#I woke up and chose violence
zoestorm · 7 months
The manga: a college guy meets his childhood friend, who was formerly a boy but is now a woman, and has run away from home after an unspecified disagreement with her family which has left her with a significant amount of trauma; it's implied she was bullied heavily in the time since they've last seen each other.
But don't worry, she's not trans! She just got an illness which turned her into a woman!
The manga: a high school boy with an interest in make-up uses his gloomy, depressed (male) childhood friend as a model to improve his skills. This causes said friend to have an "awakening" and start dressing as a woman, and to overall be a much happier, brighter, outgoing person.
But don't worry, the friend is not trans! He's just a boy who crossdresses because his childhood friend likes him better that way!
The manga: a high school boy joins a club where the members can turn into magical girls, which in his case involves physically transforming into a girl. When in girlmode, he's much happier and enjoys his life much more, and overall prefers staying in girl mode; when the ability to transform is temporarily taken away from him, he sinks into a deep depressive episode.
But don't worry, he's not trans! He's just a boy who enjoys being a girl!
The manga: a college student loses a bet and has to crossdress for a night out on the town, and meets and hooks up with a butch girl; they fall in love and start dating. The boy always crossdressed when they meet, and starts enjoying being "treated like a girl" in the relationship and starts crossdressing even when he doesn't have to meet his girlfriend and enjoys activities such as clothes shopping and make-up and putting on nail polish.
But don't worry, he's not trans! He's just a boy who crossdresses to please his butch girlfriend!
The manga: a guy is magically turned into a girl as a result of saving his best friend, the crown prince, from an assassination attempt. The prince decides that he has to take responsibility, and asks the new girl to marry him; despite being smitten she refuses, wanting to date first. She is later offered a way to go back to being a man, but when she does turn back she's disgusted by her own appearance and depressed all the time, ultimately deciding to stay a girl.
But don't worry, she's not trans! She's just a boy who's been magically turned into a woman! And decides not to turn back when she can! Because she's not trans! Somehow!
"But we can't write trans women in manga! It's just not something that you do!"
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[Image description: A one-comic panel. Gengar is glaring at a crowd of faceless characters; from the crowd, a speech balloon emerges, saying "You could if you weren't a fucking coward". End ID.]
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amariram · 3 months
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“I failed?”
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abrabloodycadabra · 14 days
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Can we be seventeen?
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winterspiderpurrs · 2 months
Okay but all I can think about is how if say Tony and Peter always met up at this one diner.
After giving Peter back the suit they make it a biweekly thing unless there was a business trip that kept Tony away.
I'm pretending there was a 1 yr or 2 year gap between that and the snap. So they become regulars and always get the same booth in the back.
And after the snap, once Tony is back in NY and recovered?
He shows back up to the diner. Sits in the same booth, staring at the empty seat across from him.
The same old waiter as always comes over, asks him if Peter is late.
And Tony cries on the spot. It's the 1st time he has cried since he felt Peter turned to dust in his arms.
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scriobh-an-iontas · 3 months
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yoursghouly · 8 months
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Source: TacomaWa
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i see lots of people saying that they think s3 will start off with crowley Falling but wouldn’t it be heartbreaking if they actually started it off with them both standing in the rain and thinking about each other because in past occasions they protected each other from the rain or were protected from it by the other but now the other one isn’t here to protect or to be protected
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michpat6 · 2 years
mipha’s happy ending is her death.
had she managed to survive waterblight ganon, she would have been the last champion standing. there would only be one divine beast firing at calamity ganon, but without link there with the master sword to do any real damage she’s just making it easier for zelda to snatch him up and put him on a divine leash, and who’s to say the other three beasts wouldn’t turn on Ruta in an attempt to snuff out the one that got away?
but if she does make it out, leaving Ruta on standby or whatever makes sense, link is dead. zelda is trapped in the castle. the other three champions are ghosts bound to cold, mechanical tombs that do nothing but wait for new victims. she can’t kill three blights if she barely survived her own. she can’t possibly kill the calamity.
so mipha goes back to Zora’s domain, hugs her father and Sidon, and hears from the Sheikah scientists that the Hero has been placed in that cave they found on the Great Plateau, that it’s going to heal him better than her Grace ever could, and that he’s going to wake up soon and retrieve his sword and save all of Hyrule.
mipha holds sidon closer and mipha waits, because she knows link, she loves link, and he always comes back. he never leaves a quest unfinished.
the fields burn, more people die from the Guardian attacks, lynels armed with shock arrows take over most of the woods near Zora’s Domain, and mipha waits.
and waits.
