogue on that, but there's such a high chance that Words are exchanged between them when link leaves them be because we've seen their relationship. we know how harth cares for tulin, we know tulin is loved for more than what he can do and looked out for. now juxtapose that with revali, thrown out of his own tornado, alone in that moment where he picks himself up as well — but way less likely to have anyone say anything about his wing injuries or to even let someone think he has them. [spontaneously combusts]
i would say more on this and why the sages of totk in general act well as foils to the champions of botw, particularly regarding themes, but that really does feel like a post for another time sdflkjd and it is tragic! it is very tragic! revali was doomed by the narrative in more ways than one :')
I remember the diary where he speaks how the town began praising him for his achievements- that type of validation can be good but to an extreme and left unchecked, it can spiral someone into depending of it. And yet at the end of that diary... he still spoke how he need to continue perfecting himself. Something that AoC made me think in more depth was how almost everyone was "chosen" by destiny (or have a unique ability) and carried a title. But when I look at Revali he seems somehow an abstract to them. Even though in his diary such things were not something he cared for- he mostly valued folks by their responses and actions. (Note: Found cute how he appreciated the scarf and gave one to his bow... It really meant a lot to him// Also I do think Revali appreciated all the Champions including Zelda & Link).
YEAH. YEP. and the way he at first speaks about it, how he contradicts himself in tone despite trying to sound so self-assured — "as one would expect" VS the "i...could get used to this." that follows in the same entry — that's the attention and glory he's always wanted! now he's gonna affix it to the meaning of loving and being loved. which he's also going to attach to his abilities and what he can offer, which is deeply connected to his perceived self-worth. and he's going to make sure he'll never run out of ( tbf real and well-earned ) confidence in that self-worth by constantly pushing himself to greater, more impossible heights. i'm going to put this bird in a washing machine.
he's literally just a guy!! it's one of my favourite things about him, he's Just Some Guy in the group of people who were born into wealth; powers; blessings; respect. they all had their trials, but he earned his place among them from the comparative nothing he started out with and he's justifiably proud of this!
i do think he's also insecure about it at first, tbh ( which he reacts to by laying on the conceit even thicker ), even though his belief in hard work being a supreme indicator of one's "true strength" isn't actually shaken. he is genuinely like i more than deserve to be here but he's also like. and there's nothing you can do about it. don't you forget it. don't you forget it. don't you ever forget it. i wouldn't say it mellows out, but the more he gets to see the champions in action ( thus confirming that they are on his level — that he's fit to make a constellation amongst these that've already been mapped ), the less inclined he feels to explicitly remind them.
and oh my god. the things i could say about what the blue scarf likely means to him. it was handcrafted by zelda, hyrule's princess, for him specifically. it's part of a matching set with other big powers of hyrule. titles and uniform do nothing for him, he claims, but isn't this like being told you are one of us? that you have much to offer? it's "meaningless pomp", he says.
it's also still a gift.
the cloth he ties to his bow is the same shade of blue. i should really make another study post speaking about this more in depth, but i've always interpreted it to be a memento the same way teba and saki's feathers on tulin's quiver are! in tulin's time, this might mean, "these people are always with me." in revali's time, on the brink of a calamity, i imagine it might mean, "( if i fall, you who finds me, ) i belonged with these people."
And yet when Teba & Tulin show up- there is this subtle change on him(?) I wished the game had dwelled a bit more on Teba and Revali. Seeing their interactions was always interesting and in a way, Teba seemed to understand the rito champion. While I felt Teba was that friend or even family member(?) that Revali needed in a way or I could be just over reading, ahaha sorry. But sincerely, I always felt Teba & Tulin were that family or friends- that in a way Revali needed and it makes me think so hard on the "What ifs" and "What could have been"...
what i wouldn't have given for more content and interactions between these three as well!! it's especially fascinating to think about it from teba's side — there is so much recontextualising he has to do and does do about revali, because the one he's grown up idolising and hearing Songs about is uh. well, he's certainly there in the revali he meets, but i doubt he's really prepared for things like how painfully young he is.
