#I'd rather wait and be surprised by what the writers come up with for the next few seasons.
lc-holy · 11 months
My other thoughts on season 5:
We all thought it was Marinette who was going to confess first, but it was actually Adrien who did. And we all thought it was Adrien who would confront his father in the end, but it was actually Marinette who did.
We learned that the reason Marinette couldn't confess to Adrien wasn't that she was afraid he'd reject her (although Marinette was afraid of that too), but rather that she couldn't confess because of her trauma-induced anxieties. (But I'll be honest, even without justifying Marinette's trauma in the derision episode, we know that Marinette has been harassed by Chloe for a long time and that she's a big part of the reason for Marinette's anxiety).
Early on in season 5, Alya makes it clear to Marinette that Adrien is interested in her. And the Adrien's confession didn't really surprise Marinette. The important thing was to find out how Marinette will manage to face her fears so that she and Adrien can finally be together. Adrien's patience and kindness had a lot to do with it. He took the lead in their relationship to ensure Marinette's comfort until she was ready to confess.
In the final third of the season, it was Marinette who took matters into her own hands to free Adrien from his father. It's not that Adrien didn't do anything; on the contrary, he tried to talk to his father several times, but it was always to no avail, as Gabriel had such a hold on him. But we were still treated to the Representation episode where Adrien was able to tell his father everything that was on his mind. But in the end, even as Chat noir, Gabriel got the better of him. There could be no Monarch-Chat noir confrontation because of Adrien's nightmare. He was already very unstable at the start of the Conformation episode, so how could he face his father and discover all his secrets in this state?
Some may not like what I'm about to say, but I think it's great that Adrien didn't confront his father. We already see in many stories people who suffer abuse go directly to confront their abuser to free themselves, so why not tell the story of a victim who can't confront his abuser? Especially since Gabriel can easily control Adrien.
And I love how Adrien's friends were there to support him and helped Chat noir beat Gabriel in the Representation episode!
And Marinette managed to free Adrien, but not without consequences. It's not just "the knight who freed the princess from the evil dragon and happy ending!". Gabriel leaves her with all his heavy secrets. The idyllic ending we're shown at the end is just Adrien's vision. It's as if Gabriel has hidden all the horrors he's committed in a box wrapped in beautiful gift wrap. Only Marinette and a few others know the contents, but prefer not to say anything for Adrien's sake.
And please know that I don't blame Marinette at all for keeping the truth from him, it's extremely difficult to tell truths that could break the person you love. And I don't understand people who say she has to tell him the truth because otherwise she's a bad person. It's so much more complicated than that... Especially as Marinette also has the right to take a breather...
Still, I can't wait (and I'm afraid too) to see when the truth comes out.
 But there's very little room for Ladynoir, is there?
Er... yes. One of my main criticisms of this season is the cruel lack of Ladynoir ! There are very few Ladynoir moments, even platonic ones. Not even a discussion at the end of the two episodes of the kwamis choice. Or when Ladybug suddenly trusts Felix in Pretension. Chat Noir is just a little surprised, but that's all.
I can understand that Ladynoir is less present because Adrien and Marinette are much more focused on their relationship as Adrinette. And Ladybug and Chat Noir had no conflict this season. This is a season that was supposed to wrap up several arcs, but because the episodes are short and there are so many arcs to wrap up, ladynoir is sidelined. But honestly, apart from the few moments I mentioned above, I didn't find the absence of ladynoir all that bothersome. (Still, I'm sad I haven't seen much of them this season).
And as I said, this season was supposed to conclude several arc. So we have the end of the Chloe arc, the Lila arc, the Gabriel arc, the Ladynoir arc and the Adrinette arc, but the end of an arc doesn't mean it's really the end.
Chloé is far from Paris, but will surely return worse than ever. (or perhaps a redemption? but I don't think so), Lila no longer exists but she becomes Cerise and possesses the butterfly miraculous, Gabriel is dead but his statue is there to remind us that he's still here after all.
The Ladynoir arc concluded in the first third of the season.
Chat Noir abandons his feelings for Ladybug, as he realizes his feelings are not reciprocated, and focuses on his feelings for Marinette. Ladybug begins to have feelings for Chat Noir, but as he no longer has feelings for her, she decides to focus on her feelings for Adrien. In the final episode, Ladybug and Chat noir found a balance in their great superhero team. Chat noir and Ladybug stand next to each other in front of all the other superheroes following them.
Adrinette's arc :
Adrien managed to be more enterprising in his love relationship and to be a good support to Marinette. Marinette faced up to her fears and had the courage to confront her boyfriend's father several times before setting him free. They had their fairytale ending.
But some things don't add up, not only does the end of the lovesquare arc set us up for an Adrinette conflict over the secrets Marinette is keeping from Adrien, but the relationship between Chat Noir and Ladybug is also incomplete. For example, Ladybug has never confessed her feelings to Chat Noir. To me, Chat Noir and Ladybug's feelings haven't changed, they're just hidden for now.  
Cerise seems to have more rage against Marinette than Ladybug. Especially in the post-endcard re-creation. While Gabriel was very angry with Ladybug and Chat noir, is Cerise more likely to take it out on Adrien and Marinette's relationship? 
Although I was initially skeptical about Adrien and Marinette breaking up, Cerise could potentially be the cause of a future Adrinette separation. Maybe i’ll be totally wrong, but I think there will be a conflict between Marinette and Adrien that will relaunch the lovesquare in some way.
To sum up: like the end of Gabriel and that idyllic ending that feels more like a dream than reality, the conclusion of the lovesquare for this arc left a lot of people dubious. As if something were incomplete. An ending for Marinette and Adrien will only be satisfying if there's a reveal, so yes the story isn't over. Adrinette and Ladynoir will be confronting new issues and conflicts next seasons. It's a new beginning for everyone.
 One last thing about what Adrien said to Marinette in the garden: "I don't know if I'll ever manage to be like him [his father]". I saw a lot of people angry that Adrien had suddenly forgotten all the horrible things his father had done, and that this meant Gabriel had been redeemed. I'm sure Adrien still knows what his father did to him, especially when he tells Marinette that he feels freer when he's with her. I interpret this as a kind of guilt on Adrien's part. Adrien has always had a sense of sacrifice, especially in helping Ladybug, but the only time he refuses to go and fight for everyone's safety is when his father dies. He must have felt some guilt or perhaps admiration for his father at the time, but that doesn't mean he's forgotten all the horrible things his father did before.
And if you still have doubts about whether the writers gave Gabriel redemption at the end of the season, here's what Thomas has to say about it :
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partywithoutsmiling · 1 month
do you have favourites aus or fics within the fandom?
When it comes to AUs I am naturally more biased towards my own XD I don't have all the corners of Tumblr explored, so all my favourites are ones in the general sense (as in, I don't know their original creator)
I always like the ones where John Dory comes back to take care for Branch; another fun one is when it explores a different brother being captured by Velvet and Veneer (or even Poppy); Branch getting adopted by a different tribe is another fun one too!
I've seen AUs like Brotherhood!AU, Borrower!AU and Cult!Branch AU thrown around in the Trolls tag, but to be honest I had troubles finding more details in one coherent post, and all of them seem rather... dark? XD Tbh I am not really a fan of AUs where the Brozone bros come up as a villains or villain-adjacent pff
I definitelly have some fic favourites rn, though I read so many and several I didn't even bookmarked- but I will share the ones I like the most! (Some fics, while having a good idea and trying their best are kinda lacking in the execution, so I don't include those)
All of them are on AO3, so, in no particular order:,
No Strings Attached by Spritzy (Completed) Spritzy is fairly active Trolls fics writer, and I'd consider them a good one, so you will see their name again XD This fic is more a collection of oneshots, about whatever honestly; it's a mix of mostly World Tour related stuff
Fluffy Love by Spritzy (Completed) Again, sort of collection of oneshots, but hardcore Broppy XD The premise being that the Pop Trolls act more... wild? And have both fur, paws and tails (something I really enjoy myself pf) Spritzy seems to be adding to this fic sometimes, as it strikes their fancy, so it's always a pleasant surprise to see it pop up in my updated bookmarks!
Elapse by Dulltoned (Completed) A tiny fic that is about the Brozone brothers trying to coexist together and heal from their breakup XD it goes with various levels of success, and Branch is very much not coping pff
It Runs In The Family by Localamblogus (Completed) In addition to Floyd, Branch gets captured by Velvet and Veneer as well (JD at first tried to come up with ways to solve Floyd's capture on his own and Velvet got too tired of waiting and thus tried to lure in another brother with a fake letter) Looking for Branch, JD finally arrives in Pop Village- naturally, Poppy enlists herself to help, and is not impressed by the elder Brozone brothers as the adventure goes on XD
You Are Half Of Me Now by Localamblogus (Completed) Now THIS fic is probably my top favourite XD Set during the time where Creek betrayed Poppy and the rest of the Snack Pack, an attempt at escape fails spectacularly, causing Chef to notice Branch's lack of colours; now sepparated from the rest, even after the other trolls escape with Bridget's help, Poppy is determined to leave no troll behind. Includes fledgling Groppy/Broppy feels, and Cooper is Poppy's little adopted brother and the sibling feels are so real (A+ honestly), and Creek gets what he deserves XD Can't recommend this one enough.
Eldest and Youngest by TheMiraculousMat (Main Fic Completed) A collection, a classic 'JD returns to care for Branch'; a good execution of the concept and entertaining read, though I am now reading another fic (ongoing) that is able to execute this AU even better XD Still, I do recommend reading this one!