and waits.
a hundred years pass. sidon has grown so tall, even taller than her, and she wonders if the sheikah scientists were lying. that woman, Purah, hasn’t contacted her in ages, and the last she heard of Impa, she could barely walk a few feet without needing her cane.
a lynel has made its home atop shatterback point. mipha would feel more confident in taking it down if her Grace wasn’t waning after a century of use healing anyone that comes to her, and if she didn’t still feel the phantom pains of Waterblight’s spear as it pierced her torso. she’s too afraid to pick up a trident, now, because all she can hear is her own screams echoing off of Vah Ruta’s walls.
then link walks right into the throne room and asks after Divine Beast Vah Ruta. why doesn’t he have to worry about this one? why isn’t it infected like the others?
mipha runs up and engulfs him in a hug, tears streaming down her face, and when she pulls back to look at him there’s no recognition in his eyes.
he doesn’t remember her. he doesn’t remember anything. all he knows is that he has to save his princess.
mipha has known that the two of them were meant to be together since she was born. she grew up hearing the legends of hyrule’s royal family, she knows how intertwined their souls are, but still she held out hope that maybe once, just this once, a different princess would catch his eye, maybe one that wields a trident instead of a Sheikah Slate.
but now he doesn’t know anything about that. he doesn’t know anything about anyone, and still the only thing on his mind is zelda. mipha’s happy for her friend, she’s happy that zelda is the one who gets to have him if it isn’t her, that zelda has found someone so devoted, but it doesn’t stop the ugly, jealous part of her from rearing it’s head just a little bit.
she points link in the direction of shatterback point, and watches his back disappear around the corner. he comes back thirty minutes later with twenty shock arrows and a new sword and shield.
he’s going to gerudo town next, he tells sidon, because boys will be boys and the two of them have bonded over the week he’s spent in the Domain. he wants to learn more about Urbosa, and more about Zelda by extension. Those two were close, weren’t they?
mipha wishes him luck. he leaves. so she waits.
and waits.
and waits.
a month later, a message from the Chief of Gerudo Town reaches Zora’s Domain. the Hero of Hyrule went inside of Divine Beast Vah Naboris two weeks ago, and he hasn’t come out. their scouts can confirm that Naboris is back on the prowl, kicking up a sandstorm as it searches for its next challenger.
without mipha’s power to give, without her Grace to guide him, without her to save him, link has died again. they can’t afford to put him back in the shrine of resurrection, who knows how long he’ll sleep this time, and Zelda’s power is growing weaker by the day-
if only she hadn’t survived, mipha thinks. if only she were a ghost, too, and if only she could offer him her Grace so he would survive Thunderblight Ganon. At least he would be alive. At least she would be happy to stitch his skin back together and shove the life back into his body for as long as he needs her to, it would be her pleasure.
mipha’s death is her happy ending, because at least in death she gets to stay by link’s side.
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feelinkeeli · 11 months
* Rex and Cody are the same age according to info released on the characters. In TBB, Omega even notes Rex is first gen. So everything depicting Rex looking significantly younger than Cody is fanon.
** Jon Antilles, Feemor, various clones, etc. that showed up once. Quite a few of them are basically OCs with preset looks and names.
Important Note: I'm only allowed 10 options, I couldn't include all fanon. (Like I couldn't get into all the Mandalorian culture fanon, Montross being a traitor all along, Jedi Healer Bant, etc.)
Also I am not trying to make a positive or negative remark on fanon. Like, Rex being Cody's little brother probably the most universally popular and beloved fanon. Yan Dooku and Cody = Kote are fun. Various writers and readers enjoy all the angst, H/C, and whump that come from woobie-wan or Coruscant Guard whump. I just want to know what's fanon you enjoy most.
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eugenephosgene · 11 months
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spooky-all-year-round · 9 months
If Things Were Different.
Sebastian x Female!Mc/reader
TW: ANGST, major spoilers for late game in Sebastian's story, swearing, Sebastian being an ass (but he feels bad), hints at death, violence, self hate, self doubt, the reader is pissed, you are MC
Dust and debris everywhere, you were sweating from all the fire spells cast to combat the inferi and from the running to doge spells from Solomon. You were kneeling on the ground, trying to catch your breath. Sebastian was to your left and winding up for a spell at Solomon, the lightning energy around his wand gave away his intentions. You cast a quick depulso on Solomon, and in your panic the spell was strong enough to knock him back and he crumpled to the floor, unconscious. Sebastian's spell hit the wall opposite of him, leaving a large crater in it. A few pebbles actually made it far enough to hit you.