he handles it very well honestly asfklsdjg i would not have taken to the realisation that my champion is a warrior hardened only by constant work and the battles he throws himself into, and kind of a fucking brat because he's like the 18yo who thinks being 18 is a decade away from being 17, and died distressingly young back in my timeline with the same grace he gives when he says — of the entire wild experience that is aoc — "this has been enlightening".
you are not over-reading, do not be sorry fr!! i do think revali found an opportunity for companionship in teba that he couldn't find anywhere else when he's built relationships and dynamics he can't change because he has an image to uphold! teba already comes with a dire respect for revali, the knowledge that his story does not end nicely, AND HE'S AN ACTUAL DAD. that sort of thing can bleed into your behaviour and the way you process things without meaning to asflkdjgs
THE BIGGEST MOOD!! wow i'm so glad writers ( it's me, i'm writers ) can create literally anything they want and so can explore these what ifs and what could have beens and give a resolution to a story cut short. this is what my the champions survive au is all about, i hope to have you stay long enough to see these things come out of it ♡
As for the Flight Range & Saki's dialogue; I've always been emo about the F.Range specially when you walk in and hear his theme playing in this music box style... it's like part of his soul is also there but that flame that burnt passionately has subdued and waits to pass to torch to the next generation. In ToTK it made me cry- specially when Kaneli comments (when you pick the bow,arrows) how they been collecting dust... But on the bright side, made me happy that even with the damages- they still hold dearly to the place and is currently being used as training grounds for flight. Which... is what Revali wanted for his people for them to reach the sky and break the limits (or that how I interpreted it).
AUGH EXACTLY, YOU GET IT!! 😭 he never gave it his name but it'll always be his! it's the most melancholic we ever get to hear his theme, full of the wistful yearning that was definitely present but more muted in its botw version! it's lost potential. an unsaid goodbye. revali's gone. but it's also grounds for hope, a tiptoeing hello: his legacy lives on still! i will always go fucking feral over the music in these games!!
YES!! YEAH!! [HOLDING YOU BY THE SHOULDERS] he calls his journal "the diary of revali, the rito legend" BUT HE DOES NOT. GIVE THE FLIGHT RANGE LITERALLY MADE FOR HIM HIS NAME. because it was never going to be something solely for him. he loves his people, he was never going to stymie their prospects! this loser is so good at making me infuriatingly sad AUGH
Re-reading Saki's dialogue with the context you given me- hit me like a ton of bricks. Because it was a new pov. When I first read her dialogue, I took it more of a "Remembering our Champion- one we couldn't help" rather than "commemoration of what he couldn't do". But I also remembered how contrasting are Teba and Saki; Teba being a warrior with pride, reckless at times - who admired greatly Revali's feats and aspired once to surpass him. Meanwhile Saki is more calm and is concerned with the concept of engaging battle- nervous about the training her son was exposed to. So, when re-reading her dialogue I take it more of a wife and mother concerned of losing her companion/husband and son to a similar fate to Revali's.
i swear we are on the same wavelength. yes, exactly!
another thing about revali's landing that makes me so, so deliriously emo — it's a physical permanency given without request: in the best way they can afford to grant it. the rito notably have very little tangible representations of themselves. they don't have statues or effigies like the zora or gorons ( and why would they, when they have Songs and the Windlines and are also probably restricted by their morphology ), and revali does not have any family to be likened to. link remembers him through seeing the landing, which was there, a part of rito village, before it was ever deemed revali's. it wasn't made for him. but they gave it to him! and i'm!! [BLUBBERING]
Revali's love for his people and Rito Village- it breaks me. I can understand that sentiment of loving someone or something from a far (?) - Even when challenging W.Blight and listening to his lines (both english and spanish for me), one can hear that hidden sadness. It's hearing someone who wants to go back home. "But even so, it will always be my home." - the entirety of those lines really hit me so hard the first time I've heard them.
I KNOW. I KNOW. [head in hands] a century has passed and he can't fathom it. "there's no one left who would even know me." he sounds so struck by it, in both the original jpn and english audio, i want to wrap him up in a blanket and toast him like a marshmallow! how much of that is grief? how much of that is longing? how much of that is some strange solace, in knowing he's alone but there's nothing he could've done about it this time?