Clocks (Home Where I Wanted to Go) by Espionages (Incomplete) Another 'Branch Gets Captured' fic, but this time it's just poor him all alone in Velvet and Veneer's grasp; naturally, Poppy gets very concerned- and when a letter adressed to a Troll named 'Floyd' arrives, she makes it her business to find the recipient- and in the process finds out where Branch has gone. The fic itself sits on 17 chapters out of 18, and havent been updated for a month XD a shame, but here's hoping the final chapter will eventually get posted, cant do nothing but cross our fingers!
Breathe Again by Blade_That_Was_Broken (Incomplete) Possibly the only Human AU that you will see on this list (as I am not that big of a fan of those- it's hard for me to read a 'mundane' retelling with the characters, as they seem to lose most of their magical whimsy when people do that) but this is perhaps one AU that I am very invested into (it does help the writer is really excellent, and you will see more of their work on this list as well) The premise is that JD had been kicked out of the house by his parents when he was 18, and fought hard and legal battle to get his brothers in his custody. It is more complicated than that naturally, but this is the start, and the family feels are real- especially with baby Branch, who JD had no idea existed until a moment ago XD It currently sits at 6 chapters out of planned 8, and is being a part of a series, so hopefully more content for this AU will be coming!
I'm Still Here by Blade_That_Was_Broken (Main Fics Complete) A chunky 4-part fic series, where JD returns to get baby Branch after a brief stint in the Neverglades, and then takes him into the wilderness with him, figuring he can keep him more safe than if he stayed in the Troll Tree. Of course, tragedy strucks, and suddenly older and grey Branch appears in the new Troll Village, without his brother. I will leave it at that, but it's basically retelling of the Troll series with this little twist in narrative!
Smoke and Starlight by Blade_That_Was_Broken (Complete) Branch still deals with that nasty little voice in his head that is convinced all his brothers will leave him, but that doesn't stop him about inquiring about his parents, and JD is his best bet. This fic explores more about the brothers relationships and more about John Dory and his life in the past 20 years- it is very Brozone friendly fic and the family feels are of the charts, I definitelly recommend!
I'll Never Fall, Unless it's You I'm Falling For by Dinoo_Saur (Complete?) A series of oneshots, at this time only two of them, about fledgling Groppy/Broppy. I assume the writer will add to it eventually, once they feel inspired, but even those two that are here are good read!
Shattered Pieces by Icedarsha (Incomplete) Aftermath of TBT and the brothers are *baaad* at this whole brother thing XD really kinda fumbling all around, but we love them for it. The fic currently sits at 15 chapters, and haven't been updated since April 20th 2024, so we will see where the writer plans to take us
Everything Stays (Right Where You Left It) by Venusperia (Incomplete) Poor Poppy has been taken by Velvet and Veneer and she is NOT having a good time at all; in the meantime, Branch returns to his manic grey self, as he is forced to realize that he might have to try and find his brothers as the only way to shatter a diamond is Perfect Family Harmony- and sets out to do so, with Barb as his best buddy for the ride (and perhaps his handler, as Branch is just a trigger away from jumping his brothers' throats) This fic currently sits at 15 chapters, last updated April 22nd 2024- I feel kinda impatient for this one as Poppy is really having a shitty time, to the point she doesnt even fight to keep her optimism up, and Branch is just spiralling
I'll see you when I fall asleep by Idontsleepidaydream (Complete?) Series of mostly oneshots, set after events of TBT, explorations of Brozone relationship and feels, mostly focused on JD honestly, who has more issues that a rabid cat in a bag
Your Grace by Mrct (Incomplete) A series about how JD returned to the Troll Tree to care for Baby Branch, and when the Trolls made their triumphant escape, King Peppy perished in the effort. John, instinctivelly tucking little baby Poppy in his hair in the chaos of it all, suddenly gets stuck as acting regent, much to his confusion, unease and resignation XD It currently on has a 3-chapter long fic but I assume the writer plans to expand on it, which is why I recommend the series whole
I Wanna Find A Home by Isabel3710 (Incomplete) Grey little Branch decided that he is too much of a burden among the trolls of his own Tribe, and figures it is best to leave and find somewhere else to be a less of a bother. His feet leads him to the Lonesome Flats into the arms of young Delta Dawn, who cannot on good conscience allow this poor little trolling to struggle, even though he is probably a Pop Troll (And honestly, seeing the mess he is, all the better he left them and found the Country Tribe in her opinion) Currently sitting at 3 chapters, last updated at April 30th 2024, I cant honestly wait to see Branch find the family he deserves <3
Weightless by Sunfox (Incomplete) When Chef attacks, both Poppy and Peppy gets captured along with the Snack Pack, leaving the Pop Tribe leaderless. With contingency plans in motions, they decide to evacuate, but Sky Toronto knows he has to let Branch knows what happened- either in effort to convince him to come along or to know to stay put in his bunker. Branch instead decided he cannot on good conscience let any trolls get eaten and sets out to save Poppy and the rest from certain doom. Currently sitting at 2 out of 3 chapters planned, and last updated only few days ago, it is honestly more of a 'snack' than a full sized fic XD But I enjoy the exploration of the events
Birdie by TurnedWorm (Incomplete) Clay managed to happed upon grey Branch just as the Trolls were escaping through the tunnels and now reunited, off with the (future) Putt Putt trolls they go; fic that explores the very early struggles of survival of the sepparated tribe, while Clay tries to be the best guardian for Branch as well. Currently sitting at 3 chapters and sadly last updated in march, but hope is still holding that the writer will continue it XD
Torrent by ASamwich (Incomplete) Grey Branch is having a very bad time; nearly drowning in his bunker when storm caused his seals to break through and flood his lower levels, he is then found by concerned Poppy in the midst of battling a serious infection. With his bunker pretty much inhabitable right now and him being ill, he is forced to accept help and dragged kicking and screaming into friendship XD Currently sitting at 5 chapters and last updated at the beginning of April, it is one of those 'I hope it will get continued eventually' fics pff
Field of Forgetmenots by EmpressGeek (Incomplete) A planned series probably spanning multiple fic (the first one sitting at 4 chapters and complete), it explores a sudden growing sibling relationship between Grey Branch and Keith, a little oddball trolling who seems to be fitting badly among his peers. Very sweet with hint of trauma on Branch's part, and I am at the edge of my seat, waiting for more XD
Dereliction by Jellfish (Incomplete) This is, in my opinion, THE fic about John Dory returning to take care for Branch (After Rosiepuff's death and after the escape from the Troll Tree) Thinking he will find a happy little trolling, JD instead finds a little malnourished neglected scrappy thing, and is not only horrified and angry, but also terribly guilty about ever leaving. Currently sitting at 36 chapters and updated fairly regularly, I really cannot recommend this one enough!
Rewinding our Fate by Trollsbuzz (Incomplete) Perhaps the only time travel fic written with some style and quality that makes it readable XD It is rushing through the Broppy rather fast in my opinion, and some things feel a bit OOC, buuuut it's nothing major and it is enjoyable read! Currently sitting at 41 chapters and being updated fairly regularly, so here's hoping it will continue so!
Now, the remaining 3 Fanfic recommendations are all Anonymous and Incomplete (Sadly seems the authors didn't want to be associated with writing for Trolls franchise but oh well)
A Litte Winter Miracle Grey Branch suddenly and to his horror finds abandoned egg in the snow, and overcome with protective urges is unable to just pass it along to anyone else. Reconnecting with Kismet, he is slowly settling into his sudden parent role (in secret from most other Trolls, including Poppy and the Snack Pack). Adding to bit of feral behaviour from Branch, it makes for a very easy read- currently sitting at 24 chapters and last updated at April 26th, it is one I am really hoping that will continue XD
I'm Gonna Make This Place Your Home Kid Grey Branch got accidentally mistaken for a rock tribe trolling by teenage Barb, and hauled of to the angler buses before anyone could even blink XD With a nice portrayal of autistic Branch, it's one of THE 'accidental sibling acquisitions', but Barb can't complain as she got the awesomest little brother out of the deal. Currently sitting at 14 chapters and last updated at April 24th, it gives me some hope it will continue XD
Stuck With You Instead of the whole Velvet and Veneer plotline, we get Cashmere, who strives to be a more of a Country Pop singing sensation- and John Dory and Delta Dawn happens to be her unfortunate victims. Featuring miserable John Dory who, after 20 years, doesnt hold much hopes that anyone would even care he is gone, and rather furious Delta Dawn who can't believe she got stuck with a Pop Troll and is determined to escape. Do I sense a future romance brewing...? (I sure hope so!) Currently at 3 chapters and last updated on May 1st, I am fairly optimistic this one is ongoing!
So those are my recommendations! Hopefully I did not mess up the links but you can always search for them manually XD
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Mc That's like Wednesday
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First Meet
Pairing: Obey me character x mc! That's like Wednesday !!
Tw warning: mention of gore?
Part-1 Part-2
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The brothers.
You were lying on the cold floor... No you're not poor infact you're far from it. You were sleeping on the bed but you suddenly felt that something's wrong and found out you were on the floor , there were voices around you saying 'is she dead'
'oh looks like the exchange program will have to wait' .
'I'm kidnapped...not that i didn't expected that' you thought.
You were still pretending to be asleep so you can find out more but then you heard footsteps approaching probably coming to check upon you whoever that was removed a piece of hair from your face the moment they touched you , you grabbed their hand pulled them down and pushed your little knife near their throat that you keep hidden in your locket. It's small but useful . You heard people gasps and looked down it was a very handsome man with Ruby eyes and raven hair. But you weren't the one to be phased by good looks .
"Where am I? You all better start speaking if you want this little friend of yours alive" you demanded without fearing......