"Sebastian what the hell was that?!" Your voice echoed in the cave. Your blood was boiling. He promised! He said no more! How could you have trusted him after he went back on his word before? You were too angry for tears, pure rage had you trembling as your glare met his.
"Why did you stop me? He attacked us! He was going to turn us in!" The look in his eyes made it seem like he was going to curse you next. His non-wand hand was clenching and unclenching. He didn't understand, how could you have stopped him? He was saving you BOTH. Soloman had to be stopped, there was no other way.
A quick glance at Solomon confirmed he was still breathing. You gripped your wand a bit tighter and looked back at him before answering, "I couldn't let you do that to one of your only family members left! You would've -"
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS GOING TO DO!" His voice was so loud it had your ears ringing. He was blinded by anger over Solomon attacking you both, over the hatred of Soloman stopping his efforts to save Anne AGAIN. The end of his wand was crackling with sparks, his overflowing emotions seeping out through it in the form of pure magic.
"Sebastian please, if I hadn't done that you would've been haunted by your actions forever." You were trying to reason with him, but you should've learned there is no reasoning with him when he's angry. Let alone this angry.
"I thought you were just ignorant, running around with goblins and playing the hero! But now I know you're down right FUCKING STUPID! YOU THINK NOTHING CAN HARM YOU! THAT PEOPLE ARE INHERENTLY GOOD! HE WOULD HAVE GLADLY SEEN YOU DEAD, OR WORSE IN AZKABAN! YOU COMPLETELY DAFT WOMAN." His chest was puffed out, teeth bared and eyes wild.
That struck you. Hard. Playing the hero? Did he think you did what you did for some kind of praise? That you weren't a kind person but just some attention seeking girl wanting a bit of fame? He always praised you for how smart you are but now you were stupid for saving a life? Where the hell did he get off thinking that?! Tears full of anger and pain started filling your eyes.
His words seemed to hit him when he saw the tears gather in your eyes, the look of pure hatred on your face made him sick. "Wait-" but before he could finish Anne came hobbling in, she took out the rest of the inferi with one amazing and powerful fire spell before falling to her knees. Sebastian could only stand numbly as he watched you conjure up stretchers for Anne and Solomon. You got them situated before rushing out, floating the two of them alongside you.
He had done it again, and even worse this time. He allowed his anger to overpower his rational thoughts and he hurt you again. He didn't really think that of you, Soloman might have tried to get you sent to Azkaban but he wouldn't kill you. Another hit. He almost killed his Uncle. You stopped him from murder, and in return he insulted and screamed at you. Merlin, what has he done? He had to make it up to you. He had to apologize, but he had done that before, no he needed to really change. He had to do something big that would prove that he was done with dark magic, and that he never wanted to get this close to being a murderer again.
It had been weeks, you were avoiding him like the plague. You wouldn't even look at him. He didn't know how you would disappear so quickly or where you might be even going to. Ominis wouldn't tell him either, but Sebastian didn't know if that was to help you or out from really not knowing himself.
It seems that you told Ominis and Anne about the fight that broke out with Solomon. But you left out Sebastian's attempt at murder and skipped straight to you sending Solomon hurdling into the wall out of fear. Solomon seems to have forgotten about the whole incident and was told by Anne and Ominis that he was hit by a stray depulso on accident and hit his head on the side of his home causing a bad concussion. Sebastian sent a letter to Anne swearing that he would never delve into the dark arts again and that he would prove it. He just wasn't sure how. But the answer came to him through Ominis, bless him.
"Don't tell me you're reading that book again." The look of anger and disgust on Ominis' face was evident without Sebastian even looking up.
"I've never read this book before mate. What book are you talking about?" He was genuinely confused. He was looking at potion ingredients and writing down ones that might mix well together to cure Anne's different symptoms, he just needed the one thing to tie them together according to Golpalott's third law to making an antidote. Something new, something no one had tried.
"Don't play dumb Sebastian, the book of dark arts you've been obsessing over!" Ominis had walked over and ripped the book out of Sebastian's hands. But a brief pass over the page with his wand had his eyebrows raised. As if he didn't believe it, he closed the book while using his finger to keep track of the page and waved the wand over the front. "This is...just a regular potions book."
"Yes, I told you I was done with that other book. Look!" He swung himself out of bed and walked around to the foot of his bed. He knelt down and opened his truck before digging straight to the bottom before wrestling the damned thing out from it's hiding place. "I've had it at the bottom of my trunk. I haven't touched it since! I don't want to even look at it." It was true, ever since that day he didn't want to even think of that book. But he didn't know what to do with it so he just buried it in the trunk, hoping to find a permanent place later.