Also, it makes me glad seeing a Tulin who can see the good in Revali- even if the champion can have a bit of a thorn like exterior. I've read some of the threads! They been wonderful and brought me a lot of joy. It makes me happy to see Tulin taking flight and moving forward. When you mention your student-disciple, are you referring to Kido? I know there were two names but I've lost the post with the cups. I would love to hear about them all!
thank you!! it heartens me to know that you've dipped into some of my ic writing too! i hope you'll continue to enjoy your stay here!! ♡♡
SLFKJKSDLG SO I'VE CHANGED IT IN THE POST NOW, but i meant master-disciple! apologies for the confusion!! kido is an original character of mine who would actually rather fall into totori lake than be revali's student alfjsdkg but that's how it be when you're a kid with a complex, turned-less-than-pleasant background with the concept of revali. if you're interested and up for it, please do give his dossier and study tag a peek! this is by no means a request that you do; it's totally fine if you leave him be!
There so many questions and facts, I would love to talk about... but as I scrolled up- I noticed this is becoming a long one. I am so sorry. I'd been trying to simplify and cut a bit ;-; Plus, I know this blog is a multiverse but focused on Tulin and I don't want to bother. So once again, thank you so much for taking your time in answering these asks. If anything if you ever do the academic-paper length study on lonely birb, I'll run over to read it X'D !!! But I'd been enjoying everything of the meta- the studies on rito's culture and behaviour. Also been curious on your views on Kass taking the role of a bard... Yeah, looking forward to keep reading. Thank you once again.
please, never be sorry for giving me your thoughts, no matter how long they end up being!! i mean it! i enjoyed reading through every line, it means a lot to me that you'd take the time and energy to send something of this scale to me ♡ you did not bother and will not bother, i promise! any of my muses are up for discussion, and so are their people in general! i have an itch to talk about these birds at all times, lurkers like you give me a great scratch ♡
one more time, thank you for your kind words!! i'm so happy to know that my thoughts are received this well!!
KASS MY BELOVED. i'm not sure if you've seen my study on what Songs, Songkeepers, and Scriptweavers are, but if you have, then here's some paraphrased disco ramblings on my Thoughts on him! with how important a role he played in keeping and invoking memories of the champions in botw's dlc, i'm of the belief that he's rito village's primary Songkeeper! ahaha, on this note ( and this is more of a fun roleplaying easter egg than anything ): my botw verse is named Song of the Reclamation — i keep the headcanon that kass, specifically, writes this Song after the game's events tucked away with other misc. details that inform how i run things here :)
this is already long enough, so i think i'll end it here asfljkd but feel free to bounce your thoughts off me anytime! this has been an absolute pleasure, looking forward to seeing you in the inbox again whenever you drop by! thank you!! ♡
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sunnyie-eve · 4 days
26 | Effects
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Just Julia and Stiles being cute
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"Jules," She turns turn around to see Stiles rushing towards her.
"What's wrong?" She asks him seeing he was out of it.
Stiles explains how he has a dream about telling Scott about sleep paralysis a condition whereby the sleeper's brain paralyses the body to avoid acting out a dream in the real world. Stiles says sometimes the brain wakes before the body recovers and a person becomes aware they are paralyzed. Then goes on about how he woke up screaming while his dad held him.
"I wonder if the other two are going through things too." She grabs his hand dragging him off to find Scott and Allison.
They find Scott and he runs into the two making them ask if he's is alright. "I'm okay." Scott says and they knew he was lying.
"You're hallucinating." Stiles tells him as Lydia arrives with Allison and announces that it is happening to all three of them.
As they walk inside Lydia is thrilled that her and Julia and are no longer the crazy ones. Allison protests saying they're not crazy but Lydia mocks her saying their various symptoms, hallucinations, sleep paralysis are all signs of folks who are just fine.
"It's the side effects of Deaton talked about." Julia says so they all agree to keep an eye on each other. "Now we have History to get to." Julia takes off alone.