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Shocked , surprised, stunt!!
Human how!?
And you didn't got up till Diavolo explained everything!! When you got up you didn't even apologize..even after being told he's the Lucifer.
Poor Lucifer prided got hurt
"Human I'd have you apologize for the stunt"
"And i you, for kidnapping me"
"I'd rather stuck needles in my eyes"
Diavolo have to stop you guys , you're like another incarnate of pride.
But no one has the audacity to stuck up to Lucifer so he kinda becomes a simp NGL.
But still his poor pride is still hurt.
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Do you not enjoy living human? You must have a death wish 😃?
No like really stop arguing with Lucifer but like SIMP no:2.
Cause he was since he saw you pretending to be asleep!!
Look Mammon is easily distracted but you caught his attention now.
Will try to talk to you but you genuinely don't give a shit 😃.
"Lucifer i don't wanna babysit a human!!"
"Yes i don't want to be baby sit by someone whose face scream 'help me I'm getting bullied '"
"Hey human you don't get to insult The Great Mamm-"
" i wish i could mold my consciousness to give a shit but i apologize i can't"
Mammon didn't even understand that because too much grammar and fancy language.
He'll stick with you thou.....cause he's a simp.
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Didn't knew what was going on and didn't care .
Though was slightly concern for you when you talk back to Lucifer.
Was impressed when you roasted mammon.
He was like "LOLMRRRR" (I still don't know what that means)
Blushed really hard when you sent him a glare .
"You know you look like the main character of 'i invited my crush to hell now they're roasting all of my brothers and making them fall in love'"
"No i look like Wednesday from Wednesday " you said and went away.
He looked it up at first he was like what a normie but then he saw it and immediately found out the similarity.
Simp No: 3
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You are his favourite now .
Crown you to be the leader of Anti-Lucifer League.
"i refuse"
"You're seriously turning me down?"
"Can you believe it"
But you'd be mostly found with him through.
He'll read listening to your calming taps of type writer.
One can say you go along the best with him
Lucifer don't like it though.
You'll not take part in his pranks cause apparently "if there's no blood there's no fun"
Satan found you a bit disturbing cause from books he learnt this behaviour isn't normal amoung humans but he also found you intriguing.
Congrats satan taking interest means you better run.
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He saw a new fashion
He took interest
You're his now!!
"sweetie! You're so unique!!"
"Distance would be appreciated, and if dropping the bodies of your victims infront of their family rather than disposing them is unique then thanks"
Asmo exp. Has stop working *windos shut down music*
He still try to gain his composure back
"uh why the distance sweetie! Would you not rather see this beauty*winks winks*'
"I'm alergic to color , i go insane and scrape the flesh of my bones"
Ok Asmo accept his defeat and sulked away
Mc-1, Asmo-0
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Thinks you're threat for what you did to Lucifer.
But gets that's just your chaotic personality.
Thinks your like belphie.
Otherwise no thoughts head empty beel will just continue enjoying his meal
For you beel is the most decent.
(I love him)
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"Please save me I'm a human just like you Lucifer has captured me!!"
"You smell *sniff* like a demon . Nice to meet you belphegor ."
"How !?"
"Humans are usually scared of me "
"Well you still gotta help me even if I'm a demon "
"Got two words"
"Bet they won't be helpful"
"Your problem"
"I was right "
But you still sometimes bring him blankets and read him your novels when Lucifer isn't looking.
He likes you . No like really.
Safe to say you are not going to face the same fate as the game's mc now .
He still hate humans
But so do you.
So y'all like besties now!!
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[A/N]: First obey me headcannon . Hehe! I hope you all enjoyed it !!
If there's something you don't like let me know in DM!
Thank you for reading!!
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kay-elle-cee · 1 month
Thanks for the tag, @annabtg!
🍓 how did you get into writing fanfiction?
My babysitter 😅 The summer OotP came out, she introduced me to fanfiction while we waited for the book to come out, and helped me start writing my first fic after we each read OotP!
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
4 if we're not counting RPF (I'm SORRY)
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Off and on for 21 years (jesus christ). My biggest break was between early college and 2022, where I went about 10 years without writing fic (though would still occasionally read). To be fair I was mostly writing screenplays, and aren't spec scripts a type of fanfiction? (I'd argue yes).
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely comes and goes in waves. I'd classify myself as writing more at this moment in time. I'm trying to get myself back into reading.
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I think my dialogue sounds a lot more natural than it used to 10+ years ago! (I hope)
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
So many. Using the same words over and over again, getting tangled up in my brain and not fully extrapolating on ideas I really want to write, taking on too much, etc.
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I've definitely answered this before but Semaphore Signalling, and I didn't even USE it!
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Someone screaming at me (in a positive way) is always fun. Live reacts are the creme de la creme but obviously that's way intense and I never ever ever expect that from anyone, but it's always such a nice surprise.
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Oh god, I don't know that I write anything fringe? I feel like everything I write is pretty mainstream/standard. Maybe my Newsies AU?
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Long-fic plotting is proving to be really daunting.
🍏What is the easiest type?
Angst :)
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my couch in Google Docs. Sometimes I'll type stray ideas/sentences into Notion, but typically it's always Google Docs (or directly into Tumblr if I'm feeling wild).
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Okay since I'm actively working on the First War AU I guess I can't say that. I recently got an idea for a Time Loop fic and I think that's rather intimidating.
🍇What made you choose your username?
If you say it fast it sounds like "Kelsey" (with a bit of a twang).
Tagging @ghostofbambifanfiction, @eastwindmlk, @alittlebitofeverything23
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thana-topsy · 8 months
Random question popped up in my mind while I was trying to sleep.
What was Neloth’s childhood like?
Ooh, what a question. Those that know how I tend to write know that I don't bother too much with mapping a character's backstory down to every detail unless it's relevant to the plot of whatever story I'm telling. I'm an exploratory writer, and I love to let characters take on a life of their own. So I usually wait for them to share whatever they deem to be relevant, as strange as that may sound. Neloth is cagey about his past (in all its vastness), though his childhood has come up only a few times and are more like snapshots than a full picture:
Here's the first mention of his childhood that ever popped out, and it even took my by surprise. From Chapter 9 of "Breathing Water":
Of all the times Neloth wished he knew how to cry... even as a child, his wet nurse said he never made a peep. But why would he think of that now, here on a foreign shore, hundreds of miles from home?
Another instance that randomly jumped out happened in Chapter 11 of "Liminal Bridges":
Neloth had few memories from his childhood that he could recall with any sense of clarity. The memories that did manage to stand out were traumatic—instances of failure, embarrassment, shame, and disappointment. One strange little memory that managed to push through, even after the passing of seven hundred years, was one in which he was quite small. One of his family’s Khajiit slaves, whose name had been lost to time, had performed a shadow puppet play for Neloth and his sister. He could not remember the plot, nor even a single word, but he did remember with clarity the little shadows the Khajiit had made with her magick—the way they warped along the undulating walls of his father’s tower—little shadow elves, dancing and flailing, dramatic pantomimes of mortal drama in miniature. He remembered laughing. A rare memory in and of itself. 
And an excerpt from my 2020 short story "Pomegranate Seeds" in which I intentionally tried to imagine what kind of childhood Neloth might have had:
He remembered very little of his early life, either willfully or otherwise. Childhood was a blur of disjointed sense memories, tastes and colors and sounds, punctuated by a pervasive, bitter loneliness. His mother had lost her mind long before bringing him into the world, her body an empty husk, eyes dulled and vacant. She’d barely been able to nurse, much less hold him as a child. His father was murdered by another member of House Telvanni sometime before Neloth’s twentieth nameday. He did remember thinking it to be an excellent present. 
I'd say overall there's a theme of isolation and loneliness, and I can only assume he was forced to grow up rather quickly. Without a mother, he was most likely raised by slaves and servants, passed between various caretakers and never really forming a strong bond with any of them in particular.
And apparently he had a sister! I wonder what she's like...
Thanks so much for asking!
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Worth A Hard Day's Work
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TW: Smut. Language. 
SUMMARY: You surprise Drew when he comes home, but with intentions all your own. 
Anonymous asked:
Heey can u do a fic where Drew's had a long day at work and he comes home to the reader making dinner for him, and she's wearing only his shirt and panties underneath and she keeps teasing him by bending over the counter while cooking so he finally gives in and fucks her over the counter oops 💞 Also I love everything you write, you're such a good writer &lt;3
Worth A Hard Day’s Work
His favorite casserole almost perfectly crisp beneath the plates of the stove, the nearly quiet ambiance of music playing from Spotify from a speaker across the room, and the sight of you in only his shirt had made his grueling work day with it. Without the presence of the usual quick kiss before you would share the news of your day apart, his eyes would only fixate on you in silent admiration. The very same that kept him in place as you instigated that first kiss. A sweet peck as a hint for what was to come as he pulled you back against him. A deeper kiss locked you in his fingers as you found him already eager to explore what your sensuality was offering. And yet, you wanted to torment him for just a bit longer, even though your own patience was wearing thin. 
The kiss deepened as his fingers came beneath his shirt enough to feel his favorite pair of your lace panties at the mercy of your hips, almost weighed down by how wet he made them with his kiss alone. 
"I have to get the casserole..." You reminded, the domestic role you had taken today, having only added to the eroticism for him as you moved to the oven and his steps followed slowly behind. He timed it to where he would be able to return to your hips as you'd removed your shared dinner, but he would become distracted at the sight of those panties. Worsened by the way you turned to face him as if the innocent smile would contrast the sin in your eyes as you knew exactly what you were doing. 