"If you don't want it, then why keep it then? Why not just rid the world of that accursed thing and burn it to ashes?" Ominis sneered at him. He was frustrated, he couldn't believe Sebastian didn't want the book. Not after everything. So if it was true, why was it allowed to continue to exist?
Sebastian blinked several times. Why *did* he not just burn it? Why hadn't he even thought of that? He wouldn't have to find a hiding place. He wouldn't have to worry about it being found. No one could ever be tempted by it like he had been. When he told Anne he had given up the dark arts she was so excited he doesn't think she even thought about destroying it. But now he had the perfect plan on how to prove to you and Ominis that he was no longer going to practice the dark arts! But he needed a bit of help, " Ominis, you're brilliant! I need your help!"
Ominis have him an amused look. "With setting something on fire? I'm sure your well practi-"
"Not with setting it on fire you prat! I need you to get her to meet me in the undercroft. All three of us together." The hope that was reignited in Sebastian fizzled a bit at the small frown that graced his friend's lips.
Of course Ominis knew who he was talking about, getting you to even look at him had become Sebastian's new obsession. Anytime Ominis spent more than 5 minutes with you, Sebastian was on him. Asking how you were, if you said anything about him, if you had forgiven him. It drove Ominis crazy. Yes, he wishes you two could be friends again. Yes, he wanted things to return to normal. But he stood firm on not rushing or pressuring you into forgiving Sebastian. You wouldn't even talk about him anymore, not since the night Ominis found you in the Room of Requirements crying your eyes out. It was then you had admitted to Ominis what really happened, and you had begged him to promise to never mention it to Sebastian, for him to please act like everything was normal. He held you for hours as you had talked through everything and continued to hold you until you had calmed down. He agreed to the promise and was true to his word. But that's when Ominis noticed how quiet Sebastian had become. How now it wasn't Sebastian staying up and Ominis finding him after having a nightmare. Instead it seemed like Sebastian was having them too.
"I don't think she would agree to that, and I will not lie to get her to meet you." His frown deepened, as he ruled out that idea before Sebastian could even pose it.
"You don't have to! Just tell her I have something very important to show you both, and that it will be a good thing. That I want to make amends and show you both how sincere I am about giving up the dark arts...please Ominis." Still on one knee, he pleaded with his best friend. His voice had become a whisper on the word please, in an almost heartbreaking way.
Ominis sighed, knowing it was no good arguing; and praying to Merlin that Sebastian was being honest. All he had to do was ask. Hopefully you wouldn't be angry at him for that if he didn't push you. "Fine. I will ask her. But I don't want you bothering me again if she says no." His tone let Sebastian know that his word was final, he would not waver on this choice.
Sebastian jumped to his feet and pulled Ominis into a hug. "Thank you Ominis! I won't let you down!" Sebastian threw the book into his bag and took off to the undercroft. Ominis sighed again. He guessed that means he had better go find you now.
Sebastian paced back and forth, opening his pocket watch every once in a while. His nerves only worsened as the minutes passed. What if Ominis couldn't convince you? What would he do then? Could he maybe surprise you when you're alone and burn it then? He was sure you'd tell Ominis you saw him do it. Maybe that would work. But he'd rather do it now and be able to express how sorry he was. His thoughts were cut off at the sound of the gates to the undercroft creaked open. His eyes flickered to the book, it was carelessly tossed on the floor a few feet away so when he burned it he wouldn't get burned as well
His eyes went back to the door way leading to the gate and they landed on you. Merlin you were so pretty to him, even with the prominent frown on your face he couldn't help but stare. How could he have been so stupid to have hurt someone who was so beautiful inside and out. How could he betray someone who did so much to help him? Remembering your smile he wondered how did it not pull him out of that book and steal all his attention.
You turned to him and your eyes finally met his. It had been so long he forgot how intense your gaze could be. His heart fluttered in both fear and attraction. You didn't even say anything, you just raised your eyebrows in a way that asked "well? Why am I here?" He gulped, he was ready to get rid of the book. But now he just had to hope this would be enough. He turned his head, raising his wand, and with a quick flick of his wrist and a shout of "confringo" the book was ablaze. It took only a few seconds for it to be fully turned to ash with how strong he cast the spell. Turning to you he gave a lopsided smile.
"I'm done with the dark arts. I've been researching normal ways to create new potions that might help Anne. Ones that haven't been thought of before! Ominis can tell you, he found me reading the book!" His smile faltered as you continued to glare him down. You turned your head to the blonde and leaned gently against him. Ominis nodded mutely. That stung. You both didn't even need to say anything to communicate.