In history class, Mr. Yukimura introduces himself to the class explaining that he and his family moved to town three weeks ago and that his daughter attends the high school. He goes on to point out that his daughter never talks about people at school and has never brought anyone home, much to the embarrassment of his daughter who is sitting near the back of the class. She hits her head on the desk making everyone turn to look at her.
In the hallway at Stiles locker he tries to get into his locker but the combination lock isn't cooperating with him making Julia watch him. Scott goes on to say that maybe they just need a little more time to get back to normal but Stiles points out that they hit the reset button on a supernatural beacon for supernatural creatures and that things won't ever go back to normal.
"Stiles, do you need help?" Julia looks at his lock.
"No, I- Dude your eyes." Stiles says making Julia look at Scott to see his eyes red.
"Get him out of here." Julia pushes Stiles making him grab Scott directing him through the hall into a classroom where Scott begins to lose control of his transformation.
"I don't know if hags going right happen. Get back." Scott tells the two so Stiles keeps Julia behind him as Scott buries his claws into the palms of his hands drawing blood before he regains himself.
"Scott, this isn't just in our heads. This is real. And it's starting to get bad for me too. I'm not just having nightmares. I'm having dreams where I have to literally scream myself awake. And sometimes I'm not even sure if I'm actually ever waking up." Stiles bends down in front of him.
"What do you mean?" Scott asks.
"Do you know how you can tell if you're dreaming? You can't read in dreams. More and more the past few days. I've been having trouble reading. It's like I can't see the words. I can't put the letters in order."
"Like even now?" Scott asks him so he stands up to look at the board and posters and can't read a thing.
After school Stiles was taking Julia home and before she gets out she looks at him, "Hey, when you start having more episodes and things... Call me, okay. Hell, I'll even sleepover and try to help with your nightmares." She hops out.
"Thank you, Julia." Stiles gives her a smile.
"Of course." She closes the door.
The next day during class Julia sees Stiles zoned in on writing something while coach was trying to get his attention. Coach blows his whistle until he gets Stiles attention. "I'm okay. I just fell asleep for a second." Stiles tells Scott so him and Julia look at each other.
"Dude, you weren't asleep." Scott tells him and Julia points at his paper.
At the outdoor lunch area, Lydia, Allison, Isaac, Stiles, Scott, and Julia all discuss the hallucinations and waking dreams. At one point Isaac cracks a joke that people with the same symptoms end up in mental institutions. Stiles become agitated the two exchange words with Stiles demanding that he try to be helpful. Isaac countering that he spent half his childhood locked in a freezer and being helpful is a new thing.
"Dude, are you still milking that?" Stiles ask him.
"Yeah, I'm still milking that." Julia throws her head back as Kira walks up to them.
She says she overheard what they were talking about and, to her the symptoms sound like the Buddhist concept of Bardo. She said it's a transitional state of being between life and death, marked by visits from peaceful deities and demons and ultimately resulting in death.
After school Julia, Stiles and Scott go to visit Deaton to discuss the hallucinations and he says it sounds like Stiles' subconscious is trying to communicate with him through sign language. He works out the message Stiles was seeing in class.
"When is a door not a door?" Julia says making Deaton nod his head.
"You know sign language?" Stiles looks a Julia.
"Yeah, and other languages too."
"When it's ajar" Scott says making Stiles hate that it was a riddle.
Deaton tells them when they all died they opened a door in their minds and apparently left it partially open or ajar which he says is dangerous. He says they needed to close the doors in their minds as soon as possible.
As the three leave Noah shows up saying he was looking for Scott. He wanted help solving the Tate case, the apparent coyote attack from eight years before. He thinks that Scott might be able to follow her scent to the body.
The next day Noah, the boys and Julia go to the Tate Farm. While Noah talked to Mr. Tate the other three break into the missing little girl's bedroom. Scott is unable to find a trace of scent because the smell of the family dog is overwhelming everything else. They leave without any new leads and the Noah expresses regret at the scheme because he caused Mr. Tate pain by reopening the old wound left by the deaths of his family. Stiles explains why his father is so intent on solving the case immediately so he can solve one more while he's still sheriff.