He waited until the casserole was on the counter before you would be pulled against him. Lifted and fingered in seconds as you gasped. 
"Good thing I didn't know about this all day or I'd have had to come home to make you behave-" 
"You think you can?" You teased as he took your jaw in his hand, a deep kiss leaving you breathless. 
"Maybe not. But I can definitely make you misbehave, can't I, baby?" You nodded as he lowered to his knees and you watched him pull you to the ledge of the counter. 
"Definitely." You spoke the word in a continued tease, nurturing each syllable before he made the contact of his tongue between your folds. 
"You're so wet. Been like this all day?" You nodded. 
"And my good girl waited for me?" 
"Then I'm not gonna tease you baby.." You were pulled from the counter and bent over it rather quickly. Bent to where he could apply a proper angle before penetrating effortlessly effortlessly your sobbing sex. 
"Drew!" His hand came around your mouth. 
"I think the neighbors know my name by now, baby...they don't need to know how often..." You forced his hand away. 
"I want them to." You confessed as he took your leg to the counter bending you forward, as you gasped, his force enough to rattle the decor and glasses surrounding you as you both chuckled. But quickly the humor altered into ecstasy as he came to THAT spot in repetition and you clenched around him in perfection. A rush of hands to your breast and slaps to your ass made up the sound between moans and pleas as he pulled you back to his chest so you could look up to him. 
"This what you wanted all day baby?" 
"All day..." You moaned as he set isolated thrusts into you to prolong the moment. 
"And I wanna hear all about it after you can behave yourself long enough to eat." He led his fingers fingers your mouth. 
"Suck baby. Keep yourself quiet so I can hear how fucking sweet it sounds with how well you take me..." You nodded while he alternated his touch to your nipples to your clit, edging you in repetition, before finally taking you with vigor. The unkind force of your hips rushing into the corner was enough to forgive him from the orgasm he had been the cause of ripping through you. 
"If you want me to focus through dinner, you need fo put some pants on, baby..." He explained while sitting at the chair. 
"That seems counterproductive..." You said with a pout. 
"And why's that?" 
"Well...because be covering up your dessert..." You crossed, uncrossed, and recrossed your legs to hint to him as he cocked his jaw. 
"I’ve had a really long day baby…Lots of frustrations I need to get out… Better eat up. You're gonna need your energy..." He leaned closer to you. "All night..."
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @camilynn @bethoconnor
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erule · 2 years
Hello! I'd like to request an Angst Stephen Strange with prompt 9 in a friends to lovers trope. Thank you and I hope you have a great day!!!
Stop saving my life | s.s.
Pairing: Stephen Strange x reader
Summary: You’ve been in love with Stephen for quite a while, but he’s always been unavailable. One day, you follow him into a suicide mission and you get to know that he’s not dating Christine as you thought.
Warnings: angst, friends to lovers trope, superheroes fight, presence of other characters such as Sam and Christine, language, fluff
Word count: 1K
A/N: hi! Thanks for the request, hope you like it!! Also a big THANK YOU to each and every one of you, because you follow me and you like my stories. Feedback is always appreciated by a writer! Hope y’all like it. Enjoy! X
Prompt: “Stop doing that or I’m gonna kiss you right now” (you’ll find it in the story marked in bold).
[This story participates to my 2.2K followers celebration party].
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“You’re gonna get killed, Y/N. I’m serious,” Stephen says, while you’re wearing your jacket.
“I’m your partner, Stephen. If you think that you’re gonna go to a suicide mission without me, you’re wrong,” you affirm, then you go out from your room in the compound. 
He follows you and you can hear his footsteps behind you, worried and angry at the same time because of your decision. The two of you have always been partners in missions, that’s how you became friends. After years of getting closer and closer, you’ve also fallen in love with him, but you’ve accepted a long time ago that he doesn’t feel the same. He didn’t tell you, you just guessed it, since he preferred to hang out with Christine rather than you. It wasn’t easy, but in the end you had to face the truth. That’s why you can’t leave him alone right one: there’s no one in the world that you care about more than Stephen Strange. If only he could let you do it, of course.
“I swear, I’m gonna tie you up to your bed, if you try to follow me,” he says and you laugh.
“Do you flirt with Christine in the same way? Now I understand why she’s dating somebody as funny as you,” you say, sarcastically.
“What? We’re not dating”. 
His last words make you stop abruptly. You’ve spent the last two months thinking that he was in love with her and now he’s saying that they’re just friends. Why didn’t you know it?
“Guys, come on! The bad guys are not waiting for us!” Sam yells from the end of the hallway.
The two of you use a Portal to enter into the warehouse in which the criminals you’re supposed to arrest are. They can be handled by Stephen easily, apparently there are no aliens among them, as your mole told you. Maybe, deep down, the truth is you wanted to spend some more time with him, not just protect him. 
You’re about to call Sam to tell him that you and Stephen can win this battle without his help and without the Avengers, but that’s when you see one of them make a scratch along Stephen’s cheek that you know it: the mole has betrayed you. Each one of the criminals, each one of them who fell to the ground, is now standing in circle around you and Stephen and the worst part is that they have powers. 
Terror runs through your veins. You frantically search for the phone in your pockets, because apparently your headset dropped somewhere during the fight, but you can't find it. Stephen yells at you, but in the confusion of battle you don't hear him, so when one of the criminals throws you to the ground he takes you by surprise. You take it off with a well-aimed kick, then run to Stephen, who is struggling to hold off three at once. Fortunately, you notice in time that a quarter is about to hit him from behind, so you throw yourself on him and fall together to the ground.
Out of breath, you look up at the ceiling and hear a very loud noise. The other Avengers are probably on their way, but a voice in your head wonders if they'll make it in time.
A second later, the criminal from earlier charges back and throws you across the room. You hear Stephen scream your name out loud as he finally gets rid of the others. You can't even get up. Now you regret never confessing your feelings to Stephen. Just to let him know. Just to watch him squint, move his head to the side and curl his lips in a wry smile. You have revisited this scene so many times in your head, that if it happened right now in front of your eyes, you would remember one of those you imagined. You were foolish to be afraid of his reaction, because now a regret hurts you more now than telling a man how much you love him.
Then you hear it, loud and clear: the Avengers are finally here. While they’re fighting the others, Stephen is by your side, helping you to get up. He looks worried, but not for himself: for you.
“I told you not to come! You should have left me alone!
“What? You barely won against three of them, I was needed here!” You yell too, angrily, while he’s holding your hands.
“You should really stop doing that”.
“Doing what?”
“Saving my life!” He shouts. “Stop doing that or I’m gonna kiss you right now!”
“Then fucking do it!”
And he does. It’s rough and your cheeks are on fire, but it’s the best kiss you could ever get from him, because it’s real. He’s holding onto you for dear life, his grip on your back is firm and you can feel that he was scared of losing you. It seems like a punishment or a thing that you can do now because the both of you are still alive to do so, but whatever was his intention, you’re glad he did it.
When you look at him, out of breath, it’s like the time has frozen around you. You caress the scratch on his cheek, gently and he gives you a little smile.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. You saved me and I wasn’t thankful, but I was concerned that you could have gotten hurt. I couldn’t have forgiven myself,” he says.
“But I don’t understand… I thought that you liked Christine!”
He chuckles.
“Everytime I hung out with her, I talked about you,” he confesses and your heart melts at it.
“I love you, Stephen. And I was stupid for not telling you that,” you reply, feeling your eyes burning. You don’t want to cry in front of him, but he had to know that.
So his smile widens, he caresses your hips and tells you: “I love you, too”.
And you think that it’s the best thing you could ever tell you.
“Guys, can we please continue this conversation later?” Sam says, while fighting two of the criminals. You and Stephen laugh.
“Are you ready?” He asks you.
You give him a grin: “I was born ready!”  
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gffa · 9 months
(Cracks fingers and knuckles)
Say DC launches another complete continuity reboot a la the New 52 and one writer gets an assignment for Barbara, namely make her wheelchair bound once more.
Would it be considered sacrilegious and blasphemous if say writer doing it would propose the following idea for that angle:
Instead of a surprise attack from the Joker as a part of a plan in breaking Jon Gordon, Babs loses use of her legs via a genetic neurological condition in which her nerve endings at the wait down would just cease to function correctly and it fully developed after one final Batgirl caper where she successfully aided Batman and Robin!Jason to stop Jason and just as she stands triumphant after delivering the knockout blow, her legs just finally give out, hence after this the wheelchair.
Would you be okay with this approach or all of this is rather blasphemous to her character?
I think the problem with Barbara is two-pronged and one that a lot of characters face, a) that she was important disabilities representation that felt like a slap in the face to a lot of people to have retconned away and b) Oracle felt like such a strong narrative purpose to the character that Batgirl feels a lot less focused. It's a problem with a lot of DC's characters--like, I do think this kind of a problem with Tim, where he's no longer really fulfilling the role of Robin, but they won't seem to let him grow up and branch out into something truly his own, like Dick did with Nightwing. Jason kind of has it, where it doesn't feel like a lot of writers really know what to do with Jason or write stories focused on where he fits into things. Even Dick's not always safe, isn't that why DiDio tried so hard to get him genuinely killed off in Final Crisis? Because he felt Dick didn't have a clear purpose/was redundant? As much as I actually really enjoy Babs' post-reboot stories, I can see a case being made that her narrative role has lost a lot of focus, she's splitting her time between being Oracle and physical fighting instead of really honing the one role, she has friendships with Steph and Cass, but it often feels like writers didn't always know what to do with them, either. (I really wish they would lean in harder on that Babs is still dealing with this disability, that the implant in her spine isn't perfect.) So, I think whatever storyline that would have her regaining her wheelchair would have to take into account what would her bigger narrative purpose be then? I'd be perfectly fine with your scenario, I like seeing that the emphasis is put on her character and the issues she's dealing with! But I think so much depends on what comes next--what role does she fulfill in the narrative? For me, the problem isn't that she's Batgirl, it's that it feels like she's a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none and, when you have a cast this big, it helps for them to find specific trades to master. Like, Dick works because he's a clearer version of Batman and that means he's out there leading the Titans, he's cleaning up his city and being a delight to watch him fight and laugh at his jokes and see him holding the family together, all stuff that he does in the stories. And I feel like the pieces are there with Barbara, that her relationship with her body and disability is really interesting, her friendships with Cass and Steph and Dinah are lovely, her relationship with Dick is delightful, but it's not quite fully in focus as much as it was when she was purely Oracle. I would love to see her liaison with Ivy or Harley more (just as examples), because Babs is a character that is about drawing women together and making connections between them, I'd love to see her do even more of that, as one route they could take her narrative purpose!