You turned back to him, your lip curling with anger. "Wonderful. But do you really think that solves everything?" He started to apologize but you pressed on, raising your voice over his. "Do you think that changes or makes me feel better about all you put me through? What you put US through?!" You had gestured to Ominis when you used the word "us".
"Wait, please let me apolo-" Sebastian tried again. But you quickly cut him off.
"NO! YOU don't GET to apologize. You said horrible things at me. You did horrible things, even when we begged you to stop. You were horrible to me! To US! I was just a tool for you to get what you want! You were never my friend! I cared so much about you and I care about Anne. But I am a human too! I deserve kindness too!" Your voice raised loud enough to fill the undercroft, tears were streaming down your face.
He felt sick all over again. Of course this wasn't enough, he had done more than just read the book. He had put you two through so much. He just never realized how much it affected you until now. It never really dawned on him how much he asked of you, how little you asked of him. His eyes started to burn with tears as he sank to his knees. That put a dead stop to your rant, your face changed to shock and confusion. Turning his head down he began to beg. "Please. I'm so," his voice cracked, "sorry. I never meant for anyone to be hurt. I-I didn't mean to make you feel this way. I never knew it affected you so much. I just wanted to save Anne. I just wanted to put my life back together. I was horrible to you both because anytime either of you argued against my ideas... All I saw was Solomon telling me that nothing would work and to give up. That wasn't fair to you both. I can't apologize enough, I will spend my whole life trying to make it up to you, and to prove I've changed...even if you don't give me the chance to show you. You two are so important to me and I can't believe I let some book lead me to harm you two in the ways I have."
The silence was deafening. It seemed too quiet after all your yelling. It pressed in on him, but he never raised his head. Even if he could see through all the tears falling from his eyes, he wouldn't be able to look you in the eyes right now.
"I-" you cut yourself off. Should he dare to hope you'd give him a chance? Maybe even forgive him? Now instead of the crushing silence he heard the blood rushing in his ears, his heart pounding like it was going to jump out and present itself to you. His breath hitched, he was praying to anyone, anything that you would give him just one more chance. Anything, anything at all for him to possibly have you back in his life.
"I just don't know right now." Were the words you finally landed on. Merlin help him.
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smudzle · 9 months
I read ‘Was Not The Hero’ by @chiconisroc, and IT IS EXQUISITE!!! I’m a sucker for angst lol. I really like the relationship between Hunter and Philip. So hope I illustrated that correctly 🥺ALSO- I wrote “was not A hero” for the intro part! whoops sorrryy, I’m tired :( 9 hours is a lot
doodles and individual slides below!
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 year
Okay but omega Peter having a miscarriage at the final battle scene when Tony dies.
And at first people just thinks he is injured. Maybe Stephen came over to him as he collapsed in the crowd. He knew that Tony wasn't going to survive, but he didn't see this. The air filling with the smell of more blood. Peter is crying more " I'm fine..I... it's natural. Don't....don't worry."
And it takes Bruce; who spent all those months with Tony to piece it together. To realize that he was miscarriaging and states that. "Sometimes, when a bond is torn apart because of their mate dying, it's too much strain. It can cause a miscarriage."
That gets everybody shook. Cause that makes them rethink of 5 years earlier, how sick Tony was when he got back to Earth. They all thought it was space sickness/starvation, but it was more. They realized that now.
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thedist0rted · 2 months
awwww do you want moth to give you a little forehead kiss?
! w@n+ m0tH t0 g!v3 me a l!t+l3 **** ** ** *** **** **** * ****** ****** *****
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lyraofthecross · 10 months
Dabi: I woke up and chose violence today.
Hawks: you always choose violence, babe.
Dabi, who has been going to therapy: No, usually the violence is a spur of the moment decision. Today I’m being mindful and intentional about my violence.
Hawks, who is the one who put Dabi in therapy: …… you know what? I’m proud of you.
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thesquirrelqueer · 1 year
can other theatre kids please stop treating bmc and bmc fans like a punching bag? like I do not care if you don’t like the show but I should not have to EXPECT that every time I see a post about musicals it’s gonna shit on bmc. and it is ALWAYS bmc. it’s more unexpected when someone actually says something positive about the show. i think it’s genuinely a good show and just because maybe it’s not for you or you’re not a fan of it, doesn’t give you the right to be all “holier than thou” and a dick about people liking the show. sometimes i feel like i have to prove myself worthy of being a theatre kid just because bmc is my favorite show, and that’s super fucked up.
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