"What do you mean still Sheriff?" Scott asks.
Julia looks down knowing since Stiles told her everything, "Your dad, is trying to impeach Noah..." She looks back up telling him.
Stiles drops Scott off at home and Julia was planning to stay the night at Stiles' place. Julia just changes into what Stiles gave her last time to wear, "Why are you on my side?" She laughs jumping onto the left side of the bed.
"It's just where I laid down. You can get the wall this time." He gives her a sassy smile so she rolls her eyes.
"I feel bad for your girlfriend when you get one. Making her sleep against the wall." Julia moves around to get comfortable.
"I doubt I'll ever get one. I'm nobody's type." Stiles laughs at himself.
"You're my type." Julia slips as she closes her eyes.
"What?" Stiles stares at her.
"Huh?" She opens her eyes confused.
"What you just said... I'm your type, really?" He asks and it hits her that she said that.
"Oh, I mean like... You're smart, funny, caring, super loyal to the people closest to you and would do anything to protect them." She lists feeling awkward as he just continues to look at her.
Luckily there was a knock at the door and it was Scott saying they were gonna go find the body, "Hopefully it will be easy with Julia. What are you doing here anyways?" Scott eyes her in the bed.
"Another sleepover but let's go." She jumps out of the bed to change clothes.
In the woods, the three manage to find the scene of the car wreck. The car was still there in the same spot where it crashed eight years before. Stiles speculates that it would have been too much trouble to tow it out from way back in the woods.
They find a doll in the wreckage, the same doll seen in a photograph at the Tate house earlier, the doll's voice box triggers and scares Stiles.
"I think I just had a minor heart attack." Stiles says as Julia cracks up and apologizes to him.
They hear growing and Scott notices two glowing eyes in the trees beyond. He calls on the two to confirm what he is seeing is real, then sets off after the grey furred creature.
"What the hell about us?" Julia looks at Stiles.
"Let's just look around." Stiles says so they stay close to each other walking around finding something so they go to look for Scott running into him causing the three all to scream, "I think we found something."
"So did I."
They go to the den and inside, they find Malia's clothes as well as some toys and are convinced that she is the creature. Scott says by invading the den, they've guaranteed that Malia won't return because their scent is everywhere.
Scott believes he could track her better if he transformed but says he can't due to his fear of losing control. He says since Derek hasn't responded to his texts they'll have to find someone else to help. Saying the den is a crime scene they call in Sheriff Stilinski.
The Sheriff is incredulous that the coyote is actually a girl. Scott and Stiles spin a scenario whereby the accident that killed the Tate family was caused when Malia transformed while her mom was driving. Malia, wracked with guilt at the death of her family, runs off into the woods and becomes trapped inside the body of a coyote. This is all speculation on their part and not confirmed fact. The sheriff is again incredulous and says it's insane.
Agent McCall shows up with Mr. Tate. He was angry and snaps at Scott that he'll talk to his mom about letting him run around the woods at night. Mr. Tate then confirms that some of the clothing found in the den belonged to Malia.
"Your dad is sick a dick." Julia says as they walk back to Stiles' jeep.
Back at Stiles' house, Julia changes clothes again getting back in Stiles' bed closing her eyes. When Stiles enters his room he sees Julia fast asleep already. He lays back in bed rolling over to face Julia. He couldn't help but taken in all her little features. She was beautiful even sleeping.
Reality sets in and Stiles quickly rolls over to face away from her. No, she's my friend. I can't ruin that. He repeats in his head over and over trying to fall asleep but her saying he was her type just kept creeping its way back into his mind.
"Sty, can you stop rocking, please." Julia mumbles with her eyes still closed.
"Oh, sorry. I'm just trying to fall asleep." He starts to bounce his leg nervously.
Julia scoots closer to cuddle him being the big spoon again, "It took you seconds last time." She rests her forehead on his shoulder blade.
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translucent-at-best · 8 months
I'm moving next month and when I tell you I am ill-prepared... yikes. Even still, although I have my moments of panic here and there, I wouldn't say I'm in panic mode. Might should be, but I'm not. Right now, anyway.