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rosietrace · 1 year
Melodic Misconceptions 🎹
Track 24: Unwanted interactions
Synopsis: Victoria Shard was a former member of the popular idol group [ Poisoner ] from NRC corporations. After discourse with her group leader, Victoria decided it was best for her to leave and pursue her solo career in a record label run by her parents.
It had been half a year since her separation from her old group, and Victoria had never been more successful. But now she has a new problem. She must return to NRC corporations in order to mentor the seven idol groups.
Ellis Clawthorne is a member of [ (Co)-connect ] the most recent group under NRC'S belt. With no experience as an idol, Ellis must persevere in order to succeed and pursue her dreams.
Will both girls be able to adapt to their current situations?
✐ ✎_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_✐ ✎
Author's note: NEW TRACK! The hiatus is no more >:)
On the other hand, the valentine's event is still going on, so if you'd like to request, go on ahead ^^
My mortal enemy, writer's block had been bothering me while I was finishing up this track, but honestly? FUCK writer's block
I'd like to apologize in advance if this track didn't reach the expectations everyone had :') But hey, you can't please everyone
I hope you enjoy this track!
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"Now, to simplify what we've already discussed, 'No' questions are questions that can easily be answered with 'no'."
Ellis nodded determinedly, taking down notes as Mayuu and Victoria continued to teach them how to respond during interviews.
She wasn't surprised that Yuuta already knew most of the things they were discussing. Charming as he may be, everyone in the group acknowledged that he was on the manipulative side of the morality spectrum.
Juvia raised her hand."Um, how do we handle responding to rapid-fire questions?" She asked, unsure about what their answer would be.
Mayuu hummed, "Only answer the questions that you can answer."
Victoria nodded in agreement."Exactly. However, don't answer every single question that you can answer."
"If you're trying to send a message about the kind of person you are, you can't send that message by being defensive over something as trivial as a question from a reporter."
Everyone took those words in, sucking a breath before continuing to take notes.
"Now, when it comes to reporters, it's easy to ignore certain questions."
Mayuu looked at the group with a slightly more serious expression."That kind of thing doesn't apply as well to a sit-down interview." She stated, resting their hand on their hip.
Victoria narrowed her eyes before she harrumphed."Indeed. So it's important to find a way to redirect their questions in a way that you can properly answer them." She crossed her arms, sitting down on a nearby chair.
Chizuko arched a brow at her."And how do you suppose we do that?" She questioned, wondering what kind of answer she'll receive.
As Victoria was about to respond, the door suddenly swung open. Revealing Aguri Harper.
Or rather, Y/N L/N.
Aguri panted, clutching the doorknob for dear life, sweaty and exhausted. Victoria took note of the navy blue sweater that hugged his figure and complimented his body extremely well.
She rose a brow at them."Aguri… What exactly are you doing here?" Victoria stood up, slowly walking up to the esteemed actor.
The rest of (Co)-connect decided to remain silent, including Mayuu. They'd naturally want to see how this would unfold because of the revelation that their mentor essentially went on a date with Aguri.
After wiping the sweat off their face, Aguri sent Victoria a sarcastic smile.
"Happy to see me?"
"Not exactly. You interrupted something between me and my colleagues."
As much as Ellis utterly despised Aguri, she couldn't deny that she was already invested in their conversation.
Aguri formed a tight-lipped smile for Victoria."Good to know…. Now, shall we?" He extended his hand, waiting for her.
For a moment, Victoria looked at Aguri, then back at (Co)-connect. And in spite of her hesitation, she took Aguri's hand before begrudgingly wrapping her arm around his own.
"Let's hurry this up…" she muttered, quietly enough to make the group unable to hear her but loud enough for Aguri to hear her.
He snickered, escorting her out of the building."No promises, princess." The group heard as they made their way out of the building.
──ㅇ─────↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺───ㅇ────
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"You've humiliated me in front of them."
"How is picking you up for a hangout humiliating?"
Victoria scrunched her nose."Because one wouldn't exactly expect you to take me on what's essentially a date." She noted.
"For the last fucking time, it isn't a date-" Just as Aguri was about to groan, his face went pale.
Victoria noticed his change in expression and began trying to catch his attention. But she stopped when she heard the sound of heels clicking, getting louder as the source of the sound approached.
Runako Miyato. Also known by her pseudonym, Chu Bae-ron.
The woman in question took one good look at Victoria and whistled at Aguri."I'm guessing you finally caught the big fish, sonny."
Although Victoria was confused for a moment, it didn't take long for her to understand the meaning behind Runako's words after witnessing Aguri's unusual reaction to it.
She smirked, giving Aguri an amused look in her eyes."Sonny?" She repeated the term of endearment, taking note of the flushed look in Aguri's eyes.
Runako hummed before assessing Victoria's appearance for a moment. She had heard of the renowned idol from Aguri, as well as the numerous rumors, scandals, hardships, and accomplishments she's achieved in her career.
Not taking a second to hesitate, Runako extended her hand to Victoria."Runako. Runako Miyato, sister of Chizuko Miyato." She introduced herself, and a smile slowly spread across her face.
".... But I'm assuming you already knew that, didn't you, Shōri-san?"
Victoria looked back at Runako with a blank-eyed stare. All sense of expression disappeared from her face as she shook Runako's hand.
"Yes. I'm already aware of you, Chu Bae-ron."
Aguri laughed awkwardly, trying to avoid conversation as he suddenly took Victoria by the arm and walked past Runako.
"Hahaha, loving the interaction, but we really must be on our way, Runa. S-Sorry!"
Runako turned around, crossing her arms as Aguri did the equivalent of sprinting out of the building.
"Yup, just as I expected…. The boy's hopelessly in love."
──ㅇ─────↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺───ㅇ────
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Koral walked around, greeting everyone she came across with a friendly smile.
Although the workers of NRC felt perplexed by her gesture, they couldn't deny that the photos of her didn't do her justice.
Koral was radiant. Not at the levels of people like Vil or Victoria, but she certainly had an appeal in her childlike appearance.
And of course, she knew that. She saw the appeals people had over her appearance, and so she did more to reel them in.
And that effort?... She was sure that they weren't in vain. Despite what "he" had done to heighten her career, Koral believed that it was her own efforts that brought her success.
Out of nowhere, Koral bumped into someone.
Ellis. And she was with Carol and Yuuta.
Although Ellis stumbled, Carol was there to support her and quickly helped her regain balance.
But in the case of Koral, she stumbled before falling onto the ground.
Yuuta internally cringed when she started whimpering, almost to the point of tears. He had to temporarily look away from Koral's direction to refrain from vomiting on the spot.
Ellis, rightfully confused, awkwardly helped Koral up. And she flinched when she finally took notice of Koral's aesthetic.
An aesthetic similar to her own. And if Koral's hair wasn't redder than Ellis's, she would've looked like her doppelganger.
"Um…. Are you okay?"
Koral nodded bashfully, turning away with a light blush.
Ellis seethed while inhaling sharply. From the moment she saw the blush on Koral's face, she knew that it was an act.
"Y-Yes…. I'm okay." Koral finally responded. Yuuta's eyes narrowed and he took it upon himself to subtly pull Ellis away from Koral.
Ellis nodded, somewhat confused and even more cringed."Uh- Great… I'm Ellis Clawthorne, a member of (Co)-connect!" She managed to exclaim with a horrible attempt at a grin.
As much as Ellis didn't want to admit it, she was genuinely suspicious and weirded out by Koral. She couldn't even properly comprehend that Koral pretty much became Vil's new manager.
So she wanted to get this conversation over with.
Koral smiled back, oblivious to the sheer awkwardness of the atmosphere."Nice to meet you, Ellis! I'm Ichigo- I mean Koral! Koral Larrane…" she greeted back, that bashful smile quickly returning.
Before Ellis could think of a response, Yuuta dragged her past Koral so they could reach the dance studio. As for Carol, she gave Koral a one-note apology before catching up to Yuuta and Ellis.
Yuuta quickly groaned once Koral was out of his line of sight."FINALLY… That girl was pissing me off." He admitted loudly.
Carol pushed up her glasses, annoyed with Yuuta but also silently agreeing with him."Because of course, she does, Yuuta." She muttered.
Ellis hummed in response."Yeah…." She trailed off.
".... I don't think I wanna get into another conversation with her."
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@starry-night-rose @windbornearchon @nem0-nee @authoruio @sakuramidnight15 @fumikomiyasaki
@oseathepebble @geminiiviolets @twsted-princess @knights-escort @kiranarina(welcome to the taglist! If you don't mind ^^||) @celiica @terrovaniadorm
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bereft-of-frogs · 6 months
ao3 wrapped [writers edition] how about 10,11,29, or 30?