Every Black person I know in LA went to the Renaissance tour for Beyonce's birthday show tonight. Love that for them, hate that for me.
Yesterday I gave myself an orgasm that I felt in my toes and fingertips. That shit was amazing. My body needed that.
Talked to my best friend from back home earlier this week and she admitted to me that she cheated on her husband. My roommate broke up with her boyfriend yesterday after finding out he'd moved a woman he worked with in with him and had been lying to her about it for over a month. Last night while my roommate was on the phone with friends trying to comfort her, they just kept going on and on with examples of how their boyfriends had dogged them and how they'd dealt with it.
Ayo... I know relationships are work. But all these instances have me wondering am I dumb for thinking that work was mostly gonna entail learning to love and merge lives with your person? I can't imagine completely disregarding someone's feelings like that and being so intentional in hurting my partner. This really what folks just out here doing?
Had to cancel my Houston trip and although I'm bummed about it, I'm more so relieved that I get to keep that money in my bank account. Adulting and being responsible for keeping a roof over my head is some bullshit though.
I've gotten really close with a couple of my coworkers over the past few months. We've been hanging out pretty regularly and whenever we see each other, I noticed we always hug as a greeting and as a goodbye. The reason I noticed this is because before that started happening, I was being hugged very infrequently. Not that I didn't have friends before them, but those other friends aren't big on being touched, so we never hug.
It's little, but it's meaningful and I don't take it for granted. I really miss being touched and held.
Motherfuck these upcoming student loan payments.
Speaking of those new friends, I was honest with them and told them I didn't have the funds to go through with plans we made a while ago. Past Michelle would've cancelled without a reason and isolated myself until I was financially okay again. Present Michelle realizes that people I care about don't deserve the disappearing act, so I let myself be vulnerable and let them know.
I appreciated their response so much. Instead of making me feel bad for cancelling, we changed plans from an outing to a chill day in and cooked instead of ordering food so that we could still get together. That meant so much. I'm blessed to know some really genuine people.
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bywayofmemory · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @iamstartraveller776, thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 313. 113 of them are 3SF fics so they only sort of count? I haven't even posted 2024's batch yet.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 452,247
3. What fandoms do you write for? My fandoms list on AO3 is...long. Like 80+ fandoms long. This is once again due to 3SF; fandoms I am or have been actually active in are Firefly, Chronicles of Narnia, Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, Grisha Trilogy/Shadow and Bone, and Greek Mythology.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Drunk on the Dying Light [Grisha Trilogy, Darklina] A blood-soaked amplifier gives Alina the ability to control him, but the Darkling still haunts her; all the more so once she becomes his wife.
Maybe It Will All Come Back to Me [A Song of Ice and Fire, Jon/Arya] The wars are over, Daenerys is on the Iron Throne, and Arya finds Jon at last, though neither of them are who they were before.
Hold My Heart in Two [A Song of Ice and Fire, Jon/Arya/Sansa] The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives, in whatever form.
The World That's on the Other Side [Firefly, Mal/River] When River Tam is fourteen, she meets a man who tells her her future. She doesn't want it, but he's a different matter altogether.
The Ladies Love Wash, and Wash Loves the Ladies [Firefly, Wash & all the women of Firefly] Wash is popular with the womenfolk; it's just a fact of life.