10. What work was the quickest to write?
It was either closure or the lack thereof, which I technically wrote 2 drafts of and posted over a weekend but I did have that idea kicking around since 2021, so from concept to post it was probably either with teeth we've come this far or I feel like I'm borrowing all my time, because I came up with the ideas for whumptober and finished them. All the others existed as idea bulletpoints or little jotted down paragraphs before Sept 1 but those two were completely contained.
11. What work took you the longest to write?
While the dark ocean duology did take me all summer after I'd initially thought it would take a couple weeks tops, the winner has to be the first chapter of omens and all kinds of signs which was at 60% done for 2 years. I honestly don't know that I would have finished it if I hadn't decided to post it serially, so yeah little plug for writing serially. It was really just to get back on the horse after having an off year last year.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
I really like this bit where Greez is like 'wtf' in 'I feel like I'm borrowing all my time':
This all feels like an overwhelming, insurmountable task. Greez wishes he hadn’t been chosen for it. He knows how important it is, wants desperately to find the kid before he can be hurt, but it really feels beyond him. He misses the Mantis, misses the rest of the crew, even the little droid and the stowaway bogling. He misses feeling like he understands his place in the universe. His mind struggles to keep up with how long it’s been. A couple of hours? Days? Five years but wound in reverse? He knows it shouldn’t feel like five years, but it kind of does. It feels like the warmth and safety of home is something he lost long ago, or perhaps never had. Now that Cal’s missing from his proper place, it all feels like none of it ever actually happened. It both exists in his memory and doesn’t, like a distant dream. Greez shivers. All of this is very, very wrong. Cere is staring at the fire again, an inscrutable look on her face. Greez decides to fill the silence with: “I guess we have to hope they didn’t take him to Nur.” Cere whirls on him abruptly. “Of course we have to hope they didn’t take him to Nur.” “I just mean that…” Greez swallows. It’s started raining harder, raising more steam and smoke from the fires. The smoke makes his eyes sting. Cere waits for an explanation, brow furrowed. “Don’t we have to avoid…I just mean…you shouldn’t meet yourself, right? That’s one of the rules of this sort of thing, isn’t it? At least, it was in the cheesy dramas my grandmother was always watching…” “Oh.” Cere turns back to the fire. “I hadn’t considered that.”
Apologies for the length of it but I like it both for the 1) 'it shouldn't feel like five years but it does' bit, just leaning into time travel being WEIRD. Also I think I slipped up a couple times responding to comments and referred to 'timelines' but as best I can come up with for fitting time travel into SW worldbuilding....there are no alternate timelines really. Because time isn't really...real. So Greez is right, once things have started changing, they change in the future as well so it all both does and doesn't exist at the same time...idk if I ever went further on the time travel concept it would be along these lines, rather than having distinct alternate timelines.
2) the very human moment of filling an awkward silence with the exact wrong thing. XD It's such a little thing but I ended up LOVING the "Greez decided to fill the silence with" dialogue tag. XD
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I'm going to answer this one with a screenshot of my ideas list I found while cleaning it up this weekend:
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I don't want to sound like too much of a curmudgeon (though the ship has probably said on that one)*, but I can't stress enough how surprising it was that one of my biggest 'nope, would never write' became one of my favorite fics of the year. Now I feel like I can't said I'd never write something. Growth?
(*and just to stress, like...for me writing/reading, don't take this personally. I use the exclude tags but please don't take this as like a judgement, I just have never really liked them and got a bit grumpy about just how popular they were when I came back to reading Star Wars fic a couple years ago)
[ ao3 wrapped ]
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typellblog · 1 year
How come the characterization of Illya is drastically different between HF and Fate Route? What exactly changes the way she acts between the two
oh this is a fun one
so i would start by not ruling out the possibility that nasu just wrote her different for whatever reason (e.g. developing as a writer by the time he got round to the third route)
characters changing a bit between routes is not uncommon, such as archers relative lack of focus on shirou in non-UBW routes, but I'd argue thats quite explainable by the circumstances. gil's lack of focus on saber in UBW compared to Fate is less so.
i think the best point of reference for illya's situation is kirei, in the sense that he plays a certain role in the Fate route and a rather different one in HF and as a result he comes off quite differently, although to some extent this is attributable to different events causing him to act differently
with that said, the main influence on illya's behaviour here is her interactions with shirou
firstly, he meets her earlier in HF on day 5 instead of 7. i would argue this leads to her somewhat friendlier attitude because she hasn't spent as long waiting for him (and yes, she almost certainly was waiting there for him on day 5 and 6 in Fate route)
secondly, shirou is also a bit more lenient with her. part of this is arbitrary and comes with the route - his interest in and sympathy towards illya is part of what causes rin to not ally with him this time and i would say it's comparable to his differing interest in each main heroine being the cause of initial route divergences
another part of this is a result of kiritsugu's past w/ the einzberns being more important to him this time round, since he discussed it with kirei
so instead of pressuring illya to give up on the grail war like he does in Fate, causing her to run off in their second meeting, he instead broaches the topic of kiritsugu, which causes illya to reveal she wants to kill him, and then makes her even more surprised by his kindness when he comes to meet her again
there are several little changes like this that make it more plausible for them to develop a better relationship earlier on and lead to a third meeting
you may notice that illya warms up to shirou more gradually in HF, whereas in Fate she swaps to his side immediately after trying to kill him
this makes more sense if you think of it in terms of the holy grail war - in both cases she starts living in his house after berserker dies, but in HF Saber is also gone by the time that illya approaches him at night while he's thinking about whether to try and save sakura
a lot of illya's hostility towards shirou she considers necessary as part of fulfilling her role as a master - but if shirou no longer is one then she doesn't need to kill him any more. and the same applies if she is no longer a master, since her remaining role is just that of the lesser grail
which is relevant to the last question of why she saves him at the end of HF (or more interestingly why she doesn't do so in the normal end)
because you can't get the true end without having a certain relationship score with illya, it implies her intervention is due to the kindness he shows her in their multiple meetings early on
but i think the overall difference between the two routes is regarding the most obvious difference in her characterisation: HF makes it much more obvious that she's actually older and more mature than she appears
its not as if Fate doesn't hint at this but i do think its reasonable to argue that nasu portrayed her inconsistently, wanting the impression of her in Fate to be more focused on her childlike elements in order to have her make a bigger impression in HF
however my attempt at providing an in-universe read on this is simply that its down to how shirou himself sees her
a lot of the narration describing her as childlike is, after all, shirou's narration, and famously somewhat unreliable
his instinct in the Fate route is to treat her as a child he needs to protect, in a similar vein to his initial response to saber but without the subsequent deeper development of their relationship that allows him to come to a proper understanding of her
there are a couple of scenes in HF where it is made clear to shirou that her innocence is to some extent a deliberate act, that she tries to have fun with her situation despite everything because she knows she isn't going to make it out anyway
the implications of this for end of Fate route illya are depressing. she chooses not to reveal this information to shirou because she doesn't want him to worry
she doesn't want to tell him that she's a homunculus because she wants to be a sister to him, rather than the holy grail
thats why the bond they form in HF is more important than in Fate. she tells him that she's not human and wants to kill him and he accepts it and doesn't view her any differently for it
he wants to save her anyway and in return she saves him
it's a wish granted by the holy grail, that's why she asks if shirou really wants to live first, it will only work if he truly wants it
but at the same time its her own wish as well, she abandons her role of being a completely passive mechanism for the grail and does something for her own reasons
she actually allows herself to believe for a moment that anything she does matters, because shirou was able to see a bit beyond her more mercurial outward persona and still thought she had value
god sorry i got a bit off track with this but its helping me realise some stuff i hadn't properly put into words before
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newsmutproject · 1 year
I was in the process of writing a piece and I wanted to ask about what sorts of language and profanity were allowed. obviously, I don't want anything that could be seen as a slur, or something offensive, but I want to know where the line is to avoid making something that seems either too crude, or undeveloped.
Good morning! Co-editor T.C. Mill here.
So initially I admit I was surprised by this question. We are the New Smut Project, after all. Our target audience is not those busybodies who rate books 1 star on Goodreads because a character says "Jesus fucking Christ!" at some point.
But as I woke up more and considered it, I see where you're coming from, Anon. There is such a thing, for our purposes (not everyone's! Sexy is subjective. But we're cultivating particular kinds of sexiness here), as "too crude." It's a matter of more than word choice, though.
In previous guidelines we noted a preference for "tasteful" word choice and specified liking "come" over "cum". That last bit's still our preference - and our house style - but we can always change "cum" to "come" in copyedits, along with adding serial commas (and in all honesty, we can be argued out of either change in individual cases to fit an author's artistic vision. Maybe the characters are sexting and there's no way they're typing four letters when they can type three. Etc.)
"Tasteful," I realize now, is too vague. I love the word "cunt" much more than "pussy." Other people feel the exact opposite and to them, that's tasteful. Mood matters too. What's tasteful in the heat of the moment can feel crude on the first page of the story (not always, though! A first page that opens with something really raw and passionate will get my attention!). If the story's a piece of IKEA erotica with flat(-pack) characters going through the motions, just about any word choice will sound cringe.
Also for a combination of reasons "fuck" doesn't even parse as profanity to me anymore, so there's that.
If you look at our tag for Terms and Language you'll see a range of people's ideas, opinions, and favorite vocabulary - everything from discussions of identity labels to synonyms for "cock."
In our author interviews for Cunning Linguists (to some people, that title is probably too crude), we asked about people's favorite and least favorite words in sex writing, and received some fascinating, funny, and steamy answers!