5. Do you respond to comments? I always try to! Usually I am successful.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't write unhappy endings too often, but two stand out - Always, we strive to get closer, one of my Narnia Fic Exchange fics from last year in which a post-canon Edmund battles through memories to find Susan, only to find she's not ready to give up living even for him, and A Rush of Blood Is Not Enough, a Folk of the Air sex-pollen fic where Jude unknowingly dubcons Cardan and he's very angry once it wears off.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of mine have happy or at least bittersweet endings, so this is hard - but it might well be The World That's on the Other Side, where Mal and River manage to fix everything bad that happened in canon before any of it technically happens at all.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Rarely, since I'm a NNF. I used to get a bit back in the day when I was actively writing Mal/River due to the age gap and mental stability issues inherent in that pairing, and now I get a comment or two on the Darklina fics from time to time. They just get deleted.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes! I write pretty vanilla M/F and F/F smut; haven't gotten further than the mildest of kinks so far.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? All the time. The craziest are probably the Where's Waldo/LotR or Narnia/Sports Mascot RPF [sort of??? how do you even classify fic in which Gritty appears?], both from 3SF. For non 3SF, it's almost all Narnia/ASoIaF. Probably the most unusual of those is The Truth Without Lying, since that's partly a 1940/50s England AU of ASoIaF as well as a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, but I don't look for it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yep. There's three of them on AO3, and I've been asked other times, though if those were done they didn't get linked back to my originals.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Only in 3SF, where you can 'cowrite' in terms of leaving a series of prompts or fills with a specific partner or two. That I do almost every year. In the traditional sense, no.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I don't really work in Firefly anymore for the obvious reasons (dead fandom, the Whedon of it all), but rereading any of my Mal/River work still feels like meeting up with old friends. I love them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I had a third and fourth part of my Mal/River series Love Keeps Her in the Air planned out, and a good 1/3 of part three written. It's literally the only unfinished fic I have. It never got finished because I moved across the country during the middle of it and my ambition never quite recovered.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and characterization. I'm very good at getting character voices down (and typically just avoid writing characters I can't get a handle on, honestly).
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. Beginnings. The absolute worst. This is why I have no WIPs; if I manage to actually get something started, the hard part is out of the way for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I used to do this all the time in Firefly, using Mandarin phrases they'd used in the show. Everyone did at the time. Now I wouldn't; I'd go the "swore at length in Mandarin" route, or just use dialogue tags and description to indicate the characters are speaking another language, like I do with Valyrian in my HotD fics.
19. First fandom you wrote for? LotR, a very long time ago. Firefly is the first one I published anything for that's still on the internet.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I have so many favorites! I couldn't possibly choose one, except I could and it's The World That's on the Other Side. The ones written during ~the flow are always my faves, and that one stands out the most in that regard.
Tagging @thatgirlnevershutsup, @wingedflight, @siterlas, @starsuncounted and @oakashandwillow if you want!!
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ghoulshouting · 2 years
Yo please talk to me about those sweet sweet 200-years-since-the-apocalypse detes, I feel like I'm the only one who ever thinks "there wouldn't be perfectly preserved skeletons here let alone clothes" and "wouldn't these wooden structures be all rotten and fallen down now" talk to me dog
I think fandom is with us on this one, there's been a general air of frustration for a long time about this. Definitely I get into weird spirals about production lines and the factories/craftspeople that may or may not exist. I'm talking textiles, ammunition (obviously), lumber yards (to make up for the rotten wooden structures thing), contraception (because I'm an optimist?), scrapyards, and some sort of post-apocalypse pharmaceutical joint (this one, obviously, I haven't considered in depth lol).
But also like, SURELY even in the Commonwealth there are just straight-up bicycle gangs, right?? There would have absolutely have been a movement to a) clear out and bury (or whatever method of interring disturbs less radiation in the soil) as many skeletons lying in the open as possible, and b) people who do their best to clear out and reconstruct (I use this loosely) major roadways for the sake of bicycles, brahmin-led carts and wagons (so that caravans can have more going for them, I suppose?), and I assume so that people can take major pieces of furniture or infrastructural resources or whatever from a to b while building their settlements. Show me where the cyclists are at!!
My personal thing that almost certainly I will (one day) get to in the epilogue of my fic, Unbreaking, is that there's a debate about literacy rates in the Commonwealth, and regardless of whether it makes sense for people to be highly literate, the game seems to think they are, SO: 200 years have passed? We should probably get better at distributing print information about weapon maintenance, farming, schooling, construction, repair manuals, whatever else is important so that people stay alive and do a bit better for themselves than huts that lack four solid walls, in a world in which there are radstorms and —worse— radsnow (!!!???). Maybe we can assume this is something the game brushes over for the most part, because this is a weird deep dive sort of a thing interesting to probably only me, but show me the large-scale printing press!!!