Finding the right word to fit the moment is always one of the writer's challenges and privileges, whether writing sex or anything else. That said, some advice that I think could be helpful here: NSP Co-Editor Alex Freeman's article "Sex Writing 101."
It breaks down a sex scene into different 'ingredients' - action, reaction, dialogue, sensory details, and so on. If that sounds a bit technical, I'd encourage you to look at it as descriptive rather than prescriptive -- it's possible to write a great sex scene without any dialogue, for instance! But looking at where dialogue appears in the example sex scene and what it adds can spark some ideas that help any story to feel more vivid and interesting. That help to build an erotic mood.
The same word might feel "too crude" if it appears in an underdeveloped scene and, in a piece where intimacy and erotic tension have been built, it might feel absolutely fucking perfect.
It's not tastefulness we're looking for so much as the right combination of juicy flavors.
As a closing thought: the deeper you get into your character's POV throughout the story, the more freedom you have to use whatever language they would use.
Wait, I lied, one more closing thought: If your story has a title like "I Had Sex With My 18-Year-Old Babysitter Last Night," we are going to be turned off by it before we read the first page, even if none of those words are individually crude. Though the fact is the people sending us those stories probably haven't bothered to read any part of our site except the email address to send their stories in to. If you're making an effort, you'll come in ahead of them. (Note: this is not a reference to any one submission we've received, but rather a whole number of them - pieces that are very artless, cliche, and often make use of power dynamics in a way we really aren't about.)
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ambiguouspuzuma · 8 months
The Mimic
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"I started out as a ghost writer," Loretta began. "Well, I was a baby, first of all - something smaller, even earlier, you might argue. A zygote? But, yes, professionally speaking, ghost writing was my first real job. That's what you're after, right?"
"Yes - by all means, let's speak professionally." Rosalba said coldly, her pen still poised and ready to begin, her notepad not yet troubled by its nib. "But that doesn't answer the question."
"Last night, I know, I know," her subject replied; clearly used to being paid by the word. "I'm just giving some background - a bit of flavour, you know? I'm sure in medias res is all the rage when it comes to writing an engaging article, but I'm a novelist in speech as much as type, and there's nothing wrong with a bit of chronology. I'd always want to start at the start, with the origin story, rather than saving it for a prequel that might never come. Now, if you wouldn't mind humouring me for just a minute-"
"Sorry," Rosalba interrupted, without a hint of apology on her lips, "but what exactly do you think this is?"
"You said you wanted an interview?"
"Yes, in connection with the death of Mr Angus McIntyre."
"Oh, yes, such a a tragedy, I adored The Death List." Realising the shift in tone, Loretta paused, confused as to her interviewer's aim. "So wait, was all of that not true? Why else would you be here?"
"I'm here to interview you with the police." Detective Rosalba Gutiérrez paused, already exhausted. "Are you saying you thought that would make a magazine want to profile you? About someone else's death?"
"Well, sorry if that comes across as narcissistic," Loretta said. "I don't get much publicity, you see. I'm used to working in the shadows."
Rosalba nodded. Many murderers were.
"It's just likely that the sequels will come to me. Everything else does, right? It's a famous series, unfinished, and obviously the publishers would like to keep it going. I've worked with them before. There's no deal in place yet, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone asked me about it."
That was the rest of her backstory. Loretta had started out as a ghost-writer, knocking out autobiographies for a handful of minor celebrities, where 'auto' meant they sometimes briefed her in the car. She'd learnt to write a simile in another woman's shoes, talk in her voice, consider how her upbringing might impact her use of this word or that. She knew the weight of birthplace, class and education, Oxford commas and Newcastle full stops.
She'd been very good at it. After the first few attempts, Loretta had made quite a name for herself within the industry, even if she always used another nom de plume. It transpired that she had a spectacular gift for mimicry. Most budding writers worked until they found their own style, but Loretta had soon discovered that she none: instead, she bore an uncanny ability to imitate others. She was an impressionist, a mould, a mirror. A lexical chameleon.
But when imitating living writers, for all her talent as vernacular ventriloquist, Loretta's role was limited. Her skills served only to write on their behalf; or, when they turned her down, she won her revenge in producing knock-off versions in their style, or cutting parodies which captured them in their entirety. But even that felt like a poor part to play, when she could just wait to take over the whole thing.
It had been a publisher's idea. She had been ghost-writing a series for a TV actor turned 'author', who had turned their hand to writing for one-and-a-half novels before growing bored and moving on, when they'd suddenly passed away in a freak golfing accident. They'd suggested she finish the manuscript she'd been working on at the time, to be published posthumously, and she'd tried to wrap up the series as best she could.
But it had done incredibly well, and had fans weeping in the knowledge there were no sequels to come, no resolution of this arc or that, the death of a series inspiring as many mourners as the passing of the man whose name was on the cover. The publishing house had taken one look at such an untapped well of raw demand, and decided it would be a shame to close up shop just yet: they'd suggested she 'take over' the books as an up-and-coming author, as others had done for bestselling series before.
The rest was history. Those who'd worked with Loretta on other projects knew her way with other people's words, and she started to be hired to finish series she'd never worked on before, with the ability to write them in exactly the style of the original. She was the one they turned to when an author died, to keep the ink and the revenue flowing. To take up their pen, and sometimes their mantle, at the appropriate juncture, after a suitable pause to grieve - and sometimes not even that.
In literature, as in film, it was seen that the show must always go on - the studios weren't above recasting the lead with a lookalike to finish the job, and now publishing houses could do the same. Loretta was still a ghost writer, in a way, but now in the sense that the author whose characters she wore, whose flourishes she took up as her own, were the ghosts; and she the living vessel, channelling their spirit, her typewriter guided as fingers tracing on a Ouija board.
She became them like never before; Loretta trained herself to be a method actor, to read only her subject's words, to write only her facsimiles. She learnt all that she could about their lives, their influences - her works had to capture some part of their departed essence, every line a eulogy, a final testament. It was more pressured, this way. Not only were they not around to proof-read the result, to correct any mis-steps, but she bore the weight of their souls on her conscience. She had to do them justice.
Sometimes the families helped her with fidelity, able to share that precious background, other correspondence, and read through her first draft. Sometimes, to Loretta's surprise, she found herself able to help them in return: they read her books and heard their loved one's voice beyond the grave, a sense of humour they'd forgotten, all of those little remarks and idiosyncrasies that brought them for a moment back to life.
A grief-stricken few had asked for more - farewell letters in a husband's hand, a father's missed wedding speech - but Loretta always turned them down. It was one thing keeping the deceased's memory alive, but another to try to replace them, to put words into their mouths beyond the realm of fiction. She could supplant the things they wrote that weren't real, to entwine her lies into theirs, but she would never seek to overwrite their truth.
Her adopted series were widely successful - sometimes more so than the author had been in life - but the fame and fortune increased Loretta's sense of guilt. If she sold more copies than others, she knew, it was only because she scavenged from the shoulder bones of giants. She sometimes felt a sort of graveyard ghoul, leeching the remaining warmth from one host before she moved onto the next. But this was all that she could do. This was what she was best at.
"Exactly," Rosalba said. It wasn't often that a suspect freely admitted their own motive. "That's why I'm here. It strikes me that you had the most to gain from Mr McInytre's death."
"Wait, what? You think he was killed?"
"His car was found at the bottom of a lake near to his home, with his body suspended inside of it. Drowned. The coroner has not yet ruled out suicide, or death by misadventure, but we are treating it as suspicious, yes. Enquiries are ongoing."
"And you came straight to me?"
"Almost," Rosalba said. "We spoke to his publishers first - they were upset at losing their golden goose, and seemingly had no motive to wish Mr McIntyre dead. We asked them for a list of potential alternatives, and your name came up. On top of the list, as it happens. Shall I ask the question again?"
"Sorry," Loretta said, feeling her way into the detective's exhausted, matter-of-fact tone, as if trying a new jacket on for size. "But I'm going to need a little more information. You've only spoken to the publishers, who you think have the all clear, before me? Other than the coroner, and your colleagues, is there anybody else who is aware of Mr McIntyre's death?"
"Well, the killer, presumably." Rosalba shifted in her seat, clearly discomfited by the shift in her suspect's tone, like the distorted echo from the bottom of a well. People didn't tend to like to hear their own reflection. "Unless you're including them in that group of people, in which case I'm interested to know where."
"Are you sure about that?" Loretta continued. "I mean, think about it. A car pushed into a lake. If one of your other suspects did that, could they really know for sure that he had drowned? A miraculous escape is possible, right? Even if they stayed to make sure, he could have held his breath, found a pocket of air, until the rescue arrived. Unlikely, sure, but possible."
"What exactly are you arguing here? That it couldn't be you, because you'd have murdered him more thoroughly?"
"No, it wasn't me. But if you've got your list of suspects, I'd be happy to help you bait out the real killer, if you can keep the death quiet for a few hours more. Just pass me a copy of one of his books, and I'll find a pen and paper."
"Wait - you're going to pretend to be him, and write to each of them, to say what? I know it was you? You won't get away with this?" Rosalba was long since out of her depth. This interview had slipped away from her from the moment she'd stepped foot inside this house. "And hope that they'll believe it's really him?"
"That's right," Loretta said, already searching for her pen. "Haven't you ever resurrected anyone before?"
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distortedclouds · 9 months
Hi Clouds!
For Aruani writer ask game :3
1 2 3 5 7 10 11 12 14 16
You sure didn't hold back haha <3 Alright, let's do this
Share your favorite part of your latest fic
.... my latest fic was a PWP :|
BUT if we're gonna keep it PG, then it's got to be the first quarter where Annie asks explicitly for the baby
if not then that bit about Armin being super focused on doing it right but still not noticing that he's going extra hard everytime he looks at her
2. Share your favorite part of your first ever fic
That's gonna be Black Water! Almost at 130k I have a lot that I love about it, parts that I'm especially proud of. But I guess the first chapter will always have a special place in my heart, the before the last scene were Armin and Annie make up and make out in the kitchen
3. If you look back at your first fic compared to your last, what's changed?
If we're gonna be technical, the length of paragraphs. I feel like I've gotten more comfortable with words and how I can use them to describe settings and emotions, in particular. (Also i've gotten better at filth lol)
5. Write about Armin and Annie's first meeting! Could be in anon setting or any other AU
When it comes to aot, I'm in love with the canon the most. For Armin and Annie, I don't think it was a love-at-first-sight type of situation. I don't think they paid much attention to one another until their personalities started to show: Armin brave, determined, and intelligent, and Annie secretly a nice and sweet person
7. What was the inspiration behind your shortest fic?
Answered here
So I'll do my second shortest fic! ... which is also a PWP :| (DAMMIT ANNA!)
Nothing special about Talk your shit, just some good ol' brainrotting that got out of hand thanks to @moonspirit
10. Write about their first kiss! (could be in tweets, screenshots, etc)
I'm a firm believer that Annie kisses him first after waiting for forever for him to do it. It's very short and shy and dainty and just "a question" on the state of their relationship.
11. What annoys you the most about your own writing habits?
Answered here
I think that's my main qualm, everything else I can manage and is part of the overall joy and charm of writing
12. What's a trope you'd never write? why?
I have a lot that I'd find unpleasant to write, but one that comes to mind right now is infidelity. I'm here to write love stories at the end of the day, no matter how angsty and tragic the journey might be. I get that it's just storytelling and some people may be able to develop their characters well in that scenario, I'm just not interested and likely never will be
14. Tell us about a detail you wrote that nobody commented on
Answered here
Another detail... Can I say Annie's pregnancy scare? I know a lot of people said they weren't surprised by the poll I did a while ago, but considering they've been careful in all the other smut scenes in the fic, I thought it'd raise some flags
16. Share a WIP you're excited about
I don't think I have solid WIPs right now besides the final chapter of BW. but I AM excited about coming back to Slow and steady plus a couple of one-shot and two-shots rather than something full-blown. I'm especially excited to write a sick-fic, them eloping, some Armin-centric stuff, and maybe even explore the world of BW with side-fics and one-shots
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whencallstheheart · 10 months
Taking this long anon message and breaking it up so I can respond easier. Most of it's under the cut.
I agree about the Elizabeth/Lucas storyline being a waste of time. It was obvious what the decision was.
If her Aunt said something like testing Lucas. To make sure that he had Elizabeth's and Little Jack's best interests at heart, then maybe it would redeem it a little.
Yeah, there was very little substance to it. Aunt Agatha has always bene supportive of Elizabeth and her choices so it felt really odd for this to be happening now. Surely Elizabeth has been writing to her and calling her so she knows of the relationship and what kind of guy Lucas is. She's also shown zero interest in moving back to Hamilton so to sort of ambush her with that was strange. Of course they'd like to have her home but the train goes both ways. I doubt Agatha is up to much. She could've visited several times by now.
The whole Nathan & Faith storyline is just weird. Their so called relationship happened off screen. All I saw in S9 was Doctor/Patient relationship and unrequited feelings on her part. A Nathan/Faith pairing makes no sense to me.
The fact that we're supposed to just believe all this stuff happened really doesn't work for me at all. I didn't want to see it in the first place so I definitely don't want to imagine it.
Mike is basically all puppy eyes for Faith. I wanted him to Man Up. Ned and Florence pushing(matchmaking)Nathan to escort Faith on he patient rounds. He's the town's Mountie, and is needed in town. Faith is not exactly a damsel in distress. Another missed opportunity for Mike.
Yeah, I'm hoping this means it's not 100% for Nathan and Faith now. Mike and Faith would be really cute and they'd make sense. Hopefully he'll talk to Lucas or Fiona or someone about his crush and they'll give him the push he needs to be more forward with Faith.
Then, there's Mei looking jealous/rejected. She's the one who friendzoned him. The writers/showrunner were probably going for drama/angst. But, it felt more like playing games to me.
Nathan is written as a serious character when it comes to love. I would rather he stay single or paired with Fiona.
She's an outgoing extrovert, while He's a guarded introvert.
I think it would be fun watching Fiona breakdown Nathan's walls. Maybe it's just wishful thinking.
I could definitely see Mei taking a step back to not get in Faith's way which is probably where the tension was coming from with those two. She has to still have feelings for Nathan but that hasn't been how it's been portrayed in these 2 episodes so I don't know. If it's not Mei then I'd totally love a Nathan and Fiona pairing. They'd be a lot of fun.
The preview for next week looks amusing. Rosemary is the most observant person in Hope Valley. She has a talent for finding out secrets. How will the ladies hide the surprise baby shower from her? Can't wait to see this!
Yes, looks like a comical one next week. It seems like they're just telling her it's happening on a different day so the fact that they're throwing a baby shower isn't actually a surprise. They probably know they can't pull that off.
Finally, why is Henry's storyline the only consistent storyline on this show?! I love how he just said guilty, then walked out of the room. The whole town has his back, so why isn't he fighting for his freedom?
Maybe they will bring Christopher back. His son may be the only one to get through to him, and find out why Henry is acting like this. I would love to see more Father/Son bonding between them.
We will just have to wait and see.
Henry continues to be the best. I think he's struggling to find his place in the town and doesn't think he's needed there despite everyone supporting him. He'd be content to go sit in jail because he still thinks that's where he should be. The town might have forgiven him but he hasn't forgiven himself.
It would be nice to see Christopher again but I doubt we will. Henry has a lot of people looking after him so I imagine we'll be getting more scenes with Joseph, Bill, and/or Elizabeth. It'll be interesting to see what comes next for Henry.
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yume-x-hanabi · 11 months
4, 6, 12, 19 please tell us about Minah, 27, 30, 37, 49, 61 and 65 for Concubinage, and 74
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
ig it depends on how obsessed my brain is with the random plot bunnies hopping around in my head? When I start thinking up narration sentences, that's when I know a particular idea wants to be written. Doesn't mean I always do it, though (in an ideal world with infinite free time, maybe...)
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
I haven't written in so long I don't even remember 😭
Looking at one of my latest wips, probably this one because it's incomplete lmao:
The room was as dingy as the rest of the inn and smelled vaguely of stale tobacco, but at least the bed was soft and the sheets were clean. He collapsed on the bed with a sigh of relief, head swimming from all the
(wtf was I trying to say? it's a mystery 🤷‍♀️)
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Usually not, and then it comes to bite me in the ass when it's ten months since I plotted the idea and I don't remember what I was planning to do 😅
There's one fic that's an exception cuz it's a fusion AU type of thing so I'm planning carefully how it follows (or not) the original's plot. Well, idk if I'll actually write the fic actually, maybe in this case the outline will be all there is, as a fun exercise for myself XD
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
I love creating OCs, but like, they need a purpose. An OC just for the sake of having an OC or self-insert isn't my kind of thing (no shade to those who do, I'm just not wired that way), but depending on the story I might need to flesh out a supporting cast. And I love it when they slowly take life and develop.
Minah was a really fun case because she was supposed to be a kind of "throwaway" role, only there for a scene or two. She wasn't even planned like she turned out to be (I originally imagined her younger, for example). But then she... just happened lol. Within a few lines of her dialogue I was in love with her and she was just so fun to write, in a way she wormed her way into a bigger role than intended and I'm really glad she did because it works out so well in so many ways. Funny how things go sometimes 😂
honestly my OCs often end up surprising me in one way or another haha. rare are those who stick to the plan
(rest under cut cuz it's getting long)
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Battle scenes, apparently 8)
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I actually... don't edit that much 😅
ig in a way I edit in my head before I write? I've always been like that tbh, even at school--what I write down (whether fic, essay, translation...) is often very close to the final version. Of course I go over it a couple times once I'm done and tweak a few things here and there, but it's usually minor stuff. Sometimes I end up redoing entire scenes/chapters because I feel something's not working, but it's rather rare when it happens.
37. What fic has been the hardest for you to write?
Probably Fractured Lives? There's a reason it's only gotten five updates in nine years so far. I have to be in a very specific mood to write it, which doesn't happen often. A pity, cuz I liked the concept...
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
I'd say The Best Laid Plans. It's got my particular brand of humor, and also some kickass battle scenes :p
Another one would be Strong Currents, cuz worldbuilding (plus getting Gaius and Wingul to have emotional talks lolol)
61. In Concubinage, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
Probably Lin and Arst's first kiss. It's such a significant moment<3
65. If you wrote a sequel to Concubinage, what would happen in it?
I am actually vaguely planning a sequel if I can finish it. Basically it'd be the events/plot of the game, but with all the changes in settings brought about by the events of Concubinage. I'll have to think carefully about what will change, what will stay the same, and what will be a slightly different spin on things that'll still happen. I think the main difficulty will be to juggle Milla's journey with Gaius&Wingul being the main characters without them overtaking the plot. And also how close or different it should be to canon...
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
Among my least kudosed ones, I'd say Chaos in the Ballroom (my Tales Big Bang fic). I know it's a bit different from my usual stuff, and relies heavily on knowledge about Agria's side story, but I put a lot of thought in that one.
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