And of course if we assume there is a large scale printing press and other factories, we have to assume several significant transportation routes are fairly secured. Maybe that's a minutemen thing, maybe not, but I think I would find it fairly atmospheric for the apocalypse to stroll through a couple of tightly-protected thoroughfares aside from the area outside of Diamond City, and then raiders can have a highwaymen vibe to them instead of what feels like being haphazardly placed about the map. I do think that parts of the map should, realistically, be a lot safer from raiders and super mutants, 200 yrs in.
If I had a spare week, I could write a few tens of thousands of words on this, and maybe some parts of it are partially addressed by canon and I've missed it, but whatever, here are my thoughts.
And yes, Commonwealth folk, I'm begging you to clean out your unused toilets if you're not going to bother to fix up your plumbing systems. You have a cool, tiled room that can be sanitized and used for storage. But also, fix up your plumbing —after 200 years someone should really have figured that one out.
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the-a-archives · 4 months
This may seem weird but I found you a little while ago and your age, pronouns, and alternate username reminded me of an author I used to know
I compared your work to work I had saved on my ao3 account and after getting enough courage to send this, I’d like to believe you’re the same person. would you happen to be rotz13? I noticed the account was deleted on here.
if it is you. Your writing is so different, it almost feels like you’ve hidden yourself to make your writing appealing to others. Where are the essay dumps? The religious notes? The random studies? but most importantly how r you?
If you're who I perceive you to be, then my warm heart and homesick tears are justified.
I am sorry you feel that way, and in a way you are correct. I'm shocked you went through all that work just to see if it was me. I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me feel special. I've been well as of late, but knowing you, I can provide more detail.
Long-winded post ahead.
My Fellow Lamb,
That account you've mentioned was one that I deleted back in late-2019. And years do not leave me where I don't regret ridding myself of that work I've spent so many hours on. Truthfully, the day I deleted that account, I was manic. Engulfed by the waters that I had poured into my own brain to drown myself. I'm not sure what caused it, perhaps the study you and I both know about where I performed psychological exercises on my own lack of empathy and record my answers to see if I was truly unfortunate.
When I reviewed my answers, I found myself confused on the basics of other's common sense. For example:
If two groups are on a set of train tracks, the train cannot be stopped, and you are the only person who can pull the lever to determine who the train hits. Who do you choose? The family of 5? The woman who's pregnant? Which one are more morally correct?
I find both of these scenarios distasteful for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, why and how did the train get into this situation? Where is the conductor? Is 911 not an option? Why are the individuals on the tracks in the first place? Why can't the option be that they move off the track? But disregarding all of that, I found that most people, would choose the pregnant woman. Upwards of 75% of people.
I don't know where my answer lies to this day.
It has driven me mad ever since, and I have looked for answers in most places. Including religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, Mormonism, even Scientology (whom I do not support). Mid-2021 I wrote this dilemma off as something I cannot answer because of my lack of religion.
Though, you know me, correct?
2024 would make my 7th year straight of studying Christianity and Catholicism as a conjoined theological research, which would also make this my 7th bible to annotate and compare with my other research. For those of you who do not know me, I was raised in these religions simultaneously, and since burdening the trauma that comes with it, my hyperfinite studies in these religions does not oppose my lack of religion.
You would be proud to hear my evolution, however. As I do not consider myself an atheist anymore, more of an agnostic. I attend church services as to get a clearer understanding of the faithful appeal Yahweh has on our populous as human beings, yet my hesitation to get too close as left me temporarily unfulfilled in these psychological findings.
I find myself wondering why I cannot be blissfully ignorant like these folk often times.
To answer your questions, I still write my essays on the side. Though, with school piling up, I find myself lost in thoughts rather than writing them down. I am apprehensive to write them down an post them, for the pandemic has brought on different minds with essays and more often than not-- people are disinterested.
To follow up with this, however, I have changed the way I write, and what I write about. I've found that people adore upfront plots and writing to accompany it. So I have... shortened what I have to say in order to appease these demands. But you are correct, they are quaint and unlike me. And I yearn for my rambles about topics I adore.
For you, I might consider this route and delete everything.
I hope you are well, my lamb.
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